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PART 1: CAPITALISM ONLY BREEDS KINGS & SLAVES.................................................................................................................................................................................................4
My Talk For Individual Freedoms........................................................................................................................................................................................................................4
The Kings & The Slave Relationship.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Resisting The Enslavement & The King-Slave Relationship................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
PART 2: THE PAST & CURRENT SLAVERY.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................8
How To Find Wage Slaves................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
PART 3: BRING ON THE RIGHT MACHINES & SYSTEMS............................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Two Key Ways To Do It:.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Below are some of Levitaism rough attributes:................................................................................................................................................................................................14
Final Words If It’s Working or Not Working..............................................................................................................................................................................................................25
For Further Reading, Data, Analysis, & More........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
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A Wage Slave Free World
- How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World
I’ll finally say what many of the brilliants minds have spent hundreds of fucking
years discussing in fucking conferences,the G8, G20, and their Economic Forums
and failed to propose anything substantial that frees men and women from
economic bondage to other men with production capital.
In my opinion- - -no person / child / animal should be at the mercy of other
“men” for his or her access to: safety, good food, clean water, energy, housing,
technology, education, and transportation.The Greek crisis of 2008 is a perfect
example to people of just how bad things can get when individuals are too
dependent on none community ran institutions to provide their essentials such
as health care, employment, education, etc.
What’s still puzzling is that, there are still those who prefer to live like fucking
chickens. Always glad a farmer brings them food at six in the morning, cleans their
hen house at lunch time, provides play time in the evening and are indifferent to
their own personal growth as long as certain needs are met by the State.
The reality, unfortunately, wage growth has been offset completely by rising
housing and health care costs. Also, the types of jobs being created are in the
service sector; which isn’t as productive as, and in some cases pays less than
With all the ever growing economic and social issues that continue to spawn
anxiety in people, I would hate to see the next generation of founders and
leaders go on to encourage a broken social-economic system like capitalism. I
would hope they experience through their parents, friends, or themselves the
ball-busting wage slavery and find ways to eradicate it for good.
I would strongly strive for a less wage-slave labor world and aggressively pursue
the next generation of systems to give people more freedom from slavery like
environment. I suggest a new system to replace capitalism that I call “Levitaism”
and seek further thoughts from other founders.
“The political economist Benjamin Friedman once
compared modern Western society to a stable bicycle
whose wheels are kept spinning by economic growth.
Should that forward-propelling motion slow or cease,
the pillars that define our society – democracy,
individual liberties, social tolerance and more – would
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begin to teeter. Our world would become an
increasingly ugly place, one defined by a scramble
over limited resources and a rejection of anyone
outside of our immediate group.”
What is Wage Slavery?
[“Wage slavery refers to a situation where a person's livelihood depends on wages,
especially when the dependence is total and immediate. […] e.g. working for a
wage not only under threat of starvation or poverty, but also of social stigma or
status diminution.”]
What is Capitalism?
[Capitalism is a system of governance for economic affairs that has emerged in
different settings and continues to evolve over time. As a consequence it evades
simple definition. The Macmillan Dictionary of Modern Economics defines
capitalism as a:
Political, social, and economic system in which property, including capital
assets, is owned and controlled for the most part by private persons. Capitalism
contrasts with an earlier economic system, feudalism, in that it is characterized by
the purchase of labor for money wages as opposed to the direct labor obtained
through custom, duty or command in feudalism....
Under capitalism, the price mechanism is used as a signaling system which
allocates resources between uses. The extent to which the price mechanism
is used, the degree of competitiveness in markets, and the level of
government intervention distinguish exact forms of capitalism.]
More On Capitalism
[Capitalist systems typically rely on the state to make direct provision of certain
public goods, including highways, schools and law enforcement, as well as to
refrain from the temptation to own, operate, or directly control the economic
actors. If the state does become a direct economic actor, for example as the owner
of large enterprises, it becomes a player as well as a referee. This puts state agents
in roles that conflict—for example, as a regulator and as player that need not be
subject to the discipline of the markets. There are times when states may play
both roles, as in the case of a national emergency or natural monopoly, but it is
best if these interventions are for reasons of state, e.g. national security. If direct
interventions are widespread and/or last indefinitely, they invite corruption and
the distortion of market frameworks for the benefit of the few at the expense of
society as a whole.]
