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Rendering AAA-Quality
Characters of Project ‘A1’
Hyunwoo Ki
Lead Graphics Programmer
* Translated material in English.
• Unannounced project of Nexon / New IP
 In Development
 By game development experts
 Target Platform: High-end PC
- 60 FPS at Ultra Quality / Low-spec PCs will be okay at Medium Quality
• We first announce our project at this conference
• Programming Session: Character Rendering
 Including resources and implementation in development
 World shown in this talk is a temporary
 All content can be changed in development
A1@NDC 2016
• 04/27 15:20 Art Session by Art Director
• 04/27 17:05 Programming Session by Senior Gameplay Programmer
• Competitive, stunning visuals
 Unprecedented quality in Korea
 We show current results and technology at this conference
• UE4 + @@@
 Use powerful rendering features of UE4
 Plus, new rendering/animation/VFX features made by our team
Visual of A1
• Skin, Hair, and Metal Rendering
• Shadow Rendering
• Low Level Shader Optimization
• Run-time Rigged Physics Simulation
Skin Rendering
• Multiple scattering
 Dipole diffusion approximation
• Included in UE4
 Integration of Jimenez’s implementation
 We use it without any changes
SSSSS Screen Space SubSurface Scattering
Activision R&D. Property of Activision Publishing. Not Actual Gameplay
• Softer lighting
• Softer shadows
• Translucent look
• Specular along
geometry silhouettes
• Plastic-like look
Base Normal Only
• Specular along
skin surface details
• More realistic
With Detail Normal
• No transmission
 Ignoring irradiance from outside of visible surfaces
 Lack of a screen-space approach
 There’s a solution but it isn’t included in UE4
• Low frequency lighting
 Can’t handle strong scattering at a short distance
Limit: UE4 SSSSS
Burley, “Extending the Disney BRDF to a BSDF with Integrated Subsurface Scattering”, SIGGRAPH 2015
• Transmission (Backlit)
• Back scattering
• Higher frequency lighting
Single Scattering
Single Scattering Multiple Scattering (dipole)
Multiple Scattering
+ =Single + Multiple Scattering
* Single scattering is exaggerated to show different looks on the presentation screen.
ground truth Ki09
• Introduced in ShaderX7
 Hyunwoo Ki, “Real-Time Subsurface Scattering using Shadow Maps”
 Store translucent irradiance into multiple shadow maps (RSM/TSM style)
 Approximate scattering distance by ray marching with shadow map projection
 Estimate radiance using the stored irradiance and the scattering distance
• Integrated this technique into UE4 with small changes
 Deferred Single Scattering
Single Scattering using Shadow Maps
• Shoot rays from the camera
 Refract rays on the surfaces
• Draw stepping distance samples
 Exploit Quasi Monte Carlo sampling
• Project xp onto shadow maps
 To approximate incident scattering distance, Si
Review: [Ki09] Ray Marching
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1) Deferred Shadows Pass:
 Ki’s ray marching (QMC + shadow projection)
 Assume that irradiance and normal are equal for all sampling steps -> Only use the shadow depth map (no additional buffers!)
 Constant scattering parameters: limited by G-buffers and performance reason
 Output: scalar scattering transfer instead of shadow amount (single channel)
2) Deferred Lighting Pass:
 SS = intensity * (scattering transfer * SSS color) * bidirectional Fresnel transmittance * HG phase function
 Output: direct lighting + single scattering
• Physically incorrect but plausible looks
Deferred Single Scattering
       
  
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2) Lighting Pass 1) Shadowing Pass
float ComputeSingleScatteringUsingShadowMap(FGBufferData GBuffer, FShadowMapSamplerSettings Settings, float3 V, float3 L, float3 WorldPosition)
const int NumSamples = SHADOW_QUALITY * 3;
const float Eta = 1.3;
const float EtaInverse = 1.0 / Eta;
const float ExtinctionCoefficient = 2.55;
const float MeanFreePath = 1.0 / ExtinctionCoefficient;
const float3 OutgoingDirection = -refract(V, -GBuffer.WorldNormal, EtaInverse.x);
const float InverseNumSamples = 1.0f / (float) NumSamples;
const float Sample = InverseNumSamples * 0.5;
float SingleScattering = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NumSamples; ++i)
float RefractedOutgoingDistance = -log(Sample) * MeanFreePath;
float3 ScatteringPoint = (OutgoingDirection * RefractedOutgoingDistance) + WorldPosition;
float4 ScatteringPointInShadowSpace = mul(float4(ScatteringPoint, 1.0f), WorldToShadowMatrix);
ScatteringPointInShadowSpace.xy /= ScatteringPointInShadowSpace.w;
float ShadowmapDepthAtScatteringPoint = Texture2DSampleLevel(Settings.ShadowDepthTexture, Settings.ShadowDepthTextureSampler, ScatteringPointInShadowSpace.xy, 0).r;
float IncidentDistance = max(0, abs((ShadowmapDepthAtScatteringPoint + Settings.ProjectionDepthBiasParameters.x) - ScatteringPointInShadowSpace.z)) * ProjectionDepthBiasParameters.y;
float TravelPathLength = IncidentDistance + RefractedOutgoingDistance * DISTANCE_SCALE;
float LightContribution = exp(-ExtinctionCoefficient * TravelPathLength);
float Weight = exp(-ExtinctionCoefficient * RefractedOutgoingDistance);
SingleScattering += LightContribution / Weight;
Sample += InverseNumSamples;
return SingleScattering / (float) NumSamples * SINGLESCATTERING_INTENSITY;
Appendix) Ray marching code
• Transmission on thin body parts
 Backlit effects
• Brighter skin surfaces
 With texture masking / artistic choice
• Added approx. 1 ms per light
 At a closeup view (worst case)
Rendering Results
* Single scattering is exaggerated to show different looks on the presentation screen.
• Using dithered, temporal sampling
 Like volumetric lighting: Killzone: Shadow Fall, Loads of Fallen, INSIDE, etc.
 Temporal reprojection
• Replace shadow rendering for skin
 Currently we use conventional PCF (UE4 default)
 But we expect that volumetric attenuation by SS can represent shadowing
Future Work: Single Scattering
Hair Rendering
• Layered card mesh with alpha texture
• + Hair strands mesh
• Optional textures:
 Color, normal, roughness, AO, specular noise, etc.
