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매력적인 Xcode 디버깅 팁
ARC, Instruments, DTrace
오로라플래닛 김정
Single Window
Built-in Interface Builder
LLVM Compiler
LLDB Debugger
Fix-it & Live issue
Version Editor
Navigators & Utilities
Multi-window & Multi-tab
Visual Connections (IB)
Code Complete
New Instruments
이미지 출처:
Debugging Tip#1
Breakpoint action
Breakpoint Action
✴ Condition (조건)
✴ Ignore (무시할 반복회수)
✴ Action (동작)
✴ AppleScript, Capture OpenGL ES Frame, Debugger
Command, Log Message, Shell Command, Sound
✴ Options (선택사항)
Exception Breakpoint
✴ 프로젝트 전체 범위
✴ 예외(Exception) 발생할 경우
✴ C++ / Objective-C 형태 예외처리
✴ 동작 설정 가능
Symbolic Breakpoint
✴ 소스 코드의 심벌 이름에 설정
✴ [클래스 +] 메서드 형태 심벌 지정
✴ 모듈 (라이브러리) 지정
- Low-Level Virtual Machine
• An Infrastructure for Multi-stage Optimization
- by Chris Arthur Lattner @2002
• Design and Implementation of a compiler infrastructure
- support a unique multi-stage optimization system
- support inter-procedural and profile-driven optimizations
• LLVM virtual instruction (IR)
- with high-level type information
• Sponsored by APPLE
Compiler Architectures
코드 생성기#C++"
코드 생성기#
코드 생성기#
Effective LLVM Projects
OpenGL Optimize
Debugging Tip#2
Static Analysis
잘못된 예제 코드
CFNumberRef CFNumberError(int param)
unsigned int i = 1;
bool isWork = NO;
CFNumberRef x = CFNumberCreate(0, kCFNumberLongType, &i);
if (param==0)
isWork = YES;
return x;
void leakError()
NSMutableString *aString = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:100];
[aString retain];
NSMutableArray *aArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:10];
[aArray removeAllObjects];
void NullDerefence(id object)
char* pChar = NULL;
///pChar pointer...
*pChar = '!';
int uninitialized(int x)
int result;
if (x>0) {
result = 1;
else if (x==0) {
result = 0;
return result;
잘못된 사용 (API Misuse)
죽은 코드 (Dead store)
죽은 코드 (Dead store)
잠재된 메모리 누수 (Potential Leak)
널 참조 (Null Dereference)
논리적 오류 (Logic Error)
Debugging Tip#3
ARC vs no-ARC
• Automatic Reference Counting
- Automatic memory management of Objective-C objects
- Just Compile-time, Not Run-time
• Not Garbage-Collector
• Migration Tool in Xcode 4.2
- with LLVM 3.0
- build-settings : -fobjc-arc (cf. -fno-objc-arc)
• New Rules
- remove dealloc, retain/release/autorelease
✴ can still use CFRetain / CFRelease in CF
- Can’t use NSAllocateObject / NSDeallocateObject
- Can’t use object pointer in C Structures
- no casual casting id -> void*
- Can’t use NSAutoreleasePool -> @autoreleasepool
- Can’t use memory zone (NSZone)
- Can’t give a property name with new-
Automatic Reference Coun
Debugging Tip#4
• Memory Management
- Malloc
✴ Enable Scribble
✴ Enable Guard Edges
- Guard Malloc
- Objective-C - Zombie Objects
• Logging
- Memory
✴ Distributed Objects
✴ Garbage Collection Activity
✴ Malloc Stack
- Exception
- Dyld API Usage
- Library Loads
• Debugger
- Stop on Debugger() and DebugStr()
• Next-generation
• & High-performance Debugger
• a set of reusable components in LLVM
• Clang expression parser
• LLVM disassembler
• C/C++, Objective-C
• Efficient Multi-threading, symbol manager
• Extension - Python script
• Support Remote protocol/debug server
% gdb a.out
(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x100000f33:file main.c line4
(gdb) run
% lldb a.out
(lldb) breakpoint set --name main
Breakpoint created:1:name=‘main’, locations=1
(lldb) process launch
(gdb) info args
argc = 1
argv = (const char **) 0x7fff5fbff550
(gdb) info locals
i = 32767
(lldb) frame variable
argc = 1
argv = 0x00007fff5fbfff68
i = 0
LLDB Command Syntax
Command Syntax
<type> <action> [-options [option-value]] [argument [argument...]]
