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2 Part 1 Lifestyle in HK      Secondary research      Prediction      Primary research      Design directions Part 2 Music       Primary research      Final design            Technologies            System             ScenarioTranspeakerMassageHead Part 3      Conclusion       Schedule 4 6 15 21 35 38 41 48 49 60 61 64 66 69 70
Brief description and aims  The aim of this subject is to provide an opportunity for locally trained student designer to appreciate how “Asian Lifestyle” and culture relate to living and thereby how relevant design could be properly proposed to contribute to enhance living. Indicative content  Following on student’s previous experience pulled in Design Studio 2.2 (Chinese Design), this subject leads students to revisit the meaning of cultural issues in design, go through “user research” method to generate necessary data to support the formulation of a design brief. Home environment will be used as the basis for research of users and needs. Relevant technology or technologies (such as those in electrical/electronic fields, or more) will be employed as vehicle to allow greater possibility for design explorations, with appropriate (or low) technology also being considered.  Learning outcomes  Professional skills  ,[object Object]
 Identify one or more technologies for potential application in a selected domestic purpose;
 Devise and formulate user-related argument in design;
 Apply user-focused research methodology in design process; Transferable skills  ,[object Object]
 Create new concept(s) by integrating the identified cultural elements and the technology.
 Revisiting lifestyle and cultural elements in design
 Reviewing technologies which may be applicable
 Introducing user research methodology for data probing
 Identifying implications leading to needs & desires of people
 Formulation of design brief
 Projecting design scenarios 3
Primary research After studying the future situation of Hong Kong and chose the location we work on, we should start off the primary research. Case studies should be done in order to observe the behaviors of the interviewer, their problems and the structure of the location. Survey should also be done to collect mass data from the public. The survey should be able to collect data about the location, their using behavior and their expectation. Secondary research We first start research on news and data that we can find on the internet, paper and books. Focusing on the current living condition of Hong Kong citizen, the statistics from HK government, the recent and future planning of public estate, etc. We expected these information can provide us a clearer situation of Hong Kong ten years later. And we are able to choose the location where we should work on. 5
70萬打工仔 每周做60小時  (經濟日報)2010年10月15日 星期五 06:00 【經濟日報專訊】目前全港有70萬名上班族,每周工作60小時或以上。有調查顯示,有4成受訪僱員計劃轉工,以尋求更好的生活與工作平衡。 面對本港工時長問題,特首曾蔭權    昨日表明,政府已就標準工時研究「開綠燈」,讓勞資雙方討論,最終必會以立法方式進行。 根據統計處數字,全港有128萬名上班族,每周工時達50小時以上,其中以非技術工人工時最長,工時中位數為54小時,最短工時是專業人員,每周工時為44小時(見表)。 80後疲累缺勤 生產力降 本港工時中位數較歐美更長,澳洲    和法國    的標準工時分別為每星期38和35小時,鄰近的日本    和新加坡    ,每天標準工時是8小時,上班族工時長,最終會影響公司的生產力。 非牟利機構「社商賢匯」(Community Business)最近訪問了逾1,000名全職僱員,調查發現,有4成受訪僱員計劃離開現有工作,以尋求更好的生活與工作平衡。 有近8成僱員,尤其是80後表示,曾經因生活與工作平衡欠佳,導致經常感到疲累及極度疲倦、失眠和食慾不振,生產力下降和缺勤。 KEY POINT ,[object Object]
80’s point out that they feel tired, sleeplessness, poor appetite, low production and absent due to the imbalance  of life and work.7
