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Client/Server Networking
Protocol Stack Summary
 “turtles all the way down”
 each layer uses the services of the layer below and provides a
service to the layer above
 Python lets you work at the layer of your choice
 programs are “cleaner” the higher the layer you use
 layers work by “hiding” the layers below behind function calls
What lies under Socket?
“link layer”
Internet Protocol Stack
 About “sharing” resources.
 Compare to sharing of disk, IO devices, etc done by programs
running on a computer
 Computer Example: OS is the master controller
 Network Example: Each participant “plays by the rules” but no
 All network cards share the same ethernet cable
 all wireless transmitters share the same frequency channels
 fundamental unit of sharing is “packet”
 individual packets carry addressing info sufficient to arrive at
final destination.
 two layers: one hop at a time and end-to-end
 single hop addressing performed by link layer
 end-to-end addressing is IP
 process addressing is TCP or UDP
IP Addresses
 a.b.c.d: 0 <= a,b,c,d <= 255
 New Paltz: 137.140.*.*
 localhost:
 private networks: 10.*.*.*, 172.16-31.*.*, 192.168.*.*
Domain Name Service
 DNS converts host names into host IP addresses.
 corresponds to directory assistance
address = socket.gethostbyname(name);
How DNS Works
 gethostbyname() first looks in /etc/hosts
 if this fails then it looks in /etc/resolv.conf for the address of
“directory assistance”, also called a DNS Server.
 sends the request to this address
 Observation: If your DNS server is down, you won't get
anywhere on the Internet.
 Each time a packet arrives at a new node a decision must be
made at that node as to where to send the packet next.
 Guiding principle of routing on the Internet is that each time a
packet “hops” from one node to another it is always one hop
closer to its final destination.
 Exercise: Difference between host and node.
Lots of Reading
 The classic text is TCP/IP Illustrated: Vol I by Richard Stevens.
 PDF file available on the web at among
other places
 We will concentrate on Chapters 1-4, 9, 11, 14, 17-19.
 Given:
 Find longitude and latitude
207 N. Defiance St, Archbold, OH
Protocol Stack:
 googlemaps library (3rd party) uses
 urllib, uses
 httplib, uses
 Socket, uses
 TCP, IP,
protocol stack
inside the actual
program itself
TCP, IP and
Ethernet make up
the OS part of the
protocol stack
APIs vs Sockets:
 well-tested
 written by experts
 common practice to use them
 we still need to understand Sockets to
appreciate things that depend upon them
 lets you look at packets crossing the wire
 needs root permissions
 easy to filter out unneeded traffic
 I saved some traffic and you can view it with Wireshark (see
course web page).
Highest Level API Example:
 Fetch a JSON document without realizing it:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 1 -
# Not even clear you are using a web service
from googlemaps import GoogleMaps
address = '207 N. Defiance St, Archbold, OH'
print GoogleMaps().address_to_latlng(address)
GET Syntax:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 1 -
# HTML-level abstraction
import urllib, urllib2
import json
except ImportError: # for Python 2.5
import simplejson as json
params = {'q': '207 N. Defiance St, Archbold, OH',
'output': 'json', 'oe': 'utf8'}
url = '' + urllib.urlencode(params)
rawreply = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
reply = json.loads(rawreply)
print reply['Placemark'][0]['Point']['coordinates'][:-1]
GET Syntax:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 1 -
# HTTP level abstraction
import httplib
import json # json built in with Python 2.6
except ImportError: # for Python 2.5
import simplejson as json
path = ('/maps/geo?q=207+N.+Defiance+St%2C+Archbold%2C+OH'
connection = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
connection.request('GET', path)
rawreply = connection.getresponse().read()
reply = json.loads(rawreply)
print reply['Placemark'][0]['Point']['coordinates'][:-1]
GET Syntax:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 1 -
import socket
sock = socket.socket() # OS functionality
sock.connect(('', 80))
'GET /maps/geo?q=207+N.+Defiance+St%2C+Archbold%2C+OH'
'&output=json&oe=utf8&sensor=false HTTP/1.1rn'
'User-Agent: search4.pyrn'
'Connection: closern'
rawreply = sock.recv(4096)
print rawreply
GET Syntax:
# output
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=UTF-8
Vary: Accept-Language
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 16:10:38 GMT
Server: mafe
Cache-Control: private, x-gzip-ok=""
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Connection: close
"name": "207 N. Defiance St, Archbold, OH",
"Status": {
"code": 200,
"request": "geocode"
"Placemark": [ {
"Point": {
"coordinates": [ -84.3063479, 41.5228242, 0 ]
} ]
data transmitted by
web server
data read into
program variable
Things We've Seen:
 protocols stacked on top of one another
 higher level protocols using services of lower levels
 programs get more specific and harder to maintain the lower
down you go
 the idea behind high-level protocols is precisely to hide lower
 there's a whole lot going on below Socket.
The Stack:
 Fundamental unit of shared information is the packet.
 Typical packet structure:
 Transmitted as a single unit (but serially)
 Routing is generally at the packet level
 Things packets contain: data, addresses, layering,
sequencing, protocol bytes, checksums
 ethernet packets are called frames.
 14-byte header
 addresses: two 6-byte addresses – source and destination
 type: 2 bytes – 0800 == IP datagram
 the two network cards involved can process the header
without using the CPU, RAM, etc.
 cable length (100m) and MTU
 Some of the details:
IP Addresses:
 32 bits: a.b.c.d
 network address – n bits; host id – (32-n) bits
 some times the network part has a subnet component; some
times the subnet component is carved out of the hostID bits
 a.b == 137.140 == New Paltz network address
 a.b.c == 137.140.8 == CS subnet at New Paltz
 the part of the network address that is not subnet identifies an
organization like New Paltz.
IP Address Classes:
IP Special Addresses:
 127.*.*.*: local to the current machine
 10.*.*.*, 172.16-31.*.*, 192.168.*.*: private subnets.
 none of these address found on the larger Internet.
IP Routing:
 Guiding principle: after each hop you are one step closer to
your destination
 typical local routing table contains a default entry pointing to
the Internet together with one entry for each local subnet the
host belongs to.
[pletcha@archimedes PPT]$ netstat -nr
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Iface UG wlan0 U wlan0 U virbr0
IP Routing Next Hop Algorithm:
 Search Destination column of table entries with H-flag set
which is an exact match to Destination IP in packet
 If found and Flag is G or H then Gateway is next hop;
otherwise Destination IP is next hop.
 If not found then calculate Dest IP && Genmask for each entry
that is not the default. If Dest IP && Genmask == Destination
column entry then if Flag is G or H then Gateway is next hop;
otherwise Destination IP is next hop.
 Otherwise use the default entry. Flag is almost always G so
Gateway is next hop IP.
IP Routing Next Hop Algorithm:
 Once you have the next hop IP you need to determine the
next hop ethernet.
 The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) converts the next hop
IP into a next hop ethernet. More recently replaced by the ip
neigh command
 Exercise: Read up on ARP in TCP/IP Illustrated.
[pletcha@archimedes PPT]$ ip neigh dev enp0s25 lladdr 00:c0:17:c2:14:f3 STALE dev wlp3s0 lladdr 00:1f:29:07:e4:6a STALE dev enp0s25 lladdr 00:21:a0:39:65:00 DELAY
ARP Example
● From my laptop ( I try to locate joyous
● Because of my routing table I know it is locally connected so is “next hop”.
[pletcha@archimedes PPT]$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.266 ms
[pletcha@archimedes PPT]$ netstat -nr
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface UG 0 0 0 enp0s25 U 0 0 0 enp0s25 U 0 0 0 wlp3s0
ARP Request
ARP Reply
Packet Fragmentation:
 The Internet Protocol Suite supports 64k packets but specific
IP networks support much smaller packets.
 Ethernet networks support 1500 byte packets.
 IP headers contain a Don't Fragment (DF) flag, set by sender.
– DF not set, then a router can fragment a packet too
large to be forwarded on a particular interface.
– DF set, router sends an ICMP message to original
sender so sender can fragment the original message
and try again.
 UDP: DF unset by OS
 TCP: DF set by OS
Packet Fragmentation (continued):
 Each subnet has an MTU – Maximum Transmission Unit.
 Path MTU = min hop MTU over all hops in a path
 DSL providers make MTU = 1492.
– Initially many service providers used MTU = 1500 and
disabled ICMP so never knew their “large” traffic was
being dropped.
 TCP/IP Illustrated discusses how fragmentation actually
happens (Read Section 11.5).
TCP/IP Illustrated:
 Pages to Look at
25, 38, 43, 44, 48, 58, 61, 63
Chapter II
Reliable or Unreliable
 Do you need service that keeps packets in order and
guarantees delivery?
 Are your packets “individual” and so can arrive in any order or
possibly even not at all?
 In the above example, you would only need to worry about
non-delivery (and hence non-reply).
Suppose you plan to send a single packet and get a single reply?
 Short, self-contained requests and responses.
 Real-time traffic like voice.
 Author says it is not used often but that is not to say it is not
 A single server port can receive packets from millions of
distinct clients over time with no additional memory
allocation beyond original setup.
 congested network routers tend to be more sympathetic to
UDP traffic compared to TCP traffic since they know that
the latter will be retransmitted if dropped by the router.
 You can add your own “99% reliability” more cheaply
(performance) than using TCP's 100% reliability.
 easier to use
Addresses and Ports
running program
socket memory allocation
port number
file descriptor
Addresses and Ports
 Ports allow multiple programs to use the same TCP/IP stack
 Packets come in and go up the same stack. They are
“demultiplexed” at the top of the stack by port number to
different programs.
 The pair (IP address:port number) is called a socket and
identifies a program connected to the internet, running on
some machine.
 Every packet sent on the internet contains a quadruple
that identifies the connection.
(sourceIP: source port, destIP: dest port)
Port Ranges
 Well-known: 0-1023
 Registered: 1024-4915: used by large companies
 The Rest: above, used by us
 How to find a well-known or registered port number
 Check out the IANA (
>>> import socket
>>> socket.getservbyname('domain')
Python Virtual Environment
● It is a good idea to create your own virtual environment for
the various python programming projects found in this
● This gives you an easy way to install special python
packages just for your own use and leave the main python
install on your computer alone.
● This is a useful skill for future python development you might
● Here is an on-line tutorial; read it carefully and follow the
Using virtualenvwrapper
● The virtualenv tutorial suggests that inside each project
directory (say Project1) there should be a project-specific
virtual environment (Project1/env).
● There is an alternative approach suggested by
virtualenvwrapper – an extension of virtualenv.
● When using using virtualenvwrapper your file hierarchy looks
● All the executable code in .virtualenvs is from the wrapper
ArcGIS BenchMark GeoIP Memcached QGIS Rabbit
ArcGIS hook.log.1 postmkvirtualenv premkvirtualenv
Benchmark initialize postrmproject prermproject
BenchMark Memcached postrmvirtualenv prermvirtualenv
GeoIP postactivate preactivate QGIS
get_env_details postdeactivate predeactivate Rabbit
hook.log postmkproject premkproject README
 Python makes calls to the lower level operating system-level
calls that implement the networking functionality
 The python interface is slightly OO
 Python's contact to these OS calls is through a program
construct called a socket
 Sockets are “files” just like everything else and are accessed
via a file descriptor, which in python you never see but in C it
is all you see.
 Sockets are the file descriptor
 We read and write to sockets the same way we do files
import socket, sys
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
# AF_INET is a “family” type
# SOCK_DGRAM means UDP and not TCP
MAX = 65535 # packet size
PORT = 1060 # port used by our server
if sys.argv[1:] == ['server']: # are these two lists equal
s.bind(('', PORT)) # specify your local socket address
# since you are a server
print 'Listening at', s.getsockname() # returns a list
while True:
data, address = s.recvfrom(MAX) # wait for traffic
print 'The client at', address, 'says', repr(data) # data.toString()
s.sendto('Your data was %d bytes' % len(data), address)
# send reply to original sender
elif sys.argv[1:] == ['client']:
print 'Address before sending:', s.getsockname()
# means no port on any interface
s.sendto('This is my message', ('', PORT))
print 'Address after sending', s.getsockname()
# bind is automatic, but only to a port number
# means port number 34567 on any interface
data, address = s.recvfrom(MAX) # overly promiscuous - see Chapter 2
# will accept a datagramfrom anyone and not just the server
print 'The server', address, 'says', repr(data)
print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: server|client'
elif sys.argv[1:] == ['client']:
print 'Address before bind:', s.getsockname()
print 'Address after bind:', s.getsockname()
s.sendto('This is my message', ('', PORT))
print 'Address after sending', s.getsockname()
# bind is automatic, but only to a port number
# means port number 55000 on any interface
data, address = s.recvfrom(MAX) # overly promiscuous - see Chapter 2
# will accept a datagramfrom anyone and not just the server
print 'The server', address, 'says', repr(data)
print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: server|client'
 Remote access to a socket is through its port number.
 Access from the program that opens the socket is through the
file descriptor.
 Author says “both IP address and port number start as all
zeros – a new socket is a blank slate”. This is not entirely true.
 recv() vs recvfrom():
 recv(): does not return sender address and typical of client
code because clients typically go to a single server and so
“know” where any data they receive comes from.
 recvfrom() returns sender address and is typical of server
code because servers receive data from many clients and
typically need to reply to a client request with a packet sent
right back to the same client. The socket.sendto() function
takes the address returned by recvfrom().
 If you timeout and resend and the problem is that the server
is down, you will add useless traffic to the network and cause
congestion that will slow everyone down.
 Best answer is each time you timeout extend the timeout
interval so that eventually you are resending a packet only
once per hour or more.
 exponential backoff: delay *= 2
 What about giving up?
 What about trying forever?
best to give up only if you need a timely answer or not at all
weather icon example
More Complications:
 Suppose a successful request/reply exchange takes 200 ms
on average.
 What does the server do with duplicate requests?
In both cases the server must keep track of request identifiers
so it knows what requests have already been received.
 If client also keeps track of request IDs and whether or not
they have been replied to then the client can quietly drop
duplicate replies.
Client can use this information to set a minimum timeout
delay to be at least 200 ms?
1) Reply again
2) Don't bother to repeat reply (How does the server know a previous reply
got to the original sender?).
reply lost
no need to pass off
to higher level but
must keep data ID
to know it has already
been forwarded
Reliable Code
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 2 -
# UDP client and server for talking over the network
import random, socket, sys
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
MAX = 65535
PORT = 1060
# usage: server [ <interface> ]
if 2 <= len(sys.argv) <= 3 and sys.argv[1] == 'server':
# server side
interface = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else '' # two single quotes
s.bind((interface, PORT)) # '' is the same as '' == all interfaces
print 'Listening at', s.getsockname()
while True:
data, address = s.recvfrom(MAX) # server always needs client address
if random.randint(0, 1): # flip a coin and reply only if heads
print 'The client at', address, 'says:', repr(data)
s.sendto('Your data was %d bytes' % len(data), address)
else: # tails
print 'Pretending to drop packet from', address
Reliable Code
# Usage: client <host>
elif len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[1] == 'client':
hostname = sys.argv[2]
s.connect((hostname, PORT)) # no packets exchanged;
print 'Client socket name is', s.getsockname()
delay = 0.1 # initial retry delay
while True: # keep resending if no reply
s.send('This is another message')
print 'Waiting up to', delay, 'seconds for a reply'
s.settimeout(delay) # so recv() will block only so long
data = s.recv(MAX) # blocking <delay> seconds
except socket.timeout: # timeout expired
delay *= 2 # double timeout delay time
if delay > 2.0: # time to stop all this nonsense
raise RuntimeError('I think the server is down')
break # we are done after one success,
# and can stop looping
print 'The server says', repr(data)
Code Alternatives:
• See homework
Connecting vs Implicit Connecting
• In Listing 2-1 we used sendto(msg,address) on the client and
an implicit binding happened when the first datagram was sent.
• In Listing 2-2 we used send(msg) so the binding had to be
done explicitly, and at the same time we indicate where the
message is to be sent
• In the first situation we could send to various different servers
by modifying the address argument. In the latter we can only
send to the address we originally connected to.
s.send(data) check netstat -an | grep udp
at this point
How things look after s.sendto(msg,address):
[pletcha@archimedes ~]$ python
>>> import socket
>>> s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
>>> s.sendto('my message',('',50000))
>>> s.getsockname()
('', 52011)
[pletcha@archimedes ~]$ netstat -an | grep udp
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
anyone can send data to
my port 52011.
Sneaking into the conversation
[pletcha@archimedes ~]$ python
>>> import socket
>>> s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
>>> s.sendto('my message',('',50000))
>>> s.getsockname()
('', 33897)
>>> data,address = s.recvfrom(4000)
>>> print data
Fake reply
[pletcha@archimedes ~]$ python
>>> import socket
>>> s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
>>> s.sendto('Fake reply',('',33697))
use the bound port number
as your destination
How things look after s.connect(address):
> python
>>> import socket
>>> s =socket.socket(socket.AF_NET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
>>> s.connect((,50000))
[pletcha@archimedes ~]$ netstat -an | grep udp
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0* no one can send data
to my port 51400 except
what I connected to
(I really didn't connect
since no data was sent)
• Lesson to learn: If you want to use sendto() instead of
connect() followed by send(), then you can use recvfrom() and
look at each sender address to be sure it is an address you
• Exercise: Think of a UDP application that would have you
sending data to several destinations so you could expect
answers back from them all.
Repeat the “sneak into the conversation” example running the client software
of Listing 2-2 and see that your message never gets read by the application.
It is rejected by UDP
What happens is that Ethernet and IP recognize the sneaky packet as intended
for this machine. IP forwards the packet to UDP. UDP looks up the destination
port and sees that it will only accept data from (wyvern, 50000)
Request IDs
• Sending a packet ID with every packet makes it easier to
identify replies and know what request they are replying to.
• (See homework)
• Packet IDs are some protection against spoofing. Client that
doesn't call connect() can be exposed to unexpected
(spoofing) traffic. If the unwelcome traffic doesn't know the
packet ID it is not possible to fake a response.
Binding to Interfaces
• We have used bind() to listen on or on ' ', which
means all network interfaces.
• We can specify an interface if we know its IP address
(remember /sbin/ifconfig -a)
• Connecting to the College using VPN I have 4 network
interfaces on my laptop
4 Network Interfaces at once:
[pletcha@archimedes 02]$ ifconfig -a
cscotun0: flags=4305<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,NOARP,MULTICAST> mtu 1399
inet netmask destination ...
lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536
inet netmask ...
virbr0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast ...
wlan0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast ...
Ports are bound to Interfaces
[pletcha@archimedes 02]$ cat
./ server
sleep 1; ./ server
sleep 1; ./ server
sleep 1; ./ server &
sleep 1; ./ server
[pletcha@archimedes 02]$ ./
Listening at ('', 1060)
Listening at ('', 1060)
Listening at ('', 1060)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 13, in <module>
s.bind((interface, PORT))
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 224, in meth
return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args)
socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use
[pletcha@archimedes 02]$ Listening at ('', 1060)
local host vs remote host:
• Local packets can arrive destined for but they can
also arrive locally by using the machine IP address, say
• By binding to, external clients can not talk to you.
