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App lications should be typed (in English). Twelve copies
of this completed form are required, t o reach the IBA by
the advertised closing - date for the area concerned. Only
add separate sheets where it is indicat ed you may do SDi
otherwise responses must be kept within the space
allocated . Appendices giving additional information, or
any other material (e.g. cassettes, publicity documents),
should not be enclosed unless specifically requested.
Failure to comply with these requirements wil l r ender the
application liable to disqualification. Following
presentat ion of this application form to the IBA, any
contact between the applicant and the IBA should only be at
the instigation of the IBA unt il the contract is awarded.
a .
PROPOSED STATION NAME (or name by which the applicant is
usua lly known):
.. -, -
OF THIS APPLICATION (for contact purposes : maximum two
per sons)
Name: (ll
(daytime) •
Gordon McNam..
14 Blackltock M_I
100 Blockstock Rood
N4 2DR
( 2 ) Martin Striv~ms
52 Gearge Street
LEGAL STATUS OF APPLICANT (see paragraph 2. 10 (vi) o f the
Contract Specification);
Company limitftl by shores.
(This is your 'Promise of Per f ormance' - see Sect ion 6al.
KISS FM il a dance music station - an eliciting new style of I'Odio for the Nineties. Its dance music of varying
tempos spans the lost four decodes whilst always being on the cUHing edge of tomorrow's trends. KISS FM's
innovative mix of dance music and talk reflects the style and fashion of cosmopolitan London.
This form, when completed , should be returned to
Radio, Independent Broadcasting Authority, 70
London SW3 lEY .
the Director of
Brompton Road,
, 4.
MEMBERS OF APPLICANT GROUP - give name, a ge , add r ess , nati onal i ty
(i f no t Br it i s h ) and o ther activities (e. g . o t he r directorships )
of each. Br iefly describe personal ~ a ckg r ound and previous
experience, espe cia lly that which ~s r eleva nt t o r thi s
rad io serv ice.
Name: Keith McDowaIl CBE
Address: 2Malvern r.froce
London NI lHR
National i t y: British
Background/ Experience :
Public aHairs and Government r. lations consultant.
Age : 60
Formerly 0 prof.nional journali.t. For eight y.<In (until 1988), Deputy Director General and Director of
Information for th. Conf. d. rotion of British InduI'ry, r.sponsibl. fot. public ...Iolio". in the pren , radio and
television of British bUlinen.
During th. pr....ious tw.l.... y.ors, r.sponsib~ fat. information divisions of yurious governm.nt
d.portm.nIJ, including the Hom. Offic., North.rn lre/ond Offic., Board of Trade and o.panment of
Employm.nt. Industriol Editor of the Doily Mail for nin. years to 1967.
Fo r e a ch i ndividua l, pro v ide t he f o llowing i n f o rmation :
Name: Sir frank
Address : Gr••nsl_s
loudwoter [Xi....
Na tionality : British
Ba c kgro und/ Experience :
Age : 69
Sinc. 1973 h. ha. bMn Choirman of EMAP plc.. Th. compony has grown rapidly in the last t.n years and
now Owns B6, 80 newspapers and ~r 20 .xhibitions.
Spent 33 'f1'Ors with Daily Mirror Group.H. toined the company as 0 train_ journalist in 1937 and, aport
from war s......ic., stayed with the Group until 1970 b.caming Managing Director in 1963.
Wh.n h. I.ft the Mirror Group in 1970 h. b.c:ame, at the invitotion of the empl~rs and the unions,
Chairman of the NotiOf'lol Newspoper SI..ring Group. Thi. was a joint body MI up by the employers and
unions in fl..t SI....t to .nquir. into the economks of A..t St....t and make recomm.ndations.
Dir.ctorships: Chairman - EMAP plc
Deputy Chairman - Daily Telegraph plc
Deputy Chairman - Argyfl Conwltancies
<Incl ude additio nal pages as necessary)
Name :
Addr es 5 : lSS Emest Richard Tower
Colchett.r Rood
Nationality: British
Backgr o und/ Experie nce :
Managing Director of KISS FM. Manoging Director of Goodfoot Promotions, Cl pt"e" and PR company for
the donce music industry founded in 1984. Oirector oi Graphic Rec:ords, Cl record company started in 1988.
Storted disc jockey work for local community _nts in 1974, ' hen WOI boobd for on incr.asing
amounl of mobile ditco and club promotion work. from 1979. orgonised Cl ••ri•• of sucuuful music nights 01
London clubs. ktw•• n 1983 Gnd 1986, worked 01 Mu.ic Manager of Ki.... nightclub, booking od. and
organising the lIenue', press and publicity campaign•.
Pr.,.nt.d donee mu.ic progromm., for London pirate radio .Iolion JFM in 1983, before co-founding
KISS FM in 1985. R. sponsible for co.ordinating all financial, p.r50nnel and t.chnical alpectl of KISS FM sine.
th.n, a. well o. dev.loping and impl.menting th••tation'. innovati" programme policy.
Name: Martin RStri" ns
Addres s : 8CrieH Rood
Nationality: Britilh
Background/Exper i ence :
Finonc. Dir.ctor of C.nturion , ....., ....pon.ibl. for all area. af finonc., r.porting, comput.risation,
fundraising, ocqui.itions and disposals, start-ups and strategk plcnning.
Quclified a. a Accountcnt cher four pelr Articl.. with 0 lorg. firm of occaunklnh in
Johanneslwrg in 1976. Two with Ernsf & Whinn.-y in ..... City of London before joining C.nturion during
c penod of considwabM growtfo. for the Group.
BocMlor of eom-c.
Certifico.. in"" Theory of Accounklnq
Chartered Accountant (South Africc)
Directonhips: All campon'" within the Cen""rion P..... group.
, ,
".' . .", . ". ~ ..
Name : Charl•• levison
Address : 40 Kensington Pork Gardens
London wn 2QT
Na t ionali t y: s"itith
Backgro und/ Experience :
Manoging Director of Virgin Broodcosting Ltd, responsible for television and radio activities within the
Virgin Group of companie•. Chairman of Radio Radio Ltd, Cl radio programme syndication compony. Deputy
Choirmon of the In.titut. of Contemporary Art•. Chairman of the Theatr. Museum Associotio,...
Having b••n Cl portner in Horbottl. & Lewis, ,oliciton l~doli.i"9 in 011 OSlH'ctl of media and
entertainment industrie•. Charl•• Levison mowd in 1975 into corpol'ote manogement, including ,h.
development of n_ businesse., products and morkeh in the of, radio, records, music, film
and video. H. was formerly Cl director of Radio Mercury, and joint Monaging Director of SuJMr Chonn.l and
has manag.d rKord and video componi•• including acting os o.oirman and Chi.f Executi.,. of WEA
RKords and Warn.r Hom. Video UK.
Other Di..aorsnipl: Mulic loll Ltd, Wnt EI~ EntertoinrMnt Ltd, ICA ProjKh Ltd, ICA 1.levi.~ Ltd.
Name : lany Prin"
Address : 'Braml.y'
Sll aNN
Nationality : British
Backgro und/ Experience:
Founder ond Director of Disco Mix Club, the world's lorgm DJ-only record dub. Director of DMC
RKord. (r.cord company)ond Blu.bird Record. (record r.tail.r).
Start.d os DJ wittI tn. Top Rank Orgonikltion in the 1960., then with offshore .totion Radio Corolin•.
Joined Radio Luumboutg at (I PI-..... for ......... ,..,.."*'01 Programme DiredeN' few 0 further nine
Founded Disco Mix Club with his wife Chriltin., now with branch.. in Amst.rdam and N_ York, ond
franchi..s in 22 countri.s.
Name : John Falhonu
Address : 141 Louderdol.Monsion.
Laud.rdol. Road
Maido Val.
National ity :
Backgro und/Experience:
Prof.ssionol football.r for 9 yean, Captain of WirnlHedon Fe and c~tfy pkIying few tfM Englith
Pr.s.nt.r of TV .how·s.v.n Spa.....• - 7S minute .how _ry Sunday, Chonnel4.
Patron 01 Doctor Iornados chority.
Name: Trevot N.laon
Address: 66£orlhomGrove Gate
London E17
Nationality : British
Backg r o und/ Expe rie nce:
Full-time f,••lgne. DJ since 1978.
2e -
Age :
Previously manager of specialist record shop R.d Recotds in Soho.
foundef member of KISS FM team with r.sponsibility for or90ni,in9 lor9. proportion of KISS FM •.,.nts.
P,"entty buyef' for the Soul 11 Soul Mu.ic Deportment of r.toil outt..,.
~',., . .
, ',"
, ; "
4 . c .
- 3
lending support t o t his
Mention any other organisat ions
a ppl i c a tion.
KISS FM wo. formed in 19850. 1;1 positive r••pon.e 10 londonen ' unsatisfi.d demand for 0 dam:.
music radio .ervic• . It. regular we.kend broadcasts dr_ 0 substantial and loyal audience, oHrocted
by the stotion'. prof. ..ional sound Qnd its ..,en.", rang_ of music. Manoging Oire<:tor Gordon
MeNom.. recruited london', besl known a nd most knowledgeable donce mu.ic: DJ. 10 pre.ent
progl'Gmmes, immediately creating Cl strong imog. and on identifia bl. sou~.
Th. slotion d..,.lo".d 0 n;.nge of oH-c:lir activiti.s to complement i.. mu.ic programm•• ond
increos. contact with its li.I..,.I'1. Regular KISS FM dub night. were held IIlleoding London venu.,
featuring th. s'a'ian's DJs, and their SUCCHS has rHulted in ~u.m for similar ..... n" to be stoved
aul1id. London and abroad.
A bi-manthly KISS FM wos first publish.d in 1987 os on ••t.nsion of th. stalian's
information and sp••ch programm.s cOvtlring music, a rts and fashion. Ad".rtising••nabled
i's 20,000 prinl-run 10 b4 dittributed "" through shOpt, clubs and to 6,000 P"Opi. who aped to join
Ih. mailing lill.
Record foin , charity fundraising .-.-,ts and m.rchandi.. fllQlUring th. station Iovo cMto
consolidated KISS FM's public profil• .
Although KISS FM fOluntarily claNd ils radio s.rvic. on 31 o.c:.mber 1988, this oH-air work
continu., 10 kH p ,h. I'alian', nom. ali..... retaining the rapport with ils audienc• .
In pr.poralion for Ih. application, oth.r treoti.... P"OPJ. with con,id.robl. radio
•• hove accepted invitations to join the KISS FM teom. Grant Goddard (• • -ILR) and Lyn
Champion (•••8BC Netwolil) or. cloMfy irwoW.c:i in the dewlapment of the l'atian'l programming
plans. Do.,. Peoru (GU) and oth., .peciolil1 produc.,/~ .--.ntIy employed on IICIILR
danc. mUlic programm.s ore also woliling with the Mom.
Two potenlial rival bidders for 0 London dance mUlic lic.nce, Solar Rodia (hllQd.d by To",
Monson) and SOUL Radio (heoded by Graham Gold), hove merged plan. with KISS FM and
brought with ,hem 0 wealth of e.perience that further s,"ngthen. the application.
The management structur. MJS benefited from the oppointm.nt of Keith McOowaIl C8E 01
Choirmon, while Sir Fronk Rogen. TO")' PriMe and John Fa.hanu MJve joined the Board of Directors.
KISS FM's financial strength i. bose<! on four componies witn succHsful trock r.cOf'd. in oth.,
media, 011 kHn to apply their bUlines, ocumen to this new .,.nture. They 0'-';
• Cenlurian PrHI, 0 moior forc. in the UK ond European printing indu.try. The campony
pu~ishes a number of professional mogat.inH a. well o. sp«ialising in high quality contract
e EMAP pk, 0 dynamic magot.ine and n_poper publisher whose ..perience in launching
music ond other specialist publicattans will prow involuoble.
• Virgin Ifoodcasting, a member of tM Virgin group of companies. brings to KISS FM il1 proven
experti.. in torgeted youth malileting, 0 1 _11 os .xperienu of radio broodcalfing and programming
and of monogement within 0 creative environmenl.
• CrodMy Graup HaWing plc it 0 IUCQNlvI prinling company .~ng in mogaziM
KISS FM has a hi.tary and 0 strong identity rooted in London'. donce music cunu,.. The talents
and bu.iness e. perience within the Italian, combined witn the irrefuto~e demand for donee music
radio, make KISS.FM 0 wiable ond uciting addmon to London's ~
- 4 -
a. Draw up a reporting s t r uc t ure s howing station management
and o r gani sation , including al l intended staff posts , with
sa l ari es . ( Use one additional page i f nece s s ary).
Managing Director's MANAGING
Mail Room/Receptionist
Financial Chi.f Programme Soles/Marketing
Director Entn.., Controll.r Director
£40 £ 2.SK E30K E40K
~ / ~
Accounts 2 Head of
Heodof National 5 local Sales
Manofler En~~" Music - - -,.. Sal.s HouH I'onon.
£22. K E22.SK 12K E22.SK £* E20K
3 Account. Music Bnakfatt Producer 2 Produce"'; Commerciol Advert
Assistants Librarian DJ. (Spec;.I.) Pr••ente,.. Production Clearance
EllK £11.SK E20K £ISK £ISK £* EllK
4 2 TraHic
EllK 0..,.;_ Researcherl Penon
EI1.SK Strl1 DJ.s
,. , . ,
. 21 Part-time
. " .1
FrHklnce -..,,,....-
Specialist ..po....,.. 12K
Music OJ.s
~., . ,."., •
'< .
MD/ PAlRe,eption
f inonce
3 full-time
21 full-time + 27 port-tim." + fr~a"c:en
3 full-time
6 full-lime
9 full-time
42 full-time 27 pol'Hime
• • The.e 27 port-time sF"Kiali" DJ. produc:e c nd pr.sen' more tha n hglf of KISS FM'. w_~dy output.
Programme Controll.r - implementation of programming policy, management 01 presentation
leom, co-ordinOlion of output.
Head of Mulic - implementation of musk: policy, monogemen' of mutic library, lia ison with mu5ic.
lreakfo.t DJ + Daytime Strip Show DJ. - S full-lime pr• •• "'.r, of _ekdoy daytime
Part-Time Specialist DJ. - palNim. Pf'Henten of ....."ing and -'tend specialist mu.ic .hows.
Programme "sl,ton's - admini'trati.... and *hnical .upport to the programme pr••ent.... and
production team.
Royohl.. Adminls.rator - coll.cliM of dolo, calculation of retu,n. due to PAS, PPl and MCPS,
Mu.k Librarian - admini.tration of mu.ic rM04,lrce" library and archi......
Head of Featu.... - impl.mentotion of features policy, management of featu,.. team, editoria l
respon.ibility for feature autpll1.
P'oducet"Presen••rs - respon.ible for producrion and presentation of features output, including
studio management and programme odminiltration.
Producet' (Special.) - production of documentaries, spe<iol programmes and in-depth interviews
scheduled for Sunday, proYidin9 back-up for da ity talk output.
R.searchet'/ - compilation and prflefltation of doily listing., information, ""ing up
interviews, edit;ng, .criptwriting and gen.rating ideo•.
F,..lonc. a.porters - generating and pt"OChIc:ing inteMew and feature ma"';al from the field
'Of' _ning . hows.
MO'. PAlPres. + ,. - odministroti¥e assistance to MD, co-ordination of .tatian'. pre" and
promotion campoign•.
Rec.ptlonl.t/Mall Room - .totion ~eptionist and admi"i.frator of incomi"SI and outgoing mail.
Chief Ingl,..... - co-ordination of technical ~rcu, mainMna"ce of audio equipme"t,
compliance with IIA tKfvIicol 'p«ificat;on•.
InglnrMn - "'n~ 0I:Ii.tance and 24-how co.erage of mointetMInce/repoir.
Accounts Manager - contnH of day to-ckry occount;ng function, reporting procedures and
.upervision of accounts staff.
Account. As.I.fa.". - procusing oU account tnJnlCldion. and credit control.
local Sol.. ""'on. - markeling of .tation to local odvertise", d_lopment of n_ occounll,
IOle of advertising oirtime.
Ad Clearonc. - respon. ible for clearonce of local ~ng copy, liaison with ItA'. oc:hoett;sing
control staff and other clearance agencies.
Trafflc ...rson - scheduling of advertising in station', output, admini.lnlfton of tape
ccartridget, reconOliorion of output with aittime purchased.
1 5. b.
~~ )
EXECUTIVES/SENIOR STAFF ( including those mentioned at
section 4) give name , age, address and nat i o nality (if
no t Br it i sh) o f any individua ls s o far appointed o r
identified f or statio n management o r o ther sen ior staff
pos ts. Br iefly describe personal background and re levant
previous experience , . and state which post the individual
wo uld occupy .
Gordon McNOmH Managing Oiredof 29 lSS Ern••t Richard Twr IririIh
Colch...... Rood
London E17
Monaging Director of KISS FM. Managing Director of Goodfoot Promotions, 0 p"" ond PR
compony for th. dgnce ml,llk ind....try fou"dM in 19.... Difector of Graphic Record., 0 rKord
compCIny Itort.d in 1988.
Start.d di.c jOCkl'( work for Iocol community ~nh in 1974, the" wo. booked for on
amount of mobile disco and club promotion work. From 1979, organised 0 s.ri•• of succenful mu.ic
nights of London clubs. Between 1983 and 1986, worked a. Mu.ic Manag... of IGNes Ntghtclub,
booking act. and the veflue'. pren and publicity campaigns.
Pr_nfeel dance mu.ic programm.. fof London pirate radio .tation JFM in 1983, befOl'e co-
founding KISS FM in 1985. Re.pon.ib~ for co-ordinating all financial, personr* and technical aspects
of KISS FM ~ then, a. weU at drev.loping ond imp&........ "'- stcrrion'. in_fiw programme
Martin Striven. Financiol Director 37 8 CrieH Road
London SW1,
Finance Director of Centurion P....., respon.ible fM all ar.a. of finance. ...porting,
camput.rilation, fundraising, acquisitions and dispalOls, Itart-ups and strategic planning.
Qualified 01 a Chorte,ed Accountant 0 ....' four year Articl.. with a large firm of accountants in
Johanne.bYrg in 1976. Two yea" with Ernst & Whinney in the City of London before joining Centurion
d",ring 0 period of conliaroble growth for the Grwp.
Cenmcate in the Theory of Accountancy UniYentty of Witwotet'.rand, Johonne.b",rg
BochelOl' of Commerce }
Chart...ed Accountant (South Africa)
Dnctonhipt: AI companiel within .... c.z.u..PNIIlfOVp.
Grant Goddord Programme Controll.t 31 Aat 6
49 Pinner View
Anistant heod of musiC/Pf"MI*, Metro Radio, 1980.
Producltf/ prewnter, Israeli Radio Storion, The Voice of ~e, 1985.
Community Programme CQ-Of'dinator, Rodio Thamesmead, 1986.
Co-ordinated Copitol Rodio Christmas Chority Appeal 1986 and 1987.
Reteorch., on Charlie Gillelt'. Capital Radio world music . how 1987-88.
Cu,renriy Radio Editor of ·C;ty Um;"'", -Independent Media· ond -For The Record~, ond
Rodio Contrib",fot> to "NME·, ..Jac"'·, ., .,.
Sa -
lyn Champion Head of features 28
64 F.rme Park Rood
Radio Reportet'/Journolist. BBC Radio 1 and BBC Radio 4,1983.-86.
Radio Producer, BBC Radio 1, February-August 1987.
Radio Producer, BBC Radio 4, August 1987-March 1988.
March 1988, se'-up ·Prenur. Production.~, film and ...ideo promotion company, working os
produc.l ond directOt.
lindsoy WHhr of Music 30 226d High SI,..,
London NWlO
Deputy Editor of Block Ethou "_Spo,", IMtween 1982-84.
Ha. woriIed 0" vonOUI unlie.need Radio Stations line. 1983.
A&R and Club/5pec;ialist Radio Promotions Manoget' for WEA Records 1984-85 ond
A&M Record. 1985J87.
Currently A&R Monoger and Promotions Manoget' for Graphic Records, and Editor of
·F....I.. mogmine.
ItOIM Lour.nee P,... ' PR 24 145 Grow lane
Ha. worked in the accounts department 01 various companies lince 1983, induding .peciolilt
music wholesaler G&M Record•.
Has worked fot- KISS FM and Goodfoof PrcmoftOf1' ,ince 1987 a. Head of Pr..s and PR.
Graham Gold HeodofCommwcial lot
Oub DJ lince 19n
Worked an hospital radio. between 1976--79.
21 OowrWoy
Crcxl.,. Gr..n
Worked fot- Capitol Radio in 1985, and more recently on o.itt.m Radio.
Set-up jingle and odwt1 pramotion studio in 1976.
C..,.,..mfy Projects Manager for mu.ic video ..rvice. company Diomond Time.
Worked on IBM, Bermuda 1963-67.
Worked on 8IC BrightOf1, mid-SeYenti...
45 3S Lynwoocl Grove
Station manager of ",nlicenced Radio .tolion Solar Radio betw.en 1984-89.
Ho. compiled Black Echoes record '01., chart lince 1976.
