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Introduction to
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
Product Excellence. Simplified
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
About us
At mcoach we are passionate about helping startups, enterprises build great SaaS
products that make people’s lives easier.
Winning Digital Products require the perfect blend of discovery, definition and
delivery. Integrating customer obsession and continuous improvement requires an
empathetic, agile and lean thinking.
Converting ambiguity into a tangible plan requires a constant divergence and
convergence. Conscious design thinking in every aspect of product development
requires an well integrated cross functional team of designers, developers and
business executives.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
Skills & expertise
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
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B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
Very few things unite us as global
citizens. Unhappiness tops the list.
We humans believe that the route to
contentment, comfort, satiety, warmth,
peace and happiness passes through
right choices, decisions and experiences.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
According to psychologists, Seeking new,
making progress, getting recognized are
self therapies we seek to overcome
inabilities and discontentment.
Are you wondering “Why are we talking
psychology ?”
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
A product is a mechanism to transfer
visionary efficiencies to other people and
help them overcome constraints
impeding progress.
A product is a bundle of distinct
experiences a customer would like to
ideally have in a specific context as they
go about with their lives.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
A product is a tool to connect human
beings and facilitate progress in their
It is an intermediary between the people
who create it and the people who
consume it.
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B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
A product represents different things to
different groups of individuals.
1. As a user, you look at it as a bundle of
2. As a buyer you look at it as a bundle of
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
3. As a decider you look at it as a bundle of
4. As a visionary you look at it as a bundle
of opportunity,
5. As an technologist you look at it as
innovative engineering,
6. As a Designer you look at it as an ideal
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
7. As a marketer you look at it as a bundle of
8. As a investor, you look at it as a bundle of
Each of these stakeholders are looking to
fulfill the objectives of their job
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
1. We build products to make each of these
stakeholders progress in their Lives
2. We build products to broadbase
capability and democratize outcomes.
3. We build products to maximize benefits
and minimize errors.
4. We build products to fulfill the expectations
of these stakeholders dependents.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
5. We build products because the alternate
is an untenable situation that deteriorates
our quality of life.
6. We build products because we see a
significant group of people are clueless in
the face of a debilitating impediment.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
7. We build products because we are able to
anticipate something based on scientific
insights and creative instincts.
“Our job is to figure out what customers are
going to want before they do.” - Steve Jobs.
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B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
World is filled with only 2 kinds of people.
Proactives and Reactives.
Reactives are those who care because they
need to. Proactives are those who care
because they want to.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
As a customer you are defined by the need.
It’s ok to be reactive.
As a creator you are defined by the want. Be
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
We build products to satiate the needs of
our customer’s (decider and user).
We don’t build products to satisfy our
stakeholders (investors, employees).
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B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
“We start with a customer need and work
backwards” - said Jeff Bezos of Amazon.
Successful products are made by integrated
teams with a sole mission to please
particular types of people with same needs.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
To fulfill their needs in exclusion of
everything else. Ultra successful companies
like Amazon call it as customer obsession,
Customer Obsession is the Science and Art
of being proactive with your customer.
Anticipating their needs and innovating on
their behalf.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
Customer obsession is about tireless
listening to their verbal and non verbal
Customer obsession is about grasping their
unpredictable behavior.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
Customer obsession is about identifying
outlier patterns within populations.
Customer obsession is about anticipating
and eradicating friction in their process,
tasks, activities.
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B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
There are many ways for an organization to
You can be very successful company by
being product obsessed, competitor
obsessed, technology obsessed, business
model obsessed and market obsessed.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
Any of the above methods can help you
achieve your business goals.
Customer Obsession empowers you to
reach market leadership in a healthier way.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
Customer Obsession Prepares you to adapt
against constantly changing needs, wants
and expectations.
Customer Obsession propagates the
attitude, structure and processes to invent
and pioneer on behalf of the customer.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
“Get closer than ever to your customers. So
close that you tell them what they need well
before they realize it themselves.” - Steve
All companies claim to be customer
obsessed. Reality is different. Aspiration is
good. Sustained customer centric action is
the only way to a higher share of revenues.
