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5th 4th 3rd
5.2A(R): determine the meaning of grade-
level academic English words derived from
Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and
4.2A(R): determine the meaning of grade-
level academic English words derived from
Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and
3.4A(R): identify the meaning of
common prefixes (in-, dis-) and suffixes
(-full, -less) and know how they change
the meaning of roots
5.2B(R): use context to determine or clarify
the meaning of unfamiliar or multiple
meaning words
4.2B(R): use the context of a sentences
(in-sentence example or definition) to
determine the meaning of unfamiliar
words or multiple meaning words
3.4B(R): use context to determine the
relevant meaning of unfamiliar words or
distinguish among multiple meaning
words and homographs
In paragraph #, the word (WORD) means
someone who--
Which word from paragraph 17 helps the
reader understand the meaning of the
word assured?
Which words from paragraph 9 help the
reader understand the meaning of
Which of these lines from the poem helps the
reader understand (WORD) in line #?
In paragraph 6, the word detects means
In paragraph 2, roamed means —
What is the meaning of the word (WORD) in
paragraph #?
Which words in paragraph 11 help the
reader understand the meaning of the
word collapse?
Which meaning most closely matches
the word admitted as it is used in
paragraph 22?
In paragraph #, the word (WORD) mean--
Which words from paragraph 6 help the
reader know the meaning of distinct?
In line 29, pleased means —
Which words from paragraph # help the
reader understand what (WORD) means?
What does the word competent mean in
paragraph 23?
Which words from paragraph 4 help the
reader understand what retrieved
means in paragraph 5?
Which words from paragraph 3 best help
the reader understand what appropriate
Read this dictionary entry for the word
free. Which meaning of free is used in
paragraph 9?
What does the word fortunate mean in
paragraph 1?
In paragraph 3, what does the word
dissatisfied mean?
5.2E(R): use a dictionary, a glossary or
thesaurus to determin the meanins,
syllabication, pronunciations, alternate word
choices and parts of speech of words
4.2E(R): use a dictionary or glossary to
determine the meanings, syllabication, and
pronunciation of unknown words
3.4C(S): identify and use antonyms,
synonyms, homographs and homphones
Read this dictionary entry. Which defintion
best fits stand as used in paragraph #?
Which word is a synonym for ordinary in
paragraph 1?
Which meaning best matches the way the
word raised is used in paragraph 8?
Which word is a synonym of creating in
paragraph 10?
all year
©K. Greinert,
5th 4th 3rd
5.3A(S): compare and contraste themes or
moral lessons of several works of fiction
4.3A(S): summarize and explain the
lesson or message of a work of fiction as
its theme
3.5A(S): paraphrase the themes and
supporting details of fables, legends,
myths or stories
NOT YET TESTED NOT YET TESTED What lesson does Judy learn?
5.3B(S): describe the phenomena explained
in origin myths from various cultures
4.3B(S): compare and contrast the
adventures or exploits of characters in
traditional literature
5.3C(S): explain the effect of a historical
event or movement on the theme of a work
of literature
4.3 Fig19D: Inferencing Theme and Genre
3.5 Fig19D: Inferencing Theme and
What identifies this story as realistic
What is one theme presented in the
What lesson does Cara learn from
What lesson does Marcus learn in the play?
5th 4th 3rd
5.4A(S): analyze how poets use sound effects
to reinforce meaning in poems
4.4A(S): explain how the structural
elements (rhyme, meter, stanzas, line
breaks) relate to form (lyrical poetry/free
3.6A(S): describe the characteristics of
various forms of poetry and how they
create imagery (Narrative poetry,
lyrical, humorous, free verse)
Read this line from the first stanza. (QUOTE)
The repetition in the line emphasizes the idea
Which words rhyme in each stanza of the
This poem is an example of narrative
poetry mostly because it —
What identifies this poem as an example of
free verse?
Which of these lines from the poem
5.4 Fig19D: Inferencing Poetry 4.4 Fig19D: Inferencing Poetry 3.6 Fig19D: Inferencing Poetry
What idea does the poet convey through the
description of Bartholomew in lines 25
through 30?
The words in parentheses in line 14
emphasize that the speaker is —
How does the speaker feel throughout
the poem?
The poet uses line 11 to signal that the
speaker changes from
The doctor’s waiting room is decorated
with animals most likely to —
By the end of the poem, the reader
realizes that the speaker —
In line 3, why does the poet repeat and
italicize the words from line 2?
The dialogue used in these lines shows that
Why does the poet use the exclamation
points in the first stanza?
Which line from the poem shows that the
speaker is not worried about Manga’s
behavior upsetting her mother and sister?
These lines best support the idea that
the speaker —
What is the speaker’s main purpose in the
The poet uses lines 1 through 3 mainly to
What is emphasized by the repetition of
the words “I wish” in the poem?
