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Integrating Pronunciation
  A ctivities into Divers e
    Language Practice
       E nvironments
        L iu b o v i B u r la
       M A , L e c ture r a t
       t h e In s t it u t e o f
   C o n t in u in g E d u c a t io n

                Liubovi Burla
The first goal for a teacher is to help students in mastering
suprasegmental pronunciation features including intonation, linking,
reduction, stress, rhythm, and fluency. This area requires students to
put effort in listening to and communicating with native English
speakers, pay much more attention to how they utilize these features
while speaking, and thereafter, try to keep practicing.

The second goal is to provide assistance for the students who
 are having difficulty in pronouncing particular sounds: vowels and
consonants that are segmental pronunciation features. The particular
sounds that students have trouble in pronouncing differ as their
language backgrounds vary. The reason is that many errors in
pronunciation result from the interference of the first language. For
instance, there is no /θ/ sound in Russian and many other languages,
which results in difficulty for Russian students to learn it.

                           Liubovi Burla
It would be better if there is sufficient time to
balance the teaching of both segmental and
suprasegmental pronunciation features. In
case of a short term pronunciation course, it
is recommended to focus on suprasegmentals
as they have the greatest impact on the
comprehensibility of learners’ English. If a
person is not able to speak with correct
intonation, then misunderstanding will
probably happen.

                  Liubovi Burla
After highlighting the need for a balanced
approach, it is recommended to integrate
pronunciation activities with the practice of
other skills. Even in a short term course,
integrating pronunciation activities with
listening, reading, grammar points is highly

        Pronunciation Activities while:
 -Listening –even to songs (reduction,
 assimilation, linking r)
 - Public Speaking (loudness, quality of
 - Civilization (accents)

               Liubovi Burla
Liubovi Burla
“ S M A L L T A lk
- Save it, b y it. Put it in the bank. rah am
           save C arolyn G
- Save it, save it. Put it in the bank.
- Spend it. Take it out of the bank.
- Spend it. Take it out of the bank.
- Save it.
- Spend it.
- Save it.
- Spent it.
- Save it.
- Spend it.
- Put it in the bank.
                        Liubovi Burla
Characteristics of Fluent Speech
Reduction, Assimilation, Linking
The most familiar case of linking or joining in
English is the use of linking r.
Many English speakers use linking r in a similar
way to link words ending with a vowel even
when there is no “justification” from the spelling,
as in: formula A [fo:mjulərei], media event
[mediərivent]. This has been called intrusive r;
some English speakers and teachers still regard
this as incorrect or sub-standard pronunciation,
but it is undoubtedly widespread.
                   Liubovi Burla
1. Distinguish between linking and intrusive /r/ in
     these phrases:

better off     Africa and Asia                       four or five
care upon care a pair of sheets                     a villa in Italy
hear it        drama and music                      to err is human

2. Read and imitate the sample rhythmic group with different sentences.
A) |____ .. _____|̣                 B) |____ …. _____|̣
      Send him away.                  Show him up to his room.
       Give him a toy.                      Throw it into the fire.
      Why have they left?                 Why did you run away?
      Show me the place.                    Tell her not to be late.

                            Liubovi Burla
1.Say the following phrases, reducing the
function words:
       as good as gold             ham and eggs
       ugly as sin                pencil and
       as quiet as a mouse         tea or coffee
       as fast as he can           time and money
      for ever and ever         for love nor money
2.Give the phonetic transcriptions of these
  phrases to show the assimilations that can
    ten girls      that cat          stand by
    ten boys       won’t you        this year
    last year     could you     it was your duty
    newspaper     this shop      don’t you

