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Dr Gottfriede Aufreiter (1915-2003)
Trained in Vienna, Dr Gottfriede Aufreiter was one of the founding members
of the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society (in 1957) and an Associate Professor
of Psychiatry. She has been described as “a superb clinician and a teacher
who had the unusual talent of making complicated matters seem simple.”
She and her husband moved to London Ontario and were, in 1982, two of
seven members who founded the Southwestern Ontario branch of the CPS.
Mme Gabrielle Clerk (1923-2012)
Mme Clerk, a full Professor of Psychology at
the University of Montreal, was the first
Canadian-born woman to graduate (in 1968)
from the Canadian Institute for
Psychoanalysis. She contributed to the
training of child analysts, was an excellent
researcher, and participated on many
committees and commissions of provincial
and professional associations.
Dr Eva Lester (1923-2008)
Dr Lester was the founding editor of the
Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis. Her
research interests were female psychosocial
development and the influence of gender on
boundary issues in the analytic relationship. A
Pepweb search lists 41 of her publications. Her
1995 book, co-authored with Dr Glen Gabbard:
‘Boundaries and Boundary Violations in
Psychoanalysis’ continues to be the definitive
text on the subject.
Doris Bernstein
Doris Bernstein challenged Freud’s
phallocentric view that female
development was an aberrant form of
male development. She described a
distinct constellation of female genital
awareness and anxieties and how they
affect female identity formation.
Through her work as IPTAR President
along with the work of Norbert
Freedman, in 1989 IPTAR became the
first non-medical Society in North
Ruth Lax
Ruth Lax was a training analyst and
board member at IPTAR for many years.
She published 30 papers and several
books, including: ‘Becoming and Being a
Woman’. She chaired a study group
investigating socially sanctioned violence
against women and was a principal
member of a United Nations group
addressing issues of puberty rites in girls
in Africa and the Middle East.
Mary Fine Lipson
Mary Fine Lipson studied with
Theodor Reik at NPAP before
leaving to become a founding
member of IPTAR to which she
devoted herself for nearly 50
years. She touched the lives of
many as a teacher, an elementary
school principal and, most
especially, as a psychoanalyst. She
was a force in psychoanalytic
education as a developer of
IPTAR’s innovative curriculum.
Ayça Gürdal Küey
Ayça Gürdal Küey is a training analyst, a
member of SPP and a founding member of the
Istanbul Psychoanalytical Association. She has
served as the Association’s President from 2010
to 2014. She is the founding editor-in-chief of
the psychoanalytical book series ‘Düş/Düşün
(Dream / Thought)’ and also a member of the
team that formed the Psychoanalysis in
Psychiatry section of WPA.
Elda Abrevaya
Elda Abrevaya is a training analyst, a
member of the Paris Psychoanalytical
Society and a founding member of the
Istanbul Psychoanalytical Association. As a
representative of COWAP, she has
contributed to the organisation of several
international symposia. She is the author
of numerous articles and books, and also
the co-editor of ‘Homosexualities’ (Karnac,
Tevfika İkiz
Elle est psycholoque clinicienne,
professeur a l'Universite d'Istanbul,
department de psychologie. Membre
titulaire a l'Association
Psychanalytique d'Istanbul, elle est
aussi titulaire formatrice de l'IPSO-
Med en tant que
Virgínia Leone Bicudo (1910 –
Virgínia Leone Bicudo was one of
Dr Adelheid Koch’s first patients,
who was the first IPA certified
analyst in the country. She was a
full member of the SBPSO and an
approved didactic analyst. She was
appointed Director of SBPSP’s
Psychoanalysis Institute several
times, and worked intensely to
promote psychoanalysis in Brazil in
newspapers and radio shows. She
also took part in the foundation of
Brazil’s Psychoanalysis Society and
collaborated in the creation of the
Brazilian Psychoanalysis Magazine.
Lygia Alcântara do Amaral (1911-2003)
Lygia Alcântara do Amaral was an
active participant in the foundation of
the SBPSP, where she was a didactic
analyst, teacher, treasurer, secretary
and president. A keen traveller, she was
one of the first Brazilian analysts to
study in England where she arrived in
1951. She studied with Anna Freud,
Melanie Klein, Donald Winnicott,
Hanna Segal, Esther Bick, Frances
Tustin and Wilfried Bion.
Tamara Štajner-Popović (1948-2012)
The first training analyst and the first
child psychoanalyst in Serbia. She
was the first President of the
Component Society (2000). In PIEE
she organised 25 summer schools.
Her efforts in ING led to the
recognition of former Eastern
European countries as new cradles of
the old psychoanalysis.
Primarius Dr.Milica Jojić-Milenković (1928-2008)
In 1965 she founded the first Marriage and Family
Counselling Centre in Serbia. Owing to her
psychoanalytical approach it quickly became a go-to
place for marriage and family problems. Gaining
senior analyst status in 1996, she was appointed as
the first Study Group Training Director.
Primarius Dr.Ljiljana Milosavljević (1928-2014)
She was the founder of a psychotherapeutic
centre, the first one in general hospital for
children. Then she was the Director of the Centre
for Protection of Newborns, Children and
Adolescents. In 1996, she was awarded the senior
psychoanalyst status by the IPA.
Alexandra Tomasi di Palma di Lampedusa (1894-1982)
Trained as an analyst in the 1920s in Berlin with Böhm,
Eitingon and Liebermann. She met Freud in Vienna
before she returned to Stomersee and settled down as
an analyst. After World War II, she contributed to re-
establishing the Italian Psychoanalytic Society and was
elected President from 1955-1959, the first woman in
this position. She introduced the diagnostic concept of
borderline in Italy and published on depersonalisation,
pre-oedipal components of hysteria and on aggression in
Luciana Nissim Momigliano (1919-1998)
Born in Turin, Italy, she completed her
studies in medicine in 1943 despite the
racial laws. She worked for Olivetti
where she was in charge of the day-care
centre and then went on to study
psychoanalysis, first with Franco Fornati
and then with Cesare Musatti. She
developed her own line of thought
which was innovative and original as it
focused mainly on the relationship
established during the session. Her
transition from ‘listening with suspicion’
to ‘listening with respect’ are the
founding elements of her work.
Stefania Turillazzi Manfredi (1929-2015)
After her studies in medicine she underwent
psychoanalytic training in Rome with Servadio,
Perotti and Gaddini. She was a founding member
of the Psychoanalytical Centre in Florence. She
highly appreciated the theory and technique of
Latin American analysts like Baranger and
Etchegoyen, and considered countertransference
a central resource in the analytical field. Her
theoretical reflections are rigorous and are solely
connected to clinical experience.
Luciana Bin de Matte
Training and supervising analyst,
Luciana moved to Italy in the 1960s
from Chile with her husband. She
worked with adult patients, children
and adolescents, showing high
feeling and an ability to listen - the
latter being a subject on which she
trained generations of students and
analysts. She worked extensively for
the Italian Psychoanalytical Society
and the Roman Centre for
Psychoanalysis, where she was
Scientific Secretary from 1982 to
1986. She was characterised by a
genuine passion for psychoanalysis in
its various forms, towards patients,
teaching, and supervision.
Ms Eve Steel
As teacher, supervisor and consultant, Eve Steel has pioneered
the development of the Psychodynamic understanding of the
individual, of groups and of organisations, both within APAS
and beyond.
Ms Janet Blake Nield
Sydney Institute, Australian Psychoanalytical Society
Ms Janet Nield was a pioneer of psychoanalysis in Australia. She was
involved in the training of the first cohort of analysts in Sydney.
Portrait by Judy Cassab.
Elena Evelson (1921-1996)
Was a Professor of Letters, born in Santa
Fe. She settled in Buenos Aires where she
began her exchanges with Willy Baranger
and Enrique Pichon Rivière. From there
arose her fascination with psychoanalysis.
One of the first non-medical women to be
a member of a psychoanalytic institution
in Argentina, she was part of the founding
group of APdeBA, of which she was a
member. She analysed with Heinrich
Racker and supervised with Arminda
Aberastury, Josè Bleger and with Melanie
Klein, whom she deeply admired and
came to know in London. She had a great
talent for analysing children. She wrote
several works and dictated seminars. She
stood out as a supervisor of children
because of her special clinical sensitivity
and her generosity in transmitting her
Elizabeth Tabak de Bianchedi (1933-2015)
Medical doctor and psychoanalyst, founder
and full member of APdeBA. Secretary of
Latin America of the Executive Council of API.
Co-author with Leon Grinberg and Dario Sor
of ‘Introduction to the Work of Bion’ and
‘New Introduction to the Work of Bion’ in
1992, books that have been translated into
English, French, Swedish, Portuguese,
Japanese, German, among others. She was
also author of a large number of published
papers on Klein, Meltzer and Bion, and an
active participant in human rights activities in
Isabel Siquier (1933-2001)
Founder and integrator of ApdeBA, former
President and participant in multiple
activities of the institution. This was done in
the House of Delegates and other IPA
activities. Linked to Epistemology and Ethics
in psychoanalysis. She led, in her capacity as
President, the Brasilia group, where she was
able to develop her teaching capacities and
concern for the training of analysts. At the
same time, her multiple concerns make up
the Argentine group.
Reggy Serebriani (1921-2005)
Reggy was a tireless fighter. She was a founder and
President of the Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic
Association and one of the promoters of the
IUSAM University Institute, which is a pride of the
Buenos Aires Association because candidates
graduate from it as psychoanalysts with a
university degree.
