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MySQL Data Encryption at rest
Mahto Monu
Database Consultant , Mydbops
• Interested in Open Source Database technologies
• Oracle certified MySQL DBA
• Experienced in both On Premises & Cloud
• Database Consultant
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• Founded in 2016
• 90 Member team
• Assisted over 500+ Customers
• AWS Partner, ISO and a PCI Certified Organisation
About Mydbops
Focuses on Top Opensource database MySQL,MariaDB,
MongoDB and PostgreSQL ON Premises and Cloud
Mydbops Services
• What is Data-at-rest Encryption ?
• MySQL Data Encryption at rest
• Innodb Data-at-rest Encryption Features
What is Data-at-rest Encryption ?
What is Data-at-rest Encryption ?
What is Data-at-rest Encryption ?
• Data at rest means all inactive data stored on disk.
• Encryption of the data that is stored in the databases.
• Data encryption is done by using Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) without
any changes to the existing application code or schema.
• Data at rest encryption is vital for regulatory compliance and data protection.
MySQL Data Encryption at rest
MySQL Data Encryption at rest
• What is Data at Rest Encryption in MySQL
• How InnoDB data-at-rest encryption works
• Encryption prerequisites
• Evolution of InnoDB data-at-rest encryption in MySQL
• Implementation of data-at-rest encryption
MySQL Data Encryption at rest
• Encryption in MySQL 5.7
• Encryption in MySQL 8.0
• Encryption Observability
• Encryption during server crash recovery
What is Data at Rest Encryption in MySQL ?
• Data at Rest Encryption in MySQL was introduced in MySQL 5.7.11.
• Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) method encrypts the actual InnoDB data and
log files.
• TDE is managed through the database not at the server level.
• With TDE the data and log files are encrypted on disk by the database.
• When data request by MySQL/queries, the encrypted pages are read from disk
and decrypted to be loaded into InnoDB’s buffer pool for execution.
What is Data at Rest Encryption in MySQL ?
How InnoDB data-at-rest encryption works ?
• Two tier encryption key architecture, a master encryption key and tablespace keys.
• Tablespace keys : An encrypted key which is stored in the tablespace header.
• Master Key : Used to encrypt and decrypt the tablespace keys.
• Encryption algorithm used is AES (Advance Encryption Standard) only.
• Electronic Codebook (ECB) block encryption mode for tablespace key encryption.
How InnoDB data-at-rest encryption works ?
• Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) block encryption mode for data encryption
• Each individual tablespace has it's own encryption key.
• Each tablespace key is encrypted by the master key.
• Application or authenticated user wants to access encrypted tablespace data,
Innodb uses a master encryption key to decrypt the tablespace key.
• The version of a tablespace key never changes but the master encryption key can
be changed as required. This action is referred to as master key rotation.
Encryption prerequisites
early_plugin_load =
keyring_file_data = /var/lib/mysql-keyring/keyring
• A keyring component or plugin must be installed and configured at startup.
• Early loading ensures that the component or plugin is available prior to initialization of
the Innodb storage engine.
• Parameter for enabling keyring plugin.
• Enabling multiple keyring components or plugins is unsupported.
Encryption prerequisites
INSTALL PLUGIN keyring_file SONAME '';
plugin_name LIKE 'keyring%';
show global variables like '%keyring%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| keyring_file_data | /var/lib/mysql-keyring/keyring |
| keyring_operations | ON |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
• Enabling keyring plugin globally.
• Verifying whether keyring plugin is active or not.
• Verifying whether keyring is enabled or not
Redo & Undo log
10 April, 2017
General tablespace
22 Oct, 2018
Binary & Relay log
21 Jan, 2019
Default schema
25 April, 2019
Doublewrite file
18 Jan,2021
DARE & File-per-
5 Feb, 2016
Evolution of encryption in MySQL
• Data at Rest Encryption in MySQL was introduced in Mysql 5.7.11.
• The encryption in MySQL 5.7.11 was limited to file-per-table encryption.
