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Ramco Institute of Technology
Flow of syllabus
• Introduction
• Multiple tasks and multiple processes
• Multirate systems
• Preemptive real-time operating systems
• Priority based scheduling
• Interprocess communication mechanisms
• Evaluating operating system performance
• Power optimization strategies for processes
• Example Real time operating systems
– Windows CE
Multiple tasks and multiple processes
A single execution of a program is called as
If we run the same program two different times,
we have created two different processes.
Each process has its own state that includes not
only its registers but all of its memory.
In some OSs, the memory management unit is
used to keep each process in a separate address
In others, particularly lightweight RTOSs, the
processes run in the same address space.
Processes that share the same address space are
often called threads 4
Multiprogramming is also the ability of an
operating system to execute more than one
program on a single processor machine.
More than one task/program/job/process
can reside into the main memory at one point
of time.
A computer running excel and firefox browser
simultaneously is an example of
Memory Layout for Multiprogramming System
Multitasking is the ability of an operating
system to execute more than one task
simultaneously on a single processor machine.
Though we say so but in reality no two tasks
on a single processor machine can be executed
at the same time.
Actually CPU switches from one task to the
next task so quickly that appears as if all the
tasks are executing at the same time.
Multitasking System
Multiprocessing is the ability of an operating
system to execute more than one process
simultaneously on a multi processor machine.
In this, a computer uses more than one CPU at
a time.
Threads are the light wait processes which are independent part of a
process or program
Processes that share the same address space are often called threads
Multithreading is the ability of an operating
system to execute the different parts of a
program called threads at the same time.
Threads are the light wait processes which
are independent part of a process or program.
In multithreading system, more than one
threads are executed parallel on a single CPU.
Threads vs Process
Thread Process
Thread is a single unit of execution and is
part of process
Process is a program in execution and
contains one or more threads.
A thread does not have its own data
memory and heap memory. It shares the
data memory and heap memory with other
threads of the same process.
Process has its own code memory, data
memory and stack memory
A thread cannot live independently; it lives
within the process
A process contains at least one thread
Threads are very inexpensive to create Processes are very expensive to create.
Involves many OS overhead
Context switching is inexpensive and fast Context switching is complex and involves
lot of OS overhead and is comparatively
If a thread expires, its stack is reclaimed by
If a process dies, the resources allocated to
it are reclaimed by the OS and all the
associated threads of the process also dies
Tasks and Processes
Multirate Systems
In multirate systems, certain operation must
be executed periodically and each operation is
executed at its own rate
Ex, Automobile engines, Printers, Cellphones
Multirate Systems
Timing Requirements on processes
CPU Usage Metrics
Process state and Scheduling
Running Periodic processes
Timing Requirements on processes
Each process have several different types of
timing requirements
Timing requirements strongly influence the
type of scheduling
Scheduling policy must define the timing
requirements that it uses to determine whether
a schedule is valid
Timing Requirements on processes
Two important requirements on process :
Initiation Time:
Initiation Time:
Process goes from waiting state to ready state
It specifies when a computation must be finished
Timing Requirements on processes
Timing Requirements on processes
Sequence of process with a high
initiation rate
Rate Requirement: it specifies how quickly
processes must be initiated
Period: It is the time between successive
Jitter is the delay between the time when task shall be
started, and the time when the task is being started
Missing a deadline:
Variety of actions can be taken when missing a deadline
Data Dependencies among process
A directed acyclic graph (DAG) is a directed graph that
contains no cycles
A set of processes with data dependencies is known as a
task graph
Communication among processes at
different rates
CPU usage metrics
The initiation time is the time at which a process actually
starts executing on the CPU.
The completion time is the time at which the process
finishes its work.
The most basic measure of work is the amount of CPU
time expended by a process.
The CPU time of process i is called Ci .
CPU time is not equal to the completion time minus
initiation time; several other processes may interrupt
execution. 25
CPU usage metrics
The simplest and most direct measure is
Utilization is the ratio of the CPU time that is
being used for useful computations to the total
available CPU time.
CPU usage metrics
• This ratio ranges between 0 and 1, with 1
meaning that all of the available CPU time is
being used for system purposes.
• The utilization is often expressed as a
• If we measure the total execution time of all
processes over an interval of time t, then the
CPU utilization is
Process State and Scheduling
• The work of choosing the order of running
processes is known as scheduling
• Scheduling States
• Waiting
• Ready
• Executing
Running Periodic Process
While Loop
Multiple Timers
Pre-emptive real-time operating systems
• Preemptive real time operation system solves
the fundamental problems of cooperative
multitasking system
• A RTOS executes processes based upon timing
constraints provided by the system designer.