Dr Rosalba Bueno
Supervising and training analyst,
Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico-Park
Mexico. Past President and Founder of
Park Mexico. Past Director of the
Psychology Department at
Iberoamericana University-Mexico.
Teacher of countless psychology
students and generations of
psychoanalytic candidates. She has
worked tirelessly to incorporate
gender issues to the psychoanalytic
clinical practice. She is convinced that
psychoanalytic training should be
easily available to those interested and
that this must be an immediate task of
the IPA.
Dr Amapola González
Formed as a psychoanalyst in Mexico
City and was a founder of the
Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico,
where she was Director of Training and
Scientific Programme from 1981 until
her death in 1991. Being a Chemist, in
the 1960s she studied medicine to
become a psychoanalyst and was the
most prominent female analyst of the
SPM in their first decades. Among her
main articles are ‘Contradictory
Identifications and their Influence in
the Management of Aggression’, and
‘The Oedipus Complex in the Girl’.
Lou Andreas-Salomé (1861-1937)
Even before she came into contact
with psychoanalysis, Andreas-Salomé
dealt with female sexuality. In her
article ‘Der Mensch als Weib’ [The
human being as woman], (1899), she
derived woman’s superiority from
biological factors. Her psychoanalytic
essay ‘Zum Typus Weib’ (1914)
[Woman as type] is a response to
Freud’s seminal first publication of
‘Three Essays on the Theory of
Sexuality’ (1905). In 1912/1913 she
had an extensive exchange with Freud
on the topic of ‘narcissism’. One year
later, Freud officially introduced the
concept of narcissism into
psychoanalytic theory. Her essay,
‘Narcissism as double directionality’
(1921), is regarded as her most
important theoretical contribution.
Anna Freud (1895-1982)
Managed, tended and disseminated
Freud’s legacy and played a key role in
the founding of the Sigmund Freud
Museum in Vienna. She created a
discrete form of therapy by systemising
and refining child psychoanalysis and
she was able to prove that
psychoanalytic findings may also be
applied to child analysis. Anna Freud’s
book ‘The Ego and the Mechanisms of
Defence’ was published in 1936 and
quickly became a classic of
psychoanalytic literature.
Marie Bonaparte (1882–1962)
Was of the highest importance for the
escape of the Freud family in 1938 due
to her diplomatic relations and financial
power. She published more than 50
essays, 20 books, and she rendered a
dozen of Freud’s works in French. Even
before undergoing analysis with Sigmund
Freud, she published the essay
‘Consideration of the Anatomical Causes
of Frigidity in Women’ under a
pseudonym. Unlike Freud, who
understood sexuality as a psychological
phenomenon, she sought to translate
psychoanalytic theory into a biological
typology of drives.
Helene Deutsch (1884-1982)
Deutsch is regarded as a pioneer of
psychoanalysis with an emphasis on
‘femininity’. Because of her theoretical
views on motherhood, female passivity and
masochism, she was regarded in feminist
circles as Freud’s ‘collaborator’. In many
respects, her concept of femininity
resembles Freud’s view that there was no
prime status for women other than that of
motherhood or daughterhood. In her
function as President of the training
institute of the Vienna Psychoanalytic
Society, Deutsch worked on systemising
psychoanalytic training.
Emma Eckstein (1865-1924)
Began working as the first female psychoanalyst after
completing her analysis with Sigmund Freud. According to
former interpretations, she was the main person of Freud’s
‘Irma Dream’ which marked the beginning of the Interpretation
of Dreams. Nowadays, it is assumed that Freud condensed
several people into this role. In the ‘Arbeiterzeitung’ of 21st
October 1900, she published a review of the ‘Interpretation of
Dreams’, thus making it accessible to a wide audience. In her
book ‘Die Sexualfrage im Leben des Kindes’ (1904) [The Sexual
Question in the Upbringing of the Child] she devotes herself to
children’s sexuality and the importance of complete sexual
education by parents. In addition to her work as a writer,
Eckstein was also involved in the ‘Vienna Women’s Club’
founded by Marie Lang, an active campaigner for women’s
rights, among others.
Sabina Spielrein (1885-1942)
Patient and purported mistress of Carl Gustav Jung, her
relationship with Jung provided material for specialist
publications and became the subject of theatre plays and film
productions. As an author, she occupied herself with different
topics such as the female body, the car as a symbol of male
power, or the search for the central ‘three questions’ of life. The
focus of Spielrein’s treatise on ‘Destruction as the Cause of
Coming into Being’ (1912) is on the contradictory nature of
desire and the destructive components of sexuality. Where
Freud bases his drive theory on the contradiction between
sexual drive and survival drive, Spielrein radicalises and
ultimately annuls this contradiction, thus anticipating thoughts
Freud would publish years later in ‘Beyond the Pleasure
Principle’. In 1921, Spielrein was training analyst to the 25-year-
old Jean Piaget, the later-to-be pioneer of developmental
Anny Angel-Katan (1898-1992)
In 1925 she became a full member of the Vienna
Psychoanalytic Society (WPV/VPS), the topic of her first paper
was ‘Some Observations on a Child’. She completed her training
analysis with Anna Freud in 1934. From 1929 onwards she
worked in the Socialist Society for Sexual Counselling and
Sexual Research founded by Wilhelm Reich and Marie Frischauf
and, together with Annie Reich and Edith Buxbaum, conducted
consultations on sexual problems. She specialised in child
analysis and took part in courses at the Vienna Psychoanalytical
In 1936 she emigrated to Holland and from 1937 to 1946
worked as a teaching analyst at the Psychoanalytical Institute in
The Hague. In Holland she was also active in the resistance
against the National Socialists.
Grete Bibring geb. Lehner (1899-1977)
Specialist in neurology and psychiatry. Psychoanalyst and training analyst.
Lecturer at Simmons College of the School of Social Work. Head of the
Psychiatric Department of Beth Israel Hospital. Clinical Professor of
Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Scientific consultant at Radcliffe
College in Cambridge and at the Children´s Bureau in Washington.
1925 Member of the Wiener Psychoanalytische Vereiningung (WPV/VPS),
staff member of the psychoanalytical outpatient clinic. 1934 Training analyst
in Vienna. 1938 Member of the British Psychoanalytical Society, 1941 of the
Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. 1950-1952 Honorary Secretary
of the IPA. 1959-1963 Vice-President of the IPA. 1955 President of the
Boston Psychoanalytic Society. 1962 President of the American
Psychoanalytic Association.
Dorothy Burlingham (1891-1979)
In 1925, Dorothy Burlingham brought her son, who suffered
from asthma, to Anna Freud for treatment. She then did her
own analysis with Reik and Freud, and became a full member
of the WPV in 1934. She participated in the Hietzing School
and in 1936 provided the financial means for the Jackson-
Nursery. She had a lifelong relationship with Anna Freud.
Before fleeing to America, Dorothy Burlingham provided
numerous analysts with affidavits. In 1940 she moved to Anna
Freud in London and opened the Hampstead War Nurseries
with her. After the war, the two women founded the
Hampstead Child Therapy Course and created a training
programme for child analysts
Margarethe Hilferding (1871-1942)
Margarethe Hilferding-Hönigsberg was a doctor, individual
psychologist, social democrat, district councillor, and was
involved in the women's movement. She was the first
woman in Austria to graduate from medical school in 1903,
and in 1910 became the first woman to become a member
of the WPV. In the wake of the controversy with Alfed Adler
she left the WPV in 1911 and joined individual psychology.
Editha Sterba (1895-1986)
Psychoanalyst, child analyst
1925-1938 Member of the Vienna Psychoanalytical Society (WPV),
1934 Director of the Beginner’s Seminar for Child Analysis at the
WPV teaching institute. In 1938 she emigrated with her family, first
to Switzerland and in 1939 to the United States. Member of the
American Psychoanalytic Association, the Association for Child
Psychoanalysis and, from 1955, the Michigan Psychoanalytic
Hedwig Bolterauer (1902-2001)
In 1946, Hedwig and Lambert Bolterauer joined the Vienna
Psychoanalytical Society (Wiener Psychoanalytische Vereinigung,
WPV), which was re-established after the end of the war, and
took part in the reconstruction of the Society. Hedwig Bolterauer
and Rosa Dworschak set up the WPV’s Educational Counselling
Centre and attended Anna Freud's seminars in London. In 1954
she became a teaching analyst for the WPV and continued this
profession into old age.
Photo: private; aus Andrea Bronner (Hg.): Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. The First 100 Years. Wien 2008,
Rosa Dworschak (1896-1990)
Influential caregiver and therapist in neglected care, decisive
for the modernisation of care in Vienna. In autumn 1945,
together with Friedl Aufreiter and August Aichhorn, she began
the course ‘Introduction to Educational Counselling for
Educational Counsellors of the Municipal Youth Welfare Office
and for Vocational Counsellors of the Vienna Employment
Office’, which led to the Seminar for Psychoanalytical
Educational Counselling of the WPV, held from 1946 to the
winter semester 48/49. Together with Hedwig Bolterauer she
set up the Child Guidance Clinic.
Hedda Eppel (1919-2004)
Psychoanalyst, training analyst and child analyst in
Vienna. In 1939 she emigrated to England and whilst in
exile in England, worked as a teacher and in a
kindergarten. In 1945 she worked in Windermere as a
"social worker" in a reception camp for 300 traumatised
children freed from concentration camps. In 1946 she
returned to Vienna, and had several study stays in London
at the Hampstead Clinic.
