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JAVA Programming
Arrays, Strings and
Exception Handling
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE , Israna Panipat
Naushad Varish
Department of Computer Science &
NC College of Engineering, Israna,
JAVA Programming
 An array is a collection of variables of the same type,
referred to by a common name.
 In Java arrays can have one or more dimensions,
although the one-dimensional array is the most common.
 Arrays are used for a variety of purposes because they
offer a convenient means of grouping together related
 The principal advantage of an array is that it organizes
data in such a way that it can be easily manipulated.
 In Java arrays are implemented as objects.
• An array is an ordered list of values
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE , Israna Panipat 2
JAVA Programming
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE , Israna Panipat 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
79 87 94 82 67 98 87 81 74 91
The entire array
has a single name
Each value has a numeric index
An array of size N is indexed from zero to N-1
This array holds 10 values that are indexed from 0 to 9
JAVA Programming
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE , Israna Panipat 4
scores 79
Another way to depict the scores array:
JAVA Programming
// file name:
public class Main{
public static void main(String args[]) {
int arr[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
for(int i=0; i < arr.length; i++)
System.out.print(" " + arr[i]);
10 20 30 40 50
Array Example
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 5
JAVA Programming
 If we don’t assign values to array elements, and try to
access them, compiler does not produce error as in case
of simple variables. Instead it assigns values which aren’t
 Below are the default assigned values.
boolean : false
int : 0
double : 0.0
String : null
User Defined Type : null
Default array values in Java
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 6
JAVA Programming
// Java program to demonstrate default values of array
// elements
class ArrayDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("String array default values:");
String str[] = new String[5];
for (String s : str)
System.out.print(s + " ");
System.out.println("nnInteger array default values:");
int num[] = new int[5];
for (int val : num)
System.out.print(val + " ");
System.out.println("nnDouble array default values:");
double dnum[] = new double[5];
for (double val : dnum)
System.out.print(val + " ");
System.out.println("nnBoolean array default values:");
boolean bnum[] = new boolean[5];
for (boolean val : bnum)
System.out.print(val + " ");
System.out.println("nnReference Array default values:");
ArrayDemo ademo[] = new ArrayDemo[5];
for (ArrayDemo val : ademo)
System.out.print(val + " ");
Default array values in Java
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 7
String array default values: null null null null null
Integer array default values: 0 0 0 0 0
Double array default values: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Boolean array default values: false false false
false false
Reference Array default values: null null null null
JAVA Programming
Predict the output of following Java program.
class Test
public static void main (String[] args)
int arr1[] = {1, 2, 3};
int arr2[] = {1, 2, 3};
if (arr1 == arr2) // Same as arr1.equals(arr2)
System.out.println("Not same");
O/P: Not same
 In Java, arrays are first class objects. In the above program, arr1 and arr2 are two
references to two different objects. So when we compare arr1 and arr2, two reference
variables are compared, therefore we get the output as “Not Same” (See this for more
How to compare two arrays in Java?
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 8
JAVA Programming
A simple way is to run a loop and compare elements one by one. Java
provides a direct method Arrays.equals() to compare two arrays. Actually,
there is a list of equals() methods in Arrays class for different primitive types
(int, char, ..etc) and one for Object type (which is base of all classes in Java).
// we need to import java.util.Arrays to use Arrays.equals().
import java.util.Arrays;
class Test
public static void main (String[] args)
int arr1[] = {1, 2, 3};
int arr2[] = {1, 2, 3};
if (Arrays.equals(arr1, arr2))
System.out.println("Not same");
How to compare array contents?
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 9
O/P: Same
JAVA Programming
As seen above, the Arrays.equals() works fine and compares arrays contents.
Now the questions, what if the arrays contain arrays inside them or some
other references which refer to different object but have same values. For
example, see the following program..
import java.util.Arrays;
class Test
public static void main (String[] args)
// inarr1 and inarr2 have same values
int inarr1[] = {1, 2, 3};
int inarr2[] = {1, 2, 3};
Object[] arr1 = {inarr1}; // arr1 contains only one element
Object[] arr2 = {inarr2}; // arr2 also contains only one element
if (Arrays.equals(arr1, arr2))
System.out.println("Not same");
How to Deep compare array contents?
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 10
O/P: Not same
JAVA Programming
So Arrays.equals() is not able to do deep comparison. Java provides another
method for this Arrays.deepEquals() which does deep comparison.
import java.util.Arrays;
class Test
public static void main (String[] args)
int inarr1[] = {1, 2, 3};
int inarr2[] = {1, 2, 3};
Object[] arr1 = {inarr1}; // arr1 contains only one element
Object[] arr2 = {inarr2}; // arr2 also contains only one element
if (Arrays.deepEquals(arr1, arr2))
System.out.println("Not same");
How to Deep compare array contents?
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 11
O/P: Same
JAVA Programming
It compares two objects using any custom equals() methods they may have (if they
have an equals() method implemented other than Object.equals()). If not, this
method will then proceed to compare the objects field by field, recursively. As each
field is encountered, it will attempt to use the derived equals() if it exists, otherwise it
will continue to recurse further..
Exercise: Predict the output of following program
import java.util.Arrays;
class Test
public static void main (String[] args)
int inarr1[] = {1, 2, 3};
int inarr2[] = {1, 2, 3};
Object[] arr1 = {inarr1}; // arr1 contains only one element
Object[] arr2 = {inarr2}; // arr2 also contains only one element
Object[] outarr1 = {arr1}; // outarr1 contains only one element
Object[] outarr2 = {arr2}; // outarr2 also contains only one element
if (Arrays.deepEquals(outarr1, outarr2))
System.out.println("Not same");
How does Arrays.deepEquals() work?
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 12
O/P: ?
JAVA Programming
Predict the output of following Java program.
class Test
public static void main(String args[])
final int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; // Note: arr is final
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
arr[i] = arr[i]*10;
10 20 30 40 50
The array arr is declared as final, but the elements of array are changed without any problem.
Arrays are objects and object variables are always references in Java. So, when we declare an object
variable as final, it means that the variable cannot be changed to refer to anything else. For
example, the following program 1 compiles without any error and program fails in compilation.
Final arrays in Java
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 13
JAVA Programming
// Program 1
class Test
int p = 20;
public static void main(String args[])
final Test t = new Test();
t.p = 30;
Output: 30
// Program 2
class Test
int p = 20;
public static void main(String args[])
final Test t1 = new Test();
Test t2 = new Test();
t1 = t2;
Output: Compiler Error: cannot assign a value to final variable t1
Final arrays in Java
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 14
JAVA Programming
So a final array means that the array variable which is actually a reference to an object,
cannot be changed to refer to anything else, but the members of array can be
As an exercise, predict the output of following program
class Test
public static void main(String args[])
final int arr1[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int arr2[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
arr2 = arr1;
arr1 = arr2;
for (int i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++)
Final arrays in Java
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 15
JAVA Programming
Jagged array is array of arrays such that member arrays can be of different sizes, i.e.,
we can create a 2-D arrays but with variable number of columns in each row. These
type of arrays are also known as Jagged arrays.