Uses standard getopt_long() for predicate behavior
(lldb) process launch a.out --stop-at-entry
(lldb) process launch a.out -- --arg0 --arg1
(lldb) process launch a.out -st
Options know which other options they are compatible with
(lldb) process attach --pid 123 --name a.out
Type : breakpoint, commands, frame, image, log, memory, process,
regexp-break, register, settings, source, target, thread
Common Commands
(gdb) ^C
(gdb) signal 2
(gdb) info break
(gdb) continue
(gdb) step
(gdb) stepi
(gdb) next
(gdb) nexti
(gdb) finish
(gdb) info threads
(gdb) backtrace
(lldb) process interrupt
(lldb) process signal SIGINT
(lldb) breakpoint list
(lldb) process continue
(lldb) thread step-in
(lldb) thread step-inst
(lldb) thread step-over
(lldb) thread step-over-inst
(lldb) thread step-out
(lldb) thread list
(lldb) thread backtrace
Common Commands
(gdb) ^C
(gdb) signal 2
(gdb) in br
(gdb) c
(gdb) s
(gdb) si
(gdb) n
(gdb) ni
(gdb) f
(gdb) info threads
(gdb) bt
(lldb) pro int
(lldb) pro s SIGINT
(lldb) br l
(lldb) c
(lldb) s
(lldb) si
(lldb) n
(lldb) ni
(lldb) f
(lldb) th l
(lldb) bt
Apropos Command
(lldb) apropos thread
The following commands may relate to 'thread':
breakporint command add -- Add a set of commands to a breakpoint, to be executed whenever ...
breakpoint modify -- Modify the options on a breakpoint or set of breakpoints...
breakpoint set -- Sets a breakpoint or set of breakpoints in the executable.
frame -- A set of commands for operating on the current thread's...
frame info -- List information about the currently selected frame in the...
frame select -- Select a frame by index from within the current thread...
log enable -- Enable logging for a single log channel.
process continue -- Continue execution of all threads in the current process.
register -- A set of commands to access thread registers.
thread -- A set of commands for operating on one or more...
thread backtrace -- Show the stack for one or more threads. If no threads are...
thread continue -- Continue execution of one or more threads in an active...
thread list -- Show a summary of all current threads in a process.
thread select -- Select a thread as the currently active thread.
thread step-in -- Source level single step in specified thread (current...
thread step-inst -- Single step one instruction in specified thread (current..
Expression in LLDB
(lldb) expression x+y->getCount()
(int) $0 = 2
(lldb) expression pt
(struct point_tag) $1 = {
(int) x = 2
(int) y = 3
(lldb) expression $1.x
(int) $2 = 2
• Apple Documents - Technical Notes
• TN2124 Mac OS X Debugging Magic
• TN2239 iOS Debugging Magic
새로워진 Instruments #1
✴ The Jump Bar
✴ Improved View Access
✴ Collapsible, Track, Full screen
✴ The Call Tree
✴ Backtrace Compression with Filtering
✴ The Source View
✴ Timeline Flags
- Navigating the improved UI
새로워진 Instruments #2
✴ Immediate vs. Deferred Mode
✴ Immediate mode - “Classic Instruments mode”
✴ Deferred mode
✴ Processes and displays data at end of recording
✴ Vastly reduces “observer effect”
✴ More samples relate to your app.
✴ Launch Daemons and Agents (Mac OS X only)
✴ over Wi-Fi (iPhone OS 3.1+)
✴ Re-Symbolication
- Recording Techniques
새로워진 Instruments #3
✴ Time Profiler
✴ more efficient than CPU Sampler
✴ Deferred mode
✴ Heapshots
✴ Part of Allocation template
✴ VM Tracker
✴ Tracks the virtual memory of a process
- Advancement to existing Instruments
새로워진 Instruments #4
✴ Energy Diagnostics
✴ Provides diagnostics regarding energy usage
✴ Records battery power and CPU usage
✴ Automation
✴ Simulate UI interaction with iOS app.
