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Clinical Anatomy
of the Pelvis
Kharkiv, 2015
Plan of lecturePlan of lecture
1.1. Pelvis: bones, ligaments, musclesPelvis: bones, ligaments, muscles
2.2. Pelvic floorPelvic floor
3.3. Internal genitaliaInternal genitalia
4.4. PerineumPerineum
5.5. External genitaliaExternal genitalia
6.6. Operations on organs of PelvisOperations on organs of Pelvis
sacrum, lateral
Iliac bone
pubic bone
pubic symphysis
ischial bone
linia terminalis
False pelvic
Anal aperture
iliac spine
 Iliac Crest
 Anterior Superior Iliac Spine –
upper lateral end of the fold of
the groin
 Posterior Superior Iliac Spine –
posterior end of the iliac crest,
lies at the bottom of a small
skin dimple and on a level with
the second sacral spine.
 Greater Trochanter
 Pubic Tubercle – upper
border of the pubis
 Symphysis Pubis –
cartilaginous joint that lies in
the midline between the
bodies of the pubic bones.
 Pubic Crest – ridge of bone
on the superior surface of
the pubic bone, medial to
the pubic tubercle
 Spinous Process of the
Sacrum – fused in the
midline to form the
median sacral crest
 Sacral Hiatus – posterior
aspect of the lower end of
the sacrum
 Coccyx – inferior surface
and tip can be palpated in
the natal cleft behind the
 Location of some
abdominal viscera (ileum
and sigmoid colon)
 Bounded by abdominal
wall anteriorly, the iliac
fossa posteriolaterally
and L5 S1 vertebrae
 Location of pelvic viscera,
the urinary bladder and
reproductive organs such
as the uterus and ovaries
 Bounded by the pelvic
surfaces of the hip bones,
sacrum, and coccyx
 Limited inferiorly by the
musculofascial pelvic
sacrum, lateral
sacral canal
superior articular process
wing of sacrum
basis of sacrum
lateral part
basis of sacrum
sacral wing
superior articular
anterior sacral
sacral canal
superior articular
median sacral crest
intermediate sacral crest
lateral sacral crest
ala of ilium
sacroiliac joint
Hip joint
head of femur
neck of femur
superior ramus of pubis
Inferior ramus
of pubis
ramus of ischium
Iliac crest
ant. sup. iliac spine
ant. inf. iliac spine
sacrum lateral
ischiadic spine
 Superior aperature or Inlet-
upper border of symphysis to
sacral promontary
 Inferior aperature or Outlet-
inferior border of symphysis to
tip of coccyx
 Heavier
 More conical-deeper
 Obturator foramen
 Laterally narrower
 Pubic arch more acute
 Inlet round, outlet narrow
 Lighter in structure
 Roomier cavity-
 Wider, shallower
 Inlet larger and more oval
 Sacrum wider and curves
more sharply posteriorly
 Sacral promontory flatter
 Outlet wider
Male vs. Female Pelvis
Pelvic Inlet
Pelvic Outlet
Pelvic Cavity
Pelvic Arch
The types of female pelvis
Gynecoid pelvis
 Occurs 52%-58.9%
 round, slightly ovoid or elliptical inlet.
 anterior segment well-rounded , posterior segment
spacious .
 wide interspinous diameters(≥10cm).
 the side walls are straight
 the sacrum is well curved, and the sacrosciatic
notch is adequate
Platypelloid pelvis
 occurs in approximately 23.2%-29% women
 There is a distinct oval inlet.
 very wide subpubic arch.
 posterior segmet flat.
 the sacrum is normal
 the side walls are straight
 the sacrosciatic notch is narrower
Android pelvis
 occurs in only 2% to 5% of women
 wedge-shaped inlet
 the side walls converge
 the sacrum is inclined forward
 the sacrosciatic notch is narrow
 narrow anterior segmet, flat posterior segment,
Anthropoid pelvis
 occurs in approximately 20% ;approximately 40% of
black women
 the inlet is oval, long, and narrow
 the side walls are straight(do not converge)
 the sacrum is long and narrow
 the sacrosciatic notch is wide.
 Both the interspinous and intertuberous diameter are
somewhat smaller
Floors of the Pelvis
1. Peritoneal floor
2. Subperitoneal floor
3. Subcutaneous floor
(fossa ischiorectalis)
obturator internus m.
coccygeus m.
Obturator Internus:
membrane and
adjoining part
of hip bone
trochanter of
Action: lateral
rotator of femur
at hip joint
obturator internus m.
coccygeus m.
levator ani m.
int / ext. anal sphincter m.
obturator externus m.
obturator internus m.
pectineus m.
Outer hip muscles
and extensors
gluteus maximus m.
levator ani m.
 Formed by the funnel shaped
pelvic diaphragm
 Consists of the levator ani
and coccygeus muscles and
their fascia
 Stretches between the pubis
anteriorly and the coccyx
posteriorly and from one
lateral pelvic wall to the other.
Perineal muscles
levator ani m.
ext. anal sphincter m.
rineal mm.
gluteus maximus m.
bulbospongiosus m.
bulbocavernosus m.
superior rectal a.
median rectal a.
internus m.
levator ani m.
ext. anal sphincter m.
Inferior rectal a.
Levator ani:
Origin: body of pubis,
fascia of obturator
internus, spine of
Insertion: perinela
body, anococcygeal
body, walls of
prostate, vagina,
rectum and anal canal
Action: supports
pelvic organs
Perineal body
The Coccygeus Muscles
Pubococcygeus m.
Iliococcygeus m.
Coccygeus m.
Rectococcygeus m.
Sacrococcygeus m.
Origin: spine of ischium
Insertion: lower end of sacrum; coccyx
Action: assists levator ani to support pelvic organs
Fasciae of the pelvis and perineum. Median sagittal section in the male. The deep fascia of the
abdominal wall, the layers of the urogenital fascia and the mesorectal fascia are in green, the
peritoneum in blue, the superficial fascia of the abdominal wall and perineum in red. Muscles
are shown in brown.
Pelvic fascia
Spaces of Female Pelvis
Arteries – common iliac artery
and its branches
• Bifurcation of abdominal aorta: L4
• Bifurcation of common iliac artery: in the
level of sacroiliacal joint
• External iliac a.
– On the medial part of psoas major m.
– Under the inguinal lig. – femoral a.
– Branches:
• inferior epigastric a.
• deep circumflex iliac a.
Internal iliac a. and its branches
• Parietal branches
– iliolumbal a. (segmental lumbal arteries)
– lateral sacral a. (sacral canal)
– superior / inferior gluteal a.
– obturator a. – acetabul ramus – femur head!!
Internal iliac a. and its branches
• Visceral branches
– umbilical a. (umbilical lig)
– superior vesical a.
– inferior vesical a.
– uterine a.
– median rectal a.
