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Retos de Programación
y Estructuras de datos
de Python
convocatoria anual
varias rondas
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retos más complejos
25 días seguidos (1-Dic a 25-
1 reto cada día
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”tableros privados”
¿por qué?
AoC - Día 6
AoC - Día 6
messages = """
 convertir las columnas en listas →
 contar la frecuencia de las letras
 quedarse con el máximo de cada columna
transponer filas a columnas
messages = """
messages = messages.strip().split('n');
ncolumns = len(messages[0])
assert all(len(message) == ncolumns
for message in messages)
# columns = [[]] * ncolumns # bad!!
columns = [[] for i in range(ncolumns)]
for i in range(ncolumns):
for message in messages:
zip(), iteración en paralelo
messages = """
messages = messages.strip().split('n');
ncolumns = len(messages[0])
columns = [[] for i in range(ncolumns)]
for message in messages:
for char, column in zip(message, columns):
comprensiones de listas
messages = """
messages = messages.strip().split('n');
ncolumns = len(messages[0])
columns = [[] for i in range(ncolumns)]
for i, column in enumerate(columns):
column = [message[i] for message in messages]
# o también
columns = [[message[i] for message in messages]
for i in range(ncolumns)]
messages = """
messages = messages.strip().split('n');
columns = zip(*messages)
# bad counting example
counts = {}
for char in column:
if not char in counts:
counts[char] = 1
counts[char] += 1
sorted_counts = sorted(
most_common = sorted_counts[-1][0]
# slightly better counting example
counts = defaultdict(int)
for char in column:
counts[char] += 1
sorted_counts = sorted(
most_common = sorted_counts[-1][0]
‘most common’ → collections.Counter
>>> from collections import Counter
>>> Counter('abracadabra')
Counter({'a': 5, 'r': 2, 'b': 2, 'c': 1, 'd': 1})
>>> Counter('abracadabra').most_common()
[('a', 5), ('r', 2), ('b', 2), ('c', 1), ('d', 1)]
combinar los más comunes
solution = ""
for column in columns:
solution += Counter(column).most_common()[0][0]
solution = ''.join(Counter(c).most_common()[0][0] for c in columns)
¿qué hemos aprendido?
 enumerate(), zip(), defaultdict()
 split(), join()
 comprensiones
 collections.Counter()
messages = messages.strip().split('n');
columns = zip(*messages)
solution = ''.join(Counter(c).most_common()[0][0] for c in columns)
print solution
AoC - Día 1
AoC - Día 1
 parsear las instrucciones
 representar las posiciones
y direcciones
 aplicar las instrucciones
 calcular la distancia
input = """
L2, L5, L5, R5, L2, L4, R1, R1, L4, R2, R1, …
(0, 0) hacia el Norte
(3, -5) → dist=8
parsear la entrada
input = """
L2, L5, L5, R5, L2, L4, R1, R1, L4, R2, R1, …
def solve(input):
input = [s.strip() for s in input.split(',')]
direction = N
pos = Vector(0, 0)
for step in input:
instruction = Instruction(LEFT if step[0] == 'L' else RIGHT, int(step[1:]))
direction = turn(direction, instruction.side)
for _ in range(0, instruction.advance):
pos = advance(pos, directions[direction])
return pos
['L2', 'L5', 'L5', 'R5’, …]
from collections import namedtuple
Instruction = namedtuple('Instruction', "side advance")
t = Instruction(-1, 10)
t[0] == -1
t.side == -1
t[1] == 10
t.advance == 10
Vector = namedtuple('Vector', "x y")
directions = {
N: Vector(0, 1), # equiv. Vector(x=0, y=1)
E: Vector(1, 0),
S: Vector(0, -1),
W: Vector(-1, 0),
def advance(pos, direction):
delta = directions[direction]
return Vector(pos.x + delta.x, pos.y + delta.y)
# return Vector(*map(sum, zip(pos, delta)))
representar posiciones y direcciones
# directions
N = 0 # clockwise
E = 1
S = 2
W = 3
# sides
RIGHT = +1
LEFT = -1
def turn(direction, side):
return (direction + side) % 4
assert turn(N, RIGHT) == E
assert turn(N, LEFT) == W
assert turn(S, RIGHT) == W
assert turn(S, LEFT) == E
# N
# |
# W --+-- E
# |
# S
aplicar las instrucciones y calcular distancia
