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Factors Influencing United States
West Nile Virus Prevalence in the
United States
By: Matthew Weik
GEOG 510: Seminar in Physical Geography:
Date: April 1, 2014
 -West Nile as a Virus
 -Impacts of WNV
 -Species Responsible for WNV
 -Factors Effecting WNV
 -WNV Outbreaks
 -Conclusion
The West Nile Virion
 Genus:Flavivirus ; Family: Flaviviridea
 E dimers interact with pits on cell membrane
 Inserts Genomic RNA
 Transcribed within ER
 Modified in Golgi-body
 Then assembled and exits cell
 Replication begins very slowly and rapidly picks up
 Human:
 31,365 illnesses and 1,250 deaths
 West Nile Fever
 Months of depression, altered moods, headaches, and fatigue
 West Nile Neurological Disease
 Meningitis, encephalitis, and acute flaccid paralysis (leading to incomplete recovery)
 Economic:
 Average of $40,000+, is the cost per an individual suffering from WNV
 CDC given $2.7 million to aid states afflicted worse in 2000
 Later increased to $20 million over following years
 Avian:
 American Crow (Corvus brachyrhunchos) has nearly 100% mortality from WNV
 Population had trend of decline starting 1999, with a dramatic drop by 2004
 Decreased abundance occurred where forest was less than 36% and urban was greater than 11%
Impacts of West Nile Virus
 Mosquito (vector): Culex spp.
 Avian (host):
 American Crows
 American Robins
 House Finches
Species Responsible for WNV
 Cx. Pipiens and Cx. Restuans
 Pipiens: commonly known as northern house mosquito
 Preference for larval habitat is Urban: storm drains and catch-
drainage basins
 Negatively impacted by large rain events
 Restuans: commonly known as white-spotted mosquito
 Also prefers more urban than rural larval habitat; known to makes
use of untreated swimming pools, and other foul water areas.
 Cx. Tarsalis
 Prevalent among in western U.S., and North Great Plains
 Preference for rural larval habitat: irrigated fields, puddles in tire
tracks, etc…
 Positively impacted by large rain events; increasing larval habitat
 Cx. Quinquefasciatus
 Primary WNV vector in southern U.S.
 Seems to prefer urban larval habitat
 The effect of land cover, temperature, and humidity on its
population are lacking
Culex spp.
 American Crows
 Competent vector, but high mortality rates
effect abundance in long term.
 Poor hosts for sustaining WNV in an area
 Close relationship with human infection cases:
 41% of human population lived within clusters
of infected crows; however 75% of human WNV
cases came from within these clusters.
 American Robins and House Finches
 Wide range and large population: resulting
from fragmented forests, intensive agriculture,
and increased urbanization
 Easily became primary reservoir hosts of WNV
infections in the U.S.
 Climate
 Land Use
 Hydrogeographic Area
 Anthropogenic Factors
Factors Effecting WNV
 In urban areas around Chicago, Illinois, temperature and precipitation accounted
for 79% variation of WNV infections in mosquitoes
 Thought to alter prevalence of vector borne disease three ways:
 Distribution and abundance of mosquitoes through reproduction, development and
 Blood seeking activity of mosquitoes
 Influencing the rate of viral amplification within mosquitoes
 Temperature has a direct impact
 Increasing temperatures speed up and increase abundance of both WNV virions and
 Precipitation has a complex interaction
 Larval populations are altered differently, depending on vector species and location,
through rain events.