5.4 Fig19E: Summarizing Poetry 4.4 Fig19E: Summarizing Poetry 3.6 Fig19E: Summarizing Poetry
The poem is mostly about a speaker who — NOT YET TESTED
The speaker in this poem is a young girl
who —
2nd Six Weeks
1st Six Weeks
©K. Greinert,
5th 4th 3rd
5.5A(S): analyze the similarities and
differences between an original text and its
dramatic adaptation
4.5(S): describe the structural elements
particular to dramatic literature
5.5 Fig19D: Inferencing Drama 4.5 Fig19D: Inferencing Drama
Which of these helps MAIN CHARACTER solve
Which line from the play supports the idea
that Cara is proud of the work she has
done with Grandpa?
This play is divided into two scenes because--
These lines suggest that Cara believes the
chair —
Read this excerpt from scene #. (QUOTE)
What can the reader infer about CHARACTER?
Which quotation from the play best
explains Grandpa’s reason for suggesting
that he and Cara work on a surprise for
The playwright included thunder and lightning
in scene # most likely to--
[Cara sands the wood, and Grandpahums
happily as he works onreplacing the
cracked piece.] What does this stage
direction suggest about Grandpa?
How is CHARACTER different from
Which of the following best explains why
Sam refuses to play in the tournament?
Which of the props used in scene # is needed
for the resolution of the conflict?
How does Ruben contribute to the plot of
the play?
Which line from the play supports the idea
that Marcus has changed the way he feels
about having a female player on the team?
The playwright creates a surprise by —
Sam’s dialogue with Marcus in Scene 2
suggests that she —
What lesson does Marcus learn in the play?
5.5 Fig19E: Summarizing Drama 4.5 Fig19E: Summarizing Drama
Which of these is the best summary of scene
Which of the following is the best summary
of the play?
2nd Six Weeks
©K. Greinert,
5th 4th 3rd
5.6A(R): describe incidents that advance the
story or novel, explaining how each incident
gives rise to or foreshadows future events
4.6A(R): sequence and summarize the
plot's main events and explain their
influence on future events
3.8A(R): sequence and summarize the
plot's main events and explain their
influence on future events
According to the story, the reason the
narrator doesn’t…is that…
Why is it important to the storythat
Nathan and Alex go to the break room for
(Sequence Flow Chart) Which detail
from the story belongs in the empty
How is CHARACTER able to solve his
What is paragraph 18 mainly about?
Which detail from the story belongs in
the blank?
Before the characters can … first they must …
What effect does Marvin’s visit to his
friend’s house have on the story?
Which event belongs in the empty box?
The narrator's actions in paragraphs #
through # show that he --
The problem in the story is solved when
Marvin’s parents —
Why is Kwan seeing Mrs. Gibbs at the
grocery store important to this story?
5.6B(R): explain the roles and functions of
characters in various plots, including their
relationships and conflicts
4.6B(R): describe the interaction of
characcters including their relationships
and the changes they undergo
3.8B(R): describe the interaction
characters including their relationships
and the changes they undergo
CHARACTER contributes to solving the
narrator's problem mostly by…
When Alex first tells Nathan that someone
is watching them, Nathan —
Jenny decides that she shouldn’t argue
with Beth because she —
From the events of the story, what can the
reader conclude about CHARACTER?
The conversation between Marvin and his
parents in paragraphs 6 through 12 shows
that Marvin is —
Why does Jenny start drawing in her
notebook when Mrs. Pike says that she
has news for the class?
Why does it make sense that CHARACTER is
Which sentence best describes Judy and
Stink’s relationship?
Which sentence from the story best shows
that CHARACTER realizes he has been
Which sentence best shows that Judy is
upset with her brother?
Read this sentence from paragrah #.
(QUOTE) This sentence shows that
5.6C(S): explain different forms of third-
person points of view (limited vs. omniscient)
4.6C(S): identify whether the narrator or
speaker of a story is first or third person
5.6 Fig19D: Inferencing Fiction 4.6 Fig19D: Inferencing Fiction 3.8 Fig19D: Inferencing Fiction
The narrator's actions in paragraph # imply
that he will --
(Quote) What are Marvin’s parents most
likely thinking at this point in the story?
(QUOTE) These sentences show that
Jenny —
Which sentences best help create suspense in
the story?
Why does Marvin hope that his parents are
listening to what the president is saying?
Why does Judy put her head under the
Read this sentence from paragraph #.
(QUOTE) What can the reader conclude about
the narrator?
Which sentence from the story shows that
Marvin does not want to create more
problems for his mother?
Why does Judy call her brother a name
at the end of the story?