• Similar to Destiny and The Order: 1886
Modeling and Texturing
• Transparency
 Alpha blending: per-pixel drawing order
 Lighting: deferred lighting? (incompatible)
 Shadowing: deferred shadowing? (incompatible)
• Physically based shading model
 Not fit to GGX
Alpha Test : Alpha Blend
Order of Alpha Blending
• Need per-pixel, sorted alpha blending
• Choice: K-Buffer style
 Per-Pixel Linked List (PPLL)
 DX11 Unordered Access View (UAV)
 Based on an AMD TressFX 2.0 sample
 We integrated this into UE4
Order Independent Transparency (OIT)
• Head UAV: RWTexture2D<uint>
 Head indices for each linked list of pixels on the screen
• PPLL UAV: RWStructuredBuffer<FOitLinkedListDataElement>
 Container to store all fragments being shaded
 An element is added when each fragment is drawn
Review: PPLL OIT
uint PixelCount = OitLinkedListPPLLDataUAV.IncrementCounter();
int2 UAVTargetIndex = int2(SVPosition.xy);
uint OldStartOffset;
InterlockedExchange(OitLinkedListHeadAddrUAV[UAVTargetIndex], PixelCount, OldStartOffset);
OitLinkedListPPLLDataUAV[PixelCount] = NewElement;
• K-Buffer
 Do manual alpha blending for the front-most K fragments: sorted
 Do manual alpha blending for the remainder fragments: unsorted
• See references in detail
Review: PPLL OIT
float4 BlendTransparency(float4 FragmentColor, float4 FinalColor)
float4 OutColor; = mad(, FragmentColor.w, + * FragmentColor.w;
OutColor.w = mad(-FinalColor.w, FragmentColor.w, FinalColor.w);
return OutColor;
• Store radiance computed by forward lighting into PPLL / Force early-Z
• Sort and blend in the following pass
• PPLL layout: DX11 StructuredBuffer
 Pack HDR radiance from half4 to uint: for memory, bandwidth, and cache alignment (128 bit)
UE4 Integration
struct FOitLinkedListDataElement
half4 Radiance;
uint NormalAndOpacity;
uint Depth;
uint Next;
struct FOitLinkedListDataElement
uint RadianceRGY32;
uint NormalAndOpacity;
uint Depth;
uint Next;
float3 UnpackRGY32(uint PackedColor)
const float ONE_OVER_255 = 1.0f / 255.0f;
float3 RGB;
RGB.r = (PackedColor & 0xff000000) >> 24;
RGB.g = (PackedColor & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
RGB.b = 255.0f - (RGB.r + RGB.g);
float Luminance = f16tof32(PackedColor);
return RGB * Luminance * ONE_OVER_255;
uint PackRGY32(float3 Color)
float Luminance = (Color.r + Color.g + Color.b);
Color.rg /= Luminance;
uint PackedValue = uint(Color.r * 255.0f + 0.5f) << 24
| uint(Color.g * 255.0f + 0.5f) << 16;
PackedValue |= f32tof16(Luminance);
return PackedValue;
Rendering Results
• Serious pixel over draws due to layered geometry
• Optimization: single pass Opacity Thresholding using UAV
 Observation: Alpha blending of hair is not for transparency but for rendering thin strands with clean
silhouettes, and hair textures has almost opaque texels (especially inner layers) excepts hair tips
 Goal: Reduce drawing invisible pixels occluded by almost opaque pixels from the same geometry
 Unordered Opacity Thresholding
Reducing Pixel Over Draws
• Set the opacity threshold for each hair material: ex) 0.95
• Do manual Z test with an additional UAV Z buffer RWTexture2D<uint> in PS
 Try to write Z if opacity of a fragment is higher than the opacity threshold
 Always do Z test with the UAV Z buffer
const uint DepthAsUint = asuint(SVPosition.w);
const uint DepthToWrite = (Opacity > OpacityThreshold) ? DepthAsUint : INVALID_UINT;
uint OldMinDepthAsUint;
InterlockedMin(OitOpacityThresholdingDepthUAV[int2(SVPosition.xy)], DepthToWrite, OldMinDepthAsUint);
if (DepthAsUint > OldMinDepthAsUint)
Unordered Opacity Thresholding
• Added costs to read and write the UAV but reduced the total rendering cost
• +5~10% rendering speed and -15% memory usage
 Reduced heavy lighting costs
 Reduced PPLL size
 No additional draw calls
 Unpredictable performance gain
by the rasterization order
Rendering Results
• More efficient unordered opacity thresholding
 Exploit the order of triangle indices and locality?
 Multiple meshes: adding per-geometry draw calls but reducing per-pixel over draws
• Use ROV for DX12
Future Work: OIT
• Per-pixel lighting for transparent materials
• Based on an experimental feature of UE4
• Limited usage
 For hair / For glass and others in the future
• Supports approximated shadows
 Transparent Deferred Shadows
Forward+ Lighting
• 16x16 tiled culling
• Forward light data
 Constant buffer: faster than Structured Buffer (NV)
 128 bit stride: cache efficiency, under 64KB
Forward+ Lighting
Forward+ Lighting
Forward+ Lighting + Shadowing + Scattering
• Problem of forward shadowing
 Adding complex nested dynamic branch / GPR pressure
 Increasing forward light data (CB): shadow matrix and other parameters
 Using many VRAM simultaneously (CSM and cube shadow maps)
• Transparent shadow approximation:
 Volumetric attenuation on the front-most transparent pixels
 Integrated with the deferred shadow pass
 Inaccurate but acceptable looks
Transparent Deferred Shadows
1) Transparent Z Pre Pass
 Using depth rendering material proxy if needed
 The buffer is used for post processing as well
2) Shadow Depth and Deferred Shadows Passes
 Shadow Depth Pass: Also using depth rendering material proxy
 Deferred Shadows Pass: Compute volume lighting attenuation if transparent Z is less than opaque Z
 Resolve the deferred shadowing buffer into a texture array for each light
3) Forward+ Lighting Pass
 Fetching shadow amount from the texture array and weighting according to opacity
Transparent Deferred Shadows
float DeferredShadow = DeferredShadowsTextureArray.SampleLevel(PointSampler, float3(ScreenUV, LightIndex), 0).x;
DeferredShadow = lerp(1, DeferredShadow, Opacity);
Deferred Shadows : Transparent Deferred Shadows
Final Rendering
* =
• Many lights and various materials for forward+ lighting
• Faster reading forward light data
• Better shadowing for inner layers
 Attenuation by screen Z?