                 Liubovi Burla
made your decision
 major decision

  Liubovi Burla
Purpose: Practicing weak forms/reductions
Skill area: Oral intelligibility/ segmental/ vowels and consonants
Type: Group/ Pair Activity
Activity Procedures
1. Choose a limerick or poem (example below) and provide a copy for each student in the
2. Read it out loud (or play from a cassette) to show the rhythm or flow of stressed and
unstressed syllables.
3. Then let the class as a whole read the poem.
4. Form different groups and have each group mark the schwa on their handout while you
5. Do it two or three more times until they get the flow and then have one group read the
poem to the other groups.
6. The group that reads best becomes the Group of the Week.
‘Twas an evening in November
AS I very well remember
I was strolling down the street in drunken pride.
But my knees were all aflutter
So I landed in the gutter,
And a pig came up and lay down by my side.
Yes, I lay there in the gutter,
Thinking thoughts I could not utter,
When a lady passing by did softly say:
‘You can tell a man who boozes
By the company he chooses’ --
And the pig got up and slowly walked away!
                                  Liubovi Burla
Exercises on sounds practicing:
1.Spell your names and surnames and pronounce
them. Now, spell and pronounce your neighbor’s name
and surname.

2.Transcribe your names and surnames.

3.Find words for sounds: e – ε:, Λ – æ, i: - u:, α: - au,
ei – ai, etc.

4.Contrast these pairs of words (/n/ or /ŋ/):
thin    thing               run     rung
sinner singer              sung     sun
 kin     king              win     wing
 ban    bang              wing     winged

                    Liubovi Burla
5. Link each capital city to the correct country:

                           Liubovi Burla
Liubovi Burla
Liubovi Burla
Write the phonetic symbol for each -ed verb ending:
[d], [t] or [Id]:

1. landed         11. added
2. expected       12. wished
3. asked          13. liked
4. regarded       14. divided
5. decided        15. played
6. packed         16. multiplied
7. locked         17. listened
8. answered       18. listed
9. stopped        19. permitted
10. requested     20. explored

                   Liubovi Burla
Liubovi Burla
Liubovi Burla
Tongue twisters
 Whether the weather be fine,
 Or whether the weather be not,
 Whether the weather be cold
 Or whether the weather be hot,
 We'll weather the weather
 Whatever the weather,
 Whether we like it or not.

She sells sea shells on the sea shore, but the
sea shells she sells on the sea shore are not
the real ones.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled
where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter
Piper picked?
                 Liubovi Burla
Here’s an easy
Game to play.
Here’s an easy
Thing to say …
New socks.
Two socks.
Whose socks?
Sue’s socks.
Who sews whose socks?
Sue sews Sue’s socks.
Who sees who sew
Whose new socks, sir?
You see Sue sew
Sue’s new socks, sir.
That’s not easy,
Mr. Fox, sir.
                Liubovi Burla
•   Put down the sentences and intone them:

    1.First performance is at 7.30, second one 8.45.
    2.What about a Japanese bar next to the
    3.The number is 352001.
    4.It also involves being seen in shopping areas,
    zones of schools, noisy crossroads.
    5.I do really have a typical day.
    6.No, I prefer to hang on, it's very important.
    7.But still, what do you feel about this young
    8.We were just sitting in a café and just talking,
    when we suddenly saw them, walking along the
    street, hand in hand.
    9.Who doesn't love to have the nice white lily as
    part of the Easter gift?
                   Liubovi Burla
Syllable stress
Civil    Civility    Civilize    Civilization
Equal    Equality    Equalize    Equalization
Fertile  Fertility    Fertilize   Fertilization
Final    Finality     Finalize   Finalization
General Generality Generalize Generalization
Hospital Hospitality Hospitalize Hospitalization
Legal    Legality     Legalize    Legalization
Mobile Mobility       Mobilize    Mobilization
National Nationality Nationalize Nationalization
Neutral Neutrality Neutralize Neutralization
Personal Personality Personalize Personalization

                  Liubovi Burla
Liubovi Burla
Liubovi Burla
Liubovi Burla
Liubovi Burla
Liubovi Burla
Liubovi Burla
Transcription for Pronunciation
Transcribe some quotes on the blackboard. Then ask your students to spell them.
Finally, have the students think up their favorite quotes and transcribe them.

