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IBM Research: Computing as a Service 
Combinatorial Problem Solving in C10 
How to write programmable solvers declaratively 
Vijay Saraswat 
IBM TJ Watson 
Sep 9, 2014 
© 2005 IBM Corporation Computing as a Service 1
CCP Research Programmes 
Logic Programming 
 In the early 80s, Colmerauer / 
Kowalski and colleagues developed 
definite clause logic programming 
based on a procedural interpretation 
of proofs (“right hand side” 
computation, backward chaining) 
– Operationally one gets non-deterministic 
user-defined recursive 
procedures, accumulating constraints 
over Herbrand terms. 
– Logically, given an atom p(X1, …, Xn), 
the system generates bindings X1=t1, 
…, Xn=tn sufficient to establish the truth 
of the atom, given the program 
– Multiple (implicitly disjunctive) answers 
may be returned. 
conjunction disjunction 
© 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 
(Goal) G ::= H|G,G|G;G 
(Program) P ::= H:-G|P,P 
(Atom) H ::= p(t1,…,tn) 
X1=t1, …, Xn=tn ?- p(X1,…,Xn) 
Answer returned by Query posed by user 
CCP Research Programmes 
Prolog 3 and Constraint Logic Programming 
 At POPL 87, Jaffar and Lassez 
showed how this framework could 
be extended to (essentially) arbitrary 
constraints, implemented by an 
embedded (black box) constraint 
– Atomic formulas drawn from some 
underlying constraint theory (over a 
vocabulary disjoint from the user-defined 
predicates E) 
 CLP(R) is an exemplar, permitting 
linear arithmetic constraints over R. 
 Prolog III can also be viewed as an 
instance, over a different, rich 
constraint system 
© 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 
G ::= c 
c1, …, ck ?- p(X1,…,Xn)
CCP Research Programmes 
However, … 
 This framework is not flexible 
enough to permit the user to specify 
propagation rules, or search 
strategies in logic. 
 Often constraint solvers are 
incomplete, or highly combinatorial 
and user-defined propagation rules 
are critical (cf cc(FD)) 
 Similarly often critical are search 
strategies, e.g. run all propagation 
rules, then expand (non-deterministically) 
the atom with the 
fewest choices left (cf CHIP) 
IBM © 2009 IBM Corporation 4 
X in {1,2,3}, X!=Y, Y=2 
?- X in {1,3}
CCP Research Programmes 
Claim: (Timed) CCP provides that framework 
 Concurrent Constraint Programming is a 
logical framework based, dually, on the 
notion of Agents, not Goals, on “left hand 
side” computation (“forward chaining”) 
 Operationally one gets non-deterministic 
user-defined recursive procedures, 
accumulating constraints in a shared 
 Implicative agents (if c D) trigger on the 
presence of a constraint c in the store, 
and take further actions. 
(Agent) D ::= E|c|D,D 
|D;D|if c D 
(Program) P ::= E-:D|P,P 
(Atom) E ::= p(t1,…,tn) 
p(X1,…,Xn) ?- c1 ; … ; ck 
Entailed constraints 
determined by 
Agent proposed by 
 Disjunction is “angelic” – on the LHS, if B 
entails A, then (A;B) is identical to A, i.e 
IBM the more general solution (A) is kept. 
© 2009 IBM Corporation 5 
X in {1,2,3}, X!=Y, Y=2 
?- X in {1,3}
CCP Research Programmes 
Example: Map Coloring 
© 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 
is specializable to individual backend solvers, so they can control what form constraints end 
up in. In particular, MiniZinc allows the specification of global constraints by decomposition. 
2 Basic Modelling in MiniZinc 
In this section we introduce the basic structure of a MiniZinc model using two simple exam-ples. 
2.1 Our First Example 
Figure 1: Australian states. 
As our first example, imagine that we wish to colour a map of Australia as shown in 
Figure 1. It is made up of seven different states and territories each of which must be given 
a colour so that adjacent regions have different colours. 