Based on their actions in the story, the
narrator's parents most likely think it is
important to --
What can the reader conclude about
Which sentence from the story best
explains why Kwan agrees to share his
wrapping cloths with his classmates?
5.6 Fig19E: Summarizng Fiction 4.6 Fig19E: Summarizing Fiction 3.8 Fig19E: Summarizing Fiction
NOT YET TESTED What is the best summary of the story? What is the best summary of this story?
1st and 4th Six Weeks
©K. Greinert,
5th 4th 3rd
5.7A(S): identify the literary language and
devices used in biographies and
autobiographies, including how authors
present major events in a person's life
4.7A(S): identify similarities and
differences between the events and
characters' experiences in a fictional work
and the actual events and experiences
described in an author's biography or
3.9A(S): explain the difference in point
of view between a biography and
Read this sentence from the selection.
(QUOTE) The author included this quote to
show that MAIN CHARACTER--
The author says that Cameron and her
emphasize Cameron’s belief that —
5.7Fig19D: Inferencing Biographies
Having access to the comforts of wealth
during her childhood made Cameron
realizethat she —
5.7 Fig19E: Summarizing Biographies
What is the best summary of the section
titled "TITLE"?
5th 4th 3rd
5.8A(R): evaluate the impact of sensory
details, imagery, and figurative language in
literary text
4.8A(S): identify the author's use of
similes and metaphors to produce imagery
3.10A(S): identify language that creates
a graphic visual experience and appeals
to the senses
Read these lines from the text. (QUOTE) The
imagery in these lines allows the reader to
know that--
The whole class was buzzing now. This
sentence shows that--
Read these lines from the poem (QUOTE)
What is the poet most likely suggesting in
these lines?
So many rows of jars and can. So little
to hide. The poet uses these lines to
show —
Read these sentences from paragraph #.
(QUOTE) The author uses the description to
show that--
Read these lines from the poem. (QUOTE)
The poet uses the figurative expression,
"QUOTE" to emphasize that the speaker--
The poet uses figurative language in line # to
highlight the speaker's--
2nd Six Weeks
1st Six Weeks
©K. Greinert,
5th 4th 3rd
5.10A(S): draw conclusions from the
information presented by an author and
evaluate how well the author's purpose was
4.10A(S): explain the difference between
a stated and an implied purpose for an
expository text
3.12(S) identify the topic and locate the
author's stated purposes in writing the
The main purpose of paragraph # through #
The author wrote this selection most likely
to —
The author most likely wrote this selection to
tell the reader that--
The author most likely wrote this selection to
The author speaks directly to the reader in
paragraph # to # most likely to--
The most likely wrote this article to--
5.11A(R): summarize the main ideas and
supporting details in a text in ways that
maintain meaning and logical order
4.11A(R ): summarize the main idea and
supporting details in text in ways that
maintain meaning
3.13A(R): identify the details or facts
that support the main idea
In what way does CHARACTER stay aware of
CHARACTER 2's activities?
What problem did people experience when
ice cream was first made in America?
(main idea diagram) Which of the
following correctly completes the
Which sentence expresses the main idea of
paragraph #?
Which of the following is the best summary
of the section “Singing with Purpose”?
Which detail from the selection suggests
that Jessica is smart?
What is paragraph # mainly about?
Which of these best completes the
The article is mainly about-- Having a loud call benefits frogs by —
According to the article, what is one way
Whaley achieves his goal of providing
soccer instruction to children?
What was one benefit of Whaley winning
the Readers’ Choice Hero of the Year
Paragraph 4 is important to the selection
because it provides information abouthow
the Care Bags project —
5.11B(S): determine the facts in text and
verify them through established methods
4.11B(S): distinguish fact from opinion in
a text and explain how to verify what is a
3.13B(R): Draw conclusions from the
facts presented in text and support
those assertions with text evidence
Which sentence from the article tells
something that could be a problem with
After reading paragraph 6, the reader
can conclude that Allan was —
The pointer breed of dog most likely got
its name because of its ability to —
The reader can conclude that it is
unusual for —
Which sentence best explains why
Joubert was able to provide the care
Jessica needed?
Which sentence from the selection best
supports the idea that there have been
many changes made to potato chips?
When Crum learned that the customer
was pleased with the batch of crispy
fried potatoes, he most likely felt —
3rd & 5th Six Weeks
©K. Greinert,
5.11C(R): analyze how the organization
pattern of a text (eg. Cause-and-effect, etc.)
influences the relationships among the ideas
4.11C(R): describe explicit and implicit
relationshionships among ideas in texts
organized by cause-and-effect, sequence
or comparison
3.13C(R): identify explicit cause and
effect relationships among ideas in texts
By organizing paragraph # sequentially, the
author is able to--
Harry Burt put his ice-cream treat on a
stick —
(Cause/Effect Diagram) Which of the
following completes the diagram? (3X)
The author organizes this article by —
(Cause/Effect Diagram) Which of the
following belongs in the empty box?