    Hong Kong as a financial based city, people believes at all times that investigation is the quickest way to earn money for better living. But since the break out of financial tsunami in 2008, Hong Kong people suffered poor financial conditions. Over-time working and heavy workload become part of the life of people. The society suffers a depressive and pessimistic atmosphere. The living condition of Hong Kong people is relatively poor as they are unable to enjoy their life and the achievement of hard working. 8
According to the figure of “Hong Kong Statistics, the consumer price index (CPI) rise continually though these years which also sufficiently shows that people in coming years may not be easy to get away from busy life.  9
鄭汝樺:唔係買樓先有幸福 晤青年談到置業 大學生:無樓女友不肯嫁  (明報)2010年10月24日 星期日 05:10 【明報專訊】政府提出「先租後買」的置安心資助房屋計劃後,樓市仍然熾熱,特首曾蔭權    強調,如果樓市炒到泡沫化,他會採取行政措施(見另稿),不過,有大學生昨對提出「唔係買樓先有幸福」的運輸及房屋局    長鄭汝樺    大吐苦水,指置安心計劃資助力度不足,擔心畢業後置業困難,「女友沒樓不肯嫁」。鄭汝樺建議該名大學生與女友商量,並說「如果你的價值觀是『結婚一定要買樓』,你可能少了很多選擇,多了很多摩擦」。 青年協會邀請鄭汝樺與青年對話,430名大中學生出席,鄭汝樺一開始便說,政府內部委託中文大學有關市民置業的調查結果,雖然有六成受訪者認為「要安居樂業,一定要置業」,但受訪者對政府有否責任幫助市民置業存在較明顯分歧,表示「有些人認為要靠個人努力,有些人認為是政府責任」。但學生不太同意鄭 汝樺的意見,在接著一個小時的20條提問中,逾10名學生聚焦置安心計劃提問,指政府資助金額太少、計劃太遲展開,未能協助市民置業。 KEY POINT Previously, Eva Cheng (鄭汝樺) met with the university students and talk about the issue of land cost and owning property though The HKFYG. It is actually a very interest talk to show the situation of Hong Kong’s land cost problem.  People are unable to own their property due to the high price of land, they are looking for help from the government as over 60% of young adult believe that the only way to live and work in peace and contentment is to own their property. 10
So the demand on the public estate and Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flats are still in high level as they are the first step to have a place for living. People may spend their busy working life period in this house until they are able to buy their own. We searched data about the current public estate, including the size, the environment and the people who live in public estate.  11
HOUSEHOLD SIZE This data comes from the 2008 Public Housing Recurrent Survey, chart 2 shows that the average household size is decreased from 3.1 in 2004 to 3 in 2008.  And in chart 3, we can see that the population in public housing is decreasing while the household is increasing, that means more and more people are tend to live alone in public housing.  12
LIVING SPACE PER PERSON 南華早報| 2009-01-12EDT| By Olga Wong A very tall order The average living space per person in Hong Kong is just 12 square meters, he said, compared with Shenzhen resident's 19.7 square meters.  We owe it to the community to improve their living standards and give the average person a slightly larger apartment, meaning the building bulk will need to grow, he said, So, building tall is actually a solution to our problems. It enables our city to remain compact and dense, and to function.  Hong Kong will need an updated master plan - with a comprehensive review of building regulations - to achieve a proper balance in population density and quality living. 13
單身高學歷申請公屋大增                  2008年10月28 金融海嘯逼近,本港打工仔收入或面臨大減,符合資格申請公屋的單身人士,數目勢將飆升。房署    最新調查顯示,公屋輪候冊中擁專上學歷的年輕單身申請人數目不斷增加,三十五歲以下高學歷年輕族申請比例,已由過去兩成大增至三成一。而單身申請者願意入住不受歡迎單位,以盡快上樓的比例亦由過去兩年的兩成九大增至四成三。   房署最新數據顯示,公屋輪候冊約有十一萬宗申請。房署每年均進行公屋輪候冊申請人統計調查,今年三至四月期間隨機抽選約一千六百名公屋輪候冊申請人進 行訪問。○七/○八年度調查結果顯示,公屋申請人的平均家庭人數為二點一八人,反映輪候冊申請人當中,一人戶和兩人戶佔相當大比重。   值得留意的是儘管房署兩年前為單身人士申請者設立計分制,年輕申請人的數目有所減少,但他們有意參加特快配屋計畫的比例卻顯著上升,從過去兩年的兩成九,增至今年的四成三。   調查又發現,三十五歲以下單身申請者,高學歷人士比例亦愈來愈高,達專上教育或以上程度者,由○五/○六年的兩成激增至今年的三成一,反映愈來愈多高 學歷單身人士申請公屋。另外,四至五成輪候冊申請人均表示,一旦遷往公屋,便會脫離現時的住戶,意味新組成的住戶傾向以較少家庭成員立戶。 KEY POINT ,[object Object]
The number of registering the public estate rise
Especially people who are below 35, single and high-educated
Tend to live alone or in couple14
