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The Path to Homo sapiens sapiens
Evidence of Connexions Amongst the Primates and
               Hominim Ancestors
Primate Phylogeny
         ●   Humans are primates and we are more
             closely related, both genetically and
             anatomically, to chimpanzees than to
             any other species
         ●   It is therefore assumed that we share
             behavioural and conceptual similarities
             with the primates
         ●   This assumption has been highly
             significant in psychological studies, and
             also in philosophical inquiries—the
             similarities in brain structure and
             perception, an inheritance of our distant
             evolutionary past, may bring inherited
             patterns of thought and perception
         ●   The work of Carl Jung and Sigmund
             Freud returned to this point regularly,
             but even phenomenological studies
             have flirted with the existence of
             common thoughts and perceptions
             governed by our senses and physiology
The Oldest Primates
●   The oldest anthropoid fossil known
    dates from ca. 35 million years ago
    and derives from Thailand and is
    called Siamopithecus eocaenus
●   It weighed roughly 7 kg, being roughly
    the same size as a modern gibbon
●   This species shares many similarities
    with ancient primates in Africa,
    suggesting a broad distribution of
    primates across southern Asia
●   In Africa, the oldest primate is that of
    Aegyptopithecus, which resembled a
    modern lemur in size
●   Surviving teeth from both species
    suggests that they were primarily fruit
    eating animals living in the trees
Proconsul africanus
          ●   Proconsul is one of the best
              represented Miocene hominims in the
              fossil record
          ●   It lived from approximately 23 to 14
              million years ago
          ●   From the full arrray of remains it has
              been      shown    that   there    was
              considerable variation in this genus
              Body sizes ranged from that of a small
              monkey (10 pounds) to that of a female
              gorilla (150 pounds)
          ●   They also inhabited a wide range of
              environmental niches: this included
              open woodlands as well as dense rain
              forests and it is believed that perhaps
              some were partially terrestrial
          ●   This is regarded as crucial for later
              evolution, insofar that they could cope
              with a broad spectrum of environmental
●   They exhibit the typical Old World
    anthropoid dental pattern of 2-1-2-3.
    Proconsul also has the typical 5-Y
    pattern of cusps seen in the lower
    molars of hominims
●   Their teeth also consist of a thin layer
    of enamel which suggests that they
    were probably fruit eaters
●   Brain size estimates show that their
    brains were as large or larger than
    contemporary Old World monkeys
    though probably not as large as
    contemporary hominims
●   Collection of fruit, roots and nuts on
    the ground was a probably aspect of
    their subsistence
●   It is perhaps this trend towards
    spending time on the ground that
    triggered a movement towards
      ●   Sivapithecus is a genus of extinct
          primates, dated from 12.5 million to 8.5
          million years old
      ●   They are known from India and Pakistan,
          the first specimens having been found in
          the 19th century
      ●   Sivapithecus was about 1.5 metres in
          body length, similar in size to a modern
      ●   Some specimens were considered to
          represent Ramapithecus, another species,
          but they are now regarded as Sivapithecus
      ●   The shape of its wrists and general body
          proportions suggest that it may have spent
          a significant amount of its time on the
          ground, as well as in trees
      ●   It had large canine teeth, and heavy
          molars, suggesting a diet of relatively
          tough food, such as seeds and savannah
The Genetic Evidence
Inferences of Chimpanzee-Human Divergence
                      ●   Approximately six percent of human
                          and chimpanzee genes are unique to
                          those species, but we share over 99%
                          of our genetic material with them
                      ●   Most of the big differences between
                          human and chimpanzee DNA lie in
                          regions that do not code for genes
                      ●   Instead, they may contain DNA
                          sequences that control how gene-
                          coding regions are activated and read
                      ●   Studies looking for stretches of DNA
                          that were highly conserved amongst
                          chimpanzees, mice and rats were
                          then compared those sequences to
                          the human genome sequence, to find
                          pieces of DNA that had undergone the
                          most rapid change since the
                          ancestors of chimps and humans
                          diverged about five million years ago
Genetic Divergence and Brain Development
●   This resulted in the discovery of 202 'highly
    accelerated regions' or HARs, which
    showed a high rate of evolution between
    humans and chimpanzees
●   Only three of those regions contain genes
    that are likely to encode proteins
●   The most dramatically accelerated region,
    HAR1, appears to make a piece of RNA
    that may have a function in brain
●   The other highly accelerated regions do not
    appear to code for genes at all, but many
    are located close to genes involved in
    controlling when other genes get made, or
    in growth and development
●   A genetic change, therefore, possibly
    occurred that triggered brain development
    in hominids leading to our line which was
    not shared with chimpanzees
Dating the Divergence
           ●   The evolutionary split between human
               and chimpanzee may be much more
               recent, and much more complicated, than
               has previously been thought
           ●   The results of some genetic studies show
               that the two species split no more than
               6.3 million years ago and probably less
               than 5.4 million years ago
           ●   Moreover, the speciation process was
               unusual, possibly involving an initial split
               followed by later hybridisation before a
               final separation
           ●   The time of from the beginning to the
               completion of divergence between the
               two species ranges over more than 4
               million years across different parts of the
           ●   This range is much larger than had been
               expected according to assumptions made
               on the basis of the fossil evidence alone
An Earlier Divergence than Supposed ?