• In MySQL 8.0.13 the encryption functionality of 5.7.11 was extended to general
• The information_schema.innodb_tablespace table introduced in MySQL 8.0.13,
includes an ENCRYPTION column that can be used to identify encrypted tablespaces.
Evolution of encryption in MySQL
• From MySQL 8.0.14, binary log files and relay log files can be encrypted.
• From MySQL 8.0.16 the default encryption for schemas (default_table_encryption)
and MySQL system tablespace encryption was available.
• Encryption support for doublewrite files is available as of MySQL 8.0.23.
Implementation of data-at-rest encryption
early_plugin_load =
keyring_file_data = /var/lib/mysql-keyring/keyring
innodb_file_per_table = ON
default_table_encryption= ON
Alter database database_name encryption='Y';
Alter database_name.table_name encryption='Y';
• The keyring component or plugin must installed and configured at startup.
• Variables to be added in config file.
• For enabling default encrytion for newly created schema and tables.
• For encrypting the existing tables or databases use below alter queries.
Encryption in MySQL 5.7
MySQL 5.7
Encryption in MySQL 5.7
early_plugin_load =
keyring_file_data = /var/lib/mysql-keyring/keyring
innodb_file_per_table = ON
• Data at Rest Encryption in MySQL was introduced in Mysql 5.7.11
• The encryption in MySQL 5.7.11 was limited to file-per-table encryption.
• For enabling the encryption add below variables and restart the MySQL services.
Encryption in MySQL 8.0
Encryption in MySQL 8.0
early_plugin_load =
keyring_file_data = /var/lib/mysql-keyring/keyring
deafult_table_encryption = ON
• From MySQL 8.0.13 the encryption functionality of 5.7.11 was extended to general
• From MySQL 8.0.14, binary log files and relay log files can be encrypted.
• From MySQL 8.0.16 the default encryption for schemas (default_table_encryption)
and MySQL system tablespace encryption was available.
• Encryption support for doublewrite files is available as of MySQL 8.0.23.
• For enabling the encryption add below variables and restart the MySQL services or
loading plugin globally.
Encryption Observability
select schema_name,default_encryption from information_schema.schemata where
select space, name, space_type, encryption from information_schema.innodb_tablespaces
where encryption='Y';
select table_schema, table_name, create_options from information_schema.tables where
create_options like '%encryption%';
• List of databases which are encrypted in server.
• For identify the encrypted tablespaces.
• List of encrypted tables.
Encryption Observability
select table_schema, table_name, create_options from information_schema.tables
where create_options not like '%encryption%'and table_schema not in
('information_schema', 'mysql', 'sys', 'performance_schema');
select space_type, encryption, count(space_type) as total_no_tablespace from
information_schema.innodb_tablespaces group by space_type;
select * from performance_schema.keyring_keys;
• Getting the list of non encrypted tables from the server
• Total no of tablespace in a particular space_type
• List of master key id versions
Encryption during crash recovery
• If server crash or failure during the encryption operation then operation is rolled
forward when server is restarted.
• For general tablespaces the encryption operation is resumed in a background
thread from the last processed page.
• If a server failure occurs during master key rotation, innodb continues the
operation on server restart.
Innodb Data-at-rest Encryption Features
Innodb Data-at-rest Encryption Features
• Default Encryption for Schemas
• File-Per-Table Tablespace Encryption
• General Tablespace Encryption
• Doublewrite File Encryption
• MySQL System Tablespace Encryption
• Redo Log Encryption
Innodb Data-at-rest Encryption Features
• Undo Log Encryption
• Binary and Relay Log Encryption
• Master Key Rotation
• Encryption and Replication
• Encryption and Cloning
• Encryption Variables
• Encryption Limitation
Default Encryption for Schemas
• From MySQL 8.0.16 the default_table_encryption variables defines the default
encryption settings for newly created databases and tables.
• The default_table_encryption is dynamic variable.