Give me a fruitful error any time, full of seeds,
bursting with its own corrections. You can keep
your sterile truth for yourself. ~Vilfredo Pareto
[gɪv mi ɘ frutfɘl ɛrɘr ɛni taim ful ɘv si:dz bɘ:stiŋ wɪɵ
ɪtz oʊn kɘrɛkʃɘnz ju: kɘn ki:p jo: stɘrɘl truɵ fə jo:səlf]

(no capital letters, commas, dots, even space in the


                                Liubovi Burla
Practicing contraction and linking
                  I Don'no
Make the whole class practice both forms that are in their
handout. Write some sentences using the phrases in both
short form and actual form that are given in the handout and
practice in the same way.
Make variations such as giving half of the students sentence
strips that have only short pronunciation and others longer
one and asking them to find their partners. Examples:
Gonna going to
Wanna want to
Hafta have to
Gimme give me
Hasta has to
Can'tcha can't you
Won'tcha won't you
Watcha what are you/what do you
Didja did you
Hadja had you
Wouldja would you
Whydja where did you
Wheredja where did you
Howdja how did you        Liubovi Burla
Here is some pronunciation
                                          Wear a boot upon your foot,
                                        Root can never rhyme with soot.
     Here is some pronunciation:               In muscle, Sc is S,
   Ration never rhymes with nation,
      Say prefer but preferable,            In muscular, it’s Sk, yes!
     Comfortable and vegetable.        Choir must always rhyme with wire,
    B must not be heard in doubt,
   Debt and dumb both leave it out.      That again will rhyme with liar.
       In the words psychology,          Then, remember it’s address,
        Psychic and psychiatry,
    You must never sound the P.
                                          With an accent like possess.
    Psychiatrist you call the man           G in sign must silent be,
   Who cures the complex, if he can.     In signature pronounce the G.
          In architect, Ch is K,
      In arch it is the other way.
                                         Please remember, say towards
     Please remember to say iron
       So that it’ll rhyme with lion.       Just as if it rhymed with boards.
          Advertisers advertise,         Weight’s like wait, but not like height,
   Advertisements will put you wise.
  Time when work is done is leisure,       Which should always rhyme with
     Fill it up with useful pleasure.                        might.
           Accidental, accident,               Sew is just the same as so,
        Sound the G in ignorant.
         Relative, but a relation,                  Tie a ribbon in a bow.
    Then say creature but creation.      When you meet the queen you bow,
      Say the A in gas quite short,
 Bought remember rhymes with thwart,
                                          Which again must rhyme with how.
 Drought must always rhyme with bout,        In perfect English make a start.
     In daughter leave the Gh out.    Liubovi Burla
                                             Learn this little rhyme by heart.
Read the following dialogue, mark the stress, mind the
rhythmic groups.

A young man comes before the Customs agent.
A: "State your citizenship."
B:"American" (pronounced with a Spanish accent).

A: "Hold on there, buddy. Say that again."
B: "I sed American."
A: "I'm going to give you a test."
B: "No, no senor, no need for test, I tell you I’m
A: "Yeah, sure buddy. OK, let's see, ... I've got it.
Make a sentence with the following colors: green,
pink and yellow."
B: "Oh senor, I tell you I'm American. But OK, let's
see...I was at my bruder-in-laws house and the
phone went 'green, green, I pinked it up and sed
                 Liubovi Burla
1. Kirillova E., Lazaryeva B., Petrushin S. Readings in Methods of teaching
English as a foreign language. Vyshaya Schola, Moscow.- 1981
2. Rogerson P., Gilbert J. Speaking clearly. Teacher’s book, Cambridge
University Press.- 2002
3 Roach P. English phonetics and phonology. A practical course. Cambridge
University Press.- 1983
4. Cruttenden A. Intonation. Cambridge University Press.- 1986
5. Ladefoged P. A course of phonetics. Second Edition, New York.- 1982
6. “English Pronunciation Illustrated”J.Trim, CUP
7. “English pronunciation in use” M.Hewings, CUP,2007
8. Roach P. English phonetics and phonology. A practical course, Cambridge
University Press.- 2000
9. Dobos D. A handbook of English phonetics and phonology, Iasi.- 2001
10. M.Vaugham-Rees. Rhymes and Rhythm. Illustrations Macmillan
Publishers Limited, Hong Kong.- 1994
11. Pronunciation Games, CUP
12.Pronunciation Portfolio EDUC 647, University of Delaware Madhav
Kafle Jinyu Xia Fran Durbin

