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Persian Classical Music
Instrument Recognition
(PCMIR) Using a Novel
Persian Music Database
9th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE
2019), October 24-25 2019, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Seyed Muhammad Hossein Mousavi
V. B. Surya Prasath
Seyed Muhammad Hassan Mousavi
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database1
The aim of this work : Classification of Persian musical instruments
Features : Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCCs), Spectral Roll-off, Spectral
Centroid, Zero Crossing Rate and Entropy Energy
Classes: 7 Persian musical instrument classes are Ney, Tar, Santur, Kamancheh, Tonbak, Ud
and Setar
Classifier: Multi-Layer Neural Network (MLNN)
Feature selection or dimensionality reduction : Fuzzy entropy feature selection method
Dataset: Proposing a new Persian music dataset
Comparison: Solanki, Arun, and Sachin Pandey. "Music instrument recognition using deep
convolutional neural networks." International Journal of Information Technology (2019): 1-10
The Structure of the Research
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database2
2 Introduction
The first lines of Samani, a music piece by Abol Hassan Saba
Which can be played by all melodic Persian classical instruments
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database3
3 Introduction
The commonly used Persian classical instruments
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database4
4 Related Researches
Author (s) Features Classes Classification Year Comment
Essid et al MFCC-Spectral Centroid
(Sc), - Spectral Width (Sw)-
the Spectral Asymmetry (Sa)
a new database
with 10 classes
Gaussian Mixture
Model (GMM)
2004 a new pairwise feature
selection algorithms based
on inertia ratio
maximization - 79.87%.
Benetos et al audio spectrum flatness’s
mean, audio spectrum
flatness’s Variance, Mean of
the Audio Spectrum Envelope
and Mean of the Audio
Spectrum Spread and MFCC
6 classical
non-negative matrix
factorization (NMF)
2006 Dataset = MIS - 95%
Joder et al Amplitude modulation (AM),
Zero crossing rates (ZCRs),
8 classical
GMM, Hidden
Markov Model
(HMM), and Support
Vector Machine
2009 Spectral shape features in
feature extraction - on
Essid’s database - 84%
Barbedo et al combined different audio
signal features (spatial
classifying 25
classical music
instruments and
human voices
SVM classifier 2010 RWC and Iowa database =
- 84%
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database5
5 Related Researches
Author (s) Features Classes Classification Year Comment
Park et al Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs)
6 classical
Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs)
2015 IOWA MIS database = 93.14 %
Bhalke Fractional Fourier Transform
(FrFT)-based Mel Frequency
Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC)
19 different
Counter Propagation
Neural Network
(CPNN) classifier
2016 MUMS database = 91.84%
et al
Fast-ICA and MFCC Persian music
Persian music
SVM 2016 small new database = 83.71%
Han et al Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNN)
11 classes of
Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNN)
2017 IRMAS Dataset = 89.6 %
Solanki et al Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNN)
11 classes of
Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNN)
2019 IRMAS Dataset = 92.8 %
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database6
6 Proposed Method
Proposed method’s procedure
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database7
7 Proposed Method : Features
1. Zero-Crossing Rate (ZCR)
-. The rate of sign changes in audio frame is called Zero-Crossing Rate (ZCR) .
-. The number of signal changes values, from positive to negative and contrariwise, divided
by frames length.
2. Entropy Energy (EE)
-. The short-term entropy of energy can be expounded as a measure of sudden changes in the
energy level of a digital audio signal waveform.
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database8
8 Proposed Method : Features
3. Spectral Centroid (SC)
-. The spectral centroid is simple measure of spectral position and shape.
-. The spectral centroid is spectrum’s center of gravity.
4. Spectral Roll-off (SR)
-. Spectral roll-off represents the frequency below which a certain percentage (usually 80%–
90%) of the magnitude distribution of the spectrum is concentrated in the spectrum.
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database9
9 Proposed Method : Features
5. Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients or (MFCCs)
-. A Cepstrum is the result of taking the inverse Fourier transform (IFT) of the logarithm
from the estimated spectrum of a signal.
