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To The Department of Music,
Xpertise PR Firm is privileged to have had the opportunity to
design a campaign for the Department of Music. We have
been dedicated to working in a consistent and cohesive
manner. Individually, our firm members have exemplary skills
in various concentrations. However, we all have strived to
deliver flawless efforts through dedication to the depart-
ment and the art of public relations.
Stephanie Gonzalez is in her 3rd year at UTEP. She has held a
spot on the dean’s list in the fall of 2007 and the fall and spring of 2009. In addition, she has gained priceless
interpersonal skills in serving as a university peer leader for 2 semesters. Throughout her time at UTEP, she has
participated in communication research which has allowed her to apply her exceptional writing abilities.
Stephanie is proficient in not only English, but Italian and Spanish as well.
Krystal Reyes is currently in her last year at UTEP. She has served as a Campus Life representative assistant,
which has allowed her to give back to UTEP. In addition, her work as a Communication Department clerk has
given her the opportunity to be involved in activities in her field of study.
Leonard Brown, before coming to UTEP served in the United States Navy for 6 years where he developed his
leadership skills in training personnel. After leaving the Navy, he served on the Grossmont Community College
debate team where he also held a place on the dean’s list for 3 consecutive semesters. He is currently in his
last year at UTEP.
Miriana Salinas is currently in her second year at UTEP. Although born in the US, Miriana was raised in Chihua-
hua, Chihuahua, Mexico, and attended bilingual classes making her proficient in English and Spanish. She cur-
rently works for Hilton hotels which has allowed her to build relationships with clients from around the world.
Lastly, experience in volunteer work through nonprofit organizations has given her the knowledge of planning
and managing events.
Dominique Bayona has completed many research assignments in the field of communication. She has
learned the many PR writing skills necessary to excel in campaign writing. She held a spot on the dean’s list in
the fall of 2008 and 2009. Through her University 1301 job at UTEP, she has developed proficient leadership skills.
In addition to all of this, Dominique has widened her perspective on communication through her world travels
and study in Australia.
In addition to all our individual skills, our extensive research and dedication to the Spring Gala cam-
paign has allowed us to further our communication abilities. All of our members at Xpertise have been de-
voted to producing the highest quality work.
Perfection at its finest.
5 Organizational Business
6 Organizational Products/
Service Issues
7 Industry Trends
8 Competitive Facts
10 Customer Facts
11 Role PR
11 SWOT Analysis
12 Discussion Situational
15 January
15 Objectives
15 Target Audience
15 Strategies
15 Tactics
15 PR Tools
16 Budget
16 Timeline
16 Evaluation
17 February
17 Objectives
17 Target Audience
17 Strategies
17 Tactics
17PR Tools
17 Budget
18 Timeline
18 Evaluation
19 April
19 Objectives
19 Target Audience
19 Strategies
19 Tactics
19 PR Tools
22 Budget
22 Timeline
22 Evaluation
The purpose of this document is to enhance the relationships that the Department of
MUSIC has with its publics. Its publics include all the members of the UTEP community, the
greater EL PASO area, and the surrounding music entities. In order to enhance these RELA-
TIONSHIPS, research has been collected about the department’s motives, influences, and
goals to provide our client with EFFICIENT strategies and tactics. Through analyzing the de-
partments, outside trends, and the SPRING GALA’S target audiences we are able to fully
comprehend the department’s OBJECTIVES to provide a customized campaign. Specifi-
cally, our goal for the Spring Gala is to appeal to the masses in every aspect. We will
achieve this through research, efficient transactional COMMUNICATION, and through analy-
sis of our findings. Incorporating this with modified public relations tools, an allocated
budget, and a CLEAR timeline provides the department with a concise perspective of our
campaign. Our goal at XPERTISE is to utilize, enhance, and expand the existing Spring
Gala’s PR approach. In turn we hope to RAISE awareness and INCREASE attendance for
the Spring Gala in order to exceed our client’s expectations.
To the Department of Music from the members of Xpertise:
Situational Analysis
The Department of
Music at the University of
Texas at El Paso showcases
their outstanding musicians
by facilitating various per-
formances and programs for
the UTEP and El Paso com-
munity through providing
their student musicians with
opportunities to build re-
spectable careers in various
musical fields that captivate
their community at the high-
est level. The Spring Gala
is an assortment of perform-
ances that is held once a
year honoring the dedication
that the students have put
forth throughout the semes-
ter. The gala includes multi-
ple ensembles such as jazz,
wind, and other solo recit-
als. The Department of Mu-
sic places great importance
on this particular event in
order to illustrate their stu-
dents in the best light and
surpass the community’s
expectations. The main ob-
jective of this event is to sell
out the Magoffin Audito-
rium where the Spring Gala
is held, whose occupancy
level is 700 (people). The
future of the exceptional
Spring Gala musicians at
UTEP is the department’s
main concentration when it
comes to their individual
and collaborative perform-
ances. The courses offered
within the department allow
the students to experience
firsthand, specific skills that
distinguish the students
from others in the country.
Students work in congru-
ence with their instructors to
create a stimulating and dy-
namic force. Many of the
mentors are nationally and
internationally known,
which allows their students
to acquire a broader aca-
demic awareness. The De-
partment of Music takes
great pride in honoring the
expertise of their staff. They
believe it is in the instruc-
tors and students best inter-
est to demand the profi-
ciency of certain individuals
in order to produce a tal-
ented environment. The De-
partment of Music illus-
trates immense dedication to
the UTEP as well as El Paso
community when deciding
their yearly events. The hard
work and time it requires
into building an optimistic
and friendly environment
does not come easy. How-
ever, the Department of Mu-
sic at UTEP sustains this
setting by incorporating
gifted and positive instruc-
tors and students that make
the institute what it is today.
Situational Analysis
he Department of
Music at the Uni-
versity of Texas at
El Paso offers nu-
merous events such as en-
semble and individual per-
formances. These events en-
compass the university as
well as the greater El Paso
community. The Department
of Music sponsors the gala
which occurs every May on
a week-
day. This
ing can
c o n f l i c t
with many
i n d i v i d -
ual’s daily
a g e n d a s
and can
p r e v e n t
them from
Pa re n ts ,
with young children espe-
cially, have certain obliga-
tions throughout the week.
The Spring Gala at-
tracts audiences that already
have an interest in music or
are musicians. This can limit
the range of attendees and
reduce potential profit where
a high attendance rate is of
great importance. The insti-
tution wishes to draw a more
diverse audience that is not
restricted to individuals sim-
ply interested in the arts.
The department pro-
phony’s performances might
reconsider also attending the
Spring Gala.
Another institution
that correlates with the De-
partment of Music is the
UTEP Dinner Theater. The
UTEP Dinner Theater hosts
dinner and non-dinner per-
formances during the same
week as the Spring Gala.
This pre-
sents a con-
flict to
those that
m a i n t a i n
i n t e r e s t s
within the
art commu-
nity when
d e c i d i n g
which per-
to attend.
The Spring
Gala hosts a reception din-
ner before the performances
in which it honors its spon-
sors. Although the depart-
ment has many sponsors, the
amount of donations re-
ceived is still limited and ad-
ditional sponsors are always
sought out. Limited spon-
sors, conflicted scheduling,
lack of attendees, and im-
proper distribution of adver-
tisements could pose many
challenges and problems for
the Department of Music in
association to the Spring
motes the gala by advertis-
ing their event in the El Paso
Scene magazine and through
social networks such as
Facebook. The Department
of Music does not advertise
in any of the local news pa-
pers such as the El Paso
Time’s or El Diario. The de-
partment’s current place-
ment of advertisements
could hinder the gala’s prob-
ability of success because
many people are not aware
of the event or do not access
the previously stated media
Another possible de-
terment is The El Paso Sym-
phony Orchestra. Many of
the people who attend the
symphony attend the entire
season. This organization
can be an issue for the de-
partment as far as attendance
is concerned. Most people
who attend the entire season
or a majority of the sym-
Situational Analysis
roblems arise
when considering
the type of audi-
ence the Depart-
ment of Music wishes to
attract. Many students at
the University of Texas at
El Paso as well as those in
lower education might not
find the arts as fascinating
as older generations. The
younger generation which
is often classified as Gen-
eration Y is more likely to
attend concerts that person-
ify popular culture. Ac-
cording to Alex Ross and
Hans Leenders, only 7% of
Generation Y individuals
attended classical events as
opposed to 50% who at-
the recent
of the
has pre-
many peo-
ple from
shows as
well as
new per-
formances. The Arts Edu-
cation Partnership found
that the par-
ticipation of
adults who
attended a
arts event
fell from
40% to 35%
in 2008.
They also
stated that
the level of participation in
individuals who had con-
tinually attended perform-
ances in the last year
(2007) had declined 4.4%
due to the economy. The
cost for many of these re-
citals is not expensive how-
ever, they are not free.
Many individuals cannot
spend the money they used
to on performances in order
to save for necessities.
Situational Analysis
The Department of
Music at University of
Texas at El Paso has many
competitors in the artistic
community. Competitors
include El Paso entities and
more specifically other
UTEP departments, such as
Theatre and Dance.
Throughout the year, this
department holds around
nine performances. It also
hosts a play during the
same week of the Spring
Gala. This can create a
conflict for those who wish
to attend both perform-
ances. This faction is ex-
Situational Analysis
tensive in that it has three
theatres on campus and
ticket prices can range any-
where from six to twelve
dollars. The Dinner Theater
which is a separate organi-
zation from Theatre and
Dance, holds anywhere
from three to six musicals
each school year. This spe-
cific association distin-
guishes itself from others
due to the fact that it offers
dinner with every show.
