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Richard	L.	Rosenblum	
Advanced	Biomechanics	(PEMJ–561)	Spring	2016:	Motion	Analysis	Report	&	Training	Program	
Due	Date:	May	1st	2016
	 All	sports	require	a	coordinated	activation	of	muscles	through	different	planes	of	
motion	that	fight	against	or	are	assisted	with	various	kinematic	influences.	Muscle	activation	
will	ultimately	provide	an	external	force	and	power	that	will	translate	into	a	skilled	movement	
(or	unskilled	movement	incase	of	a	novice)	(Komi,	2003).		The	explosive	movements	such	as	
vertical	jumping,	cutting,	pushing	or	throwing	an	object	can	be	enhancing	through	well	
designed	programs	that	follow	the	concept	of	specificity.	Variations	of	Olympic	weightlifting	
(snatch,	jerk,	clean)	have	been	shown	to	increase	vertical	jump	height	between	2.8%	to	9.5%	
(MacKenzie,	et	al,	2014).	Enhancing	maximal	force	and	rate	of	force	development	during	a	
competitive	season	may	increase	an	athlete’s	preparedness,	which	may	lead	to	improvement	of	
performance	over	an	opponent	and	further	improve	an	athlete’s	chances	of	receiving	a	
Research	has	shown	that	Division	1	football	players	develop	more	speed,	power,	and	
agility	over	their	Division	II	and	Division	III	counterparts.	A	similar	advantage	holds	true	for	
varsity	compared	to	junior	varsity	athletes	at	the	high	school	level	(Haff,	Stone,	2016).	It	is	not	
surprising	that	strength	and	conditioning	programs	have	surged	in	the	last	20	years	in	part	due	
to	more	robust	research	linking	weightlifting	to	improved	performance	through	enhancing	an	
athlete’s	rate	of	force	development.	
	 Methods	to	increase	force	development	range	from	using	different	apparatuses	from	
bodyweight,	kettlebells,	barbells,	dumbbells,	and	bands	to	accommodate	range	of	motion.		
However,	the	barbell	Olympic	lifts	(specifically	the	upward	phase	of	the	power	clean)	tends	to	
generate	the	greatest	rate	of	force	development	(MacKenzie,	et	al,	2014).	Yet	there	still	seems	
to	be	controversy	on	how	to	prescribe	these	movements	while	some	coaches	have	chosen	to	
eliminate	them	completely	from	training	programs.	Opponents	of	these	advanced	lifts	argue	
that	these	movements	require	too	many	resources	to	coach	properly,	are	not	biomechanically	
similar,	and	don’t	transfer	to	athletic	movements.	Others	argue	that	bodyweight	and	weighted	
plyometerics	increase	peak	power	compared	to	Olympic	lifting	(Bruce-Low,	2007).	There	is	
consensus	that	moving	light	loads	will	have	a	high	power	output.	However,	body	weight	
training	moves	relatively	small	loads	which	leads	to	less	exertion	of	maximal	force	and	smaller	
rates	of	force	development	(McLellan	et	al.,	2011).	The	Olympic	lifts	require	a	moderate	–heavy	
load	to	be	moved	very	quickly	which	maximizes	power	producing	and	maximal	force	capacity	of
the	individual	performing	the	lifts	(Garhammer,	1980,	1993).	In	addition,	Tricoli	et	al.,	(2005)	
showed	that	an	8-week	Olympic	lifting	program,	consisting	of	power	clean,	jerks,	and	high	pulls,	
improved	performance	in	the	squat	jump,	counter	movement	jump,	10m/30m	sprint	speeds,	
and	agility	tests	compared	to	an	intensive	bodyweight	plyometric	program.	
Based	on	the	findings	described	above,	the	purpose	of	this	experiment	is	to	compare	
the	vertical	ground	reaction	force	and	rate	of	force	development	in	the	hang	power	clean	(HPC)	
and	weighted	counter	squat	jump	(WCSJ)	in	athletes	who	have	different	levels	of	training	and	
provide	evidence	of	a	training	program	that	is	appropriate	for	their	experience	level.		In	our	
experiment	athlete	1	typically	trains	with	the	Olympic	lifts	and	while	athlete	2	trains	without	
the	Olympic	lifts.		