My Talk For Individual Freedoms
Our world of workers, bosses, leaders, celebrity, heroes, villains, victims, and
exploitable are beginning to become more intolerable and revolution brews from
the disenfranchised. And the growing inequality is going to escalate the social
instability of nations. Many have fucking tolerated this hierarchy bull shit since
our nomad days and I think it should end. We need a system that provides freely
the basic essentials of life for everyone no matter of income or other if we hope
for a civilized-safe-prosperous society.
Not for hope of utopia but because nations will fall apart.
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My experiences in many manufacturing and service sector has shown me that you
can simply work someone as a wage slave till their death as long as you impose an
ounce of fear of job lose, denied promotion, competition, denied power within
the organization or within society. Or make sure they have obligations like kids
to feed and a financial obligation like a mortgage that keeps them trapped in
wage slavery.
We are in a significant moment in time when millenials, born in 1980s -1990s, are
having to keep two to more jobs just so they can have a sense of stability in life.
Founders and entrepreneurs emerging at ever increasing amount because the
alternative that once existed are not stable. As you have noticed, companies will
keep certain work force as contract workers/ temporary worker while slowly
driving down everyone's wages.
Some individuals will find the flexibility liberating and some people will freak out
like it was their last breath of air. And the growing possibility of creating an
abundance social-economic world with artificial intelligent and advance
automation technology is an opportunity for founders to help create a better
social-economic system. A system where no man lives to be a wage slave to
another man so he / she can put food on the table and a roof over his / her
children’s head.
The Kings & The Slave Relationship
To be a support personnel aka wage slave to the kings, it means a decent life for
your family, a place to belong and collaborating for a common cause. But why does
it seem they get richer, more credit for success, and a better legacy while you
stayed a wage slave?
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We just have too much of concentration of wealth in the hands of a few and with
artificial intelligence and automation that concentration will likely be in fewer
hands. That’s power to influence or manipulate the lives of billions with the kings
of industrial unlimited resources. Almost like altering the path a ant takes to it’s
The king and slave relationship hasn’t really changed all that much. Political
institutions could be formally democratic or authoritarian, decisions still tended to
be taken in the interests of a small class of wealthy people at the expense of
It was at the expense of: average productive families, single men, single women,
students, children, old, sick, migrants, etc
How many times does someone need to get fucked in the ass, without consent,
before they say “Try that again and I’ll fucking cut your shit off and force it down
your fucking throat. ”.
Resisting The Enslavement & The King-Slave
The strong willed will strive to resist from the mighty grips of social pressure by
finding tricks and ways to get the fuck from this enslavement system. They will
get off the grid, do consulting or freelancing work, do underground work on the
side or exploit the holes in the system. The Kings usually don’t want more kings in
their game or easy entry by wage-slaves so they find any means to discourage
others from trying directly and indirectly. And doing everything in it’s power to
encourage the continuous prosperity of others. Simply, some fight it and
break-free and others stay in wage-slavery for their entire life and have nothing
personally to show for their time in this world. How many famous slave(s) do you
know during times of the pharaohs? How many people in history do you know who
fought slavery?
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In the past wage slavery was missing the word wage but still had the same
purpose. A few with ideas or in the elite class persuaded, paid, or forced others
to do the grunt work while they fucking enrich themselves. In the past
colonialism, if you managed to find a land and settle on it - you’d better be
prepared to fight to the death to keep it.
If the enemies or nomadic barbarians captured your citizens they were likely going
to kill or enslaved them. Almost like an unfriendly corporate takeover.
In 1000AD slavery is a normal practice in England’s rural. People in difficult
financial situations put themselves in debt to business owners, rich institutions.
And if you have no means to participate at the elite level you were systematically
lowered into self-enslavement. Men would sell their wives and children for a
Slaves in ancient Greece were even prohibited from marrying, as marriage was
deemed the social privilege of the elite citizens of Athens.
