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Creating inclusive classroom provisions for all
diverse learners across our campuses:
Exploring the immediate relevance of Universal
Design for Learning
Wednesday June 9th, 2021
UDL and Inclusive Practice Symposium: Reaching out to All, Athlone Institute of
Dr. Frederic Fovet, Associate Professor, School of Education and Technology
Royal Roads University acknowledges that the campus is
located on the traditional lands of the Xwsepsum (Esquimalt)
and Lekwungen (Songhees) ancestors and families who have
lived here for thousands
of years.
This land has been part of the fabric of the life of Indigenous
communities long before Hatley Castle was built, and it will
be long into the future. It is with gratitude that we now learn
and work here, where the past, present and future of
Indigenous and
non-Indigenous students, faculty and
staff come together.
Hay'sxw'qa si'em!
Format of Workshop
• It is always difficult to be fully interactive when online. It can also be
challenging to be entirely UDL in short presentations too.
• I have nevertheless tried to incorporate as many inclusive features as
• Use of interactive activities with Will not switch screens in the
interest of time but will talk to the results of the polls.
• Will also be monitoring the conference hashtag through the session and for
the rest of the day (@Ffovet)
Format of Workshop
• We will also have approximately 10 minutes at the end of the session for
questions. You can also use the chat function throughout and the facilitators
will inform me during the talk when questions pop up.
• Happy to engage with all participants one on one beyond the session via
email or social media.
• The slides of the presentation will be available on SlideShare immediately
after the workshop (and appear on my LinkedIn and Twitter accounts). I will
integrate the Menti slides for your interest.
• Post-secondary campuses are attracting an increasingly diverse student population.
• Must be celebrated as it means that the post-secondary classroom is also
increasingly representative of the population at large
• Increasing diversity that is multifaceted: students with disabilities, International
students, Second Language Learners, BIPOC students, culturally diverse learners,
First Generation students, Indigenous students, life-long learners
• Means as well that all students are confronted with diversity in their campus
experience and learn to embrace it
• Internationalization of post-secondary institutions, in particular, furthermore leads to
greater opportunities to develop global citizenship.
Context (contd.)
• Most campuses in Canada had the objective of exceeding 25% of their student registration as
international intake. Campuses also have a very tangible understanding that diversity is a
‘selling feature’ which is appealing to a market share and can make them stand out among
• Disconnect between the marketing/ revenue effort and teaching and learning practices
• On most campuses, there is a clash of culture going on: instructors still hoping to teach to a
mostly homogeneous class and International students seeking genuine culturally responsive
• It has become usual for faculty to publicly decry what they call an insurmountable task in the
• Faculty feel at a loss/ unsupported
Context (Contd.)
• Endemic issue is the deficit model approach that is omnipresent with regards to
International students
• Deficit model view: (i) students are lacking essential characteristics/ skills/
competencies; (ii) learner must ‘fix’ the issue and fit the existing model; (iii)
interventions are assumed to take place elsewhere than the classroom/ pedagogy
remains unchanged
• Efforts for the integration of diverse learners do exist but EDI initiatives tend to focus
on social capital, general wellbeing, integration in host society, employment,
counselling. Pedagogy is not tackled.
• Existing frameworks for inclusion in HE [accommodations approach and
differentiated instruction] are not that pertinent in Higher Education.
• Most diverse learners report similar barriers in access to learning. We should
therefore look to design for solutions not to their exceptionality.
Methodological Reflection
• I will wear different ‘hats’ as I facilitate this session.
• I have held various positions and will draw from these when talking to you
• Was head of accessibility at McGill University for a period of 4 years and
heavily involved in UDL implementation
• Have been faculty on two different Canadian campuses and responsible for
the supervision and mentoring of contract faculty
• Involved in UDL promotion across Canada and have played a role in running a
national UDL conference on three occasions
• Act as a UDL and Inclusion consultant – both domestically and internationally
– with HE institutions
Learner diversity: Gauging the focus of
the room
• How do you, as participants, understand and construct the notion of ‘learner
• Please go to and I will generate a code for this activity.
• I will not change screen but your comments will come up as text flow and I will talk
to the results.