Following are Java programs to demonstrate the above concept.
// Program to demonstrate 2-D jagged array in Java
class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
// Declaring 2-D array with 2 rows
int arr[][] = new int[2][];
// Making the above array Jagged
// First row has 3 columns
arr[0] = new int[3];
// Second row has 2 columns
arr[1] = new int[2];
// Initializing array
int count = 0;
for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
for(int j=0; j<arr[i].length; j++)
arr[i][j] = count++;
// Displaying the values of 2D Jagged array
System.out.println("Contents of 2D Jagged Array");
for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
for (int j=0; j<arr[i].length; j++)
System.out.print(arr[i][j] + " ");
Jagged Array in Java
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 16
Output: Contents of 2D
Jagged Array
0 1 2
3 4
JAVA Programming
Following is another example where i’th row has i columns, i.e., first row has 1 element, second
row has two elements and so on
// Another Java program to demonstrate 2-D jagged
// array such that first row has 1 element, second
// row has two elements and so on.
class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
int r = 5;
// Declaring 2-D array with 5 rows
int arr[][] = new int[r][];
// Creating a 2D array such that first row
// has 1 element, second row has two
// elements and so on.
for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
arr[i] = new int[i+1];
// Initializing array
int count = 0;
for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
for(int j=0; j<arr[i].length; j++)
arr[i][j] = count++;
// Displaying the values of 2D Jagged array
System.out.println("Contents of 2D Jagged Array");
for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
for (int j=0; j<arr[i].length; j++)
System.out.print(arr[i][j] + " ");
Jagged Array in Java
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 17
Output: Contents of 2D
Jagged Array
1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14
JAVA Programming
Java supports creation and manipulation of arrays, as a data structure. The index of an array is an
integer value that has value in interval [0, n-1], where n is the size of the array. If a request for a
negative or an index greater than or equal to size of array is made, then the JAVA throws a
ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception. This is unlike C/C++ where no index of bound check is done.
The ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is a Runtime Exception thrown only at runtime. The Java
Compiler does not check for this error during the compilation of a program.
// A Common cause index out of bound
public class NewClass2
public static void main(String[] args)
int ar[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
for (int i=0; i<=ar.length; i++)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5 at
Understanding Array IndexOutofbounds Exception in Java
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 18
JAVA Programming
Here if you carefully see, the array is of size 5. Therefore while accessing its element using for
loop, the maximum value of index can be 4 but in our program it is going till 5 and thus the
Let’s see another example using arraylist:
// One more example with index out of bound
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class NewClass2
public static void main(String[] args)
ArrayList<String> lis = new ArrayList<>();
Runtime error here is a bit more informative than the previous time-
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 2, Size: 2 at
java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck( at java.util.ArrayList.get( at NewClass2.main(
Understanding Array IndexOutofbounds Exception in Java
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 19
JAVA Programming
Lets understand it in a bit of detail-
Index here defines the index we are trying to access.
The size gives us information of the size of the list.
Since size is 2, the last index we can access is (2-1)=1, and thus the exception
The correct way to access array is :
for (int i=0; i<ar.length; i++) { }
Handling the Exception:
Use for-each loop: This automatically handles indices while accessing the
elements of an array.
Example-for(int m : ar){ }
Use Try-Catch: Consider enclosing your code inside a try-catch statement and
manipulate the exception accordingly. As mentioned, Java won’t let you
access an invalid index and will definitely throw
an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. However, we should be careful inside
the block of the catch statement, because if we don’t handle the exception
appropriately, we may conceal it and thus, create a bug in your application.
Understanding Array IndexOutofbounds Exception in Java
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 20
JAVA Programming
 String is a sequence of characters.
 The easiest way to represent a sequence of characters in JAVA is by using a character
 char Array[ ] = new char [5];
 Character arrays are not good enough to support the range of operations we want to
perform on strings.
 In java, objects of String are immutable which means a constant and cannot be
changed once created.
 In JAVA strings are class objects and implemented using two classes:-
 String
 StringBuffer
 In JAVA strings are not a character array and is not NULL terminated.
 String objects are handled specially by the compiler.
 String is the only class which has "implicit" instantiation.
 The String class is defined in the java.lang package.
 Strings are immutable. For mutable Strings, use the StringBuffer class.
 The value of a String object can never be changed.
Strings in JAVA
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 21
JAVA Programming
 Normally, objects in Java are created with the new keyword..
Creating a String:
There are two ways to create string in Java:
String literal
String s = “Craig”;
Using new keyword
String s = new String (“Craig”);
String name;
name = new String("Craig");
 However, String objects can be created "implicitly":
String name;
name = "Craig";
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 22
JAVA Programming
 int length(): Returns the number of characters in the String.
"GeeksforGeeks".length(); // returns 13
 Char charAt(int i): Returns the character at ith index.
"GeeksforGeeks".charAt(3); // returns ‘k’
 String substring (int i): Return the substring from the ith index character to end.
"GeeksforGeeks".substring(3); // returns “ksforGeeks”
String substring (int i, int j): Returns the substring from i to j-1 index.
"GeeksforGeeks".substring(2, 5); // returns “eks”
String concat( String str): Concatenates specified string to the end of this string.
String s1 = ”Geeks”;
String s2 = ”forGeeks”;
String output = s1.concat(s2); // returns “GeeksforGeeks”
int indexOf (String s): Returns the index within the string of the first occurrence of the
specified string.
String s = ”Learn Share Learn”;
int output = s.indexOf(“Share”); // returns 6.
String Methods
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 23
JAVA Programming
int indexOf (String s, int i): Returns the index within the string of the first
occurrence of the specified string, starting at the specified index.
String s = ”Learn Share Learn”;
int output = s.indexOf(‘a’,3);// returns 8
Int lastindexOf( int ch): Returns the index within the string of the last occurrence
of the specified string.
String s = ”Learn Share Learn”;
int output = s.lastindexOf(‘a’); // returns 14
boolean equals( Object otherObj): Compares this string to the specified object.
Boolean out = “Geeks”.equals(“Geeks”); // returns true
Boolean out = “Geeks”.equals(“geeks”); // returns false
boolean equalsIgnoreCase (String anotherString): Compares string to another
string, ignoring case considerations.
Boolean out= “Geeks”.equalsIgnoreCase(“Geeks”); // returns true
Boolean out = “Geeks”.equalsIgnoreCase(“geeks”); // returns true
String Methods
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 24
JAVA Programming
int compareTo( String anotherString): Compares two string lexicographically.
int out = s1.compareTo(s2); // where s1 ans s2 are strings to be compared.
This returns difference s1-s2.
If : out < 0 // s1 comes before s2
out = 0 // s1 and s2 are equal.
out >0 // s1 comes after s2.
int compareToIgnoreCase( String anotherString): Compares two string
lexicographically, ignoring case considerations.
int out = s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2); // where s1 ans s2 strings to be
This returns difference s1-s2.
If : out < 0 // s1 comes before s2
out = 0 // s1 and s2 are equal.
out >0 // s1 comes after s2.
String Methods
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 25
JAVA Programming
String toLowerCase(): Converts all the characters in the String to lower case.