We can model this problem very easily in MiniZinc. The model is shown in Figure 2. The 
first line in the model is a comment. A comment starts with a ‘%’ which indicates that the 
rest of the line is a comment. MiniZinc has no begin/ end comment symbols (such as C’s / * 
and * / comments). 
The next part of the model declares the variables in the model. The line 
class OzMap(N:Int) { 
type Colors=1..N. 
enum States={wa,nt,sa,nsw,v,t,q}. 
agent map { 
X(wa)!= X(nt), X(wa)!=X(sa), 
X(nt)!= X(sa), X(nt)!=X(q), 
X(sa)!= X(q), X(sa)!=X(nsw), 
X(q) != X(nsw),X(nsw)!=X(v), 
all (i in X.domain) 
choose(X(i), 0, X(i).values) 
agent choose[T](X:T, i:Int, v:Rail[T]){ 
if (i < V.size) 
Note: type-generic choose 
choose(X, i+1, v) 
O=new OzMap(3), |- 
X(wa)=1,X(nt)=2, X(sa)=3, 
X(qa)=1, X(nsw)=2, X(v)=1, 
But no control between propagation and choice!
CCP Research Programmes 
Another example: Zebra 
© 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 
class Zebra { 
enum Nationalities = {english, spanish, ukrainian, norwegian, japanese}. 
enum Colors = {red, green, ivory, yellow, blue}. 
enum Animals = {dog, fox, horse, zebra, snails}. 
enum Drinks = {coffee, tea, milk, orangeJuice, water}. 
enum Cigarettes = {oldGold, kools, chesterfields, luckyStrike, parliaments}. 
type Houses = Int(0,4). 
vars: Array(0..4,0..4)[Houses]. 
Nation = variables(0), Color = variables(1), Animal = variables(2), 
Drink = variables(3), Smoke = variables(4). 
agent rightof(h1:Houses, h2:Houses){ h1=h2+1} 
agent nextto(h1:Houses, h2:Houses) { rightof(h1,h2) ; rightof(h2,h2)} 
agent middle(h:Houses) {h=3} 
agent left(h1:Houses) {h=1} 
agent constraints { 
alldifferent(Nation), alldifferent(Color), alldifferent(Animal), 
alldifferent(Drink), alldifferent(Smoke), 
Nation(english) = Color(red), Nation(spaniard) = Animal(dog), 
Drink(coffee) = Color(green), Nation(ukrainian) = Drink(tea), 
rightof(Color(green), Color(ivory)), 
CCP Research Programmes 
Zebra – but the “control” is programmable 
agent alldifferent[T](A:Array[T]) { 
all (i in A.domain, j in A.domain{j !=i}) 
A(j) != A(i) // assuming != available as a constraint on two variables 
© 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 
// Alternate 
agent alldifferent[T](A:Array[T]) { 
all (i in A.domain, j in A.domain{j !=i}) 
all (k in A(i).domain) 
if (A(i) = k) A(j) != k // removes k from A(j)’s domain 
alldifferent/1 – a “global constraint” – is just a user-defined propagator. 
If A(i)=k (for any value k and index i) then k is removed from the domain of all 
other variables A(j).
CCP Research Programmes 
But how do we ensure propagation before choice? 
 Use time – Timed CCP. 
 TCC is obtained by extending CC 
“uniformly” across time. A CC 
computation is run at time t (starting with 
t=0) till quiescence. Then all agents A 
s.t. the current time instant has the agent 
next A are collected, and executed at 
the next time instant. 
– Thus TCC provides a logical way to 
arrange executions in a total order. 
 In TCC, the store may be changed non-monotonically 
between time instants. 
 This is not possible in Punctuated CCP 
– here all constraint tells are done within 
an always, hence constraints persist 
IBM across time. 