• The default encryption setting for a schema can also be defined using encryption
clause while creating or altering a schema.
Default Encryption for Schemas
• If the default encryption clause is not specified while creating a schema,
the default_table_encryption setting is applied.
• A table created in an encryption-enabled schema is encrypted by default.
• The table_encryption_privilege_check control the behaviour of
File-Per-Table Tablespace Encryption
CREATE TABLE table_name (c1 INT) ENCRYPTION = 'Y';
• A file-per-table tablespace inherits the schema's default encryption starting with
MySQL 8.0.16 unless encryption is specifically specified in the create table
• To encrypting the existing file-per-table tablespace an encryption clause is must.
General Tablespace Encryption
• From MySQL 8.0.13 the general tablespace encryption functionality is available.
• The default_table_encryption variable determines the encryption of a newly created
general tablespace unless an encryption clause is specified explicitly in the CREATE
tablespace statement.
• To alter the encryption of an existing general tablespace an encryption clause is must.
Doublewrite File Encryption
• Encryption support for doublewrite files is available as of MySQL 8.0.23.
• InnoDB automatically encrypts doublewrite file pages that belong to encrypted
• Doublewrite file pages are encrypted using the encryption key of the associated
tablespace. The same encrypted page written to a tablespace data file is also written
to a doublewrite file.
• Doublewrite file pages that belong to an unencrypted tablespace remain unencrypted.
MySQL System Tablespace Encryption
• Encryption support for the mysql system tablespace is available as of MySQL 8.0.16.
• MySQL system tablespace contains the mysql system database and data dictionary
tables which is unencrypted by default.
• To enable / disable encryption for the mysql system tablespace we can use alter
tablespace statement.
• Enabling or disabling encryption for the mysql system tablespace requires the CREATE
TABLESPACE privilege on all tables in the instance.
Redo Log Encryption
• Redo log encryption is disabled by default.
• Redo log data encryption is enabled using the innodb_redo_log_encrypt
configuration option.
• The redo log data encryption occurs when redo log data is written to disk and
decryption occurs when redo log data is read from disk.
• Once redo log data is read into memory, it is in unencrypted form.
Redo Log Encryption
• Redo log data is encrypted and decrypted using the tablespace encryption key.
• When innodb_redo_log_encrypt is enabled, existing unencrypted redo log pages
remain unencrypted on disk, while newly written pages are written in encrypted
• Once redo log encryption is enabled, a normal restart without the keyring
component or plugin or without the encryption key is not possible.
Undo Log Encryption
• Undo log data encryption is disabled by default.
• Enabled using the innodb_undo_log_encrypt configuration option.
• Undo log encryption applies to undo logs that reside in undo tablespaces.
• Undo log data is encrypted and decrypted using the tablespace encryption key.
• Undo log encryption metadata, including the tablespace encryption key, is stored in
the header of the undo log file.
Redo / Undo Log Encryption Process
Binary and Relay Log Encryption
• Introduced in MySQL 8.0.14.
• Keyring plugin is must enabled.
• Encryption algorithm used is AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) cipher algorithm
is built in to MySQL Server.
• The binlog_encryption system variable to enable and disable the encryption.
• With encryption enabled a new binary log encryption key is generated before the
binary log and relay logs are initialised.
Binary and Relay Log Encryption
• The binary log encryption key currently in use on the server is called the binary log
master key.
• The binary log index file and relay log index file are never encrypted.
• Changing the binlog_encryption variable to ON / OFF, the binary log file and relay log
files are rotated immediately.
• The BINLOG_ENCRYPTION_ADMIN privilege is required to manage the encryption.
Binary and Relay Log Encryption
• The SHOW BINARY LOGS statement shows whether binary log file is encrypted or not.
• When binary log files is encrypted mysqlbinlog cannot read them directly but can read
them using the --read-from-remote-server option.
• The backup of encrypted binary log files using mysqlbinlog are stored in an
unencrypted format.
• From MySQL 8.0.14, mysqlbinlog returns a suitable error if you attempt to read an
encrypted binary log file which was not in previous versions.