-. Mel-Frequency Cepstrum (MFC) is a representation of the short-term power spectrum of a
-. Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) are coefficients that collectively make up an
-. Normally first 13 MFCCs are used because they are considered to carry enough
distinguishing information.
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database10
10 Proposed Method : Features
5. Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients or (MFCCs)
MFCCs are commonly derived as follows:
1. Take the Fourier transform of (a windowed excerpt of) a signal.
2. Map the powers of the spectrum obtained above onto the mel scale, using triangular
overlapping windows.
3. Take the logs of the powers at each of the mel frequencies.
4. Take the discrete cosine transform of the list of mel log powers, as if it were a signal.
5. The MFCCs are the amplitudes of the resulting spectrum.
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database11
11 Proposed Method : Features
5. Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients or (MFCCs)
Binary classification task of speech vs music with MFCC
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database12
12 Proposed Method : Features
SR, SC, EE and ZCR features wave form for a 2.5 second melody of Ney instrument
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database13
13 Proposed Method : Feature Selection
Feature Selection:
-. By eliminating fewer desirable attributes from the data, it could make the model clearer
and more realizable.
-. Luukka’s fuzzy feature selection method.
-. He used fuzzy entropy measures to removes features from data which it considers bearing
least amount of relevant information.
-. This method is based on combination of non-probabilistic fuzzy entropy and weighted
fuzzy entropy.
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database14
14 Proposed Method : Instruments
Spectrum of each instrument in a specific duration
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database15
15 Validation and Results : Proposed Database
Proposed small database:
-. 7 main Persian musical instruments: Ney, Tar, Santur, Kamancheh, Tonbak, Ud and
Setar classes.
-. Classes consist of 89 to 110 samples.
-. Each sample 5-10 seconds.
-. Database is developed with the aid of musicians whom we asked to play and we
-. Some of the pieces were played in natural places such as rooms and music shops and a
few in the music studios.
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database16
16 Validation and Results : Proposed Database
Proposed small database:
Instrument samples Duration Size Recording device Recording place
Ney 102 5-10 sec 21 MB Phone Closed and open space
Tar 96 5-10 sec 20 MB Phone Closed and open space
Santur 107 5-10 sec 25 MB Phone Closed and open space
Kamancheh 101 5-10 sec 21 MB MP3 Closed and open space
Tonbak 110 5-10 sec 28 MB MP3 Closed and open space
Setar 89 5-10 sec 19 MB MP3 Closed and open space
Ud 93 5-10 sec 20 MB Phone Closed and open space
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database17
17 Validation and Results : Classification
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN):
-. A neural network with enough neurons can classify almost any data.
-. They are suitable for complex decision boundary problems having many variables.
-. Feed forward networks mostly consist of 1 or more hidden layers (sigmoid neurons)
which containing an output layer of linear neurons.
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database18
18 Validation and Results : Classification
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN):
Typical multilayer network architectures
log-sigmoid transition function A single-layer network of S
neurons having R inputs
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database19
19 Validation and Results : Results
Hidden layer
Training classification accuracy Testing classification accuracy
- Proposed
[35] Proposed
10 75.6 % 74.6 % 63.3 % 65.8 %
20 79.3 % 80.1 % 66.7 % 66.4 %
30 81.0 % 82.2 % 71.9 % 71.1 %
40 85.7 % 83.2 % 78.2 % 79.9 %
100 94.2 % 94.0 % 82.5 % 81.4 %
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database20
20 Validation and Results : Results
Confusion Matrix:
-. A unique table which shows the performance visualization of an algorithm or method.
-. Usually works for supervised learning (matching matrix for unsupervised learning).
-. Rows represent instances in a predicted class.
-. Columns show the instances or samples in an actual class.
-. Purple column indicates number of samples per class.
-. Orange columns are the percentage of misclassification and number of misclassified
samples per classes.