                         Liubovi Burla

   Liubovi Burla
Liubovi Burla

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Pronunciation activities

  • 1. Integrating Pronunciation A ctivities into Divers e Language Practice E nvironments L iu b o v i B u r la M A , L e c ture r a t t h e In s t it u t e o f C o n t in u in g E d u c a t io n Liubovi Burla
  • 2. The first goal for a teacher is to help students in mastering suprasegmental pronunciation features including intonation, linking, reduction, stress, rhythm, and fluency. This area requires students to put effort in listening to and communicating with native English speakers, pay much more attention to how they utilize these features while speaking, and thereafter, try to keep practicing. The second goal is to provide assistance for the students who are having difficulty in pronouncing particular sounds: vowels and consonants that are segmental pronunciation features. The particular sounds that students have trouble in pronouncing differ as their language backgrounds vary. The reason is that many errors in pronunciation result from the interference of the first language. For instance, there is no /θ/ sound in Russian and many other languages, which results in difficulty for Russian students to learn it. Liubovi Burla
  • 3. It would be better if there is sufficient time to balance the teaching of both segmental and suprasegmental pronunciation features. In case of a short term pronunciation course, it is recommended to focus on suprasegmentals as they have the greatest impact on the comprehensibility of learners’ English. If a person is not able to speak with correct intonation, then misunderstanding will probably happen. Liubovi Burla
  • 4. After highlighting the need for a balanced approach, it is recommended to integrate pronunciation activities with the practice of other skills. Even in a short term course, integrating pronunciation activities with listening, reading, grammar points is highly encouraged. Pronunciation Activities while: -Listening –even to songs (reduction, assimilation, linking r) - Public Speaking (loudness, quality of sounds) - Civilization (accents) Liubovi Burla
  • 6. “ S M A L L T A lk M O R E J A Z Z C HA NT S ” - Save it, b y it. Put it in the bank. rah am save C arolyn G - Save it, save it. Put it in the bank. - Spend it. Take it out of the bank. - Spend it. Take it out of the bank. - Save it. - Spend it. - Save it. - Spent it. - Save it. - Spend it. - Put it in the bank. Liubovi Burla
  • 7. Characteristics of Fluent Speech Reduction, Assimilation, Linking The most familiar case of linking or joining in English is the use of linking r. Many English speakers use linking r in a similar way to link words ending with a vowel even when there is no “justification” from the spelling, as in: formula A [fo:mjulərei], media event [mediərivent]. This has been called intrusive r; some English speakers and teachers still regard this as incorrect or sub-standard pronunciation, but it is undoubtedly widespread. Liubovi Burla
  • 8. 1. Distinguish between linking and intrusive /r/ in these phrases: better off Africa and Asia four or five care upon care a pair of sheets a villa in Italy hear it drama and music to err is human 2. Read and imitate the sample rhythmic group with different sentences. A) |____ .. _____|̣ B) |____ …. _____|̣ Send him away. Show him up to his room. Give him a toy. Throw it into the fire. Why have they left? Why did you run away? Show me the place. Tell her not to be late. Liubovi Burla
  • 9. 1.Say the following phrases, reducing the function words: as good as gold ham and eggs ugly as sin pencil and paper as quiet as a mouse tea or coffee as fast as he can time and money for ever and ever for love nor money 2.Give the phonetic transcriptions of these phrases to show the assimilations that can occur: ten girls that cat stand by ten boys won’t you this year last year could you it was your duty newspaper this shop don’t you Liubovi Burla
  • 10. made your decision major decision Liubovi Burla