Learner Diversity: A new paradigm
• Higher Education has so far been mostly concerned with learner diversity in terms of
disability and impairment.
• The reason for this is obvious: disability is the only dimension of learner diversity
which is framed by legislative imperatives in higher education (human rights/
accommodations, etc.)
• This has a significantly negative impact on reflection around inclusion in higher
education: fragmented services, silo mentality, little awareness of the full spectrum
of learner diversity
• To be able to devise and implement inclusive pedagogy in the class, our reflection
must consider learner diversity broadly.
Learner Diversity: A new paradigm
A tangible tension between student
expectations and institutional cultures
• This diversity of the student population not always perceived by faculty as
easy or seamless to address.
• Students’ expectations can often clash with current teaching and learning
practices that have not changed.
• Leads to friction between students’ perceptions of access to learning and
instructor mindset.
• Together, these students often represent a majority on our campuses - a
majority that does not feel learning is designed for their needs.
• In some unfortunate examples, this has recently led to public litigation
between institution and faculty.
Shifting pedagogical strategies from a deficit model to
a ‘barriers analysis’ approach
• Two priorities to reduce this tension:
- See learner diversity as a spectrum not a list of exceptionalities
- Move instructors away from a deficit approach
• Design thinking will be essential here in order to shift faculty towards a ‘barriers
analysis’ approach to inclusion.
• Once educators see and analyze issues with access to learning in terms of barriers,
they are more likely to stop over-focusing on learner exceptionality.
• This is the basis of the social model of disability which is the foundation of UDL and
inclusive design approaches
• This re-empowers educators, and represents a huge relief for diverse learners who
are no longer seen as the ‘problem’
• Once one identifies barriers, it becomes easier to design solutions
UDL as a handy tool to shift the conversation to
design thinking in the classroom
• UDL is a handy tool to support this reflection
• Serves as a common discourse for educators using a design approach to inclusion
• Does not focus solely on students with disabilities
• Breaks down the inclusive design process into three facets – makes it more
• Multiple means of representation, multiple means of action and expression, multiple
means of engagement
• Presents inclusive design as a life-long process not an overnight redesign
• UDL as a discourse allows to integrate other teaching philosophies (constructivism,
social constructivism, experiential learning, active learning, critical pedagogy, etc.)
• UDL also enables all faculty to situate themselves on a spectrum: everyone already
does some degree of UDL reflection.
Multiple Means of Representation -
Barriers - Poll
• What are some barriers students are likely to face in the way we provide information
to them?
• Please go to and I will generate a code for this activity.
• I will not change screen but your comments will come up as text flow and I will talk
to the results.
Multiple Means of Representation -
• Resources and information of one level of complexity/ level of language/
• Assessment directives which contain implicit messaging
• Interactions that are unimodal in nature and flavour
• Attendance that involves dissemination of key information not accessible in
any other way – often only provided orally
Multiples means of representation –
Design solutions
• Resources and information of one level of complexity/ level of language/ length
• An example of the numerous UDL based practices that can be implemented to support
diverse learners is the specific use of the LMS to provide multiple means of representation to
students who experience significant barriers in their access to resources.
• Possible opportunities:
- A rich diversity of articles on each topic (of varying complexity, level of language, length,
conceptual richness)
- Audio-visual resources that parallel the journal articles
- A clear introduction (using layperson terms) to the objective of each week/ unit
- Use of the glossary feature
- Audio-visual recaps from the instructor as to essential element of each week component
• An additional (if contentious) solution: early access to the teaching slides
Multiple Means of Representation
• Another issue is the wording of assessment directives.
• Many diverse learners report experiencing significant difficulties grasping with
precision assessment directives
• We need to acknowledge that assignment directives contain implicit messaging.
International students and first generation students usually lack the context to fully
understand this implicit messaging.
• Possible solutions:
- Unpacking implicit expectations
- Creating a discussion around the grading rubric
- Modelling the work (instructor exemplar or past students’ work)
- Using open forums for assessment submissions
- Using pre-submission feedback
Multiple Means of Action and Expression -
• What are some barriers students are likely to face in the way we they are asked to
participate, contribute, create content and demonstrate skills?
• Please go to and I will generate a code for this activity.