-. Green columns are percentage of classification and number of classified samples per
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database21
21 Validation and Results : Results
Ney 89% 91 - - 10% 9 1% 2 - -
Tar - 79% 76 8% 7 - - 13% 13 -
Santur - 10% 11 82% 88 - - 8% 8 -
Kamancheh 9% 8 - 2% 2 87% 89 2% 2 - -
Tonbak - 2% 2 1% 1 - 95% 105 2% 2 -
Setar - 16% 14 8% 7 - - 76% 68 -
Ud - 6% 6 18% 16 - - 6% 6 70% 65
- Ney Tar Santur Kamancheh Tombak Setar Ud
91 89% 11 11% 102
Data is splitted 70 % for train
and 30 % for test
76 79% 20 21% 96
88 82% 19 18% 107
89 87% 12 13% 101
105 95% 5 5% 110
68 76% 21 24% 89
65 70% 28 30% 93
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database22
22 Validation and Results : Results
Proposed method’s recognition accuracy on proposed database
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database23
23 Validation and Results : Results
Classification Result:
-. In some instruments [35]’s method has better results in training stage.
-. In testing stage, proposed method is much better specially when number of hidden
layers increases.
-. The highest accuracy belongs to Tombak which is a percussion instrument.
-. The lowest for Ud.
-. As Tar, Setar and Santur sound somehow similar, there is a high percentage of
misclassification in their classes
-. 82.57% recognition accuracy.
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database24
24 Conclusion
-. Combination spatial and frequency domain features
-. Using proper preprocessing
-. Nice feature selection methods
-. Strong classifier (NN)
-. Novel Persian musical instrument database
Future works:
-. Increasing Persian classical music instruments like Robab, Ghanoon, Daf and Gheychak
-. Using deep learning (like CNN)
Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database25
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Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database28
28 END
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Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database - 2019 presentation

  • 1. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database 9th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE 2019), October 24-25 2019, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Seyed Muhammad Hossein Mousavi V. B. Surya Prasath Seyed Muhammad Hassan Mousavi
  • 2. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database1 The aim of this work : Classification of Persian musical instruments Features : Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCCs), Spectral Roll-off, Spectral Centroid, Zero Crossing Rate and Entropy Energy Classes: 7 Persian musical instrument classes are Ney, Tar, Santur, Kamancheh, Tonbak, Ud and Setar Classifier: Multi-Layer Neural Network (MLNN) 1 Feature selection or dimensionality reduction : Fuzzy entropy feature selection method Dataset: Proposing a new Persian music dataset Comparison: Solanki, Arun, and Sachin Pandey. "Music instrument recognition using deep convolutional neural networks." International Journal of Information Technology (2019): 1-10 The Structure of the Research
  • 3. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database2 2 Introduction The first lines of Samani, a music piece by Abol Hassan Saba Which can be played by all melodic Persian classical instruments
  • 4. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database3 3 Introduction The commonly used Persian classical instruments
  • 5. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database4 4 Related Researches Author (s) Features Classes Classification Year Comment Essid et al MFCC-Spectral Centroid (Sc), - Spectral Width (Sw)- the Spectral Asymmetry (Sa) a new database with 10 classes (classic) Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) classifier 2004 a new pairwise feature selection algorithms based on inertia ratio maximization - 79.87%. Benetos et al audio spectrum flatness’s mean, audio spectrum flatness’s Variance, Mean of the Audio Spectrum Envelope and Mean of the Audio Spectrum Spread and MFCC 6 classical instruments (classic) non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) 2006 Dataset = MIS - 95% Joder et al Amplitude modulation (AM), Zero crossing rates (ZCRs), MFCCs 8 classical instruments (classic) GMM, Hidden Markov Model (HMM), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) 2009 Spectral shape features in feature extraction - on Essid’s database - 84% Barbedo et al combined different audio signal features (spatial domain) classifying 25 different classical music instruments and human voices SVM classifier 2010 RWC and Iowa database = - 84%
  • 6. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database5 5 Related Researches Author (s) Features Classes Classification Year Comment Park et al Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) 6 classical instruments (classic) Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) 2015 IOWA MIS database = 93.14 % Bhalke Fractional Fourier Transform (FrFT)-based Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) 19 different classic instruments Counter Propagation Neural Network (CPNN) classifier 2016 MUMS database = 91.84% Shakibhamedan et al Fast-ICA and MFCC Persian music instruments recognition-6 Persian music classes SVM 2016 small new database = 83.71% Han et al Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) 11 classes of classic instruments Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) 2017 IRMAS Dataset = 89.6 % Solanki et al Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) 11 classes of classic instruments Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) 2019 IRMAS Dataset = 92.8 %
  • 7. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database6 6 Proposed Method Proposed method’s procedure
  • 8. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database7 7 Proposed Method : Features 1. Zero-Crossing Rate (ZCR) -. The rate of sign changes in audio frame is called Zero-Crossing Rate (ZCR) . -. The number of signal changes values, from positive to negative and contrariwise, divided by frames length. 2. Entropy Energy (EE) -. The short-term entropy of energy can be expounded as a measure of sudden changes in the energy level of a digital audio signal waveform.