- Sb -
Doye Peorc. SeniOt' P'.,en", 2S 10lc Chun:hfi.ld Rood British
London W3
Work.d lor the BBC for 7 yeors, "carting in newt and (unent oHoin_ and 0110 pt'~nting hi, own
Work.d lor Rad io London, deputising on .hOWl ortd, for the World Service, produced
Hos worked for 8RMB. Piccodilly, Rodeo City, Rodio Clyde and hen tr.Ionc.M few ue Rodio 4 and
Radio 1', N_,beat programme.
(",rrend, pt".,.nting programme, for GlR Clnd working with BBC TV's "B.hind Th. &.a,
, '..-.- ~"" ,. .', - ~ . "
'" .... . - .
"< ,
. ,
1 5. c .
- 6 -
Give total numbe r o f (il full -t ime and (iil part -t ime staff
in paid posts.
Full - time : 42
If appropria te I indica te
would contribute t o the
many volunteers might be
Part-t i me : 27
how voluntary (i.e. unpaid) staf f
running of the station, and how
involved dur ing a typical week .
a . Make yo ur promise o f programming perfo r mance stating, in
not more than s i xty words , the precise nature of the
p r ogramme service you intend to p r ovide . If possible,
quantify in approx imate termS the proporti o ns o f airt ime to
be devoted t o the main elements of output . (Please use
same ,w9rding as in Section 3) .
KISS FM is Cl dance music stolion - an ••citing n~ styl. of radio for ,h. Nineties. Its donee music
of varying tempos lpon' the 10.1 four decadM whilst olwoYl being on t+.. cuning q. of tomorrow',
tr..,d,. KISS FM'. inrKMIti.... mix of dance m"sic and talk the..p.and fosNon ofcosmopcMitan
Br iefl y describe how your p r oposed programmi ng will di f fer
from, and add t o, the choice o f radio output already
avai l able to listeners in the area ,
AI pr•••nl, only S% of london', mUlic ,ocIio output il drtol,.d 10 .peciali.t dance mu.ic
progromrn••, 011 of which i. broadcast belwMn Friday and Sunday, and 0 quarter of which i•
•ch,.dul.d MfwHn midnight and 6om.
KISS FM'. mu.ic policy will be to ploy done. mu.K: 100% of th. tim. ond to pt_nt it in ....
id..,tmabl. style that t+.••tation hen pion_,.d 10 .uccMwlly over th. lost f04Jr yec:ln. Th••Iotion'.
progromming combines 011 the populo, and di~ form. of done. mu.ic, introducing n_ r.cord.
and tr.nds befcwe ttMy 0 ... occ~t,.d by Ih. moinltf9Om, ond ~tinSil them in on informal ond
knowMdg.obl. way.
TM popularity of this styt. i. confirmed by HolM Offic~ommi..ion.d reAGrch which stat.I:
1h. pirates fulfil a demand which "'.I~itimot••tation, cannot - not only 0 diM of • •penm.ntol ond
.peciolist mu.ic, but a s1yle of p.....ntation which i....." from the .ltoblisMclstotion•.~ (1h.
lill.n.r Speolu-, lrooc:ko.'inSl ReMOn::h Unit, HMSO 1989).
Th••ignificant dift.r..,cH in ,h••Iotion', progromming foil inta two moin or.o.: KISS FM will
bring to t+.. li.t..,.,.' ott.ntion dane. m""ic not broadco.t .1MWf,. ,., and its o....roll .tyl. of
presentation will M .pontoneou. and uedibM wit+. its li.t.n.r., qM<ificolly detign.d for on audi.n~
wholly untel'Wd .I.-n..... .•
. '
I 6.
7 -
During which hours o f the day do yo u intend to broadcast?
(If different from day to day, please list each day o f the
week separately).
24 hour. a day, 7 da~ a -«.
Do you intend to broadcast any programmes
source other than your own radio station?
When? (State times of day)
For how many hours per week in total?
obtained from a
"-~ ... "
From what source(s) ? (State number of hours per source)
(Note: If the sharing
different contributing
outline o f the sharing
response to 0.6f below).
of a frequency between a number of
groups is planned, please provide an
arrangements proposed, as part of the
e. Do you intend to broadcast news? YES
If so, what arrangements will you make to obtain :
Local news? l' • , .~... . .,.
KISS FM'. Feotu.... [)epomn.ntwill not prodl,lc. -hord n...·, but will cov.t'Cl,lrr.ntaHoin i..u.s
of reIew~ to its done. ",ulk oud~•.
National/International news?
.... or.""" 01 timib' quolifor,
" J
1 6.

- 8
Using , if necessary, a maximum o f three paqes (including
this one), provi de an outl ine o f a proposed typical week 's
p r o gramming, indicating the t imes o f broadcasting and the
length and t ype o f items likely t o be i ncluded. Indicate
also whether any increase in hours is expected, and when.
Th. mo.' important .Iemenl of KISS FM's programm" is th. many and div.rH styles of music
embraced by the t.rm ~donce-, •.g. soul, R&8, funk, reggae, .ko, world music, hip hop, hou••, gospel.
loca, blues and salla. Within .ach __k't output there is 0 rang_ of programme. 'hot appeols 10
bolh ,h. 98n.reflls.en., ond to those who nave mar. spedfi, musitol toat••. This is achi_d by 0 mix
of ployli.t-ba.ed and specialist inte,est shows ....ot complementeoch oth.r and sotisfy quit. s".cific
communiti.s of
Playlist-Bosed Music Program,""
Each _k KISS FM draws up a · ployli,l- of n_ record r.leases that r.fI.c~ the b..t
cont.mporary ••ampl•• of the whole range of dance music sty'''' Th. content of th. playlilt differs
significantly from Ihos. of ••i.ting slalion. by conc.ntrating on brand n_ done. records not
rec.iving airplay .I._h.r., n_ amsts and .m.rging .tyl...
Progromm.. sch.dul.d Monday la friday, Sam to 7pm, base more than ha" 01 musical
cant.nt on r.cord, drawn fram lhe pkJytist. The r.mainder of the music i, selected by the porlicular
p,....nt.r and includ.. oldi.., requested records and oth.r n_ relea....
Th. structur. of th••• ploylist-based shaws i. d••igned to appeal to the larg. g.n.ral
int.r••t.d in done. music, whilst at the sam. time off.ring Q cont.nt signifKontly diff.r.nt from
••i.ting redia servic••.
S".clolist Music ProgrCllnmes
During _kday ...,.ning. and thraughout the week.nd, KISS FM broadco.1t 0 wide IIOri.ty of
.hows devot.d to Q particular styI. or interest within th. danc. music world. Each show is pr.s.nted
by an ••".rt in Ihot field who plays not only the most pertin.nt •.ompl•• of the mUlic but also
provid•• n-s and informcmon relating to thot particular audienc•. Thi. i, the mix of mu.ic
programming succ...fully pioneered by KISS FM during its four yea" of broadcasting.
In addition, are -.pecials- such 0.: 0 _kly outside broadcast from 0 night club
incorporating liq oct.; on uninterrupted th......hour mix capturing the .pirit of a; 0 four-hour
reggae .how r.creating the Rovour of a party: a nightly slow music st.- focusing on .ach music's
m.llaw ,id.; and -H.roes-, 0 two-hour ahow dll'VOled to a diff.,.nt danc. music superstar each w..k.
Featur.s Programming
Th. KISS FM Features Deportment provid.. 4% of the .tation'. output, prodlJCing mat.rial
r.lated to the wid....ranging inhit"Mts of ~ dance music•. tts input is liqly, n_sy and
current, with doily listings, rev-iews, prwiews, interviews and short,. contributions included in
the playlist and specialist shaws, 01 well a. one-off docum.ntari... The poItcy i. to cover the arts and
cultural concerns relating to donce music in the distinctive KISS FM styl•.
News And Information Se"";,"
IRN IMWI bulletins ore carried an-the-hour throughout the playlist·based programmes. Th.y ore
also broockost at the juncttons of th.lfMCiolist music programmes. Tr"0Ye6 _ weather infonnorion.
incOt"pOratec:I at rfievont times within the playttst-based pt"Ogrammea.
Weekly Schedule
An • .ompl. of a typkal_k's programmes is autJined oworieof,
"" "'00 "'00 ~oo ~oo 0<>00 "'00 ~oo ~oo 10,00
SOUL 5jm.
SlOW !
DAY "'00 ~oo
~" Ol(lO 0000
, 0
GARAGE0 0 70s &. 80s
0 S
P •
r:::'::l CHART SHOWS
'"M "00 ".,
6 . ~ :
h .
~ I
- 9 -
What, if any, are your plans for preparing and broadcasting
community information, social action and/or religious
programming? Please include detail s of any proposals for
of f-air activity. e . g. the provision of t raining
facilities .
On Cl doily bosis, KISS FM pr.po'" and broodc:ost '"fennol'on of r.levonce to its community of
in,.,e" - the donee music audience - within its feature. programming.
Additionally, it continues to schedule social action items - produced in conjunction with r.levant
agencies - on such topics os health and legal odvK., hCKIling, dn"gs and em,Hoymen'.
If programming in languages other than English is
state which , a nd give approximate proportions
output t o be broadcast in these languages.
; , ,
o f t o tal
." .
a. How large an audience do you expect to attract? Will your
station appeal especially to particu lar groups within the
populatl..:m (if s o, say which)? What evidence do you have
of public demand for the type of programme service you
propose? (If specific audience research has been carried
out , use this and a maximum of one additional page to
summarise main findings of relevance . Do not inc lude full
audience research reports with the application; these may
be requested subsequently, if fur the r details are
required) .
KISS FM elCpKts to Qchi_ 0 weekly reach of one million li," (equiwlent to 17%) by ,h. end of its first yeor of
broadcosting. with on owrog_ of 12 hours lislening per __k.
Its lideneuhip is likely 10 c:omprise three groups in approximately equal proportion.:
• Donee music fans who listen olmoste.elusively to KISS FM for relatively long hours
• Music fons with 0 broader range of inte,..ts who listen to KISS FM selectively olongltele other statians
• Narrowly focu.ed music Ions who only tune in ta KISS FM 'at' 0 s~ific .~ialist progromme (t.: blues) or 0
porticulor pr..enter,
In t.rms of existing radio liltening pottern., the KISS FM audience derives from,
• A proportion of Capitol-FM and Radio 1 list.ners who channel hop and odd KISS FM to menu
• A substantial proportion of recent GlII: li.teners who fe.1 disenfranchised by the slolion's shih owoy from done.
music cantent
• A majority of pirale radio listene,. who swilch to KISS FM's more profes.ionol and r.liobl. done. music service
• Non-radio listen.,. who pr.sently lislen 10 donee mu.ic tapes and r.cord., including individuol. at hom., cor
driven, and shop/offic. wori<.,.,
KISS FM's impoct on the London music radio markel is ."imm.d 0117% of total hours listened allhe . nd of ils firsl ~r:
Radio 1 GLR Radio 1
34% 7%
Other 17%
Capital Capital
38% 33%
KISS FM .nd of Y~r On.
The.e ..timotes take into account the following focton:
• Total hours listened ta 011 mu.ic stotton. will increase through .... introduction of i~taI stations,. NAlFM
splil service. and n_ competitors such os Attontic 252
• Limning to "olhe"" stations pres.ntly includ.. a wbstontKJI amounl of pirate radio limning in London
• Limning 10 "oth.,... station. 01 KISS FM'. first .,.ar__nd (mid-1991) i. lik.1y to be maet. up largely by increm.nlol
.Iotions, By 'hen, pirot. adivity will how be.n curtailed by increased powers in lhe Broadco.ting Bill,
KISS FM will captur. nearly 011 of th. currenl pirate radio listenenhip
• GLI will fail to maintain its ahore in the upond.d ITIQ~,
Done. music'. popularity is already substantial and is growing rapidly. In term. of recat'd sol.s, donee music
currently make. up 56% of ,h. Top 75 Singl.. Chort, compared to lS%in 19B2~ paper Mu.icW'" comm.nted:
"<>v.t- the coming .,.ar, allth••igns are that done. music's impact an lhe charts...will b. _n gr~ter.~s
Dane. mu.ic'. ,hare of th. consum.r market i. not projected to be 0 transitory ph.nom.nan, .ince its success is
based on an infrastructurelhot has become highly d_loped over the los' decod•. london's W.., End now supports
mar. than twenty r.tail outl.ts in donee music, wh.r. Iher. wos only on. in lhe early 70s. There now ••isl
hundreds of British record componie, and s_ral record distributol'1 dedicated solely 10 the comm.rcial of
dance music. Inlernalionol succ... ha. been aHoined by on number of Brilish donee nwsi< am"', some of
whom (Coldcul, Soul 11 Soul, Rich;' Rich) hove been k>ng..rm ",",ben of Ih. KISS FM
This widespread popularity of dance music is nol adequately catered for in the oulput of ellisling slolions. Only 5%
of London's music radio output is devoted to spe<ioli,t donce music programmes, and 011 stotions how reduc..c! th.
proportion thus allocated. For exompl•• GlR', donce music programmes currently moh up only 6% of output,
compared to 31 % in 1986, os 0 ,.,ult of ,...., new manogem.nt team', decision to ,.targe' the station at on~. mo...
upmork., audience.
KISS FM's programmes appeal 10 0 wide cross-saction of th. population, but 0,.. particularly successful in a"rocting
the 15-34 oge range. Th. profile of KISS FM listeners is clos. to th. population of London a. a whole, with regard to Mlt,
closs, working stotu. and w.olth.~
KISS FM's success in satisfying public demand during lour y.a" of unliceneed broodcasting is evidenced by the
relultl of an Evening Standard poll, in which ...aders voted it second !Mst radio Slation.s
Support for KISS FM OmOnglt ils target audience il d.manslroted by the r.sult of a survey commissioned from MORI.
Ask.d if they would support or oppose th.IBA awarding the London licence 10 KISS FM, 71% of 15·24 year olds sampled
saKI they would "strongly supportw or ~tend to support" such a decision.·
The popularity of danc. music is support.d by ,_rol piec.s of recenl audience research:
• Ask.d which typesof mllSk they lik. to lin.n to, 52% of 15-24, o&ds and '1% of 25·34 ~r aid, sampLed chose
• Ask.d which types 01 music th.y ~Iiked 0 10tW
CM' ~.nioy.d occasionally", 65% of a sampl. of oduth selected soul,
39% reggae and 30% world music, 011 of which or. includ.d in KISS FM's oulput1
• Ask.d which types 01 music they lik. to listen 10, 48% of 15·24 aids somp'-d s.lected soul, 32% house,
31% reggae and 31% hip·hop, these styl.. representing the mosl important current components of KISS FM's
m'lSic pohcy.·
The dissatisfaction with existing stalion.' coverage of cMncemusic . .tIw demand for a ~.
KISS FM is sublfantiated by Ihe.. r...arch results:
• Asked how IhlrY rote In. amount of music ptoyed by .xilling station" 35% of adults sampled said Ihere wos too
li"le soul, 40% loo li"'. reggae, and 54% loa littl. world music1
• Asked which type of music thlrY would lik. to hear maN of on 0 _London radio station, 27% of 15-24 ~r olds
and 21% of 25-34 year aids selected saul'
• Asked what type of format th.., would like ta hear on Cl n_ London station, 20% of 15-24 year aids selected a
service that combin.. a wide combination of donce music 1fy~1
• Ask. d which type of music Ih.., would lik. to hear more of on the radio, 19% of 15·24 .,.ar old...Iected
Dance music slotions hove proved popular and profitabl. in Ih. USA, where broadcast." such os WRKS N_ Yark,
WUSl Philadelphia and WPGC Washington DC ore three of the market !.ade".
The KISS FM team is confident et can ottract and keep its proiected cwdience in London.
(1) lIC..,.' Jon·o.. 19S5 ••d....;"'e _._ ........ ___
11) Mo.<.;< w..~ . 2 MP 1919 .. 4 MP 1912
(l ) Mo.<oi< W..k. 30 s.p 1989
1"1XISS FM .u..-, <ommi. .......! ""'" MOll ....... q_ 1O",pt. of m 15-24 .,..., oI<It poIlM ".." ""
151 EY.nif>v Slandonl, 30 0.. 1917
It 1LoncOon lo.. 'od....u..-, <omm...;o..... ""'" ....U... At,...dI ...i"'e q~ota lO",pIoo of sn 1S· ......ho poIIed Mo,I. 1'"
(7IS.,..,"'·FM .....-, <om"';"'-"<I ""'" Aoodi."". S.1emon (lIVb<onl< to NOf'I ""''''eq_ lO",pIoo of 5131S' odulto
(e) C...,..ol.FM '........., <0"'''';'''''''''' !.om H..I..................."'311 ;ft.......... witt. od..... ......., 45 poIl.cI".." 1"9
(911.o<1dcNo IIod< 1Iod... ........,. commi""""", froon a-mo.....;, Mon.";'" h_..1> (wbc"..lrocM to IISGAI ....... 101 1S............ 191'1.
1 7 .
By wha t means would t he station
t he views of i ts lis t eners ,
r e a ct i o ns t o its services?
pla n
t o keep
t hei r
in touch with
r esponses
Th.ltalian'" olwayt made positiw atMmpt. to keep in touc;h with its lilMneri' views in MftnII
It continues 10 publish its fr• • bi-monthly magazine as a means 01keeping its li"ener. informed
and irwolv.d.
Th. highly successful KISS FM dub nights, h. ld ...... . kly. also ,.,. as 0 means of absorbing
li,'en.r feedback and r.taining 0 rapport with ils Qudience.
KISS FM will lUbauib. to NSJukat aydiMce .....arch in caccordanc. with .oc.cepted ~
Th. stotion will also provide phone linn enobfing Ii,teners to express th. ir opinions on
progromming, and their corre'POndence will be lupplement.d by 0 suggestion box and 0 'el. foll
focility at the station'. studios.
a nd
Ar e t he r e any partic ular o r gan i sat i ons
local a r ea which you wo uld e xpect t o
basis in the stat ion's p r ogramm i ng ,
basis ?
o r groups wi t hin the
invo lve o n a regula r
or o n an a dviso r y
In ttoe preparuleon of its lOCiul uction items, KISS FM intends 10 s..k ttoe expertise of relevant
.<:, •. • •
. ..... ,., ., .
• 8.
. ~
a . Summary
Before addressing
applicants should
business plan
methods , marketing
the details of t he f inancial
summarise the main pOints
e.g. v iews on ownershi p ,
strategy and 5 0 on.
pr oposa ls,
of thei r
fi nancing
inc lude deta ils o f any existing
o r studi o e quipment , o r other
or other financial arrangements
In this section, please
assets (e.g. transmitter
fac ili t ies), and ownership
applying t o these .
Th. key factors det.rmining ,h. structur. of ownership ar.:
• Introducing blood inlo the broodcosting industry by drawing the financial botk.,. from oth.r
media, with 0 highly lu((."hll trock rlKord of launching new torg.t.d m.dio products.
• Moking a significant proportion of ownwship CMliloba. to k." fM"IO",..I who will be rnponUWe
for ensuring tM luccess of the stotion.
• Limiting each shareholding to ensure 0 spread of control.
• K.epin9 the ownel"Ship within the UK.
Finoncin9 methods
The I_I of funding specifi.d in 8b i. (onsider.d sulfident to m..t tfte nMd. of the .totion during
the first 3 years of operation.
The majority of the funding i. bein9 provid.d by the .horeholcMrt in the Iorm of equity and loon
stocle. This has been structured in such 0 way tftot ,he shore (Gpitol.a.m.n' cOflstitutes o.,.r 75% M
the funds roised fram that source.
Provi.ion hot been mode for additional (opitol to be raiMd from .horehald.,.. in the _t of it
being required.
Capitol expenditure will be finonc.d moinly by hi... purchoN or Focilities of Ground
£350,000 ho.,. been negotio-.d.
The moximum onticipcrt.d owrdraft r~uirement i. £95,199 in December 1990. However 0 foc;ility
of £350,000 hot been negotMrt.d whith prcwidM 0 buH.r against unfo,....n (onlingenc:i".
KISS FM'. oudienu does not ha.,. occ... 10 0 donce mu.ic station. Market research indicat"
sub.tantiol demand for such 0 stolion - our 10uIKh will therefoN be to limply
c.wor.n.... rafh. than woo list.nel"S from °(ompering -bnJnd-.
The brief for creating rite KISS FM image will contoin phraset like -olive; out-going; vibrant
london; style-leading; fo.hion-creatin9; knowiedgeoble; str_t-cNdible; ond alternat;.,.-.
Marketins will give younger Londonel'1 the sen.. thot KISS FM con h.lp them on where ond how to
donee, how to d,..., and where to go in london.
KISS FM morketing will be focuted wn.r.the o...dielKe 90", with .pontortkip ond pramotion. in
rec:ord and Io.hion JtQreI, _ntt, dub. and otfter IeilUre "tabli.hmen". i. likely to
centre on outdoor. ond IOnM style and music mG9CIUneL The b...dget enYiSOVH 0 £200,000 marhting
tpend pre-tcwncfl with on additional £250,000 O'I'Oikabie in ..,. firtt thtM months M traMmiuion.