– internal pudendal a.
– deep/superficial arteries of the penis
iliolumbal a.
lat. sacral a.
sup. gluteal a.
inf. gluteal a.
pudendal a.
obturator a.
umbilical a.
superior vesical a.
uterine a. median rectal a.
Innervation of Pelvic Organs
The lymphatic drainage of structures of the pelvis and perienum.
• Lymphatics drain
toward lymph nodes
along internal iliac
veins, except for the
ovary (para-aortic
nodes), and superior
portion of the rectum
(inferior mesenteric
• Perineum drains to
superficial inguinal
External iliac
Internal iliac
Superficial Inguinal
Sagittal section of the male pelvis.
Sagittal section of the female pelvis.
Sigmoid colon and rectum
levator ani m.
ext. anal sphincter m.
int. anal sphincter m.
• levator ani m.
• int / ext. anal sphincter m.
• Blood supply:
– Sigmoid: inf. mesenteric a. –> sigmiod aa.
– Rectum: inf. mesenteric a. –> sup. rectal a.
internal iliac a. –> median/inf. rectal a.
Superior rectal
Middle rectal
Main descending
Right branch
Terminal descending
Pudendal artery
M. levator
Ascending branches
Anus ----------------------------------
Inferior rectal vein
Superior rectal vein
Innervation of the Anus
Innervation of the Anus
Urogenital tract of the male
• Kidney – renal pelvis – ureter – urinary bladder
• Prostate
• Seminal vesicule – ejaculatory duct
• Testis
• Epididymis – ductus deferens – ejaculatory
• Urethra
• Penis
Urinary bladder
• Fundus, body, apex
• Ureter (medial-anterior part of the psoas major
• Male: ductus deferens, seminal vesicle
– prostate gland
Sagittal section of the female pelvis.
Sagittal section of the male pelvis.
There are 3 crossed layers in the tunica muscularis:
stratum externum, includes longitudinal fibers;
stratum medium – includes circular or transversal fibers;
stratum internum - includes longitudinal and transversal fibers.
Urinary Bladder, Lateral View
Urinary Bladder, Lateral View
The Ductus Deferens
Prostate – seminal vesicule
ductus deferens
prostate, medial lobe
prostate, right/left lobe
We are 50%
It’s coming!
Female Reproductive SystemFemale Reproductive System
Female Internal Genitalia
The internal genitalia
consists of the:
• Vagina
• Cervix
• Uterus
• Fallopian Tubes
• Ovaries
• It is a distensible fibromuscular
tube that extends from the
perineum through the pelvic floor
and into the pelvic cavity
• It measures approximately 8–12
cm in length.
• It extends from the vestibule to
the uterus, and is situated behind
the bladder and in front of the
• It is directed upward and
• Its axis forming with that of the
uterus an angle of over 90°,
opening forward.
• vaginal opening may be partially
covered by the hymen
Hymen: As the labia minora are spread,
the vaginal introitus, guarded by the
hymenal ring, is seen. The hymen may
take many forms, however, such as
perforated centrally,a cribriform plate
with many small openings or a
completely imperforate diaphragm, and
varying in size from a pin-hole to one
that admits two fingers. The hymen is
partially ruptured at the first coitus and
further disrupted during childbirth.
• The anterior wall of the
vagina is related to the
base of the bladder and
to the urethra; in fact,
the urethra is embedded
in, or fused to, the
anterior vaginal wall.
• Posteriorly, the vagina is
related principally to the
• Fornices of vagina:
– These are 4 pouches formed by the upper part of
vagina around the vaginal part of cervix
– (2 lateral, 1 anterior & 1 posterior)
– The posterior fornix is the deepest one & the only
one covered by peritoneum
– Lateral one related to uterine artery & ureter.
Blood Supply
• The blood supply to the
vagina is from the vaginal
artery (branch of the
internal iliac artery) and the
vaginal branch of the
uterine artery.
Lymphatic drainage
• Lymph from the upper
vagina drains into the
internal and external iliac
• Lymph from the lower
vagina drains to the
superficial inguinal nodes
• The uterus is a thick-walled
muscular organ in the
midline between the bladder
and rectum.
• It consists of a body and a
• Inferiorly it joins the vagina.
• Superiorly, uterine tubes
project laterally from the
uterus and open into the
peritoneal cavity
immediately adjacent to the
Parts Of The Uterus
1) Fundus:
It is dome-shaped part that lies
above level of the opening of the
Fallopian tubes.
It is completely covered by
peritoneum. It is related to coils of
small intestine & sigmoid colon.
2) Body:
 is the part extending from level
of opening of the Fallopian tubes
to the constriction called isthmus.
It contains uterine cavity. It is the
site of implantation of the zygote &
also the site of menstruation.
3) Isthmus:
Slight constriction between the body and the cervix.
4) Cervix: it has supra-vaginal & vaginal parts
Supra-vaginal part:
Anteriorly: it is not covered by peritoneum and related to
the U.B.
Posteriorly: it is covered by peritoneum of Douglas pouch
which separates it from the rectum.
Laterally: it gives attachment to the broad ligament and is
related to the ureter and uterine vessels just below the root
of the broad ligament.
Vaginal part: is surrounded by the vaginal fornices.
• The cervix forms the
inferior part of the uterus
and is shaped like a short,
broad cylinder with a
narrow central channel.
• The cervix is angled
forward (anteverted) on
the vagina so that the
inferior end of the cervix
projects into the upper
anterior aspect of the
• The uterus consists of two unequal
parts: an upper corpus, and a lower
• The cervix is cylindrical in shape
and continuous above with the body
of the uterus. The cervix canal is
spindle shaped, being constricted
below at the internal os and above
at the external os, where it opens
into the vagina.
• In women who have not borne
children the external os is circular,
but after labour it has the form of a
transverse slit.
• In adult, the cervix is approximately
2.5-3 cm in length
• The wall of the cervix consists of
fibromuscular tissue.
The cervix consists of a vaginal portion, which is easily seen during speculum
examination of the vagina, and a supravaginal portion, which is very important in
the endopelvic fascial support system of the cervix and upper vagina. The vaginal
portion protrudes into the vagina and is surrounded by the fornices is covered with a
nonkeratinizing squamous epithelium. The cervical epithelium is of tall columnar
type. At about the external cervical os, the squamous epithelium covering the
exocervix changes to simple columnar epithelium, the site of transition being referred
to as the squamo-columnar junction, and it is at this site that carcinoma is particularly
liable to arise.
Surrounding the supravaginal portion of
the cervix is a dense ring of endo-pelvic
fascia into which is anchored the
pubocervical fascia, as well as the
uterosacral and cardinal ligaments. This
endopelvic fascial ring has also been
called the “paracervical fascia.