Dr Eva Liable (1919-2016)
Eva Laible collaborated with Hedda Eppel and
Erika Danneberg in the Children's Therapeutic
Department of the Vienna Psychoanalytic
Association, which emerged from Eppel's private
practice in November 1961. She initiated the
foundation ‘Birthplace Sigmund Freud’, whose
purpose was to preserve the historical and
cultural heritage of Freud in his birthplace, Příbor
(Freiberg). Within the framework of the
Richmond Fellowship Austria, she opened a
residential home for psychological rehabilitation
in Mistelbach.
Carolina Zamora (1911-1998)
Carolina started her own analysis with M.Steinbach in
1952. Dr Zamora played a fundamental role for the
society because of her psychoanalytical conviction and
as a trainer for other analysts. Her life was a testament
of authenticity to psychoanalysis for the members of
the society, of which she was analyst or supervising
analyst. By 1973, the Madrid group, of which Dr Zamora
was one of its most important pioneers, had evolved
considerably with the inclusion of new analysts and
candidates. The Madrid Psychoanalytic Association was
recognised as an IPA Society in 1981.
Zenaira Aranha
President 1970-1971
She was one of the pioneers in
Brazilian Psychoanalysis, and was a
part of the group of psychoanalysts
that created the Brazilian
Psychoanalytic Society of Rio de
Janeiro. Passionate with people
who she loved and with the
practice of psychoanalysis, Zenaira
worked until her last day of life.
Always present and active, she
never backed away from a fight
and collaborated with her work to
strengthen psychoanalysis in Brazil.
Her dignity, loyalty, courage and
love for the truth touched
everyone around her.
Marialzira Perestrello
President 1975-1976
Graduated from medical school in
1939 and was one of the founders
of the Brazilian Psychoanalytic
Society of Rio de Janeiro, which
joined the IPA in 1959. Creative,
enthusiastic, with a curiosity
focused on the ongoing search for a
deeper understanding of the
practice, theory and history of
psychoanalysis; she was a constant
stimulus and an integrating force to
those who came into contact with
her. Besides being a great
psychoanalyst, Marialzira had a
special talent for poetry and
published some of her poetical
Rosa Beatriz Pontes de Miranda
President 1981-1982
Rosa Beatriz was a pioneer in spirit and
in action: she introduced the Esther Bick
method in the Psychoanalytic training at
the Brazilian Society of Rio de Janeiro
and played a major role in research in
Brazil. She engaged in studying,
disseminating and introducing the
works of Bion in Rio de Janeiro. She
participated in reforming the SBPRJ
bylaws in 1982 by introducing the
principles for opening the
psychoanalytical institution, which were
recognised recently and adopted
progressively nationwide and
internationally. She had a congenial
personality and was a driving force
especially for youngsters. Rosa was a
constant stimulus for the growth and
development of the talents around her.
Inaura Carneiro Leão
President 1979-1980
Besides being one of the founders of
the Brazilian Society of Rio de Janeiro
in 1959, Inaura was the head of the
first class of candidates in the Recife
Core in November 1977. She was a
pioneer in introducing Self
Psychoanalytic Psychology as well as in
presenting Heinz Kohut in Brazil. Inaura
achieved great international scientific
recognition and worked to make SBPRJ
a democratic space for all its members.
This verse by Antonio Machado was
one of her great inspirations: “Hiker,
there is no path, the path is made by
hiking”. She went on, from Klein to
Winnicott and finally to Kohut. She
spoke in this way: there is always a
path to get to the patient and make
them feel like they have been found.
Dr Clara Geroe
Arrived in Australia from Hungary in 1941. A gifted Child
and Adult Psychoanalyst, she single-handedly established
analytic training in Australia as well as outreach activities in
psychology, education, psychiatry and child psychiatry. She
was a highly cultured, modern European woman, and a
friend to many of the greats of psychoanalysis, including
Anna Freud, and Enid and Michael Balint.
Julie Leavitt, MD
Current President of the Psychoanalytic
Institute of Northern California (PINC), a
lesbian psychiatrist who has been in
practice in San Francisco for more than
20 years. She is a practising analyst with
a specialisation in LGBTQ individuals,
and has practised psychoanalytically-
informed psychiatry in several non-
profit community clinics. She writes and
teaches about lesbian desire and AIDS,
ethics, and race. Julie is a powerful
pioneer in her generation; colleague,
teacher, healer and mentor to the queer
psychoanalytic community in San
Maureen Murphy, PhD
Founded several local training organisations: The
Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California (PINC) where
she continues to play an important role, Northern California
Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology, the local chapter of the
APA Division of Psychoanalysis, and Access Institute - a training
clinic in San Francisco established to provide
psychoanalytically informed services to the underserved. She
has also played prominent roles in national and international
organisations including the IPA, in which she was a committee
member as well as a member of the IPA Board from 2011-
2015; President of NAPsaC; and Chair of the wonderful IPA
Congress in Buenos Aires.
Maureen is a wonderful clinician and consultant, an excellent
teacher and thoughtful theoretician. She is the co-editor of a
new book, ‘Trauma and the Destructive Transformative
Struggle: Clinical Perspectives’, in which her paper on trauma,
handed from teacher to teacher for years, will finally be
Arlene Kramer Richards
A pioneer in the development of accurate
theories about women, frequently referred
to as primary femininity. She is a founding
member of the IPA’s COWAP, and has
worked tirelessly with psychoanalytic
colleagues to vanquish the distorted
fantasies about women held by many early
psychoanalysts that were rationalised as
theory. Dr Richards was analysed by Jacob
Arlow, who couldn’t understand why
Arlene didn’t give up her professional goals
and move to the suburbs to raise her
children, a position he later reconsidered.
Perhaps we can say that Arlene’s impact on
her analyst was one of her early
contributions to the field.
Dr Marion Oliner
Among the earliest CFS graduates, Dr Oliner
went on to become a training analyst, a
valued supervisor and an important teacher
for generations of candidates. She served on
many committees and as Chair of the Ethics
Committee, developed a course that is still in
wide use. The arc of her career stretches out
to close to six decades and includes the
publication of numerous articles and book
reviews in English, French and German.
Always an impassioned psychoanalytic thinker,
her three books – ‘Cultivating Freud’s Garden
in France’ (1988), ‘External Reality; that
Elusive Dimension of Psychoanalysis’ (1996)
and ‘Psychoanalytic Studies in Dysphoria the
False Accord in the Diving Symphony’ (2018) –
reflect a lifetime of engagement and vital
scholarly work on psychoanalysis.
Dr Helen Gediman
Helen Gediman is an eminent psychoanalyst
whose outstanding contributions for four
decades have been instrumental in shaping
the scope of the CFS, its training programmes
and entry into the IPA. Dr Gediman helped
bring The Contemporary Freudian Society to
IPA full component membership in 1990. She
is credited with the inspiration and initiation
of the CFS Washington DC programme.
Gediman was part of a committee that
originated a change in Training and
Supervising admission standards that
developed changes in CFS guidelines for TA
application and admission. This revolutionary
change in CFS guidelines for Training and
Supervising Analysts now proudly serves as a
model for other IPA Institutes.
Júlia Corominas (1910-2011)
Júlia, a pioneer, creative and a great lady, received a
degree in medicine and surgery. She was one of the
founders of the Sociedad Luso-Española de
Psicoanálisis. Later on, a part of this society was
known as the Spanish Psychoanalytical Society
(SEP). She had a broad training in London, Paris and
Switzerland; she had great interest in archaic
pathology through her studies with autistic children
and paralysed children. Furthermore, she was a
promoter of training centres that influenced
paediatricians, psychologists, child neurologists,
pedagogues and rehabilitators.
Eulalia Torras
Eulalia Torras, psychiatrist specialising in
children and adolescents and a training
psychoanalyst of the Spanish
Psychoanalytic Society. A renowned
psychoanalyst, she founded the first
psychiatric child psychiatry unit in the Red
Cross in 1970. Their work with infants with
developmental difficulties and their parents
was particularly important. As regards her
dimension as psychoanalyst, she has been
fortunate enough to have had the
opportunity offered by a plural training as
opposed to a single theory line of training.
She is the author of numerous books and
papers on psychoanalysis, public assistance,
on disorders in children, in adolescents, in
families, as well as different kinds of
Terttu Eskelinen
Terttu Eskelinen belongs to the group that formed
the Spanish Society of Psychoanalysis. She
completed her training with other currents of
psychoanalytic thought, under the influence of
Klein’s thought. This experience helped her to
consolidate her interest in child analysis, as well as
the evaluation of primitive processes and their
incidence in adults. She worked in the
organisational activities occupying different
positions of the EPF, of which she became
President. She published numerous clinical works,
and in 2004, received the Sigourney Award, in
recognition of her scientific work and her
dedication to psychoanalytic institutions.
Celeste Malpique
Full member of the IPA since 1986,
medical doctor, psychiatrist, child and
adolescent specialist, COCAP member,
Professor of Medical Psychology at the
University of Porto, Portugal. Author of
books and papers published in national
and international reviews.
Fernanda Gonçalves Alexandre
Training analyst at Sociedade Portuguesa de
Psicanálise (SPP) and the IPA. Child analyst.