In the US, [Life is harsh for people who are unemployed or underemployed
because of what’s blithely labeled a “skills mismatch.” The U.S. lost 8 million
manufacturing jobs from 1979 to 2009 and has regained fewer than 1 million since.
Coal mining employment has fallen 42 percent since the end of 2011. While the
future lies in knowledge work, many jobs that are open today are for orderlies,
burger flippers, security guards, and the like. For American men, median weekly
earnings of wage-and-salary workers are no higher now, adjusted for inflation,
than they were in the 1980s. JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon points to the
“staggering” decline in labor force participation by men of prime working age, 25
to 54. “There’s something wrong,” he said in a conference call with reporters on
June 6.]
In the other hand, [A sense of dislocation prevails. The size of the U.S.’s contingent
workforce—temps, on-call workers, contract company workers, independent
contractors, freelancers—has almost doubled in 20 years. It’s not a life most
workers want, according to a 2016 report by the Shift Commission on Work,
Workers, and Technology, a project of Bloomberg LP (the parent of
BusinessWeek) ]
Basically we are living in a time that has turned work to an evil necessity not a
guaranteed path to personal absolute financial freedom. It’s turned to a fucking
mass-exploitation of under capitalize or risk adverse individuals. And the
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following list describe the profile many corporation use to identify the right
conditions for exploited labor.
How To Find Wage Slaves
Presently there are tips on the internet as to where and how to find the right
conditions for exploitable labor.
 There’s an unlimited amount of high - moderate poverty to exploit.
 The ability to discriminate or systematically oppress others like women, old,
young, minority,
 Encourage subtle use of migrant workers and make sure they sweat bullets
to gain ounce of rights equal to the natives.
 When there’s economic and social issues there will be cheap labor to exploit
and tin.
 Always be measuring each individual's productivity which allowed ways to
raise the bar or play each individual against each other,
 Find ways to reduce people to commodity, fit the person as if they were part
of the machine.
 Force to work due to threats, owned them by mental or physical
 When everyone of the workers have little alternative to work they really work
very hard for little money forcing others to do the same.
The common theme of the past social-economic systems, is that the elites
control or own access to key resources and those without it are either forced to
sell their intelligence, expertise, time, creativity, physical asset or simply start
their own business to provide sustenance. And every time, the people are
always expecting change through elected officials which is stupid because the
officials, with time, are slowly swallowed into the ways of the establishment.
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A recurring system that encourages raising funds from mostly elites to fund a
campaign. A social-economic systems that subtlety forces you to act, dress, behave,
speak, socialize a certain way while suppressing a huge chunk of your values and
intelligence and rebellious.
It is really a self-imposed prison without the bars because of social-economic
pressures and obligations. Over the years I have met people tirelessly go to a job
they hated and do a job that undervalues their ability for ten plus years because
they bought into the idea of a “stable pay cheque” to pay for “comfort”.
This wage slavery system hopefully ends with the help of industry technology
and, policies and people are free to live for a higher purpose. However, one thing
you realize about being a elite, is that they don’t want to destroy a system that
works for them.
So that’s why I hold some reservation about artificial intelligence and advance
robotic technology because a few will exploit it at the expense of other people.
Just like some bankers did during the sub-prime crisis. Where some banks where
repackaging toxic financial products and labeling it triple A.
The fact remains that companies like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Softbank, etc are
sitting on billions of dollars in the bank and are still determined to cut cost,
maximize profit and invest in growth because there’s no other way to play this
capitalistic game. Competition in business just keeps getting intensified.
Which only then increases the competition among the work force (wage slaves) to
keep their jobs or up their value. Which only keeps driving purchasing power down.
And gives some people like university graduates living with with huge loan burdens
for years because there’s no alternative but to go work for a corporation as a
wage-slave when also dealing with the likely possibility that high-paying specialist
work will eventually be just be done by no-skilled workers because technology
keeps reducing complexity to a simple push of a button. Which allows companies
to discard people like used cigarettes.