• By binding to both internal and external clients
can talk to you.
• Lesson to Learn: Binding means specifying both a port
number and a network interface (or all interfaces), so the basic
data structure is not just a port but an (IP address, port) pair, in
other words, a socket.
Two Interface problem:
• Suppose a machine has two external interfaces – and
• If we open a socket at (,1060) but try to send
data to (, 1060) what will happen? Apparently it
depends on the OS.
• On my laptop I get:
[pletcha@archimedes 02]$ ps -ef | grep remote
pletcha 28577 3450 0 18:07 pts/1 python ./ server
[pletcha@archimedes 02]$ ./ client
Client socket name is ('', 48271)
Waiting up to 0.1 seconds for a reply
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 33, in <module>
data = s.recv(MAX)
socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused
Fragmentation, ETC:
Read the last 4 pages of Chapter 2 yourselves.
Chapter III
 workhorse of the Internet – 1974
- data stream (mule train versus conveyor belt)
 most traffic suited to TCP:
- long conversations like SSH, large exchanges like HTTP
 Reliability: packet sequence numbers and retransmission.
 TCP Sequence Number: byte number of first byte in data
package plus 1 for SYN and 1 for FIN
 Retransmitted packets can begin at different packet
 Initial SeqNum is randomly choosen to confound “villains”.
TCP is bursty
 TCP noes not keep the sender and receiver in lock-step.
 Sender can send multiple packets with no acknowledgment
of any being received.
TCP Example
sender receiver
ACK 15
ACK 40
next expected
byte number is
TCP Window
sender receiver
ACK 15
ACK 40
TCP Window:
Sender has sent 40
bytes with no ACK
received. So its
window is 40 bytes.
Actual Window size:
TCP Overwhelmed
sender receiver
ACK 15
ACK 40
TCP Overwhelmed:
Receiver, if over-
whelmed, sends TCP
option, telling sender
to shut window down;
specifies window new
window size.
TCP Congested
sender receiver
ACK 15
ACK 40
TCP Congested:
Receiver, if it sees a
missing packet,
assumes congestion
and shuts the window
down as in the case of
being overwhelmed.
When to use TCP
 Most of the time.
 When is it inappropriate?
- single request/reply exchange – TCP uses 9 packets in total
- too many clients – each connection costs memory allocation,
port allocation, etc.
- real time like audio chat; retransmitted voice is discarded
because conversation has moved on.
highly compressed voice from previous and next packet
normally compressed voice
TCP Socket
 Listen Sockets and Data Sockets.
 Listen Sockets: like UDP, open and waiting for SYN
 Data Sockets always involve a connection.
 UDP socket.connect() shows intention of data exchange
between two particular processes and is optional
 TCP socket.connect() does the same and is fundamental.
(localIP,localport,remoteIP, remoteport)
client server
listen = socket.listen()
only accepts SYN
c_data = socket.connect()
s_data = listen.accept()
and blocks
in a loop
c_data.send() s_data.recv()
passive socket
active sockets,
c_data and s_data are
identical in nature, identified by
ie a connection
NOTE: Hundreds or thousands of active sockets are possible on server with
same (srvIP,srvPort) pair but only one passive socket with the same pair.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 3 -
# Simple TCP client and server that send and receive 16 octets
import socket, sys
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# doesn't know yet if active or passive
HOST = sys.argv.pop() if len(sys.argv) == 3 else ''
PORT = 1060
def recvall(sock, length): # used by both client and server
data = ''
while len(data) < length: # building a complete message
more = sock.recv(length - len(data))
if not more:
raise EOFError('socket closed %d bytes into a %d-byte message'
% (len(data), length))
data += more
return data
if sys.argv[1:] == ['server']:
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.bind((HOST, PORT)) # bind to whatever we wish <HOST>
while True:
print 'Listening at', s.getsockname()
sc, sockname = s.accept()
print 'We have accepted a connection from', sockname
print 'Socket connects', sc.getsockname(), 'and', sc.getpeername()
message = recvall(sc, 16)
print 'The incoming sixteen-octet message says', repr(message)
sc.sendall('Farewell, client')
print 'Reply sent, socket closed'
1: When a server passive socket is closed, TCP does not allow it to be
reused for several minutes to give all clients a chance to see that any future
listener is a new listener. If you want to rerun the program multiple times (as
in testing) then allow immediate reuse of the same passive socket.
2: If a popular server goes down you would want it to come back up immediately
and so for the same reason we set the SO_REUSEADDR socket option.
elif sys.argv[1:] == ['client']:
s.connect((HOST, PORT)) # can fail; unlike UDP
print 'Client has been assigned socket name', s.getsockname()
s.sendall('Hi there, server')
reply = recvall(s, 16)
print 'The server said', repr(reply)
print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: server|client [host]'
NOTE: Calling send(), TCP might not send all bytes immediately and
returns the number actually sent;
calling sendall() asks that all data be sent asap and that happens before
the function call returns. Notice that program does not capture sendall()
return value.
NOTE: recv_all() loops until all expected data is received.
 Create two sockets, one UPD and the other TCP and call
connect on both of them to a non-existent remote socket.
See what happens
[pletcha@archimedes 03]$ python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Jul 24 2012, 10:05:38)
>>> import socket
>>> udp_s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
>>> tcp_s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
>>> udp_s.connect(('',1060))
# [pletcha@archimedes 03]$ netstat -an | grep 215
>>> tcp_s.connect(('',1060))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 224, in meth
return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args)
socket.error: [Errno 110] Connection timed out
TCP send()
 The Stack has space so send() dumps all its data into a TCP
buffer and returns, even though nothing has been sent. From
now on, it is TCP's headache.
 TCP buffer is full or Stack is busy so send() blocks
 TCP buffer has some space but not enough for all send()
wants to transmit so send() moves as much data as it can
into the TCP buffer and returns that number. It is the
program's responsibility to recall send() with data starting at
the first byte not previously accepted by TCP.
TCP send() code:
bytes_sent = 0
while bytes_sent < len(message):
message_remaining = message[bytes_sent:]
bytes_sent += s.send(message_remaining)
# python has a sendall() function that does this for us.
TCP recv()
 Works like send():
 If no data then recv() blocks
 if plenty available then gives back just what the call asks for
 if some data available but not what you ask for you are gien
what is available and need to build up your own complete
message by repeatedly calling recv().
No TCP recvall()?
 Because we hardly ever know in advance the precise size we
are expecting. For example, suppose we send out an HTTP
GET request to
 The data that comes back consists of a header, a blank line
and some data.
 The header may or may not contain a Content-Length field.
 If it does we know exactly how many bytes to read so could
use a recvall() function. If not then we just need to read until
we feel we've come to the end of the data.
 In Listing 1.5 this means until we come to the end of a
syntactically correct JSON data object, serialized.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=UTF-8
Vary: Accept-Language
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 16:10:38 GMT
Server: mafe
Cache-Control: private, x-gzip-ok=""
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Length: 481
Connection: close
"name": "207 N. Defiance St, Archbold, OH",
"Status": {
"code": 200,
"request": "geocode"
"Placemark": [ {
"Point": {
"coordinates": [ -84.3063479, 41.5228242, 0 ]
} ]
TCP State Diagram
TCP Segment
Options fields possible
TCP Header
TCP sliding window
 Sliding-window protocol without selective or negative
 window “belongs” to sender; each end of a connection has a
 n1: byte (sequence) number of next byte to be transmitted for
the first time
 n2: byte (sequence) number of next byte to be acknowledged
 B: data already transmitted but not acknowledged
data stream to be transmitted
n1 n2
direction of data flow
window direction
sender receiver
TCP Acknowledgment:
 TCP does not “negative” acknowledge; ie, send a message
that something is missing
 TCP does not “selectively” acknowledge; ie, send a message
that a specific byte range has been received
 TCP acknowledgment number means TCP has received all
bytes up to but not including the ACK number.
TCP Flow Control
 TCP sends a window size field in its header. This field is
used by the end that receives the TCP segment to control its
own sliding window size.
 Typical window size is 4096. If the receiver end of a
connection sends a TCP header with a smaller number the
sender slows down transmission of new bytes until more
bytes are acknowledged by the other end (hence n1 – n2
TCP Options
 MSS: Maximum Segment Size. Usually sent during 3-way
handshake so that both ends will know how big (or small)
future segments should be.
TCP Connect and Disconnect Timeline
TCP Timeout
Delay Sequence: 1, 2, 4 seconds
TCP Half-close
send() will fail;
recv() will be ok
TCP States
TCP MSL (Maximum Segment Lifetime)
 MSL is the maximum time that a segment might expect to live
on the Internet while moving between the two hosts of a
 When TCP performs an active close, and sends the final
ACK, that connection must stay in the TIME_WAIT state for
twice the MSL.
 Prevents delayed segments from an earlier incarnation of the
same connection (srcIP,srcPort,destIP,destPort) from being
interpreted as part of the new connection
 It is possible to stay in this state forever. Why?
Chapter 4
 Top-level Domains: .edu, .com., .ca, etc
 Domain Name:, etc
 Fully Qualified Domain Name:
Owning a domain name gives you the right to create FQDNs
with your Domain Name at the end. Technically any name that
ends with a '.' is also considered fully qualified.
 Hostname: wyvern.
 How domain name searches start:
 If your search name is not fully qualified search begins by
searching for using the name servers specified.
 <your search name>
 <your search name>
 <your search name>
 <your search name>
(GeoIP)[pletcha@archimedes pypcap-1.1]$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager
 Searching for will search for
 But searching for will search for
Example 2:
 Searching for argos searches for:
 # fails
 # fails
 # succeeds
 This is why you can use host names only on campus.
Socket Names Used By:
 mysocket.accept(): returns a tuple whose 2nd entry is a
remote address
 mysocket.bind(address): binds to a local address so
outgoing packets have this source address.
 mysocket.connect(address): indicates the remote address
that packets using this connection must either go to or come
 mysocket.getpeername(): Returns the remote address the
socket is connected to
 mysocket.getsocketname(): returns the address of this
 mysocket.recvfrom(): UDP: returns data and the address of
the sender
 mysocket.sendto(data,address): UDP, indicates the receiver
Five Socket Properties:
 socket.AF_INET: Internet Address Family => kind of network
and transport – UDP or TCP.
 socket.AF_UNIX: like the internet but between processes on
the same host
 socket.SOCK_DGRAM: packet service (UDP for AF_INET)
 socket.SOCK_STREAM: stream service (TCP for AF_INET)
3rd argument, not used n this book
 socket.IPPROTO_TCP: use TCP for SOCK_STREAM.
 socket.IPPROTO_UDP: use TCP for SOCK_DGRAM
 Will replace IPv4 when we run our ot IPv4 IP addresses.
 IPv6 has more services than IPv4.
>>> import socket
>>> print socket.has_ipv6()
# tells you if your machine is capable of ipv6; not
# if it is enabled.
Address Resolution:
 One way of avoiding specifying destination IP addresses, etc,
is to let the socket module tell you what you need to know.
 We are asking, “How can we connect to the web server on
>>> import socket
>>> infolist = socket.getaddrinfo('','www')
>>> pprint infolist
# all the interfaces on .244.244 associated with 'www'
>>> ftpca = infolist[0] # == (1,2,6,'',('','80')
>>> ftp = ftpca[0:3] # == (2,1,6)
>>> s = socket.socket(*ftp) # unpack a list with *
# s = socket.socket(ftp[0],ftp[1]) would do just as well
>>> s.connect(ftpca[4]) # ('','80')
 HTTPD officially supports TCP (6) and UDP (17).
 is an alias for this host. It also has a “cannonical”
name. but we didn't ask for this so it wasn't returned.
 Calling socket.getaddrinfo() we don't need to use
socket.AF_INET, etc, in our code.
Asking socket.getaddrinfo() for help in binding.
 Problem: Provide an address for bind() without deciding this
Example: Suppose you want to open a server (passive) using port 1060
>>> from socket import getaddrinfo
>>> import socket
>>> getaddrinfo(None,1060,0,socket.SOCK_STREAM,0,socket.AI_PASSIVE)
[(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 1060)), (10, 1, 6, '', ('::', 1060, 0, 0))]
>>> getaddrinfo(None,1060,0,socket.SOCK_DGRAM,0,socket.AI_PASSIVE)
[(2, 2, 17, '', ('', 1060)), (10, 2, 17, '', ('::', 1060, 0, 0))]
# we are asking here, where to bind to. We get an IPv4 and an IPv6 answer
# in both cases, TCP and UDP.
Asking socket.getaddrinfo() for help in binding.
 Problem: Want a particular address for bind().
Example: Suppose you want to open a server (passive) using port 1060
and a known local IP address.
>>> from socket import getaddrinfo
>>> import socket
>>> getaddrinfo('',1060,0,socket.SOCK_STREAM,0)
[(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 1060))]
>>> getaddrinfo(localhost,1060,0,socket.SOCK_STREAM,0)
[(2, 1, 6, '', ('::1', 1060,0,0)), (2, 1,6, '', ('', 1060))]
# we are asking here, where to bind to. We get an IPv4 and an IPv6 answer
Asking getaddrinfo() about services
 The rest of the uses of getaddrinfo() are outward looking.
 socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG: filter out things you can't use
 socket.AI_AI_V4MAPPED: get IPV4 only
 If you don't specify certain address types you get multiple
>>> getaddrinfo('','ftp',0,socket.SOCK_STREAM,0,
... socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED)
[(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 21))]
>>> getaddrinfo('','www',0,socket.SOCK_STREAM,0)
[(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 80)), (10, 1, 6, '', ('2001:500:88:200::8', 80, 0, 0))]
Asking getaddrinfo() about services
 The rest of the uses of getaddrinfo() are outward looking.
 socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG: filter out things you can't use
 socket.AI_AI_V4MAPPED: get IPV4 only
 If you don't specify certain address types you get multiple
>>> getaddrinfo('','ftp',0,socket.SOCK_STREAM,0,
... socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED)
[(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 21))]
>>> getaddrinfo('','www',0,socket.SOCK_STREAM,0)
[(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 80)), (10, 1, 6, '', ('2001:500:88:200::8', 80, 0, 0))]
Alternative Methods:
 Older methods are hard-wired for IPv4 so should be avoided.
# gives you the primary IP address of this machine
Using getaddrinfo() and getsockaddr():
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 4 -
# Find the WWW service of an arbitrary host using getaddrinfo().
import socket, sys
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: <hostname_or_ip>'
hostname_or_ip = sys.argv[1]
infolist = socket.getaddrinfo(
hostname_or_ip, 'www', 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0,
socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED | socket.AI_CANONNAME,
except socket.gaierror, e:
print 'Name service failure:', e.args[1]
Using getaddrinfo() and getsockaddr():
info = infolist[0] # per standard recommendation, try the first one
socket_args = info[0:3]
address = info[4]
s = socket.socket(*socket_args)
except socket.error, e:
print 'Network failure:', e.args[1]
print 'Success: host', info[3], 'is listening on port 80'
Just to be sure 1:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 4 -
import socket, sys
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: <hostname>'
hostname = sys.argv[1]
infolist = socket.getaddrinfo(
hostname, 0, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0,
socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED | socket.AI_CANONNAME )
except socket.gaierror, e:
print 'Forward name service failure:', e.args[1]
info = infolist[0] # choose the first, if there are several addresses
canonical = info[3]
socketname = info[4]
ip = socketname[0]
Just to be sure 2:
if not canonical:
print 'WARNING! The IP address', ip, 'has no reverse name'
print hostname, 'has IP address', ip
print ip, 'has the canonical hostname', canonical
# Lowercase for case-insensitive comparison, and chop off hostnames.
forward = hostname.lower().split('.')
reverse = canonical.lower().split('.')
if forward == reverse:
print 'Wow, the names agree completely!'
Just to be sure 3:
# Truncate the domain names, which now look like ['www', mit', 'edu'],
# to the same length and compare. Failing that, be willing to try a
# compare with the first element (the hostname?) lopped off if both of
# they are the same length.
length = min(len(forward), len(reverse))
if (forward[-length:] == reverse[-length:]
or (len(forward) == len(reverse)
and forward[-length+1:] == reverse[-length+1:]
and len(forward[-2]) > 2)): # avoid thinking '' means a match!
print 'The forward and reverse names have a lot in common'
print 'WARNING! The reverse name belongs to a different organization'
Domain Name:
List of labels in
path of nodes
used for reverse
Reverse lookup
[pletcha@archimedes 04]$ host domain name pointer
DNS Packet
DNS Packet
Q/R: 0/1
Opcode: Name or pointer
AA: Answer is authoritative(1)
TC: truncated
RD: Recursion desired (1)
RA: Recursion available (1)
rcode: ) - ok, 3 – invalid name from AA
DNS Query
Wireshark look
DNS Query Response
Wireshark look:
How to Interpret Previous Slide:
 Blue area is the entire response packet.
 Bytes 2D-35 are the number of Questions (1), Answers (1),
Authoritative Answers (2), Additional Answers(2).
 Byte 36 is the length of the first label in the string
 Query Type: 00 0C
 Query Class: 00 01 (ends on byte 54)
And so on ...
Handling Repeated Strings:
 Bytes 55 and 56 ought to be the beginning of the same IP
address string repeated. Instead there are two bytes – C0 0C.
 When you see most significant four bits of a byte as C this
indicates that the next 12 bits are a pointer into the response
 In our case the pointer is 0C. So count C bytes into the packet
and guess where this gets you – right to the beginning of the
original version of
namely, 02 34 38 01 31 03 31 34 30 03 ...
And so on ...
When to use DNS directly:
 The authors of our text suggest we stick to getaddrinfo() for all
our addressing needs except one – find the mail server for a
remote email address.
 Suppose you want to send an email to someone but your own
mail server is down. Since you normally use your own email
server to route the email to the destination mail server, your
email can't be sent unless you can by-pass your own email
Email Servers: What protocols are involved in email.
POP3 or
“your” mail server “their” mail server
your client:
their client:
perhaps not
running right
Email Servers: How to by-pass your local mail server.
POP3 or
“your” mail server “their” mail server
your client:
a python program
that knows how to
send an email to a
remote mail server
(Chapter 13)
their client:
perhaps not
running right
How to send an email without your local email server:
 Ask the DNS server for a remote domain name for the MX
 The reply should come back with the domain name and/or IP
address of the mail server for that domain.
 Build up your email message with the necessary header fields
and send it off to the remote email server (port numbers: 25
and 465).
