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ISSN 0149-5992
American Diabetes Association
Standards of
Medical Care in
[T]he simple word Care may suffice to express [the journal’s] philosophical
mission. The new journal is designed to promote better patient care by
serving the expanded needs of all health professionals committed to the care
of patients with diabetes. As such, the American Diabetes Association views
Diabetes Care as a reaffirmation of Francis Weld Peabody’s contention that
“the secret of the care of the patient is in caring for the patient.”
—Norbert Freinkel, Diabetes Care, January-February 1978
William T. Cefalu, MD
George Bakris, MD
Lawrence Blonde, MD, FACP
Andrew J.M. Boulton, MD
David D’Alessio, MD
Mary de Groot, PhD
Eddie L. Greene, MD
Frank B. Hu, MD, MPH, PhD
Steven E. Kahn, MB, ChB
Derek LeRoith, MD, PhD
Robert G. Moses, MD
Stephen Rich, PhD
Matthew C. Riddle, MD
Julio Rosenstock, MD
William V. Tamborlane, MD
Katie Weinger, EdD, RN
Judith Wylie-Rosett, EdD, RD
Nicola Abate, MD
Vanita R. Aroda, MD
Geremia Bolli, MD
John B. Buse, MD, PhD
Robert J. Chilton, DO, FACC, FAHA
Kenneth Cusi, MD, FACP, FACE
Paresh Dandona, MD, PhD
J. Hans DeVries, MD, PhD
Ele Ferrannini, MD
Franco Folli, MD, PhD
Meredith A. Hawkins, MD, MS
Richard Hellman, MD
Norbett Hermanns, PhD, MSc
George S. Jeha, MD
Irl B. Hirsch, MD, MACP
Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
M. Sue Kirkman, MD
Ildiko Lingvay, MD, MPH, MSCS
Harold David McIntyre, MD, FRACP
Maureen Monaghan, PhD, CDE
Kristen J. Nadeau, MD, MS
Kwame Osei, MD
Kevin A. Peterson, MD, MPH, FRCS(Ed),
Jonathan Q. Purnell, MD
Peter Reaven, MD
Ravi Retnakaran, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Helena Wachslicht Rodbard, MD
Elizabeth Seaquist, MD
Guntram Schernthaner, MD
David J. Schneider, MD
Norbert Stefan, MD
Jan S. Ulbrecht, MB, BS
Joseph Wolfsdorf, MD, BCh
Bernard Zinman, CM, MD, FRCPC, FACP
David A. DeMarco, PhD
Alvin C. Powers, MD
Brenda Montgomery, RN, MSHS, CDE
Umesh Verma
Kevin L. Hagan
January 2017 Volume 40, Supplement 1
The mission of the American Diabetes Association
is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve
the lives of all people affected by diabetes.
Michael Eisenstein
Christian S. Kohler
Lyn Reynolds
Shannon Potts
Joan Garrett
Heather Norton Blackburn
Kelly Newton
Nancy C. Baldino
Oedipa Rice
Theresa Cooper
Laurie Ann Hall
Donald Crowl
Julie DeVoss Graff
(703) 299-5511
e-Healthcare Solutions
John Burke
Chief Revenue Officer
(609) 882-8887, ext. 149
The Jackson-Gaeta Group, Inc.
B. Joseph Jackson
Paul Nalbandian
Tina Auletta
(973) 403-7677
PRINT ISSN 0149-5992
ONLINE ISSN 1935-5548
Diabetes Care is a journal for the health care practitioner that is intended to
increase knowledge, stimulate research, and promote better management of people
with diabetes. To achieve these goals, the journal publishes original research on
human studies in the following categories: Clinical Care/Education/Nutrition/
Psychosocial Research, Epidemiology/Health Services Research, Emerging
Technologies and Therapeutics, Pathophysiology/Complications, and Cardiovascular
and Metabolic Risk. The journal also publishes ADA statements, consensus reports,
clinically relevant review articles, letters to the editor, and health/medical news or points
of view. Topics covered are of interest to clinically oriented physicians, researchers,
epidemiologists, psychologists, diabetes educators, and other health professionals.
More information about the journal can be found online at
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January 2017 Volume 40, Supplement 1
Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2017
S1 Introduction
S3 Professional Practice Committee
S4 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2017:
Summary of Revisions
S6 1. Promoting Health and Reducing Disparities in
Diabetes and Population Health
Tailoring Treatment to Reduce Disparities
S11 2. Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes
Diagnostic Tests for Diabetes
Categories of Increased Risk for Diabetes (Prediabetes)
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Monogenic Diabetes Syndromes
Cystic Fibrosis–Related Diabetes
Posttransplantation Diabetes Mellitus
S25 3. Comprehensive Medical Evaluation and
Assessment of Comorbidities
Patient-Centered Collaborative Care
Comprehensive Medical Evaluation
Assessment of Comorbidities
S33 4. Lifestyle Management
Diabetes Self-management Education and Support
Nutrition Therapy
Physical Activity
Smoking Cessation: Tobacco and e-Cigarettes
Psychosocial Issues
S44 5. Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabetes
Lifestyle Interventions
Pharmacologic Interventions
Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
Diabetes Self-management Education and Support
S48 6. Glycemic Targets
Assessment of Glycemic Control
A1C Testing
A1C Goals
Intercurrent Illness
S57 7. Obesity Management for the Treatment of Type 2
Diet, Physical Activity, and Behavioral Therapy
Metabolic Surgery
S64 8. Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic
Pharmacologic Therapy for Type 1 Diabetes
Pharmacologic Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes
S75 9. Cardiovascular Disease and Risk
Hypertension/Blood Pressure Control
Lipid Management
Antiplatelet Agents
Coronary Heart Disease
S88 10. Microvascular Complications and
Foot Care
Diabetic Kidney Disease
Diabetic Retinopathy
Foot Care
S99 11. Older Adults
Neurocognitive Function
Treatment Goals
Pharmacologic Therapy
Treatment in Skilled Nursing Facilities
and Nursing Homes
End-of-Life Care
S105 12. Children and Adolescents
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
Transition From Pediatric to Adult Care
S114 13. Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy
Diabetes in Pregnancy
Preconception Counseling
Glycemic Targets in Pregnancy
Management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Management of Preexisting Type 1 Diabetes
and Type 2 Diabetes in Pregnancy
Postpartum Care
Pregnancy and Drug Considerations
S120 14. Diabetes Care in the Hospital
Hospital Care Delivery Standards
Glycemic Targets in Hospitalized Patients
Bedside Blood Glucose Monitoring
Antihyperglycemic Agents in Hospitalized
Medical Nutrition Therapy in the Hospital
Self-management in the Hospital
Standards for Special Situations
Transition From the Acute Care Setting
Preventing Admissions and Readmissions
S128 15. Diabetes Advocacy
Advocacy Position Statements
S130 Professional Practice Committee Disclosures
S132 Index
This issue is freely accessible online at
Keep up with the latest information for Diabetes Care and other ADA titles via Facebook (/ADAJournals) and Twitter (@ADA_Journals).
Diabetes Care 2017;40(Suppl. 1):S1–S2 | DOI: 10.2337/dc17-S001
Diabetes is a complex, chronic illness re-
quiring continuous medical care with
multifactorial risk-reduction strategies
beyondglycemic control.Ongoingpatient
self-management education and support
are critical to preventing acute complica-
tions and reducing the risk of long-term
complications. Significant evidence exists
that supports a range of interventions to
improve diabetes outcomes.
The American Diabetes Association’s
(ADA’s) “Standards of Medical Care in Di-
abetes,” referred to as the “Standards of
Care,” is intended to provide clinicians, pa-
tients, researchers, payers, and other in-
terested individuals with the components
of diabetes care, general treatment goals,
and tools to evaluate the quality of care.
The Standards of Care recommendations
are not intended to preclude clinical judg-
ment and must be applied in the context
of excellent clinical care, with adjustments
for individual preferences, comorbidities,
and other patient factors. For more de-
tailed information about management of
diabetes, please refer to Medical Manage-
ment of Type 1 Diabetes (1) and Medical
Management of Type 2 Diabetes (2).
The recommendations include screen-
ing, diagnostic, and therapeutic actions
that are known or believed to favorably
affect health outcomes of patients with di-
abetes. Many of these interventions have
also been shown to be cost-effective (3).
The ADA strives to improve and up-
date the Standards of Care to ensure
that clinicians, health plans, and policy-
makers can continue to rely on them as
the most authoritative and current
guidelines for diabetes care.
The ADA has been actively involved in
the development and dissemination of
diabetes care standards, guidelines, and
related documents for over 25 years.
ADA’s clinical practice recommendations
are viewed as important resources for
health care professionals who care for
people with diabetes. ADA’s Standards
of Care, position statements, and scien-
tific statements undergo a formal review
process by ADA’s Professional Prac-
tice Committee (PPC) and the Board of
Directors. Readers who wish to comment
on the 2017 Standards of Care are invited
to do so at http://professional.diabetes
Standards of Care
Standards of Care: ADA position state-
ment that provides key clinical practice
recommendations. The PPC performs an
extensive literature search and updates
the Standards of Care annually based
on the quality of new evidence.
ADA Position Statement
A position statement is an official ADA
point of view or belief that contains clin-
ical or research recommendations. Posi-
tion statements are issued on scientific
or medical issues related to diabetes.
They are published in the ADA journals
and other scientific/medical publica-
tions. ADA position statements are typ-
ically based on a systematic review or
other review of published literature.
Position statements undergo a formal
review process. They are updated every
5 years or as needed.
ADA Scientific Statement
A scientific statement is an official ADA
point of view or belief that may or may
not contain clinical or research recom-
mendations. Scientific statements con-
tain scholarly synopsis of a topic related
to diabetes. Workgroup reports fall into
this category. Scientific statements are
published in the ADA journals and other
scientific/medical publications, as ap-
propriate. Scientific statements also
undergo a formal review process.
Consensus Report
A consensus report contains a compre-
hensive examination by an expert panel
(i.e., consensus panel) of a scientific or
medical issue related to diabetes. A con-
sensus report is not an ADA position and
represents expert opinion only. The cat-
egory may also include task force and
expert committee reports. The need
for a consensus report arises when clini-
cians or scientists desire guidance on a
subject for which the evidence is contra-
dictory or incomplete. A consensus re-
port is developed following a consensus
conference where the controversial issue
is extensively discussed. The report
represents the panel’s collective anal-
ysis, evaluation, and opinion at that
point in time based in part on the con-
ference proceedings. A consensus re-
port does not undergo a formal ADA
review process.
Since the ADA first began publishing
practice guidelines, there has been con-
siderable evolution in the evaluation of
scientific evidence and in the develop-
ment of evidence-based guidelines. In
2002, the ADA developed a classification
system to grade the quality of scientific
evidence supporting ADA recommenda-
tions for all new and revised ADA posi-
tion statements. A recent analysis of the
evidence cited in the Standards of Care
found steady improvement in quality
over the past 10 years, with the 2014
Standards of Care for the first time
having the majority of bulleted recom-
mendations supported by A- or B-level
evidence (4). A grading system (Table
1) developed by the ADA and modeled
after existing methods was used to clar-
ify and codify the evidence that forms
the basis for the recommendations. ADA
recommendations are assigned ratings
of A, B, or C, depending on the quality
“Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes” was originally approved in 1988. Most recent review/revision: December 2015.
© 2017 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit,
and the work is not altered. More information is available at
Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017 S1
of evidence. Expert opinion E is a sepa-
rate category for recommendations in
which there is no evidence from clinical
trials, in which clinical trials may be im-
practical, or in which there is conflicting
evidence. Recommendations with an A
rating are based on large well-designed
clinical trials or well-done meta-analyses.
Generally, these recommendations
have the best chance of improving out-
comes when applied to the population
to which they are appropriate. Recom-
mendations with lower levels of evi-
dence may be equally important but
are not as well supported. Of course,
evidence is only one component of
clinical decision making. Clinicians care
for patients, not populations; guidelines
must always be interpreted with the
individual patient in mind. Individual
circumstances, such as comorbid and
coexisting diseases, age, education, dis-
ability, and, above all, patients’ values
and preferences, must be considered
and may lead to different treatment tar-
gets and strategies. Furthermore, con-
ventional evidence hierarchies, such as
the one adapted by the ADA, may miss
nuances important in diabetes care. For
example, although there is excellent ev-
idence from clinical trials supporting
the importance of achieving multiple
risk factor control, the optimal way to
achieve this result is less clear. It is dif-
ficult to assess each component of
such a complex intervention.
1. American Diabetes Association. Medical
Management of Type 1 Diabetes. 6th ed.
Kaufman FR, Ed. Alexandria, VA, American Di-
abetes Association, 2012
2. American Diabetes Association. Medical
Management of Type 2 Diabetes. 7th ed.
Burant CF, Young LA, Eds. Alexandria, VA, Amer-
ican Diabetes Association, 2012
3. Li R, Zhang P, Barker LE, Chowdhury FM,
Zhang X. Cost-effectiveness of interventions to
prevent and control diabetes mellitus: a sys-
tematic review. Diabetes Care 2010;33:1872–
4. Grant RW, Kirkman MS. Trends in the evi-
dence level for the American Diabetes Associa-
tion’s “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes”
from 2005 to 2014. Diabetes Care 2015;38:6–8
Table 1—ADA evidence-grading system for “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes”
Level of
evidence Description
A Clear evidence from well-conducted, generalizable randomized controlled trials
that are adequately powered, including
c Evidence from a well-conducted multicenter trial
c Evidence from a meta-analysis that incorporated quality ratings in the
Compelling nonexperimental evidence, i.e., “all or none” rule developed by the
Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford
Supportive evidence from well-conducted randomized controlled trials that are
adequately powered, including
c Evidence from a well-conducted trial at one or more institutions
c Evidence from a meta-analysis that incorporated quality ratings in the
B Supportive evidence from well-conducted cohort studies
c Evidence from a well-conducted prospective cohort study or registry
c Evidence from a well-conducted meta-analysis of cohort studies
Supportive evidence from a well-conducted case-control study
C Supportive evidence from poorly controlled or uncontrolled studies
c Evidence from randomized clinical trials with one or more major or three or
more minor methodological flaws that could invalidate the results
c Evidence from observational studies with high potential for bias (such as
case series with comparison with historical controls)
c Evidence from case series or case reports
Conflicting evidence with the weight of evidence supporting the
E Expert consensus or clinical experience
S2 Introduction Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017
Professional Practice Committee
Diabetes Care 2017;40(Suppl. 1):S3 | DOI: 10.2337/dc17-S002
The Professional Practice Committee
(PPC) of the American Diabetes Asso-
ciation (ADA) is responsible for the
“Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes”
position statement, referred to as the
“Standards of Care.” The PPC is a multi-
disciplinary expert committee com-
prised of physicians, diabetes educators,
registered dietitians, and others who
have expertise in a range of areas, in-
cluding adult and pediatric endocrinol-
ogy, epidemiology, public health, lipid
research, hypertension, preconception
planning, and pregnancy care. Appoint-
ment to the PPC is based on excellence
in clinical practice and research. Although
the primary role of the PPC is to review
and update the Standards of Care, it is
also responsible for overseeing the review
and revision of ADA’s position statements
and scientific statements.
The ADA adheres to the Institute of
Medicine Standards for Developing Trust-
worthy Clinical Practice Guidelines. All
members of the PPC are required to dis-
close potential conflicts of interest with
industry and/or other relevant organiza-
tions. These disclosures are discussed
at the onset of each Standards of Care re-
vision meeting. Members of the commit-
tee, their employer, and their disclosed
conflicts of interest are listed in the
“Professional Practice Committee Disclo-
sures” table (see p. S130).
For the current revision, PPC members
systematically searched MEDLINE for
human studies related to each section
and published since 1 January 2016. Rec-
ommendations were revised based on
new evidence or, in some cases, to clar-
ify the prior recommendation or match
thestrengthofthewordingto thestrength
in recommendations to new evidence
can be reviewed at http://professional As for all position
statements, the Standards of Care posi-
tion statement was approved by the
Executive Committee of ADA’s Board
of Directors, which includes health
care professionals, scientists, and lay
Feedback from the larger clinical
community was valuable forthe 2017 re-
vision of the Standards of Care. Readers
who wish to comment on the 2017
Standards of Care are invited to do so at
The ADA funds development of the
Standards of Care and all ADA position
statements out of its general revenues
and does not use industry support for
these purposes. The PPC would like
to thank the following individuals
who provided their expertise in re-
viewing and/or consulting with the
committee: Conor J. Best, MD; William
T. Cefalu, MD; Mary de Groot, PhD;
Gary D. Hack, DDS; Silvio E. Inzucchi,
MD; Meghan Jardine, MS, MBA, RD,
LD, CDE; Victor R. Lavis, MD; Mark E.
Molitch, MD; Antoinette Moran, MD;
Matt Petersen; Sean Petrie; Louis H.
Philipson, MD, PhD; Margaret A.
Powers, PhD, RD, CDE; Desmond
Schatz, MD; Philip R. Schauer, MD;
Sonali N. Thosani, MD; and Guillermo
E. Umpierrez, MD.
Members of the PPC
William H. Herman, MD, MPH (Co-Chair)
Andrea L. Cherrington, MD, MPH
Donald R. Coustan, MD
Ian de Boer, MD, MS
Robert James Dudl, MD
Hope Feldman, CRNP, FNP-BC
Hermes J. Florez, MD, PhD, MPH*
Suneil Koliwad, MD, PhD*
Melinda Maryniuk, MEd, RD, CDE
Joshua J. Neumiller, PharmD, CDE, FASCP*
Joseph Wolfsdorf, MB, BCh
*Subgroup leaders
ADA Staff
Erika Gebel Berg, PhD
(Corresponding author:
Sheri Colberg-Ochs, PhD
Alicia H. McAuliffe-Fogarty, PhD, CPsychol
Sacha Uelmen, RDN, CDE
Robert E. Ratner, MD, FACP, FACE
© 2017 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit,
and the work is not altered. More information is available at
Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017 S3
Standards of Medical Care in Diabetesd2017:
Summary of Revisions
Diabetes Care 2017;40(Suppl. 1):S4–S5 | DOI: 10.2337/dc17-S003
In light of the American Diabetes Associa-
tion’s (ADA’s) new position statement on
psychosocial care in the treatment of di-
abetes, the “Standards of Medical Care in
Diabetes,” referred to as the “Standards of
Care,” has been updated to address psy-
chosocial issues in all aspects of care in-
cluding self-management, mental health,
communication, complications, comorbid-
ities, and life-stage considerations.
Although levels of evidence for several
recommendations have been updated,
these changes are not addressed below
as the clinical recommendations have re-
mained the same. Changes in evidence
level from, for example, E to C are not
noted below. The 2017 Standards of
Care contains, in addition to many minor
changes that clarify recommendations or
reflect new evidence, the following more
substantive revisions.
Section 1. Promoting Health and
Reducing Disparities in Populations
This section was renamed and now fo-
cuses on improving outcomes and re-
ducing disparities in populations with
Recommendations were added to as-
sess patients’ social context as well as
refer to local community resources and
provide self-management support.
Section 2. Classification and Diagnosis
of Diabetes
The section was updated to include a
new consensus on the staging of type 1
diabetes (Table 2.1) and a discussion of a
proposed unifying diabetes classification
scheme that focuses on b-cell dysfunc-
tion and disease stage as indicated by
glucose status.
Language was added to clarify screen-
ing and testing for diabetes. Screening
approaches were described, and Fig. 2.1
was included to provide an example of a
previously undiagnosed type 2 diabetes.
Due to recent data, delivering a baby
weighing 9 lb or more is no longer listed
as an independent risk factor for the
development of prediabetes and type 2
A section was added that discusses
recent evidence on screening for diabe-
tes in dental practices.
The recommendation to test women
with gestational diabetes mellitus for
persistent diabetes was changed from
6–12 weeks’ postpartum to 4–12 weeks’
postpartum to allow the test to be sched-
uled just before the standard 6-week post-
partum obstetrical checkup so that the
results can be discussed with the patient
at that time of the visit or to allow the test
to be rescheduled at the visit if the patient
did not get the test.
Additional detail was added to the
section on monogenic diabetes syn-
dromes, and a new table was added (Ta-
ble 2.7) describing the most common
forms of monogenic diabetes.
A new section was added on post-
transplantation diabetes mellitus.
Section 3. Comprehensive Medical
Evaluation and Assessment of
This new section, including components
of the 2016 section “Foundations of
Care and Comprehensive Medical Eval-
uation,” highlights the importance of
assessing comorbidities in the context
of a patient-centered comprehensive
medical evaluation.
A new discussion of the goals of provider-
patient communication is included.
The Standards of Care now recom-
mends the assessment of sleep pattern
and duration as part of the comprehensive
medical evaluation based on emerging ev-
idence suggesting a relationship between
sleep quality and glycemic control.
An expanded list of diabetes comorbid-
ities now includes autoimmune diseases,
HIV, anxiety disorders, depression, disor-
dered eating behavior, and serious mental
Section 4. Lifestyle Management
This section, previously entitled “Foun-
dations of Care and Comprehensive
Medical Evaluation,” was refocused on
lifestyle management.
The recommendation for nutrition
therapy in people prescribed flexible in-
sulin therapy was updated to include fat
and protein counting in addition to car-
bohydrate counting for some patients to
reflect evidence that these dietary fac-
tors influence insulin dosing and blood
glucose levels.
Based on new evidence of glycemic
benefits, the Standards of Care now
recommends that prolonged sitting be
interrupted every 30 min with short
bouts of physical activity.
A recommendation was added to
highlight the importance of balance
and flexibility training in older adults.
A new section and table provide infor-
mation on situations that might warrant
referral to a mental health provider.
Section 5. Prevention or Delay of
Type 2 Diabetes
To help providers identify those patients
who would benefit from prevention ef-
forts, new text was added emphasizing
the importance of screening for prediabe-
tes using an assessment tool or informal
assessment of risk factors and performing
a diagnostic test when appropriate.
To reflect new evidence showing an
association between B12 deficiency and
long-term metformin use, a recommen-
dation was added to consider periodic
© 2017 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit,
and the work is not altered. More information is available at
S4 Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017
measurement of B12 levels and supple-
mentation as needed.
Section 6. Glycemic Targets
Based on recommendations from the In-
ternational Hypoglycaemia Study Group,
serious, clinically significant hypoglycemia
is now defined as glucose ,54 mg/dL
(3.0 mmol/L), while the glucose alert value
is defined as #70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) (Ta-
ble6.3).Clinicalimplicationsare discussed.
Section 7. Obesity Management for
the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
To be consistent with other ADA position
statements and to reinforce the role of
surgery in the treatment of type 2 diabe-
tes, bariatric surgery is now referred to as
metabolic surgery.
To reflect the results of an international
workgroup report endorsed by the ADA
and many other organizations, recommen-
dations regarding metabolic surgery
have been substantially changed, in-
cluding those related to BMI thresholds
for surgical candidacy (Table 7.1), men-
tal health assessment, and appropriate
surgical venues.
Section 8. Pharmacologic Approaches
to Glycemic Treatment
The title of this section was changed from
“Approaches to Glycemic Treatment” to
“Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic
Treatment” to reinforce that the section
focuses on pharmacologic therapy alone.
Lifestyle management and obesity manage-
ment are discussed in separate chapters.
To reflect new evidence showing an as-
sociation between B12 deficiency and long-
term metformin use, a recommendation
was added to consider periodic measure-
ment of B12 levels and supplementation
as needed.
A section was added describing the
role of newly available biosimilar insu-
lins in diabetes care.
Based on the results of two large clin-
ical trials, a recommendation was added
to consider empagliflozin or liraglutide in
patients with established cardiovascular
disease to reduce the risk of mortality.
Figure 8.1, antihyperglycemic ther-
apy in type 2 diabetes, was updated to
acknowledge the high cost of insulin.
The algorithm for the use of combina-
tion injectable therapy in patients with
to reflect studies demonstrating the non-
inferiority of basal insulin plus glucagon-
insulin plus rapid-acting insulin versus two
daily injections of premixed insulin, as well
as studies demonstrating the noninferior-
ity of multiple dose premixed insulin regi-
mens versus basal-bolus therapy.
Due toconcernsabout the affordability
of antihyperglycemic agents, new tables
were added showing the median costs of
noninsulin agents (Table 8.2) and insulins
(Table 8.3).
Section 9. Cardiovascular Disease and
Risk Management
To better align with existing data, the hy-
pertension treatment recommendation
for diabetes now suggests that, for pa-
tients without albuminuria, any of the
fourclassesofblood pressure medications
(ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor
blockers, thiazide-like diuretics, or dihy-
dropyridine calcium channel blockers)
that have shown beneficial cardiovascular
outcomes may be used.
To optimize maternal health without
risking fetal harm, the recommendation
for the treatment of pregnant patients
with diabetes and chronic hypertension
was changed to suggest a blood pressure
target of 120–160/80–105 mmHg.
vascular outcome trials that demonstrated
benefits of empagliflozin and liraglutide in
certain high-risk patients with diabetes.
Section 10. Microvascular
Complications and Foot Care
A recommendation was added to high-
light the importance of provider commu-
nication regarding the increased risk of
retinopathy in women with preexisting
type 1 or type 2 diabetes who are plan-
ning pregnancy or who are pregnant.
The section now includes specific rec-
ommendations for the treatment of
neuropathic pain.
A new recommendation highlights
the benefits of specialized therapeutic
footwear for patients at high risk for
foot problems.
Section 12. Children and Adolescents
Additional recommendations highlight
the importance of assessment and re-
ferral for psychosocial issues in youth.
Due to the risk of malformations asso-
ciated with unplanned pregnancies and
poor metabolic control, a new recom-
mendation was added encouraging pre-
conception counseling starting at puberty
for all girls of childbearing potential.
To address diagnostic challenges asso-
ciated with the current obesity epidemic,
a discussion was added about distinguish-
ing between type 1 and type 2 diabetes in
A section was added describing recent
nonrandomized studies of metabolic sur-
gery for the treatment of obese adoles-
cents with type 2 diabetes.
Section 13. Management of Diabetes
in Pregnancy
Insulin was emphasized as the treatment
of choice in pregnancy based on concerns
about the concentration of metformin on
the fetal side of the placenta and glyburide
levels in cord blood.
Based on available data, preprandial
self-monitoring of blood glucose was
deemphasized in the management of
diabetes in pregnancy.
In the interest of simplicity, fasting and
postprandial targets for pregnant women
with gestational diabetes mellitus and
preexisting diabetes were unified.
Section 14. Diabetes Care in the
This section was reorganized for clarity.
A treatment recommendation was up-
dated to clarify that either basal insulin or
basal plus bolus correctional insulin
may be used in the treatment of non-
critically ill patients with diabetes in a
hospital setting, but not sliding scale
The recommendations for insulin dos-
ing for enteral/parenteral feedings were
expanded to provide greater detail on in-
sulin type, timing, dosage, correctional, and
nutritional considerations. Summary of Revisions S5
1. Promoting Health and Reducing
Disparities in Populations
Diabetes Care 2017;40(Suppl. 1):S6–S10 | DOI: 10.2337/dc17-S004
c Treatment decisions should be timely, rely on evidence-based guidelines, and
be made collaboratively with patients based on individual preferences, prog-
noses, and comorbidities. B
c Providers should consider the burden of treatment and self-efficacy of pa-
tients when recommending treatments. E
c Treatment plans should align with the Chronic Care Model, emphasizing pro-
ductive interactions between a prepared proactive practice team and an in-
formed activated patient. A
c When feasible, care systems should support team-based care, community in-
volvement,patient registries, and decisionsupport tools to meet patient needs. B
Clinical practice guidelines are key to improving population health; however, for opti-
mal outcomes, diabetes care must be individualized for each patient. Thus, efforts to
improve population health will require a combination of system-level and patient-level
approaches. With such an integrated approach in mind, the American Diabetes Asso-
ciation (ADA) highlights the importance of patient-centered care, defined as care that is
respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values and
ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions (1). Practice recommendations,
whether based on evidence or expert opinion, are intended to guide an overall ap-
proach to care. The science and art of medicine come together when the clinician is
faced with making treatment recommendations for a patient who may not meet the
eligibility criteria used in the studies on which guidelines are based. Recognizing that
one size does not fit all, the standards presented here provide guidance for when and
how to adapt recommendations for an individual.
Care Delivery Systems
Overthelast10years, therehas been steady improvementin the proportionofpatients
with diabetes whoare treated withstatins and whoachieverecommended hemoglobin
A1C (A1C), blood pressure, and LDL cholesterol levels (2). The mean A1C nationally
among people with diabetes has declined from 7.6% (60 mmol/mol) in 1999–2002 to
7.2% (55 mmol/mol) in 2007–2010 based on the National Health and Nutrition Exam-
inationSurvey (NHANES),with youngeradults less likely to meettreatment targets than
older adults (2). This has been accompanied by improvements in cardiovascular out-
comes and has led to substantial reductions in end-stage microvascular complications.
Nevertheless, 33–49% of patients still do not meet targets for glycemic, blood
pressure, or cholesterol control, and only 14% meet targets for all three measures
while also avoiding smoking (2). Evidence suggests that progress in cardiovascular
risk factor control (particularly tobacco use) may be slowing (2,3). Certain segments
of the population, such as young adults and patients with complex comorbidities,
financial or other social hardships, and/or limited English proficiency, face particular
challenges to goal-based care (4–6). Even after adjusting for these patient factors,
the persistent variability in the quality of diabetes care across providers and practice
settings indicates that substantial system-level improvements are still needed.
