information geometry bregman divergence exponential families hpc big data clustering voronoi diagram inf442 f-divergence k-means mixture simplification fisher information mpi data science distributed computing mapreduce parallel linear algebra topology mixtures minimum enclosing ball computational information geometry panoramic video 360-degree video alpha divergence jensen divergence total jensen divergence ui statistical manifold mixture family exponential family curvature affine connection normalized mutual information k-means++ probability simplex elliptope hilbert geometry statistical hypothesis testing statistical mixtures chord jensen divergence chord gap divergence comparative convexity gaussian mixture models absolute raw moments maximum entropy chernoff information shannon information shannon entropy gamma divergence patch matching bregman nearest neighbors bregman ball tree regression parallelism classification c++ 360 degree video machine learning french cluster of machines total bregman divergence computational geometry parallel graph algorithms gray code hypercube coresets dimension reduction parallel sorting k-nn classification hierarchical clustering csiszar f-divergence core-sets riemannian k-center clustering riemannian 1-center learning mixtures wishart distributions geometric clustering expectation maximization dynamic programming texture synthesis performance analysis gpu knn high-quality surround video pins design logging user interface matrix distance matrix manifold computer graphics level of details 3d textured model centroid high dimensions statistical distances focus+context interfaces hci image stitching benchmark metric learning beta divergence bhattacharyya divergence conformal divergence variational k-means image segmentation homography gmm kullback-leibler divergence statistical divergences hypothesis testing chi square symmetrical kullback-leibler divergence jeffreys centroid jeffreys divergence
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