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type Contact = {
FirstName: string
MiddleInitial: string
LastName: string
EmailAddress: string
IsEmailVerified: bool
} // true if ownership of
// email address is confirmed
Domain Modeling Made Functional
Domain Modeling
Made Functional
(KanDDDinsky 2019)
Functional programming is good for...
Line Of Business
Part I
The importance of design
Input Output
The software development process
Input Output
The software development process
Input Output
Garbage in Garbage out
The software development process
Input Output
(reduce) Garbage in (reduced) Garbage out
The software development process
• Agile contribution:
– Rapid feedback during design
• DDD contribution:
– Stakeholders have a shared mental model
– …which is also represented in the code
How can we do design right?
Can you really make code
represent the domain?
What non-developers think source code looks like
module CardGame =
type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart
type Rank = Two |Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight
| Nine |Ten | Jack | Queen | King
type Card = Suit * Rank
type Hand = Card list
type Deck = Card list
type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand }
type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list }
type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card)
type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand
Sharedlanguage What DDD source code should look like
module CardGame =
type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart
type Rank = Two |Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight
| Nine |Ten | Jack | Queen | King
type Card = Suit * Rank
type Hand = Card list
type Deck = Card list
type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand }
type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list }
type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card)
type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand
* means a pair. Choose one from each type
list type is built in
(on table)
Modeling an action with a function
type Deal = Deck -> (Deck * Card)
Input Output
Pickup Card
(on table)
Modeling an action with a function
type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –> Hand
Input Output
module CardGame =
type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart
type Rank = Two |Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight
| Nine |Ten | Jack | Queen | King
type Card = Suit * Rank
type Hand = Card list
type Deck = Card list
type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand }
type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list }
type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card)
type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand
module CardGame =
type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart
type Rank = Two |Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight
| Nine |Ten | Jack | Queen | King
type Card = Suit * Rank
type Hand = Card list
type Deck = Card list
type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand }
type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list }
type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card)
type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand
module CardGame =
type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart
type Rank = Two |Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight
| Nine |Ten | Jack | Queen | King
type Card = Suit * Rank
type Hand = Card list
type Deck = Card list
type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand }
type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list }
type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card)
type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand
Can non-programmers provide
useful feedback?
Rapid feedback during
the design stage
type Deck = Card list
type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card)
type Deck = Card list
type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card)
type Deck = Card list
type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card)
type ShuffledDeck = Card list
type Deck = Card list
type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card)
type ShuffledDeck = Card list
type Shuffle = Deck –› ShuffledDeck
type Deck = Card list
type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card)
type ShuffledDeck = Card list
type Shuffle = Deck –› ShuffledDeck
Final version of the domain
module CardGame =
type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart
type Rank = Two |Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | ...
type Card = Suit * Rank
type Hand = Card list
type Deck = Card list
type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand }
type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list }
type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card)
type ShuffledDeck = Card list
type Shuffle = Deck –› ShuffledDeck
type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand
module CardGame =
type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart
type Rank = Two |Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | ...
type Card = Suit * Rank
type Hand = Card list
type Deck = Card list
type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand }
type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list }
type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card)
type ShuffledDeck = Card list
type Shuffle = Deck –› ShuffledDeck
type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand
In the real world
In the code
In the real world
In the code
In the real world
In the code
module CardGame =
type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart
type Rank = Two |Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | ...
type Card = Suit * Rank
type Hand = Card list
type Deck = Card list
type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand }
type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list }
type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card)
type ShuffledDeck = Card list
type Shuffle = Deck –› ShuffledDeck
type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand
module CardGame =
type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart
type Rank = Two |Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | ...
type Card = Suit * Rank
type Hand = Card list
type Deck = Card list
type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand }
type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list }
type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card)
type ShuffledDeck = Card list
type Shuffle = Deck –› ShuffledDeck
type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand
Key DDD principle:
Communicate the design
in the code
type Contact = {
FirstName: string
MiddleInitial: string
LastName: string
EmailAddress: string
IsEmailVerified: bool
Prologue: which values are optional?
type Contact = {
FirstName: string
MiddleInitial: string
LastName: string
EmailAddress: string
IsEmailVerified: bool
Prologue: what are the constraints?
type Contact = {
FirstName: string
MiddleInitial: string
LastName: string
EmailAddress: string
IsEmailVerified: bool
Prologue: what groups are atomic?
type Contact = {
FirstName: string
MiddleInitial: string
LastName: string
EmailAddress: string
IsEmailVerified: bool
Prologue: domain logic?