• Solve conflict of storage for transparent shadows and single scattering
 Currently single scattering is ignored when hair strands are on the skin
Future Work: Lighting and Shadowing
• Marschner’s: hair strand = cylinder
• Three components of specular
 Primary reflection: R
 Secondary reflection: TRT
 Transmission: TT
• + fake light scattering
Physically Based Shading Model
Hair Lighting
R: Primary Reflection
TRT: Secondary Reflection
TT: Transmission
• Longitudinal Scattering
 Using ALU
 Gaussian function instead of lookup table
• Azimuthal Scattering
 Very complex math
 2D function -> lookup table with constant material properties
 Texture 2D Array: CosPhi, CosTheta, HairProfileID
ALU : Lookup Table
float3 ComputeLongitudinalScattering(float3 Theta, float Roughness)
const float bR = DecodeHairLongitudinalWidth(Roughness);
const float3 Beta3 = float3(bR, bR * 0.5, bR * 2);
return exp(-0.5 * Square(Theta) / Square(Beta3) ) / (sqrt(2.0 * PI) * Beta3);
U V Index
• Define per-hair properties
 Create a lookup table for azimuthal scattering according to this asset
 G buffer-free
 Reusable
• Lookup table
 Scalar light transfer for TRT and TT / performance reason
 R: R, G: TRT, B: TT, A: Unused
Hair Profile Asset
• To give scalar TRT/TT spectral color
• Physically, volumetric attenuation by transmission
 Angle: light, camera and tangent
 Thickness: 1 - opacity (to brighten hair tips)
 Travel distance of light: 2 * TT = TRT
Color Shift
const float Thickness = (1.0 - Opacity);
const float ColorTintFactor = saturate(CosThetaD) + Square(Thickness) + 1e-4;
const float2 BaseColorTintPower = float2(0.6, 1.2) / ColorTintFactor;
float3 TTColorTint = pow(BaseColor, BaseColorTintPower.x);
float3 TRTColorTint = pow(BaseColor, BaseColorTintPower.y);
• Fake Scattering: similar to UE 4.11
 Volumetric attenuation and color shift using transparent deferred shadows
 Phase function with camera and light vectors: from forward to backward scattering
 Per-light scattering effect
Scattering: Direct Lighting
float3 ScatteringLighting = 0;
if (bShadowed)
float HGPhaseFunc = HGPhaseFunctionSchlick(VoL, ScatteringAnisotropy);
float3 ScatteringColor = GBuffer.BaseColor * Shadow;
float3 ScatterAttenuation = saturate(pow(ScatteringColor / Luminance(ScatteringColor), 1.0 - Shadow));
ScatteringLighting = ScatteringColor * ScatterAttenuation * HGPhaseFunc * ScatteringIntensity;
Fake Scattering
• Screen Space Volume Photon Mapping
 Use OIT PPLL as the volume photon map: radiance, normal and depth
 Gather nearest photons on the front-most pixels after sorting
 3 x 3 Gaussian kernel
 Isotropic phase function: hard to handle per-material properties
 Can’t filter radiance from other geometry but it will be attenuated
 Flickering due to UAV writing -> reduced by TAA
Scattering: Indirect Lighting
float2 PhotonScreenUV = InScreenUV + float2(SEARCH_RADIUS * dx, SEARCH_RADIUS * dy);
int2 PhotonAddress = int2(PhotonScreenUV * View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.xy +;
uint PhotonListIndex = OitLinkedListHeadAddressSRV[PhotonAddress];
if (PhotonListIndex == INVALID_UINT)
FOitLinkedListDataElement Photon = OitLinkedListDataSRV[PhotonListIndex];
float3 PhotonRadiance = UnpackRGY32(Photon.RadianceRGY32);
float3 PhotonNormal = GetNormalFromPack(Photon.NormalAndOpacity);
float CosTheta = dot(FrontmostNormal, PhotonNormal);
float3 PhotonPositionWS = ConstructWorldPosition(PhotonScreenUV, asfloat(Photon.Depth));
float R3 = distance(FrontmostPositionWS, PhotonPositionWS) * PHOTON_DISTANCE_SCALE;
float3 PhotonContribution = 3.0 * PhotonRadiance;
PhotonContribution /= R3;
PhotonContribution *= HGPhaseFunctionSchlick(CosTheta, MATERIAL_ANISOTROPY); // isotropic
GaussPhotonScattering += PhotonContribution * GaussianWeights[GaussianWeightIndex];
Screen Space Volume Photon Mapping
Diffuse Lighting
• Tangent Lambertian
DiffuseLighting = max(0, sqrt(1 – SinThetaI * SinTetaI))
* EnergeConservingWrappedDiffuse(N, L, 1)
* DiffuseIntensity
Final Rendering
• Specular parameters
 Noise: fuzzy highlight
 Roughness: width and strength of highlight
 Shift: position of highlight peek
 + binding a hair profile asset
• Diffuse, fake scattering and textures
• Other hair parameters
-> To create various styled hairs
Hair Material
• Better scattering
• Material LOD
• Finding the best method for a certain hair style
Future Work: Hair Shading
Metal Rendering
• Experimental
• Anisotropic GGX
• Far Cry 4 style
• To all lighting components
 Direct lighting, sky lighting, reflection environment, SSR, etc.
 Using tangent irradiance map?
Anisotropic Specular
Shadow Rendering
• For a character viewer and a lobby
 EVSM: Exponential Variance Shadow Maps
• For the game scene
 Sun: PCSS
 Other types of lights: PCF / No changes from UE4
 Additional shadows: Screen Space Inner Shadows (new feature)
Scene-Specific Shadows
• Experimental
• Pre-filtered shadows
 No changes from the original algorithm
 Nice look but light leaks and low performance
• Optimization
 CSM split limits: maximum 2
 Scissor test: larger than screen space shadow bounds
• For Sun in the game scene
• One of an effect of time of lighting changes
 Day and night cycle in the game play
 Different blur size by time: sharp at noon, soft at sunrise and sunset
 Different blur size by distance between occluders and receivers
• Optimization
 CSM split limits: maximum 2
• Temporal reprojection
 Reduce flickering due to moving Sun, and sampling artifacts
 Lerp according to difference between prev and current frame
float2 Attenuation = Texture2DSample(SunLightAttenuationTexture, TextureSamplerPoint, PrevScreenUV).xy;
float2 ShadowAndSSSTransmission = float2(Shadow, SSSTransmission);
const float2 TAAFactor = Square(1.0 - abs(ShadowAndSSSTransmission - Attenuation));
ShadowAndSSSTransmission = lerp(ShadowAndSSSTransmission, Attenuation, 0.5 * TAAFactor);
• Shadows in shadows:
 Darker shadows on environment occluded by characters
 Better looks when a character is on the shadowed surfaces
 Directionality: difference from AO
• Using scene depth
 No preprocessing or asset settings
 Comparison> Capsule based: The Order: 1886 or UE 4.11
Screen Space Inner Shadows
• G-buffer changes: add caster and receiver bit masks
1) Stencil Masking Pass
 Write stencil at shadowed pixels by Sun
 Ignore unlit pixels
2) Shadow Rendering Pass: SSR styled ray marching
 Shoot rays to the half vector between Sun and Sky
 Limit max tracing distance: artistic choice and performance win
 Temporal reprojection to the previous frame’s buffer
Screen Space Inner Shadows
L Sky
Sun ShadowInner Shadow
• ½ resolution buffer
• Separable Gaussian blur
• Approximately 0.5 ms
• Shadow amount is applied for
sky lighting and GI with a receiver mask
Screen Space Inner Shadows
• Important for game visuals
 Look
 Day and night cycle
• How to reduce costs and flickering?
