kbhn nce anneliese poetz neurodevnet canada knowledge translation kids brain health network david phipps kt york university stacie ross knowledge mobilization asd kt planning cp fasd stakeholder engagement research kt core strategic planning cerebral palsy nce secretariat evaluation neurodevelopmental condition neurodevelopmental disorder fetal alcohol spectrum disorder autism spectrum disorder research impact networks of centres of excellence michael johnny indicators ndn kmb neurodevelopmental disorders stakeholder consultation social media commercialization planning research to impact canvas business model canvas family engagement stakeholder input grounded theory neurodevelopmental conditions planning tool for researchers project management meopar symposium réseaux de centres d’excellence unité d’ac mobilisation des connaissances ac application des connaissances maladie neurodéveloppementale trouble du neurodéveloppement pc paralysie cerebrale tsaf trouble du spectre de l’alcoolisation fœtale tsa trouble du spectre de l’autisme université york réseau kids brain health krista jensen research planning planning for impact andrea cross jan willem gorter mcmaster business analysis knowledge mobilisation high impact research impact nce symposium dissemination guide ktee kt best practices networking knowledge transfer workshop neurological disorders videos kt tool tools tools for knowledge translation kt framework guide of guides integrated knowledge translation partnerships public awareness measuring impact brain french services clear language writing training meopar progress reporting indicator definition co-produced pathway to impact infographic trainees risk perception knowledge management knowledge representation knowledge creation social media marketing social media strategy kmb unit introduction trainee workshop renee leduc indicator database sustainability database design support video production filming research administrators how to create videos cara researchers systems design product development process improvement systems products processes innovative survey results alberta calgary how to clinical grand rounds impact of research instructions editable reference non-editable jeannie mackintosh form fillable kt guide dissemination guide maximize impact of research commercialization tool planning tool team member introduction team brainstorming template roles timeline prioritization survey stakeholder needs keynote framework canadian knowledge mobilization forum ckf17 stakeholders waypoint detailed summary executive summary autism research ethics neuroethics eric racine research results genetics returning design methodologies tool for kt professionals measurement heart and stroke foundation katie lafferty board governance key messages eddy nason research framework tools to assess impact ontario spor support unit assessment tools spor frameworks articulating impact nce's and impact alberta family welless slideshare palix foundation frameworks institute the conditions for impact afwi model science early childhood development brain development brain architecture michelle gagnon les médias sociaux academics annotated bibliography exergames fitness grand friends computer gaming youth impact meeting promotional packages indicator worksheet evaluation framework relationship-based model systems approach capacity building highly qualified personnel customer satisfaction conflict relationships communication trust relationship-building
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