• The most reliable way to meet timing
constraints accurately is to build a preemptive
OS and to use priorities to control what
process runs at any given time
Preemptive real-time operating systems
• Two Important Methods
– Preemption
– Priorities
• Process and Context
• Processes and Object Oriented Design
• Pre-emption is an alternative to the C function
call as a way to control execution
• Creating new routines that allow us to jump
from one subroutine to another at any point
in the program
• The kernel is the part of the OS that
determines what process is running
Length of the timer
period is known as
Time Quantum
Context Switching
• The set of registers that defines a process is known
as context
• The switching from one process’s register set to
another is known as context switching
• The data structure that holds the state of process is
known as record
Process Priorities
• Each process is assigned with the numerical priority
• Kernel simply look at the processes and their
priorities and select the highest priority process that
is ready to run
Process and Context
• A process is known as as a task
• Lets assume that , everything has been initialized,
the operating system is running and we are ready for
a timer interrupt
Process and Context
Process and Object oriented design
• UML often refers to processes as active objects, that
is, objects that have independent threads of control.
• The class that defines an active object is known as an
active class.
• It has all the normal characteristics of a class,
including a name, attributes and operations.
• It also provides a set of signals that can be used to
communicate with the process.
Process and Object oriented design
• It is a simple collaboration diagram in which an
object is used as an interface between two processes
Priority Based Scheduling
• Round-Robin Scheduling
• Process Priorities
• Rate Monotonic Scheduling
• Earliest Deadline first scheduling
• Shared Resources
• Priority Inversion
Round-Robin Scheduling
• Round Robin is the pre-emptive process
scheduling algorithm.
• Each process is provided a fix time to execute,
it is called a quantum.
• Once a process is executed for a given time
period, it is preempted and other process
executes for a given time period.
• Context switching is used to save states of
preempted processes.
Round-Robin Scheduling
Round-Robin Scheduling
Process Priorities
• Priority scheduling is a non-preemptive
algorithm and one of the most common
scheduling algorithms in batch systems.
• Each process is assigned a priority. Process
with highest priority is to be executed first and
so on.
• Processes with same priority are executed on
first come first served basis.
• Priority can be decided based on memory
requirements, time requirements or any other
resource requirement. 46
Process Priorities
Rate Monotonic scheduling
• Rate-monotonic scheduling (RMS), introduced
by Liu and Layland
• It is one of the first scheduling policies
developed for real-time systems and is still
very widely used
• Rate Monotonic Scheduling (RMS) assigns task
priorities in the order of the highest task
frequencies, i.e. the shortest periodic task
gets the highest priority, then the next with
the shortest period get the second highest
priority, and so on.
Rate Monotonic scheduling
• This model uses a relatively simple model of
the system
– All processes run periodically on a single CPU.
– Context switching time is ignored.
– There are no data dependencies between
– The execution time for a process is constant.
– All deadlines are at the ends of their periods.
– The highest-priority ready process is always
selected for execution.
Rate Monotonic scheduling
Rate Monotonic scheduling
• The fraction is the fraction of time that
the CPU spends executing task i.
• It is possible to show that for a set of two
tasks under RMS scheduling, the CPU
utilization U will be no greater than
2(21/2 - 1) ∟ 0.83
• In other words, the CPU will be idle at least
17% of the time 51
Rate Monotonic scheduling example1
Process Execution Time Period
P1 1 3
P2 1 4
P3 2 5
Schedule the process given below using Earliest Deadline First(EDF)
scheduling policy. Compute the schedule for an interval equal to the least
common multiple of the process. Assume the time starts at t=0.
Rate Monotonic scheduling example2
Process Execution Time Period
P1 2 30
P2 4 40
P3 7 120
P4 5 60
P5 1 15
Schedule the process given below using Earliest Deadline First(EDF)
scheduling policy and Rate Monotonic Scheduling
Earliest Dead line first scheduling
• Earliest Deadline First (EDF) is a dynamic
priority algorithm
• The priority of a job is inversely proportional
to its absolute deadline;
• In other words, the highest priority job is the
one with the earliest deadline;
Earliest Dead line first scheduling
• Example
Execution Time Period
T1 1 4
T2 2 6
T3 3 8
Earliest Dead line first scheduling
• Observe that at time 6, even if the deadline of task
3 is very close, the scheduler decides to schedule
task 2.
• This is the main reason why T3 misses its deadline
Execution Time Period
T1 1 4
T2 2 6
T3 3 8
Earliest Dead line first scheduling
• Observe that at time 6, the problem does not
appear, as the earliest deadline job is
Shared Resources
• While dealing with shared resources, special
care must be taken
•Race Condition
•Critical Sections
Shared Resources
• Race Condition
– Consider the case in which an I/O device has a flag
that must be tested and modified by a process
– Problems may arise when other processes may
also want to access the device
– If combinations of events from the two task
operate on the device in the wrong order, we may
create a critical timing race or race condition
Shared Resources
• Critical Sections
– To prevent the race condition problems, we need to
control the order in which some operations occur
– We need to be sure that a task finishes an I/O
operations before allowing another task to starts its
own operation on that I/O device
– This is achieved by enclosing sensitive sections of code
in a critical section that executes without
Shared Resources
• Semaphores
– We create a critical section using semaphores,
which are primitive provided by the OS
– The semaphore is used to guard a resource
– we start a critical section by calling a semaphore
function that does no return until the resource is
– When we are done with the resource we use
another semaphore function to release it
P(); //wait for semaphore
//do protected work here
V(); //release semaphore
Priority Inversion
• A low priority process blocks execution of a
higher priority process by keeping hold of its
resource. This is Priority Inversion.