Prologue: F# can help
type Contact = {
FirstName: string
MiddleInitial: string
LastName: string
EmailAddress: string
IsEmailVerified: bool
Prologue: F# can help
type Contact = {
FirstName: string
MiddleInitial: string
LastName: string
EmailAddress: string
IsEmailVerified: bool
Part II
Understanding FP type systems
An introduction to “algebraic” typesAn introduction to “algebraic” types
FP principle:
Types are not classes
The Tunnel of
apple -> banana
A function is a thing which
transforms inputs to outputs
So, what is a type then?
A type is a just a name
for a set of things
Set of
valid inputs
Set of
valid outputs
Set of
valid inputs
Set of
valid outputs
This is type
A type is a just a name
for a set of things
Set of
valid inputs
Set of
valid outputs
This is type
A type is a just a name
for a set of things
Set of
valid inputs
Set of
valid outputs
This is type
Donna Roy
Javier Mendoza
Nathan Logan
Shawna Ingram
Abel Ortiz
Lena Robbins
A type is a just a name
for a set of things
Set of
valid inputs
Set of
valid outputs
This is type
A type is a just a name
for a set of things
Set of
valid inputs
Set of
valid outputs
This is a type of
Fruit->Fruit functions
A type is a just a name
for a set of things
FP principle:
Composition everywhere
All pieces are designed to be connected
Algebraic type system
New types are built from smaller types by:
Composing with “AND”
Composing with “OR”
Example: pairs, tuples, records
FruitSalad = One each of and and
Compose with “AND”
type FruitSalad = {
Apple: AppleVariety
Banana: BananaVariety
Cherry: CherryVariety
Snack = or or
Compose with “OR”
type Snack =
| Apple of AppleVariety
| Banana of BananaVariety
| Cherry of CherryVariety
A real world example
of composing types
Some requirements:
We accept three forms of payment:
Cash, Check, or Card.
For Cash we don't need any extra information
For Checks we need a check number
For Cards we need a card type and card number
interface IPaymentMethod
class Cash() : IPaymentMethod
class Check(int checkNo): IPaymentMethod
class Card(string cardType, string cardNo) : IPaymentMethod
In OO design you would probably implement it as an
interface and a set of subclasses, like this:
type CheckNumber = int
type CardNumber = string
In FP you would probably implement by composing
types, like this:
type CheckNumber = ...
type CardNumber = …
type CardType = Visa | Mastercard
type CreditCardInfo = {
CardType : CardType
CardNumber : CardNumber
type CheckNumber = ...
type CardNumber = ...
type CardType = ...
type CreditCardInfo = ...
type PaymentMethod =
| Cash
| Check of CheckNumber
| Card of CreditCardInfo
type CheckNumber = ...
type CardNumber = ...
type CardType = ...
type CreditCardInfo = ...
type PaymentMethod =
| Cash
| Check of CheckNumber
| Card of CreditCardInfo
type PaymentAmount = decimal
type Currency = EUR | USD
type CheckNumber = ...
type CardNumber = ...
type CardType = ...
type CreditCardInfo = ...
type PaymentMethod =
| Cash
| Check of CheckNumber
| Card of CreditCardInfo
type PaymentAmount = decimal
type Currency = EUR | USD
type Payment = {
Amount : PaymentAmount
Currency : Currency
Method : PaymentMethod }
type CheckNumber = ...
type CardNumber = ...
type CardType = ...
type CreditCardInfo = ...
type PaymentMethod =
| Cash
| Check of CheckNumber
| Card of CreditCardInfo
type PaymentAmount = decimal
type Currency = EUR | USD
type Payment = {
Amount : PaymentAmount
Currency : Currency
Method : PaymentMethod }
What are types for?
An annotation to a value for type checking
type AddOne: int –› int
Domain modelling tool
type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card)
Part III
Domain modeling
with composable types
What can we do with this type system?
optional values
type PersonalName = {
FirstName: string
MiddleInitial: string
LastName: string
string –› int
string –› int
string –› int
Tag with “Nothing”
type OptionalString =
| SomeString of string
| Nothing
type OptionalInt =
| SomeInt of int
| Nothing
type OptionalString =
| SomeString of string
| Nothing
type OptionalBool =
| SomeBool of bool
| Nothing
type PersonalName = {
FirstName: string
MiddleInitial: string
LastName: string
type Option<'T> =
| Some of 'T
| None
type PersonalName = {
FirstName: string
MiddleInitial: Option<string>
LastName: string
type Option<'T> =
| Some of 'T
| None
type PersonalName = {
FirstName: string
MiddleInitial: string option
LastName: string
type Option<'T> =
| Some of 'T
| None
Modeling simple values and
constrained values
Modeling simple values
• Avoid "Primitive Obsession"
– Simple values should not be modelled with
primitive types
– "Does 'float' have something to do with water?"