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B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
A mindset that is attuned to always deliver
deliver disproportionate value to the
An attitude that goes beyond the obvious,
anticipates expectations and sets customer
delight as the pursuit.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
A leadership that measures performance
based on strengths of relationships as
indicated by customer engagement,
customer retention, customer advocacy and
customer churn.
A culture of leveraging persistent user
research and user feedback to gather
insights and develop new ideas for the
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
A knowledge base that accumulates the
minutest of customer details into customer
maps so as to grasp the full customer
A process that is instituted to pursue
sustained Listening, ruthless
Experimentation, rigorous Invention and
Continuous Validation.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
A team that is comfortable with change,
nimble in its structure and is organized to
adapt to customer evolution.
An Operation that is capable of collecting full
spectrum customer interaction data, armed with
tools to analyze strategic and tactical
perspectives and a decision making pipeline that
prioritizes these insights across the
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B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
Addressing real buyer pain points, is the
only way to develop products customers
This is possible only when we can infuse
customer voice at every step of the product
development process.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
In fact, companies like amazon go to the
extent of having an empty chair reserved for
customers in meetings as they seek to
imbibe customer consciousness among
product leaders.
A Product Manager holds forte as the voice
of the customer.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
Unbiased advocate of the customer needs
based on different types of User Research.
Leverages insights from Qualitative,
Quantitative and Behavioral methods to
grasp customer context. Combines inquiry
with observation to unearth the underlying
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
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B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
Getting to know your users is a never
ending task.
It is the only activity that lasts the whole
cycle of discovery, definition, development
and Delivery.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
Structuring a mechanism to collect,
organize and act on feedback. Ability to
distinguish signal from noise is a key skill
for Product Managers.
Product Managers rely on insights from
design research studies like contextual
inquiry, market research like surveys,
customer feedback through support centers,
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
customer engagement through web analytics
and embedded software usage analytics from
the product to inform product management
Uses these information to Identify and
Validate the strategic priority of needs.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
Categorizes them tactically along unworkable,
unavoidable, urgent and underserved buckets
so as to figure out the desirability.
Funnel that knowledge to remove status quo
and establish a new normal by building a new
product or improving an existing product.
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B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
Product Manager are keen to get to detailed
analysis of the decision making process.
They break down the customer monolith
into its constituent parts. They are sensitive
to the idea of Decision Making Unit of
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
They grasp various customer roles of
Influencer, Decider, Buyers and Users to
gain a better perspective.
Product managers ask a lot of questions
wherein they seek to narrow down the
common denominator of shared interest
with customer DMU’s.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
What ratio of effort should go into
researching the different types?
What point in the development process
should i focus on knowing users?
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
What changes do we require in order to
accommodate new need groups?
what are our core customer segments?
What pain points each segment have?
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
What features would alleviate pain points?
Is the feature desirable to the customer
What changes do we require in order to
accommodate new need groups?
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B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
A Product Manager is a key role in a
company. Some industry leaders also refer
to them as the CEO of the product.
They are accountable for building the right
product and delivering the product right. For
both effectiveness and efficiency.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
In the process they are also responsible for
the vision, strategy, roadmap, and feature
definition of the product or portfolio.
Depending on size of the company, stage of
its growth, maturity of the product, business
model and organizational structure the roles
and responsibilities of PM vary dramatically
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
A Product Manager is the hub of a wheel that
holds the internal organization together. A
People Person.
He is obsessed with assembling best teams,
evangelizing their needs and empowering
them with resources to excel in their spheres.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
Every organization is structured differently.
Functional, program oriented, and Skill
driven teams are typical examples.
Irrespective of how they are organized, each
individual operates with personal and
professional goals tied to their context.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
Brimming with ideas, suggestions, requests
and complaints, they seek to and need to
have a say in how products are built.
A product manager gets to interact with
legal, sales, marketing, industry analysts,
business development, technology, CXO’s,
data analysts, user researchers,
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
user experience designers, security experts,
customer success, customer support and
finance on various disciplines that will
impact the product launch.