The “paracervical ring” is the key link in the
important mechanical continuity of the
endopelvic fascia to the vagina and cervix from
both the upper vertical and horizontal support
axes. Here, both cardinal ligaments –
uterosacral ligament complexes of the vertical
support axis merge with the pubocervical fascia
of the horizontal support axis.
relationship to the vaginarelationship to the vagina
The cervix enters the vagina by coursing
perpendicularly to the anterior vaginal wall,
thus explaining the shorter length of the
anterior vaginal wall [8cm] when compared to
the posterior vaginal wall [10-11cm].
• The body of the uterus is
flattened anteroposteriorly
and above the level of
origin of the uterine tubes
it has a rounded superior
end (fundus of uterus).
• The cavity of the body of
the uterus is a narrow slit,
when viewed laterally.
• It is shaped like an
inverted triangle, when
viewed anteriorly.
• Each of the superior
corners of the cavity is
continuous with the lumen
of a uterine tube; the
inferior corner is
continuous with the
central canal of the cervix
• The body of the uterus
normally arches forward
(anteflexed on the cervix)
over the superior surface
of the emptied bladder
Relations of Uterus
• The uterus and cervix are
related to the uterovesical
pouch and superior surface
of the bladder.
• The uterus is related to the
recto-uterine pouch (of
douglas), which extends
down as far as the posterior
fornix of the vagina.
Laterally: the broad ligament
The peritoneum
reflected from the
rectum to the upper part
of the vagina, forming
recto-uterine pouch,
then cover the posterior
surface of the uterus,
fundus, anterior surface
of the body of the
uterus, which is
reflected at the isthmus
on the upper surface of
U.B. forming the utero-
vesical pouch. So
anterior surface of the
cervix and vagina have
no peritoneal covering
Four paired sets of ligaments are attached to the uterus:
round ligament : inserts on the anterior surface of the uterus just in
front of the fallopian tube, passes to the pelvic side wall in a fold
of the broad ligament, traverses the inguinal canal, and ends in the
labium majus.
The round ligaments are of little supportive value in preventing
uterine prolapse but help to keep the uterus anteverted.
The uterosacral ligaments are
condensations of the endopelvic
fascia that arise from the sacral
fascia and insert into the
posteroinferior portion of the
uterus at about the level of the
isthmus. They provide important
support for the uterus and are also
significant in precluding the
development of an enterocele.
The cardinal ligaments are the other important supporting structures of the uterus that
prevent prolapse. They extend from the pelvic fascia on the lateral pelvic walls and
insert into the lateral portion of the cervix and vagina, reaching superiorly to the level
of the isthmus. The pubocervical ligaments pass anteriorly around the bladder to the
posterior surface of the pubic symphysis.
Broad ligament: the body of the uterus covered with
peritoneum except for a narrow area on each side where
the peritoneum sweeps away laterally to form the broad
ligament. Between the two leaves of each broad ligament
are contained the fallopian tube, the round ligament, and
the ovarian ligament, in addition to nerves, blood vessels,
and lymphatics.
The fold of broad ligament containing the fallopian tube is called the
mesosalpinx. Between the end of the tube and ovary and the pelvic
side wall, where the ureter passes over the common iliac vessels, is
the infundibulopelvic ligament, which contains the vessels and
nerves for the ovary. The ureter may be injured when this ligament
is ligated during a salpingo-oophorectomy procedure.
Blood supply
• The uterine artery (a branch of the internal
iliac artery)
• Veins form the uterovaginal venous plexus
that accompanies the uterine artery.
Lymph drainage
• Lymphatics
from the fundus
accompany the
ovarian artery
and drain into
the para-aortic
• Lymphatics
from the body
and cervix drain
to the internal
and external
iliac lymph
Lymphatic drainage of the uterusLymphatic drainage of the uterus
Positions Of The Uterus
• Normal position anteverted
the long axis of the uterus is bent
forward on the long axis
of the vagina.This position is
referred to as anteversion (90
degree) of the uterus .
• the long axis of the body of the
uterus is bent forward at the level of
the internal os with the long axis
of the cervix. This position is
termed anteflexion (170 degree) of
the uterus.
Abnormal position: retroverted, retroflexed
• the fundus and body of the uterus are bent backward on
the vagina so that they lie in the rectouterine pouch
(pouch of Douglas). In this situation, the uterus is said to
be retroverted. If the body of the uterus is, in addition,
bent backward on the cervix, it is said to be retroflexed.
Leads to back pain.
The uterus is supported mainly
by: A) muscles
1) the tone of the Pelvic
diaphragm (pelvic floor)
muscles: levator ani muscles
and coccygeus muscle.
resisting downward push of
uterus during increased intra-
abdominal pressure.
2) Urogenital diaphragm: the
muscles of the deep perineal
3) Perineal body: is a
fibromuscular body between
the vagina & anal canal;
receiving the insertions of all
perineal muscles. Thus,
maintains the integrity of the
pelvic floor.
Supporting Factors Of UterusSupporting Factors Of Uterus
It is described in four parts:
Intramural (interstitial) part:
It is the shortest (1 cm) and narrowest part.
It passes through the wall of the
superoateral angle of the uterus to open into
the uterine cavity.
It is narrow and 2 cm in length.
It is the longest (5 cm), thin-walled, tortuous
and widest part. It is the site of fertilization.
Infundibulum (fimbriated end):
It is 2cm in length and funnel-shaped.
It pierces the broad ligament to open into
the peritoneal cavity near the ovary. Its
margins carry fimbria which spread over
the medial surface of the ovary.
• Tubal ligation:
A simple and
effective method of
birth control is to
surgically ligate the
uterine tubes,
spermatozoa from
reaching ova.
• Conduct of the
ovum in the uterine
tube to the uterine
cavity is helped by:
ciliary movement of
mucosal lining &
movement of the
Blood Supply Of The Uterine Tube
 Arterial supply:
Medial 2/3: by the uterine
Lateral 1/3 : by the ovarian
 Venous drainage:
By veins accompanying the
arteries into the uterine
and ovarian veins.
 Lymph drainage:
Most of the tubal lymphatics
pass to the para-aortic
Lymphatics of the isthmus
pass to the superficial
inguinal L.Ns.
The ovary
• The ovaries are the sites of
egg production (oogenesis).
• Like the testes in men.
• The ovaries lie adjacent to
the lateral pelvic wall just
inferior to the pelvic inlet.
• Each of the two almond-
shaped ovaries is about 3 cm
long and is suspended by a
mesentery (the
mesovarium) from the
posterior aspect of the broad
The ovaries are situated on the
superior surface of the broad ligament
and are suspended between the
ovarian ligament medially and the
suspensory ligament of the ovary or
infundibulopelvic ligament laterally
and superiorly. They are oval, white
in color, flattened organs,
approximately 3 cm in length, 2 cm in
depth and 1 cm in thickness. The
ovaries are an important endocrine
organ for the female, as well as
producing her ova.