Chronic Care Model
Numerous interventions to improve adherence to the recommended standards
have been implemented. However, a major barrier to optimal care is a delivery
Suggested citation: American Diabetes Associa-
tion. Promoting health and reducing disparities
in populations. Sec. 1. In Standards of Medical
Care in Diabetesd2017. Diabetes Care 2017;
40(Suppl. 1):S6–S10
© 2017 by the American Diabetes Association.
Readers may use this article as long as the work
is properly cited, the use is educationaland not for
profit, and the work is not altered. More informa-
tion is available at http://www.diabetesjournals
American Diabetes Association
S6 Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017
system that is often fragmented, lacks
clinical information capabilities, dupli-
cates services, and is poorly designed
for the coordinated delivery of chronic
care. The Chronic Care Model (CCM)
takes these factors into consideration,
and is an effective framework for im-
proving the quality of diabetes care (7).
Six Core Elements. The CCM includes six
core elements to optimize the care of
patients with chronic disease:
1. Delivery system design (moving
from a reactive to a proactive care
delivery system where planned visits
are coordinated through a team-
based approach)
2. Self-management support
3. Decision support (basing care on
evidence-based, effective care guidelines)
4. Clinical information systems (using
registries that can provide patient-
specific and population-based sup-
port to the care team)
5. Community resources and policies
(identifying or developing resources
to support healthy lifestyles)
6. Health systems (to create a quality-
oriented culture)
Redefining the roles of the health care
delivery team and empowering patient
self-management are fundamental to
the successful implementation of the
CCM (8). Collaborative, multidisciplinary
teams are best suited to provide care for
people with chronic conditions such as
diabetes and to facilitate patients’ self-
management (9–11).
Strategies for System-Level Improvement
Optimal diabetes management requires
an organized, systematic approach and
the involvement of a coordinated team of
dedicated health care professionals work-
ing in an environment where patient-
centered high-quality care is a priority
(6). The National Diabetes Education Pro-
gram (NDEP) maintains an onlineresource
( to
help health care professionals to design
and implement more effective health
care delivery systems for those with dia-
betes. Three specific objectives, with ref-
erences to literature outlining practical
strategies to achieve each, are as follows.
Objective 1: Optimize Provider and Team
Behavior. The care team, which includes
the patient, should prioritize timely and
appropriate intensification of lifestyle
and/or pharmacological therapy for pa-
tients who have not achieved the rec-
ommended metabolic targets (12–14).
To inform this process, providers should
routinely assess medication adherence.
At a system level, “adequate” adher-
ence is defined as 80% (calculated as
the number of pills taken by the patient
in a given time period divided by the
number of pills prescribed by the physi-
cian in that same time period) (15). If
adherence is 80% or above, then treat-
ment intensification should be con-
sidered (e.g., up-titration). Additional
strategies shown to improve care team
behavior and thereby catalyze reductions
in A1C, blood pressure, and/or LDL cho-
lesterol include explicit and collaborative
goal setting with patients (16,17); identi-
fyingandaddressinglanguage, numeracy,
or cultural barriers to care (18–20); inte-
grating evidence-based guidelines and
clinical information tools into the process
of care (21–23); soliciting performance
feedback, setting reminders, and provid-
ing structured care (e.g., guidelines,
formal case management, and patient
education resources) (6); and incorpo-
rating care management teams including
nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, and other
providers (24,25).
Objective 2: Support Patient Self-management.
Successful diabetes care requires a sys-
tematic approach to supporting patients’
behavior change efforts, including the
1. Healthy lifestyle choices (healthy
eating, physical activity, tobacco ces-
sation, weight management, and ef-
fective strategies for coping with
2. Disease self-management (taking
and managing medications and, when
clinically appropriate, self-monitoring
of glucose and blood pressure)
3. Prevention of diabetes complica-
tions (self-monitoring of foot health;
active participation in screening for
eye, foot, and renal complications;
and immunizations)
4. Identification of self-management
problems and development of strate-
giestosolve those problems, including
self-selected behavioral goal setting
High-quality diabetes self-management
education (DSME) has been shown to
improve patient self-management,
satisfaction, and glucose outcomes.
National DSME standards call for an in-
tegrated approach that includes clinical
content and skills, behavioral strategies
(goal setting, problem solving), and en-
gagement with psychosocial concerns
In devising approaches to support dis-
ease self-management, it is notable that
in 23% of cases, uncontrolled A1C, blood
pressure, or lipids were associated with
poor medication adherence (15). Barriers
to adherence may include patient factors
(remembering to obtain or take medica-
tions, fear, depression, or health beliefs),
medication factors (complexity, multiple
daily dosing, cost, or side effects), and
system factors (inadequate follow-up or
support). A patient-centered, nonjudg-
mental communication style can help
providers to identify barriers to adher-
ence as well as motivation for self-care
(17). Nurse-directed interventions, home
aides, diabetes education, and pharmacy-
derived interventions improved adher-
ence but had a very small effect on
outcomes, including metabolic control
(27). Success in overcoming barriers to
adherence may be achieved if the patient
and provider agree on a targeted ap-
proach for a specific barrier (10). For ex-
ample, simplifying a complex treatment
regimen may improve adherence in those
who identify complexity as a barrier.
Objective 3: Change the Care System.
A characteristic of most successful care
systems is making high-quality care an
institutional priority (28). Changes that
increase the quality of diabetes care in-
clude providing care on evidence-based
guidelines (21); expanding the role of
teams to implement more intensive dis-
ease management strategies (6,24,29);
tracking medication adherence at a sys-
tem level (15); redesigning the care pro-
cess (30); implementing electronic
health record tools (31,32); empower-
ing and educating patients (33,34); re-
moving financial barriers and reducing
patient out-of-pocket costs for diabetes
education, eye exams, self-monitoring of
blood glucose, and necessary medica-
tions (6); assessing and addressing
psychosocial issues (26,35); and identify-
ing/developing/engaging community re-
sources and public policy that support
healthy lifestyles (36).
Initiatives such as the Patient-Centered
MedicalHomeshowpromiseforimproving Promoting Health and Reducing Disparities in Populations S7
outcomes by coordinating primary care
and offering new opportunities for
team-based chronic disease manage-
ment (37). Additional strategies to
improve diabetes care include reimburse-
ment structures that, in contrast to visit-
based billing, reward the provision of
appropriate and high-quality care to
achieve metabolic goals (38), and incen-
tives that accommodate personalized
care goals (6,39).
c Providers should assess social con-
text, including potential food in-
security, housing stability, and
financial barriers, and apply that in-
formation to treatment decisions. A
c Patients should be referred to lo-
cal community resources when
available. B
c Patientsshouldbeprovidedwithself-
coaches, navigators, or community
health workers when available. A
The causes of health disparities are com-
plex and include societal issues such as in-
stitutional racism, discrimination,
socioeconomic status, poor access to
health care, education, and lack of health
insurance. Social determinants of health
can be defined as the economic, environ-
mental, political, and social conditions in
which people live, and are responsible
for a major part of health inequality world-
wide (40). Given the tremendous burden
that obesity, unhealthy eating, physical in-
activity, and smoking place on the health
of patients with diabetes, efforts are
needed to address and change the societal
determinants of these problems (41).
The ADA recognizes the association be-
tween social and environmental factors
and the development of obesity and
type 2 diabetes and has issued a call for
research that seeks to better understand
how these social determinants influence
behaviors and how the relationships be-
tween these variables might be modified
for the prevention and management of di-
abetes (42).
Ethnic/Cultural/Sex Differences
Ethnic, cultural, and sex differences may
affect diabetes prevalence and out-
comes. Despite advances over the last
several decades in medical knowledge
around diabetes management, racial
and ethnic minorities remain at higher
risk for microvascular complications
than nonminorities. Type 2 diabetes de-
velops more frequently in women with
prior gestational diabetes mellitus (43)
American, Native American, Hispanic/
Latino, and Asian American) (44). Women
with diabetes are also at greater risk of
coronary heart disease than men with di-
abetes (45).
Access to Health Care
Socioeconomic and ethnic inequalities
exist in the provision of health care to
individuals with diabetes (46). For exam-
ple, children with type 1 diabetes from
racial/ethnic minority populations with
lower socioeconomic status are at risk
for poor metabolic control and poor
emotional functioning (47). Significant
racial differences and barriers exist in
self-monitoring and outcomes (48).
Lack of Health Insurance
Not having health insurance affects the
processes and outcomes of diabetes
care. Individuals without insurance cov-
erage for blood glucose monitoring sup-
plies have a 0.5% higher A1C than those
with coverage (49). In a recent study of
predominantly African American or His-
panic uninsured patients with diabetes,
50–60% had hypertension, but only 22–
37% had systolic blood pressure controlled
by treatments to under 130 mmHg (50).
The Affordable Care Act has improved ac-
cessto health care; however, many remain
without coverage (
System-Level Interventions
Eliminating disparities will require indi-
vidualized, patient-centered, and cultur-
ally appropriate strategies as well as
system-level interventions. Structured
interventions that are developed for di-
verse populations and that integrate
culture, language, finance, religion, and
literacy and numeracy skills positively
influence patient outcomes (51). All
providers and health care systems are
encouraged to use the National Quality
Forum’s National Voluntary Consensus
Healthcare Disparities (52).
Community Support
Identification or development of re-
sources to support healthy lifestyles
is a core element of the CCM (7). Health
care community linkages are receiving
increasing attention from the American
Medical Association, the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality, and
others as a means of promoting trans-
lation of clinical recommendations
for lifestyle modification in real-world
settings (53). To overcome disparities,
community health workers (54), peers
(55,56), and lay leaders (57) may assist
in the delivery of DSME and diabetes
self-management support services (58),
particularly in underserved communi-
ties. Strong social support leads to im-
proved clinical outcomes, a reduction in
psychosocial issues, and adoption of
healthier lifestyles (59).
Food Insecurity
Food insecurity (FI) is the unreliable avail-
ability of nutritious food and the inability
to consistently obtain food without re-
sorting to socially unacceptable practices.
Over 14% (or one of every seven people
in the U.S.) are food insecure. The rate is
higher in some racial/ethnic minority
groups including African American and
Latino populations, in low-income house-
holds, and in homes headed by a sin-
gle mother. FI may involve a tradeoff
betweenpurchasing more expensive nu-
tritious food and less expensive energy-
and carbohydrate-dense processed foods,
which may contribute to obesity.
The risk for type 2 diabetes is increased
twofold in those with FI (42). Therefore, in
people with FI, interventions should focus
on preventing diabetes. In those with di-
abetes and FI, the priority is mitigating the
increased risk for uncontrolled hypergly-
cemia and severe hypoglycemia. Reasons
for the increased risk of hyperglycemia in-
clude the steady consumption of inexpen-
sive carbohydrate-rich processed foods,
binge eating, financial constraints to the
filling of diabetes medication prescrip-
tions, and anxiety/depression leading to
poor diabetes self-care behaviors. Hypo-
glycemia can occur as a result of inade-
quate or erratic carbohydrate consumption
following administration of sulfonylureas
orinsulin.Providers should recognize that
FI complicates diabetes management and
seek local resources that can help pa-
tients and the parents of patients with
diabetes to more regularly obtain nutri-
tious food (60).
Treatment Options
If using a sulfonylurea in patients with
FI, glipizide may be considered due to its
S8 Promoting Health and Reducing Disparities in Populations Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017
relatively short half-life. It can be taken
immediately before meals, thus obviating
the need to plan meals to an extent that
may be unreachable for those with FI.
For those needing insulin, short-acting
insulin analogs, preferably delivered by a
pen, may be used immediately after meal
consumption, whenever food becomes
available. While such insulin analogs
may becostly,many pharmaceuticalcom-
panies provide access to free medications
through patient assistance programs. If
short-acting insulin analogs are not
options for those with FI who need in-
sulin therapy, a relatively low dose of an
ultra-long-acting insulin analog may be
prescribed simply to prevent marked hy-
perglycemia, while recognizing that tight
control may not be possible in such cases.
Language Barriers
Diabetes is more common among non-
English speaking individuals in the U.S.,
as is FI. Therefore, it is important to con-
sider screening for diabetes and FI in this
population. Providers that care for non-
English speakers should develop or offer
educational programs and materials in
multiple languages with the specific
goal of preventing diabetes and building
diabetes awareness in people who can-
not easily read or write in English.
Homelessness often accompanies many
barriers to diabetes self-management,
including FI, literacy and numeracy defi-
ciencies, lack of insurance, cognitive
dysfunction, and mental health issues.
Therefore, providers who care for
homeless individuals should be well
versed or have access to social workers
to facilitate temporary housing for their
patients as a means to prevent and con-
trol diabetes. Additionally, patients with
diabetes who are homeless need secure
places to keep their diabetes supplies
and refrigerator access to properly store
their insulin and have access to take it
on a regular schedule.
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55. Heisler M, Vijan S, Makki F, Piette JD. Di-
abetes control with reciprocal peer support ver-
sus nurse care management: a randomized trial.
Ann Intern Med 2010;153:507–515
56. Long JA, Jahnle EC, Richardson DM,
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financial incentives to improve glucose control
in African American veterans: a randomized tri-
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59. Strom JL, Egede LE. The impact of social
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60. Seligman HK, Schillinger D. Hunger and so-
cioeconomic disparities in chronic disease. N
Engl J Med 2010;363:6–9
S10 Promoting Health and Reducing Disparities in Populations Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017
2. Classification and Diagnosis
of Diabetes
Diabetes Care 2017;40(Suppl. 1):S11–S24 | DOI: 10.2337/dc17-S005
Diabetes can be classified into the following general categories:
1. Type 1 diabetes (due to autoimmune b-cell destruction, usually leading to ab-
solute insulin deficiency)
2. Type 2 diabetes (due to a progressive loss of b-cell insulin secretion frequently on
the background of insulin resistance)
3. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) (diabetes diagnosed in the second or third
trimester of pregnancy that was not clearly overt diabetes prior to gestation)
4. Specific types of diabetes due to other causes, e.g., monogenic diabetes syn-
dromes (such as neonatal diabetes and maturity-onset diabetes of the young
[MODY]), diseases of the exocrine pancreas (such as cystic fibrosis), and drug- or
chemical-induced diabetes (such as with glucocorticoid use, in the treatment of
HIV/AIDS, or after organ transplantation)
This section reviews most common forms of diabetes but is not comprehensive. For
additional information, see the American Diabetes Association (ADA) position state-
ment “Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus” (1).
Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are heterogeneous diseases in which clinical
presentation and disease progression may vary considerably. Classification is im-
portant for determining therapy, but some individuals cannot be clearly classified as
having type 1 or type 2 diabetes at the time of diagnosis. The traditional paradigms
of type 2 diabetes occurring only in adults and type 1 diabetes only in children are no
longer accurate, as both diseases occur in both cohorts. Occasionally, patients with
type 2 diabetes may present with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), particularly ethnic
minorities (2). Children with type 1 diabetes typically present with the hallmark
symptoms of polyuria/polydipsia, and approximately one-third present with DKA
(3). The onset of type 1 diabetes may be more variable in adults, and they may not
present with the classic symptoms seen in children. Although difficulties in distin-
guishing diabetes type may occur in all age-groups at onset, the true diagnosis
becomes more obvious over time.
In October 2015, the ADA, JDRF, the European Association for the Study of Di-
abetes, and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists convened the
Differentiation of Diabetes by Pathophysiology, Natural History, and Prognosis Re-
search Symposium (4). The goals of the symposium were to discuss the genetic and
environmental determinants of type 1 and type 2 diabetes risk and progression, to
determine appropriate therapeutic approaches based on disease pathophysiology
and stage, and to define research gaps hindering a personalized approach to treat-
ment. The experts agreed that in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, various genetic
and environmental factors can result in the progressive loss of b-cell mass and/or
function that manifests clinically as hyperglycemia. Once hyperglycemia occurs,
patients with all forms of diabetes are at risk for developing the same complications,
although rates of progression may differ. They concluded that the identification of
individualized therapies for diabetes in the future will require better characteriza-
tion of the many paths to b-cell demise or dysfunction.
Characterization of the underlying pathophysiology is much more developed in
type 1 diabetes than in type 2 diabetes. It is now clear from studies of first-degree
relatives of patients with type 1 diabetes that the persistent presence of two or
Suggested citation: American Diabetes Associa-
tion. Classification and diagnosis of diabetes.
Sec. 2. In Standards of Medical Care in Diabetesd
2017. Diabetes Care 2017;40(Suppl. 1):S11–S24
© 2017 by the American Diabetes Association.
Readers may use this article as long as the work
is properly cited, the use is educational and not
for profit, and the work is not altered. More infor-
mation is available at http://www.diabetesjournals
American Diabetes Association
Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017 S11
more autoantibodies is an almost cer-
tain predictor of clinical hyperglycemia
and diabetes. The rate of progression is
dependent on the age at first detection
of antibody, number of antibodies, anti-
body specificity, and antibody titer. Glu-
cose and A1C levels rise well before the
clinical onset of diabetes, making diag-
nosis feasible well before the onset of
DKA. Three distinct stages of type 1 di-
abetes can be identified (Table 2.1) and
serve as a framework for future research
and regulatory decision making (4,5).
The paths to b-cell demise and dys-
function are less well defined in type 2
diabetes, but deficient b-cell insulin se-
cretion frequently in the setting of insu-
lin resistance appears to be the common
denominator. Characterization of sub-
types of this heterogeneous disorder
have been developed and validated in
Scandinavian and Northern European
populations, but have not been con-
firmed in other ethnic and racial groups.
Type 2 diabetes is primarily associated
with insulin secretory defects related
to inflammation and metabolic stress
among other contributors including
genetic factors. Future classification
schemes for diabetes will likely focus
on the pathophysiology of the under-
lying b-cell dysfunction and the stage
of disease as indicated by glucose status
(normal, impaired, or diabetes) (4).
Diabetes may be diagnosed based on
plasma glucose criteria, either the fast-
ing plasma glucose (FPG) or the 2-h
plasma glucose (2-h PG) value after a
75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
or A1C criteria (1,6) (Table 2.2).
FPG, 2-h PG after 75-g OGTT, and A1C
are equally appropriate for diagnostic
testing. It should be noted that the tests
do not necessarily detect diabetes in
the same individuals. The efficacy of
interventions for primary prevention of
type 2 diabetes (7,8) has primarily been
demonstrated among individuals with
impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), not
for individuals with isolated impaired
fasting glucose (IFG) or for those with
prediabetes defined by A1C criteria.
The same tests may be used to screen
for and diagnose diabetes and to detect
individuals with prediabetes. Diabetes
may be identified anywhere along the
spectrum of clinical scenarios: in seem-
ingly low-risk individuals who happen
to have glucose testing, in individuals
tested based on diabetes risk assess-
ment, and in symptomatic patients.
Fasting and 2-Hour Plasma Glucose
The FPG and 2-h PG may be used to di-
agnose diabetes (Table 2.2). The concor-
dance between the FPG and 2-h PG tests
is imperfect, as is the concordance be-
tween A1C and either glucose-based
test. Numerous studies have confirmed
that, compared with FPG and A1C cut
points, the 2-h PG value diagnoses
more people with diabetes.
The A1C test should be performed
using a method that is certified by the
NGSP ( and standardized
or traceable to the Diabetes Control and
Complications Trial (DCCT) reference as-
say. Although point-of-care A1C assays
may be NGSP certified, proficiency test-
ing is not mandated for performing the
test, so use of point-of-care assays for
diagnostic purposes is not recommen-
ded but may be considered in the future
if proficiency testing is performed and
The A1C has several advantages com-
pared with the FPG and OGTT, including
greater convenience (fasting not re-
quired), greater preanalytical stability,
and less day-to-day perturbations dur-
ing stress and illness. However, these
advantages may be offset by the lower
sensitivity of A1C at the designated cut
point, greater cost, limited availability
of A1C testing in certain regions of the
developing world, and the imperfect
correlation between A1C and average
glucose in certain individuals. National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
(NHANES) data indicate that an A1C cut
point of $6.5% (48 mmol/mol) identifies
one-third fewer cases of undiagnosed di-
abetes than a fasting glucose cut point
of $126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) (9).
When using A1C to diagnose diabetes,
it is important to recognize that A1C is
an indirect measure of average blood glu-
cose levels and to take other factors into
glycation independently of glycemia in-
cluding age, race/ethnicity, and anemia/
The epidemiological studies that formed
the basis for recommending A1C to di-
agnose diabetes included only adult pop-
ulations. Therefore, it remains unclear if
A1C and the same A1C cut point should
be used to diagnose diabetes in children
and adolescents (9,10).
A1C levels may vary with race/ethnicity
independently of glycemia (11,12). For
example, African Americans may have
higher A1C levels than non-Hispanic
whites despite similar fasting and post-
glucose load glucose levels (13). Though
there is some conflicting data, African
Americans may also have higher levels
of fructosamine and glycated albumin
and lower levels of 1,5-anhydroglucitol,
suggesting that their glycemic burden
(particularly postprandially) may be
higher (14,15). The association of A1C
with risk for complications appears to
be similar in African Americans and
non-Hispanic whites (16).
Table 2.1—Staging of type 1 diabetes (4,5)
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Stage c Autoimmunity
c Normoglycemia
c Presymptomatic
c Autoimmunity
c Dysglycemia
c Presymptomatic
c New-onset hyperglycemia
c Symptomatic
Diagnostic criteria c Multiple autoantibodies
c No IGT or IFG
c Multiple autoantibodies
c Dysglycemia: IFG and/or IGT
c FPG 100–125 mg/dL (5.6–6.9 mmol/L)
c 2-h PG 140–199 mg/dL (7.8–11.0 mmol/L)
c A1C 5.7–6.4% (39–47 mmol/mol) or $10%
increase in A1C
c Clinical symptoms
c Diabetes by standard criteria
S12 Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017
Hemoglobinopathies/Red Blood Cell
Interpreting A1C levels in the presence
of certain hemoglobinopathies may be
problematic. For patients with an abnor-
mal hemoglobin but normal red blood
cell turnover, such as those with the
sickle cell trait, an A1C assay without
interference from abnormal hemoglo-
bins should be used. An updated list of
interferences is available at www.ngsp
In conditions associated with in-
creased red blood cell turnover, such
as pregnancy (second and third trimes-
ters), hemodialysis, recent blood loss or
transfusion, or erythropoietin therapy,
only blood glucose criteria should be
used to diagnose diabetes.
Confirming the Diagnosis
Unless there is a clear clinical diagnosis
(e.g., patient in a hyperglycemic crisis or
with classic symptoms of hyperglycemia
and a random plasma glucose $200
mg/dL [11.1 mmol/L]), a second test is re-
quired for confirmation. It is recom-
mended that the same test be repeated
without delay using a new blood sample
for confirmation because there will be a
greater likelihood of concurrence. For ex-
ample, if the A1C is 7.0% (53 mmol/mol)
and a repeat result is 6.8% (51 mmol/mol),
the diagnosis of diabetes is confirmed. If
two different tests (such as A1C and FPG)
are both above the diagnostic threshold,
this also confirms the diagnosis. On the
other hand, if a patient has discordant
results from two different tests, then the
test result that is above the diagnostic cut
point should be repeated. The diagnosis
is made on the basis of the confirmed
test. For example, if a patient meets
the diabetes criterion of the A1C (two
results $6.5% [48 mmol/mol]) but not
FPG (,126 mg/dL [7.0 mmol/L]), that
person should nevertheless be consid-
ered to have diabetes.
Since all the tests have preanalytic
and analytic variability, it is possible
that an abnormal result (i.e., above the
diagnostic threshold), when repeated,
will produce a value below the diagnos-
tic cut point. This scenario is likely for
FPG and 2-h PG if the glucose samples
remain at room temperature and are
not centrifuged promptly. Because of
the potential for preanalytic variability,
it is critical that samples for plasma glu-
cose be spun and separated immedi-
ately after they are drawn. If patients
have test results near the margins of
the diagnostic threshold, the health
care professional should follow the pa-
tient closely and repeat the test in
3–6 months.
c Screening for prediabetes and risk
for future diabetes with an infor-
mal assessment of risk factors or
validated tools should be consid-
ered in asymptomatic adults. B
c Testing for prediabetes and risk
for future diabetes in asymptom-
atic people should be considered
in adults of any age who are over-
weight or obese (BMI $25 kg/m2
or $23 kg/m2
in Asian Ameri-
cans) and who have one or more
additional risk factors for diabe-
tes. B
c For all people, testing should be-
gin at age 45 years. B
c If tests are normal, repeat testing
carried out at a minimum of 3-year
intervals is reasonable. C
c To test for prediabetes, fasting
plasma glucose, 2-h plasma glucose
after 75-g oral glucose tolerance
test, and A1C are equally appropri-
ate. B
c In patients with prediabetes,
identify and, if appropriate, treat
other cardiovascular disease risk
factors. B
c Testing for prediabetes should be
considered in children and ado-
lescents who are overweight or
obese and who have two or more
additional risk factors for diabe-
tes. E
In 1997 and 2003, the Expert Committee
on the Diagnosis and Classification of
Diabetes Mellitus (17,18) recognized a
group of individuals whose glucose lev-
els did not meet the criteria for diabetes
but were too high to be considered nor-
mal. “Prediabetes” is the term used for
individuals with IFG and/or IGT and/or
A1C 5.7–6.4% (39–47 mmol/mol). Pre-
diabetes should not be viewed as a clin-
ical entity in its own right but rather as
an increased risk for diabetes (Table 2.3)
and cardiovascular disease (CVD).
Prediabetes is associated with obe-
sity (especially abdominal or visceral
obesity), dyslipidemia with high triglyc-
erides and/or low HDL cholesterol, and
The Expert Committee on the Diagnosis
and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus
(17,18) defined IFG as FPG levels be-
tween 100 and 125 mg/dL (between
5.6 and 6.9 mmol/L) and IGT as 2-h PG
after 75-g OGTT levels between 140 and
It should be noted that the World Health
Organization (WHO) and numerous other
diabetes organizations define the IFG
cutoff at 110 mg/dL (6.1 mmol/L).
As with the glucose measures, several
prospective studies that used A1C to
predict the progression to diabetes as
defined by A1C criteria demonstrated a
strong, continuous association between
A1C and subsequent diabetes. In a sys-
tematic review of 44,203 individuals
from 16 cohort studies with a follow-up
interval averaging 5.6 years (range 2.8–
12 years), those with A1C between 5.5
and 6.0% (between 37 and 42 mmol/mol)
Table 2.2—Criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes
FPG $126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L). Fasting is defined as no caloric intake for at least 8 h.*
2-h PG $200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) during an OGTT. The test should be performed as described
by the WHO, using a glucose load containing the equivalent of 75 g anhydrous glucose
dissolved in water.*
A1C $6.5% (48 mmol/mol). The test should be performed in a laboratory using a method that
is NGSP certified and standardized to the DCCT assay.*
In a patient with classic symptoms of hyperglycemia or hyperglycemic crisis, a random plasma
glucose $200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L).
*In the absence of unequivocal hyperglycemia, results should be confirmed by repeat testing. Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes S13
had a substantially increased risk of diabe-
tes (5-year incidence from 9 to 25%). An
A1C range of 6.0–6.5% (42–48 mmol/mol)
had a 5-year risk of developing diabetes
between 25 and 50% and a relative risk
20 times higher compared with A1C of
5.0% (31 mmol/mol) (19). In a community-
based study of African American and
non-Hispanic white adults without diabe-
tes, baseline A1C was a stronger predictor
of subsequent diabetes and cardiovascu-
lar events than fasting glucose (20).
Other analyses suggest that A1C of
5.7% (39 mmol/mol) or higher is associ-
ated with a diabetes risk similar to that
of the high-risk participants in the Di-
abetes Prevention Program (DPP) (21),
and A1C at baseline was a strong pre-
dictor of the development of glucose-
defined diabetes during the DPP and its
follow-up (22).
Hence, it is reasonable to consider an
A1C range of 5.7–6.4% (39–47 mmol/mol)
as identifying individuals with prediabe-
tes. Similar to those with IFG and/or IGT,
individuals with A1C of 5.7–6.4% (39–
47 mmol/mol) should be informed of
their increased risk for diabetes and
CVD and counseled about effective strat-
egies to lower their risks (see Section
5 “Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabe-
tes”). Similar to glucose measurements,
the continuum of risk is curvilinear, so as
A1C rises, the diabetes risk rises dispro-
portionately (19). Aggressive interven-
tions and vigilant follow-up should be
pursued for those considered at very
high risk (e.g., those with A1C .6.0%
[42 mmol/mol]).
Table 2.4 summarizes the categories
of prediabetes and Table 2.3 the criteria
for prediabetes testing. The ADA diabe-
tes risk test is an additional option for
screening (Fig. 2.1). For recommenda-
tions regarding risk factors and screen-
ing for prediabetes, see pp. S17–S18
(“Screening and Testing for Type 2 Di-
abetes and Prediabetes in Asymptom-
atic Adults” and “Screening and Testing
for Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes in
Children and Adolescents”).
c BloodglucoseratherthanA1Cshould
be used to diagnose the acute onset
of type 1 diabetes in individuals with
symptoms of hyperglycemia. E
c Screening for type 1 diabetes with a
panel of autoantibodies is currently
recommended only in the setting
of a research trial or in first-degree
family members of a proband with
type 1 diabetes. B
c Persistence of two or more autoan-
tibodies predicts clinical diabetes
and may serve as an indication for
intervention in the setting of a clini-
cal trial. Outcomes may include re-
version of autoantibody status,
prevention of glycemic progression
within the normal or prediabetes
range, prevention of clinical diabe-
tes, or preservation of residual
C-peptide secretion. A
In a patient with classic symptoms, mea-
surement of blood glucose is sufficient
to diagnose diabetes (symptoms of hy-
perglycemia or hyperglycemic crisis
plus a random plasma glucose $200
mg/dL [11.1 mmol/L]). In these cases,
knowing the blood glucose level is criti-
cal because, in addition to confirming
that symptoms are due to diabetes, it
will inform management decisions.