• I will not change screen but your comments will come up as text flow and I will talk
to the results.
Multiple Means of Action and Expression -
• Barriers students are likely to experience in the way we they are asked to participate,
contribute, create content and demonstrate skills:
• Participation requirements that are difficult for students to grasp or satisfy
• Contribution requirements that are teacher-centric and carry high stakes
• Insufficient opportunities to play an active role in the learning process
• Evaluation formats that are excessively constraining
• Evaluation formats that assess skills that are different those taught or purported to
be taught
Multiple Means of Action and Expression
– Design Solutions
• The most challenging barrier experienced by diverse learners is the issue of
assessment that is teacher centric in format
• The term paper format – though essential at some points of each courses – becomes
used systematically as a default solution
• Possible solutions:
- Systematically and authentically explore alternate formats
- Integrate audio-visual recordings, podcasts, media montages, and narratives
- Create open discussions around strength based approaches. Supporting students as
they assess the formats that work best for them.
Multiple Means of Engagement
• Barriers
• It is very difficult for International students to develop an affective connection
with the content of the course when they are missing context.
• It is sometimes difficult for them to create that affective connection within
opportunities to engage more richly with the host culture than the course
• Design solutions
• Example of the film clubs in the MEd I used to oversee.
• There are also tools from Critical Pedagogy that work particularly well here:
curriculum co-creation, Photovoice, etc.
Importance of Easing Learners into the
UDL Framework
• Whenever students are eased into a new form of pedagogy, we observe a
phenomenon of ‘transitional friction’, even when the innovation offers them
richer, more student-centered pedagogy.
• This is also the case when UDL is introduced. It creates resistance among
mainstream students, and the resistance is more significant with diverse
• Many may come from countries where pedagogy does not allow for flexibility,
choice and voice.
• They will need to be eased into the framework, with an abundance of explicit
messaging and examples.
• UDL as a discourse and as a tool has thus far been limited to students with
• Relevance to the majority of 21st century learners is only becoming apparent
• Many staff who support these diverse learners have had no exposure to UDL
• This is a striking example of the impact of the fragmentation of support services for
students and of the silo mentality that characterizes higher education
• The UDL discourses needs to be adapted and reframed to invite in staff and faculty
who work with a wide variety of diverse learners, including International students.
• Ownership and responsibility in relation to UDL on campus needs to be shared with
stakeholders who support the full spectrum of diverse learners.
• There are also strategic issues related to UDL implementation that need to be
addressed by campuses – a discussion for another time!
Interactive poll - Particular pertinence of
UDL in a pandemic context
• Do you feel that the global health crisis has led to an increased
focused on equity and accessibility, or do you feel that equity,
accessibility and inclusion have suffered in this climate?
• Please go to and I will generate a code for this activity.
Subtlety of the current conjuncture
• Scholars have taken pains to argue one side of the argument or the other.
• The reality of the matter is that this is time that is characterized by increased
risks with regards to accessibility, inclusion and equity, but also by specific
• We will examine the crucial role UDL can play in guiding faculty as they
navigate this unchartered landscape.
Examine the challenges and opportunities that have
occurred in this process through the pandemic
• It is not clear whether the pandemic has increased barriers for diverse
students or decreased them.
• Much now lies in the detail of how classroom practices are implemented –
the same practice can be inclusive or not depending on the way an instructor
uses it
• It is clear however that the pandemic has accentuated many of the tensions
that already existed.
• Instructors are having to experiment with new practices overnight with no
Examine the challenges and opportunities that have
occurred in this process through the pandemic
• They do not have the luxury of sufficient time being available to them to reflect and
explore the accessibility of their practices
• In this context, the connection between accessibility and instructors has also been
weakened. Accessibility services and instructional designers themselves do not
always have a clear idea of whether a practice is now inclusive or not in this ever
changing landscape.
• UDL offers a just-in-time lens for each practitioner to examine their practice as it
rapidly evolves
• The post-pandemic context will offer key opportunity to promote UDL across our
institutions. All instructors have now become aware [positively or negatively] of
their role as designers of the learning experience.