Master Key Rotation
• The master encryption key should be rotated periodically and whenever you suspect
that the key has been compromised.
• Master key rotation is an atomic, instance-level operation.
• Each time the master encryption key is rotated, all tablespace keys in the MySQL
instance are re-encrypted and saved back to their respective tablespace headers.
• As an atomic operation, re-encryption must succeed for all tablespace keys once a
rotation operation is initiated.
• If master key rotation is interrupted by a server failure, InnoDB rolls the operation
forward on server restart.
Master Key Rotation
Alter instance rotate innodb master key;
• Rotating the master encryption key only changes the master encryption key and re-
encrypts tablespace keys. It does not decrypt or re-encrypt associated tablespace data.
• Rotating the master encryption key requires the ENCRYPTION_KEY_ADMIN privilege.
• To rotate the master encryption key
• The alter supports concurrent DML but cannot be executed concurrently with tablespace
encryption operations, as locks are taken to prevent potential conflicts.
Encryption and Replication
• Keyring plugin should be enabled on all the nodes in a replication topology.
• Tables do not use same keys on source and replica.
• Each MySQL node generate different set of keys.
• The master key rotate statement is only supported in replication environments
where the source and replica run a version of MySQL that supports tablespace
Encryption and Replication
• The alter statements for master key are written in binary log for replication. If
statement fails, it is not logged to the binary log and neither replicated on replicas.
• Replication of an alter statement operation fails if the keyring component or plugin
is installed on the source but not on the replica.
Encryption and Cloning
clone instance from mydbops_clone_user@
identified by 'Mydbops@123';
ERROR 3862 (HY000): Clone Donor Error: 3872 : Clone needs SSL
connection for encrypted table.
• When we are cloning an instance from encryption enabled instance then the keyring
should be enabled on the new instance.
• We can't perform cloning using normal user from encrypted instance as the clone will
fail because encrypted data can't be transferred.
• We must use SSL user to clone data for encrypted table.
Encryption Variables
Variables Values Info
keyring_file_data file_name Introduced in MySQL 5.7.11
keyring_operations ON In MySQL 5.7.21
default_table_encryption ON / OFF Introduced in MySQL 8.0.16
innodb_redo_log_encrypt ON / OFF From MySQL 8.0.1
innodb_undo_log_encrypt ON / OFF From MySQL 8.0.1
binlog_encryption ON / OFF From MySQL 8.0.14
Encryption Limitation
• Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is the only supported encryption algorithm.
• Only supported for file-per-table tablespaces, general tablespaces, the mysql
system tablespace , binary log , doublewrite, redo & undo logs.
• Encryption is not supported for other tablespace types including the innodb
system tablespace.
• Encryption for error log and slow log is not available.
• Data stored in memory are not encrypted.
• Audit logs can be encrypted only in MySQL Enterprise Edition.
Encryption Limitation
• Move or copy a table from an encrypted tablespace to an unencrypted tablespace
is not allowed but the opposite is permitted.
• Tables cannot be moved or copied from encrypted file-per-table, general, or system
tablespaces to non-encrypted tablespaces.
• By default tablespace encryption only applies to data in the tablespace. Redo log ,
undo log and binary log data can be encrypted by enabling respective parameters.
• We can't change the storage engine of a table that resides in, or previously resided in
an encrypted tablespace.
• In a replication topology the keyring plugin should be enabled on all nodes.
Demo Time
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MySQL Data Encryption at Rest

  • 1. MySQL Data Encryption at rest Mahto Monu Database Consultant , Mydbops
  • 2. • Interested in Open Source Database technologies • Oracle certified MySQL DBA • Experienced in both On Premises & Cloud • Database Consultant About Me
  • 3. • Services on top open source databases • Founded in 2016 • 90 Member team • Assisted over 500+ Customers • AWS Partner, ISO and a PCI Certified Organisation About Mydbops
  • 4. Database Consulting Services Managed Database Services Focuses on Top Opensource database MySQL,MariaDB, MongoDB and PostgreSQL ON Premises and Cloud Mydbops Services
  • 5. • What is Data-at-rest Encryption ? • MySQL Data Encryption at rest • Innodb Data-at-rest Encryption Features Agenda
  • 6. What is Data-at-rest Encryption ?