• This priority inversion is dealt with Priority
• In priority inheritance,
– Promotes the priority of the process temporarily
– The priority of the process becomes higher than that
of any other process that may use the resource.
– Once the process is finished with the resource, its
priority is demoted to its normal value.
• Inter-process communication mechanisms are
provided by the operating system as part of
the process abstraction.
• Two ways of communication
– Blocking Communication
• The process goes into waiting state until it receives a
– Non Blocking Communication
• It allows the process to continue execution after
sending the communication
• Four major styles of inter-process communication
– Shared Memory
– Message passing
– Signals
– Mailboxes
Shared Memory
• CPU and I/O device communicate through a
shared memory location
Message passing
• Each communicating entity has its own
message send/receive unit
• The message is stored in the senders/receivers
Message passing
• For example, a home control system has one
microcontroller per household device – lamp,
fan, and so on.
• The device must communicate relatively
• Their physical separation is large enough that
we would not naturally have a sharing a
central pool of memory
• Passing communication packets among the
device is a natural implementation of
communication in many 8 bit controllers
• Another form of inter-process communication
commonly used in Unix is Signal
• A signal is analogous to an interrupt, but it is
entirely a software creation
• A signal is generated by a process and
transmitted to another process by Operating
• It is a asynchronous communication
• Mailboxes have a fixed number of bits and can
be used for small messages
• We can also implement a mailbox using P()
and V() using main memory for the mailbox
• Mail box should contain two items:
– Message
– Mail ready Flag
void post(message *msg)
P(mailbox.sem); //wait for the mailbox
mailbox.flag =TRUE;
V(mailbox.sem) //release the mailbox
Boolean pickup(message *msg)
boolean pickup =False
P(mailbox.sem); //wait for the mailbox
mailbox.flag =FALSE;
V(mailbox.sem) //release the mailbox
return (pickup)
Evaluating Operating System Performance
 Context switches requires zero time
 Ignored interrupts
 Execution time of process is constant
 Ignored cache conflicts
Evaluating Operating System Performance
Context Switching Time
Interrupt Latency
Critical Section and interrupt latency
Interrupt priorities and interrupt latency
RTOS performance evaluation tools
Cache and RTOS performance
Power optimization strategies for processes
• The RTOS and system architecture can use
static and dynamic power management
• A power management policy is a strategy for
determining when to perform certain power
management operations
• It examines the state of the system to
determine when to take actions
Power optimization strategies for processes
• Power down trade offs
• Predictive power management
• Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
Power down trade offs
• Going in to low power mode takes time
• The more that is shut off, the longer the delay
incurred during restart
– Avoiding a power down mode can cost
unnecessary power
– Powering down too soon can cause severe
performance penalties
• The best method is to power up the system
when a request is received. This works as long
as the delay in handling the request is
Predictive Power Management
• Here, we predict when the next request will be made and
to start the system just before that time, saving the
requestor the startup time
• We guess about the activity patterns based on a
probabilistic model of expected behavior
• Because they relay on statistics, they may not always
correctly guess the time of next activity
• They can cause two types of problems
• The requestor may have to wait for an activity period
• The system may restart itself when no activity is imminent
Predictive Power Management
• A simple predictive technique is to use fixed
• For example, if a system does not receive inputs
during an interval of length TON, it shuts down
• A powered down system waits for a period TOFF
before returning to the power on mode
• The choice of TON and TOFF must be determined
by experimentations
L shaped distribution
• Srivastava and Eustace found one a graphic
terminal in which they plotted the observed
idle time (TOFF) of a graphics terminal versus
the immediately preceding active time (TON)
The idle period after a long active period is
usually very short and
the length of the idle period after a short active
period is uniformly distributed
Architecture of Power managed System
Service provider whose power is being managed
Service Requestor  making request of the power managed system
Queue  hold pending requests
Power manager  sends power management commands
Service Provider
Service Requestor
Power Manager
Advanced Configuration and Power
Interface (ACPI)
• The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
(ACPI) is an open industry standard for power
management services.
• It is designed to be compatible with a wide
variety of OSs.
• It was targeted initially to PCs.
• The OS has its own power management module
that determines the policy
• Then OS uses ACPI to send the required controls
to the hardware and to observe the hardware’s
state as input to the power manager.
Advanced Configuration and Power
Interface (ACPI)
• ACPI supports the following five basic global power
– G3, the mechanical off state, in which the system
consumes no power.
– G2, the soft off state, which requires a full OS reboot to
restore the machine to working condition. This state has
four sub states:
• S1, a low wake-up latency state with no loss of system context;
• S2, a low wake-up latency state with a loss of CPU and system
cache state;
• S3, a low wake-up latency state in which all system state except
for main memory is lost; and
• S4, the lowest-power sleeping state, in which all devices are
turned off.
