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From Aboriginal Rights to Modern
 Treaty Rights in British Columbia

George Nicholson, LLB.
Goal of this Presentation

• Why do Aboriginal people have special rights
  under the Constitution?
• What is the content of Aboriginal rights and
  Aboriginal title?
• What becomes of Aboriginal rights after a
  modern Treaty?
Part One
Real Property Law Primer for
Aboriginal Rights

     “Property and Law were born and die
     – Jeremy Bentham, English Philosopher

     “This we know - the Earth does not belong to
     man - man belongs to the Earth.”
     - Chief Seattle
Examples of Land Interests
• Crown, Radical or Ultimate Title: expressions sometimes
  used to refer to the rights and jurisdiction of a sovereign or
  crown that sits atop all other interests
• Fee Simple: the most common form of individual land
  ownership in Canada. Example - most people who own their
  own home
• Life Estates: an interest where a person will be granted
  property for as long as they live. Example – a will that leaves
  property to a widow for life and then to children
• Easements: lesser interests for a specific purpose that do not
  give rise to ownership but are rights an owner must honour
  (servitude or a burden). Example – a hydro right of way
• Covenants: A condition that an interest holder promises to
  abide by, often as a condition of sale. Example – a buyer of a
  condominium in a senior’s housing complex promises only to
  subsequently grant their property to another senior
Acquiring an Interest in Land
Ways you can acquire an interest in land include:
• Purchase
• Transfer from an estate, with or without a will
• Gift
• Grants from the Crown
• Through continual use, such as:
 ▫ Adverse Possession (Squatter Rights)
 ▫ Prescription (similar but for easements)
 ▫ One way includes proving use since “time
   immemorial,” which for the Courts is 1189
Continual Use   Interest in Land
                Lot A is owned by Albert. Albert sells
                his land to Bertha. When Bertha buys
                the land, she sees that, for whatever
                reason, the Certificate of Title and
                survey do not show a right of way for
                the road. She begins to deny the use
                of the road to the owners of Lots B, C,
                and D. The owners of B, C, and D
                prove to the courts that they and
                others have been using this as a road
                for over twenty years. The courts
                rule, based on the doctrine of
                Prescription, that when Bertha bought
                Lot A from Albert, the right of way
                was a pre-existing burden on Bertha’s
Part Two
Aboriginal Rights in the Common Law
  “ The doctrine of Aboriginal rights exists… because
   of one simple fact: when Europeans arrived in
   North America, Aboriginal peoples were already
   here, living in communities on the land, and
   participating in distinctive cultures, as they had
   done for centuries. It is this fact, and this fact
   above all others, which separates Aboriginal
   peoples from all other minority groups in Canadian
   society and which mandates their special legal
   – Chief Justice Lamer in R. v. Van der Peet, para
Historical Treaties and Early Policy
• Canada signed treaties numbered 1 to 11 with First Nations between
  1871 and 1921 across all of Canada except the majority of British
• Canada’s Royal Proclamation included language that “the several
  Nations or Tribes of Indians with whom We are connected, and who
  live under our Protection, should not be molested or disturbed in
  the Possession of such Parts of Our Dominions and Territories as,
  not having been ceded to or purchased by Us, are reserved to them,
  or any of them, as their Hunting Grounds”
• The Courts would later accept and cite letters from Governor
  Douglas that included comments that the Canadian colonizers
  would respond negatively to mistreatment of local First Nations by
  the government in regards to their land rights
St. Catherine’s Milling Case, 1888
• St. Catherine’s Milling and Lumber was a company that
  was seeking to log in the Wabigoon Lake area of Ontario
• The First Nations in the area, various Ojibway, were
  signatories to Treaty #3 with Canada
• Canada issued a licence to St. Catherine’s later arguing
  that they had jurisdiction over the lands because of the
  past and continuing Indian interests.
• Ontario challenged Canada’s jurisdiction, arguing that
  jurisdiction of the lands transferred to the Province with
  Treaty #3.
St. Catharine’s Milling Case (cont.)
• For the Province of Ontario

• All un-granted lands in a Province belong to the
  provincial Crown subject only to Indian rights of
• Aboriginal rights in the land are of a personal and
  usufructuary nature (distinguished away from by the
  SCC later)
• Once the Aboriginal rights are extinguished, by Treaty
  for example, then the lands no longer fall under the
  federal jurisdiction as lands for Indians.
Post-St. Catherine’s and Pre-
• Aboriginal rights were presumed to be “personal
  or usufructuary” meaning they were not a right
  to the land but a right to use it in certain ways
• Aboriginal rights were presumed to be
  extinguished if not throughout Canada,
  throughout most of Canada as per the historical
• Claims to Aboriginal rights were largely ignored
  by the courts. See for example Sikyea v. the
  Queen (1964) S.C.C.
The Calder or Nisga’a Case, 1973
• Frank Calder, a hereditary chief of the Nisga’a,
  asked the courts to clarify if the Nisga’a still held
  Aboriginal rights and title in their traditional
• At the time, the Nisga’a were not signatories to a
  treaty of any kind.

• Did Aboriginal title continue to exist in British
The Calder Case (cont.)
• 3-3-1
• Justice Judson, on behalf of 3 judges, ruled that
  Aboriginal title existed but was extinguished by the
  implementation of the Indian Act and the Reserve
• Justice Hall, on behalf of 3 judges, ruled that
  Aboriginal title existed and continued to exist in BC
• Justice Pigeon ruled against the Nisga’a on a
• Technically a loss but received as a win by the
  Nisga’a and Canada.
The Calder Case (cont.)
Reasons of Justice Hall (eventually affirmed by courts):