●   The youngest regions are unexpectedly
    recent, being no more than 6.3 million
    years old and probably no more than 5.4
    million years old
●   This finding implies that human-chimp
    speciation itself is far more recent than
    previously thought
●   If one looks only at the X chromosome, it
    almost entirely falls at the lower end of
    the time frame
●   The     estimate    that   humans     and
    chimpanzees probably split less than 5.4
    million years ago is more recent by ~1 to
    2 million years than a previous estimate
    of 6.5 - 7.4 million years based on the
    famous       Toumaï      hominid    fossil   The     cranium     of Sahelanthropus
    (Sahelanthropus tchadensis), which has       tchadensis,     which  is   commonly
    features thought to be distinctive to the    regarded as on the evolutionary
    human lineage                                trajectory of humans
●   It is possible that the Toumaï fossil is
    more recent than previously thought,
    but if the dating is correct, the it would
    precede the human-chimp split
●   The fact that it has human-like features
    suggest that human-chimp speciation
    may have occurred over a long period
    with episodes of hybridization between
    the emerging species
●   The possibility of 'hybridization'—that
    is, initial separation of the two species,
    followed by interbreeding and then final
    separation—would also explain the
    strange       phenomenon       seen    on
    chromosome X
●   Interbreeding is known to place strong
    selective     pressures     on     sex
    chromosomes, which could result in a
    very young age for chromosome X
Genetic Inversions
●   By comparing the human genome with
    that of the chimpanzee, it has been
    discovered that chunks of similar DNA
    that have been flipped in orientation and
    reinserted into chromosomes are
    hundreds of times more common in
    primates than previously thought
●   These large structural changes in the
    genome, called inversions, may account
    for much of the evolutionary difference
    between the two species
●   They may also shed light on genetic
    changes that lead to human diseases
●   Researchers can now readily identify
    the differences between the human and
    chimp genomes                               Inversion    of   DNA segments        between
                                                chimpanzee and human chromosomes (blue
●   These differences lend insight into how     lines). One inversion on the end of human
    primates evolved, including traits          chromosome 7 that sometimes occurs is the
    specific to humans                          ancestral orientation found in primates (order
                                                of dots is yellow-green-red)
The Anatomical Evidence
Comparative Anatomy
          ●   The anatomical similarities amongst
              the   primates  has      long been
          ●   This extends to many different
              aspects of the body, from the
              disposition of the muscles to the
              general shape of the joints, pelvis,
              and so on
          ●   It is, however, the pelvis and vertebral
              column that has elicited the most
              interest from specialists as the
              similarities and differences here are
              vital to understanding how bipedalism
              might have emerged
          ●   Also, there is particular interest in the
              development of the hand (to grip
              tools) and evidence for brain structure
              which is important in studying higher
              cognitive functioning
The Pelvis
●   A study of the pelvis is not only
    important for understanding changes
    in locomotion, gait and so forth, but
    also for the ease of birth
●   In chimpanzees, the hips are narrow
    and long, which has the result of
    spreading the legs out and also
    having the femur project downward in
    an almost straight fashion
●   Early      hominims,    such     as
    Australopithecine, had broader hips
    and this made the femurs project
    downward at an angle towards the
●   This was associated with the
    development of bipedalism, but also
    introduced complications in the
    delivery of children—especially as the
    cranium became larger
Feet and Hands
        ●   The feet and hands show great
            similarity, but again, the greatest
            correspondence     exists  between
            humans and chimpanzees
        ●   Most notable is that chimpanzees
            have opposable thumbs, allowing for
            a precision grip necessary to
            manipulate tools for fine work
        ●   Humans, however, have lost the use
            of the big toe and the foot digits to
            grasp objects and to wrap around tree
            limbs and such
        ●   This represents an adaptation that
            occurred as hominims left the trees
            and became bipedal—the need for
            such grasping limbs became less and
            less and it is suspected that natural
            selection resulted in the loss of this in