- 13
b Financ i al reguirements and sources
Provide estimates of
following headings:
total funding requirements under the
( i ) Capital expenditure
(including capital value of leases) 577,771
(ii) Pre - operational expenditure 616,812
(iii) Working capital (at on -air date) 975,417
Detail the sources of finance to meet these requirements:
(i) Share capital
(ii) Loan stock/medium term borrowing
(iii) Leasing/HP facilities (capita l value)
(iv) Bank overdraft
(v) Grants and donations
(vi) Other (please specify)
Note 1 : The IBA will wish to be reassured
evidence of bona fide subscribers
before offering the contract.
that reasonable
of funds exists
Note 2: Any o ffer of a final programme contract is subject to
the condition that the successful group should have
issued all its envisaged capital or shown proof of
promises of funds, as agreed with the IBA, by the date
of the formal exchange of contract.
- 14 - -
c. If you plan t o use a l ternative or additional sources o f
funding f o r capital expenditure (i.e. other than share o r
l oan capital), list these below:
(i) Grants and donat i o ns
regarding the purpose o r
(please ment ion any
use to which these may
Source of funds
(give name a nd
. , ..... -~ '., ~ .
(iilOther sources
Type o f funding
agency (e.g.
charitable trust)
..:. ,
( b )
(c )
Amo unt
(c )
be put)
( d)
% of
.' , '.' '. .
( d )
(Note: Public authority funding o f a continuing nature is
generally unlikely t o be acceptable; see paragraph 2 . 13 of the
Contract Specification )
T 8.
.. 15 ..
Share cap i tal
Classes of share capital:
Voting : AordillOry
(if different)
,. 0; Non vo t ing:
Preference :
other: Shore premium
(Please ~pecify)
, ....
Non: A Ordinory sho,n hove been oUocot.d 6 YOtft each.
8 Ordin~ry ,har•• na.... been ollocattKI 1 vo,- each.
' .;
' ..
...~ ..
e. Loan stock
,", .. , -
If l oan stock is t o be issued , state t he amount, c o upon
and r edemption/conversion terms .
loan .tock £352,000
Th. loan stock will pay interMt of 2% ov.r LlIOR and ..Ube Nd",,*, befon any dividend, are
d.dar.d, but after repayment of the ban" owrdroh.
. ~." .
.... " ...• ...
- 16
8. f . Set out below the details o f all voting shareholders
(excluding any nominal membership shares) , and holders of
5% or more of non - voting shares and loan stock. (A second
page may be added if necessary).
% of % o f
Investment t o tal t otal
Name of investo r Address i required stock
A ordinc!l shores
GAMcNam.. 1SS Ernest Richard Tower, 30,000 4.41 20.0
Colche,t.r Rd. London E17
DC han. 53 NOlCot Wood Rood, 2,250 0.32 1.5
Watford, Herts, WOl l$J
M RStd"". 8 Cri.H Rood, London SW18 1,500 0.22 1..
DOli"r 9 Grild. ClaM, Edmonton. 1,500 0.22 I .•
London N9
KMor. Flat 4, 151 S.lhul'1t Rood, 1,500 0.22 I .•
London SE2S 6lQ
N Jo••ph 37 Allison Rood, Acton, London W3 1,500 • .22 I .•
JJo.."h 37 Al1i50n Rood, Acton, London W3 1,500 0.22 I .•
T N.lson 66 Eorlham Grove, 1.500 •.22 I .•
For••t Gat. , London E7
C Favor Flot 4, Fiono Ct, 1.500 0.22 I .•
111 Brond••bury Vilio" NW6
THam' 19b Foirbridg. Road, 1,500 • .22 1.0
UPI*' Hollowcy, Londo" N19 3EN
• ordi"ory w.or••
Ce"turioll PNU Umited 52 c;.orge 5~, London Wl H 5Rf 180,000 26.53 20.0
(MAP In~Slmenh; Ltd 1 U"col" Court, U"coln Road, 180,000 26.53 20.0
~ough PEl 2RS
(rodl.., Grovp tWding pk PO loll 34, Chester Rood, 45,000 6.63 5.•
Crodl.,. Heath, Worfey
I( McOowol1 2 Molvern Temxe, Isli"gton, 22,500 3.31 2.5
London NI lHR
".rei" 'roodcg.ting Ltd 120 Cgmpden Hill Road, 135,000 19.90 1S.0
Londo" W8 7A1.
Unol~ated • Note 2 72,000 10.61
lOW. IEQUIItED .- "., .. 678,750 100.0 100.0
- - -
' fIrion Pre" Limited 52 ~ Sh-Ht, London W1H 51f 100,000 28.37
iMt!Itt#",M'",.nts ltd I U"col" Court,Lincoln Rood, 100,000 28.37
hterborough Pfl 2RS
:-et., Group Holding plc PO loll 34, Chemlr load, 2S,OOO 7.10
Crodl.,. Heath, Warley
• "0 ull 2 MoI~m T.,roce, Idingtoft, 12,500 3.$4
Londo" Nl1HIt
.... IroockCHting Ltd 120 Campden Hill lood, 75,000 21.27
London Wl1All.
• . r '-Hote2 40.'" 11.35
352,500 100.0
-~ 1 Aordinary sno,.. ha~ bee" allCKoted 6 vote. eoch.
,It • ordinary ,ho,.., ha". bee" allCKoted I vote each.
... 2 The ungllocoMd shor" will be piCKed privately after the Ikence has bMn grorMd.
- ,.
g ,
- 17 - '
Describe brief ly the method by which sha re /loan capi tal is
to be raised (e.g . whether a pr ospect us wi ll be i ssued) .
(Give details of any proposal to have share capital
publicly quoted),
With the exception of the unallocoted B,hare., and th.'oan stoc. , which will b. ploc:ed priYQ~.
011 .hor. and loan "ode ha. bHn committ.d in full by the founder ,har.holde".
h. Other loans
If appropriate , give detai ls of lender , interest rate and
repayment terms.
Various Finance Houses
Mont...y indoltMntl 00I0ef' 3)'eO"
To beagre.d
1 . Bank overdraft facilities
" , .
, ,',
If faci lities have been provisionally negotiated, attach a
supporting letter from the relevant branch.
Letter dated 3 Now 1989 enc losed
•• .. ' . I
- .
National Westminster Bank PLC (~
PrInces Street Business Centre
PO Box 14, First Floor
1 Princes Street
London EC2P 2AH
Telephone 01~726 4099
Facsimile 01-606 3856 Telex 8811426 NWBPSO G Ol t. 3 November 1989
rwlUt ~
M R Strive Esq
Financial Direc tor
Cen turi o n Pr ess Limited
52 Gearge Str ee t
..... ~
Lo nd o n WI H 5RF
Dear Hartin
I write following our tel ep hone conve rsati o n yesterday in
co nnect ion with Kiss FH Radio Li mited.
I am deli gh ted to be a ble t o confirm the Bank's ag reem e nt in
principle to est abli s hing an accou n t f o r t his co mpan y , with an
ove rdraft limit of £350 ,00 0. This facility wi l l be made
available on the Bank's normal terms and c onditions i. e .
r epayment on d emand, and wi ll be for working capital pu rp ose s.
Thi s facility will, o bvi ously , only b e mad e available on the
bas i s that Kiss FM are successful in o btaining o ne of the Grea ter
Lo ndon franchises f o r a music s tati o n a nd as an indication we
would be lookin g i n add ition, for the following terms and
conditions t o ap ply:-
1. The c o nt ribu ti on of the shareholders t o be available and
to be see n passing through the bank account for the company
prior to draw down of our overdraft fa cil ity.
2. Pr ov ision of figures prior t o draw do wn whi ch co nfirms, or
at least do no t materially diff e r from those f igures already
supplied to us, together witb aati.faction vit~ the
surrounding circu.atancea.
3. A Mortgage Debenture to be gi ven b y th e company i n favou r
o f the Bank, a nd a for.u l a t o be agreed as a basil for the
Bank's security cov er .
4. Repayment o f the loan capital to be pos tp o ned in fa vou r of
the Bank borrowing.
5. An interest r ate of 3% above National Westminster Bank PLC ' s
Base Rate ( currently 15%), with a minimu m rate pa ya ble o f
10 %.
6. An a rr a ngement fee of [2,500 to be takeD OD the establishment
of the fsc.i lity.
••8UO Flev Apr 86-2001 Registerea Number 929027 Eng!and Registered OffiCe 41 Lotnbufy. London EC2P 2ap Member 01 IMRO
- 2
I am very pl ease d that the Bank has been able to put t og ether
this offe r for you, and I hope that this document viII form the
basis for a relationship with the new company in the future.
I sh ould like to tak e this opportu ni ty of wishing you ever y
succ~ss with y o ur application for the l i cence snd you k now , of
course, that I •• available at any time for further dis cu ssions.
Your s sincere ly
Grk./,.- .
C w~:?P<!Y
Cor~ate Account Executive
Corporate B4nking Group
., '
- 18 -
a. Applicants are asked t o complete the cash flow forecast
proforma below, catego rising items under the headings
provided. Th i s is intended t o be a summary of the more
detai l ed forecasts that applicants will have undertaken .
IBA staff may wish to request greater detail from
applicants at a later stage.
Net advertising revenue
Other income (total of any
s ources listed i n lOd)
Capital expenditure
HP/ leasing
Other revenue costs:
Pr omotion/marketing
Pro gramming
Regulatory/copyr ight fees
Offi,. ape"'"
Financial Expen...
Prod~ion Com
Interest paid/(receivedl
Pre -
° eerational 2!!....l
i.:..Q.Q.Q. £: ' 000
1,470 164
•• "
186 315
n 60
,.. ".
5 u
" 26
15 .,
10 16
5 7
•17 1....
153 (882)
853 (")
£ '000
2!.L..i To tal
£ '000 £ '000
820 199.
n. 405
.3. '.403
26 101
265 1,110
50 210
•• ...34 101
100 338
'3 .5
• 62
16 64
75 111
662 2,877
277 474
100 1.53)
377 379
". " :"
- 19 -
Net advertising revenue
Other income (total of any
sources listed in lOd)
Capital expenditure
Other revenue costs:
Programming ,-~
Regulatory/copyright fees
CHic. &p.nNl
Financial ExjMfttel
ProdlKfion COItI
Interest paid/ (received)
2!!....l ~ 2!.Ll 21.L.i Total
i.:...QQQ E ' 000 !....:...Q.Q.Q. E ' 0 00 ~
'- '. -
70S 750 ass 1,oos 3,405
'" 125 128 132 52.
.3. 87S .83 1,137 3,934
2S 25 2S 2. ,.,
296 2.7 297 297 1,187
50 50 51 51 202
130 160 160 160 61.
30 32 38 42 142
104 108 120 129 461
26 26 26 26 104
42 26
" 2 82
16 16 16 17 as
7 7 7 70 91
"6 747 752 820 3,045
213 128 231 317 ...
379 592 720 .51
592 720 .51 1,268 U68
9. b. In which year of operation is it expected:
(i I first to make a trading profit?
First Full Year
(iilto have eliminated all cum~~,~ye losses?
Second Year
a. What arra ngements
a dve rtising? Have
advertising rates,
do you p r opose fo r the sale of
you already taken advice on
and if so, from whom?
Th. KISS FM leam ha. met with ,.prehnloti_ of BMS, fRS, SAS, TSMS and MSM ewer ,h.lasl ,_
Wi,houl .}(Ception. th... representation houM' hQ~ ellpt'eU.d enthusiasm lor the KISS FM
formal and slrong inleru' in representing ItS should we be awarded 0 franchis•. S-rol ho~ 0110
confirmed our 'It- that nolionol advertisers will seriou.ty consid.r using KISS FM on the basil of (I
list."er bose of orovnd 1 million and 3O·second ochi...,ed rate. betw.e" £1.20 and £2.20 per
" KISS FM is aworded a fronchi••, _ are canfid.nt of reaching a satisfadary nalionol OV,
b. Briefly show how you have estimated your annual revenue from
the sale of advertising time (taking into account e.g . pop -
ulation coverage, percentage of airtime sold , tariff levels)
KISS FM .I(pecls a 10% sha,. of Gt-eal., London revenue by its third year of operation
(.I(duding .thnic community .Iotion.). Tt.. two charts be40w show our foreca.t far Ih. d.signat.d 6.n
TSA Greal.r London malic...
Th.,' anum" that in 1990 Capital and lBC will be joined by KISS FM, London Jan, and
anath.r community of inteNst....;on ann.ling mainly to okMr peopM - .uch os a dassiwl mlllK:
Year 1 (1990)
Great.r London Ad Revenue !£38.6mj
Capitol Iodic
o-Kal ("")
Year 3 (1992)
Greater London Ad Revenue {£49.2mJ
au. & Clanical
(10%) £5",
w•••pec:! the okMr listen.r profile statton. I.IC. Jazz and Classical to compete mainly with eoc:h
oth.r, Qnd grow at a .Iower rate tftan younger profil. stalion. Capital and KISS FM. In 0 growing
mQrht, KISS FM P.pecta to .... ill buli,.... plan thrcMIgh hiking '"' than 3% of Capitol', ad
Our gross od revenue projection. ore for E2.7m in Year I, £3.6m in Year 2 and £4.6m in Year 3.
KISS FM will launch wrth 0 rote cord whkh encoul'09n odYetti.." to -try-out" the station. Th. KISS FM
30-second ochieved rate pet' tnousand listen." i, ••peeled la be I", than th. £2.30 which _
.stimate i. now achieved by Capitol. Th. following tobl. campor" KISS FM's ••pecMd ad revenue
pet" li.tener to that of Capital and LBC:
Est. Annual A4R_nu.
Lin-rs AdR_nue per Li.tener
Capitol 2.9m £34.0m £11.7
lBC 2.0m £1 JAm £ 6.7
KISS FM Year 1 I.Om £ 2.7m £ 2.1
KISS FM Year 3 tOm £ 4.6m £ 4.6
Th. KISS FMaudienc. will prove atlrocliw to odverti...... targeting it, young, Qdiv. audi.nce. W•
.l(peeI to caphlre revenue now going to outdoor, press Qnd TV. Also, many local adverti.." will find
KISS FM advertising more oHordabl. and giving I... wastog. than la~ broadcast area .Ialion.lik.
10. c.
- 21 -
Who within the radio station wo uld be respons i ble f o r the
clearance of local advertising copy and for liaison with
the central clearance body f or national a dvertising , and
with the IBA ' s own advertising control staff? (Please
confirm that he / s he will be made familia r with the IBA' s
Code, Acceptance and Presentation rules and Schedule 2 o f
the Bro adcasting Act 1981) .
Graham Gold, who is olreocly fomiliClf with IBA code, occeptance and pr..-ntotion rul.. a nd
Sch. dul. 2 of the Broodcosting Ad 1981.
d. If yo u plan to raise revenue fr om sources o ther than the
sa l e o f airtime for advertising (e.g. ~e rchand i sing,
commercial production , co-f ~nding, e~c. ) , ple ase l i s t
these b e low :
Type/sou r ce o f revenue
Ad" rti. ing/Sponlo" hip (net)
Running dubs/gigl
Merchandil ing
Expected annual
income (Year 1)
, ,'.'."..." . , " . '.
% of t ota l
regu i red
- 22 -
a . In l ine wi t h current broadcast i ng legislation , details are
r equ i red o f t he involvement by the applicant group in t he
activities set out be low. For these purposes, the
a pplicant group is defined as its di rectors (or their
equiva lent), any company or person with a potent ial
holding o f 5% o r more o f any class of voting share o r 25%
or more of any class of n on~voting s hare or loan capital,
or any s ubscriber otherwise providing 5% o r more o f the
t otal f unding needs iden t ified in paragr aph ab above.
Deta il s sho uld be give n under the foll owing broad
classificatio ns, s howing f o r each heading the extent of
t he interest owne d, i. e . wholly owned, contr olling
in terest (and size thereof) , minor ity interest (and size
thereo f) . If no t applicable, write ' None'.
( il Advert i sing agenc i es .
~ ""
(ii)Non·EC interests.
• Virgin's principalshareholden own 0 number of non-EC componieL
,;, :'
(i ii ) The manuf acture o f r ecords or the pub l ication o f musical
wo rks .
• Gordon McNom.. is 0 SO% sharehold.r ofGraphic R..:ords Limited which he will MII immediately
shcwld the opplicarion be luccessful. A buyer hOI olreody been identified.
• ViFiin'. principollhorehoklen own motorify inte....ts in record ond muaic publishing companies.
( iv)The promotion o f the broadca sting o f sound r ecor dings or
of the broadcasting of performance of mus i c works.
• Gordon McNom.. il 0 65% lhareh ;Id., 1n GoocHoot Pramot..... Lld.. whidl he wUl ~i~
should Ih. oppliCQlion be lucceuful.
• The Virgin companies referred to in (ill)obove promote lhe broodccsting of sourlCi recording•.
(v I
- 23 -
The obtaining o f employment f o r theatr ical
f or persons to take part as performers
broadcast by way of te levision or radio.
perfo rmers o r
in programmes
(vi) Newspapers, including shareholdings o r holdings in a gro up
( b I
( i I
having substantial c ontro l over one o r more newspaper s.
• EMAP - Local "_.papers
Home Counties Newspapen Holding. pk: 22% .tak.
B.ckett N_.papers: 40% stoke
EMAP publi.h•• 97 local n~popers in England and Wol... Th. mojority of litle. tirculot. in Anglio,
Central and TVS broadc::osfing
Provide deta il s o f any
group (as defined above)
c onnect ion between
and the f o llowing:
the applicant
Sound broadcasting, television,
(e . g . wire di stribution o f sound
and cable televi sio n) ,
EMAP - opproximotely 0.5% of Anglio T.I...-ision Grwp plc.
• Virgin - 20.5%of Rodio Radio Ltd
oproximotely 42% of Super Channel Ltd
60% of Muatc Box Ltd
and allied act ivities
or televis ion , satellite
.. . ~ ...
(iilOther entertainment activities .
e Virgin" principal .horeholde" own Virgin Mon.t1roniu, 0 home compvter go,"" software and
hordwar. dietribution company.
(iii) Other connections of a nature relevant o r related t o
• EMAP .har-"oldmg. in U compant.s:
Radia 8roadland 2% of ~uity
Midland Radio 3% af ~uity
Suffolk Radia 10% of ~uity
Mid Anglia .... ~ 12% of.,.ity
(iv) Connections with bodies of a who lly or mainly religious
J 12.
- 24 -
Where will you locate your transmitter and your
mast/aerial? Describe the site and give its address/grid
reference, if known. Gi ve details of the coverage pattern
and power level you envisage, to meet the terms of the
IBA's coverage brief.
Th. Iron.miHe, Clnd (lc(ompcln'l"ing equipment will be located on Croydon tronsmiHe' mo.t ot
grid r. f.r.nce: TQ 332 696. An omni-directionc:d oeriol s)'tt.m will be employ.d detinring on •.r.p. of
up 10 41cW, circulerly polarised. Mean a.rial Might would belik.l., 10 exceed 250 metre. (ood),
, .
On a separate sheet, list and price
equipment you either have o r intend to
performance specifications.
s.. following pog. (no. 240)
all transmitting
purchase, giving
c. What test equipment do you propose using, and how will you
moni tor and control important parameters of the signal,
including frequency, power, spurious radiation and
modulation level?
Maint.nance and Hl'Vicing will be carri.d out under contract by the equip",.nt and sit.
op.rators. Th. Iranlminion equipm.nt employed is lorg-'y MII monitoring with automatic back-up
fociliti.s which are octivur.d in tit. evenl of failure ~ out of specificolion operation. of test ond equip_to ,uch os ~r m.t.,., spectrum onol)'Ht'. monitot' r.c.i....', SWR bridg.,
d~iotion ~ and frequ.ncy count... or. ovoilobl. at all times.
d. Please add any technical pOints regarding transmission , in
addition to those given in sections 12 a-c.
Signolsleaving the .tudio com~•• will be cOf'f'..:tty limited before being t.d into &iti.h
land-Iin... Th. pt'OpOHd audio processing equip_t (to be co-sit.d with the tron.mission
equipnMntj includes a limit.../clipper to enlure that variation. in land-Jine responM connot COUM
owr-d.viotion of the tranamitter.
Th. lite Open:ltors iQ Croydon hove ....... choMn for thei, ptOVen trock '.card in the operation of
high~, braodcalt facilities.
until an offer of contract is made the IBA does not wish
to be told which engineer ing company o r consultancy, if
any I has been or will be providing advice or services to
the applicant.
Th. contract with sil. (lnd equipment operators will be to pnwid. a full broodcast ..,.ufic:crtton
Ironsmission fcKility, similar to those already used by exilling BBC and ILR Itations.
St.reo land-lines will fMd into two .el, of ·Programme Input Equipment· which in turn fHd two
identicol Iransmitt.r" one ·on oir· and the olh.r · stondby·, In addition th. ·Programme Input
Equipment· provide. operating dolo for on automatic "Supervisory Unit" whic:h (onlrols alterations
to ,h. tronlmiUlon facility in _n' of failur. or oul of 'pKificolion operotiOl1. Thi••ystem minimi•••
the possibility of "down tim." and disruption of ,h. radio broadcost service. Th. outputs of bOlh
transmitters or. fed through a single change-owrlcombining unit and into two Nb of oeriol. (10
ensure 'hot oeriol domoge il unlikely to p~ the ..rvice ~oH-oir~).
If the ~Supervisory Unit- is octivoted, telemetry data is fed 10 0 control centre 10 ensure that
engineering sIGH ore advised of the status of equipmenl and may lake oppropriole sleps to
ensure thal any fault l11Qy be reclifled.