Some providers may also want to know
the A1C to determine how long a patient
has had hyperglycemia.
Immune-Mediated Diabetes
This form, previously called “insulin-
dependent diabetes” or “juvenile-onset
diabetes,” accounts for 5–10% of diabe-
tes and is due to cellular-mediated au-
toimmune destruction of the pancreatic
b-cells. Autoimmune markers include is-
let cell autoantibodies and autoanti-
bodies to GAD (GAD65), insulin, the
tyrosine phosphatases IA-2 and IA-2b,
and ZnT8. Type 1 diabetes is defined
by the presence of one or more of these
autoimmune markers. The disease has
strong HLA associations, with linkage
to the DQA and DQB genes. These
HLA-DR/DQ alleles can be either predis-
posing or protective.
The rate of b-cell destruction is quite
variable, being rapid in some individuals
(mainly infants and children) and slow in
others (mainly adults). Children and ado-
lescents may present with ketoacidosis as
the first manifestation of the disease.
Others have modest fasting hyperglycemia
Table 2.3—Criteria for testing for diabetes or prediabetes in asymptomatic adults
1. Testing should be considered in overweight or obese (BMI $25 kg/m2
or $23 kg/m2
in Asian
Americans) adults who have one or more of the following risk factors:
c A1C $5.7% (39 mmol/mol), IGT, or IFG on previous testing
c first-degree relative with diabetes
c high-risk race/ethnicity (e.g., African American, Latino, Native American, Asian American,
Pacific Islander)
c women who were diagnosed with GDM
c history of CVD
c hypertension ($140/90 mmHg or on therapy for hypertension)
c HDL cholesterol level ,35 mg/dL (0.90 mmol/L) and/or a triglyceride level .250 mg/dL
(2.82 mmol/L)
c women with polycystic ovary syndrome
c physical inactivity
c other clinical conditions associated with insulin resistance (e.g., severe obesity, acanthosis
2. For all patients, testing should begin at age 45 years.
3. If results are normal, testing should be repeated at a minimum of 3-year intervals, with
consideration of more frequent testing depending on initial results (e.g., those with
prediabetes should be tested yearly) and risk status.
Table 2.4—Categories of increased risk for diabetes (prediabetes)*
FPG 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L) to 125 mg/dL (6.9 mmol/L) (IFG)
2-h PG in the 75-g OGTT 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L) to 199 mg/dL (11.0 mmol/L) (IGT)
A1C 5.726.4% (39247 mmol/mol)
*For all three tests, risk is continuous, extending below the lower limit of the range and
becoming disproportionately greater at the higher end of the range.
S14 Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017
that can rapidly change to severe hyper-
glycemia and/or ketoacidosis with infec-
tion or other stress. Adults may retain
sufficient b-cell function to prevent
ketoacidosis for many years; such indi-
viduals eventually become dependent
on insulin for survival and are at risk for
ketoacidosis. At this latter stage of the
disease, there is little or no insulin secre-
tion, as manifested by low or undetectable
diabetes commonly occurs in childhood
Figure 2.1—ADA risk test. Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes S15
and adolescence, but it can occur at any
age, even in the8th and 9th decades of life.
Autoimmune destruction of b-cells
has multiple genetic predispositions
and is also related to environmental fac-
tors that are still poorly defined. Al-
though patients are not typically obese
when they present with type 1 diabetes,
obesity should not preclude the diag-
nosis. Patients with type 1 diabetes are
also prone to other autoimmune disor-
ders such as Hashimoto thyroiditis,
Graves disease, Addison disease, celiac
disease, vitiligo, autoimmune hepatitis,
myasthenia gravis, and pernicious ane-
mia (see Section 3 “Comprehensive
Medical Evaluation and Assessment of
Idiopathic Type 1 Diabetes
Some forms of type 1 diabetes have no
known etiologies. These patients have
permanent insulinopenia and are prone
to ketoacidosis, but have no evidence of
b-cell autoimmunity. Although only a
minority of patients with type 1 diabetes
fall into this category, of those who do,
most are of African or Asian ancestry.
Individuals with this form of diabetes
suffer from episodic ketoacidosis and
exhibit varying degrees of insulin defi-
ciency between episodes. This form of
diabetes is strongly inherited and is not
HLA associated. An absolute requirement
for insulin replacement therapy in affected
patients may be intermittent.
Testing for Type 1 Diabetes Risk
The incidence and prevalence of type 1
diabetes is increasing (23). Patients with
type 1 diabetes often present with acute
symptoms of diabetes and markedly el-
evated blood glucose levels, and ap-
proximately one-third are diagnosed
with life-threatening ketoacidosis (3).
Several studies indicate that measuring
islet autoantibodies in relatives of those
with type 1 diabetes may identify indi-
viduals who are at risk for developing
type 1 diabetes (5). Such testing, cou-
pled with education about diabetes
symptoms and close follow-up, may en-
able earlier identification of type 1 di-
abetes onset. A study reported the risk
of progression to type 1 diabetes from
the time of seroconversion to autoanti-
body positivity in three pediatric co-
horts from Finland, Germany, and the
U.S. Of the 585 children who developed
more than two autoantibodies, nearly
70% developed type 1 diabetes within
10 years and 84% within 15 years (24).
These findings are highly significant
because, while the German group was
recruited from offspring of parents with
type 1 diabetes, the Finnish and American
groups were recruited from the general
population. Remarkably, the findings in
all three groups were the same, suggesting
that the same sequence of events led to
clinical disease in both “sporadic” and fa-
milial cases of type 1 diabetes. Indeed, the
risk of type 1 diabetes increases as the
number of relevant autoantibodies de-
tected increases (25–27).
Although there is currently a lack of
accepted screening programs, one should
consider referring relatives of those with
type 1 diabetes for antibody testing for
risk assessment in the setting of a clinical
research study (http://www.diabetestrialnet
.org). Widespread clinical testing of
asymptomatic low-risk individuals is not
currently recommended due to lack of
approved therapeutic interventions. In-
dividuals who test positive will be coun-
seled about the risk of developing
diabetes, diabetes symptoms, and DKA
prevention. Numerous clinical studies
are being conducted to test various
methods of preventing type 1 diabetes
in those with evidence of autoimmunity
c Screening for type 2 diabetes with
an informal assessment of risk fac-
sidered in asymptomatic adults. B
c Testing for type 2 diabetes in asymp-
tomatic people should be considered
in adults of any age who are over-
weight or obese (BMI $25 kg/m2
or $23 kg/m2
in Asian Americans)
risk factors for diabetes. B
c For all people, testing should be-
gin at age 45 years. B
c If tests are normal, repeat testing
carried out at a minimum of 3-year
intervals is reasonable. C
c To test for type 2 diabetes, fasting
plasma glucose, 2-h plasma glucose
after 75-g oral glucose tolerance test,
and A1C are equally appropriate. B
c Inpatientswithdiabetes,identifyand
treat other cardiovascular disease
risk factors. B
c Testing for type 2 diabetes should
be considered in children and ado-
lescents who are overweight or
obese and whohave two ormoread-
ditional risk factors for diabetes. E
Type 2 diabetes, previously referred to
as “noninsulin-dependent diabetes” or
“adult-onset diabetes,” accounts for
90–95% of all diabetes. This form en-
compasses individuals who have relative
(rather than absolute) insulin deficiency
and have peripheral insulin resistance. At
least initially, and often throughout their
lifetime, these individuals may not need
insulin treatment to survive.
There are various causes of type 2 di-
abetes. Although the specific etiologies
are not known, autoimmune destruc-
tion of b-cells does not occur, and pa-
tients do not have any of the other
known causes of diabetes. Most, but
not all, patients with type 2 diabetes
are overweight or obese. Excess weight
itself causes some degree of insulin re-
sistance. Patients who are not obese or
overweight by traditional weight criteria
may have an increased percentage of
body fat distributed predominantly in
the abdominal region.
Ketoacidosis seldom occurs sponta-
neously in type 2 diabetes; when seen,
it usually arises in association with the
stress of another illness such as infec-
tion. Type 2 diabetes frequently goes
undiagnosed for many years because
hyperglycemia develops gradually and,
at earlier stages, is often not severe
enough for the patient to notice the
classic diabetes symptoms. Neverthe-
less, even undiagnosed patients are at
increased risk of developing macrovas-
cular and microvascular complications.
Whereas patients with type 2 diabe-
tes may have insulin levels that appear
normal or elevated, the higher blood
glucose levels in these patients would
be expected to result in even higher in-
sulin values had their b-cell function
been normal. Thus, insulin secretion is
defective in these patients and insuffi-
cient to compensate for insulin resis-
tance. Insulin resistance may improve with
weight reduction and/or pharmacological
treatment of hyperglycemia but is seldom
restored to normal.
The risk of developing type 2 diabetes
increases with age, obesity, and lack of
S16 Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017
physical activity. It occurs more fre-
quently in women with prior GDM, in
those with hypertension or dyslipide-
mia, and in certain racial/ethnic sub-
groups (African American, American
It is often associated with a strong
genetic predisposition, more so than
type 1 diabetes. However, the genetics
of type 2 diabetes is poorly understood.
In adults without traditional risk factors
for type 2 diabetes and/or younger age,
consider antibody testing for type 1 di-
abetes (i.e., GAD).
Screening and Testing for Type 2
Diabetes and Prediabetes in
Asymptomatic Adults
Screening for prediabetes and type 2 di-
abetes through an informal assessment
of risk factors (Table 2.3) or with an as-
sessment tool, such as the ADA risk test
(Fig. 2.1), is recommended to guide pro-
viders on whether performing a diag-
nostic test (Table 2.2) is appropriate.
Prediabetes and type 2 diabetes meet
criteria for conditions in which early de-
tection is appropriate. Both conditions
are common and impose significant clin-
ical and public health burdens. There is
often a long presymptomatic phase be-
fore the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.
Simple tests to detect preclinical disease
are readily available. The duration of
glycemic burden is a strong predictor
of adverse outcomes. There are effec-
tive interventions that prevent progres-
sion from prediabetes to diabetes (see
Section 5 “Prevention or Delay of Type 2
Diabetes”) and reduce the risk of diabe-
tes complications (see Section 9 “Cardio-
vascular Disease and Risk Management”
and Section 10 “Microvascular Complica-
tions and Foot Care”).
Approximately one-quarter of people
with diabetes in the U.S. and nearly half
of Asian and Hispanic Americans with
diabetes are undiagnosed (28). Although
screening of asymptomatic individuals to
might seem reasonable, rigorous clinical
trials to prove the effectiveness of such
screening have not been conducted and
are unlikely to occur.
A large European randomized con-
trolled trial compared the impact of
screening for diabetes and intensive
multifactorial intervention with that of
screening and routine care (29). General
practice patients between the ages of
40 and 69 years were screened for di-
abetes and randomly assigned by prac-
tice to intensive treatment of multiple
risk factors or routine diabetes care. Af-
ter 5.3 years of follow-up, CVD risk fac-
tors were modestly but significantly
improved with intensive treatment
compared with routine care, but the in-
cidence of first CVD events or mortality
was not significantly different between
the groups (29). The excellent care pro-
vided to patients in the routine care
group and the lack of an unscreened
control arm limited the authors’ ability
to determine whether screening and
early treatment improved outcomes
compared with no screening and later
treatment after clinical diagnoses. Com-
puter simulation modeling studies sug-
gest that major benefits are likely to
accrue from the early diagnosis and treat-
ment of hyperglycemia and cardiovas-
cular risk factors in type 2 diabetes
(30); moreover, screening, beginning
at age 30 or 45 years and independent
of risk factors, may be cost-effective
(,$11,000 per quality-adjusted life-year
gained) (31).
Additional considerations regarding
testing for type 2 diabetes and predia-
betes in asymptomatic patients include
the following.
Screening recommendations for diabe-
tes in asymptomatic adults are listed in
Table 2.3. Age is a major risk factor for
diabetes. Testing should begin at age
45 years for all patients. Screening
should be considered in overweight or
obese adults of any age with one or
more risk factors for diabetes.
BMI and Ethnicity
In general, BMI $25 kg/m2
is a risk fac-
tor for diabetes. Data and recommenda-
tions from the ADA position statement
“BMI Cut Points to Identify At-Risk
Asian Americans for Type 2 Diabetes
Screening” (32,33) suggest that the
BMI cut point should be lower for the
Asian American population. The BMI cut
points fall consistently between 23 and
24 kg/m2
(sensitivity of 80%) for nearly
all Asian American subgroups (with levels
slightly lower for Japanese Americans).
This makes a rounded cut point of
23 kg/m2
practical. In determining a sin-
gle BMI cut point, it is important to bal-
ance sensitivity and specificity so as to
provide a valuable screening tool without
numerous false positives. An argument
can be made to push the BMI cut point
to lower than 23 kg/m2
in favor of in-
creased sensitivity; however, this would
lead to an unacceptably low specificity
(13.1%). Data from the WHO also suggest
that a BMI of $23 kg/m2
should be used
to define increased risk in Asian Ameri-
cans (34). The finding that half of diabe-
tes in Asian Americans is undiagnosed
suggests that testing is not occurring at
lower BMI thresholds (28).
Evidence also suggests that other
populations may benefit from lower
BMI cut points. For example, in a large
multiethnic cohort study, for an equiva-
lent incidence rate of diabetes, a BMI of
30 kg/m2
in non-Hispanic whites was
equivalent to a BMI of 26 kg/m2
in Afri-
can Americans (35).
Certain medications, such as glucocorti-
coids, thiazide diuretics, and atypical an-
tipsychotics (36), are known to increase
the risk of diabetes and should be consid-
ered when deciding whether to screen.
Testing Interval
The appropriate interval between
screening tests is not known (37). The
rationale for the 3-year interval is that
with this interval, the number of false-
positive tests that require confirmatory
testing will be reduced and individuals
with false-negative tests will be retested
before substantial time elapses and
complications develop (37).
Community Screening
Ideally, testing should be carried out
within a health care setting because of
the need for follow-up and treatment.
Community screening outside a health
care setting is not recommended be-
cause people with positive tests may
not seek, or have access to, appropriate
follow-up testing and care. Community
testing may also be poorly targeted; i.e.,
it may fail to reach the groups most at
risk and inappropriately test those at
very low risk or even those who have
already been diagnosed (38).
Screening in Dental Practices
Because periodontal disease is associ-
ated with diabetes, the utility of chair-
side screening and referral to primary
care as a means to improve the diagno-
sis of prediabetes and diabetes has been
explored (39–41), with one study esti-
mating that 30% of patients $30 years Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes S17
ADA 2017
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ADA 2017

  • 2. American Diabetes Association Standards of Medical Care in Diabetesd2017
  • 3.
  • 4. [T]he simple word Care may suffice to express [the journal’s] philosophical mission. The new journal is designed to promote better patient care by serving the expanded needs of all health professionals committed to the care of patients with diabetes. As such, the American Diabetes Association views Diabetes Care as a reaffirmation of Francis Weld Peabody’s contention that “the secret of the care of the patient is in caring for the patient.” —Norbert Freinkel, Diabetes Care, January-February 1978 EDITOR IN CHIEF William T. Cefalu, MD ASSOCIATE EDITORS George Bakris, MD Lawrence Blonde, MD, FACP Andrew J.M. Boulton, MD David D’Alessio, MD Mary de Groot, PhD Eddie L. Greene, MD Frank B. Hu, MD, MPH, PhD Steven E. Kahn, MB, ChB Derek LeRoith, MD, PhD Robert G. Moses, MD Stephen Rich, PhD Matthew C. Riddle, MD Julio Rosenstock, MD William V. Tamborlane, MD Katie Weinger, EdD, RN Judith Wylie-Rosett, EdD, RD EDITORIAL BOARD Nicola Abate, MD Vanita R. Aroda, MD Geremia Bolli, MD John B. Buse, MD, PhD Robert J. Chilton, DO, FACC, FAHA Kenneth Cusi, MD, FACP, FACE Paresh Dandona, MD, PhD J. Hans DeVries, MD, PhD Ele Ferrannini, MD Franco Folli, MD, PhD Meredith A. Hawkins, MD, MS Richard Hellman, MD Norbett Hermanns, PhD, MSc George S. Jeha, MD Irl B. Hirsch, MD, MACP Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD M. Sue Kirkman, MD Ildiko Lingvay, MD, MPH, MSCS Harold David McIntyre, MD, FRACP Maureen Monaghan, PhD, CDE Kristen J. Nadeau, MD, MS Kwame Osei, MD Kevin A. Peterson, MD, MPH, FRCS(Ed), FAAFP Jonathan Q. Purnell, MD Peter Reaven, MD Ravi Retnakaran, MD, MSc, FRCPC Helena Wachslicht Rodbard, MD Elizabeth Seaquist, MD Guntram Schernthaner, MD David J. Schneider, MD Norbert Stefan, MD Jan S. Ulbrecht, MB, BS Joseph Wolfsdorf, MD, BCh Tien Yin Wong, MBBS, FRCSE, FRANZCO, MPH, PhD Bernard Zinman, CM, MD, FRCPC, FACP AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION OFFICERS CHAIR OF THE BOARD David A. DeMarco, PhD PRESIDENT, MEDICINE & SCIENCE Alvin C. Powers, MD PRESIDENT, HEALTH CARE & EDUCATION Brenda Montgomery, RN, MSHS, CDE SECRETARY/TREASURER Umesh Verma CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Kevin L. Hagan January 2017 Volume 40, Supplement 1 The mission of the American Diabetes Association is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.
  • 5. AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION PERSONNEL AND CONTACTS VICE PRESIDENT, PUBLISHER Michael Eisenstein ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER, SCHOLARLY JOURNALS Christian S. Kohler EDITORIAL OFFICE DIRECTOR Lyn Reynolds PEER REVIEW MANAGER Shannon Potts EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Joan Garrett DIRECTOR, SCHOLARLY JOURNALS Heather Norton Blackburn CONTENT PRODUCTION MANAGER Kelly Newton EDITORIAL CONTENT MANAGER Nancy C. Baldino TECHNICAL EDITORS Oedipa Rice Theresa Cooper ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, BILLING & COLLECTIONS Laurie Ann Hall DIRECTOR, MEMBERSHIP/SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES Donald Crowl SENIOR ADVERTISING MANAGER Julie DeVoss Graff (703) 299-5511 ADVERTISING SALES PHARMACEUTICAL/DEVICE DIGITAL ADVERTISING e-Healthcare Solutions John Burke Chief Revenue Officer (609) 882-8887, ext. 149 PHARMACEUTICAL/DEVICE PRINT ADVERTISING The Jackson-Gaeta Group, Inc. B. Joseph Jackson Paul Nalbandian Tina Auletta (973) 403-7677 PRINT ISSN 0149-5992 ONLINE ISSN 1935-5548 PRINTED IN THE USA Diabetes Care is a journal for the health care practitioner that is intended to increase knowledge, stimulate research, and promote better management of people with diabetes. To achieve these goals, the journal publishes original research on human studies in the following categories: Clinical Care/Education/Nutrition/ Psychosocial Research, Epidemiology/Health Services Research, Emerging Technologies and Therapeutics, Pathophysiology/Complications, and Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk. The journal also publishes ADA statements, consensus reports, clinically relevant review articles, letters to the editor, and health/medical news or points of view. Topics covered are of interest to clinically oriented physicians, researchers, epidemiologists, psychologists, diabetes educators, and other health professionals. More information about the journal can be found online at Copyright © 2017 by the American Diabetes Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. Requests for permission to reuse content should be sent to Copyright Clearance Center at or 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923; phone: (978) 750-8400; fax: (978) 646-8600. Requests for permission to translate should be sent to Permissions Editor, American Diabetes Association, at The American Diabetes Association reserves the right to reject any advertisement for any reason, which need not be disclosed to the party submitting the advertisement. Commercial reprint orders should be directed to Sheridan Content Services, (800) 635-7181, ext. 8065. Single issues of Diabetes Care can be ordered by calling toll-free (800) 232-3472, 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. EST, Monday through Friday. Outside the United States, call (703) 549-1500. Rates: $75 in the United States, $95 in Canada and Mexico, and $125 for all other countries. Diabetes Care is available online at Please call the numbers listed above, e-mail, or visit the online journal for more information about submitting manuscripts, publication charges, ordering reprints, subscribing to the journal, becoming an ADA member, advertising, permission to reuse content, and the journal’s publication policies. Periodicals postage paid at Alexandria, VA, and additional mailing offices.
  • 6. January 2017 Volume 40, Supplement 1 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2017 S1 Introduction S3 Professional Practice Committee S4 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2017: Summary of Revisions S6 1. Promoting Health and Reducing Disparities in Populations Diabetes and Population Health Tailoring Treatment to Reduce Disparities S11 2. Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes Classification Diagnostic Tests for Diabetes Categories of Increased Risk for Diabetes (Prediabetes) Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Monogenic Diabetes Syndromes Cystic Fibrosis–Related Diabetes Posttransplantation Diabetes Mellitus S25 3. Comprehensive Medical Evaluation and Assessment of Comorbidities Patient-Centered Collaborative Care Comprehensive Medical Evaluation Assessment of Comorbidities S33 4. Lifestyle Management Diabetes Self-management Education and Support Nutrition Therapy Physical Activity Smoking Cessation: Tobacco and e-Cigarettes Psychosocial Issues S44 5. Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabetes Lifestyle Interventions Pharmacologic Interventions Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Diabetes Self-management Education and Support S48 6. Glycemic Targets Assessment of Glycemic Control A1C Testing A1C Goals Hypoglycemia Intercurrent Illness S57 7. Obesity Management for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Assessment Diet, Physical Activity, and Behavioral Therapy Pharmacotherapy Metabolic Surgery S64 8. Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment Pharmacologic Therapy for Type 1 Diabetes Pharmacologic Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes S75 9. Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management Hypertension/Blood Pressure Control Lipid Management Antiplatelet Agents Coronary Heart Disease S88 10. Microvascular Complications and Foot Care Diabetic Kidney Disease Diabetic Retinopathy Neuropathy Foot Care S99 11. Older Adults Neurocognitive Function Hypoglycemia Treatment Goals Pharmacologic Therapy Treatment in Skilled Nursing Facilities and Nursing Homes End-of-Life Care S105 12. Children and Adolescents Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes Transition From Pediatric to Adult Care S114 13. Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy Diabetes in Pregnancy Preconception Counseling Glycemic Targets in Pregnancy Management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Management of Preexisting Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes in Pregnancy Postpartum Care Pregnancy and Drug Considerations S120 14. Diabetes Care in the Hospital Hospital Care Delivery Standards Glycemic Targets in Hospitalized Patients Bedside Blood Glucose Monitoring Antihyperglycemic Agents in Hospitalized Patients Hypoglycemia Medical Nutrition Therapy in the Hospital Self-management in the Hospital Standards for Special Situations Transition From the Acute Care Setting Preventing Admissions and Readmissions S128 15. Diabetes Advocacy Advocacy Position Statements S130 Professional Practice Committee Disclosures S132 Index This issue is freely accessible online at Keep up with the latest information for Diabetes Care and other ADA titles via Facebook (/ADAJournals) and Twitter (@ADA_Journals).
  • 7.