String word1 = “HeLLo”;
String word2 = word1.toLowerCase(); // returns “hello“.
String toUpperCase(): Converts all the characters in the String to upper case.
String word1 = “HeLLo”;
String word2 = word1.toUpperCase(); // returns “HELLO”.
String trim(): Returns the copy of the String, by removing whitespaces at both
ends. It does not affect whitespaces in the middle.
String word1 = “ Learn Share Learn “;
String word2 = word1.trim(); // returns “Learn Share Learn”.
String replace (char oldChar, char newChar): Returns new string by replacing all
occurrences of oldChar with newChar.
String s1 = “feeksforfeeks“;
String s2 = “feeksforfeeks”.replace(‘f’ ,’g’); // returns “geeksgorgeeks”
Note:- s1 is still feeksforfeeks and s2 is geeksgorgeeks
String Methods
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 26
JAVA Programming
// Java code to illustrate different constructors and methods String class.
import java.util.*;
class Test
public static void main (String[] args)
String s= "GeeksforGeeks";
// or String s= new String ("GeeksforGeeks");
// Returns the number of characters in the String.
System.out.println("String length = " + s.length());
// Returns the character at ith index.
System.out.println("Character at 3rd position = "
+ s.charAt(3));
// Return the substring from the ith index character
// to end of string
System.out.println("Substring " + s.substring(3));
// Returns the substring from i to j-1 index.
System.out.println("Substring = " + s.substring(2,5));
Program to illustrate all string methods
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 27
JAVA Programming
// Concatenates string2 to the end of string1.
String s1 = "Geeks";
String s2 = "forGeeks";
System.out.println("Concatenated string = " +
// Returns the index within the string
// of the first occurrence of the specified string.
String s4 = "Learn Share Learn";
System.out.println("Index of Share " +
// Returns the index within the string of the
// first occurrence of the specified string,
// starting at the specified index.
System.out.println("Index of a = " +
// Checking equality of Strings
Boolean out = "Geeks".equals("geeks");
System.out.println("Checking Equality " + out);
out = "Geeks".equals("Geeks");
System.out.println("Checking Equality " + out);
out = "Geeks".equalsIgnoreCase("gEeks ");
System.out.println("Checking Equality" + out);
int out1 = s1.compareTo(s2);
System.out.println("If s1 = s2" + out);
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 28
JAVA Programming
// Converting cases
String word1 = "GeeKyMe";
System.out.println("Changing to lower Case " +
// Converting cases
String word2 = "GeekyME";
System.out.println("Changing to UPPER Case " +
// Trimming the word
String word4 = " Learn Share Learn ";
System.out.println("Trim the word " + word4.trim());
// Replacing characters
String str1 = "feeksforfeeks";
System.out.println("Original String " + str1);
String str2 = "feeksforfeeks".replace('f' ,'g') ;
System.out.println("Replaced f with g -> " + str2);
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 29
JAVA Programming
Output :
String length = 13
Character at 3rd position = k
Substring ksforGeeks
Substring = eks
Concatenated string = GeeksforGeeks
Index of Share 6
Index of a = 8
Checking Equality false
Checking Equality true
Checking Equalityfalse
If s1 = s2 false
Changing to lower Case geekyme
Changing to UPPER Case GEEKYME
Trim the word Learn Share Learn
Original String feeksforfeeks
Replaced f with g -> geeksgorgeeks
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 30
JAVA Programming
 StringBuffer is a peer class of String that provides much of the
functionality of strings. String represents fixed-length, immutable
character sequences
 while StringBuffer represents growable and writable character
sequences which means that class creates strings of flexible
length that can be modified in terms of both length and content.
 StringBuffer may have characters and substrings inserted in the
middle or appended to the end.
 StringBuffer automatically grows to make room for such
 Actually StringBuffer has more characters pre allocated than are
actually needed, to allow room for growth.
StringBuffer class in Java
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 31
JAVA Programming
 StringBuffer( ): It reserves room for 16 characters without
StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer();
 StringBuffer(int size): It accepts an integer argument that
explicitly sets the size of the buffer.
StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer(20);
 StringBuffer(String str): It accepts a String argument that sets
the initial contents of the StringBuffer object and reserves room
for 16 more characters without reallocation.
StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer("GeeksforGeeks");
StringBuffer Constructors
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 32
JAVA Programming
 Some of the most used methods are:
length( ) and capacity( ): The length of a StringBuffer can be found by the length(
) method, while the total allocated capacity can be found by the capacity( )
Code Example:
class GFG
public static void main (String[] args)
StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer("GeeksforGeeks");
int p=s.length();
int q=s.capacity();
System.out.println("Length of string GeeksforGeeks="+p);
System.out.println("Capacity of string GeeksforGeeks="+q);
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 33
JAVA Programming
Length of string GeeksforGeeks=13
Capacity of string GeeksforGeeks=29
append( ): It is used to add text at the end of the existence text. Here are a few of its forms:
StringBuffer append(String str)
StringBuffer append(int num)
Code Example:
class GFG
public static void main (String[] args)
StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer("Geeksfor");
System.out.println(s); //returns GeeksforGeeks
System.out.println(s); //returns GeeksforGeeks1
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 34
JAVA Programming
insert( ): It is used to insert text at the specified index position. These are a few of its
StringBuffer insert(int index, String str)
StringBuffer insert(int index, char ch)
Here, index specifies the index at which point the string will be inserted into the invoking
StringBuffer object.
Code Example:
class GFG
public static void main (String[] args)
StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer("GeeksGeeks");
s.insert(5, "for");
System.out.println(s); //returns GeeksforGeeks
System.out.println(s); //returns 5GeeksforGeeks
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 35
JAVA Programming
reverse( ): It can reverse the characters within a
StringBuffer object using reverse( ).This method returns
the reversed object on which it was called.
Code Example:
class GFG
public static void main (String[] args)
StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer("GeeksGeeks");
System.out.println(s); //returns skeeGrofskeeG
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 36
JAVA Programming
delete( ) and deleteCharAt( ): It can delete characters within a
StringBuffer by using the methods delete( ) and deleteCharAt( ).
The delete( ) method deletes a sequence of characters from the
invoking object. Here, start Index specifies the index of the first
character to remove, and end Index specifies an index one past
the last character to remove. Thus, the substring deleted runs
from start Index to endIndex–1. The resulting StringBuffer object
is returned.
The deleteCharAt( ) method deletes the character at the index
specified by loc. It returns the resulting StringBuffer object.
These methods are shown here:
StringBuffer delete(int startIndex, int endIndex)
StringBuffer deleteCharAt(int loc)
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 37
JAVA Programming
Code Example:
class GFG
public static void main (String[] args)
StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer("GeeksforGeeks");
System.out.println(s); //returns forGeeks
System.out.println(s); //returns forGeek
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 38
JAVA Programming
replace( ): It can replace one set of characters with another set inside a
StringBuffer object by calling replace( ). The substring being replaced is
specified by the indexes start Index and endIndex. Thus, the substring at start
Index through endIndex–1 is replaced. The replacement string is passed in str.