A product manager compiles, consolidates
and cross pollinates ideas from all
disciplines of the organization.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
As a master facilitator, product manager
brings together ideas from various
stakeholders and disciplines. possess the
capability to
1. Bring together customers, partners to
pursue a shared objective
2. Works backwards from impact to the
product epics, stories and features
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
3. review technical and marketing content
for relevance to the audience.
4. Acquires competitive intelligence
leveraging all types of research
5. Gathers, assembles and presents
information to support business case
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
As a general manager of the product, he is
expected to assemble the right team and
empower them with frameworks, models,
process, tools and techniques.
1. Being thoughtful about the purpose to
2. Selecting the type of environment
(startup, enterprise, remote) you wish to
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
3. Being conscious of the unique perspective
you bring to the role in a b2b or b2c
4. Acquiring the skills needed, tapping into
the larger network of experts and mentors.
5. Demonstrating curiosity to learn different
work needs
6. Being articulate about your opinions and
sharing best practices.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
As a Problem Solver, you are expected to
spend time thinking through the problem
and then convert them into a problem
hypothesis statement that resonates with
the wider organization.
1. People are driven by instincts, insights,
prospects or competitors in the identification
of solutions.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
First case we call visionaries, the second
case we call innovators, the third case we
call purposeful and the fourth we call
2. Real solutions to customers problems
happen when a product manager brings
together all the traits and apply them in a
unique composition to the specific scenario at
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
3. Blended thought process is the source of
effective problem definition. This is possible
only when product managers can overcome
their years of learning and training in
structured problem solving.
4. Being comfortable solving ill structured
problems that have little or no precedence
is the hallmark of great product managers.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
5. For most of the time, a product manager is
in a constant state of uncertainty listening to
evolving customer needs, stakeholder
expectations, competitor moves and
generating options.
Irrespective of what you do on a day to day
basis, The Heart Of Product Management Is
Finding and Solving Problems.
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B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
Day in the life of a Product Manager entails
many things depending on the growth of
You might be managing existing product or
portfolio, You might be working to improve
revenue via an optimal pricing strategy.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
You might be tasked to Provide realistic
customer acquisition forecast. You might be
working with design and business teams to
create presentations & data sheets.
Some of the common day to day activities
1. Catch up on Team, Stakeholder and
Customer Communication via all channels.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
2. Setup calls with existing customers to
understand their experience and find ways
to improve it.
3. Orient yourself to learn about market
knowledge, insights and thought leadership.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
4. Evaluate product against market needs
and explore new themes for enhancing
customer delight.
5. Provide inputs to construct an ideal
customer profile and persona
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
6. Keep oneself organized to attend to cross
functional meetings requests
7. Respond to support team requests for
validating customer problems or review
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
8. Updating Fellow PM’s about what’s
happening in your team and take counsel
on improvement
9. Preparing for Product Review meetings
with stakeholders to discuss performance.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
10. Keeping tab of Project Management
Deliverables via Task Tracking Software
11. Testing internal releases of product for
edge test cases and user experience flaws.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
12. Joining Stand up meetings with cross
functional stakeholders to grasp asks and
mitigate blocks
13. Working with usability testing teams to
review new prototypes or product features.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
14. Organizing scrum stand up meetings for
agile delivery teams with Product Owners.
15. Managing Product Backlogs and
Prioritizing features that accelerate customer
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
16. Working with legal teams to mitigate any
risk of lawsuits with product launch.
17. Developing Product Requirements
documents detailing the various constraints
of feature operation
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
18. Develop or Review Content collaterals to
communicate product benefits.
19. Reviewing and Enhancing Press Release
to support feature launches
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
20. Identify opportunities, Validate
necessity, align stakeholders and convince
decision makers to invest in the opportunity.
21. Inspire, motivate, influence and coach
cross functional peers to make decisions in
the best interests of the customers.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
22. Take ownership of a lot of dirty work so
that everyone in the team is unblocked to
perform his job.