def solve(input):
input = [s.strip() for s in input.split(',')]
direction = N
pos = Vector(0, 0)
for step in input:
instruction = Instruction(LEFT if step[0] == 'L' else RIGHT, int(step[1:]))
direction = turn(direction, instruction.side)
for _ in range(0, instruction.advance):
pos = advance(pos, direction)
return pos
if __name__ == '__main__':
input = """ … """
pos = solve(input)
dist = abs(pos[0]) + abs(pos[1])
print "distance to (0,0) = %d" % (dist,)
complicación (2ª parte)
 si pasas dos veces por el mismo sitio, terminamos
def solve(input):
input = [s.strip() for s in input.split(',')]
direction = N
pos = Vector(0, 0)
already_visited = {pos}
for step in input:
instruction = Instruction(LEFT if step[0] == 'L' else RIGHT, int(step[1:]))
direction = turn(direction, instruction.side)
for _ in range(0, instruction.advance):
pos = advance(pos, direction)
if pos in already_visited:
return pos
return pos # no se ha repetido ninguna posición
hay gente muy PRO
def solve(input):
input = [s.strip() for s in input.split(',')]
direction = 0+1j # (0,1)
pos = 0+0j # (0,0)
already_visited = {pos}
for step in input:
side, advance = step[0], int(step[1:])
direction *= 1j if side == 'L' else -1j
for _ in range(advance):
pos += direction
if pos in already_visited:
return pos
return pos
if __name__ == '__main__':
input = """ … """
pos = solve(input)
dist = abs(pos.real) + abs(pos.imag)
print "distance to (0,0) = %d" % (dist,)
eje real
números complejos
operaciones con números complejos
• suma: 3+5j + 2-4j = 5+1j
• rotación:
• 90º izquierda = mult por 0+1j
• 90º derecha = mult por 0-1j
(2,4) = 2+4j
¿qué hemos aprendido?
 strip(), split()
 namedtuples()
 string slicing
 números complejos
 assert como test unitarios sencillos
 set()
Code Jam
Qualification Round 2016
Prob B
Code Jam, Qualification Round 2016, Prob B
- → + 1
-+ → ++ 1
+- → -- ++ 2
+++ → 0
--+- → +++- ---- ++++ 3
def BFS(S):
visited, queue = set(), [<initial_state>]
while queue:
depth, current = queue.pop(0)
if is_solution(current):
return depth
if current not in visited:
<add possible states to queue>
return None
optimización? BFS
def flip(S, i):
top_pankakes = ['+' if p == '-' else '-' for p in reversed(S[0:i])]
return ''.join(top_pankakes) + S[i:]
assert flip('+--+', 1) == '---+'
assert flip('+--+', 2) == '-+-+'
assert flip('+--+', 3) == '++-+'
assert flip('+--+', 4) == '-++-'
dando la vuelta a las tortitas
def shorten(S):
return ''.join(ch for ch, _ in itertools.groupby(S))
def solve(S):
visited, queue = set(), [(0, shorten(S))]
while queue:
depth, current = queue.pop(0)
if current.count('+') == len(current):
return depth
if current not in visited:
for i in range(1, len(current)+1):
flipped = shorten(flip(current, i))
if flipped not in visited:
queue.append((depth+1, flipped))
return None
implementación BFS
def minimumFlips(pancakes):
groupedHeight = 1 + pancakes.count('-+') + pancakes.count('+-')
if pancakes.endswith('-'):
return groupedHeight
return groupedHeight - 1
tiene truco!
- → + 1
-+ → ++ 1
+- → -- ++ 2
+++ → 0
--+- → +++- ---- ++++ 3
AoC - Día 9
AoC - Día 9
(6x1)(1x3)A (1x3)A
(6x1)(1x3)A AAA
X(8x2)(3x3)ABCY X(3x3)ABC(3x3)ABCY
(27x12)(20x12)(13x14)(7x10)(1x12)A longitud 241920
longitud 445
unos casos de prueba
def do_test(lines):
for tc in lines.strip().split('n'):
compressed, expected = tc.strip().split(',')
uncompressed = uncompress(compressed)
assert uncompressed == expected, 
"bad result %s, expected %s" % (uncompressed, expected)
test_cases = """
def uncompress(c):
m = re.match(r'([^()]*)((d+)x(d+))(.*)', c)
if not m:
return len(c)
pre, length, reps, rest = m.groups()
length, reps = int(length), int(reps)
return len(pre) + 
uncompress(rest[:length]) * reps + 
pre, length, reps, rest
pre, length, reps, rest
regex - verbose
r = re.compile(r"""
([^()]*) # pre
((d+)x(d+)) # ( length x reps )
(.*) # rest
""", re.VERBOSE)
 assert
 recursividad
 slicing
 regex
 regex + verbose
¿qué hemos aprendido?