The resulting StringBuffer object is returned. Its signature is shown here:
StringBuffer replace(int startIndex, int endIndex, String str)
Code Example:
class GFG
public static void main (String[] args)
StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer("GeeksforGeeks");
System.out.println(s); //returns GeeksareGeeks
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 39
JAVA Programming
ensureCapacity( ): It is used to increase the capacity of a StringBuffer object.
The new capacity will be set to either the value we specify or twice the
current capacity plus two (i.e. capacity+2), whichever is larger. Here, capacity
specifies the size of the buffer.
void ensureCapacity(int capacity)
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 40
JAVA Programming
StringTokenizer class in Java is used to break a string into tokens.
StringTokenizer class
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 41
JAVA Programming
StringTokenizer(String str) : str is string to be tokenized. Considers
default delimiters like new line, space, tab, carriage return and form
StringTokenizer(String str, String delim) : delim is set of delimiters that
are used to tokenize the given string.
StringTokenizer(String str, String delim, boolean flag): The first two
parameters have same meaning. The flag serves following purpose.
If the flag is false, delimiter characters serve to separate tokens. For
example, if string is "hello geeks" and delimiter is " ", then tokens are
"hello" and "geeks".
If the flag is true, delimiter characters are considered to be tokens. For
example, if string is "hello geeks" and delimiter is " ", then tokens are
"hello", " " and "geeks".
StringTokenizer class
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 42
JAVA Programming
/* A Java program to illustrate working of StringTokenizer
import java.util.*;
public class NewClass
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Using Constructor 1 - ");
StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer("Hello Geeks How are you", " ");
while (st1.hasMoreTokens())
System.out.println("Using Constructor 2 - ");
StringTokenizer st2 = new StringTokenizer("JAVA : Code : String", " :");
while (st2.hasMoreTokens())
System.out.println("Using Constructor 3 - ");
StringTokenizer st3 = new StringTokenizer("JAVA : Code : String", " :", true);
while (st3.hasMoreTokens())
StringTokenizer class
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 43
JAVA Programming
What is an Exception?
• An exception is an unwanted or unexpected event, which occurs during the
execution of a program i.e., at run time, that disrupts the normal flow of the
program’s instructions.
Error vs Exception
Error: An Error indicates serious problem that a reasonable application should
not try to catch.
Exception: Exception indicates conditions that a reasonable application might
try to catch.
Exception Hierarchy
All exception and errors types are sub classes of class Throwable, which is base class of
hierarchy. One branch is headed by Exception. This class is used for exceptional
conditions that user programs should catch. NullPointerException is an example of
such an exception. Another branch, Error are used by the Java run-time system(JVM) to
indicate errors having to do with the run-time environment itself(JRE).
StackOverflowError is an example of such an error.
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 44
JAVA Programming
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 45
JAVA Programming
Default Exception Handling :
• Whenever inside a method, if an exception has occurred, the method creates an Object known as
Exception Object and hands it off to the run-time system(JVM). The exception object contains
name and description of the exception, and current state of the program where exception has
occurred. Creating the Exception Object and handling it to the run-time system is called throwing
an Exception. There might be the list of the methods that had been called to get to the method
where exception was occurred. This ordered list of the methods is called Call Stack. Now the
following procedure will happen.
The run-time system searches the call stack to find the method that contains block of code that can
handle the occurred exception. The block of the code is called Exception handler.
The run-time system starts searching from the method in which exception occurred, proceeds
through call stack in the reverse order in which methods were called.
If it finds appropriate handler then it passes the occurred exception to it. Appropriate handler
means the type of the exception object thrown matches the type of the exception object it can
If run-time system searches all the methods on call stack and couldn’t have found the appropriate
handler then run-time system handover the Exception Object to default exception handler , which
is part of run-time system. This handler prints the exception information in the following format
and terminates program abnormally.
Exception in thread "xxx" Name of Exception : Description ... ...... .. // Call Stack
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 46
JAVA Programming
• See the below diagram to understand the flow of the call stack.
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 47
JAVA Programming
Example :
// Java program to demonstrate how exception is thrown.
class ThrowsExecp{
public static void main(String args[]){
String str = null;
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at ThrowsExecp.main(
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 48
JAVA Programming
Let us see an example that illustrate how run-time system searches appropriate exception handling
code on the call stack :
// Java program to demonstrate exception is thrown
// how the runTime system searches th call stack
// to find appropriate exception handler.
class ExceptionThrown
// It throws the Exception(ArithmeticException).
// Appropriate Exception handler is not found within this method.
static int divideByZero(int a, int b){
// this statement will cause ArithmeticException(/ by zero)
int i = a/b;
return i;
// The runTime System searches the appropriate Exception handler
// in this method also but couldn't have found. So looking forward
// on the call stack.
static int computeDivision(int a, int b) {
int res =0;
res = divideByZero(a,b);
// doesn't matches with ArithmeticException
catch(NumberFormatException ex)
System.out.println("NumberFormatException is occured");
return res;
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 49
JAVA Programming
// In this method found appropriate Exception handler.
// i.e. matching catch block.
public static void main(String args[]){
int a = 1;
int b = 0;
int i = computeDivision(a,b);
// matching ArithmeticException
catch(ArithmeticException ex)
// getMessage will print description of exception(here / by zero)
Output: / by zero.
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 50
JAVA Programming
Customized Exception Handling : Java exception handling is managed via five
keywords: try, catch, throw, throws, and finally.
Briefly, here is how they work. Program statements that you think can raise exceptions are contained within a try
block. If an exception occurs within the try block, it is thrown. Your code can catch this exception (using catch
block) and handle it in some rational manner.
System-generated exceptions are automatically thrown by the Java run-time system. To manually throw an
exception, use the keyword throw. Any exception that is thrown out of a method must be specified as such by
a throws clause.
Any code that absolutely must be executed after a try block completes is put in a finally block.
Consider the following java program.
// java program to demonstrate
// need of try-catch clause
class GFG {
public static void main (String[] args) {
// array of size 4.