One thing Founders and future entrepreneurs need to remember is that, it is
impossible to have a profitable business when ninety percent of the populations
purchasing power is nonexistent. And when one can’t climb out of poverty then it’s
going to be like Greece debt crisis of 2008.
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If there was one thing that automation, artificial intelligence, creativity and
entrepreneurship could accomplish for mankind is to create a world where people
were not enslaved by systematic slavery or systematic oppression.
We have a world today where people pimp themselves to businesses in
exchange for a wage or salary and dedicated a chunk of their life time to other
people’s / institutions goals,dreams and wealth. When all they want is access.
The options now and into the future is either the ninety nine percent of us adapt
faster, radically change the social-economic system or pray our governments &
elites reinvent social-economic systems. And something tells me the last option
will likely bring more of the same but with a little change in taste.
So encourage all founders, entrepreneurs, venture capitalist to read up about
social and economic pros and cons. And possibly use this resource as one more
addition to your drive to liberate yourself, your children, and others from wage
“Freedom is not in escape, but
in striving to escape.”
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Two Key Ways To Do It:
Adapting Faster?
There's a thing about adapting. It’s like drinking a glass of water...If it’s paced it
can be handled but trying to drink from a rapid waterfall is only going to drown
most people.
The reality of our time is that we are experiencing faster socially, technologically,
economically changes that consequently are leading to disruptions in many
Relationships, family structures, privacy, jobs, freedom, sex, love, well being,
pleasures, happiness, mental health, etc. are all vulnerable in this era of rapid
There was a time agriculture sector in America, UK, and China was considered the
top employer till manufacturing came along. So likely will there be something to
replace the manufacturing jobs and I’m not sure what exactly will. I’m pretty sure
it’s going to require fewer people to achieve the same output.
Having a New System Replace It?
The new system to replace capitalism is what I call Levitaism. Levitaism system is a
system that focuses on exploiting technology advancements to boost ease of
access for everyone. Food, water, sex, pleasures, experiences, housing,
transportation, education, entertainment, medical,etc with emphasis on efficiency,
effective and collaboration.
This system would not work if people are not prepared to curve the need of
endless consumption and the need for endless ownership.. The reality is that there
are many households and businesses that have goods sitting in storage being
underutilized. There are people who are over consumers and others who are
unable to consume for basic needs.
There will be no need for lack of and no need to adopt the worst of socialism and /
or capitalism however it incorporates a layer system that provides opportunity for
individual growth without further sever inequality.
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Below are some of Levitaism rough
1. Give Control & Equality To Workers In A Wage Slave Free World. One way
that has been suggested is give people more control of the companies they
work for. It’s sort of like if every worker at Amazon had a stake in the
company and the more contribution they make the more shares they get. The
capitalist system gives some workers that option especially with a growing
company using profit sharing and stock options. But like any system people
don’t like to share with new workers or others who make little-to-no
contributions. So this way still produces a haves groups and not haves group.
And also could create a segment of society not able to participate in the
co-operation like system but will gain because the co-operation will also serve
the local community. But it works only when others contributes and there
are reputable managerial team.
2. Take Away The Visible Class System In A Wage Slave Free World. Every
society in the world is established in a hierarchical system. If you rotate the
class system and make any natural forming toxic hierarchy go through
mandatory restructuring every four years or less, so individuals don’t
become too entrenched and corrupt with power. Common production
should belong to people if every person can produce. The fact remains that
you’ll get hundred percent more from someone if they know there are part of
a unification cause and are not being exploited for someone else is gain.
3. Give Full Assess In A Wage Slave Free World. The days we are finally able to
produce abundance of everything by utilizing technology is the day all men
can aspire to be a true peaceful world. Imagine abundance of free food by
planting public fruit trees, public city farms, lab-grown food,--- community
vertical gardens that feed mega cities---low maintenance durable
co-transportation options, ---sustainable quality housing options will cost
much less in terms of time, labor, and material because the very basis is a bed,
storage, amenities, utility, structure against the elements and safety, - -
-unlimited personal liberties with zero harm to others, etc. This will not strive
for utopia but a system of giving people access so they can avoid the more
harmful activities. The question is then, who will allocate time, equipment,
resources to create the abundance of goods and services? It will likely be
from people who shift their mentality into more collaboration, moderation,
less unfriendly competition, and less possession accumulation driven. For
example, [Wikipedia is the best known example of a more general model of
non-hierarchical cooperative economic activity: peer-to-peer distributed
production with open source property rights.] It’s access and participation
for benefit of all without socialism but leveraging everything.