  • 8. Introduction Diabetes Care 2017;40(Suppl. 1):S1–S2 | DOI: 10.2337/dc17-S001 Diabetes is a complex, chronic illness re- quiring continuous medical care with multifactorial risk-reduction strategies beyondglycemic control.Ongoingpatient self-management education and support are critical to preventing acute complica- tions and reducing the risk of long-term complications. Significant evidence exists that supports a range of interventions to improve diabetes outcomes. The American Diabetes Association’s (ADA’s) “Standards of Medical Care in Di- abetes,” referred to as the “Standards of Care,” is intended to provide clinicians, pa- tients, researchers, payers, and other in- terested individuals with the components of diabetes care, general treatment goals, and tools to evaluate the quality of care. The Standards of Care recommendations are not intended to preclude clinical judg- ment and must be applied in the context of excellent clinical care, with adjustments for individual preferences, comorbidities, and other patient factors. For more de- tailed information about management of diabetes, please refer to Medical Manage- ment of Type 1 Diabetes (1) and Medical Management of Type 2 Diabetes (2). The recommendations include screen- ing, diagnostic, and therapeutic actions that are known or believed to favorably affect health outcomes of patients with di- abetes. Many of these interventions have also been shown to be cost-effective (3). The ADA strives to improve and up- date the Standards of Care to ensure that clinicians, health plans, and policy- makers can continue to rely on them as the most authoritative and current guidelines for diabetes care. ADA STANDARDS, STATEMENTS, AND REPORTS The ADA has been actively involved in the development and dissemination of diabetes care standards, guidelines, and related documents for over 25 years. ADA’s clinical practice recommendations are viewed as important resources for health care professionals who care for people with diabetes. ADA’s Standards of Care, position statements, and scien- tific statements undergo a formal review process by ADA’s Professional Prac- tice Committee (PPC) and the Board of Directors. Readers who wish to comment on the 2017 Standards of Care are invited to do so at http://professional.diabetes .org/SOC. Standards of Care Standards of Care: ADA position state- ment that provides key clinical practice recommendations. The PPC performs an extensive literature search and updates the Standards of Care annually based on the quality of new evidence. ADA Position Statement A position statement is an official ADA point of view or belief that contains clin- ical or research recommendations. Posi- tion statements are issued on scientific or medical issues related to diabetes. They are published in the ADA journals and other scientific/medical publica- tions. ADA position statements are typ- ically based on a systematic review or other review of published literature. Position statements undergo a formal review process. They are updated every 5 years or as needed. ADA Scientific Statement A scientific statement is an official ADA point of view or belief that may or may not contain clinical or research recom- mendations. Scientific statements con- tain scholarly synopsis of a topic related to diabetes. Workgroup reports fall into this category. Scientific statements are published in the ADA journals and other scientific/medical publications, as ap- propriate. Scientific statements also undergo a formal review process. Consensus Report A consensus report contains a compre- hensive examination by an expert panel (i.e., consensus panel) of a scientific or medical issue related to diabetes. A con- sensus report is not an ADA position and represents expert opinion only. The cat- egory may also include task force and expert committee reports. The need for a consensus report arises when clini- cians or scientists desire guidance on a subject for which the evidence is contra- dictory or incomplete. A consensus re- port is developed following a consensus conference where the controversial issue is extensively discussed. The report represents the panel’s collective anal- ysis, evaluation, and opinion at that point in time based in part on the con- ference proceedings. A consensus re- port does not undergo a formal ADA review process. GRADING OF SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE Since the ADA first began publishing practice guidelines, there has been con- siderable evolution in the evaluation of scientific evidence and in the develop- ment of evidence-based guidelines. In 2002, the ADA developed a classification system to grade the quality of scientific evidence supporting ADA recommenda- tions for all new and revised ADA posi- tion statements. A recent analysis of the evidence cited in the Standards of Care found steady improvement in quality over the past 10 years, with the 2014 Standards of Care for the first time having the majority of bulleted recom- mendations supported by A- or B-level evidence (4). A grading system (Table 1) developed by the ADA and modeled after existing methods was used to clar- ify and codify the evidence that forms the basis for the recommendations. ADA recommendations are assigned ratings of A, B, or C, depending on the quality “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes” was originally approved in 1988. Most recent review/revision: December 2015. © 2017 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. More information is available at Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017 S1 INTRODUCTION
  • 9. of evidence. Expert opinion E is a sepa- rate category for recommendations in which there is no evidence from clinical trials, in which clinical trials may be im- practical, or in which there is conflicting evidence. Recommendations with an A rating are based on large well-designed clinical trials or well-done meta-analyses. Generally, these recommendations have the best chance of improving out- comes when applied to the population to which they are appropriate. Recom- mendations with lower levels of evi- dence may be equally important but are not as well supported. Of course, evidence is only one component of clinical decision making. Clinicians care for patients, not populations; guidelines must always be interpreted with the individual patient in mind. Individual circumstances, such as comorbid and coexisting diseases, age, education, dis- ability, and, above all, patients’ values and preferences, must be considered and may lead to different treatment tar- gets and strategies. Furthermore, con- ventional evidence hierarchies, such as the one adapted by the ADA, may miss nuances important in diabetes care. For example, although there is excellent ev- idence from clinical trials supporting the importance of achieving multiple risk factor control, the optimal way to achieve this result is less clear. It is dif- ficult to assess each component of such a complex intervention. References 1. American Diabetes Association. Medical Management of Type 1 Diabetes. 6th ed. Kaufman FR, Ed. Alexandria, VA, American Di- abetes Association, 2012 2. American Diabetes Association. Medical Management of Type 2 Diabetes. 7th ed. Burant CF, Young LA, Eds. Alexandria, VA, Amer- ican Diabetes Association, 2012 3. Li R, Zhang P, Barker LE, Chowdhury FM, Zhang X. Cost-effectiveness of interventions to prevent and control diabetes mellitus: a sys- tematic review. Diabetes Care 2010;33:1872– 1894 4. Grant RW, Kirkman MS. Trends in the evi- dence level for the American Diabetes Associa- tion’s “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes” from 2005 to 2014. Diabetes Care 2015;38:6–8 Table 1—ADA evidence-grading system for “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes” Level of evidence Description A Clear evidence from well-conducted, generalizable randomized controlled trials that are adequately powered, including c Evidence from a well-conducted multicenter trial c Evidence from a meta-analysis that incorporated quality ratings in the analysis Compelling nonexperimental evidence, i.e., “all or none” rule developed by the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford Supportive evidence from well-conducted randomized controlled trials that are adequately powered, including c Evidence from a well-conducted trial at one or more institutions c Evidence from a meta-analysis that incorporated quality ratings in the analysis B Supportive evidence from well-conducted cohort studies c Evidence from a well-conducted prospective cohort study or registry c Evidence from a well-conducted meta-analysis of cohort studies Supportive evidence from a well-conducted case-control study C Supportive evidence from poorly controlled or uncontrolled studies c Evidence from randomized clinical trials with one or more major or three or more minor methodological flaws that could invalidate the results c Evidence from observational studies with high potential for bias (such as case series with comparison with historical controls) c Evidence from case series or case reports Conflicting evidence with the weight of evidence supporting the recommendation E Expert consensus or clinical experience S2 Introduction Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017
  • 10. Professional Practice Committee Diabetes Care 2017;40(Suppl. 1):S3 | DOI: 10.2337/dc17-S002 The Professional Practice Committee (PPC) of the American Diabetes Asso- ciation (ADA) is responsible for the “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes” position statement, referred to as the “Standards of Care.” The PPC is a multi- disciplinary expert committee com- prised of physicians, diabetes educators, registered dietitians, and others who have expertise in a range of areas, in- cluding adult and pediatric endocrinol- ogy, epidemiology, public health, lipid research, hypertension, preconception planning, and pregnancy care. Appoint- ment to the PPC is based on excellence in clinical practice and research. Although the primary role of the PPC is to review and update the Standards of Care, it is also responsible for overseeing the review and revision of ADA’s position statements and scientific statements. The ADA adheres to the Institute of Medicine Standards for Developing Trust- worthy Clinical Practice Guidelines. All members of the PPC are required to dis- close potential conflicts of interest with industry and/or other relevant organiza- tions. These disclosures are discussed at the onset of each Standards of Care re- vision meeting. Members of the commit- tee, their employer, and their disclosed conflicts of interest are listed in the “Professional Practice Committee Disclo- sures” table (see p. S130). For the current revision, PPC members systematically searched MEDLINE for human studies related to each section and published since 1 January 2016. Rec- ommendations were revised based on new evidence or, in some cases, to clar- ify the prior recommendation or match thestrengthofthewordingto thestrength oftheevidence.Atablelinkingthechanges in recommendations to new evidence can be reviewed at http://professional As for all position statements, the Standards of Care posi- tion statement was approved by the Executive Committee of ADA’s Board of Directors, which includes health care professionals, scientists, and lay people. Feedback from the larger clinical community was valuable forthe 2017 re- vision of the Standards of Care. Readers who wish to comment on the 2017 Standards of Care are invited to do so at The ADA funds development of the Standards of Care and all ADA position statements out of its general revenues and does not use industry support for these purposes. The PPC would like to thank the following individuals who provided their expertise in re- viewing and/or consulting with the committee: Conor J. Best, MD; William T. Cefalu, MD; Mary de Groot, PhD; Gary D. Hack, DDS; Silvio E. Inzucchi, MD; Meghan Jardine, MS, MBA, RD, LD, CDE; Victor R. Lavis, MD; Mark E. Molitch, MD; Antoinette Moran, MD; Matt Petersen; Sean Petrie; Louis H. Philipson, MD, PhD; Margaret A. Powers, PhD, RD, CDE; Desmond Schatz, MD; Philip R. Schauer, MD; Sonali N. Thosani, MD; and Guillermo E. Umpierrez, MD. Members of the PPC William H. Herman, MD, MPH (Co-Chair) RitaR.Kalyani,MD,MHS,FACP(Co-Chair)* Andrea L. Cherrington, MD, MPH Donald R. Coustan, MD Ian de Boer, MD, MS Robert James Dudl, MD Hope Feldman, CRNP, FNP-BC Hermes J. Florez, MD, PhD, MPH* Suneil Koliwad, MD, PhD* Melinda Maryniuk, MEd, RD, CDE Joshua J. Neumiller, PharmD, CDE, FASCP* Joseph Wolfsdorf, MB, BCh *Subgroup leaders ADA Staff Erika Gebel Berg, PhD (Corresponding author: Sheri Colberg-Ochs, PhD Alicia H. McAuliffe-Fogarty, PhD, CPsychol Sacha Uelmen, RDN, CDE Robert E. Ratner, MD, FACP, FACE © 2017 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. More information is available at Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017 S3 PROFESSIONALPRACTICECOMMITTEE
  • 11. Standards of Medical Care in Diabetesd2017: Summary of Revisions Diabetes Care 2017;40(Suppl. 1):S4–S5 | DOI: 10.2337/dc17-S003 GENERAL CHANGES In light of the American Diabetes Associa- tion’s (ADA’s) new position statement on psychosocial care in the treatment of di- abetes, the “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes,” referred to as the “Standards of Care,” has been updated to address psy- chosocial issues in all aspects of care in- cluding self-management, mental health, communication, complications, comorbid- ities, and life-stage considerations. Although levels of evidence for several recommendations have been updated, these changes are not addressed below as the clinical recommendations have re- mained the same. Changes in evidence level from, for example, E to C are not noted below. The 2017 Standards of Care contains, in addition to many minor changes that clarify recommendations or reflect new evidence, the following more substantive revisions. SECTION CHANGES Section 1. Promoting Health and Reducing Disparities in Populations This section was renamed and now fo- cuses on improving outcomes and re- ducing disparities in populations with diabetes. Recommendations were added to as- sess patients’ social context as well as refer to local community resources and provide self-management support. Section 2. Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes The section was updated to include a new consensus on the staging of type 1 diabetes (Table 2.1) and a discussion of a proposed unifying diabetes classification scheme that focuses on b-cell dysfunc- tion and disease stage as indicated by glucose status. Language was added to clarify screen- ing and testing for diabetes. Screening approaches were described, and Fig. 2.1 was included to provide an example of a validatedtooltoscreenforprediabetesand previously undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. Due to recent data, delivering a baby weighing 9 lb or more is no longer listed as an independent risk factor for the development of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. A section was added that discusses recent evidence on screening for diabe- tes in dental practices. The recommendation to test women with gestational diabetes mellitus for persistent diabetes was changed from 6–12 weeks’ postpartum to 4–12 weeks’ postpartum to allow the test to be sched- uled just before the standard 6-week post- partum obstetrical checkup so that the results can be discussed with the patient at that time of the visit or to allow the test to be rescheduled at the visit if the patient did not get the test. Additional detail was added to the section on monogenic diabetes syn- dromes, and a new table was added (Ta- ble 2.7) describing the most common forms of monogenic diabetes. A new section was added on post- transplantation diabetes mellitus. Section 3. Comprehensive Medical Evaluation and Assessment of Comorbidities This new section, including components of the 2016 section “Foundations of Care and Comprehensive Medical Eval- uation,” highlights the importance of assessing comorbidities in the context of a patient-centered comprehensive medical evaluation. A new discussion of the goals of provider- patient communication is included. The Standards of Care now recom- mends the assessment of sleep pattern and duration as part of the comprehensive medical evaluation based on emerging ev- idence suggesting a relationship between sleep quality and glycemic control. An expanded list of diabetes comorbid- ities now includes autoimmune diseases, HIV, anxiety disorders, depression, disor- dered eating behavior, and serious mental illness. Section 4. Lifestyle Management This section, previously entitled “Foun- dations of Care and Comprehensive Medical Evaluation,” was refocused on lifestyle management. The recommendation for nutrition therapy in people prescribed flexible in- sulin therapy was updated to include fat and protein counting in addition to car- bohydrate counting for some patients to reflect evidence that these dietary fac- tors influence insulin dosing and blood glucose levels. Based on new evidence of glycemic benefits, the Standards of Care now recommends that prolonged sitting be interrupted every 30 min with short bouts of physical activity. A recommendation was added to highlight the importance of balance and flexibility training in older adults. A new section and table provide infor- mation on situations that might warrant referral to a mental health provider. Section 5. Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabetes To help providers identify those patients who would benefit from prevention ef- forts, new text was added emphasizing the importance of screening for prediabe- tes using an assessment tool or informal assessment of risk factors and performing a diagnostic test when appropriate. To reflect new evidence showing an association between B12 deficiency and long-term metformin use, a recommen- dation was added to consider periodic © 2017 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. More information is available at S4 Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017 SUMMARYOFREVISIONS
  • 12. measurement of B12 levels and supple- mentation as needed. Section 6. Glycemic Targets Based on recommendations from the In- ternational Hypoglycaemia Study Group, serious, clinically significant hypoglycemia is now defined as glucose ,54 mg/dL (3.0 mmol/L), while the glucose alert value is defined as #70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) (Ta- ble6.3).Clinicalimplicationsare discussed. Section 7. Obesity Management for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes To be consistent with other ADA position statements and to reinforce the role of surgery in the treatment of type 2 diabe- tes, bariatric surgery is now referred to as metabolic surgery. To reflect the results of an international workgroup report endorsed by the ADA and many other organizations, recommen- dations regarding metabolic surgery have been substantially changed, in- cluding those related to BMI thresholds for surgical candidacy (Table 7.1), men- tal health assessment, and appropriate surgical venues. Section 8. Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment The title of this section was changed from “Approaches to Glycemic Treatment” to “Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment” to reinforce that the section focuses on pharmacologic therapy alone. Lifestyle management and obesity manage- ment are discussed in separate chapters. To reflect new evidence showing an as- sociation between B12 deficiency and long- term metformin use, a recommendation was added to consider periodic measure- ment of B12 levels and supplementation as needed. A section was added describing the role of newly available biosimilar insu- lins in diabetes care. Based on the results of two large clin- ical trials, a recommendation was added to consider empagliflozin or liraglutide in patients with established cardiovascular disease to reduce the risk of mortality. Figure 8.1, antihyperglycemic ther- apy in type 2 diabetes, was updated to acknowledge the high cost of insulin. The algorithm for the use of combina- tion injectable therapy in patients with type2diabetes(Fig.8.2)hasbeenchanged to reflect studies demonstrating the non- inferiority of basal insulin plus glucagon- likepeptide1receptoragonistversusbasal insulin plus rapid-acting insulin versus two daily injections of premixed insulin, as well as studies demonstrating the noninferior- ity of multiple dose premixed insulin regi- mens versus basal-bolus therapy. Due toconcernsabout the affordability of antihyperglycemic agents, new tables were added showing the median costs of noninsulin agents (Table 8.2) and insulins (Table 8.3). Section 9. Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management To better align with existing data, the hy- pertension treatment recommendation for diabetes now suggests that, for pa- tients without albuminuria, any of the fourclassesofblood pressure medications (ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, thiazide-like diuretics, or dihy- dropyridine calcium channel blockers) that have shown beneficial cardiovascular outcomes may be used. To optimize maternal health without risking fetal harm, the recommendation for the treatment of pregnant patients with diabetes and chronic hypertension was changed to suggest a blood pressure target of 120–160/80–105 mmHg. Asectionwasaddeddescribingthecardio- vascular outcome trials that demonstrated benefits of empagliflozin and liraglutide in certain high-risk patients with diabetes. Section 10. Microvascular Complications and Foot Care A recommendation was added to high- light the importance of provider commu- nication regarding the increased risk of retinopathy in women with preexisting type 1 or type 2 diabetes who are plan- ning pregnancy or who are pregnant. The section now includes specific rec- ommendations for the treatment of neuropathic pain. A new recommendation highlights the benefits of specialized therapeutic footwear for patients at high risk for foot problems. Section 12. Children and Adolescents Additional recommendations highlight the importance of assessment and re- ferral for psychosocial issues in youth. Due to the risk of malformations asso- ciated with unplanned pregnancies and poor metabolic control, a new recom- mendation was added encouraging pre- conception counseling starting at puberty for all girls of childbearing potential. To address diagnostic challenges asso- ciated with the current obesity epidemic, a discussion was added about distinguish- ing between type 1 and type 2 diabetes in youth. A section was added describing recent nonrandomized studies of metabolic sur- gery for the treatment of obese adoles- cents with type 2 diabetes. Section 13. Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy Insulin was emphasized as the treatment of choice in pregnancy based on concerns about the concentration of metformin on the fetal side of the placenta and glyburide levels in cord blood. Based on available data, preprandial self-monitoring of blood glucose was deemphasized in the management of diabetes in pregnancy. In the interest of simplicity, fasting and postprandial targets for pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus and preexisting diabetes were unified. Section 14. Diabetes Care in the Hospital This section was reorganized for clarity. A treatment recommendation was up- dated to clarify that either basal insulin or basal plus bolus correctional insulin may be used in the treatment of non- critically ill patients with diabetes in a hospital setting, but not sliding scale alone. The recommendations for insulin dos- ing for enteral/parenteral feedings were expanded to provide greater detail on in- sulin type, timing, dosage, correctional, and nutritional considerations. Summary of Revisions S5
  • 13. 1. Promoting Health and Reducing Disparities in Populations Diabetes Care 2017;40(Suppl. 1):S6–S10 | DOI: 10.2337/dc17-S004 Recommendations c Treatment decisions should be timely, rely on evidence-based guidelines, and be made collaboratively with patients based on individual preferences, prog- noses, and comorbidities. B c Providers should consider the burden of treatment and self-efficacy of pa- tients when recommending treatments. E c Treatment plans should align with the Chronic Care Model, emphasizing pro- ductive interactions between a prepared proactive practice team and an in- formed activated patient. A c When feasible, care systems should support team-based care, community in- volvement,patient registries, and decisionsupport tools to meet patient needs. B DIABETES AND POPULATION HEALTH Clinical practice guidelines are key to improving population health; however, for opti- mal outcomes, diabetes care must be individualized for each patient. Thus, efforts to improve population health will require a combination of system-level and patient-level approaches. With such an integrated approach in mind, the American Diabetes Asso- ciation (ADA) highlights the importance of patient-centered care, defined as care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions (1). Practice recommendations, whether based on evidence or expert opinion, are intended to guide an overall ap- proach to care. The science and art of medicine come together when the clinician is faced with making treatment recommendations for a patient who may not meet the eligibility criteria used in the studies on which guidelines are based. Recognizing that one size does not fit all, the standards presented here provide guidance for when and how to adapt recommendations for an individual. Care Delivery Systems Overthelast10years, therehas been steady improvementin the proportionofpatients with diabetes whoare treated withstatins and whoachieverecommended hemoglobin A1C (A1C), blood pressure, and LDL cholesterol levels (2). The mean A1C nationally among people with diabetes has declined from 7.6% (60 mmol/mol) in 1999–2002 to 7.2% (55 mmol/mol) in 2007–2010 based on the National Health and Nutrition Exam- inationSurvey (NHANES),with youngeradults less likely to meettreatment targets than older adults (2). This has been accompanied by improvements in cardiovascular out- comes and has led to substantial reductions in end-stage microvascular complications. Nevertheless, 33–49% of patients still do not meet targets for glycemic, blood pressure, or cholesterol control, and only 14% meet targets for all three measures while also avoiding smoking (2). Evidence suggests that progress in cardiovascular risk factor control (particularly tobacco use) may be slowing (2,3). Certain segments of the population, such as young adults and patients with complex comorbidities, financial or other social hardships, and/or limited English proficiency, face particular challenges to goal-based care (4–6). Even after adjusting for these patient factors, the persistent variability in the quality of diabetes care across providers and practice settings indicates that substantial system-level improvements are still needed. Chronic Care Model Numerous interventions to improve adherence to the recommended standards have been implemented. However, a major barrier to optimal care is a delivery Suggested citation: American Diabetes Associa- tion. Promoting health and reducing disparities in populations. Sec. 1. In Standards of Medical Care in Diabetesd2017. Diabetes Care 2017; 40(Suppl. 1):S6–S10 © 2017 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educationaland not for profit, and the work is not altered. More informa- tion is available at http://www.diabetesjournals .org/content/license. American Diabetes Association S6 Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017 1.PROMOTINGHEALTHANDREDUCINGDISPARITIES
  • 14. system that is often fragmented, lacks clinical information capabilities, dupli- cates services, and is poorly designed for the coordinated delivery of chronic care. The Chronic Care Model (CCM) takes these factors into consideration, and is an effective framework for im- proving the quality of diabetes care (7). Six Core Elements. The CCM includes six core elements to optimize the care of patients with chronic disease: 1. Delivery system design (moving from a reactive to a proactive care delivery system where planned visits are coordinated through a team- based approach) 2. Self-management support 3. Decision support (basing care on evidence-based, effective care guidelines) 4. Clinical information systems (using registries that can provide patient- specific and population-based sup- port to the care team) 5. Community resources and policies (identifying or developing resources to support healthy lifestyles) 6. Health systems (to create a quality- oriented culture) Redefining the roles of the health care delivery team and empowering patient self-management are fundamental to the successful implementation of the CCM (8). Collaborative, multidisciplinary teams are best suited to provide care for people with chronic conditions such as diabetes and to facilitate patients’ self- management (9–11). Strategies for System-Level Improvement Optimal diabetes management requires an organized, systematic approach and the involvement of a coordinated team of dedicated health care professionals work- ing in an environment where patient- centered high-quality care is a priority (6). The National Diabetes Education Pro- gram (NDEP) maintains an onlineresource ( to help health care professionals to design and implement more effective health care delivery systems for those with dia- betes. Three specific objectives, with ref- erences to literature outlining practical strategies to achieve each, are as follows. Objective 1: Optimize Provider and Team Behavior. The care team, which includes the patient, should prioritize timely and appropriate intensification of lifestyle and/or pharmacological therapy for pa- tients who have not achieved the rec- ommended metabolic targets (12–14). To inform this process, providers should routinely assess medication adherence. At a system level, “adequate” adher- ence is defined as 80% (calculated as the number of pills taken by the patient in a given time period divided by the number of pills prescribed by the physi- cian in that same time period) (15). If adherence is 80% or above, then treat- ment intensification should be con- sidered (e.g., up-titration). Additional strategies shown to improve care team behavior and thereby catalyze reductions in A1C, blood pressure, and/or LDL cho- lesterol include explicit and collaborative goal setting with patients (16,17); identi- fyingandaddressinglanguage, numeracy, or cultural barriers to care (18–20); inte- grating evidence-based guidelines and clinical information tools into the process of care (21–23); soliciting performance feedback, setting reminders, and provid- ing structured care (e.g., guidelines, formal case management, and patient education resources) (6); and incorpo- rating care management teams including nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, and other providers (24,25). Objective 2: Support Patient Self-management. Successful diabetes care requires a sys- tematic approach to supporting patients’ behavior change efforts, including the following: 1. Healthy lifestyle choices (healthy eating, physical activity, tobacco ces- sation, weight management, and ef- fective strategies for coping with stress) 2. Disease self-management (taking and managing medications and, when clinically appropriate, self-monitoring of glucose and blood pressure) 3. Prevention of diabetes complica- tions (self-monitoring of foot health; active participation in screening for eye, foot, and renal complications; and immunizations) 4. Identification of self-management problems and development of strate- giestosolve those problems, including self-selected behavioral goal setting High-quality diabetes self-management education (DSME) has been shown to improve patient self-management, satisfaction, and glucose outcomes. National DSME standards call for an in- tegrated approach that includes clinical content and skills, behavioral strategies (goal setting, problem solving), and en- gagement with psychosocial concerns (26). In devising approaches to support dis- ease self-management, it is notable that in 23% of cases, uncontrolled A1C, blood pressure, or lipids were associated with poor medication adherence (15). Barriers to adherence may include patient factors (remembering to obtain or take medica- tions, fear, depression, or health beliefs), medication factors (complexity, multiple daily dosing, cost, or side effects), and system factors (inadequate follow-up or support). A patient-centered, nonjudg- mental communication style can help providers to identify barriers to adher- ence as well as motivation for self-care (17). Nurse-directed interventions, home aides, diabetes education, and pharmacy- derived interventions improved adher- ence but had a very small effect on outcomes, including metabolic control (27). Success in overcoming barriers to adherence may be achieved if the patient and provider agree on a targeted ap- proach for a specific barrier (10). For ex- ample, simplifying a complex treatment regimen may improve adherence in those who identify complexity as a barrier. Objective 3: Change the Care System. A characteristic of most successful care systems is making high-quality care an institutional priority (28). Changes that increase the quality of diabetes care in- clude providing care on evidence-based guidelines (21); expanding the role of teams to implement more intensive dis- ease management strategies (6,24,29); tracking medication adherence at a sys- tem level (15); redesigning the care pro- cess (30); implementing electronic health record tools (31,32); empower- ing and educating patients (33,34); re- moving financial barriers and reducing patient out-of-pocket costs for diabetes education, eye exams, self-monitoring of blood glucose, and necessary medica- tions (6); assessing and addressing psychosocial issues (26,35); and identify- ing/developing/engaging community re- sources and public policy that support healthy lifestyles (36). Initiatives such as the Patient-Centered MedicalHomeshowpromiseforimproving Promoting Health and Reducing Disparities in Populations S7
  • 15. outcomes by coordinating primary care and offering new opportunities for team-based chronic disease manage- ment (37). Additional strategies to improve diabetes care include reimburse- ment structures that, in contrast to visit- based billing, reward the provision of appropriate and high-quality care to achieve metabolic goals (38), and incen- tives that accommodate personalized care goals (6,39). TAILORING TREATMENT TO REDUCE DISPARITIES Recommendations c Providers should assess social con- text, including potential food in- security, housing stability, and financial barriers, and apply that in- formation to treatment decisions. A c Patients should be referred to lo- cal community resources when available. B c Patientsshouldbeprovidedwithself- managementsupportfromlayhealth coaches, navigators, or community health workers when available. A The causes of health disparities are com- plex and include societal issues such as in- stitutional racism, discrimination, socioeconomic status, poor access to health care, education, and lack of health insurance. Social determinants of health can be defined as the economic, environ- mental, political, and social conditions in which people live, and are responsible for a major part of health inequality world- wide (40). Given the tremendous burden that obesity, unhealthy eating, physical in- activity, and smoking place on the health of patients with diabetes, efforts are needed to address and change the societal determinants of these problems (41). The ADA recognizes the association be- tween social and environmental factors and the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes and has issued a call for research that seeks to better understand how these social determinants influence behaviors and how the relationships be- tween these variables might be modified for the prevention and management of di- abetes (42). Ethnic/Cultural/Sex Differences Ethnic, cultural, and sex differences may affect diabetes prevalence and out- comes. Despite advances over the last several decades in medical knowledge around diabetes management, racial and ethnic minorities remain at higher risk for microvascular complications than nonminorities. Type 2 diabetes de- velops more frequently in women with prior gestational diabetes mellitus (43) andincertainracial/ethnicgroups(African American, Native American, Hispanic/ Latino, and Asian American) (44). Women with diabetes are also at greater risk of coronary heart disease than men with di- abetes (45). Access to Health Care Socioeconomic and ethnic inequalities exist in the provision of health care to individuals with diabetes (46). For exam- ple, children with type 1 diabetes from racial/ethnic minority populations with lower socioeconomic status are at risk for poor metabolic control and poor emotional functioning (47). Significant racial differences and barriers exist in self-monitoring and outcomes (48). Lack of Health Insurance Not having health insurance affects the processes and outcomes of diabetes care. Individuals without insurance cov- erage for blood glucose monitoring sup- plies have a 0.5% higher A1C than those with coverage (49). In a recent study of predominantly African American or His- panic uninsured patients with diabetes, 50–60% had hypertension, but only 22– 37% had systolic blood pressure controlled by treatments to under 130 mmHg (50). The Affordable Care Act has improved ac- cessto health care; however, many remain without coverage ( fastats/health-insurance.htm). System-Level Interventions Eliminating disparities will require indi- vidualized, patient-centered, and cultur- ally appropriate strategies as well as system-level interventions. Structured interventions that are developed for di- verse populations and that integrate culture, language, finance, religion, and literacy and numeracy skills positively influence patient outcomes (51). All providers and health care systems are encouraged to use the National Quality Forum’s National Voluntary Consensus StandardsforAmbulatoryCaredMeasuring Healthcare Disparities (52). Community Support Identification or development of re- sources to support healthy lifestyles is a core element of the CCM (7). Health care community linkages are receiving increasing attention from the American Medical Association, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and others as a means of promoting trans- lation of clinical recommendations for lifestyle modification in real-world settings (53). To overcome disparities, community health workers (54), peers (55,56), and lay leaders (57) may assist in the delivery of DSME and diabetes self-management support services (58), particularly in underserved communi- ties. Strong social support leads to im- proved clinical outcomes, a reduction in psychosocial issues, and adoption of healthier lifestyles (59). Food Insecurity Food insecurity (FI) is the unreliable avail- ability of nutritious food and the inability to consistently obtain food without re- sorting to socially unacceptable practices. Over 14% (or one of every seven people in the U.S.) are food insecure. The rate is higher in some racial/ethnic minority groups including African American and Latino populations, in low-income house- holds, and in homes headed by a sin- gle mother. FI may involve a tradeoff betweenpurchasing more expensive nu- tritious food and less expensive energy- and carbohydrate-dense processed foods, which may contribute to obesity. The risk for type 2 diabetes is increased twofold in those with FI (42). Therefore, in people with FI, interventions should focus on preventing diabetes. In those with di- abetes and FI, the priority is mitigating the increased risk for uncontrolled hypergly- cemia and severe hypoglycemia. Reasons for the increased risk of hyperglycemia in- clude the steady consumption of inexpen- sive carbohydrate-rich processed foods, binge eating, financial constraints to the filling of diabetes medication prescrip- tions, and anxiety/depression leading to poor diabetes self-care behaviors. Hypo- glycemia can occur as a result of inade- quate or erratic carbohydrate consumption following administration of sulfonylureas orinsulin.Providers should recognize that FI complicates diabetes management and seek local resources that can help pa- tients and the parents of patients with diabetes to more regularly obtain nutri- tious food (60). Treatment Options If using a sulfonylurea in patients with FI, glipizide may be considered due to its S8 Promoting Health and Reducing Disparities in Populations Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017