  • 7. What is Data-at-rest Encryption ?
  • 8. What is Data-at-rest Encryption ? • Data at rest means all inactive data stored on disk. • Encryption of the data that is stored in the databases. • Data encryption is done by using Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) without any changes to the existing application code or schema. • Data at rest encryption is vital for regulatory compliance and data protection.
  • 10. MySQL Data Encryption at rest • What is Data at Rest Encryption in MySQL • How InnoDB data-at-rest encryption works • Encryption prerequisites • Evolution of InnoDB data-at-rest encryption in MySQL • Implementation of data-at-rest encryption
  • 11. MySQL Data Encryption at rest • Encryption in MySQL 5.7 • Encryption in MySQL 8.0 • Encryption Observability • Encryption during server crash recovery
  • 12. What is Data at Rest Encryption in MySQL ? • Data at Rest Encryption in MySQL was introduced in MySQL 5.7.11. • Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) method encrypts the actual InnoDB data and log files. • TDE is managed through the database not at the server level. • With TDE the data and log files are encrypted on disk by the database. • When data request by MySQL/queries, the encrypted pages are read from disk and decrypted to be loaded into InnoDB’s buffer pool for execution.
  • 13. What is Data at Rest Encryption in MySQL ?
  • 14. How InnoDB data-at-rest encryption works ? • Two tier encryption key architecture, a master encryption key and tablespace keys. • Tablespace keys : An encrypted key which is stored in the tablespace header. • Master Key : Used to encrypt and decrypt the tablespace keys. • Encryption algorithm used is AES (Advance Encryption Standard) only. • Electronic Codebook (ECB) block encryption mode for tablespace key encryption.
  • 15. How InnoDB data-at-rest encryption works ? • Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) block encryption mode for data encryption • Each individual tablespace has it's own encryption key. • Each tablespace key is encrypted by the master key. • Application or authenticated user wants to access encrypted tablespace data, Innodb uses a master encryption key to decrypt the tablespace key. • The version of a tablespace key never changes but the master encryption key can be changed as required. This action is referred to as master key rotation.
  • 16. Encryption prerequisites early_plugin_load = keyring_file_data = /var/lib/mysql-keyring/keyring • A keyring component or plugin must be installed and configured at startup. • Early loading ensures that the component or plugin is available prior to initialization of the Innodb storage engine. • Parameter for enabling keyring plugin. • Enabling multiple keyring components or plugins is unsupported.
  • 17. Encryption prerequisites INSTALL PLUGIN keyring_file SONAME ''; SELECT plugin_name, plugin_status FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS WHERE plugin_name LIKE 'keyring%'; show global variables like '%keyring%'; +--------------------+--------------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +--------------------+--------------------------------+ | keyring_file_data | /var/lib/mysql-keyring/keyring | | keyring_operations | ON | +--------------------+--------------------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) • Enabling keyring plugin globally. • Verifying whether keyring plugin is active or not. • Verifying whether keyring is enabled or not
  • 18. 5.7.11 Redo & Undo log 10 April, 2017 General tablespace 22 Oct, 2018 Binary & Relay log 21 Jan, 2019 Default schema encryption 25 April, 2019 Doublewrite file 18 Jan,2021 DARE & File-per- tablespace 5 Feb, 2016 8.0.16 8.0.23 8.0.1 8.0.13 8.0.14 INNODB DATA AT REST ENCRYPTION TIMELINE
  • 19. Evolution of encryption in MySQL • Data at Rest Encryption in MySQL was introduced in Mysql 5.7.11. • The encryption in MySQL 5.7.11 was limited to file-per-table encryption. • In MySQL 8.0.13 the encryption functionality of 5.7.11 was extended to general tablespace. • The information_schema.innodb_tablespace table introduced in MySQL 8.0.13, includes an ENCRYPTION column that can be used to identify encrypted tablespaces.