The cost of wch 0 system (prOYidinv 0 4kW erp s~nal) may be b«Mten dovtn os loIlOWI:
Transmi«er (2kW wilh standby 10 full) b.-oodcasl specificolion - CCIR)
4 tie, aerial syslem (2 " 2 with inbuilt redundancy for fault tolerance)
Total capitol cosls (budgetary)
In addition to the above capitol COils, the followinv annual recu.....nt outlay should 0110 be token
into account:
Spores (held on si..)
Si.. focilit... charge
Total recurrenl costs (budgetary)
AI on al"rnolive to incurring lhe capital outlay detoilitd (above) the site
operata... oHer 0 leasing option (For identical sJMcificatian equipment CCIR and
induding 011 recurrent costs) at on annual (budptary) '" of:
NOTE: All the above costs exdude programme/control line charges betw..n sludios and
m:lnlmitfer ';1.. which are entirely dependent on the distance involved.
- 25 -
a . What is the proposed locatio n (give
known) o f your studio( s)? What is
used for?
actual address, if
property currently
Gross Fine, leading Central London e.tate agents, haw bMn Ioc:oting appropriate pr.mis••
within th. following oreol:
South Sank/SEl
King 's Cross
Dockland. Enmpri.e Zone
b . What form o f acoustical treatment and isolation do you
envisage f o r your studio(s)?
e .
AcoustiCQI trealmen' will be (orri.d out to ~t inter-studio "oiM Qnd to ocki_th. required
background "aiM and rewrberolion time choroct.ristia. s.H contain.d pt••built studio/control area
-modul..- will be put into plac•. Doubl.Jh'ipl. leaf woll. witn compliant packing btitw.en will be
used 10 separat. individual studio area•. Studio internal wall. will bet cov.r.d with 0 combinotion of
mineral wood behind fabric ond ocou.tic lile. o. necessary. Entry to the studio complex will be
through on ·oirlocM~ type double door orrongemen'. fol.e ceiling' will be inltolled 10 pre.,.nl
.tructurallran.miuion of sound from Roors above. All windowt will be twin doubl. glozed with slont
from... Air circulotion/ conditioning plant will be r.mot. from ,tudio ar.o, and will be connected by
Iaw-r.sananc. ducting.
On a separate sheet,
studio (s), technical
giving all dimensions.
a rough scale plan of your
and other principal r ooms,
See following pog. (no. 250)
On a separate sheet,
you either have or
specifications .
list and
intend to
price all
studio equipment
giving proforma
Se. fo'~ng pogn (nos. 25b to 25.)
Please add
addition to
any technical points
those given in sections
13 a-d .
Locol noi,. source, ond ombient noi.. I....-I 0 ... lohn into account when oueuing the suitobility
of prospecri¥e studio Iocatiorl..
Xote : Until an o ffer o f contract is made the IBA does not wish
t o be told which engineering company or consultancy , if
any , has been or will be providing advice or services to
the applicant.
- -=
••, .' !
i ~ "
·'0, ,
, '....' .,'.' .",,; .
""'!4r---- ----
- 25a
b ;
.- - ~
, I
i" f - .
-, l .'/ '-,' , ~ I
, :c ;
I 51 i
" I. r
, '" I .
, ~ I ff
,.,I.: ~ Ji
I ~ I 'I
i:iil! :
jH' i , I
.l lf I I '
il'i Ii II ,. I I
~ili ! : .
1!1. ill",,11 •.!
ni i
------- - - --- -----, -- - '
- 25b -
This section coven ~uipm..,t uMd in ltudial, from fumitu,.. ClAd fir. atorms to mixers and
microphone,. Item, or. sub-di..,ided into specific cotegori.. to aid co.. analysis. Equipment i. totted
per it.m, and in totol (the owroll number of each item used in each studio). Acoustic treatment (osts
are not included in this document.All pric.. ad_ v..u.Added Tall.
ECKh 'on air' studto (A &.. SI will inclucM the fo'~n" i~
,- Price No. Total cost
£ £
Main mixet' (Soundte<h 5.t'i" A comprising 12 ch in
Cl 24 ch frome with PPM metering. 4 mono mic/line,
7 ,m.o line and 1 ,.le ch, ~w fader ...,. 2,965.00 2,965.00
Grams (T.chnics Sl1200) 310.00 2 620.00
CD (Revox CD 120 ,..mottt .tart) 658.00 1 1.316.00
Cartl (Soni". Micro HS Mries)
1 )( recon:l/ reploy 1,7S0.00 1 1,750.00
2 x rep'ay only 1,195.00 2 2,390.00
P,....nt.... microphone
(N.umonn KM841 cardioid) 336.00 336.00
Guest microphone (Bey.r M201) 124.00 2 248.00 (luxman K112) 245.00 1 245.00
Open R_I (Revox PR99 Mk Ill) ~890.00 2 3.780.00
p,.... H/ phon" (a.y., DT100) 79.20 1 79.20
Gst. H/ phone (S.nheiser HD480) 34.77 2 69.54
Monitor ampim... (Quod 306) 184.50 1 184.50
Monitor speakers (pair 5pendot SPl) 435.30 1 435.30
Monitor tunef' (luzmon TlO2l r"...) 192.55 "'.sS
SUB TOTAL 14.61l09
10% contingency ~ 1,461.11
Total *,uipment.och studio: 16,072.20
TOTAL " 2 FOR TWO STUDIOS: 32,144.40
, - 25c -
Th. Oiacuuion Studto (~talks~) arM ahall indude the following items:
- Pri<o No. Totol cost
£ £
Main mixer ( Seri•• AJ comprising 12 ch,
In 0 24 ch frame with PPM Met..-ing, 4 mono mic!
lin• •7 rt• ...o line and 1 tel. ch, plus fad.r stCII'" 2,965.00 2,965.00
Co"eft. mochirMI (luJlman K112) 245.00 245.00
Carts (Sonifex micn;J HS series):
1 • r.cord/rtlplay mochine 1,750.00 1,750.00
2 >( replay only 1,195.00 1,195.00
Main microphones
IN.umo"" TlM170 variable pattern) 948.00 948.00
Main h.adphon.. (8eyoet- DTlOOj 79.20 2 lS8.DO
S.condory microphones lSe"h.i.., HD480j 34.17 3 104.31
Gram. (Technics 51120(/ 1210) 310.00 2 620.00
Open R..I(Revox PR99 MIIIIII 1,890.00 2 3,180.00
Bulk EraN r (Weircliffe Model n 375.00 1 375.00
Cart cue/splice mic (Sonifex COHSE) 560.00 1 560.00
SUI TOTAL 13,943.71
10% contingency .....",. 1,394.37
"t- ..
25d -
Th. studio locatton will also require control equipment to process and ~tronlmit~ the programme
signal to the remote tron.miHef' location. This equipment .hall include the following item.:
Master 19' rae. (Lodlobl. 21U)
Routing matrix (4 " 20 jClck bay)
Di.tribution omplifiei' (KW1741Xl)
Studio .witching control
TX processor (I"nownics 250)
TX lin_limit., (Aph•• Domingtra)
Matter logging machine (NVD489B)
Time cod. unit for o~ (ASClSBS 'Chattw clode1
Profanity d.lay line (ASC)
MonitOt' tun.!' (Ltwnan TlO2l rIm)
10% contingency reHrW
Total cott
- 2Se -
In addition to the items detail.d on the ptTIiou. pag. s, certain otnllf' item, mus, also b. included
in this section:
Item Price No. Total cost
£ £
Clock system - Most.r control unit (CLK2) 485.45 , 485.45
Slave clodl (PC12l) 115.00 7 805.00
Studio in us. indicato.. 29.00
• 145.00
Microphone live indicator 29.00
• 145.00
Incoming phone call indicatOf' 29.00 3 87.00
Duol cue light 47.25
• 14175
fi~ alarm/smoke d.tectors:
b..-ak glon alarm switch.. 7.03 7 49.21
optical smoke d.tecto.... 41.22 7 288.54
fixed ttlm~atur. d.,Ktor 17.19 7 120.33
fir. control panel (to 8S 5839) 130.50 , 130.50 xenon beocons (intemol) 16." 7 116.62
audible warning (inftlrnal) 30.81 7 215.67
.x'.rnal xenon beacon 37.87 , 37.87
exlernal audible olorm 30.81 , 30.81
ex,.rnol hOUling for lMo<.on/alorm 9.65 , 9.65
Fir. extinguishers (BCF Halon 1211) 24.72 7 173.04
Mains distribution (lEe .. 10) 185.00 15 2,775.00
u_ ,:~
'~"".' ~
BT Bomet' protection unih:
Wideband (Music circuit A32175V1) 76.00 2 152.00
Speech only (AJ21150B) 35.00
• 140.00
CAT outomatic tolM splicer 75.00 3 225.00
Miseelloneous conn.aors (signal) 750.00 750.00
Equipment connecting cob'e 750.00 750.00
Equipment mains suppiy/ltghting 2.soo.oo. 2,500.00
SUB TOTAL lO,273.44
10% contingency reMI"ft 1,027.34
TOTAl MlSCEI Ltt.Ha)U$ITIMS 11,300.78
, - 25f -
Each 'on air' studio will include ..... following item.:
Cordord Audio 'Comml,lnity Console'
Studio choirs
Anglepoi'. microph~. stand
Toble microphone stand
S".oker brGcht. (pair)
Cartridge ..orogtl (lOO carts)
Control conso!.
Studio choin
Tobl. microphone stand
Cartridge .toroge (300 corts)
.............~ --
10% contingency...,.,...
Total coli
Total cott
- 2Sg -
- For external int.tvi_. discuuicm. and COIIC.m: .tc, th. following item. will be reqvi~:
N~ satnerinp:
Item Price No. Total c:a.t
£ £
Portable cauen_ (Maranh: (P43O) 260.78 3 782.34
Microphone (AKG 0190) 63.20 3 189.60
Heodphon" (SenheiHf' H048O) 33.77 3 104.31
SUB TOTAL 1,076.63
10% contingency r•••rve lO7.63
Concert/ _n' recording:
M i~.,. (Conford MX620) 197.00 197.00
Portable cou.~ (Moronh: (P43O) 260.78 260.78
Microphone (hye, M201) 124.00 3 372.00
Microphof!. stands (Root/boom) 29.90 3 19.70
H.adphon•• (Ieyw DTlOO) 79.20 79.20
Transit co.. 35.GO 1 35.00
SUB TOTAL 1,033.68
10% contingency ~ '103.37
- 2Sh -
To help en....,. the stution "'I'll amoothly fTom riM ovtMt. certain conl4lflKlWe iMmt will alto be
!!!!!! ~ ~ Total cost
[ [
StudK» gram cartridge (SIgnIori 68OEl) 26.55 , 132.75
StI,Idio grom stylus (StClnton 680EL) 17.29
" 259.35
VHS logging tOpel (E24O) ' .00 SO 250.00
AA3/. cortridg" (variou.lengthJ) ' .SO 2SO 1,375.00
Recording top. (NAB r..l) 11.00 SO S5O.00
C60 inlervi_ couette .81 ,. 50.50
C120 court..., log tapes 1.44 ,. 72.00
"'," -~
Leade, lOp. (va';CMlI colou~) 4.20
" 105.00
Chinogrgph pencil. (pock) 5.25 I. 52.SO
CAT lope splicer mll 2.SO
" 62.50
CAT tope splicer applicator pod .90 .. ' .00
Cold.... TF 5pnry (Mod deoner) 3." .. 3100
Cotton bud. 1... .. ".40
Record deeming brush" 1.30
• ' .20
Cartridge kabels (roll) IUS , 56.25
SUB TOTAL 3,06.45
1O"X. contingency ......... 301.65
Th. preceding list of it.m. campoN Cln initiol consumabl. dock. It i•••timated that additional
purchases owr the fint two pan of ~tion might be of the following Ot'd.r:
Doto _!hlI_ Total
£ £
Month. 1 to 6 150.00 900.00
Month. 7 10 12 750.00 1,500.00
Month. 13 to 24 300.00 3,600.00
SUB TOTAL 6,000.00
10% contingency re,.,.". 600.00
Th. obe- fig,,'" i, calculated on th ouumpt;on that tape .....vse i, limit.d and thof orchiw
video CO"_".' 0... kept for long« than the statvtory Nqlti~nt. A pe«entog_ of the upendi"',.
would be on courtesy prngromlM tapes for ihMmol organitGtions and contrlbutots.
;.( .... ,.,"1,_
2S j
The formula used to calculate installation COtt1 is a simple one. In general rodio studio
installation cOtt1 betwHn ~ and 25% of equipment cosh. With the preceding in mind, 0 figure of
22.5%may be IIM<I to ascertain equipment instollation cosh to 0 reasonable deg,... of accurocy.
The equipment installation cost includ" ttM following:
• On:Iering of equipment requiNd.
• Detign of intw-wiring.
• Compilation of wiring documentotion.
• 'nstaliation of wiring.
• Installotion of equipment.
• Line up of equipment.
• Commiuioning of studios.
&.couse the equipment cost figure includes a 10'4 contingency reserve, there is no nMd to odd on
odditionall0% ot this stoge. The cost of installorion may ther.Ion be calculated 01 follows:
Cost of equipment )( 0.225 (91,990.81 x 0.225) • £20,697.93
The timescole for such instolkrtton vwotIc would depend to some uten' on the cnooilobility of
materials, but since studio equipment cannot be inttoUed until acoustical treatment and/or air
conditioning is in pIac. most items shoukl bot 0'f0i1obM before won: would be due to begin.
The limtl talcen to compl'" the installation of the equipment pl'eY'iousty detailed moy be worbd
out by dividing the installation figure by on hourly rote. The rMultont figure may th.n be divided by
the number of hours in a work.,.week to yi.Id the number of 'mon -"s' .-.quired to complet. the
10.11, as follows:
Con of installation/ hourly rote
20,698120·1,034.9 (man hours)
Number of man houn/ number of hourt in a worlling week
1,034.9/40·25.87 {man woriting __les', (c 6.0 months'.
How long after the award
broadcasting? What are
your readiness date?
- 26 -
of contract would
the main factors
you be
ready to start
will determ i ne
Si. to eight mon#l,. Th. main det.rmining focton or. lihl., to be: the location of suitable
~mi.., and mei, convenion to studio and offk. fociliti..; and th. installation of ,elevont
tron.mitting equipment at the aerial lite b)o KISS fM', conlnlc:ton.
I certify that the details given in this a ppl ication for an
incrementa l ILR contract are correct t o the best of my knowledge , and
that I have read the incrementa l ILR contract specification document
and understand the terms under which any contract to broadcas t would
be offered. I understand that , if awarded the contract, tape
reco r dings of all output apart from commercial gramophone records
(wit h timings) will need to be made and retained for six weeks prior
to being recycled and that a delay mechanism will need t o be
installed and instruction given for its use where necessary . I
certify that ILR Radio Programming Notes of Guidance will be studied
by all relevant managerial and on·air staff prior to the commencement
o f broadcasting.
I also certify that neither I nor any person i nvolved with this
appl ication was connected with a ny illegal broadcasting activity on
or after 1st January 1989 . I also certify that , if awarded an
incremental ILR contract, neither I nor any director or employee of
the company or grouping eventually broadcasting as an incremental ILR
contractor, will knowingly employ a pers on who was connected in any
way with illegal broadcasting on or after 1st January 1989.
Signature: ??t:'A'.~L<---
Name (in block capitals) :
Position wit h i n appl icant group:
~1 • - •..
8th November 1989
Independent Broadcasting Authority
70 Brompton Road
Atto: Peter Baldwin, Director of Radio
Dear S ir
IBA Incremental ILR Contract Application of Kiss-FM Greater
London FM
I have great pleasure in submitting our application for the
above contract. You will see that in response to Question
11, we have disclosed various interests relating to Virgin
Broadcasting Limited.
For the sake of clarity , I am anne xing to this letter a full
list of the interes ts of both Virgin Broadcasting Limited
and the other Virgin Companies, which while the y are not
associate d Companies in the sense of being part of the same
Group , do have similar ult imate s hareho lding s . Virgin
Broadcasting Limited has wholly indepe nde nt manage me nt and
has no interest in any of the other Companies listed , othe r
than those in which it has a direct interest, ie. Super
Channel Limited, Radio Radio Limited and Music Box Limited.
If you have any further questions on this issue, you will no
doubt contact me or the Managing Dir ecto ~ of Virgin
Broadcasting Limited, Charles Levison.
Yours faithfully
Gordon McNamee
14 Blackstock Mews Blackstock Road London N4 2DR
Tal: 01·359 2969· Fax: 01·354 1399
Virgin Bro adcasting Limited i s a subsidiary of Virgin Group
Limited. Virgin Group Limited is owned by a number of
trusts of whom the principal beneficiaries are Richard
Branson and hi s family . These trusts also own, in different
proportions , a number of other companies wh ich are
separately managed a nd generally trade under the Virgin
Virgin Broadcasting Limited does not have any interests as
r e ferred to in Question 11 (a) . Virgin Broadcasting Limited
does have connections r e l a ting to broadcasting as set out in
reply to Question 11 (b). Other companies bearing the
Virgin name , as set out above, but with no direct links with
Virgin Broadcasting Limite d o ther than the s imilarity of
ultimate shareholding are set out below whe re "owned" means
owned by o ne or more of the t rusts referred to above.
Virgin Records Limited - 75% owned - production of popular
Virgin Mus ic (Publishing) Limited - 75% owne d - music
Virgin Studios Limited - 75% owned - retailing recorded
Caroline Exports Limited - 100% owned - exporting recorded
Management Company Entertainment Group Inc - 20% owne d
production and distribution of video , films and books.
Distribution in 9 c ountries under the name MCEG Virgin
Virgin Television Limite d / Rushes Limite d/lndie Edit Ltd/
We st One Television Limited - 100% owned - television
post-production and transmission facilities.
WE AlIen & Co plc - 68% owned - book publishing.
Virgin Mastertronics Limite d - 100% owne d - home computer
games software and hardware distributi on.
Virgin Communications Limited - 100% owned - holding company
for Virgin Tele vision Limited , Virgin Mastertronics Limite d
--- ...--..;;:----,--_......
, .
and WH AlIen & Co plc.
Virgin France SA - 75% owned - production of pouplar music -
France .
Virgin Schalplatten GmbH - 75% owned - production of mus ic -
West Germany .
Virg in Records America Ine - 75% owned - production of
popular music - USA.
There are also smaller 75 % owned record companies operating
in a nothe r 15 countries.