The ovary
Blood supply
The ovarian artery (a branch of
the abdominal aorta)
Venous drainage
To the inferior vena cava on the right and to the left renal vein on
the left.
Lymphatic drainage
• To the para-aortic nodes
• The muscle and tissue located between the vaginal
opening and anal canal.
• It supports and surrounds the lower parts of the
urinary and digestive tracts.
• The perinium contains an abundance of nerve
endings that make it sensitive to touch.
Urogenital and anal triangles
Skeleton and Boundaries of the Perineum
Skeleton and Boundaries of the Perineum
The superficial perineal space contains
the muscular tissue and erectile
tissue needed for female sexual
response, as well as for support and
stabilization of the perineal body.
• Posterior part (anal triangle)
The anal triangle contains the anal
canal, external and internal anal
sphincters and ischioanal fossae
The line joining the ischial tuberosities forms the anal triangle
posteriorly and the urogenital triangle anteriorly. The
midpoint of this line is the perineal body.
•Anterior part (urogenital triangle)
The urogenital triangle contains the distal parts of the
urethra and the external genitalia including the superficial
perineal space.
The pelvic floor is formed by three layers of muscles and
The superficial compartment of the perineum consists of the
ischiocavernosus muscles which cover the crura leading to the clitoris;
and the bulbocavernosus muscles, which extend from the central tendon
of the perineum around each side of the vaginal opening to insert upon
the base of the clitoris and which cover the erectile bulbs of the
superficial space.
Also in the superficial space are the
superficial transverse perineal
muscles which from the ischial
tuberosities to the perineal body, the
external sphincter ani, Bartholin’s
glands and the perineal vessels and
Arteries and nerves of the perineum.
Female External Genitalia
Vulva is the term
given to the female
external genitalia.
The vulva includes:
– Mons pubis
– Labia majora
– Labia minora
– Clitoris
– Urethral opening
– Vaginal opening
– Perineum
mons pubis
The mons pubis is
composed of fibro-fatty
tissue which covers the
bodies of the pubis bones.
It is covered with pubic
hair, and divides to
become continuous with
labium majus of each side
Labia majora
The most prominent
features of the vulva, the
labia majora, are large,
hair-covered two folds of
skin which merge
posteriorly into the
perineum where they are
jioned together by the
fourchette, they contain
sebaceous glands and lie
on either side of the
Labia minora
The labia minora are two
thin folds of skin which lie
between the labia majora ,
their inner surfaces are the
lateral boundaries of the
vestibule. Anteriorly they
divide into two thin folds, the
upper of which unite over
the clitoris to form the
prepuce , and the lower of
which unite to form the
frenulum. They contain no
hair but have a rich supply of
venous sinuses, sebaceous
glands, and nerves. They
are very sensitive and
contain some erectile tissue.
labium pudendal
The vestibule is the
triangular area bounded
anterolaterally by the labia
minora and posteriorly by the
fourchette. At the apex of the
triangle is the clitoris. It
contains the urethral meatus
located approximately 2 to 3
cm posterior to the clitoris,
immediately in front of the
vaginal opening. Into the
vestibule open the ducts of
Bartholin’s glands.
Bartholin‘s glands are two small
rounded structures situated just
posterior to the vestibular bulbs.
During sexual excitation, they
secrete a glairy fluid which
serves as lubricant. Their ducts
open in the groove between the
labia minora and the hymen.
Each duct is about 0.5cm long,
and unless it is inflamed the
orifice cannot usually be seen.
They are often the site of
gonococcal infections and
painful abscesses.
Vestibular bulb are two
oblong masses of erectile
tissue which lie on either
side of the vaginal entrance
from the vestibule. Each
bulb is covered by the
bulbocavernosus muscle.
These muscles aid in
constricting the venous
supply to the erectile
vestibular bulbs and also
act as the sphincter
• The small penis-like structure.
• Highly sensitive organ composed of nerves, blood
vessels, and erectile tissue
• Located under the prepuce
• It is made up of a shaft and a glans.
• Becomes engorged with blood during sexual
• Key to sexual pleasure for most women.
• Urethral opening is located directly below clitoris
The clitoris lies just in front of the
urethra and consists of the glans, the
body, and two crura. Only the glans of
the clitoris is visible externally. The
glans is covered with modified skin
containing many nerve endings. The
body extends superiorly for a distance
of several centimeters and divides
into two crura, which are attached to
the undersurface of either pubic
ramus. The body and the crura are
composed of erectile tissue. Each
crus is covered by the corresponding
ischiocavernosus muscle and by their
contraction produce erection of the
The female external
genitalia are supplied on
each side by the internal
pudendal artery and by the
deep and superficial
external pudendal arteries.
Most of the vulva is
innervated by the branches
of the pudendal nerve.
Anterior to the urethra, the
vulva is innervated by the
ilioinguinal and
genitofemoral nerves.
Surgical Incisions
Urethral catheterization
Emergency suprapubic cystostomy
Open suprapubic cystostomy
(sectio alta)
Cesarean Section
Surgical treatment of Hydrocele

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  • 1. Clinical Anatomy of the Pelvis Kharkiv, 2015
  • 2. Plan of lecturePlan of lecture 1.1. Pelvis: bones, ligaments, musclesPelvis: bones, ligaments, muscles 2.2. Pelvic floorPelvic floor 3.3. Internal genitaliaInternal genitalia 4.4. PerineumPerineum 5.5. External genitaliaExternal genitalia 6.6. Operations on organs of PelvisOperations on organs of Pelvis
  • 3. promontory sacrum, lateral part Iliac bone pubic bone pubic symphysis ischial bone coccyx linia terminalis
  • 5.  Iliac Crest  Anterior Superior Iliac Spine – upper lateral end of the fold of the groin  Posterior Superior Iliac Spine – posterior end of the iliac crest, lies at the bottom of a small skin dimple and on a level with the second sacral spine.  Greater Trochanter
  • 6.  Pubic Tubercle – upper border of the pubis  Symphysis Pubis – cartilaginous joint that lies in the midline between the bodies of the pubic bones.  Pubic Crest – ridge of bone on the superior surface of the pubic bone, medial to the pubic tubercle
  • 7.  Spinous Process of the Sacrum – fused in the midline to form the median sacral crest  Sacral Hiatus – posterior aspect of the lower end of the sacrum  Coccyx – inferior surface and tip can be palpated in the natal cleft behind the anus
  • 8.  Location of some abdominal viscera (ileum and sigmoid colon)  Bounded by abdominal wall anteriorly, the iliac fossa posteriolaterally and L5 S1 vertebrae posteriorly
  • 9.  Location of pelvic viscera, the urinary bladder and reproductive organs such as the uterus and ovaries  Bounded by the pelvic surfaces of the hip bones, sacrum, and coccyx  Limited inferiorly by the musculofascial pelvic diaphragm
  • 10.