 High draw calls
 Moving Sun
Future Work: Shadow Rendering
Run-time Rigged Physics Simulation
• Movement of short hair
• Trembling body fat and cloth wrinkles
• To reduce work load of artists
• Define simulator assets in the editor
 Currently we support spring simulation only
• Group vertices
 According to vertex colors roughly painted by artists, and the simulator assets
• Sample simulator bones
 In the bounds of a vertex group / according to a density setting / snap to the nearest vertex
 Poisson distribution / deterministic sampling
• Rig the simulator bones
 Simulator bone -> become a child of the nearest bone in a character
 Vertex -> rigged with the nearest simulator bone
 Distance based skinning weights
• Trying to rich animation with various methods
 Module based animation
 Procedural animation
 Physics simulation
• They may be introduced by other conferences
 ex) NDC 2017?
Animation Techniques of A1
Low Level Shader
• Using the GPU profiler of UE4
 Checking rendering costs and doing high level shader optimization
• Using RenderDoc, Intel GPA, and AMD GPU PerfStudio
 Debugging shader code and doing low level shader optimization
• Rewriting shader code by hand with optimization references
• Only critical parts of shader written by Epic Games
 To upgrade a new version of the engine continously
 We will check all of shader code before shipping
• Currently we focus on shader written by ours
• This talk shows examples of our optimization
Target Code
Before After
Static Branch with Preprocessor
float3 L = (LightPositionAndIsDirectional.w == 1)
: normalize(
- OpaqueWorldPosition);
#if USE_FADE_PLANE // CSM case = directional light
float3 L =;
float3 L = (LightPositionAndIsDirectional.w == 1)
: normalize(
- OpaqueWorldPosition);
Before After
Vectorization and Explicit MAD
float2 LookupUV = float2(CosPhiD, CosThetaD) * 0.5 + 0.5;
float Backlit = saturate(-CosThetaD * 0.5 + 0.5);
float3 LookupUVandBacklit = saturate(mad(float3(CosPhiD,
CosThetaD, -CosThetaD), 0.5, 0.5));
Before After
Share Preceding Computation
for (int X = 0; X < NumSamplesSqrt; ++X)
for (int Y = 0; Y < NumSamplesSqrt; Y++)
float2 ShadowOffset = TexelSize * StepSize
* float2(X, Y);
const float2 BaseTexelSize = TexelSize * StepSize;
for (int X = 0; X < NumSamplesSqrt; ++X)
for (int Y = 0; Y < NumSamplesSqrt; Y++)
float2 ShadowOffset = BaseTexelSize * float2(X, Y);
Before After
Rearrange Scalar/Vector Operation
float3 DiffuseLighting = (TangentDiffuse * GBuffer.DiffuseColor)
/ PI * NoLWrapped * ShadowColor;
float3 DiffuseLighting = GBuffer.DiffuseColor
* (TangentDiffuse / PI * NoLWrapped * ShadowColor);
Before After
Use Modifiers as Input
Force += -normalize(Position) * Simulation.GravityStrength; Force += normalize(-Position) * Simulation.GravityStrength;
Before After
Rearrange Code Lines
// 무언가 긴 작업…
// 셰이더 메인이 시작 후 최대한 빨리…
Use termination if possible
Early-Z, Stencil, and Discard
if (GBuffer.ShadingModelID != 0)
float Attenuation = Texture2DSample(SunLightAttenuationTexture, TextureSamplerPoint, ScreenUV).x;
if (Attenuation > 0.99)
void OrderIndependentTransparencyCompositePixelMain(
float2 InScreenUV: TexCoord0, float4 InSVPosition: SV_Position, out float4 OutColor: SV_Target0)
Data packing and cache line alignment
ALU VS. lookup table
Misc.: Above Metioned
uint RadianceRGY32;
half4 Radiance;
float3 ComputeLongitudinalScattering(float3 Theta, float Roughness)
const float bR = DecodeHairLongitudinalWidth(Roughness);
const float3 Beta3 = float3(bR, bR * 0.5, bR * 2);
return exp(-0.5 * Square(Theta) / Square(Beta3) ) / (sqrt(2.0 * PI) * Beta3);
• Continuous work
• Optimization of shader written by Epic Games
• Although aggressive and smart optimization of a shader compiler is
amazing, it sometimes produces unwanted results.
• Need explicitly writing GPU friendly code and checking disassembly
Future Work: Low Level Shader Optimization
• New IP of Nexon
• AAA-Quality Graphics
• With Cutting Edge Graphics Technology
• In Development
Summary of This Talk
• Colleagues of A1
• Support Team of Epic Korea
• Authors of References
• AMD TressFX Hair
• Burke, “Hair In Destiny”, SIGGRAPH 2014
• Burley, “Extending the Disney BRDF to a BSDF with Integrated Subsurface Scattering”, SIGGRAPH 2015
• d‘Eon, “An Energy-Conserving Hair Reflectance Model”, ESR 2011
• GCN Performance Tweets
• Wexler, “GPU-Accelerated High-Quality Hidden Surface Removal”, Graphics Hardware 2005
• Jensen, “A Practical Model for Subsurface Light Transport”, SIGGRAPH 2001
• Jimenez, “Next Generation Character Rendering”, GDC 2013
• Ki, Real-Time Subsurface Scattering using Shadow Maps, ShaderX7
• Marschner, “Light Scattering from Human Hair Fibers”, SIGGRAPH 2003
• McAuley, “Rendering the World of Far Cry 4”, GDC 2015
• Moon, Simulating multiple scattering in hair using a photon mapping approach, SIGGRAPH 2006
• More Explosions, More Chaos, and Definitely More Blowing Stuff Up: Optimizations and New DirectX Features in ‘Just Cause 3′
• Nguyen, “Hair Animation and Rendering in the Nalu Demo”, GPU Gems 2
• NVIDIA GameWorks Blog
• Persson, Low-level Shader Optimization for Next-Gen and DX11, GDC 2014
• Persson, Low-Level Thinking in High-Level Shading Languages, GDC 2013
• Pettineo, “A Sampling of Shadow Techniques”
• Phail-Liff, “Melton and Moustaches: The Character Art and Shot Lighting Pipelines of The Order: 1886”
• Thibieroz, Grass, Fur and all Things Hairy, GDC 2014
• Unreal Engine 4

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【Unite Tokyo 2018】『崩壊3rd』開発者が語るアニメ風レンダリングの極意
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DirectX 11 Rendering in Battlefield 3
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Rendering AAA-Quality Characters of Project ‘A1

  • 1. Rendering AAA-Quality Characters of Project ‘A1’ Hyunwoo Ki Lead Graphics Programmer A1 / NEXON * Translated material in English.