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'KISS FM: Independent Broadcasting Authority Incremental Independent Local Radio Contract Application Form: Greater London FM: November 1989' by Grant Goddard

  • 2. J J I rJ L.ll J - .. ·. NOTE. 1. 2. 3. ..' IBA INCREMENTAL ILR CONTRACT APPLICATION FORM App lications should be typed (in English). Twelve copies of this completed form are required, t o reach the IBA by the advertised closing - date for the area concerned. Only add separate sheets where it is indicat ed you may do SDi otherwise responses must be kept within the space allocated . Appendices giving additional information, or any other material (e.g. cassettes, publicity documents), should not be enclosed unless specifically requested. Failure to comply with these requirements wil l r ender the application liable to disqualification. Following presentat ion of this application form to the IBA, any contact between the applicant and the IBA should only be at the instigation of the IBA unt il the contract is awarded. AREA ADVERTISED. Greater London FM a . b. c. PROPOSED STATION NAME (or name by which the applicant is usua lly known): .. -, - ~ . KISS FM NAME , ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUNMBER (S) OF MAIN ORGANISER (S) OF THIS APPLICATION (for contact purposes : maximum two per sons) Name: (ll Address: Telephone (daytime) • Gordon McNam.. 14 Blackltock M_I 100 Blockstock Rood London N4 2DR 01-3592969 ( 2 ) Martin Striv~ms 52 Gearge Street London W1H SRF 01-4874284 LEGAL STATUS OF APPLICANT (see paragraph 2. 10 (vi) o f the Contract Specification); Company limitftl by shores. CONTENT AND STYLE OF PROGRAMMI NG (maximum 60 words) (This is your 'Promise of Per f ormance' - see Sect ion 6al. KISS FM il a dance music station - an eliciting new style of I'Odio for the Nineties. Its dance music of varying tempos spans the lost four decodes whilst always being on the cUHing edge of tomorrow's trends. KISS FM's innovative mix of dance music and talk reflects the style and fashion of cosmopolitan London. This form, when completed , should be returned to Radio, Independent Broadcasting Authority, 70 London SW3 lEY . the Director of Brompton Road,
  • 3. 1 , 4. ~ "1 ~ 1 II [J j t :J ~ ~~ - III J W, I rt - ~ j Bi ~ 2 MEMBERS OF APPLICANT GROUP - give name, a ge , add r ess , nati onal i ty (i f no t Br it i s h ) and o ther activities (e. g . o t he r directorships ) of each. Br iefly describe personal ~ a ckg r ound and previous experience, espe cia lly that which ~s r eleva nt t o r thi s rad io serv ice. a . CHAIR Name: Keith McDowaIl CBE Address: 2Malvern r.froce Islington London NI lHR National i t y: British Background/ Experience : Public aHairs and Government r. lations consultant. Age : 60 Formerly 0 prof.nional journali.t. For eight y.<In (until 1988), Deputy Director General and Director of Information for th. Conf. d. rotion of British InduI'ry, r.sponsibl. fot. public ...Iolio". in the pren , radio and television of British bUlinen. During th. pr....ious tw.l.... y.ors, r.sponsib~ fat. information divisions of yurious governm.nt d.portm.nIJ, including the Hom. Offic., North.rn lre/ond Offic., Board of Trade and o.panment of Employm.nt. Industriol Editor of the Doily Mail for nin. years to 1967. b. DIRECTORS/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Fo r e a ch i ndividua l, pro v ide t he f o llowing i n f o rmation : Name: Sir frank Address : Gr••nsl_s loudwoter [Xi.... loudwot... Rickmonsworth WD34HJ Na tionality : British Ba c kgro und/ Experience : Age : 69 Sinc. 1973 h. ha. bMn Choirman of EMAP plc.. Th. compony has grown rapidly in the last t.n years and now Owns B6, 80 newspapers and ~r 20 .xhibitions. Spent 33 'f1'Ors with Daily Mirror Group.H. toined the company as 0 train_ journalist in 1937 and, aport from war s......ic., stayed with the Group until 1970 b.caming Managing Director in 1963. Wh.n h. I.ft the Mirror Group in 1970 h. b.c:ame, at the invitotion of the empl~rs and the unions, Chairman of the NotiOf'lol Newspoper SI..ring Group. Thi. was a joint body MI up by the employers and unions in fl..t SI....t to .nquir. into the economks of A..t St....t and make recomm.ndations. Dir.ctorships: Chairman - EMAP plc Deputy Chairman - Daily Telegraph plc Deputy Chairman - Argyfl Conwltancies <Incl ude additio nal pages as necessary)
  • 4. 1 1 1 J J J ~ Name : Addr es 5 : lSS Emest Richard Tower Colchett.r Rood LondonE17 Nationality: British Backgr o und/ Experie nce : 2a 2. Managing Director of KISS FM. Manoging Director of Goodfoot Promotions, Cl pt"e" and PR company for the donce music industry founded in 1984. Oirector oi Graphic Rec:ords, Cl record company started in 1988. Storted disc jockey work for local community _nts in 1974, ' hen WOI boobd for on incr.asing amounl of mobile ditco and club promotion work. from 1979. orgonised Cl ••ri•• of sucuuful music nights 01 London clubs. ktw•• n 1983 Gnd 1986, worked 01 Mu.ic Manager of Ki.... nightclub, booking od. and organising the lIenue', press and publicity campaign•. Pr.,.nt.d donee mu.ic progromm., for London pirate radio .Iolion JFM in 1983, before co-founding KISS FM in 1985. R. sponsible for co.ordinating all financial, p.r50nnel and t.chnical alpectl of KISS FM sine. th.n, a. well o. dev.loping and impl.menting th••tation'. innovati" programme policy. Name: Martin RStri" ns Addres s : 8CrieH Rood London SW8 Nationality: Britilh Background/Exper i ence : 37 Finonc. Dir.ctor of C.nturion , ....., ....pon.ibl. for all area. af finonc., r.porting, comput.risation, fundraising, ocqui.itions and disposals, start-ups and strategk plcnning. Quclified a. a Accountcnt cher four pelr Articl.. with 0 lorg. firm of occaunklnh in Johanneslwrg in 1976. Two with Ernsf & Whinn.-y in ..... City of London before joining C.nturion during c penod of considwabM growtfo. for the Group. QucliflCatians: BocMlor of eom-c. Certifico.. in"" Theory of Accounklnq Chartered Accountant (South Africc) Directonhips: All campon'" within the Cen""rion P..... group. , , ".' . .", . ". ~ .. •
  • 5. 1 I , I i • Name : Charl•• levison Address : 40 Kensington Pork Gardens London wn 2QT Na t ionali t y: s"itith Backgro und/ Experience : 2b 48 Manoging Director of Virgin Broodcosting Ltd, responsible for television and radio activities within the Virgin Group of companie•. Chairman of Radio Radio Ltd, Cl radio programme syndication compony. Deputy Choirmon of the In.titut. of Contemporary Art•. Chairman of the Theatr. Museum Associotio,... Having b••n Cl portner in Horbottl. & Lewis, ,oliciton l~doli.i"9 in 011 OSlH'ctl of media and entertainment industrie•. Charl•• Levison mowd in 1975 into corpol'ote manogement, including ,h. development of n_ businesse., products and morkeh in the of, radio, records, music, film and video. H. was formerly Cl director of Radio Mercury, and joint Monaging Director of SuJMr Chonn.l and has manag.d rKord and video componi•• including acting os o.oirman and Chi.f Executi.,. of WEA RKords and Warn.r Hom. Video UK. Other Di..aorsnipl: Mulic loll Ltd, Wnt EI~ EntertoinrMnt Ltd, ICA ProjKh Ltd, ICA 1.levi.~ Ltd. Name : lany Prin" Address : 'Braml.y' ROI.HaI Burnham Buckingham.hi,.. Sll aNN Nationality : British Backgro und/ Experience: Founder ond Director of Disco Mix Club, the world's lorgm DJ-only record dub. Director of DMC RKord. (r.cord company)ond Blu.bird Record. (record r.tail.r). Start.d os DJ wittI tn. Top Rank Orgonikltion in the 1960., then with offshore .totion Radio Corolin•. Joined Radio Luumboutg at (I PI-..... for ......... ,..,.."*'01 Programme DiredeN' few 0 further nine yea". Founded Disco Mix Club with his wife Chriltin., now with branch.. in Amst.rdam and N_ York, ond franchi..s in 22 countri.s. Name : John Falhonu Address : 141 Louderdol.Monsion. Laud.rdol. Road Maido Val. London W91LY National ity : Backgro und/Experience: 26 Prof.ssionol football.r for 9 yean, Captain of WirnlHedon Fe and c~tfy pkIying few tfM Englith notionalllcM. Pr.s.nt.r of TV .how·s.v.n Spa.....• - 7S minute .how _ry Sunday, Chonnel4. Patron 01 Doctor Iornados chority.
  • 6. 1 1 J Name: Trevot N.laon Address: 66£orlhomGrove Gate London E17 Nationality : British Backg r o und/ Expe rie nce: Full-time f,••lgne. DJ since 1978. 2e - Age : Previously manager of specialist record shop R.d Recotds in Soho. 2S foundef member of KISS FM team with r.sponsibility for or90ni,in9 lor9. proportion of KISS FM •.,.nts. P,"entty buyef' for the Soul 11 Soul Mu.ic Deportment of r.toil outt..,. ~',., . . ," , '," , ; " ". l'
  • 7. 1 1 ~ , 4 . c . ,. - 3 DESCRI BE HOW, AND WHEN, HOW IT HAS DEVELOPED. lending support t o t his THE APPLICANT GROUP WAS FORMED , AND Mention any other organisat ions a ppl i c a tion. KISS FM wo. formed in 19850. 1;1 positive r••pon.e 10 londonen ' unsatisfi.d demand for 0 dam:. music radio .ervic• . It. regular we.kend broadcasts dr_ 0 substantial and loyal audience, oHrocted by the stotion'. prof. ..ional sound Qnd its ..,en.", rang_ of music. Manoging Oire<:tor Gordon MeNom.. recruited london', besl known a nd most knowledgeable donce mu.ic: DJ. 10 pre.ent progl'Gmmes, immediately creating Cl strong imog. and on identifia bl. sou~. Th. slotion d..,.lo".d 0 n;.nge of oH-c:lir activiti.s to complement i.. mu.ic programm•• ond increos. contact with its li.I..,.I'1. Regular KISS FM dub night. were held IIlleoding London venu., featuring th. s'a'ian's DJs, and their SUCCHS has rHulted in ~u.m for similar ..... n" to be stoved aul1id. London and abroad. A bi-manthly KISS FM wos first publish.d in 1987 os on ••t.nsion of th. stalian's information and sp••ch programm.s cOvtlring music, a rts and fashion. Ad".rtising••nabled i's 20,000 prinl-run 10 b4 dittributed "" through shOpt, clubs and to 6,000 P"Opi. who aped to join Ih. mailing lill. Record foin , charity fundraising .-.-,ts and m.rchandi.. fllQlUring th. station Iovo cMto consolidated KISS FM's public profil• . Although KISS FM fOluntarily claNd ils radio s.rvic. on 31 o.c:.mber 1988, this oH-air work continu., 10 kH p ,h. I'alian', nom. ali..... retaining the rapport with ils audienc• . In pr.poralion for Ih. application, oth.r treoti.... P"OPJ. with con,id.robl. radio •• hove accepted invitations to join the KISS FM teom. Grant Goddard (• • -ILR) and Lyn Champion (•••8BC Netwolil) or. cloMfy irwoW.c:i in the dewlapment of the l'atian'l programming plans. Do.,. Peoru (GU) and oth., .peciolil1 produc.,/~ .--.ntIy employed on IICIILR danc. mUlic programm.s ore also woliling with the Mom. Two potenlial rival bidders for 0 London dance mUlic lic.nce, Solar Rodia (hllQd.d by To", Monson) and SOUL Radio (heoded by Graham Gold), hove merged plan. with KISS FM and brought with ,hem 0 wealth of e.perience that further s,"ngthen. the application. The management structur. MJS benefited from the oppointm.nt of Keith McOowaIl C8E 01 Choirmon, while Sir Fronk Rogen. TO")' PriMe and John Fa.hanu MJve joined the Board of Directors. KISS FM's financial strength i. bose<! on four componies witn succHsful trock r.cOf'd. in oth., media, 011 kHn to apply their bUlines, ocumen to this new .,.nture. They 0'-'; • Cenlurian PrHI, 0 moior forc. in the UK ond European printing indu.try. The campony pu~ishes a number of professional mogat.inH a. well o. sp«ialising in high quality contract publications. e EMAP pk, 0 dynamic magot.ine and n_poper publisher whose ..perience in launching music ond other specialist publicattans will prow involuoble. • Virgin Ifoodcasting, a member of tM Virgin group of companies. brings to KISS FM il1 proven experti.. in torgeted youth malileting, 0 1 _11 os .xperienu of radio broodcalfing and programming and of monogement within 0 creative environmenl. • CrodMy Graup HaWing plc it 0 IUCQNlvI prinling company .~ng in mogaziM production_ KISS FM has a hi.tary and 0 strong identity rooted in London'. donce music cunu,.. The talents and bu.iness e. perience within the Italian, combined witn the irrefuto~e demand for donee music radio, make KISS.FM 0 wiable ond uciting addmon to London's ~
  • 8. - , - 4 - 5. STAFFING a. Draw up a reporting s t r uc t ure s howing station management and o r gani sation , including al l intended staff posts , with sa l ari es . ( Use one additional page i f nece s s ary). BOARD OF DIRECTORS Managing Director's MANAGING PA/Press & P.R. DIRECTOR £16K ESSK I Mail Room/Receptionist EllK Financial Chi.f Programme Soles/Marketing Director Entn.., Controll.r Director £40 £ 2.SK E30K E40K ~ / ~ Accounts 2 Head of lP;1f Heodof National 5 local Sales Manofler En~~" Music - - -,.. Sal.s HouH I'onon. £22. K E22.SK 12K E22.SK £* E20K , 3 Account. Music Bnakfatt Producer 2 Produce"'; Commerciol Advert Assistants Librarian DJ. (Spec;.I.) Pr••ente,.. Production Clearance EllK £11.SK E20K £ISK £ISK £* EllK SlKretory ~l~ 4 2 TraHic EllK 0..,.;_ Researcherl Penon EI1.SK Strl1 DJ.s "r~'" EllK ISK ,. , . , . 21 Part-time . " .1 FrHklnce -..,,,....- ~:pist, Specialist ..po....,.. 12K Music OJ.s b£13:'ES.2K S Programme Assistants ~., . ,."., • EIOK '< . *.Sub-controcted
  • 9. ,1 4a SUMMARY OF STAFF NUMBERS MD/ PAlRe,eption Programming Engine.ring f inonce Soles/Marketing TOTAL 3 full-time 21 full-time + 27 port-tim." + fr~a"c:en 3 full-time 6 full-lime 9 full-time 42 full-time 27 pol'Hime • • The.e 27 port-time sF"Kiali" DJ. produc:e c nd pr.sen' more tha n hglf of KISS FM'. w_~dy output. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES Of STAff BELOW DIRECTOR LEVEl: ... ".--.l·..·. Programming Programme Controll.r - implementation of programming policy, management 01 presentation leom, co-ordinOlion of output. Head of Mulic - implementation of musk: policy, monogemen' of mutic library, lia ison with mu5ic. indllStry. lreakfo.t DJ + Daytime Strip Show DJ. - S full-lime pr• •• "'.r, of _ekdoy daytime progromme•. Part-Time Specialist DJ. - palNim. Pf'Henten of ....."ing and -'tend specialist mu.ic .hows. Programme "sl,ton's - admini'trati.... and *hnical .upport to the programme pr••ent.... and production team. Royohl.. Adminls.rator - coll.cliM of dolo, calculation of retu,n. due to PAS, PPl and MCPS, Mu.k Librarian - admini.tration of mu.ic rM04,lrce" library and archi...... Head of Featu.... - impl.mentotion of features policy, management of featu,.. team, editoria l respon.ibility for feature autpll1. P'oducet"Presen••rs - respon.ible for producrion and presentation of features output, including studio management and programme odminiltration. Producet' (Special.) - production of documentaries, spe<iol programmes and in-depth interviews scheduled for Sunday, proYidin9 back-up for da ity talk output. R.searchet'/ - compilation and prflefltation of doily listing., information, ""ing up interviews, edit;ng, .criptwriting and gen.rating ideo•. F,..lonc. a.porters - generating and pt"OChIc:ing inteMew and feature ma"';al from the field 'Of' _ning . hows. MO'. PAlPres. + ,. - odministroti¥e assistance to MD, co-ordination of .tatian'. pre" and promotion campoign•. Rec.ptlonl.t/Mall Room - .totion ~eptionist and admi"i.frator of incomi"SI and outgoing mail. Chief Ingl,..... - co-ordination of technical ~rcu, mainMna"ce of audio equipme"t, compliance with IIA tKfvIicol 'p«ificat;on•. InglnrMn - "'n~ 0I:Ii.tance and 24-how co.erage of mointetMInce/repoir. Finance Accounts Manager - contnH of day to-ckry occount;ng function, reporting procedures and .upervision of accounts staff. Account. As.I.fa.". - procusing oU account tnJnlCldion. and credit control. local Sol.. ""'on. - markeling of .tation to local odvertise", d_lopment of n_ occounll, IOle of advertising oirtime. Ad Clearonc. - respon. ible for clearonce of local ~ng copy, liaison with ItA'. oc:hoett;sing control staff and other clearance agencies. Trafflc ...rson - scheduling of advertising in station', output, admini.lnlfton of tape ccartridget, reconOliorion of output with aittime purchased.
  • 10. 1 1 5. b. J U J ~ .J J r1 J ,~ ~ ~~ ) 5 EXECUTIVES/SENIOR STAFF ( including those mentioned at section 4) give name , age, address and nat i o nality (if no t Br it i sh) o f any individua ls s o far appointed o r identified f or statio n management o r o ther sen ior staff pos ts. Br iefly describe personal background and re levant previous experience , . and state which post the individual wo uld occupy . POSITION ADDRESS NATIONALITY Gordon McNOmH Managing Oiredof 29 lSS Ern••t Richard Twr IririIh Colch...... Rood London E17 Monaging Director of KISS FM. Managing Director of Goodfoot Promotions, 0 p"" ond PR compony for th. dgnce ml,llk ind....try fou"dM in 19.... Difector of Graphic Record., 0 rKord compCIny Itort.d in 1988. Start.d di.c jOCkl'( work for Iocol community ~nh in 1974, the" wo. booked for on amount of mobile disco and club promotion work. From 1979, organised 0 s.ri•• of succenful mu.ic nights of London clubs. Between 1983 and 1986, worked a. Mu.ic Manag... of IGNes Ntghtclub, booking act. and the veflue'. pren and publicity campaigns. Pr_nfeel dance mu.ic programm.. fof London pirate radio .tation JFM in 1983, befOl'e co- founding KISS FM in 1985. Re.pon.ib~ for co-ordinating all financial, personr* and technical aspects of KISS FM ~ then, a. weU at drev.loping ond imp&........ "'- stcrrion'. in_fiw programme policy. Martin Striven. Financiol Director 37 8 CrieH Road Wandnworth London SW1, Briti.h Finance Director of Centurion P....., respon.ible fM all ar.a. of finance. ...porting, camput.rilation, fundraising, acquisitions and dispalOls, Itart-ups and strategic planning. Qualified 01 a Chorte,ed Accountant 0 ....' four year Articl.. with a large firm of accountants in Johanne.bYrg in 1976. Two yea" with Ernst & Whinney in the City of London before joining Centurion d",ring 0 period of conliaroble growth for the Grwp. Qualification.: Cenmcate in the Theory of Accountancy UniYentty of Witwotet'.rand, Johonne.b",rg BochelOl' of Commerce } Chart...ed Accountant (South Africa) Dnctonhipt: AI companiel within .... c.z.u..PNIIlfOVp. Grant Goddord Programme Controll.t 31 Aat 6 49 Pinner View Harrow MiddleHIl HAl4SQ Anistant heod of musiC/Pf"MI*, Metro Radio, 1980. Producltf/ prewnter, Israeli Radio Storion, The Voice of ~e, 1985. Community Programme CQ-Of'dinator, Rodio Thamesmead, 1986. Co-ordinated Copitol Rodio Christmas Chority Appeal 1986 and 1987. Reteorch., on Charlie Gillelt'. Capital Radio world music . how 1987-88. Briti'" Cu,renriy Radio Editor of ·C;ty Um;"'", -Independent Media· ond -For The Record~, ond Rodio Contrib",fot> to "NME·, ..Jac"'·, ., .,.
