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Основные этапы детского развития Эулалия Хуан  Пастор .   Логопед   и детский аудиолог . Milestones in child development Eulalia Juan.Speech pathologist & pediatric audiologist
Цели   Objectives ,[object Object],[object Object],Know the basics of infant development and warning signs in motor development.  Know the physical and motor characteristics of a child between zero and three years.
Рождение и первые месяцы  Birth and first months   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Birth and first months -  After childbirth, the infant needs to adapt to a new situation. This must be done fast. -  The child has gained independence from the mother. All functions: respiratory, circulatory, digestive and temperature regulation,are performed independently from the mother.
Оценка ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Evaluation Apgar test It scores newborn’s vitality. It is rated 1 and 5 minutes after birth, and sometimes, 10 minutes afterwards.  Five parameters are examined:  heart rate  (determining heart beat frequency),  breathing  (difficulty when breathing),  muscular tone  (strength of movement),  reflexes  (inducing the sneezing reflex),  color  (rosy, bluish or pale).  The maximum score is 10. When the score at one of the times is very low, some kind of medical intervention may be indicated.
Рефлексы новорожденного ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Reflexes of a newborn The following reflexes are normal in a newborn: Moro reflex.  This reflex occurs when the infant’s head moves quickly or falls back, or when a strong noise scares the infant. The infant reacts by stretching out arms, legs and neck. Then he/she quickly joins his/her arms together.  He/she may cry when doing so. This reflex must disappear after two months. Sucking reflex.  It is the reflex of looking for his/her mother's breast. When you touch the infant’s cheek gently with your finger, the infant will turn his/her head towards the finger. This reflex lasts three to four months. Grasping reflex.  The infant will grasp anything in the palm of his/her hand and will close the fist. This reflex lasts five to six months. Walking reflex.  When you hold the infant underneath the arms and on a hard surface, he/she will take little steps. This reflex normally lasts a couple of months.
Календарь физического развития новорожденного   Рис.1: Календарь физического развития новорожденного ©Josep A. Pérez CastellóUIB.  Поведение Описание Возраст Контроль головы  Держать голову прямо  3-4  месяца Координация глаза-рука  Координация между глазами и рукой для возможности точно ухватывать предметы  3-4  месяца Позиция сидения  С поддержкой  Без поддержки 4-5  месяцев 6-7  месяцев Ползание  Передвигаться на четвереньках  Около  8  месяцев Стоять в вертикальном положении  С поддержкой  Без поддержки 9-10  месяцев 12  месяцев Ходить  С поддержкой  Без поддержки 11-12  месяцев 12-14  месяцев
Calendar of acquisition of some of the main postures   Figure 1. Calendar of acquisition of main postures. © Josep A. Pérez Castelló UIB Behavior Description Age Control of the head Holding the head straight in line with trunk 3-4 months Eye-hand coordination Coordination between eye and hand to precisely grab objects 3-4 months Sitting position With support Without support 4-5 months 6-7 months Crawling Moving on hands and knees At around 8 months Standing up With support Without support 9-10 months 12 months Walk With support Without support 11-12 months 12-14 months
Двигательное развитие ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Motor development Development laws: Cephalo-Caudal Law:  Body parts closer to the head, from top to bottom (arms before legs), are controlled first. Proximo-Distal Law:  Body parts closer to the body axis are controlled first (arm, wrist, hand.) Progression of posture control (according to these laws.) 3 months: control of the head 3 months: rolling over him/herself. 3 ½ months: grasping big objects. 4 months: hand-eye coordination. No arm shacking or slaps. 6 months: sitting without support. 7 months: accurate grasping and groping. 8 months: crawling and dragging. 10 months: standing up and moving with support. 12−14 months: start to walk without support.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Двигательное развитие Motor development The child between one and two years of age Discovering stairs. First, helped, then, gradually by his/her own. 14 months: builds a two-cube tower. Pushing an infant-walker to walk. Playing ball with hands and feet. Doodling and matching pieces, throwing and collecting. Tireless to play once and again. Starting to eat by him/herself. At two, he/she grabs a cup by the handle and drinks on his/her own.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Двигательное развитие Motor development The child between two and three years of age Pedaling a tricycle. Going up the stairs with one foot at a time, and then going down. Dressing and undressing (simple clothes, no buttons or zippers.) Eating by his/her own without (barely) getting dirty. Drawing, doodling, drawing lines and circles. Controlling the sphincter (first during the day, then during the night.)