– G1, the sleeping state, in which the system appears to be
off and the time required to return to working condition is
inversely proportional to power consumption.
– G0, the working state, in which the system is fully usable.83
Example of RTOS
• Windows CE
• Portable Operating System Interface
• POSIX.1 – Core services
• POSIX.1b – Real-time extensions
• POSIX.1c – Thread extensions
• POSIX is a version of Unix Operating system
• It is created by a standards organization
• POSIX-complaint operation system are source
code compatible
– (i.e) An application can be complied and run without
modification on a new POSIX
• Many RTOS are POSIX compliant and it serves as
a good model for basic RTOS techniques
• Two methods have been proposed to improve
interrupt latency
– Dual Kernel
• co-kernel for real time process and
• Standard kernel for non real time processes
– PREEMP_RT mode
• It provides priority inheritance to reduce the latency of
many kernel operations
Processes in POSIX
• In POSIX, a new process is created by making a
copy of an existing process
• The copying process creates two different
processes both running the same code
• The complication comes in ensuring that one
process runs the code intended for the new
process while the other process continues the
work of the old process
Processes in POSIX
• A process makes a copy of itself by calling
fork() function
• It creates a new child process which is exact
copy of parent process
• The both have the same code and the same
data values with one exceptions return
– Parent Process: returns the process ID of the child
– Child process: returns 0
childid = fork();
if (childid == 0)
/* Do the child process*/
Processes in POSIX
• It would be clumsy to have both processes have
all the code for both parent and child processes
• POSIX provides the exec facility for overloading
the code in a process
• It takes as argument the name of the file that
holds the child’s code and the array of arguments
• POSIX supports
– Semaphores
– Shared memory mechanism
– Message Queues
POSIX semaphores
• POSIX supports counting semaphores in the
• A Counting semaphore allows more than one
process to access a resource at a time
• If a semaphore allows up to to N resources,
then it will not block until N process have
simultaneously passed the semaphore
POSIX semaphores
• Names for the semaphore start with “/”
• sem_open() – To create a semaphore
• sem_close () – To destroy a semaphore
• sem_wait() – getting a semaphore
• sem_post() – releasing a semaphore
POSIX Shared Memory
• Shared memory functions create blocks of
memory that can be used by several processes
• shm_open()
• close()
• mmap()
• munmap()
POSIX Message Queues
• POSIX supports message queues
• No need to create a queue before creating a process
• mq_open() – to create named queue
• mq_close() – to destroy named queue
• mq_send() – to transmit a message
• mq_receive() – to receive a message
• mq_maxmsg() –Maximum number of messages
• mq_msgsize() – Maximum size of a message
Windows CE
• Windows CE supports devices such as
– smartphones,
– electronic instruction, etc.,
• Windows CE is designed to run on
– multiple hardware platforms and
– instruction set architectures
Windows CE Architecture
• Win32 API
– manage access to the operation system
Windows CE Architecture
• OEM Adaption Layer (OAL)
– provides an interface to the hardware
(OEM  Original Equipment Manufacturer)
Windows CE memory space
• Windows CE provides support for virtual
memory with a flat 32 bit virtual address
• Memory space is divided into kernel and user
Windows CE memory space
• User space is divided into
– System elements and
– User elements
Windows CE threads and drivers
• Windows CE supports two kernel-level units of
• Thread
– Threads are defined by executable files
– A process can run multiple threads
– All the threads of a process share the same execution
– Threads in different processes run in different
execution environment
– Threads are scheduled directly by the OS
• Driver
– Drivers are defined by dynamically linked libraries
– A driver may be loaded in to the OS or a process
– Drivers can create threads to handle interrupts 105
Windows CE Scheduling
• Each thread is assigned an integer priority
• Lower valued priorities have highest priority
• 0 is the highest priority and 255 is the lowest
• Task may be scheduled using either of two
– A thread can run until the end of its quantum (or)
– A thread can run until a higher priority thread is
ready to run
Windows CE Interrupts
• The Interrupt Service Handler (ISH) is a kernel
service that provides the first response to the
• The ISH selects an Interrupt Service Routine
(ISR) to handle the interrupt
• The ISH runs in the kernel with interrupts
turned off
• The ISR in turn calls An Interrupt Service
Thread (IST) which perform most of the work
required to handle the interrupt
Windows CE
1. Marilyn Wolf, “Computers as Components -
Principles of Embedded Computing System
Design”, Third Edition, Morgan Kaufmann
Publisher (An imprint from Elsevier), 2012.