✴ Leverages JavaScript to script iPhone UI
✴ OpenGL ES Analysis
- Significant New Instrumentation
UI Automation
✴ Automates UIKit based applications
✴ Touch based
✴ iPhone, iPod touch and iPhone Simulator
✴ Integrated in Instruments
✴ Accessibility based
✴ JavaScript automation scripts
✴ UI Automation Reference Collection
- What is this?
새로워진 Instruments #4
✴ System Trace
✴ Provides comprehensive information on system
✴ Identifies when threads are scheduled and why
✴ Display thread transition from user space into
system code
✴ System calls, VM operations
✴ Highlights View - summary
- Really New Instrumentation
$ D Language
Software Stack Tools
DTrace is...
✴ dynamic tracing facility
✴ developed by Sun Microsystems
✴ for Solaris 10
✴ designed by Bryan Cantrill, Mike Shapiro, and Adam
✴ introduced with Leopard (Prior to 10.5 ktrace)
DTrace Workflow
D Language
✴ A Large subset of C
✴ with a special set of functions to analyzing system
✴ run in kernel-land.
✴ compiled into a safe form (similar to java bytecode)
✴ validated for safety.
✴ filename extension .d
✴ iosnoop
✴ hfssnoop
✴ execsnoop
✴ opensnoop
✴ dtruss
✴ soconnect_mac
✴ errinfo
✴ bitesize
✴ iotop
✴ maclife
✴ Providers - the instruments
✴ Module - a specific program location
✴ Function - a specific function name
✴ Name - an indication of the probe’s semantic meaning
syscall :: open : entry
syscall :: open* : entry
syscall ::: entry
syscall :::
BEGIN - END Providers
/* show the BEGIN and END providers
run with:
sudo dtrace -s begin-end.d
trace("begin the beguine");
trace("that's all, folks...");
syscall Provider
/* show all system calls being made, system-wide
Run with
sudo dtrace -qs syscalls.d
/execname != "dtrace"/
printf("%s fired in %s", probefunc, execname);
profile Provider
/* show the profile (timer) provider.
Run with
sudo dtrace -s lubdub.d
trace("five second timer");
trace("one minute timer");
trace("800 millisecond timer");
proc Provider
/* Show procoess launches across the system.
Run with
sudo dtrace -s execs.d
✴ the lines of code
✴ assign values to variables, perform computations,
aggregate values over time...
✴ no flow control (no if, no loops)
✴ use predicates
✴ C standard types : char, int, short, long, long long...
✴ display floating point values from probes
✴ cannot perform floating point math
✴ cannot cast float to integer
✴ global by default
✴ standard C operators all work
✴ do comparison operators (^^ XOR)
✴ use strcmp()
example 9.6
/* sings a pretty song.