  • 11. promontory sacrum, lateral part sacral canal superior articular process wing of sacrum basis of sacrum
  • 12. lateral part promontory basis of sacrum sacral wing superior articular process apex anterior sacral foramen sacral canal superior articular process median sacral crest intermediate sacral crest lateral sacral crest
  • 13. ala of ilium sacroiliac joint L4 L5 sacrum Hip joint head of femur neck of femur symphysis pubis obturator foramen superior ramus of pubis Inferior ramus of pubis ramus of ischium Iliac crest ant. sup. iliac spine ant. inf. iliac spine sacrum lateral part ischiadic spine
  • 14.  Superior aperature or Inlet- upper border of symphysis to sacral promontary  Inferior aperature or Outlet- inferior border of symphysis to tip of coccyx
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.  Heavier  More conical-deeper  Obturator foramen rounder  Laterally narrower  Pubic arch more acute angle  Inlet round, outlet narrow
  • 19.  Lighter in structure  Roomier cavity- childbearing  Wider, shallower  Inlet larger and more oval  Sacrum wider and curves more sharply posteriorly  Sacral promontory flatter  Outlet wider
  • 20. Male vs. Female Pelvis MaleFemale Pelvic Inlet Pelvic Outlet Pelvic Cavity Pelvic Arch
  • 21. The types of female pelvis
  • 22. Gynecoid pelvis  Occurs 52%-58.9%  round, slightly ovoid or elliptical inlet.  anterior segment well-rounded , posterior segment spacious .  wide interspinous diameters(≥10cm).  the side walls are straight  the sacrum is well curved, and the sacrosciatic notch is adequate
  • 23. Platypelloid pelvis  occurs in approximately 23.2%-29% women  There is a distinct oval inlet.  very wide subpubic arch.  posterior segmet flat.  the sacrum is normal  the side walls are straight  the sacrosciatic notch is narrower
  • 24. Android pelvis  occurs in only 2% to 5% of women  wedge-shaped inlet  the side walls converge  the sacrum is inclined forward  the sacrosciatic notch is narrow  narrow anterior segmet, flat posterior segment,
  • 25. Anthropoid pelvis  occurs in approximately 20% ;approximately 40% of black women  the inlet is oval, long, and narrow  the side walls are straight(do not converge)  the sacrum is long and narrow  the sacrosciatic notch is wide.  Both the interspinous and intertuberous diameter are somewhat smaller
  • 28. Floors of the Pelvis 1. Peritoneal floor 2. Subperitoneal floor 3. Subcutaneous floor (fossa ischiorectalis) 1 2 3
  • 29. obturator internus m. coccygeus m. Obturator Internus: Origin: obturator membrane and adjoining part of hip bone Insertion: greater trochanter of femur Action: lateral rotator of femur at hip joint
  • 30. obturator internus m. coccygeus m. levator ani m. int / ext. anal sphincter m.
  • 31. obturator externus m. obturator internus m. pectineus m. Outer hip muscles and extensors gluteus maximus m. levator ani m.
  • 32.
  • 33.  Formed by the funnel shaped pelvic diaphragm  Consists of the levator ani and coccygeus muscles and their fascia  Stretches between the pubis anteriorly and the coccyx posteriorly and from one lateral pelvic wall to the other.
  • 34. Perineal muscles obturator fascia levator ani m. ext. anal sphincter m. transversepe rineal mm. gluteus maximus m. ischiocavernosus m. bulbospongiosus m. bulbocavernosus m.
  • 35. superior rectal a. median rectal a. obturator internus m. levator ani m. ext. anal sphincter m. Inferior rectal a. Levator ani: Origin: body of pubis, fascia of obturator internus, spine of ischium Insertion: perinela body, anococcygeal body, walls of prostate, vagina, rectum and anal canal Action: supports pelvic organs
  • 37. The Coccygeus Muscles Pubococcygeus m. Iliococcygeus m. Coccygeus m. Rectococcygeus m. Sacrococcygeus m. Coccygeus: Origin: spine of ischium Insertion: lower end of sacrum; coccyx Action: assists levator ani to support pelvic organs
  • 38. Fasciae of the pelvis and perineum. Median sagittal section in the male. The deep fascia of the abdominal wall, the layers of the urogenital fascia and the mesorectal fascia are in green, the peritoneum in blue, the superficial fascia of the abdominal wall and perineum in red. Muscles are shown in brown.
  • 41. Arteries – common iliac artery and its branches • Bifurcation of abdominal aorta: L4 • Bifurcation of common iliac artery: in the level of sacroiliacal joint • External iliac a. – On the medial part of psoas major m. – Under the inguinal lig. – femoral a. – Branches: • inferior epigastric a. • deep circumflex iliac a.
  • 42. Internal iliac a. and its branches • Parietal branches – iliolumbal a. (segmental lumbal arteries) – lateral sacral a. (sacral canal) – superior / inferior gluteal a. – obturator a. – acetabul ramus – femur head!!
  • 43. Internal iliac a. and its branches • Visceral branches – umbilical a. (umbilical lig) – superior vesical a. – inferior vesical a. – uterine a. – median rectal a. – internal pudendal a. – deep/superficial arteries of the penis
  • 44. iliolumbal a. lat. sacral a. sup. gluteal a. inf. gluteal a. internal pudendal a. obturator a. umbilical a. superior vesical a. uterine a. median rectal a.
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 48. The lymphatic drainage of structures of the pelvis and perienum. Rules: • Lymphatics drain toward lymph nodes along internal iliac veins, except for the ovary (para-aortic nodes), and superior portion of the rectum (inferior mesenteric nodes) • Perineum drains to superficial inguinal nodes Para-aortic External iliac Internal iliac Superficial Inguinal
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52. Sagittal section of the male pelvis.
  • 53.
  • 54. Sagittal section of the female pelvis.
  • 55. Sigmoid colon and rectum levator ani m. ext. anal sphincter m. int. anal sphincter m. • levator ani m. • int / ext. anal sphincter m. • Blood supply: – Sigmoid: inf. mesenteric a. –> sigmiod aa. – Rectum: inf. mesenteric a. –> sup. rectal a. internal iliac a. –> median/inf. rectal a.
  • 56. Superior rectal artery Middle rectal artery Main descending branch Right branch Terminal descending branch Pudendal artery M. levator ani Ascending branches Anus ----------------------------------
  • 60. Urogenital tract of the male • Kidney – renal pelvis – ureter – urinary bladder • Prostate • Seminal vesicule – ejaculatory duct • Testis • Epididymis – ductus deferens – ejaculatory duct • Urethra • Penis
  • 61. Urinary bladder • Fundus, body, apex • Ureter (medial-anterior part of the psoas major m.) • Male: ductus deferens, seminal vesicle – prostate gland
  • 62.
  • 63. Sagittal section of the female pelvis.