Two	college	age	physically	active	males	volunteered	to	participate	in	this	experiment.	
These	athletes	were	considered	advanced	as	they	both	had	over	one	year	of	training	
experience	and	strength	trained	at	least	3x	weekly	(Baechle,	Earle,	2008).	Athlete	1	was	familiar	
with	the	hang	power	clean	exercise	who	employed	it	on	a	routine	basis	for	at	least	1	year	and	
free	from	injury.	Athlete	2	was	unfamiliar	with	the	HPC	but	was	accustomed	to	weighted	
plyometric	exercises.	Athletes	warmed	up	on	their	own	and	performed	two	successful	trials	of	
the	hang	power	clean	(115lbs)	and	WCSQ	(35lbs),	only	the	highest	values	were	recorded.	To	
complete	the	WCSQ	and	HPC	the	participants	followed	a	similar	protocol	described	by	
Mackenzie	et	al,	(2014).	For	the	WCSQ	they	were	instructed	to	squat	to	depth	that	they	felt	
would	allow	them	to	jump	as	high	as	possible	in	one	smooth	motion.			For	the	HPC	participants	
started	standing	up	tall	with	the	weight	and	cued	to	explosively	hinge	at	the	hips	until	the	bar	
reached	mid	shin	before	initiating	the	second	pull	of	the	HPC.		
Data	collection	and	analysis			
Two	Bertec	force	plates	with	amplifiers,	an	analog-to-digital	board,	a	MotionMonitor	
motion	analysis	system,	and	a	calculator	was	used	for	this	experiment.	The	force	plate	
automatically	calculated	maximum	force	while	rate	for	force	development	was	calculated	by
reviewing	raw	data	of	force	output,	adding	the	frames	that	corresponded	with	initiation	of	counter	
movement	and	triple	extension	(time	just	before	leaving	the	ground	for	the	WCSQ)	and	dividing	
that	number	by	2000.	To	properly	collect	data	the	force	plate	was	zeroed	(by	holding	down	and	
letting	go	the	main	button	on	each	amplifier	until	the	LEDs	turn	green)	the	MotionMonitor	system	
was	turned	on	and	set	to	collect	vertical	and	anterior-posterior	force	output.	The	subjects	then	
stepped	forward	and	placed	one	foot	on	each	force	plate	and	instructed	briefly	how	to	do	each	
movement	and	to	ensure	that	they	land	with	a	foot	on	each	force	plate.	On	the	“GO”	command	
the	subject	then	completed	the	WCSQ	or	the	HPC.		
Participants	characteristics	
Athlete	1	 	 	
Age	 Height	 Weight	
25	 170.1cm	 83kg	
Athlete	2	 	 	
Age		 Height	 Weight	
21	 177.8cm	 68kg	
Discussion	and	training	program:	
	 According	to	the	results	athlete	1	was	able	to	develop	more	vertical	ground	reaction	
force	and	rate	of	force	development	in	the	HPC	compared	to	the	WCSJ.	Athlete	2	saw	just	the	
opposite	effect	where	the	rate	for	force	development	and	vertical	ground	reaction	force	was	
higher	in	the	WCSJ	than	the	HPC.		It	can	be	argued	that	athlete	2	does	not	possess	the	required	
neuromuscular	development	to	develop	a	high	rate	of	force	development	for	the	power	clean.	