  • 20. Evolution of encryption in MySQL • From MySQL 8.0.14, binary log files and relay log files can be encrypted. • From MySQL 8.0.16 the default encryption for schemas (default_table_encryption) and MySQL system tablespace encryption was available. • Encryption support for doublewrite files is available as of MySQL 8.0.23.
  • 21. Implementation of data-at-rest encryption early_plugin_load = keyring_file_data = /var/lib/mysql-keyring/keyring innodb_file_per_table = ON default_table_encryption= ON Alter database database_name encryption='Y'; Alter database_name.table_name encryption='Y'; • The keyring component or plugin must installed and configured at startup. • Variables to be added in config file. • For enabling default encrytion for newly created schema and tables. • For encrypting the existing tables or databases use below alter queries.
  • 22. Encryption in MySQL 5.7 MySQL 5.7 File-per-tablespace
  • 23. Encryption in MySQL 5.7 early_plugin_load = keyring_file_data = /var/lib/mysql-keyring/keyring innodb_file_per_table = ON • Data at Rest Encryption in MySQL was introduced in Mysql 5.7.11 • The encryption in MySQL 5.7.11 was limited to file-per-table encryption. • For enabling the encryption add below variables and restart the MySQL services.
  • 25. Encryption in MySQL 8.0 early_plugin_load = keyring_file_data = /var/lib/mysql-keyring/keyring deafult_table_encryption = ON • From MySQL 8.0.13 the encryption functionality of 5.7.11 was extended to general tablespace. • From MySQL 8.0.14, binary log files and relay log files can be encrypted. • From MySQL 8.0.16 the default encryption for schemas (default_table_encryption) and MySQL system tablespace encryption was available. • Encryption support for doublewrite files is available as of MySQL 8.0.23. • For enabling the encryption add below variables and restart the MySQL services or loading plugin globally.
  • 26. Encryption Observability select schema_name,default_encryption from information_schema.schemata where default_encryption='YES'; select space, name, space_type, encryption from information_schema.innodb_tablespaces where encryption='Y'; select table_schema, table_name, create_options from information_schema.tables where create_options like '%encryption%'; • List of databases which are encrypted in server. • For identify the encrypted tablespaces. • List of encrypted tables.
  • 27. Encryption Observability select table_schema, table_name, create_options from information_schema.tables where create_options not like '%encryption%'and table_schema not in ('information_schema', 'mysql', 'sys', 'performance_schema'); select space_type, encryption, count(space_type) as total_no_tablespace from information_schema.innodb_tablespaces group by space_type; select * from performance_schema.keyring_keys; • Getting the list of non encrypted tables from the server • Total no of tablespace in a particular space_type • List of master key id versions
  • 28. Encryption during crash recovery • If server crash or failure during the encryption operation then operation is rolled forward when server is restarted. • For general tablespaces the encryption operation is resumed in a background thread from the last processed page. • If a server failure occurs during master key rotation, innodb continues the operation on server restart.
  • 30. Innodb Data-at-rest Encryption Features • Default Encryption for Schemas • File-Per-Table Tablespace Encryption • General Tablespace Encryption • Doublewrite File Encryption • MySQL System Tablespace Encryption • Redo Log Encryption
  • 31. Innodb Data-at-rest Encryption Features • Undo Log Encryption • Binary and Relay Log Encryption • Master Key Rotation • Encryption and Replication • Encryption and Cloning • Encryption Variables • Encryption Limitation
  • 32. Default Encryption for Schemas • From MySQL 8.0.16 the default_table_encryption variables defines the default encryption settings for newly created databases and tables. • The default_table_encryption is dynamic variable. • The default encryption setting for a schema can also be defined using encryption clause while creating or altering a schema.