As a conclusion, if the issues we discovered nowadays continued, we are able to predict the situation of 10 years later. We will have a busy life under pressures, heavy workload or we may need to keep working at home. We are not easy to own a personal property, so we may still live in public estate or private house which is a small space. And we tend to live alone.  15
We chose bathroom as our topic as we think that there are great possibility to work on. After our bedroom, it is the first room that we see after waking up as well as before going to bed.  Bathing and showering are the most refreshing and relaxing period when people return home and before going to work. Thus, we believe that a wonderful bathing or showering experience should help people to have a better condition in living. 16
MINDMAPPING What is inside a bathroom? 17
家品展預示高檔廁文化                       2009-08-25 (綜合報道)想知道家居設計最新潮流, 大可到各大小家居店行一轉;筆者卻想省回腳骨力,於是走訪了剛於周日(8月23日)圓滿結束的第九屆家居及家品潮流博覽。是次展覽以家居浴室設計為主打, 近年香港經濟環境轉差,打工仔為保住飯碗,OT捱夜在所難免,回到家中,睡覺前最Relax的地方就是浴室,故一些價錢較昂貴的浴室設施如小型桑拿室和電 動坐廁等,都成了不少港人的紓壓必需品。以往,一天辛勞工作過後,回家享受一個花灑浴,已是本地打工仔最大的樂趣。但隨覑經濟環境轉變,金融風暴緊接海嘯來襲,打工仔不是肯博肯捱就有收穫,要保住份工,心理上所承受的壓力倍增,一個花灑淋浴已滿足不到他們。工商國際集團市務總監麥宗榮指,近年很多本地人效法歐洲人,在浴室加設桑拿室設施:「你看現時很多大型屋苑的Club House都一定有桑拿設備,但不少人晚晚都要OT,下班夜了就無法享受,故他們索性在家設個小型桑拿室,讓自己隨時都可Relax一下!」麥 宗榮的公司所代理的是瑞典品牌Tylo桑拿用品,迄今已有逾六十年歷史。他直言很多港人都不懂得焗桑拿:「焗桑拿前,一定要先洗澡,每次只焗十至十五分 鐘,不要在裏面『磨爛蓆』,有感冒的更不適宜焗!」除了桑拿外,麥宗榮說,內置了冷熱水交替程式的企缸都是近年的搶手貨:「這是所謂沖『蘇格蘭浴 (Scottish Shower)』,即冷熱水反覆交替淋浴,據說沖得多,感冒次數都會減少,因皮膚習慣了冷熱水的刺激,現時外國很流行這種淋浴方式。」麥宗榮更向筆者爆 料,指當年霍英東(相關)也以這個淋浴方式來強身健體。為 了享受舒適的淋浴過程,港人普遍都願意花多點金錢,麥宗榮說,備有水力按摩和氣泡噴射功能的浴缸,近年亦多了人選購:「普通花灑只能按摩皮膚表層,氣泡噴 射則可按摩皮下組織,而水力按摩更可震動人體肌肉,起到真正按摩作用。」款式方面,三角形按摩浴缸將會愈來愈受歡迎,「三隻角可容納三個人一齊按摩,所以 最受歡迎。」 KEY POINT ,[object Object]
 Gadget equipment like Mini-spa room, Automatic toilet become popular to Hong Kong people
 Locals follow the style of European to set up spa facilities at home
 Showerhead that provide water and air pressure massage is very common18
We chose showering instead of bathing is because people in Hong Kong are too busy which make it impossible to really enjoy a very long period of bathing. Besides, the size of a bathroom in Hong Kong limited the possibility an ideal bathing experience. Lastly, bathing is such a non eco-friendly activity that it wasted a lot more water than showering. So a design that enable user to have a better bathing or showering experience in a small area has a great potential to arise the living condition of Hong Kong people.  19
CASE STUDY WORST / WORSE 1 ,[object Object]
 Very small space
 Poor management in storage
 Water spitting to everywhere
 Slippery floor
 Look messy 1 2 2 ,[object Object]
 Small space
 Better storage management
 Water everywhere
 Slippery floor
 Fog problem
 Stuff get wet23
CASE STUDY BETTER 3 ,[object Object]
Very small space
Average management in storage
Water spitting to everywhere
Slippery floor
Fog after showering
Public estate
Medium space
Better storage management
Hair clogged the drain
Water everywhere
Slippery floor4 24
CASE STUDY BEST ,[object Object]
 Big space
Good storage management
Isolated showering area
Clean5 CONCLUSION We discover some common issues that always happen in bathroom, including: ,[object Object]
 Water spitting

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  • 1. 1
  • 2. 2 Part 1 Lifestyle in HK Secondary research Prediction Primary research Design directions Part 2 Music Primary research Final design Technologies System ScenarioTranspeakerMassageHead Part 3 Conclusion Schedule 4 6 15 21 35 38 41 48 49 60 61 64 66 69 70
  • 3.
  • 4. Identify one or more technologies for potential application in a selected domestic purpose;
  • 5. Devise and formulate user-related argument in design;
  • 6.
  • 7. Create new concept(s) by integrating the identified cultural elements and the technology.