 WNV amplification within mosquitoes:
 Lowest threshold temperature is 14.3 degrees Celsius
 Disease activity occurs mainly in summer months
 Larval development
 High temperature extremes cause sudden death; moderately high temperatures cause thermal wounding
 Low temperatures cause changes in cell integrity, morphogenesis of tissue, reproduction, and the sex ratio of
adult mosquitoes
 Temperature range for larval development: 19-31 degrees C
 19 degrees C produces larger mosquitoes, in high numbers
 25 degrees C was highest optimal temperature: producing smaller sized mosquitoes in less numbers
 31 degrees C produced the smallest mosquitoes and saw a increased mortality amongst immature stages
 Gonotrophic cycle of adult mosquitoes
 Feeding and egg laying cycle of female mosquitoes
 Increased temperatures shorten time between females taking blood meals and when they oviposit over water sources
 Therefore increases rate at which cycles are repeated
Temperature (Climate)
 Abundance of mosquitoes is limited by the amount of precipitation an area receives
 Tied to Culex spp., their geographic ranges, and land uses they are inhabiting
 Cx. pipiens, primary vector above 36 degrees latitude and east of Mississippi River, have their
typical larval habitat (urban catch basins) flushed out during heavy rain events
 Cx. tarsalis, primary rural vector west of the Mississippi River, heavy rainfall is beneficial; supplying
females with larval habitats for ovipositing
 Cx. nigripaplpus (specific WNV in Florida) showed increase WNV amplification after early season
drought, combined with subsequent wetting and decreased water table depth
 Drought conditions and diminished precipitation have an effect on human infection cases
 Within semi-permanent wetlands increased larval breeding sites, which contain fewer predators
of mosquitoes and competitors with larvae for organic material
 In Northeast passerine birds, the preferred blood meal of Culex mosquitoes, move farther out of
range in search for water sources
 Forces infected mosquitoes to feed on alternative, or accidental, hosts: humans, equines, cows, and
other mammals
Precipitation (Climate)
 On a county-wide scale human infections of WNV persist in areas of increased urbanization and
irrigated agricultural land
 Northern Great Plains showed a strong relationship between orchard acreage at both landscape
and local scales, while irrigated land was only at the landscape scale
 Henrico County, Virginia:
 Study by Deichmeister et al, 2010, assessed ability of urban, suburban, and rural to produce WNV
infected mosquitoes
 Looked at area of canopy cover, building footprint, and drainage basins as predictors of vector
 Urban: high density residential, commercial, and industrial presence
 Produced a greater proportion of infected mosquitoes, as predicted being both located in eastern U.S.
and containing primarily urban species of Culex mosquitoes
 Canopy cover and building footprint were poor predictors, while storm/water drainage basins was a
good predictor
 Suburban: low density residential, higher proportion of public/ open lots, and few dispersed
commercial/industrial areas
 Rural was not mentioned further
Land Use
 Defined as fixed water features within a landscape
 Very important at micro-scale
 Walsh et al, 2012, looked at relationship between hydrogeographic area and WNV abundance in the
state of New York
 Modeled that one square kilometer increase in hydrogeographic area lead to 2% decrease in risk of
 Found to be significant independently of both temperature and precipitation
 Primary vectors for this region, Cx. pipiens and Cx. ruetans, prefers urban areas.
 Ponds and lakes, largest contributor to hydrogeographic area, are typically located in rural areas.
 Relationship has only been observed for New York region, and cannot be assumed for other parts of
 However the opposite effect has also been found:
 Decreases in water table levels are thought to fragment habitat for larval mosquitos; providing closer
congregations between adult blood feeding mosquitoes and competent birds hosts.
Hydrogeographic Area
 Things humans do to increase infections and outbreaks, such as changes in outdoor activity and exposure to
mosquito populations
 Hot summer seasons:
 Changes in dress increase skin exposure to blood feeding mosquitoes
 Outdoor work and recreational activities become put off until cooler evening temperatures; which are host-seeking
time for mosquitoes
 Regions with infrequent warm spells:
 Lack of air conditioning forces residents to leave windows open, allowing individuals indoors to be exposed to
 1999, the invading year of WNV, was a hot year in New York:
 Many residents were sleeping outside, letting water gather for gardens and plants, and allowing swimming pools to
lay still
 Leaving perfect conditions for blood feeding females and sustaining larval habitats
 Possibly made it easier for WNV outbreak to reach the level it did.