© 2009 IBM Corporation 9 
(Agent) D ::= next c D 
(Program) P ::= E-:D|P,P 
(Atom) E ::= p(t1,…,tn) 
p(X1,…,Xn) ?- 
2, next(…ck 
Entailed constraints, 
across time 
determined by the 
Agent proposed by 
The result is (c1 
1; …; ck 
CCP Research Programmes 
Zebra – but the “control” is programmable 
© 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 
agent solve { 
(I,J) = argmin((i,j:vars.domain)=>values(vars(i,j)).size), 
if (values(vars(I,J)).size > 1) next { 
always choose(vars(I,J)), 
next solve() 
values is the only “primitive” indexical – returns a rail of values for its argument 
solve implements the strategy of alternating between time instants in which propagation 
happens, and time instants in which the decision is made of the variable to split. It 
terminates when no more variables are left to split. 
(I,J) is the index s.t. values(var(I,J)).size is minimized. If there are k > 1 
values, choose (i.e. branch disjunctively k-ways) in the next time instant. 
This will automatically cause propagation (in that time instant).
CCP Research Programmes 
Zebra – but the “control” is programmable 
© 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 
public def agent main(String[Rail]) { 
z = new Zebra, 
always z.constraints, 
always all (i,j in z.vars.domain) 
if (vars(i.j).size <=1) choose(vars(I,J)) 
next z.solve 
The main method. Creates a new Zebra problem, asserts its constraints in all 
time instants, and sets up a propagator that forces the value of any variable 
as soon as it has only one value left in its extent. 
Also sets up the solve agent to alternate between propagation and choice
CCP Research Programmes 
(Aside: In fact RCC gives you CCP+CLP and more) 
 Much richer capabilities in RCC, while 
staying within the paradigm 
– Fully recursive goals (CLP) are available. 
– Agents with deep guards permit triggers to 
be recursively defined 
– Goals with deep guards permit conditional 
recursive augmentation of the store, for the 
purposes of answering the goal 
– Universal goals permit parametric goal 
© 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 
(Agent) D ::= E|c|D,D 
|D;D|if G D 
|all X D 
|some X D 
(Goal) G ::= H|c|G,G 
|G;G|if D G 
|all X D 
|some X D 
(Program) P ::= E-:D|P,P 
(Atom) E ::= p(t1,…,tn) 
p(X1,…,Xn) ?- c1 ; … ; ck
CCP Research Programmes 
 A puzzle suggested to me by Gopal Raghavan. 
 Find words w in the English language which are such that for each 
position I in w there is a distinct anagram of w starting with the letter 
at the i’th position. 
– Example: emits – the corresponding anagrams are mites, items, 
times, smite. 
 Here we consider the simpler version that drops the distinctness 
requirement (just to keep the program slightly smaller). 
© 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 
CCP Research Programmes 
Key to solution 
 Given a list of N dictionary words W, generate N facts 
word(W, L, S, Ws) where 
– L is the first character of W, 
– Ws is a (possibly non-English word) anagram of W in which 
all letters are in increasing sort order, and 
– S is the first letter of Ws. 
– E.g. word(emits, e, e, eimst) / word(items, i, 
e, eimst) / word(mites, m, e, eimst), … 
 With these clauses, crossgrams can be generated 
quickly by backtracking (assuming facts are indexed 
appropriately, as they are in many Prolog systems). 
© 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 
CCP Research Programmes 
Crossgrams: illustrates use of if D G goals 
© 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 
class Crossgram { 
@Gentzen def word(Atom, Char, Char, Atom). 
goal crossgrams(Dict: List[Atom]) = R!{ 
if (all (W in Dict) { 
W = name(Wls), 
Wsls = Wls.msort(), 
word(W, Wls.head, Wsls.head, name(Wsls)) 
goal words(R:List[Atom]) { 
word(A,C,C,Ws), A=name(Wls), 
Assert word/4 
constraints on the fly, 
based on the dictionary, 
add them to the store. 