  • 8. Revisiting lifestyle and cultural elements in design
  • 9. Reviewing technologies which may be applicable
  • 10. Introducing user research methodology for data probing
  • 11. Identifying implications leading to needs & desires of people
  • 12. Formulation of design brief
  • 13. Projecting design scenarios 3
  • 14. 4
  • 15. Primary research After studying the future situation of Hong Kong and chose the location we work on, we should start off the primary research. Case studies should be done in order to observe the behaviors of the interviewer, their problems and the structure of the location. Survey should also be done to collect mass data from the public. The survey should be able to collect data about the location, their using behavior and their expectation. Secondary research We first start research on news and data that we can find on the internet, paper and books. Focusing on the current living condition of Hong Kong citizen, the statistics from HK government, the recent and future planning of public estate, etc. We expected these information can provide us a clearer situation of Hong Kong ten years later. And we are able to choose the location where we should work on. 5
  • 16. 6
  • 17.
  • 18. 80’s point out that they feel tired, sleeplessness, poor appetite, low production and absent due to the imbalance of life and work.7
  • 19. Hong Kong as a financial based city, people believes at all times that investigation is the quickest way to earn money for better living. But since the break out of financial tsunami in 2008, Hong Kong people suffered poor financial conditions. Over-time working and heavy workload become part of the life of people. The society suffers a depressive and pessimistic atmosphere. The living condition of Hong Kong people is relatively poor as they are unable to enjoy their life and the achievement of hard working. 8
  • 20. According to the figure of “Hong Kong Statistics, the consumer price index (CPI) rise continually though these years which also sufficiently shows that people in coming years may not be easy to get away from busy life. 9
  • 21. 鄭汝樺:唔係買樓先有幸福 晤青年談到置業 大學生:無樓女友不肯嫁 (明報)2010年10月24日 星期日 05:10 【明報專訊】政府提出「先租後買」的置安心資助房屋計劃後,樓市仍然熾熱,特首曾蔭權    強調,如果樓市炒到泡沫化,他會採取行政措施(見另稿),不過,有大學生昨對提出「唔係買樓先有幸福」的運輸及房屋局    長鄭汝樺    大吐苦水,指置安心計劃資助力度不足,擔心畢業後置業困難,「女友沒樓不肯嫁」。鄭汝樺建議該名大學生與女友商量,並說「如果你的價值觀是『結婚一定要買樓』,你可能少了很多選擇,多了很多摩擦」。 青年協會邀請鄭汝樺與青年對話,430名大中學生出席,鄭汝樺一開始便說,政府內部委託中文大學有關市民置業的調查結果,雖然有六成受訪者認為「要安居樂業,一定要置業」,但受訪者對政府有否責任幫助市民置業存在較明顯分歧,表示「有些人認為要靠個人努力,有些人認為是政府責任」。但學生不太同意鄭 汝樺的意見,在接著一個小時的20條提問中,逾10名學生聚焦置安心計劃提問,指政府資助金額太少、計劃太遲展開,未能協助市民置業。 KEY POINT Previously, Eva Cheng (鄭汝樺) met with the university students and talk about the issue of land cost and owning property though The HKFYG. It is actually a very interest talk to show the situation of Hong Kong’s land cost problem. People are unable to own their property due to the high price of land, they are looking for help from the government as over 60% of young adult believe that the only way to live and work in peace and contentment is to own their property. 10
  • 22. So the demand on the public estate and Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flats are still in high level as they are the first step to have a place for living. People may spend their busy working life period in this house until they are able to buy their own. We searched data about the current public estate, including the size, the environment and the people who live in public estate. 11
  • 23. HOUSEHOLD SIZE This data comes from the 2008 Public Housing Recurrent Survey, chart 2 shows that the average household size is decreased from 3.1 in 2004 to 3 in 2008. And in chart 3, we can see that the population in public housing is decreasing while the household is increasing, that means more and more people are tend to live alone in public housing. 12
  • 24. LIVING SPACE PER PERSON 南華早報| 2009-01-12EDT| By Olga Wong A very tall order The average living space per person in Hong Kong is just 12 square meters, he said, compared with Shenzhen resident's 19.7 square meters. We owe it to the community to improve their living standards and give the average person a slightly larger apartment, meaning the building bulk will need to grow, he said, So, building tall is actually a solution to our problems. It enables our city to remain compact and dense, and to function. Hong Kong will need an updated master plan - with a comprehensive review of building regulations - to achieve a proper balance in population density and quality living. 13
  • 25.
  • 26. The number of registering the public estate rise
  • 27. Especially people who are below 35, single and high-educated
  • 28. Tend to live alone or in couple14
  • 29. As a conclusion, if the issues we discovered nowadays continued, we are able to predict the situation of 10 years later. We will have a busy life under pressures, heavy workload or we may need to keep working at home. We are not easy to own a personal property, so we may still live in public estate or private house which is a small space. And we tend to live alone. 15
  • 30. We chose bathroom as our topic as we think that there are great possibility to work on. After our bedroom, it is the first room that we see after waking up as well as before going to bed. Bathing and showering are the most refreshing and relaxing period when people return home and before going to work. Thus, we believe that a wonderful bathing or showering experience should help people to have a better condition in living. 16
  • 31. MINDMAPPING What is inside a bathroom? 17
  • 32.