  • 11. Purpose: Practicing weak forms/reductions Skill area: Oral intelligibility/ segmental/ vowels and consonants Type: Group/ Pair Activity Activity Procedures 1. Choose a limerick or poem (example below) and provide a copy for each student in the class. 2. Read it out loud (or play from a cassette) to show the rhythm or flow of stressed and unstressed syllables. 3. Then let the class as a whole read the poem. 4. Form different groups and have each group mark the schwa on their handout while you read. 5. Do it two or three more times until they get the flow and then have one group read the poem to the other groups. 6. The group that reads best becomes the Group of the Week. Example: The IRISH PIG ‘Twas an evening in November AS I very well remember I was strolling down the street in drunken pride. But my knees were all aflutter So I landed in the gutter, And a pig came up and lay down by my side. Yes, I lay there in the gutter, Thinking thoughts I could not utter, When a lady passing by did softly say: ‘You can tell a man who boozes By the company he chooses’ -- And the pig got up and slowly walked away! Liubovi Burla
  • 12. Exercises on sounds practicing: 1.Spell your names and surnames and pronounce them. Now, spell and pronounce your neighbor’s name and surname. 2.Transcribe your names and surnames. 3.Find words for sounds: e – ε:, Λ – æ, i: - u:, α: - au, ei – ai, etc. 4.Contrast these pairs of words (/n/ or /ŋ/): thin thing run rung sinner singer sung sun kin king win wing ban bang wing winged Liubovi Burla
  • 13. 5. Link each capital city to the correct country: Liubovi Burla
  • 16. Write the phonetic symbol for each -ed verb ending: [d], [t] or [Id]: 1. landed 11. added 2. expected 12. wished 3. asked 13. liked 4. regarded 14. divided 5. decided 15. played 6. packed 16. multiplied 7. locked 17. listened 8. answered 18. listed 9. stopped 19. permitted 10. requested 20. explored Liubovi Burla
  • 19. Tongue twisters Whether the weather be fine, Or whether the weather be not, Whether the weather be cold Or whether the weather be hot, We'll weather the weather Whatever the weather, Whether we like it or not. She sells sea shells on the sea shore, but the sea shells she sells on the sea shore are not the real ones. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? Liubovi Burla
  • 20. Here’s an easy Game to play. Here’s an easy Thing to say … New socks. Two socks. Whose socks? Sue’s socks. Who sews whose socks? Sue sews Sue’s socks. Who sees who sew Whose new socks, sir? You see Sue sew Sue’s new socks, sir. That’s not easy, Mr. Fox, sir. Liubovi Burla
  • 21. Put down the sentences and intone them: 1.First performance is at 7.30, second one 8.45. 2.What about a Japanese bar next to the cinema. 3.The number is 352001. 4.It also involves being seen in shopping areas, zones of schools, noisy crossroads. 5.I do really have a typical day. 6.No, I prefer to hang on, it's very important. 7.But still, what do you feel about this young man? 8.We were just sitting in a café and just talking, when we suddenly saw them, walking along the street, hand in hand. 9.Who doesn't love to have the nice white lily as part of the Easter gift? Liubovi Burla
  • 22. Syllable stress Civil Civility Civilize Civilization Equal Equality Equalize Equalization Fertile Fertility Fertilize Fertilization Final Finality Finalize Finalization General Generality Generalize Generalization Hospital Hospitality Hospitalize Hospitalization Legal Legality Legalize Legalization Mobile Mobility Mobilize Mobilization National Nationality Nationalize Nationalization Neutral Neutrality Neutralize Neutralization Personal Personality Personalize Personalization Liubovi Burla
  • 29. Transcription for Pronunciation Transcribe some quotes on the blackboard. Then ask your students to spell them. Finally, have the students think up their favorite quotes and transcribe them. Give me a fruitful error any time, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections. You can keep your sterile truth for yourself. ~Vilfredo Pareto [gɪv mi ɘ frutfɘl ɛrɘr ɛni taim ful ɘv si:dz bɘ:stiŋ wɪɵ ɪtz oʊn kɘrɛkʃɘnz ju: kɘn ki:p jo: stɘrɘl truɵ fə jo:səlf] (no capital letters, commas, dots, even space in the transcription) brαιtfjutSərizinsto:fərimənizsΛn Liubovi Burla