Modeling constrained values
• Rare to have an unbounded integer or string!
Generally constrained in some way:
– Emails must not be empty, must match a pattern
– CustomerIds must be positive
type Email = Email of string
Is an EmailAddress just a string? No!
Is a CustomerId just a int? No!
Use wrapper types to keep them distinct
type CustomerId = CustomerId of int
type EmailAddress = EmailAddress of string
type PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber of string
type CustomerId = CustomerId of int
type OrderId = OrderId of int
let createEmailAddress (s:string) =
if s.Contains("@")
then (EmailAddress s)
else ?
string –› EmailAddress
let createEmailAddress (s:string) =
if s.Contains("@")
then Some (EmailAddress s)
else None
string –› EmailAddress option
type String50 = String50 of string
let createString50 (s:string) =
if s.Length <= 50
then Some (String50 s)
else None
createString50 :
string –› String50 option
+– 999999Qty: Add To Cart
type OrderLineQty = OrderLineQty of int
let createOrderLineQty qty =
if qty > 0 && qty <= 99
then Some (OrderLineQty qty)
else None
int –› OrderLineQty option
The "Contact" challenge,
type Contact = {
FirstName: string
MiddleInitial: string
LastName: string
EmailAddress: string
IsEmailVerified: bool
type Contact = {
FirstName: string
MiddleInitial: string option
LastName: string
EmailAddress: string
IsEmailVerified: bool
type Contact = {
FirstName: String50
MiddleInitial: String1 option
LastName: String50
EmailAddress: EmailAddress
IsEmailVerified: bool
type Contact = {
CustomerId : CustomerId
FirstName: String50
MiddleInitial: String1 option
LastName: String50
EmailAddress: EmailAddress
IsEmailVerified: bool
Add an id here
2 different
Aggregates a.k.a. "consistency boundaries"
type PersonalName = {
CustomerId : CustomerId
FirstName : String50
MiddleInitial : String1 option
LastName : String50 }
type EmailContactInfo = {
CustomerId : CustomerId
EmailAddress : EmailAddress
IsEmailVerified : bool }
Aggregates a.k.a. "consistency boundaries"
2 different
What about this?
Aggregates a.k.a. "consistency boundaries"
type PersonalName = {
CustomerId : CustomerId
FirstName : String50
MiddleInitial : String1 option
LastName : String50 }
type EmailContactInfo = {
CustomerId : CustomerId
EmailAddress : EmailAddress
IsEmailVerified : bool }
Replacing flags with choices
• Rule 1: If the email is changed, the verified flag
must be reset to false.
• Rule 2: The verified flag can only be set by a
special verification service
type EmailContactInfo = {
EmailAddress: EmailAddress
IsEmailVerified: bool }
type VerifiedEmail =
VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress
type VerificationService =
(EmailAddress * VerificationHash) –› VerifiedEmail option
type VerifiedEmail =
VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress
type EmailContactInfo =
| Unverified of EmailAddress
| Verified of VerifiedEmail
type VerificationService =
(EmailAddress * VerificationHash) –› VerifiedEmail option
type VerifiedEmail =
VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress
type EmailContactInfo =
| Unverified of EmailAddress
| Verified of VerifiedEmail
type VerificationService =
(EmailAddress * VerificationHash) –› VerifiedEmail option
type VerifiedEmail =
VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress
type EmailContactInfo =
| Unverified of EmailAddress
| Verified of VerifiedEmail
type VerificationService =
(EmailAddress * VerificationHash) –› VerifiedEmail option
Those business rules are automatically enforced!