 Increased television viewing and use of air conditioning helps to limit WNV exposure by keeping people indoors
and away from mosquitoes
Anthropogenic Factors
 Initial outbreak of WNV in 1999 managed to overwinter and become endemic within a matter of
 Unexpected and unprecedented
 In 2003 an outbreak occurred, but in Northern Great Plains region
 Attributed to the immunological inexperience of birds and humans with WNV in its expanding range
 2007, outbreaks effected Northern Great Plains and spread cases west of the Mississippi River
 Massive increases in larval habitat were examined with satellite imagery in abandoned and
unmaintained swimming pools left behind from the 2006 economic crisis in Bakersfield, California
 2012, second largest number of cases reported (over 5,000)
 Epicenter was Dallas, Texas
 Occurred after four years of extremely low number of cases across U.S.
 Two possible factors contributing to major outbreaks of WNV
 The previous year’s precipitation
 Avian flock immunity
WNV Outbreaks
 Drought is suggested to have larger impact on predators and
competitors than on mosquitoes themselves
 Allows mosquito abundance human infection cases to increase
the subsequent year
 Possibility of larval habitats from growing season and
overwintering mosquitoes initiate outbreaks in eastern U.S.
 Positive correlations between previous year’s precipitation and
WNV incidences empirically support this idea
Previous Year Precipitation
 Developed Immunity and natural turnover rate drive the ability for WNV to establish a reservoir among avian species
 American Robins and House Finches do not see same mortality rates as American Crows
 Surviving an acute infection allows host to be immune
 The WNV virion is still present and still able to infect blood feeding mosquitoes
 Viral RNA has been detected in kidneys and spleen tissue in immune birds; found to persist in body for up to 8 months
 Drove the initial 3 year cycle that WNV initially showed:
 A hidden invasion year
 Large amplification, up to outbreak levels, in year 2
 Subsidence in third year when flock immunity has been accrued by host populations
 After first several outbreaks flock immunity increased, while crow populations decreased, allowing for a 4 to 5 year period of low incidences
 Immunity can be passed to children from previously infected birds
 Decreasing the rate of new infections and new immunities building against WNV
 Natural turnover rate of bird species encourages large outbreaks
 The birds that have accrued immunity themselves or from parents die of natural causes
 Diluted flock immunity levels within the host populations of bird hosts allowed WNV to have major resurgence, causing the 2012 outbreak.
 Larvicides and adulticides have different effect on flock immunity levels
 Los Angeles, CA, chooses public education and enhanced larvicides (chemicals used to kill larval in water habitats)
 Allows flock immunity of avian host to increase, preventing viral amplification long term
 Sacramento, CA, chooses aerial adulticides (chemicals used to kill adult mosquitoes through the air)
 Interrupts transmission between adult mosquitoes and hosts all together, flock immunity drops, and virus amplification is possible in later years
Avian Flock Immunity
 West Nile virus has complex interactions between climate, land use, hydrogeographic area, and anthropogenic factors
 WNV abundance has caused over 35,000 human cases of disease since 1999
 Increased temperatures increase amplification and replication of viral RNA, development of larvae into mosquitoes, and rate of
gonotrophic cycle of female mosquitoes
 Increased precipitation increases amplification in eastern U.S., unless heavy rainfall is involved, while low levels of precipitation increase
amplification in western and rural northern regions; where heavy rainfalls are found to be beneficial
 Urban and rural areas are dominated by different host vectors
 Cx. pipiens and Cx. ruetans prefer urban, water basin drainage, areas
 Cx. tarsalis prefer irrigated agricultural, especially orchards, rural areas
 Hydrogeographic area was seen as decreasing WNV abundance, but only in the specific northeastern region, New York.