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4. Food In A Wage Slave Free World. [There’s a farm opening soon in (parts of
the world), that can grow strawberries in January. It could grow rare tropical
fruits from Asia and Central America on our native soil. It could produce
custom-designed lettuce, more peppery or sweet. It’s a hydroponic farm in a
shipping container, and its owners hope it could eventually put an end to
food deserts, including our biggest one: outer space.] Imagine several
hundreds of this containers in a warehouse growing food for urban residents
without all the other cost like transportation from farm fields to local markets
and using renewable energy like the sun. Everyone is fed advice to consume
food responsible and have those who waste food on a regular basis pay
5. Education Like The Ivey Leagues In A Wage Slave Free World The internet
has a vast amount of information on different subject matters. I’m sure
someone can put together a quality of resources to prep someone to take on
any profession they desire and maybe include peer-peer-teacher video
conferences and simulation training if necessary. All without the enormous
tuition price tag. A law degree without the huge debt. We reassess what
education or amount of informal or formal education can qualify someone to
do the job. We shouldn’t penalize gifted people who can’t afford expensive
tuition from contributing. In this world all organizations and people care
about is your performance.
6. Housing For The People In A Wage Slave Free World. When it comes to
housing people are looking for basic fundamentals. Clean, Safe, Well
Maintained, decent neighbors, convenient amenities, etc So why do we
seem to be challenged by housing? Why does it seem unsustainable? In
Singapore about 80% live in government-built flats that encourage cultural
mixing so to ensure that the mix of each HDB (Housing & Development Board)
block reflects the ethnic make-up of the country as a whole, a measure
designed to prevent the formation of racial enclaves. Singapore HDB
encouraging home ownership with their affordable housing system is great
however not absolutely perfect. But have almost eliminated homelessness
and indirectly reduces other social cost. However when more and more
people are not wage workers then other ways for people to pay for a roof is
crucial. Another solution is to provide people tiny houses/ spaces from
140sq. Ft - 500sq. Ft. which can help people regain their confidence and
dignity. Regular training is provided by the community on how to take care
of their other needs for quality of life. The human essential of shelter can be
met by managing and allocate space.
The image below is a simple relative space for
a couple and little child can live in. The problem in housing that experts have
express is that some have more house space for just one person. Everything
about the Levitaism is about looking for more resource efficiency, quality of
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life, sustainability.
7. Income & Jobs In A Wage Slave Free World. Currently the jobs that pay the
most are STEM, Some Financial Services, Some Entertainment, and Senior
Executive jobs. So I would assume there will be people who will not be very
motivated to pursue STEM, high paying, careers no matter how much money
you throw at them also I have no example if it would work. But what if people
in every level of society are awarded with monetary and non-monetary things
to avoid extreme anti-social behaviors like a trip to Disneyland for not selling
vulnerable population shitty financial products. People may not need to work
too crazy to meet their personal and family, community essential obligations.
People will need to come together to address a unifying project like how to
be more efficient, how to feed the community, or get to Mars. The key in this
system is that some people who already have several times more than
enough to give back in the form of philanthropic efforts, research into
sustaining life for less. Etc. to help maintain a stable world for themselves and
their children. IF YOU’RE RICH
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8. Race & Gender Issue In A Wage Slave Free World. The race, gender, etc
issues will exist but will be wiped off mainstream and sub-mainstream
significantly due to the passing of Boomer generations. But unfortunately
there’s always going to be old and new forms of discrimination and biases in
many more forms. For example, your neighbor could.have had surgery to
implant a computer into her brain so that she can process more info faster
than everyone so that she stays competitive. She could have an exoskeleton
that makes 10X more efficient.
