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Envisioning	the	Future	of	Meaning-Driven	Brands	
Mar$na	Olbertova,	UK,	November,	2015	
Brand	Cura7on:	
Envisioning	the	Future	of														
Meaning-Driven	Brands	
Mar7na	Olbertova	
Brand	Curator	
November	18,	2015	
#NewMR	2015		
Corporate	Sponsors	
#NewMR	2015		
Schlesinger	Associates	
Keen	as	Mustard
Envisioning	the	Future	of	Meaning-Driven	Brands	
Mar$na	Olbertova,	UK,	November,	2015	
What	is	this	presenta1on	about?	
>  Redefining	brands	and	the	way	we	approach	brand	value	to	add	more	
meaning	to	businesses	and	people’s	lives.	
>  The	ubiquitous	cluDer	that	clogs	our	minds,	paralyzes	our	decision-making	
and	displaces	meaning	in	our	lives.	
>  The	need	for	brands	to	start	making	sense	and	deliver	compact	messages	
that	are	consistent	with	their	strategy	seen	in	context	of	human	insight,	
behavior,	trends,	society	evolu$on	and	culture.	
>  Introducing	a	new	approach	&	methodology	that	can	help	make	brands	
meaningful	again	and	seriously	cut	down	on	the	amount	of	marke$ng	
cluDer	we	have	to	face	every	day.	
Envisioning	the	Future	of	Meaning-Driven	Brands	
Mar$na	Olbertova,	UK,	November,	2015	
What	seems	to	be	the	problem	with		
the	brand	management	today…	
•  The	world	has	changed	and	technology	has	rewired	consumers’	minds	and	behavior,	
yet	we	s$ll	manage	brands,	insight	and	strategy	the	same	old	way.		
•  And	the	marke$ng	industry	needs	to	reflect	this	to	stay	relevant	in	the	future…	
•  We	need	to	not	create,	but	curate	to	become	meaningful	again.		
•  Brand	management	needs	to	be	more	organic,	nimble,	flexibly	react	to	change.	
•  We	need	to	manage	brands	based	on	their	meaning,	and	not	touch	points.	Meaning-
centric	brand	direc$on	can	help	us	create	brands	with	coherence	and	integrity,	and	
prevent	weakening	brand	recall	and	dropping	consumer	loyalty	across	sectors.	
Envisioning	the	Future	of	Meaning-Driven	Brands	
Mar$na	Olbertova,	UK,	November,	2015	
1	Informa7on	noise.	
3	Brand	confusion.	
We	are	dealing	with	a	complex	problem.	
(Cultural context)
(Category context)
(Brand context)
	2	Market	cluSer.	
Envisioning	the	Future	of	Meaning-Driven	Brands	
Mar$na	Olbertova,	UK,	November,	2015	
The	Idea.	
•  Help	brands	overcome	this	cluDer	to	make	them	compact	again.	
•  But	how…?	
•  The	task:	To	create	a	method	that	would	work	directly	with	brand	
meaning	and	allow	brands	to	communicate	meaningfully,	in	a	relevant	
way	and	consistently	across	various	media	channels	and	touch	points.	
•  This	would	significantly:	
1.  decrease	brand	fragmenta$on	and	crea$ve	confusion	
2.  support	brand	image	consistency	and	brand	recall	
3.  ease	brand	management	(for	both	clients	and	agencies)	
Envisioning	the	Future	of	Meaning-Driven	Brands	
Mar$na	Olbertova,	UK,	November,	2015	
Brand	Cura1on:	What	it	is.	
Brand	Cura1on	is	a	systema$c	process	of	shaping	inner	meaning	of	brands	to	ensure	
coherent,	consistent	and	meaningful	communica$on.	
It	innovates	how	we	manage	brands	based	on	brand’s	inner	meaning	as	it	focuses	
primarily	on	revitalizing	(rejuvena>ng)	brand	from	the	inside	out.	