The "Contact" challenge,
type EmailAddress = ...
type VerifiedEmail =
VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress
type EmailContactInfo =
| Unverified of EmailAddress
| Verified of VerifiedEmail
type PersonalName = {
FirstName: String50
MiddleInitial: String1 opt
LastName: String50 }
type Contact = {
Name: PersonalName
Email: EmailContactInfo }
type EmailAddress = ...
type VerifiedEmail =
VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress
type EmailContactInfo =
| Unverified of EmailAddress
| Verified of VerifiedEmail
type PersonalName = {
FirstName: String50
MiddleInitial: String1 opt
LastName: String50 }
type Contact = {
Name: PersonalName
Email: EmailContactInfo }
type PersonalName = {
FirstName: String50
MiddleInitial: String1 opt
LastName: String50 }
type Contact = {
Name: PersonalName
Email: EmailContactInfo }
type EmailAddress = ...
type VerifiedEmail =
VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress
type EmailContactInfo =
| Unverified of EmailAddress
| Verified of VerifiedEmail
type PersonalName = {
FirstName: String50
MiddleInitial: String1 opt
LastName: String50 }
type Contact = {
Name: PersonalName
Email: EmailContactInfo }
type EmailAddress = ...
type VerifiedEmail =
VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress
type EmailContactInfo =
| Unverified of EmailAddress
| Verified of VerifiedEmail
type PersonalName = {
FirstName: String50
MiddleInitial: String1 opt
LastName: String50 }
type Contact = {
Name: PersonalName
Email: EmailContactInfo }
type EmailAddress = ...
type VerifiedEmail =
VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress
type EmailContactInfo =
| Unverified of EmailAddress
| Verified of VerifiedEmail
type PersonalName = {
FirstName: String50
MiddleInitial: String1 opt
LastName: String50 }
type Contact = {
Name: PersonalName
Email: EmailContactInfo }
type EmailAddress = ...
type VerifiedEmail =
VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress
type EmailContactInfo =
| Unverified of EmailAddress
| Verified of VerifiedEmail
type PersonalName = {
FirstName: String50
MiddleInitial: String1 opt
LastName: String50 }
type Contact = {
Name: PersonalName
Email: EmailContactInfo }
type EmailAddress = ...
type VerifiedEmail =
VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress
type EmailContactInfo =
| Unverified of EmailAddress
| Verified of VerifiedEmail
type VerifiedEmail = ...
type SendPasswordReset =
VerifiedEmail -> ...
Business rule: Only send password resets to verified emails
Part IV
Encoding business rules with types
type Contact = {
Name: Name
Email: EmailContactInfo
Address: PostalContactInfo
type Contact = {
Name: Name
Email: EmailContactInfo
Address: PostalContactInfo
New rule:
“A contact must have an email or a postal address”
type Contact = {
Name: Name
Email: EmailContactInfo option
Address: PostalContactInfo option
New rule:
“A contact must have an email or a postal address”
"Make illegal states unrepresentable!"
–Yaron Minsky
“A contact must have an email or a postal address”
• email address only, or
• postal address only, or
• both email address and postal address
type ContactInfo =
| EmailOnly of EmailContactInfo
| AddrOnly of PostalContactInfo
| EmailAndAddr of EmailContactInfo * PostalContactInfo
type Contact = {
Name: Name
ContactInfo : ContactInfo }
“A contact must have an email or a postal address”
Composable types are almost as awesome as this
Communication is two-way.
It's OK to push back
“A contact must have an email or a postal address”
“A contact must have at least one way of being contacted”
“A contact must have at least one way of being contacted”
type Contact = {
Name: Name
PrimaryContactInfo: ContactInfo
SecondaryContactInfo: ContactInfo option }
type ContactInfo =
| Email of EmailContactInfo
| Addr of PostalContactInfo
type ContactInfo =
| Email of EmailContactInfo
| Addr of PostalContactInfo
| Facebook of FacebookInfo
| SMS of PhoneNumber
• Use code to represent the shared mental model
and ubiquitous language
• Designs will evolve. Embrace change.
– Refactor towards deeper insight
– Static types give you confidence to make changes
• Use the power of a composable type system
– Choices rather than inheritance
– Options instead of null
– Wrappers for constrained types
– Make illegal states unrepresentable
If you liked this talk:
• "Domain Modeling Made Functional"
• More videos
Twitter: @ScottWlaschin

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Domain Modeling Made Functional (KanDDDinsky 2019)

  • 1. type Contact = { FirstName: string MiddleInitial: string LastName: string EmailAddress: string IsEmailVerified: bool } // true if ownership of // email address is confirmed Domain Modeling Made Functional
  • 2. Domain Modeling Made Functional (KanDDDinsky 2019) @ScottWlaschin
  • 4. Functional programming is good for... Boring Line Of Business Applications (BLOBAs)
  • 5.