5.11D(R): use multiple text feature and
graphics to gain an overview of the contents
of text and to locate information
4.11D(R): use multiple text features
(guide words, topic/concluding sentences)
to gain an overview of the contents of text
and to locate information
3.13D(R): use text features (bold print,
captions, key words, italics) to locate
information and make and verify
predictions about the contents of the
In which section would the reader find
information about TOPIC?
In which part of the selection can the
reader find information about the patterns
of frog songs?
Which text feature in the article helps
the reader understand how water flows
from underground to people?
Which part of the text best helps readers
visualize what they would experience at the
5.11E(R): synthesize and make logical
connections between ideas within a text and
across two or three texts representing similar
or different genres
What does the information presented in the
selection suggest about how people view
CHARACTER's actions?
The reader can infer that the bristlenose
pinecones long lifespan is a result of--
By the end of the selection, what can the
reader conclude about Lego products?
Which statement best explains…?
in common?
5.11 Fig19D Inferencing Nonfiction 4.11 Fig19D: Inferencing Nonfiction
The reader can infer that CHARACTER is
concerned about CHARACTER 2's behavior
Which sentence from the article supports
the idea that early frozen desserts required
great effort to make?
The reader can infer that the author's attitude
toward CHARACTER is one of--
How were Harry Burt and the man who
created the ice-cream cone similar?
What can the reader conclude about TOPIC
after learning that they ACTION?
What does Narins’s study of frog calls
suggest about frogs?
Which of these ideas is supported by
information in paragraphs # and #?
The attendance at Whaley’s first soccer
camp suggests that members of the
community were —
The information in paragraph # helps explain
Which sentence from the article shows that
developing soccer skills isn’t the only focus
of Kicking4Hunger camps?
The author's opinion that stagefright can be
overcame is best supported by--
Which sentence from the selection shows
that Wignall’s project has expanded over
the years?
5.11 Fig19E Summarizing Nonfiction 4.11 Fig19E: Summarizing Nonfiction
Which of these best summarizes the
Which of these is the best summary of the
Which of these is the best summary of the
3rd & 5th Six Weeks
©K. Greinert,
5th 4th 3rd
5.12A(S): identify the author's viewpoint or
position and epxlain the basic relationships
among ideas
4.12A: explain how an author uses
language to present information to
influence what the reader thinks or does
Based on information in his letter, Paul would
most likely agree with which of these
Which of these sources does Paul use to
support his argument?
Paul uses the information in paragraphs 2, 3,
and 6 to show that —
What does Paul hope to accomplish by writing
his letter?
Paul’s main argument is that —
5.12B(S): recognize exaggerated,
contradictory, or misleading statements in
5th 4th 3rd
5.13A(S): interpret details from procedural
text to complete a task, solve a problem or
perform procedures
4.13A(S): determine the sequence of
activities needed to carry out a procedure
3.15B(S): locate and use specfic
information in graphic features of texts
Which number on the diagram at the
end of the article shows the place where
people can get water to drink?
What can the reader conclude from the
information after Step 5 of the recipe?
5.13B(S): interpret factual or quantitative
information presented in maps, charts,
illustrations, graphs, timelines, tables and
4.13B(S): explain factual information
presented graphically (charts, diagrams,
graphs, illustrations)
5.13 Fig19D: Inferecing Procedural Texts 4.13 Fig19D: Inferencing Procedural Texts
Which of these best supports the title of
the article?
What is the most likely reason that the
recipe was included with the article?
2nd Six Weeks
3rd Six Weeks
©K. Greinert,
5th 4th 3rd
5.14C(S): identify the point of view of media
4.14A(S): explain the positive and
negative impacts of advertisement
techniques used in various genres of
media to impact consumer behavior
3.16A(S): understand how
communication changes when moving
from one genre of media ot another
5.14 Fig19D: Inferencing Media 4.14 Fig19D: Inferencing Media 3.16 Fig19D: Inferencing Media
What does the first photograph in the
selection show?
The photograph of people around the ice-
cream maker suggests that —
The photograph included in the selection
shows readers that Millan —
Based on the photograph, the reader can tell
The photograph is included with the
selection most likely to —
The photograph best supports which
idea from the selection?