  • 2. • Unannounced project of Nexon / New IP  In Development  By game development experts  Target Platform: High-end PC - 60 FPS at Ultra Quality / Low-spec PCs will be okay at Medium Quality • We first announce our project at this conference A1
  • 3. • Programming Session: Character Rendering  Including resources and implementation in development  World shown in this talk is a temporary  All content can be changed in development A1@NDC 2016 • 04/27 15:20 Art Session by Art Director • 04/27 17:05 Programming Session by Senior Gameplay Programmer
  • 4. • Competitive, stunning visuals  Unprecedented quality in Korea  We show current results and technology at this conference • UE4 + @@@  Use powerful rendering features of UE4  Plus, new rendering/animation/VFX features made by our team Visual of A1
  • 5. • Skin, Hair, and Metal Rendering • Shadow Rendering • Low Level Shader Optimization • Run-time Rigged Physics Simulation Agenda
  • 7. • Multiple scattering  Dipole diffusion approximation • Included in UE4  Integration of Jimenez’s implementation  We use it without any changes SSSSS Screen Space SubSurface Scattering Activision R&D. Property of Activision Publishing. Not Actual Gameplay
  • 9. • Softer lighting • Softer shadows • Translucent look SSSSS
  • 10. • Specular along geometry silhouettes • Plastic-like look Base Normal Only
  • 11. • Specular along skin surface details • More realistic With Detail Normal
  • 12. • No transmission  Ignoring irradiance from outside of visible surfaces  Lack of a screen-space approach  There’s a solution but it isn’t included in UE4 • Low frequency lighting  Can’t handle strong scattering at a short distance Limit: UE4 SSSSS Burley, “Extending the Disney BRDF to a BSDF with Integrated Subsurface Scattering”, SIGGRAPH 2015
  • 13. • Transmission (Backlit) • Back scattering • Higher frequency lighting Single Scattering Single Scattering Multiple Scattering (dipole)
  • 15. + =Single + Multiple Scattering * Single scattering is exaggerated to show different looks on the presentation screen.
  • 16. ground truth Ki09 • Introduced in ShaderX7  Hyunwoo Ki, “Real-Time Subsurface Scattering using Shadow Maps”  Store translucent irradiance into multiple shadow maps (RSM/TSM style)  Approximate scattering distance by ray marching with shadow map projection  Estimate radiance using the stored irradiance and the scattering distance • Integrated this technique into UE4 with small changes  Deferred Single Scattering Single Scattering using Shadow Maps
  • 17. • Shoot rays from the camera  Refract rays on the surfaces • Draw stepping distance samples  Exploit Quasi Monte Carlo sampling • Project xp onto shadow maps  To approximate incident scattering distance, Si Review: [Ki09] Ray Marching                                      2 0 2 11 ,, iiiiit xs oi xs otos A π xiiiiiooiiooo ωdsdω,xLωFeω,ωpeωFx dAdωωnω,xLω,;xω,xSω,xL itioto i                   N i M j iit xs oi xs otos ω,xEeω,ωpeωFx itioto 0 0 ,,      tos lo g
  • 18. 1) Deferred Shadows Pass:  Ki’s ray marching (QMC + shadow projection)  Assume that irradiance and normal are equal for all sampling steps -> Only use the shadow depth map (no additional buffers!)  Constant scattering parameters: limited by G-buffers and performance reason  Output: scalar scattering transfer instead of shadow amount (single channel) 2) Deferred Lighting Pass:  SS = intensity * (scattering transfer * SSS color) * bidirectional Fresnel transmittance * HG phase function  Output: direct lighting + single scattering • Physically incorrect but plausible looks Deferred Single Scattering              N i M j ss iitoiots toi eω,xEω,ωpωF 0 0 ,,    2) Lighting Pass 1) Shadowing Pass
  • 19. float ComputeSingleScatteringUsingShadowMap(FGBufferData GBuffer, FShadowMapSamplerSettings Settings, float3 V, float3 L, float3 WorldPosition) { const int NumSamples = SHADOW_QUALITY * 3; const float Eta = 1.3; const float EtaInverse = 1.0 / Eta; const float ExtinctionCoefficient = 2.55; const float MeanFreePath = 1.0 / ExtinctionCoefficient; const float3 OutgoingDirection = -refract(V, -GBuffer.WorldNormal, EtaInverse.x); const float InverseNumSamples = 1.0f / (float) NumSamples; const float Sample = InverseNumSamples * 0.5; float SingleScattering = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NumSamples; ++i) { float RefractedOutgoingDistance = -log(Sample) * MeanFreePath; float3 ScatteringPoint = (OutgoingDirection * RefractedOutgoingDistance) + WorldPosition; float4 ScatteringPointInShadowSpace = mul(float4(ScatteringPoint, 1.0f), WorldToShadowMatrix); ScatteringPointInShadowSpace.xy /= ScatteringPointInShadowSpace.w; float ShadowmapDepthAtScatteringPoint = Texture2DSampleLevel(Settings.ShadowDepthTexture, Settings.ShadowDepthTextureSampler, ScatteringPointInShadowSpace.xy, 0).r; float IncidentDistance = max(0, abs((ShadowmapDepthAtScatteringPoint + Settings.ProjectionDepthBiasParameters.x) - ScatteringPointInShadowSpace.z)) * ProjectionDepthBiasParameters.y; float TravelPathLength = IncidentDistance + RefractedOutgoingDistance * DISTANCE_SCALE; float LightContribution = exp(-ExtinctionCoefficient * TravelPathLength); float Weight = exp(-ExtinctionCoefficient * RefractedOutgoingDistance); SingleScattering += LightContribution / Weight; Sample += InverseNumSamples; } return SingleScattering / (float) NumSamples * SINGLESCATTERING_INTENSITY; } Appendix) Ray marching code
  • 20. • Transmission on thin body parts  Backlit effects • Brighter skin surfaces  With texture masking / artistic choice • Added approx. 1 ms per light  At a closeup view (worst case) Rendering Results
  • 21. * Single scattering is exaggerated to show different looks on the presentation screen.