int[] arr = new int[4];
// this statement causes an exception
int i = arr[4];
// the following statement will never execute
System.out.println("Hi, I want to execute");
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 4 at GFG.main(
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 51
JAVA Programming
How to use try-catch clause
// block of code to monitor for errors // the code you think can raise an exception
catch (ExceptionType1 exOb)
// exception handler for ExceptionType1
catch (ExceptionType2 exOb)
// exception handler for ExceptionType2
// optional
// block of code to be executed after try block ends
December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 52
JAVA Programming December 8, 2022
Department of CSE, ISM Dhanbad 53
Thank You

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  • 1. JAVA Programming Arrays, Strings and Exception Handling December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE , Israna Panipat By Naushad Varish Department of Computer Science & Engineering NC College of Engineering, Israna, Panipat 1
  • 2. JAVA Programming  An array is a collection of variables of the same type, referred to by a common name.  In Java arrays can have one or more dimensions, although the one-dimensional array is the most common.  Arrays are used for a variety of purposes because they offer a convenient means of grouping together related variables.  The principal advantage of an array is that it organizes data in such a way that it can be easily manipulated.  In Java arrays are implemented as objects. • An array is an ordered list of values Arrays December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE , Israna Panipat 2
  • 3. JAVA Programming Arrays(Cont…) December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE , Israna Panipat 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 79 87 94 82 67 98 87 81 74 91 scores The entire array has a single name Each value has a numeric index An array of size N is indexed from zero to N-1 This array holds 10 values that are indexed from 0 to 9
  • 4. JAVA Programming Arrays(Cont…) December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE , Israna Panipat 4 scores 79 87 94 82 67 98 87 81 74 91 Another way to depict the scores array:
  • 5. JAVA Programming // file name: public class Main{ public static void main(String args[]) { int arr[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}; for(int i=0; i < arr.length; i++) { System.out.print(" " + arr[i]); } } } Output: 10 20 30 40 50 Array Example December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 5
  • 6. JAVA Programming  If we don’t assign values to array elements, and try to access them, compiler does not produce error as in case of simple variables. Instead it assigns values which aren’t garbage.  Below are the default assigned values. boolean : false int : 0 double : 0.0 String : null User Defined Type : null Default array values in Java December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 6
  • 7. JAVA Programming // Java program to demonstrate default values of array // elements class ArrayDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("String array default values:"); String str[] = new String[5]; for (String s : str) System.out.print(s + " "); System.out.println("nnInteger array default values:"); int num[] = new int[5]; for (int val : num) System.out.print(val + " "); System.out.println("nnDouble array default values:"); double dnum[] = new double[5]; for (double val : dnum) System.out.print(val + " "); System.out.println("nnBoolean array default values:"); boolean bnum[] = new boolean[5]; for (boolean val : bnum) System.out.print(val + " "); System.out.println("nnReference Array default values:"); ArrayDemo ademo[] = new ArrayDemo[5]; for (ArrayDemo val : ademo) System.out.print(val + " "); } } Default array values in Java December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 7 O/P: String array default values: null null null null null Integer array default values: 0 0 0 0 0 Double array default values: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Boolean array default values: false false false false false Reference Array default values: null null null null null
  • 8. JAVA Programming Predict the output of following Java program. class Test { public static void main (String[] args) { int arr1[] = {1, 2, 3}; int arr2[] = {1, 2, 3}; if (arr1 == arr2) // Same as arr1.equals(arr2) System.out.println("Same"); else System.out.println("Not same"); } } O/P: Not same  In Java, arrays are first class objects. In the above program, arr1 and arr2 are two references to two different objects. So when we compare arr1 and arr2, two reference variables are compared, therefore we get the output as “Not Same” (See this for more examples). How to compare two arrays in Java? December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 8
  • 9. JAVA Programming A simple way is to run a loop and compare elements one by one. Java provides a direct method Arrays.equals() to compare two arrays. Actually, there is a list of equals() methods in Arrays class for different primitive types (int, char, ..etc) and one for Object type (which is base of all classes in Java). // we need to import java.util.Arrays to use Arrays.equals(). import java.util.Arrays; class Test { public static void main (String[] args) { int arr1[] = {1, 2, 3}; int arr2[] = {1, 2, 3}; if (Arrays.equals(arr1, arr2)) System.out.println("Same"); else System.out.println("Not same"); } } How to compare array contents? December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 9 O/P: Same
  • 10. JAVA Programming As seen above, the Arrays.equals() works fine and compares arrays contents. Now the questions, what if the arrays contain arrays inside them or some other references which refer to different object but have same values. For example, see the following program.. import java.util.Arrays; class Test { public static void main (String[] args) { // inarr1 and inarr2 have same values int inarr1[] = {1, 2, 3}; int inarr2[] = {1, 2, 3}; Object[] arr1 = {inarr1}; // arr1 contains only one element Object[] arr2 = {inarr2}; // arr2 also contains only one element if (Arrays.equals(arr1, arr2)) System.out.println("Same"); else System.out.println("Not same"); } } How to Deep compare array contents? December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 10 O/P: Not same
  • 11. JAVA Programming So Arrays.equals() is not able to do deep comparison. Java provides another method for this Arrays.deepEquals() which does deep comparison. import java.util.Arrays; class Test { public static void main (String[] args) { int inarr1[] = {1, 2, 3}; int inarr2[] = {1, 2, 3}; Object[] arr1 = {inarr1}; // arr1 contains only one element Object[] arr2 = {inarr2}; // arr2 also contains only one element if (Arrays.deepEquals(arr1, arr2)) System.out.println("Same"); else System.out.println("Not same"); } } How to Deep compare array contents? December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 11 O/P: Same
  • 12. JAVA Programming It compares two objects using any custom equals() methods they may have (if they have an equals() method implemented other than Object.equals()). If not, this method will then proceed to compare the objects field by field, recursively. As each field is encountered, it will attempt to use the derived equals() if it exists, otherwise it will continue to recurse further.. Exercise: Predict the output of following program import java.util.Arrays; class Test { public static void main (String[] args) { int inarr1[] = {1, 2, 3}; int inarr2[] = {1, 2, 3}; Object[] arr1 = {inarr1}; // arr1 contains only one element Object[] arr2 = {inarr2}; // arr2 also contains only one element Object[] outarr1 = {arr1}; // outarr1 contains only one element Object[] outarr2 = {arr2}; // outarr2 also contains only one element if (Arrays.deepEquals(outarr1, outarr2)) System.out.println("Same"); else System.out.println("Not same"); } } } How does Arrays.deepEquals() work? December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 12 O/P: ?