  • 33. Gadget equipment like Mini-spa room, Automatic toilet become popular to Hong Kong people
  • 34. Locals follow the style of European to set up spa facilities at home
  • 35. Showerhead that provide water and air pressure massage is very common18
  • 36. We chose showering instead of bathing is because people in Hong Kong are too busy which make it impossible to really enjoy a very long period of bathing. Besides, the size of a bathroom in Hong Kong limited the possibility an ideal bathing experience. Lastly, bathing is such a non eco-friendly activity that it wasted a lot more water than showering. So a design that enable user to have a better bathing or showering experience in a small area has a great potential to arise the living condition of Hong Kong people. 19
  • 38. 21
  • 39. 22
  • 40.
  • 41. Very small space
  • 42. Poor management in storage
  • 43. Water spitting to everywhere
  • 45.
  • 47. Better storage management
  • 51. Stuff get wet23
  • 52.
  • 55. Water spitting to everywhere
  • 64.
  • 68.
  • 71. Hair clogged the drain
  • 73. 26
  • 74. 你的年齡是?What is your age? 你的性別是?What is your gender? 你是否正在工作? Are you currently employed? 你是否自顧人士?Are you self-employed? A - < 18 (2)   B - 18-29 (47)   C - 30-45 (1)   D - > 45 (0) A - 男 Male (13)   B - 女Female (37) A - 是 Yes (12)   B - 否 No (38) A - 是 Yes (3)   B - 否 No (8) 你的住所是以下哪一種類型?What type is your house?  A-公共屋邨Public estate (13)   B-居屋HOS flat (9)   C-舊式樓宇 (包括唐樓) old tenement buildings (4)   D-私人樓宇 Private house (22)   E-豪宅Luxury apartment (1)   F-其他Others 請 註 明: (1) 27
  • 75. 家中的浴室尺寸多大? (平方尺)What is the size of the bathroom? (square foots) 你洗澡需時多久? (分鐘)How long will you take for bathing/showering? (mins) A - <=10 (13)   B - 11-20 (21) C - 21-30 (7)   D - >30 (7) A - < 5 (0)   B - 6-10 (11)   C - 11-20 (22)   D - 21-30 (13)   E - >30 (2) 28
  • 76. 家中有否浴缸? Do you have a bath tub? 你多久會享用一次浸浴?How often do you bath? A - Yes (22)   B - No (26) A - Every time (0)   B - At least once per week (0)   C - At least once per month (1)   D - Never (20) 29
  • 77. 洗澡時遇到以下甚麼問題? Do you encounter any problems during bathing or showering? A - Hair clogged the drain (26)   B - Bathroom is too small and interfere moving. (20)   C - Water everywhere (13)   D - Fog covered the bathroom (19)   E - The tube twisted (13)   F - Slippery floor (12)   G - Poor space arrangement of items (6)   H - Lack of lighting (5)   I - Pour too much or too little Shampoo (12)   J - Others (7) 30
  • 78. 你認為洗澡(浸浴/淋浴)是放鬆的一種活動嗎? Do you agree bathing / showering is a kind of relaxation? 如是, 哪一樣?If yes, which one? A - Yes (42)   B - No (6) A - Bathing (5)   B - Showering (3)   C - Both (33) 31
  • 79. 在家裡空閒時間你會做以下甚麼以作鬆弛? What will you do for relaxation in your daily life at home A - Watching TV /Movies (42)   B - Reading (24)   C - Drawing (16)   D - Sleeping (40)   E - Resting (31)   F - Video Games (15)   G - Computing (41)   H - Chatting (including internet/ on phone/ face to face) (32)   I - Sports (7) J - Singing (17)   K - Board Games (1)   L - Others (7) 32
  • 80. 假設科技許可, 你會選擇以下哪三項沐浴設施加設於浴室內作鬆弛用?Assume the technologies improve later, what three ideas of relaxation facilities do you prefer to be provided during bathing / showering? A - Visual graphic (6)   B - Movie or TV (13)   C - Natural environment (18)   D - Street (5)   E - Music (30)   F - Radio (6)   G - Nature sound (10)   H - Massage (28)   I - Spa (25)   J - Sauna (13)   K - Drinkable bathing water with different flavor (6)   L - Flower smell (16)   M - Smell some kinds of food smell (1)   N - Smell of herbs (1)   O - Drugs, can make you feel calm or happy (3)   P - Others(2) 33
  • 81.