• The concept of property does not have to be rendered in
  only traditional English terms
• The Crown had clear precedents that during
  colonization, they would by default honour the rights of
  existing habitants
• As evidenced by historical treaties, the Royal
  Proclamation, and other historical documents, the
  Crown showed, even after the Indian Act, every intention
  of honouring the rights of Canada’s Aboriginal people
  including providing fair compensation to them when
  acquiring land
• The provincial government did not have the authority to
  extinguish Aboriginal rights in BC
• Canada established its comprehensive claims
  policy within a few years and began to negotiate
  modern treaties with First Nations in BC
• Canada, BC, and the Nisga’a began negotiations
  that eventually resulted in the Nisga’a Final
  Agreement, the first treaty in BC in nearly 100
The Constitution Act, 1982
• S. 35(1) – “The existing aboriginal and treaty
  rights of the aboriginal peoples of Canada are
  hereby recognized and affirmed”
• The SCC would later rule that this provision does
  not create aboriginal rights but elevates the
  existing common law rights to constitutional
• In accordance with s. 54, Canada’s constitutions
  become the supreme laws of Canada and
  override any other laws
The Sparrow Case,1990
• Ronald Sparrow, a member of the Musqueam First Nation,
  was fishing pursuant to a community fish licence granted to
  the Band
• The length of his drift net exceeded the length allowed by the
• Mr. Sparrow argued that he was fishing pursuant to an
  Aboriginal right which now, according to the Constitution Act,
  1982, superseded the fisheries regulations
• What is the content and the constitutional status of Aboriginal
• Mr. Sparrow’s conviction was overturned and a re-trial was
Sparrow Case (cont.)
• Aboriginal rights continue to exist and now enjoy constitutional
• The Musqueam have an Aboriginal right to fish for food, social, and
  ceremonial purposes. (FSC)
• When Aboriginal rights were raised to constitutional status, they did
  so with all their existing characteristics and limitations under the
  common law
• Aboriginal rights could have been extinguished prior to 1982.
• Aboriginal rights can be infringed by the Crown if they can justify
  the infringement, which involves examining their objective and
  balancing the Crown’s power or authority along with their fiduciary
  duty to Aboriginal people
Sparrow (cont.)
Reasons (cont.)
• Aboriginal rights should be permitted to evolve over
• In regards to the Musqueam fishing rights, the
  conservation of fisheries is potentially a valid reason
  for infringing their Aboriginal right, because
  sustaining fisheries is within the interest of the First
  Nation as well. However, because of their
  constitutional right, Musqueam should receive
  priority treatment over non-Aboriginal fishermen
  after conservation concerns have been met.
The Van der Peet Trilogy, 1996
• Around the same time the Courts released decisions in the Van der Peet
  case, the NTC Smokehouse case, and the Gladstone case, all of which
  considered claims for an Aboriginal right to sell fish or aquaculture

• Dorothy Van der Peet, a member of the Sto:lo First Nation, sold 10 salmon
   to a non-Aboriginal person for $50.
• She was charged with fisheries violations and claimed an Aboriginal right to
   sell the fish.
• The Sto:lo did not successfully prove they engaged in significant trade
   activities pre-contact
• The courts accepted proof that the Sto:lo engaged in significant trade
   activities afterwards with the Hudson’s Bay company
• Do the Sto-Lo have an Aboriginal right to sell fish?
• For the Crown. The conviction was upheld
Van der Peet Trilogy (cont.)
• “It must not be forgotten that the rights it recognizes and affirms are
  Aboriginal [emphasis original].” para 17
• For a “practice, custom or tradition” to give rise to an Aboriginal
  right, it must have been a “a central and significant part of the
  society’s culture” para 55
• Activities that were not central and could be true of any human
  society will not normally give rise to an Aboriginal right
• It must be a distinctive, not necessarily unique, and integral aspect
  of their culture
• A valid Aboriginal right can have been influenced by European
  culture, but activities which became central because of European
  influence cannot subsequently give rise to an Aboriginal right
Van der Peet Trilogy (cont.)
Note in regards to claims to “commercial” rights:

• Claims to a commercial right to sell fish were similarly
  rejected by the Courts in NTC Smokehouse but a right to “sell”
  herring spawn was recognized in the Gladstone case because
  the Heiltsuk First Nation was able to show significant trade
  activities even as the first non-Aboriginals encountered them
  and that these activities were a distinctive component of their
• The courts did acknowledge a right to “trade and barter” in
  Van der Peet and a right to “sell” in the Ahousaht case but not
  a “commercial” right, which it defines as the accumulation of
• The most the courts have recognized would seem to amount to
  a right to sell for a “modest livelihood” not the accumulation
  of wealth
Pamajewon Case, 1996
• Two First Nations passed by-laws in regards to casinos
  with the intention of allowing them on their lands
  regardless of provincial licence requirements
• Mr. Pamajewon and Mr. Jones both members of the
  First Nations were charged criminally with operating a
  gaming house contrary to the Criminal Code
• The First Nations did have some historical evidence
  showing they did traditionally play certain games that
  resembled gambling
• Both First Nations claimed a right to self-government
• Does a First Nation have an Aboriginal right to Self-
  Government, and if so, what is the extent of that right?
Pamajewon Case (cont.)
• For the Crown. Convictions upheld
• The framework for testing whether an Aboriginal group has a
  right to self-government is the same as a claim for any other
  Aboriginal right
• In this case, the FN did not establish that this sort of game
  playing was “distinctive” or “integral” to their culture