  • 64.
  • 65. Sagittal section of the male pelvis.
  • 66. There are 3 crossed layers in the tunica muscularis: stratum externum, includes longitudinal fibers; stratum medium – includes circular or transversal fibers; stratum internum - includes longitudinal and transversal fibers.
  • 68.
  • 71. Prostate – seminal vesicule ductus deferens seminal vesicule prostate, medial lobe prostate, right/left lobe urethra
  • 73.
  • 75. Female Reproductive SystemFemale Reproductive System
  • 76. Female Internal Genitalia The internal genitalia consists of the: • Vagina • Cervix • Uterus • Fallopian Tubes • Ovaries
  • 77. VAGINA • It is a distensible fibromuscular tube that extends from the perineum through the pelvic floor and into the pelvic cavity • It measures approximately 8–12 cm in length. • It extends from the vestibule to the uterus, and is situated behind the bladder and in front of the rectum. • It is directed upward and backward. • Its axis forming with that of the uterus an angle of over 90°, opening forward. • vaginal opening may be partially covered by the hymen 77
  • 78. Hymen: As the labia minora are spread, the vaginal introitus, guarded by the hymenal ring, is seen. The hymen may take many forms, however, such as perforated centrally,a cribriform plate with many small openings or a completely imperforate diaphragm, and varying in size from a pin-hole to one that admits two fingers. The hymen is partially ruptured at the first coitus and further disrupted during childbirth.
  • 79. VAGINA • The anterior wall of the vagina is related to the base of the bladder and to the urethra; in fact, the urethra is embedded in, or fused to, the anterior vaginal wall. • Posteriorly, the vagina is related principally to the rectum.
  • 80. • Fornices of vagina: – These are 4 pouches formed by the upper part of vagina around the vaginal part of cervix – (2 lateral, 1 anterior & 1 posterior) – The posterior fornix is the deepest one & the only one covered by peritoneum – Lateral one related to uterine artery & ureter.
  • 81. VAGINA Blood Supply • The blood supply to the vagina is from the vaginal artery (branch of the internal iliac artery) and the vaginal branch of the uterine artery. Lymphatic drainage • Lymph from the upper vagina drains into the internal and external iliac nodes. • Lymph from the lower vagina drains to the superficial inguinal nodes 81
  • 82. Uterus • The uterus is a thick-walled muscular organ in the midline between the bladder and rectum. • It consists of a body and a cervix. • Inferiorly it joins the vagina. • Superiorly, uterine tubes project laterally from the uterus and open into the peritoneal cavity immediately adjacent to the ovaries. 82
  • 83. Parts Of The Uterus 1) Fundus: It is dome-shaped part that lies above level of the opening of the Fallopian tubes. It is completely covered by peritoneum. It is related to coils of small intestine & sigmoid colon. 2) Body:  is the part extending from level of opening of the Fallopian tubes to the constriction called isthmus. It contains uterine cavity. It is the site of implantation of the zygote & also the site of menstruation.
  • 84. 3) Isthmus: Slight constriction between the body and the cervix. 4) Cervix: it has supra-vaginal & vaginal parts Supra-vaginal part: Anteriorly: it is not covered by peritoneum and related to the U.B. Posteriorly: it is covered by peritoneum of Douglas pouch which separates it from the rectum. Laterally: it gives attachment to the broad ligament and is related to the ureter and uterine vessels just below the root of the broad ligament. Vaginal part: is surrounded by the vaginal fornices.
  • 85. Uterus • The cervix forms the inferior part of the uterus and is shaped like a short, broad cylinder with a narrow central channel. • The cervix is angled forward (anteverted) on the vagina so that the inferior end of the cervix projects into the upper anterior aspect of the vagina.
  • 86. THE CERVIXTHE CERVIX • The uterus consists of two unequal parts: an upper corpus, and a lower cervix. • The cervix is cylindrical in shape and continuous above with the body of the uterus. The cervix canal is spindle shaped, being constricted below at the internal os and above at the external os, where it opens into the vagina. • In women who have not borne children the external os is circular, but after labour it has the form of a transverse slit. • In adult, the cervix is approximately 2.5-3 cm in length • The wall of the cervix consists of fibromuscular tissue.
  • 87. The cervix consists of a vaginal portion, which is easily seen during speculum examination of the vagina, and a supravaginal portion, which is very important in the endopelvic fascial support system of the cervix and upper vagina. The vaginal portion protrudes into the vagina and is surrounded by the fornices is covered with a nonkeratinizing squamous epithelium. The cervical epithelium is of tall columnar type. At about the external cervical os, the squamous epithelium covering the exocervix changes to simple columnar epithelium, the site of transition being referred to as the squamo-columnar junction, and it is at this site that carcinoma is particularly liable to arise. THE CERVIXTHE CERVIX Surrounding the supravaginal portion of the cervix is a dense ring of endo-pelvic fascia into which is anchored the pubocervical fascia, as well as the uterosacral and cardinal ligaments. This endopelvic fascial ring has also been called the “paracervical fascia.
  • 88. The “paracervical ring” is the key link in the important mechanical continuity of the endopelvic fascia to the vagina and cervix from both the upper vertical and horizontal support axes. Here, both cardinal ligaments – uterosacral ligament complexes of the vertical support axis merge with the pubocervical fascia of the horizontal support axis. ““PARACERVICAL RING”PARACERVICAL RING” THE CERVIXTHE CERVIX relationship to the vaginarelationship to the vagina The cervix enters the vagina by coursing perpendicularly to the anterior vaginal wall, thus explaining the shorter length of the anterior vaginal wall [8cm] when compared to the posterior vaginal wall [10-11cm].
  • 89. Uterus • The body of the uterus is flattened anteroposteriorly and above the level of origin of the uterine tubes it has a rounded superior end (fundus of uterus). • The cavity of the body of the uterus is a narrow slit, when viewed laterally. • It is shaped like an inverted triangle, when viewed anteriorly.
  • 90. Uterus • Each of the superior corners of the cavity is continuous with the lumen of a uterine tube; the inferior corner is continuous with the central canal of the cervix • The body of the uterus normally arches forward (anteflexed on the cervix) over the superior surface of the emptied bladder
  • 91. Relations of Uterus Anteriorly • The uterus and cervix are related to the uterovesical pouch and superior surface of the bladder. Posteriorly • The uterus is related to the recto-uterine pouch (of douglas), which extends down as far as the posterior fornix of the vagina. Laterally: the broad ligament
  • 92. The peritoneum reflected from the rectum to the upper part of the vagina, forming recto-uterine pouch, then cover the posterior surface of the uterus, fundus, anterior surface of the body of the uterus, which is reflected at the isthmus on the upper surface of U.B. forming the utero- vesical pouch. So anterior surface of the cervix and vagina have no peritoneal covering
  • 93. Four paired sets of ligaments are attached to the uterus: round ligament : inserts on the anterior surface of the uterus just in front of the fallopian tube, passes to the pelvic side wall in a fold of the broad ligament, traverses the inguinal canal, and ends in the labium majus. The round ligaments are of little supportive value in preventing uterine prolapse but help to keep the uterus anteverted.