  • 82. Small area of bathroom
  • 83. 11-20 minutes of showering
  • 84. Agree showering/bathroom as a relaxation
  • 85. Never use the bath tub
  • 86. Common bathroom issuesBut we are more interest on the part 3, the expectation of bathroom, as we understand that the common issues happening in bathroom may easily solved with simple solution. Taking the drainage problem as a example, it is easily solved by adding a filter on the drain. We are looking for more enjoyment rather than solving the problems in bathroom. So we took the four answers we discovered in the last questions as the design direction. We start brainstorming some ideas of the four directions. 34
  • 87. After some simple brainstorming, we choose music as the final design direction to work on as we believe that music is a very common interest to most of the people which can be reflected from the survey. We can foreseen the potential and possibility of music happening in bathroom. 35
  • 88. IDEAS VISUAL enjoyment (Natural environment) 36
  • 89. IDEAS MUSIC enjoyment (wireless music system) 37
  • 90. 38
  • 91. BATHROOMVS MUSIC An enervating day at the office could be done away with a bath in lukewarm water and a soft gentle music in the background. Music as research has proven acts as a therapist in relaxing your weary and fatigued mind and ridding it of all the unwanted tensions. It also increases your concentration thereby helping you stay focused better and enhance your productivity at work. Many people have different ways of enjoying their bath. Some like to go with a book and immerse themselves in the warm lukewarm water and relax while a few others like listening to music in the bath or shower. The nature of music you choose could vary based on your mood, if you are in an upbeat mood you could go for some pop number whereas if you are tired and want to relax, you could put some soft number and relax. Sometime back one way to enjoy music was to drag the Tablet PC or laptop near the bathroom and snake the speakers inside. However this posed much risk to the PC as well as the speakers. But nowadays there are several products which help of enhance the experience of a shower. These products are handy and help you enjoy listening to music in a cheap and cost effective manner. 39
  • 92. Primary research In part 2 we try to further research about the relationship between music and bathroom. We set up a new survey which focus on the behavior of people listen to music and their potential problems when they listen to music in bathroom. We expected to discover a clearer direction and possibly a solution for people. 40
  • 93. 41
  • 94. 平日有沒有聽歌的習慣?Do you listen to music in daily life? 會聽甚麼類型的音樂? What types of music do you listening to? A - 有 Yes (27)   B - 沒有 No (1) A - Pop (26)   B - Jazz (10)   C - Classical (8)   D - Rock (10)   E - Metal (4)   F - Hip-Hop (7)   G - R&B (11)   H - Absolute music (11)   I - Others(5) 42
  • 95. 多數會用以下甚麼媒體聽歌?What media do you use most of the time? A - Desktop PC/Notebook (19)   B - Mobile Phone (8)   C - Apple Series (Exclude Mac) (10)   D - MP3 Player (7)   E - Hi-Fi (5)   F - CD Player (1)   G - Cassette Player (0)   H - Others (3) 43
  • 96. 你希望可以在洗澡時一路聽音樂嗎?Do you wish to listen to music during showering? 洗澡時有沒有聽音樂的習慣? Do you listen to music during showering? A - Yes (19)   B -No (2) A - Yes (5)   B -No (18) 44
  • 97. 為什麼不願意/不能洗澡時聽音樂? What are the reasons not to listening to music during showering? A - Volume affect others (1)   B - Need to focus on showering (2)   C - The time staying in bathroom is short (6)   D - Lack of proper media or speaker to use (11)   E - Media may get wet. (13)   F - Too annoying to move the media around. (6)   G - Not necessary (4)   H - Others (1) 45
  • 98. 在洗澡時聽音樂會出現甚麼問題? What are the problems occur during showering? 怎樣聽到音樂?How are you listening to music? A - Media may get wet (2)   B - Volume is too low (1)   C - Cannot touch the media during showering (4)   D - Low battery problem happening during showering (0)   E - Others (1) A - Take the media into the bathroom directly (0)   B - Put the media into a plastic bag, and take it into the bathroom (1)   C - Higher the volume of the media, place it outside of the bathroom and close the door. (2)   D - Place the media outside bathroom, and open the door. (0)   E - Have a independent media in bathroom. (1)   F - Others. (1) 46
  • 99.
  • 100. Media may get wet
  • 101. Too annoying to move the media around
  • 102. Cannot touch the media during showeringSuch interesting found out lead us to the final design direction for the enjoyment in bathroom. 47
  • 103. The design should basically enable people to listen music in the bathroom during showering. So the design should be water-proofed though material, sealing and electrical device. It is independent, easy to install and small in size. User no longer bring their own media into the bathroom, but they are connected to each other. Additionally, we decided to provide massage function to the design as people can enjoy music and massage in the same time. Moreover, if the design enable to provide the concept of eco-friendly like save water will be better because eco-friendly is more or less an important issue nowadays. 48
  • 104. 49
  • 105.