She has been teaching at Instituto de
Psicanálise and has performed several duties
at SPP: President of the Institute, President of
the Training Committee, Scientific Secretary
for the society, Coordinator for the
Psychoanalytical Formation of Child and
Adolescents, and is currently Director of the
Portuguese Psychoanalysis Magazine. She has
published many papers and books on
psychoanalytical theory and practice.
José Gonçalves
Director of the Portuguese
Psychoanalytic Society Training
Committee and President of the Board
2014-15. Co-founder of the Institute of
Psychoanalysis and President in 1994-
1995 and 2009-2012. She has created
and directed the seminar on infant
observation for more than 20 years.
Trainer and supervisor, she has
promoted debates and training on
psychoanalytical ethics. Medical doctor
and child psychiatrist, she was founder
and head of the first Infant-Mother
Mental Health Unit in Portugal. She
participates in conferences and she has
published papers, most of them on the
infant-mother relationship.
Manuela Fleming
Training and Supervising
Psychoanalyst at the Portuguese
Psychoanalytical Society (SPP). She is a
past President of SPP (2008-2010) and
full Professor of Psychology at the
University of Oporto, Portugal. She is
the author of more than 10 books and
50 scientific articles. Manuela Fleming
has been responsible for a
psychoanalysis clinical office at Oporto
for the past 40 years.
Joan Symington
Joan Symington brought to Australia a rare depth of
understanding of the unconscious world, deeply
informed by the work of Wilfried Bion and of infantile
experience. Her contribution to Australian
psychoanalysis will persist in the work of her many
supervisees and analysands.
Angelika Staehle
Psychologist, Training Analyst for Child,
Adolescent, and Adult Psychoanalysis (DPV/IPA)
and for Group-Analysis (GAS/London). For many
years, a member of the Executive Board and
Director of Training for Adult and Child
Psychoanalysis in the German Analytical
Association (DPV). Member, then Chair of the
Forum for Child Psychoanalysis in the European
Psychoanalytical Federation (EPF). Currently
Chair of the Psychoanalytic Education
Committee in the IPA. She works in full private
psychoanalytic practice with children,
adolescents, and adults, individually and in
Gertraud Schlesinger-Kipp
Psychologist, Psychoanalyst and Training
Analyst (DPV, IPA). President of the
Alexander-Mitscherlich-Institute in Kassel
1995-2003 and President of the German
Psychoanalytical Association (DPV) 2006-
2008. IPA Board member. She founded the
German part of the Committee on Women
and Psychoanalysis (COWAP) and is now
active in the Migration and Refugees
Committee of the IPA. She has authored
numerous publications on ‘Female
Development in Menopause’ (2002),
‘Childhood in World War II’ (2007), and
psychotherapeutic approach with refugees.
Ilse Grubrich-Simitis
Has worked for many years on restoring
access in the German-speaking world to
Freud’s works and the basic texts of
psychoanalysis. 1983-85 discovery and
first publication of the draft of Freud’s
lost twelfth paper on metapsychology.
The book ‘Back to Freud’s Texts: Making
Silent Documents Speak’ (1993[1996]),
which pioneered access to Freud’s
manuscripts and his working
methodology as an author, has landmark
status. Her contributions to trauma
research are seen as fundamental and
innovative, especially with regard to the
theoretical and clinical aspects of
psychoanalytic work with descendants of
Holocaust survivors (1979, 1984, 2007,
2008). Her publications have been
translated into many languages and in
1998 she received the Sigourney Award.
Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber, Prof. Dr. phil
Director of the Sigmund Freud Institute in Frankfurt
(2001-2016), Senior Professor at the IDeA Excellency
Centre in Frankfurt and the University of Medicine in
Mainz. Chair of the Committee for Research and
Universities of the DPV. Since 2010, Vice Chair for Europe
of the Research Board, IPA. Since 2018, Chair of the IPA
Subcommittee for Migration and Refugees. Sigourney
Award winner 2016, Haskell Norman Prize for Excellence
in Psychoanalysis, 2017. Her research fields are clinical
and extra clinical research in psychoanalysis,
psychoanalytical developmental research, prevention
studies, interdisciplinary dialogue between
psychoanalysis and literature, educational sciences and
the neurosciences.
Lore Schacht
Psychiatrist, neuropathologist,
training analyst for child, adolescent,
and adult psychoanalysis (DPV, IPA).
First female president of the German
Psychoanalytical Association (DPV)
1990-1992. She was President of the
Sigmund Freud Foundation (1989-
1999) and was a member of the IPA
Board for many years. A main area of
her research has been on children’s
creative building of symbolism, and
she has authored numerous
publications, including ‘Meaning of
Illness’ (1977) and ‘The Construction
Site of the Self’ (2001). Lore Schacht
is also a well-known artist.
Jacqueline Godfrind
S’est penchée une grande partie de sa
carrière sur le féminin, sur les origines
du féminin, sur les ancrages du féminin
et de l’identité sexuée au corps. Elle fut
parmi les pionnières à écrire,
transmettre sa pensée et son
expérience clinique sur l’homosexualité
féminine et sur la spécificité du
transfert et du contre-transfert au
Diplômée en psychologie, elle est
membre titulaire de la Société Belge de
Psychanalyse, ancienne Présidente de la
SBP, ancienne titulaire de la
Commission d’Enseignement et à
enseigné à l’Université Libre de
Inga Pouw Villarreal
16 años Directiva IPA: Vicepresidenta, Secretaria
Asociada Latinoamérica, miembro COMPSED,
Chair/miembro Sponsoring Committee.
Miembro honoraria Asociación Psicoanalitica de
Venezuela y DPG. Primera Presidenta Sociedad,
Directora Instituto. Contribución crecimiento y
formación psicoanálisis. Activa en Instituto, y
práctica clínica.
Algunas publicaciones: “Temor y deseo en la
fantasía de la transformación”, libro anual de
Psicoanálisis. “Consideraciones sobre el
travestismo” The international Review of
Psychoanalysis; “Spanish translations of Freud”,
en: Translating Freud, editado por Darius Gray
Lucía Restrepo Gaviria
Titular, didacta, psicoanalista de niños
y adolescentes. En la formación
énfasis por consolidar la identidad
analítica, el ejercicio clínico en un
contexto ético. Consolidación de la
especialización de N & A, integración a
la formación de adultos, observación
relación madre- bebé y
técnica. Durante 17 años en la CE y
Directora del Instituto (2012 – 2014).
Luz Marina Orejarena Ardila
Destacada por su compromiso y
dedicación a la formación de analistas, la
práctica clínica, contribución a la
consolidación de la especialización de
niños y adolescentes, conferencista y
divulgadora del Psicoanálisis en Colombia.
Por tres periodos Directora del Instituto.
Miembro de la directiva del ILAP. Titular,
didacta, y psicoanalista de niños y
Dr Yvonne Hansen
Introduced Tavistock Infant Observation to
the core training programme at the
Psychoanalytic Centre of California (PCC).
She has led infant observation seminars for
over thirty years, primarily in Los Angeles
and San Francisco. Her passion for the
development of the mind was initially
ignited by her close research work with
Jean Piaget in Geneva. Currently, Dr Hansen
is a Senior Faculty Member and a Training
and Supervising Analyst at PCC.
Alcira Mariam Alizade
m. 6mar2013
Médica Psicoanalista de la Asociación
Psicoanalítica Argentina. Presidenta de
IPA-COWAP (1998-2005).
Investiga, entre otros temas,
sexualidad femenina.
Arminda Aberastury
24 sep 1910 - 24 nov 1972
Psicoanalista pionera del
psicoanálisis de niños y
Betty Goode de Garma
3 Feb 1918 – 16 feb 2003
Psicoanalista de niños. Cofundadora del
Departamento de niños y adolescents de la
Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina.
Madelaine Baranger
23 ene 1920 – 16 jul 2017
Figura del psicoanálisis en Argentina y
Uruguay Contribuyó al psicoanálisis, en
particular, con la Teoría del campo
Marie Langer
31 ago 1910 – 22 dic 1987
Presidente de la Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina
Importantes aportes a la psicología de la mujer.
Marilu Pelento
18 nov 1932 – 9 mar 2014
Psicoanalista de niños.
Luisa G. de Álvarez de Toledo
13 jun 1915 – 5 sep 1974
Primera Presidente mujer de APA
1955 / 57
Susana Lustig de Ferrer
20 may 1930 – 3 oct 2004
Psicoanalista de niños. Cofundadora del
Departamento de Niños y adolescents de
la Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina.
Dr Hedda Bolgar
Dr Bolgar was instrumental in the
founding and development of the
Los Angeles Institute and Society
for Psychoanalytic Studies, Wright
Institute Los Angeles, the
California School of Professional
Psychology, and the Postdoctoral
Programme in Psychoanalytic
Psychotherapy at Cedars Sinai
Medical Centre in Los Angeles.
Hedda was a wise, warm,
incredibly engaging and gracious
presence in the Los Angeles
psychoanalytic community and a
true primary source.
Dr Jean B. Sanville
Jean B. Sanville was a prominent and dedicated
founding member of LAISPS, a Training and
Supervising Analyst, faculty member and two
term Past President. The Jean B. Sanville Award is
a signpost for original writing scholarship. Her
book ‘The Playground of Psychoanalytic Therapy’
(1991) exemplifies her pioneering spirit and
forward thinking. She died in 2013.