 zip, enumerate
 tuple, set, dict
 collections
 namedtuple, Counter, defaultdict
 itertools
 groupby
 product, permutations
 slicing [:], join, split
 assert
 regex
python es MUY expresivo
tiene su propio “acento”
nunca paras de aprender
practicar, practicar, practicar
 los tipos de problemas se repiten
 librería de funciones de uso común
 vectores
 lectura de la entrada
 strip(), split()
 pensar/escribir/pintar antes de escribir código
 casos de prueba pequeños
 assert
 fuerza bruta, no suele funcionar
 pero da ideas de cómo resolverlo bien
 Cracking the Code Interview, Gayle Laakmann McDowel
 Fluent Python, Luciano Ramalho
 Python Essential Reference, David M. Beazley
 reddit
Retos de Programación en Python

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Retos de Programación en Python

  • 1. Retos de Programación y Estructuras de datos de Python Alicia Pérez Javier Abadía
  • 2. convocatoria anual varias rondas final “en vivo” retos más complejos 25 días seguidos (1-Dic a 25- Dic) 1 reto cada día 2 partes/reto ”tableros privados”
  • 4. AoC - Día 6
  • 5. AoC - Día 6 messages = """ eedadn drvtee eandsr raavrd atevrs tsrnev sdttsa rasrtv nssdts ntnada … """   convertir las columnas en listas → transponer  contar la frecuencia de las letras  quedarse con el máximo de cada columna
  • 6. transponer filas a columnas messages = """ eedadn drvtee eandsr … """ messages = messages.strip().split('n'); ncolumns = len(messages[0]) assert all(len(message) == ncolumns for message in messages) # columns = [[]] * ncolumns # bad!! columns = [[] for i in range(ncolumns)] for i in range(ncolumns): for message in messages: columns[i].append(message[i])
  • 7. zip(), iteración en paralelo messages = """ eedadn drvtee eandsr … """ messages = messages.strip().split('n'); ncolumns = len(messages[0]) columns = [[] for i in range(ncolumns)] for message in messages: for char, column in zip(message, columns): column.append(char)
  • 8. comprensiones de listas messages = """ eedadn drvtee eandsr … """ messages = messages.strip().split('n'); ncolumns = len(messages[0]) columns = [[] for i in range(ncolumns)] for i, column in enumerate(columns): column = [message[i] for message in messages] # o también columns = [[message[i] for message in messages] for i in range(ncolumns)]
  • 9. bum! messages = """ eedadn drvtee eandsr … """ messages = messages.strip().split('n'); columns = zip(*messages)
  • 10.
  • 11. contar # bad counting example counts = {} for char in column: if not char in counts: counts[char] = 1 else: counts[char] += 1 sorted_counts = sorted( counts.items(), key=itemgetter(1) ) most_common = sorted_counts[-1][0] # slightly better counting example counts = defaultdict(int) for char in column: counts[char] += 1 sorted_counts = sorted( counts.items(), key=itemgetter(1) ) most_common = sorted_counts[-1][0]
  • 12.