How to find a remote Mail Server:
 Ask the DNS server for a remote domain name for the MX
[pletcha@archimedes 04]$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 4 -
# Looking up a mail domain - the part of an email address after the `@`
import sys, DNS
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: <hostname>'
def resolve_hostname(hostname, indent=0):
"""Print an A or AAAA record for `hostname`; follow CNAMEs if necessary."""
indent = indent + 4
istr = ' ' * indent
request = DNS.Request()
reply = request.req(name=sys.argv[1], qtype=DNS.Type.A)
if reply.answers:
for answer in reply.answers:
print istr, 'Hostname', hostname, '= A', answer['data']
reply = request.req(name=sys.argv[1], qtype=DNS.Type.AAAA)
if reply.answers:
for answer in reply.answers:
print istr, 'Hostname', hostname, '= AAAA', answer['data']
reply = request.req(name=sys.argv[1], qtype=DNS.Type.CNAME)
if reply.answers:
cname = reply.answers[0]['data']
print istr, 'Hostname', hostname, 'is an alias for', cname
resolve_hostname(cname, indent)
print istr, 'ERROR: no records for', hostname
def resolve_email_domain(domain):
"""Print mail server IP addresses for an email address @ `domain`."""
request = DNS.Request()
reply = request.req(name=sys.argv[1], qtype=DNS.Type.MX)
if reply.answers:
print 'The domain %r has explicit MX records!' % (domain,)
print 'Try the servers in this order:'
datalist = [ answer['data'] for answer in reply.answers ]
datalist.sort() # lower-priority integers go first
for data in datalist:
priority = data[0]
hostname = data[1]
print 'Priority:', priority, ' Hostname:', hostname
print 'Drat, this domain has no explicit MX records'
print 'We will have to try resolving it as an A, AAAA, or CNAME'
Send a simple email:
 Following slide, from Chapter 13, sends a simple email
directly to the remote email server.
Exercise: Combine the previous two programs.
Sending a simple email message:
[pletcha@archimedes 13]$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Basic SMTP transmission - Chapter 13 -
import sys, smtplib
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
print "usage: %s server fromaddr toaddr [toaddr...]" % sys.argv[0]
server, fromaddr, toaddrs = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3:]
message = """To: %s
From: %s
Subject: Test Message from
This is a test message sent to you from the program
in Foundations of Python Network Programming.
""" % (', '.join(toaddrs), fromaddr)
s = smtplib.SMTP(server)
s.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, message)
print "Message successfully sent to %d recipient(s)" % len(toaddrs)
Chapter 5
Bytes and Octets, ASCII and Unicode
 Early on bytes could be anywhere from 5 to 9 bits so octet
came into use to tell us exactly what we were talking about.
 Today bytes are also universally 8 bits so we have two names
for the same thing.
 Unicode (16-bit codes) is an expansion of ASCII (8-bit codes).
 Authors recommend always using Unicode for strings (but
don't follow their own advice.
elvish = u'Namárië!'
Unicode 2 Network
 Unicode characters that need to be transmitted across a
network are sent as octets.
 We need a Unicode2Network conversion scheme.
 Enter 'utf-8'
 For example, the uft-8 encoding of the character ë is the two
characters C3 AB.
 Understand that the above string means that when printed,
printables are themselves and unprintables are xnn where nn
is a hexadecimal value.
>>> elvish = u'Namárië!'
>>> elvish.encode('utf-8')
Other Encodings
 There are many choices fro encoding schemes.
 utf-16: 'xffxfe' represents byte order and all other characters
are represented in 2 octets, typically <p>x00 where <p>
means “printable”
>>> elvish.encode('utf-16')
>>> elvish.encode('cp1252')
>>> elvish.encode('idna')
>>> elvish.encode('cp500')
 Upon receipt, byte streams need to be decoded. To do this the
encoding needs to be understood and then things are easy.
>>> print 'Namxe1rixeb!'.decode('cp1252')
>>> print 'Namxe1rixeb!'.decode('cp1252')
>>> print 'Namxe1rixeb!'.decode('cp1252')
 Note that if you are not “printing” that decode returns some
universal representation of the original string.
>>> 'Namxe1rixeb!'.decode('cp1252')
>>> print 'Namxe1rixeb!'.decode('cp1252')
>>> 'xd5x81x94Ex99x89SO'.decode('cp500')
>>> 'xn--namri!-rta6f'.decode('idna')
>>> 'xffxfeNx00ax00mx00xe1x00rx00ix00xebx00!x00'.decode('utf-16')
>>> 'Namxc3xa1rixc3xab!'.decod('utf-8')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decod'
>>> 'Namxc3xa1rixc3xab!'.decode('utf-8')
Do it yourself; or not!
 If you use high-level protocols (and their libraries) like HTTP
encoding is done for you.
 If not, you'll need to do it yourself.
Not supported:
 ASCII is a 7-bit code so can't be used to encode some things.
>>> elvish.encode('ascii')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'xe1' in position 3:
ordinal not in range(128)
Variable length encodings:
 Some codecs have different encodings of characters in
different lengths.
 Example, utf-16 uses either 16 or 32 bits to encode a
 utf-16 adds prefix bytes - xffxfe.
 All these things make it hard to pick out individual characters
Network Byte Order
 Either big-endian or little-endian.
 Typically needed for binary data. Text is handled by encoding
(and knowing where your message ends (framing)).
 Problem: Send 4253 across a netwrok connection
 Solution 1: Send '4253'
 Problem: Need to convert string <--> number. Lots of
 Still, lots of situations do exactly this (HTTP, for example,
since it is a text protocol)
 We used to use dense binary protocols but less and less.
How does Python see 4253?
 Python stores a number as binary, we can look at its hex
representation as follows:
 Each hex digit is 4 bits.
 Computers store this value in memory using big-endian (most
significant bits first) or little-endian (least significant bits first)
>>> hex(4253)
Python's perspective on a religious war.
 Python is agnostic.
 '<': little-endian
 '>': big-endian
 'i': integer
 '!': network perspective (big-endian)
>>> import struct
>>> struct.pack('<i',4253)
>>> struct.pack('>i',4253)
>>> struct.pack('!i',4253)
>>> struct.unpack('!i','x00x00x10x9d')
Older Approaches
 h2ns(), h2nl(), n2hs() and n2hl().
 Authors say, “Don't do it”.
 UDP does framing for you. Data is transmitted in the same
chucks it is received from the application
 In TCP you have to frame your own transmitted data.
 Framing answers the question, “When is it safe to stop calling
Simple Example: Single Stream
 Send data with no reply
import socket, sys
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
HOST = sys.argv.pop() if len(sys.argv) == 3 else ''
PORT = 1060
if sys.argv[1:] == ['server']:
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.bind((HOST, PORT))
print 'Listening at', s.getsockname()
sc, sockname = s.accept()
print 'Accepted connection from', sockname
message = ''
while True:
more = sc.recv(8192) # arbitrary value of 8k
if not more: # socket has closed when recv() returns ''
message += more
print 'Done receiving the message; it says:'
print message
Simple Example
elif sys.argv[1:] == ['client']:
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
s.sendall('Beautiful is better than ugly.n')
s.sendall('Explicit is better than implicit.n')
s.sendall('Simple is better than complex.n')
print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: server|client [host]'
Simple Example: Streaming in both directions; one RQ, one
 Important cariat: Always complete streaming in one direction
before beginning in the opposite direction. If not, deadlock can
Simple Example: Fixed Length Messages
 In this case use TCP's sendall() and write your own recvall().
 Rarely happens.
def recvall(sock, length):
data = ''
while len(data) < length:
more = sock.recv(length - len(data))
if not more:
raise EOFError('socket closed %d bytes into a %d-byte message'
% (len(data), length))
data += more
return data
Simple Example: Delimit Message with Special Characters.
 Use a character outside the range of possible message
characters unless the message is binary.
 Authors' recommendation is to use this only if you know the
message “alphabet” is limited.
 If you need to use message characters then “escape” them
inside the message.
 Using this approach has issues – recognizing an escaped
character, removing the escaping upon arrival and message
Simple Example: Prefix message with its length
 Popular with binary data.
 Don't forget to “frame” the length itself.
 What if this is your choice but you don't know in advance the
length of the message? Divide your message up into known
length segments and send them separately. Now all you need
is a signal for the final segment.
Listing 5-2.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 5 -
# Sending data one block at a time.
import socket, struct, sys
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
HOST = sys.argv.pop() if len(sys.argv) == 3 else ''
PORT = 1060
format = struct.Struct('!I') # for messages up to 2**32 - 1 in length
def recvall(sock, length):
data = ''
while len(data) < length:
more = sock.recv(length - len(data))
if not more:
raise EOFError('socket closed %d bytes into a %d-byte message'
% (len(data), length))
data += more
return data
Listing 5-2.
def get(sock):
lendata = recvall(sock, format.size)
(length,) = format.unpack(lendata)
return recvall(sock, length)
def put(sock, message):
sock.send(format.pack(len(message)) + message)
if sys.argv[1:] == ['server']:
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.bind((HOST, PORT))
print 'Listening at', s.getsockname()
sc, sockname = s.accept()
print 'Accepted connection from', sockname
while True:
message = get(sc)
if not message:
print 'Message says:', repr(message)
Listing 5-2.
elif sys.argv[1:] == ['client']:
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
put(s, 'Beautiful is better than ugly.')
put(s, 'Explicit is better than implicit.')
put(s, 'Simple is better than complex.')
put(s, '')
print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: server|client [host]'
HTTP Example:
• Uses a delimiter - 'rnrn' – for the header and Content-
Length field in the header for possibly purely binary data.
• Pickles is native serialization built into Python.
• Serialization is used to send objects that include pointers
across the network where the pointers ill have to be rebuilt.
• Pickling is a mix of text and data:
• At the other end:
>>> import pickle
>>> pickle.dumps([5,6,7])
>>> pickle.dumps([5,6,7])
>>> pickle.loads(('(lp0nI5naI6naI7na.An apple day') )
[5, 6, 7]
• Problem in network case is that we can't tell how many bytes
of pickle data were consumed before we get to what follows
(“An apple a day”).
• If we use load() function on a file instead, then the file pointer
is maintained and we can ask its location.
• Remember that Python lets you turn a socket into a file
object – makefile().
>>> from StringIO import StringIO
>>> f = StringIO('(lp0nI5naI6naI7na.An apple day')
>>> pickle.load(f)
[5, 6, 7]
>>> f.pos
'An apple day'
• Popular and easily allows data exchange between software
written in different languages.
• Does not support framing.
• JSON supports Unicode but not binary (see BSON)
• See Chapter 18
>>> import json
>>> json.dumps([51,u'Namárië!'])
'[51, "Namu00e1riu00eb!"]'
>>> json.loads('{"name": "lancelot", "quest" : "Grail"}')
{u'quest': u'Grail', u'name': u'lancelot'}
• Popular and easily allows data exchange between software
written in different languages.
• Does not support framing.
• Best for text documents.
• See Chapter 10
• Time spent transmitting much longer than time pre- and post-
processsing exchanged data.
• HTTP lets client and server decide whether to compress or
• zlib is self-framing. Start feeding it a compressed data stream
and it will know when the stream has come to an end.
>>> data = zlib.compress('sparse')+'.'+zlib.compress('flat')+'.'
>>> data
>>> len(data)
did not try to compress this
• Suppose the previous data arrives in 8-byte chunks.
• We are still expecting more data.
>>> dobj = zlib.decompressobj()
>>> dobj.decompress(data[0:8]), dobj.unused_data
('spars', '')
>>> indicates we haven't reached EOF
>>> dobj.decompress(data[8:16]), dobj.unused_data
('e', '.x')
says we consumed the first compressed bit
and some data was unused.
• Skip over the '.' and start to decompress the rest of the
compressed data
>>> dobj2 = zlib.decompressobj()
>>> dobj2.decompress('x'), dobj2.unused_data
('', '')
>>> dobj2.decompress(data[16:24]), dobj2.unused_data
('flat', '')
>>> dobj2.decompress(data[24:]), dobj2.unused_data
('', '.')
final '.'; the point is, the stuff we have gathered so far
'' + 'flat' + ''
consists of all the data compressed by the 2nd use
of zlib.compress()
NOTE: Using zlib regularly provides its own framing.
Network Exceptions:
• Many possibilities, some specific (socket.timeout) and some
generic (socket.error).
• Homework: Write two short python scripts; one that opens a
UDP socket connected to a remote socket. The second
program tries to send data to the previous socket but will fail
since its socket is not the one the other was “connected” to.
Find out the exact error that Python returns, along with the
value of ErrNo.
• Familiar exceptions – socket.gaierror, socket.error,
Chapter 6
 Before you send data you want to be sure of the machine with
which you are communicating – getaddrinfo()
 Once you are in communication with another host you want to
be sure that no one is “listening in” on the conversation –
Transport Layer Security (TSL).
Computer Security:
 It is a bad world out there; believe it.
 Criminals, script “kiddies”, governments, militaries.
 Authors' suggestions:
 Test your code: Ned Batchelder's coverage.
 Isolate your code: virtualenv
 Write as little as possible: rely on third party libraries like
 Use a high-level language: python
 Learn about known attack techniques: cross-scripting, SQL
injection, privilege escalation, viruses, trojan horses, etc.
 Spend time verifying data that has traversed the Internet.
IP Access Rules:
 Used to be we trusted everyone: finger, whois, telnet, echo
timed, ...
 Effective protection restricts who can access your service.
 TCP Wrappers: /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny.
 Safest way is to deny all (ALL) and selectively allow some.
 Man page reading: (man 5 host.allow)
Access will be granted when a (daemon,client) pair
matches an entry in the /etc/hosts.allow file.
Otherwise, access will be denied when a (daemon,client)
pair matches an entry in the /etc/hosts.deny file.
Otherwise, access will be granted.
Some Rules
 Deny all
 And then allow specifics
sshd: ALL
portmap: 192.168.7
Why Not Build Filtering into Python?
 We could pattern-match on IP addresses.
 Sys Admins now use firewalls, rather than trust that individual
services are well-protected bytheir own code.
 IP address restrictions are not enough; although they can be
effective in denial-of-service attacks.
 Some protections should be at the edge of your network
 Some protections are better provided by your OS (iptables).
 Simple python example:
sc, sockname = s.accept()
if not sockname[0].startswith('192.168.'):
raise RuntimeError('can not connect from other networks')
Cleartext on the Network
 Possible attacks:
 sniffing: somebody watches your traffic while sitting in a
coffee shop or sets up near a popular tourist site - tcpdump or
 effectiveness depends on amount of traffic.
 usernames and passwords are visible; either customer or
backend for a “replay” attack
 log messages can be intercepted – can see what “errors”
look like (perhaps attacker's own mistakes)
 log message might include tracebacks.
 Might break into the database server itself if webserver2db
traffic is visible.
Flank attack:
 What if someone can see or manipulate your DNS service?
 By redirecting traffic to an attacker
can find out userID/PW pairs although a fake db server will
soon run out of “answers”
 What if the fake database server forwards db requests to
the real database and then logs all answers (man-in-the-
middle). This even works with one-time passwords unlike
 Insert SQL queries into the data stream and download an
entire database.
 This can all happen even with no compromising of the
server or network itself; just interfere with the naming
Or Controls a Network Gateway
 All the previous attacks are possible and DNS is safe.
 TLS uses public-key encryption: Two keys, one private and
one public.
 Each key is a few kb of data put in a data file with base64
 Features of public-key encryption:
 Anyone can generate a key pair (private,public)
 If someone uses your public key to encrypt data then only
someone holding your private key can decrypt.
 If the private key is used to encrypt then any copy of the public
key can decrypt it. Data is not secret but identity of sender is
TLS Use of Public-key Encryption:
 Certificate Authority System: Lets servers prove who they
really are and lets a server and a client communicate securely.
 Symmetric-key Encryption is faster. TLS is used to set up a
symmetric key and then both ends switch over to the
symmetric key.
 Details: what is the strongest symmetric key both ends
 In TLS, the terms “server” and “client” only identify who
speaks first about encryption and who speaks second.
TLS Verifies Identities:
 Could someone perform a “man-in-the-middle” attack
encrypting to you, decrypting momentarily to store the data
exchanged and then re-encrypting to send data to the other
 TLS must perform identity check.
 Servers start by sharing a public key. The key they distribute
has been “signed” for them by a certificate authority (CA) (you
pay for this).
 A CA sets up their own key pair and then begins “signing”
anyone else's public key using the CA's private key. Signing
involves encrypting a hash of the server's public key.
 A server sends out its public key along with the signed version
of the same key
TLS Verifies Identities:
 The client now uses the CA's public key to decrypt the signed
 The decrypted info says that you can trust anyone calling
themselves if their public key hashes to xyz.
 It is possible that this is coming from a host trying to inject
itself into the conversation.
 Suppose a third party sends out a servers public key and the
same servers certificate? The client can decrypt the certificate
using the CA's public key (so it knows the certificate is
authentic). The decrypted certificate says who you “should be”
talking to.
 At this point the client sends back a symmetric key encrypted
with the server's public key. If the certificate didn't come from
the original server then the receiver won't be able to get the
symmetric key and continue the conversation.
TLS Verifies Identities
 Clients trust this process because they trust the CA to keep its
own private key secure.
 The CA is also trusted to ensure that the pair (,
server public key) is real.
 Clients can keep copies of signed certificates for comparison
during future exchanges (so no need to decrypt, etc).
 If you control, as a server, who your clients are you can sign
your own certificates with a new key and physically move the
certificate to each client. This way you save money.
 You can also sign your public key with itself but then who can
trust you?
Installing SSL for Python
 Create a new virtual environment and install two packages
$ pip install backports.ssl_match_hostname
$ pip-2.5 install ssl # for Python 2.5 only
How to Code TSL;
 Some Client code(connected to a secure web server):
[pletcha@archimedes 06]$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 6 -
# Using SSL to protect a socket in Python 2.6 or later
import os, socket, ssl, sys
from backports.ssl_match_hostname import match_hostname, CertificateError
script_name, hostname = sys.argv
except ValueError:
print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: <hostname>'
# First we connect, as usual, with a socket.
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((hostname, 443))
How to Code TSL;
# Next, we turn the socket over to the SSL library!
ca_certs_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(script_name), 'certfiles.crt')
sslsock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3,
cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, ca_certs=ca_certs_path)
# Does the certificate that the server proffered *really* match the
# hostname to which we are trying to connect? We need to check.
match_hostname(sslsock.getpeercert(), hostname)
except CertificateError, ce:
print 'Certificate error:', str(ce)
# From here on, our `sslsock` works like a normal socket. We can, for
# example, make an impromptu HTTP call.
sslsock.sendall('GET / HTTP/1.0rnrn')
result = sslsock.makefile().read() # quick way to read until EOF
print 'The document https://%s/ is %d bytes long' % (hostname, len(result))
When can we use this code?
 We can use it against big sites that will have a certificate
signed by some CA.
 It won't work on a location that does not work with a site that
only provides a self-signed certificate
[pletcha@archimedes 06]$ python
The document is 16000 bytes long
I have no available server to test this
When can we use this code?