  • 7. Input Output Process The software development process
  • 8. Input Output Process The software development process
  • 9. Input Output Process Garbage in Garbage out The software development process
  • 10. Input Output Process (reduce) Garbage in (reduced) Garbage out The software development process
  • 11. • Agile contribution: – Rapid feedback during design • DDD contribution: – Stakeholders have a shared mental model – …which is also represented in the code How can we do design right?
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14. Can you really make code represent the domain?
  • 15. What non-developers think source code looks like
  • 16. module CardGame = type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart type Rank = Two |Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine |Ten | Jack | Queen | King type Card = Suit * Rank type Hand = Card list type Deck = Card list type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand } type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list } type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card) type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand Sharedlanguage What DDD source code should look like
  • 17. module CardGame = type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart type Rank = Two |Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine |Ten | Jack | Queen | King type Card = Suit * Rank type Hand = Card list type Deck = Card list type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand } type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list } type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card) type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand * means a pair. Choose one from each type list type is built in
  • 18. Deal (original) Deck (remaining) Deck (on table) Card Modeling an action with a function type Deal = Deck -> (Deck * Card) Input Output
  • 19. Pickup Card (updated) Hand (original) Hand (on table) Card Modeling an action with a function type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –> Hand Input Output
  • 20. module CardGame = type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart type Rank = Two |Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine |Ten | Jack | Queen | King type Card = Suit * Rank type Hand = Card list type Deck = Card list type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand } type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list } type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card) type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand
  • 21. module CardGame = type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart type Rank = Two |Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine |Ten | Jack | Queen | King type Card = Suit * Rank type Hand = Card list type Deck = Card list type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand } type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list } type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card) type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand
  • 22. module CardGame = type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart type Rank = Two |Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine |Ten | Jack | Queen | King type Card = Suit * Rank type Hand = Card list type Deck = Card list type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand } type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list } type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card) type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand Can non-programmers provide useful feedback?
  • 24. ... type Deck = Card list type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card)
  • 25. ... type Deck = Card list type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card)
  • 26. ... type Deck = Card list type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card) type ShuffledDeck = Card list
  • 27. ... type Deck = Card list type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card) type ShuffledDeck = Card list type Shuffle = Deck –› ShuffledDeck
  • 28. ... type Deck = Card list type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card) type ShuffledDeck = Card list type Shuffle = Deck –› ShuffledDeck
  • 29. Final version of the domain
  • 30. module CardGame = type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart type Rank = Two |Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | ... type Card = Suit * Rank type Hand = Card list type Deck = Card list type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand } type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list } type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card) type ShuffledDeck = Card list type Shuffle = Deck –› ShuffledDeck type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand
  • 31. module CardGame = type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart type Rank = Two |Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | ... type Card = Suit * Rank type Hand = Card list type Deck = Card list type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand } type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list } type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card) type ShuffledDeck = Card list type Shuffle = Deck –› ShuffledDeck type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand
  • 32. In the real world Suit Rank Card Hand Deck Player Deal In the code Suit Rank Card Hand Deck Player Deal
  • 33. In the real world Suit Rank Card Hand Deck Player Deal In the code Suit Rank Card Hand Deck Player Deal ShuffledDeck Shuffle ShuffledDeck Shuffle 
  • 34. In the real world Suit Rank Card Hand Deck Player Deal In the code Suit Rank Card Hand Deck Player Deal PlayerManager DeckBase AbstractCardProxyFactoryBean 
  • 35. module CardGame = type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart type Rank = Two |Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | ... type Card = Suit * Rank type Hand = Card list type Deck = Card list type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand } type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list } type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card) type ShuffledDeck = Card list type Shuffle = Deck –› ShuffledDeck type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand
  • 36. module CardGame = type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart type Rank = Two |Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | ... type Card = Suit * Rank type Hand = Card list type Deck = Card list type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand } type Game = { Deck:Deck; Players: Player list } type Deal = ShuffledDeck –› (ShuffledDeck * Card) type ShuffledDeck = Card list type Shuffle = Deck –› ShuffledDeck type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand
  • 37. Key DDD principle: Communicate the design in the code
  • 38. type Contact = { FirstName: string MiddleInitial: string LastName: string EmailAddress: string IsEmailVerified: bool } Prologue: which values are optional?