  • 94. The uterosacral ligaments are condensations of the endopelvic fascia that arise from the sacral fascia and insert into the posteroinferior portion of the uterus at about the level of the isthmus. They provide important support for the uterus and are also significant in precluding the development of an enterocele. THE UTERUSTHE UTERUS
  • 95. The cardinal ligaments are the other important supporting structures of the uterus that prevent prolapse. They extend from the pelvic fascia on the lateral pelvic walls and insert into the lateral portion of the cervix and vagina, reaching superiorly to the level of the isthmus. The pubocervical ligaments pass anteriorly around the bladder to the posterior surface of the pubic symphysis.
  • 96. Broad ligament: the body of the uterus covered with peritoneum except for a narrow area on each side where the peritoneum sweeps away laterally to form the broad ligament. Between the two leaves of each broad ligament are contained the fallopian tube, the round ligament, and the ovarian ligament, in addition to nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatics.
  • 97. The fold of broad ligament containing the fallopian tube is called the mesosalpinx. Between the end of the tube and ovary and the pelvic side wall, where the ureter passes over the common iliac vessels, is the infundibulopelvic ligament, which contains the vessels and nerves for the ovary. The ureter may be injured when this ligament is ligated during a salpingo-oophorectomy procedure.
  • 98. Uterus Blood supply • The uterine artery (a branch of the internal iliac artery) • Veins form the uterovaginal venous plexus that accompanies the uterine artery. Lymph drainage • Lymphatics from the fundus accompany the ovarian artery and drain into the para-aortic nodes. • Lymphatics from the body and cervix drain to the internal and external iliac lymph nodes.
  • 99.
  • 100. Lymphatic drainage of the uterusLymphatic drainage of the uterus
  • 101. Positions Of The Uterus • Normal position anteverted anteflexed: the long axis of the uterus is bent forward on the long axis of the vagina.This position is referred to as anteversion (90 degree) of the uterus . • the long axis of the body of the uterus is bent forward at the level of the internal os with the long axis of the cervix. This position is termed anteflexion (170 degree) of the uterus.
  • 102. Abnormal position: retroverted, retroflexed • the fundus and body of the uterus are bent backward on the vagina so that they lie in the rectouterine pouch (pouch of Douglas). In this situation, the uterus is said to be retroverted. If the body of the uterus is, in addition, bent backward on the cervix, it is said to be retroflexed. Leads to back pain.
  • 103. The uterus is supported mainly by: A) muscles 1) the tone of the Pelvic diaphragm (pelvic floor) muscles: levator ani muscles and coccygeus muscle. resisting downward push of uterus during increased intra- abdominal pressure. 2) Urogenital diaphragm: the muscles of the deep perineal pouch. 3) Perineal body: is a fibromuscular body between the vagina & anal canal; receiving the insertions of all perineal muscles. Thus, maintains the integrity of the pelvic floor. Supporting Factors Of UterusSupporting Factors Of Uterus
  • 104. THE FALLOPIAN TUBETHE FALLOPIAN TUBE It is described in four parts: Intramural (interstitial) part: It is the shortest (1 cm) and narrowest part. It passes through the wall of the superoateral angle of the uterus to open into the uterine cavity. Isthmus: It is narrow and 2 cm in length. Ampulla: It is the longest (5 cm), thin-walled, tortuous and widest part. It is the site of fertilization. Infundibulum (fimbriated end): It is 2cm in length and funnel-shaped. It pierces the broad ligament to open into the peritoneal cavity near the ovary. Its margins carry fimbria which spread over the medial surface of the ovary.
  • 105. • Tubal ligation: A simple and effective method of birth control is to surgically ligate the uterine tubes, preventing spermatozoa from reaching ova. • Conduct of the ovum in the uterine tube to the uterine cavity is helped by: ciliary movement of mucosal lining & peristaltic movement of the tube
  • 106. Blood Supply Of The Uterine Tube  Arterial supply: Medial 2/3: by the uterine artery. Lateral 1/3 : by the ovarian artery.  Venous drainage: By veins accompanying the arteries into the uterine and ovarian veins.  Lymph drainage: Most of the tubal lymphatics pass to the para-aortic L.Ns. Lymphatics of the isthmus pass to the superficial inguinal L.Ns.
  • 107. The ovary • The ovaries are the sites of egg production (oogenesis). • Like the testes in men. • The ovaries lie adjacent to the lateral pelvic wall just inferior to the pelvic inlet. • Each of the two almond- shaped ovaries is about 3 cm long and is suspended by a mesentery (the mesovarium) from the posterior aspect of the broad ligament.
  • 108. THE OVARIESTHE OVARIES The ovaries are situated on the superior surface of the broad ligament and are suspended between the ovarian ligament medially and the suspensory ligament of the ovary or infundibulopelvic ligament laterally and superiorly. They are oval, white in color, flattened organs, approximately 3 cm in length, 2 cm in depth and 1 cm in thickness. The ovaries are an important endocrine organ for the female, as well as producing her ova.
  • 109. The ovary Blood supply The ovarian artery (a branch of the abdominal aorta) Venous drainage To the inferior vena cava on the right and to the left renal vein on the left. Lymphatic drainage • To the para-aortic nodes
  • 110. PERINEUM • The muscle and tissue located between the vaginal opening and anal canal. • It supports and surrounds the lower parts of the urinary and digestive tracts. • The perinium contains an abundance of nerve endings that make it sensitive to touch. 110
  • 112. Urogenital and anal triangles
  • 113. Skeleton and Boundaries of the Perineum
  • 114. Skeleton and Boundaries of the Perineum
  • 115. The superficial perineal space contains the muscular tissue and erectile tissue needed for female sexual response, as well as for support and stabilization of the perineal body. • Posterior part (anal triangle) The anal triangle contains the anal canal, external and internal anal sphincters and ischioanal fossae The line joining the ischial tuberosities forms the anal triangle posteriorly and the urogenital triangle anteriorly. The midpoint of this line is the perineal body. •Anterior part (urogenital triangle) The urogenital triangle contains the distal parts of the urethra and the external genitalia including the superficial perineal space.
  • 116. The pelvic floor is formed by three layers of muscles and fasciae: The superficial compartment of the perineum consists of the ischiocavernosus muscles which cover the crura leading to the clitoris; and the bulbocavernosus muscles, which extend from the central tendon of the perineum around each side of the vaginal opening to insert upon the base of the clitoris and which cover the erectile bulbs of the superficial space. Also in the superficial space are the superficial transverse perineal muscles which from the ischial tuberosities to the perineal body, the external sphincter ani, Bartholin’s glands and the perineal vessels and nerves.