6th Six Weeks
©K. Greinert,

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ELAR Vertical Team TEKS.SES Comparison Chart

  • 1. 5th 4th 3rd 5.2A(R): determine the meaning of grade- level academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and affixes 4.2A(R): determine the meaning of grade- level academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and affixes 3.4A(R): identify the meaning of common prefixes (in-, dis-) and suffixes (-full, -less) and know how they change the meaning of roots NOT YET TESTED NOT YET TESTED NOT YET TESTED 5.2B(R): use context to determine or clarify the meaning of unfamiliar or multiple meaning words 4.2B(R): use the context of a sentences (in-sentence example or definition) to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words or multiple meaning words 3.4B(R): use context to determine the relevant meaning of unfamiliar words or distinguish among multiple meaning words and homographs In paragraph #, the word (WORD) means someone who-- Which word from paragraph 17 helps the reader understand the meaning of the word assured? Which words from paragraph 9 help the reader understand the meaning of expand? Which of these lines from the poem helps the reader understand (WORD) in line #? In paragraph 6, the word detects means — In paragraph 2, roamed means — What is the meaning of the word (WORD) in paragraph #? Which words in paragraph 11 help the reader understand the meaning of the word collapse? Which meaning most closely matches the word admitted as it is used in paragraph 22? In paragraph #, the word (WORD) mean-- Which words from paragraph 6 help the reader know the meaning of distinct? In line 29, pleased means — Which words from paragraph # help the reader understand what (WORD) means? What does the word competent mean in paragraph 23? Which words from paragraph 4 help the reader understand what retrieved means in paragraph 5? Which words from paragraph 3 best help the reader understand what appropriate means? Read this dictionary entry for the word free. Which meaning of free is used in paragraph 9? What does the word fortunate mean in paragraph 1? In paragraph 3, what does the word dissatisfied mean? 5.2E(R): use a dictionary, a glossary or thesaurus to determin the meanins, syllabication, pronunciations, alternate word choices and parts of speech of words 4.2E(R): use a dictionary or glossary to determine the meanings, syllabication, and pronunciation of unknown words 3.4C(S): identify and use antonyms, synonyms, homographs and homphones NOT YET TESTED Read this dictionary entry. Which defintion best fits stand as used in paragraph #? Which word is a synonym for ordinary in paragraph 1? Which meaning best matches the way the word raised is used in paragraph 8? Which word is a synonym of creating in paragraph 10? VOCABULARY all year ©K. Greinert,
  • 2. 5th 4th 3rd 5.3A(S): compare and contraste themes or moral lessons of several works of fiction 4.3A(S): summarize and explain the lesson or message of a work of fiction as its theme 3.5A(S): paraphrase the themes and supporting details of fables, legends, myths or stories NOT YET TESTED NOT YET TESTED What lesson does Judy learn? 5.3B(S): describe the phenomena explained in origin myths from various cultures 4.3B(S): compare and contrast the adventures or exploits of characters in traditional literature NOT YET TESTED NOT YET TESTED 5.3C(S): explain the effect of a historical event or movement on the theme of a work of literature NOT YET TESTED 4.3 Fig19D: Inferencing Theme and Genre 3.5 Fig19D: Inferencing Theme and Genre What identifies this story as realistic fiction? What is one theme presented in the selection? What lesson does Cara learn from Grandpa? What lesson does Marcus learn in the play? 5th 4th 3rd 5.4A(S): analyze how poets use sound effects to reinforce meaning in poems 4.4A(S): explain how the structural elements (rhyme, meter, stanzas, line breaks) relate to form (lyrical poetry/free verse) 3.6A(S): describe the characteristics of various forms of poetry and how they create imagery (Narrative poetry, lyrical, humorous, free verse) Read this line from the first stanza. (QUOTE) The repetition in the line emphasizes the idea that CHARACTER-- Which words rhyme in each stanza of the poem? This poem is an example of narrative poetry mostly because it — What identifies this poem as an example of free verse? Which of these lines from the poem rhyme? 5.4 Fig19D: Inferencing Poetry 4.4 Fig19D: Inferencing Poetry 3.6 Fig19D: Inferencing Poetry What idea does the poet convey through the description of Bartholomew in lines 25 through 30? The words in parentheses in line 14 emphasize that the speaker is — How does the speaker feel throughout the poem? The poet uses line 11 to signal that the speaker changes from The doctor’s waiting room is decorated with animals most likely to — By the end of the poem, the reader realizes that the speaker — In line 3, why does the poet repeat and italicize the words from line 2? The dialogue used in these lines shows that — Why does the poet use the exclamation points in the first stanza? Which line from the poem shows that the speaker is not worried about Manga’s behavior upsetting her mother and sister? These lines best support the idea that the speaker — What is the speaker’s main purpose in the poem? The poet uses lines 1 through 3 mainly to — What is emphasized by the repetition of the words “I wish” in the poem? 5.4 Fig19E: Summarizing Poetry 4.4 Fig19E: Summarizing Poetry 3.6 Fig19E: Summarizing Poetry The poem is mostly about a speaker who — NOT YET TESTED The speaker in this poem is a young girl who — 2nd Six Weeks THEME AND GENRE POETRY 1st Six Weeks ©K. Greinert,