 Anthropogenic factors: wearing less clothing, waiting till evening for outside activities, and keeping windows open where air conditioning
is not commonplace leads to enhanced human infection cases
 Previous year’s precipitation and Avian flock immunity levels are thought to be major factors contributing to WNV outbreaks, and explain
the gap between 2007 and 2012 outbreaks
 WNV is an arboviral nuisance, which is predicted to stay endemic to the U.S., possibly forever. Requiring constant surveillance to fully
prevent and understand outbreaks
 Brinton, Margo A. “Replication Cycle and Molecular Biology of the West Nile Virus.” Viruses
6, (2014): 13-53.
 Chen, C. Chen, Emily Jenkins, Tasha Epp, Cheryl Waldner, Philip S. Curry, and Catherine Soos.
“Climate Change and West Nile Virus in a Highly Endemic Region of North America.”
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 10, (2013) 3052-
 Chuang, Ting-Wu, Michael Wimberly. “Remote Sensing of Climatic Anomalies and West Nile
Virus Incidence in the Northern Great Plain of the United States.” PLos ONE 7 No. 10,
(2012): 1-10.
 Crowder, David W., Elizabeth A. Dykstra, Jo Marie Brauner, Anne Duffy, Caitlin Reed, Emily
Martin, Wade Peterson, Yves Carriere, Pierre Dutilleul, Jeb P. Owen. “West Nile Virus
Prevalence Across Landscapes is Mediated by Local Effects of Agriculture on Vector and
Host Communities.” PLos ONE 8, (2013): 1-8.
 Deichmeister, Jayne M. and Aparna Telang. “Abundance of West Nile Virus Mosquito Vectors
in Relation to Climate and Landscape Variables.” Journal of Vector Ecology 36, (2010):
 Dodson, Brittany L, Laura D Kramer and Jason L Rasgon. “Effects of Larval Rearing
Temperature on Immature Development and West Nile Virus Vector Competence of
Culex tarsalis.” Parasites & Vectors 5 No. 199, (2012): 1-6.
 Kwan, L. Jennifer, Bborie K. Park, Tim E. Carpenter, Van Ngo, Rachel Civen, and William
Reisen. “Comparison of Enzootic Risk Measures for Predicting West Nile Disease, Los
Angeles, California, USA, 2004-2010.” Emerging Infectious Diseases 18 No.6, (2012):
 LaDeau, Shannon L., Catherine A. Calder, Patrick J. Doran, Peter P. Marra. “West Nile Virus
Impacts in American Crow Populations are Associated with Human Land Use and
Climate.” Ecological Research 26, (2011): 909-916.
 Morin, Cory W., Andrew C. Comrie. “Modeled Response of the West Nile Virus Vector Culex
quinquefasciatus to Changing Climate Using the Dynamic Mosquito Simulation Model.”
International Journal of Biometerol 54, (2010): 517-529.
 Reisen, William K. “Ecology of West Nile Virus in North America.” Viruses 5, (2013): 2079-
 Roehrig, John T. “West Nile Virus in the United States – A Historical Perspective.” Viruses 5,
(2013): 3088-3108.
Ruiz, Marilyn O, Luis F Chaves, Gabriel L Hamer, Ting Sun, William M Brown, Edward D
Walker, Linn Haramis, Tony L Goldberg, Uriel D Kitron. “Local Impact of Temperature
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Soverow, Jonathan E., Gregory A. Wellenius, David N. Fishman, and Murray A. Mittleman.