  • 22. • Using dithered, temporal sampling  Like volumetric lighting: Killzone: Shadow Fall, Loads of Fallen, INSIDE, etc.  Temporal reprojection • Replace shadow rendering for skin  Currently we use conventional PCF (UE4 default)  But we expect that volumetric attenuation by SS can represent shadowing Future Work: Single Scattering
  • 24. • Layered card mesh with alpha texture • + Hair strands mesh • Optional textures:  Color, normal, roughness, AO, specular noise, etc. • Similar to Destiny and The Order: 1886 Modeling and Texturing
  • 25. • Transparency  Alpha blending: per-pixel drawing order  Lighting: deferred lighting? (incompatible)  Shadowing: deferred shadowing? (incompatible) • Physically based shading model  Not fit to GGX Problem
  • 26. Alpha Test : Alpha Blend
  • 27. Order of Alpha Blending
  • 28. • Need per-pixel, sorted alpha blending • Choice: K-Buffer style  Per-Pixel Linked List (PPLL)  DX11 Unordered Access View (UAV)  Based on an AMD TressFX 2.0 sample  We integrated this into UE4 Order Independent Transparency (OIT)
  • 29. • Head UAV: RWTexture2D<uint>  Head indices for each linked list of pixels on the screen • PPLL UAV: RWStructuredBuffer<FOitLinkedListDataElement>  Container to store all fragments being shaded  An element is added when each fragment is drawn Review: PPLL OIT uint PixelCount = OitLinkedListPPLLDataUAV.IncrementCounter(); int2 UAVTargetIndex = int2(SVPosition.xy); uint OldStartOffset; InterlockedExchange(OitLinkedListHeadAddrUAV[UAVTargetIndex], PixelCount, OldStartOffset); OitLinkedListPPLLDataUAV[PixelCount] = NewElement;
  • 30. • K-Buffer  Do manual alpha blending for the front-most K fragments: sorted  Do manual alpha blending for the remainder fragments: unsorted • See references in detail Review: PPLL OIT float4 BlendTransparency(float4 FragmentColor, float4 FinalColor) { float4 OutColor; = mad(, FragmentColor.w, + * FragmentColor.w; OutColor.w = mad(-FinalColor.w, FragmentColor.w, FinalColor.w); return OutColor; }
  • 31. • Store radiance computed by forward lighting into PPLL / Force early-Z • Sort and blend in the following pass • PPLL layout: DX11 StructuredBuffer  Pack HDR radiance from half4 to uint: for memory, bandwidth, and cache alignment (128 bit) UE4 Integration struct FOitLinkedListDataElement { half4 Radiance; uint NormalAndOpacity; uint Depth; uint Next; }; struct FOitLinkedListDataElement { uint RadianceRGY32; uint NormalAndOpacity; uint Depth; uint Next; }; float3 UnpackRGY32(uint PackedColor) { const float ONE_OVER_255 = 1.0f / 255.0f; float3 RGB; RGB.r = (PackedColor & 0xff000000) >> 24; RGB.g = (PackedColor & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; RGB.b = 255.0f - (RGB.r + RGB.g); float Luminance = f16tof32(PackedColor); return RGB * Luminance * ONE_OVER_255; } uint PackRGY32(float3 Color) { float Luminance = (Color.r + Color.g + Color.b); Color.rg /= Luminance; uint PackedValue = uint(Color.r * 255.0f + 0.5f) << 24 | uint(Color.g * 255.0f + 0.5f) << 16; PackedValue |= f32tof16(Luminance); return PackedValue; }
  • 33. • Serious pixel over draws due to layered geometry • Optimization: single pass Opacity Thresholding using UAV  Observation: Alpha blending of hair is not for transparency but for rendering thin strands with clean silhouettes, and hair textures has almost opaque texels (especially inner layers) excepts hair tips  Goal: Reduce drawing invisible pixels occluded by almost opaque pixels from the same geometry  Unordered Opacity Thresholding Reducing Pixel Over Draws
  • 34. • Set the opacity threshold for each hair material: ex) 0.95 • Do manual Z test with an additional UAV Z buffer RWTexture2D<uint> in PS  Try to write Z if opacity of a fragment is higher than the opacity threshold  Always do Z test with the UAV Z buffer const uint DepthAsUint = asuint(SVPosition.w); const uint DepthToWrite = (Opacity > OpacityThreshold) ? DepthAsUint : INVALID_UINT; uint OldMinDepthAsUint; InterlockedMin(OitOpacityThresholdingDepthUAV[int2(SVPosition.xy)], DepthToWrite, OldMinDepthAsUint); if (DepthAsUint > OldMinDepthAsUint) { discard; } Unordered Opacity Thresholding
  • 35. • Added costs to read and write the UAV but reduced the total rendering cost • +5~10% rendering speed and -15% memory usage  Reduced heavy lighting costs  Reduced PPLL size  No additional draw calls  Unpredictable performance gain by the rasterization order Rendering Results
  • 36. • More efficient unordered opacity thresholding  Exploit the order of triangle indices and locality?  Multiple meshes: adding per-geometry draw calls but reducing per-pixel over draws • Use ROV for DX12 Future Work: OIT
  • 37. • Per-pixel lighting for transparent materials • Based on an experimental feature of UE4 • Limited usage  For hair / For glass and others in the future • Supports approximated shadows  Transparent Deferred Shadows Forward+ Lighting
  • 38. • 16x16 tiled culling • Forward light data  Constant buffer: faster than Structured Buffer (NV)  128 bit stride: cache efficiency, under 64KB  SOA? AOS? Forward+ Lighting
  • 40. Forward+ Lighting + Shadowing + Scattering
  • 41. • Problem of forward shadowing  Adding complex nested dynamic branch / GPR pressure  Increasing forward light data (CB): shadow matrix and other parameters  Using many VRAM simultaneously (CSM and cube shadow maps) • Transparent shadow approximation:  Volumetric attenuation on the front-most transparent pixels  Integrated with the deferred shadow pass  Inaccurate but acceptable looks Transparent Deferred Shadows
  • 42. 1) Transparent Z Pre Pass  Using depth rendering material proxy if needed  The buffer is used for post processing as well 2) Shadow Depth and Deferred Shadows Passes  Shadow Depth Pass: Also using depth rendering material proxy  Deferred Shadows Pass: Compute volume lighting attenuation if transparent Z is less than opaque Z  Resolve the deferred shadowing buffer into a texture array for each light 3) Forward+ Lighting Pass  Fetching shadow amount from the texture array and weighting according to opacity Transparent Deferred Shadows float DeferredShadow = DeferredShadowsTextureArray.SampleLevel(PointSampler, float3(ScreenUV, LightIndex), 0).x; DeferredShadow = lerp(1, DeferredShadow, Opacity);