            favour of a foot better suited to
            walking and running
Stance and Locomotion
The Behavioural Evidence
Higher Primates
        ●   The distribution of the higher primates
            that are most closely related to Man
            closely parallels that of the earliest
            fossil specimens of species that led
            towards the emergence of modern
        ●   All of these primates inhabit jungle
            environments, but our forebears
            (discussed earlier) seem to have had
            a broader subsistence spectrum
            which involved the collection of food in
            more open land
        ●   It is the trends towards foraging in
            open land, rather than remaining in
            trees, which seems to have favoured
            the development of bipedalism
        ●   Nonetheless, as these primates are
            our nearest extant relatives, we can
            look at their behaviour and draw
            inferences concerning basic behaviour
            of our ancestors
●   Primates have very expressive faces
    which convey a vast quantity of
    information   and  is   used     for
●   In human populations, body language
    and facial expressions account for
    approximately     60%     of     all
●   Almost all verbal communication is
    modified by body language in one
    capacity or another
●   It is not only the facial expressions
    which chimpanzees use to convey
    information and communicate, but also
    body posture
●   This is, of course, not unique in the
    mammal kingdom as most animals
    have specific stances and facial
    expressions denoting fear, aggression,
    submission and contentedness
Range of Expressions
           ●   What is unique about primate facial
               expressions and their ability to convey
               information is their range
           ●   This is possible only because of the
               plasticity of the face and the existence
               of muscles differently developed from
               those of, for example, canines and
           ●   Moreover, it implies a sophisticated
               grasp of not only many visual cues but
               also an empathetic appreciation of the
           ●   This necessarily involves higher brain
               functions, to integrate so many visual
               signals and also to immediately
               recognise their meaning
           ●   Other animals tend to rely on a
               smaller range of signals and scents
Vocal Communication
●   We also share similarities in vocal
    communication, but again this is not
    unique to primates as most other
    mammals signal one another through
●   However, the chimpanzees have not
    only instinctual sounds that designate
    danger, aggression and submission,
    but also use sounds to communicate
    information in collective hunting
●   Moreover,       chimpanzees       have
    distinctive 'hoots' which permit others
    in the group to recognise them
●   Higher status chimpanzees 'hoot'
    more than junior members of the
    group, perhaps indicating that vocal
    communication is associated with
Signals and Gestures
           ●   Given the limited range of sounds that
               a chimpanzee can make, they rely
               equally as much (or perhaps more) on
               gestures and signals
           ●   Hand and limb gestures are used,
               along with the 'hoots', in organised
               hunting expeditions
           ●   A successful kill is signalled by a loud
               and excited 'hoot' and the entire group
               recognises this and ceases the
               hunting, re-grouping
           ●   Most gestures are, however, involved
               in social bonding and status
               maintenance or assertion within the
           ●   Grooming is particularly important, to
               strengthen bonds amongst the
               chimpanzees in the group
'Linguistic' Capacity
●   Washoe was a chimpanzee who was
    the first non-human to learn to use
    some of the signs of a human language,
    that of American Sign Language
●   She also passed on some of her
    knowledge to her adopted son, Loulis
●   It is reported that Washoe could reliably
    use about 250 signs
●   This test demonstrated 'that the
    chimpanzee           subjects     could
    communicate        information    under
    conditions in which the only source of
    information available to a human
    observer was the signing of the
    chimpanzee;' 2) 'that independent
    observers agreed with each other;' and
    3) 'that the chimpanzees used the signs
    to refer to natural language categories,
    for instance, that the sign DOG could
    refer to any dog, FLOWER to any
    flower, SHOE to any shoe'
Tool Production
        ●   One      of  the   most   significant
            discoveries was in October 1960
            when Jane Goodall observed the use
            of tools among chimpanzees
        ●   Recent research indicates that
            chimpanzee stone tool use dates to at
            least 4,300 years ago
        ●   Other primates have also been known