  • 11. 1 J, J U ~ J J Sa - NAME POSITION lyn Champion Head of features 28 ADDRESS 64 F.rme Park Rood London N44ED Radio Reportet'/Journolist. BBC Radio 1 and BBC Radio 4,1983.-86. Radio Producer, BBC Radio 1, February-August 1987. Radio Producer, BBC Radio 4, August 1987-March 1988. NATIONALITY British March 1988, se'-up ·Prenur. Production.~, film and ...ideo promotion company, working os produc.l ond directOt. lindsoy WHhr of Music 30 226d High SI,.., Horl••den London NWlO Deputy Editor of Block Ethou "_Spo,", IMtween 1982-84. Ha. woriIed 0" vonOUI unlie.need Radio Stations line. 1983. British A&R and Club/5pec;ialist Radio Promotions Manoget' for WEA Records 1984-85 ond A&M Record. 1985J87. Currently A&R Monoger and Promotions Manoget' for Graphic Records, and Editor of ·F....I.. mogmine. ItOIM Lour.nee P,... ' PR 24 145 Grow lane Camberwell London SES 81G British Ha. worked in the accounts department 01 various companies lince 1983, induding .peciolilt music wholesaler G&M Record•. Has worked fot- KISS FM and Goodfoof PrcmoftOf1' ,ince 1987 a. Head of Pr..s and PR. Graham Gold HeodofCommwcial lot Production Oub DJ lince 19n Worked an hospital radio. between 1976--79. 21 OowrWoy Crcxl.,. Gr..n Rickmansworth Hertfordshire W033SL Worked fot- Capitol Radio in 1985, and more recently on o.itt.m Radio. Set-up jingle and odwt1 pramotion studio in 1976. C..,.,..mfy Projects Manager for mu.ic video ..rvice. company Diomond Time. TonyMonson Worked on IBM, Bermuda 1963-67. Worked on 8IC BrightOf1, mid-SeYenti... 45 3S Lynwoocl Grove Orpington Ko., Station manager of ",nlicenced Radio .tolion Solar Radio betw.en 1984-89. Ho. compiled Black Echoes record '01., chart lince 1976. C........,..........",-,,",e-!Iad;o,
  • 12. 1 - Sb - ," NAME POSITION ADDRESS NATIONALITY Doye Peorc. SeniOt' P'.,en", 2S 10lc Chun:hfi.ld Rood British Adon London W3 Work.d lor the BBC for 7 yeors, "carting in newt and (unent oHoin_ and 0110 pt'~nting hi, own show. Work.d lor Rad io London, deputising on .hOWl ortd, for the World Service, produced speciclls. Hos worked for 8RMB. Piccodilly, Rodeo City, Rodio Clyde and hen tr.Ionc.M few ue Rodio 4 and Radio 1', N_,beat programme. (",rrend, pt".,.nting programme, for GlR Clnd working with BBC TV's "B.hind Th. &.a, , '..-.- ~"" ,. .', - ~ . " '" .... . - . "< ,
  • 13. . , 1 5. c . d. • - 6 - Give total numbe r o f (il full -t ime and (iil part -t ime staff in paid posts. Full - time : 42 If appropria te I indica te would contribute t o the many volunteers might be Part-t i me : 27 how voluntary (i.e. unpaid) staf f running of the station, and how involved dur ing a typical week . NOT APPLICAIU 6. PROGRAMMING a . Make yo ur promise o f programming perfo r mance stating, in not more than s i xty words , the precise nature of the p r ogramme service you intend to p r ovide . If possible, quantify in approx imate termS the proporti o ns o f airt ime to be devoted t o the main elements of output . (Please use same ,w9rding as in Section 3) . b. KISS FM is Cl dance music stolion - an ••citing n~ styl. of radio for ,h. Nineties. Its donee music of varying tempos lpon' the 10.1 four decadM whilst olwoYl being on t+.. cuning q. of tomorrow', tr..,d,. KISS FM'. inrKMIti.... mix of dance m"sic and talk the..p.and fosNon ofcosmopcMitan london. Br iefl y describe how your p r oposed programmi ng will di f fer from, and add t o, the choice o f radio output already avai l able to listeners in the area , AI pr•••nl, only S% of london', mUlic ,ocIio output il drtol,.d 10 .peciali.t dance mu.ic progromrn••, 011 of which i. broadcast belwMn Friday and Sunday, and 0 quarter of which i• •ch,.dul.d MfwHn midnight and 6om. KISS FM'. mu.ic policy will be to ploy done. mu.K: 100% of th. tim. ond to pt_nt it in .... id..,tmabl. style that t+.••tation hen pion_,.d 10 .uccMwlly over th. lost f04Jr yec:ln. Th••Iotion'. progromming combines 011 the populo, and di~ form. of done. mu.ic, introducing n_ r.cord. and tr.nds befcwe ttMy 0 ... occ~t,.d by Ih. moinltf9Om, ond ~tinSil them in on informal ond knowMdg.obl. way. TM popularity of this styt. i. confirmed by HolM Offic~ommi..ion.d reAGrch which stat.I: 1h. pirates fulfil a demand which "'.I~itimot••tation, cannot - not only 0 diM of • •penm.ntol ond .peciolist mu.ic, but a s1yle of p.....ntation which i....." from the .ltoblisMclstotion•.~ (1h. lill.n.r Speolu-, lrooc:ko.'inSl ReMOn::h Unit, HMSO 1989). Th••ignificant dift.r..,cH in ,h••Iotion', progromming foil inta two moin or.o.: KISS FM will bring to t+.. li.t..,.,.' ott.ntion dane. m""ic not broadco.t .1MWf,. ,., and its o....roll .tyl. of presentation will M .pontoneou. and uedibM wit+. its li.t.n.r., qM<ificolly detign.d for on audi.n~ wholly untel'Wd .I.-n..... .• . '
  • 14. I 6. ] • c. d. 7 - During which hours o f the day do yo u intend to broadcast? (If different from day to day, please list each day o f the week separately). 24 hour. a day, 7 da~ a -«. Do you intend to broadcast any programmes source other than your own radio station? If YES, STATE, NO When? (State times of day) For how many hours per week in total? obtained from a YES/NO "-~ ... " From what source(s) ? (State number of hours per source) •• (Note: If the sharing different contributing outline o f the sharing response to 0.6f below). of a frequency between a number of groups is planned, please provide an arrangements proposed, as part of the e. Do you intend to broadcast news? YES If so, what arrangements will you make to obtain : Local news? l' • , .~... . .,. KISS FM'. Feotu.... [)epomn.ntwill not prodl,lc. -hord n...·, but will cov.t'Cl,lrr.ntaHoin i..u.s of reIew~ to its done. ",ulk oud~•. National/International news? .... or.""" 01 timib' quolifor,
  • 15. ...., " J 1 6. J ~ ] 1 1 1 f. - 8 Using , if necessary, a maximum o f three paqes (including this one), provi de an outl ine o f a proposed typical week 's p r o gramming, indicating the t imes o f broadcasting and the length and t ype o f items likely t o be i ncluded. Indicate also whether any increase in hours is expected, and when. Th. mo.' important .Iemenl of KISS FM's programm" is th. many and div.rH styles of music embraced by the t.rm ~donce-, •.g. soul, R&8, funk, reggae, .ko, world music, hip hop, hou••, gospel. loca, blues and salla. Within .ach __k't output there is 0 rang_ of programme. 'hot appeols 10 bolh ,h. 98n.reflls.en., ond to those who nave mar. spedfi, musitol toat••. This is achi_d by 0 mix of ployli.t-ba.ed and specialist inte,est shows ....ot complementeoch oth.r and sotisfy quit. s".cific communiti.s of Playlist-Bosed Music Program,"" Each _k KISS FM draws up a · ployli,l- of n_ record r.leases that r.fI.c~ the b..t cont.mporary ••ampl•• of the whole range of dance music sty'''' Th. content of th. playlilt differs significantly from Ihos. of ••i.ting slalion. by conc.ntrating on brand n_ done. records not rec.iving airplay .I._h.r., n_ amsts and .m.rging .tyl... Progromm.. sch.dul.d Monday la friday, Sam to 7pm, base more than ha" 01 musical cant.nt on r.cord, drawn fram lhe pkJytist. The r.mainder of the music i, selected by the porlicular p,....nt.r and includ.. oldi.., requested records and oth.r n_ relea.... Th. structur. of th••• ploylist-based shaws i. d••igned to appeal to the larg. g.n.ral int.r••t.d in done. music, whilst at the sam. time off.ring Q cont.nt signifKontly diff.r.nt from ••i.ting redia servic••. S".clolist Music ProgrCllnmes During _kday ...,.ning. and thraughout the week.nd, KISS FM broadco.1t 0 wide IIOri.ty of .hows devot.d to Q particular styI. or interest within th. danc. music world. Each show is pr.s.nted by an ••".rt in Ihot field who plays not only the most pertin.nt •.ompl•• of the mUlic but also provid•• n-s and informcmon relating to thot particular audienc•. Thi. i, the mix of mu.ic programming succ...fully pioneered by KISS FM during its four yea" of broadcasting. In addition, are -.pecials- such 0.: 0 _kly outside broadcast from 0 night club incorporating liq oct.; on uninterrupted th......hour mix capturing the .pirit of a; 0 four-hour reggae .how r.creating the Rovour of a party: a nightly slow music st.- focusing on .ach music's m.llaw ,id.; and -H.roes-, 0 two-hour ahow dll'VOled to a diff.,.nt danc. music superstar each w..k. Featur.s Programming Th. KISS FM Features Deportment provid.. 4% of the .tation'. output, prodlJCing mat.rial r.lated to the wid....ranging inhit"Mts of ~ dance music•. tts input is liqly, n_sy and current, with doily listings, rev-iews, prwiews, interviews and short,. contributions included in the playlist and specialist shaws, 01 well a. one-off docum.ntari... The poItcy i. to cover the arts and cultural concerns relating to donce music in the distinctive KISS FM styl•. News And Information Se"";," IRN IMWI bulletins ore carried an-the-hour throughout the playlist·based programmes. Th.y ore also broockost at the juncttons of th.lfMCiolist music programmes. Tr"0Ye6 _ weather infonnorion. incOt"pOratec:I at rfievont times within the playttst-based pt"Ogrammea. Weekly Schedule An • .ompl. of a typkal_k's programmes is autJined oworieof,
  • 18. 6 . ~ : , h . I • ~ I ,• I - 9 - What, if any, are your plans for preparing and broadcasting community information, social action and/or religious programming? Please include detail s of any proposals for of f-air activity. e . g. the provision of t raining facilities . On Cl doily bosis, KISS FM pr.po'" and broodc:ost '"fennol'on of r.levonce to its community of in,.,e" - the donee music audience - within its feature. programming. Additionally, it continues to schedule social action items - produced in conjunction with r.levant agencies - on such topics os health and legal odvK., hCKIling, dn"gs and em,Hoymen'. If programming in languages other than English is state which , a nd give approximate proportions output t o be broadcast in these languages. ; , , proposed, o f t o tal ." .
  • 19. 7. 1 • .", .. 10 THE AUDIENCE a. How large an audience do you expect to attract? Will your station appeal especially to particu lar groups within the populatl..:m (if s o, say which)? What evidence do you have of public demand for the type of programme service you propose? (If specific audience research has been carried out , use this and a maximum of one additional page to summarise main findings of relevance . Do not inc lude full audience research reports with the application; these may be requested subsequently, if fur the r details are required) . KISS FM elCpKts to Qchi_ 0 weekly reach of one million li," (equiwlent to 17%) by ,h. end of its first yeor of broadcosting. with on owrog_ of 12 hours lislening per __k. Its lideneuhip is likely 10 c:omprise three groups in approximately equal proportion.: • Donee music fans who listen olmoste.elusively to KISS FM for relatively long hours • Music fons with 0 broader range of inte,..ts who listen to KISS FM selectively olongltele other statians • Narrowly focu.ed music Ions who only tune in ta KISS FM 'at' 0 s~ific .~ialist progromme (t.: blues) or 0 porticulor pr..enter, In t.rms of existing radio liltening pottern., the KISS FM audience derives from, • A proportion of Capitol-FM and Radio 1 list.ners who channel hop and odd KISS FM to menu • A substantial proportion of recent GlII: li.teners who fe.1 disenfranchised by the slolion's shih owoy from done. music cantent • A majority of pirale radio listene,. who swilch to KISS FM's more profes.ionol and r.liobl. done. music service • Non-radio listen.,. who pr.sently lislen 10 donee mu.ic tapes and r.cord., including individuol. at hom., cor driven, and shop/offic. wori<.,., KISS FM's impoct on the London music radio markel is ."imm.d 0117% of total hours listened allhe . nd of ils firsl ~r: Radio 1 GLR Radio 1 34% 7% 30% Other 17% 21% Capital Capital 38% 33% KISS FM .nd of Y~r On. SHARE OF TOTAL HOURS LISTENED The.e ..timotes take into account the following focton: • Total hours listened ta 011 mu.ic stotton. will increase through .... introduction of i~taI stations,. NAlFM splil service. and n_ competitors such os Attontic 252 • Limning to "olhe"" stations pres.ntly includ.. a wbstontKJI amounl of pirate radio limning in London • Limning 10 "oth.,... station. 01 KISS FM'. first .,.ar__nd (mid-1991) i. lik.1y to be maet. up largely by increm.nlol .Iotions, By 'hen, pirot. adivity will how be.n curtailed by increased powers in lhe Broadco.ting Bill, KISS FM will captur. nearly 011 of th. currenl pirate radio listenenhip • GLI will fail to maintain its ahore in the upond.d ITIQ~, Done. music'. popularity is already substantial and is growing rapidly. In term. of recat'd sol.s, donee music currently make. up 56% of ,h. Top 75 Singl.. Chort, compared to lS%in 19B2~ paper Mu.icW'" comm.nted: "<>v.t- the coming .,.ar, allth••igns are that done. music's impact an lhe charts...will b. _n gr~ter.~s Dane. mu.ic'. ,hare of th. consum.r market i. not projected to be 0 transitory ph.nom.nan, .ince its success is based on an infrastructurelhot has become highly d_loped over the los' decod•. london's W.., End now supports mar. than twenty r.tail outl.ts in donee music, wh.r. Iher. wos only on. in lhe early 70s. There now ••isl hundreds of British record componie, and s_ral record distributol'1 dedicated solely 10 the comm.rcial of dance music. Inlernalionol succ... ha. been aHoined by on number of Brilish donee nwsi< am"', some of whom (Coldcul, Soul 11 Soul, Rich;' Rich) hove been k>ng..rm ",",ben of Ih. KISS FM
  • 20. 1 - .. , lOa This widespread popularity of dance music is nol adequately catered for in the oulput of ellisling slolions. Only 5% of London's music radio output is devoted to spe<ioli,t donce music programmes, and 011 stotions how reduc..c! th. proportion thus allocated. For exompl•• GlR', donce music programmes currently moh up only 6% of output, compared to 31 % in 1986, os 0 ,.,ult of ,...., new manogem.nt team', decision to ,.targe' the station at on~. mo... upmork., audience. KISS FM's programmes appeal 10 0 wide cross-saction of th. population, but 0,.. particularly successful in a"rocting the 15-34 oge range. Th. profile of KISS FM listeners is clos. to th. population of London a. a whole, with regard to Mlt, closs, working stotu. and w.olth.~ KISS FM's success in satisfying public demand during lour y.a" of unliceneed broodcasting is evidenced by the relultl of an Evening Standard poll, in which ...aders voted it second !Mst radio Slation.s Support for KISS FM OmOnglt ils target audience il d.manslroted by the r.sult of a survey commissioned from MORI. Ask.d if they would support or oppose th.IBA awarding the London licence 10 KISS FM, 71% of 15·24 year olds sampled saKI they would "strongly supportw or ~tend to support" such a decision.· The popularity of danc. music is support.d by ,_rol piec.s of recenl audience research: • Ask.d which typesof mllSk they lik. to lin.n to, 52% of 15-24, o&ds and '1% of 25·34 ~r aid, sampLed chose lOul6 • Ask.d which types 01 music th.y ~Iiked 0 10tW CM' ~.nioy.d occasionally", 65% of a sampl. of oduth selected soul, 39% reggae and 30% world music, 011 of which or. includ.d in KISS FM's oulput1 • Ask.d which types 01 music they lik. to listen 10, 48% of 15·24 aids somp'-d s.lected soul, 32% house, 31% reggae and 31% hip·hop, these styl.. representing the mosl important current components of KISS FM's m'lSic pohcy.· The dissatisfaction with existing stalion.' coverage of cMncemusic . .tIw demand for a ~. KISS FM is sublfantiated by Ihe.. r...arch results: • Asked how IhlrY rote In. amount of music ptoyed by .xilling station" 35% of adults sampled said Ihere wos too li"le soul, 40% loo li"'. reggae, and 54% loa littl. world music1 • Asked which type of music thlrY would lik. to hear maN of on 0 _London radio station, 27% of 15-24 ~r olds and 21% of 25-34 year aids selected saul' • Asked what type of format th.., would like ta hear on Cl n_ London station, 20% of 15-24 year aids selected a service that combin.. a wide combination of donce music 1fy~1 • Ask. d which type of music Ih.., would lik. to hear more of on the radio, 19% of 15·24 .,.ar old...Iected soul/done•.' Dance music slotions hove proved popular and profitabl. in Ih. USA, where broadcast." such os WRKS N_ Yark, WUSl Philadelphia and WPGC Washington DC ore three of the market !.ade". The KISS FM team is confident et can ottract and keep its proiected cwdience in London. , (1) lIC..,.' Jon·o.. 19S5 ••d....;"'e _._ ........ ___ 11) Mo.<.;< w..~ . 2 MP 1919 .. 4 MP 1912 (l ) Mo.<oi< W..k. 30 s.p 1989 1"1XISS FM .u..-, <ommi. .......! ""'" MOll ....... q_ 1O",pt. of m 15-24 .,..., oI<It poIlM ".." "" 151 EY.nif>v Slandonl, 30 0.. 1917 It 1LoncOon lo.. 'od....u..-, <omm...;o..... ""'" ....U... At,...dI ...i"'e q~ota lO",pIoo of sn 1S· ......ho poIIed Mo,I. 1'" (7IS.,..,"'·FM .....-, <om"';"'-"<I ""'" Aoodi."". S.1emon (lIVb<onl< to NOf'I ""''''eq_ lO",pIoo of 5131S' odulto (e) C...,..ol.FM '........., <0"'''';'''''''''' !.om H..I..................."'311 ;ft.......... witt. od..... ......., 45 poIl.cI".." 1"9 (911.o<1dcNo IIod< 1Iod... ........,. commi""""", froon a-mo.....;, Mon.";'" h_..1> (wbc"..lrocM to IISGAI ....... 101 1S............ 191'1. ,
  • 21. 1 7 . c. ... , 11 By wha t means would t he station t he views of i ts lis t eners , r e a ct i o ns t o its services? pla n and t o keep t hei r in touch with r esponses Th.ltalian'" olwayt made positiw atMmpt. to keep in touc;h with its lilMneri' views in MftnII ~,. It continues 10 publish its fr• • bi-monthly magazine as a means 01keeping its li"ener. informed and irwolv.d. Th. highly successful KISS FM dub nights, h. ld ...... . kly. also ,.,. as 0 means of absorbing li,'en.r feedback and r.taining 0 rapport with ils Qudience. KISS FM will lUbauib. to NSJukat aydiMce .....arch in caccordanc. with .oc.cepted ~ standards. Th. stotion will also provide phone linn enobfing Ii,teners to express th. ir opinions on progromming, and their corre'POndence will be lupplement.d by 0 suggestion box and 0 'el. foll focility at the station'. studios. a nd Ar e t he r e any partic ular o r gan i sat i ons local a r ea which you wo uld e xpect t o basis in the stat ion's p r ogramm i ng , basis ? o r groups wi t hin the invo lve o n a regula r or o n an a dviso r y In ttoe preparuleon of its lOCiul uction items, KISS FM intends 10 s..k ttoe expertise of relevant orgoniSOlions. .<:, •. • • . ..... ,., ., . -.~
  • 22. l' • 8. J . ~ • • 12 FINANCI AL ARRANGEMENTS a . Summary Before addressing applicants should business plan methods , marketing the details of t he f inancial summarise the main pOints e.g. v iews on ownershi p , strategy and 5 0 on. pr oposa ls, of thei r fi nancing inc lude deta ils o f any existing o r studi o e quipment , o r other or other financial arrangements In this section, please assets (e.g. transmitter fac ili t ies), and ownership applying t o these . Ownership Th. key factors det.rmining ,h. structur. of ownership ar.: • Introducing blood inlo the broodcosting industry by drawing the financial botk.,. from oth.r media, with 0 highly lu((."hll trock rlKord of launching new torg.t.d m.dio products. • Moking a significant proportion of ownwship CMliloba. to k." fM"IO",..I who will be rnponUWe for ensuring tM luccess of the stotion. • Limiting each shareholding to ensure 0 spread of control. • K.epin9 the ownel"Ship within the UK. Finoncin9 methods The I_I of funding specifi.d in 8b i. (onsider.d sulfident to m..t tfte nMd. of the .totion during the first 3 years of operation. The majority of the funding i. bein9 provid.d by the .horeholcMrt in the Iorm of equity and loon stocle. This has been structured in such 0 way tftot ,he shore (Gpitol.a.m.n' cOflstitutes o.,.r 75% M the funds roised fram that source. Provi.ion hot been mode for additional (opitol to be raiMd from .horehald.,.. in the _t of it being required. Capitol expenditure will be finonc.d moinly by hi... purchoN or Focilities of Ground £350,000 ho.,. been negotio-.d. The moximum onticipcrt.d owrdraft r~uirement i. £95,199 in December 1990. However 0 foc;ility of £350,000 hot been negotMrt.d whith prcwidM 0 buH.r against unfo,....n (onlingenc:i". Marketing KISS FM'. oudienu does not ha.,. occ... 10 0 donce mu.ic station. Market research indicat" sub.tantiol demand for such 0 stolion - our 10uIKh will therefoN be to limply c.wor.n.... rafh. than woo list.nel"S from °(ompering -bnJnd-. The brief for creating rite KISS FM image will contoin phraset like -olive; out-going; vibrant london; style-leading; fo.hion-creatin9; knowiedgeoble; str_t-cNdible; ond alternat;.,.-. Marketins will give younger Londonel'1 the sen.. thot KISS FM con h.lp them on where ond how to donee, how to d,..., and where to go in london. KISS FM morketing will be focuted wn.r.the o...dielKe 90", with .pontortkip ond pramotion. in rec:ord and Io.hion JtQreI, _ntt, dub. and otfter IeilUre "tabli.hmen". i. likely to centre on outdoor. ond IOnM style and music mG9CIUneL The b...dget enYiSOVH 0 £200,000 marhting tpend pre-tcwncfl with on additional £250,000 O'I'Oikabie in ..,. firtt thtM months M traMmiuion.
  • 23. B. r - 13 b Financ i al reguirements and sources Provide estimates of following headings: total funding requirements under the ( i ) Capital expenditure (including capital value of leases) 577,771 (ii) Pre - operational expenditure 616,812 (iii) Working capital (at on -air date) 975,417 2,170,000 Detail the sources of finance to meet these requirements: (i) Share capital (ii) Loan stock/medium term borrowing (iii) Leasing/HP facilities (capita l value) (iv) Bank overdraft (v) Grants and donations (vi) Other (please specify) TOTAL, SOURCES OF FUNDING Note 1 : The IBA will wish to be reassured evidence of bona fide subscribers before offering the contract. 1,117,500 352,500 350,000 350,000 2,170,000 that reasonable of funds exists Note 2: Any o ffer of a final programme contract is subject to the condition that the successful group should have issued all its envisaged capital or shown proof of promises of funds, as agreed with the IBA, by the date of the formal exchange of contract. IF YOU PLAN TO RAISE SHARE OR LOAN CAPITAL, GO ON TO Bd, AND COMPLETE WHOLE OF SECTION B. IF YOU PLAN ALTERNATIVE OR ADDITIONAL METHODS OF FINANCING THE CAPITAL COSTS OF THE RADIO SERVICE, PLEASE DETAIL YOUR PROPOSALS OVERLEAF , THEN COMPLETE ONLY THOSE REMAINING PARTS OF SECTION B WHICH ARE RELEVANT TO YOUR APPLICATION. ;
  • 24. 'i r.. 1 I, • B. - 14 - - c. If you plan t o use a l ternative or additional sources o f funding f o r capital expenditure (i.e. other than share o r l oan capital), list these below: (i) Grants and donat i o ns regarding the purpose o r (please ment ion any use to which these may (a) Source of funds (give name a nd address) . , ..... -~ '., ~ . (iilOther sources (a) (b) Type o f funding agency (e.g. charitable trust) NOT APPUCAIU ..:. , ( b ) NOT APPliCABLE (c ) Amo unt i , (c ) conditions be put) ( d) % of total reguired .' , '.' '. . ( d ) (Note: Public authority funding o f a continuing nature is generally unlikely t o be acceptable; see paragraph 2 . 13 of the Contract Specification )
  • 25. /, T 8. c·~..- , d. .. 15 .. Share cap i tal Classes of share capital: Voting : AordillOry Bordinary Number Par value £HO n50 Issue price (if different) £1.S0 n50 ,. 0; Non vo t ing: Preference : other: Shore premium (Please ~pecify) , .... Non: A Ordinory sho,n hove been oUocot.d 6 YOtft each. 8 Ordin~ry ,har•• na.... been ollocattKI 1 vo,- each. ' .; £Ai3,OOO ' .. ...~ .. e. Loan stock ,", .. , - If l oan stock is t o be issued , state t he amount, c o upon and r edemption/conversion terms . loan .tock £352,000 Th. loan stock will pay interMt of 2% ov.r LlIOR and ..Ube Nd",,*, befon any dividend, are d.dar.d, but after repayment of the ban" owrdroh. . ~." . .... " ...• ...