  • 16. relatively short half-life. It can be taken immediately before meals, thus obviating the need to plan meals to an extent that may be unreachable for those with FI. For those needing insulin, short-acting insulin analogs, preferably delivered by a pen, may be used immediately after meal consumption, whenever food becomes available. While such insulin analogs may becostly,many pharmaceuticalcom- panies provide access to free medications through patient assistance programs. If short-acting insulin analogs are not options for those with FI who need in- sulin therapy, a relatively low dose of an ultra-long-acting insulin analog may be prescribed simply to prevent marked hy- perglycemia, while recognizing that tight control may not be possible in such cases. Language Barriers Diabetes is more common among non- English speaking individuals in the U.S., as is FI. Therefore, it is important to con- sider screening for diabetes and FI in this population. Providers that care for non- English speakers should develop or offer educational programs and materials in multiple languages with the specific goal of preventing diabetes and building diabetes awareness in people who can- not easily read or write in English. Homelessness Homelessness often accompanies many barriers to diabetes self-management, including FI, literacy and numeracy defi- ciencies, lack of insurance, cognitive dysfunction, and mental health issues. Therefore, providers who care for homeless individuals should be well versed or have access to social workers to facilitate temporary housing for their patients as a means to prevent and con- trol diabetes. Additionally, patients with diabetes who are homeless need secure places to keep their diabetes supplies and refrigerator access to properly store their insulin and have access to take it on a regular schedule. References 1. Institute of Medicine. Committee on Quality of Health Care in America. 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  • 18. 2. Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes Diabetes Care 2017;40(Suppl. 1):S11–S24 | DOI: 10.2337/dc17-S005 CLASSIFICATION Diabetes can be classified into the following general categories: 1. Type 1 diabetes (due to autoimmune b-cell destruction, usually leading to ab- solute insulin deficiency) 2. Type 2 diabetes (due to a progressive loss of b-cell insulin secretion frequently on the background of insulin resistance) 3. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) (diabetes diagnosed in the second or third trimester of pregnancy that was not clearly overt diabetes prior to gestation) 4. Specific types of diabetes due to other causes, e.g., monogenic diabetes syn- dromes (such as neonatal diabetes and maturity-onset diabetes of the young [MODY]), diseases of the exocrine pancreas (such as cystic fibrosis), and drug- or chemical-induced diabetes (such as with glucocorticoid use, in the treatment of HIV/AIDS, or after organ transplantation) This section reviews most common forms of diabetes but is not comprehensive. For additional information, see the American Diabetes Association (ADA) position state- ment “Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus” (1). Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are heterogeneous diseases in which clinical presentation and disease progression may vary considerably. Classification is im- portant for determining therapy, but some individuals cannot be clearly classified as having type 1 or type 2 diabetes at the time of diagnosis. The traditional paradigms of type 2 diabetes occurring only in adults and type 1 diabetes only in children are no longer accurate, as both diseases occur in both cohorts. Occasionally, patients with type 2 diabetes may present with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), particularly ethnic minorities (2). Children with type 1 diabetes typically present with the hallmark symptoms of polyuria/polydipsia, and approximately one-third present with DKA (3). The onset of type 1 diabetes may be more variable in adults, and they may not present with the classic symptoms seen in children. Although difficulties in distin- guishing diabetes type may occur in all age-groups at onset, the true diagnosis becomes more obvious over time. In October 2015, the ADA, JDRF, the European Association for the Study of Di- abetes, and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists convened the Differentiation of Diabetes by Pathophysiology, Natural History, and Prognosis Re- search Symposium (4). The goals of the symposium were to discuss the genetic and environmental determinants of type 1 and type 2 diabetes risk and progression, to determine appropriate therapeutic approaches based on disease pathophysiology and stage, and to define research gaps hindering a personalized approach to treat- ment. The experts agreed that in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, various genetic and environmental factors can result in the progressive loss of b-cell mass and/or function that manifests clinically as hyperglycemia. Once hyperglycemia occurs, patients with all forms of diabetes are at risk for developing the same complications, although rates of progression may differ. They concluded that the identification of individualized therapies for diabetes in the future will require better characteriza- tion of the many paths to b-cell demise or dysfunction. Characterization of the underlying pathophysiology is much more developed in type 1 diabetes than in type 2 diabetes. It is now clear from studies of first-degree relatives of patients with type 1 diabetes that the persistent presence of two or Suggested citation: American Diabetes Associa- tion. Classification and diagnosis of diabetes. Sec. 2. In Standards of Medical Care in Diabetesd 2017. Diabetes Care 2017;40(Suppl. 1):S11–S24 © 2017 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. More infor- mation is available at http://www.diabetesjournals .org/content/license. American Diabetes Association Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017 S11 2.CLASSIFICATIONANDDIAGNOSISOFDIABETES
  • 19. more autoantibodies is an almost cer- tain predictor of clinical hyperglycemia and diabetes. The rate of progression is dependent on the age at first detection of antibody, number of antibodies, anti- body specificity, and antibody titer. Glu- cose and A1C levels rise well before the clinical onset of diabetes, making diag- nosis feasible well before the onset of DKA. Three distinct stages of type 1 di- abetes can be identified (Table 2.1) and serve as a framework for future research and regulatory decision making (4,5). The paths to b-cell demise and dys- function are less well defined in type 2 diabetes, but deficient b-cell insulin se- cretion frequently in the setting of insu- lin resistance appears to be the common denominator. Characterization of sub- types of this heterogeneous disorder have been developed and validated in Scandinavian and Northern European populations, but have not been con- firmed in other ethnic and racial groups. Type 2 diabetes is primarily associated with insulin secretory defects related to inflammation and metabolic stress among other contributors including genetic factors. Future classification schemes for diabetes will likely focus on the pathophysiology of the under- lying b-cell dysfunction and the stage of disease as indicated by glucose status (normal, impaired, or diabetes) (4). DIAGNOSTIC TESTS FOR DIABETES Diabetes may be diagnosed based on plasma glucose criteria, either the fast- ing plasma glucose (FPG) or the 2-h plasma glucose (2-h PG) value after a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) or A1C criteria (1,6) (Table 2.2). FPG, 2-h PG after 75-g OGTT, and A1C are equally appropriate for diagnostic testing. It should be noted that the tests do not necessarily detect diabetes in the same individuals. The efficacy of interventions for primary prevention of type 2 diabetes (7,8) has primarily been demonstrated among individuals with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), not for individuals with isolated impaired fasting glucose (IFG) or for those with prediabetes defined by A1C criteria. The same tests may be used to screen for and diagnose diabetes and to detect individuals with prediabetes. Diabetes may be identified anywhere along the spectrum of clinical scenarios: in seem- ingly low-risk individuals who happen to have glucose testing, in individuals tested based on diabetes risk assess- ment, and in symptomatic patients. Fasting and 2-Hour Plasma Glucose The FPG and 2-h PG may be used to di- agnose diabetes (Table 2.2). The concor- dance between the FPG and 2-h PG tests is imperfect, as is the concordance be- tween A1C and either glucose-based test. Numerous studies have confirmed that, compared with FPG and A1C cut points, the 2-h PG value diagnoses more people with diabetes. A1C The A1C test should be performed using a method that is certified by the NGSP ( and standardized or traceable to the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) reference as- say. Although point-of-care A1C assays may be NGSP certified, proficiency test- ing is not mandated for performing the test, so use of point-of-care assays for diagnostic purposes is not recommen- ded but may be considered in the future if proficiency testing is performed and documented. The A1C has several advantages com- pared with the FPG and OGTT, including greater convenience (fasting not re- quired), greater preanalytical stability, and less day-to-day perturbations dur- ing stress and illness. However, these advantages may be offset by the lower sensitivity of A1C at the designated cut point, greater cost, limited availability of A1C testing in certain regions of the developing world, and the imperfect correlation between A1C and average glucose in certain individuals. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data indicate that an A1C cut point of $6.5% (48 mmol/mol) identifies one-third fewer cases of undiagnosed di- abetes than a fasting glucose cut point of $126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) (9). When using A1C to diagnose diabetes, it is important to recognize that A1C is an indirect measure of average blood glu- cose levels and to take other factors into considerationthatmayimpacthemoglobin glycation independently of glycemia in- cluding age, race/ethnicity, and anemia/ hemoglobinopathies. Age The epidemiological studies that formed the basis for recommending A1C to di- agnose diabetes included only adult pop- ulations. Therefore, it remains unclear if A1C and the same A1C cut point should be used to diagnose diabetes in children and adolescents (9,10). Race/Ethnicity A1C levels may vary with race/ethnicity independently of glycemia (11,12). For example, African Americans may have higher A1C levels than non-Hispanic whites despite similar fasting and post- glucose load glucose levels (13). Though there is some conflicting data, African Americans may also have higher levels of fructosamine and glycated albumin and lower levels of 1,5-anhydroglucitol, suggesting that their glycemic burden (particularly postprandially) may be higher (14,15). The association of A1C with risk for complications appears to be similar in African Americans and non-Hispanic whites (16). Table 2.1—Staging of type 1 diabetes (4,5) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage c Autoimmunity c Normoglycemia c Presymptomatic c Autoimmunity c Dysglycemia c Presymptomatic c New-onset hyperglycemia c Symptomatic Diagnostic criteria c Multiple autoantibodies c No IGT or IFG c Multiple autoantibodies c Dysglycemia: IFG and/or IGT c FPG 100–125 mg/dL (5.6–6.9 mmol/L) c 2-h PG 140–199 mg/dL (7.8–11.0 mmol/L) c A1C 5.7–6.4% (39–47 mmol/mol) or $10% increase in A1C c Clinical symptoms c Diabetes by standard criteria S12 Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017
  • 20. Hemoglobinopathies/Red Blood Cell Turnover Interpreting A1C levels in the presence of certain hemoglobinopathies may be problematic. For patients with an abnor- mal hemoglobin but normal red blood cell turnover, such as those with the sickle cell trait, an A1C assay without interference from abnormal hemoglo- bins should be used. An updated list of interferences is available at www.ngsp .org/interf.asp. In conditions associated with in- creased red blood cell turnover, such as pregnancy (second and third trimes- ters), hemodialysis, recent blood loss or transfusion, or erythropoietin therapy, only blood glucose criteria should be used to diagnose diabetes. Confirming the Diagnosis Unless there is a clear clinical diagnosis (e.g., patient in a hyperglycemic crisis or with classic symptoms of hyperglycemia and a random plasma glucose $200 mg/dL [11.1 mmol/L]), a second test is re- quired for confirmation. It is recom- mended that the same test be repeated without delay using a new blood sample for confirmation because there will be a greater likelihood of concurrence. For ex- ample, if the A1C is 7.0% (53 mmol/mol) and a repeat result is 6.8% (51 mmol/mol), the diagnosis of diabetes is confirmed. If two different tests (such as A1C and FPG) are both above the diagnostic threshold, this also confirms the diagnosis. On the other hand, if a patient has discordant results from two different tests, then the test result that is above the diagnostic cut point should be repeated. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the confirmed test. For example, if a patient meets the diabetes criterion of the A1C (two results $6.5% [48 mmol/mol]) but not FPG (,126 mg/dL [7.0 mmol/L]), that person should nevertheless be consid- ered to have diabetes. Since all the tests have preanalytic and analytic variability, it is possible that an abnormal result (i.e., above the diagnostic threshold), when repeated, will produce a value below the diagnos- tic cut point. This scenario is likely for FPG and 2-h PG if the glucose samples remain at room temperature and are not centrifuged promptly. Because of the potential for preanalytic variability, it is critical that samples for plasma glu- cose be spun and separated immedi- ately after they are drawn. If patients have test results near the margins of the diagnostic threshold, the health care professional should follow the pa- tient closely and repeat the test in 3–6 months. CATEGORIES OF INCREASED RISK FOR DIABETES (PREDIABETES) Recommendations c Screening for prediabetes and risk for future diabetes with an infor- mal assessment of risk factors or validated tools should be consid- ered in asymptomatic adults. B c Testing for prediabetes and risk for future diabetes in asymptom- atic people should be considered in adults of any age who are over- weight or obese (BMI $25 kg/m2 or $23 kg/m2 in Asian Ameri- cans) and who have one or more additional risk factors for diabe- tes. B c For all people, testing should be- gin at age 45 years. B c If tests are normal, repeat testing carried out at a minimum of 3-year intervals is reasonable. C c To test for prediabetes, fasting plasma glucose, 2-h plasma glucose after 75-g oral glucose tolerance test, and A1C are equally appropri- ate. B c In patients with prediabetes, identify and, if appropriate, treat other cardiovascular disease risk factors. B c Testing for prediabetes should be considered in children and ado- lescents who are overweight or obese and who have two or more additional risk factors for diabe- tes. E Description In 1997 and 2003, the Expert Committee on the Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus (17,18) recognized a group of individuals whose glucose lev- els did not meet the criteria for diabetes but were too high to be considered nor- mal. “Prediabetes” is the term used for individuals with IFG and/or IGT and/or A1C 5.7–6.4% (39–47 mmol/mol). Pre- diabetes should not be viewed as a clin- ical entity in its own right but rather as an increased risk for diabetes (Table 2.3) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Prediabetes is associated with obe- sity (especially abdominal or visceral obesity), dyslipidemia with high triglyc- erides and/or low HDL cholesterol, and hypertension. Diagnosis The Expert Committee on the Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus (17,18) defined IFG as FPG levels be- tween 100 and 125 mg/dL (between 5.6 and 6.9 mmol/L) and IGT as 2-h PG after 75-g OGTT levels between 140 and 199mg/dL(between7.8and11.0mmol/L). It should be noted that the World Health Organization (WHO) and numerous other diabetes organizations define the IFG cutoff at 110 mg/dL (6.1 mmol/L). As with the glucose measures, several prospective studies that used A1C to predict the progression to diabetes as defined by A1C criteria demonstrated a strong, continuous association between A1C and subsequent diabetes. In a sys- tematic review of 44,203 individuals from 16 cohort studies with a follow-up interval averaging 5.6 years (range 2.8– 12 years), those with A1C between 5.5 and 6.0% (between 37 and 42 mmol/mol) Table 2.2—Criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes FPG $126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L). Fasting is defined as no caloric intake for at least 8 h.* OR 2-h PG $200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) during an OGTT. The test should be performed as described by the WHO, using a glucose load containing the equivalent of 75 g anhydrous glucose dissolved in water.* OR A1C $6.5% (48 mmol/mol). The test should be performed in a laboratory using a method that is NGSP certified and standardized to the DCCT assay.* OR In a patient with classic symptoms of hyperglycemia or hyperglycemic crisis, a random plasma glucose $200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L). *In the absence of unequivocal hyperglycemia, results should be confirmed by repeat testing. Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes S13
  • 21. had a substantially increased risk of diabe- tes (5-year incidence from 9 to 25%). An A1C range of 6.0–6.5% (42–48 mmol/mol) had a 5-year risk of developing diabetes between 25 and 50% and a relative risk 20 times higher compared with A1C of 5.0% (31 mmol/mol) (19). In a community- based study of African American and non-Hispanic white adults without diabe- tes, baseline A1C was a stronger predictor of subsequent diabetes and cardiovascu- lar events than fasting glucose (20). Other analyses suggest that A1C of 5.7% (39 mmol/mol) or higher is associ- ated with a diabetes risk similar to that of the high-risk participants in the Di- abetes Prevention Program (DPP) (21), and A1C at baseline was a strong pre- dictor of the development of glucose- defined diabetes during the DPP and its follow-up (22). Hence, it is reasonable to consider an A1C range of 5.7–6.4% (39–47 mmol/mol) as identifying individuals with prediabe- tes. Similar to those with IFG and/or IGT, individuals with A1C of 5.7–6.4% (39– 47 mmol/mol) should be informed of their increased risk for diabetes and CVD and counseled about effective strat- egies to lower their risks (see Section 5 “Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabe- tes”). Similar to glucose measurements, the continuum of risk is curvilinear, so as A1C rises, the diabetes risk rises dispro- portionately (19). Aggressive interven- tions and vigilant follow-up should be pursued for those considered at very high risk (e.g., those with A1C .6.0% [42 mmol/mol]). Table 2.4 summarizes the categories of prediabetes and Table 2.3 the criteria for prediabetes testing. The ADA diabe- tes risk test is an additional option for screening (Fig. 2.1). For recommenda- tions regarding risk factors and screen- ing for prediabetes, see pp. S17–S18 (“Screening and Testing for Type 2 Di- abetes and Prediabetes in Asymptom- atic Adults” and “Screening and Testing for Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes in Children and Adolescents”). TYPE 1 DIABETES Recommendations c BloodglucoseratherthanA1Cshould be used to diagnose the acute onset of type 1 diabetes in individuals with symptoms of hyperglycemia. E c Screening for type 1 diabetes with a panel of autoantibodies is currently recommended only in the setting of a research trial or in first-degree family members of a proband with type 1 diabetes. B c Persistence of two or more autoan- tibodies predicts clinical diabetes and may serve as an indication for intervention in the setting of a clini- cal trial. Outcomes may include re- version of autoantibody status, prevention of glycemic progression within the normal or prediabetes range, prevention of clinical diabe- tes, or preservation of residual C-peptide secretion. A Diagnosis In a patient with classic symptoms, mea- surement of blood glucose is sufficient to diagnose diabetes (symptoms of hy- perglycemia or hyperglycemic crisis plus a random plasma glucose $200 mg/dL [11.1 mmol/L]). In these cases, knowing the blood glucose level is criti- cal because, in addition to confirming that symptoms are due to diabetes, it will inform management decisions. Some providers may also want to know the A1C to determine how long a patient has had hyperglycemia. Immune-Mediated Diabetes This form, previously called “insulin- dependent diabetes” or “juvenile-onset diabetes,” accounts for 5–10% of diabe- tes and is due to cellular-mediated au- toimmune destruction of the pancreatic b-cells. Autoimmune markers include is- let cell autoantibodies and autoanti- bodies to GAD (GAD65), insulin, the tyrosine phosphatases IA-2 and IA-2b, and ZnT8. Type 1 diabetes is defined by the presence of one or more of these autoimmune markers. The disease has strong HLA associations, with linkage to the DQA and DQB genes. These HLA-DR/DQ alleles can be either predis- posing or protective. The rate of b-cell destruction is quite variable, being rapid in some individuals (mainly infants and children) and slow in others (mainly adults). Children and ado- lescents may present with ketoacidosis as the first manifestation of the disease. Others have modest fasting hyperglycemia Table 2.3—Criteria for testing for diabetes or prediabetes in asymptomatic adults 1. Testing should be considered in overweight or obese (BMI $25 kg/m2 or $23 kg/m2 in Asian Americans) adults who have one or more of the following risk factors: c A1C $5.7% (39 mmol/mol), IGT, or IFG on previous testing c first-degree relative with diabetes c high-risk race/ethnicity (e.g., African American, Latino, Native American, Asian American, Pacific Islander) c women who were diagnosed with GDM c history of CVD c hypertension ($140/90 mmHg or on therapy for hypertension) c HDL cholesterol level ,35 mg/dL (0.90 mmol/L) and/or a triglyceride level .250 mg/dL (2.82 mmol/L) c women with polycystic ovary syndrome c physical inactivity c other clinical conditions associated with insulin resistance (e.g., severe obesity, acanthosis nigricans). 2. For all patients, testing should begin at age 45 years. 3. If results are normal, testing should be repeated at a minimum of 3-year intervals, with consideration of more frequent testing depending on initial results (e.g., those with prediabetes should be tested yearly) and risk status. Table 2.4—Categories of increased risk for diabetes (prediabetes)* FPG 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L) to 125 mg/dL (6.9 mmol/L) (IFG) OR 2-h PG in the 75-g OGTT 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L) to 199 mg/dL (11.0 mmol/L) (IGT) OR A1C 5.726.4% (39247 mmol/mol) *For all three tests, risk is continuous, extending below the lower limit of the range and becoming disproportionately greater at the higher end of the range. S14 Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017
  • 22. that can rapidly change to severe hyper- glycemia and/or ketoacidosis with infec- tion or other stress. Adults may retain sufficient b-cell function to prevent ketoacidosis for many years; such indi- viduals eventually become dependent on insulin for survival and are at risk for ketoacidosis. At this latter stage of the disease, there is little or no insulin secre- tion, as manifested by low or undetectable levelsofplasmaC-peptide.Immune-mediated diabetes commonly occurs in childhood Figure 2.1—ADA risk test. Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes S15
  • 23. and adolescence, but it can occur at any age, even in the8th and 9th decades of life. Autoimmune destruction of b-cells has multiple genetic predispositions and is also related to environmental fac- tors that are still poorly defined. Al- though patients are not typically obese when they present with type 1 diabetes, obesity should not preclude the diag- nosis. Patients with type 1 diabetes are also prone to other autoimmune disor- ders such as Hashimoto thyroiditis, Graves disease, Addison disease, celiac disease, vitiligo, autoimmune hepatitis, myasthenia gravis, and pernicious ane- mia (see Section 3 “Comprehensive Medical Evaluation and Assessment of Comorbidities”). Idiopathic Type 1 Diabetes Some forms of type 1 diabetes have no known etiologies. These patients have permanent insulinopenia and are prone to ketoacidosis, but have no evidence of b-cell autoimmunity. Although only a minority of patients with type 1 diabetes fall into this category, of those who do, most are of African or Asian ancestry. Individuals with this form of diabetes suffer from episodic ketoacidosis and exhibit varying degrees of insulin defi- ciency between episodes. This form of diabetes is strongly inherited and is not HLA associated. An absolute requirement for insulin replacement therapy in affected patients may be intermittent. Testing for Type 1 Diabetes Risk The incidence and prevalence of type 1 diabetes is increasing (23). Patients with type 1 diabetes often present with acute symptoms of diabetes and markedly el- evated blood glucose levels, and ap- proximately one-third are diagnosed with life-threatening ketoacidosis (3). Several studies indicate that measuring islet autoantibodies in relatives of those with type 1 diabetes may identify indi- viduals who are at risk for developing type 1 diabetes (5). Such testing, cou- pled with education about diabetes symptoms and close follow-up, may en- able earlier identification of type 1 di- abetes onset. A study reported the risk of progression to type 1 diabetes from the time of seroconversion to autoanti- body positivity in three pediatric co- horts from Finland, Germany, and the U.S. Of the 585 children who developed more than two autoantibodies, nearly 70% developed type 1 diabetes within 10 years and 84% within 15 years (24). These findings are highly significant because, while the German group was recruited from offspring of parents with type 1 diabetes, the Finnish and American groups were recruited from the general population. Remarkably, the findings in all three groups were the same, suggesting that the same sequence of events led to clinical disease in both “sporadic” and fa- milial cases of type 1 diabetes. Indeed, the risk of type 1 diabetes increases as the number of relevant autoantibodies de- tected increases (25–27). Although there is currently a lack of accepted screening programs, one should consider referring relatives of those with type 1 diabetes for antibody testing for risk assessment in the setting of a clinical research study (http://www.diabetestrialnet .org). Widespread clinical testing of asymptomatic low-risk individuals is not currently recommended due to lack of approved therapeutic interventions. In- dividuals who test positive will be coun- seled about the risk of developing diabetes, diabetes symptoms, and DKA prevention. Numerous clinical studies are being conducted to test various methods of preventing type 1 diabetes in those with evidence of autoimmunity ( TYPE 2 DIABETES Recommendations c Screening for type 2 diabetes with an informal assessment of risk fac- torsorvalidatedtoolsshouldbecon- sidered in asymptomatic adults. B c Testing for type 2 diabetes in asymp- tomatic people should be considered in adults of any age who are over- weight or obese (BMI $25 kg/m2 or $23 kg/m2 in Asian Americans) andwhohaveoneormoreadditional risk factors for diabetes. B c For all people, testing should be- gin at age 45 years. B c If tests are normal, repeat testing carried out at a minimum of 3-year intervals is reasonable. C c To test for type 2 diabetes, fasting plasma glucose, 2-h plasma glucose after 75-g oral glucose tolerance test, and A1C are equally appropriate. B c Inpatientswithdiabetes,identifyand treat other cardiovascular disease risk factors. B c Testing for type 2 diabetes should be considered in children and ado- lescents who are overweight or obese and whohave two ormoread- ditional risk factors for diabetes. E Description Type 2 diabetes, previously referred to as “noninsulin-dependent diabetes” or “adult-onset diabetes,” accounts for 90–95% of all diabetes. This form en- compasses individuals who have relative (rather than absolute) insulin deficiency and have peripheral insulin resistance. At least initially, and often throughout their lifetime, these individuals may not need insulin treatment to survive. There are various causes of type 2 di- abetes. Although the specific etiologies are not known, autoimmune destruc- tion of b-cells does not occur, and pa- tients do not have any of the other known causes of diabetes. Most, but not all, patients with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. Excess weight itself causes some degree of insulin re- sistance. Patients who are not obese or overweight by traditional weight criteria may have an increased percentage of body fat distributed predominantly in the abdominal region. Ketoacidosis seldom occurs sponta- neously in type 2 diabetes; when seen, it usually arises in association with the stress of another illness such as infec- tion. Type 2 diabetes frequently goes undiagnosed for many years because hyperglycemia develops gradually and, at earlier stages, is often not severe enough for the patient to notice the classic diabetes symptoms. Neverthe- less, even undiagnosed patients are at increased risk of developing macrovas- cular and microvascular complications. Whereas patients with type 2 diabe- tes may have insulin levels that appear normal or elevated, the higher blood glucose levels in these patients would be expected to result in even higher in- sulin values had their b-cell function been normal. Thus, insulin secretion is defective in these patients and insuffi- cient to compensate for insulin resis- tance. Insulin resistance may improve with weight reduction and/or pharmacological treatment of hyperglycemia but is seldom restored to normal. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases with age, obesity, and lack of S16 Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017
  • 24. physical activity. It occurs more fre- quently in women with prior GDM, in those with hypertension or dyslipide- mia, and in certain racial/ethnic sub- groups (African American, American Indian,Hispanic/Latino,andAsianAmerican). It is often associated with a strong genetic predisposition, more so than type 1 diabetes. However, the genetics of type 2 diabetes is poorly understood. In adults without traditional risk factors for type 2 diabetes and/or younger age, consider antibody testing for type 1 di- abetes (i.e., GAD). Screening and Testing for Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes in Asymptomatic Adults Screening for prediabetes and type 2 di- abetes through an informal assessment of risk factors (Table 2.3) or with an as- sessment tool, such as the ADA risk test (Fig. 2.1), is recommended to guide pro- viders on whether performing a diag- nostic test (Table 2.2) is appropriate. Prediabetes and type 2 diabetes meet criteria for conditions in which early de- tection is appropriate. Both conditions are common and impose significant clin- ical and public health burdens. There is often a long presymptomatic phase be- fore the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Simple tests to detect preclinical disease are readily available. The duration of glycemic burden is a strong predictor of adverse outcomes. There are effec- tive interventions that prevent progres- sion from prediabetes to diabetes (see Section 5 “Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabetes”) and reduce the risk of diabe- tes complications (see Section 9 “Cardio- vascular Disease and Risk Management” and Section 10 “Microvascular Complica- tions and Foot Care”). Approximately one-quarter of people with diabetes in the U.S. and nearly half of Asian and Hispanic Americans with diabetes are undiagnosed (28). Although screening of asymptomatic individuals to identifythosewithprediabetesordiabetes might seem reasonable, rigorous clinical trials to prove the effectiveness of such screening have not been conducted and are unlikely to occur. A large European randomized con- trolled trial compared the impact of screening for diabetes and intensive multifactorial intervention with that of screening and routine care (29). General practice patients between the ages of 40 and 69 years were screened for di- abetes and randomly assigned by prac- tice to intensive treatment of multiple risk factors or routine diabetes care. Af- ter 5.3 years of follow-up, CVD risk fac- tors were modestly but significantly improved with intensive treatment compared with routine care, but the in- cidence of first CVD events or mortality was not significantly different between the groups (29). The excellent care pro- vided to patients in the routine care group and the lack of an unscreened control arm limited the authors’ ability to determine whether screening and early treatment improved outcomes compared with no screening and later treatment after clinical diagnoses. Com- puter simulation modeling studies sug- gest that major benefits are likely to accrue from the early diagnosis and treat- ment of hyperglycemia and cardiovas- cular risk factors in type 2 diabetes (30); moreover, screening, beginning at age 30 or 45 years and independent of risk factors, may be cost-effective (,$11,000 per quality-adjusted life-year gained) (31). Additional considerations regarding testing for type 2 diabetes and predia- betes in asymptomatic patients include the following. Age Screening recommendations for diabe- tes in asymptomatic adults are listed in Table 2.3. Age is a major risk factor for diabetes. Testing should begin at age 45 years for all patients. Screening should be considered in overweight or obese adults of any age with one or more risk factors for diabetes. BMI and Ethnicity In general, BMI $25 kg/m2 is a risk fac- tor for diabetes. Data and recommenda- tions from the ADA position statement “BMI Cut Points to Identify At-Risk Asian Americans for Type 2 Diabetes Screening” (32,33) suggest that the BMI cut point should be lower for the Asian American population. The BMI cut points fall consistently between 23 and 24 kg/m2 (sensitivity of 80%) for nearly all Asian American subgroups (with levels slightly lower for Japanese Americans). This makes a rounded cut point of 23 kg/m2 practical. In determining a sin- gle BMI cut point, it is important to bal- ance sensitivity and specificity so as to provide a valuable screening tool without numerous false positives. An argument can be made to push the BMI cut point to lower than 23 kg/m2 in favor of in- creased sensitivity; however, this would lead to an unacceptably low specificity (13.1%). Data from the WHO also suggest that a BMI of $23 kg/m2 should be used to define increased risk in Asian Ameri- cans (34). The finding that half of diabe- tes in Asian Americans is undiagnosed suggests that testing is not occurring at lower BMI thresholds (28). Evidence also suggests that other populations may benefit from lower BMI cut points. For example, in a large multiethnic cohort study, for an equiva- lent incidence rate of diabetes, a BMI of 30 kg/m2 in non-Hispanic whites was equivalent to a BMI of 26 kg/m2 in Afri- can Americans (35). Medications Certain medications, such as glucocorti- coids, thiazide diuretics, and atypical an- tipsychotics (36), are known to increase the risk of diabetes and should be consid- ered when deciding whether to screen. Testing Interval The appropriate interval between screening tests is not known (37). The rationale for the 3-year interval is that with this interval, the number of false- positive tests that require confirmatory testing will be reduced and individuals with false-negative tests will be retested before substantial time elapses and complications develop (37). Community Screening Ideally, testing should be carried out within a health care setting because of the need for follow-up and treatment. Community screening outside a health care setting is not recommended be- cause people with positive tests may not seek, or have access to, appropriate follow-up testing and care. Community testing may also be poorly targeted; i.e., it may fail to reach the groups most at risk and inappropriately test those at very low risk or even those who have already been diagnosed (38). Screening in Dental Practices Because periodontal disease is associ- ated with diabetes, the utility of chair- side screening and referral to primary care as a means to improve the diagno- sis of prediabetes and diabetes has been explored (39–41), with one study esti- mating that 30% of patients $30 years Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes S17

Editor's Notes

  1. “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2015” comprises all of the current and key clinical practice recommendations of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) These Standards of Care are revised annually by the ADA’s multidisciplinary Professional Practice Committee (PPC) For the current revision, PPC members systematically searched Medline for human studies related to each subsection and published since 1 January 2014 Recommendations were revised based on new evidence or, in some cases, to clarify the prior recommendations or match the strength of the word to the strength of the evident A table linking the changes in the recommendations to new evidence can be reviewed at As for all position statements, the Standards of Care were reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee of ADA’s Board of Directors, which includes health care professionals, scientists, and lay people Feedback from the larger clinical community was valuable for the 2014 revision of the Standards of Care; readers who wish to comment on the “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2015” are invited to do so at ADA funds development of the Standards of Care and all ADA position statements out of its general revenues and does not use industry support for these purposes The slides are organized to correspond with sections within the “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2015” While not every section in the document is represented, these slides do incorporate the most salient points from the Position Statement
  2. The American Diabetes Association has developed a grading system for clinical recommendations (Table 1) This grading system was used to clarify and codify evidence that forms the basis for each of the recommendations in the “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2014” The level of evidence that supports each recommendation is listed after each recommendation using the letters A, B, C, or E This slide summarizes the description for each of these levels of evidence
  3. Trend from 2005 to 2014 in number and proportion of recommendations (Recs) made each year in the ADA Standards of Care that were based on higher-level evidence vs. lower-level evidence.