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Wang, Guiming, Richard B Minnis, Jerrold L Belant, Charles L Wax. “Dry Weather Induces
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  • 1. Factors Influencing United States West Nile Virus Prevalence in the United States By: Matthew Weik GEOG 510: Seminar in Physical Geography: Date: April 1, 2014
  • 2.  -West Nile as a Virus  -Impacts of WNV  -Species Responsible for WNV  -Factors Effecting WNV  -WNV Outbreaks  -Conclusion Outline
  • 3. The West Nile Virion  Genus:Flavivirus ; Family: Flaviviridea  E dimers interact with pits on cell membrane  Inserts Genomic RNA  Transcribed within ER  Modified in Golgi-body  Then assembled and exits cell  Replication begins very slowly and rapidly picks up
  • 4.  Human:  31,365 illnesses and 1,250 deaths  West Nile Fever  Months of depression, altered moods, headaches, and fatigue  West Nile Neurological Disease  Meningitis, encephalitis, and acute flaccid paralysis (leading to incomplete recovery)  Economic:  Average of $40,000+, is the cost per an individual suffering from WNV  CDC given $2.7 million to aid states afflicted worse in 2000  Later increased to $20 million over following years  Avian:  American Crow (Corvus brachyrhunchos) has nearly 100% mortality from WNV  Population had trend of decline starting 1999, with a dramatic drop by 2004  Decreased abundance occurred where forest was less than 36% and urban was greater than 11% Impacts of West Nile Virus
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  • 7.  Mosquito (vector): Culex spp.  Avian (host):  American Crows  American Robins  House Finches Species Responsible for WNV Prevalence
  • 8.  Cx. Pipiens and Cx. Restuans  Pipiens: commonly known as northern house mosquito  Preference for larval habitat is Urban: storm drains and catch- drainage basins  Negatively impacted by large rain events  Restuans: commonly known as white-spotted mosquito  Also prefers more urban than rural larval habitat; known to makes use of untreated swimming pools, and other foul water areas.  Cx. Tarsalis  Prevalent among in western U.S., and North Great Plains  Preference for rural larval habitat: irrigated fields, puddles in tire tracks, etc…  Positively impacted by large rain events; increasing larval habitat  Cx. Quinquefasciatus  Primary WNV vector in southern U.S.  Seems to prefer urban larval habitat  The effect of land cover, temperature, and humidity on its population are lacking Culex spp.
  • 9.  American Crows  Competent vector, but high mortality rates effect abundance in long term.  Poor hosts for sustaining WNV in an area  Close relationship with human infection cases:  41% of human population lived within clusters of infected crows; however 75% of human WNV cases came from within these clusters.  American Robins and House Finches  Wide range and large population: resulting from fragmented forests, intensive agriculture, and increased urbanization  Easily became primary reservoir hosts of WNV infections in the U.S. Aves
  • 10.  Climate  Land Use  Hydrogeographic Area  Anthropogenic Factors Factors Effecting WNV
  • 11.  In urban areas around Chicago, Illinois, temperature and precipitation accounted for 79% variation of WNV infections in mosquitoes  Thought to alter prevalence of vector borne disease three ways:  Distribution and abundance of mosquitoes through reproduction, development and survival  Blood seeking activity of mosquitoes  Influencing the rate of viral amplification within mosquitoes  Temperature has a direct impact  Increasing temperatures speed up and increase abundance of both WNV virions and mosquitoes  Precipitation has a complex interaction  Larval populations are altered differently, depending on vector species and location, through rain events. Climate