However, admission prices
can range from ten to forty
dollars. The Rubin Center,
also located at UTEP, ex-
hibits artwork all year
round. It hosts an art ex-
hibit the first week of May
and this can be an atten-
dance determent for the
Spring Gala. An indirect
competitor to the Spring
Gala is the El Paso Sym-
phony Orchestra which
holds concerts during the
spring and summer sea-
sons. Admission prices can
vary from ten to two hun-
dred dollars and limited
free tickets are dispersed to
local elementary, middle,
high school, and UTEP stu-
dents. EPSO also sponsors
other events such as Music
Under the Stars and vari-
ous sporting events. Due to
EPSO’s city-wide PR tac-
tics, some people might
rather attend the symphony
than the gala. The Depart-
ment of Music’s Spring
Gala is also a competitor to
the above affiliations. The
department hosts a gala re-
ception dinner for exclu-
sive department donors,
scholarship recipients, and
other sponsors such as fac-
ulty. Furthermore, the Gala
presents various perform-
ances throughout the night
organized by students. The
previous factions remain
competitors due to the fact
that they engage similar
audiences and offer artistic
Situational Analysis
The Department of Music
has several target audiences all of
which encompass the greater El
Paso area. The first target audi-
ence is high school musicians i.e.
band, orchestra, and choir mem-
bers. These up and coming musi-
cians look up to their older peers
and watch them perform at the
university level. This target audi-
ence also attends the gala for in-
spiration and to be more familiar
with what they could be doing
musically at the college level. The
second tar-
get audience is the UTEP stu-
dents, faculty, and staff. Aware-
ness is easily achieved on campus
due to the small community as-
pect of UTEP. The Department of
Music makes many efforts to ad-
vertise the Spring Gala around
campus with the use of fliers and
posters. Many of the students,
faculty, and staff that do attend
are other fine arts
majors as explained
by Professor Curtis
Tredway, former
gala director. Pro-
fessionals and sen-
ior citizens make
up the last target
audience. Profes-
sionals generally attend the
Spring Gala because a friend or
child is performing or helping
coordinate the gala. They also
have the means to attend because
they are professionals and make
decent money. Senior citizens
attend this event because it is
timeless and classic unlike popu-
lar music of this day and age.
Many of them are also retired and
have time to attend such events.
ublic Relations entails
developing and main-
taining positive rela-
tionships with a client
and its publics. Cur-
rently, the Department of Music
has an ample approach to PR.
The department covers several
fields in order to get the word out
about their upcoming events,
such as the Spring Gala. In the
past, the department has con-
tacted KTEP, which is a public
radio station supported and spon-
sored by the University of Texas
at El Paso that has run audio re-
leases for the department’s
events for free. Dr. Elisa Wilson,
has mentioned that no measures
were taken to assess the response
to this approach, therefore the
success of this tactic is unclear.
The Department of Music has
listed their events in the El Paso
Scene magazine and furthermore,
it has distributed posters in the
surrounding area to popular busi-
nesses and more specifically to
the UTEP and general music
community. Newer coverage in-
cludes the Facebook community
in which it has created a fan page
and is steadily gaining more sup-
porters. Any further coverage is
achieved through old fashion
word of mouth. Even with all
these efforts, the majority of peo-
ple that attend the gala are still
musicians, other UTEP fine arts
majors, and friends or family of
the performers as explained by
Professor Curtis Tredway.
can eas-
ily share
this info
with each
o t h e r .
A d v e r -
p o s t e d
a r o u n d
campus and the surrounding
area is another approach that the
Department of Music takes.
This creates greater awareness
of the Spring Gala and has the
potential to bring in more atten-
The Spring Gala con-
centrates on a more academic
and classical approach to music.
That is to say that it is not in the
category of popular culture and
this could deter many young
potential audience members.
Another weakness is that the
gala is not advertised in local
newspapers such as the El Paso
Times and El Diario. Due to the
lack of donors and funds, the
Department of Music is limited
in the ways it can advertise the
Spring Gala. The last weakness
is the lack of relationships
within the fine arts departments
at UTEP. The Department of
Music factions, such as the
Symphony Orchestra, currently
do not perform or work on pro-
jects together. For example, the
Symphony Orchestra has never
performed during the dinner
portion of a Dinner Theater mu-
he 8th Spring Gala
concert will be pre-
sented in May 2011,
which signifies that
the University of Texas at El
Paso Department of Music has
along the years created experi-
ence and knowledge of manag-
ing a large scale event. Consis-
tency is one of the gala’s
strengths; it is always held the
first week of May at the Magof-
fin Auditorium making it easy
for its persistent audience mem-
bers to remember and attend.
Their consistency can eventu-
ally make a tradition.. This is
what attracts people every year.
Another of the Spring Gala’s
strengths is the easily available
access to buying tickets online
at a variety of websites such as
that of the El Paso Time’s, the
Las Cruces Sun-News, and
Ticketmaster. This can easily
increase the number of people
that attend the event. The UTEP
Department of Music is also
accessible online through its
official UTEP website and more
recently through Facebook
which is the most popular social
-network site. Through this
younger generations of people
are able to gain information
about upcoming events and they
Situational Analysis
y increasing audience
attendance and by
broadening the audi-
ence demographic, the
Spring Gala has the potential to
be an even bigger success. Per-
forming more contemporary
styles of music and also a wider
array of music could also make
the gala more success. This
could attract the attention of
more students not only from
UTEP, but also from public
schools in the area. The local
media is always interested in
the great things that are happen-
ing in El Paso and their exclu-
sive invitation to the gala could
bring more awareness to the
event and illustrate the talent of
the UTEP Department of Mu-
sic. There is also the opportu-
nity of working with other
UTEP fine arts departments
such as Theatre and Dance and
The Stanley and Gerald Rubin
Center. Many efforts can be
made to target high schools
band, orchestra, and choir mem-
bers by creating tactics that spe-
cifically involve this audience.
here are several enti-
ties that could pose a
threat to the Spring
Gala. This includes the El Paso
Symphony Orchestra, UTEP
Theatre and Dance, and the
UTEP Dinner Theater. These
three associations offer artistic
amongst younger generations.
Furthermore, younger genera-
tions would also prefer to attend
a pop music concert instead of
attending a concert with a more
classical approach to musical
entertainment much like
the Department of Mu-
sic’s Spring Gala. Other
potential threats could
range from things as simple as
the movies, nightclubs, and
bars, all of which are popularB
Situational Analysis
At Xpertise, we use our individual skills and experiences to work to-
gether to build an effective and creative campaign for our client, the
Department of Music. The objectives for this campaign are to create
awareness which in turn will increase attendance for the Spring Gala.
Building relationships with the specified target audiences can help
achieve these objectives. Understanding the best way to build these re-
lationships is crucial. Whether it be by working with different fine arts
departments on different productions or engaging high school musi-
cians through a competition, the Department of Music must understand
how to engage their target audiences. Researching industry trends can
also be a help when considering which tactics you would like to utilize
in order to achieve the objectives. If the economy is down, people are
not going to be willing to spend as much money on leisurely activities.
Analysis of past PR tactics is crucial in deciding how to promote the
Spring Gala. Flier and poster distribution has not been effective in the
past as explained by Dr. Elisa Wilson. No means of measure have been
taken to analyze their effectiveness, but Dr. Elisa Wilson has informed
us that she rarely sees any of the promotions and therefore might not be
reaching the public. Measuring the results can give great insight as to
how to better promote the gala in order to achieve its full potential.
JANUARYA subsection will be created on the Department of
Music website specifically for
the Spring Gala. We hope to attract all of our target
UTEP Music Major Presentations
22 music majors will volunteer to give a certain num-
ber of presentations at an EPISD high school.
This is dependent on how many band, orchestra,
and choir periods there are at the respective high
22 volunteers are needed for the 11 EPISD high
schools; Andress, Austin, Bowie, Burges, Cha-
pin, Coronado, El Paso, Franklin, Irvin, Jeffer-
son, and Sunset High.
Each music major volunteer will present to band,
orchestra, and choir classes at an assigned high
The high school presentation will take place the sec-
ond week of school or mid-January.
Fliers with the competition information will be handed
PR Tools:
Fliers- will contain the date, time, location, slogan (“It
is in the DOING of arts.”) requirements, and Gala
website address which will contain audition
music and consent form.
Spring Gala Website
A subsection of the Department of Music website
will be created specifically for Spring Gala information.
A separate Spring Gala tab will be created in the De-
partment of Music website.
The Spring Gala tab will contain all information per-
taining to the Spring Gala.
Contact information
Ticket Price (link to Ticketmaster)
Some facts of selected gala performers and directors
along with pictures
Our entire media kit and media alerts will be available
electronically through this tab
Downloadable powerpoints will be available for music
majors and media to utilize
EPISD high school competition specifics
Downloadable competition audition music and consent
forms will be available for the high school musi-
Sample videos with corresponding pictures will also be
PR Tools:
Electronic Media Kits- will contain every-
thing in the above media kit.
Electronic Media Alerts- will include re-
minders of the gala and gala events.
Powerpoint- will contain gala specifics with
corresponding pictures
To raise awareness
To increase attendance
Target Audiences:
EPISD high school band, orchestra, and choir students; teachers;
and their respective family and friends
El Paso
Sunset High
UTEP students, faculty, and staff
Fine arts students: theater, art, and dance majors
Commuter students
Stanley and Gerald Ruben Center attendees
Dinner Theatre attendees
El Paso Community College students (all)
Retired senior citizens age 65 and up
Country club members
Restaurant connoisseurs
Church goers
Art connoisseurs
Parents 30-50 year olds
The media
KVIA News Channel 7: professionals and retired
senior citizens
KTSM News Channel 9: professionals and retired
senior citizens
Univision News Channel 26: professionals and retired
senior citizens
The Prospector: UTEP students, faculty, and staff
El Paso Times: Retired senior citizens; professionals;
and UTEP faculty
El Diario of El Paso: Retired senior citizens; profes-
sionals; UTEP faculty
El Paso Scene Magazine: UTEP students faculty and
staff; professionals; retired senior citizens;
EPISD musicians; EPCC students
What’s Up Magazine: UTEP students faculty, and
staff; professionals; retired senior citizens;
EPISD musicians; EPCC students
KTEP radio station 88.5: UTEP students, faculty, and
staff; professionals; retired senior citizens; EPCC
In order to build a relationship with younger musi-
cians, the Department of Music will host a com-
petition for EPISD high school band, orchestra,
and choir students for the opportunity to partake
in the Spring Gala.
Sample video- contains picture slide and
corresponding music
The website tactic is targeted towards all of our target audiences. As the
world wide web grows, more and more people are first going to
websites to find quick information. In the Pew Internet and
American Life Project report, it states that 73% of Americans used
the internet in 2009 as opposed to 66% in 2005. In the Department
of Music website, we found that no broad information was avail-
able pertaining to the Spring Gala. We decided that since the
Spring Gala was the largest event that the department holds, a
separate tab should be created for it. We hope to increase atten-
dance by 1.5% or 10 people.