 At New Paltz only some servers have certificates:
 It won't work on other servers on campus with a domain name
that does not match the domain name for the certificate we
[pletcha@archimedes 06]$ python
The document is 50823 bytes long
[pletcha@archimedes 06]$ python
Certificate error: hostname '' doesn't match
either of '*', ''
Some Other Situations:
 Google provides a certificate for as well as, which is an alias for the same site.
[pletcha@archimedes 06]$ python
The document is 47926 bytes long
[pletcha@archimedes 06]$ python
The document is 47894 bytes long
[pletcha@archimedes 06]$ python
The document is 47898 bytes long
Server Code:
 Client code expressly says the server must send a certificate.
 Server code doesn't expect a certificate from the client.
 Except some times
sslsock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, server_side = True,
keyfile=”mykeyfile”, certfile=”mycertfile”)
sslsock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, server_side = True,
keyfile=”mykeyfile”, certfile=”mycertfile”)
 Modify the details of slide 16 to take into account the
expectation that the client as well as the server need supply a
signed certificate.
Chapter 7
Scaling up from one client at a time
 All server code in the book, up to now, dealt with one client at
a time.
 Except our last chatroom homework.
 Options for scaling up:
 event driven: See chatroom example. problem is its
restriction to a single CPU or core
 multiple threads
 multiple processes (in Python, this really exercises all
CPUs or cores)
Load Balancing I
 Prior to your server code via DNS round-robin:
; zone file fragment
ftp IN A
ftp IN A
ftp IN A
www IN A
www IN A
; or use this format which gives exactly the same result
ftp IN A
www IN A
Load Balancing II
 Have your own machine front an array of machines with the
same service on each and forward service requests in a
round-robin fashion.
Daemons and Logging:
 “Daemon” means the program is isolated from the terminal in
which it was executed. So if the terminal is killed the program
continues to live.
 The Python program supervisord does a good job in this
isolation process and in addition offers the following services:
 starts and monitors services
 re-starts a service that terminates and stops doing so if the
service terminates several times in a short period of time.
 supervisord sends stdout and stderr output to a log file system
that cycles through log, log.1, log.2, log.3 and log.4.
Logging continued:
 Better solution is to import your own logging module and save
things to a log in that way.
 logging has the benefit of writing to what you want - files, tcp/ip
connection, printer, whatever.
 It can also be customized from a configuration file called
logging.conf by using the logging.fileConfig() method.
import logging
log = logging.getLoger(__name__)
log.error('This is a mistake')
Sir Launcelot:
 The following is an importable module:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 7 -
# Constants and routines for supporting a certain network conversation.
import socket, sys
PORT = 1060
qa = (('What is your name?', 'My name is Sir Lancelot of Camelot.'),
('What is your quest?', 'To seek the Holy Grail.'),
('What is your favorite color?', 'Blue.'))
qadict = dict(qa)
def recv_until(sock, suffix):
message = ''
while not message.endswith(suffix):
data = sock.recv(4096)
if not data:
raise EOFError('socket closed before we saw %r' % suffix)
message += data
return message
Sir Launcelot II:
 The following is part of an importable module:
def setup():
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: %s interface' % sys.argv[0]
interface = sys.argv[1]
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sock.bind((interface, PORT))
print 'Ready and listening at %r port %d' % (interface, PORT)
return sock
import lancelot
def handle_client(client_sock):
while True:
question = lancelot.recv_until(client_sock, '?')
answer = lancelot.qadict[question]
except EOFError:
def server_loop(listen_sock):
while True:
client_sock, sockname = listen_sock.accept()
if __name__ == '__main__':
listen_sock = lancelot.setup()
 The server has two nested infinite loops – one iterating over
different client/server exchanges and one iterating over the
individual client/server exchange until the client terminates.
 The server is very inefficient; it can only server one client at a
 If too many clients try to attach the connection queue will fill up
and prospective clients will be dropped. Hence the #WHS will
not even begin; let alone complete.
Elementary Client:
 This client asks each of the available questions once and only
once and then disconnects.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket, sys, lancelot
def client(hostname, port):
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((hostname, port))
answer1 = lancelot.recv_until(s, '.') # answers end with '.'
answer2 = lancelot.recv_until(s, '.')
answer3 = lancelot.recv_until(s, '.')
print answer1
print answer2
print answer3
Elementary Client II:
 The rest
 It seems fast but is it really?
 To test this for real we need some realistic network latency so
shouldn't use localhost.
 We also need to measure microsecond behaviour.
if __name__ == '__main__':
if not 2 <= len(sys.argv) <= 3:
print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: hostname [port]'
port = int(sys.argv[2]) if len(sys.argv) > 2 else lancelot.PORT
client(sys.argv[1], port)
Tunnel to another machine:
ssh -L
 See page 289 for this feature
 Alternatively, here is agood explanation of various possible
More on SSHD Port Forwarding:
 Uses:
– access a backend database that is only visible on the
local subnet
– your ISP gives you a shell account but expects emails
to be sent from their browser mail client to their server
– reverse port forwarding
ssh -L
ssh -L
ssh -R 8022:localhost:22 username@my.home.ip.address
ssh -p 8022 username@localhost
Waiting for Things to Happen:
 So now we have traffic that takes some time to actually move
 We need to time things.
 If your function, say foo(), is in a file called then the
script called will time the running of foo() from
My Experiment
 Set up VPN from my home so I have a New Paltz IP address
 Use as my remote machine
 Have both server and client run on my laptop
[pletcha@archimedes 07]$ ssh -L 1061: joyous
[pletcha@archimedes 07]$ python handle_client ''
python client localhost 1061
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 7 -
# Command-line tool for tracing a single function in a program.
import linecache, sys, time
def make_tracer(funcname):
def mytrace(frame, event, arg):
if frame.f_code.co_name == funcname:
if event == 'line':
_events.append((time.time(), frame.f_code.co_filename,
return mytrace
return mytrace
if __name__ == '__main__':
_events = []
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: funcname ...'
del sys.argv[0:2] # show the script only its own name and arguments
for t, filename, lineno in _events:
s = linecache.getline(filename, lineno)
sys.stdout.write('%9.6f %s' % (t % 60.0, s))
My Output:
43.308772 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
Δ = 83 μs
43.308855 s.connect((hostname, port))
Δ = 644 μs
43.309499 s.sendall([0][0])
Δ = 41 μs
43.309540 answer1 = lancelot.recv_until(s, '.') # answers end with '.'
Δ = 241 ms
43.523284 while True:
Δ = 8 μs
43.523292 question = lancelot.recv_until(client_sock, '?')
Δ = 149 ms
43.672060 answer = lancelot.qadict[question]
Δ = 9 μs
43.672069 client_sock.sendall(answer)
Δ = 55 μs
43.672124 while True:
Δ = 4 μs
43.672128 question = lancelot.recv_until(client_sock, '?')
Δ = 72 ms
43.744381 s.sendall([1][0])
this iteration
My Output:
43.744381 s.sendall([1][0])
Δ = 80 μs
43.744461 answer2 = lancelot.recv_until(s, '.')
Δ = 133 ms
43.877629 answer = lancelot.qadict[question]
Δ = 10 μs
43.877639 client_sock.sendall(answer)
Δ = 63 μs
43.877702 while True:
Δ = 6 μs
43.877708 question = lancelot.recv_until(client_sock, '?')
Δ = 55 ms
43.932345 s.sendall([2][0])
Δ = 86 μs
43.932431 answer3 = lancelot.recv_until(s, '.')
Δ = 149 ms
44.081574 answer = lancelot.qadict[question]
My Output:
44.081574 answer = lancelot.qadict[question]
Δ = 8 μs
44.081582 client_sock.sendall(answer)
Δ = 47 μs
44.081629 while True:
Δ = 4 μs
44.081633 question = lancelot.recv_until(client_sock, '?')
Δ = 59 ms
44.140687 s.close()
Δ = 88 μs
44.140775 print answer1
Δ = 61 μs
44.140836 print answer2
Δ = 20 μs
44.140856 print answer3
Δ = 146 ms
44.287308 except EOFError:
Δ = 11 μs
44.287317 client_sock.close()
 Server finds the answer in 10 microseconds (answer =) so
could theoretically answer 100000 questions per second.
 Each sendall() takes ~60 microseconds while each recv_until()
takes ~60 milliseconds (1000 times slower).
 Since receiving takes so long we can't process more than 16
questions per second with this iterative server.
 The OS helps where it can. Notice that sendall() is 1000 times
faster than recv_until(). This is because the sendall() function
doesn't actually block until data is sent and ACKed. It returns
as soon as the data is delivered to the TCP layer. The OS
takes care of guaranteeing delivery.
 219 milliseconds between moment when client executes
connect() and server executes recv_all(). If all client requests
were coming from the same process, sequentially this means
we could not expect more than 4 sessions per second.
 All the time the server is capable of answering 33000 sessions
per second.
 So, communication and most of all, sequentiality really slow
things down.
 So much server time not utilized means there has to be a
better way.
 15-20 milliseconds for one question to be answered so
roughly 40-50 questions per second. Can we do better than
this by increasing the number of clients?
 See page 289 for ssh -L feature
 Funkload: A benchmarking tool that is written in python and
lets you run more and more copies of something you are
testing to see how things struggle with the increased load.
Test Routine:
 Asks 10 questions instead of 3
#!/usr/bin/env python
from funkload.FunkLoadTestCase import FunkLoadTestCase
import socket, os, unittest, lancelot
SERVER_HOST = os.environ.get('LAUNCELOT_SERVER', 'localhost')
class TestLancelot(FunkLoadTestCase): # python syntax for sub-class
def test_dialog(self): # In Java & C++, receiver objects are implicit;
# in python they are explicit (self == this.
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((SERVER_HOST, lancelot.PORT))
for i in range(10):
question, answer =[i % len(]
reply = lancelot.recv_until(sock, '.')
self.assertEqual(reply, answer)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Environment Variables:
 You can set a variable from the command line using SET and
make sure it is inherited by all processes run from that
command line in the future by EXPORTING it.
 The authors explain why they are using environment variables
- “I can not see any way of to pass actual arguments through
to tests via Funkload command line arguments”
 Run on separate machine.
(BenchMark)[pletcha@archimedes BenchMark]$
Config file on laptop:
# TestLauncelot.conf: <test class name>.conf
title=Load Test For Chapter 7
description=From the Foundations of Python Network Programming
url=http://localhost:1060/ # overridden by environment variable import
log_path = ftest.log
result_path = ftest.xml
sleep_time_min = 0
sleep_time_max = 0
log_to = file
log_path = bench.log
result_path = bench.xml
cycles = 1:2:3:5:7:10:13:16:20
duration = 8
startup_delay = 0.1
sleep_time = 0.01
cycle_time = 10
sleep_time_min = 0
sleep_time_max = 0
Testing Funkload:
 Big mixup on Lancelot-Launcelot.
(BenchMark)[pletcha@archimedes BenchMark]$
fl-run-test TestLancelot.test_dialog
Ran 1 test in 0.010s
Benchmark run:
 Typical cycle output
Cycle #7 with 16 virtual users
* setUpCycle hook: ... done.
* Current time: 2013-04-11T13:46:34.536010
* Starting threads: ................ done.
* Logging for 8s (until 2013-04-11T13:46:44.187746): .
........................... done.
* Waiting end of threads: ................ done.
 Since we are sending 10 questions per connection (test) we
are answering 1320 questions per second.
 We greatly outdid the original 16 questions per second in the
sequential test example.
 Adding more than 3 or 4 clients really didn't help.
 Remember we still only have a single-threaded server. The
reason for the improvement is that clients can be “pipelined”
with several clients getting something done at the same time.
 The only thing that can't be in parallel is answering the
 Adding clients drags down performance
 Insurmountable problem: Server is talking to only one client at
a time.
# Clients #
3 1320 403
5 1320 264
10 1320 132
15 1320 99
20 1320 66
 Adding clients drags down performance
 Insurmountable problem: Server is talking to only one client at
a time.
Event-driven Servers:
 The simple server blocks until data arrives. At that point it can
be efficient.
 What would happen if we never called recv() unless we knew
data was already waiting?
 Meanwhile we could be watching a whole array of connected
clients to see which one has sent us something to respond to.
Event-driven Servers:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 7 -
# An event-driven approach to serving several clients with poll().
import lancelot
import select
listen_sock = lancelot.setup()
sockets = { listen_sock.fileno(): listen_sock }
requests = {}
responses = {}
poll = select.poll()
poll.register(listen_sock, select.POLLIN)
Event-driven Servers:
while True:
for fd, event in poll.poll():
sock = sockets[fd]
# Removed closed sockets from our list.
if event & (select.POLLHUP | select.POLLERR | select.POLLNVAL):
del sockets[fd]
requests.pop(sock, None)
responses.pop(sock, None)
# Accept connections from new sockets.
elif sock is listen_sock:
newsock, sockname = sock.accept()
fd = newsock.fileno()
sockets[fd] = newsock
poll.register(fd, select.POLLIN)
requests[newsock] = ''
Event-driven Servers:
# Collect incoming data until it forms a question.
elif event & select.POLLIN:
data = sock.recv(4096)
if not data: # end-of-file
sock.close() # makes POLLNVAL happen next time
requests[sock] += data
if '?' in requests[sock]:
question = requests.pop(sock)
answer = dict([question]
poll.modify(sock, select.POLLOUT)
responses[sock] = answer
# Send out pieces of each reply until they are all sent.
elif event & select.POLLOUT:
response = responses.pop(sock)
n = sock.send(response)
if n < len(response):
responses[sock] = response[n:]
poll.modify(sock, select.POLLIN)
requests[sock] = ''
Event-driven Servers:
 The main loop calls poll(), which blocks until something/
anything is ready.
 The difference is recv() waited for a single client and poll()
waits on all clients.
 In the simple server we had one of everything. In this polling
server we have an array of everything; one of each thing
dedicated to each connection.
 How poll() works: We tell it what sockets to monitor and what
activity we are interested in on each socket – read or write.
 When one or more sockets are ready with something, poll()
Event-driven Servers:
 The life-span of one client:
1: A client connects and the listening socket is “ready”. poll() returns and
since it is the listening socket, it must be a completed 3WHS. We accept()
the connection and tell our poll() function we want to read from this connection.
To make sure they never block we set blocking “not allowed”.
2: When data is available, poll() returns and we read a string and append the
string to a dictionary entry for this connection.
3: We know we have an entire question when '?' arrives. At that point we ask
poll() to write to the same connection.
4: Once the socket is ready for writing (poll() has returned) we send as much of
we can of the answer and keep sending until we have sent '.'.
5: Next we swap the client socket back to listening-for-new-data mode.
6: POLLHUP, POLLERR and POLLNOVAL events occur on send() so when recv()
receives 0 bytes we do a send() to get the error on our next poll().
net_py benchmark:
# Clients # Questioons # Ques/client
3 1800 600
5 2500 500
 benchmark
 So we see some performance degradation.
We got Errors
 Some connections ended in errors – check out listen().
 TCP man page:
tcp_max_syn_backlog (integer; default: see below; since Linux 2.2)
The maximum number of queued connection requests which have
still not received an acknowledgement from the connecting
client. If this number is exceeded, the kernel will begin
dropping requests. The default value of 256 is increased to
1024 when the memory present in the system is adequate or
greater (>= 128Mb), and reduced to 128 for those systems with
very low memory (<= 32Mb). It is recommended that if this
needs to be increased above 1024, TCP_SYNQ_HSIZE in
include/net/tcp.h be modified to keep
TCP_SYNQ_HSIZE*16<=tcp_max_syn_backlog, and the kernel be
Listen for connections made to the socket. The backlog argument specifies the
maximum number of queued connections and should be at least 0; the maximum value
is system-dependent (usually 5), the minimum value is forced to 0.
Poll vs Select
 poll() code is cleaner but select(), which does the same thing,
is available on Windows.
 The author's suggestion: Don't write this kind of code; use an
event-driven framework instead.
Non-blocking Semantics
 In non-blocking mode, recv() acts as follows:
– If data is ready, it is returned
– If no data has arrived, socket.error is raised
– if the connection is closed, '' is returned.
 Why does closed return data and no data return an error?
 Think about the blocking situation.
– First and last can happen and behave as above.
Second situation won't happen.
– The second situation had to do something different.
Non-blocking Semantics:
 send() semantics:
– if data is sent, its length is returned
– socket buffers full: socket.error raised
– connection closed: socket.error raised
 Last case is interesting. Suppose poll() says a socket is ready
to write but before we call send(), the client sends a FIN.
Listing 7-7 doesn't code for this situation.

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  • 2. Protocol Stack Summary  “turtles all the way down”  each layer uses the services of the layer below and provides a service to the layer above  Python lets you work at the layer of your choice  programs are “cleaner” the higher the layer you use  layers work by “hiding” the layers below behind function calls
  • 3. What lies under Socket? TCP/UDP IP “link layer” Internet Protocol Stack
  • 4. Networking  About “sharing” resources.  Compare to sharing of disk, IO devices, etc done by programs running on a computer  Computer Example: OS is the master controller  Network Example: Each participant “plays by the rules” but no “controller”
  • 5. Networking  All network cards share the same ethernet cable  all wireless transmitters share the same frequency channels  fundamental unit of sharing is “packet”  individual packets carry addressing info sufficient to arrive at final destination.
  • 6. Addressing  two layers: one hop at a time and end-to-end  single hop addressing performed by link layer  end-to-end addressing is IP  process addressing is TCP or UDP
  • 7. IP Addresses  a.b.c.d: 0 <= a,b,c,d <= 255  New Paltz: 137.140.*.*  localhost:  private networks: 10.*.*.*, 172.16-31.*.*, 192.168.*.*
  • 8. Domain Name Service  DNS converts host names into host IP addresses.  corresponds to directory assistance address = socket.gethostbyname(name);
  • 9. How DNS Works  gethostbyname() first looks in /etc/hosts  if this fails then it looks in /etc/resolv.conf for the address of “directory assistance”, also called a DNS Server.  sends the request to this address  Observation: If your DNS server is down, you won't get anywhere on the Internet.
  • 10. Routing  Each time a packet arrives at a new node a decision must be made at that node as to where to send the packet next.  Guiding principle of routing on the Internet is that each time a packet “hops” from one node to another it is always one hop closer to its final destination.  Exercise: Difference between host and node.
  • 11. Lots of Reading  The classic text is TCP/IP Illustrated: Vol I by Richard Stevens.  PDF file available on the web at among other places  We will concentrate on Chapters 1-4, 9, 11, 14, 17-19.