  • 39. type Contact = { FirstName: string MiddleInitial: string LastName: string EmailAddress: string IsEmailVerified: bool } Prologue: what are the constraints?
  • 40. type Contact = { FirstName: string MiddleInitial: string LastName: string EmailAddress: string IsEmailVerified: bool } Prologue: what groups are atomic?
  • 41. type Contact = { FirstName: string MiddleInitial: string LastName: string EmailAddress: string IsEmailVerified: bool } Prologue: domain logic?
  • 42. Prologue: F# can help type Contact = { FirstName: string MiddleInitial: string LastName: string EmailAddress: string IsEmailVerified: bool }
  • 43. Prologue: F# can help type Contact = { FirstName: string MiddleInitial: string LastName: string EmailAddress: string IsEmailVerified: bool }
  • 44. Part II Understanding FP type systems An introduction to “algebraic” typesAn introduction to “algebraic” types
  • 45. FP principle: Types are not classes
  • 46. The Tunnel of Transformation Function apple -> banana A function is a thing which transforms inputs to outputs
  • 47. So, what is a type then? A type is a just a name for a set of things Set of valid inputs Set of valid outputs Function
  • 48. Set of valid inputs Set of valid outputs Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 This is type "integer" A type is a just a name for a set of things
  • 49. Set of valid inputs Set of valid outputs Function This is type "string" "abc" "but" "cobol" "double" "end" "float" A type is a just a name for a set of things
  • 50. Set of valid inputs Set of valid outputs Function This is type "Person" Donna Roy Javier Mendoza Nathan Logan Shawna Ingram Abel Ortiz Lena Robbins GordonWood A type is a just a name for a set of things
  • 51. Set of valid inputs Set of valid outputs Function This is type "Fruit" A type is a just a name for a set of things
  • 52. Set of valid inputs Set of valid outputs Function This is a type of Fruit->Fruit functions A type is a just a name for a set of things
  • 54. All pieces are designed to be connected
  • 56. New types are built from smaller types by: Composing with “AND” Composing with “OR”
  • 57. Example: pairs, tuples, records FruitSalad = One each of and and Compose with “AND” type FruitSalad = { Apple: AppleVariety Banana: BananaVariety Cherry: CherryVariety }
  • 58. Snack = or or Compose with “OR” type Snack = | Apple of AppleVariety | Banana of BananaVariety | Cherry of CherryVariety
  • 59. A real world example of composing types
  • 60. Some requirements: We accept three forms of payment: Cash, Check, or Card. For Cash we don't need any extra information For Checks we need a check number For Cards we need a card type and card number
  • 61. interface IPaymentMethod {..} class Cash() : IPaymentMethod {..} class Check(int checkNo): IPaymentMethod {..} class Card(string cardType, string cardNo) : IPaymentMethod {..} In OO design you would probably implement it as an interface and a set of subclasses, like this:
  • 62. type CheckNumber = int type CardNumber = string In FP you would probably implement by composing types, like this:
  • 63. type CheckNumber = ... type CardNumber = … type CardType = Visa | Mastercard type CreditCardInfo = { CardType : CardType CardNumber : CardNumber }
  • 64. type CheckNumber = ... type CardNumber = ... type CardType = ... type CreditCardInfo = ... type PaymentMethod = | Cash | Check of CheckNumber | Card of CreditCardInfo
  • 65. type CheckNumber = ... type CardNumber = ... type CardType = ... type CreditCardInfo = ... type PaymentMethod = | Cash | Check of CheckNumber | Card of CreditCardInfo type PaymentAmount = decimal type Currency = EUR | USD
  • 66. type CheckNumber = ... type CardNumber = ... type CardType = ... type CreditCardInfo = ... type PaymentMethod = | Cash | Check of CheckNumber | Card of CreditCardInfo type PaymentAmount = decimal type Currency = EUR | USD type Payment = { Amount : PaymentAmount Currency : Currency Method : PaymentMethod }
  • 67. type CheckNumber = ... type CardNumber = ... type CardType = ... type CreditCardInfo = ... type PaymentMethod = | Cash | Check of CheckNumber | Card of CreditCardInfo type PaymentAmount = decimal type Currency = EUR | USD type Payment = { Amount : PaymentAmount Currency : Currency Method : PaymentMethod }
  • 68. What are types for? An annotation to a value for type checking type AddOne: int –› int Domain modelling tool type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card)
  • 70. Part III Domain modeling with composable types What can we do with this type system?
