quality tqm digital strategy research quality management social media it scm sustainability impact of research digital digital media pedagogy digitization digital disruptions publishing visibility competitiveness impact factor smart city sustainable development higher education retention span learning education and training key words teaching performance measurement soft skills value innovations local community competitive priorities professionalism skill set collaboration balanced score card sustainable supply chains web 2.0 agile flexibilty covid-19 h-index publications funding reliability responsiveness productivity inclusive iot quality award models nurture talent management make in india automation industry audience passion impact measurements altmertics resesarch professional development quality of life academic fulfillment career phd sustainable development goals planet people profit machine learning robotics teaching -learning innovation student-centric teaching-learning management research literature review re-imagining transformation vuca operations research optimization analytics big data social responsibility trust holistic blooms taxonomy optimism impact of technology technology for masses society & technology social issues technology manufacturing industry 4.0 citizen centric architecture e-servcies governance urban planning interdisciplinary logistics flat world social media strategy team engagement marketing training consulting excellence studnet councelling erp scor mobile cloud entrepreneurship lot size inventory jit eoq waste lean toyota coq rcm tpm maintenance leadership group standradization 5-s housekeeping mooc nptel connected biomimicry alumni industrial engineering re educational technology eco-tourism re engineering supply chain management digital literacy citations service approach enablers process management project management time management infrastructure g engineering education capacity development faculty shortage challenges research gate outcome based research operations management online researcher green chains customer service process view management customer
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