Therefore,	a	program	that	introduces	athlete	2	to	the	basics	of	Olympic	lifting	style	would	be	
recommended.	The	8-program	below	(Athlete	1	program)	is	based	off	of	the	Matveyev’s	
periodization	model	and	Tricoli	et	al.	(2005)	who	implemented	an	8-week	Olympic	weightlifting	
program	to	resistance	trained	males	who	had	no	Olympic	weightlifting	experience.	Athlete	2,	
who	has	more	weightlifting	experience,	is	prescribed	a	more	intensive	program	that	contains
13%	more	volume	and	a	more	advanced	progression	of	exercises.		Additionally,	research	from	
Comfort	et	al.	2011	examined	the	rate	of	force	development	in	different	variations	of	the	
power	clean.	He	discovered	that	the	rate	of	force	development	is	significantly	higher	(p	<	0.001)	
when	performing	Olympic	lifting	variations	from	a	mid	thigh	position	compared	to	below	knee	
positions.	The	programs	below	highlight	recommendations	from	current	literature.		
Athlete	1	program	 	 	 	 																			Athlete	2	program	
Note:	1RM=	Repetition	Maximum		
Clean	pull	
Clean	high	pull
Future	Directions	
	 There	are	a	few	limitations	with	the	performed	experiment	and	current	research.	The	
weight	used	for	the	HPC	and	WCSJ	was	the	same	for	both	athletes.	Ideally	a	70%	1RM	for	the	
HPC	would	have	been	used	to	assess	both	athletes	during	the	force	plate	trials.	In	addition,	
there	seams	to	be	confusion	between	the	application	of	ideal	combination	of	Olympic	lifting	
exercises	and	the	percentage	of	1RM	that	leads	to	the	greatest	improvement	rate	of	force	
development.	Some	authors	claim	that	loads	50%-90%	1RM	with	the	power	clean	show	no	
difference	while	others	claim	that	training	between	30%-80%	1	RM	with	the	clean	pull	is	ideal	
(Comfort	et	al.,	2011).		Also,	most	studies	on	Olympic	weightlifting	are	relatively	small,	typically	
under	20	people.	This	warrants	further	research	investigating	these	lifts.		However,	there	exists	
solid	evidence	that	Olympic	lifting	techniques	are	superior	to	bodyweight	plyometrics	in	
developing	explosive	strength	and	are	linked	to	improving	performance	in	the	10m,	30m,	and	
vertical	jumping	(Tricoli	et	al.,	2005).	Coaches	should	analyze	the	cost	to	benefit	ratio	before	
prescribing	any	advanced	weightlifting	movements.	Professional	supervision,	proper	coach	to	
athlete	ratio,	safe	facilities,	athlete	maturity,	and	patience	are	standards	of	excellence	that	will	
facilitate	a	motivational	environment	while	decreasing	risk	of	injury.			
Baechle,	T.	R.,	&	Earle,	R.	W.	(2008).	Essentials	of	strength	training	and	conditioning.	Champaign,	
IL:	Human	Kinetics.		
Exercise	Physiology,	10(1),	21-30.	
Comfort,	P.,	Allen,	M.,	&	Graham-Smith,	P.	(2011).	Comparisons	of	Peak	Ground	Reaction	Force	
and	Rate	of	Force	Development	During	Variations	of	the	Power	Clean.	Journal	of	Strength	and	
Conditioning	Research,	25(5),	1235-1239.		
Haff,	G.	G.,	&	Stone,	M.	H.	(2015).	Methods	of	Developing	Power	With	Special	Reference	to	
Football	Players.	Strength	and	Conditioning	Journal,	37(6),	2-16.		
Hartmann	H,	Bob	A,	Wirth	K,	and	Schmidtbleicher	D.	Effects	of	different	periodization	models	on	
rate	of	force	development	and	power	ability	of	the	upper	extremity.	Journal	of	Strength	and	
Conditioning	Research	23:	1921-1932,	2009	
Garhammer	J.	Power	production	by	Olympic	Weightlifters.	Med	Sci	Sports	Exerc	12:	54-60,	1980
Garhammer	J.	A	review	of	power	output	studies	of	Olympic	and	powerlifting:	Methodology,	
performance	prediction,	and	evaluation	tests.	J	Strength	Cond	Res	7:	37-78,	1993.		