  • 43. Deferred Shadows : Transparent Deferred Shadows
  • 45. • Many lights and various materials for forward+ lighting • Faster reading forward light data • Better shadowing for inner layers  Attenuation by screen Z? • Solve conflict of storage for transparent shadows and single scattering  Currently single scattering is ignored when hair strands are on the skin Future Work: Lighting and Shadowing
  • 46. • Marschner’s: hair strand = cylinder • Three components of specular  Primary reflection: R  Secondary reflection: TRT  Transmission: TT • + fake light scattering Physically Based Shading Model
  • 51. • Longitudinal Scattering  Using ALU  Gaussian function instead of lookup table • Azimuthal Scattering  Very complex math  2D function -> lookup table with constant material properties  Texture 2D Array: CosPhi, CosTheta, HairProfileID ALU : Lookup Table float3 ComputeLongitudinalScattering(float3 Theta, float Roughness) { const float bR = DecodeHairLongitudinalWidth(Roughness); const float3 Beta3 = float3(bR, bR * 0.5, bR * 2); return exp(-0.5 * Square(Theta) / Square(Beta3) ) / (sqrt(2.0 * PI) * Beta3); } U V Index
  • 52. • Define per-hair properties  Create a lookup table for azimuthal scattering according to this asset  G buffer-free  Reusable • Lookup table  Scalar light transfer for TRT and TT / performance reason  R: R, G: TRT, B: TT, A: Unused Hair Profile Asset
  • 53. • To give scalar TRT/TT spectral color • Physically, volumetric attenuation by transmission  Angle: light, camera and tangent  Thickness: 1 - opacity (to brighten hair tips)  Travel distance of light: 2 * TT = TRT Color Shift const float Thickness = (1.0 - Opacity); const float ColorTintFactor = saturate(CosThetaD) + Square(Thickness) + 1e-4; const float2 BaseColorTintPower = float2(0.6, 1.2) / ColorTintFactor; float3 TTColorTint = pow(BaseColor, BaseColorTintPower.x); float3 TRTColorTint = pow(BaseColor, BaseColorTintPower.y);
  • 54. • Fake Scattering: similar to UE 4.11  Volumetric attenuation and color shift using transparent deferred shadows  Phase function with camera and light vectors: from forward to backward scattering  Per-light scattering effect Scattering: Direct Lighting float3 ScatteringLighting = 0; if (bShadowed) { float HGPhaseFunc = HGPhaseFunctionSchlick(VoL, ScatteringAnisotropy); float3 ScatteringColor = GBuffer.BaseColor * Shadow; float3 ScatterAttenuation = saturate(pow(ScatteringColor / Luminance(ScatteringColor), 1.0 - Shadow)); ScatteringLighting = ScatteringColor * ScatterAttenuation * HGPhaseFunc * ScatteringIntensity; }
  • 56. • Screen Space Volume Photon Mapping  Use OIT PPLL as the volume photon map: radiance, normal and depth  Gather nearest photons on the front-most pixels after sorting  3 x 3 Gaussian kernel  Isotropic phase function: hard to handle per-material properties  Can’t filter radiance from other geometry but it will be attenuated  Flickering due to UAV writing -> reduced by TAA Scattering: Indirect Lighting float2 PhotonScreenUV = InScreenUV + float2(SEARCH_RADIUS * dx, SEARCH_RADIUS * dy); int2 PhotonAddress = int2(PhotonScreenUV * View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.xy +; uint PhotonListIndex = OitLinkedListHeadAddressSRV[PhotonAddress]; if (PhotonListIndex == INVALID_UINT) { continue; } FOitLinkedListDataElement Photon = OitLinkedListDataSRV[PhotonListIndex]; float3 PhotonRadiance = UnpackRGY32(Photon.RadianceRGY32); float3 PhotonNormal = GetNormalFromPack(Photon.NormalAndOpacity); float CosTheta = dot(FrontmostNormal, PhotonNormal); float3 PhotonPositionWS = ConstructWorldPosition(PhotonScreenUV, asfloat(Photon.Depth)); float R3 = distance(FrontmostPositionWS, PhotonPositionWS) * PHOTON_DISTANCE_SCALE; float3 PhotonContribution = 3.0 * PhotonRadiance; PhotonContribution /= R3; PhotonContribution *= HGPhaseFunctionSchlick(CosTheta, MATERIAL_ANISOTROPY); // isotropic GaussPhotonScattering += PhotonContribution * GaussianWeights[GaussianWeightIndex];
  • 57. Screen Space Volume Photon Mapping
  • 58. Diffuse Lighting • Tangent Lambertian DiffuseLighting = max(0, sqrt(1 – SinThetaI * SinTetaI)) * EnergeConservingWrappedDiffuse(N, L, 1) * DiffuseIntensity
  • 60. • Specular parameters  Noise: fuzzy highlight  Roughness: width and strength of highlight  Shift: position of highlight peek  + binding a hair profile asset • Diffuse, fake scattering and textures • Other hair parameters -> To create various styled hairs Hair Material
  • 61. • Better scattering • Material LOD • Finding the best method for a certain hair style Future Work: Hair Shading
  • 63. • Experimental • Anisotropic GGX • Far Cry 4 style • To all lighting components  Direct lighting, sky lighting, reflection environment, SSR, etc.  Using tangent irradiance map? Anisotropic Specular
  • 65. • For a character viewer and a lobby  EVSM: Exponential Variance Shadow Maps • For the game scene  Sun: PCSS  Other types of lights: PCF / No changes from UE4  Additional shadows: Screen Space Inner Shadows (new feature) Scene-Specific Shadows
  • 66. • Experimental • Pre-filtered shadows  No changes from the original algorithm  Nice look but light leaks and low performance • Optimization  CSM split limits: maximum 2  Scissor test: larger than screen space shadow bounds EVSM
  • 67. • For Sun in the game scene • One of an effect of time of lighting changes  Day and night cycle in the game play  Different blur size by time: sharp at noon, soft at sunrise and sunset  Different blur size by distance between occluders and receivers • Optimization  CSM split limits: maximum 2 • Temporal reprojection  Reduce flickering due to moving Sun, and sampling artifacts  Lerp according to difference between prev and current frame PCSS float2 Attenuation = Texture2DSample(SunLightAttenuationTexture, TextureSamplerPoint, PrevScreenUV).xy; float2 ShadowAndSSSTransmission = float2(Shadow, SSSTransmission); const float2 TAAFactor = Square(1.0 - abs(ShadowAndSSSTransmission - Attenuation)); ShadowAndSSSTransmission = lerp(ShadowAndSSSTransmission, Attenuation, 0.5 * TAAFactor);
  • 68.
  • 69.
  • 70.