2. Wayne Wolf, “Computers as Components -
Principles of Embedded Computer System
Design”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2nd Edition,

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Processes and operating systems

  • 2. Flow of syllabus • Introduction • Multiple tasks and multiple processes • Multirate systems • Preemptive real-time operating systems • Priority based scheduling • Interprocess communication mechanisms • Evaluating operating system performance • Power optimization strategies for processes • Example Real time operating systems – POSIX – Windows CE 2
  • 3. Multiple tasks and multiple processes Process Multiprogramming Multitasking Multiprocessing Multithreading 3
  • 4. Process A single execution of a program is called as Process. If we run the same program two different times, we have created two different processes. Each process has its own state that includes not only its registers but all of its memory. In some OSs, the memory management unit is used to keep each process in a separate address space. In others, particularly lightweight RTOSs, the processes run in the same address space. Processes that share the same address space are often called threads 4
  • 5. Multiprogramming Multiprogramming is also the ability of an operating system to execute more than one program on a single processor machine. More than one task/program/job/process can reside into the main memory at one point of time. A computer running excel and firefox browser simultaneously is an example of multiprogramming. 5
  • 6. Memory Layout for Multiprogramming System 6
  • 8. Multitasking Multitasking is the ability of an operating system to execute more than one task simultaneously on a single processor machine. Though we say so but in reality no two tasks on a single processor machine can be executed at the same time. Actually CPU switches from one task to the next task so quickly that appears as if all the tasks are executing at the same time. 8
  • 10. Multiprocessing Multiprocessing is the ability of an operating system to execute more than one process simultaneously on a multi processor machine. In this, a computer uses more than one CPU at a time. 10
  • 11. Multithread Threads are the light wait processes which are independent part of a process or program Processes that share the same address space are often called threads 11
  • 12. Multithread Multithreading is the ability of an operating system to execute the different parts of a program called threads at the same time. Threads are the light wait processes which are independent part of a process or program. In multithreading system, more than one threads are executed parallel on a single CPU. 12
  • 13. Threads vs Process Thread Process Thread is a single unit of execution and is part of process Process is a program in execution and contains one or more threads. A thread does not have its own data memory and heap memory. It shares the data memory and heap memory with other threads of the same process. Process has its own code memory, data memory and stack memory A thread cannot live independently; it lives within the process A process contains at least one thread Threads are very inexpensive to create Processes are very expensive to create. Involves many OS overhead Context switching is inexpensive and fast Context switching is complex and involves lot of OS overhead and is comparatively slower. If a thread expires, its stack is reclaimed by process If a process dies, the resources allocated to it are reclaimed by the OS and all the associated threads of the process also dies 13
  • 15. Multirate Systems In multirate systems, certain operation must be executed periodically and each operation is executed at its own rate Ex, Automobile engines, Printers, Cellphones 15
  • 16. Multirate Systems Timing Requirements on processes CPU Usage Metrics Process state and Scheduling Running Periodic processes 16
  • 17. Timing Requirements on processes Each process have several different types of timing requirements Timing requirements strongly influence the type of scheduling Scheduling policy must define the timing requirements that it uses to determine whether a schedule is valid 17
  • 18. Timing Requirements on processes Two important requirements on process : Initiation Time: Deadline Initiation Time: Process goes from waiting state to ready state Deadline It specifies when a computation must be finished 18
  • 19. Timing Requirements on processes 19
  • 20. Timing Requirements on processes 20
  • 21. Sequence of process with a high initiation rate Rate Requirement: it specifies how quickly processes must be initiated Period: It is the time between successive executions 21
  • 22. Jitter: Jitter is the delay between the time when task shall be started, and the time when the task is being started Missing a deadline: Variety of actions can be taken when missing a deadline 22
  • 23. Data Dependencies among process DAG: A directed acyclic graph (DAG) is a directed graph that contains no cycles A set of processes with data dependencies is known as a task graph 23
  • 24. Communication among processes at different rates 24
  • 25. CPU usage metrics The initiation time is the time at which a process actually starts executing on the CPU. The completion time is the time at which the process finishes its work. The most basic measure of work is the amount of CPU time expended by a process. The CPU time of process i is called Ci . CPU time is not equal to the completion time minus initiation time; several other processes may interrupt execution. 25
  • 26. CPU usage metrics The simplest and most direct measure is Utilization: Utilization is the ratio of the CPU time that is being used for useful computations to the total available CPU time. 26
  • 27. CPU usage metrics • This ratio ranges between 0 and 1, with 1 meaning that all of the available CPU time is being used for system purposes. • The utilization is often expressed as a percentage. • If we measure the total execution time of all processes over an interval of time t, then the CPU utilization is 27
  • 28. Process State and Scheduling • The work of choosing the order of running processes is known as scheduling • Scheduling States • Waiting • Ready • Executing 28
  • 29. Running Periodic Process While Loop Multiple Timers 29