  • 106.
  • 107. AM/FM shower radio and listen to your favorite tunes while bathing
  • 108. A splash proof design
  • 109. Water-resistant 4 ¾ “high x 2 ½ “compartment that holds most MP3 players
  • 110. Mount to hang the system
  • 112. A few require 4AA batteries while some others run on electricity50
  • 113.
  • 114.
  • 115. 1/. Wireless power supplying system by USA 據《科技日報》消息 現有多個研究小組正在設法利用無線電波為低能耗微型設備提供能源。借助該技術,美國杜克大學已研發出一款帶有鳴音提醒功能的安全帽。    杜克大學電子和電腦工程系助理教授馬特·雷諾茲和佐治亞理工學院土木與環境工程學院助理教授約亨·泰策將他們研製的一款裝了感測器和蜂鳴器的安全帽稱為 “聰明帽”。帽子內安裝的低能耗感測器可以通過監測信號的方位和強度來判斷戴帽子的人是否正在接近危險。當戴帽子的工人靠近建築工地上的危險設備時,帽子 就會自動發出警報。這款“聰明帽”的特別之處在於安裝其上的電子設備徹底告別了電池,安裝在挖土機和推土機上方的無線網路發射器發出的電波成了它獲取電能 的空中能源。這些發射器原本設計用於追蹤推土機和挖土機的位置。    Intel(英特爾)公司西雅圖研究中心的首席工程師、華盛頓大學教授喬舒亞·史密斯亦在研究電磁輻射,並已研製出了一種電子收集器,可以捕獲其周圍的無線電波。該電子收集器能夠從距離實驗室2.5米的電視發射站收集到足夠的能量,為一個溫度和濕度感應器供電。    據華盛頓大學電子工程系助理教授布萊恩·奧蒂斯介紹,目前在電子設備節能領域主要有兩個研究方向,除了從環境中獲得電能的研究外,還有不少研究人員就如何 大幅降低設備的能耗進行攻關。當這兩班人馬“勝利會師”時,很難想像,我們身邊將會有多少電子設備甩掉電池,實現空中“捉”電。 52
  • 116. 2/. Wireless power supplying system by Sony Corporation, 2/10/2009 Sony Corporation developed a highly efficient wireless power transfer system that up to 60 Watts of electrical energy can be transferred over a distance of 50cm(at an efficiency of approximately 80%, approximately 60% including rectifier). This new wireless power transfer system incorporates a form of contactless electrical energy transmission technology based on magnetic resonance. With magnetic resonance, electromagnetic energy is only transferred to recipient devices that share the identical resonant frequencies as the energy source, so energy transfer efficiency is maintained, even when misalignment occurs. Furthermore, even if there are metal objects located between the transmitter and receiver, no heat induction occurs. Main Features1. High speed rectifier realizing high transfer efficiencySony has drawn on its years of experience and expertise in RF technologies, and also incorporated optimal new components to develop a new rectifier that combines both high speed and high efficiency. This minimizes energy loss when transferring energy from the transmitter to the receiver, and enables products such as television sets and mobile PCs to be efficiently powered, wirelessly. 2. Transfer distance is able to be extended using passive extender unitsPassive extender units placed between the transmitter and receiver units enable the transfer distance to be extended without any degradation in efficiency. Based on fundamental experiments conducted using the component devices only, transfer distance can be extended from 50cm to 80cm. Although relatively large transmitter and receiver units are generally required for transferring energy over long distances, passive extender units can be used to relay power between small-sized transmitter and receiver units. 53
  • 117. 3/. Finally, we choose this system for our design, compare with those system that we show before, this system is more efficient and is highly adaptable.. 54
  • 118. Here is the demonstration of how the system works within a flat. 55
  • 119. Features and Benefits of WiTricity 1/. Highly Resonant Strong Coupling Provides High Efficiency Over Distance WiTricity's mode of wireless power transfer is highly efficient over distances ranging from centimeters to several meters. It define efficiency as the amount of usable electrical energy that is available to the device being powered, divided by the amount of energy that is drawn by the WiTricity source. In many applications, efficiency can exceed 90%. And WiTricity sources only transfer energy when it is needed. When a WiTricity powered device no longer needs to capture additional energy, the WiTricity power source will automatically reduce its power consumption to a power saving “idle” state. 2/. Energy Transfer via Magnetic Near Field Can Penetrate and Wrap Around Obstacles The magnetic near field has several properties that make it an excellent means of transferring energy any environment.  Most common building and furnishing materials, such as wood, plastics, and concrete are essentially “transparent” to magnetic fields—enabling WiTricity technology to efficiently transfer power through them.  In addition, the magnetic near field has the ability to “wrap around” many metallic obstacles that might otherwise block the magnetic fields.  3/. Non-Radiative Energy Transfer is Safe for People and Animals WiTricity’s technology is a non-radiative mode of energy transfer, relying instead on the magnetic near field. Magnetic fields interact very weakly with biological and are scientifically regarded to be safe. Through proprietary design of the WiTricity source, electric fields are almost completely contained within the source. This design results in levels of electric and magnetic fields which fall well within regulatory guidelines. Thus WiTricity technology doesn’t give rise to radio frequency emissions that interfere with other electronic devices, and is not a source of electric and magnetic field levels that pose a risk to people or animals.  