$ 0
Fliers are of no cost since they are printed
and copied through the department
Presenters will be recruited on volunteer
Gala website will only be an addition to the
Department of Music website
The presenters will ask each high school band, orches-
tra, and choir teachers for the attendance for that
Attendance will be compared to how many students
from each school auditioned
Ex) Attendance- 100 students
70- 100 audition= excellent
40-69 audition= good
15-39 audition= fair
0-14 audition= poor
January 17, 2011
EPISD High School
To raise awareness
To increase attendance
Target Audiences:
EPISD high school band, orchestra, and choir students;
teachers; and their respective family and friends
El Paso
Sunset High
The Media
KVIA News Channel 7: professionals and
retired senior citizens
KTSM News Channel 9: professionals and
retired senior citizens
El Paso Times: Retired senior citizens;
professionals; and UTEP faculty
The Prospector: UTEP students, faculty,
and staff
El Diario of El Paso: Retired senior citi-
zens; professionals; UTEP faculty
KTEP radio station 88.5: UTEP students,
faculty, and staff; professionals; re-
tired senior citizens; EPCC students
Univision News Channel 26: professionals
and retired senior citizens
EPISD high school competition releases and alerts will be
sent out the media
EPISD high school competition will take place.
We hope to increase attendance by 8.5% or
60 people.
Media releases will be sent one week prior to the com-
petition to The El Paso Times, El Diario of El
Paso, The Prospector, KTEP, Univision, KVIA,
and KTSM
Media alerts will be sent to the same media outlets two
days before the competition.
Our proposed Spring Gala website will include a press
room tab with electronic versions of the media kit
High School Competitors
Approval by each high school will be needed in order
for the students to partake in the competition.
The high school student’s parents will need to sign a
form of consent if the student is under eighteen
years old in order for the student to participate.
Consent forms will be available on the proposed
Spring Gala website.
The high school musicians will be required to play
specified scales of a certain number of octaves.
Along with this, the student must play a given
piece that is of college level. All audition music
will be available on the proposed Spring Gala
The competition will take place in late February at
Recital Hall where students will also need to turn
in their consent forms.
Competitors will be taken in the order in which they
arrive, but doors will closed an hour after the
assigned meeting time.
Each student will receive a number after they have
signed in and turned in their consent forms.
To ensure fairness, each student will perform behind a
curtain and judges will only know the competitor
as a number.
Three judges will be appointed but are subject to the
Winners will be announced the same day as the com-
petition in the evening at Recital Hall.
Two band, two orchestra, and two choir students will
be chosen as winners and will have the chance to
perform with an ensemble (subject to the depart-
ment) in the Spring Gala.
PR Tools:
Media Release- explanation of the specifics of the
competition such as the background, date, time,
and location, of the event and when the winner
will be announced.
Media Alert- is a reminder of the event and will con-
tain the specifics of the event
Spring Gala Website: a section in the proposed Spring
Gala website will contain:
General competition info including date,
time, and requirements
Downloadable audition music
Downloadable consent form
Electronic media kits
Media releases and alerts
This competition tactic is targeted towards high school band,
orchestra, and choir students. Many of the high school musi-
cians are more than likely considering applying to the UTEP
Department of Music and for this reason we decided to
target them. With them, they will involve their parents, other
family members, teachers, and peers. This competition is a
great opportunity for the students to gain experience and
prestige in the music field. This can enhance their chances of
obtaining a scholarship and also getting accepted to desired
schools, especially UTEP. We are aware of the need for
these opportunities as we have gone through this experience
ourselves. We hope to increase attendance by 8% or 56
Releases and alerts will be printed through
the Department of Music
Gala website will only be an addition to the
Department of Music website
8 media outlets will be contacted and we will count
which of those cover the competition
8 media coverage = excellent
6-7 media coverage= good
4-5 media coverage= mediocre
3 or less= bad
Spring Gala attendants from the EPISD high school
50-60 students=excellent
30-49 students=good
10-29 students= fair
9 or less=poor
Tally the number of consent form downloads, audi-
tion music downloads, and press room hits
Consent form:
70-100 consent form downloads= excellent
30-69 consent form downloads= good
10-29 consent form downloads= fair
9 or less= poor
Audition Music:
70-100 audition music downloads= excellent
30-69 audition music downloads= good
10-29 audition music downloads= fair
9 or less audition music downloads= poor
Press Room:
5 press room hits= excellent
3-4 press room hits= fair
2 or less= poor
February 11, 2011
Media Release
EPISD HS Competition
February 17, 2011
Media Alerts
EPISD HS Competition
February 19, 2011
EPISD HS Competition
To raise awareness
To increase attendance
Target Audiences:
Retired senior citizens age 65 and up
Country club members
Restaurant connoisseurs
Church goers
Art connoisseurs
Parents 30-50 year olds
El Paso Community College students (all)
UTEP students, faculty, and staff
Fine arts students: theater, art, and dance majors
Commuter students
Stanley and Gerald Ruben Center attendees
The Media:
KVIA News Channel 7: professionals and retired
senior citizens
KTSM News Channel 9: professionals and retired
senior citizens
Univision News Channel 26: professionals and retired
senior citizens
The Prospector: UTEP students, faculty, and staff
El Paso Times: Retired senior citizens; professionals;
and UTEP faculty
El Diario of El Paso: Retired senior citizens; profes-
sionals; UTEP faculty
El Paso Scene Magazine: UTEP students faculty and
staff; professionals; retired senior citizens;
EPISD musicians; EPCC students
What’s Up Magazine: UTEP students faculty, and
staff; professionals; retired senior citizens;
EPISD musicians; EPCC students
KTEP radio station 88.5: UTEP students, faculty, and
staff; professionals; retired senior citizens; EPCC
Dinner Theatre attendees
Strategy 1:
To strategically distribute gala fliers and posters. Through this we
wish to target the remaining El Paso community which
entails, professionals, retired senior citizens, and EPCC
Our goal is to more effectively distribute gala posters
and fliers around the El Paso area. Strategic flier
positions will increase attendance by 5% or 35
Tactic 1:
Flier and Poster Distribution
The Department of Music will enhance their flier and poster distri-
bution by strategically displaying them in different areas
around the city in order to target professionals, retired senior
citizens, and EPCC students.
We will distribute one poster and ten fliers to four
country clubs in El Paso, Santa Teresa, and
Juarez. This will include the El Paso Country
Club, Vista Hills Country Club, Coronado Coun-
try Club, Santa Teresa Country Club, and Club
Campestre of Juarez.
We will distribute ten fliers each to coffee shops sur-
rounding the UTEP campus. These coffee shops
will include Kinley’s House and neighboring
We will distribute one large poster to the El Paso Art
Museum along with 10 fliers.
Two large poster and ten fliers will be distributed to
the Abraham Chavez Theatre.
Ten fliers will be distributed different locally owned
restaurants which include, Mesa Street Bar and
Grill, Mi Piaci, 2900, Café Central, Jaxson’s,
Susaki, Geo Geski’s, Pelican’s, Ardivino’s, Bar-
riga’s, and Thyme Matters.
We will distribute one large poster to the three Barnes
and Noble Booksellers in El Paso.
Ten fliers will be distributed to three golf courses
which include Butterfield Trail Golf Club, Fort
Bliss Golf Association, and Ascarate Golf
One poster will be distributed to each of the El Paso
Community College main offices. This includes
EPCC Northwest, Rio Grande, Transmountain,
Valle Verde, and Mission de El Paso campuses.
Posters will be distributed one month in advance dur-
ing the first and second week of April.
PR Tools:
Fliers- will contain date, time, contact information,
ticket price, location, theme, and slogan “It is in
the DOING of arts.”
Posters- will contain date, time, contact information,
ticket price, location, theme, and slogan “It is in
the DOING of arts.
Fliers and posters are already made and distributed by the depart-
ment. Our sole goal is to strategically distribute them, not
design them, in order to reach our objectives of raising
awareness and therefore increasing attendance. This strategy
is specifically designed to target professionals, retired senior
citizens, and EPCC students. We chose to target profession-
als in general because they have an income of at least
$30,000 and are able to spend on leisurely outings. We
targeted yuppies through strategically placing posters and
flier in coffee houses, restaurants, the country clubs, and at
Barnes and Noble Booksellers. Through primary research
we found that young urban professionals tend to spend time
at coffee houses and/or Barnes and Noble working overtime
or meeting friends for a drink. Restaurants are another popu-
lar place to target yuppies and through an interview we
learned that most yuppies like to dine out with friends or go
out on dates to restaurants. They also prefer to not cook,
don’t have time to cook, and have the money to spend on
dining out. We also targeted country clubs because we found
that in order to be a member at a country club you must pay
around $500 per month which means that the young urban
professionals, parents, and senior citizens are able to pay
these dues. Retired senior citizens are also more likely to
attend art museums, special events downtown, and are more
likely to play golf. Since senior citizens are not currently in
the workforce they are more likely to have leisurely time.
Dr. Yañez of Chihuahua recommends that people from 50 to
70 years old participate in golf. It relieves stress and is a
moderate workout. We found that senior citizens are the
highest demographic of art museum attendees and therefore de-
cided to display posters and fliers at the El Paso Art Mu-
seum. Upon calling the Abraham Chavez Theater we found
that discounts are given to senior citizens and decided to
promote in this theater as they are more inclined to attend
downtown events. Through this promotion strategy we hope
to increase attendance by 5% or 35 people.
Strategy 2:
In order to attract more UTEP fine art students, faculty, and staff
music majors will promote the gala by presenting to differ-
ent theater, dance, and art classes.
Music majors participating in the gala would present
with a generic power point to classes of fine art
majors encouraging them to attend the perform-
ance. We hope to increase attendance by 3% or
21 people.
Tactic 2:
Class Presentation
To further promote the gala at UTEP, students participating in the
gala are encouraged to promote the event to different fine
arts classes outside of the Department of Music.
The goal is to have seven different music majors that
will be participating in the gala to present to one
class each.
We are specifically targeting students in theatre, dance,
and art classes.
Each student will be given a generic powerpoint pres-
entation containing the basic information of the
gala. They can utilize this as their visual aid for
their presentation.
Each student will make a quick presentation, with
approval by the respective professor, promoting
the gala and why it is so spectacular.
PR Tools:
PowerPoint presentation- will include gala information
such as what it is and who participates. It will
also include general information such as date,
time, location, ticket price, theme, and contact
information. Pictures of past events and music
samples will also be presented.