  • 3. 5th 4th 3rd 5.5A(S): analyze the similarities and differences between an original text and its dramatic adaptation 4.5(S): describe the structural elements particular to dramatic literature NOT YET TESTED NOT YET TESTED 5.5 Fig19D: Inferencing Drama 4.5 Fig19D: Inferencing Drama Which of these helps MAIN CHARACTER solve SIDE CHARACTER's problem? Which line from the play supports the idea that Cara is proud of the work she has done with Grandpa? This play is divided into two scenes because-- These lines suggest that Cara believes the chair — Read this excerpt from scene #. (QUOTE) What can the reader infer about CHARACTER? Which quotation from the play best explains Grandpa’s reason for suggesting that he and Cara work on a surprise for Grandma? The playwright included thunder and lightning in scene # most likely to-- [Cara sands the wood, and Grandpahums happily as he works onreplacing the cracked piece.] What does this stage direction suggest about Grandpa? How is CHARACTER different from CHARACTER 2? Which of the following best explains why Sam refuses to play in the tournament? Which of the props used in scene # is needed for the resolution of the conflict? How does Ruben contribute to the plot of the play? Which line from the play supports the idea that Marcus has changed the way he feels about having a female player on the team? The playwright creates a surprise by — Sam’s dialogue with Marcus in Scene 2 suggests that she — What lesson does Marcus learn in the play? 5.5 Fig19E: Summarizing Drama 4.5 Fig19E: Summarizing Drama Which of these is the best summary of scene #? Which of the following is the best summary of the play? DRAMA 2nd Six Weeks ©K. Greinert,
  • 4. 5th 4th 3rd 5.6A(R): describe incidents that advance the story or novel, explaining how each incident gives rise to or foreshadows future events 4.6A(R): sequence and summarize the plot's main events and explain their influence on future events 3.8A(R): sequence and summarize the plot's main events and explain their influence on future events According to the story, the reason the narrator doesn’t…is that… Why is it important to the storythat Nathan and Alex go to the break room for gum? (Sequence Flow Chart) Which detail from the story belongs in the empty box? How is CHARACTER able to solve his problem? What is paragraph 18 mainly about? Which detail from the story belongs in the blank? Before the characters can … first they must … What effect does Marvin’s visit to his friend’s house have on the story? Which event belongs in the empty box? The narrator's actions in paragraphs # through # show that he -- The problem in the story is solved when Marvin’s parents — Why is Kwan seeing Mrs. Gibbs at the grocery store important to this story? 5.6B(R): explain the roles and functions of characters in various plots, including their relationships and conflicts 4.6B(R): describe the interaction of characcters including their relationships and the changes they undergo 3.8B(R): describe the interaction characters including their relationships and the changes they undergo CHARACTER contributes to solving the narrator's problem mostly by… When Alex first tells Nathan that someone is watching them, Nathan — Jenny decides that she shouldn’t argue with Beth because she — From the events of the story, what can the reader conclude about CHARACTER? The conversation between Marvin and his parents in paragraphs 6 through 12 shows that Marvin is — Why does Jenny start drawing in her notebook when Mrs. Pike says that she has news for the class? Why does it make sense that CHARACTER is EMOTION when EVENT? Which sentence best describes Judy and Stink’s relationship? Which sentence from the story best shows that CHARACTER realizes he has been CHARACTER TRAIT? Which sentence best shows that Judy is upset with her brother? When CHARACTER (action) MAIN CHARACTER feels…? Read this sentence from paragrah #. (QUOTE) This sentence shows that CHARACTER is -- 5.6C(S): explain different forms of third- person points of view (limited vs. omniscient) 4.6C(S): identify whether the narrator or speaker of a story is first or third person NOT YET TESTED NOT YET TESTED 5.6 Fig19D: Inferencing Fiction 4.6 Fig19D: Inferencing Fiction 3.8 Fig19D: Inferencing Fiction The narrator's actions in paragraph # imply that he will -- (Quote) What are Marvin’s parents most likely thinking at this point in the story? (QUOTE) These sentences show that Jenny — Which sentences best help create suspense in the story? Why does Marvin hope that his parents are listening to what the president is saying? Why does Judy put her head under the pillow? Read this sentence from paragraph #. (QUOTE) What can the reader conclude about the narrator? Which sentence from the story shows that Marvin does not want to create more problems for his mother? Why does Judy call her brother a name at the end of the story? Based on their actions in the story, the narrator's parents most likely think it is important to -- What can the reader conclude about Judy? Which sentence from the story best explains why Kwan agrees to share his wrapping cloths with his classmates? 5.6 Fig19E: Summarizng Fiction 4.6 Fig19E: Summarizing Fiction 3.8 Fig19E: Summarizing Fiction NOT YET TESTED What is the best summary of the story? What is the best summary of this story? 1st and 4th Six Weeks FICTION ©K. Greinert,