  • 117. Arteries and nerves of the perineum.
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  • 124. Female External Genitalia Vulva is the term given to the female external genitalia. The vulva includes: – Mons pubis – Labia majora – Labia minora – Clitoris – Urethral opening – Vaginal opening – Perineum
  • 125. mons pubis The mons pubis is composed of fibro-fatty tissue which covers the bodies of the pubis bones. It is covered with pubic hair, and divides to become continuous with labium majus of each side . THE VULVATHE VULVA
  • 126. Labia majora The most prominent features of the vulva, the labia majora, are large, hair-covered two folds of skin which merge posteriorly into the perineum where they are jioned together by the fourchette, they contain sebaceous glands and lie on either side of the introitus.
  • 127. Labia minora prepuce The labia minora are two thin folds of skin which lie between the labia majora , their inner surfaces are the lateral boundaries of the vestibule. Anteriorly they divide into two thin folds, the upper of which unite over the clitoris to form the prepuce , and the lower of which unite to form the frenulum. They contain no hair but have a rich supply of venous sinuses, sebaceous glands, and nerves. They are very sensitive and contain some erectile tissue. Frenulum labium pudendal Frenulum
  • 128. The vestibule is the triangular area bounded anterolaterally by the labia minora and posteriorly by the fourchette. At the apex of the triangle is the clitoris. It contains the urethral meatus located approximately 2 to 3 cm posterior to the clitoris, immediately in front of the vaginal opening. Into the vestibule open the ducts of Bartholin’s glands.
  • 129. Bartholin‘s glands are two small rounded structures situated just posterior to the vestibular bulbs. During sexual excitation, they secrete a glairy fluid which serves as lubricant. Their ducts open in the groove between the labia minora and the hymen. Each duct is about 0.5cm long, and unless it is inflamed the orifice cannot usually be seen. They are often the site of gonococcal infections and painful abscesses.
  • 130. Vestibular bulb are two oblong masses of erectile tissue which lie on either side of the vaginal entrance from the vestibule. Each bulb is covered by the bulbocavernosus muscle. These muscles aid in constricting the venous supply to the erectile vestibular bulbs and also act as the sphincter vaginae.
  • 131. CLITORIS • The small penis-like structure. • Highly sensitive organ composed of nerves, blood vessels, and erectile tissue • Located under the prepuce • It is made up of a shaft and a glans. • Becomes engorged with blood during sexual stimulation. • Key to sexual pleasure for most women. • Urethral opening is located directly below clitoris 131
  • 132. The clitoris lies just in front of the urethra and consists of the glans, the body, and two crura. Only the glans of the clitoris is visible externally. The glans is covered with modified skin containing many nerve endings. The body extends superiorly for a distance of several centimeters and divides into two crura, which are attached to the undersurface of either pubic ramus. The body and the crura are composed of erectile tissue. Each crus is covered by the corresponding ischiocavernosus muscle and by their contraction produce erection of the clitoris.
  • 133. The female external genitalia are supplied on each side by the internal pudendal artery and by the deep and superficial external pudendal arteries. Most of the vulva is innervated by the branches of the pudendal nerve. Anterior to the urethra, the vulva is innervated by the ilioinguinal and genitofemoral nerves.
  • 142. Surgical treatment of Hydrocele

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. It will offer perfect opportunity for all attending Gynecologist & Obstetrics at Medical conferences to Meet,hear and learn from International Faculty are Dr.Bruno Lunenfeld,Dr.Denny Sakkas,Dr.H.R.Tinneberg,Dr.Jan Gerris,Dr.Jose Remohi,Dr.Liselotte Mettler,Dr.Marco Filicori,Dr.Martina Ribic Pucelj,Dr.Paul Devroey,Dr.Paul Gassner,Dr.Roy Homburg,Dr.Robert Casper,Dr.Robert Norman,Dr.S.L.Tan,Dr. Sadhana Desai,Dr.Abha Majumdar,Dr.Mridubhashini Govindrajan,Dr.Ameet Patki,Dr.Nalini Mahajan,Dr.Asha Rao,Dr.Nandita Palshetkar,Dr.B.N. Chakravarthy,during the workshop and scientific program at event.
  2. The cervix is approximately to 4 cm in length and consists of a vaginal portion, which is easily seen during speculum examination of the vagina, and a supravaginal portion, which is very important in the endopelvic fascial support system of the cervix and upper vagina. Surrounding the supravaginal portion of the cervix is a dense ring of endopelvic fascia into which is anchored the pubocervical fascia, as well as the uterosacral and cardinal ligaments. This endopelvic fascial ring has also been called the “paracervical fascia.
  3. The “paracervical ring” is the key link in the important mechanical continuity of the endopelvic fascia to the vagina and cervix from both the upper vertical and horizontal support axes. Here, both cardinal ligaments – uterosacral ligament complexes of the vertical support axis merge with the pubocervical fascia of the horizontal support axis.
  4. The uterosacral ligaments are condensations of the endopelvic fascia that arise from the sacral fascia and insert into the posteroinferior portion of the uterus at about the level of the isthmus. They provide important support for the uterus and are also significant in precluding the develop-ment of an enterocele. The cardinal ligaments are the other important supporting structures of the uterus that prevent prolapse. They extend from the pelvic fascia on the lateral pelvic walls and insert into the lateral portion of the cervix and vagina, reaching superiorly to the level of the isthmus. The pubocervical liga-ments pass anteriorly around the bladder to the posterior surface of the pubic symphysis.
  5. The tube has smooth muscle in its wall and a ciliated columnar epithelium for its mucosa. The mesosalpinx is the peritoneal covering over the tube and may contain epoophorons – which are remnants of the mesonephric tubeles. The external environment has a limited access to the peritoneal cavity in the female patient via the vagina, cervical canal, endometrial cavity, to the uterine ostia, through the tubes and through the abdominal ostia to the peritoneal cavity.
  6. The ovaries are traditionally described as “almond – shaped”, measuring 1*2*3 cm and are white in color. The “roughened” appearance after puberty of the surface of the ovary is due to degenerating corpora lutea. The ovaries are an important endocrine organ for the female, as well as producing her ova. The ovary is located in the ovarian fossa on the lateral pelvic sidewall on the posterior and superior aspect of the broad ligament.
  7. The superficial compartment of the perineum consists of the ischiocavernosus muscles which cover the crura leading to the clitoris; and the bulbocavernosus [bulbospongiosus] muscles, which extend from the central tendon of the perineum around each side of the vaginal opening to insert upon the base of the clitoris and which cover the erectile bulbs of the superficial space. Also in the superficial space are the superficial transverse perinei muscles, the greater vestibular glands or Bartholin’s glands and the perineal vessels and nerves.