run with:
sudo dtrace -qs beer.d
int bottles; /* optional */
bottles = 99;
printf("%d bottles of beer on the walln", bottles);
printf("%d bottles of beer.n", bottles);
printf("take one down, pass it aroundn");
printf("%d bottles of beer on the wallnn", bottles);
printf("that's all, folks...");
Scoped Variables
✴ Thread-local variable = self->
✴ Clause-local variable = this->
Built-in Variables
✴ int64_t arg0, arg1, ... arg9
✴ args[]
✴ cwd
✴ errno
✴ execname
✴ pid
✴ stackdepth
✴ timestamp, vtimestamp
✴ probeprov, probemod
✴ probefunc, probename
example 9.7
/* show all system calls being made, system-wide
Run with
sudo dtrace -qs syscalls.d
/execname != "dtrace"/
printf("%s fired in %s", probefunc, execname);
✴ printf
✴ trace
✴ printa
✴ ustack
✴ exit
✴ copyin, copyinstr
/* calculate the wall-clock time it takes to read()
Run with
sudo dtrace -qs ./readtime.d
ts[pid, probefunc] = timestamp;
/ts[pid, probefunc] != 0/
delta = timestamp - ts[pid, probefunc];
printf("read in %s took %d nsecs", execname, delta);
✴ logical expressions
✴ enclosed by slashes
/* Watch entry into kevent() */
/execname == "dirwatcher" || execname == "DirectoryServic"/
printf("%s called kevent()", execname);
✴ count()
✴ sum(expression)
✴ avg(expression)
✴ min(expression)
✴ max(expression)
✴ quantize(expression)
@name[key] = aggfunc()
DTrace Reference Book

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2015.03.25 테크니컬 세미나 - SonarQube를 활용한 코드 품질 시각화(김모세)
2015.03.25 테크니컬 세미나 - SonarQube를 활용한 코드 품질 시각화(김모세)2015.03.25 테크니컬 세미나 - SonarQube를 활용한 코드 품질 시각화(김모세)
2015.03.25 테크니컬 세미나 - SonarQube를 활용한 코드 품질 시각화(김모세)JiandSon
2015.03.14 Piday in Korea 지앤선 라즈베리 미트업(박종건)
2015.03.14 Piday in Korea 지앤선 라즈베리 미트업(박종건)2015.03.14 Piday in Korea 지앤선 라즈베리 미트업(박종건)
2015.03.14 Piday in Korea 지앤선 라즈베리 미트업(박종건)JiandSon
2013.02.02 지앤선 테크니컬 세미나 - iOS 테스팅 이야기(OSXDEV)
2013.02.02 지앤선 테크니컬 세미나 - iOS 테스팅 이야기(OSXDEV)2013.02.02 지앤선 테크니컬 세미나 - iOS 테스팅 이야기(OSXDEV)
2013.02.02 지앤선 테크니컬 세미나 - iOS 테스팅 이야기(OSXDEV)JiandSon
2013.02.02 지앤선 테크니컬 세미나 - 하둡으로 배우는 대용량 데이터 분산처리 기술(이현남)
2013.02.02 지앤선 테크니컬 세미나 - 하둡으로 배우는 대용량 데이터 분산처리 기술(이현남)2013.02.02 지앤선 테크니컬 세미나 - 하둡으로 배우는 대용량 데이터 분산처리 기술(이현남)
2013.02.02 지앤선 테크니컬 세미나 - 하둡으로 배우는 대용량 데이터 분산처리 기술(이현남)JiandSon
2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 나의 첫번째 자바8 람다식 (정대원)
2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 나의 첫번째 자바8 람다식 (정대원)2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 나의 첫번째 자바8 람다식 (정대원)
2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 나의 첫번째 자바8 람다식 (정대원)JiandSon
2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 씹고 뜯고 맛보고 즐기는 스트림 API(박용권)
2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 씹고 뜯고 맛보고 즐기는 스트림 API(박용권)2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 씹고 뜯고 맛보고 즐기는 스트림 API(박용권)
2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 씹고 뜯고 맛보고 즐기는 스트림 API(박용권)JiandSon
2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 자바8 람다 나머지 이야기 (박성철)
2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 자바8 람다 나머지 이야기 (박성철)2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 자바8 람다 나머지 이야기 (박성철)
2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 자바8 람다 나머지 이야기 (박성철)JiandSon

Mehr von JiandSon (7)

2015.03.25 테크니컬 세미나 - SonarQube를 활용한 코드 품질 시각화(김모세)