• It is our collective role/ duty to not let faculty forget this realization as we enter the
post-pandemic landscape. This will be a prime conjuncture to convince instructors of
the relevance of UDL
The specific impact of the COVID-19 crisis
with regards to International students
• It is still early days to gauge the full impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Higher
• The pivot to online and blended instruction has created opportunities for the
systematic integration of UDL and of design thinking
• The percentage of International students, however, has dropped drastically during
the pandemic and many scholars and practitioners are there less focused on the
integration of these students.
• This is counter-productive. Many International students are stuck in the host
country navigating challenging teaching and learning set ups. The rest are often
registered but still at home and have to face unprecedented challenges in
contingency online delivery.
• UDL would be more useful than ever to guarantee the successful inclusion of
International students in the COVID context.
Interactive activity - Questions
• We have approximately 10 minutes for discussions to wrap up the
• Doran, P. R. (2015). Language accessibility in the classroom: How UDL can promote success
for linguistically diverse learners. Exceptionality Education International, 25(3), 1-12.
• Fovet, F. (2019) Not just about disability: Getting traction for UDL implementation with
International Students. In: Kate Novak & Sean Bracken (Eds.) Transforming Higher Education
through Universal Design for Learning: An International Perspective. Routledge.
• Hutchison, L., & McAlister-Shields, L. (2020) Culturally Responsive Teaching: Its Application in
Higher Education Environments. Education Sciences, 10(5), 124.
• Kieran, L., & Anderson, C. (2019). Connecting Universal Design for Learning With Culturally
Responsive Teaching. Education and Urban Society, 51(9), 1202–1216.
• Pearson, M. (2015). Modeling universal design for learning techniques to support
multicultural education for pre-service secondary educators. Multicultural Education, 22(3-4),
Contact details
• Frederic Fovet (PhD.)
• Associate Professor, School of Education and Technology, Royal Roads
• @Ffovet

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Frederic Fovet Presentatin at the UDL and Inclusive Practice Symposium: Reaching out to All, Athlone Institute of Technology

  • 1. Creating inclusive classroom provisions for all diverse learners across our campuses: Exploring the immediate relevance of Universal Design for Learning Wednesday June 9th, 2021 UDL and Inclusive Practice Symposium: Reaching out to All, Athlone Institute of Technology Dr. Frederic Fovet, Associate Professor, School of Education and Technology
  • 2. Royal Roads University acknowledges that the campus is located on the traditional lands of the Xwsepsum (Esquimalt) and Lekwungen (Songhees) ancestors and families who have lived here for thousands of years. This land has been part of the fabric of the life of Indigenous communities long before Hatley Castle was built, and it will be long into the future. It is with gratitude that we now learn and work here, where the past, present and future of Indigenous and non-Indigenous students, faculty and staff come together. Hay'sxw'qa si'em! ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF TRADITIONAL LANDS
  • 3. Format of Workshop • It is always difficult to be fully interactive when online. It can also be challenging to be entirely UDL in short presentations too. • I have nevertheless tried to incorporate as many inclusive features as possible: • Use of interactive activities with Will not switch screens in the interest of time but will talk to the results of the polls. • Will also be monitoring the conference hashtag through the session and for the rest of the day (@Ffovet)
  • 4. Format of Workshop • We will also have approximately 10 minutes at the end of the session for questions. You can also use the chat function throughout and the facilitators will inform me during the talk when questions pop up. • Happy to engage with all participants one on one beyond the session via email or social media. • The slides of the presentation will be available on SlideShare immediately after the workshop (and appear on my LinkedIn and Twitter accounts). I will integrate the Menti slides for your interest.
  • 5. Context • Post-secondary campuses are attracting an increasingly diverse student population. • Must be celebrated as it means that the post-secondary classroom is also increasingly representative of the population at large • Increasing diversity that is multifaceted: students with disabilities, International students, Second Language Learners, BIPOC students, culturally diverse learners, First Generation students, Indigenous students, life-long learners • Means as well that all students are confronted with diversity in their campus experience and learn to embrace it • Internationalization of post-secondary institutions, in particular, furthermore leads to greater opportunities to develop global citizenship.