  • 72. type PersonalName = { FirstName: string MiddleInitial: string LastName: string } required required optional
  • 75.
  • 78. type OptionalInt = | SomeInt of int | Nothing type OptionalString = | SomeString of string | Nothing type OptionalBool = | SomeBool of bool | Nothing
  • 79. type PersonalName = { FirstName: string MiddleInitial: string LastName: string } type Option<'T> = | Some of 'T | None
  • 80. type PersonalName = { FirstName: string MiddleInitial: Option<string> LastName: string } type Option<'T> = | Some of 'T | None
  • 81. type PersonalName = { FirstName: string MiddleInitial: string option LastName: string } type Option<'T> = | Some of 'T | None
  • 82. Modeling simple values and constrained values
  • 83. Modeling simple values • Avoid "Primitive Obsession" – Simple values should not be modelled with primitive types – "Does 'float' have something to do with water?"
  • 84. Modeling constrained values • Rare to have an unbounded integer or string! Generally constrained in some way: – Emails must not be empty, must match a pattern – CustomerIds must be positive
  • 85. type Email = Email of string Is an EmailAddress just a string? No! Is a CustomerId just a int? No! Use wrapper types to keep them distinct type CustomerId = CustomerId of int
  • 86. type EmailAddress = EmailAddress of string type PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber of string type CustomerId = CustomerId of int type OrderId = OrderId of int
  • 87. let createEmailAddress (s:string) = if s.Contains("@") then (EmailAddress s) else ? createEmailAddress: string –› EmailAddress
  • 88. let createEmailAddress (s:string) = if s.Contains("@") then Some (EmailAddress s) else None createEmailAddress: string –› EmailAddress option
  • 89. type String50 = String50 of string let createString50 (s:string) = if s.Length <= 50 then Some (String50 s) else None createString50 : string –› String50 option
  • 91. type OrderLineQty = OrderLineQty of int let createOrderLineQty qty = if qty > 0 && qty <= 99 then Some (OrderLineQty qty) else None createOrderLineQty: int –› OrderLineQty option
  • 93. type Contact = { FirstName: string MiddleInitial: string LastName: string EmailAddress: string IsEmailVerified: bool }
  • 94. type Contact = { FirstName: string MiddleInitial: string option LastName: string EmailAddress: string IsEmailVerified: bool }
  • 95. type Contact = { FirstName: String50 MiddleInitial: String1 option LastName: String50 EmailAddress: EmailAddress IsEmailVerified: bool }
  • 96. type Contact = { CustomerId : CustomerId FirstName: String50 MiddleInitial: String1 option LastName: String50 EmailAddress: EmailAddress IsEmailVerified: bool } Add an id here 2 different aggregates Aggregates a.k.a. "consistency boundaries"
  • 97. type PersonalName = { CustomerId : CustomerId FirstName : String50 MiddleInitial : String1 option LastName : String50 } type EmailContactInfo = { CustomerId : CustomerId EmailAddress : EmailAddress IsEmailVerified : bool } Aggregates a.k.a. "consistency boundaries" 2 different aggregates
  • 98. What about this? Aggregates a.k.a. "consistency boundaries" type PersonalName = { CustomerId : CustomerId FirstName : String50 MiddleInitial : String1 option LastName : String50 } type EmailContactInfo = { CustomerId : CustomerId EmailAddress : EmailAddress IsEmailVerified : bool }
  • 100. • Rule 1: If the email is changed, the verified flag must be reset to false. • Rule 2: The verified flag can only be set by a special verification service type EmailContactInfo = { EmailAddress: EmailAddress IsEmailVerified: bool }
  • 101. type VerifiedEmail = VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress type VerificationService = (EmailAddress * VerificationHash) –› VerifiedEmail option
  • 102. type VerifiedEmail = VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress type EmailContactInfo = | Unverified of EmailAddress | Verified of VerifiedEmail type VerificationService = (EmailAddress * VerificationHash) –› VerifiedEmail option
  • 103. type VerifiedEmail = VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress type EmailContactInfo = | Unverified of EmailAddress | Verified of VerifiedEmail type VerificationService = (EmailAddress * VerificationHash) –› VerifiedEmail option
  • 104. type VerifiedEmail = VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress type EmailContactInfo = | Unverified of EmailAddress | Verified of VerifiedEmail type VerificationService = (EmailAddress * VerificationHash) –› VerifiedEmail option Those business rules are automatically enforced!