            to use tools, such as orang-utans and
            gorillas, but also non-primates such
            as birds
        ●   The tools of the chimpanzees are,
            however, the most diverse and
        ●   Stone tools to open nuts and grind
            plant material are known, as well as
            the use of sticks to extract termites
            and other insects along with
            sharpened sticks used as spears
Transmission of Knowledge
●   The capacity to produce certain tools
    was transmitted within a social group,
    and it appears mainly from the mother
    to its offspring
●   Of the groups studied in West Africa,
    each had its own particular style of
    producing tools
●   Existence of different traditions seems
    equivalent to the subtle stylistic
    distinctions that can be seen in the
    early tool-kits of hominims in East
●   This is clearly expressed in the stone
    tools and form of termite sticks
●   In experiments with chimpanzees in
    captivity, the offspring must learn a
    new tool production technique before
    two years of age or thereafter does
    not seem able to acquire the skills
Implications for Early Hominim
Interpreting Hominim Behaviour
               ●   The behaviour of the hominims in
                   East Africa, and those that evolved
                   from these and expanded into Asia
                   and Europe, has been interpreted as
                   being similar to that of the
                   chimpanzees but becoming more
                   elaborate through time
               ●   This has led many to use
                   interpretations based on chimpanzee
                   behaviour and simple hunter-gatherer
               ●   It is not to imply that the hunter-
                   gatherers are living fossils, but the
                   group dynamics and adaptations are
                   thought to share broad patterns with
                   those of the hominims
               ●   We must, however, recognise that
                   culture also drove adaptations and
                   evolutionary developments
Social Dynamics
●   The social dynamics of chimpanzee
    groups and hunter-gatherers in
    marginal environments is based on
    the extended family
●   An hierarchy exists in these groups,
    but only insofar that there is a
    dominant male
●   This is not, however, a closed
    network for individuals join and
    leave the group
●   Such occurrences increase the
    chances of success in long-term
    survival, for a closed network would
    result in inbreeding and probably
    lead to the reproductive failure of the
●   A loose conception of territory also
    prevails in these small groups,
    where there is privileged access to
Tool Production
        ●   Based on the evidence afforded by
            chimpanzees, and the ethnographic
            evidence of hunter-gatherers, tools
            convey social meaning and reflect
            social identity
        ●   A wide range of tools were likely
            produced, but only those made from
            non-perishable material survive for
            archaeological analyses
        ●   Skills to produce these tools were
            probably learned within the group and
            it may be that, like chimpanzees, early
            hominims acquired these skills from
            the mother at an early age
        ●   A tremendous conservatism in tool
            production    is   evident  in   the
            archaeological record, and this may
            have much to do with the method of
            technological transmission
●   The occupation of the jungle margins
    or savannah rendered it important for
    early hominims to have as flexible a
    subsistence regime as possible
●   A fundamentally terrestrial existence
    would have recommended the
    collection of plant foods from the
    ground or at a relatively low height in
    the trees
●   Hunting and scavenging were likely
    more important to our ancestors in
    East Africa than it is to chimpanzees,
    given the environment which they
●   This may perhaps imply that group
    hunting was also more important, and
    therefore, that communication was
●   We shall return to these questions
    frequently in later lectures

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  • 1. The Path to Homo sapiens sapiens Evidence of Connexions Amongst the Primates and Hominim Ancestors
  • 2. Primate Phylogeny ● Humans are primates and we are more closely related, both genetically and anatomically, to chimpanzees than to any other species ● It is therefore assumed that we share behavioural and conceptual similarities with the primates ● This assumption has been highly significant in psychological studies, and also in philosophical inquiries—the similarities in brain structure and perception, an inheritance of our distant evolutionary past, may bring inherited patterns of thought and perception ● The work of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud returned to this point regularly, but even phenomenological studies have flirted with the existence of common thoughts and perceptions governed by our senses and physiology