  • 5. 5th 4th 3rd 5.7A(S): identify the literary language and devices used in biographies and autobiographies, including how authors present major events in a person's life 4.7A(S): identify similarities and differences between the events and characters' experiences in a fictional work and the actual events and experiences described in an author's biography or autobiography 3.9A(S): explain the difference in point of view between a biography and autobiography Read this sentence from the selection. (QUOTE) The author included this quote to show that MAIN CHARACTER-- NOT YET TESTED NOT YET TESTED The author says that Cameron and her husband “FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE” to emphasize Cameron’s belief that — 5.7Fig19D: Inferencing Biographies Having access to the comforts of wealth during her childhood made Cameron realizethat she — 5.7 Fig19E: Summarizing Biographies What is the best summary of the section titled "TITLE"? 5th 4th 3rd 5.8A(R): evaluate the impact of sensory details, imagery, and figurative language in literary text 4.8A(S): identify the author's use of similes and metaphors to produce imagery 3.10A(S): identify language that creates a graphic visual experience and appeals to the senses Read these lines from the text. (QUOTE) The imagery in these lines allows the reader to know that-- NOT YET TESTED The whole class was buzzing now. This sentence shows that-- Read these lines from the poem (QUOTE) What is the poet most likely suggesting in these lines? So many rows of jars and can. So little to hide. The poet uses these lines to show — Read these sentences from paragraph #. (QUOTE) The author uses the description to show that-- Read these lines from the poem. (QUOTE) The poet uses the figurative expression, "QUOTE" to emphasize that the speaker-- The poet uses figurative language in line # to highlight the speaker's-- 2nd Six Weeks 1st Six Weeks LITERARY NONFICTION: BIOGRAPHY/AUTOBIOGRAPHY SENSORY LANGUAGE ©K. Greinert,
  • 6. 5th 4th 3rd 5.10A(S): draw conclusions from the information presented by an author and evaluate how well the author's purpose was achieved 4.10A(S): explain the difference between a stated and an implied purpose for an expository text 3.12(S) identify the topic and locate the author's stated purposes in writing the text The main purpose of paragraph # through # is-- The author wrote this selection most likely to — NOT YET TESTED The author most likely wrote this selection to tell the reader that-- The author most likely wrote this selection to explain-- The author speaks directly to the reader in paragraph # to # most likely to-- The most likely wrote this article to-- 5.11A(R): summarize the main ideas and supporting details in a text in ways that maintain meaning and logical order 4.11A(R ): summarize the main idea and supporting details in text in ways that maintain meaning 3.13A(R): identify the details or facts that support the main idea In what way does CHARACTER stay aware of CHARACTER 2's activities? What problem did people experience when ice cream was first made in America? (main idea diagram) Which of the following correctly completes the diagram? Which sentence expresses the main idea of paragraph #? Which of the following is the best summary of the section “Singing with Purpose”? Which detail from the selection suggests that Jessica is smart? What is paragraph # mainly about? Which of these best completes the diagram? The article is mainly about-- Having a loud call benefits frogs by — According to the article, what is one way Whaley achieves his goal of providing soccer instruction to children? What was one benefit of Whaley winning the Readers’ Choice Hero of the Year award? Paragraph 4 is important to the selection because it provides information abouthow the Care Bags project — 5.11B(S): determine the facts in text and verify them through established methods 4.11B(S): distinguish fact from opinion in a text and explain how to verify what is a fact 3.13B(R): Draw conclusions from the facts presented in text and support those assertions with text evidence NOT YET TESTED NOT YET TESTED Which sentence from the article tells something that could be a problem with PlayPumps? After reading paragraph 6, the reader can conclude that Allan was — The pointer breed of dog most likely got its name because of its ability to — The reader can conclude that it is unusual for — Which sentence best explains why Joubert was able to provide the care Jessica needed? Which sentence from the selection best supports the idea that there have been many changes made to potato chips? When Crum learned that the customer was pleased with the batch of crispy fried potatoes, he most likely felt — 3rd & 5th Six Weeks NONFICTION ©K. Greinert,