This class presentation tactic is targeted to attract other students
involved in the arts who are more likely to attend the Spring
Gala if aware. The reason for this is that the different fine art
sections already have relationships established through
interconnected events. This is that the Department of Music
helps the theatre department when necessary and vice versa.
We also took a poll of art, theater, and dance students and
the majority of them said that they would attend the gala if
they were aware of it. With this strategy we hope to increase
attendance by 3% or 21 people.
Strategy 3:
To attract Rubin Center attendees, wind and string ensembles will
perform at an exhibition opening.
An ensemble will perform music according to the
theme of the exhibition. We hope to increase
attendance by 1.5% or 10 people.
Tactic 3:
Rubin Center Performance
An ensemble will perform at a Ruben Center exhibition in order
to target the Ruben Center attendees.
At a Rubin Center exhibition opening an ensemble will
perform music according to the exhibit’s show-
PR Tools:
Fliers- will contain date, time, contact information,
ticket price, location, theme, and slogan “It is in
the DOING of arts.”
Sign/Poster- promotional sign/ poster stating the
Spring Gala theme, date, time, contact informa-
tion, location, slogan (“It is in the DOING of
arts”), and ticket price.
The Rubin Center performance is a way of giving the art connois-
seurs a preview of what they can experience at the Spring
Gala. By targeting the Rubin Center attendees we are en-
couraging people who are already passionate about the arts
to attend the gala. We also will establish a relationship with
the Rubin center that we wish to maintain through future
projects. We hope to increase attendance by 1.5% or 10
Strategy 4:
In order to attract UTEP commuter students we will place an
ensemble to perform during Tecate Thursday which is a
weekly social gathering for students of drinking age.
Our goal is to place the Mariachi Minero ensemble at
the Union East on campus. Coupled with self
promotion and gala fliers, we hope to increase
attendance by 1% or 7 people.
Tactic 4:
Tecate Thursday Ensembles:
The Mariachi Minero ensemble will be assigned
to play, once, at Tecate Thursday in the
Union East to further promote the gala and
to specifically target commuter students.
Tecate Thursday is a social gathering that is
held every Thursday for students of drink-
ing age.
The Mariachi Minero ensemble will perform a week prior to
the gala at the Union East 3rd
Popular Mexican songs will be performed to engage the
predominantly Mexican audience.
A promotional sign will be placed near the ensemble which
will mimic the gala posters.
They will announce their upcoming performance and walk
around to different tables promoting the Spring Gala.
PR Tools:
Sign- promotional sign stating the Spring Gala theme, date,
time, contact information, location, ticket price, and
slogan “It is in the DOING of arts.”
Fliers- will contain the date, time, contact information,
theme, and slogan “It is in the DOING of arts.”
The use of the Mariachi Minero ensemble is an inexpensive way
of giving the UTEP commuter students a preview of one of
the performances they can experience at the actual gala
while fulfilling our strategy. Through primary research we
found around 80 people attend Tecate Thursday and of those
people the majority of them are Mexican commuter students.
We will try to engage them with the live mariachi music as it
is part of their culture and it is better enjoyed in a social
atmosphere. With the help of signs, fliers, and other
promotional material we hope to provide all the necessary infor-
mation for the audience to attend. We hope to increase
attendance by 1% or 7 people.
Strategy 5:
The department will hold a media/press conference. Through this
we hope to specifically target the media and its audiences.
Our goal is to attract 7 media outlets which include;
KVIA news channel 7, KTSM news channel 9,
Univision news channel 26, The Prospector, El
Paso Scene Magazine, What’s Up Magazine, The
El Paso Times, El Diario of El Paso, and KTEP
radio station. Through this we wish to increase
attendance by 9% or 63 people.
By attracting these different media outlets we hope to
attract all target audiences.
Tactic 5:
Media/Press Conference
The Department of Music will host a media/ press conference in
which different media outlets will be invited to interview
exemplary students participating in the gala and the faculty
that organize it.
2 or 3 exemplary students will attend the conference to
showcase the department’s talent. This includes
students who have excelled in the department and
scholarship recipients, all with commendable
graduate school offers and/or extracurricular
music activities.
Leslee Herrera
-GPA 3.5
-performing arts major
-UTEP Symphony concertmis-
-Marlene and J.O. Stewart, Jr.
Foundation Scholarship
-El Paso Symphony Orchestra-
youngest member
-El Paso Opera Orchestra
The winners of the high school competition will also
be attending. See below for competition tactic.
Faculty such as Dr. Graham, the Department Chair, Dr.
Wilson, professor and coordinator of the gala, and
internationally recognized professor and cellist Zuill
Bailey would attend the tour to answer questions and
give insight on the students who participate in the
The media tour will be held from 3 to 5pm on Thurs-
day, April 28 2011 in the Recital Hall lobby.
Snacks and drinks will be provided by the department
through the UTEP Food Service. The
menu will include 2 hot hors d’oeuvres, 1 cold hors
d’oeuvre, a salad, and punch. The total for
this is $107.50. A request for funds can be made to the Student
Government Association Appropriation Committee for
funds to provide this service.
PR Tools:
Media Kit:
Cover letter- explanation of what makes the
event worthy of coverage.
News release- explanation of the specifics
of the media tour such as the people
that will be attending, the date and
time, and why it is newsworthy.
Fact sheet- includes facts that the media
might need in order to write a story on
the event.
Background- any other information the
media might need to be better famil-
iarized with the Department of Music
and the Spring Gala.
Brochure- summarization of the above
information in a brochure.
CD- includes a power point and a promo-
tional video.
Media Alerts- will include a reminder of the event with
the specifics included.
Press Room- a specific tab in the Spring Gala proposed
website where the media can find electronic
copies of the media kit and alerts.
The media kits and alerts supports our tactics by ensuring that the
media has all the tools necessary to successfully create a
story about the Spring Gala and why it is worthy of news
coverage. The same information can be accessed through the
press room tab in the proposed Spring Gala website.
Through this media tour we hope to engage the media but
more specifically the people who watch the news, read the
paper, and listen to the radio. In Scarborough Research, we
found that 82% of adults who have incomes of 100,000 or
more read the local newspapers. With this information we
can assume that professionals, retired senior citizens, and
UTEP faculty are more likely to read El Diario and the El
Paso Times paper than our other target audiences. What’s
Up Magazine is a locally run and targets anyone specifically
looking for entertainment. The same can be said about the
El Paso Scene Magazine. The Prospector is a perfect way to
target UTEP students, faculty, and staff at it is a university
run paper and it free to anyone on campus. We also found in
the NPR Profile 2009 that the average NPR listener, which
coincides with KTEP, is 50 years of age. This is why we
target professionals and senior citizens through KTEP. We
also target students through KTEP because it is a UTEP
division and targets students themselves. As for the news
channels, the average news watcher ranges from 25-54 years
old. This information was found through the TV By the Num-
bers website. That is also why we target professionals and
senior citizens through KVIA and KTSM local news chan-
nels. Through targeting all these media we wish to increas-
ing attendance by 8% or 56 people which is our objective
Strategy 6:
A Department of Music ensemble will play during a scheduled
Dinner Theater musical to attract their attendees.
Various ensembles will perform during the dinner
portion of the Dinner Theater event. We hope to
increase attendance by 2% or 14 people.
Tactic 6:
Dinner Theater Performance
An ensemble will perform at the Dinner Theater before the
performance while the attendees dine.
Various ensembles will perform during the dinner
portion of the Dinner Theater.
A performer will introduce their ensemble and promote
the Spring Gala.
This is the last tactic before the Spring Gala in May
PR Tools:
Speaker- a performer will announce the gala and include the
date, time, location, ticket price, and theme.
Fliers- will contain date, time, contact information, ticket
price, location, theme, and slogan “It is in the DOING
of arts.”
Posters- will contain date, time, contact information, ticket
price, location, theme, and slogan “It is in the DOING
of arts.”
This Dinner Theater tactic is utilized to specifically target retired
senior citizens, professionals, and UTEP students, faculty,
and staff. Professor Curtis Tredway, the director of the
UTEP Marching Band, who was once the director of the
Spring Gala explained that the Dinner Theater audience
would be a great audience to attract. This is due to the fact
that their audience is interested in performing arts, are pro-
fessionals with money to spend on entertainment, or are
student, faculty and staff at UTEP. We hope to increase
attendance by 2% pr 14 people.
Budget: $607.50
$107.50 is needed and will be an additional cost for the
media/press conference food
$500 is needed for fliers and posters.
This is not an additional cost as it is already
included in the department’s budget.
Presenters and performers will be recruited on volun-
teer basis
Spring Gala attendance from fliers and poster distribution
25-35= excellent
15-24= good
10-14= fair
9 or less= poor
Spring Gala attendance from fine arts presentations
15-21= excellent
10-14= good
5-9= fair
4 or less= poor
Spring Gala attendance from Rubin Center performance
7-10= excellent
4-6= fair
3 or less= poor
Spring Gala attendance from Tecate Thursday performance
5-7= excellent
2-4= fair
1 or less= poor
7 media outlets will be contacted and we will count which of those
cover the competition
7 media coverage = excellent
4-6 media coverage= fair
3 or less= poor
Spring Gala attendance from media coverage
50-63= excellent
30-49= good
15-29= fair
Spring Gala attendance from Dinner Theater performance
10-14= excellent
6-9= good
3-5= fair
2 or less= poor
April 4, 2011
Flier and Poster Distribution
April 11, 2011
Fine Art Presentation
April 21, 2011
Teacate Thursday
April 21, 2011
Media Release-Media/
Press Conference
April 23, 2011
La Cage Aux Folles
April 26, 2011
Media Alert- Media/ Press
April 28, 2011
Media Kits- Spring Gala
May 3, 2011
Spring Gala
April 29, 2011
Media Alerts-
Spring Gala
Final Budget:
$107.50 is needed and will be an additional cost for the media/press con-
ference food
$500 is needed for fliers and posters.
This is not an additional cost as it is already included in the depart-
ment’s budget.
Xpertise PR Firm strives
to provide the most effec-
tive and creative campaign.
We achieve this through
extensive research and
solid analysis of the data obtained. Because of this, we understand the depart-
ment’s vision of building solid relationships with its publics. Through our findings
we were able to provide customized strategies, tactics, and a feasible budget that
will enhance the PR approach. Ultimately, we hope to exceed our client’s expecta-
tions through raising awareness and increasing attendance for the Spring Gala.