  • 30. Pre-emptive real-time operating systems • Preemptive real time operation system solves the fundamental problems of cooperative multitasking system • A RTOS executes processes based upon timing constraints provided by the system designer. • The most reliable way to meet timing constraints accurately is to build a preemptive OS and to use priorities to control what process runs at any given time 30
  • 31. Preemptive real-time operating systems • Two Important Methods – Preemption – Priorities • Process and Context • Processes and Object Oriented Design 31
  • 32. Preemption • Pre-emption is an alternative to the C function call as a way to control execution • Creating new routines that allow us to jump from one subroutine to another at any point in the program 32
  • 33. Pre-emption • The kernel is the part of the OS that determines what process is running Length of the timer period is known as Time Quantum 33
  • 34. Context Switching • The set of registers that defines a process is known as context • The switching from one process’s register set to another is known as context switching • The data structure that holds the state of process is known as record 34
  • 35. Process Priorities • Each process is assigned with the numerical priority • Kernel simply look at the processes and their priorities and select the highest priority process that is ready to run 35
  • 36. Process and Context • A process is known as as a task • Lets assume that , everything has been initialized, the operating system is running and we are ready for a timer interrupt 36
  • 40. Process and Object oriented design • UML often refers to processes as active objects, that is, objects that have independent threads of control. • The class that defines an active object is known as an active class. • It has all the normal characteristics of a class, including a name, attributes and operations. • It also provides a set of signals that can be used to communicate with the process. 40
  • 41. Process and Object oriented design • It is a simple collaboration diagram in which an object is used as an interface between two processes 41
  • 42. Priority Based Scheduling • Round-Robin Scheduling • Process Priorities • Rate Monotonic Scheduling • Earliest Deadline first scheduling • Shared Resources • Priority Inversion 42
  • 43. Round-Robin Scheduling • Round Robin is the pre-emptive process scheduling algorithm. • Each process is provided a fix time to execute, it is called a quantum. • Once a process is executed for a given time period, it is preempted and other process executes for a given time period. • Context switching is used to save states of preempted processes. 43
  • 46. Process Priorities • Priority scheduling is a non-preemptive algorithm and one of the most common scheduling algorithms in batch systems. • Each process is assigned a priority. Process with highest priority is to be executed first and so on. • Processes with same priority are executed on first come first served basis. • Priority can be decided based on memory requirements, time requirements or any other resource requirement. 46
  • 48. Rate Monotonic scheduling • Rate-monotonic scheduling (RMS), introduced by Liu and Layland • It is one of the first scheduling policies developed for real-time systems and is still very widely used • Rate Monotonic Scheduling (RMS) assigns task priorities in the order of the highest task frequencies, i.e. the shortest periodic task gets the highest priority, then the next with the shortest period get the second highest priority, and so on. 48
  • 49. Rate Monotonic scheduling • This model uses a relatively simple model of the system – All processes run periodically on a single CPU. – Context switching time is ignored. – There are no data dependencies between processes. – The execution time for a process is constant. – All deadlines are at the ends of their periods. – The highest-priority ready process is always selected for execution. 49
  • 51. Rate Monotonic scheduling • The fraction is the fraction of time that the CPU spends executing task i. • It is possible to show that for a set of two tasks under RMS scheduling, the CPU utilization U will be no greater than 2(21/2 - 1) ∟ 0.83 • In other words, the CPU will be idle at least 17% of the time 51
  • 52. Rate Monotonic scheduling example1 Process Execution Time Period P1 1 3 P2 1 4 P3 2 5 Schedule the process given below using Earliest Deadline First(EDF) scheduling policy. Compute the schedule for an interval equal to the least common multiple of the process. Assume the time starts at t=0. 52
  • 53. Rate Monotonic scheduling example2 Process Execution Time Period P1 2 30 P2 4 40 P3 7 120 P4 5 60 P5 1 15 Schedule the process given below using Earliest Deadline First(EDF) scheduling policy and Rate Monotonic Scheduling 53
  • 54. Earliest Dead line first scheduling • Earliest Deadline First (EDF) is a dynamic priority algorithm • The priority of a job is inversely proportional to its absolute deadline; • In other words, the highest priority job is the one with the earliest deadline; 54
  • 55. Earliest Dead line first scheduling • Example Execution Time Period T1 1 4 T2 2 6 T3 3 8 55
  • 56. Earliest Dead line first scheduling • Observe that at time 6, even if the deadline of task 3 is very close, the scheduler decides to schedule task 2. • This is the main reason why T3 misses its deadline Execution Time Period T1 1 4 T2 2 6 T3 3 8 56
  • 57. Earliest Dead line first scheduling • Observe that at time 6, the problem does not appear, as the earliest deadline job is executed. 57
  • 58. Shared Resources • While dealing with shared resources, special care must be taken •Race Condition •Critical Sections •Semaphores 58
  • 59. Shared Resources • Race Condition – Consider the case in which an I/O device has a flag that must be tested and modified by a process – Problems may arise when other processes may also want to access the device – If combinations of events from the two task operate on the device in the wrong order, we may create a critical timing race or race condition 59
  • 60. Shared Resources • Critical Sections – To prevent the race condition problems, we need to control the order in which some operations occur – We need to be sure that a task finishes an I/O operations before allowing another task to starts its own operation on that I/O device – This is achieved by enclosing sensitive sections of code in a critical section that executes without interruption 60