It	is	methodologically	grounded	in:	
Semio1cs	(studies	how	meaning	is	produced	and	consumed	in	culture	and	society	
Cultural	Intelligence	(looks	at	how	cultural	context	impacts	brand’s	relevance	&	resonance)	
Visual	intelligence	(looks	at	how	visual	codes	&	crea$ve	forms	convey	meaning	to	people)	
Communica1on	Research	(examines	what	messages	and	meanings	are	transferred	in	comms)	
Strategic	branding	&	consul1ng	(brand	strategy	in	tact	with	brand	purpose	-	the	North	Star)	
Envisioning	the	Future	of	Meaning-Driven	Brands	
Mar$na	Olbertova,	UK,	November,	2015	
Brand	Cura1on:	What	it	does.	
There	are	two	key	parts:	
1.	Helping	brands	create	a	meaningful	voice	in	a	world	of	cluKer	and	complexity.	
2.	Making	sure	brands	speak	in	a	consistent	way	to	prevent	future	fragmenta1on.	
Envisioning	the	Future	of	Meaning-Driven	Brands	
Mar$na	Olbertova,	UK,	November,	2015	
Where	Meaning	Gets	Lost	in	Transla1on	
-	filling	the	gaps	for	meaningful	&	consistent	brand	direc1on	-		
_	GAP 1 _	Point
of entry
field research data reporting
concepts &
Translating insight into strategy Translating strategy into creative
Data &
•  What does the data & insight mean in context of the brand?
•  What are the implications to brand strategy development?
•  Does the brand resonate / is relevant to consumers?
•  What are the right codes and wrong codes in brand execution?
•  How should we get the brand meaning across creatively?
•  How should an agency portray brand in communication so we
that creative doesn’t override strategy?
Envisioning	the	Future	of	Meaning-Driven	Brands	
Mar$na	Olbertova,	UK,	November,	2015	
How	it	works:	3	simple	steps	
-	the	process	-	
De-cluKer	 Reboot	 Implement	
à	Brand	clarity	 à	Brand	meaning	 à	Brand	consistency	
Looking	at	brand	execu$on,	
channels,	codes,	brand	DNA,	
brand	insight	and	percep$on	to	
diagnose	the	specific	problem	
Exploring	the	brand	/	category	/	
culture	context	to	extrapolate	
new	meanings	for	the	brand	to	
regain	relevance	&	resonance.	
Specifying	key	brand	codes		
for	execu$on	(brand	manual		
&	strategic	briefs)	to	secure	
future	coherence	/	consistency.	
1	 2	 3	
Envisioning	the	Future	of	Meaning-Driven	Brands	
Mar$na	Olbertova,	UK,	November,	2015	
Uni1ng	Meaning	Across	Brand	Direc1on	
-	cura1ng	meaning	across	all	levels	of	brand	direc1on	-	
A	holis1c	approach	to	
meaning-centric	brand	
Increase	in:	
1.  Brand	integrity	&	
2.  Coherent	brand	feel	across	
all	channels		
3.  Clear	memory	structures	
support	brand	recall	
4.  Efficient	and	sustainable	
brand	management	
(opera$ons	and	financial)	
Decrease	in:	
1.  Communica$on	cluDer	
and	brand	fragmenta$on	
across	channels	
2.  Brand	inefficiency	and	
illogical	or	confusing	
crea$ve	execu$on	
3.  Money-spending		
4.  Brand	irrelevance,	low	
rapport	&	iden$fica$on	
Envisioning	the	Future	of	Meaning-Driven	Brands	
Mar$na	Olbertova,	UK,	November,	2015	
Most	Frequent	User	Scenarios	
-what	client	pains	are	we	solving	here	-	
Problem	Scenario	1	
Brand	Curator	as	a	
Brand	is	fragmented,	
inconsistent	or	cluSered.	
•  Too	many	channels	
•  Too	many	messages	
•  Too	many	changes	in	
•  We	need	to	capture	
brand’s	inner	essence	
and	re-priori$ze	tasks	
that	make	sense.	
Problem	Scenario	2	
Brand	Curator	as	a	
Meaning	Maker	
Brand	is	irrelevant,	out	of	
touch	with	the	world,	
meaningless	or	ambivalent.	