  • 12. EXAMPLE:  Given:  Find longitude and latitude 207 N. Defiance St, Archbold, OH
  • 14. GoogleMaps  googlemaps library (3rd party) uses  urllib, uses  httplib, uses  Socket, uses  TCP, IP, Ethernet GoogleMaps URL HTTP Socket protocol stack inside the actual program itself TCP, IP and Ethernet make up the OS part of the protocol stack
  • 15. APIs vs Sockets:  well-tested  written by experts  common practice to use them  we still need to understand Sockets to appreciate things that depend upon them
  • 16. Wireshark:  lets you look at packets crossing the wire  needs root permissions  easy to filter out unneeded traffic  I saved some traffic and you can view it with Wireshark (see course web page).
  • 17. Highest Level API Example:  Fetch a JSON document without realizing it: #!/usr/bin/env python # Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 1 - # Not even clear you are using a web service from googlemaps import GoogleMaps address = '207 N. Defiance St, Archbold, OH' print GoogleMaps().address_to_latlng(address)
  • 19. #!/usr/bin/env python # Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 1 - # HTML-level abstraction import urllib, urllib2 try: import json except ImportError: # for Python 2.5 import simplejson as json params = {'q': '207 N. Defiance St, Archbold, OH', 'output': 'json', 'oe': 'utf8'} url = '' + urllib.urlencode(params) rawreply = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() reply = json.loads(rawreply) print reply['Placemark'][0]['Point']['coordinates'][:-1]
  • 21. #!/usr/bin/env python # Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 1 - # HTTP level abstraction import httplib try: import json # json built in with Python 2.6 except ImportError: # for Python 2.5 import simplejson as json path = ('/maps/geo?q=207+N.+Defiance+St%2C+Archbold%2C+OH' '&output=json&oe=utf8') connection = httplib.HTTPConnection('') connection.request('GET', path) rawreply = connection.getresponse().read() reply = json.loads(rawreply) print reply['Placemark'][0]['Point']['coordinates'][:-1]
  • 23. #!/usr/bin/env python # Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 1 - import socket sock = socket.socket() # OS functionality sock.connect(('', 80)) sock.sendall( 'GET /maps/geo?q=207+N.+Defiance+St%2C+Archbold%2C+OH' '&output=json&oe=utf8&sensor=false HTTP/1.1rn' 'Host:' 'User-Agent: search4.pyrn' 'Connection: closern' 'rn') rawreply = sock.recv(4096) print rawreply
  • 25. # output HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=UTF-8 Vary: Accept-Language Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 16:10:38 GMT Server: mafe Cache-Control: private, x-gzip-ok="" X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Connection: close { "name": "207 N. Defiance St, Archbold, OH", "Status": { "code": 200, "request": "geocode" }, "Placemark": [ { ... "Point": { "coordinates": [ -84.3063479, 41.5228242, 0 ] } } ] } data transmitted by web server data read into program variable
  • 26. Things We've Seen:  protocols stacked on top of one another  higher level protocols using services of lower levels  programs get more specific and harder to maintain the lower down you go  the idea behind high-level protocols is precisely to hide lower levels  there's a whole lot going on below Socket.
  • 27. The Stack:  Fundamental unit of shared information is the packet.  Typical packet structure:  Transmitted as a single unit (but serially)  Routing is generally at the packet level  Things packets contain: data, addresses, layering, sequencing, protocol bytes, checksums  ethernet packets are called frames. program data TCP/UDP header IP header ethernet header
  • 28. Ethernet:  14-byte header  addresses: two 6-byte addresses – source and destination  type: 2 bytes – 0800 == IP datagram  the two network cards involved can process the header without using the CPU, RAM, etc.  cable length (100m) and MTU  CSMA/CD  Some of the details: what-is-the-in-the-wire-size-of-a-ethernet-frame-1518-or-1542
  • 29. IP Addresses:  32 bits: a.b.c.d  network address – n bits; host id – (32-n) bits  some times the network part has a subnet component; some times the subnet component is carved out of the hostID bits  a.b == 137.140 == New Paltz network address  a.b.c == 137.140.8 == CS subnet at New Paltz  the part of the network address that is not subnet identifies an organization like New Paltz.
  • 31. IP Special Addresses:  127.*.*.*: local to the current machine  10.*.*.*, 172.16-31.*.*, 192.168.*.*: private subnets.  none of these address found on the larger Internet.
  • 32. IP Routing:  Guiding principle: after each hop you are one step closer to your destination  typical local routing table contains a default entry pointing to the Internet together with one entry for each local subnet the host belongs to. [pletcha@archimedes PPT]$ netstat -nr Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Iface UG wlan0 U wlan0 U virbr0
  • 33. IP Routing Next Hop Algorithm:  Search Destination column of table entries with H-flag set which is an exact match to Destination IP in packet  If found and Flag is G or H then Gateway is next hop; otherwise Destination IP is next hop.  If not found then calculate Dest IP && Genmask for each entry that is not the default. If Dest IP && Genmask == Destination column entry then if Flag is G or H then Gateway is next hop; otherwise Destination IP is next hop.  Otherwise use the default entry. Flag is almost always G so Gateway is next hop IP.
  • 34. IP Routing Next Hop Algorithm:  Once you have the next hop IP you need to determine the next hop ethernet.  The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) converts the next hop IP into a next hop ethernet. More recently replaced by the ip neigh command  Exercise: Read up on ARP in TCP/IP Illustrated. [pletcha@archimedes PPT]$ ip neigh dev enp0s25 lladdr 00:c0:17:c2:14:f3 STALE dev wlp3s0 lladdr 00:1f:29:07:e4:6a STALE dev enp0s25 lladdr 00:21:a0:39:65:00 DELAY
  • 35. ARP Example ● From my laptop ( I try to locate joyous ( ● Because of my routing table I know it is locally connected so is “next hop”. [pletcha@archimedes PPT]$ ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.266 ms ^C [pletcha@archimedes PPT]$ netstat -nr Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface UG 0 0 0 enp0s25 U 0 0 0 enp0s25 U 0 0 0 wlp3s0
  • 38. Packet Fragmentation:  The Internet Protocol Suite supports 64k packets but specific IP networks support much smaller packets.  Ethernet networks support 1500 byte packets.  IP headers contain a Don't Fragment (DF) flag, set by sender. – DF not set, then a router can fragment a packet too large to be forwarded on a particular interface. – DF set, router sends an ICMP message to original sender so sender can fragment the original message and try again.  UDP: DF unset by OS  TCP: DF set by OS
  • 39. Packet Fragmentation (continued):  Each subnet has an MTU – Maximum Transmission Unit.  Path MTU = min hop MTU over all hops in a path  DSL providers make MTU = 1492. – Initially many service providers used MTU = 1500 and disabled ICMP so never knew their “large” traffic was being dropped.  TCP/IP Illustrated discusses how fragmentation actually happens (Read Section 11.5).
  • 40. TCP/IP Illustrated:  Pages to Look at 25, 38, 43, 44, 48, 58, 61, 63
  • 42. net_py Reliable or Unreliable  Do you need service that keeps packets in order and guarantees delivery?  Are your packets “individual” and so can arrive in any order or possibly even not at all?  In the above example, you would only need to worry about non-delivery (and hence non-reply). Example: Suppose you plan to send a single packet and get a single reply?
  • 43. net_py UDP  Short, self-contained requests and responses.  Real-time traffic like voice.  Author says it is not used often but that is not to say it is not useful.  A single server port can receive packets from millions of distinct clients over time with no additional memory allocation beyond original setup.  congested network routers tend to be more sympathetic to UDP traffic compared to TCP traffic since they know that the latter will be retransmitted if dropped by the router.  You can add your own “99% reliability” more cheaply (performance) than using TCP's 100% reliability.  easier to use
  • 44. net_py Addresses and Ports UDP IP Ethernet running program socket memory allocation port number file descriptor
  • 45. net_py Addresses and Ports  Ports allow multiple programs to use the same TCP/IP stack  Packets come in and go up the same stack. They are “demultiplexed” at the top of the stack by port number to different programs.  The pair (IP address:port number) is called a socket and identifies a program connected to the internet, running on some machine.  Every packet sent on the internet contains a quadruple that identifies the connection. Example: (sourceIP: source port, destIP: dest port)
  • 46. net_py Port Ranges  Well-known: 0-1023  Registered: 1024-4915: used by large companies  The Rest: above, used by us  How to find a well-known or registered port number  Check out the IANA ( >>> import socket >>> socket.getservbyname('domain')
  • 47. net_py Python Virtual Environment ● It is a good idea to create your own virtual environment for the various python programming projects found in this course. ● This gives you an easy way to install special python packages just for your own use and leave the main python install on your computer alone. ● This is a useful skill for future python development you might do. ● Here is an on-line tutorial; read it carefully and follow the instructions.
  • 48. net_py Using virtualenvwrapper ● The virtualenv tutorial suggests that inside each project directory (say Project1) there should be a project-specific virtual environment (Project1/env). ● There is an alternative approach suggested by virtualenvwrapper – an extension of virtualenv. ● When using using virtualenvwrapper your file hierarchy looks like: ● All the executable code in .virtualenvs is from the wrapper package. Projects: ArcGIS BenchMark GeoIP Memcached QGIS Rabbit .virtualenvs: ArcGIS hook.log.1 postmkvirtualenv premkvirtualenv Benchmark initialize postrmproject prermproject BenchMark Memcached postrmvirtualenv prermvirtualenv GeoIP postactivate preactivate QGIS get_env_details postdeactivate predeactivate Rabbit hook.log postmkproject premkproject README
  • 49. net_py Sockets  Python makes calls to the lower level operating system-level calls that implement the networking functionality  The python interface is slightly OO  Python's contact to these OS calls is through a program construct called a socket  Sockets are “files” just like everything else and are accessed via a file descriptor, which in python you never see but in C it is all you see.  Sockets are the file descriptor  We read and write to sockets the same way we do files
  • 50. net_py import socket, sys s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # AF_INET is a “family” type # SOCK_DGRAM means UDP and not TCP MAX = 65535 # packet size PORT = 1060 # port used by our server if sys.argv[1:] == ['server']: # are these two lists equal s.bind(('', PORT)) # specify your local socket address # since you are a server print 'Listening at', s.getsockname() # returns a list while True: data, address = s.recvfrom(MAX) # wait for traffic print 'The client at', address, 'says', repr(data) # data.toString() s.sendto('Your data was %d bytes' % len(data), address) # send reply to original sender
  • 51. net_py elif sys.argv[1:] == ['client']: print 'Address before sending:', s.getsockname() # means no port on any interface s.sendto('This is my message', ('', PORT)) print 'Address after sending', s.getsockname() # bind is automatic, but only to a port number # means port number 34567 on any interface data, address = s.recvfrom(MAX) # overly promiscuous - see Chapter 2 # will accept a datagramfrom anyone and not just the server print 'The server', address, 'says', repr(data) else: print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: server|client'
  • 52. net_py elif sys.argv[1:] == ['client']: print 'Address before bind:', s.getsockname() s.bind('',55000) print 'Address after bind:', s.getsockname() s.sendto('This is my message', ('', PORT)) print 'Address after sending', s.getsockname() # bind is automatic, but only to a port number # means port number 55000 on any interface data, address = s.recvfrom(MAX) # overly promiscuous - see Chapter 2 # will accept a datagramfrom anyone and not just the server print 'The server', address, 'says', repr(data) else: print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: server|client'
  • 53. net_py Ports  Remote access to a socket is through its port number.  Access from the program that opens the socket is through the file descriptor.
  • 54. net_py Socket  Author says “both IP address and port number start as all zeros – a new socket is a blank slate”. This is not entirely true.  recv() vs recvfrom():  recv(): does not return sender address and typical of client code because clients typically go to a single server and so “know” where any data they receive comes from.  recvfrom() returns sender address and is typical of server code because servers receive data from many clients and typically need to reply to a client request with a packet sent right back to the same client. The socket.sendto() function takes the address returned by recvfrom().
  • 55. net_py Congestion:  If you timeout and resend and the problem is that the server is down, you will add useless traffic to the network and cause congestion that will slow everyone down.  Best answer is each time you timeout extend the timeout interval so that eventually you are resending a packet only once per hour or more.  exponential backoff: delay *= 2  What about giving up?  What about trying forever? best to give up only if you need a timely answer or not at all weather icon example
  • 56. net_py More Complications:  Suppose a successful request/reply exchange takes 200 ms on average.  What does the server do with duplicate requests? In both cases the server must keep track of request identifiers so it knows what requests have already been received.  If client also keeps track of request IDs and whether or not they have been replied to then the client can quietly drop duplicate replies. Client can use this information to set a minimum timeout delay to be at least 200 ms? 1) Reply again 2) Don't bother to repeat reply (How does the server know a previous reply got to the original sender?).
  • 57. net_py reply lost no need to pass off to higher level but must keep data ID to know it has already been forwarded optional
  • 58. net_py Reliable Code #!/usr/bin/env python # Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 2 - # UDP client and server for talking over the network import random, socket, sys s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) MAX = 65535 PORT = 1060 # usage: server [ <interface> ] if 2 <= len(sys.argv) <= 3 and sys.argv[1] == 'server': # server side interface = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else '' # two single quotes s.bind((interface, PORT)) # '' is the same as '' == all interfaces print 'Listening at', s.getsockname() while True: data, address = s.recvfrom(MAX) # server always needs client address if random.randint(0, 1): # flip a coin and reply only if heads print 'The client at', address, 'says:', repr(data) s.sendto('Your data was %d bytes' % len(data), address) else: # tails print 'Pretending to drop packet from', address
  • 59. net_py Reliable Code # Usage: client <host> elif len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[1] == 'client': hostname = sys.argv[2] s.connect((hostname, PORT)) # no packets exchanged; print 'Client socket name is', s.getsockname() delay = 0.1 # initial retry delay while True: # keep resending if no reply s.send('This is another message') print 'Waiting up to', delay, 'seconds for a reply' s.settimeout(delay) # so recv() will block only so long try: data = s.recv(MAX) # blocking <delay> seconds except socket.timeout: # timeout expired delay *= 2 # double timeout delay time if delay > 2.0: # time to stop all this nonsense raise RuntimeError('I think the server is down') else: break # we are done after one success, # and can stop looping print 'The server says', repr(data)
  • 61. net_py Connecting vs Implicit Connecting • In Listing 2-1 we used sendto(msg,address) on the client and an implicit binding happened when the first datagram was sent. • In Listing 2-2 we used send(msg) so the binding had to be done explicitly, and at the same time we indicate where the message is to be sent • In the first situation we could send to various different servers by modifying the address argument. In the latter we can only send to the address we originally connected to. s.connect(remote_host,remote_PORT) ... s.send(data) check netstat -an | grep udp at this point
  • 62. net_py How things look after s.sendto(msg,address): [pletcha@archimedes ~]$ python >>> import socket >>> s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM) >>> s.sendto('my message',('',50000)) 10 >>> s.getsockname() ('', 52011) [pletcha@archimedes ~]$ netstat -an | grep udp udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* anyone can send data to my port 52011.
  • 63. net_py Sneaking into the conversation [pletcha@archimedes ~]$ python >>> import socket >>> s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM) >>> s.sendto('my message',('',50000)) 10 >>> s.getsockname() ('', 33897) >>> data,address = s.recvfrom(4000) >>> print data Fake reply [pletcha@archimedes ~]$ python >>> import socket >>> s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM) >>> s.sendto('Fake reply',('',33697)) 10 use the bound port number as your destination
  • 64. net_py How things look after s.connect(address): > python >>> import socket >>> s =socket.socket(socket.AF_NET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM) >>> s.connect((,50000)) [pletcha@archimedes ~]$ netstat -an | grep udp udp 0 0* udp 0 0 ESTABLISHED udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* no one can send data to my port 51400 except what I connected to (I really didn't connect since no data was sent)
  • 65. net_py Exercise • • Lesson to learn: If you want to use sendto() instead of connect() followed by send(), then you can use recvfrom() and look at each sender address to be sure it is an address you recognize. • Exercise: Think of a UDP application that would have you sending data to several destinations so you could expect answers back from them all. Repeat the “sneak into the conversation” example running the client software of Listing 2-2 and see that your message never gets read by the application. It is rejected by UDP What happens is that Ethernet and IP recognize the sneaky packet as intended for this machine. IP forwards the packet to UDP. UDP looks up the destination port and sees that it will only accept data from (wyvern, 50000)
  • 66. net_py Request IDs • Sending a packet ID with every packet makes it easier to identify replies and know what request they are replying to. • (See homework) • Packet IDs are some protection against spoofing. Client that doesn't call connect() can be exposed to unexpected (spoofing) traffic. If the unwelcome traffic doesn't know the packet ID it is not possible to fake a response.
  • 67. net_py Binding to Interfaces • We have used bind() to listen on or on ' ', which means all network interfaces. • We can specify an interface if we know its IP address (remember /sbin/ifconfig -a) • Connecting to the College using VPN I have 4 network interfaces on my laptop
  • 68. net_py 4 Network Interfaces at once: [pletcha@archimedes 02]$ ifconfig -a cscotun0: flags=4305<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,NOARP,MULTICAST> mtu 1399 inet netmask destination ... lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536 inet netmask ... virbr0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast ... wlan0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast ...
  • 69. net_py Ports are bound to Interfaces [pletcha@archimedes 02]$ cat #!/usr/bin/bash ./ server sleep 1; ./ server sleep 1; ./ server sleep 1; ./ server & sleep 1; ./ server [pletcha@archimedes 02]$ ./ Listening at ('', 1060) Listening at ('', 1060) Listening at ('', 1060) Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 13, in <module> s.bind((interface, PORT)) File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 224, in meth return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args) socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use [pletcha@archimedes 02]$ Listening at ('', 1060)
  • 70. net_py local host vs remote host: • Local packets can arrive destined for but they can also arrive locally by using the machine IP address, say • By binding to, external clients can not talk to you. • By binding to both internal and external clients can talk to you. • Lesson to Learn: Binding means specifying both a port number and a network interface (or all interfaces), so the basic data structure is not just a port but an (IP address, port) pair, in other words, a socket.
  • 71. net_py Two Interface problem: • Suppose a machine has two external interfaces – and • If we open a socket at (,1060) but try to send data to (, 1060) what will happen? Apparently it depends on the OS. • On my laptop I get: [pletcha@archimedes 02]$ ps -ef | grep remote pletcha 28577 3450 0 18:07 pts/1 python ./ server [pletcha@archimedes 02]$ ./ client Client socket name is ('', 48271) Waiting up to 0.1 seconds for a reply Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 33, in <module> data = s.recv(MAX) socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused
  • 72. net_py Fragmentation, ETC: Read the last 4 pages of Chapter 2 yourselves.
  • 74. net_py TCP  workhorse of the Internet – 1974 - data stream (mule train versus conveyor belt)  most traffic suited to TCP: - long conversations like SSH, large exchanges like HTTP  Reliability: packet sequence numbers and retransmission.  TCP Sequence Number: byte number of first byte in data package plus 1 for SYN and 1 for FIN  Retransmitted packets can begin at different packet boundaries.  Initial SeqNum is randomly choosen to confound “villains”.