  • 13. JAVA Programming Predict the output of following Java program. class Test { public static void main(String args[]) { final int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; // Note: arr is final for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i] = arr[i]*10; System.out.print(arr[i]); } } } Output: 10 20 30 40 50 The array arr is declared as final, but the elements of array are changed without any problem. Arrays are objects and object variables are always references in Java. So, when we declare an object variable as final, it means that the variable cannot be changed to refer to anything else. For example, the following program 1 compiles without any error and program fails in compilation. Final arrays in Java December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 13
  • 14. JAVA Programming // Program 1 class Test { int p = 20; public static void main(String args[]) { final Test t = new Test(); t.p = 30; System.out.println(t.p); } } Output: 30 // Program 2 class Test { int p = 20; public static void main(String args[]) { final Test t1 = new Test(); Test t2 = new Test(); t1 = t2; System.out.println(t1.p); } } Output: Compiler Error: cannot assign a value to final variable t1 Final arrays in Java December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 14
  • 15. JAVA Programming So a final array means that the array variable which is actually a reference to an object, cannot be changed to refer to anything else, but the members of array can be modified. As an exercise, predict the output of following program class Test { public static void main(String args[]) { final int arr1[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int arr2[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}; arr2 = arr1; arr1 = arr2; for (int i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) System.out.println(arr2[i]); } } Output:? Final arrays in Java December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 15
  • 16. JAVA Programming Jagged array is array of arrays such that member arrays can be of different sizes, i.e., we can create a 2-D arrays but with variable number of columns in each row. These type of arrays are also known as Jagged arrays. Following are Java programs to demonstrate the above concept. // Program to demonstrate 2-D jagged array in Java class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // Declaring 2-D array with 2 rows int arr[][] = new int[2][]; // Making the above array Jagged // First row has 3 columns arr[0] = new int[3]; // Second row has 2 columns arr[1] = new int[2]; // Initializing array int count = 0; for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++) for(int j=0; j<arr[i].length; j++) arr[i][j] = count++; // Displaying the values of 2D Jagged array System.out.println("Contents of 2D Jagged Array"); for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++) { for (int j=0; j<arr[i].length; j++) System.out.print(arr[i][j] + " "); System.out.println(); } } } Jagged Array in Java December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 16 Output: Contents of 2D Jagged Array 0 1 2 3 4
  • 17. JAVA Programming Following is another example where i’th row has i columns, i.e., first row has 1 element, second row has two elements and so on // Another Java program to demonstrate 2-D jagged // array such that first row has 1 element, second // row has two elements and so on. class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { int r = 5; // Declaring 2-D array with 5 rows int arr[][] = new int[r][]; // Creating a 2D array such that first row // has 1 element, second row has two // elements and so on. for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++) arr[i] = new int[i+1]; // Initializing array int count = 0; for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++) for(int j=0; j<arr[i].length; j++) arr[i][j] = count++; // Displaying the values of 2D Jagged array System.out.println("Contents of 2D Jagged Array"); for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++) { for (int j=0; j<arr[i].length; j++) System.out.print(arr[i][j] + " "); System.out.println(); } } } Jagged Array in Java December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 17 Output: Contents of 2D Jagged Array 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
  • 18. JAVA Programming Java supports creation and manipulation of arrays, as a data structure. The index of an array is an integer value that has value in interval [0, n-1], where n is the size of the array. If a request for a negative or an index greater than or equal to size of array is made, then the JAVA throws a ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception. This is unlike C/C++ where no index of bound check is done. The ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is a Runtime Exception thrown only at runtime. The Java Compiler does not check for this error during the compilation of a program. // A Common cause index out of bound public class NewClass2 { public static void main(String[] args) { int ar[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; for (int i=0; i<=ar.length; i++) System.out.println(ar[i]); } } Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5 at NewClass2.main( Understanding Array IndexOutofbounds Exception in Java December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 18 Output: 1 2 3 4 5
  • 19. JAVA Programming Here if you carefully see, the array is of size 5. Therefore while accessing its element using for loop, the maximum value of index can be 4 but in our program it is going till 5 and thus the exception. Let’s see another example using arraylist: // One more example with index out of bound import java.util.ArrayList; public class NewClass2 { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<String> lis = new ArrayList<>(); lis.add("My"); lis.add("Name"); System.out.println(lis.get(2)); } } Runtime error here is a bit more informative than the previous time- Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 2, Size: 2 at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck( at java.util.ArrayList.get( at NewClass2.main( Understanding Array IndexOutofbounds Exception in Java December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 19
  • 20. JAVA Programming Lets understand it in a bit of detail- Index here defines the index we are trying to access. The size gives us information of the size of the list. Since size is 2, the last index we can access is (2-1)=1, and thus the exception The correct way to access array is : for (int i=0; i<ar.length; i++) { } Handling the Exception: Use for-each loop: This automatically handles indices while accessing the elements of an array. Example-for(int m : ar){ } Use Try-Catch: Consider enclosing your code inside a try-catch statement and manipulate the exception accordingly. As mentioned, Java won’t let you access an invalid index and will definitely throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. However, we should be careful inside the block of the catch statement, because if we don’t handle the exception appropriately, we may conceal it and thus, create a bug in your application. Understanding Array IndexOutofbounds Exception in Java December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 20
  • 21. JAVA Programming  String is a sequence of characters.  The easiest way to represent a sequence of characters in JAVA is by using a character array.  char Array[ ] = new char [5];  Character arrays are not good enough to support the range of operations we want to perform on strings.  In java, objects of String are immutable which means a constant and cannot be changed once created.  In JAVA strings are class objects and implemented using two classes:-  String  StringBuffer  In JAVA strings are not a character array and is not NULL terminated.  String objects are handled specially by the compiler.  String is the only class which has "implicit" instantiation.  The String class is defined in the java.lang package.  Strings are immutable. For mutable Strings, use the StringBuffer class.  The value of a String object can never be changed. Strings in JAVA December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 21
  • 22. JAVA Programming  Normally, objects in Java are created with the new keyword.. Creating a String: There are two ways to create string in Java: String literal String s = “Craig”; Using new keyword String s = new String (“Craig”); OR String name; name = new String("Craig");  However, String objects can be created "implicitly": String name; name = "Craig"; DECLARING & INITIALISING December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 22
  • 23. JAVA Programming  int length(): Returns the number of characters in the String. "GeeksforGeeks".length(); // returns 13  Char charAt(int i): Returns the character at ith index. "GeeksforGeeks".charAt(3); // returns ‘k’  String substring (int i): Return the substring from the ith index character to end. "GeeksforGeeks".substring(3); // returns “ksforGeeks” String substring (int i, int j): Returns the substring from i to j-1 index. "GeeksforGeeks".substring(2, 5); // returns “eks” String concat( String str): Concatenates specified string to the end of this string. String s1 = ”Geeks”; String s2 = ”forGeeks”; String output = s1.concat(s2); // returns “GeeksforGeeks” int indexOf (String s): Returns the index within the string of the first occurrence of the specified string. String s = ”Learn Share Learn”; int output = s.indexOf(“Share”); // returns 6. String Methods December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 23