• Previously there was debate among academics whether a First
  Nation should have powers like a municipality, like a
  province, or something else
• Canada had already released its Inherent Right to Self
  Government policy which was arguably approved
Summary of Aboriginal Rights
• It is a right to conduct site-specific activities
• It is based on a ‘practice, custom or tradition’ that was “a
  central and significant part of the society’s culture.” – Van
  der Peet at para. 55
• The Aboriginal group must have been conducting the
  activity at the time of first contact
• The nature of an Aboriginal right was not frozen in time
  but instead must be allowed to evolve into a modern
  version of the right
• Self-Government should be approached the same as any
  other Aboriginal right
• There must be a reasonable continuity of the right.
Limitations to Aboriginal Rights
• Aboriginal rights could have been extinguished by
  the Crown prior to 1982
  ▫ Only by the federal crown
  ▫ Only where the federal crown used clear and plain
• Aboriginal rights can be infringed by the Crown
  ▫ The Crown must have a valid objective
  ▫ The Crown must balance its power with its fiduciary
    duty to First Nations
• Unlike Aboriginal title, it is not a right to the land
  itself per se
Adams & Coté Decisions, 1996
• In 1996, the courts simultaneously released decisions in
  Adams and Coté
• Both where fishing cases that questioned the fact that the
  First Nation could not make out a claim to Aboriginal
  title on the waters where they were claiming a right to
• The Crown argued that Aboriginal rights were tied to
  Aboriginal title which could not be made out on these
• The SCC clarified that a First Nation could make a claim
  to an Aboriginal right even though they might not have
  had the kind of relationship that would give rise to
  Aboriginal title
• Aboriginal rights and Aboriginal title are related but
The Delgamuukw Case, 1997
• Chief Delgamuukw, a chief of the Git’xan along
  with several other chief’s sued on behalf of the
  Git’xan and the Wetsuweten people
• They claimed “ownership” and “jurisdiction” of
  their traditional lands
• What is the content of Aboriginal title and how is
  a claim established?
• For the First Nations. Re-trial ordered
Delgamuukw (cont.)
• Aboriginal title continues to exist.
• It is sui generis (a unique species)
• It is communally held
• It is inalienable except to the Crown
• Unlike Aboriginal rights, it is a right to the land
• It is a right to “exclusive use” and “occupation” of
  the lands
• It cannot be used in ways that would be inconsistent
  with the relationship Aboriginal people had with the
Establishing Aboriginal Title
• “It arises where the connection of a group with a
  piece of land ‘was of central significance to their
  distinctive culture.’” – para. 137
  ▫ Establishing occupation as below will almost always
    serve to meet this criteria - para. 138
• “the land must have been occupied prior to
  sovereignty.” – para. 143
• “if present occupation is relied on as proof of
  occupation pre-sovereignty, there must be
  continuity between present and pre-sovereignty
  occupation.” – para. 143
• “at sovereignty, that occupation must have been
  exclusive.” – para. 143
Content of Aboriginal Title
• “Aboriginal title is a species of Aboriginal right.”
  para. 137
• “What Aboriginal title confers is the right to the
  land itself.” para 138
  ▫ It is not just a right to conduct Aboriginal rights
• “Aboriginal title encompasses the right to
  exclusive use and occupation of the land.” para
• Aboriginal title is communally held
• Aboriginal title normally carries with it
  subsurface rights
Content of Aboriginal Title (cont.)
• Aboriginal title is sui generis and should not be
  compared to traditional English concepts of
  property law
• Aboriginal title normally carries with it a bundle
  of Aboriginal rights that the First Nation holds
Limitations on Aboriginal Title
• Aboriginal title cannot be used in ways that would be
  irreconcilable with the relationship Aboriginals have with the
   ▫ The example they give is strip mining
• Aboriginal title can only be alienated to the Crown
   ▫ The courts tie this to the limitation above and compare it to
     doctrine of equitable waste where a person with a life estate
     cannot commit wanton damage of the property. Alienation
     is still possible but the Crown must ensure there is some
     beneficial interest too all beneficiaries, perhaps even
     present and future
• Aboriginal title can still be infringed, including for such things
  such as the “development of foreign populations” and hydro
  power, para 165.
Use                  Aboriginal Rights and Title
Abstract sample - Based on where
the First Nation used to hunt and
fish at the time of contact, the First
Nation has Aboriginal Rights to
those activities in the red
Here, the First Nation has
Aboriginal title in the blue
boundary. These were lands that
were of “central significance” to the
First Nation, including for example,
where they lived. The First Nation
has a kind of ownership here and
also has a number of Aboriginal
rights that the First Nation holds
These Aboriginal rights and title
were a pre-existing “burden” on the
crown’s title
The Haida Case, 2004
• BC was in the process of considering a renewal of the
  Tree Farm Licence that covered the Haida Gwai
• Delgamuukw had already stated that the Crown has an
  obligation to consult with First Nations in regards to
  decisions that may affect their Aboriginal rights
• Does BC still have a duty to Consult a First Nation in
  regards to an unproven Aboriginal right that has already
  been infringed?
• For the Haida First Nation
Haida (cont.)
• The Haida have a significant prima facie case for
  Aboriginal title on parts of the island
• The Haida, who successfully proved having a strong
  traditional relationship with the trees, have a strong
  prima facie case for Aboriginal rights to the forests on
  the island
• BC must consult a First Nation wherever it has “real or
  constructive knowledge” that an Aboriginal right, proven
  or not, could be adversely affected by the crown’s
• Where the First Nation has a particularly strong claim
  and/or where the decision could have a “significant
  adverse impact,” then First Nation consent may be
Consultation & Accommodation
• Not an Aboriginal right per se but attached to Aboriginal
• Consultation is triggered anytime the Crown has real or
  constructive knowledge that a Crown action or decision
  may have an adverse impact on an existing or yet
  unproven Aboriginal right
• Consultation requires at a minimum, sharing sufficient
  information, providing a reasonable time to evaluate the
  information, and hearing the concerns expressed by the
  First Nation
• Accommodation is triggered when the adverse impact is
  particularly significant or when the First Nation claim to
  the land is particularly strong
  ▫ Can rise to the level where First Nation consent is required
The Little Salmon/Carmacks Case, 2010
• The Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation were signatories to
  a Treaty with Canada and the Yukon territorial government
• A Non-First Nation individual applied to the territorial
  government for Crown land to be converted to fee simple land
• None of the treaty provisions dealt specifically with whether
  consultation was necessary or not in this situation
• The territorial government made several attempts to contact
  Little Salmon/Carmacks but they did not respond at first
• The territorial government proceeded with the grant
Little Salmon (cont.)
• For the territorial government
• The Courts ruled that the treaty did not negate the common
  law right of Little Salmon to be consulted
• The notion that a treaty can represent a “complete code” is not
• The purpose of the treaty and s. 35 is to enhance the special
  relationship the Crown has with Aboriginal people and not to
  allow it to come to harm
• The Crown cannot negotiate away from its obligations under
  s. 35
• However, the courts ruled against Little Salmon because they
  felt the efforts of the Crown met their consultation obligations
  with their attempts to contact Little Salmon which were
  ignored for quite some time.
The Honour of the Crown
• The reconciliation of crown sovereignty and
  Aboriginal interests is an integral part of s. 35
• The honour of the Crown involves a spectrum of
  the Crown’s obligations
 ▫ At a minimum the Crown must act with honour
   and integrity when dealing with First Nations,
   avoiding “even the appearance of sharp dealing”
 ▫ At the higher end, when managing the assets of
   First Nations for example, the Crown has a
   fiduciary duty to Aboriginal people
• The Crown cannot contract out of its honour
Land Claims and Past Infringements
• The vast majority of developments in British
  Columbia would qualify as infringements of
  Aboriginal rights and title
• However, the majority of these would be
  justifiable after the fact
• Justification should normally include “fair
  compensation” for the “inescapable economic
  component” of Aboriginal rights and title.
 • “Aboriginal rights… must be understood by reference to
   both common law and Aboriginal perspectives.”
  - Chief Justice Lamer in Delgamuukw at para 112

 • “The reconciliation of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
   Canadians in a mutually respectful long-term
   relationship is the grand purpose of s. 35 of the
   Constitution Act, 1982.” – Justice Binnie at para 10

 • Reconciliation is arguably not just a goal but a legal
Part Three
Modern Treaties