  • 6. Context (contd.) • Most campuses in Canada had the objective of exceeding 25% of their student registration as international intake. Campuses also have a very tangible understanding that diversity is a ‘selling feature’ which is appealing to a market share and can make them stand out among competitors • • Disconnect between the marketing/ revenue effort and teaching and learning practices • On most campuses, there is a clash of culture going on: instructors still hoping to teach to a mostly homogeneous class and International students seeking genuine culturally responsive teaching. • It has become usual for faculty to publicly decry what they call an insurmountable task in the media. • Faculty feel at a loss/ unsupported
  • 7. Context (Contd.) • Endemic issue is the deficit model approach that is omnipresent with regards to International students • Deficit model view: (i) students are lacking essential characteristics/ skills/ competencies; (ii) learner must ‘fix’ the issue and fit the existing model; (iii) interventions are assumed to take place elsewhere than the classroom/ pedagogy remains unchanged • Efforts for the integration of diverse learners do exist but EDI initiatives tend to focus on social capital, general wellbeing, integration in host society, employment, counselling. Pedagogy is not tackled. • Existing frameworks for inclusion in HE [accommodations approach and differentiated instruction] are not that pertinent in Higher Education. • Most diverse learners report similar barriers in access to learning. We should therefore look to design for solutions not to their exceptionality.
  • 8. Methodological Reflection • I will wear different ‘hats’ as I facilitate this session. • I have held various positions and will draw from these when talking to you today. • Was head of accessibility at McGill University for a period of 4 years and heavily involved in UDL implementation • Have been faculty on two different Canadian campuses and responsible for the supervision and mentoring of contract faculty • Involved in UDL promotion across Canada and have played a role in running a national UDL conference on three occasions • Act as a UDL and Inclusion consultant – both domestically and internationally – with HE institutions
  • 9. Learner diversity: Gauging the focus of the room • How do you, as participants, understand and construct the notion of ‘learner diversity’. • Please go to and I will generate a code for this activity. • I will not change screen but your comments will come up as text flow and I will talk to the results.
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  • 13. Learner Diversity: A new paradigm • Higher Education has so far been mostly concerned with learner diversity in terms of disability and impairment. • The reason for this is obvious: disability is the only dimension of learner diversity which is framed by legislative imperatives in higher education (human rights/ accommodations, etc.) • This has a significantly negative impact on reflection around inclusion in higher education: fragmented services, silo mentality, little awareness of the full spectrum of learner diversity • To be able to devise and implement inclusive pedagogy in the class, our reflection must consider learner diversity broadly.
  • 14. Learner Diversity: A new paradigm (contd)
  • 15. A tangible tension between student expectations and institutional cultures • This diversity of the student population not always perceived by faculty as easy or seamless to address. • Students’ expectations can often clash with current teaching and learning practices that have not changed. • Leads to friction between students’ perceptions of access to learning and instructor mindset. • Together, these students often represent a majority on our campuses - a majority that does not feel learning is designed for their needs. • In some unfortunate examples, this has recently led to public litigation between institution and faculty.
  • 16. Shifting pedagogical strategies from a deficit model to a ‘barriers analysis’ approach • Two priorities to reduce this tension: - See learner diversity as a spectrum not a list of exceptionalities - Move instructors away from a deficit approach • Design thinking will be essential here in order to shift faculty towards a ‘barriers analysis’ approach to inclusion. • Once educators see and analyze issues with access to learning in terms of barriers, they are more likely to stop over-focusing on learner exceptionality. • This is the basis of the social model of disability which is the foundation of UDL and inclusive design approaches • This re-empowers educators, and represents a huge relief for diverse learners who are no longer seen as the ‘problem’ • Once one identifies barriers, it becomes easier to design solutions
  • 17. UDL as a handy tool to shift the conversation to design thinking in the classroom • UDL is a handy tool to support this reflection • Serves as a common discourse for educators using a design approach to inclusion • Does not focus solely on students with disabilities • Breaks down the inclusive design process into three facets – makes it more manageable • Multiple means of representation, multiple means of action and expression, multiple means of engagement • Presents inclusive design as a life-long process not an overnight redesign • UDL as a discourse allows to integrate other teaching philosophies (constructivism, social constructivism, experiential learning, active learning, critical pedagogy, etc.) • UDL also enables all faculty to situate themselves on a spectrum: everyone already does some degree of UDL reflection.