Тревожные сигналы в психомоторном развитии  Психомоторное развитие ребенка и его оценка в первичном уходе и медицинской помощи   (SIGNOS DE ALERTA EN EL DESARROLLO PSICOMOTOR A. Iceta1, M.E. Yoldi2. ANALES Sis San Navarra 2002, Vol. 25, Suplemento 2) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],-  Первый месяц жизни Устойчивая возбудимость  Нарушение сосания  Неспособность зафиксировать взгляд на короткое время.  Отсутствие реакции на шумы и звуки.  -  Второй месяц жизни Сохранение возбудимости.  Чрезмерный испуг при звуковых раздражителях.  Аддукция большого пальца рук.  Отсутствие социальной улыбки.  -  Третий месяц жизни Ассиметрия движений рук  Неспособность следить глазами за предметом.  Не способен держать голову.  -  Четвертый месяц жизни Чрезмерная пассивность.  Сжатые кулачки.  Гипертония приводящих мышц (аддукторов) (угол меньше 90º).  -  Шестой месяц жизни Гипертония конечностей и гипотония мускулов шеи и торса.  Неумение переворачиваться.  Сохранение рефлекса Моро.  Не может сесть с поддержкой.  Не умеет сам взять предмет в руки.
WARNING SIGNS DURING THE PSYCHOMOTOR DEVELOPMENT Psychomotor development of the child and its evaluation in primary Care A. Iceta1, M.E. Yoldi2.  ANALES Sis San Navarra 2002, Vol. 25, Suplemento 2 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Игра ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Playing The importance of playing: Learning about his/her world. Learning to do things. Solving problems. Learning about feelings. Gaining confidence. Becoming stronger. Socializing (sharing and taking turns to do things.)
Игра и возраст   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Game and age 0-9 months Talking and singing to the infant. It helps him/her to learn how to talk and understand words.  The child learns by touching and feeling objects. You should give him/her safe toys and objects: stuffed animals, rattles, spoons.  Let the infant play on his/her stomach for a while every day. This is how he/she will learn to hold his/her head.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Игра и возраст   Game und age 9-18 months   Tell tales or read simple tale books. Alternatively, create a notebook with clippings. Point to pictures.  Doodle. Let the infant doodle on paper with non-toxic wax crayons. Songs and rhymes. Water toy. Piling up cubes. Fill a box with different (safe) objects and fabric bits.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Игра и возраст Game and age 18 months to two ½ years Dressing up. Painting with his/her fingers. Cardboard boxes to build up towers or little houses to play. Word games. Balls to throw, bounce and kick.
Когнитивное развитие ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Cognitive development Senses   Development of each sense individually from the first days: - Vision  is the least developed sense in an infant. However, the infant can see significantly better than we thought some years ago. - Hearing  The quality of hearing is better than seeing. It can be said that babies’ hearing is similar to that of adults, although it improves during development. - The other senses Feeling, tasting and smelling have not been studied as in-depth as seeing and hearing. Feeling is extremely developed in babies. But taste is not perfect in an infant, although it is known to work roughly. Smelling is slightly better than tasting, especially when the infant is used to a smell.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],  Когнитивное развитие   Cognitiv development SIGHT Babies can focus at an approximate distance of 20 to 70 cm.  Their sight at a distance is bad and blurry. Babies are programmed to see at a distance where mother-child exchanges take place.  After a year, an infant can focus on the same distances an adult can. Two reasons explain this improvement: The eye structures that enable a correct focus (lens and ciliary body) have improved, and the brain structures in charge of sight have matured. Babies have no sense of depth during the first months. Binocular sight is not developed until the third month. This skill matures when the infant starts crawling. By 8-12 weeks they should start following with their eyes people or moving objects. At first, infants have to move their whole head to move their eyes, but by 2-4 months they should start moving their eyes independently with much less head movement. Colors are present since birth. At four or five months, they can tell apart most of the usual colors. Babies prefer stimuli with a contrast rather than plain stimuli.  Babies have a favorite: the human face. Babies can spend many minutes looking at their mother's face while they are playing with her.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],  Когнитивное развитие   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Сигналы тревоги касательно потери слуха  ( заимствовано у С.Бурдо, Центр КИ, г.Варезе) -  Между 12-м и 18-м месяцами жизни: Не выполняет простые поручения.  Не использует регулярно слова, которые знает.  Словарный запас меньше 10-15 слов.  Не говорит „мама“ или „папа“.  Не показывает на известные ему предметы и людей, когда они называются. Не называет известные предметы.  -  От 18 до 24 месяцев: Не понимает простые вопросы и не может ответить „да“ или „нет“.  Не понимает простых предложений.  Не показывает на картинки, когда его спрашивают.  Не проявляет интереса к рассказам.  Не понимает простых поручений, когда не используются жесты. Не отзывается на свое имя.  Не умеет составлять двусложные предложения.  Не знает названий частей тела.  -  От 24 до 36 месяцев: Ребенок не понимает слов „не сейчас“ и „нет“.  Не может выбрать предметы по размеру „маленький“ – „большой“.  Не понимает большинство глаголов, обозначающих действия. Говорит слова неразборчиво. Не повторяет предложений. Не отвечает на простые вопросы.