  • 3. The Oldest Primates ● The oldest anthropoid fossil known dates from ca. 35 million years ago and derives from Thailand and is called Siamopithecus eocaenus ● It weighed roughly 7 kg, being roughly the same size as a modern gibbon ● This species shares many similarities with ancient primates in Africa, suggesting a broad distribution of primates across southern Asia ● In Africa, the oldest primate is that of Aegyptopithecus, which resembled a modern lemur in size ● Surviving teeth from both species suggests that they were primarily fruit eating animals living in the trees
  • 4. Proconsul africanus ● Proconsul is one of the best represented Miocene hominims in the fossil record ● It lived from approximately 23 to 14 million years ago ● From the full arrray of remains it has been shown that there was considerable variation in this genus Body sizes ranged from that of a small monkey (10 pounds) to that of a female gorilla (150 pounds) ● They also inhabited a wide range of environmental niches: this included open woodlands as well as dense rain forests and it is believed that perhaps some were partially terrestrial ● This is regarded as crucial for later evolution, insofar that they could cope with a broad spectrum of environmental conditions
  • 5. They exhibit the typical Old World anthropoid dental pattern of 2-1-2-3. Proconsul also has the typical 5-Y pattern of cusps seen in the lower molars of hominims ● Their teeth also consist of a thin layer of enamel which suggests that they were probably fruit eaters ● Brain size estimates show that their brains were as large or larger than contemporary Old World monkeys though probably not as large as contemporary hominims ● Collection of fruit, roots and nuts on the ground was a probably aspect of their subsistence ● It is perhaps this trend towards spending time on the ground that triggered a movement towards bipedalism
  • 6. Sivapithecus ● Sivapithecus is a genus of extinct primates, dated from 12.5 million to 8.5 million years old ● They are known from India and Pakistan, the first specimens having been found in the 19th century ● Sivapithecus was about 1.5 metres in body length, similar in size to a modern orangutan ● Some specimens were considered to represent Ramapithecus, another species, but they are now regarded as Sivapithecus ● The shape of its wrists and general body proportions suggest that it may have spent a significant amount of its time on the ground, as well as in trees ● It had large canine teeth, and heavy molars, suggesting a diet of relatively tough food, such as seeds and savannah grasses
  • 8. Inferences of Chimpanzee-Human Divergence ● Approximately six percent of human and chimpanzee genes are unique to those species, but we share over 99% of our genetic material with them ● Most of the big differences between human and chimpanzee DNA lie in regions that do not code for genes ● Instead, they may contain DNA sequences that control how gene- coding regions are activated and read ● Studies looking for stretches of DNA that were highly conserved amongst chimpanzees, mice and rats were then compared those sequences to the human genome sequence, to find pieces of DNA that had undergone the most rapid change since the ancestors of chimps and humans diverged about five million years ago
  • 9. Genetic Divergence and Brain Development ● This resulted in the discovery of 202 'highly accelerated regions' or HARs, which showed a high rate of evolution between humans and chimpanzees ● Only three of those regions contain genes that are likely to encode proteins ● The most dramatically accelerated region, HAR1, appears to make a piece of RNA that may have a function in brain development ● The other highly accelerated regions do not appear to code for genes at all, but many are located close to genes involved in controlling when other genes get made, or in growth and development ● A genetic change, therefore, possibly occurred that triggered brain development in hominids leading to our line which was not shared with chimpanzees
  • 10. Dating the Divergence ● The evolutionary split between human and chimpanzee may be much more recent, and much more complicated, than has previously been thought ● The results of some genetic studies show that the two species split no more than 6.3 million years ago and probably less than 5.4 million years ago ● Moreover, the speciation process was unusual, possibly involving an initial split followed by later hybridisation before a final separation ● The time of from the beginning to the completion of divergence between the two species ranges over more than 4 million years across different parts of the genome ● This range is much larger than had been expected according to assumptions made on the basis of the fossil evidence alone
  • 11. An Earlier Divergence than Supposed ? ● The youngest regions are unexpectedly recent, being no more than 6.3 million years old and probably no more than 5.4 million years old ● This finding implies that human-chimp speciation itself is far more recent than previously thought ● If one looks only at the X chromosome, it almost entirely falls at the lower end of the time frame ● The estimate that humans and chimpanzees probably split less than 5.4 million years ago is more recent by ~1 to 2 million years than a previous estimate of 6.5 - 7.4 million years based on the famous Toumaï hominid fossil The cranium of Sahelanthropus (Sahelanthropus tchadensis), which has tchadensis, which is commonly features thought to be distinctive to the regarded as on the evolutionary human lineage trajectory of humans