2015.03.25 테크니컬 세미나 - SonarQube를 활용한 코드 품질 시각화(김모세)2015.03.25 테크니컬 세미나 - SonarQube를 활용한 코드 품질 시각화(김모세)
2015.03.25 테크니컬 세미나 - SonarQube를 활용한 코드 품질 시각화(김모세)
2015.03.14 Piday in Korea 지앤선 라즈베리 미트업(박종건)
2015.03.14 Piday in Korea 지앤선 라즈베리 미트업(박종건)2015.03.14 Piday in Korea 지앤선 라즈베리 미트업(박종건)
2015.03.14 Piday in Korea 지앤선 라즈베리 미트업(박종건)
2013.02.02 지앤선 테크니컬 세미나 - iOS 테스팅 이야기(OSXDEV)
2013.02.02 지앤선 테크니컬 세미나 - iOS 테스팅 이야기(OSXDEV)2013.02.02 지앤선 테크니컬 세미나 - iOS 테스팅 이야기(OSXDEV)
2013.02.02 지앤선 테크니컬 세미나 - iOS 테스팅 이야기(OSXDEV)
2013.02.02 지앤선 테크니컬 세미나 - 하둡으로 배우는 대용량 데이터 분산처리 기술(이현남)
2013.02.02 지앤선 테크니컬 세미나 - 하둡으로 배우는 대용량 데이터 분산처리 기술(이현남)2013.02.02 지앤선 테크니컬 세미나 - 하둡으로 배우는 대용량 데이터 분산처리 기술(이현남)
2013.02.02 지앤선 테크니컬 세미나 - 하둡으로 배우는 대용량 데이터 분산처리 기술(이현남)
2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 나의 첫번째 자바8 람다식 (정대원)
2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 나의 첫번째 자바8 람다식 (정대원)2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 나의 첫번째 자바8 람다식 (정대원)
2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 나의 첫번째 자바8 람다식 (정대원)
2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 씹고 뜯고 맛보고 즐기는 스트림 API(박용권)
2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 씹고 뜯고 맛보고 즐기는 스트림 API(박용권)2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 씹고 뜯고 맛보고 즐기는 스트림 API(박용권)
2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 씹고 뜯고 맛보고 즐기는 스트림 API(박용권)
2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 자바8 람다 나머지 이야기 (박성철)
2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 자바8 람다 나머지 이야기 (박성철)2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 자바8 람다 나머지 이야기 (박성철)
2014.07.26 KSUG와 지앤선이 함께하는 테크니컬 세미나 - 자바8 람다 나머지 이야기 (박성철)

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2013.02.02 지앤선 테크니컬 세미나 - Xcode를 활용한 디버깅 팁(OSXDEV)

  • 1. 매력적인 Xcode 디버깅 팁 ARC, Instruments, DTrace 오로라플래닛 김정
  • 2. Single Window Built-in Interface Builder LLVM Compiler LLDB Debugger Fix-it & Live issue Assistant Version Editor Navigators & Utilities Multi-window & Multi-tab Visual Connections (IB) Refactor Code Complete New Instruments Scheme Workspace
  • 5. Breakpoint Action ✴ Condition (조건) ✴ Ignore (무시할 반복회수) ✴ Action (동작) ✴ AppleScript, Capture OpenGL ES Frame, Debugger Command, Log Message, Shell Command, Sound ✴ Options (선택사항)
  • 6. Exception Breakpoint ✴ 프로젝트 전체 범위 ✴ 예외(Exception) 발생할 경우 ✴ C++ / Objective-C 형태 예외처리 ✴ 동작 설정 가능
  • 7. Symbolic Breakpoint ✴ 소스 코드의 심벌 이름에 설정 ✴ [클래스 +] 메서드 형태 심벌 지정 ✴ 모듈 (라이브러리) 지정
  • 9. Introduction • LLVM - Low-Level Virtual Machine • An Infrastructure for Multi-stage Optimization - by Chris Arthur Lattner @2002 • Design and Implementation of a compiler infrastructure - support a unique multi-stage optimization system - support inter-procedural and profile-driven optimizations • LLVM virtual instruction (IR) - with high-level type information • Sponsored by APPLE
  • 10. Compiler Architectures GCC#4.2# 프론트엔드# C" Tree*SSA# 최적화기# 코드 생성기#C++" Objec)ve+C" 실행파일" GCC"4.2" GCC#4.2# 프론트엔드# C" LLVM# 최적화기# LLVM# 코드 생성기# C++" Objec)ve+C" 실행파일" LLVM+GCC"4.2" Clang# 프론트엔드# C" LLVM# 최적화기# LLVM# 코드 생성기# C++" Objec)ve+C" 실행파일" LLVM"
  • 11. Effective LLVM Projects Xcode OpenCL OpenGL Optimize (speed) Optimize (size) Dynamic Prog. Clang LLDB LLVM