23. Use the product like an expert user to
grasp the friction and work with engineering
to proactively resolve it
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
24. Set expectations and establish workflow
with teams for delegation and decision
25. Attends learning and networking events
with the single purpose to improve
customers lives by grasping their reality,
constraints and experiences
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
26. Offers continuous customer orientation
trainings for design, technology and
business functions to propagate and
assimilate customer insights.
27. Brings together key members of the
team, facilitates in depth conversations,
identifies decision alternatives that have
most positive impact on stakeholders.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
28. Works with marketing and sales teams
to improve win ratios by optimizing
qualification and conversion metrics based
on evolving grasp of customer persona.
29. Keeps a tab on product operational
metrics includings financial results on a
regular basis to quantify the output and
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
30. employ the right analytics tools to
access relevant data and enlist the support
of data scientists for deeper analytics
31. snap screenshots and sketch wireframes
for feature ideas that I had talked about
with a designer
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
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B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
What are the skills required of a Product
Manager ?
1. Listening
2. Communication
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
3. Influence
4. Presentation
5. Organization
6. Data analysis
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
7. Strategic thinking
8. Persuasion
9. Innovation
10. Creativity
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
11. Product insight
12. Estimation
13. Market Knowledge
14. Emotional intelligence
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
15. Empathy
16. Active listening
17. Critical thinking
18. Structured thinking
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
19. Design thinking
20. Problem finding
21. Problem solving
22. Experimentation
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
23. Collaboration
24. Communication
25. Decision making
26. Business acumen.
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager
Transition into Rockstar PM
B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager

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Introduction to Product Management

  • 1. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Introduction to Product Management
  • 2. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager mcoach Product Excellence. Simplified
  • 3. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager About us At mcoach we are passionate about helping startups, enterprises build great SaaS products that make people’s lives easier. Winning Digital Products require the perfect blend of discovery, definition and delivery. Integrating customer obsession and continuous improvement requires an empathetic, agile and lean thinking. Converting ambiguity into a tangible plan requires a constant divergence and convergence. Conscious design thinking in every aspect of product development requires an well integrated cross functional team of designers, developers and business executives.
  • 4. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Skills & expertise problem framing Human experience Problem Solving Product Design
  • 5. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Full Playlist
  • 6. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Very few things unite us as global citizens. Unhappiness tops the list. We humans believe that the route to contentment, comfort, satiety, warmth, peace and happiness passes through right choices, decisions and experiences.
  • 7. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager According to psychologists, Seeking new, making progress, getting recognized are self therapies we seek to overcome inabilities and discontentment. Are you wondering “Why are we talking psychology ?”
  • 8. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager A product is a mechanism to transfer visionary efficiencies to other people and help them overcome constraints impeding progress. A product is a bundle of distinct experiences a customer would like to ideally have in a specific context as they go about with their lives.
  • 9. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager A product is a tool to connect human beings and facilitate progress in their lives. It is an intermediary between the people who create it and the people who consume it.
  • 10. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Full Playlist
  • 11. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager A product represents different things to different groups of individuals. 1. As a user, you look at it as a bundle of change, 2. As a buyer you look at it as a bundle of value,
  • 12. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 3. As a decider you look at it as a bundle of outcomes, 4. As a visionary you look at it as a bundle of opportunity, 5. As an technologist you look at it as innovative engineering, 6. As a Designer you look at it as an ideal solution,
  • 13. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 7. As a marketer you look at it as a bundle of benefits, 8. As a investor, you look at it as a bundle of profits, Each of these stakeholders are looking to fulfill the objectives of their job
  • 14. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 1. We build products to make each of these stakeholders progress in their Lives 2. We build products to broadbase capability and democratize outcomes. 3. We build products to maximize benefits and minimize errors. 4. We build products to fulfill the expectations of these stakeholders dependents.
  • 15. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 5. We build products because the alternate is an untenable situation that deteriorates our quality of life. 6. We build products because we see a significant group of people are clueless in the face of a debilitating impediment.
  • 16. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 7. We build products because we are able to anticipate something based on scientific insights and creative instincts. “Our job is to figure out what customers are going to want before they do.” - Steve Jobs.