  • 33. Default Encryption for Schemas • If the default encryption clause is not specified while creating a schema, the default_table_encryption setting is applied. • A table created in an encryption-enabled schema is encrypted by default. • The table_encryption_privilege_check control the behaviour of TABLE_ENCRYPTION_ADMIN privilege.
  • 34. File-Per-Table Tablespace Encryption CREATE TABLE table_name (c1 INT) ENCRYPTION = 'Y'; ALTER TABLE table_name ENCRYPTION = 'Y'; • A file-per-table tablespace inherits the schema's default encryption starting with MySQL 8.0.16 unless encryption is specifically specified in the create table statement. • To encrypting the existing file-per-table tablespace an encryption clause is must.
  • 35. General Tablespace Encryption CREATE TABLESPACE `ts` ADD DATAFILE 'ts.ibd' ENCRYPTION = 'Y' Engine=InnoDB; ALTER TABLESPACE ts ENCRYPTION = 'Y'; • From MySQL 8.0.13 the general tablespace encryption functionality is available. • The default_table_encryption variable determines the encryption of a newly created general tablespace unless an encryption clause is specified explicitly in the CREATE tablespace statement. • To alter the encryption of an existing general tablespace an encryption clause is must.
  • 36. Doublewrite File Encryption • Encryption support for doublewrite files is available as of MySQL 8.0.23. • InnoDB automatically encrypts doublewrite file pages that belong to encrypted tablespaces. • Doublewrite file pages are encrypted using the encryption key of the associated tablespace. The same encrypted page written to a tablespace data file is also written to a doublewrite file. • Doublewrite file pages that belong to an unencrypted tablespace remain unencrypted.
  • 37. MySQL System Tablespace Encryption ALTER TABLESPACE mysql ENCRYPTION = 'Y'; ALTER TABLESPACE mysql ENCRYPTION = 'N'; • Encryption support for the mysql system tablespace is available as of MySQL 8.0.16. • MySQL system tablespace contains the mysql system database and data dictionary tables which is unencrypted by default. • To enable / disable encryption for the mysql system tablespace we can use alter tablespace statement. • Enabling or disabling encryption for the mysql system tablespace requires the CREATE TABLESPACE privilege on all tables in the instance.
  • 38. Redo Log Encryption • Redo log encryption is disabled by default. • Redo log data encryption is enabled using the innodb_redo_log_encrypt configuration option. • The redo log data encryption occurs when redo log data is written to disk and decryption occurs when redo log data is read from disk. • Once redo log data is read into memory, it is in unencrypted form.
  • 39. Redo Log Encryption • Redo log data is encrypted and decrypted using the tablespace encryption key. • When innodb_redo_log_encrypt is enabled, existing unencrypted redo log pages remain unencrypted on disk, while newly written pages are written in encrypted form. • Once redo log encryption is enabled, a normal restart without the keyring component or plugin or without the encryption key is not possible.
  • 40. Undo Log Encryption • Undo log data encryption is disabled by default. • Enabled using the innodb_undo_log_encrypt configuration option. • Undo log encryption applies to undo logs that reside in undo tablespaces. • Undo log data is encrypted and decrypted using the tablespace encryption key. • Undo log encryption metadata, including the tablespace encryption key, is stored in the header of the undo log file.
  • 41. Redo / Undo Log Encryption Process
  • 42. Binary and Relay Log Encryption • Introduced in MySQL 8.0.14. • Keyring plugin is must enabled. • Encryption algorithm used is AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) cipher algorithm is built in to MySQL Server. • The binlog_encryption system variable to enable and disable the encryption. • With encryption enabled a new binary log encryption key is generated before the binary log and relay logs are initialised.
  • 43. Binary and Relay Log Encryption • The binary log encryption key currently in use on the server is called the binary log master key. • The binary log index file and relay log index file are never encrypted. • Changing the binlog_encryption variable to ON / OFF, the binary log file and relay log files are rotated immediately. • The BINLOG_ENCRYPTION_ADMIN privilege is required to manage the encryption.