  • 26. l j ~ •, ~.... - 16 8. f . Set out below the details o f all voting shareholders (excluding any nominal membership shares) , and holders of 5% or more of non - voting shares and loan stock. (A second page may be added if necessary). % of % o f Investment t o tal t otal Name of investo r Address i required stock A ordinc!l shores GAMcNam.. 1SS Ernest Richard Tower, 30,000 4.41 20.0 Colche,t.r Rd. London E17 DC han. 53 NOlCot Wood Rood, 2,250 0.32 1.5 Watford, Herts, WOl l$J M RStd"". 8 Cri.H Rood, London SW18 1,500 0.22 1.. DOli"r 9 Grild. ClaM, Edmonton. 1,500 0.22 I .• London N9 KMor. Flat 4, 151 S.lhul'1t Rood, 1,500 0.22 I .• London SE2S 6lQ N Jo••ph 37 Allison Rood, Acton, London W3 1,500 • .22 I .• JJo.."h 37 Al1i50n Rood, Acton, London W3 1,500 0.22 I .• T N.lson 66 Eorlham Grove, 1.500 •.22 I .• For••t Gat. , London E7 C Favor Flot 4, Fiono Ct, 1.500 0.22 I .• 111 Brond••bury Vilio" NW6 THam' 19b Foirbridg. Road, 1,500 • .22 1.0 UPI*' Hollowcy, Londo" N19 3EN 44,250 • ordi"ory w.or•• Ce"turioll PNU Umited 52 c;.orge 5~, London Wl H 5Rf 180,000 26.53 20.0 (MAP In~Slmenh; Ltd 1 U"col" Court, U"coln Road, 180,000 26.53 20.0 ~ough PEl 2RS (rodl.., Grovp tWding pk PO loll 34, Chester Rood, 45,000 6.63 5.• Crodl.,. Heath, Worfey I( McOowol1 2 Molvern Temxe, Isli"gton, 22,500 3.31 2.5 London NI lHR ".rei" 'roodcg.ting Ltd 120 Cgmpden Hill Road, 135,000 19.90 1S.0 Londo" W8 7A1. Unol~ated • Note 2 72,000 10.61 •••--- 634.500 lOW. IEQUIItED .- "., .. 678,750 100.0 100.0 - - - ~ ' fIrion Pre" Limited 52 ~ Sh-Ht, London W1H 51f 100,000 28.37 iMt!Itt#",M'",.nts ltd I U"col" Court,Lincoln Rood, 100,000 28.37 hterborough Pfl 2RS :-et., Group Holding plc PO loll 34, Chemlr load, 2S,OOO 7.10 Crodl.,. Heath, Warley • "0 ull 2 MoI~m T.,roce, Idingtoft, 12,500 3.$4 Londo" Nl1HIt .... IroockCHting Ltd 120 Campden Hill lood, 75,000 21.27 London Wl1All. • . r '-Hote2 40.'" 11.35 352,500 100.0 -a -~ 1 Aordinary sno,.. ha~ bee" allCKoted 6 vote. eoch. ,It • ordinary ,ho,.., ha". bee" allCKoted I vote each. ... 2 The ungllocoMd shor" will be piCKed privately after the Ikence has bMn grorMd. ~
  • 27. I 8, • a•J. ~ .' t'< - ,. t g , - 17 - ' Describe brief ly the method by which sha re /loan capi tal is to be raised (e.g . whether a pr ospect us wi ll be i ssued) . (Give details of any proposal to have share capital publicly quoted), With the exception of the unallocoted B,hare., and th.'oan stoc. , which will b. ploc:ed priYQ~. 011 .hor. and loan "ode ha. bHn committ.d in full by the founder ,har.holde". h. Other loans If appropriate , give detai ls of lender , interest rate and repayment terms. LENDER: TYPE: REPAYMENT: INTEREST RATE: Various Finance Houses HP/lao,ing Mont...y indoltMntl 00I0ef' 3)'eO" To beagre.d 1 . Bank overdraft facilities " , . , ,', If faci lities have been provisionally negotiated, attach a supporting letter from the relevant branch. Letter dated 3 Now 1989 enc losed •• .. ' . I - .
  • 28. .. National Westminster Bank PLC (~ PrInces Street Business Centre PO Box 14, First Floor 1 Princes Street London EC2P 2AH Telephone 01~726 4099 CAE/C WP / SS F7 Facsimile 01-606 3856 Telex 8811426 NWBPSO G Ol t. 3 November 1989 rwlUt ~ M R Strive Esq Financial Direc tor Cen turi o n Pr ess Limited 52 Gearge Str ee t ..... ~ Lo nd o n WI H 5RF Dear Hartin I write following our tel ep hone conve rsati o n yesterday in co nnect ion with Kiss FH Radio Li mited. I am deli gh ted to be a ble t o confirm the Bank's ag reem e nt in principle to est abli s hing an accou n t f o r t his co mpan y , with an ove rdraft limit of £350 ,00 0. This facility wi l l be made available on the Bank's normal terms and c onditions i. e . r epayment on d emand, and wi ll be for working capital pu rp ose s. Thi s facility will, o bvi ously , only b e mad e available on the bas i s that Kiss FM are successful in o btaining o ne of the Grea ter Lo ndon franchises f o r a music s tati o n a nd as an indication we would be lookin g i n add ition, for the following terms and conditions t o ap ply:- 1. The c o nt ribu ti on of the shareholders t o be available and to be see n passing through the bank account for the company prior to draw down of our overdraft fa cil ity. 2. Pr ov ision of figures prior t o draw do wn whi ch co nfirms, or at least do no t materially diff e r from those f igures already supplied to us, together witb aati.faction vit~ the surrounding circu.atancea. 3. A Mortgage Debenture to be gi ven b y th e company i n favou r o f the Bank, a nd a for.u l a t o be agreed as a basil for the Bank's security cov er . 4. Repayment o f the loan capital to be pos tp o ned in fa vou r of the Bank borrowing. 5. An interest r ate of 3% above National Westminster Bank PLC ' s Base Rate ( currently 15%), with a minimu m rate pa ya ble o f 10 %. 6. An a rr a ngement fee of [2,500 to be takeD OD the establishment of the fsc.i lity. Coot/- ••8UO Flev Apr 86-2001 Registerea Number 929027 Eng!and Registered OffiCe 41 Lotnbufy. London EC2P 2ap Member 01 IMRO
  • 29. " t· - l - 2 I am very pl ease d that the Bank has been able to put t og ether this offe r for you, and I hope that this document viII form the basis for a relationship with the new company in the future. I sh ould like to tak e this opportu ni ty of wishing you ever y succ~ss with y o ur application for the l i cence snd you k now , of course, that I •• available at any time for further dis cu ssions. Your s sincere ly Grk./,.- . C w~:?P<!Y Cor~ate Account Executive Corporate B4nking Group .. ., ' -
  • 30. - 18 - 9 . CASH FLOW FORECAST a. Applicants are asked t o complete the cash flow forecast proforma below, catego rising items under the headings provided. Th i s is intended t o be a summary of the more detai l ed forecasts that applicants will have undertaken . IBA staff may wish to request greater detail from applicants at a later stage. RECEIPTS Capital Net advertising revenue Other income (total of any s ources listed i n lOd) TOTAL RECEIPTS PAYMENTS Capital expenditure HP/ leasing Other revenue costs: Staff Premises Pr omotion/marketing Pro gramming Regulatory/copyr ight fees Other Offi,. ape"'" Financial Expen... Prod~ion Com Interest paid/(receivedl TOTAL PAYMENTS NET INFLOW/OUTFLOW BALANCE B/F BALANCE CIF Pre - ° eerational 2!!....l i.:..Q.Q.Q. £: ' 000 1,47Q 106 5. 1,470 164 219 •• " 186 315 n 60 ,.. ". 5 u 64 " 26 15 ., 10 16 5 7 •17 1.... 153 (882) 853 853 (") YEAR 1 2!.E....l £ '000 430 86 ". " 265 50 ,. '3 81 '3 13 16 10 575 (5') (29) (88) 2lL.l. £'000 64' 7.' " 265 50 •• 30 '3 '3 • 16 " 5" 188 (88) 100 2!.L..i To tal £ '000 £ '000 820 199. n. 405 .3. '.403 ". 26 101 265 1,110 50 210 •• ...34 101 100 338 '3 .5 • 62 16 64 75 111 662 2,877 277 474 100 1.53) 377 379
  • 31. ..-. t. ". " :" - 19 - RECEIPTS Capital Net advertising revenue Other income (total of any sources listed in lOd) TOTAL RECEIPTS PAYMENTS Capital expenditure HP/leasing Other revenue costs: Staff Premises Promotion/marketing Programming ,-~ Regulatory/copyright fees Other CHic. &p.nNl Financial ExjMfttel ProdlKfion COItI Interest paid/ (received) TOTAL PAYMENTS NET INFLOW/OUTFLOW BALANCE B/F 3ALANCE CI F YEAR 2 2!!....l ~ 2!.Ll 21.L.i Total i.:...QQQ E ' 000 !....:...Q.Q.Q. E ' 0 00 ~ '- '. - 70S 750 ass 1,oos 3,405 '" 125 128 132 52. .3. 87S .83 1,137 3,934 2S 25 2S 2. ,., 296 2.7 297 297 1,187 50 50 51 51 202 130 160 160 160 61. 30 32 38 42 142 104 108 120 129 461 26 26 26 26 104 42 26 " 2 82 16 16 16 17 as 7 7 7 70 91 "6 747 752 820 3,045 213 128 231 317 ... 379 592 720 .51 592 720 .51 1,268 U68
  • 32. 1 - 20 9. b. In which year of operation is it expected: (i I first to make a trading profit? First Full Year (iilto have eliminated all cum~~,~ye losses? Second Year ... 10. ADVERTISING AND OTHER REVENUE Jt ;t• If. a. What arra ngements a dve rtising? Have advertising rates, do you p r opose fo r the sale of you already taken advice on and if so, from whom? national national Th. KISS FM leam ha. met with ,.prehnloti_ of BMS, fRS, SAS, TSMS and MSM ewer ,h.lasl ,_ mon,h•. Wi,houl .}(Ception. th... representation houM' hQ~ ellpt'eU.d enthusiasm lor the KISS FM formal and slrong inleru' in representing ItS should we be awarded 0 franchis•. S-rol ho~ 0110 confirmed our 'It- that nolionol advertisers will seriou.ty consid.r using KISS FM on the basil of (I list."er bose of orovnd 1 million and 3O·second ochi...,ed rate. betw.e" £1.20 and £2.20 per thousand " KISS FM is aworded a fronchi••, _ are canfid.nt of reaching a satisfadary nalionol OV, b. Briefly show how you have estimated your annual revenue from the sale of advertising time (taking into account e.g . pop - ulation coverage, percentage of airtime sold , tariff levels) KISS FM .I(pecls a 10% sha,. of Gt-eal., London revenue by its third year of operation (.I(duding .thnic community .Iotion.). Tt.. two charts be40w show our foreca.t far Ih. d.signat.d 6.n TSA Greal.r London malic... Th.,' anum" that in 1990 Capital and lBC will be joined by KISS FM, London Jan, and anath.r community of inteNst....;on ann.ling mainly to okMr peopM - .uch os a dassiwl mlllK: station. Year 1 (1990) Great.r London Ad Revenue !£38.6mj KISS (7%) OJ Capitol Iodic (60") £23.3", lBC (24") £9,. o-Kal ("") ".... Year 3 (1992) Greater London Ad Revenue {£49.2mJ KISS FM (10%) '<6,. Capitalladio (58") £28.7", lBC (22%) £10.9", au. & Clanical (10%) £5", w•••pec:! the okMr listen.r profile statton. I.IC. Jazz and Classical to compete mainly with eoc:h oth.r, Qnd grow at a .Iower rate tftan younger profil. stalion. Capital and KISS FM. In 0 growing mQrht, KISS FM P.pecta to .... ill buli,.... plan thrcMIgh hiking '"' than 3% of Capitol', ad .hore. Our gross od revenue projection. ore for E2.7m in Year I, £3.6m in Year 2 and £4.6m in Year 3. KISS FM will launch wrth 0 rote cord whkh encoul'09n odYetti.." to -try-out" the station. Th. KISS FM 30-second ochieved rate pet' tnousand listen." i, ••peeled la be I", than th. £2.30 which _ .stimate i. now achieved by Capitol. Th. following tobl. campor" KISS FM's ••pecMd ad revenue pet" li.tener to that of Capital and LBC: Est. Annual A4R_nu. Lin-rs AdR_nue per Li.tener Capitol 2.9m £34.0m £11.7 lBC 2.0m £1 JAm £ 6.7 KISS FM Year 1 I.Om £ 2.7m £ 2.1 KISS FM Year 3 tOm £ 4.6m £ 4.6 Th. KISS FMaudienc. will prove atlrocliw to odverti...... targeting it, young, Qdiv. audi.nce. W• .l(peeI to caphlre revenue now going to outdoor, press Qnd TV. Also, many local adverti.." will find KISS FM advertising more oHordabl. and giving I... wastog. than la~ broadcast area .Ialion.lik. Capital.
  • 33. 1 1 .. 10. c. - 21 - Who within the radio station wo uld be respons i ble f o r the clearance of local advertising copy and for liaison with the central clearance body f or national a dvertising , and with the IBA ' s own advertising control staff? (Please confirm that he / s he will be made familia r with the IBA' s Code, Acceptance and Presentation rules and Schedule 2 o f the Bro adcasting Act 1981) . Graham Gold, who is olreocly fomiliClf with IBA code, occeptance and pr..-ntotion rul.. a nd Sch. dul. 2 of the Broodcosting Ad 1981. ". d. If yo u plan to raise revenue fr om sources o ther than the sa l e o f airtime for advertising (e.g. ~e rchand i sing, commercial production , co-f ~nding, e~c. ) , ple ase l i s t these b e low : Type/sou r ce o f revenue Ad" rti. ing/Sponlo" hip (net) Running dubs/gigl Merchandil ing Magatine .. Expected annual income (Year 1) ~ 2,517.500 355,661 40,000 9,000 2,922.161 , ,'.'."..." . , " . '. % of t ota l revenue regu i red 86.15 12.17 1.37 0.31 100.00
  • 34. , 1 l" 1 ' 11. 1 - 22 - AP PLI CANT'S OTHER INTERESTS a . In l ine wi t h current broadcast i ng legislation , details are r equ i red o f t he involvement by the applicant group in t he activities set out be low. For these purposes, the a pplicant group is defined as its di rectors (or their equiva lent), any company or person with a potent ial holding o f 5% o r more o f any class of voting share o r 25% or more of any class of n on~voting s hare or loan capital, or any s ubscriber otherwise providing 5% o r more o f the t otal f unding needs iden t ified in paragr aph ab above. Deta il s sho uld be give n under the foll owing broad classificatio ns, s howing f o r each heading the extent of t he interest owne d, i. e . wholly owned, contr olling in terest (and size thereof) , minor ity interest (and size thereo f) . If no t applicable, write ' None'. ( il Advert i sing agenc i es . ~ "" (ii)Non·EC interests. d • Virgin's principalshareholden own 0 number of non-EC componieL ,;, :' (i ii ) The manuf acture o f r ecords or the pub l ication o f musical wo rks . • Gordon McNom.. is 0 SO% sharehold.r ofGraphic R..:ords Limited which he will MII immediately shcwld the opplicarion be luccessful. A buyer hOI olreody been identified. • ViFiin'. principollhorehoklen own motorify inte....ts in record ond muaic publishing companies. " ., ( iv)The promotion o f the broadca sting o f sound r ecor dings or of the broadcasting of performance of mus i c works. • Gordon McNom.. il 0 65% lhareh ;Id., 1n GoocHoot Pramot..... Lld.. whidl he wUl ~i~ should Ih. oppliCQlion be lucceuful. • The Virgin companies referred to in (ill)obove promote lhe broodccsting of sourlCi recording•.
  • 35. , 11. • (v I - 23 - The obtaining o f employment f o r theatr ical f or persons to take part as performers broadcast by way of te levision or radio. Non. perfo rmers o r in programmes (vi) Newspapers, including shareholdings o r holdings in a gro up ( b I ( i I having substantial c ontro l over one o r more newspaper s. • EMAP - Local "_.papers Home Counties Newspapen Holding. pk: 22% .tak. B.ckett N_.papers: 40% stoke EMAP publi.h•• 97 local n~popers in England and Wol... Th. mojority of litle. tirculot. in Anglio, Central and TVS broadc::osfing Provide deta il s o f any group (as defined above) c onnect ion between and the f o llowing: the applicant Sound broadcasting, television, (e . g . wire di stribution o f sound and cable televi sio n) , EMAP - opproximotely 0.5% of Anglio T.I...-ision Grwp plc. • Virgin - 20.5%of Rodio Radio Ltd oproximotely 42% of Super Channel Ltd 60% of Muatc Box Ltd -, and allied act ivities or televis ion , satellite .. . ~ ... (iilOther entertainment activities . e Virgin" principal .horeholde" own Virgin Mon.t1roniu, 0 home compvter go,"" software and hordwar. dietribution company. (iii) Other connections of a nature relevant o r related t o broadcasting. • EMAP .har-"oldmg. in U compant.s: Radia 8roadland 2% of ~uity Midland Radio 3% af ~uity Suffolk Radia 10% of ~uity Mid Anglia .... ~ 12% of.,.ity (iv) Connections with bodies of a who lly or mainly religious nature.
  • 36. J 12. 1 - 24 - TRANSMITTERS AND MASTS a. b. Where will you locate your transmitter and your mast/aerial? Describe the site and give its address/grid reference, if known. Gi ve details of the coverage pattern and power level you envisage, to meet the terms of the IBA's coverage brief. Th. Iron.miHe, Clnd (lc(ompcln'l"ing equipment will be located on Croydon tronsmiHe' mo.t ot grid r. f.r.nce: TQ 332 696. An omni-directionc:d oeriol s)'tt.m will be employ.d detinring on •.r.p. of up 10 41cW, circulerly polarised. Mean a.rial Might would belik.l., 10 exceed 250 metre. (ood), , . On a separate sheet, list and price equipment you either have o r intend to performance specifications. s.. following pog. (no. 240) all transmitting purchase, giving c. What test equipment do you propose using, and how will you moni tor and control important parameters of the signal, including frequency, power, spurious radiation and modulation level? Maint.nance and Hl'Vicing will be carri.d out under contract by the equip",.nt and sit. op.rators. Th. Iranlminion equipm.nt employed is lorg-'y MII monitoring with automatic back-up fociliti.s which are octivur.d in tit. evenl of failure ~ out of specificolion operation. of test ond equip_to ,uch os ~r m.t.,., spectrum onol)'Ht'. monitot' r.c.i....', SWR bridg., d~iotion ~ and frequ.ncy count... or. ovoilobl. at all times. d. Please add any technical pOints regarding transmission , in addition to those given in sections 12 a-c. Signolsleaving the .tudio com~•• will be cOf'f'..:tty limited before being t.d into &iti.h land-Iin... Th. pt'OpOHd audio processing equip_t (to be co-sit.d with the tron.mission equipnMntj includes a limit.../clipper to enlure that variation. in land-Jine responM connot COUM owr-d.viotion of the tranamitter. Th. lite Open:ltors iQ Croydon hove ....... choMn for thei, ptOVen trock '.card in the operation of high~, braodcalt facilities. until an offer of contract is made the IBA does not wish to be told which engineer ing company o r consultancy, if any I has been or will be providing advice or services to the applicant.