(915) 747-6144
(915) 747-6144
Perfection at its finest
(915) 747-6144
Perfection at its finest
(915) 747-6144
Perfection at its finest
(915) 747-6144
Perfection at its finest
Perfection at its finest
(915) 747-6144
Perfection at its finest

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PR Plan Book- Portfolio 2013- updated Aug 11, 2012

  • 1. 1 1
  • 2. 2 2
  • 3. 3 3 To The Department of Music, Xpertise PR Firm is privileged to have had the opportunity to design a campaign for the Department of Music. We have been dedicated to working in a consistent and cohesive manner. Individually, our firm members have exemplary skills in various concentrations. However, we all have strived to deliver flawless efforts through dedication to the depart- ment and the art of public relations. Stephanie Gonzalez is in her 3rd year at UTEP. She has held a spot on the dean’s list in the fall of 2007 and the fall and spring of 2009. In addition, she has gained priceless interpersonal skills in serving as a university peer leader for 2 semesters. Throughout her time at UTEP, she has participated in communication research which has allowed her to apply her exceptional writing abilities. Stephanie is proficient in not only English, but Italian and Spanish as well. Krystal Reyes is currently in her last year at UTEP. She has served as a Campus Life representative assistant, which has allowed her to give back to UTEP. In addition, her work as a Communication Department clerk has given her the opportunity to be involved in activities in her field of study. Leonard Brown, before coming to UTEP served in the United States Navy for 6 years where he developed his leadership skills in training personnel. After leaving the Navy, he served on the Grossmont Community College debate team where he also held a place on the dean’s list for 3 consecutive semesters. He is currently in his last year at UTEP. Miriana Salinas is currently in her second year at UTEP. Although born in the US, Miriana was raised in Chihua- hua, Chihuahua, Mexico, and attended bilingual classes making her proficient in English and Spanish. She cur- rently works for Hilton hotels which has allowed her to build relationships with clients from around the world. Lastly, experience in volunteer work through nonprofit organizations has given her the knowledge of planning and managing events. Dominique Bayona has completed many research assignments in the field of communication. She has learned the many PR writing skills necessary to excel in campaign writing. She held a spot on the dean’s list in the fall of 2008 and 2009. Through her University 1301 job at UTEP, she has developed proficient leadership skills. In addition to all of this, Dominique has widened her perspective on communication through her world travels and study in Australia. In addition to all our individual skills, our extensive research and dedication to the Spring Gala cam- paign has allowed us to further our communication abilities. All of our members at Xpertise have been de- voted to producing the highest quality work. Sincerely, Xpertise GALA PR CAMPAIGN
  • 5. 5 5 5 SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS 5 Organizational Business Objectives 6 Organizational Products/ Service Issues 7 Industry Trends 8 Competitive Facts 10 Customer Facts 11 Role PR 11 SWOT Analysis 12 Discussion Situational Analysis 13 COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES 15 January 15 Objectives 15 Target Audience 15 Strategies 15 Tactics 15 PR Tools 16 Budget 16 Timeline 16 Evaluation 17 February 17 Objectives 17 Target Audience 17 Strategies 17 Tactics 17PR Tools 17 Budget 18 Timeline 18 Evaluation 19 April 19 Objectives 19 Target Audience 19 Strategies 19 Tactics 19 PR Tools 22 Budget 22 Timeline 22 Evaluation 23 TIME TABLE & BUDGET Xpertise GALA PR CAMPAIGN
  • 6. 6 6 The purpose of this document is to enhance the relationships that the Department of MUSIC has with its publics. Its publics include all the members of the UTEP community, the greater EL PASO area, and the surrounding music entities. In order to enhance these RELA- TIONSHIPS, research has been collected about the department’s motives, influences, and goals to provide our client with EFFICIENT strategies and tactics. Through analyzing the de- partments, outside trends, and the SPRING GALA’S target audiences we are able to fully comprehend the department’s OBJECTIVES to provide a customized campaign. Specifi- cally, our goal for the Spring Gala is to appeal to the masses in every aspect. We will achieve this through research, efficient transactional COMMUNICATION, and through analy- sis of our findings. Incorporating this with modified public relations tools, an allocated budget, and a CLEAR timeline provides the department with a concise perspective of our campaign. Our goal at XPERTISE is to utilize, enhance, and expand the existing Spring Gala’s PR approach. In turn we hope to RAISE awareness and INCREASE attendance for the Spring Gala in order to exceed our client’s expectations. To the Department of Music from the members of Xpertise: GALA PR CAMPAIGN 4 XPERTISE PR FIRM
  • 7. 7 7 Situational Analysis BUISNESS OBJECTIVES The Department of Music at the University of Texas at El Paso showcases their outstanding musicians by facilitating various per- formances and programs for the UTEP and El Paso com- munity through providing their student musicians with opportunities to build re- spectable careers in various musical fields that captivate their community at the high- est level. The Spring Gala is an assortment of perform- ances that is held once a year honoring the dedication that the students have put forth throughout the semes- ter. The gala includes multi- ple ensembles such as jazz, wind, and other solo recit- als. The Department of Mu- sic places great importance on this particular event in order to illustrate their stu- dents in the best light and surpass the community’s expectations. The main ob- jective of this event is to sell out the Magoffin Audito- rium where the Spring Gala is held, whose occupancy level is 700 (people). The future of the exceptional Spring Gala musicians at UTEP is the department’s main concentration when it comes to their individual and collaborative perform- ances. The courses offered within the department allow the students to experience firsthand, specific skills that distinguish the students from others in the country. Students work in congru- ence with their instructors to create a stimulating and dy- namic force. Many of the mentors are nationally and internationally known, which allows their students to acquire a broader aca- demic awareness. The De- partment of Music takes great pride in honoring the expertise of their staff. They believe it is in the instruc- tors and students best inter- est to demand the profi- ciency of certain individuals in order to produce a tal- ented environment. The De- partment of Music illus- trates immense dedication to the UTEP as well as El Paso community when deciding their yearly events. The hard work and time it requires into building an optimistic and friendly environment does not come easy. How- ever, the Department of Mu- sic at UTEP sustains this setting by incorporating gifted and positive instruc- tors and students that make the institute what it is today. XPERTISE PR FIRM 5
  • 8. 8 8 Situational Analysis he Department of Music at the Uni- versity of Texas at El Paso offers nu- merous events such as en- semble and individual per- formances. These events en- compass the university as well as the greater El Paso community. The Department of Music sponsors the gala which occurs every May on a week- day. This schedul- ing can c o n f l i c t with many i n d i v i d - ual’s daily a g e n d a s and can p r e v e n t them from attending. Pa re n ts , with young children espe- cially, have certain obliga- tions throughout the week. The Spring Gala at- tracts audiences that already have an interest in music or are musicians. This can limit the range of attendees and reduce potential profit where a high attendance rate is of great importance. The insti- tution wishes to draw a more diverse audience that is not restricted to individuals sim- ply interested in the arts. The department pro- phony’s performances might reconsider also attending the Spring Gala. Another institution that correlates with the De- partment of Music is the UTEP Dinner Theater. The UTEP Dinner Theater hosts dinner and non-dinner per- formances during the same week as the Spring Gala. This pre- sents a con- flict to those that m a i n t a i n i n t e r e s t s within the art commu- nity when d e c i d i n g which per- formance to attend. The Spring Gala hosts a reception din- ner before the performances in which it honors its spon- sors. Although the depart- ment has many sponsors, the amount of donations re- ceived is still limited and ad- ditional sponsors are always sought out. Limited spon- sors, conflicted scheduling, lack of attendees, and im- proper distribution of adver- tisements could pose many challenges and problems for the Department of Music in association to the Spring Gala. motes the gala by advertis- ing their event in the El Paso Scene magazine and through social networks such as Facebook. The Department of Music does not advertise in any of the local news pa- pers such as the El Paso Time’s or El Diario. The de- partment’s current place- ment of advertisements could hinder the gala’s prob- ability of success because many people are not aware of the event or do not access the previously stated media outlets. Another possible de- terment is The El Paso Sym- phony Orchestra. Many of the people who attend the symphony attend the entire season. This organization can be an issue for the de- partment as far as attendance is concerned. Most people who attend the entire season or a majority of the sym- PRODUCT/ SERVICES ISSUES T 6 XPERTISE PR FIRM
  • 9. 9 9 Situational Analysis roblems arise when considering the type of audi- ence the Depart- ment of Music wishes to attract. Many students at the University of Texas at El Paso as well as those in lower education might not find the arts as fascinating as older generations. The younger generation which is often classified as Gen- eration Y is more likely to attend concerts that person- ify popular culture. Ac- cording to Alex Ross and Hans Leenders, only 7% of Generation Y individuals attended classical events as opposed to 50% who at- tended popular culture events. Fur- thermore, the recent downturn of the economy has pre- vented many peo- ple from attending regular shows as well as new per- formances. The Arts Edu- cation Partnership found that the par- ticipation of adults who attended a performing arts event fell from 40% to 35% in 2008. They also stated that the level of participation in individuals who had con- tinually attended perform- ances in the last year (2007) had declined 4.4% due to the economy. The cost for many of these re- citals is not expensive how- ever, they are not free. Many individuals cannot spend the money they used to on performances in order to save for necessities. INDUSTRY TRENDS P XPERTISE PR FIRM 7
  • 10. 10 10 Situational Analysis The Department of Music at University of Texas at El Paso has many competitors in the artistic community. Competitors include El Paso entities and more specifically other UTEP departments, such as Theatre and Dance. Throughout the year, this department holds around nine performances. It also hosts a play during the same week of the Spring Gala. This can create a conflict for those who wish to attend both perform- ances. This faction is ex- COMPETITIVE FACTS 8 XPERTISE PR FIRM
  • 11. 11 11 Situational Analysis tensive in that it has three theatres on campus and ticket prices can range any- where from six to twelve dollars. The Dinner Theater which is a separate organi- zation from Theatre and Dance, holds anywhere from three to six musicals each school year. This spe- cific association distin- guishes itself from others due to the fact that it offers dinner with every show. However, admission prices can range from ten to forty dollars. The Rubin Center, also located at UTEP, ex- hibits artwork all year round. It hosts an art ex- hibit the first week of May and this can be an atten- dance determent for the Spring Gala. An indirect competitor to the Spring Gala is the El Paso Sym- phony Orchestra which holds concerts during the spring and summer sea- sons. Admission prices can vary from ten to two hun- dred dollars and limited free tickets are dispersed to local elementary, middle, high school, and UTEP stu- dents. EPSO also sponsors other events such as Music Under the Stars and vari- ous sporting events. Due to EPSO’s city-wide PR tac- tics, some people might rather attend the symphony than the gala. The Depart- ment of Music’s Spring Gala is also a competitor to the above affiliations. The department hosts a gala re- ception dinner for exclu- sive department donors, scholarship recipients, and other sponsors such as fac- ulty. Furthermore, the Gala presents various perform- ances throughout the night organized by students. The previous factions remain competitors due to the fact that they engage similar audiences and offer artistic entertainment. XPERTISE PR FIRM 9