  • 13. 잘못된 예제 코드 CFNumberRef CFNumberError(int param) { unsigned int i = 1; bool isWork = NO; CFNumberRef x = CFNumberCreate(0, kCFNumberLongType, &i); if (param==0) isWork = YES; return x; } void leakError() { NSMutableString *aString = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:100]; [aString retain]; //... NSMutableArray *aArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:10]; //... [aArray removeAllObjects]; //release } void NullDerefence(id object) { char* pChar = NULL; ///pChar pointer... *pChar = '!'; } int uninitialized(int x) { int result; if (x>0) { result = 1; } else if (x==0) { result = 0; } return result; }
  • 17. 잠재된 메모리 누수 (Potential Leak)
  • 18. 널 참조 (Null Dereference)
  • 21. ARC • Automatic Reference Counting - Automatic memory management of Objective-C objects - Just Compile-time, Not Run-time • Not Garbage-Collector • Migration Tool in Xcode 4.2 - with LLVM 3.0 - build-settings : -fobjc-arc (cf. -fno-objc-arc) • New Rules - remove dealloc, retain/release/autorelease ✴ can still use CFRetain / CFRelease in CF - Can’t use NSAllocateObject / NSDeallocateObject - Can’t use object pointer in C Structures - no casual casting id -> void* - Can’t use NSAutoreleasePool -> @autoreleasepool - Can’t use memory zone (NSZone) - Can’t give a property name with new- Automatic Reference Coun
  • 23. Diagnostics • Memory Management - Malloc ✴ Enable Scribble ✴ Enable Guard Edges - Guard Malloc - Objective-C - Zombie Objects • Logging - Memory ✴ Distributed Objects ✴ Garbage Collection Activity ✴ Malloc Stack - Exception - Dyld API Usage - Library Loads • Debugger - Stop on Debugger() and DebugStr()
  • 24.
  • 25. LLDB • Next-generation • & High-performance Debugger • a set of reusable components in LLVM • Clang expression parser • LLVM disassembler • C/C++, Objective-C • Efficient Multi-threading, symbol manager • Extension - Python script • Support Remote protocol/debug server
  • 26. Introduction GDB LLDB % gdb a.out (gdb) break main Breakpoint 1 at 0x100000f33:file main.c line4 (gdb) run % lldb a.out (lldb) breakpoint set --name main Breakpoint created:1:name=‘main’, locations=1 (lldb) process launch
  • 27. Introduction GDB LLDB (gdb) info args argc = 1 argv = (const char **) 0x7fff5fbff550 (gdb) info locals i = 32767 (lldb) frame variable argc = 1 argv = 0x00007fff5fbfff68 i = 0
  • 28. LLDB Command Syntax Command Syntax <type> <action> [-options [option-value]] [argument [argument...]] Uses standard getopt_long() for predicate behavior (lldb) process launch a.out --stop-at-entry (lldb) process launch a.out -- --arg0 --arg1 (lldb) process launch a.out -st Options know which other options they are compatible with (lldb) process attach --pid 123 --name a.out Type : breakpoint, commands, frame, image, log, memory, process, regexp-break, register, settings, source, target, thread
  • 29. Common Commands GDB LLDB (gdb) ^C (gdb) signal 2 (gdb) info break (gdb) continue (gdb) step (gdb) stepi (gdb) next (gdb) nexti (gdb) finish (gdb) info threads (gdb) backtrace (lldb) process interrupt (lldb) process signal SIGINT (lldb) breakpoint list (lldb) process continue (lldb) thread step-in (lldb) thread step-inst (lldb) thread step-over (lldb) thread step-over-inst (lldb) thread step-out (lldb) thread list (lldb) thread backtrace