  • 7. 5.11C(R): analyze how the organization pattern of a text (eg. Cause-and-effect, etc.) influences the relationships among the ideas 4.11C(R): describe explicit and implicit relationshionships among ideas in texts organized by cause-and-effect, sequence or comparison 3.13C(R): identify explicit cause and effect relationships among ideas in texts By organizing paragraph # sequentially, the author is able to-- Harry Burt put his ice-cream treat on a stick — (Cause/Effect Diagram) Which of the following completes the diagram? (3X) The author organizes this article by — (Cause/Effect Diagram) Which of the following belongs in the empty box? 5.11D(R): use multiple text feature and graphics to gain an overview of the contents of text and to locate information 4.11D(R): use multiple text features (guide words, topic/concluding sentences) to gain an overview of the contents of text and to locate information 3.13D(R): use text features (bold print, captions, key words, italics) to locate information and make and verify predictions about the contents of the text In which section would the reader find information about TOPIC? In which part of the selection can the reader find information about the patterns of frog songs? Which text feature in the article helps the reader understand how water flows from underground to people? Which part of the text best helps readers visualize what they would experience at the museum? 5.11E(R): synthesize and make logical connections between ideas within a text and across two or three texts representing similar or different genres What does the information presented in the selection suggest about how people view CHARACTER's actions? The reader can infer that the bristlenose pinecones long lifespan is a result of-- By the end of the selection, what can the reader conclude about Lego products? Which statement best explains…? What do SUBSECTION and SUBSECTION have in common? 5.11 Fig19D Inferencing Nonfiction 4.11 Fig19D: Inferencing Nonfiction The reader can infer that CHARACTER is concerned about CHARACTER 2's behavior because-- Which sentence from the article supports the idea that early frozen desserts required great effort to make? The reader can infer that the author's attitude toward CHARACTER is one of-- How were Harry Burt and the man who created the ice-cream cone similar? What can the reader conclude about TOPIC after learning that they ACTION? What does Narins’s study of frog calls suggest about frogs? Which of these ideas is supported by information in paragraphs # and #? The attendance at Whaley’s first soccer camp suggests that members of the community were — The information in paragraph # helps explain why-- Which sentence from the article shows that developing soccer skills isn’t the only focus of Kicking4Hunger camps? The author's opinion that stagefright can be overcame is best supported by-- Which sentence from the selection shows that Wignall’s project has expanded over the years? 5.11 Fig19E Summarizing Nonfiction 4.11 Fig19E: Summarizing Nonfiction Which of these best summarizes the selection? Which of these is the best summary of the article? Which of these is the best summary of the article? 3rd & 5th Six Weeks NONFICTION (2) ©K. Greinert,
  • 8. 5th 4th 3rd 5.12A(S): identify the author's viewpoint or position and epxlain the basic relationships among ideas 4.12A: explain how an author uses language to present information to influence what the reader thinks or does Based on information in his letter, Paul would most likely agree with which of these statements? NOT TESTED Which of these sources does Paul use to support his argument? Paul uses the information in paragraphs 2, 3, and 6 to show that — What does Paul hope to accomplish by writing his letter? Paul’s main argument is that — 5.12B(S): recognize exaggerated, contradictory, or misleading statements in text NOT YET TESTED 5th 4th 3rd 5.13A(S): interpret details from procedural text to complete a task, solve a problem or perform procedures 4.13A(S): determine the sequence of activities needed to carry out a procedure 3.15B(S): locate and use specfic information in graphic features of texts NOT YET TESTED NOT YET TESTED Which number on the diagram at the end of the article shows the place where people can get water to drink? What can the reader conclude from the information after Step 5 of the recipe? 5.13B(S): interpret factual or quantitative information presented in maps, charts, illustrations, graphs, timelines, tables and diagrams 4.13B(S): explain factual information presented graphically (charts, diagrams, graphs, illustrations) NOT YET TESTED NOT YET TESTED 5.13 Fig19D: Inferecing Procedural Texts 4.13 Fig19D: Inferencing Procedural Texts NOT YET TESTED Which of these best supports the title of the article? What is the most likely reason that the recipe was included with the article? 2nd Six Weeks 3rd Six Weeks PERSUASIVE PROCEDURAL TEXTS ©K. Greinert,
  • 9. 5th 4th 3rd 5.14C(S): identify the point of view of media presentations 4.14A(S): explain the positive and negative impacts of advertisement techniques used in various genres of media to impact consumer behavior 3.16A(S): understand how communication changes when moving from one genre of media ot another NOT YET TESTED NOT YET TESTED NOT YET TESTED 5.14 Fig19D: Inferencing Media 4.14 Fig19D: Inferencing Media 3.16 Fig19D: Inferencing Media What does the first photograph in the selection show? The photograph of people around the ice- cream maker suggests that — The photograph included in the selection shows readers that Millan — Based on the photograph, the reader can tell that CHARACTER-- The photograph is included with the selection most likely to — The photograph best supports which idea from the selection? 6th Six Weeks MEDIA LITERACY ©K. Greinert,