  • 12.  WNV amplification within mosquitoes:  Lowest threshold temperature is 14.3 degrees Celsius  Disease activity occurs mainly in summer months  Larval development  High temperature extremes cause sudden death; moderately high temperatures cause thermal wounding  Low temperatures cause changes in cell integrity, morphogenesis of tissue, reproduction, and the sex ratio of adult mosquitoes  Temperature range for larval development: 19-31 degrees C  19 degrees C produces larger mosquitoes, in high numbers  25 degrees C was highest optimal temperature: producing smaller sized mosquitoes in less numbers  31 degrees C produced the smallest mosquitoes and saw a increased mortality amongst immature stages  Gonotrophic cycle of adult mosquitoes  Feeding and egg laying cycle of female mosquitoes  Increased temperatures shorten time between females taking blood meals and when they oviposit over water sources  Therefore increases rate at which cycles are repeated Temperature (Climate)
  • 13.  Abundance of mosquitoes is limited by the amount of precipitation an area receives  Tied to Culex spp., their geographic ranges, and land uses they are inhabiting  Cx. pipiens, primary vector above 36 degrees latitude and east of Mississippi River, have their typical larval habitat (urban catch basins) flushed out during heavy rain events  Cx. tarsalis, primary rural vector west of the Mississippi River, heavy rainfall is beneficial; supplying females with larval habitats for ovipositing  Cx. nigripaplpus (specific WNV in Florida) showed increase WNV amplification after early season drought, combined with subsequent wetting and decreased water table depth  Drought conditions and diminished precipitation have an effect on human infection cases  Within semi-permanent wetlands increased larval breeding sites, which contain fewer predators of mosquitoes and competitors with larvae for organic material  In Northeast passerine birds, the preferred blood meal of Culex mosquitoes, move farther out of range in search for water sources  Forces infected mosquitoes to feed on alternative, or accidental, hosts: humans, equines, cows, and other mammals Precipitation (Climate)
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  • 16.  On a county-wide scale human infections of WNV persist in areas of increased urbanization and irrigated agricultural land  Northern Great Plains showed a strong relationship between orchard acreage at both landscape and local scales, while irrigated land was only at the landscape scale  Henrico County, Virginia:  Study by Deichmeister et al, 2010, assessed ability of urban, suburban, and rural to produce WNV infected mosquitoes  Looked at area of canopy cover, building footprint, and drainage basins as predictors of vector abundance  Urban: high density residential, commercial, and industrial presence  Produced a greater proportion of infected mosquitoes, as predicted being both located in eastern U.S. and containing primarily urban species of Culex mosquitoes  Canopy cover and building footprint were poor predictors, while storm/water drainage basins was a good predictor  Suburban: low density residential, higher proportion of public/ open lots, and few dispersed commercial/industrial areas  Rural was not mentioned further Land Use
  • 17.  Defined as fixed water features within a landscape  Very important at micro-scale  Walsh et al, 2012, looked at relationship between hydrogeographic area and WNV abundance in the state of New York  Modeled that one square kilometer increase in hydrogeographic area lead to 2% decrease in risk of WNV;  Found to be significant independently of both temperature and precipitation  Primary vectors for this region, Cx. pipiens and Cx. ruetans, prefers urban areas.  Ponds and lakes, largest contributor to hydrogeographic area, are typically located in rural areas.  Relationship has only been observed for New York region, and cannot be assumed for other parts of U.S.  However the opposite effect has also been found:  Decreases in water table levels are thought to fragment habitat for larval mosquitos; providing closer congregations between adult blood feeding mosquitoes and competent birds hosts. Hydrogeographic Area
  • 18.  Things humans do to increase infections and outbreaks, such as changes in outdoor activity and exposure to mosquito populations  Hot summer seasons:  Changes in dress increase skin exposure to blood feeding mosquitoes  Outdoor work and recreational activities become put off until cooler evening temperatures; which are host-seeking time for mosquitoes  Regions with infrequent warm spells:  Lack of air conditioning forces residents to leave windows open, allowing individuals indoors to be exposed to mosquitoes  1999, the invading year of WNV, was a hot year in New York:  Many residents were sleeping outside, letting water gather for gardens and plants, and allowing swimming pools to lay still  Leaving perfect conditions for blood feeding females and sustaining larval habitats  Possibly made it easier for WNV outbreak to reach the level it did.  Increased television viewing and use of air conditioning helps to limit WNV exposure by keeping people indoors and away from mosquitoes Anthropogenic Factors