  • 30. Common Commands GDB LLDB (gdb) ^C (gdb) signal 2 (gdb) in br (gdb) c (gdb) s (gdb) si (gdb) n (gdb) ni (gdb) f (gdb) info threads (gdb) bt (lldb) pro int (lldb) pro s SIGINT (lldb) br l (lldb) c (lldb) s (lldb) si (lldb) n (lldb) ni (lldb) f (lldb) th l (lldb) bt
  • 31. Apropos Command (lldb) apropos thread The following commands may relate to 'thread': breakporint command add -- Add a set of commands to a breakpoint, to be executed whenever ... breakpoint modify -- Modify the options on a breakpoint or set of breakpoints... breakpoint set -- Sets a breakpoint or set of breakpoints in the executable. frame -- A set of commands for operating on the current thread's... frame info -- List information about the currently selected frame in the... frame select -- Select a frame by index from within the current thread... log enable -- Enable logging for a single log channel. process continue -- Continue execution of all threads in the current process. register -- A set of commands to access thread registers. thread -- A set of commands for operating on one or more... thread backtrace -- Show the stack for one or more threads. If no threads are... thread continue -- Continue execution of one or more threads in an active... thread list -- Show a summary of all current threads in a process. thread select -- Select a thread as the currently active thread. thread step-in -- Source level single step in specified thread (current... thread step-inst -- Single step one instruction in specified thread (current..
  • 32. Expression in LLDB LLDB (lldb) expression x+y->getCount() (int) $0 = 2 (lldb) expression pt (struct point_tag) $1 = { (int) x = 2 (int) y = 3 } (lldb) expression $1.x (int) $2 = 2
  • 33. References • Apple Documents - Technical Notes • TN2124 Mac OS X Debugging Magic • tn2124.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS10003391 • TN2239 iOS Debugging Magic • _index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40010638
  • 35. 새로워진 Instruments #1 ✴ The Jump Bar ✴ Improved View Access ✴ Collapsible, Track, Full screen ✴ The Call Tree ✴ Backtrace Compression with Filtering ✴ The Source View ✴ Timeline Flags - Navigating the improved UI
  • 36. 새로워진 Instruments #2 ✴ Immediate vs. Deferred Mode ✴ Immediate mode - “Classic Instruments mode” ✴ Deferred mode ✴ Processes and displays data at end of recording ✴ Vastly reduces “observer effect” ✴ More samples relate to your app. ✴ Launch Daemons and Agents (Mac OS X only) ✴ over Wi-Fi (iPhone OS 3.1+) ✴ Re-Symbolication - Recording Techniques
  • 37. 새로워진 Instruments #3 ✴ Time Profiler ✴ more efficient than CPU Sampler ✴ Deferred mode ✴ Heapshots ✴ Part of Allocation template ✴ VM Tracker ✴ Tracks the virtual memory of a process - Advancement to existing Instruments
  • 38. 새로워진 Instruments #4 ✴ Energy Diagnostics ✴ Provides diagnostics regarding energy usage ✴ Records battery power and CPU usage ✴ Automation ✴ Simulate UI interaction with iOS app. ✴ Leverages JavaScript to script iPhone UI components ✴ OpenGL ES Analysis - Significant New Instrumentation
  • 39. UI Automation ✴ Automates UIKit based applications ✴ Touch based ✴ iPhone, iPod touch and iPhone Simulator ✴ Integrated in Instruments ✴ Accessibility based ✴ JavaScript automation scripts ✴ UI Automation Reference Collection - What is this?