  • 12. It is possible that the Toumaï fossil is more recent than previously thought, but if the dating is correct, the it would precede the human-chimp split ● The fact that it has human-like features suggest that human-chimp speciation may have occurred over a long period with episodes of hybridization between the emerging species ● The possibility of 'hybridization'—that is, initial separation of the two species, followed by interbreeding and then final separation—would also explain the strange phenomenon seen on chromosome X ● Interbreeding is known to place strong selective pressures on sex chromosomes, which could result in a very young age for chromosome X
  • 13. Genetic Inversions ● By comparing the human genome with that of the chimpanzee, it has been discovered that chunks of similar DNA that have been flipped in orientation and reinserted into chromosomes are hundreds of times more common in primates than previously thought ● These large structural changes in the genome, called inversions, may account for much of the evolutionary difference between the two species ● They may also shed light on genetic changes that lead to human diseases ● Researchers can now readily identify the differences between the human and chimp genomes Inversion of DNA segments between chimpanzee and human chromosomes (blue ● These differences lend insight into how lines). One inversion on the end of human primates evolved, including traits chromosome 7 that sometimes occurs is the specific to humans ancestral orientation found in primates (order of dots is yellow-green-red)
  • 15. Comparative Anatomy ● The anatomical similarities amongst the primates has long been recognised ● This extends to many different aspects of the body, from the disposition of the muscles to the general shape of the joints, pelvis, and so on ● It is, however, the pelvis and vertebral column that has elicited the most interest from specialists as the similarities and differences here are vital to understanding how bipedalism might have emerged ● Also, there is particular interest in the development of the hand (to grip tools) and evidence for brain structure which is important in studying higher cognitive functioning
  • 16. The Pelvis ● A study of the pelvis is not only important for understanding changes in locomotion, gait and so forth, but also for the ease of birth ● In chimpanzees, the hips are narrow and long, which has the result of spreading the legs out and also having the femur project downward in an almost straight fashion ● Early hominims, such as Australopithecine, had broader hips and this made the femurs project downward at an angle towards the knees ● This was associated with the development of bipedalism, but also introduced complications in the delivery of children—especially as the cranium became larger
  • 17. Feet and Hands ● The feet and hands show great similarity, but again, the greatest correspondence exists between humans and chimpanzees ● Most notable is that chimpanzees have opposable thumbs, allowing for a precision grip necessary to manipulate tools for fine work ● Humans, however, have lost the use of the big toe and the foot digits to grasp objects and to wrap around tree limbs and such ● This represents an adaptation that occurred as hominims left the trees and became bipedal—the need for such grasping limbs became less and less and it is suspected that natural selection resulted in the loss of this in favour of a foot better suited to walking and running
  • 20. Higher Primates ● The distribution of the higher primates that are most closely related to Man closely parallels that of the earliest fossil specimens of species that led towards the emergence of modern humans ● All of these primates inhabit jungle environments, but our forebears (discussed earlier) seem to have had a broader subsistence spectrum which involved the collection of food in more open land ● It is the trends towards foraging in open land, rather than remaining in trees, which seems to have favoured the development of bipedalism ● Nonetheless, as these primates are our nearest extant relatives, we can look at their behaviour and draw inferences concerning basic behaviour of our ancestors
  • 21. Communication ● Primates have very expressive faces which convey a vast quantity of information and is used for communication ● In human populations, body language and facial expressions account for approximately 60% of all communication ● Almost all verbal communication is modified by body language in one capacity or another ● It is not only the facial expressions which chimpanzees use to convey information and communicate, but also body posture ● This is, of course, not unique in the mammal kingdom as most animals have specific stances and facial expressions denoting fear, aggression, submission and contentedness
  • 22.