     “By ordering a new trial, I do not
     necessarily encourage the parties to
     proceed to litigation… Ultimately, it is
     through negotiated settlements, with good
     faith and give and take on all sides… that
     we will achieve… the reconciliation of the
     pre-existence of Aboriginal societies with
     the sovereignty of the Crown.” – Chief
     Justice Lamer, in Delgamuukw v BC
General Approach to Lands
• The parties negotiate for First Nations to hold lands in fee
  simple along with additional rights
• BC and Canada are unwilling to expropriate land to use in
  treaty, so existing fee simple lands are usually off the table
• Many Crown lands have other existing interests on them, such
  as hydro right of ways, forest licences, water licences,
  subsurface rights, etc. Some of these lands and rights may or
  may not be on the table
• Many Crown lands have special designations, such as parks &
  conservancies. Some of these may or may not be on the table
• Much of the Crown lands in BC are too steep for practical use
• Canada and BC usually negotiate transferring existing Indian
  Reserves, provincial crown lands, and any fee simple lands the
  parties are able to obtain on a willing seller basis
Statements of Intent
• First Nations who enter the BC Treaty Process begin
  by filing a Statement of Intent (SOI)
• The SOI is a map that provides an approximate
  boundary of the First Nation’s Aboriginal rights
• Theoretically, the First Nation’s Aboriginal rights
  and title are all contained within their SOI
• The SOI will be used as the basis for treaty
• First Nations do not have to prove having Aboriginal
  Rights and Title in their SOI as part of the process
• Treaties all contain language that attempt to
  clarify what is to become of Aboriginal rights
  after the treaty, usually referred to as certainty
• Canada and BC negotiate that treaties constitute
  a “full and final settlement” of past claims
• First Nations express concerns about that sort of
  finality given the indeterminate time the Treaty
  is meant to exist for and the incompleteness of
  the information they can gather about their
  existing rights
Certainty Models
Extinguishment Model (Historical Treaties)
• The First Nation does “cede, release, and surrender” any
  Aboriginal rights they had in exchange for the treaty
Modification Model (Modern Treaties in BC)
• The Aboriginal rights are “modified and continue” as
  defined in the treaty
Non-Assertion Model (Tlicho in the NWT)
• The Aboriginal rights continue to exist as they do, but
  the First Nation agrees only to exercise their rights as set
  out in the treaty and agrees not to assert their rights in
  Court for as long as the treaty is in effect
Aboriginal Rights to Harvest Rights
• The Treaty will define Harvest Areas and various
  harvesting rights within those areas
• These harvesting rights essentially replace their
  related Aboriginal rights
 ▫ Hunting Rights -> Treaty Rights under the
   Wildlife & Migratory Birds Chapters
 ▫ Fishing Rights -> Fisheries Chapter
 ▫ Gathering Rights (such as berries, medicines,
   bushes or fallen trees) -> Gathering Chapter
Treaty Settlement Lands
• Lands will be returned to the First Nation in fee
  simple and be alienable to anyone
• Negotiator’s generally refer to these lands as
  Treaty Settlement Lands (TSL)
• TSL essentially replaces Aboriginal title
• Treaties will always include at least two
  categories of land, often referred to as the First
  Nation lands and a harvest area, for example
  Tsawwassen Lands and the Tsawwassen Wildlife
  Harvest Area
Land Management
under Treaty
• The First Nation lands are no longer Indian
• The First Nation does not need to abide by the
  surrender process of the Indian Act
• The First Nation can define their own zoning
• The First Nation does not necessarily need
  permission from any other level of government to
  proceed with developments
  ▫ those developments do still need to be consistent with
    the law, including the Final Agreement
• Law-Making provided throughout the Treaty and in the Self-
  Government chapter
  ▫ Generally limited to matters internal to First Nations and/or their lands
  ▫ Matters of national interest, such as criminal law, international law,
    deliberately left out
• First Nation Laws, BC Laws, and Federal Laws are all potentially
  allowed to co-exist, called a concurrent law model
  ▫ Treaty provides for their relationship and which laws have priority
• Decision making and priority setting will be by the First Nation
  government and not AANDC
• First Nation government has the ability to delegate its powers and
  create its own institutions
• The First Nation government is bound by the Charter of Rights and
• The First Nation government must also develop a constitution
  setting out the government structure and various rights for citizens
Status of Lands and Relationship of
• Because the Indian Act no longer applies to First
  Nations, various aspects of First Nation lands
  and governance transfer from federal
  jurisdiction to provincial or provincial laws that
  previously did not apply may now apply
 ▫ Examples: Property Laws, including Estates &
   Wills, Employment Law, Family Law, including
   divorce and matrimonial property, and Tax laws
Consultation & Accommodation
under Treaty
• Consultation is still required in the treaty for any project that triggers an
  environmental assessment and may impact the treaty rights of the First
• First Nation consent for a project is required on treaty settlement lands, but
  the government can still attempt to expropriate treaty settlement lands
• Limitations to expropriation are provided in the treaty and include:
    • taking the most minimal interest for the shortest amount of time
    • only expropriating for a public purpose in accordance with legislation
• Compensation in the way of cash or other land is still required
• Some First Nations fear that by defining clearly where they do and do not
  have Aboriginal title, as is done in treaty, they are making it easier for
  developments to occur on neighboring lands which were not included as
  part of the treaty.
Economic Benefits
• Various economic benefits are negotiated as part
  of a Treaty whether they are an Aboriginal right
  or not
 ▫   Commercial fisheries funding
 ▫   Tree Farm Licences
 ▫   Resource Revenue Sharing
 ▫   Economic Development funds
 ▫   Continued funding for programs and services
• These are usually contained in various side
  agreements to the treaty
Cases       (chronological order)
• St. Catharines Milling & Lumber Co. v. The Queen (1888) 14 App
  Cas. 46 (H.L.)
• Calder v. Attorney-General of British Columbia, [1973] S.C.R. 313
• R. v. Sparrow, [1990] 1 S.C.R. 1075 (S.C.C.)
• R. v. Van der Peet, [1996] 2 S.C.R. 507 (S.C.C.)
• R. v. Gladstone, [1996] 2 S.C.R. 723 (S.C.C.)
• R. v. NTC Smokehouse, [1996] 2 S.C.R. 672 (S.C.C.)
• R. v. Pamajewon, [1996] 2 S.C.R. 821 (S.C.C.)
• R. v. Adams, [1996] 3 S.C.R. 101 (S.C.C.)
• R. v. Coté, [1996] 3 S.C.R. 139 (S.C.C.)
• Deglamuukw v. British Columbia, [1997] 3 S.C.R. 1010 (S.C.C.)
• Haida Nation v. British Columbia (Minister of Forests), [2004] 3
  S.C.R. 511 (S.C.C.)
• Beckman v. Little Salmon/Carmacks, [2010] S.C.R. 53 (S.C.C.)