  4. Trends from 2005 to 2014 in annual proportion of recommendations based on higher-level evidence, stratified into four mutually exclusive categories: glycemic management and related issues (e.g., diabetes screening and diagnosis, microvascular complications); cardiovascular-related care (CVD) (e.g., blood pressure and lipid assessment and management); general recommendations related to lifestyle, nutrition, and self-management; and pediatric- or obstetric-related diabetes care.
  5. Section 1. Strategies for Improving Diabetes Care includes six slides: Recommendations: Strategies for Improving Diabetes Care (two slides) Diabetes Care Concepts Objective 1: Optimize Provider and Team Behavior Objective 2: Support Patient Behavior Change Objective 3: Change the System of Care
  6. Recommendations: Strategies for Improving Care1 are summarized on two slides Slide 1 of 2 The Chronic Care Model (CCM) has been shown to be an effective framework for improving the quality of diabetes care2 The CCM includes six core elements for the provision of optimal care of patients with chronic disease 1) delivery system design (moving from a reactive to a proactive care delivery system where planned visits are coordinated through a team based approach) 2) self-management support 3) decision support (basing care on evidence-based, effective care guidelines) 4) clinical information systems (using registries that can provide patient-specific and population-based support to the care team) 5) community resources and policies (identifying or developing resources to support healthy lifestyles) 6) health systems (to create a quality-oriented culture) Redefinition of the roles of the clinic staff and promoting self-management on the part of the patient are fundamental to the successful implementation of the CCM3
  7. Recommendations: Strategies for Improving Care1 are summarized on two slides Slide 2 of 2 Treatment decisions should be timely, based on evidence-based guidelines tailored to individual patient preferences, prognoses, and comorbidities (B) A patient-centered communication style should be employed that incorporates patient preferences, assesses literacy and numeracy, and addresses cultural barriers to care (B)
  8. NDEP maintains an online resource ( to help health care professionals design and implement more effective health care delivery systems for those with diabetes Three specific objectives that outline practical strategies to achieve each are included on this and the next two slides Objective 1: Optimize Provider and Team Behavior The care team should prioritize timely and appropriate intensification of lifestyle and/or pharmaceutical therapy of patients who have not achieved beneficial levels of blood pressure, lipid, or glucose control1 As outlined on this slide, the following strategies each have been shown to optimize provider and team behavior and thereby catalyze reduction in A1C, blood pressure, and LDL cholesterol2 Explicit goal setting with patients Identifying and addressing language, numeracy, or cultural barriers to care Integrating evidence-based guidelines and clinical information tools into the process of care; and Incorporating care management teams including nurses, pharmacists, and other providers
  9. Objective 2: Support Patient Behavior Change In addition to the approaches on this slide1, support for patient behavior change includes: Delivery of high-quality DSME, which has been shown to improve patient self-management, satisfaction, and glucose control2,3 Delivery of ongoing diabetes self-management support (DSMS) to ensure that gains achieved during DSME are sustained4-6 National DSME standards call for an integrated approach that includes clinical content and skills and behavioral strategies (goal-setting, problem solving), and addresses emotional concerns in each needed curriculum content area1
  10. Objective 3: Change the System of Care Additional strategies are outlined on this slide1 The most successful practices have an institutional priority for providing high quality of care2 Recent initiatives such as the Patient-Centered Medical Home show promise to improve outcomes through coordinated primary care and offer new opportunities for team-based chronic disease care3 Alterations in reimbursement that reward the provision of appropriate and high quality care rather than visit-based billing,4 and that can accommodate the need to personalize care goals may provide additional incentives to improve diabetes care5 It is clear that optimal diabetes management requires an organized, systematic approach and involvement of a coordinated team of dedicated health care professionals working in an environment where patient-centered high-quality care is a priority
  11. Section 2. Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes Classification of Diabetes Criteria for the Diagnosis of Diabetes Prediabetes: IFG, IGT, Increased A1C
  12. The classification of diabetes includes four clinical categories Type 1 diabetes (due to β-cell destruction, usually leading to absolute insulin deficiency) Type 2 diabetes (due to a progressive insulin secretory defect on the background of insulin resistance) Other specific types of diabetes due to other causes; e.g., genetic defects in β-cell function, genetic defects in insulin action, diseases of the exocrine pancreas (such as cystic fibrosis), and drug- or chemical-induced diabetes (such as in the treatment of HIV/AIDS or after organ transplantation) Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)(diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy that is not clearly overt diabetes) Some patients cannot be clearly classified as having type 1 or type 2 diabetes Clinical presentation and disease progression vary considerably in both types of diabetes Occasionally, patients who otherwise have type 2 diabetes may present with ketoacidosis Children with type 1 diabetes typically present with the hallmark symptoms of polyuria/polydipsia and occasionally with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) However, difficulties in diagnosis may occur in children, adolescents, and adults, with the true diagnosis becoming more obvious over time
  13. Table 2, current diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes, is divided into five slides On this slide, all four criteria are included: A1C ≥6.5% OR Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) ≥126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) OR 2-hour plasma glucose ≥200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) during an OGTT OR A random plasma glucose ≥200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L), in patients with classic symptoms of hyperglycemia or hyperglycemic crisis The subsequent four slides examine each of the four criteria in greater detail
  14. A1C Recently, an International Expert Committee added the A1C, (threshold ≥6.5%) as a third option to diagnose diabetes 1,2 The A1C test should be performed using a method certified by the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP) and standardized or traceable to the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) reference assay3 Although point-of-care (POC) assays may be NGSP-certified, proficiency testing is not mandated for performing the test, so use of these assays for diagnostic purposes may be problematic2 The A1C has several advantages to the FPG and OGTT, including greater convenience (fasting not required), possibly greater preanalytical stability, and less day-to-day perturbations during periods of stress and illness2 These advantages must be balanced by greater cost, the limited availability of A1C testing in certain regions of the developing world, and the incomplete correlation between A1C and average glucose in certain individuals2 A1C levels may vary with patients’ race/ethnicity3,4 Interpreting A1C levels in the presence of certain anemias and hemoglobinopathies is particularly problematic (see for an updated list)
  15. Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG) In addition to the A1C test, the FPG and 2-h PG may also be used to diagnose diabetes1 Concordance between the FPG and 2-h PG tests is <100% The concordance between A1C and either glucose-based test is also imperfect1 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data indicatethat the A1C cut point of ≥6.5% identifies one-third fewer cases of undiagnosed diabetes than a fasting glucose cut point of ≥126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L)2 Numerous studies have confirmed that, at these cut points, the 2-h OGTT value diagnoses more screened people with diabetes3 In reality, a large portion of the diabetic population remains undiagnosed1 Of note, the lower sensitivity of A1C at the designated cut point may be offset by the test’s ability to facilitate the diagnosis
  16. 2-hour plasma glucose (2-h PG) In addition to the A1C test, the FPG and 2-h PG may also be used to diagnose diabetes Concordance between the FPG and 2-h PG tests is <100% The concordance between either A1C and either glucose-based test is also imperfect The 2-h PG test should be performed as described by the World Health Organization (WHO), using a glucose load containing the equivalent of 75 g anhydrous glucose dissolved in water
  17. Random Plasma Glucose As with most diagnostic tests, a test result should be repeated when feasible to rule out laboratory error (e.g., an elevated A1C should be repeated when feasible, and not necessarily in 3 months) Unless there is a clear clinical diagnosis (e.g., a patient in a hyperglycemic crisis or classic symptoms of hyperglycemia and a random plasma glucose ≥200 mg/dL), it is preferable the same test be repeated for confirmation, due to a greater likelihood of concurrence For example, if the A1C is 7.0% and a repeat result is 6.8%, diabetes is confirmed If two different tests (such as A1C and FPG) are both above the diagnostic threshold, this also confirms the diagnosis of diabetes On the other hand, if a patient has discordant results on two different tests, then the test result above the diagnostic cut point should be repeated; the diagnosis is made on the basis of the confirmed test For example, if a patient meets the diabetes criterion of the A1C (two results ≥6.5%) but not the FPG (<126 mg/dL or 7.0 mmol/L), or vice versa, that person should be considered to have diabetes Since there is preanalytic and analytic variability of all the tests, it is possible an abnormal result (i.e., above the diagnostic threshold), when repeated, will produce a value below the diagnostic cut point This is least likely for A1C, somewhat more likely for FPG and most likely for the 2-h PG Barring a laboratory error, such patients will likely have test results near the margins of the diagnostic threshold; the health care professional might opt to follow the patient closely and repeat the test in 3–6 months
  18. This slide comprises the recommendation for screening for type 1 diabetes1 Inform type 1 diabetic patients of the opportunity to have their relatives screened for type 1 diabetes risk in the setting of a clinical research study (E) Type 1 diabetic patients often present with acute symptoms of diabetes and markedly elevated blood glucose levels, and some cases are diagnosed with life-threatening ketoacidosis The incidence and prevalence of type 1 diabetes is increasing2-4 While there is currently a lack of accepted screening programs, one should consider referring relatives of those with type 1 diabetes for antibody testing for risk assessment in the setting of a clinical research study ( Widespread clinical testing of asymptomatic low-risk individuals is not currently recommended; higher-risk individuals may be screened, but only in the context of a clinical research setting Individuals who screen positive will be counseled about the risk of developing diabetes, diabetes symptoms, and the prevention of DKA Numerous clinical studies are being conducted to test various methods of preventing type 1 diabetes in those with evidence of autoimmunity (
  19. In 1997 and 2003, the Expert Committee on the Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus1,2 recognized a group of individuals whose glucose levels did not meet the criteria for diabetes, but were too high to be considered normal These persons were defined as having impaired fasting glucose (IFG) or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) IFG: fasting plasma glucose (FPG) levels of 100–125 mg/dL (5.6–6.9 mmol/L)* IGT: 2-hour plasma glucose (2-h PG) in the 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) of 140–199 mg/dL (7.8–11.0 mmol/L) Individuals with IFG and/or IGT have been referred to as having prediabetes, indicating a relatively high risk for future development of diabetes “Prediabetes” is the term used for individuals with IFG and/or IGT, indicating the relatively high risk for the future development of diabetes IFG and IGT should not be viewed as clinical entities in their own right but rather risk factors for diabetes as well as cardiovascular disease (CVD) IFG and IGT are associated with obesity (especially abdominal or visceral obesity), dyslipidemia with high triglycerides and/or low HDL cholesterol, and hypertension *The World Health Organization (WHO) and a number of other diabetes organizations define the cutoff for IFG at 110 mg/dL (6.1 mmol/L)
  20. Recommendations for testing for diabetes in asymptomatic patients are summarized on this slide; testing should be considered in adults of any age with BMI ≥25 kg/m2 or ≥23 kg/m2 in Asian Americans and one or more of the known risk factors for diabetes, as summarized on the next two slides, “Criteria for Testing for Diabetes in Asymptomatic Adult Individuals” (Table 2.2) The same tests are used for both screening and diagnosing diabetes Diabetes may be identified anywhere along the spectrum of clinical scenarios: from a seemingly low-risk individual who happens to have glucose testing, to a higher-risk individual whom the provider tests because of high suspicion of diabetes and, finally, to the symptomatic patient The same assays used for testing will also detect individuals with prediabetes
  21. The three primary criteria for testing for diabetes in asymptomatic adult individuals (Table 2.2) are summarized on two slides; this slide (Slide 1 of 2) includes: Testing should be considered in all adults who are overweight (BMI ≥25 kg/m2) and have additional risk factors1 In addition to the listed risk factors, certain medications, such as glucocorticoids and antipsychotics,2 are known to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes There is compelling evidence that lower BMI cut points suggest diabetes risk in some racial and ethnic groups1 In a large multiethnic cohort study, for an equivalent incidence rate of diabetes conferred by a BMI of 30 kg/m2 in non-Hispanic whites, the BMI cutoff value was 24 kg/m2 in South Asians, 25 kg/m2 in Chinese persons, and 26 kg/m2 in African Americans3 Disparities in screening rates, not explainable by insurance status, are highlighted by evidence that despite much higher prevalence of type 2 diabetes, ethnic minorities in an insured population are no more likely than non-Hispanic whites to be screened4
  22. The three primary criteria for testing for diabetes in asymptomatic adult individuals (Table 2.2) are summarized on two slides; this slide (Slide 2 of 2) includes: In the absence of criteria (risk factors on previous slide), testing for diabetes should begin at age 45 years, particularly in those who are overweight or obese If results are normal, testing should be repeated at least at 3-year intervals, with consideration of more frequent testing depending on initial results and risk status Because age is a major risk factor for diabetes, in those without these risk factors, testing should begin at age 45 years1 The A1C, FPG, or the 2-h OGTT are appropriate for testing; however, it should be noted that the tests do not necessarily detect diabetes in the same individuals1 The appropriate interval between tests is not known2 The rationale for the 3-year interval is that false negatives will be repeated before substantial time elapses It is also unlikely that an individual will develop significant complications of diabetes within 3 years of a negative test result In the modeling study, repeat screening every 3 or 5 years was cost-effective3
  23. This slide comprises the recommendation for screening for type 2 diabetes in children1 Testing to detect type 2 diabetes and prediabetes should be considered in children and adolescents who are overweight and who have two or more additional risk factors for diabetes (Table 2.4) (E) In the last decade, the incidence of type 2 diabetes in adolescents has increased dramatically, especially in minority populations2 As with adult recommendations, children and youth at increased risk for the presence or the development of type 2 diabetes should be tested within the health care setting3 ADA acknowledges the limited data supporting A1C for diagnosing diabetes in children and adolescents. However, aside from rare instances, such as cystic fibrosis and hemoglobinopathies, ADA continues to recommend A1C in this cohort4,5
  24. Recommendations for the detection and diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) are summarized on two slides; this slide (Slide 1 of 2) includes: Screen for undiagnosed type 2 diabetes at the first prenatal visit in those with risk factors, using standard diagnostic criteria (B) Screen for GDM at 24–28 weeks’ gestation in pregnant women not previously known to have diabetes (B) Screen women with GDM for persistent diabetes at 6–12 weeks postpartum, using OGTT, nonpregnancy diagnostic criteria (E) For many years, GDM was defined as any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy, whether or not the condition persisted after pregnancy, and not excluding the possibility that unrecognized glucose intolerance may have antedated or begun concomitantly with the pregnancy This definition facilitated a uniform strategy for detection and classification of GDM, but its limitations were recognized for many years
  25. Recommendations for the detection and diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)1 are summarized on two slides; this slide (Slide 2 of 2) includes: Women with a history of GDM should have lifelong screening for the development of diabetes or prediabetes at least every 3 years (B) Women with a history of GDM found to have prediabetes should receive lifestyle interventions or metformin to prevent diabetes (A) Further research is needed to establish a uniform approach to diagnosing GDM (E) As the ongoing epidemic of obesity and diabetes has led to more type 2 diabetes in women of childbearing age, the number of pregnant women with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes has increased1 Because of this, it is reasonable to screen women with risk factors for type 2 diabetes (see Table 2.2, Slide 21) at their initial prenatal visit, using standard diagnostic criteria (see Table 2.1, Slide 13); women with diabetes in the first trimester should receive a diagnosis of overt, not gestational, diabetes2
  26. Screening for and diagnosis of GDM (Table 2.5) are summarized on three slides; this slide (Slide 1 of 3) , focuses on the one-step strategy Perform a 75-g OGTT, with plasma glucose measurement fasting and at 1 and 2 h, at 24–28 weeks of gestation in women not previously diagnosed with overt diabetes Perform OGTT in the morning after an overnight fast of at least 8 h GDM diagnosis: when any of the following plasma glucose values are exceeded Fasting: 92 mg/dL (5.1 mmol/L) 1 h: 180 mg/dL (10.0 mmol/L) 2 h: 153 mg/dL (8.5 mmol/L) GDM carries risks for the mother and neonate The Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes (HAPO) study,2 a large-scale (approximately 25,000 pregnant women) multinational epidemiologic study, demonstrated that risk of adverse maternal, fetal, and neonatal outcomes continuously increased as a function of maternal glycemia at 24–28 weeks, even within ranges previously considered normal for pregnancy. For most complications, there was no threshold for risk. These results have led to careful reconsideration of the diagnostic criteria for GDM
  27. Screening for and diagnosis of GDM (Table 2.5) are summarized on two slides; this slide (Slide 2 of 3) focuses on the “Two-step” (NIH consensus) Perform a 50-g GLT (nonfasting), with plasma glucose measurement at 1 h (Step 1), at 24–28 weeks of gestation in women not previously diagnosed with overt diabetes If the plasma glucose level measured 1 h after the load is ≥140 mg/dL* (7.8 mmol/L), proceed to 100-g OGTT (Step 2); the 100-g OGTT should be performed when the patient is fasting *The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends a lower threshold of 135 mg/dL in high-risk ethnic minorities with higher prevalence of GDM
  28. Screening for and diagnosis of GDM (Table 2.5) are summarized on two slides; this slide (Slide 3 of 3) focuses on the “Two-step” (NIH consensus) Since the initial IADPSG recommendation, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) completed a consensus development conference involving a 15-member panel with representatives from obstetrics/gynecology, maternal-fetal medicine, pediatrics, diabetes research, biostatistics, and other related fields2 Reviewing the same available data, the NIH consensus panel recommended continuation of the “two-step” approach of screening with a 1-h 50-g glucose load test (GLT) followed by a 3-h 100-g OGTT for those who screen positive, a strategy commonly used in the U.S. Key factors reported in the NIH panel’s decision-making process were the lack of clinical trial interventions demonstrating the benefits of the “one-step” strategy and the potential negative consequences of identifying a large new group of women with GDM
  29. Recommendations for the care of patients with cystic-fibrosis-related diabetes (CFRD)1 are summarized in two slides Slide 1 of 2 Annual screening for CFRD with OGTT should begin by age 10 years in all patients with cystic fibrosis who do not have CFRD (B); A1C as a screening test is not recommended (B) During a period of stable health, diagnosis of CFRD can be made in patients with cystic fibrosis according to usual diagnostic criteria CFRD is the most common comorbidity in persons with cystic fibrosis, occurring in about 20% of adolescents, 40–50% of adults; diabetes is associated with worse nutritional status, more severe inflammatory lung disease, and greater mortality from respiratory failure Insulin insufficiency related to partial fibrotic destruction of the islet mass is the primary defect in CFRD; genetically determined function of the remaining β-cells and insulin resistance associated with infection and inflammation may also play a role Encouraging data suggest that improved screening2,3 and aggressive insulin therapy have narrowed the gap in mortality between cystic fibrosis patients with and without diabetes, and have eliminated the sex difference in mortality4
  30. Recommendations for the care of patients with cystic-fibrosis-related diabetes (CFRD)1 are summarized in two slides Slide 2 of 2 Patients with CFRD should be treated with insulin to attain individualized glycemic goals (A) Annual monitoring for complications of diabetes is recommended, beginning 5 years after the diagnosis of CFRD (E) Recent trials comparing insulin with oral repaglinide showed no significant difference between the groups Insulin remains the most widely used therapy for CFRD2 Recommendations for the clinical management of CFRD can be found in the recent ADA position statement on this topic3
  31. Section 3. Initial Evaluation and Diabetes Management Planning
  32. A complete medical evaluation should be performed to classify the diabetes, detect the presence of diabetes complications, review previous treatment and risk factor control in patients with established diabetes, assist in formulating a management plan, and provide a basis for continuing care Laboratory tests appropriate to the evaluation of each patient’s medical condition should be performed A focus on the components of comprehensive care (Table 3.1), will enable the health care team to optimally manage the patient with diabetes
  33. A focus on the components of comprehensive diabetes evaluation (as outlined on this and the next 6 slides) will help ensure optimal management of the patient with diabetes Slide 1 of 7 (Part 1 of 3) The first component of the comprehensive diabetes evaluation is medical history Age, characteristics of diabetes onset, such as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) or an asymptomatic laboratory finding Eating patterns, physical activity habits, nutritional status, and weight history as well as growth and development in children and adolescents History of diabetes education Review of previous treatment regimens and response to therapy (i.e., A1C records)
  34. Slide 2 of 7 (Part 2 of 3) During a patient’s comprehensive diabetes evaluation, his or her current treatment of diabetes should be established, including medications, medication adherence and barriers thereto, meal plan, patterns of physical activity, and readiness for behavior change Results of glucose monitoring and patient’s use of data should also be determined This should include frequency, severity, and cause of diabetic ketoacidosis; hypoglycemic episodes and awareness of hypoglycemia; and frequency and cause of any severe hypoglycemia
  35. Slide 3 of 7 (Part 3 of 3) A history of diabetes-related complications is an important component of the comprehensive diabetes evaluation, as noted on this slide Microvascular disease may be signaled by retinopathy, nephropathy, or neuropathy Sensory neuropathy can include a history of lesions on the feet Sexual dysfunction and gastroparesis may be symptomatic of autonomic neuropathy Macrovascular-related complications include coronary heart disease (CHD), cerebrovascular disease, or peripheral artery disease (PAD) Other complications can include psychosocial problems or dental disease; patients should be appropriately referred when necessary
  36. Slide 4 of 7 (Part 1 of 2) A physical examination of the patient with diabetes includes Height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) Determination of blood pressure that includes orthostatic measurements when indicated A fundoscopic examination (patients should be appropriately referred when necessary) Palpation of the thyroid An examination of the skin for acanthosis nigricans and sites of insulin injection
  37. Slide 5 of 7 (Part 2 of 2) The physical examination includes a comprehensive examination of both feet During the inspection, palpation of the dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulses is conducted The presence or absence of patellar and Achilles reflexes should also be noted Proprioception, vibration, and monofilament sensation is also determined (See also Section 9. Microvascular Complication and Foot Care. Recommendations: Neuropathy Foot Care, Slides TK)
  38. Slide 6 of 7 This slide details the components of a laboratory evaluation If not available within the past 2-3 months, an A1C test is required If the following test results are not available or these tests were not performed during the previous year, the clinician should perform A fasting lipid profile, including total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and HDL-cholesterol levels as well as triglyceride level Liver function tests Urine albumin excretion test that includes a spot urine albumin/creatinine ratio A serum creatinine test that includes a calculated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) A thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) test in patients with type 1 diabetes, dyslipidemia, or in women older than 50 years of age
  39. Slide 7 of 7 Appropriate referrals for patients with diabetes include those outlined on this slide An eye care professional should be consulted for an annual dilated eye examination For women of reproductive age, family planning counseling is appropriate For those needing medical nutrition therapy (MNT), a referral to a registered dietitian is warranted Tools for diabetes self-management education (DSME) should be provided A dentist can provide a comprehensive periodontal examination Referral to a mental health professional may be needed
  40. People with diabetes should receive medical care from a team that may include physicians, nurse practitioners, physician’s assistants, nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, mental health professionals with expertise in diabetes In this collaborative and integrated team approach, the individuals with diabetes must also assume an active role in their care The management plan should be formulated as a collaborative therapeutic alliance among the patient and family, the physician, and other members of the health care team A variety of strategies and techniques should be used to provide adequate education and development of problem-solving skills in the various aspects of diabetes management Treatment goals and plans should be individualized and take patient preferences into account The management plan should recognize diabetes self-management education (DSME) and on-going diabetes support as integral components of care In developing the plan, consideration should be given to the patient’s age, school or work schedule and conditions, physical activity, eating patterns, social situation and cultural factors, and presence of diabetes complications, health priorities, and other medical conditions
  41. The recommendation for the assessment of common comorbid conditions1 is summarized on this slide, and includes common comorbidities Improved disease prevention and treatment efficacy means that patients with diabetes are living longer, often with multiple comorbidities requiring complicated medical regimens2 In addition to the commonly appreciated comorbidities of obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia, diabetes management is often complicated by concurrent conditions such as heart failure, depression and anxiety, arthritis, and other diseases or conditions at rates higher than those of age-matched people without diabetes These concurrent conditions present clinical challenges related to polypharmacy, prevalent symptoms, and complexity of care3-6
  42. Section 4. Foundations of care: Education, nutrition, physical activity, smoking cessation, Pyschosocial Care, and Immunization
  43. Recommendations for diabetes self-management1 are summarized on two slides Slide 1 of 2 People with diabetes should receive diabetes self-management education (DSME) and diabetes self-management support (DSMS) according to National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support when their diabetes is diagnosed and as needed thereafter (B) Effective self-management and quality of life are the key outcomes of DSME and DSMS and should be measured and monitored as part of care (C) DSME should address psychosocial issues, since emotional well-being is associated with positive diabetes outcomes (C) DSME and DSMS are the ongoing processes of facilitating the knowledge, skill, and ability necessary for diabetes self-care This process incorporates the needs, goals, and life experiences of the person with diabetes The overall objectives of DSME and DSMS are to support informed decision making, self-care behaviors, problem solving, and active collaboration with the health-care team to improve clinical outcomes, health status, and quality of life in a cost-effective manner2
  44. Recommendations for diabetes self-management1 are summarized on two slides Slide 2 of 2 DSME and DSMS programs are appropriate venues for people with prediabetes to receive education and support to develop and maintain behaviors that can prevent or delay the onset of diabetes (C) Because DSME and DSMS can result in cost-savings and improved outcomes (B), DSME should be adequately reimbursed by third-party payers (E) The standards for DSME and DSMS also apply to the education and support of people with prediabetes; currently, there are significant barriers to the provision of education and support to those with prediabetes However, the strategies for supporting successful behavior change and the healthy behaviors recommended for people with prediabetes are largely identical to those for people with diabetes DSME, when provided by a program that meets national standards for DSME and is recognized by ADA or other approval bodies, is reimbursed as part of the Medicare program as overseen by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) DSME is also covered by most health insurance plans
  45. The general recommendations for medical nutrition therapy (MNT)1 are included on two slides Slide 1 of 1 Nutrition therapy is recommended for all people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes as an effective component of the overall treatment plan (A) Individuals who have prediabetes or diabetes should receive individualized MNT as needed to achieve treatment goals, preferably provided by a registered dietitian familiar with the components of diabetes MNT (A) The ADA recently released an updated position statement on nutrition therapy for adults living with diabetes2 Nutrition therapy is an integral component of diabetes prevention, management, andself-management education All individuals with diabetes should receive individualized MNT preferably provided by a registered dietitian who is knowledgeable and skilled in providing diabetes MNT