  • 40. 새로워진 Instruments #4 ✴ System Trace ✴ Provides comprehensive information on system behavior ✴ Identifies when threads are scheduled and why ✴ Display thread transition from user space into system code ✴ System calls, VM operations ✴ Highlights View - summary - Really New Instrumentation
  • 43. DTrace is... ✴ dynamic tracing facility ✴ developed by Sun Microsystems ✴ for Solaris 10 ✴ designed by Bryan Cantrill, Mike Shapiro, and Adam Leventhal. ✴ introduced with Leopard (Prior to 10.5 ktrace) ✴ +dtrace/WebHome ✴
  • 46. D Language ✴ A Large subset of C ✴ with a special set of functions to analyzing system behavior. ✴ run in kernel-land. ✴ compiled into a safe form (similar to java bytecode) ✴ validated for safety. ✴ filename extension .d
  • 48. DTraceTookits ✴ iosnoop ✴ hfssnoop ✴ execsnoop ✴ opensnoop ✴ dtruss ✴ soconnect_mac ✴ errinfo ✴ bitesize ✴ iotop ✴ maclife
  • 50. Probes ✴ Providers - the instruments ✴ Module - a specific program location ✴ Function - a specific function name ✴ Name - an indication of the probe’s semantic meaning syscall :: open : entry syscall :: open* : entry syscall ::: entry syscall :::
  • 51. BEGIN - END Providers /* show the BEGIN and END providers run with: sudo dtrace -s begin-end.d */ BEGIN { trace("begin the beguine"); exit(0); } END { trace("that's all, folks..."); }
  • 52. syscall Provider /* show all system calls being made, system-wide Run with sudo dtrace -qs syscalls.d */ syscall::: /execname != "dtrace"/ { printf("%s fired in %s", probefunc, execname); }
  • 53. profile Provider /* show the profile (timer) provider. Run with sudo dtrace -s lubdub.d */ profile:::tick-5sec { trace("five second timer"); } profile:::tick-1min { trace("one minute timer"); } profile:::tick-800msec { trace("800 millisecond timer"); }
  • 54. proc Provider /* Show procoess launches across the system. Run with sudo dtrace -s execs.d */ proc:::exec-success { trace(execname); }
  • 55. Actions ✴ the lines of code ✴ assign values to variables, perform computations, aggregate values over time... ✴ no flow control (no if, no loops) ✴ use predicates
  • 56. Variables ✴ C standard types : char, int, short, long, long long... ✴ display floating point values from probes ✴ cannot perform floating point math ✴ cannot cast float to integer ✴ global by default ✴ standard C operators all work ✴ do comparison operators (^^ XOR) ✴ use strcmp()
  • 57. example 9.6 /* sings a pretty song. run with: sudo dtrace -qs beer.d */ int bottles; /* optional */ BEGIN { bottles = 99; } profile:::tick-1sec { printf("%d bottles of beer on the walln", bottles); printf("%d bottles of beer.n", bottles); printf("take one down, pass it aroundn"); printf("%d bottles of beer on the wallnn", bottles); bottles--; } END { printf("that's all, folks..."); }
  • 58. Scoped Variables ✴ Thread-local variable = self-> ✴ Clause-local variable = this->
  • 59. Built-in Variables ✴ int64_t arg0, arg1, ... arg9 ✴ args[] ✴ cwd ✴ errno ✴ execname ✴ pid ✴ stackdepth ✴ timestamp, vtimestamp ✴ probeprov, probemod ✴ probefunc, probename
  • 60. example 9.7 /* show all system calls being made, system-wide Run with sudo dtrace -qs syscalls.d */ syscall::: /execname != "dtrace"/ { printf("%s fired in %s", probefunc, execname); }
  • 61. Functions ✴ printf ✴ trace ✴ printa ✴ ustack ✴ exit ✴ copyin, copyinstr
  • 62. Arrays /* calculate the wall-clock time it takes to read() Run with sudo dtrace -qs ./readtime.d */ syscall::read:entry { ts[pid, probefunc] = timestamp; } syscall::read:return /ts[pid, probefunc] != 0/ { delta = timestamp - ts[pid, probefunc]; printf("read in %s took %d nsecs", execname, delta); }
  • 63. Predicates ✴ logical expressions ✴ enclosed by slashes /* Watch entry into kevent() */ syscall::kevent:entry /execname == "dirwatcher" || execname == "DirectoryServic"/ { printf("%s called kevent()", execname); }
  • 64. Aggregates ✴ count() ✴ sum(expression) ✴ avg(expression) ✴ min(expression) ✴ max(expression) ✴ quantize(expression) @name[key] = aggfunc()
  • 66.