  • 13. ‘most common’ → collections.Counter >>> from collections import Counter >>> Counter('abracadabra') Counter({'a': 5, 'r': 2, 'b': 2, 'c': 1, 'd': 1}) >>> Counter('abracadabra').most_common() [('a', 5), ('r', 2), ('b', 2), ('c', 1), ('d', 1)]
  • 14. combinar los más comunes solution = "" for column in columns: solution += Counter(column).most_common()[0][0] solution = ''.join(Counter(c).most_common()[0][0] for c in columns)
  • 15. ¿qué hemos aprendido?  enumerate(), zip(), defaultdict()  split(), join()  comprensiones  collections.Counter() messages = messages.strip().split('n'); columns = zip(*messages) solution = ''.join(Counter(c).most_common()[0][0] for c in columns) print solution
  • 16. AoC - Día 1
  • 17. AoC - Día 1  016/day/1  parsear las instrucciones  representar las posiciones y direcciones  aplicar las instrucciones  calcular la distancia Manhattan input = """ L2, L5, L5, R5, L2, L4, R1, R1, L4, R2, R1, … """ (0, 0) hacia el Norte N S W E 2 5 5 (3, -5) → dist=8
  • 18. parsear la entrada input = """ L2, L5, L5, R5, L2, L4, R1, R1, L4, R2, R1, … """ def solve(input): input = [s.strip() for s in input.split(',')] direction = N pos = Vector(0, 0) for step in input: instruction = Instruction(LEFT if step[0] == 'L' else RIGHT, int(step[1:])) direction = turn(direction, instruction.side) for _ in range(0, instruction.advance): pos = advance(pos, directions[direction]) return pos ['L2', 'L5', 'L5', 'R5’, …] from collections import namedtuple Instruction = namedtuple('Instruction', "side advance") t = Instruction(-1, 10) t[0] == -1 t.side == -1 t[1] == 10 t.advance == 10
  • 19. Vector = namedtuple('Vector', "x y") directions = { N: Vector(0, 1), # equiv. Vector(x=0, y=1) E: Vector(1, 0), S: Vector(0, -1), W: Vector(-1, 0), } def advance(pos, direction): delta = directions[direction] return Vector(pos.x + delta.x, pos.y + delta.y) # return Vector(*map(sum, zip(pos, delta))) representar posiciones y direcciones # directions N = 0 # clockwise E = 1 S = 2 W = 3 # sides RIGHT = +1 LEFT = -1 def turn(direction, side): return (direction + side) % 4 assert turn(N, RIGHT) == E assert turn(N, LEFT) == W assert turn(S, RIGHT) == W assert turn(S, LEFT) == E … # N # | # W --+-- E # | # S
  • 20.
  • 21. aplicar las instrucciones y calcular distancia def solve(input): input = [s.strip() for s in input.split(',')] direction = N pos = Vector(0, 0) for step in input: instruction = Instruction(LEFT if step[0] == 'L' else RIGHT, int(step[1:])) direction = turn(direction, instruction.side) for _ in range(0, instruction.advance): pos = advance(pos, direction) return pos if __name__ == '__main__': input = """ … """ pos = solve(input) dist = abs(pos[0]) + abs(pos[1]) print "distance to (0,0) = %d" % (dist,)
  • 22. complicación (2ª parte)  si pasas dos veces por el mismo sitio, terminamos def solve(input): input = [s.strip() for s in input.split(',')] direction = N pos = Vector(0, 0) already_visited = {pos} for step in input: instruction = Instruction(LEFT if step[0] == 'L' else RIGHT, int(step[1:])) direction = turn(direction, instruction.side) for _ in range(0, instruction.advance): pos = advance(pos, direction) if pos in already_visited: return pos already_visited.add(pos) return pos # no se ha repetido ninguna posición
  • 23. hay gente muy PRO def solve(input): input = [s.strip() for s in input.split(',')] direction = 0+1j # (0,1) pos = 0+0j # (0,0) already_visited = {pos} for step in input: side, advance = step[0], int(step[1:]) direction *= 1j if side == 'L' else -1j for _ in range(advance): pos += direction if pos in already_visited: return pos already_visited.add(pos) return pos if __name__ == '__main__': input = """ … """ pos = solve(input) dist = abs(pos.real) + abs(pos.imag) print "distance to (0,0) = %d" % (dist,) N S W E eje real ejeimaginario números complejos operaciones con números complejos • suma: 3+5j + 2-4j = 5+1j • rotación: • 90º izquierda = mult por 0+1j • 90º derecha = mult por 0-1j (2,4) = 2+4j
  • 24.