  • 75. net_py TCP is bursty  TCP noes not keep the sender and receiver in lock-step.  Sender can send multiple packets with no acknowledgment of any being received.
  • 76. net_py TCP Example sender receiver time ACK 15 ACK 40 next expected byte number is 15
  • 77. net_py TCP Window sender receiver time ACK 15 ACK 40 TCP Window: Sender has sent 40 bytes with no ACK received. So its window is 40 bytes. Actual Window size: 4096.
  • 78. net_py TCP Overwhelmed sender receiver time ACK 15 ACK 40 TCP Overwhelmed: Receiver, if over- whelmed, sends TCP option, telling sender to shut window down; specifies window new window size.
  • 79. net_py TCP Congested sender receiver time ACK 15 ACK 40 TCP Congested: Receiver, if it sees a missing packet, assumes congestion and shuts the window down as in the case of being overwhelmed.
  • 80. net_py When to use TCP  Most of the time.  When is it inappropriate? - single request/reply exchange – TCP uses 9 packets in total - too many clients – each connection costs memory allocation, port allocation, etc. - real time like audio chat; retransmitted voice is discarded because conversation has moved on. highly compressed voice from previous and next packet normally compressed voice
  • 81. net_py TCP Socket  Listen Sockets and Data Sockets.  Listen Sockets: like UDP, open and waiting for SYN  Data Sockets always involve a connection.  UDP socket.connect() shows intention of data exchange between two particular processes and is optional  TCP socket.connect() does the same and is fundamental. (localIP,localport,remoteIP, remoteport)
  • 82. net_py client server listen = socket.listen() only accepts SYN c_data = socket.connect() s_data = listen.accept() and blocks in a loop c_data.send() s_data.recv() passive socket active sockets, c_data and s_data are identical in nature, identified by (clntIP,clntPort,servIP,servPort) ie a connection NOTE: Hundreds or thousands of active sockets are possible on server with same (srvIP,srvPort) pair but only one passive socket with the same pair.
  • 83. net_py Example: #!/usr/bin/env python # Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 3 - # Simple TCP client and server that send and receive 16 octets import socket, sys s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # doesn't know yet if active or passive HOST = sys.argv.pop() if len(sys.argv) == 3 else '' PORT = 1060 def recvall(sock, length): # used by both client and server data = '' while len(data) < length: # building a complete message more = sock.recv(length - len(data)) if not more: raise EOFError('socket closed %d bytes into a %d-byte message' % (len(data), length)) data += more return data
  • 84. net_py Example: if sys.argv[1:] == ['server']: s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind((HOST, PORT)) # bind to whatever we wish <HOST> s.listen(1) while True: print 'Listening at', s.getsockname() sc, sockname = s.accept() print 'We have accepted a connection from', sockname print 'Socket connects', sc.getsockname(), 'and', sc.getpeername() message = recvall(sc, 16) print 'The incoming sixteen-octet message says', repr(message) sc.sendall('Farewell, client') sc.close() print 'Reply sent, socket closed'
  • 85. net_py socket.SO_REUSEADDR NOTEs: 1: When a server passive socket is closed, TCP does not allow it to be reused for several minutes to give all clients a chance to see that any future listener is a new listener. If you want to rerun the program multiple times (as in testing) then allow immediate reuse of the same passive socket. 2: If a popular server goes down you would want it to come back up immediately and so for the same reason we set the SO_REUSEADDR socket option.
  • 86. net_py Example: elif sys.argv[1:] == ['client']: s.connect((HOST, PORT)) # can fail; unlike UDP print 'Client has been assigned socket name', s.getsockname() s.sendall('Hi there, server') reply = recvall(s, 16) print 'The server said', repr(reply) s.close() else: print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: server|client [host]' NOTE: Calling send(), TCP might not send all bytes immediately and returns the number actually sent; calling sendall() asks that all data be sent asap and that happens before the function call returns. Notice that program does not capture sendall() return value. NOTE: recv_all() loops until all expected data is received.
  • 88. net_py Exercises:  Create two sockets, one UPD and the other TCP and call connect on both of them to a non-existent remote socket. See what happens [pletcha@archimedes 03]$ python Python 2.7.3 (default, Jul 24 2012, 10:05:38) >>> import socket >>> udp_s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM) >>> tcp_s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) >>> udp_s.connect(('',1060)) # [pletcha@archimedes 03]$ netstat -an | grep 215 # udp 0 0 ESTABLISHED >>> tcp_s.connect(('',1060)) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 224, in meth return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args) socket.error: [Errno 110] Connection timed out >>>
  • 89. net_py TCP send()  The Stack has space so send() dumps all its data into a TCP buffer and returns, even though nothing has been sent. From now on, it is TCP's headache.  TCP buffer is full or Stack is busy so send() blocks  TCP buffer has some space but not enough for all send() wants to transmit so send() moves as much data as it can into the TCP buffer and returns that number. It is the program's responsibility to recall send() with data starting at the first byte not previously accepted by TCP.
  • 90. net_py TCP send() code: bytes_sent = 0 while bytes_sent < len(message): message_remaining = message[bytes_sent:] bytes_sent += s.send(message_remaining) # python has a sendall() function that does this for us.
  • 91. net_py TCP recv()  Works like send():  If no data then recv() blocks  if plenty available then gives back just what the call asks for  if some data available but not what you ask for you are gien what is available and need to build up your own complete message by repeatedly calling recv().
  • 93. net_py No TCP recvall()?  Because we hardly ever know in advance the precise size we are expecting. For example, suppose we send out an HTTP GET request to  The data that comes back consists of a header, a blank line and some data.  The header may or may not contain a Content-Length field.  If it does we know exactly how many bytes to read so could use a recvall() function. If not then we just need to read until we feel we've come to the end of the data.  In Listing 1.5 this means until we come to the end of a syntactically correct JSON data object, serialized.
  • 94. net_py HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=UTF-8 Vary: Accept-Language Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 16:10:38 GMT Server: mafe Cache-Control: private, x-gzip-ok="" X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Length: 481 Connection: close { "name": "207 N. Defiance St, Archbold, OH", "Status": { "code": 200, "request": "geocode" }, "Placemark": [ { ... "Point": { "coordinates": [ -84.3063479, 41.5228242, 0 ] } } ] }
  • 98. net_py TCP sliding window  Sliding-window protocol without selective or negative acknowledgment.  window “belongs” to sender; each end of a connection has a window  n1: byte (sequence) number of next byte to be transmitted for the first time  n2: byte (sequence) number of next byte to be acknowledged  B: data already transmitted but not acknowledged data stream to be transmitted n1 n2 direction of data flow A B C window direction sender receiver
  • 99. net_py TCP Acknowledgment:  TCP does not “negative” acknowledge; ie, send a message that something is missing  TCP does not “selectively” acknowledge; ie, send a message that a specific byte range has been received  TCP acknowledgment number means TCP has received all bytes up to but not including the ACK number.
  • 100. net_py TCP Flow Control  TCP sends a window size field in its header. This field is used by the end that receives the TCP segment to control its own sliding window size.  Typical window size is 4096. If the receiver end of a connection sends a TCP header with a smaller number the sender slows down transmission of new bytes until more bytes are acknowledged by the other end (hence n1 – n2 shrinks)
  • 101. net_py TCP Options  MSS: Maximum Segment Size. Usually sent during 3-way handshake so that both ends will know how big (or small) future segments should be.
  • 102. net_py TCP Connect and Disconnect Timeline
  • 104. net_py TCP Half-close send() will fail; recv() will be ok
  • 106. net_py TCP MSL (Maximum Segment Lifetime)  MSL is the maximum time that a segment might expect to live on the Internet while moving between the two hosts of a connection.  When TCP performs an active close, and sends the final ACK, that connection must stay in the TIME_WAIT state for twice the MSL.  Prevents delayed segments from an earlier incarnation of the same connection (srcIP,srcPort,destIP,destPort) from being interpreted as part of the new connection
  • 107. net_py TCP FIN_WAIT_2  It is possible to stay in this state forever. Why?
  • 109. net_py Domains  Top-level Domains: .edu, .com., .ca, etc  Domain Name:, etc  Fully Qualified Domain Name: Owning a domain name gives you the right to create FQDNs with your Domain Name at the end. Technically any name that ends with a '.' is also considered fully qualified.  Hostname: wyvern.
  • 110. net_py /etc/resolv.conf  How domain name searches start:  If your search name is not fully qualified search begins by searching for using the name servers specified.  <your search name>  <your search name>  <your search name>  <your search name> (GeoIP)[pletcha@archimedes pypcap-1.1]$ cat /etc/resolv.conf # Generated by NetworkManager domain search nameserver nameserver
  • 111. net_py Example:  Searching for will search for      But searching for will search for  only.
  • 112. net_py Example 2:  Searching for argos searches for:  # fails  # fails  # succeeds  This is why you can use host names only on campus.
  • 113. net_py Socket Names Used By:  mysocket.accept(): returns a tuple whose 2nd entry is a remote address  mysocket.bind(address): binds to a local address so outgoing packets have this source address.  mysocket.connect(address): indicates the remote address that packets using this connection must either go to or come from.  mysocket.getpeername(): Returns the remote address the socket is connected to  mysocket.getsocketname(): returns the address of this socket  mysocket.recvfrom(): UDP: returns data and the address of the sender  mysocket.sendto(data,address): UDP, indicates the receiver address.
  • 114. net_py Five Socket Properties:  socket.AF_INET: Internet Address Family => kind of network and transport – UDP or TCP.  socket.AF_UNIX: like the internet but between processes on the same host  socket.SOCK_DGRAM: packet service (UDP for AF_INET)  socket.SOCK_STREAM: stream service (TCP for AF_INET) 3rd argument, not used n this book  socket.IPPROTO_TCP: use TCP for SOCK_STREAM.  socket.IPPROTO_UDP: use TCP for SOCK_DGRAM
  • 115. net_py IPv6:  Will replace IPv4 when we run our ot IPv4 IP addresses.  IPv6 has more services than IPv4. >>> import socket >>> print socket.has_ipv6() # tells you if your machine is capable of ipv6; not # if it is enabled.
  • 116. net_py Address Resolution:  One way of avoiding specifying destination IP addresses, etc, is to let the socket module tell you what you need to know.  We are asking, “How can we connect to the web server on host” >>> import socket >>> infolist = socket.getaddrinfo('','www') >>> pprint infolist [(1,2,6,'',('','80'), (1,2,17,'',('','80') # all the interfaces on .244.244 associated with 'www' >>> ftpca = infolist[0] # == (1,2,6,'',('','80') >>> ftp = ftpca[0:3] # == (2,1,6) >>> s = socket.socket(*ftp) # unpack a list with * # s = socket.socket(ftp[0],ftp[1]) would do just as well >>> s.connect(ftpca[4]) # ('','80')
  • 117. net_py NOTE:  HTTPD officially supports TCP (6) and UDP (17).  is an alias for this host. It also has a “cannonical” name. but we didn't ask for this so it wasn't returned.  Calling socket.getaddrinfo() we don't need to use socket.AF_INET, etc, in our code.
  • 118. net_py Asking socket.getaddrinfo() for help in binding.  Problem: Provide an address for bind() without deciding this yourself. Example: Suppose you want to open a server (passive) using port 1060 >>> from socket import getaddrinfo >>> import socket >>> getaddrinfo(None,1060,0,socket.SOCK_STREAM,0,socket.AI_PASSIVE) [(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 1060)), (10, 1, 6, '', ('::', 1060, 0, 0))] >>> getaddrinfo(None,1060,0,socket.SOCK_DGRAM,0,socket.AI_PASSIVE) [(2, 2, 17, '', ('', 1060)), (10, 2, 17, '', ('::', 1060, 0, 0))] # we are asking here, where to bind to. We get an IPv4 and an IPv6 answer # in both cases, TCP and UDP.
  • 119. net_py Asking socket.getaddrinfo() for help in binding.  Problem: Want a particular address for bind(). Example: Suppose you want to open a server (passive) using port 1060 and a known local IP address. >>> from socket import getaddrinfo >>> import socket >>> getaddrinfo('',1060,0,socket.SOCK_STREAM,0) [(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 1060))] >>> getaddrinfo(localhost,1060,0,socket.SOCK_STREAM,0) [(2, 1, 6, '', ('::1', 1060,0,0)), (2, 1,6, '', ('', 1060))] # we are asking here, where to bind to. We get an IPv4 and an IPv6 answer
  • 120. net_py Asking getaddrinfo() about services  The rest of the uses of getaddrinfo() are outward looking.  socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG: filter out things you can't use  socket.AI_AI_V4MAPPED: get IPV4 only  If you don't specify certain address types you get multiple addresses >>> getaddrinfo('','ftp',0,socket.SOCK_STREAM,0, ... socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED) [(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 21))] >>> getaddrinfo('','www',0,socket.SOCK_STREAM,0) [(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 80)), (10, 1, 6, '', ('2001:500:88:200::8', 80, 0, 0))]
  • 121. net_py Asking getaddrinfo() about services  The rest of the uses of getaddrinfo() are outward looking.  socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG: filter out things you can't use  socket.AI_AI_V4MAPPED: get IPV4 only  If you don't specify certain address types you get multiple addresses >>> getaddrinfo('','ftp',0,socket.SOCK_STREAM,0, ... socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED) [(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 21))] >>> getaddrinfo('','www',0,socket.SOCK_STREAM,0) [(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 80)), (10, 1, 6, '', ('2001:500:88:200::8', 80, 0, 0))]
  • 122. net_py Alternative Methods:  Older methods are hard-wired for IPv4 so should be avoided. gethostbyname() getfqdn() gethostnbyaddr() getprotobyname(0 getservbyname() getservbyport() socket.gethostbyname(socket.getfqdn()) # gives you the primary IP address of this machine
  • 123. net_py Using getaddrinfo() and getsockaddr(): #!/usr/bin/env python # Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 4 - # Find the WWW service of an arbitrary host using getaddrinfo(). import socket, sys if len(sys.argv) != 2: print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: <hostname_or_ip>' sys.exit(2) hostname_or_ip = sys.argv[1] try: infolist = socket.getaddrinfo( hostname_or_ip, 'www', 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED | socket.AI_CANONNAME, ) except socket.gaierror, e: print 'Name service failure:', e.args[1] sys.exit(1)
  • 124. net_py Using getaddrinfo() and getsockaddr(): info = infolist[0] # per standard recommendation, try the first one socket_args = info[0:3] address = info[4] s = socket.socket(*socket_args) try: s.connect(address) except socket.error, e: print 'Network failure:', e.args[1] else: print 'Success: host', info[3], 'is listening on port 80'
  • 125. net_py Just to be sure 1: #!/usr/bin/env python # Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 4 - import socket, sys if len(sys.argv) != 2: print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: <hostname>' sys.exit(2) hostname = sys.argv[1] try: infolist = socket.getaddrinfo( hostname, 0, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED | socket.AI_CANONNAME ) except socket.gaierror, e: print 'Forward name service failure:', e.args[1] sys.exit(1) info = infolist[0] # choose the first, if there are several addresses canonical = info[3] socketname = info[4] ip = socketname[0]
  • 126. net_py Just to be sure 2: if not canonical: print 'WARNING! The IP address', ip, 'has no reverse name' sys.exit(1) print hostname, 'has IP address', ip print ip, 'has the canonical hostname', canonical # Lowercase for case-insensitive comparison, and chop off hostnames. forward = hostname.lower().split('.') reverse = canonical.lower().split('.') if forward == reverse: print 'Wow, the names agree completely!' sys.exit(0)
  • 127. net_py Just to be sure 3: # Truncate the domain names, which now look like ['www', mit', 'edu'], # to the same length and compare. Failing that, be willing to try a # compare with the first element (the hostname?) lopped off if both of # they are the same length. length = min(len(forward), len(reverse)) if (forward[-length:] == reverse[-length:] or (len(forward) == len(reverse) and forward[-length+1:] == reverse[-length+1:] and len(forward[-2]) > 2)): # avoid thinking '' means a match! print 'The forward and reverse names have a lot in common' else: print 'WARNING! The reverse name belongs to a different organization'
  • 128. net_py DNS Domain Name: List of labels in path of nodes used for reverse (addr->name) lookup
  • 129. net_py Reverse lookup [pletcha@archimedes 04]$ host domain name pointer
  • 131. net_py DNS Packet Q/R: 0/1 Opcode: Name or pointer AA: Answer is authoritative(1) TC: truncated RD: Recursion desired (1) RA: Recursion available (1) rcode: ) - ok, 3 – invalid name from AA
  • 136. net_py How to Interpret Previous Slide:  Blue area is the entire response packet.  Bytes 2D-35 are the number of Questions (1), Answers (1), Authoritative Answers (2), Additional Answers(2).  Byte 36 is the length of the first label in the string  Query Type: 00 0C  Query Class: 00 01 (ends on byte 54) And so on ...
  • 137. net_py Handling Repeated Strings:  Bytes 55 and 56 ought to be the beginning of the same IP address string repeated. Instead there are two bytes – C0 0C.  When you see most significant four bits of a byte as C this indicates that the next 12 bits are a pointer into the response packet.  In our case the pointer is 0C. So count C bytes into the packet and guess where this gets you – right to the beginning of the original version of namely, 02 34 38 01 31 03 31 34 30 03 ... And so on ...
  • 138. net_py When to use DNS directly:  The authors of our text suggest we stick to getaddrinfo() for all our addressing needs except one – find the mail server for a remote email address.  Suppose you want to send an email to someone but your own mail server is down. Since you normally use your own email server to route the email to the destination mail server, your email can't be sent unless you can by-pass your own email server.
  • 139. net_py Email Servers: What protocols are involved in email. SMTP SMTP POP3 or IMAP “your” mail server “their” mail server your client: browser, thunderbird their client: perhaps not running right now
  • 140. net_py Email Servers: How to by-pass your local mail server. SMTP SMTP POP3 or IMAP “your” mail server “their” mail server your client: a python program that knows how to send an email to a remote mail server (Chapter 13) their client: perhaps not running right now SMTP
  • 141. net_py How to send an email without your local email server:  Ask the DNS server for a remote domain name for the MX resource.  The reply should come back with the domain name and/or IP address of the mail server for that domain.  Build up your email message with the necessary header fields and send it off to the remote email server (port numbers: 25 and 465).