All available at except the St. Chatharines Milling case

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Aboriginal Rights to Treaty Rights

  • 1. From Aboriginal Rights to Modern Treaty Rights in British Columbia George Nicholson, LLB.
  • 2. Goal of this Presentation • Why do Aboriginal people have special rights under the Constitution? • What is the content of Aboriginal rights and Aboriginal title? • What becomes of Aboriginal rights after a modern Treaty?
  • 3. Part One Real Property Law Primer for Aboriginal Rights “Property and Law were born and die together.” – Jeremy Bentham, English Philosopher “This we know - the Earth does not belong to man - man belongs to the Earth.” - Chief Seattle
  • 4. Examples of Land Interests • Crown, Radical or Ultimate Title: expressions sometimes used to refer to the rights and jurisdiction of a sovereign or crown that sits atop all other interests • Fee Simple: the most common form of individual land ownership in Canada. Example - most people who own their own home • Life Estates: an interest where a person will be granted property for as long as they live. Example – a will that leaves property to a widow for life and then to children • Easements: lesser interests for a specific purpose that do not give rise to ownership but are rights an owner must honour (servitude or a burden). Example – a hydro right of way • Covenants: A condition that an interest holder promises to abide by, often as a condition of sale. Example – a buyer of a condominium in a senior’s housing complex promises only to subsequently grant their property to another senior
  • 5. Acquiring an Interest in Land Ways you can acquire an interest in land include: • Purchase • Transfer from an estate, with or without a will • Gift • Grants from the Crown • Through continual use, such as: ▫ Adverse Possession (Squatter Rights) ▫ Prescription (similar but for easements) ▫ One way includes proving use since “time immemorial,” which for the Courts is 1189
  • 6. Continual Use Interest in Land Lot A is owned by Albert. Albert sells his land to Bertha. When Bertha buys the land, she sees that, for whatever reason, the Certificate of Title and survey do not show a right of way for the road. She begins to deny the use of the road to the owners of Lots B, C, and D. The owners of B, C, and D prove to the courts that they and others have been using this as a road for over twenty years. The courts rule, based on the doctrine of Prescription, that when Bertha bought Lot A from Albert, the right of way was a pre-existing burden on Bertha’s land.
  • 7. Part Two Aboriginal Rights in the Common Law “ The doctrine of Aboriginal rights exists… because of one simple fact: when Europeans arrived in North America, Aboriginal peoples were already here, living in communities on the land, and participating in distinctive cultures, as they had done for centuries. It is this fact, and this fact above all others, which separates Aboriginal peoples from all other minority groups in Canadian society and which mandates their special legal status.” – Chief Justice Lamer in R. v. Van der Peet, para 30.
  • 8. Historical Treaties and Early Policy • Canada signed treaties numbered 1 to 11 with First Nations between 1871 and 1921 across all of Canada except the majority of British Columbia • Canada’s Royal Proclamation included language that “the several Nations or Tribes of Indians with whom We are connected, and who live under our Protection, should not be molested or disturbed in the Possession of such Parts of Our Dominions and Territories as, not having been ceded to or purchased by Us, are reserved to them, or any of them, as their Hunting Grounds” • The Courts would later accept and cite letters from Governor Douglas that included comments that the Canadian colonizers would respond negatively to mistreatment of local First Nations by the government in regards to their land rights
  • 9. St. Catherine’s Milling Case, 1888 Facts: • St. Catherine’s Milling and Lumber was a company that was seeking to log in the Wabigoon Lake area of Ontario • The First Nations in the area, various Ojibway, were signatories to Treaty #3 with Canada • Canada issued a licence to St. Catherine’s later arguing that they had jurisdiction over the lands because of the past and continuing Indian interests. • Ontario challenged Canada’s jurisdiction, arguing that jurisdiction of the lands transferred to the Province with Treaty #3.
  • 10. St. Catharine’s Milling Case (cont.) Held: • For the Province of Ontario Reasons: • All un-granted lands in a Province belong to the provincial Crown subject only to Indian rights of occupancy • Aboriginal rights in the land are of a personal and usufructuary nature (distinguished away from by the SCC later) • Once the Aboriginal rights are extinguished, by Treaty for example, then the lands no longer fall under the federal jurisdiction as lands for Indians.
  • 11. Post-St. Catherine’s and Pre- Calder • Aboriginal rights were presumed to be “personal or usufructuary” meaning they were not a right to the land but a right to use it in certain ways • Aboriginal rights were presumed to be extinguished if not throughout Canada, throughout most of Canada as per the historical treaties • Claims to Aboriginal rights were largely ignored by the courts. See for example Sikyea v. the Queen (1964) S.C.C.
  • 12. The Calder or Nisga’a Case, 1973 Facts: • Frank Calder, a hereditary chief of the Nisga’a, asked the courts to clarify if the Nisga’a still held Aboriginal rights and title in their traditional territory. • At the time, the Nisga’a were not signatories to a treaty of any kind. Issue: • Did Aboriginal title continue to exist in British Columbia?
  • 13. The Calder Case (cont.) Held: • 3-3-1 • Justice Judson, on behalf of 3 judges, ruled that Aboriginal title existed but was extinguished by the implementation of the Indian Act and the Reserve system. • Justice Hall, on behalf of 3 judges, ruled that Aboriginal title existed and continued to exist in BC • Justice Pigeon ruled against the Nisga’a on a technicality • Technically a loss but received as a win by the Nisga’a and Canada.
  • 14. The Calder Case (cont.) Reasons of Justice Hall (eventually affirmed by courts): • The concept of property does not have to be rendered in only traditional English terms • The Crown had clear precedents that during colonization, they would by default honour the rights of existing habitants • As evidenced by historical treaties, the Royal Proclamation, and other historical documents, the Crown showed, even after the Indian Act, every intention of honouring the rights of Canada’s Aboriginal people including providing fair compensation to them when acquiring land • The provincial government did not have the authority to extinguish Aboriginal rights in BC
  • 15. Post-Calder • Canada established its comprehensive claims policy within a few years and began to negotiate modern treaties with First Nations in BC • Canada, BC, and the Nisga’a began negotiations that eventually resulted in the Nisga’a Final Agreement, the first treaty in BC in nearly 100 years
  • 16. The Constitution Act, 1982 • S. 35(1) – “The existing aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal peoples of Canada are hereby recognized and affirmed” • The SCC would later rule that this provision does not create aboriginal rights but elevates the existing common law rights to constitutional status • In accordance with s. 54, Canada’s constitutions become the supreme laws of Canada and override any other laws