Warning signs for hearing loss   (Adapted from S. Burdo.Varese CI Center) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Коммуникация и развитие речи ,[object Object],Communication and language development Language acquisition and development are important milestones in human development. The most important milestones in language development for a child up to three years old will be identified in this chapter. We have an interest in studying in depth what encourages this development the most: the relationship between hearing and language and family-infant interactions
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Коммуникация и развитие речи Preverbal language evolution a) From birth. During this period, the goal of mother-child encounters is to regulate biological aspects essential for the infant’s survival. During the first weeks, this translates in regulating eating, sleeping and activity processes. b) From two to five months Around two months of age babies discover social mates. During the following months, they show special interest to interact with other people, namely parents, siblings or other people. In this way, infant-adult “face-to-face” relationships are established.  c) From five to eight months At around five months, children become interested in the world of objects. They enjoy exploring the world, and they do it through handling and looking. d) From eight to eighteen months Child-adult interactions are more symmetrical. What Schaeffer (1989) calls “the concept of dialogue” appears now. This means the child can talk to an adult about things of the world. He/She can do so more independently and initiating conversation him/herself
[object Object],Коммуникация и развитие речи ,[object Object],[object Object],Language up to three years of age a) From birth to two months of age Since birth, children are predisposed to perceive speech. Thanks to this, they are able to differentiate sounds making words—except for those children presenting congenital hearing losses. Children can tell apart syllables, intonation and so on. The ability to perceive speech at such an early age allows language to develop fast. Children can understand most phonemes in their language from a very early age. In spite of not comprehending the meaning behind sounds, children start producing them very soon.  During the first two month, children just cry, shout, moan and sometimes laugh. However, these sounds are not characteristic of speech. They are only physiological productions. Still, they are the first sounds a child produces.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Коммуникация и развитие речи b) From two to six months New sounds appear. Old sounds must be strengthened and broadened: new shouts, murmuring, vocal sounds, etc. These sounds normally are true vocalizations mainly made up of vocals. These new sounds are the step previous to what is known as “babbling.”  During this period there seem to be no differences between productions from a normal hearing infant and an infant with a hearing loss. c) From six to ten months The infant starts babbling. Babbling are vocal and consonant sounds repeated in syllables (ma-ma-ma, pa- pa- pa, da- da- da.) The first babbles are called “reduplicated babbling,” since the child just repeats the same syllable. This is an essential phase: as babbling progresses, parents are motivated by their first interactions with their infant. They imitate his/her productions and give them a meaning. In short, a certain “dialogue” is produced.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Коммуникация и развитие языка и речи   Communication and language development
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],оммуникация и развитие языка и речи   Communication and language development
Базовые критерии для глухих и слабослышащих детей, прошедших раннее слухопротезирование Автор: Бетси Муг Брукс, магистр наук, координатор программы школы и семьи в Центре Муга по образованию для глухих и слабослышащих  Переработан для проекта HICEN ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Benchmarks for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Children with Early Amplification by Betsy Moog Brooks, M.S. Coordinator of the Family School Program  at the Moog Center for Deaf Education. Adapted to the HICEN Project   EARLY AMPLIFICATION: WHAT TO EXPECT ,[object Object],[object Object],Factors which may affect the child's potential to reach such high goals: * Normal intelligence * Be a consistent wearer of her implant * No concerns in relation to speech or oral motor skills * Appropriate amplification, specifically well-fitted hearing aids  and/or an appropriate MAP if a cochlear implant user