  • 30. Practicing contraction and linking I Don'no Make the whole class practice both forms that are in their handout. Write some sentences using the phrases in both short form and actual form that are given in the handout and practice in the same way. Make variations such as giving half of the students sentence strips that have only short pronunciation and others longer one and asking them to find their partners. Examples: Gonna going to Wanna want to Hafta have to Gimme give me Hasta has to Can'tcha can't you Won'tcha won't you Watcha what are you/what do you Didja did you Hadja had you Wouldja would you Whydja where did you Wheredja where did you Howdja how did you Liubovi Burla
  • 31. Here is some pronunciation Wear a boot upon your foot, Root can never rhyme with soot. Here is some pronunciation: In muscle, Sc is S, Ration never rhymes with nation, Say prefer but preferable, In muscular, it’s Sk, yes! Comfortable and vegetable. Choir must always rhyme with wire, B must not be heard in doubt, Debt and dumb both leave it out. That again will rhyme with liar. In the words psychology, Then, remember it’s address, Psychic and psychiatry, You must never sound the P. With an accent like possess. Psychiatrist you call the man G in sign must silent be, Who cures the complex, if he can. In signature pronounce the G. In architect, Ch is K, In arch it is the other way. Please remember, say towards Please remember to say iron So that it’ll rhyme with lion. Just as if it rhymed with boards. Advertisers advertise, Weight’s like wait, but not like height, Advertisements will put you wise. Time when work is done is leisure, Which should always rhyme with Fill it up with useful pleasure. might. Accidental, accident, Sew is just the same as so, Sound the G in ignorant. Relative, but a relation, Tie a ribbon in a bow. Then say creature but creation. When you meet the queen you bow, Say the A in gas quite short, Bought remember rhymes with thwart, Which again must rhyme with how. Drought must always rhyme with bout, In perfect English make a start. In daughter leave the Gh out. Liubovi Burla Learn this little rhyme by heart.
  • 32. Read the following dialogue, mark the stress, mind the rhythmic groups. A young man comes before the Customs agent. A: "State your citizenship." B:"American" (pronounced with a Spanish accent). A: "Hold on there, buddy. Say that again." B: "I sed American." A: "I'm going to give you a test." B: "No, no senor, no need for test, I tell you I’m American." A: "Yeah, sure buddy. OK, let's see, ... I've got it. Make a sentence with the following colors: green, pink and yellow." B: "Oh senor, I tell you I'm American. But OK, let's see...I was at my bruder-in-laws house and the phone went 'green, green, I pinked it up and sed Liubovi Burla yellow!"
  • 33. Resources: 1. Kirillova E., Lazaryeva B., Petrushin S. Readings in Methods of teaching English as a foreign language. Vyshaya Schola, Moscow.- 1981 2. Rogerson P., Gilbert J. Speaking clearly. Teacher’s book, Cambridge University Press.- 2002 3 Roach P. English phonetics and phonology. A practical course. Cambridge University Press.- 1983 4. Cruttenden A. Intonation. Cambridge University Press.- 1986 5. Ladefoged P. A course of phonetics. Second Edition, New York.- 1982 6. “English Pronunciation Illustrated”J.Trim, CUP 7. “English pronunciation in use” M.Hewings, CUP,2007 8. Roach P. English phonetics and phonology. A practical course, Cambridge University Press.- 2000 9. Dobos D. A handbook of English phonetics and phonology, Iasi.- 2001 10. M.Vaugham-Rees. Rhymes and Rhythm. Illustrations Macmillan Publishers Limited, Hong Kong.- 1994 11. Pronunciation Games, CUP 12.Pronunciation Portfolio EDUC 647, University of Delaware Madhav Kafle Jinyu Xia Fran Durbin 15. Liubovi Burla
  • 34. THANK YOU! Liubovi Burla