  • 17. The Sparrow Case,1990 Facts: • Ronald Sparrow, a member of the Musqueam First Nation, was fishing pursuant to a community fish licence granted to the Band • The length of his drift net exceeded the length allowed by the licence • Mr. Sparrow argued that he was fishing pursuant to an Aboriginal right which now, according to the Constitution Act, 1982, superseded the fisheries regulations Issue: • What is the content and the constitutional status of Aboriginal rights? Held: • Mr. Sparrow’s conviction was overturned and a re-trial was ordered
  • 18. Sparrow Case (cont.) Reasons: • Aboriginal rights continue to exist and now enjoy constitutional protection. • The Musqueam have an Aboriginal right to fish for food, social, and ceremonial purposes. (FSC) • When Aboriginal rights were raised to constitutional status, they did so with all their existing characteristics and limitations under the common law • Aboriginal rights could have been extinguished prior to 1982. • Aboriginal rights can be infringed by the Crown if they can justify the infringement, which involves examining their objective and balancing the Crown’s power or authority along with their fiduciary duty to Aboriginal people
  • 19. Sparrow (cont.) Reasons (cont.) • Aboriginal rights should be permitted to evolve over time • In regards to the Musqueam fishing rights, the conservation of fisheries is potentially a valid reason for infringing their Aboriginal right, because sustaining fisheries is within the interest of the First Nation as well. However, because of their constitutional right, Musqueam should receive priority treatment over non-Aboriginal fishermen after conservation concerns have been met.
  • 20. The Van der Peet Trilogy, 1996 • Around the same time the Courts released decisions in the Van der Peet case, the NTC Smokehouse case, and the Gladstone case, all of which considered claims for an Aboriginal right to sell fish or aquaculture Facts: • Dorothy Van der Peet, a member of the Sto:lo First Nation, sold 10 salmon to a non-Aboriginal person for $50. • She was charged with fisheries violations and claimed an Aboriginal right to sell the fish. • The Sto:lo did not successfully prove they engaged in significant trade activities pre-contact • The courts accepted proof that the Sto:lo engaged in significant trade activities afterwards with the Hudson’s Bay company Issues: • Do the Sto-Lo have an Aboriginal right to sell fish? Held: • For the Crown. The conviction was upheld
  • 21. Van der Peet Trilogy (cont.) Reasons: • “It must not be forgotten that the rights it recognizes and affirms are Aboriginal [emphasis original].” para 17 • For a “practice, custom or tradition” to give rise to an Aboriginal right, it must have been a “a central and significant part of the society’s culture” para 55 • Activities that were not central and could be true of any human society will not normally give rise to an Aboriginal right • It must be a distinctive, not necessarily unique, and integral aspect of their culture • A valid Aboriginal right can have been influenced by European culture, but activities which became central because of European influence cannot subsequently give rise to an Aboriginal right
  • 22. Van der Peet Trilogy (cont.) Note in regards to claims to “commercial” rights: • Claims to a commercial right to sell fish were similarly rejected by the Courts in NTC Smokehouse but a right to “sell” herring spawn was recognized in the Gladstone case because the Heiltsuk First Nation was able to show significant trade activities even as the first non-Aboriginals encountered them and that these activities were a distinctive component of their culture • The courts did acknowledge a right to “trade and barter” in Van der Peet and a right to “sell” in the Ahousaht case but not a “commercial” right, which it defines as the accumulation of wealth • The most the courts have recognized would seem to amount to a right to sell for a “modest livelihood” not the accumulation of wealth
  • 23. Pamajewon Case, 1996 Facts • Two First Nations passed by-laws in regards to casinos with the intention of allowing them on their lands regardless of provincial licence requirements • Mr. Pamajewon and Mr. Jones both members of the First Nations were charged criminally with operating a gaming house contrary to the Criminal Code • The First Nations did have some historical evidence showing they did traditionally play certain games that resembled gambling • Both First Nations claimed a right to self-government Issues: • Does a First Nation have an Aboriginal right to Self- Government, and if so, what is the extent of that right?
  • 24. Pamajewon Case (cont.) Held: • For the Crown. Convictions upheld Reasons: • The framework for testing whether an Aboriginal group has a right to self-government is the same as a claim for any other Aboriginal right • In this case, the FN did not establish that this sort of game playing was “distinctive” or “integral” to their culture Note: • Previously there was debate among academics whether a First Nation should have powers like a municipality, like a province, or something else • Canada had already released its Inherent Right to Self Government policy which was arguably approved
  • 25. Summary of Aboriginal Rights • It is a right to conduct site-specific activities • It is based on a ‘practice, custom or tradition’ that was “a central and significant part of the society’s culture.” – Van der Peet at para. 55 • The Aboriginal group must have been conducting the activity at the time of first contact • The nature of an Aboriginal right was not frozen in time but instead must be allowed to evolve into a modern version of the right • Self-Government should be approached the same as any other Aboriginal right • There must be a reasonable continuity of the right.
  • 26. Limitations to Aboriginal Rights • Aboriginal rights could have been extinguished by the Crown prior to 1982 ▫ Only by the federal crown ▫ Only where the federal crown used clear and plain language • Aboriginal rights can be infringed by the Crown ▫ The Crown must have a valid objective ▫ The Crown must balance its power with its fiduciary duty to First Nations • Unlike Aboriginal title, it is not a right to the land itself per se
  • 27. Adams & Coté Decisions, 1996 • In 1996, the courts simultaneously released decisions in Adams and Coté • Both where fishing cases that questioned the fact that the First Nation could not make out a claim to Aboriginal title on the waters where they were claiming a right to fish. • The Crown argued that Aboriginal rights were tied to Aboriginal title which could not be made out on these waters • The SCC clarified that a First Nation could make a claim to an Aboriginal right even though they might not have had the kind of relationship that would give rise to Aboriginal title • Aboriginal rights and Aboriginal title are related but different
  • 28. The Delgamuukw Case, 1997 Facts: • Chief Delgamuukw, a chief of the Git’xan along with several other chief’s sued on behalf of the Git’xan and the Wetsuweten people • They claimed “ownership” and “jurisdiction” of their traditional lands Issues • What is the content of Aboriginal title and how is a claim established? Held • For the First Nations. Re-trial ordered
  • 29. Delgamuukw (cont.) Reasons • Aboriginal title continues to exist. • It is sui generis (a unique species) • It is communally held • It is inalienable except to the Crown • Unlike Aboriginal rights, it is a right to the land itself • It is a right to “exclusive use” and “occupation” of the lands • It cannot be used in ways that would be inconsistent with the relationship Aboriginal people had with the land