  • 25. ¿qué hemos aprendido?  strip(), split()  namedtuples()  string slicing  números complejos  assert como test unitarios sencillos  set()
  • 26. Code Jam Qualification Round 2016 Prob B
  • 27. Code Jam, Qualification Round 2016, Prob B - → + 1 -+ → ++ 1 +- → -- ++ 2 +++ → 0 --+- → +++- ---- ++++ 3
  • 28. def BFS(S): visited, queue = set(), [<initial_state>] while queue: depth, current = queue.pop(0) if is_solution(current): return depth if current not in visited: visited.add(current) <add possible states to queue> return None optimización? BFS
  • 29. def flip(S, i): top_pankakes = ['+' if p == '-' else '-' for p in reversed(S[0:i])] return ''.join(top_pankakes) + S[i:] assert flip('+--+', 1) == '---+' assert flip('+--+', 2) == '-+-+' assert flip('+--+', 3) == '++-+' assert flip('+--+', 4) == '-++-' dando la vuelta a las tortitas
  • 30. def shorten(S): return ''.join(ch for ch, _ in itertools.groupby(S)) def solve(S): visited, queue = set(), [(0, shorten(S))] while queue: depth, current = queue.pop(0) if current.count('+') == len(current): return depth if current not in visited: visited.add(current) for i in range(1, len(current)+1): flipped = shorten(flip(current, i)) if flipped not in visited: queue.append((depth+1, flipped)) return None implementación BFS
  • 31. def minimumFlips(pancakes): groupedHeight = 1 + pancakes.count('-+') + pancakes.count('+-') if pancakes.endswith('-'): return groupedHeight else: return groupedHeight - 1 tiene truco! - → + 1 -+ → ++ 1 +- → -- ++ 2 +++ → 0 --+- → +++- ---- ++++ 3
  • 32.
  • 33. AoC - Día 9
  • 34. AoC - Día 9  ADVENT ADVENT A(1x5)BC ABBBBBC (3x3)XYZ XYZXYZXYZ (6x1)(1x3)A (1x3)A (6x1)(1x3)A AAA X(8x2)(3x3)ABCY X(3x3)ABC(3x3)ABCY X(8x2)(3x3)ABCY XABCABCABCABCABCABC Y (27x12)(20x12)(13x14)(7x10)(1x12)A longitud 241920 (25x3)(3x3)ABC(2x3)XY(5x2) PQRSTX(18x9)(3x2)TWO(5x7)SEVEN longitud 445
  • 35. unos casos de prueba def do_test(lines): for tc in lines.strip().split('n'): compressed, expected = tc.strip().split(',') uncompressed = uncompress(compressed) assert uncompressed == expected, "bad result %s, expected %s" % (uncompressed, expected) test_cases = """ ADVENT,ADVENT A(1x5)BC,ABBBBBC (3x3)XYZ,XYZXYZXYZ … """
  • 36. A(1x5)BC ADVENT X(8x2)(3x3)ABCY def uncompress(c): m = re.match(r'([^()]*)((d+)x(d+))(.*)', c) if not m: return len(c) pre, length, reps, rest = m.groups() length, reps = int(length), int(reps) return len(pre) + uncompress(rest[:length]) * reps + uncompress(rest[length:]) A(1x5)BC pre, length, reps, rest ([^()]*)((d+)x(d+))(.*) ABBBBBC X(8x2)(3x3)ABCY pre, length, reps, rest ([^()]*)((d+)x(d+))(.*) XABCABCABCABCABCABCY regex
  • 37. regex - verbose r = re.compile(r""" ([^()]*) # pre ((d+)x(d+)) # ( length x reps ) (.*) # rest """, re.VERBOSE)
  • 38.
  • 39.  assert  recursividad  slicing  regex  regex + verbose ¿qué hemos aprendido?
  • 40. resumen  zip, enumerate  tuple, set, dict  collections  namedtuple, Counter, defaultdict  itertools  groupby  product, permutations  slicing [:], join, split  assert  regex python es MUY expresivo tiene su propio “acento” nunca paras de aprender practicar, practicar, practicar
  • 41. trucos  los tipos de problemas se repiten  librería de funciones de uso común  vectores  lectura de la entrada  strip(), split()  pensar/escribir/pintar antes de escribir código  casos de prueba pequeños  assert  fuerza bruta, no suele funcionar  pero da ideas de cómo resolverlo bien
  • 42. Referencias  Cracking the Code Interview, Gayle Laakmann McDowel  Fluent Python, Luciano Ramalho  Python Essential Reference, David M. Beazley  reddit

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. Advent of Code 25 días seguidos 1 reto cada día 2 partes/reto Code Jam de Google convocatoria anual varias rondas más complejos
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