  • 24. JAVA Programming int indexOf (String s, int i): Returns the index within the string of the first occurrence of the specified string, starting at the specified index. String s = ”Learn Share Learn”; int output = s.indexOf(‘a’,3);// returns 8 Int lastindexOf( int ch): Returns the index within the string of the last occurrence of the specified string. String s = ”Learn Share Learn”; int output = s.lastindexOf(‘a’); // returns 14 boolean equals( Object otherObj): Compares this string to the specified object. Boolean out = “Geeks”.equals(“Geeks”); // returns true Boolean out = “Geeks”.equals(“geeks”); // returns false boolean equalsIgnoreCase (String anotherString): Compares string to another string, ignoring case considerations. Boolean out= “Geeks”.equalsIgnoreCase(“Geeks”); // returns true Boolean out = “Geeks”.equalsIgnoreCase(“geeks”); // returns true String Methods December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 24
  • 25. JAVA Programming int compareTo( String anotherString): Compares two string lexicographically. int out = s1.compareTo(s2); // where s1 ans s2 are strings to be compared. This returns difference s1-s2. If : out < 0 // s1 comes before s2 out = 0 // s1 and s2 are equal. out >0 // s1 comes after s2. int compareToIgnoreCase( String anotherString): Compares two string lexicographically, ignoring case considerations. int out = s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2); // where s1 ans s2 strings to be compared. This returns difference s1-s2. If : out < 0 // s1 comes before s2 out = 0 // s1 and s2 are equal. out >0 // s1 comes after s2. String Methods December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 25
  • 26. JAVA Programming String toLowerCase(): Converts all the characters in the String to lower case. String word1 = “HeLLo”; String word2 = word1.toLowerCase(); // returns “hello“. String toUpperCase(): Converts all the characters in the String to upper case. String word1 = “HeLLo”; String word2 = word1.toUpperCase(); // returns “HELLO”. String trim(): Returns the copy of the String, by removing whitespaces at both ends. It does not affect whitespaces in the middle. String word1 = “ Learn Share Learn “; String word2 = word1.trim(); // returns “Learn Share Learn”. String replace (char oldChar, char newChar): Returns new string by replacing all occurrences of oldChar with newChar. String s1 = “feeksforfeeks“; String s2 = “feeksforfeeks”.replace(‘f’ ,’g’); // returns “geeksgorgeeks” Note:- s1 is still feeksforfeeks and s2 is geeksgorgeeks String Methods December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 26
  • 27. JAVA Programming // Java code to illustrate different constructors and methods String class. import*; import java.util.*; class Test { public static void main (String[] args) { String s= "GeeksforGeeks"; // or String s= new String ("GeeksforGeeks"); // Returns the number of characters in the String. System.out.println("String length = " + s.length()); // Returns the character at ith index. System.out.println("Character at 3rd position = " + s.charAt(3)); // Return the substring from the ith index character // to end of string System.out.println("Substring " + s.substring(3)); // Returns the substring from i to j-1 index. System.out.println("Substring = " + s.substring(2,5)); Program to illustrate all string methods December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 27
  • 28. JAVA Programming // Concatenates string2 to the end of string1. String s1 = "Geeks"; String s2 = "forGeeks"; System.out.println("Concatenated string = " + s1.concat(s2)); // Returns the index within the string // of the first occurrence of the specified string. String s4 = "Learn Share Learn"; System.out.println("Index of Share " + s4.indexOf("Share")); // Returns the index within the string of the // first occurrence of the specified string, // starting at the specified index. System.out.println("Index of a = " + s4.indexOf('a',3)); // Checking equality of Strings Boolean out = "Geeks".equals("geeks"); System.out.println("Checking Equality " + out); out = "Geeks".equals("Geeks"); System.out.println("Checking Equality " + out); out = "Geeks".equalsIgnoreCase("gEeks "); System.out.println("Checking Equality" + out); int out1 = s1.compareTo(s2); System.out.println("If s1 = s2" + out); Cont… December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 28
  • 29. JAVA Programming // Converting cases String word1 = "GeeKyMe"; System.out.println("Changing to lower Case " + word1.toLowerCase()); // Converting cases String word2 = "GeekyME"; System.out.println("Changing to UPPER Case " + word1.toUpperCase()); // Trimming the word String word4 = " Learn Share Learn "; System.out.println("Trim the word " + word4.trim()); // Replacing characters String str1 = "feeksforfeeks"; System.out.println("Original String " + str1); String str2 = "feeksforfeeks".replace('f' ,'g') ; System.out.println("Replaced f with g -> " + str2); } } Cont… December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 29
  • 30. JAVA Programming Output : String length = 13 Character at 3rd position = k Substring ksforGeeks Substring = eks Concatenated string = GeeksforGeeks Index of Share 6 Index of a = 8 Checking Equality false Checking Equality true Checking Equalityfalse If s1 = s2 false Changing to lower Case geekyme Changing to UPPER Case GEEKYME Trim the word Learn Share Learn Original String feeksforfeeks Replaced f with g -> geeksgorgeeks Cont… December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 30
  • 31. JAVA Programming  StringBuffer is a peer class of String that provides much of the functionality of strings. String represents fixed-length, immutable character sequences  while StringBuffer represents growable and writable character sequences which means that class creates strings of flexible length that can be modified in terms of both length and content.  StringBuffer may have characters and substrings inserted in the middle or appended to the end.  StringBuffer automatically grows to make room for such additions.  Actually StringBuffer has more characters pre allocated than are actually needed, to allow room for growth. StringBuffer class in Java December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 31
  • 32. JAVA Programming  StringBuffer( ): It reserves room for 16 characters without reallocation. StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer();  StringBuffer(int size): It accepts an integer argument that explicitly sets the size of the buffer. StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer(20);  StringBuffer(String str): It accepts a String argument that sets the initial contents of the StringBuffer object and reserves room for 16 more characters without reallocation. StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer("GeeksforGeeks"); StringBuffer Constructors December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 32
  • 33. JAVA Programming  Some of the most used methods are: length( ) and capacity( ): The length of a StringBuffer can be found by the length( ) method, while the total allocated capacity can be found by the capacity( ) method. Code Example: import*; class GFG { public static void main (String[] args) { StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer("GeeksforGeeks"); int p=s.length(); int q=s.capacity(); System.out.println("Length of string GeeksforGeeks="+p); System.out.println("Capacity of string GeeksforGeeks="+q); } } Methods December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 33
  • 34. JAVA Programming Output: Length of string GeeksforGeeks=13 Capacity of string GeeksforGeeks=29 append( ): It is used to add text at the end of the existence text. Here are a few of its forms: StringBuffer append(String str) StringBuffer append(int num) Code Example: import*; class GFG { public static void main (String[] args) { StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer("Geeksfor"); s.append("Geeks"); System.out.println(s); //returns GeeksforGeeks s.append(1); System.out.println(s); //returns GeeksforGeeks1 } } Methods December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 34
  • 35. JAVA Programming insert( ): It is used to insert text at the specified index position. These are a few of its forms: StringBuffer insert(int index, String str) StringBuffer insert(int index, char ch) Here, index specifies the index at which point the string will be inserted into the invoking StringBuffer object. Code Example: import*; class GFG { public static void main (String[] args) { StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer("GeeksGeeks"); s.insert(5, "for"); System.out.println(s); //returns GeeksforGeeks s.insert(0,5); System.out.println(s); //returns 5GeeksforGeeks } } Methods December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 35
  • 36. JAVA Programming reverse( ): It can reverse the characters within a StringBuffer object using reverse( ).This method returns the reversed object on which it was called. Code Example: import*; class GFG { public static void main (String[] args) { StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer("GeeksGeeks"); s.reverse(); System.out.println(s); //returns skeeGrofskeeG } } Methods December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 36
  • 37. JAVA Programming delete( ) and deleteCharAt( ): It can delete characters within a StringBuffer by using the methods delete( ) and deleteCharAt( ). The delete( ) method deletes a sequence of characters from the invoking object. Here, start Index specifies the index of the first character to remove, and end Index specifies an index one past the last character to remove. Thus, the substring deleted runs from start Index to endIndex–1. The resulting StringBuffer object is returned. The deleteCharAt( ) method deletes the character at the index specified by loc. It returns the resulting StringBuffer object. These methods are shown here: StringBuffer delete(int startIndex, int endIndex) StringBuffer deleteCharAt(int loc) Methods December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 37