  46. The general recommendations for medical nutrition therapy (MNT)1 are included on two slides Slide 2 of 2 Because diabetes nutrition therapy can result in cost savings (B) and improved outcomes such as reduction in A1C (A), nutrition therapy should be adequately reimbursed by insurance and other payers (E) For a complete discussion, see “Nutrition Therapy Recommendations for the Management of Adults with Diabetes”2
  47. The recommendation for macronutrient distribution1 is reviewed on this slide Evidence suggests there is no ideal percentage of calories from carbohydrate, protein, and fat for all people with diabetes (B) Therefore, macronutrient distribution should be based on individualized assessment of current eating patterns, preferences, and metabolic goals (E) Intensive lifestyle programs with frequent follow-up are required to achieve significant reductions in excess body weight and improve clinical indicators2,3 Several studies have attempted to identify the optimal mix of macronutrients for meal plans of people with diabetes However, a recent systematic review4 found that there was no ideal macronutrient distribution and that macronutrient proportions should be individualized
  48. Recommendations for physical activity for people with diabetes1 are summarized on this slide As is the case for all children, children with diabetes or prediabetes should be encouraged to engage in at least 60 min of physical activity each day (B) Adults with diabetes should be advised to perform at least 150 min/week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity (50–70% of maximum heart rate), spread over at least 3 days/week with no more than 2 consecutive days without exercise (A) In the absence of contraindications, adults with type 2 diabetes should be encouraged to perform resistance training at least twice per week (A) Exercise is an important part of the diabetes management plan; regular exercise has been shown to improve blood glucose control, reduce cardiovascular risk factors, contribute to weight loss, and improve well being1 Furthermore, regular exercise may prevent type 2 diabetes in high-risk individuals2-4 A joint position statement by ADA and the American College of Sports Medicine summarizes the evidence for the benefits of exercise in people with type 2 diabetes5
  49. Recommendations for smoking cessation1 are summarized on this slide Advise all patients not to smoke or use tobacco products (A) Include smoking cessation counseling and other forms of treatment as a routine component of diabetes care (B) Results from epidemiological, case control, and cohort studies provide convincing evidence to support the causal link between cigarette smoking and health risks One study in smokers with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes found that smoking cessation was associated with amelioration of metabolic parameters and reduced blood pressure and albuminuria at 1 year2 The routine and thorough assessment of tobacco use is key to prevent smoking or encourage cessation Numerous large randomized clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of brief counseling in smoking cessation, including the use of quit lines, in reducing tobacco use. For the patient motivated to quit, the addition of pharmacological therapy to counseling is more effective than either treatment alone Special considerations should include assessment of level of nicotine dependence, which is associated with difficulty in quitting and relapse3
  50. Recommendations for psychosocial assessment and care1 are summarized on this slide It is reasonable to include assessment of the patient’s psychological and social situation as an ongoing part of the medical management of diabetes (B) Psychosocial screening and follow-up may include, but are not limited to, attitudes about the illness, expectations for medical management and outcomes, affect/mood, general and diabetes-related quality of life, resources (financial, social, and emotional), and psychiatric history (E) Routinely screen for psychosocial problems such as depression and diabetes-related distress, anxiety, eating disorders, and cognitive impairment (B) Emotional well-being is an important part of diabetes care and self-management Psychological and social problems can impair the ability of the individual’s2-4 or family’s ability5 to carry out diabetes care tasks and therefore compromise health status Opportunities exist for the clinician to assess psychosocial status in a timely and efficient manner so that referral for appropriate services can be accomplished
  51. Recommendations for the immunization of people with diabetes1 are summarized on two slides Slide 1 of 2 Annually provide an influenza vaccine to all diabetic patients ≥6 months of age (C) Administer pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine to all diabetic patients ≥2 years of age; Adults ≥65 years of age, if not previously vaccinated, should receive pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13), followed by PPSV23 6-12 months after initial vaccination; Adults ≥65 years of age, if previously vaccinated with PPSV23, should receive a follow-up ≥12 months with PCV13 Though there are limited studies reporting the morbidity and mortality of influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia specifically in people with diabetes, observational studies of patients with a variety of chronic illnesses, including diabetes, show that these conditions are associated with an increase in hospitalizations for influenza and its complications Safe and effective vaccines that greatly reduce the risk of serious complications from these diseases are available2,3 Influenza and pneumonia are common, preventable infectious diseases associated with high mortality and morbidity in the elderly and in people with chronic diseases
  52. Recommendations for the immunization of people with diabetes1 are summarized on two slides Slide 2 of 2 Administer hepatitis B vaccination to unvaccinated adults with diabetes who are aged 19–59 years (C) Consider administering hepatitis B vaccination to unvaccinated adults with diabetes who are aged ≥60 years (C) Late in 2012, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the CDC recommended that all previously unvaccinated adults with diabetes aged 19–59 years be vaccinated against hepatitis B virus (HBV) as soon as possible after a diagnosis of diabetes is made Additionally, after assessing risk and likelihood of an adequate immune response, vaccinations for those aged 60 years and older should also be considered2 At least 29 outbreaks of HBV in long-term care facilities and hospitals have been reported to the CDC, with the majority involving adults with diabetes receiving “assisted blood glucose monitoring,” in which such monitoring is done by a health care professional with responsibility for more than one patient HBV is highly transmissible and stable for long periods of time on surfaces such as lancing devices and blood glucose meters, even when no blood is visible Blood sufficient to transmit the virus has also been found in the reservoirs of insulin pens, resulting in warnings against sharing such devices between patients
  53. Section 5. Prevention/Delay of Type 2 Diabetes
  54. Recommendations for the prevention/delay of type 2 diabetes1 are summarized on two slides RCTs have shown that individuals at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes (IFG, IGT, or both) can significantly decrease the rate of diabetes onset with particular interventions2-8 Given the clinical trial results and the known risks of progression of prediabetes to diabetes, person with an A1C of 5.7%–6.4%, IGT, or IFG should be counseled on lifestyle changes: 7% weight loss and moderate physical activity of at least 150 minutes/week1
  55. Recommendations for the prevention/delay of type 2 diabetes1 are summarized on two slides Slide 2 of 2 Metformin has a strong evidence base and demonstrated long-term safety2 Metformin was less effective than lifestyle modification in the DPP and DPPOS, but may be cost-saving over a 10-year period2 It was as effective as lifestyle modification in participants with a BMI ≥35 kg/m2, but not significantly better than placebo in those over age 60 years3 In the DPP, for women with a history of GDM, metformin and intensive lifestyle modification led to an equivalent 50% reduction in diabetes risk4 Metformin therefore may reasonably be recommended for very high-risk individuals (e.g., history of GDM, very obese, and/or those with more severe or progressive hyperglycemia) For other drugs, cost, side effects, and lack of a persistent effect require consideration5
  56. Section 6. Glycemic Targets
  57. In addition to an initial evaluation and management, diabetes care requires an assessment of glycemic control Two primary techniques available for health providers and patients to assess the effectiveness of the management plan on glycemic control are summarized on this slide Patient self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) or interstitial glucose A1C Recommendations for glucose monitoring, A1C testing, correlation of A1C with average glucose, glycemic goals in adults, intensive glycemic control and cardiovascular outcomes, and recommended glycemic goals for many nonpregnant adults with diabetes as well as glycemic goals in pregnant women are summarized in the following slides
  58. Recommendations for glucose monitoring are summarized on three slides Slide 1 of 3 Patients on multiple-dose insulin (MDI) or insulin pump therapy should do SMBG prior to meals and snacks, occasionally postprandially, at bedtime, prior to exercise, when they suspect low blood glucose, after treating low blood glucose until they are normoglycemic, and prior to critical tasks such as driving (B) SMBG frequency and timing should be dictated by the patient’s specific needs and goals SMBG is especially important for patients treated with insulin to monitor for and prevent asymptomatic hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia
  59. Recommendations for glucose monitoring1 are summarized on three slides Slide 2 of 3 When prescribed as part of a broader educational context, SMBG results may be helpful to guide treatment decisions and/or patient self-management for patients using less frequent insulin injections or noninsulin therapies (E) When prescribing SMBG, ensure that patients receive ongoing instruction and regular evaluation of SMBG technique and SMBG results, as well as their ability to use SMBG data to adjust therapy (E) The ongoing need for and frequency of SMBG should be reevaluated at each routine visit
  60. Recommendations for glucose monitoring1 are summarized on three slides Slide 3 of 3 When used properly, CGM in conjunction with intensive insulin regimens is a useful tool to lower A1C in selected adults (aged ≥25 years) with type 1 diabetes (A) Although the evidence for A1C lowering less strong in children, teens, and younger adults, CGM may be helpful in these groups, with success correlating with adherence to ongoing use of the device (C) CGM may be a supplemental tool to SMBG in those with hypoglycemia unawareness and/or frequent hypoglycemic episodes (E) Real-time CGM through the measurement of interstitial glucose (which correlates well with plasma glucose) is available; these sensors require calibration with SMBG; the latter are still recommended for making acute treatment decision and CGM devices have alarms for hypo- and hyperglycemic excursions A 26-week randomized trial of 322 type 1 patients showed that adults aged ≥25 years using intensive insulin therapy and CGM experienced a 0.5% reduction in A1C (from ~7.6–7.1%) compared with usual intensive insulin therapy with SMBG2 Overall, meta-analyses suggests that compared with SMBG, CGM lowers A1C by ~0.26%3
  61. Recommendations for A1C testing1 are summarized on this slide An A1C test should be performed at least two times a year in patients who are meeting their treatment goals and have stable glycemic control (E) In patients whose therapy has changed or who are not meeting glycemic goals, the A1C test should be performed quarterly (E); this helps determine whether a patient’s glycemic targets are being reached and maintained When needed for timely decisions on when to change therapy, point-of-care testing (POC) for A1C may be used (E) The A1C test is subject to certain limitations: conditions that affect erythrocyte turnover (e.g., hemolysis, blood loss) and hemoglobin variants must be considered, particularly when the A1C result does not correlate with the patient’s clinical situation;2 in addition, A1C does not provide a measure of glycemic variability or hypoglycemia For patients prone to glycemic variability (especially type 1 diabetic patients, or type 2 diabetic patients with severe insulin deficiency), glycemic control is best judged by the combination of result of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) testing and A1C The A1C may also confirm the accuracy of a patient’s meter (or the patient’s reported SMBG results) and the adequacy of the SMBG testing schedule
  62. Table 6.1, as shown on this slide, contains the correlation between A1C levels and mean plasma glucose levels based on data from the international A1C-Derived Average Glucose (ADAG) trial using frequent SMBG and continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in 507 adults (83% non-Hispanic whites) with type 1, type 2, and no diabetes1 The ADA and the American Association for Clinical Chemistry have determined that the correlation (r = 0.92) is strong enough to justify reporting both an A1C result and an estimated average glucose (eAG) results when a clinician orders the A1C test2 A calculator for converting A1C results into eAG, in either mg/dL or mmol/L, is available at For patients in whom A1C/eAG and measured blood glucose appear discrepant, clinicians should consider the possibilities of hemoglobinopathy or altered red cell turnover, and the options of more frequent and/or different timing of SMBG or use of CGM Other measures of chronic glycemia such as fructosamine are available, but their linkage to average glucose and their prognostic significance are not as clear as is the case for A1C
  63. Hyperglycemia defines diabetes, and glycemic control is fundamental to diabetes management; recommendations for glycemic goals in adults1 are reviewed on three slides Slide 1 of 3 Lowering A1C to below or around 7% has been shown to reduce microvascular complications of diabetes, and if implemented soon after the diagnosis of diabetes, is associated with long-term reduction in macrovascular disease; therefore, a reasonable A1C goal for many nonpregnant adults is <7% (B) The DCCT study,2 a prospective RCT of intensive versus standard glycemic control in patients with relatively recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes, showed definitively that improved glycemic control is associated with significantly decreased rates of microvascular (retinopathy and nephropathy) and neuropathic complications Follow-up of the DCCT cohorts in the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) study3,4 demonstrated persistence of these microvascular benefits in previously intensively treated subjects, even though their glycemic control approximated that of previous standard arm subjects during follow-up
  64. Hyperglycemia defines diabetes, and glycemic control is fundamental to diabetes management; recommendations for glycemic goals in adults1 are reviewed on three slides Slide 2 of 3 Providers might reasonably suggest more stringent A1C goals (such as <6.5%) for selected individual patients, if this can be achieved without significant hypoglycemia or other adverse effects of treatment Appropriate patients might include those with short duration of diabetes, long life expectancy, and no significant CVD (C)
  65. Hyperglycemia defines diabetes, and glycemic control is fundamental to diabetes management; recommendations for glycemic goals in adults1 are reviewed on three slides Slide 3 of 3 Less-stringent A1C goals (such as <8%) may be appropriate for patients with a history of severe hypoglycemia, limited life expectancy, advanced microvascular or macrovascular complications, extensive comorbid conditions, and those with longstanding diabetes in whom the general goal is difficult to attain despite diabetes self-management education (DSME), appropriate glucose monitoring, and effective doses of multiple glucose lowering agents including insulin (B)
  66. This slide, “Approach to Management of Hyperglycemia,” depicts the elements of decision making used to determine appropriate efforts to achieve glycemic targets1 (Adapted with permission from Inzucchi et al.) Characteristics/predicaments toward the left justify more stringent efforts to lower A1C, whereas those toward the right are compatible with less stringent efforts Where possible, such decisions should be made in conjunction with the patient, reflecting his or her preferences, needs, and values This “scale” is not designed to be applied rigidly but to be used as a broad construct to help guide clinical decisions Those with long duration of diabetes, known history of severe hypoglycemia, advanced atherosclerosis, and advanced age/frailty may benefit from less aggressive targets Providers should be vigilant in preventing severe hypoglycemia in patients with advanced disease and should not aggressively attempt to achieve near-normal A1C levels in patients in whom such targets cannot be safely and reasonably achieved Severe or frequent hypoglycemia is an absolute indication for the modification of treatment regimens, including setting higher glycemic goals
  67. Recommended glycemic goals for many nonpregnant adults (Table 6.2)1 are shown on three slides Slide 1 of 3 These recommendations are based on those for A1C values, with listed blood glucose levels that appear to correlate with achievement of an A1C of <7% The issue of pre- versus postprandial self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) is complex;2 elevated postchallenge two-hour oral glucose tolerance test (2-h OGTT) glucose values have been associated with increased cardiovascular risk independent of fasting plasma glucose (FPG) in some epidemiological studies In diabetic subjects, surrogate measures of vascular pathology, such as endothelial dysfunction, are negatively affected by postprandial hyperglycemia3
  68. Recommended glycemic goals for many nonpregnant adults (Table 6.2)1 are shown on three slides Slide 2 of 3 Glycemic goals should be individualized, based on a patient’s duration of diabetes, age, life expectancy, comorbid conditions, known cardiovascular disease (CVD) or advanced microvascular complications, unawareness of hypoglycemia, and other considerations
  69. Recommended glycemic goals for many nonpregnant adults (Table 6.2)1 are shown on three slides Slide 3 of 3 For individual patients, more or less stringent glycemic goals may be appropriate If A1C goals are not met despite reaching preprandial glucose goals, postprandial glucose may be targeted It is clear that postprandial hyperglycemia, like preprandial hyperglycemia, contributes to elevated A1C levels, with its relative contribution being higher at A1C levels that are closer to 7% However, outcome studies have clearly shown A1C to be the primary predictor of complications, and landmark trials such as the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) and the UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) relied overwhelmingly on preprandial SMBG A reasonable recommendation for postprandial testing and targets is that for individuals who have premeal glucose values within target but have A1C values above target, monitoring postprandial plasma glucose (PPG) 1–2 h after the start of the meal and treatment aimed at reducing PPG values to <180 mg/dL may help lower A1C
  70. Hypoglycemia is the leading limiting factor in the glycemic management of patients with type 1 and insulin-treated type 2 diabetes1 Recommendations for treating hypoglycemia2 are summarized on three slides Slide 1 of 3 Individuals at risk for hypoglycemia should be asked about symptomatic and asymptomatic hypoglycemia at each encounter (C) Glucose (15–20 g) is the preferred treatment for the conscious individual with hypoglycemia, although any form of carbohydrate that contains glucose may be used; after 15 min of treatment, if SMBG shows continued hypoglycemia, the treatment should be repeated. Once SMBG returns to normal, the individual should consume a meal or snack to prevent recurrence of hypoglycemia ( E) Glucagon should be prescribed for all individuals at significant risk of severe hypoglycemia, and caregivers or family members of these individuals should be instructed in its administration; glucagon administration is not limited to health care professionals (E) A glucagon kit requires a prescription; care should be taken to ensure that glucagon kits are not expired2
  71. Recommendations for treating hypoglycemia1 are summarized on three slides Slide 2 of 3 Hypoglycemia unawareness or one or more episodes of severe hypoglycemia should trigger re-evaluation of the treatment regimen (E) Insulin-treated patients with hypoglycemia unawareness or an episode of severe hypoglycemia should be advised to raise their glycemic targets to strictly avoid further hypoglycemia for at least several weeks, to partially reverse hypoglycemia unawareness and reduce risk of future episodes (A) Mild hypoglycemia may be inconvenient or frightening to patients with diabetes Severe hypoglycemia can cause acute harm to the person with diabetes or others, especially if it causes falls, motor vehicle accidents, or other injury
  72. Recommendations for treating hypoglycemia1 are summarized on three slides Slide 3 of 3 Ongoing assessment of cognitive function is suggested with increased vigilance for hypoglycemia by the clinician, patient, and caregivers if low cognition and/or declining cognition is found (B) A large cohort study suggested that among older adults with type 2 diabetes, a history of severe hypoglycemia was associated with greater risk of dementia2 Conversely, in a substudy of the ACCORD trial, cognitive impairment at baseline or decline in cognitive function during the trial was significantly associated with subsequent episodes of severe hypoglycemia3
  73. Section 7. Approaches to glycemic treatment
  74. Most people with type 1 diabetes should be treated with MDI injections (3–4 injections per day of basal and prandial insulin) or continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII)1 (A) Most people with type 1 diabetes should be educated in how to match prandial insulin dose to carbohydrate intake, premeal blood glucose, and anticipated activity (E) Most people with type 1 diabetes should use insulin analogs to reduce hypoglycemia risk (A) The DCCT clearly showed that intensive insulin therapy (three or more injections per day of insulin, or CSII (or insulin pump therapy) was a key part of improved glycemia and better outcomes2,3 The study was carried out with short- and intermediate-acting human insulins Despite better microvascular outcomes, intensive insulin therapy was associated with a high rate of severe hypoglycemia (62 episodes per 100 patient-years of therapy)
  75. Recommended pharmacological therapy for hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes1 is summarized on three slides Slide 1 of 3 Metformin, if not contraindicated and if tolerated, is the preferred initial pharmacological agent for type 2 diabetes (A) In newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients with markedly symptomatic and/or elevated blood glucose levels or A1C, consider insulin therapy, with or without additional agents, from the outset (E) The ADA and European Association for the study of Diabetes (EASD) formed a joint task force to evaluate the data and develop recommendations for the use of antihyperglycemic agents in type 2 diabetic patients2 This 2012 position statement is less prescriptive than prior algorithms and discusses advantages and disadvantages of the available medication classes and considerations for their use A patient-centered approach is stressed, taking into account patient preferences, cost and potential side effects of each class, effects on body weight, and hypoglycemia risk
  76. Recommended pharmacological therapy for hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes1 is summarized on three slides Slide 2 of 3 If noninsulin monotherapy at maximal tolerated dose does not achieve or maintain the A1C target over 3 months, add a second oral agent, a glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist, or insulin (A) Metformin has a long-standing evidence base for efficacy and safety, is inexpensive, and may reduce risk of cardiovascular events2 When metformin fails to achieve or maintain glycemic goals, another agent should be added Although there are numerous trials comparing dual therapy to metformin alone, few directly compare drugs as add-on therapy Comparative effectiveness meta-analyses3 suggest that overall, each new class of noninsulin agents added to initial therapy lowers A1C around 0.9–1.1%
  77. Recommended pharmacological therapy for hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes1 is summarized on three slides Slide 3 of 3 A patient-centered approach should be used to guide choice of pharmacological agents; considerations include efficacy, cost, potential side effects, effects on weight, comorbidities, hypoglycemia risk, and patient preferences (E) Due to the progressive nature of type 2 diabetes, insulin therapy is eventually indicated for many patients with type 2 diabetes (B) The progressive nature of type 2 diabetes and its therapies should be regularly and objectively explained to patients Providers should avoid using insulin as a threat or describing it as a failure or punishment. Equipping patients with an algorithm for self-titration of insulin doses based on SMBG results improves glycemic control in type 2 diabetic patients initiating insulin2 Refer to the ADA-EASD position statement for more details on pharmacotherapy for hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes3
  78. This slide summarizes the general recommendations for antihyperglycemic therapy in type 2 diabetes, as outlined in the ADA-European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) position statement Definitions: DPP-4-i,DPP-4 inhibitor; Fx’s, bone fractures; GI, gastrointestinal; GLP-1-RA, GLP-1 receptor agonist; HF, heart failure; SU, sulfonylurea; TZD, thiazolidinedione This 2015 position statement is less prescriptive than prior algorithms and discusses advantages/disadvantages of the available medication classes and considerations for use A patient-centered approach is stressed, including patient preferences, cost and potential side effects of each class, effects on body weight, and hypoglycemia risk Metformin is reaffirmed as the preferred initial agent, barring contraindication or intolerance, either in addition to lifestyle counseling and support for weight loss and exercise, or when lifestyle efforts alone have not achieved or maintained glycemic goals The progressive nature of type 2 diabetes and its therapies should be regularly and objectively explained to patients Equipping patients with an algorithm for self-titration of insulin doses based on SMBG results improves glycemic control in type 2 diabetic patients initiating insulin3
  79. Approach to starting and adjusting insulin in type 2 diabetes. FBG, fasting blood glucose; GLP-1-RA, GLP-1 receptor agonist; hypo, hypoglycemia; mod., moderate; PPG, postprandial glucose; #, number. Adapted with permission from Inzucchi et al. Diabetes Care, 2015;38:140-149
  80. Recommendations for patients for whom bariatric surgery may be an option as an effective weight loss treatment for severe obesity are summarized on this slide Bariatric surgery may be considered for adults with body mass index (BMI) >35 kg/m2 and type 2 diabetes, especially if diabetes or associated comorbidities are difficult to control with lifestyle and pharmacological therapy (B) Patients with type 2 diabetes who have undergone bariatric surgery need life-long lifestyle support and medical monitoring (B) Although small trials have shown glycemic benefit of bariatric surgery in patients with type 2 diabetes and BMI of 30–35 kg/m2, there is currently insufficient evidence to recommend, in general, surgery in patients with BMI <35 kg/m2 outside of a research protocol (E) The long-term benefits, cost-effectiveness, and risks of bariatric surgery in individuals with type 2 diabetes should be studied in well-designed, controlled trials with optimal medical and lifestyle therapy as the comparator (E) Bariatric and metabolic surgeries, either gastric banding or procedures that involve bypassing, transposing, or resecting sections of the small intestine, when part of a comprehensive team approach, can be an effective weight loss treatment for severe obesity, and national guidelines support its consideration for people with type 2 diabetes who have BMI exceeding 35 kg/m2
  81. Section 8. Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management
  82. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the major cause of morbidity and mortality for individuals with diabetes, and the largest contributor to the direct and indirect costs of diabetes1 The common conditions coexisting with type 2 diabetes, such as hypertension and dyslipidemia, are clear risk factors for CVD, and diabetes itself confers independent risk1 Numerous studies have shown the efficacy of controlling individual cardiovascular risk factors in preventing of slowing CVD in people with diabetes1 Large benefits are seen when multiple risk factors are addressed globally2,3 There is evidence that measures of 10-year coronary heart disease (CHD) risk among U.S. adults with diabetes have improved significantly over the past decade4
  83. Hypertension is a common comorbidity of diabetes that affects the majority of patients, with prevalence depending on type of diabetes, age, obesity, and ethnicity Hypertension is a major risk factor for both CVD and microvascular complications In type 1 diabetes, hypertension is often the result of underlying nephropathy, while in type 2 diabetes it usually coexists with other cardiometabolic risk factors This slide and the following slides summarize recommendations for screening and diagnosis, goals, and treatment for hypertension/blood pressure control in patients with diabetes Slide 1 of 6 – Screening and Diagnosis Blood pressure should be measured at every routine visit Patients found to have elevated blood pressure should have blood pressure confirmed on a separate day (B)
  84. People with diabetes and hypertension should be treated to a systolic blood pressure (SBP) goal of <140 mmHg (A) Lower systolic targets, such as <130 mmHg, may be appropriate for certain individuals, such as younger patients, if it can be achieved without undue treatment burden (C) Patients with diabetes should be treated to a diastolic blood pressure (DBP) <90 mmHg (A) Lower diastolic targets, such as <80 mmHg, may be appropriate for certain individuals, such as younger patients, if it can be achieved without undue treatment burden (B)
  85. Patients with blood pressure >120/80 mmHg should be advised on lifestyle changes to reduce blood pressure (B) Patients with confirmed blood pressure higher than 140/90 mmHg should, in addition to lifestyle therapy, have prompt initiation and timely subsequent titration of pharmacological therapy to achieve blood pressure goals (A)
  86. Lifestyle therapy for elevated blood pressure consists of weight loss if overweight, DASH-style dietary pattern including reducing sodium and increasing potassium intake, moderation of alcohol intake, and increased physical activity (B)
  87. Pharmacologic therapy for patients with diabetes and hypertension should be paired with a regimen that included either an ACE inhibitor or an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB); if one class is not tolerated, the other should be substituted Multiple drug therapy (two or more agents at maximal doses) is generally required to achieve blood pressure targets (B)
  88. If ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), or diuretics are used, serum creatine/estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and serum potassium levels should be monitored (E) In pregnant patients with diabetes and chronic hypertension, blood pressure target goals of 110-129/65-79 mmHg are suggested in the interest of long-term maternal health and minimizing impaired fetal growth ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) are contraindicated during pregnancy (E)
  89. Patients with type 2 diabetes have an increased prevalence of lipid abnormalities, contributing to their high risk of CVD This set of 6 slides summarize recommendations for screening, treatment, and goals for dyslipidemia/lipid management in patients with diabetes Slide 1 of 6 – Screening In adults, a screening lipid profile is reasonable at the time of first diagnosis, at the initial medical evaluation, and/or at age 40 years and periodically (e.g., every 1–2 years) thereafter (E).