  • 17. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Full Playlist
  • 18. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager World is filled with only 2 kinds of people. Proactives and Reactives. Reactives are those who care because they need to. Proactives are those who care because they want to.
  • 19. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager As a customer you are defined by the need. It’s ok to be reactive. As a creator you are defined by the want. Be Proactive.
  • 20. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager We build products to satiate the needs of our customer’s (decider and user). We don’t build products to satisfy our stakeholders (investors, employees).
  • 21. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Full Playlist
  • 22. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager “We start with a customer need and work backwards” - said Jeff Bezos of Amazon. Successful products are made by integrated teams with a sole mission to please particular types of people with same needs.
  • 23. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager To fulfill their needs in exclusion of everything else. Ultra successful companies like Amazon call it as customer obsession, Customer Obsession is the Science and Art of being proactive with your customer. Anticipating their needs and innovating on their behalf.
  • 24. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Customer obsession is about tireless listening to their verbal and non verbal feedback. Customer obsession is about grasping their unpredictable behavior.
  • 25. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Customer obsession is about identifying outlier patterns within populations. Customer obsession is about anticipating and eradicating friction in their process, tasks, activities.
  • 26. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Full Playlist
  • 27. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager There are many ways for an organization to flourish. You can be very successful company by being product obsessed, competitor obsessed, technology obsessed, business model obsessed and market obsessed.
  • 28. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Any of the above methods can help you achieve your business goals. Customer Obsession empowers you to reach market leadership in a healthier way.
  • 29. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Customer Obsession Prepares you to adapt against constantly changing needs, wants and expectations. Customer Obsession propagates the attitude, structure and processes to invent and pioneer on behalf of the customer.
  • 30. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager “Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.” - Steve Jobs, All companies claim to be customer obsessed. Reality is different. Aspiration is good. Sustained customer centric action is the only way to a higher share of revenues.
  • 31. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Full Playlist
  • 32. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager A mindset that is attuned to always deliver deliver disproportionate value to the customer An attitude that goes beyond the obvious, anticipates expectations and sets customer delight as the pursuit.
  • 33. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager A leadership that measures performance based on strengths of relationships as indicated by customer engagement, customer retention, customer advocacy and customer churn. A culture of leveraging persistent user research and user feedback to gather insights and develop new ideas for the customer.
  • 34. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager A knowledge base that accumulates the minutest of customer details into customer maps so as to grasp the full customer journey. A process that is instituted to pursue sustained Listening, ruthless Experimentation, rigorous Invention and Continuous Validation.
  • 35. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager A team that is comfortable with change, nimble in its structure and is organized to adapt to customer evolution. An Operation that is capable of collecting full spectrum customer interaction data, armed with tools to analyze strategic and tactical perspectives and a decision making pipeline that prioritizes these insights across the organization.
  • 36. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Full Playlist
  • 37. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Addressing real buyer pain points, is the only way to develop products customers love. This is possible only when we can infuse customer voice at every step of the product development process.
  • 38. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager In fact, companies like amazon go to the extent of having an empty chair reserved for customers in meetings as they seek to imbibe customer consciousness among product leaders. A Product Manager holds forte as the voice of the customer.
  • 39. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Unbiased advocate of the customer needs based on different types of User Research. Leverages insights from Qualitative, Quantitative and Behavioral methods to grasp customer context. Combines inquiry with observation to unearth the underlying pain.
  • 40. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Full Playlist
  • 41. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Getting to know your users is a never ending task. It is the only activity that lasts the whole cycle of discovery, definition, development and Delivery.
  • 42. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Structuring a mechanism to collect, organize and act on feedback. Ability to distinguish signal from noise is a key skill for Product Managers. Product Managers rely on insights from design research studies like contextual inquiry, market research like surveys, customer feedback through support centers,
  • 43. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager customer engagement through web analytics and embedded software usage analytics from the product to inform product management decisions. Uses these information to Identify and Validate the strategic priority of needs.
  • 44. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Categorizes them tactically along unworkable, unavoidable, urgent and underserved buckets so as to figure out the desirability. Funnel that knowledge to remove status quo and establish a new normal by building a new product or improving an existing product.