  • 142. net_py How to find a remote Mail Server:  Ask the DNS server for a remote domain name for the MX resource. [pletcha@archimedes 04]$ cat #!/usr/bin/env python # Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 4 - # Looking up a mail domain - the part of an email address after the `@` import sys, DNS if len(sys.argv) != 2: print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: <hostname>' sys.exit(2)
  • 143. net_py def resolve_hostname(hostname, indent=0): """Print an A or AAAA record for `hostname`; follow CNAMEs if necessary.""" indent = indent + 4 istr = ' ' * indent request = DNS.Request() reply = request.req(name=sys.argv[1], qtype=DNS.Type.A) if reply.answers: for answer in reply.answers: print istr, 'Hostname', hostname, '= A', answer['data'] return reply = request.req(name=sys.argv[1], qtype=DNS.Type.AAAA) if reply.answers: for answer in reply.answers: print istr, 'Hostname', hostname, '= AAAA', answer['data'] return reply = request.req(name=sys.argv[1], qtype=DNS.Type.CNAME) if reply.answers: cname = reply.answers[0]['data'] print istr, 'Hostname', hostname, 'is an alias for', cname resolve_hostname(cname, indent) return print istr, 'ERROR: no records for', hostname
  • 144. net_py def resolve_email_domain(domain): """Print mail server IP addresses for an email address @ `domain`.""" request = DNS.Request() reply = request.req(name=sys.argv[1], qtype=DNS.Type.MX) if reply.answers: print 'The domain %r has explicit MX records!' % (domain,) print 'Try the servers in this order:' datalist = [ answer['data'] for answer in reply.answers ] datalist.sort() # lower-priority integers go first for data in datalist: priority = data[0] hostname = data[1] print 'Priority:', priority, ' Hostname:', hostname resolve_hostname(hostname) else: print 'Drat, this domain has no explicit MX records' print 'We will have to try resolving it as an A, AAAA, or CNAME' resolve_hostname(domain) DNS.DiscoverNameServers() resolve_email_domain(sys.argv[1])
  • 145. net_py Send a simple email:  Following slide, from Chapter 13, sends a simple email directly to the remote email server. Exercise: Combine the previous two programs.
  • 146. net_py Sending a simple email message: [pletcha@archimedes 13]$ cat #!/usr/bin/env python # Basic SMTP transmission - Chapter 13 - import sys, smtplib if len(sys.argv) < 4: print "usage: %s server fromaddr toaddr [toaddr...]" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(2) server, fromaddr, toaddrs = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3:] message = """To: %s From: %s Subject: Test Message from Hello, This is a test message sent to you from the program in Foundations of Python Network Programming. """ % (', '.join(toaddrs), fromaddr) s = smtplib.SMTP(server) s.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, message) print "Message successfully sent to %d recipient(s)" % len(toaddrs)
  • 148. Bytes and Octets, ASCII and Unicode  Early on bytes could be anywhere from 5 to 9 bits so octet came into use to tell us exactly what we were talking about.  Today bytes are also universally 8 bits so we have two names for the same thing.  Unicode (16-bit codes) is an expansion of ASCII (8-bit codes).  Authors recommend always using Unicode for strings (but don't follow their own advice. elvish = u'Namárië!'
  • 149. Unicode 2 Network  Unicode characters that need to be transmitted across a network are sent as octets.  We need a Unicode2Network conversion scheme.  Enter 'utf-8'  For example, the uft-8 encoding of the character ë is the two characters C3 AB.  Understand that the above string means that when printed, printables are themselves and unprintables are xnn where nn is a hexadecimal value. >>> elvish = u'Namárië!' >>> elvish.encode('utf-8') 'Namxc3xa1rixc3xab!'
  • 150. Other Encodings  There are many choices fro encoding schemes.  utf-16: 'xffxfe' represents byte order and all other characters are represented in 2 octets, typically <p>x00 where <p> means “printable” >>> elvish.encode('utf-16') 'xffxfeNx00ax00mx00xe1x00rx00ix00xebx00!x00' >>> elvish.encode('cp1252') 'Namxe1rixeb!' >>> elvish.encode('idna') 'xn--namri!-rta6f' >>> elvish.encode('cp500') 'xd5x81x94Ex99x89SO'
  • 151. Decodings:  Upon receipt, byte streams need to be decoded. To do this the encoding needs to be understood and then things are easy. >>> print 'Namxe1rixeb!'.decode('cp1252') Namárië! >>> print 'Namxe1rixeb!'.decode('cp1252') Namárië! >>> print 'Namxe1rixeb!'.decode('cp1252') Namárië!
  • 152. Decodings:  Note that if you are not “printing” that decode returns some universal representation of the original string. >>> 'Namxe1rixeb!'.decode('cp1252') u'Namxe1rixeb!' >>> print 'Namxe1rixeb!'.decode('cp1252') Namárië! >>> 'xd5x81x94Ex99x89SO'.decode('cp500') u'Namxe1rixeb!' >>> 'xn--namri!-rta6f'.decode('idna') u'namxe1rixeb!' >>> 'xffxfeNx00ax00mx00xe1x00rx00ix00xebx00!x00'.decode('utf-16') u'Namxe1rixeb!' >>> 'Namxc3xa1rixc3xab!'.decod('utf-8') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decod' >>> 'Namxc3xa1rixc3xab!'.decode('utf-8') u'Namxe1rixeb!'
  • 153. Do it yourself; or not!  If you use high-level protocols (and their libraries) like HTTP encoding is done for you.  If not, you'll need to do it yourself.
  • 154. Not supported:  ASCII is a 7-bit code so can't be used to encode some things. >>> elvish.encode('ascii') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'xe1' in position 3: ordinal not in range(128)
  • 155. Variable length encodings:  Some codecs have different encodings of characters in different lengths.  Example, utf-16 uses either 16 or 32 bits to encode a character.  utf-16 adds prefix bytes - xffxfe.  All these things make it hard to pick out individual characters
  • 156. Network Byte Order  Either big-endian or little-endian.  Typically needed for binary data. Text is handled by encoding (and knowing where your message ends (framing)).  Problem: Send 4253 across a netwrok connection  Solution 1: Send '4253'  Problem: Need to convert string <--> number. Lots of arithmetic.  Still, lots of situations do exactly this (HTTP, for example, since it is a text protocol)  We used to use dense binary protocols but less and less.
  • 157. How does Python see 4253?  Python stores a number as binary, we can look at its hex representation as follows:  Each hex digit is 4 bits.  Computers store this value in memory using big-endian (most significant bits first) or little-endian (least significant bits first) format. >>> hex(4253) '0x109d'
  • 158. Python's perspective on a religious war.  Python is agnostic.  '<': little-endian  '>': big-endian  'i': integer  '!': network perspective (big-endian) >>> import struct >>> struct.pack('<i',4253) 'x9dx10x00x00' >>> struct.pack('>i',4253) 'x00x00x10x9d' >>> struct.pack('!i',4253) 'x00x00x10x9d' >>> struct.unpack('!i','x00x00x10x9d') (4253,)
  • 159. Older Approaches  h2ns(), h2nl(), n2hs() and n2hl().  Authors say, “Don't do it”.
  • 160. Framing  UDP does framing for you. Data is transmitted in the same chucks it is received from the application  In TCP you have to frame your own transmitted data.  Framing answers the question, “When is it safe to stop calling recv()?
  • 161. Simple Example: Single Stream  Send data with no reply import socket, sys s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) HOST = sys.argv.pop() if len(sys.argv) == 3 else '' PORT = 1060 if sys.argv[1:] == ['server']: s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind((HOST, PORT)) s.listen(1) print 'Listening at', s.getsockname() sc, sockname = s.accept() print 'Accepted connection from', sockname sc.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) message = '' while True: more = sc.recv(8192) # arbitrary value of 8k if not more: # socket has closed when recv() returns '' break message += more print 'Done receiving the message; it says:' print message sc.close() s.close()
  • 162. Simple Example elif sys.argv[1:] == ['client']: s.connect((HOST, PORT)) s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RD) s.sendall('Beautiful is better than ugly.n') s.sendall('Explicit is better than implicit.n') s.sendall('Simple is better than complex.n') s.close() else: print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: server|client [host]'
  • 163. Simple Example: Streaming in both directions; one RQ, one RP  Important cariat: Always complete streaming in one direction before beginning in the opposite direction. If not, deadlock can happen.
  • 164. Simple Example: Fixed Length Messages  In this case use TCP's sendall() and write your own recvall().  Rarely happens. def recvall(sock, length): data = '' while len(data) < length: more = sock.recv(length - len(data)) if not more: raise EOFError('socket closed %d bytes into a %d-byte message' % (len(data), length)) data += more return data
  • 165. Simple Example: Delimit Message with Special Characters.  Use a character outside the range of possible message characters unless the message is binary.  Authors' recommendation is to use this only if you know the message “alphabet” is limited.  If you need to use message characters then “escape” them inside the message.  Using this approach has issues – recognizing an escaped character, removing the escaping upon arrival and message length.
  • 166. Simple Example: Prefix message with its length  Popular with binary data.  Don't forget to “frame” the length itself.  What if this is your choice but you don't know in advance the length of the message? Divide your message up into known length segments and send them separately. Now all you need is a signal for the final segment.
  • 167. Listing 5-2. #!/usr/bin/env python # Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 5 - # Sending data one block at a time. import socket, struct, sys s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) HOST = sys.argv.pop() if len(sys.argv) == 3 else '' PORT = 1060 format = struct.Struct('!I') # for messages up to 2**32 - 1 in length def recvall(sock, length): data = '' while len(data) < length: more = sock.recv(length - len(data)) if not more: raise EOFError('socket closed %d bytes into a %d-byte message' % (len(data), length)) data += more return data
  • 168. Listing 5-2. def get(sock): lendata = recvall(sock, format.size) (length,) = format.unpack(lendata) return recvall(sock, length) def put(sock, message): sock.send(format.pack(len(message)) + message) if sys.argv[1:] == ['server']: s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind((HOST, PORT)) s.listen(1) print 'Listening at', s.getsockname() sc, sockname = s.accept() print 'Accepted connection from', sockname sc.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) while True: message = get(sc) if not message: break print 'Message says:', repr(message) sc.close() s.close()
  • 169. Listing 5-2. elif sys.argv[1:] == ['client']: s.connect((HOST, PORT)) s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RD) put(s, 'Beautiful is better than ugly.') put(s, 'Explicit is better than implicit.') put(s, 'Simple is better than complex.') put(s, '') s.close() else: print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: server|client [host]'
  • 170. HTTP Example: • Uses a delimiter - 'rnrn' – for the header and Content- Length field in the header for possibly purely binary data.
  • 171. Pickles: • Pickles is native serialization built into Python. • Serialization is used to send objects that include pointers across the network where the pointers ill have to be rebuilt. • Pickling is a mix of text and data: • At the other end: >>> import pickle >>> pickle.dumps([5,6,7]) '(lp0nI5naI6naI7na.' >>> >>> pickle.dumps([5,6,7]) '(lp0nI5naI6naI7na.' >>> pickle.loads(('(lp0nI5naI6naI7na.An apple day') ) [5, 6, 7]
  • 172. Pickles: • Problem in network case is that we can't tell how many bytes of pickle data were consumed before we get to what follows (“An apple a day”). • If we use load() function on a file instead, then the file pointer is maintained and we can ask its location. • Remember that Python lets you turn a socket into a file object – makefile(). >>> from StringIO import StringIO >>> f = StringIO('(lp0nI5naI6naI7na.An apple day') >>> pickle.load(f) [5, 6, 7] >>> f.pos 18 >>> 'An apple day' >>>
  • 173. JSON • Popular and easily allows data exchange between software written in different languages. • Does not support framing. • JSON supports Unicode but not binary (see BSON) • See Chapter 18 >>> import json >>> json.dumps([51,u'Namárië!']) '[51, "Namu00e1riu00eb!"]' >>> json.loads('{"name": "lancelot", "quest" : "Grail"}') {u'quest': u'Grail', u'name': u'lancelot'} >>>
  • 174. XML • Popular and easily allows data exchange between software written in different languages. • Does not support framing. • Best for text documents. • See Chapter 10
  • 175. Compression • Time spent transmitting much longer than time pre- and post- processsing exchanged data. • HTTP lets client and server decide whether to compress or not. • zlib is self-framing. Start feeding it a compressed data stream and it will know when the stream has come to an end. >>> data = zlib.compress('sparse')+'.'+zlib.compress('flat')+'.' >>> data 'xx9c+.H,*Nx05x00trx02x8f.xx9cKxcbI,x01x00x04x16x01xa8.' >>> len(data) 28 >>> did not try to compress this
  • 176. Compression • Suppose the previous data arrives in 8-byte chunks. • We are still expecting more data. >>> dobj = zlib.decompressobj() >>> dobj.decompress(data[0:8]), dobj.unused_data ('spars', '') >>> indicates we haven't reached EOF >>> dobj.decompress(data[8:16]), dobj.unused_data ('e', '.x') >>> says we consumed the first compressed bit and some data was unused.
  • 177. Compression • Skip over the '.' and start to decompress the rest of the compressed data >>> dobj2 = zlib.decompressobj() >>> dobj2.decompress('x'), dobj2.unused_data ('', '') >>> dobj2.decompress(data[16:24]), dobj2.unused_data ('flat', '') >>> dobj2.decompress(data[24:]), dobj2.unused_data ('', '.') >>> final '.'; the point is, the stuff we have gathered so far '' + 'flat' + '' consists of all the data compressed by the 2nd use of zlib.compress() NOTE: Using zlib regularly provides its own framing.
  • 178. Network Exceptions: • Many possibilities, some specific (socket.timeout) and some generic (socket.error). • Homework: Write two short python scripts; one that opens a UDP socket connected to a remote socket. The second program tries to send data to the previous socket but will fail since its socket is not the one the other was “connected” to. Find out the exact error that Python returns, along with the value of ErrNo. • Familiar exceptions – socket.gaierror, socket.error, socket.timeout.
  • 180. net_py Security:  Before you send data you want to be sure of the machine with which you are communicating – getaddrinfo()  Once you are in communication with another host you want to be sure that no one is “listening in” on the conversation – Transport Layer Security (TSL).
  • 181. net_py Computer Security:  It is a bad world out there; believe it.  Criminals, script “kiddies”, governments, militaries.  Authors' suggestions:  Test your code: Ned Batchelder's coverage.  Isolate your code: virtualenv  Write as little as possible: rely on third party libraries like googlemaps  Use a high-level language: python  Learn about known attack techniques: cross-scripting, SQL injection, privilege escalation, viruses, trojan horses, etc.  Spend time verifying data that has traversed the Internet.
  • 182. net_py IP Access Rules:  Used to be we trusted everyone: finger, whois, telnet, echo timed, ...  Effective protection restricts who can access your service.  TCP Wrappers: /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny.  Safest way is to deny all (ALL) and selectively allow some.  Man page reading: (man 5 host.allow) Access will be granted when a (daemon,client) pair matches an entry in the /etc/hosts.allow file. Otherwise, access will be denied when a (daemon,client) pair matches an entry in the /etc/hosts.deny file. Otherwise, access will be granted.
  • 183. net_py Some Rules  Deny all  And then allow specifics ALL: ALL ALL: sshd: ALL portmap: 192.168.7
  • 184. net_py Why Not Build Filtering into Python?  We could pattern-match on IP addresses.  Sys Admins now use firewalls, rather than trust that individual services are well-protected bytheir own code.  IP address restrictions are not enough; although they can be effective in denial-of-service attacks.  Some protections should be at the edge of your network  Some protections are better provided by your OS (iptables).  Simple python example: sc, sockname = s.accept() if not sockname[0].startswith('192.168.'): raise RuntimeError('can not connect from other networks')
  • 185. net_py Cleartext on the Network  Possible attacks:  sniffing: somebody watches your traffic while sitting in a coffee shop or sets up near a popular tourist site - tcpdump or wireshark  effectiveness depends on amount of traffic.  usernames and passwords are visible; either customer or backend for a “replay” attack  log messages can be intercepted – can see what “errors” look like (perhaps attacker's own mistakes)  log message might include tracebacks.  Might break into the database server itself if webserver2db traffic is visible.
  • 186. net_py Flank attack:  What if someone can see or manipulate your DNS service?  By redirecting traffic to an attacker can find out userID/PW pairs although a fake db server will soon run out of “answers”  What if the fake database server forwards db requests to the real database and then logs all answers (man-in-the- middle). This even works with one-time passwords unlike “replay”.  Insert SQL queries into the data stream and download an entire database.  This can all happen even with no compromising of the server or network itself; just interfere with the naming service.
  • 187. net_py Or Controls a Network Gateway  All the previous attacks are possible and DNS is safe.
  • 188. net_py TLS:  TLS uses public-key encryption: Two keys, one private and one public.  Each key is a few kb of data put in a data file with base64 encoding.  Features of public-key encryption:  Anyone can generate a key pair (private,public)  If someone uses your public key to encrypt data then only someone holding your private key can decrypt.  If the private key is used to encrypt then any copy of the public key can decrypt it. Data is not secret but identity of sender is confirmed.
  • 189. net_py TLS Use of Public-key Encryption:  Certificate Authority System: Lets servers prove who they really are and lets a server and a client communicate securely.  Symmetric-key Encryption is faster. TLS is used to set up a symmetric key and then both ends switch over to the symmetric key.  Details: what is the strongest symmetric key both ends support?  In TLS, the terms “server” and “client” only identify who speaks first about encryption and who speaks second.
  • 190. net_py TLS Verifies Identities:  Could someone perform a “man-in-the-middle” attack encrypting to you, decrypting momentarily to store the data exchanged and then re-encrypting to send data to the other end.  TLS must perform identity check.  Servers start by sharing a public key. The key they distribute has been “signed” for them by a certificate authority (CA) (you pay for this).  A CA sets up their own key pair and then begins “signing” anyone else's public key using the CA's private key. Signing involves encrypting a hash of the server's public key.  A server sends out its public key along with the signed version of the same key
  • 191. net_py TLS Verifies Identities:  The client now uses the CA's public key to decrypt the signed data.  The decrypted info says that you can trust anyone calling themselves if their public key hashes to xyz.  It is possible that this is coming from a host trying to inject itself into the conversation.  Suppose a third party sends out a servers public key and the same servers certificate? The client can decrypt the certificate using the CA's public key (so it knows the certificate is authentic). The decrypted certificate says who you “should be” talking to.  At this point the client sends back a symmetric key encrypted with the server's public key. If the certificate didn't come from the original server then the receiver won't be able to get the symmetric key and continue the conversation.
  • 192. net_py TLS Verifies Identities  Clients trust this process because they trust the CA to keep its own private key secure.  The CA is also trusted to ensure that the pair (, server public key) is real.  Clients can keep copies of signed certificates for comparison during future exchanges (so no need to decrypt, etc).  If you control, as a server, who your clients are you can sign your own certificates with a new key and physically move the certificate to each client. This way you save money.  You can also sign your public key with itself but then who can trust you?