  • 61. Shared Resources • Semaphores – We create a critical section using semaphores, which are primitive provided by the OS – The semaphore is used to guard a resource – we start a critical section by calling a semaphore function that does no return until the resource is available – When we are done with the resource we use another semaphore function to release it P(); //wait for semaphore //do protected work here V(); //release semaphore 61
  • 62. Priority Inversion • A low priority process blocks execution of a higher priority process by keeping hold of its resource. This is Priority Inversion. • This priority inversion is dealt with Priority Inheritance • In priority inheritance, – Promotes the priority of the process temporarily – The priority of the process becomes higher than that of any other process that may use the resource. – Once the process is finished with the resource, its priority is demoted to its normal value. 62
  • 63. INTERPROCESS COMMUNICATION MECHANISMS • Inter-process communication mechanisms are provided by the operating system as part of the process abstraction. • Two ways of communication – Blocking Communication • The process goes into waiting state until it receives a response – Non Blocking Communication • It allows the process to continue execution after sending the communication 63
  • 64. INTERPROCESS COMMUNICATION MECHANISMS • Four major styles of inter-process communication – Shared Memory – Message passing – Signals – Mailboxes 64
  • 65. Shared Memory • CPU and I/O device communicate through a shared memory location 65
  • 66. Message passing • Each communicating entity has its own message send/receive unit • The message is stored in the senders/receivers endpoints 66
  • 67. Message passing • For example, a home control system has one microcontroller per household device – lamp, fan, and so on. • The device must communicate relatively infrequently • Their physical separation is large enough that we would not naturally have a sharing a central pool of memory • Passing communication packets among the device is a natural implementation of communication in many 8 bit controllers 67
  • 68. Signals • Another form of inter-process communication commonly used in Unix is Signal • A signal is analogous to an interrupt, but it is entirely a software creation • A signal is generated by a process and transmitted to another process by Operating System 68
  • 69. Mailboxes • It is a asynchronous communication • Mailboxes have a fixed number of bits and can be used for small messages • We can also implement a mailbox using P() and V() using main memory for the mailbox storage • Mail box should contain two items: – Message – Mail ready Flag 69
  • 70. Mailboxes void post(message *msg) { P(mailbox.sem); //wait for the mailbox copy(; mailbox.flag =TRUE; V(mailbox.sem) //release the mailbox } 70
  • 71. Mailboxes Boolean pickup(message *msg) { boolean pickup =False P(mailbox.sem); //wait for the mailbox pickup=mailbox.flag; mailbox.flag =FALSE; copy(; V(mailbox.sem) //release the mailbox return (pickup) } 71
  • 72. Evaluating Operating System Performance Assumption  Context switches requires zero time  Ignored interrupts  Execution time of process is constant  Ignored cache conflicts 72
  • 73. Evaluating Operating System Performance Context Switching Time Interrupt Latency Critical Section and interrupt latency Interrupt priorities and interrupt latency RTOS performance evaluation tools Cache and RTOS performance 73
  • 74. Power optimization strategies for processes • The RTOS and system architecture can use static and dynamic power management mechanism • A power management policy is a strategy for determining when to perform certain power management operations • It examines the state of the system to determine when to take actions 74
  • 75. Power optimization strategies for processes • Power down trade offs • Predictive power management • Advanced Configuration and Power Interface 75
  • 76. Power down trade offs • Going in to low power mode takes time • The more that is shut off, the longer the delay incurred during restart – Avoiding a power down mode can cost unnecessary power – Powering down too soon can cause severe performance penalties • The best method is to power up the system when a request is received. This works as long as the delay in handling the request is acceptable. 76
  • 77. Predictive Power Management • Here, we predict when the next request will be made and to start the system just before that time, saving the requestor the startup time • We guess about the activity patterns based on a probabilistic model of expected behavior • Because they relay on statistics, they may not always correctly guess the time of next activity • They can cause two types of problems • The requestor may have to wait for an activity period • The system may restart itself when no activity is imminent 77
  • 78. Predictive Power Management • A simple predictive technique is to use fixed times • For example, if a system does not receive inputs during an interval of length TON, it shuts down • A powered down system waits for a period TOFF before returning to the power on mode • The choice of TON and TOFF must be determined by experimentations 78
  • 79. L shaped distribution • Srivastava and Eustace found one a graphic terminal in which they plotted the observed idle time (TOFF) of a graphics terminal versus the immediately preceding active time (TON) The idle period after a long active period is usually very short and the length of the idle period after a short active period is uniformly distributed 79
  • 80. Architecture of Power managed System Service provider whose power is being managed Service Requestor  making request of the power managed system Queue  hold pending requests Power manager  sends power management commands Service Provider Queue Service Requestor Power Manager Request 80
  • 81. Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) • The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) is an open industry standard for power management services. • It is designed to be compatible with a wide variety of OSs. • It was targeted initially to PCs. • The OS has its own power management module that determines the policy • Then OS uses ACPI to send the required controls to the hardware and to observe the hardware’s state as input to the power manager. 81