  • 45. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Full Playlist
  • 46. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Product Manager are keen to get to detailed analysis of the decision making process. They break down the customer monolith into its constituent parts. They are sensitive to the idea of Decision Making Unit of customers.
  • 47. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager They grasp various customer roles of Influencer, Decider, Buyers and Users to gain a better perspective. Product managers ask a lot of questions wherein they seek to narrow down the common denominator of shared interest with customer DMU’s.
  • 48. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager What ratio of effort should go into researching the different types? What point in the development process should i focus on knowing users?
  • 49. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager What changes do we require in order to accommodate new need groups? what are our core customer segments? What pain points each segment have?
  • 50. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager What features would alleviate pain points? Is the feature desirable to the customer team? What changes do we require in order to accommodate new need groups?
  • 51. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Full Playlist
  • 52. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager A Product Manager is a key role in a company. Some industry leaders also refer to them as the CEO of the product. They are accountable for building the right product and delivering the product right. For both effectiveness and efficiency.
  • 53. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager In the process they are also responsible for the vision, strategy, roadmap, and feature definition of the product or portfolio. Depending on size of the company, stage of its growth, maturity of the product, business model and organizational structure the roles and responsibilities of PM vary dramatically
  • 54. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager A Product Manager is the hub of a wheel that holds the internal organization together. A People Person. He is obsessed with assembling best teams, evangelizing their needs and empowering them with resources to excel in their spheres.
  • 55. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Every organization is structured differently. Functional, program oriented, and Skill driven teams are typical examples. Irrespective of how they are organized, each individual operates with personal and professional goals tied to their context.
  • 56. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Brimming with ideas, suggestions, requests and complaints, they seek to and need to have a say in how products are built. A product manager gets to interact with legal, sales, marketing, industry analysts, business development, technology, CXO’s, data analysts, user researchers,
  • 57. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager user experience designers, security experts, customer success, customer support and finance on various disciplines that will impact the product launch. A product manager compiles, consolidates and cross pollinates ideas from all disciplines of the organization.
  • 58. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager As a master facilitator, product manager brings together ideas from various stakeholders and disciplines. possess the capability to 1. Bring together customers, partners to pursue a shared objective 2. Works backwards from impact to the product epics, stories and features
  • 59. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 3. review technical and marketing content for relevance to the audience. 4. Acquires competitive intelligence leveraging all types of research 5. Gathers, assembles and presents information to support business case
  • 60. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager As a general manager of the product, he is expected to assemble the right team and empower them with frameworks, models, process, tools and techniques. 1. Being thoughtful about the purpose to change. 2. Selecting the type of environment (startup, enterprise, remote) you wish to operate
  • 61. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 3. Being conscious of the unique perspective you bring to the role in a b2b or b2c 4. Acquiring the skills needed, tapping into the larger network of experts and mentors. 5. Demonstrating curiosity to learn different work needs 6. Being articulate about your opinions and sharing best practices.
  • 62. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager As a Problem Solver, you are expected to spend time thinking through the problem and then convert them into a problem hypothesis statement that resonates with the wider organization. 1. People are driven by instincts, insights, prospects or competitors in the identification of solutions.
  • 63. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager First case we call visionaries, the second case we call innovators, the third case we call purposeful and the fourth we call imitators. 2. Real solutions to customers problems happen when a product manager brings together all the traits and apply them in a unique composition to the specific scenario at hand.
  • 64. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 3. Blended thought process is the source of effective problem definition. This is possible only when product managers can overcome their years of learning and training in structured problem solving. 4. Being comfortable solving ill structured problems that have little or no precedence is the hallmark of great product managers.
  • 65. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 5. For most of the time, a product manager is in a constant state of uncertainty listening to evolving customer needs, stakeholder expectations, competitor moves and generating options. Irrespective of what you do on a day to day basis, The Heart Of Product Management Is Finding and Solving Problems.