  • 106. type EmailAddress = ... type VerifiedEmail = VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress type EmailContactInfo = | Unverified of EmailAddress | Verified of VerifiedEmail type PersonalName = { FirstName: String50 MiddleInitial: String1 opt LastName: String50 } type Contact = { Name: PersonalName Email: EmailContactInfo }
  • 107. type EmailAddress = ... type VerifiedEmail = VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress type EmailContactInfo = | Unverified of EmailAddress | Verified of VerifiedEmail type PersonalName = { FirstName: String50 MiddleInitial: String1 opt LastName: String50 } type Contact = { Name: PersonalName Email: EmailContactInfo }
  • 108. type PersonalName = { FirstName: String50 MiddleInitial: String1 opt LastName: String50 } type Contact = { Name: PersonalName Email: EmailContactInfo } type EmailAddress = ... type VerifiedEmail = VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress type EmailContactInfo = | Unverified of EmailAddress | Verified of VerifiedEmail
  • 109. type PersonalName = { FirstName: String50 MiddleInitial: String1 opt LastName: String50 } type Contact = { Name: PersonalName Email: EmailContactInfo } type EmailAddress = ... type VerifiedEmail = VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress type EmailContactInfo = | Unverified of EmailAddress | Verified of VerifiedEmail
  • 110. type PersonalName = { FirstName: String50 MiddleInitial: String1 opt LastName: String50 } type Contact = { Name: PersonalName Email: EmailContactInfo } type EmailAddress = ... type VerifiedEmail = VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress type EmailContactInfo = | Unverified of EmailAddress | Verified of VerifiedEmail
  • 111. type PersonalName = { FirstName: String50 MiddleInitial: String1 opt LastName: String50 } type Contact = { Name: PersonalName Email: EmailContactInfo } type EmailAddress = ... type VerifiedEmail = VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress type EmailContactInfo = | Unverified of EmailAddress | Verified of VerifiedEmail
  • 112. type PersonalName = { FirstName: String50 MiddleInitial: String1 opt LastName: String50 } type Contact = { Name: PersonalName Email: EmailContactInfo } type EmailAddress = ... type VerifiedEmail = VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress type EmailContactInfo = | Unverified of EmailAddress | Verified of VerifiedEmail
  • 113. type VerifiedEmail = ... type SendPasswordReset = VerifiedEmail -> ... Business rule: Only send password resets to verified emails
  • 114. Part IV Encoding business rules with types
  • 115. type Contact = { Name: Name Email: EmailContactInfo Address: PostalContactInfo }
  • 116. type Contact = { Name: Name Email: EmailContactInfo Address: PostalContactInfo } New rule: “A contact must have an email or a postal address”
  • 117. type Contact = { Name: Name Email: EmailContactInfo option Address: PostalContactInfo option } New rule: “A contact must have an email or a postal address”
  • 118. "Make illegal states unrepresentable!" –Yaron Minsky
  • 119. “A contact must have an email or a postal address” implies: • email address only, or • postal address only, or • both email address and postal address
  • 120. type ContactInfo = | EmailOnly of EmailContactInfo | AddrOnly of PostalContactInfo | EmailAndAddr of EmailContactInfo * PostalContactInfo type Contact = { Name: Name ContactInfo : ContactInfo } “A contact must have an email or a postal address”
  • 121. Composable types are almost as awesome as this
  • 122. Communication is two-way. It's OK to push back
  • 123. “A contact must have an email or a postal address” “A contact must have at least one way of being contacted”
  • 124. “A contact must have at least one way of being contacted” type Contact = { Name: Name PrimaryContactInfo: ContactInfo SecondaryContactInfo: ContactInfo option } type ContactInfo = | Email of EmailContactInfo | Addr of PostalContactInfo
  • 125. type ContactInfo = | Email of EmailContactInfo | Addr of PostalContactInfo | Facebook of FacebookInfo | SMS of PhoneNumber
  • 126. Summary • Use code to represent the shared mental model and ubiquitous language • Designs will evolve. Embrace change. – Refactor towards deeper insight – Static types give you confidence to make changes • Use the power of a composable type system – Choices rather than inheritance – Options instead of null – Wrappers for constrained types – Make illegal states unrepresentable
  • 127. If you liked this talk: • "Domain Modeling Made Functional" – • More videos – Thanks! Twitter: @ScottWlaschin