  • 82. Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) 82
  • 83. (ACPI) • ACPI supports the following five basic global power states: – G3, the mechanical off state, in which the system consumes no power. – G2, the soft off state, which requires a full OS reboot to restore the machine to working condition. This state has four sub states: • S1, a low wake-up latency state with no loss of system context; • S2, a low wake-up latency state with a loss of CPU and system cache state; • S3, a low wake-up latency state in which all system state except for main memory is lost; and • S4, the lowest-power sleeping state, in which all devices are turned off. – G1, the sleeping state, in which the system appears to be off and the time required to return to working condition is inversely proportional to power consumption. – G0, the working state, in which the system is fully usable.83
  • 84. Example of RTOS • POSIX • Windows CE 84
  • 85. POSIX • Portable Operating System Interface • POSIX.1 – Core services • POSIX.1b – Real-time extensions • POSIX.1c – Thread extensions 85
  • 86. POSIX • POSIX is a version of Unix Operating system • It is created by a standards organization • POSIX-complaint operation system are source code compatible – (i.e) An application can be complied and run without modification on a new POSIX • Many RTOS are POSIX compliant and it serves as a good model for basic RTOS techniques 86
  • 87. POSIX • Two methods have been proposed to improve interrupt latency – Dual Kernel • co-kernel for real time process and • Standard kernel for non real time processes – PREEMP_RT mode • It provides priority inheritance to reduce the latency of many kernel operations 87
  • 89. Processes in POSIX • In POSIX, a new process is created by making a copy of an existing process • The copying process creates two different processes both running the same code • The complication comes in ensuring that one process runs the code intended for the new process while the other process continues the work of the old process 89
  • 90. Processes in POSIX • A process makes a copy of itself by calling fork() function • It creates a new child process which is exact copy of parent process • The both have the same code and the same data values with one exceptions return value – Parent Process: returns the process ID of the child process – Child process: returns 0 90
  • 91. POSIX fork() childid = fork(); if (childid == 0) { /* Do the child process*/ } 91
  • 92. Processes in POSIX • It would be clumsy to have both processes have all the code for both parent and child processes • POSIX provides the exec facility for overloading the code in a process • It takes as argument the name of the file that holds the child’s code and the array of arguments 92
  • 93. POSIX • POSIX supports – Semaphores – Shared memory mechanism – Message Queues 95
  • 94. POSIX semaphores • POSIX supports counting semaphores in the _POSIX_SEMAPHORES option • A Counting semaphore allows more than one process to access a resource at a time • If a semaphore allows up to to N resources, then it will not block until N process have simultaneously passed the semaphore 96
  • 95. POSIX semaphores • Names for the semaphore start with “/” • sem_open() – To create a semaphore • sem_close () – To destroy a semaphore • sem_wait() – getting a semaphore • sem_post() – releasing a semaphore 97
  • 96. POSIX Shared Memory • Shared memory functions create blocks of memory that can be used by several processes • shm_open() • close() • mmap() • munmap() 98
  • 97. POSIX Message Queues • POSIX supports message queues • No need to create a queue before creating a process • mq_open() – to create named queue • mq_close() – to destroy named queue • mq_send() – to transmit a message • mq_receive() – to receive a message • mq_maxmsg() –Maximum number of messages • mq_msgsize() – Maximum size of a message 99
  • 98. Windows CE • Windows CE supports devices such as – smartphones, – electronic instruction, etc., • Windows CE is designed to run on – multiple hardware platforms and – instruction set architectures 100
  • 99. Windows CE Architecture • Win32 API – manage access to the operation system 101
  • 100. Windows CE Architecture • OEM Adaption Layer (OAL) – provides an interface to the hardware (OEM  Original Equipment Manufacturer) 102
  • 101. Windows CE memory space • Windows CE provides support for virtual memory with a flat 32 bit virtual address space • Memory space is divided into kernel and user space 103
  • 102. Windows CE memory space • User space is divided into – System elements and – User elements 104
  • 103. Windows CE threads and drivers • Windows CE supports two kernel-level units of execution • Thread – Threads are defined by executable files – A process can run multiple threads – All the threads of a process share the same execution environment – Threads in different processes run in different execution environment – Threads are scheduled directly by the OS • Driver – Drivers are defined by dynamically linked libraries (DLL) – A driver may be loaded in to the OS or a process – Drivers can create threads to handle interrupts 105
  • 104. Windows CE Scheduling • Each thread is assigned an integer priority • Lower valued priorities have highest priority • 0 is the highest priority and 255 is the lowest • Task may be scheduled using either of two policies – A thread can run until the end of its quantum (or) – A thread can run until a higher priority thread is ready to run 106
  • 105. Windows CE Interrupts • The Interrupt Service Handler (ISH) is a kernel service that provides the first response to the interrupt • The ISH selects an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) to handle the interrupt • The ISH runs in the kernel with interrupts turned off • The ISR in turn calls An Interrupt Service Thread (IST) which perform most of the work required to handle the interrupt 107
  • 107. Reference 1. Marilyn Wolf, “Computers as Components - Principles of Embedded Computing System Design”, Third Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publisher (An imprint from Elsevier), 2012. 2. Wayne Wolf, “Computers as Components - Principles of Embedded Computer System Design”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2nd Edition, 2008. 109