  • 37. ,.1 24a TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT DETAILS Th. contract with sil. (lnd equipment operators will be to pnwid. a full broodcast ..,.ufic:crtton Ironsmission fcKility, similar to those already used by exilling BBC and ILR Itations. St.reo land-lines will fMd into two .el, of ·Programme Input Equipment· which in turn fHd two identicol Iransmitt.r" one ·on oir· and the olh.r · stondby·, In addition th. ·Programme Input Equipment· provide. operating dolo for on automatic "Supervisory Unit" whic:h (onlrols alterations to ,h. tronlmiUlon facility in _n' of failur. or oul of 'pKificolion operotiOl1. Thi••ystem minimi••• the possibility of "down tim." and disruption of ,h. radio broadcost service. Th. outputs of bOlh transmitters or. fed through a single change-owrlcombining unit and into two Nb of oeriol. (10 ensure 'hot oeriol domoge il unlikely to p~ the ..rvice ~oH-oir~). If the ~Supervisory Unit- is octivoted, telemetry data is fed 10 0 control centre 10 ensure that engineering sIGH ore advised of the status of equipmenl and may lake oppropriole sleps to ensure thal any fault l11Qy be reclifled. The cost of wch 0 system (prOYidinv 0 4kW erp s~nal) may be b«Mten dovtn os loIlOWI: Transmi«er (2kW wilh standby 10 full) b.-oodcasl specificolion - CCIR) 4 tie, aerial syslem (2 " 2 with inbuilt redundancy for fault tolerance) Total capitol cosls (budgetary) £ 39,000 89,000 128,000 In addition to the above capitol COils, the followinv annual recu.....nt outlay should 0110 be token into account: Transminef'maintenonce Spores (held on si..) Electricity Si.. focilit... charge Total recurrenl costs (budgetary) AI on al"rnolive to incurring lhe capital outlay detoilitd (above) the site operata... oHer 0 leasing option (For identical sJMcificatian equipment CCIR and induding 011 recurrent costs) at on annual (budptary) '" of: 2,000 100 2,000 20,000 24,100 48,000 NOTE: All the above costs exdude programme/control line charges betw..n sludios and m:lnlmitfer ';1.. which are entirely dependent on the distance involved.
  • 38. , 13. 1 - 25 - STUDIOS a . What is the proposed locatio n (give known) o f your studio( s)? What is used for? the the actual address, if property currently Gross Fine, leading Central London e.tate agents, haw bMn Ioc:oting appropriate pr.mis•• within th. following oreol: Forringdon/CI.rkenwell South Sank/SEl King 's Cross Dockland. Enmpri.e Zone b . What form o f acoustical treatment and isolation do you envisage f o r your studio(s)? c. d. e . •i- AcoustiCQI trealmen' will be (orri.d out to ~t inter-studio "oiM Qnd to ocki_th. required background "aiM and rewrberolion time choroct.ristia. s.H contain.d pt••built studio/control area -modul..- will be put into plac•. Doubl.Jh'ipl. leaf woll. witn compliant packing btitw.en will be used 10 separat. individual studio area•. Studio internal wall. will bet cov.r.d with 0 combinotion of mineral wood behind fabric ond ocou.tic lile. o. necessary. Entry to the studio complex will be through on ·oirlocM~ type double door orrongemen'. fol.e ceiling' will be inltolled 10 pre.,.nl .tructurallran.miuion of sound from Roors above. All windowt will be twin doubl. glozed with slont from... Air circulotion/ conditioning plant will be r.mot. from ,tudio ar.o, and will be connected by Iaw-r.sananc. ducting. On a separate sheet, studio (s), technical giving all dimensions. insert areas a rough scale plan of your and other principal r ooms, See following pog. (no. 250) On a separate sheet, you either have or specifications . list and intend to price all purchase, studio equipment giving proforma Se. fo'~ng pogn (nos. 25b to 25.) Please add addition to any technical points those given in sections regarding 13 a-d . stUdios, Locol noi,. source, ond ombient noi.. I....-I 0 ... lohn into account when oueuing the suitobility of prospecri¥e studio Iocatiorl.. in Xote : Until an o ffer o f contract is made the IBA does not wish t o be told which engineering company or consultancy , if any , has been or will be providing advice or services to the applicant.
  • 39. , 1 - -= ••, .' ! i ~ " ·'0, , , '....' .,'.' .",,; . ,.-..-='="~- ""'!4r---- ---- - 25a L...L.Ll< ~ -- b ; IJ .- - ~ , , I i" f - . -, l .'/ '-,' , ~ I ~ ~ , , :c ; I 51 i " I. r , '" I . , ~ I ff ,.,I.: ~ Ji I ~ I 'I laliiI I , ! I, i, i:iil! : jH' i , I .l lf I I ' il'i Ii II ,. I I ~ili ! : . 1!1. ill",,11 •.! z 0 "..~ ~ ~ ~ ..~ 0 ..0 ~ ..~..~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ . "~ ~ ~ " ni i ------- - - --- -----, -- - ' .,
  • 40. ,1 • - 25b - " ..,. ~ .. STUDIO EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS This section coven ~uipm..,t uMd in ltudial, from fumitu,.. ClAd fir. atorms to mixers and microphone,. Item, or. sub-di..,ided into specific cotegori.. to aid co.. analysis. Equipment i. totted per it.m, and in totol (the owroll number of each item used in each studio). Acoustic treatment (osts are not included in this document.All pric.. ad_ v..u.Added Tall. 1. TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT ECKh 'on air' studto (A &.. SI will inclucM the fo'~n" i~ ,- Price No. Total cost £ £ Main mixet' (Soundte<h 5.t'i" A comprising 12 ch in Cl 24 ch frome with PPM metering. 4 mono mic/line, 7 ,m.o line and 1 ,.le ch, ~w fader ...,. 2,965.00 2,965.00 Grams (T.chnics Sl1200) 310.00 2 620.00 CD (Revox CD 120 ,..mottt .tart) 658.00 1 1.316.00 Cartl (Soni". Micro HS Mries) 1 )( recon:l/ reploy 1,7S0.00 1 1,750.00 2 x rep'ay only 1,195.00 2 2,390.00 P,....nt.... microphone (N.umonn KM841 cardioid) 336.00 336.00 Guest microphone (Bey.r M201) 124.00 2 248.00 (luxman K112) 245.00 1 245.00 Open R_I (Revox PR99 Mk Ill) ~890.00 2 3.780.00 p,.... H/ phon" (a.y., DT100) 79.20 1 79.20 Gst. H/ phone (S.nheiser HD480) 34.77 2 69.54 Monitor ampim... (Quod 306) 184.50 1 184.50 Monitor speakers (pair 5pendot SPl) 435.30 1 435.30 Monitor tunef' (luzmon TlO2l r"...) 192.55 "'.sS SUB TOTAL 14.61l09 10% contingency ~ 1,461.11 Total *,uipment.och studio: 16,072.20 TOTAL " 2 FOR TWO STUDIOS: 32,144.40
  • 41. , - 25c - Th. Oiacuuion Studto (~talks~) arM ahall indude the following items: - Pri<o No. Totol cost £ £ Main mixer ( Seri•• AJ comprising 12 ch, In 0 24 ch frame with PPM Met..-ing, 4 mono mic! lin• •7 rt• ...o line and 1 tel. ch, plus fad.r stCII'" 2,965.00 2,965.00 Co"eft. mochirMI (luJlman K112) 245.00 245.00 Carts (Sonifex micn;J HS series): 1 • r.cord/rtlplay mochine 1,750.00 1,750.00 2 >( replay only 1,195.00 1,195.00 Main microphones IN.umo"" TlM170 variable pattern) 948.00 948.00 Main h.adphon.. (8eyoet- DTlOOj 79.20 2 lS8.DO S.condory microphones lSe"h.i.., HD480j 34.17 3 104.31 Gram. (Technics 51120(/ 1210) 310.00 2 620.00 Open R..I(Revox PR99 MIIIIII 1,890.00 2 3,180.00 Bulk EraN r (Weircliffe Model n 375.00 1 375.00 Cart cue/splice mic (Sonifex COHSE) 560.00 1 560.00 SUI TOTAL 13,943.71 10% contingency .....",. 1,394.37 TOTAL TALKS EQUIPMENT 15,338.08 "t- .. •
  • 42. 1 - • 25d - Th. studio locatton will also require control equipment to process and ~tronlmit~ the programme signal to the remote tron.miHef' location. This equipment .hall include the following item.: Master 19' rae. (Lodlobl. 21U) Routing matrix (4 " 20 jClck bay) Di.tribution omplifiei' (KW1741Xl) Studio .witching control TX processor (I"nownics 250) TX lin_limit., (Aph•• Domingtra) Matter logging machine (NVD489B) Time cod. unit for o~ (ASClSBS 'Chattw clode1 Profanity d.lay line (ASC) MonitOt' tun.!' (Ltwnan TlO2l rIm) SUB TOTAL 10% contingency reHrW TOTAL COST CONTROL EQUIPMENT Pric. £ 164.51 276.27 245.00 500.00 4,255.00 1,236.25 485.00 345.00 2,350.00 192.5. 1 7 l 1 , , Total cott £ 164.51 276.27 1,715.00 500.00 4,255.00 1,236.25 1.455.00 345.00 2,350.00 192.S5 12,489.58 1,248.96 13,738.5.t ,
  • 43. 1 ;f, - 2Se - In addition to the items detail.d on the ptTIiou. pag. s, certain otnllf' item, mus, also b. included in this section: Item Price No. Total cost £ £ Clock system - Most.r control unit (CLK2) 485.45 , 485.45 Slave clodl (PC12l) 115.00 7 805.00 Studio in us. indicato.. 29.00 • 145.00 Microphone live indicator 29.00 • 145.00 Incoming phone call indicatOf' 29.00 3 87.00 Duol cue light 47.25 • 14175 fi~ alarm/smoke d.tectors: b..-ak glon alarm switch.. 7.03 7 49.21 optical smoke d.tecto.... 41.22 7 288.54 fixed ttlm~atur. d.,Ktor 17.19 7 120.33 fir. control panel (to 8S 5839) 130.50 , 130.50 xenon beocons (intemol) 16." 7 116.62 audible warning (inftlrnal) 30.81 7 215.67 .x'.rnal xenon beacon 37.87 , 37.87 exlernal audible olorm 30.81 , 30.81 ex,.rnol hOUling for lMo<.on/alorm 9.65 , 9.65 Fir. extinguishers (BCF Halon 1211) 24.72 7 173.04 Mains distribution (lEe .. 10) 185.00 15 2,775.00 u_ ,:~ '~"".' ~ BT Bomet' protection unih: Wideband (Music circuit A32175V1) 76.00 2 152.00 Speech only (AJ21150B) 35.00 • 140.00 CAT outomatic tolM splicer 75.00 3 225.00 Miseelloneous conn.aors (signal) 750.00 750.00 Equipment connecting cob'e 750.00 750.00 Equipment mains suppiy/ltghting 2.soo.oo. 2,500.00 SUB TOTAL lO,273.44 10% contingency reMI"ft 1,027.34 TOTAl MlSCEI Ltt.Ha)U$ITIMS 11,300.78 '1I
  • 44. , - 25f - 2. STUDIO FURNITURE Each 'on air' studio will include ..... following item.: Item Cordord Audio 'Comml,lnity Console' Studio choirs Anglepoi'. microph~. stand Toble microphone stand S".oker brGcht. (pair) Cartridge ..orogtl (lOO carts) SUB TOTAL TOTAL COST STUDIO FURNITURE TOTAL COST FOR TWO STUDIOS .' ..... Control conso!. Studio choin Tobl. microphone stand Cartridge .toroge (300 corts) SUS TOTAL .............~ -- 10% contingency...,.,... TOTAl COST CONTROL FURNITURE £ 1,600.00 150.00 33.85 16.50 15.50 175.00 !!2 £ 1,100.00 150.00 16.50 525.00 3 1 2 1 No. 1 2 2 1 Total coli £ 1,600.00 450.00 33.85 33.00 15.50 175.00 2,307.35 230.74 2,538.09 5,076.18 Total cott £ l,lOO.OO 300.00 33.00 525.00 1.95S.oo 195.80 2,153.80
  • 45. - 2Sg - 3. PO.TABU RECORDING EQUIPMENT - For external int.tvi_. discuuicm. and COIIC.m: .tc, th. following item. will be reqvi~: N~ satnerinp: Item Price No. Total c:a.t £ £ Portable cauen_ (Maranh: (P43O) 260.78 3 782.34 Microphone (AKG 0190) 63.20 3 189.60 Heodphon" (SenheiHf' H048O) 33.77 3 104.31 SUB TOTAL 1,076.63 10% contingency r•••rve lO7.63 TOTAL NEWS GATHERING ITEMS 1.183.88 Concert/ _n' recording: M i~.,. (Conford MX620) 197.00 197.00 Portable cou.~ (Moronh: (P43O) 260.78 260.78 Microphone (hye, M201) 124.00 3 372.00 Microphof!. stands (Root/boom) 29.90 3 19.70 H.adphon•• (Ieyw DTlOO) 79.20 79.20 Transit co.. 35.GO 1 35.00 SUB TOTAL 1,033.68 10% contingency ~ '103.37 TOTAl. EVENT RECORDING ITEMS 1,131.05
  • 46. - 2Sh - 4. CONSUMABLE ITEMS (INITIAL STOCK) To help en....,. the stution "'I'll amoothly fTom riM ovtMt. certain conl4lflKlWe iMmt will alto be ~uired: !!!!!! ~ ~ Total cost [ [ StudK» gram cartridge (SIgnIori 68OEl) 26.55 , 132.75 StI,Idio grom stylus (StClnton 680EL) 17.29 " 259.35 VHS logging tOpel (E24O) ' .00 SO 250.00 AA3/. cortridg" (variou.lengthJ) ' .SO 2SO 1,375.00 Recording top. (NAB r..l) 11.00 SO S5O.00 C60 inlervi_ couette .81 ,. 50.50 C120 court..., log tapes 1.44 ,. 72.00 "'," -~ Leade, lOp. (va';CMlI colou~) 4.20 " 105.00 Chinogrgph pencil. (pock) 5.25 I. 52.SO CAT lope splicer mll 2.SO " 62.50 CAT tope splicer applicator pod .90 .. ' .00 Cold.... TF 5pnry (Mod deoner) 3." .. 3100 Cotton bud. 1... .. ".40 Record deeming brush" 1.30 • ' .20 Cartridge kabels (roll) IUS , 56.25 SUB TOTAL 3,06.45 1O"X. contingency ......... 301.65 TOTAL CONSUMA&lE ITEMS 3,318:10
  • 47. .. 25i MONTHLY EXPENDITURE Th. preceding list of it.m. campoN Cln initiol consumabl. dock. It i•••timated that additional purchases owr the fint two pan of ~tion might be of the following Ot'd.r: Doto _!hlI_ Total £ £ Month. 1 to 6 150.00 900.00 Month. 7 10 12 750.00 1,500.00 Month. 13 to 24 300.00 3,600.00 SUB TOTAL 6,000.00 10% contingency re,.,.". 600.00 TOTAL MONTHLY OUTLAY OVER TWO YEARS 6,600.00 Th. obe- fig,,'" i, calculated on th ouumpt;on that tape .....vse i, limit.d and thof orchiw video CO"_".' 0... kept for long« than the statvtory Nqlti~nt. A pe«entog_ of the upendi"',. would be on courtesy prngromlM tapes for ihMmol organitGtions and contrlbutots. ;.( .... ,.,"1,_
  • 48. 2S j INSTAlLATION COSTS The formula used to calculate installation COtt1 is a simple one. In general rodio studio installation cOtt1 betwHn ~ and 25% of equipment cosh. With the preceding in mind, 0 figure of 22.5%may be IIM<I to ascertain equipment instollation cosh to 0 reasonable deg,... of accurocy. The equipment installation cost includ" ttM following: • On:Iering of equipment requiNd. • Detign of intw-wiring. • Compilation of wiring documentotion. • 'nstaliation of wiring. • Installotion of equipment. • Line up of equipment. • Commiuioning of studios. &.couse the equipment cost figure includes a 10'4 contingency reserve, there is no nMd to odd on odditionall0% ot this stoge. The cost of installorion may ther.Ion be calculated 01 follows: Cost of equipment )( 0.225 (91,990.81 x 0.225) • £20,697.93 TOTAL COST (INOUDING INSTAUATION) • £112..688.74 The timescole for such instolkrtton vwotIc would depend to some uten' on the cnooilobility of materials, but since studio equipment cannot be inttoUed until acoustical treatment and/or air conditioning is in pIac. most items shoukl bot 0'f0i1obM before won: would be due to begin. The limtl talcen to compl'" the installation of the equipment pl'eY'iousty detailed moy be worbd out by dividing the installation figure by on hourly rote. The rMultont figure may th.n be divided by the number of hours in a work.,.week to yi.Id the number of 'mon -"s' .-.quired to complet. the 10.11, as follows: Con of installation/ hourly rote 20,698120·1,034.9 (man hours) Number of man houn/ number of hourt in a worlling week 1,034.9/40·25.87 {man woriting __les', (c 6.0 months'.
  • 49. I 14. READINESS DATE How long after the award broadcasting? What are your readiness date? - 26 - of contract would the main factors you be that ready to start will determ i ne Si. to eight mon#l,. Th. main det.rmining focton or. lihl., to be: the location of suitable ~mi.., and mei, convenion to studio and offk. fociliti..; and th. installation of ,elevont tron.mitting equipment at the aerial lite b)o KISS fM', conlnlc:ton. I certify that the details given in this a ppl ication for an incrementa l ILR contract are correct t o the best of my knowledge , and that I have read the incrementa l ILR contract specification document and understand the terms under which any contract to broadcas t would be offered. I understand that , if awarded the contract, tape reco r dings of all output apart from commercial gramophone records (wit h timings) will need to be made and retained for six weeks prior to being recycled and that a delay mechanism will need t o be installed and instruction given for its use where necessary . I certify that ILR Radio Programming Notes of Guidance will be studied by all relevant managerial and on·air staff prior to the commencement o f broadcasting. I also certify that neither I nor any person i nvolved with this appl ication was connected with a ny illegal broadcasting activity on or after 1st January 1989 . I also certify that , if awarded an incremental ILR contract, neither I nor any director or employee of the company or grouping eventually broadcasting as an incremental ILR contractor, will knowingly employ a pers on who was connected in any way with illegal broadcasting on or after 1st January 1989. Signature: ??t:'A'.~L<--- Name (in block capitals) : Position wit h i n appl icant group: Date:
  • 50. , / .-, ~1 • - •.. 8th November 1989 Independent Broadcasting Authority 70 Brompton Road London SW3 lEY Atto: Peter Baldwin, Director of Radio Dear S ir IBA Incremental ILR Contract Application of Kiss-FM Greater London FM I have great pleasure in submitting our application for the above contract. You will see that in response to Question 11, we have disclosed various interests relating to Virgin Broadcasting Limited. For the sake of clarity , I am anne xing to this letter a full list of the interes ts of both Virgin Broadcasting Limited and the other Virgin Companies, which while the y are not associate d Companies in the sense of being part of the same Group , do have similar ult imate s hareho lding s . Virgin Broadcasting Limited has wholly indepe nde nt manage me nt and has no interest in any of the other Companies listed , othe r than those in which it has a direct interest, ie. Super Channel Limited, Radio Radio Limited and Music Box Limited. If you have any further questions on this issue, you will no doubt contact me or the Managing Dir ecto ~ of Virgin Broadcasting Limited, Charles Levison. Yours faithfully Gordon McNamee , GB3ABA 14 Blackstock Mews Blackstock Road London N4 2DR Tal: 01·359 2969· Fax: 01·354 1399 XlSSFMRADIOLfMlTED REGISTEREDIN£NGUND2378790. , •t
  • 51. i I / , VIRGIN BROADCASTING LIMITED NOVEMBER 1989 Virgin Bro adcasting Limited i s a subsidiary of Virgin Group Limited. Virgin Group Limited is owned by a number of trusts of whom the principal beneficiaries are Richard Branson and hi s family . These trusts also own, in different proportions , a number of other companies wh ich are separately managed a nd generally trade under the Virgin name. Virgin Broadcasting Limited does not have any interests as r e ferred to in Question 11 (a) . Virgin Broadcasting Limited does have connections r e l a ting to broadcasting as set out in reply to Question 11 (b). Other companies bearing the Virgin name , as set out above, but with no direct links with Virgin Broadcasting Limite d o ther than the s imilarity of ultimate shareholding are set out below whe re "owned" means owned by o ne or more of the t rusts referred to above. Virgin Records Limited - 75% owned - production of popular music. Virgin Mus ic (Publishing) Limited - 75% owne d - music publishing. Virgin Studios Limited - 75% owned - retailing recorded music. Caroline Exports Limited - 100% owned - exporting recorded music. Management Company Entertainment Group Inc - 20% owne d production and distribution of video , films and books. Distribution in 9 c ountries under the name MCEG Virgin Vision. Virgin Television Limite d / Rushes Limite d/lndie Edit Ltd/ We st One Television Limited - 100% owned - television post-production and transmission facilities. WE AlIen & Co plc - 68% owned - book publishing. Virgin Mastertronics Limite d - 100% owne d - home computer games software and hardware distributi on. Virgin Communications Limited - 100% owned - holding company for Virgin Tele vision Limited , Virgin Mastertronics Limite d G83ABA --- ...--..;;:----,--_......
  • 52. • , . and WH AlIen & Co plc. Virgin France SA - 75% owned - production of pouplar music - France . Virgin Schalplatten GmbH - 75% owned - production of mus ic - West Germany . Virg in Records America Ine - 75% owned - production of popular music - USA. There are also smaller 75 % owned record companies operating in a nothe r 15 countries. G83ABA , · , ,, • , ". •