Личность и развитие эмоци й   Development of emotional aspects and personality ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Личность и развитие эмоци й   Development of emotional aspects and personality
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Личность и развитие эмоци й   Development of emotional aspects and personality
Развитие восприятия музыки ( Дамиан Ллопис)   Development of musical perception (by Damian Llopis) ,[object Object],[object Object]
Развития музыкального восприятия  (Дамиан Ллопис)   Development of musical perception (by Damian Llopis) ,[object Object],[object Object],0-1 Реагирует на звуки. 1-2 Спонтанно производит музыку. 2-3 Начинает воспроизводить фразы услышанных песен.  3-4 Понимает общий план мелодии. Может развить абсолютный слух, если начнет учиться играть на музыкальном инструменте.  4-5 Может различать высотный регистр и через имитацию воспроизводить простые ритмы.  5-6 Понимает „громко“ и „тихо“, может отличать идентичность и разность мелодий или простых ритмов.
Развития музыкального восприятия  (Дамиан Ллопис)   Development of musical perception (by Damian Llopis) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Development of musical perception (by Damian Llopis) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Спасибо за внимание Thank you ,[object Object],[object Object]

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Cochlear ImplantsCochlear Implants
Cochlear Implants
Hearing with two ears is better than with one - Dr. Dr. h. c. Monika Lehnhardt
Hearing with two ears is better than with one - Dr. Dr. h. c. Monika LehnhardtHearing with two ears is better than with one - Dr. Dr. h. c. Monika Lehnhardt
Hearing with two ears is better than with one - Dr. Dr. h. c. Monika Lehnhardt
Rehabilitation through remote fitting in the Muenster hearing implant center ...
Rehabilitation through remote fitting in the Muenster hearing implant center ...Rehabilitation through remote fitting in the Muenster hearing implant center ...
Rehabilitation through remote fitting in the Muenster hearing implant center ...
The auditory-verbal-therapy for CWHI
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The auditory-verbal-therapy for CWHI
Habilitation for hearing loss
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Cochlear implant
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Cochlear implant
Presurgery rehabilitation for deaf children - Dr. Sandro Burdo
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Listening comprehension
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Listening comprehension
Cochlear Implantation Process, Performance, and Culture
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Cochlear Implantation Process, Performance, and Culture
Cochlear implants
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Milestones in child development

  • 1. Основные этапы детского развития Эулалия Хуан Пастор . Логопед и детский аудиолог . Milestones in child development Eulalia Juan.Speech pathologist & pediatric audiologist
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  • 6. Календарь физического развития новорожденного Рис.1: Календарь физического развития новорожденного ©Josep A. Pérez CastellóUIB. Поведение Описание Возраст Контроль головы Держать голову прямо 3-4 месяца Координация глаза-рука Координация между глазами и рукой для возможности точно ухватывать предметы 3-4 месяца Позиция сидения С поддержкой Без поддержки 4-5 месяцев 6-7 месяцев Ползание Передвигаться на четвереньках Около 8 месяцев Стоять в вертикальном положении С поддержкой Без поддержки 9-10 месяцев 12 месяцев Ходить С поддержкой Без поддержки 11-12 месяцев 12-14 месяцев
  • 7. Calendar of acquisition of some of the main postures Figure 1. Calendar of acquisition of main postures. © Josep A. Pérez Castelló UIB Behavior Description Age Control of the head Holding the head straight in line with trunk 3-4 months Eye-hand coordination Coordination between eye and hand to precisely grab objects 3-4 months Sitting position With support Without support 4-5 months 6-7 months Crawling Moving on hands and knees At around 8 months Standing up With support Without support 9-10 months 12 months Walk With support Without support 11-12 months 12-14 months
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