  • 18. Multiple Means of Representation - Barriers - Poll • What are some barriers students are likely to face in the way we provide information to them? • Please go to and I will generate a code for this activity. • I will not change screen but your comments will come up as text flow and I will talk to the results.
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  • 22. Multiple Means of Representation - Barriers • Resources and information of one level of complexity/ level of language/ length • Assessment directives which contain implicit messaging • Interactions that are unimodal in nature and flavour • Attendance that involves dissemination of key information not accessible in any other way – often only provided orally
  • 23. Multiples means of representation – Design solutions • Resources and information of one level of complexity/ level of language/ length • An example of the numerous UDL based practices that can be implemented to support diverse learners is the specific use of the LMS to provide multiple means of representation to students who experience significant barriers in their access to resources. • Possible opportunities: - A rich diversity of articles on each topic (of varying complexity, level of language, length, conceptual richness) - Audio-visual resources that parallel the journal articles - A clear introduction (using layperson terms) to the objective of each week/ unit - Use of the glossary feature - Audio-visual recaps from the instructor as to essential element of each week component • An additional (if contentious) solution: early access to the teaching slides
  • 24. Multiple Means of Representation (contd.) • Another issue is the wording of assessment directives. • Many diverse learners report experiencing significant difficulties grasping with precision assessment directives • We need to acknowledge that assignment directives contain implicit messaging. International students and first generation students usually lack the context to fully understand this implicit messaging. • Possible solutions: - Unpacking implicit expectations - Creating a discussion around the grading rubric - Modelling the work (instructor exemplar or past students’ work) - Using open forums for assessment submissions - Using pre-submission feedback
  • 25. Multiple Means of Action and Expression - Polling • What are some barriers students are likely to face in the way we they are asked to participate, contribute, create content and demonstrate skills? • Please go to and I will generate a code for this activity. • I will not change screen but your comments will come up as text flow and I will talk to the results.
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  • 28. Multiple Means of Action and Expression - Barriers • Barriers students are likely to experience in the way we they are asked to participate, contribute, create content and demonstrate skills: • Participation requirements that are difficult for students to grasp or satisfy • Contribution requirements that are teacher-centric and carry high stakes • Insufficient opportunities to play an active role in the learning process • Evaluation formats that are excessively constraining • Evaluation formats that assess skills that are different those taught or purported to be taught
  • 29. Multiple Means of Action and Expression – Design Solutions • The most challenging barrier experienced by diverse learners is the issue of assessment that is teacher centric in format • The term paper format – though essential at some points of each courses – becomes used systematically as a default solution • Possible solutions: - Systematically and authentically explore alternate formats - Integrate audio-visual recordings, podcasts, media montages, and narratives - Create open discussions around strength based approaches. Supporting students as they assess the formats that work best for them.
  • 30. Multiple Means of Engagement • Barriers • It is very difficult for International students to develop an affective connection with the content of the course when they are missing context. • It is sometimes difficult for them to create that affective connection within opportunities to engage more richly with the host culture than the course allows • Design solutions • Example of the film clubs in the MEd I used to oversee. • There are also tools from Critical Pedagogy that work particularly well here: curriculum co-creation, Photovoice, etc.
  • 31. Importance of Easing Learners into the UDL Framework • Whenever students are eased into a new form of pedagogy, we observe a phenomenon of ‘transitional friction’, even when the innovation offers them richer, more student-centered pedagogy. • This is also the case when UDL is introduced. It creates resistance among mainstream students, and the resistance is more significant with diverse learners • Many may come from countries where pedagogy does not allow for flexibility, choice and voice. • They will need to be eased into the framework, with an abundance of explicit messaging and examples.
  • 32. Challenges • UDL as a discourse and as a tool has thus far been limited to students with disabilities • Relevance to the majority of 21st century learners is only becoming apparent • Many staff who support these diverse learners have had no exposure to UDL • This is a striking example of the impact of the fragmentation of support services for students and of the silo mentality that characterizes higher education • The UDL discourses needs to be adapted and reframed to invite in staff and faculty who work with a wide variety of diverse learners, including International students. • Ownership and responsibility in relation to UDL on campus needs to be shared with stakeholders who support the full spectrum of diverse learners. • There are also strategic issues related to UDL implementation that need to be addressed by campuses – a discussion for another time!