  • 23. Range of Expressions ● What is unique about primate facial expressions and their ability to convey information is their range ● This is possible only because of the plasticity of the face and the existence of muscles differently developed from those of, for example, canines and felines ● Moreover, it implies a sophisticated grasp of not only many visual cues but also an empathetic appreciation of the meanings ● This necessarily involves higher brain functions, to integrate so many visual signals and also to immediately recognise their meaning ● Other animals tend to rely on a smaller range of signals and scents
  • 24. Vocal Communication ● We also share similarities in vocal communication, but again this is not unique to primates as most other mammals signal one another through sounds ● However, the chimpanzees have not only instinctual sounds that designate danger, aggression and submission, but also use sounds to communicate information in collective hunting expeditions ● Moreover, chimpanzees have distinctive 'hoots' which permit others in the group to recognise them individually ● Higher status chimpanzees 'hoot' more than junior members of the group, perhaps indicating that vocal communication is associated with status
  • 25. Signals and Gestures ● Given the limited range of sounds that a chimpanzee can make, they rely equally as much (or perhaps more) on gestures and signals ● Hand and limb gestures are used, along with the 'hoots', in organised hunting expeditions ● A successful kill is signalled by a loud and excited 'hoot' and the entire group recognises this and ceases the hunting, re-grouping ● Most gestures are, however, involved in social bonding and status maintenance or assertion within the group ● Grooming is particularly important, to strengthen bonds amongst the chimpanzees in the group
  • 26. 'Linguistic' Capacity ● Washoe was a chimpanzee who was the first non-human to learn to use some of the signs of a human language, that of American Sign Language ● She also passed on some of her knowledge to her adopted son, Loulis ● It is reported that Washoe could reliably use about 250 signs ● This test demonstrated 'that the chimpanzee subjects could communicate information under conditions in which the only source of information available to a human observer was the signing of the chimpanzee;' 2) 'that independent observers agreed with each other;' and 3) 'that the chimpanzees used the signs to refer to natural language categories, for instance, that the sign DOG could refer to any dog, FLOWER to any flower, SHOE to any shoe'
  • 27. Tool Production ● One of the most significant discoveries was in October 1960 when Jane Goodall observed the use of tools among chimpanzees ● Recent research indicates that chimpanzee stone tool use dates to at least 4,300 years ago ● Other primates have also been known to use tools, such as orang-utans and gorillas, but also non-primates such as birds ● The tools of the chimpanzees are, however, the most diverse and sophisticated ● Stone tools to open nuts and grind plant material are known, as well as the use of sticks to extract termites and other insects along with sharpened sticks used as spears
  • 28. Transmission of Knowledge ● The capacity to produce certain tools was transmitted within a social group, and it appears mainly from the mother to its offspring ● Of the groups studied in West Africa, each had its own particular style of producing tools ● Existence of different traditions seems equivalent to the subtle stylistic distinctions that can be seen in the early tool-kits of hominims in East Africa ● This is clearly expressed in the stone tools and form of termite sticks ● In experiments with chimpanzees in captivity, the offspring must learn a new tool production technique before two years of age or thereafter does not seem able to acquire the skills
  • 29. Implications for Early Hominim Behaviour
  • 30. Interpreting Hominim Behaviour ● The behaviour of the hominims in East Africa, and those that evolved from these and expanded into Asia and Europe, has been interpreted as being similar to that of the chimpanzees but becoming more elaborate through time ● This has led many to use interpretations based on chimpanzee behaviour and simple hunter-gatherer people ● It is not to imply that the hunter- gatherers are living fossils, but the group dynamics and adaptations are thought to share broad patterns with those of the hominims ● We must, however, recognise that culture also drove adaptations and evolutionary developments
  • 31. Social Dynamics ● The social dynamics of chimpanzee groups and hunter-gatherers in marginal environments is based on the extended family ● An hierarchy exists in these groups, but only insofar that there is a dominant male ● This is not, however, a closed network for individuals join and leave the group ● Such occurrences increase the chances of success in long-term survival, for a closed network would result in inbreeding and probably lead to the reproductive failure of the group ● A loose conception of territory also prevails in these small groups, where there is privileged access to resources
  • 32. Tool Production ● Based on the evidence afforded by chimpanzees, and the ethnographic evidence of hunter-gatherers, tools convey social meaning and reflect social identity ● A wide range of tools were likely produced, but only those made from non-perishable material survive for archaeological analyses ● Skills to produce these tools were probably learned within the group and it may be that, like chimpanzees, early hominims acquired these skills from the mother at an early age ● A tremendous conservatism in tool production is evident in the archaeological record, and this may have much to do with the method of technological transmission
  • 33. Subsistence ● The occupation of the jungle margins or savannah rendered it important for early hominims to have as flexible a subsistence regime as possible ● A fundamentally terrestrial existence would have recommended the collection of plant foods from the ground or at a relatively low height in the trees ● Hunting and scavenging were likely more important to our ancestors in East Africa than it is to chimpanzees, given the environment which they occupied ● This may perhaps imply that group hunting was also more important, and therefore, that communication was vital ● We shall return to these questions frequently in later lectures