  • 12. 12 12 Situational Analysis CUSTOMER FACTS The Department of Music has several target audiences all of which encompass the greater El Paso area. The first target audi- ence is high school musicians i.e. band, orchestra, and choir mem- bers. These up and coming musi- cians look up to their older peers and watch them perform at the university level. This target audi- ence also attends the gala for in- spiration and to be more familiar with what they could be doing musically at the college level. The second tar- get audience is the UTEP stu- dents, faculty, and staff. Aware- ness is easily achieved on campus due to the small community as- pect of UTEP. The Department of Music makes many efforts to ad- vertise the Spring Gala around campus with the use of fliers and posters. Many of the students, faculty, and staff that do attend are other fine arts majors as explained by Professor Curtis Tredway, former gala director. Pro- fessionals and sen- ior citizens make up the last target audience. Profes- sionals generally attend the Spring Gala because a friend or child is performing or helping coordinate the gala. They also have the means to attend because they are professionals and make decent money. Senior citizens attend this event because it is timeless and classic unlike popu- lar music of this day and age. Many of them are also retired and have time to attend such events. 10 XPERTISE PR FIRM
  • 13. 13 13 ublic Relations entails developing and main- taining positive rela- tionships with a client and its publics. Cur- rently, the Department of Music has an ample approach to PR. The department covers several fields in order to get the word out about their upcoming events, such as the Spring Gala. In the past, the department has con- tacted KTEP, which is a public radio station supported and spon- sored by the University of Texas at El Paso that has run audio re- leases for the department’s events for free. Dr. Elisa Wilson, has mentioned that no measures were taken to assess the response to this approach, therefore the success of this tactic is unclear. The Department of Music has listed their events in the El Paso Scene magazine and furthermore, it has distributed posters in the surrounding area to popular busi- nesses and more specifically to the UTEP and general music community. Newer coverage in- cludes the Facebook community in which it has created a fan page and is steadily gaining more sup- porters. Any further coverage is achieved through old fashion word of mouth. Even with all these efforts, the majority of peo- ple that attend the gala are still musicians, other UTEP fine arts majors, and friends or family of the performers as explained by Professor Curtis Tredway. can eas- ily share this info with each o t h e r . A d v e r - tisements p o s t e d a r o u n d campus and the surrounding area is another approach that the Department of Music takes. This creates greater awareness of the Spring Gala and has the potential to bring in more atten- dees. The Spring Gala con- centrates on a more academic and classical approach to music. That is to say that it is not in the category of popular culture and this could deter many young potential audience members. Another weakness is that the gala is not advertised in local newspapers such as the El Paso Times and El Diario. Due to the lack of donors and funds, the Department of Music is limited in the ways it can advertise the Spring Gala. The last weakness is the lack of relationships within the fine arts departments at UTEP. The Department of Music factions, such as the Symphony Orchestra, currently do not perform or work on pro- jects together. For example, the Symphony Orchestra has never performed during the dinner portion of a Dinner Theater mu- sical. he 8th Spring Gala concert will be pre- sented in May 2011, which signifies that the University of Texas at El Paso Department of Music has along the years created experi- ence and knowledge of manag- ing a large scale event. Consis- tency is one of the gala’s strengths; it is always held the first week of May at the Magof- fin Auditorium making it easy for its persistent audience mem- bers to remember and attend. Their consistency can eventu- ally make a tradition.. This is what attracts people every year. Another of the Spring Gala’s strengths is the easily available access to buying tickets online at a variety of websites such as that of the El Paso Time’s, the Las Cruces Sun-News, and Ticketmaster. This can easily increase the number of people that attend the event. The UTEP Department of Music is also accessible online through its official UTEP website and more recently through Facebook which is the most popular social -network site. Through this younger generations of people are able to gain information about upcoming events and they ROLE OF PR P Situational Analysis SWOT ANALYSIS Strength T Weaknesses XPERTISE PR FIRM 11
  • 14. 14 14 y increasing audience attendance and by broadening the audi- ence demographic, the Spring Gala has the potential to be an even bigger success. Per- forming more contemporary styles of music and also a wider array of music could also make the gala more success. This could attract the attention of more students not only from UTEP, but also from public schools in the area. The local media is always interested in the great things that are happen- ing in El Paso and their exclu- sive invitation to the gala could bring more awareness to the event and illustrate the talent of the UTEP Department of Mu- sic. There is also the opportu- nity of working with other UTEP fine arts departments such as Theatre and Dance and The Stanley and Gerald Rubin Center. Many efforts can be made to target high schools band, orchestra, and choir mem- bers by creating tactics that spe- cifically involve this audience. here are several enti- ties that could pose a threat to the Spring Gala. This includes the El Paso Symphony Orchestra, UTEP Theatre and Dance, and the UTEP Dinner Theater. These three associations offer artistic amongst younger generations. Furthermore, younger genera- tions would also prefer to attend a pop music concert instead of attending a concert with a more classical approach to musical performances. entertainment much like the Department of Mu- sic’s Spring Gala. Other potential threats could range from things as simple as the movies, nightclubs, and bars, all of which are popularB Opportunities Threats T DISCUSSION SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS Situational Analysis At Xpertise, we use our individual skills and experiences to work to- gether to build an effective and creative campaign for our client, the Department of Music. The objectives for this campaign are to create awareness which in turn will increase attendance for the Spring Gala. Building relationships with the specified target audiences can help achieve these objectives. Understanding the best way to build these re- lationships is crucial. Whether it be by working with different fine arts departments on different productions or engaging high school musi- cians through a competition, the Department of Music must understand how to engage their target audiences. Researching industry trends can also be a help when considering which tactics you would like to utilize in order to achieve the objectives. If the economy is down, people are not going to be willing to spend as much money on leisurely activities. Analysis of past PR tactics is crucial in deciding how to promote the Spring Gala. Flier and poster distribution has not been effective in the past as explained by Dr. Elisa Wilson. No means of measure have been taken to analyze their effectiveness, but Dr. Elisa Wilson has informed us that she rarely sees any of the promotions and therefore might not be reaching the public. Measuring the results can give great insight as to how to better promote the gala in order to achieve its full potential. 12 XPERTISE PR FIRM
  • 16. 16 16
  • 17. 17 17 JANUARYA subsection will be created on the Department of Music website specifically for the Spring Gala. We hope to attract all of our target audiences. Tactics: UTEP Music Major Presentations 22 music majors will volunteer to give a certain num- ber of presentations at an EPISD high school. This is dependent on how many band, orchestra, and choir periods there are at the respective high school. 22 volunteers are needed for the 11 EPISD high schools; Andress, Austin, Bowie, Burges, Cha- pin, Coronado, El Paso, Franklin, Irvin, Jeffer- son, and Sunset High. Each music major volunteer will present to band, orchestra, and choir classes at an assigned high school. The high school presentation will take place the sec- ond week of school or mid-January. Fliers with the competition information will be handed out. PR Tools: Fliers- will contain the date, time, location, slogan (“It is in the DOING of arts.”) requirements, and Gala website address which will contain audition music and consent form. Spring Gala Website A subsection of the Department of Music website will be created specifically for Spring Gala information. A separate Spring Gala tab will be created in the De- partment of Music website. The Spring Gala tab will contain all information per- taining to the Spring Gala. Contact information Date Time Location Theme Ticket Price (link to Ticketmaster) Some facts of selected gala performers and directors along with pictures Our entire media kit and media alerts will be available electronically through this tab Downloadable powerpoints will be available for music majors and media to utilize EPISD high school competition specifics Downloadable competition audition music and consent forms will be available for the high school musi- cians Sample videos with corresponding pictures will also be visible PR Tools: Electronic Media Kits- will contain every- thing in the above media kit. Electronic Media Alerts- will include re- minders of the gala and gala events. Powerpoint- will contain gala specifics with corresponding pictures Objectives: To raise awareness To increase attendance Target Audiences: EPISD high school band, orchestra, and choir students; teachers; and their respective family and friends Andress Austin Bowie Burges Chapin Coronado El Paso Franklin Irvin Jefferson Sunset High UTEP students, faculty, and staff Fine arts students: theater, art, and dance majors Commuter students Stanley and Gerald Ruben Center attendees Dinner Theatre attendees El Paso Community College students (all) Retired senior citizens age 65 and up Country club members Restaurant connoisseurs Golfers Church goers Art connoisseurs Professionals Yuppies Parents 30-50 year olds Alumni The media KVIA News Channel 7: professionals and retired senior citizens KTSM News Channel 9: professionals and retired senior citizens Univision News Channel 26: professionals and retired senior citizens The Prospector: UTEP students, faculty, and staff El Paso Times: Retired senior citizens; professionals; and UTEP faculty El Diario of El Paso: Retired senior citizens; profes- sionals; UTEP faculty El Paso Scene Magazine: UTEP students faculty and staff; professionals; retired senior citizens; EPISD musicians; EPCC students What’s Up Magazine: UTEP students faculty, and staff; professionals; retired senior citizens; EPISD musicians; EPCC students KTEP radio station 88.5: UTEP students, faculty, and staff; professionals; retired senior citizens; EPCC students Strategies: In order to build a relationship with younger musi- cians, the Department of Music will host a com- petition for EPISD high school band, orchestra, and choir students for the opportunity to partake in the Spring Gala. XPERTISE PR FIRM 15