  • 33. Interactive poll - Particular pertinence of UDL in a pandemic context • Do you feel that the global health crisis has led to an increased focused on equity and accessibility, or do you feel that equity, accessibility and inclusion have suffered in this climate? • Please go to and I will generate a code for this activity.
  • 34.
  • 35. Subtlety of the current conjuncture • Scholars have taken pains to argue one side of the argument or the other. • The reality of the matter is that this is time that is characterized by increased risks with regards to accessibility, inclusion and equity, but also by specific opportunities. • We will examine the crucial role UDL can play in guiding faculty as they navigate this unchartered landscape.
  • 36. Examine the challenges and opportunities that have occurred in this process through the pandemic • It is not clear whether the pandemic has increased barriers for diverse students or decreased them. • Much now lies in the detail of how classroom practices are implemented – the same practice can be inclusive or not depending on the way an instructor uses it • It is clear however that the pandemic has accentuated many of the tensions that already existed. • Instructors are having to experiment with new practices overnight with no support
  • 37. Examine the challenges and opportunities that have occurred in this process through the pandemic • They do not have the luxury of sufficient time being available to them to reflect and explore the accessibility of their practices • In this context, the connection between accessibility and instructors has also been weakened. Accessibility services and instructional designers themselves do not always have a clear idea of whether a practice is now inclusive or not in this ever changing landscape. • UDL offers a just-in-time lens for each practitioner to examine their practice as it rapidly evolves • The post-pandemic context will offer key opportunity to promote UDL across our institutions. All instructors have now become aware [positively or negatively] of their role as designers of the learning experience. • It is our collective role/ duty to not let faculty forget this realization as we enter the post-pandemic landscape. This will be a prime conjuncture to convince instructors of the relevance of UDL
  • 38. The specific impact of the COVID-19 crisis with regards to International students • It is still early days to gauge the full impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Higher Education. • The pivot to online and blended instruction has created opportunities for the systematic integration of UDL and of design thinking • The percentage of International students, however, has dropped drastically during the pandemic and many scholars and practitioners are there less focused on the integration of these students. • This is counter-productive. Many International students are stuck in the host country navigating challenging teaching and learning set ups. The rest are often registered but still at home and have to face unprecedented challenges in contingency online delivery. • UDL would be more useful than ever to guarantee the successful inclusion of International students in the COVID context.
  • 39. Interactive activity - Questions • We have approximately 10 minutes for discussions to wrap up the session
  • 40. References • Doran, P. R. (2015). Language accessibility in the classroom: How UDL can promote success for linguistically diverse learners. Exceptionality Education International, 25(3), 1-12. • Fovet, F. (2019) Not just about disability: Getting traction for UDL implementation with International Students. In: Kate Novak & Sean Bracken (Eds.) Transforming Higher Education through Universal Design for Learning: An International Perspective. Routledge. • Hutchison, L., & McAlister-Shields, L. (2020) Culturally Responsive Teaching: Its Application in Higher Education Environments. Education Sciences, 10(5), 124. • Kieran, L., & Anderson, C. (2019). Connecting Universal Design for Learning With Culturally Responsive Teaching. Education and Urban Society, 51(9), 1202–1216. • Pearson, M. (2015). Modeling universal design for learning techniques to support multicultural education for pre-service secondary educators. Multicultural Education, 22(3-4), 27-34
  • 41. Contact details • Frederic Fovet (PhD.) • Associate Professor, School of Education and Technology, Royal Roads University • • @Ffovet •

Editor's Notes

  1. Acknowledgement of Traditional Lands Please use this slide as the second slide in your presentation to acknowledge the lands. Xwsepsum (pronounced Kosapsum) Lkwungen (pronounced Le-KWUNG-en)  Scia’new (pronounced Chee-a-new) T’Sou-ke (pronounced Tsa-awk) Hay’sxw’qa si’em (pronounced Hy-sh-kwa sea-em)