  • 19.  Initial outbreak of WNV in 1999 managed to overwinter and become endemic within a matter of years  Unexpected and unprecedented  In 2003 an outbreak occurred, but in Northern Great Plains region  Attributed to the immunological inexperience of birds and humans with WNV in its expanding range  2007, outbreaks effected Northern Great Plains and spread cases west of the Mississippi River  Massive increases in larval habitat were examined with satellite imagery in abandoned and unmaintained swimming pools left behind from the 2006 economic crisis in Bakersfield, California  2012, second largest number of cases reported (over 5,000)  Epicenter was Dallas, Texas  Occurred after four years of extremely low number of cases across U.S.  Two possible factors contributing to major outbreaks of WNV  The previous year’s precipitation  Avian flock immunity WNV Outbreaks
  • 20.  Drought is suggested to have larger impact on predators and competitors than on mosquitoes themselves  Allows mosquito abundance human infection cases to increase the subsequent year  Possibility of larval habitats from growing season and overwintering mosquitoes initiate outbreaks in eastern U.S.  Positive correlations between previous year’s precipitation and WNV incidences empirically support this idea Previous Year Precipitation
  • 21.  Developed Immunity and natural turnover rate drive the ability for WNV to establish a reservoir among avian species  American Robins and House Finches do not see same mortality rates as American Crows  Surviving an acute infection allows host to be immune  The WNV virion is still present and still able to infect blood feeding mosquitoes  Viral RNA has been detected in kidneys and spleen tissue in immune birds; found to persist in body for up to 8 months  Drove the initial 3 year cycle that WNV initially showed:  A hidden invasion year  Large amplification, up to outbreak levels, in year 2  Subsidence in third year when flock immunity has been accrued by host populations  After first several outbreaks flock immunity increased, while crow populations decreased, allowing for a 4 to 5 year period of low incidences  Immunity can be passed to children from previously infected birds  Decreasing the rate of new infections and new immunities building against WNV  Natural turnover rate of bird species encourages large outbreaks  The birds that have accrued immunity themselves or from parents die of natural causes  Diluted flock immunity levels within the host populations of bird hosts allowed WNV to have major resurgence, causing the 2012 outbreak.  Larvicides and adulticides have different effect on flock immunity levels  Los Angeles, CA, chooses public education and enhanced larvicides (chemicals used to kill larval in water habitats)  Allows flock immunity of avian host to increase, preventing viral amplification long term  Sacramento, CA, chooses aerial adulticides (chemicals used to kill adult mosquitoes through the air)  Interrupts transmission between adult mosquitoes and hosts all together, flock immunity drops, and virus amplification is possible in later years Avian Flock Immunity
  • 22.  West Nile virus has complex interactions between climate, land use, hydrogeographic area, and anthropogenic factors  WNV abundance has caused over 35,000 human cases of disease since 1999  Increased temperatures increase amplification and replication of viral RNA, development of larvae into mosquitoes, and rate of gonotrophic cycle of female mosquitoes  Increased precipitation increases amplification in eastern U.S., unless heavy rainfall is involved, while low levels of precipitation increase amplification in western and rural northern regions; where heavy rainfalls are found to be beneficial  Urban and rural areas are dominated by different host vectors  Cx. pipiens and Cx. ruetans prefer urban, water basin drainage, areas  Cx. tarsalis prefer irrigated agricultural, especially orchards, rural areas  Hydrogeographic area was seen as decreasing WNV abundance, but only in the specific northeastern region, New York.  