  • 30. Establishing Aboriginal Title • “It arises where the connection of a group with a piece of land ‘was of central significance to their distinctive culture.’” – para. 137 ▫ Establishing occupation as below will almost always serve to meet this criteria - para. 138 • “the land must have been occupied prior to sovereignty.” – para. 143 • “if present occupation is relied on as proof of occupation pre-sovereignty, there must be continuity between present and pre-sovereignty occupation.” – para. 143 • “at sovereignty, that occupation must have been exclusive.” – para. 143
  • 31. Content of Aboriginal Title • “Aboriginal title is a species of Aboriginal right.” para. 137 • “What Aboriginal title confers is the right to the land itself.” para 138 ▫ It is not just a right to conduct Aboriginal rights • “Aboriginal title encompasses the right to exclusive use and occupation of the land.” para 117 • Aboriginal title is communally held • Aboriginal title normally carries with it subsurface rights
  • 32. Content of Aboriginal Title (cont.) • Aboriginal title is sui generis and should not be compared to traditional English concepts of property law • Aboriginal title normally carries with it a bundle of Aboriginal rights that the First Nation holds exclusively
  • 33. Limitations on Aboriginal Title • Aboriginal title cannot be used in ways that would be irreconcilable with the relationship Aboriginals have with the land ▫ The example they give is strip mining • Aboriginal title can only be alienated to the Crown ▫ The courts tie this to the limitation above and compare it to doctrine of equitable waste where a person with a life estate cannot commit wanton damage of the property. Alienation is still possible but the Crown must ensure there is some beneficial interest too all beneficiaries, perhaps even present and future • Aboriginal title can still be infringed, including for such things such as the “development of foreign populations” and hydro power, para 165.
  • 34. Use Aboriginal Rights and Title Abstract sample - Based on where the First Nation used to hunt and fish at the time of contact, the First Nation has Aboriginal Rights to those activities in the red boundary. Here, the First Nation has Aboriginal title in the blue boundary. These were lands that were of “central significance” to the First Nation, including for example, where they lived. The First Nation has a kind of ownership here and also has a number of Aboriginal rights that the First Nation holds exclusively These Aboriginal rights and title were a pre-existing “burden” on the crown’s title
  • 35. The Haida Case, 2004 Facts • BC was in the process of considering a renewal of the Tree Farm Licence that covered the Haida Gwai • Delgamuukw had already stated that the Crown has an obligation to consult with First Nations in regards to decisions that may affect their Aboriginal rights Issue • Does BC still have a duty to Consult a First Nation in regards to an unproven Aboriginal right that has already been infringed? Held • For the Haida First Nation
  • 36. Haida (cont.) Reasons • The Haida have a significant prima facie case for Aboriginal title on parts of the island • The Haida, who successfully proved having a strong traditional relationship with the trees, have a strong prima facie case for Aboriginal rights to the forests on the island • BC must consult a First Nation wherever it has “real or constructive knowledge” that an Aboriginal right, proven or not, could be adversely affected by the crown’s decision • Where the First Nation has a particularly strong claim and/or where the decision could have a “significant adverse impact,” then First Nation consent may be required
  • 37. Consultation & Accommodation • Not an Aboriginal right per se but attached to Aboriginal rights • Consultation is triggered anytime the Crown has real or constructive knowledge that a Crown action or decision may have an adverse impact on an existing or yet unproven Aboriginal right • Consultation requires at a minimum, sharing sufficient information, providing a reasonable time to evaluate the information, and hearing the concerns expressed by the First Nation • Accommodation is triggered when the adverse impact is particularly significant or when the First Nation claim to the land is particularly strong ▫ Can rise to the level where First Nation consent is required
  • 38. The Little Salmon/Carmacks Case, 2010 Facts • The Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation were signatories to a Treaty with Canada and the Yukon territorial government • A Non-First Nation individual applied to the territorial government for Crown land to be converted to fee simple land • None of the treaty provisions dealt specifically with whether consultation was necessary or not in this situation • The territorial government made several attempts to contact Little Salmon/Carmacks but they did not respond at first • The territorial government proceeded with the grant
  • 39. Little Salmon (cont.) Held • For the territorial government Reasons • The Courts ruled that the treaty did not negate the common law right of Little Salmon to be consulted • The notion that a treaty can represent a “complete code” is not attainable • The purpose of the treaty and s. 35 is to enhance the special relationship the Crown has with Aboriginal people and not to allow it to come to harm • The Crown cannot negotiate away from its obligations under s. 35 • However, the courts ruled against Little Salmon because they felt the efforts of the Crown met their consultation obligations with their attempts to contact Little Salmon which were ignored for quite some time.
  • 40. The Honour of the Crown • The reconciliation of crown sovereignty and Aboriginal interests is an integral part of s. 35 • The honour of the Crown involves a spectrum of the Crown’s obligations ▫ At a minimum the Crown must act with honour and integrity when dealing with First Nations, avoiding “even the appearance of sharp dealing” ▫ At the higher end, when managing the assets of First Nations for example, the Crown has a fiduciary duty to Aboriginal people • The Crown cannot contract out of its honour
  • 41. Land Claims and Past Infringements • The vast majority of developments in British Columbia would qualify as infringements of Aboriginal rights and title • However, the majority of these would be justifiable after the fact • Justification should normally include “fair compensation” for the “inescapable economic component” of Aboriginal rights and title.
  • 42. Reconciliation • “Aboriginal rights… must be understood by reference to both common law and Aboriginal perspectives.” - Chief Justice Lamer in Delgamuukw at para 112 • “The reconciliation of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians in a mutually respectful long-term relationship is the grand purpose of s. 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.” – Justice Binnie at para 10 • Reconciliation is arguably not just a goal but a legal obligation
  • 43. Part Three Modern Treaties “By ordering a new trial, I do not necessarily encourage the parties to proceed to litigation… Ultimately, it is through negotiated settlements, with good faith and give and take on all sides… that we will achieve… the reconciliation of the pre-existence of Aboriginal societies with the sovereignty of the Crown.” – Chief Justice Lamer, in Delgamuukw v BC