  • 9. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database8 8 Proposed Method : Features 3. Spectral Centroid (SC) -. The spectral centroid is simple measure of spectral position and shape. -. The spectral centroid is spectrum’s center of gravity. 4. Spectral Roll-off (SR) -. Spectral roll-off represents the frequency below which a certain percentage (usually 80%– 90%) of the magnitude distribution of the spectrum is concentrated in the spectrum.
  • 10. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database9 9 Proposed Method : Features 5. Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients or (MFCCs) -. A Cepstrum is the result of taking the inverse Fourier transform (IFT) of the logarithm from the estimated spectrum of a signal. -. Mel-Frequency Cepstrum (MFC) is a representation of the short-term power spectrum of a sound. -. Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) are coefficients that collectively make up an MFC. -. Normally first 13 MFCCs are used because they are considered to carry enough distinguishing information.
  • 11. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database10 10 Proposed Method : Features 5. Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients or (MFCCs) MFCCs are commonly derived as follows: 1. Take the Fourier transform of (a windowed excerpt of) a signal. 2. Map the powers of the spectrum obtained above onto the mel scale, using triangular overlapping windows. 3. Take the logs of the powers at each of the mel frequencies. 4. Take the discrete cosine transform of the list of mel log powers, as if it were a signal. 5. The MFCCs are the amplitudes of the resulting spectrum.
  • 12. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database11 11 Proposed Method : Features 5. Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients or (MFCCs) Binary classification task of speech vs music with MFCC
  • 13. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database12 12 Proposed Method : Features SR, SC, EE and ZCR features wave form for a 2.5 second melody of Ney instrument
  • 14. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database13 13 Proposed Method : Feature Selection Feature Selection: -. By eliminating fewer desirable attributes from the data, it could make the model clearer and more realizable. -. Luukka’s fuzzy feature selection method. -. He used fuzzy entropy measures to removes features from data which it considers bearing least amount of relevant information. -. This method is based on combination of non-probabilistic fuzzy entropy and weighted fuzzy entropy.
  • 15. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database14 14 Proposed Method : Instruments Spectrum of each instrument in a specific duration
  • 16. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database15 15 Validation and Results : Proposed Database Proposed small database: -. 7 main Persian musical instruments: Ney, Tar, Santur, Kamancheh, Tonbak, Ud and Setar classes. -. Classes consist of 89 to 110 samples. -. Each sample 5-10 seconds. -. Database is developed with the aid of musicians whom we asked to play and we recorded. -. Some of the pieces were played in natural places such as rooms and music shops and a few in the music studios.