Solve goal in context of generated constraints 
This could fail, triggering 
CCP Research Programmes 
 (Timed) CCP provides a dual logic programming 
framework which is much closer to more conventional 
“constraint programming” than CLP. 
 In particular, TCC permits the use of user-defined 
propagators and search procedures. 
 R[T]CC considerably enriches programming power, 
beyond TCC. 
© 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 

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The Concurrent Constraint Programming Research Programmes -- Redux (part2)

  • 1. IBM Research: Computing as a Service Combinatorial Problem Solving in C10 How to write programmable solvers declaratively Vijay Saraswat <firstname>@<lastname>.org IBM TJ Watson Sep 9, 2014 © 2005 IBM Corporation Computing as a Service 1
  • 2. CCP Research Programmes Logic Programming  In the early 80s, Colmerauer / Kowalski and colleagues developed definite clause logic programming based on a procedural interpretation of proofs (“right hand side” computation, backward chaining) – Operationally one gets non-deterministic user-defined recursive procedures, accumulating constraints over Herbrand terms. – Logically, given an atom p(X1, …, Xn), the system generates bindings X1=t1, …, Xn=tn sufficient to establish the truth of the atom, given the program clauses. – Multiple (implicitly disjunctive) answers may be returned. conjunction disjunction © 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 2 (Goal) G ::= H|G,G|G;G (Program) P ::= H:-G|P,P (Atom) H ::= p(t1,…,tn) X1=t1, …, Xn=tn ?- p(X1,…,Xn) Answer returned by Query posed by user system
  • 3. CCP Research Programmes Prolog 3 and Constraint Logic Programming  At POPL 87, Jaffar and Lassez showed how this framework could be extended to (essentially) arbitrary constraints, implemented by an embedded (black box) constraint solver – Atomic formulas drawn from some underlying constraint theory (over a vocabulary disjoint from the user-defined predicates E)  CLP(R) is an exemplar, permitting linear arithmetic constraints over R.  Prolog III can also be viewed as an instance, over a different, rich constraint system © 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 3 G ::= c c1, …, ck ?- p(X1,…,Xn)
  • 4. CCP Research Programmes However, …  This framework is not flexible enough to permit the user to specify propagation rules, or search strategies in logic.  Often constraint solvers are incomplete, or highly combinatorial and user-defined propagation rules are critical (cf cc(FD))  Similarly often critical are search strategies, e.g. run all propagation rules, then expand (non-deterministically) Research the atom with the fewest choices left (cf CHIP) IBM © 2009 IBM Corporation 4 X in {1,2,3}, X!=Y, Y=2 ?- X in {1,3}
  • 5. CCP Research Programmes Claim: (Timed) CCP provides that framework  Concurrent Constraint Programming is a logical framework based, dually, on the notion of Agents, not Goals, on “left hand side” computation (“forward chaining”)  Operationally one gets non-deterministic user-defined recursive procedures, accumulating constraints in a shared store.  Implicative agents (if c D) trigger on the presence of a constraint c in the store, and take further actions. (Agent) D ::= E|c|D,D |D;D|if c D (Program) P ::= E-:D|P,P (Atom) E ::= p(t1,…,tn) p(X1,…,Xn) ?- c1 ; … ; ck Entailed constraints determined by system Agent proposed by user Research  Disjunction is “angelic” – on the LHS, if B entails A, then (A;B) is identical to A, i.e IBM the more general solution (A) is kept. © 2009 IBM Corporation 5 X in {1,2,3}, X!=Y, Y=2 ?- X in {1,3}