  • 18. 18 18 Sample video- contains picture slide and corresponding music The website tactic is targeted towards all of our target audiences. As the world wide web grows, more and more people are first going to websites to find quick information. In the Pew Internet and American Life Project report, it states that 73% of Americans used the internet in 2009 as opposed to 66% in 2005. In the Department of Music website, we found that no broad information was avail- able pertaining to the Spring Gala. We decided that since the Spring Gala was the largest event that the department holds, a separate tab should be created for it. We hope to increase atten- dance by 1.5% or 10 people. Budget: $ 0 Fliers are of no cost since they are printed and copied through the department Presenters will be recruited on volunteer basis Gala website will only be an addition to the Department of Music website Timeline: Evaluation: The presenters will ask each high school band, orches- tra, and choir teachers for the attendance for that day Attendance will be compared to how many students from each school auditioned Ex) Attendance- 100 students 70- 100 audition= excellent 40-69 audition= good 15-39 audition= fair 0-14 audition= poor JANUARY Monday January 17, 2011 EPISD High School Competition 16 XPERTISE PR FIRM
  • 19. 19 19 FEBRUARY Objectives: To raise awareness To increase attendance Target Audiences: EPISD high school band, orchestra, and choir students; teachers; and their respective family and friends Andress Austin Bowie Burges Chapin Coronado El Paso Franklin Irvin Jefferson Sunset High The Media KVIA News Channel 7: professionals and retired senior citizens KTSM News Channel 9: professionals and retired senior citizens El Paso Times: Retired senior citizens; professionals; and UTEP faculty The Prospector: UTEP students, faculty, and staff El Diario of El Paso: Retired senior citi- zens; professionals; UTEP faculty KTEP radio station 88.5: UTEP students, faculty, and staff; professionals; re- tired senior citizens; EPCC students Univision News Channel 26: professionals and retired senior citizens Strategies: EPISD high school competition releases and alerts will be sent out the media EPISD high school competition will take place. We hope to increase attendance by 8.5% or 60 people. Tactics: Media Media releases will be sent one week prior to the com- petition to The El Paso Times, El Diario of El Paso, The Prospector, KTEP, Univision, KVIA, and KTSM Media alerts will be sent to the same media outlets two days before the competition. Our proposed Spring Gala website will include a press room tab with electronic versions of the media kit High School Competitors Approval by each high school will be needed in order for the students to partake in the competition. The high school student’s parents will need to sign a form of consent if the student is under eighteen years old in order for the student to participate. Consent forms will be available on the proposed Spring Gala website. The high school musicians will be required to play specified scales of a certain number of octaves. Along with this, the student must play a given piece that is of college level. All audition music will be available on the proposed Spring Gala website. Competition The competition will take place in late February at Recital Hall where students will also need to turn in their consent forms. Competitors will be taken in the order in which they arrive, but doors will closed an hour after the assigned meeting time. Each student will receive a number after they have signed in and turned in their consent forms. To ensure fairness, each student will perform behind a curtain and judges will only know the competitor as a number. Three judges will be appointed but are subject to the department. Winners will be announced the same day as the com- petition in the evening at Recital Hall. Award Two band, two orchestra, and two choir students will be chosen as winners and will have the chance to perform with an ensemble (subject to the depart- ment) in the Spring Gala. PR Tools: Media Release- explanation of the specifics of the competition such as the background, date, time, and location, of the event and when the winner will be announced. Media Alert- is a reminder of the event and will con- tain the specifics of the event Spring Gala Website: a section in the proposed Spring Gala website will contain: General competition info including date, time, and requirements Downloadable audition music Downloadable consent form Electronic media kits Media releases and alerts This competition tactic is targeted towards high school band, orchestra, and choir students. Many of the high school musi- cians are more than likely considering applying to the UTEP Department of Music and for this reason we decided to target them. With them, they will involve their parents, other family members, teachers, and peers. This competition is a great opportunity for the students to gain experience and prestige in the music field. This can enhance their chances of obtaining a scholarship and also getting accepted to desired schools, especially UTEP. We are aware of the need for these opportunities as we have gone through this experience ourselves. We hope to increase attendance by 8% or 56 people. Budget: $0 Releases and alerts will be printed through the Department of Music Gala website will only be an addition to the Department of Music website XPERTISE PR FIRM 17
  • 20. 20 20 Timeline: Evaluation: 8 media outlets will be contacted and we will count which of those cover the competition 8 media coverage = excellent 6-7 media coverage= good 4-5 media coverage= mediocre 3 or less= bad Spring Gala attendants from the EPISD high school competition 50-60 students=excellent 30-49 students=good 10-29 students= fair 9 or less=poor Tally the number of consent form downloads, audi- tion music downloads, and press room hits Consent form: 70-100 consent form downloads= excellent 30-69 consent form downloads= good 10-29 consent form downloads= fair 9 or less= poor Audition Music: 70-100 audition music downloads= excellent 30-69 audition music downloads= good 10-29 audition music downloads= fair 9 or less audition music downloads= poor Press Room: 5 press room hits= excellent 3-4 press room hits= fair 2 or less= poor FEBRUARY Friday February 11, 2011 Media Release EPISD HS Competition Thursday February 17, 2011 Media Alerts EPISD HS Competition Saturday February 19, 2011 EPISD HS Competition 18 XPERTISE PR FIRM
  • 21. 21 21 Objectives: To raise awareness To increase attendance Target Audiences: Retired senior citizens age 65 and up Country club members Restaurant connoisseurs Golfers Church goers Art connoisseurs Professionals Yuppies Parents 30-50 year olds Alumni El Paso Community College students (all) UTEP students, faculty, and staff Fine arts students: theater, art, and dance majors Commuter students Stanley and Gerald Ruben Center attendees The Media: KVIA News Channel 7: professionals and retired senior citizens KTSM News Channel 9: professionals and retired senior citizens Univision News Channel 26: professionals and retired senior citizens The Prospector: UTEP students, faculty, and staff El Paso Times: Retired senior citizens; professionals; and UTEP faculty El Diario of El Paso: Retired senior citizens; profes- sionals; UTEP faculty El Paso Scene Magazine: UTEP students faculty and staff; professionals; retired senior citizens; EPISD musicians; EPCC students What’s Up Magazine: UTEP students faculty, and staff; professionals; retired senior citizens; EPISD musicians; EPCC students KTEP radio station 88.5: UTEP students, faculty, and staff; professionals; retired senior citizens; EPCC students Dinner Theatre attendees Strategy 1: To strategically distribute gala fliers and posters. Through this we wish to target the remaining El Paso community which entails, professionals, retired senior citizens, and EPCC students. Our goal is to more effectively distribute gala posters and fliers around the El Paso area. Strategic flier positions will increase attendance by 5% or 35 people. Tactic 1: Flier and Poster Distribution The Department of Music will enhance their flier and poster distri- bution by strategically displaying them in different areas around the city in order to target professionals, retired senior citizens, and EPCC students. APRIL We will distribute one poster and ten fliers to four country clubs in El Paso, Santa Teresa, and Juarez. This will include the El Paso Country Club, Vista Hills Country Club, Coronado Coun- try Club, Santa Teresa Country Club, and Club Campestre of Juarez. We will distribute ten fliers each to coffee shops sur- rounding the UTEP campus. These coffee shops will include Kinley’s House and neighboring Starbucks’. We will distribute one large poster to the El Paso Art Museum along with 10 fliers. Two large poster and ten fliers will be distributed to the Abraham Chavez Theatre. Ten fliers will be distributed different locally owned restaurants which include, Mesa Street Bar and Grill, Mi Piaci, 2900, Café Central, Jaxson’s, Susaki, Geo Geski’s, Pelican’s, Ardivino’s, Bar- riga’s, and Thyme Matters. We will distribute one large poster to the three Barnes and Noble Booksellers in El Paso. Ten fliers will be distributed to three golf courses which include Butterfield Trail Golf Club, Fort Bliss Golf Association, and Ascarate Golf Course. One poster will be distributed to each of the El Paso Community College main offices. This includes EPCC Northwest, Rio Grande, Transmountain, Valle Verde, and Mission de El Paso campuses. Posters will be distributed one month in advance dur- ing the first and second week of April. PR Tools: Fliers- will contain date, time, contact information, ticket price, location, theme, and slogan “It is in the DOING of arts.” Posters- will contain date, time, contact information, ticket price, location, theme, and slogan “It is in the DOING of arts. Fliers and posters are already made and distributed by the depart- ment. Our sole goal is to strategically distribute them, not design them, in order to reach our objectives of raising awareness and therefore increasing attendance. This strategy is specifically designed to target professionals, retired senior citizens, and EPCC students. We chose to target profession- als in general because they have an income of at least $30,000 and are able to spend on leisurely outings. We targeted yuppies through strategically placing posters and flier in coffee houses, restaurants, the country clubs, and at Barnes and Noble Booksellers. Through primary research we found that young urban professionals tend to spend time at coffee houses and/or Barnes and Noble working overtime or meeting friends for a drink. Restaurants are another popu- lar place to target yuppies and through an interview we learned that most yuppies like to dine out with friends or go out on dates to restaurants. They also prefer to not cook, don’t have time to cook, and have the money to spend on dining out. We also targeted country clubs because we found that in order to be a member at a country club you must pay around $500 per month which means that the young urban professionals, parents, and senior citizens are able to pay these dues. Retired senior citizens are also more likely to attend art museums, special events downtown, and are more likely to play golf. Since senior citizens are not currently in the workforce they are more likely to have leisurely time. Dr. Yañez of Chihuahua recommends that people from 50 to 70 years old participate in golf. It relieves stress and is a moderate workout. We found that senior citizens are the XPERTISE PR FIRM 19