  • 71. • Shadows in shadows:  Darker shadows on environment occluded by characters  Better looks when a character is on the shadowed surfaces  Directionality: difference from AO • Using scene depth  No preprocessing or asset settings  Comparison> Capsule based: The Order: 1886 or UE 4.11 Screen Space Inner Shadows
  • 72. • G-buffer changes: add caster and receiver bit masks 1) Stencil Masking Pass  Write stencil at shadowed pixels by Sun  Ignore unlit pixels 2) Shadow Rendering Pass: SSR styled ray marching  Shoot rays to the half vector between Sun and Sky  Limit max tracing distance: artistic choice and performance win  Temporal reprojection to the previous frame’s buffer Screen Space Inner Shadows L Sky H Sun ShadowInner Shadow
  • 73. • ½ resolution buffer • Separable Gaussian blur • Approximately 0.5 ms • Shadow amount is applied for sky lighting and GI with a receiver mask Screen Space Inner Shadows
  • 74. • Important for game visuals  Look  Day and night cycle • How to reduce costs and flickering?  High draw calls  Moving Sun Future Work: Shadow Rendering
  • 76. • Movement of short hair • Trembling body fat and cloth wrinkles • To reduce work load of artists Goal
  • 77. • Define simulator assets in the editor  Currently we support spring simulation only • Group vertices  According to vertex colors roughly painted by artists, and the simulator assets • Sample simulator bones  In the bounds of a vertex group / according to a density setting / snap to the nearest vertex  Poisson distribution / deterministic sampling • Rig the simulator bones  Simulator bone -> become a child of the nearest bone in a character  Vertex -> rigged with the nearest simulator bone  Distance based skinning weights Algorithm
  • 78. • Trying to rich animation with various methods  Module based animation  Procedural animation  Physics simulation • They may be introduced by other conferences  ex) NDC 2017? Animation Techniques of A1
  • 80. • Using the GPU profiler of UE4  Checking rendering costs and doing high level shader optimization • Using RenderDoc, Intel GPA, and AMD GPU PerfStudio  Debugging shader code and doing low level shader optimization • Rewriting shader code by hand with optimization references Approach
  • 81. • Only critical parts of shader written by Epic Games  To upgrade a new version of the engine continously  We will check all of shader code before shipping • Currently we focus on shader written by ours • This talk shows examples of our optimization Target Code
  • 82. Before After Static Branch with Preprocessor float3 L = (LightPositionAndIsDirectional.w == 1) ? : normalize( - OpaqueWorldPosition); #if USE_FADE_PLANE // CSM case = directional light float3 L =; #else float3 L = (LightPositionAndIsDirectional.w == 1) ? : normalize( - OpaqueWorldPosition); #endif
  • 83. Before After Vectorization and Explicit MAD float2 LookupUV = float2(CosPhiD, CosThetaD) * 0.5 + 0.5; float Backlit = saturate(-CosThetaD * 0.5 + 0.5); float3 LookupUVandBacklit = saturate(mad(float3(CosPhiD, CosThetaD, -CosThetaD), 0.5, 0.5));
  • 84. Before After Share Preceding Computation for (int X = 0; X < NumSamplesSqrt; ++X) { for (int Y = 0; Y < NumSamplesSqrt; Y++) { float2 ShadowOffset = TexelSize * StepSize * float2(X, Y); const float2 BaseTexelSize = TexelSize * StepSize; … for (int X = 0; X < NumSamplesSqrt; ++X) { for (int Y = 0; Y < NumSamplesSqrt; Y++) { float2 ShadowOffset = BaseTexelSize * float2(X, Y);
  • 85. Before After Rearrange Scalar/Vector Operation float3 DiffuseLighting = (TangentDiffuse * GBuffer.DiffuseColor) / PI * NoLWrapped * ShadowColor; float3 DiffuseLighting = GBuffer.DiffuseColor * (TangentDiffuse / PI * NoLWrapped * ShadowColor);
  • 86. Before After Use Modifiers as Input Force += -normalize(Position) * Simulation.GravityStrength; Force += normalize(-Position) * Simulation.GravityStrength;
  • 87. Before After Rearrange Code Lines // 무언가 긴 작업… // clip(OpacityMask); // 셰이더 메인이 시작 후 최대한 빨리… // clip(OpacityMask);
  • 88. Use termination if possible Early-Z, Stencil, and Discard if (GBuffer.ShadingModelID != 0) { discard; } float Attenuation = Texture2DSample(SunLightAttenuationTexture, TextureSamplerPoint, ScreenUV).x; if (Attenuation > 0.99) { discard; } ------- [EARLYDEPTHSTENCIL] void OrderIndependentTransparencyCompositePixelMain( float2 InScreenUV: TexCoord0, float4 InSVPosition: SV_Position, out float4 OutColor: SV_Target0) { …
  • 89. Data packing and cache line alignment ALU VS. lookup table Misc.: Above Metioned #if OIT_PACK_RADIANCE uint RadianceRGY32; #else half4 Radiance; #endif float3 ComputeLongitudinalScattering(float3 Theta, float Roughness) { const float bR = DecodeHairLongitudinalWidth(Roughness); const float3 Beta3 = float3(bR, bR * 0.5, bR * 2); return exp(-0.5 * Square(Theta) / Square(Beta3) ) / (sqrt(2.0 * PI) * Beta3); }
  • 90. • Continuous work • Optimization of shader written by Epic Games • Although aggressive and smart optimization of a shader compiler is amazing, it sometimes produces unwanted results. • Need explicitly writing GPU friendly code and checking disassembly Future Work: Low Level Shader Optimization
  • 91. • New IP of Nexon • AAA-Quality Graphics • With Cutting Edge Graphics Technology • In Development Summary of This Talk
  • 92. • Colleagues of A1 • Support Team of Epic Korea • Authors of References Acknowledgement
  • 94. • AMD TressFX Hair  • Burke, “Hair In Destiny”, SIGGRAPH 2014  • Burley, “Extending the Disney BRDF to a BSDF with Integrated Subsurface Scattering”, SIGGRAPH 2015  • d‘Eon, “An Energy-Conserving Hair Reflectance Model”, ESR 2011  • GCN Performance Tweets  • Wexler, “GPU-Accelerated High-Quality Hidden Surface Removal”, Graphics Hardware 2005  • Jensen, “A Practical Model for Subsurface Light Transport”, SIGGRAPH 2001  • Jimenez, “Next Generation Character Rendering”, GDC 2013  • Ki, Real-Time Subsurface Scattering using Shadow Maps, ShaderX7  • Marschner, “Light Scattering from Human Hair Fibers”, SIGGRAPH 2003  • McAuley, “Rendering the World of Far Cry 4”, GDC 2015  • Moon, Simulating multiple scattering in hair using a photon mapping approach, SIGGRAPH 2006  • More Explosions, More Chaos, and Definitely More Blowing Stuff Up: Optimizations and New DirectX Features in ‘Just Cause 3′  • Nguyen, “Hair Animation and Rendering in the Nalu Demo”, GPU Gems 2  • NVIDIA GameWorks Blog  • Persson, Low-level Shader Optimization for Next-Gen and DX11, GDC 2014  • Persson, Low-Level Thinking in High-Level Shading Languages, GDC 2013  • Pettineo, “A Sampling of Shadow Techniques”  • Phail-Liff, “Melton and Moustaches: The Character Art and Shot Lighting Pipelines of The Order: 1886”  • Thibieroz, Grass, Fur and all Things Hairy, GDC 2014  • Unreal Engine 4  References