  • 6. CCP Research Programmes Example: Map Coloring © 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 6 is specializable to individual backend solvers, so they can control what form constraints end up in. In particular, MiniZinc allows the specification of global constraints by decomposition. 2 Basic Modelling in MiniZinc In this section we introduce the basic structure of a MiniZinc model using two simple exam-ples. 2.1 Our First Example Figure 1: Australian states. As our first example, imagine that we wish to colour a map of Australia as shown in Figure 1. It is made up of seven different states and territories each of which must be given a colour so that adjacent regions have different colours. We can model this problem very easily in MiniZinc. The model is shown in Figure 2. The first line in the model is a comment. A comment starts with a ‘%’ which indicates that the rest of the line is a comment. MiniZinc has no begin/ end comment symbols (such as C’s / * and * / comments). The next part of the model declares the variables in the model. The line 3 class OzMap(N:Int) { type Colors=1..N. enum States={wa,nt,sa,nsw,v,t,q}. X:Map[States,Colors]. agent map { X(wa)!= X(nt), X(wa)!=X(sa), X(nt)!= X(sa), X(nt)!=X(q), X(sa)!= X(q), X(sa)!=X(nsw), X(sa)!=X(v), X(q) != X(nsw),X(nsw)!=X(v), all (i in X.domain) choose(X(i), 0, X(i).values) } agent choose[T](X:T, i:Int, v:Rail[T]){ if (i < V.size) Note: type-generic choose X=v(i); choose(X, i+1, v) } } O=new OzMap(3), |- X(wa)=1,X(nt)=2, X(sa)=3, X(qa)=1, X(nsw)=2, X(v)=1, X(t)=1 ? But no control between propagation and choice!
  • 7. CCP Research Programmes Another example: Zebra © 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 7 class Zebra { enum Nationalities = {english, spanish, ukrainian, norwegian, japanese}. enum Colors = {red, green, ivory, yellow, blue}. enum Animals = {dog, fox, horse, zebra, snails}. enum Drinks = {coffee, tea, milk, orangeJuice, water}. enum Cigarettes = {oldGold, kools, chesterfields, luckyStrike, parliaments}. type Houses = Int(0,4). vars: Array(0..4,0..4)[Houses]. Nation = variables(0), Color = variables(1), Animal = variables(2), Drink = variables(3), Smoke = variables(4). agent rightof(h1:Houses, h2:Houses){ h1=h2+1} agent nextto(h1:Houses, h2:Houses) { rightof(h1,h2) ; rightof(h2,h2)} agent middle(h:Houses) {h=3} agent left(h1:Houses) {h=1} agent constraints { alldifferent(Nation), alldifferent(Color), alldifferent(Animal), alldifferent(Drink), alldifferent(Smoke), Nation(english) = Color(red), Nation(spaniard) = Animal(dog), Drink(coffee) = Color(green), Nation(ukrainian) = Drink(tea), rightof(Color(green), Color(ivory)), …}
  • 8. CCP Research Programmes Zebra – but the “control” is programmable agent alldifferent[T](A:Array[T]) { all (i in A.domain, j in A.domain{j !=i}) A(j) != A(i) // assuming != available as a constraint on two variables } © 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 8 // Alternate agent alldifferent[T](A:Array[T]) { all (i in A.domain, j in A.domain{j !=i}) all (k in A(i).domain) if (A(i) = k) A(j) != k // removes k from A(j)’s domain } alldifferent/1 – a “global constraint” – is just a user-defined propagator. If A(i)=k (for any value k and index i) then k is removed from the domain of all other variables A(j).
  • 9. CCP Research Programmes But how do we ensure propagation before choice?  Use time – Timed CCP.  TCC is obtained by extending CC “uniformly” across time. A CC computation is run at time t (starting with t=0) till quiescence. Then all agents A s.t. the current time instant has the agent next A are collected, and executed at the next time instant. – Thus TCC provides a logical way to arrange executions in a total order.  In TCC, the store may be changed non-monotonically between time instants. Research  This is not possible in Punctuated CCP – here all constraint tells are done within an always, hence constraints persist IBM across time. © 2009 IBM Corporation 9 (Agent) D ::= next c D (Program) P ::= E-:D|P,P (Atom) E ::= p(t1,…,tn) p(X1,…,Xn) ?- (c1 1 ,next(c1 2,next(…c1 m 1)…)); …; (ck 1 ,next(ck 2, next(…ck m k)…)) Entailed constraints, across time determined by the system Agent proposed by user The result is (c1 m 1; …; ck m k).