  90. This set of six slides summarize recommendations for screening, treatment, and goals for dyslipidemia/lipid management in patients with diabetes Slide 2 of 6 – Treatment Recommendations and Goals Lifestyle modification focusing on the reduction of saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol intake; increase of n-3 fatty acids, viscous fiber, and plant stanols/sterols; weight loss (if indicated) and increased physical activity should be recommended to improve the lipid profile in patients with diabetes (A)
  91. This set of six slides summarize recommendations for screening, treatment, and goals for dyslipidemia/lipid management in patients with diabetes Slide 3 of 6 – Treatment Recommendations and Goals Triglyceride levels <150 mg/dL (1.7 mmol/L) and HDL cholesterol >40 mg/dL (1.0 mm/L) in men and >50 mg/dL (1.3 mmol/L) in women, are desirable (C). For patients of all ages with diabetes and overt CVD, high-intensity statin therapy should be added to lifestyle therapy. (A)
  92. This set of six slides summarize recommendations for screening, treatment, and goals for dyslipidemia/lipid management in patients with diabetes Slide 4 of 6 – Recommendations for statin treatment in people with diabetes For patients of all ages with diabetes and overt CVD, high-intensity statin therapy should be added to lifestyle therapy. A For patients with diabetes aged 40 years with additional CVD risk factors, consider using moderate or high-intensity statin and lifestyle therapy. C For patients with diabetes aged 40–75 years without additional CVD risk factors, consider using moderate-intensity statin and lifestyle therapy. A For patients with diabetes aged 40–75 years with additional CVD risk factors, consider using high-intensity statin and lifestyle therapy. B For patients with diabetes aged 75 years without additional CVD risk factors, consider using moderate-intensity statin therapy and lifestyle therapy. B For patients with diabetes aged 75 years with additional CVD risk factors, consider using moderate- or high-intensity statin therapy and lifestyle therapy. B In clinical practice, providers may need to adjust intensity of statin therapy based on individual patient response to medication (e.g., side effects, tolerability, LDL cholesterol levels). E
  93. This set of six slides summarize recommendations for screening, treatment, and goals for dyslipidemia/lipid management in patients with diabetes Slide 5 of 6 – Treatment Recommendations and Goals In clinical practice, providers may need to adjust intensity of statin therapy based on individual patient response to medication (e.g. side effects, tolerability, LDL cholesterol levels.) (E) Cholesterol laboratory testing may be helpful in monitoring adherence to therapy but may not be needed once the patient is stable on therapy (E)
  94. This set of six slides summarize recommendations for screening, treatment, and goals for dyslipidemia/lipid management in patients with diabetes Slide 6 of 6 – Treatment Recommendations and Goals Combination therapy has been shown not to provide additional cardiovascular benefit above statin therapy alone and is not generally recommended (A) Statin therapy is contraindicated in pregnancy (B)
  95. Recommendations for the use of antiplatelet agents1 are summarized in three slides Slide 1 of 3 Consider aspirin therapy (75–162 mg/day) as a primary prevention strategy in those with type 1 or type 2 diabetes at increased cardiovascular risk (10-year risk >10%). This includes most men aged >50 years or women aged >60 years who have at least one additional major risk factor (family history of CVD, hypertension, smoking, dyslipidemia, or albuminuria) (C) In 2010, a position statement of the ADA, the American Heart Association (AHA), and the American College of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF) recommends that low-dose (75–162 mg/day) aspirin for primary prevention is reasonable for adults with diabetes and no previous history of vascular disease who are at increased CVD risk (10-year risk of CVD events over 10%) and who are not at increased risk for bleeding. This generally includes most men over age 50 years and women over age 60 years who also have one or more of the following major risk factors: 1) smoking, 2) hypertension, 3) dyslipidemia, 4) family history of premature CVD, and 5) albuminuria2
  96. Recommendations for the use of antiplatelet agents1 are summarized in three slides Slide 2 of 3 Aspirin should not be recommended for CVD prevention for adults with diabetes at low CVD risk (10-year CVD risk <5%, such as in men aged <50 years and women aged <60 years with no major additional CVD risk factors), since the potential adverse effects from bleeding likely offset the potential benefits (C) In patients in these age groups with multiple other risk factors (e.g., 10-year risk 5%-10%), clinical judgment is required (E) However, aspirin is no longer recommended for those at low CVD risk (women under age 60 years and men under age 50 years with no major CVD risk factors; 10-year CVD risk <5%), as the low benefit is likely to be outweighed by the risks of significant bleeding Clinical judgment should be used for those at intermediate risk (younger patients with one or more risk factors, or older patients with no risk factors; those with 10-year CVD risk of 5–10%) until further research is available Aspirin use in patients under the age of 21 years is contraindicated due to the associated risk of Reye syndrome
  97. Recommendations for the use of antiplatelet agents1 are summarized in three slides Slide 3 of 3 Use aspirin therapy (75-162 mg/day) as a secondary prevention strategy in those with diabetes with a history of CVD (A) For patients with CVD and documented aspirin allergy, clopidogrel (75 mg/day) should be used (B) Dual antiplatelet therapy is reasonable for up to a year after an acute coronary syndrome (B) A P2Y12 receptor antagonist in combination with aspirin should be used for at least 1 year in patients following an acute coronary syndrome. Evidence supports use of either ticagrelor or clopidogrel if no percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) was performed, and the use of clopidogrel, ticagrelor, or prasugrel if PCI was performed2
  98. Recommendations for cardiovascular disease screening1 is summarized on this slide In asymptomatic patients, routine screening for coronary artery disease (CAD) is not recommended, as it does not improve outcomes as long as cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors are treated (A)
  99. In patients with known CVD, consider ACE inhibitor therapy (C) and use aspirin and statin therapy (A) (if not contraindicated) to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events1 In patients with a prior MI, β-blockers should be continued for at least 2 years after the event (B)1 In all patients with diabetes, cardiovascular risk factors should be assessed at least annually. These risk factors include dyslipidemia, hypertension, smoking, a positive family history of premature coronary disease, and the presence of albuminuria Abnormal risk factors should be treated as described elsewhere in these guidelines Patients at increased CVD risk should receive aspirin and a statin, and ACE inhibitor or ARB therapy if hypertensive, unless there are contraindications to a particular drug class While clear benefit exists for ACE inhibitor and ARB therapy in patients with nephropathy or hypertension, the benefits in patients with CVD in the absence of these conditions are less clear, especially when LDL cholesterol is concomitantly controlled2,3
  100. In patients with symptomatic heart failure, avoid thiazolidinedione treatment (C) in patients with stable CHF, metformin may be used if renal function is normal but should be avoided in unstable or hospitalized patients with CHF (B)
  101. Section 9. Microvascular Complications and Foot Care
  102. General recommendations for the care of patients with diabetes and nephropathy1 are summarized on this slide To reduce the risk or slow the progression of nephropathy, optimize glucose control (A) To reduce the risk or slow the progression of nephropathy, optimize blood pressure control (A) To be consistent with newer nomenclature intended to emphasize the continuous nature of albuminuria as a risk factor, the terms “microalbuminuria” (30–299 mg/24 h) and “macroalbuminuria” (>300 mg/24 h) will no longer be used, but rather referred to as persistent albuminuria at levels 30–299 mg/24 h and levels ≥300 mg/24 h. Normal albumin excretion is currently defined as <30 mg/24 h Diabetic nephropathy occurs in 20-40% of patients with diabetes and is the single leading cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) Persistent albuminuria in the range of 30-299 mg/24 h has been shown to be an early stage of diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetes and a marker for development of nephropathy in type 2 diabetes It is a well-established marker of increased CVD risk2-4
  103. Recommendations for screening patients with diabetes for nephropathy are highlighted on this slide At least once a year, quantitatively assess urine albumin excretion and estimated glomerular filtration rate in patients with type 1 diabetes duration of ≥5 years and in all patients with type 2 diabetes To be consistent with newer nomenclature intended to emphasize the continuous nature of albuminuria as a risk factor, the terms “microalbuminuria” (30–299 mg/24 h) and “macroalbuminuria” (>300 mg/24 h) will no longer be used, since albuminuria occurs on a continuum. Albuminuria is defined as >30 mg/g
  104. An ACE inhibitor or ARB for the primary prevention of diabetic kidney disease is not recommended in diabetic patients with normal blood pressure and albumin excretion <30 mg/24 h (B) Either ACE inhibitors or ARBs (but not both in combination) are recommended for the treatment of the nonpregnant patient with modestly elevated (30–299 mg/24 h) (C) or higher levels (>300 mg/24 h) of urinary albumin excretion (A) A number of interventions have been demonstrated to reduce the risk and slow the progression of renal disease. Intensive diabetes management with the goal of achieving near-normoglycemia has been shown in large prospective randomized studies to delay the onset and progression of increased urinary albumin excretion in patients with type 12 and type 23 diabetes The UKPDS provided strong evidence that blood pressure control can reduce the development of nephropathy4
  105. When ACE inhibitors, ARBs, or diuretics are used, monitor serum creatinine and potassium levels for the development of increased creatinine or changes in potassium (E) Continued monitoring of urine albumin excretion to assess both response to therapy and progression of disease is reasonable (E) When eGFR is <60 mL/min/1.73 m2,evaluate and manage potential complications of CKD (E) ACE inhibitors have been shown to reduce major CVD outcomes (i.e., MI, stroke, death) in patients with diabetes,2 thus further supporting the use of these agents in patients with elevated albuminuria, a CVD risk factor ARBs do not prevent onset of elevated albuminuria in normotensive patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes;3 however, ARBs have been shown to reduce the progression rate of albumin levels 4
  106. Consider referral to a physician experienced in the care of kidney disease for uncertainty about the etiology of kidney disease, difficult management issues, or advanced kidney disease (B) For people with diabetes and diabetic kidney disease (albuminuria >30 mg/24 h), reducing dietary protein below usual intake not recommended (A)
  107. This table defines abnormalities of albumin excretion and the linkage between albumin-to-creatinine ratio and 24-hour albumin excretion Historically, ratios between 30 and 299 have been called microalbuminuria and those 300 or greater have been called macroalbuminuria (or clinical albuminuria) Because of variability in urinary albumin excretion, two of three specimens collected within a 3- to 6-month period should be abnormal before considering a patient to have developed increased urinary albumin excretion or had a progression in albuminuria Exercise within 24 hours, infection, fever, CHF, marked hyperglycemia, and marked hypertension may elevate urinary albumin excretion over baseline values
  108. The National Kidney Foundation classification of the stages of chronic kidney disease(Table 9.2; adapted from Levey et al) is primarily based on GFR levels and may be superseded by other systems in which staging includes other variables such as urinary albumin excretion Studies have found decreased GFR in the absence of increased urine albumin excretion in a substantial percentage of adults with diabetes4 Substantial evidence shows that in patients with type 1 diabetes and persistent albumin levels 30–299 mg/24 h, screening with albumin excretion rate alone would miss >20% of progressive disease Serum creatinine with estimated GFR should therefore be assessed at least annually in all adults with diabetes, regardless of the degree of urine albumin excretion Serum creatinine should be used to estimate GFR and to stage the level of CKD, if present GFR calculators are available at
  109. Management of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is summarized in two slides Slide 1 of 2 Complications of kidney disease correlate with level of kidney function When the eGFR is <60 mL/min/1.73 m2, screening for complications of CKD is indicated, as summarized on this slide (Table 9.3) Early vaccination against HBV is indicated in patients likely to progress to end-stage kidney disease Consider referral to a physician experienced in the care of kidney disease when there is uncertainty about the etiology of kidney disease (heavy proteinuria, active urine sediment, absence of retinopathy, rapid decline in GFR, and resistant hypertension) Other triggers for referral may include difficult management issues (anemia, secondary hyperparathyroidism, metabolic bone disease, or electrolyte disturbance) or advanced kidney disease The threshold for referral may vary depending on the frequency with which a provider encounters diabetic patients with significant kidney disease
  110. Management of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is summarized in two slides1,2 Slide 2 of 2 When the eGFR is <60 mL/min/1.73 m2, screening for complications of CKD is indicated, as summarized on this slide (Table 13) Consultation with a nephrologist when stage 4 CKD develops has been found to reduce cost, improve quality of care, and keep people off dialysis longer3 However, nonrenal specialists should not delay educating their patients about the progressive nature of diabetic kidney disease; the renal preservation benefits of aggressive treatment of blood pressure, blood glucose, and hyperlipidemia, and the potential need for renal transplant
  111. Recommendations for the care of patients with diabetes with respect to retinopathy1 are summarized on this slide Optimize glycemic control to reduce the risk or slow the progression of retinopathy (A) Optimize blood pressure control to reduce the risk or slow the progression of retinopathy (A) Diabetic retinopathy is a highly specific vascular complication of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, with prevalence strongly related to duration of diabetes Diabetic retinopathy is the most frequent cause of new cases of blindness among adults aged 20–74 years Glaucoma, cataracts, and other disorders of the eye occur earlier and more frequently in people with diabetes In addition to duration of diabetes, other factors that increase the risk of, or are associated with, retinopathy include chronic hyperglycemia2, the presence of nephropathy3, and hypertension4
  112. Results of eye examinations should be documented and transmitted to the referring health care professional Recommendations for the screening of retinopathy in patients with diabetes are summarized in four slides Slide 1 of 4 Adults with type 1 diabetes should have an initial dilated and comprehensive eye examination by an ophthalmologist or optometrist within 5 years after the onset of diabetes (B) Patients with type 2 diabetes should have an initial dilated and comprehensive eye examination by an ophthalmologist or optometrist shortly after the diagnosis of diabetes (B) Examinations should be performed by an ophthalmologist or optometrist who is knowledgeable and experienced in diagnosing diabetic retinopathy
  113. Recommendations for the screening of retinopathy in patients with diabetes1 are summarized in four slides Slide 2 of 4 If there is no evidence of retinopathy for one or more eye exams, then exams every 2 years may be considered. If diabetic retinopathy is present, subsequent examinations for type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients should be repeated annually by an ophthalmologist or optometrist. If retinopathy is progressing or sight threatening, then examinations will be required more frequently (B) Subsequent examinations for type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients are generally repeated annually Exams every 2 years may be cost effective after one or more normal eye exams, and in a population with well-controlled type 2 diabetes there was essentially no risk of development of significant retinopathy with a 3-year interval after a normal examination2 Examinations will be required more frequently if retinopathy is progressing
  114. Recommendations for the screening of retinopathy in patients with diabetes1 are summarized in four slides Slide 3 of 4 High-quality fundus photographs can detect most clinically significant diabetic retinopathy. Interpretation of the images should be performed by a trained eye care provider (E) While retinal photography may serve as a screening tool for retinopathy, it is not a substitute for a comprehensive eye exam, which should be performed at least initially and at intervals thereafter as recommended by an eye care professional (E) Retinal photography ,with remote reading by experts, has great potential in areas where qualified eye care professionals are not available. It may also enhance efficiency and reduce costs when the expertise of ophthalmologists can be utilized for more complex examinations and for therapy2 In-person exams are still necessary when the photos are unacceptable and for follow-up of abnormalities detected Photos are not a substitute for a comprehensive eye exam, which should be performed at least initially and at intervals thereafter as recommended by an eye care professional Results of eye examinations should be documented and transmitted to the referring health care professional
  115. Recommendations for the screening of retinopathy in patients with diabetes are summarized in four slides Slide 4 of 4 Women with preexisting diabetes who are planning pregnancy or who have become pregnant should have a comprehensive eye examination and be counseled on the risk of development and/or progression of diabetic retinopathy (B) Eye examination should occur in the first trimester with close follow-up throughout pregnancy and for 1 year postpartum (B)
  116. Promptly refer patients with any level of macular edema, severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR), or any peripheral diabetic retinopathy (PDR) to an ophthalmologist who is knowledgeable and experienced in the management and treatment of diabetic retinopathy (A) Laser photocoagulation therapy is indicated to reduce the risk of vision loss in patients with high-risk PDR, clinically significant macular edema, and in some cases of severe NPDR (A)
  117. Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) therapy is indicated for diabetic macular edema (A) The presence of retinopathy is not a contraindication to aspirin therapy for cardioprotection, as this therapy does not increase the risk of retinal hemorrhage (A)
  118. Recommendations for the screening and treatment of neuropathy in patients with diabetes are summarized in two slides Slide 1 of 2 All patients should be screened for distal symmetric polyneuropathy (DPN) starting at diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and 5 years after the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes and at least annually thereafter, using simple clinical tests (B) Screening for signs and symptoms of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (CAN) should be instituted at diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and 5 years after the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes; special testing is rarely needed and may not affect management or outcomes (E) The diabetic neuropathies are heterogeneous with diverse clinical manifestations; they may be focal or diffuse The most prevalent neuropathies are chronic sensorimotor diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) and autonomic neuropathy Although DPN is a diagnosis of exclusion, complex investigations or referral for neurology consultation to exclude other conditions are rarely needed The early recognition and appropriate management of neuropathy in the patient with diabetes are important for a number of reasons: 1) nondiabetic neuropathies may be present in patients with diabetes and may be treatable; 2) a number of treatment options exist for symptomatic diabetic neuropathy; 3) up to 50% of DPN may be asymptomatic and patients are at risk of insensate injury to their feet; 4) autonomic neuropathy and particularly cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (CAN) is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular mortality
  119. Recommendations for the screening and treatment of neuropathy in patients with diabetes are summarized in two slides Slide 2 of 2 Specific treatment for the underlying nerve damage is not currently available, other than improved glycemic control, which may modestly slow progression in type 2 diabetes2 but not reverse neuronal loss. Effective symptomatic treatments are available for manifestations of DPN, such as neuropathic pain3 and for limited symptoms of autonomic neuropathy
  120. Recommendations for foot care in patients with diabetes are summarized in four slides Slide 1 of 4 For all patients with diabetes, perform an annual comprehensive foot examination to identify risk factors predictive of ulcers and amputations The foot examination should include inspection, assessment of foot pulses, and testing for loss of protective sensation (LOPS) (10-g monofilament plus testing any one of the following: vibration using 128-Hz tuning fork, pinprick sensation, ankle reflexes, or vibration perception threshold) (B) Amputation and foot ulceration, consequences of diabetic neuropathy and/or peripheral artery disease (PAD), are common and major causes of morbidity and disability in people with diabetes; early recognition and management of risk factors can prevent or delay adverse outcomes Risk of ulcers or amputations is increased in people who have the following risk factors: Previous amputation Past foot ulcer history Peripheral neuropathy Foot deformity Peripheral vascular disease Visual impairment Diabetic nephropathy (especially patients on dialysis) Poor glycemic control Cigarette smoking
  121. Recommendations for foot care in patients with diabetes are summarized in four slides Slide 2 of 4 This slide illustrates how to perform the 10-g monofilament test
  122. Recommendations for foot care in patients with diabetes1 are summarized in four slides Slide 3 of 4 Provide general foot self-care education to all patients with diabetes (B) A multidisciplinary approach is recommended for individuals with foot ulcers and high-risk feet, especially those with a history of prior ulcer or amputation (B) Refer patients who smoke, have LOPS and structural abnormalities, or have history of prior lower-extremity complications to foot care specialists for ongoing preventive care and life-long surveillance (C)
  123. Recommendations for foot care in patients with diabetes1 are summarized in four slides Slide 4 of 4 Initial screening for peripheral arterial disease (PAD) should include a history for claudication and an assessment of the pedal pulses; consider obtaining an ankle-brachial index (ABI), as many patients with PAD are asymptomatic (C) Refer patients with significant claudication or a positive ABI for further vascular assessment and consider exercise, medications, and surgical options (C) Initial screening for PAD should include a history for claudication and an assessment of the pedal pulses A diagnostic ABI should be performed in any patient with symptoms of PAD Due to the high estimated prevalence of PAD in patients with diabetes and the fact that many patients with PAD are asymptomatic, an ADA consensus statement on PAD2 suggested that a screening ABI be performed in patients over 50 years of age and be considered in patients under 50 years of age who have other PAD risk factors (e.g., smoking, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, or duration of diabetes >10 years) Refer patients with significant symptoms or a positive ABI for further vascular assessment and consider exercise, medications, and surgical options2
  124. Section 10. Older Adults
  125. Recommendations for the care of diabetes in older adults1 are summarized in two slides Slide 1 of 2 Older adults who are functional, cognitively intact, and have significant life expectancy should receive diabetes care with goals similar to those developed for younger adults (E) Glycemic goals for some older adults might reasonably be relaxed, using individual criteria, but hyperglycemia leading to symptoms or risk of acute hyperglycemic complications should be avoid in all patients (E) Diabetes is an important health condition for the aging population; at least 20% of patients over the age of 65 years have diabetes, and this number can be expected to grow rapidly in the coming decades Older individuals with diabetes have higher rates of premature death, functional disability, and coexisting illnesses such as hypertension, CHD, and stroke than those without diabetes Older adults with diabetes are also at greater risk than other older adults for several common geriatric syndromes, such as polypharmacy, depression, cognitive impairment, urinary incontinence, injurious falls, and persistent pain A consensus report on diabetes and older adults2 have influenced these recommendations
  126. Recommendations for the care of diabetes in older adults1 are summarized in two slides Slide 2 of 2 Other cardiovascular risk factors should be treated in older adults with consideration of the time frame of benefit and the individual patient; treatment of hypertension is indicated in virtually all older adults and lipid and aspirin therapy may benefit those with life expectancy at least equal to the time frame of primary or secondary prevention trials (E) Screening for diabetes complications should be individualized in older adults, but particular attention should be paid to complications that would lead to functional impairment (E) Although hyperglycemia control may be important in older individuals with diabetes, greater reductions in morbidity and mortality may result from control of other cardiovascular risk factors rather than from tight glycemic control alone There is strong evidence from clinical trials of the value of treating hypertension in the elderly;2,3 there is less evidence for lipid-lowering and aspirin therapy, although the benefits of these interventions for primary and secondary prevention are likely to apply to older adults whose life expectancies equal or exceed the time frames seen in clinical trials
  127. Section 11. Children and Adolescents
  128. The recommendation for glycemic control in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes1 is included in this slide In selecting glycemic goals, the long-term health benefits of achieving a lower A1C should be balanced against the risks of hypoglycemia and the developmental burdens of intensive regimens in children and youth1 Special consideration should be given to the unique risks of hypoglycemia in young children1 For young children (<7 years old), glycemic goals may need to be modified since most at that age have a form of “hypoglycemic unawareness,” including immaturity of and a relative inability to recognize and respond to hypoglycemic symptoms; this places them at greater risk for severe hypoglycemia While it was previously thought that young children were at risk for cognitive impairment after episodes of severe hypoglycemia, current data have not confirmed this2-4 Furthermore, new therapeutic modalities, such as rapid and long-acting insulin analogs, technological advances (e.g., low glucose suspend), and education may mitigate the incidence of severe hypoglycemia5
  129. These goals apply to all pediatric age groups
  130. Because of the increased frequency of autoimmune disease in type 1 diabetes, screening for thyroid dysfunction, vitamin B12 deficiency, (due to autoimmune gastritis, and celiac disease should be considered on based on signs and symptoms. There are other autoimmune conditions (ie, Addison’s disease, etc.) that should be assessed and monitored as clinically indicated.
  131. Recommendations for the care of children with type 1 diabetes and celiac disease are summarized in two slides1 Slide 1 of 2 Consider screening children with type 1 diabetes for celiac disease by measuring IgA antitissue transglutaminase or antiendomysial antibodies, with documentation of normal total serum IgA levels, soon after the diagnosis of diabetes (E) Testing should be considered in children with a positive family history of celiac disease, growth failure, failure to gain weight, weight loss, diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal pain, or signs of malabsorption or in children with frequent unexplained hypoglycemia or deterioration in glycemic control (E) Celiac disease is an immune-mediated disorder that occurs with increased frequency in patients with type 1 diabetes (1–16% of individuals compared with 0.3–1% in the general population)2,3 Screening for celiac disease includes measuring serum levels of tissue transglutaminase or anti-endomysial antibodies, then small bowel biopsy in antibody positive children In symptomatic children with type 1 diabetes and celiac disease, gluten-free diets reduce symptoms and rates of hypoglycemia4
  132. Recommendations for the care of children with type 1 diabetes and celiac disease are summarized in two slides Slide 2 of 2 Consider referral to a gastroenterologist for evaluation with possible endoscopy and biopsy for confirmation of celiac disease in asymptomatic children with positive antibodies (E) Children with biopsy-confirmed celiac disease should be placed on a gluten-free diet and have consultation with a dietitian experienced in managing both diabetes and celiac disease (B)
  133. Consider screening children with type 1 diabetes for antithyroid peroxidase and antithyroglobulin antibodies at diagnosis (E)1 Measuring TSH concentrations soon after diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, after metabolic control has been established, is reasonable. If normal, consider rechecking every 1–2 years, especially if the patient develops symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, thyromegaly, an abnormal growth rate, or unusual glycemic variation (E)1 Autoimmune thyroid disease is the most common autoimmune disorder associated with diabetes, occurring in 17-30% of patients with type 1 diabetes2 About one-quarter of children with type 1 diabetes have thyroid autoantibodies at the time of diagnosis;3 presence of thyroid autoantibodies is predictive of thyroid dysfunction, generally hypothyroidism but less commonly hyperthyroidism4 Subclinical hypothyroidism may be associated with increased risk of symptomatic hypoglycemia5 and with reduced linear growth;6 hyperthyroidism alters glucose metabolism, potentially resulting in deterioration of metabolic control1
  134. Recommendations for the care of children and adolescents with hypertension1 are summarized in four slides Slide 1 of 4 Blood pressure should be measured at each routine visit; children found to have high-normal blood pressure or hypertension should have blood pressure confirmed on a separate day (B)
  135. Recommendations for the care of children and adolescents with hypertension1 are summarized in four slides Slide 2 of 4 Initial treatment of high-normal blood pressure (SBP or DBP consistently above the 90th percentile for age, sex, and height) includes dietary intervention and exercise, aimed at weight control and increased physical activity, if appropriate; if target blood pressure is not reached with 3–6 months of lifestyle intervention, pharmacological treatment should be considered (E) Blood pressure measurements should be determined correctly, using the appropriate size cuff, and with the child seated and relaxed Hypertension should be confirmed on at least three separate days Normal blood pressure levels for age, sex, and height and appropriate methods for determinations are available online at
  136. Recommendations for the care of children and adolescents with hypertension1 are summarized in four slides Slide 3 of 4 Pharmacological treatment of hypertension (SBP or DBP consistently above the 95th percentile for age, sex, and height or consistently >130/80 mmHg, if 95% exceeds that value) should be considered as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed (E)
  137. Recommendations for the care of children and adolescents with hypertension1 are summarized in four slides Slide 4 of 4 ACE inhibitors should be considered for the initial treatment of hypertension, following appropriate reproductive counseling due to their potential teratogenic effects (E) The goal of treatment is blood pressure consistently below the 90th percentile for age, sex, and height (E)
  138. Recommendations for the screening and treatment of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes for dyslipidemia are summarized in four slides1 Slide 1 of 4 Children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes have a high risk of early subclinical2-4 and clinical5 CVD
  139. Recommendations for the screening and treatment of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes for dyslipidemia are summarized in four slides Slide 3 of 4
  140. Recommendations for the screening and treatment of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes for dyslipidemia are summarized in four slides Slide 4 of 4 Initial therapy may consist of optimization of glucose control and MNT using a Step 2 AHA diet aimed at a decrease in the amount of saturated fat in the diet (B) After the age of 10 years, the addition of a statin in patients who, after MNT and lifestyle changes, have LDL cholesterol >160 mg/dL (4.1 mmol/L) or LDL cholesterol >130 mg/dl (3.4 mmol/L) and one or more CVD risk factors is reasonable (E) The goal of therapy is an LDL cholesterol value <100 mg/dL (2.6 mmol/L) (E) Statins are not approved for use under the age of 10 years, and statin treatment should generally not be used in children with type 1 diabetes prior to this age For postpubertal girls, issues of pregnancy prevention are paramount, since statins are category X in pregnancy
  141. Recommendations for pediatric nephropathy are summarized on this slide Recent research demonstrates the importance of good glycemic and blood pressure control, especially as diabetes duration increases2
  142. Recommendations for those with type 1 diabetes and pediatric retinopathy are summarized on this slide An initial dilated and comprehensive eye examination should be considered for the child at the start of puberty or age ≥10 years of age, whichever is earlier, once the youth has had diabetes for 3–5 years (E) After the initial examination, annual routine follow-up is generally recommended; less frequent examinations may be acceptable on the advice of an eye care professional (E) Although retinopathy (like albuminuria) most commonly occurs after the onset of puberty and after 5–10 years of diabetes duration,2 it has been reported in prepubertal children and with diabetes duration of only 1–2 years Referrals should be made to eye care professionals with expertise in diabetic retinopathy, an understanding of retinopathy risk in the pediatric population, and experience in counseling the pediatric patient and family on the importance of early prevention/intervention
  143. Neuropathy rarely occurs in prepubertal children with 1-2 years diabetes duration Foot inspection can be performed at each visit as education for youth regarding the importance of foot care
  144. No matter how sound the medical regimen, it can only be as good as the ability of the family and/or individual to implement it. Family involvement remains important for optimal management in childhood and adolescence It may be necessary to assess education skills/needs of day care providers, school nurses, or school personnel
  145. Care and close supervision of diabetes management is increasingly shifted from parents and other older adults throughout childhood and adolescence; however, the shift from pediatric to adult health care providers often occurs very abruptly as the older teen enters the next developmental stage, referred to as emerging adulthood,1 a critical period for young people who have diabetes Though scientific evidence continues to be limited, it is clear that early and ongoing attention be given to comprehensive coordinated planning for seamless transition of all youth from pediatric to adult health care2,3 A comprehensive discussion regarding the challenges faced during this period is found in the ADA position statement “Diabetes Care for Emerging Adults: Recommendations for the Transition from Pediatric to Adult Diabetes Care Systems”3 The National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) has materials available to facilitate the transition process ( and The Endocrine Society in collaboration with the ADA and other organizations has developed transition tools for clinicians and youth/families:( This slide includes recommendations for transitioning teens with diabetes into adulthood4
  146. Diabetes management places substantial burdens on the youth and family Ongoing parental involvement is necessary, due to the complexities of diabetes management
  147. Autoantibodies and ketosis may be present in patients with features of type 2 diabetes ADA consensus report “Type 2 Diabetes in Children and Adolescents”
  148. Section 12. Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy
  149. Recommendations for the preconception care of women with diabetes are summarized in two slides Slide 1 of 2 Major congenital malformations remain the leading cause of mortality and serious morbidity in infants of mothers with type 1 and type 2 diabetes Observational studies indicate that the risk of malformations increases continuously with increasing maternal glycemia during the first 6–8 weeks of gestation, as defined by first-trimester A1C concentrations There is no threshold for A1C values below which risk disappears entirely; however, malformation rates above the 1–2% background rate of nondiabetic pregnancies appear to be limited to pregnancies in which first-trimester A1C concentrations are >1% above the normal range for a nondiabetic pregnant woman Preconception care of diabetes appears to reduce the risk of congenital malformations
  150. Recommendations for the pregnancy care of women with diabetes1 are summarized in two slides Slide 2 of 2 For further discussion of preconception care, see the ADA consensus statement on preexisting diabetes and pregnancy2 and the position statement3
  151. Section 13. Diabetes Care in the Hospital, Nursing Home, and Skilled Nursing Facility
  152. Recommendations for the care of patients with diabetes who are admitted to the hospital1 are summarized on six slides Diabetes discharge planning should start at hospital admission, and clear diabetes management instructions should be provided at discharge (E) The sole use of sliding scale insulin in the inpatient hospital setting is discouraged (A) Hyperglycemia in the hospital can represent previously known diabetes, previously undiagnosed diabetes, or hospital-related hyperglycemia (fasting blood glucose ≥126 mg/dL or random blood glucose ≥200 mg/dL occurring during the hospitalization that reverts to normal after hospital discharge) The difficulty distinguishing between the second and third categories during the hospitalization may be overcome by measuring an A1C in undiagnosed patients with hyperglycemia, as long as conditions interfering with A1C utility (hemolysis, blood transfusion) have not occurred Hyperglycemia management in the hospital has been considered secondary in importance to the condition that prompted admission However, a body of literature now supports targeted glucose control in the hospital setting for potential improved clinical outcomes
  153. As noted on this slide, patients with diabetes admitted to the hospital should have their diabetes clearly identified in the medical record (E) Hyperglycemia in the hospital can represent previously known diabetes, previously undiagnosed diabetes, or hospital-related hyperglycemia (fasting blood glucose ≥126 mg/dL or random blood glucose ≥200 mg/dL occurring during the hospitalization that reverts to normal after hospital discharge)
  154. A plan for treating hypoglycemia should be established for each patient; episodes of hypoglycemia in the hospital should be tracked (E) Consider obtaining an A1C in patients with diabetes admitted to the hospital if the results of testing in the previous 2–3 months is not available (E) Patients with hyperglycemia in the hospital who do not have a prior diagnosis of diabetes should have appropriate plans for follow-up testing and care documented at discharge (E)
  155. Results of the NICE-SUGAR study1,2 are summarized on two slides Slide 1 of 2 Hyperglycemia in the hospital may result from stress; decompensation of type 1, type 2, or other forms of diabetes; and/or may be iatrogenic due to withholding of antihyperglycemic medications of administration of hyperglycemia-provoking agents such as glucocorticoids or vasopressors There is substantial observational evidence linking hyperglycemia in hospitalized patients (with or without diabetes) to poor outcomes The largest study to date, NICE-SUGAR, a multicenter, multinational randomized controlled trial, compared the effect of intensive glycemic control (target 81–108 mg/dL, mean blood glucose attained 115 mg/dL) to standard glycemic control (target 144– 180 mg/dL, mean blood glucose attained 144 mg/dL) on outcomes among 6,104 critically ill participants, almost all of whom required mechanical ventilation2
  156. Results of the NICE-SUGAR study1,2 are summarized on two slides Slide 2 of 2 Ninety-day mortality was significantly higher in the intensive versus the conventional group in both surgical and medical patients, as was mortality from cardiovascular causes Severe hypoglycemia was also more common in the intensively treated group (6.8% vs 0.5%; P<0.001); findings strongly suggest may it not be necessary to target blood glucose levels <140 mg/dL; a highly stringent target of <110 mg/dL may actually be dangerous In a meta-analysis of 26 trials (N=13,567) that included the NICE-SUGAR data, the pooled relative risk (RR) of death with intensive insulin therapy was 0.93 vs conventional therapy (95% CI 0.83–1.04)3 Approximately half of these trials reported hypoglycemia, with a pooled RR of intensive therapy of 6.0 (95% CI 4.5–8.0) The specific ICU setting influenced the findings; patients in surgical ICUs appearing to benefit from intensive insulin therapy (RR 0.63, 95% CI 0.44–0.91), while those in other medical and mixed critical care settings did not Overall, intensive insulin therapy appeared to increase risk of hypoglycemia but provided no overall benefit on mortality in the critically ill, although a possible mortality benefit to patients admitted to the surgical ICU was suggested
  157. 14. Diabetes Advocacy