Anthropogenic factors: wearing less clothing, waiting till evening for outside activities, and keeping windows open where air conditioning is not commonplace leads to enhanced human infection cases  Previous year’s precipitation and Avian flock immunity levels are thought to be major factors contributing to WNV outbreaks, and explain the gap between 2007 and 2012 outbreaks  WNV is an arboviral nuisance, which is predicted to stay endemic to the U.S., possibly forever. Requiring constant surveillance to fully prevent and understand outbreaks Conclusion
  • 23. Sources:  Brinton, Margo A. “Replication Cycle and Molecular Biology of the West Nile Virus.” Viruses 6, (2014): 13-53.  Chen, C. Chen, Emily Jenkins, Tasha Epp, Cheryl Waldner, Philip S. Curry, and Catherine Soos. “Climate Change and West Nile Virus in a Highly Endemic Region of North America.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 10, (2013) 3052- 3071.  Chuang, Ting-Wu, Michael Wimberly. “Remote Sensing of Climatic Anomalies and West Nile Virus Incidence in the Northern Great Plain of the United States.” PLos ONE 7 No. 10, (2012): 1-10.  Crowder, David W., Elizabeth A. Dykstra, Jo Marie Brauner, Anne Duffy, Caitlin Reed, Emily Martin, Wade Peterson, Yves Carriere, Pierre Dutilleul, Jeb P. Owen. “West Nile Virus Prevalence Across Landscapes is Mediated by Local Effects of Agriculture on Vector and Host Communities.” PLos ONE 8, (2013): 1-8.  Deichmeister, Jayne M. and Aparna Telang. “Abundance of West Nile Virus Mosquito Vectors in Relation to Climate and Landscape Variables.” Journal of Vector Ecology 36, (2010): 75-85.  Dodson, Brittany L, Laura D Kramer and Jason L Rasgon. “Effects of Larval Rearing Temperature on Immature Development and West Nile Virus Vector Competence of Culex tarsalis.” Parasites & Vectors 5 No. 199, (2012): 1-6.  Kwan, L. Jennifer, Bborie K. Park, Tim E. Carpenter, Van Ngo, Rachel Civen, and William Reisen. “Comparison of Enzootic Risk Measures for Predicting West Nile Disease, Los Angeles, California, USA, 2004-2010.” Emerging Infectious Diseases 18 No.6, (2012): 1298-1306.  LaDeau, Shannon L., Catherine A. Calder, Patrick J. Doran, Peter P. Marra. “West Nile Virus Impacts in American Crow Populations are Associated with Human Land Use and Climate.” Ecological Research 26, (2011): 909-916.  Morin, Cory W., Andrew C. Comrie. “Modeled Response of the West Nile Virus Vector Culex quinquefasciatus to Changing Climate Using the Dynamic Mosquito Simulation Model.” International Journal of Biometerol 54, (2010): 517-529.  Reisen, William K. “Ecology of West Nile Virus in North America.” Viruses 5, (2013): 2079- 2105.  Roehrig, John T. “West Nile Virus in the United States – A Historical Perspective.” Viruses 5, (2013): 3088-3108. Ruiz, Marilyn O, Luis F Chaves, Gabriel L Hamer, Ting Sun, William M Brown, Edward D Walker, Linn Haramis, Tony L Goldberg, Uriel D Kitron. “Local Impact of Temperature and Precipitation on West Nile Virus Infection in Culex Species Mosquitoes in Northeast Illinois, USA.” Parasites & Vectors 3 No. 19, (2010): 1-16. Soverow, Jonathan E., Gregory A. Wellenius, David N. Fishman, and Murray A. Mittleman. “Infectious Disease in a Warming World: How Weather Influenced West Nile Virus in the United States (2001-2005).” Environmental Health Perspectives 117 No. 7, (2009): 1049-1052. Walsh, Michael G. “The Role of Hydrogeography and Climate in the Landscape Epidemiology of West Nile Virus in New York State from 2000 to 2010.” PLoS ONE 7 No. 2, (2012): 1-6. Wang, Guiming, Richard B Minnis, Jerrold L Belant, Charles L Wax. “Dry Weather Induces Outbreaks of Human West Nile Virus Infections.” BMC Infectious Diseases 10 No. 38, (2010): 1-7. Westcott, N.E., S. D. Hilberg, R. L. Lampman, B. W. Alto, A. Bedel, E. J. Muturi, H. Glahn, K. E. Kunkel, and R. J. Novak. “ Predicting the Seasonal Shift in Mosquito Populations Preceding the Onset of West Nile Virus in Central Illinois.” American Meterological Society, (2011): 1173-1180.