  • 44. Binary and Relay Log Encryption • The SHOW BINARY LOGS statement shows whether binary log file is encrypted or not. • When binary log files is encrypted mysqlbinlog cannot read them directly but can read them using the --read-from-remote-server option. • The backup of encrypted binary log files using mysqlbinlog are stored in an unencrypted format. • From MySQL 8.0.14, mysqlbinlog returns a suitable error if you attempt to read an encrypted binary log file which was not in previous versions.
  • 45. Master Key Rotation • The master encryption key should be rotated periodically and whenever you suspect that the key has been compromised. • Master key rotation is an atomic, instance-level operation. • Each time the master encryption key is rotated, all tablespace keys in the MySQL instance are re-encrypted and saved back to their respective tablespace headers. • As an atomic operation, re-encryption must succeed for all tablespace keys once a rotation operation is initiated. • If master key rotation is interrupted by a server failure, InnoDB rolls the operation forward on server restart.
  • 46. Master Key Rotation Alter instance rotate innodb master key; • Rotating the master encryption key only changes the master encryption key and re- encrypts tablespace keys. It does not decrypt or re-encrypt associated tablespace data. • Rotating the master encryption key requires the ENCRYPTION_KEY_ADMIN privilege. • To rotate the master encryption key • The alter supports concurrent DML but cannot be executed concurrently with tablespace encryption operations, as locks are taken to prevent potential conflicts.
  • 47. Encryption and Replication • Keyring plugin should be enabled on all the nodes in a replication topology. • Tables do not use same keys on source and replica. • Each MySQL node generate different set of keys. • The master key rotate statement is only supported in replication environments where the source and replica run a version of MySQL that supports tablespace encryption.
  • 48. Encryption and Replication • The alter statements for master key are written in binary log for replication. If statement fails, it is not logged to the binary log and neither replicated on replicas. • Replication of an alter statement operation fails if the keyring component or plugin is installed on the source but not on the replica.
  • 49. Encryption and Cloning clone instance from mydbops_clone_user@ identified by 'Mydbops@123'; ERROR 3862 (HY000): Clone Donor Error: 3872 : Clone needs SSL connection for encrypted table. • When we are cloning an instance from encryption enabled instance then the keyring should be enabled on the new instance. • We can't perform cloning using normal user from encrypted instance as the clone will fail because encrypted data can't be transferred. • We must use SSL user to clone data for encrypted table.
  • 50. Encryption Variables Variables Values Info keyring_file_data file_name Introduced in MySQL 5.7.11 keyring_operations ON In MySQL 5.7.21 default_table_encryption ON / OFF Introduced in MySQL 8.0.16 innodb_redo_log_encrypt ON / OFF From MySQL 8.0.1 innodb_undo_log_encrypt ON / OFF From MySQL 8.0.1 binlog_encryption ON / OFF From MySQL 8.0.14
  • 51. Encryption Limitation • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is the only supported encryption algorithm. • Only supported for file-per-table tablespaces, general tablespaces, the mysql system tablespace , binary log , doublewrite, redo & undo logs. • Encryption is not supported for other tablespace types including the innodb system tablespace. • Encryption for error log and slow log is not available. • Data stored in memory are not encrypted. • Audit logs can be encrypted only in MySQL Enterprise Edition.
  • 52. Encryption Limitation • Move or copy a table from an encrypted tablespace to an unencrypted tablespace is not allowed but the opposite is permitted. • Tables cannot be moved or copied from encrypted file-per-table, general, or system tablespaces to non-encrypted tablespaces. • By default tablespace encryption only applies to data in the tablespace. Redo log , undo log and binary log data can be encrypted by enabling respective parameters. • We can't change the storage engine of a table that resides in, or previously resided in an encrypted tablespace. • In a replication topology the keyring plugin should be enabled on all nodes.
  • 53. References • • • • • encryption/ • • • in-mysql-8-0/
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