  • 66. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Full Playlist
  • 67. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Day in the life of a Product Manager entails many things depending on the growth of organization. You might be managing existing product or portfolio, You might be working to improve revenue via an optimal pricing strategy.
  • 68. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager You might be tasked to Provide realistic customer acquisition forecast. You might be working with design and business teams to create presentations & data sheets. Some of the common day to day activities are 1. Catch up on Team, Stakeholder and Customer Communication via all channels.
  • 69. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 2. Setup calls with existing customers to understand their experience and find ways to improve it. 3. Orient yourself to learn about market knowledge, insights and thought leadership.
  • 70. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 4. Evaluate product against market needs and explore new themes for enhancing customer delight. 5. Provide inputs to construct an ideal customer profile and persona
  • 71. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 6. Keep oneself organized to attend to cross functional meetings requests 7. Respond to support team requests for validating customer problems or review escalations
  • 72. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 8. Updating Fellow PM’s about what’s happening in your team and take counsel on improvement 9. Preparing for Product Review meetings with stakeholders to discuss performance.
  • 73. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 10. Keeping tab of Project Management Deliverables via Task Tracking Software 11. Testing internal releases of product for edge test cases and user experience flaws.
  • 74. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 12. Joining Stand up meetings with cross functional stakeholders to grasp asks and mitigate blocks 13. Working with usability testing teams to review new prototypes or product features.
  • 75. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 14. Organizing scrum stand up meetings for agile delivery teams with Product Owners. 15. Managing Product Backlogs and Prioritizing features that accelerate customer impact
  • 76. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 16. Working with legal teams to mitigate any risk of lawsuits with product launch. 17. Developing Product Requirements documents detailing the various constraints of feature operation
  • 77. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 18. Develop or Review Content collaterals to communicate product benefits. 19. Reviewing and Enhancing Press Release to support feature launches
  • 78. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 20. Identify opportunities, Validate necessity, align stakeholders and convince decision makers to invest in the opportunity. 21. Inspire, motivate, influence and coach cross functional peers to make decisions in the best interests of the customers.
  • 79. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 22. Take ownership of a lot of dirty work so that everyone in the team is unblocked to perform his job. 23. Use the product like an expert user to grasp the friction and work with engineering to proactively resolve it
  • 80. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 24. Set expectations and establish workflow with teams for delegation and decision making 25. Attends learning and networking events with the single purpose to improve customers lives by grasping their reality, constraints and experiences
  • 81. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 26. Offers continuous customer orientation trainings for design, technology and business functions to propagate and assimilate customer insights. 27. Brings together key members of the team, facilitates in depth conversations, identifies decision alternatives that have most positive impact on stakeholders.
  • 82. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 28. Works with marketing and sales teams to improve win ratios by optimizing qualification and conversion metrics based on evolving grasp of customer persona. 29. Keeps a tab on product operational metrics includings financial results on a regular basis to quantify the output and outcomes
  • 83. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 30. employ the right analytics tools to access relevant data and enlist the support of data scientists for deeper analytics 31. snap screenshots and sketch wireframes for feature ideas that I had talked about with a designer
  • 84. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Full Playlist
  • 85. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager What are the skills required of a Product Manager ? 1. Listening 2. Communication
  • 86. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 3. Influence 4. Presentation 5. Organization 6. Data analysis
  • 87. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 7. Strategic thinking 8. Persuasion 9. Innovation 10. Creativity
  • 88. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 11. Product insight 12. Estimation 13. Market Knowledge 14. Emotional intelligence
  • 89. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 15. Empathy 16. Active listening 17. Critical thinking 18. Structured thinking
  • 90. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 19. Design thinking 20. Problem finding 21. Problem solving 22. Experimentation
  • 91. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager 23. Collaboration 24. Communication 25. Decision making 26. Business acumen.
  • 92. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Product Manager channels Instagram Facebook Youtube mcoach
  • 93. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Personalized Product Mentoring Transition into Rockstar PM
  • 94. B2B - Enterprise - Integrated Product Design - Product Management Course - Digital SaaS - Introduction - Manager Contact mcoach mohammed@mcoach,in