  • 193. net_py Installing SSL for Python  Create a new virtual environment and install two packages $ pip install backports.ssl_match_hostname $ pip-2.5 install ssl # for Python 2.5 only
  • 195. net_py How to Code TSL;  Some Client code(connected to a secure web server): [pletcha@archimedes 06]$ cat #!/usr/bin/env python # Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 6 - # Using SSL to protect a socket in Python 2.6 or later import os, socket, ssl, sys from backports.ssl_match_hostname import match_hostname, CertificateError try: script_name, hostname = sys.argv except ValueError: print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: <hostname>' sys.exit(2) # First we connect, as usual, with a socket. sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((hostname, 443))
  • 196. net_py How to Code TSL; # Next, we turn the socket over to the SSL library! ca_certs_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(script_name), 'certfiles.crt') sslsock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, ca_certs=ca_certs_path) # Does the certificate that the server proffered *really* match the # hostname to which we are trying to connect? We need to check. try: match_hostname(sslsock.getpeercert(), hostname) except CertificateError, ce: print 'Certificate error:', str(ce) sys.exit(1) # From here on, our `sslsock` works like a normal socket. We can, for # example, make an impromptu HTTP call. sslsock.sendall('GET / HTTP/1.0rnrn') result = sslsock.makefile().read() # quick way to read until EOF sslsock.close() print 'The document https://%s/ is %d bytes long' % (hostname, len(result))
  • 197. net_py When can we use this code?  We can use it against big sites that will have a certificate signed by some CA.  It won't work on a location that does not work with a site that only provides a self-signed certificate [pletcha@archimedes 06]$ python The document is 16000 bytes long I have no available server to test this
  • 198. net_py When can we use this code?  At New Paltz only some servers have certificates:  It won't work on other servers on campus with a domain name that does not match the domain name for the certificate we possess. [pletcha@archimedes 06]$ python The document is 50823 bytes long [pletcha@archimedes 06]$ python Certificate error: hostname '' doesn't match either of '*', ''
  • 199. net_py Some Other Situations:  Google provides a certificate for as well as, which is an alias for the same site. [pletcha@archimedes 06]$ python The document is 47926 bytes long [pletcha@archimedes 06]$ python The document is 47894 bytes long [pletcha@archimedes 06]$ python The document is 47898 bytes long
  • 200. net_py Server Code:  Client code expressly says the server must send a certificate.  Server code doesn't expect a certificate from the client.  Except some times sslsock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, server_side = True, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE, keyfile=”mykeyfile”, certfile=”mycertfile”) sslsock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, server_side = True, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, ca_certs=ca_certs_path, keyfile=”mykeyfile”, certfile=”mycertfile”)
  • 201. net_py Exercise:  Modify the details of slide 16 to take into account the expectation that the client as well as the server need supply a signed certificate.
  • 203. net_py Scaling up from one client at a time  All server code in the book, up to now, dealt with one client at a time.  Except our last chatroom homework.  Options for scaling up:  event driven: See chatroom example. problem is its restriction to a single CPU or core  multiple threads  multiple processes (in Python, this really exercises all CPUs or cores)
  • 204. net_py Load Balancing I  Prior to your server code via DNS round-robin: ; zone file fragment ftp IN A ftp IN A ftp IN A www IN A www IN A ; or use this format which gives exactly the same result ftp IN A IN A IN A www IN A IN A
  • 205. net_py Load Balancing II  Have your own machine front an array of machines with the same service on each and forward service requests in a round-robin fashion.
  • 206. net_py Daemons and Logging:  “Daemon” means the program is isolated from the terminal in which it was executed. So if the terminal is killed the program continues to live.  The Python program supervisord does a good job in this isolation process and in addition offers the following services:  starts and monitors services  re-starts a service that terminates and stops doing so if the service terminates several times in a short period of time.   supervisord sends stdout and stderr output to a log file system that cycles through log, log.1, log.2, log.3 and log.4.
  • 207. net_py Logging continued:  Better solution is to import your own logging module and save things to a log in that way.  logging has the benefit of writing to what you want - files, tcp/ip connection, printer, whatever.  It can also be customized from a configuration file called logging.conf by using the logging.fileConfig() method. import logging log = logging.getLoger(__name__) log.error('This is a mistake')
  • 208. net_py Sir Launcelot:  The following is an importable module: #!/usr/bin/env python # Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 7 - # Constants and routines for supporting a certain network conversation. import socket, sys PORT = 1060 qa = (('What is your name?', 'My name is Sir Lancelot of Camelot.'), ('What is your quest?', 'To seek the Holy Grail.'), ('What is your favorite color?', 'Blue.')) qadict = dict(qa) def recv_until(sock, suffix): message = '' while not message.endswith(suffix): data = sock.recv(4096) if not data: raise EOFError('socket closed before we saw %r' % suffix) message += data return message
  • 209. net_py Sir Launcelot II:  The following is part of an importable module: def setup(): if len(sys.argv) != 2: print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: %s interface' % sys.argv[0] exit(2) interface = sys.argv[1] sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind((interface, PORT)) sock.listen(128) print 'Ready and listening at %r port %d' % (interface, PORT) return sock
  • 210. net_py import lancelot def handle_client(client_sock): try: while True: question = lancelot.recv_until(client_sock, '?') answer = lancelot.qadict[question] client_sock.sendall(answer) except EOFError: client_sock.close() def server_loop(listen_sock): while True: client_sock, sockname = listen_sock.accept() handle_client(client_sock) if __name__ == '__main__': listen_sock = lancelot.setup() server_loop(listen_sock)
  • 211. net_py Details:  The server has two nested infinite loops – one iterating over different client/server exchanges and one iterating over the individual client/server exchange until the client terminates.  The server is very inefficient; it can only server one client at a time.  If too many clients try to attach the connection queue will fill up and prospective clients will be dropped. Hence the #WHS will not even begin; let alone complete.
  • 212. net_py Elementary Client:  This client asks each of the available questions once and only once and then disconnects. #!/usr/bin/env python import socket, sys, lancelot def client(hostname, port): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((hostname, port)) s.sendall([0][0]) answer1 = lancelot.recv_until(s, '.') # answers end with '.' s.sendall([1][0]) answer2 = lancelot.recv_until(s, '.') s.sendall([2][0]) answer3 = lancelot.recv_until(s, '.') s.close() print answer1 print answer2 print answer3
  • 213. net_py Elementary Client II:  The rest  It seems fast but is it really?  To test this for real we need some realistic network latency so shouldn't use localhost.  We also need to measure microsecond behaviour. if __name__ == '__main__': if not 2 <= len(sys.argv) <= 3: print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: hostname [port]' sys.exit(2) port = int(sys.argv[2]) if len(sys.argv) > 2 else lancelot.PORT client(sys.argv[1], port)
  • 214. net_py Tunnel to another machine: ssh -L
  • 215. net_py Tunneling:  See page 289 for this feature  Alternatively, here is agood explanation of various possible scenarios ssh-tunnelling-to-remote-servers-and-with-local-address-binding/
  • 216. net_py More on SSHD Port Forwarding:  Uses: – access a backend database that is only visible on the local subnet – your ISP gives you a shell account but expects emails to be sent from their browser mail client to their server – reverse port forwarding then ssh -L ssh -L ssh -R 8022:localhost:22 username@my.home.ip.address ssh -p 8022 username@localhost
  • 217. net_py Waiting for Things to Happen:  So now we have traffic that takes some time to actually move around.  We need to time things.  If your function, say foo(), is in a file called then the script called will time the running of foo() from
  • 218. net_py My Experiment  Set up VPN from my home so I have a New Paltz IP address  Use as my remote machine  Have both server and client run on my laptop [pletcha@archimedes 07]$ ssh -L 1061: joyous [pletcha@archimedes 07]$ python handle_client '' python client localhost 1061
  • 219. net_py #!/usr/bin/env python # Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 7 - # Command-line tool for tracing a single function in a program. import linecache, sys, time def make_tracer(funcname): def mytrace(frame, event, arg): if frame.f_code.co_name == funcname: if event == 'line': _events.append((time.time(), frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno)) return mytrace return mytrace
  • 220. net_py if __name__ == '__main__': _events = [] if len(sys.argv) < 3: print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: funcname ...' sys.exit(2) sys.settrace(make_tracer(sys.argv[1])) del sys.argv[0:2] # show the script only its own name and arguments try: execfile(sys.argv[0]) finally: for t, filename, lineno in _events: s = linecache.getline(filename, lineno) sys.stdout.write('%9.6f %s' % (t % 60.0, s))
  • 221. net_py My Output: 43.308772 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) Δ = 83 μs 43.308855 s.connect((hostname, port)) Δ = 644 μs 43.309499 s.sendall([0][0]) Δ = 41 μs 43.309540 answer1 = lancelot.recv_until(s, '.') # answers end with '.' Δ = 241 ms 43.523284 while True: Δ = 8 μs 43.523292 question = lancelot.recv_until(client_sock, '?') Δ = 149 ms 43.672060 answer = lancelot.qadict[question] Δ = 9 μs 43.672069 client_sock.sendall(answer) Δ = 55 μs 43.672124 while True: Δ = 4 μs 43.672128 question = lancelot.recv_until(client_sock, '?') Δ = 72 ms 43.744381 s.sendall([1][0]) skip this iteration
  • 222. net_py My Output: 43.744381 s.sendall([1][0]) Δ = 80 μs 43.744461 answer2 = lancelot.recv_until(s, '.') Δ = 133 ms 43.877629 answer = lancelot.qadict[question] Δ = 10 μs 43.877639 client_sock.sendall(answer) Δ = 63 μs 43.877702 while True: Δ = 6 μs 43.877708 question = lancelot.recv_until(client_sock, '?') Δ = 55 ms 43.932345 s.sendall([2][0]) Δ = 86 μs 43.932431 answer3 = lancelot.recv_until(s, '.') Δ = 149 ms 44.081574 answer = lancelot.qadict[question]
  • 223. net_py My Output: 44.081574 answer = lancelot.qadict[question] Δ = 8 μs 44.081582 client_sock.sendall(answer) Δ = 47 μs 44.081629 while True: Δ = 4 μs 44.081633 question = lancelot.recv_until(client_sock, '?') Δ = 59 ms 44.140687 s.close() Δ = 88 μs 44.140775 print answer1 Δ = 61 μs 44.140836 print answer2 Δ = 20 μs 44.140856 print answer3 Δ = 146 ms 44.287308 except EOFError: Δ = 11 μs 44.287317 client_sock.close()
  • 224. net_py Observations:  Server finds the answer in 10 microseconds (answer =) so could theoretically answer 100000 questions per second.  Each sendall() takes ~60 microseconds while each recv_until() takes ~60 milliseconds (1000 times slower).  Since receiving takes so long we can't process more than 16 questions per second with this iterative server.  The OS helps where it can. Notice that sendall() is 1000 times faster than recv_until(). This is because the sendall() function doesn't actually block until data is sent and ACKed. It returns as soon as the data is delivered to the TCP layer. The OS takes care of guaranteeing delivery.
  • 225. net_py Observations:  219 milliseconds between moment when client executes connect() and server executes recv_all(). If all client requests were coming from the same process, sequentially this means we could not expect more than 4 sessions per second.  All the time the server is capable of answering 33000 sessions per second.  So, communication and most of all, sequentiality really slow things down.  So much server time not utilized means there has to be a better way.  15-20 milliseconds for one question to be answered so roughly 40-50 questions per second. Can we do better than this by increasing the number of clients?
  • 226. net_py Benchmarks:  See page 289 for ssh -L feature  Funkload: A benchmarking tool that is written in python and lets you run more and more copies of something you are testing to see how things struggle with the increased load.
  • 227. net_py Test Routine:  Asks 10 questions instead of 3 #!/usr/bin/env python from funkload.FunkLoadTestCase import FunkLoadTestCase import socket, os, unittest, lancelot SERVER_HOST = os.environ.get('LAUNCELOT_SERVER', 'localhost') class TestLancelot(FunkLoadTestCase): # python syntax for sub-class def test_dialog(self): # In Java & C++, receiver objects are implicit; # in python they are explicit (self == this. sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((SERVER_HOST, lancelot.PORT)) for i in range(10): question, answer =[i % len(] sock.sendall(question) reply = lancelot.recv_until(sock, '.') self.assertEqual(reply, answer) sock.close() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
  • 228. net_py Environment Variables:  You can set a variable from the command line using SET and make sure it is inherited by all processes run from that command line in the future by EXPORTING it.  The authors explain why they are using environment variables - “I can not see any way of to pass actual arguments through to tests via Funkload command line arguments”  Run on separate machine. (BenchMark)[pletcha@archimedes BenchMark]$ export
  • 229. net_py Config file on laptop: # TestLauncelot.conf: <test class name>.conf [main] title=Load Test For Chapter 7 description=From the Foundations of Python Network Programming url=http://localhost:1060/ # overridden by environment variable import [ftest] log_path = ftest.log result_path = ftest.xml sleep_time_min = 0 sleep_time_max = 0 [bench] log_to = file log_path = bench.log result_path = bench.xml cycles = 1:2:3:5:7:10:13:16:20 duration = 8 startup_delay = 0.1 sleep_time = 0.01 cycle_time = 10 sleep_time_min = 0 sleep_time_max = 0
  • 230. net_py Testing Funkload:  Big mixup on Lancelot-Launcelot. (BenchMark)[pletcha@archimedes BenchMark]$ fl-run-test TestLancelot.test_dialog . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.010s OK
  • 231. net_py Benchmark run:  Typical cycle output Cycle #7 with 16 virtual users ------------------------------ * setUpCycle hook: ... done. * Current time: 2013-04-11T13:46:34.536010 * Starting threads: ................ done. * Logging for 8s (until 2013-04-11T13:46:44.187746): . ........................... done. * Waiting end of threads: ................ done.
  • 232. net_py Interpretation:  Since we are sending 10 questions per connection (test) we are answering 1320 questions per second.  We greatly outdid the original 16 questions per second in the sequential test example.  Adding more than 3 or 4 clients really didn't help.  Remember we still only have a single-threaded server. The reason for the improvement is that clients can be “pipelined” with several clients getting something done at the same time.  The only thing that can't be in parallel is answering the question.
  • 233. net_py Performance:  Adding clients drags down performance  Insurmountable problem: Server is talking to only one client at a time. # Clients # Question s # Ques/clie nt 3 1320 403 5 1320 264 10 1320 132 15 1320 99 20 1320 66
  • 234. net_py Performance:  Adding clients drags down performance  Insurmountable problem: Server is talking to only one client at a time.
  • 235. net_py Event-driven Servers:  The simple server blocks until data arrives. At that point it can be efficient.  What would happen if we never called recv() unless we knew data was already waiting?  Meanwhile we could be watching a whole array of connected clients to see which one has sent us something to respond to.
  • 236. net_py Event-driven Servers: #!/usr/bin/env python # Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 7 - # An event-driven approach to serving several clients with poll(). import lancelot import select listen_sock = lancelot.setup() sockets = { listen_sock.fileno(): listen_sock } requests = {} responses = {} poll = select.poll() poll.register(listen_sock, select.POLLIN)
  • 237. net_py Event-driven Servers: while True: for fd, event in poll.poll(): sock = sockets[fd] # Removed closed sockets from our list. if event & (select.POLLHUP | select.POLLERR | select.POLLNVAL): poll.unregister(fd) del sockets[fd] requests.pop(sock, None) responses.pop(sock, None) # Accept connections from new sockets. elif sock is listen_sock: newsock, sockname = sock.accept() newsock.setblocking(False) fd = newsock.fileno() sockets[fd] = newsock poll.register(fd, select.POLLIN) requests[newsock] = ''
  • 238. net_py Event-driven Servers: # Collect incoming data until it forms a question. elif event & select.POLLIN: data = sock.recv(4096) if not data: # end-of-file sock.close() # makes POLLNVAL happen next time continue requests[sock] += data if '?' in requests[sock]: question = requests.pop(sock) answer = dict([question] poll.modify(sock, select.POLLOUT) responses[sock] = answer # Send out pieces of each reply until they are all sent. elif event & select.POLLOUT: response = responses.pop(sock) n = sock.send(response) if n < len(response): responses[sock] = response[n:] else: poll.modify(sock, select.POLLIN) requests[sock] = ''
  • 239. net_py Event-driven Servers:  The main loop calls poll(), which blocks until something/ anything is ready.  The difference is recv() waited for a single client and poll() waits on all clients.  In the simple server we had one of everything. In this polling server we have an array of everything; one of each thing dedicated to each connection.  How poll() works: We tell it what sockets to monitor and what activity we are interested in on each socket – read or write.  When one or more sockets are ready with something, poll() returns.
  • 240. net_py Event-driven Servers:  The life-span of one client: 1: A client connects and the listening socket is “ready”. poll() returns and since it is the listening socket, it must be a completed 3WHS. We accept() the connection and tell our poll() function we want to read from this connection. To make sure they never block we set blocking “not allowed”. 2: When data is available, poll() returns and we read a string and append the string to a dictionary entry for this connection. 3: We know we have an entire question when '?' arrives. At that point we ask poll() to write to the same connection. 4: Once the socket is ready for writing (poll() has returned) we send as much of we can of the answer and keep sending until we have sent '.'. 5: Next we swap the client socket back to listening-for-new-data mode. 6: POLLHUP, POLLERR and POLLNOVAL events occur on send() so when recv() receives 0 bytes we do a send() to get the error on our next poll().
  • 241. net_py benchmark: # Clients # Questioons # Ques/client 3 1800 600 5 2500 500  benchmark  So we see some performance degradation. test_dialog-20130412T081140/index.html
  • 242. net_py We got Errors  Some connections ended in errors – check out listen().  TCP man page: tcp_max_syn_backlog (integer; default: see below; since Linux 2.2) The maximum number of queued connection requests which have still not received an acknowledgement from the connecting client. If this number is exceeded, the kernel will begin dropping requests. The default value of 256 is increased to 1024 when the memory present in the system is adequate or greater (>= 128Mb), and reduced to 128 for those systems with very low memory (<= 32Mb). It is recommended that if this needs to be increased above 1024, TCP_SYNQ_HSIZE in include/net/tcp.h be modified to keep TCP_SYNQ_HSIZE*16<=tcp_max_syn_backlog, and the kernel be recompiled. socket.listen(backlog) Listen for connections made to the socket. The backlog argument specifies the maximum number of queued connections and should be at least 0; the maximum value is system-dependent (usually 5), the minimum value is forced to 0.
  • 243. net_py Poll vs Select  poll() code is cleaner but select(), which does the same thing, is available on Windows.  The author's suggestion: Don't write this kind of code; use an event-driven framework instead.
  • 244. net_py Non-blocking Semantics  In non-blocking mode, recv() acts as follows: – If data is ready, it is returned – If no data has arrived, socket.error is raised – if the connection is closed, '' is returned.  Why does closed return data and no data return an error?  Think about the blocking situation. – First and last can happen and behave as above. Second situation won't happen. – The second situation had to do something different.
  • 245. net_py Non-blocking Semantics:  send() semantics: – if data is sent, its length is returned – socket buffers full: socket.error raised – connection closed: socket.error raised  Last case is interesting. Suppose poll() says a socket is ready to write but before we call send(), the client sends a FIN. Listing 7-7 doesn't code for this situation.

Editor's Notes

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