  • 17. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database16 16 Validation and Results : Proposed Database Proposed small database: Instrument samples Duration Size Recording device Recording place Ney 102 5-10 sec 21 MB Phone Closed and open space Tar 96 5-10 sec 20 MB Phone Closed and open space Santur 107 5-10 sec 25 MB Phone Closed and open space Kamancheh 101 5-10 sec 21 MB MP3 Closed and open space Tonbak 110 5-10 sec 28 MB MP3 Closed and open space Setar 89 5-10 sec 19 MB MP3 Closed and open space Ud 93 5-10 sec 20 MB Phone Closed and open space
  • 18. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database17 17 Validation and Results : Classification Artificial Neural Networks (ANN): -. A neural network with enough neurons can classify almost any data. -. They are suitable for complex decision boundary problems having many variables. -. Feed forward networks mostly consist of 1 or more hidden layers (sigmoid neurons) which containing an output layer of linear neurons.
  • 19. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database18 18 Validation and Results : Classification Artificial Neural Networks (ANN): Typical multilayer network architectures log-sigmoid transition function A single-layer network of S neurons having R inputs
  • 20. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database19 19 Validation and Results : Results Hidden layer neurons Training classification accuracy Testing classification accuracy - Proposed Method [35] Proposed Method [35] 10 75.6 % 74.6 % 63.3 % 65.8 % 20 79.3 % 80.1 % 66.7 % 66.4 % 30 81.0 % 82.2 % 71.9 % 71.1 % 40 85.7 % 83.2 % 78.2 % 79.9 % 100 94.2 % 94.0 % 82.5 % 81.4 % TRAIN AND TEST PRECISION CHANGES VS THE NUMBER OF NEURONS FOR ALL INSTRUMENTS (PROPOSED METHOD VS [35]) ON PROPOSED DATABASE
  • 21. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database20 20 Validation and Results : Results Confusion Matrix: -. A unique table which shows the performance visualization of an algorithm or method. -. Usually works for supervised learning (matching matrix for unsupervised learning). -. Rows represent instances in a predicted class. -. Columns show the instances or samples in an actual class. -. Purple column indicates number of samples per class. -. Orange columns are the percentage of misclassification and number of misclassified samples per classes. -. Green columns are percentage of classification and number of classified samples per classes
  • 22. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database21 21 Validation and Results : Results Ney 89% 91 - - 10% 9 1% 2 - - Tar - 79% 76 8% 7 - - 13% 13 - Santur - 10% 11 82% 88 - - 8% 8 - Kamancheh 9% 8 - 2% 2 87% 89 2% 2 - - Tonbak - 2% 2 1% 1 - 95% 105 2% 2 - Setar - 16% 14 8% 7 - - 76% 68 - Ud - 6% 6 18% 16 - - 6% 6 70% 65 - Ney Tar Santur Kamancheh Tombak Setar Ud 91 89% 11 11% 102 Data is splitted 70 % for train and 30 % for test 76 79% 20 21% 96 88 82% 19 18% 107 89 87% 12 13% 101 105 95% 5 5% 110 68 76% 21 24% 89 65 70% 28 30% 93 True Observation True Positive Rate False Observation False Negative Rate Observations 698 PROPOSED METHOD CONFUSION MATRIX ON PROPOSED DATABASE
  • 23. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database22 22 Validation and Results : Results Proposed method’s recognition accuracy on proposed database
  • 24. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database23 23 Validation and Results : Results Classification Result: -. In some instruments [35]’s method has better results in training stage. -. In testing stage, proposed method is much better specially when number of hidden layers increases. -. The highest accuracy belongs to Tombak which is a percussion instrument. -. The lowest for Ud. -. As Tar, Setar and Santur sound somehow similar, there is a high percentage of misclassification in their classes -. 82.57% recognition accuracy.
  • 25. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database24 24 Conclusion Conclusion: -. Combination spatial and frequency domain features -. Using proper preprocessing -. Nice feature selection methods -. Strong classifier (NN) -. Novel Persian musical instrument database Future works: -. Increasing Persian classical music instruments like Robab, Ghanoon, Daf and Gheychak -. Using deep learning (like CNN)
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  • 29. Persian Classical Music Instrument Recognition (PCMIR) Using a Novel Persian Music Database28 28 END Thank You ?