Vida Maberino de Prego (1916-2015)
Pioneer of the psychoanalysis of children in
Uruguay, Honorary Member of APU. Teacher,
Supervisor and Training Analyst. Member of the
Children’s Laboratory of APU for many years. Author
of numerous papers, such as ‘The House; Fantasy
Scene’ published in ‘Changes and Permanencies’,
FEPAL, 2002.
Mercedes Freire de Garbarino (1918-2008)
Founder of the Uruguayan Psychoanalytical
Association and the Uruguayan Association
of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Honorary
Member of APU. Pioneer in the
psychoanalysis of children and groups.
Wrote papers as author and co-author,
including ‘Adolescence I’, (1990),
‘Adolescence II’, (1992), ‘Psychoanalysis and
Communication in the Family’ and ‘Early
Interaction’, (1998).
Ilse Barande
Pioneer analyst of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society

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Pioneer Women Analysts in the IPA

  • 1. Dr Gottfriede Aufreiter (1915-2003) Trained in Vienna, Dr Gottfriede Aufreiter was one of the founding members of the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society (in 1957) and an Associate Professor of Psychiatry. She has been described as “a superb clinician and a teacher who had the unusual talent of making complicated matters seem simple.” She and her husband moved to London Ontario and were, in 1982, two of seven members who founded the Southwestern Ontario branch of the CPS.
  • 2. Mme Gabrielle Clerk (1923-2012) Mme Clerk, a full Professor of Psychology at the University of Montreal, was the first Canadian-born woman to graduate (in 1968) from the Canadian Institute for Psychoanalysis. She contributed to the training of child analysts, was an excellent researcher, and participated on many committees and commissions of provincial and professional associations.
  • 3. Dr Eva Lester (1923-2008) Dr Lester was the founding editor of the Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis. Her research interests were female psychosocial development and the influence of gender on boundary issues in the analytic relationship. A Pepweb search lists 41 of her publications. Her 1995 book, co-authored with Dr Glen Gabbard: ‘Boundaries and Boundary Violations in Psychoanalysis’ continues to be the definitive text on the subject.
  • 4. Doris Bernstein Doris Bernstein challenged Freud’s phallocentric view that female development was an aberrant form of male development. She described a distinct constellation of female genital awareness and anxieties and how they affect female identity formation. Through her work as IPTAR President along with the work of Norbert Freedman, in 1989 IPTAR became the first non-medical Society in North America.
  • 5. Ruth Lax Ruth Lax was a training analyst and board member at IPTAR for many years. She published 30 papers and several books, including: ‘Becoming and Being a Woman’. She chaired a study group investigating socially sanctioned violence against women and was a principal member of a United Nations group addressing issues of puberty rites in girls in Africa and the Middle East.
  • 6. Mary Fine Lipson Mary Fine Lipson studied with Theodor Reik at NPAP before leaving to become a founding member of IPTAR to which she devoted herself for nearly 50 years. She touched the lives of many as a teacher, an elementary school principal and, most especially, as a psychoanalyst. She was a force in psychoanalytic education as a developer of IPTAR’s innovative curriculum.
  • 7. Ayça Gürdal Küey Ayça Gürdal Küey is a training analyst, a member of SPP and a founding member of the Istanbul Psychoanalytical Association. She has served as the Association’s President from 2010 to 2014. She is the founding editor-in-chief of the psychoanalytical book series ‘Düş/Düşün (Dream / Thought)’ and also a member of the team that formed the Psychoanalysis in Psychiatry section of WPA.
  • 8. Elda Abrevaya Elda Abrevaya is a training analyst, a member of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society and a founding member of the Istanbul Psychoanalytical Association. As a representative of COWAP, she has contributed to the organisation of several international symposia. She is the author of numerous articles and books, and also the co-editor of ‘Homosexualities’ (Karnac, 2015)
  • 9. Tevfika İkiz Elle est psycholoque clinicienne, professeur a l'Universite d'Istanbul, department de psychologie. Membre titulaire a l'Association Psychanalytique d'Istanbul, elle est aussi titulaire formatrice de l'IPSO- Med en tant que psychosomaticienne.
  • 10. Virgínia Leone Bicudo (1910 – 2003) Virgínia Leone Bicudo was one of Dr Adelheid Koch’s first patients, who was the first IPA certified analyst in the country. She was a full member of the SBPSO and an approved didactic analyst. She was appointed Director of SBPSP’s Psychoanalysis Institute several times, and worked intensely to promote psychoanalysis in Brazil in newspapers and radio shows. She also took part in the foundation of Brazil’s Psychoanalysis Society and collaborated in the creation of the Brazilian Psychoanalysis Magazine.
  • 11. Lygia Alcântara do Amaral (1911-2003) Lygia Alcântara do Amaral was an active participant in the foundation of the SBPSP, where she was a didactic analyst, teacher, treasurer, secretary and president. A keen traveller, she was one of the first Brazilian analysts to study in England where she arrived in 1951. She studied with Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, Donald Winnicott, Hanna Segal, Esther Bick, Frances Tustin and Wilfried Bion.
  • 12. Tamara Štajner-Popović (1948-2012) The first training analyst and the first child psychoanalyst in Serbia. She was the first President of the Component Society (2000). In PIEE she organised 25 summer schools. Her efforts in ING led to the recognition of former Eastern European countries as new cradles of the old psychoanalysis.
  • 13. Primarius Dr.Milica Jojić-Milenković (1928-2008) In 1965 she founded the first Marriage and Family Counselling Centre in Serbia. Owing to her psychoanalytical approach it quickly became a go-to place for marriage and family problems. Gaining senior analyst status in 1996, she was appointed as the first Study Group Training Director.
  • 14. Primarius Dr.Ljiljana Milosavljević (1928-2014) She was the founder of a psychotherapeutic centre, the first one in general hospital for children. Then she was the Director of the Centre for Protection of Newborns, Children and Adolescents. In 1996, she was awarded the senior psychoanalyst status by the IPA.
  • 15. Alexandra Tomasi di Palma di Lampedusa (1894-1982) Trained as an analyst in the 1920s in Berlin with Böhm, Eitingon and Liebermann. She met Freud in Vienna before she returned to Stomersee and settled down as an analyst. After World War II, she contributed to re- establishing the Italian Psychoanalytic Society and was elected President from 1955-1959, the first woman in this position. She introduced the diagnostic concept of borderline in Italy and published on depersonalisation, pre-oedipal components of hysteria and on aggression in perversions.
  • 16. Luciana Nissim Momigliano (1919-1998) Born in Turin, Italy, she completed her studies in medicine in 1943 despite the racial laws. She worked for Olivetti where she was in charge of the day-care centre and then went on to study psychoanalysis, first with Franco Fornati and then with Cesare Musatti. She developed her own line of thought which was innovative and original as it focused mainly on the relationship established during the session. Her transition from ‘listening with suspicion’ to ‘listening with respect’ are the founding elements of her work.
  • 17. Stefania Turillazzi Manfredi (1929-2015) After her studies in medicine she underwent psychoanalytic training in Rome with Servadio, Perotti and Gaddini. She was a founding member of the Psychoanalytical Centre in Florence. She highly appreciated the theory and technique of Latin American analysts like Baranger and Etchegoyen, and considered countertransference a central resource in the analytical field. Her theoretical reflections are rigorous and are solely connected to clinical experience.
  • 18. Luciana Bin de Matte Training and supervising analyst, Luciana moved to Italy in the 1960s from Chile with her husband. She worked with adult patients, children and adolescents, showing high feeling and an ability to listen - the latter being a subject on which she trained generations of students and analysts. She worked extensively for the Italian Psychoanalytical Society and the Roman Centre for Psychoanalysis, where she was Scientific Secretary from 1982 to 1986. She was characterised by a genuine passion for psychoanalysis in its various forms, towards patients, teaching, and supervision.
  • 19. Ms Eve Steel As teacher, supervisor and consultant, Eve Steel has pioneered the development of the Psychodynamic understanding of the individual, of groups and of organisations, both within APAS and beyond.
  • 20. Ms Janet Blake Nield Sydney Institute, Australian Psychoanalytical Society Ms Janet Nield was a pioneer of psychoanalysis in Australia. She was involved in the training of the first cohort of analysts in Sydney. Portrait by Judy Cassab.
  • 21. Elena Evelson (1921-1996) Was a Professor of Letters, born in Santa Fe. She settled in Buenos Aires where she began her exchanges with Willy Baranger and Enrique Pichon Rivière. From there arose her fascination with psychoanalysis. One of the first non-medical women to be a member of a psychoanalytic institution in Argentina, she was part of the founding group of APdeBA, of which she was a member. She analysed with Heinrich Racker and supervised with Arminda Aberastury, Josè Bleger and with Melanie Klein, whom she deeply admired and came to know in London. She had a great talent for analysing children. She wrote several works and dictated seminars. She stood out as a supervisor of children because of her special clinical sensitivity and her generosity in transmitting her knowledge.
  • 22. Elizabeth Tabak de Bianchedi (1933-2015) Medical doctor and psychoanalyst, founder and full member of APdeBA. Secretary of Latin America of the Executive Council of API. Co-author with Leon Grinberg and Dario Sor of ‘Introduction to the Work of Bion’ and ‘New Introduction to the Work of Bion’ in 1992, books that have been translated into English, French, Swedish, Portuguese, Japanese, German, among others. She was also author of a large number of published papers on Klein, Meltzer and Bion, and an active participant in human rights activities in Argentina.