  • 22. 22 22 highest demographic of art museum attendees and therefore de- cided to display posters and fliers at the El Paso Art Mu- seum. Upon calling the Abraham Chavez Theater we found that discounts are given to senior citizens and decided to promote in this theater as they are more inclined to attend downtown events. Through this promotion strategy we hope to increase attendance by 5% or 35 people. Strategy 2: In order to attract more UTEP fine art students, faculty, and staff music majors will promote the gala by presenting to differ- ent theater, dance, and art classes. Music majors participating in the gala would present with a generic power point to classes of fine art majors encouraging them to attend the perform- ance. We hope to increase attendance by 3% or 21 people. Tactic 2: Class Presentation To further promote the gala at UTEP, students participating in the gala are encouraged to promote the event to different fine arts classes outside of the Department of Music. The goal is to have seven different music majors that will be participating in the gala to present to one class each. We are specifically targeting students in theatre, dance, and art classes. Each student will be given a generic powerpoint pres- entation containing the basic information of the gala. They can utilize this as their visual aid for their presentation. Each student will make a quick presentation, with approval by the respective professor, promoting the gala and why it is so spectacular. PR Tools: PowerPoint presentation- will include gala information such as what it is and who participates. It will also include general information such as date, time, location, ticket price, theme, and contact information. Pictures of past events and music samples will also be presented. This class presentation tactic is targeted to attract other students involved in the arts who are more likely to attend the Spring Gala if aware. The reason for this is that the different fine art sections already have relationships established through interconnected events. This is that the Department of Music helps the theatre department when necessary and vice versa. We also took a poll of art, theater, and dance students and the majority of them said that they would attend the gala if they were aware of it. With this strategy we hope to increase attendance by 3% or 21 people. Strategy 3: To attract Rubin Center attendees, wind and string ensembles will perform at an exhibition opening. An ensemble will perform music according to the theme of the exhibition. We hope to increase attendance by 1.5% or 10 people. Tactic 3: Rubin Center Performance An ensemble will perform at a Ruben Center exhibition in order to target the Ruben Center attendees. At a Rubin Center exhibition opening an ensemble will perform music according to the exhibit’s show- case. PR Tools: Fliers- will contain date, time, contact information, ticket price, location, theme, and slogan “It is in the DOING of arts.” Sign/Poster- promotional sign/ poster stating the Spring Gala theme, date, time, contact informa- tion, location, slogan (“It is in the DOING of arts”), and ticket price. The Rubin Center performance is a way of giving the art connois- seurs a preview of what they can experience at the Spring Gala. By targeting the Rubin Center attendees we are en- couraging people who are already passionate about the arts to attend the gala. We also will establish a relationship with the Rubin center that we wish to maintain through future projects. We hope to increase attendance by 1.5% or 10 people. Strategy 4: In order to attract UTEP commuter students we will place an ensemble to perform during Tecate Thursday which is a weekly social gathering for students of drinking age. Our goal is to place the Mariachi Minero ensemble at the Union East on campus. Coupled with self promotion and gala fliers, we hope to increase attendance by 1% or 7 people. Tactic 4: Tecate Thursday Ensembles: The Mariachi Minero ensemble will be assigned to play, once, at Tecate Thursday in the Union East to further promote the gala and to specifically target commuter students. Tecate Thursday is a social gathering that is held every Thursday for students of drink- ing age. The Mariachi Minero ensemble will perform a week prior to the gala at the Union East 3rd floor. Popular Mexican songs will be performed to engage the predominantly Mexican audience. A promotional sign will be placed near the ensemble which will mimic the gala posters. They will announce their upcoming performance and walk around to different tables promoting the Spring Gala. PR Tools: Sign- promotional sign stating the Spring Gala theme, date, time, contact information, location, ticket price, and slogan “It is in the DOING of arts.” Fliers- will contain the date, time, contact information, theme, and slogan “It is in the DOING of arts.” The use of the Mariachi Minero ensemble is an inexpensive way of giving the UTEP commuter students a preview of one of the performances they can experience at the actual gala while fulfilling our strategy. Through primary research we found around 80 people attend Tecate Thursday and of those people the majority of them are Mexican commuter students. We will try to engage them with the live mariachi music as it is part of their culture and it is better enjoyed in a social atmosphere. With the help of signs, fliers, and other APRIL 20XPERTISE PR FIRM
  • 23. 23 23 APRIL promotional material we hope to provide all the necessary infor- mation for the audience to attend. We hope to increase attendance by 1% or 7 people. Strategy 5: The department will hold a media/press conference. Through this we hope to specifically target the media and its audiences. Our goal is to attract 7 media outlets which include; KVIA news channel 7, KTSM news channel 9, Univision news channel 26, The Prospector, El Paso Scene Magazine, What’s Up Magazine, The El Paso Times, El Diario of El Paso, and KTEP radio station. Through this we wish to increase attendance by 9% or 63 people. By attracting these different media outlets we hope to attract all target audiences. Tactic 5: Media/Press Conference The Department of Music will host a media/ press conference in which different media outlets will be invited to interview exemplary students participating in the gala and the faculty that organize it. Participants: 2 or 3 exemplary students will attend the conference to showcase the department’s talent. This includes students who have excelled in the department and scholarship recipients, all with commendable graduate school offers and/or extracurricular music activities. Example: Leslee Herrera -GPA 3.5 -violinist -performing arts major -UTEP Symphony concertmis- tress -Marlene and J.O. Stewart, Jr. Foundation Scholarship recipient -El Paso Symphony Orchestra- youngest member -El Paso Opera Orchestra The winners of the high school competition will also be attending. See below for competition tactic. Faculty such as Dr. Graham, the Department Chair, Dr. Wilson, professor and coordinator of the gala, and internationally recognized professor and cellist Zuill Bailey would attend the tour to answer questions and give insight on the students who participate in the event. Specifics: The media tour will be held from 3 to 5pm on Thurs- day, April 28 2011 in the Recital Hall lobby. Snacks and drinks will be provided by the department through the UTEP Food Service. The menu will include 2 hot hors d’oeuvres, 1 cold hors d’oeuvre, a salad, and punch. The total for this is $107.50. A request for funds can be made to the Student Government Association Appropriation Committee for funds to provide this service. PR Tools: Media Kit: Cover letter- explanation of what makes the event worthy of coverage. News release- explanation of the specifics of the media tour such as the people that will be attending, the date and time, and why it is newsworthy. Fact sheet- includes facts that the media might need in order to write a story on the event. Background- any other information the media might need to be better famil- iarized with the Department of Music and the Spring Gala. Brochure- summarization of the above information in a brochure. CD- includes a power point and a promo- tional video. Media Alerts- will include a reminder of the event with the specifics included. Press Room- a specific tab in the Spring Gala proposed website where the media can find electronic copies of the media kit and alerts. The media kits and alerts supports our tactics by ensuring that the media has all the tools necessary to successfully create a story about the Spring Gala and why it is worthy of news coverage. The same information can be accessed through the press room tab in the proposed Spring Gala website. Through this media tour we hope to engage the media but more specifically the people who watch the news, read the paper, and listen to the radio. In Scarborough Research, we found that 82% of adults who have incomes of 100,000 or more read the local newspapers. With this information we can assume that professionals, retired senior citizens, and UTEP faculty are more likely to read El Diario and the El Paso Times paper than our other target audiences. What’s Up Magazine is a locally run and targets anyone specifically looking for entertainment. The same can be said about the El Paso Scene Magazine. The Prospector is a perfect way to target UTEP students, faculty, and staff at it is a university run paper and it free to anyone on campus. We also found in the NPR Profile 2009 that the average NPR listener, which coincides with KTEP, is 50 years of age. This is why we target professionals and senior citizens through KTEP. We also target students through KTEP because it is a UTEP division and targets students themselves. As for the news channels, the average news watcher ranges from 25-54 years old. This information was found through the TV By the Num- bers website. That is also why we target professionals and senior citizens through KVIA and KTSM local news chan- nels. Through targeting all these media we wish to increas- ing attendance by 8% or 56 people which is our objective Strategy 6: A Department of Music ensemble will play during a scheduled Dinner Theater musical to attract their attendees. Various ensembles will perform during the dinner portion of the Dinner Theater event. We hope to increase attendance by 2% or 14 people. Tactic 6: Dinner Theater Performance An ensemble will perform at the Dinner Theater before the performance while the attendees dine. XPERTISE PR FIRM 21
  • 24. 24 24 APRIL Various ensembles will perform during the dinner portion of the Dinner Theater. A performer will introduce their ensemble and promote the Spring Gala. This is the last tactic before the Spring Gala in May PR Tools: Speaker- a performer will announce the gala and include the date, time, location, ticket price, and theme. Fliers- will contain date, time, contact information, ticket price, location, theme, and slogan “It is in the DOING of arts.” Posters- will contain date, time, contact information, ticket price, location, theme, and slogan “It is in the DOING of arts.” This Dinner Theater tactic is utilized to specifically target retired senior citizens, professionals, and UTEP students, faculty, and staff. Professor Curtis Tredway, the director of the UTEP Marching Band, who was once the director of the Spring Gala explained that the Dinner Theater audience would be a great audience to attract. This is due to the fact that their audience is interested in performing arts, are pro- fessionals with money to spend on entertainment, or are student, faculty and staff at UTEP. We hope to increase attendance by 2% pr 14 people. Budget: $607.50 $107.50 is needed and will be an additional cost for the media/press conference food $500 is needed for fliers and posters. This is not an additional cost as it is already included in the department’s budget. Presenters and performers will be recruited on volun- teer basis Timeline: Evaluation: Spring Gala attendance from fliers and poster distribution 25-35= excellent 15-24= good 10-14= fair 9 or less= poor Spring Gala attendance from fine arts presentations 15-21= excellent 10-14= good 5-9= fair 4 or less= poor Spring Gala attendance from Rubin Center performance 7-10= excellent 4-6= fair 3 or less= poor Spring Gala attendance from Tecate Thursday performance 5-7= excellent 2-4= fair 1 or less= poor 7 media outlets will be contacted and we will count which of those cover the competition 7 media coverage = excellent 4-6 media coverage= fair 3 or less= poor Spring Gala attendance from media coverage 50-63= excellent 30-49= good 15-29= fair Spring Gala attendance from Dinner Theater performance 10-14= excellent 6-9= good 3-5= fair 2 or less= poor Monday April 4, 2011 Flier and Poster Distribution Monday April 11, 2011 Fine Art Presentation Thursday April 21, 2011 Teacate Thursday Performance Thursday April 21, 2011 Media Release-Media/ Press Conference Saturday April 23, 2011 La Cage Aux Folles Performance Tuesday April 26, 2011 Media Alert- Media/ Press Conference Thursday April 28, 2011 Media Kits- Spring Gala Tuesday May 3, 2011 Spring Gala Friday April 29, 2011 Media Alerts- Spring Gala 22XPERTISE PR FIRM
  • 26. 26 26 BUDGET Final Budget: $607.50 $107.50 is needed and will be an additional cost for the media/press con- ference food $500 is needed for fliers and posters. This is not an additional cost as it is already included in the depart- ment’s budget. 24XPERTISE PR FIRM
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  • 28. 28 28 Xpertise PR Firm strives to provide the most effec- tive and creative campaign. We achieve this through extensive research and solid analysis of the data obtained. Because of this, we understand the depart- ment’s vision of building solid relationships with its publics. Through our findings we were able to provide customized strategies, tactics, and a feasible budget that will enhance the PR approach. Ultimately, we hope to exceed our client’s expecta- tions through raising awareness and increasing attendance for the Spring Gala. 2xXPERTISE PR FIRM
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