  • 44. General Approach to Lands • The parties negotiate for First Nations to hold lands in fee simple along with additional rights • BC and Canada are unwilling to expropriate land to use in treaty, so existing fee simple lands are usually off the table • Many Crown lands have other existing interests on them, such as hydro right of ways, forest licences, water licences, subsurface rights, etc. Some of these lands and rights may or may not be on the table • Many Crown lands have special designations, such as parks & conservancies. Some of these may or may not be on the table • Much of the Crown lands in BC are too steep for practical use • Canada and BC usually negotiate transferring existing Indian Reserves, provincial crown lands, and any fee simple lands the parties are able to obtain on a willing seller basis
  • 45. Statements of Intent • First Nations who enter the BC Treaty Process begin by filing a Statement of Intent (SOI) • The SOI is a map that provides an approximate boundary of the First Nation’s Aboriginal rights • Theoretically, the First Nation’s Aboriginal rights and title are all contained within their SOI • The SOI will be used as the basis for treaty negotiations • First Nations do not have to prove having Aboriginal Rights and Title in their SOI as part of the process
  • 46. Certainty • Treaties all contain language that attempt to clarify what is to become of Aboriginal rights after the treaty, usually referred to as certainty language • Canada and BC negotiate that treaties constitute a “full and final settlement” of past claims • First Nations express concerns about that sort of finality given the indeterminate time the Treaty is meant to exist for and the incompleteness of the information they can gather about their existing rights
  • 47. Certainty Models Extinguishment Model (Historical Treaties) • The First Nation does “cede, release, and surrender” any Aboriginal rights they had in exchange for the treaty rights Modification Model (Modern Treaties in BC) • The Aboriginal rights are “modified and continue” as defined in the treaty Non-Assertion Model (Tlicho in the NWT) • The Aboriginal rights continue to exist as they do, but the First Nation agrees only to exercise their rights as set out in the treaty and agrees not to assert their rights in Court for as long as the treaty is in effect
  • 48. Aboriginal Rights to Harvest Rights • The Treaty will define Harvest Areas and various harvesting rights within those areas • These harvesting rights essentially replace their related Aboriginal rights ▫ Hunting Rights -> Treaty Rights under the Wildlife & Migratory Birds Chapters ▫ Fishing Rights -> Fisheries Chapter ▫ Gathering Rights (such as berries, medicines, bushes or fallen trees) -> Gathering Chapter
  • 49. Treaty Settlement Lands • Lands will be returned to the First Nation in fee simple and be alienable to anyone • Negotiator’s generally refer to these lands as Treaty Settlement Lands (TSL) • TSL essentially replaces Aboriginal title • Treaties will always include at least two categories of land, often referred to as the First Nation lands and a harvest area, for example Tsawwassen Lands and the Tsawwassen Wildlife Harvest Area
  • 50. Land Management under Treaty • The First Nation lands are no longer Indian Reserves • The First Nation does not need to abide by the surrender process of the Indian Act • The First Nation can define their own zoning regulations • The First Nation does not necessarily need permission from any other level of government to proceed with developments ▫ those developments do still need to be consistent with the law, including the Final Agreement
  • 51. Self-Government • Law-Making provided throughout the Treaty and in the Self- Government chapter ▫ Generally limited to matters internal to First Nations and/or their lands ▫ Matters of national interest, such as criminal law, international law, deliberately left out • First Nation Laws, BC Laws, and Federal Laws are all potentially allowed to co-exist, called a concurrent law model ▫ Treaty provides for their relationship and which laws have priority • Decision making and priority setting will be by the First Nation government and not AANDC • First Nation government has the ability to delegate its powers and create its own institutions • The First Nation government is bound by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms • The First Nation government must also develop a constitution setting out the government structure and various rights for citizens
  • 52. Status of Lands and Relationship of Laws • Because the Indian Act no longer applies to First Nations, various aspects of First Nation lands and governance transfer from federal jurisdiction to provincial or provincial laws that previously did not apply may now apply ▫ Examples: Property Laws, including Estates & Wills, Employment Law, Family Law, including divorce and matrimonial property, and Tax laws
  • 53. Consultation & Accommodation under Treaty • Consultation is still required in the treaty for any project that triggers an environmental assessment and may impact the treaty rights of the First Nation • First Nation consent for a project is required on treaty settlement lands, but the government can still attempt to expropriate treaty settlement lands • Limitations to expropriation are provided in the treaty and include: • taking the most minimal interest for the shortest amount of time • only expropriating for a public purpose in accordance with legislation • Compensation in the way of cash or other land is still required • Some First Nations fear that by defining clearly where they do and do not have Aboriginal title, as is done in treaty, they are making it easier for developments to occur on neighboring lands which were not included as part of the treaty.
  • 54. Economic Benefits • Various economic benefits are negotiated as part of a Treaty whether they are an Aboriginal right or not ▫ Commercial fisheries funding ▫ Tree Farm Licences ▫ Resource Revenue Sharing ▫ Economic Development funds ▫ Continued funding for programs and services • These are usually contained in various side agreements to the treaty
  • 55. Cases (chronological order) • St. Catharines Milling & Lumber Co. v. The Queen (1888) 14 App Cas. 46 (H.L.) • Calder v. Attorney-General of British Columbia, [1973] S.C.R. 313 (S.C.C.) • R. v. Sparrow, [1990] 1 S.C.R. 1075 (S.C.C.) • R. v. Van der Peet, [1996] 2 S.C.R. 507 (S.C.C.) • R. v. Gladstone, [1996] 2 S.C.R. 723 (S.C.C.) • R. v. NTC Smokehouse, [1996] 2 S.C.R. 672 (S.C.C.) • R. v. Pamajewon, [1996] 2 S.C.R. 821 (S.C.C.) • R. v. Adams, [1996] 3 S.C.R. 101 (S.C.C.) • R. v. Coté, [1996] 3 S.C.R. 139 (S.C.C.) • Deglamuukw v. British Columbia, [1997] 3 S.C.R. 1010 (S.C.C.) • Haida Nation v. British Columbia (Minister of Forests), [2004] 3 S.C.R. 511 (S.C.C.) • Beckman v. Little Salmon/Carmacks, [2010] S.C.R. 53 (S.C.C.) All available at except the St. Chatharines Milling case

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. Concept of individual property essential component of English law. Aboriginal concept of property very different
  2. Explain usufructuary
  3. Sikyea argued aboriginal right to hunt. Courts completely ignored and spent more time considering whether the duck he shot was wild or domesticated. They conclude it was wild and convict him
  4. If it was not distinctive, it is not an Aboriginal right (presumably we look to the Charter instead for basic rights of all people)