  • 23. Isabel Siquier (1933-2001) Founder and integrator of ApdeBA, former President and participant in multiple activities of the institution. This was done in the House of Delegates and other IPA activities. Linked to Epistemology and Ethics in psychoanalysis. She led, in her capacity as President, the Brasilia group, where she was able to develop her teaching capacities and concern for the training of analysts. At the same time, her multiple concerns make up the Argentine group.
  • 24. Reggy Serebriani (1921-2005) Reggy was a tireless fighter. She was a founder and President of the Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association and one of the promoters of the IUSAM University Institute, which is a pride of the Buenos Aires Association because candidates graduate from it as psychoanalysts with a university degree.
  • 25. Dr Rosalba Bueno Supervising and training analyst, Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico-Park Mexico. Past President and Founder of Park Mexico. Past Director of the Psychology Department at Iberoamericana University-Mexico. Teacher of countless psychology students and generations of psychoanalytic candidates. She has worked tirelessly to incorporate gender issues to the psychoanalytic clinical practice. She is convinced that psychoanalytic training should be easily available to those interested and that this must be an immediate task of the IPA.
  • 26. Dr Amapola González Formed as a psychoanalyst in Mexico City and was a founder of the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico, where she was Director of Training and Scientific Programme from 1981 until her death in 1991. Being a Chemist, in the 1960s she studied medicine to become a psychoanalyst and was the most prominent female analyst of the SPM in their first decades. Among her main articles are ‘Contradictory Identifications and their Influence in the Management of Aggression’, and ‘The Oedipus Complex in the Girl’.
  • 27. Lou Andreas-Salomé (1861-1937) Even before she came into contact with psychoanalysis, Andreas-Salomé dealt with female sexuality. In her article ‘Der Mensch als Weib’ [The human being as woman], (1899), she derived woman’s superiority from biological factors. Her psychoanalytic essay ‘Zum Typus Weib’ (1914) [Woman as type] is a response to Freud’s seminal first publication of ‘Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality’ (1905). In 1912/1913 she had an extensive exchange with Freud on the topic of ‘narcissism’. One year later, Freud officially introduced the concept of narcissism into psychoanalytic theory. Her essay, ‘Narcissism as double directionality’ (1921), is regarded as her most important theoretical contribution.
  • 28. Anna Freud (1895-1982) Managed, tended and disseminated Freud’s legacy and played a key role in the founding of the Sigmund Freud Museum in Vienna. She created a discrete form of therapy by systemising and refining child psychoanalysis and she was able to prove that psychoanalytic findings may also be applied to child analysis. Anna Freud’s book ‘The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defence’ was published in 1936 and quickly became a classic of psychoanalytic literature.
  • 29. Marie Bonaparte (1882–1962) Was of the highest importance for the escape of the Freud family in 1938 due to her diplomatic relations and financial power. She published more than 50 essays, 20 books, and she rendered a dozen of Freud’s works in French. Even before undergoing analysis with Sigmund Freud, she published the essay ‘Consideration of the Anatomical Causes of Frigidity in Women’ under a pseudonym. Unlike Freud, who understood sexuality as a psychological phenomenon, she sought to translate psychoanalytic theory into a biological typology of drives.
  • 30. Helene Deutsch (1884-1982) Deutsch is regarded as a pioneer of psychoanalysis with an emphasis on ‘femininity’. Because of her theoretical views on motherhood, female passivity and masochism, she was regarded in feminist circles as Freud’s ‘collaborator’. In many respects, her concept of femininity resembles Freud’s view that there was no prime status for women other than that of motherhood or daughterhood. In her function as President of the training institute of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, Deutsch worked on systemising psychoanalytic training.
  • 31. Emma Eckstein (1865-1924) Began working as the first female psychoanalyst after completing her analysis with Sigmund Freud. According to former interpretations, she was the main person of Freud’s ‘Irma Dream’ which marked the beginning of the Interpretation of Dreams. Nowadays, it is assumed that Freud condensed several people into this role. In the ‘Arbeiterzeitung’ of 21st October 1900, she published a review of the ‘Interpretation of Dreams’, thus making it accessible to a wide audience. In her book ‘Die Sexualfrage im Leben des Kindes’ (1904) [The Sexual Question in the Upbringing of the Child] she devotes herself to children’s sexuality and the importance of complete sexual education by parents. In addition to her work as a writer, Eckstein was also involved in the ‘Vienna Women’s Club’ founded by Marie Lang, an active campaigner for women’s rights, among others.
  • 32. Sabina Spielrein (1885-1942) Patient and purported mistress of Carl Gustav Jung, her relationship with Jung provided material for specialist publications and became the subject of theatre plays and film productions. As an author, she occupied herself with different topics such as the female body, the car as a symbol of male power, or the search for the central ‘three questions’ of life. The focus of Spielrein’s treatise on ‘Destruction as the Cause of Coming into Being’ (1912) is on the contradictory nature of desire and the destructive components of sexuality. Where Freud bases his drive theory on the contradiction between sexual drive and survival drive, Spielrein radicalises and ultimately annuls this contradiction, thus anticipating thoughts Freud would publish years later in ‘Beyond the Pleasure Principle’. In 1921, Spielrein was training analyst to the 25-year- old Jean Piaget, the later-to-be pioneer of developmental psychology.
  • 33. Anny Angel-Katan (1898-1992) In 1925 she became a full member of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society (WPV/VPS), the topic of her first paper was ‘Some Observations on a Child’. She completed her training analysis with Anna Freud in 1934. From 1929 onwards she worked in the Socialist Society for Sexual Counselling and Sexual Research founded by Wilhelm Reich and Marie Frischauf and, together with Annie Reich and Edith Buxbaum, conducted consultations on sexual problems. She specialised in child analysis and took part in courses at the Vienna Psychoanalytical Institute. In 1936 she emigrated to Holland and from 1937 to 1946 worked as a teaching analyst at the Psychoanalytical Institute in The Hague. In Holland she was also active in the resistance against the National Socialists.
  • 34. Grete Bibring geb. Lehner (1899-1977) Specialist in neurology and psychiatry. Psychoanalyst and training analyst. Lecturer at Simmons College of the School of Social Work. Head of the Psychiatric Department of Beth Israel Hospital. Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Scientific consultant at Radcliffe College in Cambridge and at the Children´s Bureau in Washington. 1925 Member of the Wiener Psychoanalytische Vereiningung (WPV/VPS), staff member of the psychoanalytical outpatient clinic. 1934 Training analyst in Vienna. 1938 Member of the British Psychoanalytical Society, 1941 of the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. 1950-1952 Honorary Secretary of the IPA. 1959-1963 Vice-President of the IPA. 1955 President of the Boston Psychoanalytic Society. 1962 President of the American Psychoanalytic Association.
  • 35. Dorothy Burlingham (1891-1979) In 1925, Dorothy Burlingham brought her son, who suffered from asthma, to Anna Freud for treatment. She then did her own analysis with Reik and Freud, and became a full member of the WPV in 1934. She participated in the Hietzing School and in 1936 provided the financial means for the Jackson- Nursery. She had a lifelong relationship with Anna Freud. Before fleeing to America, Dorothy Burlingham provided numerous analysts with affidavits. In 1940 she moved to Anna Freud in London and opened the Hampstead War Nurseries with her. After the war, the two women founded the Hampstead Child Therapy Course and created a training programme for child analysts
  • 36. Margarethe Hilferding (1871-1942) Margarethe Hilferding-Hönigsberg was a doctor, individual psychologist, social democrat, district councillor, and was involved in the women's movement. She was the first woman in Austria to graduate from medical school in 1903, and in 1910 became the first woman to become a member of the WPV. In the wake of the controversy with Alfed Adler she left the WPV in 1911 and joined individual psychology.
  • 37. Editha Sterba (1895-1986) Psychoanalyst, child analyst 1925-1938 Member of the Vienna Psychoanalytical Society (WPV), 1934 Director of the Beginner’s Seminar for Child Analysis at the WPV teaching institute. In 1938 she emigrated with her family, first to Switzerland and in 1939 to the United States. Member of the American Psychoanalytic Association, the Association for Child Psychoanalysis and, from 1955, the Michigan Psychoanalytic Association.
  • 38. Hedwig Bolterauer (1902-2001) In 1946, Hedwig and Lambert Bolterauer joined the Vienna Psychoanalytical Society (Wiener Psychoanalytische Vereinigung, WPV), which was re-established after the end of the war, and took part in the reconstruction of the Society. Hedwig Bolterauer and Rosa Dworschak set up the WPV’s Educational Counselling Centre and attended Anna Freud's seminars in London. In 1954 she became a teaching analyst for the WPV and continued this profession into old age. Photo: private; aus Andrea Bronner (Hg.): Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. The First 100 Years. Wien 2008, 82
  • 39. Rosa Dworschak (1896-1990) Influential caregiver and therapist in neglected care, decisive for the modernisation of care in Vienna. In autumn 1945, together with Friedl Aufreiter and August Aichhorn, she began the course ‘Introduction to Educational Counselling for Educational Counsellors of the Municipal Youth Welfare Office and for Vocational Counsellors of the Vienna Employment Office’, which led to the Seminar for Psychoanalytical Educational Counselling of the WPV, held from 1946 to the winter semester 48/49. Together with Hedwig Bolterauer she set up the Child Guidance Clinic.