  • 10. CCP Research Programmes Zebra – but the “control” is programmable © 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 10 agent solve { (I,J) = argmin((i,j:vars.domain)=>values(vars(i,j)).size), if (values(vars(I,J)).size > 1) next { always choose(vars(I,J)), next solve() } } values is the only “primitive” indexical – returns a rail of values for its argument variable. solve implements the strategy of alternating between time instants in which propagation happens, and time instants in which the decision is made of the variable to split. It terminates when no more variables are left to split. (I,J) is the index s.t. values(var(I,J)).size is minimized. If there are k > 1 values, choose (i.e. branch disjunctively k-ways) in the next time instant. This will automatically cause propagation (in that time instant).
  • 11. CCP Research Programmes Zebra – but the “control” is programmable © 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 11 public def agent main(String[Rail]) { z = new Zebra, always z.constraints, always all (i,j in z.vars.domain) if (vars(i.j).size <=1) choose(vars(I,J)) next z.solve } The main method. Creates a new Zebra problem, asserts its constraints in all time instants, and sets up a propagator that forces the value of any variable as soon as it has only one value left in its extent. Also sets up the solve agent to alternate between propagation and choice
  • 12. CCP Research Programmes (Aside: In fact RCC gives you CCP+CLP and more)  Much richer capabilities in RCC, while staying within the paradigm – Fully recursive goals (CLP) are available. – Agents with deep guards permit triggers to be recursively defined – Goals with deep guards permit conditional recursive augmentation of the store, for the purposes of answering the goal – Universal goals permit parametric goal solving © 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 12 (Agent) D ::= E|c|D,D |D;D|if G D |all X D |some X D (Goal) G ::= H|c|G,G |G;G|if D G |all X D |some X D (Program) P ::= E-:D|P,P (Atom) E ::= p(t1,…,tn) p(X1,…,Xn) ?- c1 ; … ; ck
  • 13. CCP Research Programmes Crossgrams  A puzzle suggested to me by Gopal Raghavan.  Find words w in the English language which are such that for each position I in w there is a distinct anagram of w starting with the letter at the i’th position. – Example: emits – the corresponding anagrams are mites, items, times, smite.  Here we consider the simpler version that drops the distinctness requirement (just to keep the program slightly smaller). © 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 13
  • 14. CCP Research Programmes Key to solution  Given a list of N dictionary words W, generate N facts word(W, L, S, Ws) where – L is the first character of W, – Ws is a (possibly non-English word) anagram of W in which all letters are in increasing sort order, and – S is the first letter of Ws. – E.g. word(emits, e, e, eimst) / word(items, i, e, eimst) / word(mites, m, e, eimst), …  With these clauses, crossgrams can be generated quickly by backtracking (assuming facts are indexed appropriately, as they are in many Prolog systems). © 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 14
  • 15. CCP Research Programmes Crossgrams: illustrates use of if D G goals © 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 15 class Crossgram { @Gentzen def word(Atom, Char, Char, Atom). goal crossgrams(Dict: List[Atom]) = R!{ if (all (W in Dict) { W = name(Wls), Wsls = Wls.msort(), word(W, Wls.head, Wsls.head, name(Wsls)) }) words(R) } goal words(R:List[Atom]) { word(A,C,C,Ws), A=name(Wls), R=List(A,>W!{word(W,L,_,Ws)})) }} Assert word/4 constraints on the fly, based on the dictionary, add them to the store. Solve goal in context of generated constraints This could fail, triggering backtracking.
  • 16. CCP Research Programmes Conclusion  (Timed) CCP provides a dual logic programming framework which is much closer to more conventional “constraint programming” than CLP.  In particular, TCC permits the use of user-defined propagators and search procedures.  R[T]CC considerably enriches programming power, beyond TCC. © 2009 IBM Corporation IBM Research 16