•  No	longer	resonates	
with	consumers	
•  No	shared	values	or	
emo$onal	response	
•  We	need	to	fuel	new	life	
in	the	brand	and	anchor	
its	meaning	with	culture.	
Problem	Scenario	3	
Brand	Curator	as	
Detec1ve	/	Op1mizer	
Brand	isn’t	saying	
what	it’s	supposed	to	
in	crea7ve	execu7on.	
•  Irrelevant	visual	codes	
•  Crea$ve	overrides	
brand	strategy	
•  Insights	don’t	
resonate	crea$vely	
•  We	need	to	specify	
codes	for	execu$on	to	
keep	brand	coherent.	
Problem	Scenario	4	
Brand	Curator	as	a	
Rescuer	/	Resuscitator	
Brand	is	outlived,	
exhausted	and	all	other	
op7ons	have	failed.	
•  Nothing	gives	answers	
to	what	exactly	went	
wrong	and	why.	
•  We	need	to	revisit	all	
brand	touch	points	
and	find	strategic	
solu$on	to	brand’s	
Envisioning	the	Future	of	Meaning-Driven	Brands	
Mar$na	Olbertova,	UK,	November,	2015	
What	Brand	Cura1on	stands	for.	
•  It	is	an	alterna7ve	way	of	looking	at	and	managing	of	brands	based	on	meaning.	
•  It	redefines	what	a	brand	value	actually	is	–	it’s	symbolic,	not	monetary.	
•  At	the	moment,	this	view	is	incompa7ble	with	how	organisa7ons	are	managed.	
New	knowledge	is	locked	within	siloes,	which	makes	their	poten7al	go	to	waste.	
That's	why	the	style	of	brand	management	needs	to	be	changed	as	well	to	allow	for	
the	new	value	to	kick	in.		
•  Why	should	we	care?	Because	without	meaning,	brands	can't	create	value	and	
neither	can	companies.	Meaning	is	the	single	one	most	important	value	that	
businesses	should	strive	to	create	to	make	difference	in	people's	lives.	
Envisioning	the	Future	of	Meaning-Driven	Brands	
Mar$na	Olbertova,	UK,	November,	2015	
What	makes	it	different.	
•  The	difference	is	a	unique	point	of	view	contrary	to	how	brands	are	usually	managed.	
Tradi$onally,	brands	have	been	managed	as	channels	as	they're	a	product	of	logic	of	
mass	produc$on	era.	That’s	the	very	reason	why	we're	drowning	in	this	chaos	of	
cluDer	and	complexity.	This	approach	turns	how	we	view	brands	on	its	head.		
•  Brand	Cura$on	approach	brings	brands	back	to	their	very	essence	an	closer	to	people	
since	both	people	&	brands	live	off	meanings.	Rela$onship	of	brands	and	people	isn't	
based	on	ra1onal	reasoning	(brand	choices	are	not	really	ra$onal)	or	emo1ons	
(brands	are	not	really	our	friends),	it's	the	ma1ng	game	of	narra1ves	-	they	need	to	
share	meanings	to	create	long-las$ng	bonds	that	makes	sense.		
•  Looking	at	brands	from	the	inside	out	helps	companies	create	value	that	is	future-
proof	because	meaning	(unlike	numbers)	has	a	constant	value	in	7me.		
Envisioning	the	Future	of	Meaning-Driven	Brands	
Mar$na	Olbertova,	UK,	November,	2015	
How	do	you	want	your	brand	look	like?	
Like	this…	 …or	like	this?	
Envisioning	the	Future	of	Meaning-Driven	Brands	
Mar$na	Olbertova,	UK,	November,	2015	
Thank	You!	
Envisioning	the	Future	of	Meaning-Driven	Brands	
Mar$na	Olbertova,	UK,	November,	2015	
Q	&	A	
Ray	Poynter	
The	Future	Place	
Mar$na	Olbertova	
Brand	Curator	
#NewMR	2015		
Corporate	Sponsors	
#NewMR	2015		
Schlesinger	Associates	
Keen	as	Mustard

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