  • 40. Hedda Eppel (1919-2004) Psychoanalyst, training analyst and child analyst in Vienna. In 1939 she emigrated to England and whilst in exile in England, worked as a teacher and in a kindergarten. In 1945 she worked in Windermere as a "social worker" in a reception camp for 300 traumatised children freed from concentration camps. In 1946 she returned to Vienna, and had several study stays in London at the Hampstead Clinic.
  • 41. Dr Eva Liable (1919-2016) Eva Laible collaborated with Hedda Eppel and Erika Danneberg in the Children's Therapeutic Department of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association, which emerged from Eppel's private practice in November 1961. She initiated the foundation ‘Birthplace Sigmund Freud’, whose purpose was to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of Freud in his birthplace, Příbor (Freiberg). Within the framework of the Richmond Fellowship Austria, she opened a residential home for psychological rehabilitation in Mistelbach.
  • 42. Carolina Zamora (1911-1998) Carolina started her own analysis with M.Steinbach in 1952. Dr Zamora played a fundamental role for the society because of her psychoanalytical conviction and as a trainer for other analysts. Her life was a testament of authenticity to psychoanalysis for the members of the society, of which she was analyst or supervising analyst. By 1973, the Madrid group, of which Dr Zamora was one of its most important pioneers, had evolved considerably with the inclusion of new analysts and candidates. The Madrid Psychoanalytic Association was recognised as an IPA Society in 1981.
  • 43. Zenaira Aranha President 1970-1971 She was one of the pioneers in Brazilian Psychoanalysis, and was a part of the group of psychoanalysts that created the Brazilian Psychoanalytic Society of Rio de Janeiro. Passionate with people who she loved and with the practice of psychoanalysis, Zenaira worked until her last day of life. Always present and active, she never backed away from a fight and collaborated with her work to strengthen psychoanalysis in Brazil. Her dignity, loyalty, courage and love for the truth touched everyone around her.
  • 44. Marialzira Perestrello President 1975-1976 Graduated from medical school in 1939 and was one of the founders of the Brazilian Psychoanalytic Society of Rio de Janeiro, which joined the IPA in 1959. Creative, enthusiastic, with a curiosity focused on the ongoing search for a deeper understanding of the practice, theory and history of psychoanalysis; she was a constant stimulus and an integrating force to those who came into contact with her. Besides being a great psychoanalyst, Marialzira had a special talent for poetry and published some of her poetical work.
  • 45. Rosa Beatriz Pontes de Miranda Ferreira President 1981-1982 Rosa Beatriz was a pioneer in spirit and in action: she introduced the Esther Bick method in the Psychoanalytic training at the Brazilian Society of Rio de Janeiro and played a major role in research in Brazil. She engaged in studying, disseminating and introducing the works of Bion in Rio de Janeiro. She participated in reforming the SBPRJ bylaws in 1982 by introducing the principles for opening the psychoanalytical institution, which were recognised recently and adopted progressively nationwide and internationally. She had a congenial personality and was a driving force especially for youngsters. Rosa was a constant stimulus for the growth and development of the talents around her.
  • 46. Inaura Carneiro Leão President 1979-1980 Besides being one of the founders of the Brazilian Society of Rio de Janeiro in 1959, Inaura was the head of the first class of candidates in the Recife Core in November 1977. She was a pioneer in introducing Self Psychoanalytic Psychology as well as in presenting Heinz Kohut in Brazil. Inaura achieved great international scientific recognition and worked to make SBPRJ a democratic space for all its members. This verse by Antonio Machado was one of her great inspirations: “Hiker, there is no path, the path is made by hiking”. She went on, from Klein to Winnicott and finally to Kohut. She spoke in this way: there is always a path to get to the patient and make them feel like they have been found.
  • 47. Dr Clara Geroe Arrived in Australia from Hungary in 1941. A gifted Child and Adult Psychoanalyst, she single-handedly established analytic training in Australia as well as outreach activities in psychology, education, psychiatry and child psychiatry. She was a highly cultured, modern European woman, and a friend to many of the greats of psychoanalysis, including Anna Freud, and Enid and Michael Balint.
  • 48. Julie Leavitt, MD Current President of the Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California (PINC), a lesbian psychiatrist who has been in practice in San Francisco for more than 20 years. She is a practising analyst with a specialisation in LGBTQ individuals, and has practised psychoanalytically- informed psychiatry in several non- profit community clinics. She writes and teaches about lesbian desire and AIDS, ethics, and race. Julie is a powerful pioneer in her generation; colleague, teacher, healer and mentor to the queer psychoanalytic community in San Francisco.
  • 49. Maureen Murphy, PhD Founded several local training organisations: The Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California (PINC) where she continues to play an important role, Northern California Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology, the local chapter of the APA Division of Psychoanalysis, and Access Institute - a training clinic in San Francisco established to provide psychoanalytically informed services to the underserved. She has also played prominent roles in national and international organisations including the IPA, in which she was a committee member as well as a member of the IPA Board from 2011- 2015; President of NAPsaC; and Chair of the wonderful IPA Congress in Buenos Aires. Maureen is a wonderful clinician and consultant, an excellent teacher and thoughtful theoretician. She is the co-editor of a new book, ‘Trauma and the Destructive Transformative Struggle: Clinical Perspectives’, in which her paper on trauma, handed from teacher to teacher for years, will finally be available.
  • 50. Arlene Kramer Richards A pioneer in the development of accurate theories about women, frequently referred to as primary femininity. She is a founding member of the IPA’s COWAP, and has worked tirelessly with psychoanalytic colleagues to vanquish the distorted fantasies about women held by many early psychoanalysts that were rationalised as theory. Dr Richards was analysed by Jacob Arlow, who couldn’t understand why Arlene didn’t give up her professional goals and move to the suburbs to raise her children, a position he later reconsidered. Perhaps we can say that Arlene’s impact on her analyst was one of her early contributions to the field.
  • 51. Dr Marion Oliner Among the earliest CFS graduates, Dr Oliner went on to become a training analyst, a valued supervisor and an important teacher for generations of candidates. She served on many committees and as Chair of the Ethics Committee, developed a course that is still in wide use. The arc of her career stretches out to close to six decades and includes the publication of numerous articles and book reviews in English, French and German. Always an impassioned psychoanalytic thinker, her three books – ‘Cultivating Freud’s Garden in France’ (1988), ‘External Reality; that Elusive Dimension of Psychoanalysis’ (1996) and ‘Psychoanalytic Studies in Dysphoria the False Accord in the Diving Symphony’ (2018) – reflect a lifetime of engagement and vital scholarly work on psychoanalysis.
  • 52. Dr Helen Gediman Helen Gediman is an eminent psychoanalyst whose outstanding contributions for four decades have been instrumental in shaping the scope of the CFS, its training programmes and entry into the IPA. Dr Gediman helped bring The Contemporary Freudian Society to IPA full component membership in 1990. She is credited with the inspiration and initiation of the CFS Washington DC programme. Gediman was part of a committee that originated a change in Training and Supervising admission standards that developed changes in CFS guidelines for TA application and admission. This revolutionary change in CFS guidelines for Training and Supervising Analysts now proudly serves as a model for other IPA Institutes.
  • 53. Júlia Corominas (1910-2011) Júlia, a pioneer, creative and a great lady, received a degree in medicine and surgery. She was one of the founders of the Sociedad Luso-Española de Psicoanálisis. Later on, a part of this society was known as the Spanish Psychoanalytical Society (SEP). She had a broad training in London, Paris and Switzerland; she had great interest in archaic pathology through her studies with autistic children and paralysed children. Furthermore, she was a promoter of training centres that influenced paediatricians, psychologists, child neurologists, pedagogues and rehabilitators.
  • 54. Eulalia Torras Eulalia Torras, psychiatrist specialising in children and adolescents and a training psychoanalyst of the Spanish Psychoanalytic Society. A renowned psychoanalyst, she founded the first psychiatric child psychiatry unit in the Red Cross in 1970. Their work with infants with developmental difficulties and their parents was particularly important. As regards her dimension as psychoanalyst, she has been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity offered by a plural training as opposed to a single theory line of training. She is the author of numerous books and papers on psychoanalysis, public assistance, on disorders in children, in adolescents, in families, as well as different kinds of treatment.
  • 55. Terttu Eskelinen Terttu Eskelinen belongs to the group that formed the Spanish Society of Psychoanalysis. She completed her training with other currents of psychoanalytic thought, under the influence of Klein’s thought. This experience helped her to consolidate her interest in child analysis, as well as the evaluation of primitive processes and their incidence in adults. She worked in the organisational activities occupying different positions of the EPF, of which she became President. She published numerous clinical works, and in 2004, received the Sigourney Award, in recognition of her scientific work and her dedication to psychoanalytic institutions.
  • 56. Celeste Malpique Full member of the IPA since 1986, medical doctor, psychiatrist, child and adolescent specialist, COCAP member, Professor of Medical Psychology at the University of Porto, Portugal. Author of books and papers published in national and international reviews.
  • 57. Fernanda Gonçalves Alexandre Training analyst at Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanálise (SPP) and the IPA. Child analyst. She has been teaching at Instituto de Psicanálise and has performed several duties at SPP: President of the Institute, President of the Training Committee, Scientific Secretary for the society, Coordinator for the Psychoanalytical Formation of Child and Adolescents, and is currently Director of the Portuguese Psychoanalysis Magazine. She has published many papers and books on psychoanalytical theory and practice.