WiTricity technology is being developed to be fully compliant with applicable regulations regarding magnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation. 4/. Scalable Design Enables Solutions from milliwatts to Kilowatts WiTricity systems can be designed to handle a broad range of power levels. The benefits of highly efficient energy transfer over distance can be achieved at power levels ranging from milliwatts to several kilowatts. This enables WiTricity technology to be used in applications as diverse as powering a wireless mouse or keyboard (milliwatts) to recharging an electric passenger vehicle (kilowatts). WiTricity technology operates in a “load following” mode, transferring only as much energy as the powered device requires. 56
  • 120. DATA TRANSFER We use Wifi for data transition because any kind of network technology (either wired or wireless) increases the usefulness of home and business computers. Wireless networks offer even more benefits than wired ones. Wi Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity and is used to define any of the wireless technology in the IEEE 802.11 specification. Wi-Fi networks have limited range. A typical wireless router using 802.11b or 802.11gwith a stock antenna might have a range of 32 m (120 ft) indoors and 95 m (300 ft) outdoors. Advantages: It is completely wire-free Becoming increasingly popular: with the hotspots in public area, people can now access to wifi network not only in indoor, but also outdoor. WiFi products are widely distributed, and an easy technology to use. High speed High reliability Easily with the existing wired Ethernet network integration Lower cost network 57
  • 121. SILICONE RUBBER We choose silicone for our product mainly because of its Good electrical insulation and the ability to repel water and form watertight seals, moreover it is thermal stability, low chemical reactivity, and low toxicity, etc. Silicone caulk can be used as a basic sealant against water and air penetration. 58
  • 122. WATERPROOF SPEAKER This VSLBG1914E1400 model waterproof speaker is invented by a Japan company, its thickness is just 0.9mmwhich is the world's thinnest waterproof chip piezoelectric speaker, because of its tiny size, it is low power consumption. And it didn’t apply any waterproofing materials, thus the production costs can be reduced and the sound quality will not be impaired. 59
  • 123. SYSTEM The system simply based on data transfer. A programme of the design was installed into the media of the user. When user activate the device, data of music from the media transfer to the device and synchronized. During showering, the device also transfer the data of the rhythm to the shower head and become the water pressure rhythm. Meanwhile, the shower head also transfer the data about the usage of water back to the device. Both of the device were powered by wireless charging so that it is safer to user. 60
  • 124.
  • 128. Tired
  • 129. Switch on the computer
  • 132. Run some musics61
  • 133.
  • 137.
  • 138. Cut off the water
  • 139. Transpeaker will swich off automatically after 5 mins
  • 141. TRANSPEAKER Monitor: To show the duration of showering, once it has be filled, it means the user has token a shower for 20mins. Button: Power on/off, volume control and also the next/previous song. Speaker: Waterproof speaker. 64
  • 143. MASSAGEHEAD Color bar: The sea blue color bar make a highlight of the shower head, which can enhance its aesthetic. Water pressure: The water pressure can be adjusted by the user, or another mode is to follow the music rhythm. 66
  • 145. 68
  • 146. Based on the research we found in part 1, we predicted that in 10 years later, the society become more and more stressful and people may still under pressure due to the workload. It has been a long-time issue of Hong Kong people and we believe it is continuing in the future. Besides, Hong Kong is such a small place that it also affect the living space of people. These are the fact that we can almost guarantee. Showering as the most relaxing activity at home, should be enhanced as good as possible so as to bring a better condition of living. But we are not looking for gadgets which is costly or require a whole new installation to bathroom. We seek for little gadget that can satisfy the simple needs of people, listening to music. During the process of survey, we discovered that listening to music in bathroom is such a great potential direction to develop on. So we designed this system and device for people to experience the convenient of listening to music. The music will not stop until you wish for, you are now able to continue listening during shower with just a simple button. And meanwhile the music turns into rhythm of massage to enjoy. Eco-friendly alarm is a additionally for the better environmental friendly tomorrow. 69
  • 147. 70