Komi,	P.	V.	(2003).	STRENGTH	AND	POWER	IN	SPORT	(Vol.	III).	Oxford,	UK:	Blackwell	Publishing	
Mackenzie,	S.	J.,	Lavers,	R.	J.,	&	Wallace,	B.	B.	(2014).	A	biomechanical	comparison	of	the	
vertical	jump,	power	clean,	and	jump	squat.	Journal	of	Sports	Sciences,	(June),	1–10.		
Mclellan,	C.	P.,	Lovell,	D.	I.,	&	Gass,	G.	C.	(2011).	The	Role	of	Rate	of	Force	Development	on	
Vertical	Jump	Performance.	Journal	of	Strength	and	Conditioning	Research,	25(2),	379-385.		
Tricoli,	V.,	Lamas,	L.,	Carnevale,	R.,	&	Ugrinowitsch,	C.	(2005).	Short-Term	Effects	on	Lower-Body	
Functional	Power	Development:	Weightlifting	vs.	Vertical	Jump	Training	Programs.	J	Strength	Cond	Res	
The	Journal	of	Strength	and	Conditioning	Research,	19(2),	433.

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ARTÍCULO sem 1 (1).pdf
ARTÍCULO sem 1 (1).pdfARTÍCULO sem 1 (1).pdf
ARTÍCULO sem 1 (1).pdf
Strenght Soccer
Strenght SoccerStrenght Soccer
Strenght Soccer
Bilateral and unilateral vertical ground reaction forces
Bilateral and unilateral vertical ground reaction forcesBilateral and unilateral vertical ground reaction forces
Bilateral and unilateral vertical ground reaction forces
Muscular strength, functional performances and injury risk in professional an...
Muscular strength, functional performances and injury risk in professional an...Muscular strength, functional performances and injury risk in professional an...
Muscular strength, functional performances and injury risk in professional an...
Comparative Study on Physical Fitness of Volleyball and Football Players in U...
Comparative Study on Physical Fitness of Volleyball and Football Players in U...Comparative Study on Physical Fitness of Volleyball and Football Players in U...
Comparative Study on Physical Fitness of Volleyball and Football Players in U...
Comparative effect of SAQ and circuit training programme on selected physical...
Comparative effect of SAQ and circuit training programme on selected physical...Comparative effect of SAQ and circuit training programme on selected physical...
Comparative effect of SAQ and circuit training programme on selected physical...
Effects of high intensity running training on soccer-specific fitness in profes...
Effects of high intensity running training on soccer-specific fitness in profes...Effects of high intensity running training on soccer-specific fitness in profes...
Effects of high intensity running training on soccer-specific fitness in profes...
Poster Presentation
Poster PresentationPoster Presentation
Poster Presentation
Effect of specific training programme on skill performance among college bask...
Effect of specific training programme on skill performance among college bask...Effect of specific training programme on skill performance among college bask...
Effect of specific training programme on skill performance among college bask...
Relative study of explosive strength and maximum leg strength between nationa...
Relative study of explosive strength and maximum leg strength between nationa...Relative study of explosive strength and maximum leg strength between nationa...
Relative study of explosive strength and maximum leg strength between nationa...
663229 - Reliability of Power Output in Single Leg Counter Movement Jump in E...
663229 - Reliability of Power Output in Single Leg Counter Movement Jump in E...663229 - Reliability of Power Output in Single Leg Counter Movement Jump in E...
663229 - Reliability of Power Output in Single Leg Counter Movement Jump in E...
Chronic adaptations to eccentric training
Chronic adaptations to eccentric trainingChronic adaptations to eccentric training
Chronic adaptations to eccentric training
Effect of sand training on jumping abilities of junior volleyball players
Effect  of sand training on jumping abilities of junior volleyball playersEffect  of sand training on jumping abilities of junior volleyball players
Effect of sand training on jumping abilities of junior volleyball players
The Analysis of Plyometric Training Program on University Handball Players
The Analysis of Plyometric Training Program on University Handball PlayersThe Analysis of Plyometric Training Program on University Handball Players
The Analysis of Plyometric Training Program on University Handball Players

Rosenblum weightlifting vs plyometrics