  • 58. José Gonçalves Director of the Portuguese Psychoanalytic Society Training Committee and President of the Board 2014-15. Co-founder of the Institute of Psychoanalysis and President in 1994- 1995 and 2009-2012. She has created and directed the seminar on infant observation for more than 20 years. Trainer and supervisor, she has promoted debates and training on psychoanalytical ethics. Medical doctor and child psychiatrist, she was founder and head of the first Infant-Mother Mental Health Unit in Portugal. She participates in conferences and she has published papers, most of them on the infant-mother relationship.
  • 59. Manuela Fleming Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst at the Portuguese Psychoanalytical Society (SPP). She is a past President of SPP (2008-2010) and full Professor of Psychology at the University of Oporto, Portugal. She is the author of more than 10 books and 50 scientific articles. Manuela Fleming has been responsible for a psychoanalysis clinical office at Oporto for the past 40 years.
  • 60. Joan Symington Joan Symington brought to Australia a rare depth of understanding of the unconscious world, deeply informed by the work of Wilfried Bion and of infantile experience. Her contribution to Australian psychoanalysis will persist in the work of her many supervisees and analysands.
  • 61. Angelika Staehle Psychologist, Training Analyst for Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychoanalysis (DPV/IPA) and for Group-Analysis (GAS/London). For many years, a member of the Executive Board and Director of Training for Adult and Child Psychoanalysis in the German Analytical Association (DPV). Member, then Chair of the Forum for Child Psychoanalysis in the European Psychoanalytical Federation (EPF). Currently Chair of the Psychoanalytic Education Committee in the IPA. She works in full private psychoanalytic practice with children, adolescents, and adults, individually and in groups.
  • 62. Gertraud Schlesinger-Kipp Psychologist, Psychoanalyst and Training Analyst (DPV, IPA). President of the Alexander-Mitscherlich-Institute in Kassel 1995-2003 and President of the German Psychoanalytical Association (DPV) 2006- 2008. IPA Board member. She founded the German part of the Committee on Women and Psychoanalysis (COWAP) and is now active in the Migration and Refugees Committee of the IPA. She has authored numerous publications on ‘Female Development in Menopause’ (2002), ‘Childhood in World War II’ (2007), and psychotherapeutic approach with refugees.
  • 63. Ilse Grubrich-Simitis Has worked for many years on restoring access in the German-speaking world to Freud’s works and the basic texts of psychoanalysis. 1983-85 discovery and first publication of the draft of Freud’s lost twelfth paper on metapsychology. The book ‘Back to Freud’s Texts: Making Silent Documents Speak’ (1993[1996]), which pioneered access to Freud’s manuscripts and his working methodology as an author, has landmark status. Her contributions to trauma research are seen as fundamental and innovative, especially with regard to the theoretical and clinical aspects of psychoanalytic work with descendants of Holocaust survivors (1979, 1984, 2007, 2008). Her publications have been translated into many languages and in 1998 she received the Sigourney Award.
  • 64. Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber, Prof. Dr. phil Director of the Sigmund Freud Institute in Frankfurt (2001-2016), Senior Professor at the IDeA Excellency Centre in Frankfurt and the University of Medicine in Mainz. Chair of the Committee for Research and Universities of the DPV. Since 2010, Vice Chair for Europe of the Research Board, IPA. Since 2018, Chair of the IPA Subcommittee for Migration and Refugees. Sigourney Award winner 2016, Haskell Norman Prize for Excellence in Psychoanalysis, 2017. Her research fields are clinical and extra clinical research in psychoanalysis, psychoanalytical developmental research, prevention studies, interdisciplinary dialogue between psychoanalysis and literature, educational sciences and the neurosciences.
  • 65. Lore Schacht Psychiatrist, neuropathologist, training analyst for child, adolescent, and adult psychoanalysis (DPV, IPA). First female president of the German Psychoanalytical Association (DPV) 1990-1992. She was President of the Sigmund Freud Foundation (1989- 1999) and was a member of the IPA Board for many years. A main area of her research has been on children’s creative building of symbolism, and she has authored numerous publications, including ‘Meaning of Illness’ (1977) and ‘The Construction Site of the Self’ (2001). Lore Schacht is also a well-known artist.
  • 66. Jacqueline Godfrind S’est penchée une grande partie de sa carrière sur le féminin, sur les origines du féminin, sur les ancrages du féminin et de l’identité sexuée au corps. Elle fut parmi les pionnières à écrire, transmettre sa pensée et son expérience clinique sur l’homosexualité féminine et sur la spécificité du transfert et du contre-transfert au féminin. Diplômée en psychologie, elle est membre titulaire de la Société Belge de Psychanalyse, ancienne Présidente de la SBP, ancienne titulaire de la Commission d’Enseignement et à enseigné à l’Université Libre de Bruxelles.
  • 67. Inga Pouw Villarreal 16 años Directiva IPA: Vicepresidenta, Secretaria Asociada Latinoamérica, miembro COMPSED, Chair/miembro Sponsoring Committee. Miembro honoraria Asociación Psicoanalitica de Venezuela y DPG. Primera Presidenta Sociedad, Directora Instituto. Contribución crecimiento y formación psicoanálisis. Activa en Instituto, y práctica clínica. Algunas publicaciones: “Temor y deseo en la fantasía de la transformación”, libro anual de Psicoanálisis. “Consideraciones sobre el travestismo” The international Review of Psychoanalysis; “Spanish translations of Freud”, en: Translating Freud, editado por Darius Gray Ornston.
  • 68. Lucía Restrepo Gaviria Titular, didacta, psicoanalista de niños y adolescentes. En la formación énfasis por consolidar la identidad analítica, el ejercicio clínico en un contexto ético. Consolidación de la especialización de N & A, integración a la formación de adultos, observación relación madre- bebé y técnica. Durante 17 años en la CE y Directora del Instituto (2012 – 2014).
  • 69. Luz Marina Orejarena Ardila Destacada por su compromiso y dedicación a la formación de analistas, la práctica clínica, contribución a la consolidación de la especialización de niños y adolescentes, conferencista y divulgadora del Psicoanálisis en Colombia. Por tres periodos Directora del Instituto. Miembro de la directiva del ILAP. Titular, didacta, y psicoanalista de niños y adolescentes.
  • 70. Dr Yvonne Hansen Introduced Tavistock Infant Observation to the core training programme at the Psychoanalytic Centre of California (PCC). She has led infant observation seminars for over thirty years, primarily in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Her passion for the development of the mind was initially ignited by her close research work with Jean Piaget in Geneva. Currently, Dr Hansen is a Senior Faculty Member and a Training and Supervising Analyst at PCC.
  • 71. Alcira Mariam Alizade m. 6mar2013 Médica Psicoanalista de la Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina. Presidenta de IPA-COWAP (1998-2005). Investiga, entre otros temas, sexualidad femenina.
  • 72. Arminda Aberastury 24 sep 1910 - 24 nov 1972 Psicoanalista pionera del psicoanálisis de niños y adolescents.
  • 73. Betty Goode de Garma 3 Feb 1918 – 16 feb 2003 Psicoanalista de niños. Cofundadora del Departamento de niños y adolescents de la Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina.
  • 74. Madelaine Baranger 23 ene 1920 – 16 jul 2017 Figura del psicoanálisis en Argentina y Uruguay Contribuyó al psicoanálisis, en particular, con la Teoría del campo psicoanalítico.
  • 75. Marie Langer 31 ago 1910 – 22 dic 1987 Presidente de la Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina (1959-1960). Importantes aportes a la psicología de la mujer.
  • 76. Marilu Pelento 18 nov 1932 – 9 mar 2014 Psicoanalista de niños.
  • 77. Luisa G. de Álvarez de Toledo 13 jun 1915 – 5 sep 1974 Primera Presidente mujer de APA 1955 / 57
  • 78. Susana Lustig de Ferrer 20 may 1930 – 3 oct 2004 Psicoanalista de niños. Cofundadora del Departamento de Niños y adolescents de la Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina.
  • 79. Dr Hedda Bolgar Dr Bolgar was instrumental in the founding and development of the Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies, Wright Institute Los Angeles, the California School of Professional Psychology, and the Postdoctoral Programme in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy at Cedars Sinai Medical Centre in Los Angeles. Hedda was a wise, warm, incredibly engaging and gracious presence in the Los Angeles psychoanalytic community and a true primary source.
  • 80. Dr Jean B. Sanville Jean B. Sanville was a prominent and dedicated founding member of LAISPS, a Training and Supervising Analyst, faculty member and two term Past President. The Jean B. Sanville Award is a signpost for original writing scholarship. Her book ‘The Playground of Psychoanalytic Therapy’ (1991) exemplifies her pioneering spirit and forward thinking. She died in 2013.
  • 81. Vida Maberino de Prego (1916-2015) Pioneer of the psychoanalysis of children in Uruguay, Honorary Member of APU. Teacher, Supervisor and Training Analyst. Member of the Children’s Laboratory of APU for many years. Author of numerous papers, such as ‘The House; Fantasy Scene’ published in ‘Changes and Permanencies’, FEPAL, 2002.
  • 82. Mercedes Freire de Garbarino (1918-2008) Founder of the Uruguayan Psychoanalytical Association and the Uruguayan Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Honorary Member of APU. Pioneer in the psychoanalysis of children and groups. Wrote papers as author and co-author, including ‘Adolescence I’, (1990), ‘Adolescence II’, (1992), ‘Psychoanalysis and Communication in the Family’ and ‘Early Interaction’, (1998).
  • 83. Ilse Barande Pioneer analyst of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society