  • 38. JAVA Programming Code Example: import*; class GFG { public static void main (String[] args) { StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer("GeeksforGeeks"); s.delete(0,5); System.out.println(s); //returns forGeeks s.deleteCharAt(7); System.out.println(s); //returns forGeek } } Methods December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 38
  • 39. JAVA Programming replace( ): It can replace one set of characters with another set inside a StringBuffer object by calling replace( ). The substring being replaced is specified by the indexes start Index and endIndex. Thus, the substring at start Index through endIndex–1 is replaced. The replacement string is passed in str. The resulting StringBuffer object is returned. Its signature is shown here: StringBuffer replace(int startIndex, int endIndex, String str) Code Example: import*; class GFG { public static void main (String[] args) { StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer("GeeksforGeeks"); s.replace(5,8,"are"); System.out.println(s); //returns GeeksareGeeks } } Methods December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 39
  • 40. JAVA Programming ensureCapacity( ): It is used to increase the capacity of a StringBuffer object. The new capacity will be set to either the value we specify or twice the current capacity plus two (i.e. capacity+2), whichever is larger. Here, capacity specifies the size of the buffer. void ensureCapacity(int capacity) Methods December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 40
  • 41. JAVA Programming StringTokenizer class in Java is used to break a string into tokens. StringTokenizer class December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 41
  • 42. JAVA Programming Constructors: StringTokenizer(String str) : str is string to be tokenized. Considers default delimiters like new line, space, tab, carriage return and form feed. StringTokenizer(String str, String delim) : delim is set of delimiters that are used to tokenize the given string. StringTokenizer(String str, String delim, boolean flag): The first two parameters have same meaning. The flag serves following purpose. If the flag is false, delimiter characters serve to separate tokens. For example, if string is "hello geeks" and delimiter is " ", then tokens are "hello" and "geeks". If the flag is true, delimiter characters are considered to be tokens. For example, if string is "hello geeks" and delimiter is " ", then tokens are "hello", " " and "geeks". StringTokenizer class December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 42
  • 43. JAVA Programming /* A Java program to illustrate working of StringTokenizer class:*/ import java.util.*; public class NewClass { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Using Constructor 1 - "); StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer("Hello Geeks How are you", " "); while (st1.hasMoreTokens()) System.out.println(st1.nextToken()); System.out.println("Using Constructor 2 - "); StringTokenizer st2 = new StringTokenizer("JAVA : Code : String", " :"); while (st2.hasMoreTokens()) System.out.println(st2.nextToken()); System.out.println("Using Constructor 3 - "); StringTokenizer st3 = new StringTokenizer("JAVA : Code : String", " :", true); while (st3.hasMoreTokens()) System.out.println(st3.nextToken()); } } StringTokenizer class December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 43
  • 44. JAVA Programming What is an Exception? • An exception is an unwanted or unexpected event, which occurs during the execution of a program i.e., at run time, that disrupts the normal flow of the program’s instructions. Error vs Exception Error: An Error indicates serious problem that a reasonable application should not try to catch. Exception: Exception indicates conditions that a reasonable application might try to catch. Exception Hierarchy All exception and errors types are sub classes of class Throwable, which is base class of hierarchy. One branch is headed by Exception. This class is used for exceptional conditions that user programs should catch. NullPointerException is an example of such an exception. Another branch, Error are used by the Java run-time system(JVM) to indicate errors having to do with the run-time environment itself(JRE). StackOverflowError is an example of such an error. Exceptions December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 44
  • 45. JAVA Programming Exceptions December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 45
  • 46. JAVA Programming Default Exception Handling : • Whenever inside a method, if an exception has occurred, the method creates an Object known as Exception Object and hands it off to the run-time system(JVM). The exception object contains name and description of the exception, and current state of the program where exception has occurred. Creating the Exception Object and handling it to the run-time system is called throwing an Exception. There might be the list of the methods that had been called to get to the method where exception was occurred. This ordered list of the methods is called Call Stack. Now the following procedure will happen. The run-time system searches the call stack to find the method that contains block of code that can handle the occurred exception. The block of the code is called Exception handler. The run-time system starts searching from the method in which exception occurred, proceeds through call stack in the reverse order in which methods were called. If it finds appropriate handler then it passes the occurred exception to it. Appropriate handler means the type of the exception object thrown matches the type of the exception object it can handle. If run-time system searches all the methods on call stack and couldn’t have found the appropriate handler then run-time system handover the Exception Object to default exception handler , which is part of run-time system. This handler prints the exception information in the following format and terminates program abnormally. Exception in thread "xxx" Name of Exception : Description ... ...... .. // Call Stack Exceptions December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 46
  • 47. JAVA Programming • See the below diagram to understand the flow of the call stack. Exceptions December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 47
  • 48. JAVA Programming Example : // Java program to demonstrate how exception is thrown. class ThrowsExecp{ public static void main(String args[]){ String str = null; System.out.println(str.length()); } } Output: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at ThrowsExecp.main( Exceptions December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 48
  • 49. JAVA Programming Let us see an example that illustrate how run-time system searches appropriate exception handling code on the call stack : // Java program to demonstrate exception is thrown // how the runTime system searches th call stack // to find appropriate exception handler. class ExceptionThrown { // It throws the Exception(ArithmeticException). // Appropriate Exception handler is not found within this method. static int divideByZero(int a, int b){ // this statement will cause ArithmeticException(/ by zero) int i = a/b; return i; } // The runTime System searches the appropriate Exception handler // in this method also but couldn't have found. So looking forward // on the call stack. static int computeDivision(int a, int b) { int res =0; try { res = divideByZero(a,b); } // doesn't matches with ArithmeticException catch(NumberFormatException ex) { System.out.println("NumberFormatException is occured"); } return res; } Exceptions December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 49
  • 50. JAVA Programming // In this method found appropriate Exception handler. // i.e. matching catch block. public static void main(String args[]){ int a = 1; int b = 0; try { int i = computeDivision(a,b); } // matching ArithmeticException catch(ArithmeticException ex) { // getMessage will print description of exception(here / by zero) System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } } } Output: / by zero. Exceptions December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 50
  • 51. JAVA Programming Customized Exception Handling : Java exception handling is managed via five keywords: try, catch, throw, throws, and finally. Briefly, here is how they work. Program statements that you think can raise exceptions are contained within a try block. If an exception occurs within the try block, it is thrown. Your code can catch this exception (using catch block) and handle it in some rational manner. System-generated exceptions are automatically thrown by the Java run-time system. To manually throw an exception, use the keyword throw. Any exception that is thrown out of a method must be specified as such by a throws clause. Any code that absolutely must be executed after a try block completes is put in a finally block. Consider the following java program. // java program to demonstrate // need of try-catch clause class GFG { public static void main (String[] args) { // array of size 4. int[] arr = new int[4]; // this statement causes an exception int i = arr[4]; // the following statement will never execute System.out.println("Hi, I want to execute"); } } Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 4 at GFG.main( Exceptions December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 51
  • 52. JAVA Programming How to use try-catch clause try { // block of code to monitor for errors // the code you think can raise an exception } catch (ExceptionType1 exOb) { // exception handler for ExceptionType1 } catch (ExceptionType2 exOb) { // exception handler for ExceptionType2 } // optional finally { // block of code to be executed after try block ends } Exceptions December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, NCCE, Israna Panipat 52
  • 53. JAVA Programming December 8, 2022 Department of CSE, ISM Dhanbad 53 Thank You