9. Inequality In A Wage Slave Free World. [Finally, the principle of equality as
stated above refers to all persons. This means that in a fully just world, all
persons regardless of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, physical
disability, ethnicity, religion, nationality, citizenship status, or geographic
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location would have broadly equal access to the material and social
conditions necessary to live a flourishing life. This is a very strong criterion.
We live in an unjust world where some people are born in poor countries,
others in rich countries, and as a result people have unequal access to the
material conditions to live flourishing lives. It may well be that for all sorts of
reasons it is difficult—or even impossible—to fully remedy this global
injustice. But a damaging inequality does not become socially just simply]
10. Energy Shouldn’t Be Paid For In A Wage Slave Free World. The sun, wind,
oceanic waves, geothermal, etc readily available to everyone in society for
free by God so why are we at the mercy of the hydro-companies? Every
household would have cheap mechanism to convert natures abundant
natural energy to cheap plenty energy for their use without paying a dime to
electric companies. Plus more energy efficient devices are flooding the
market everyday which means every household and commercial entity is
paying half of the cost or zero cost compared to today.
11. Children Well Being In A Wage Slave Free World. In the United States today,
21 percent of all children are living in poverty. A poverty rate that will decline
with population management and emphasis on providing quality assess to
health care, formal and informal education, safe housing, water, activities, etc
all for free because we clearly want every child to get a great start. If every
need is provided to a let’s say a crime ridden neighborhood will there be
more crime or less crime? In the next few years,for everyone to better off in
industrial 4.0 era, we have to make sure everyone is getting supported to be
the best they can be.
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12. Sustainability In A Wage Slave Free World. [This way of understanding
environmental sustainability is closely connected to the equality principle of
social justice. Equality is a social justice principle among people in the world
today. Sustainability is a justice principle for people in the future. The
problem of sustainability as inter-temporal justice raises a number of very
difficult questions. In particular, because it is so difficult to project
technological change very far into the future, it is always possible that what
looks today like a bleak environmental future that undermines human
flourishing because of resource depletion, global warming, and toxic waste,
could end up being more than compensated by dramatic technological
advances that enhance human flourishing. Many people believe there will
always be a technological fix for future problems and thus there is no good
reason to deprive the present generation to protect the environment for
future generations. In the rich countries of the world today this seems like a
rationalization for pure self-interest, but it has more plausibility in the Global
South. The implication is that moral concerns raised by the issue of
sustainability cannot really be disentangled from moral concerns raised by
the principle of equality and social justice understood in global terms.]
13. Leadership In A Wage Slave Free World. When everyone has fulfilled their
living essentials through institutional co-operative systems that have made
everything for quality of life available so we’ll need a leader or Artificial
Intelligent governance to be incorruptible, selfless and operating 24/7 for our
stability and growth. Welcome, the A.I. National Administration version
10 .it will be a system that compliments the human government. But I
wonder if we would still have a need for human leaders in a wage slave free
world? Possibly having someone look after life support systems.
14. Leveraging Data For Good In A Wage Slave Free World. There's infinite data
from many things on this planet that could be leverage for the good of all
mankind. We could understand why certain group do worst economically and
others make the most of our wealth. Data could be used to better provide
effective and efficient access to everyone. Data could be used find corruption,
waste social-economic programs.
15. Community Icebergs In A Wage Slave Free World. There’s always an
emphasis on community in every part of the world. However one thing I have
come to realize is that not everyone is fully participating in the idea of
“community” and some have just ignored the idea because they find it
difficult to conform to the majority groups norms, So what you have is
numerous tribes within a community but weaken ties dues to variant
diversity. A collective community can help figure out how to provide
sustainable solution while eliminating the grunge work for many
16. Health & Personal Development In A Wage Slave Free World. In the
developed world every person has assess to a wealth of free information on
how to take care of ones mind and body yet we still have a significant
percentage of people who fail to take responsibility. Not sure how an
abundance society and a wage free world would help these people? The
human nature is a mystery. Maybe government create an incentive program
that encourages a mind set of self reliance in terms of health, fiscal disciple,
etc. Maybe a fruit tree on every corner, make junk food sellers require a
health analysis before selling certain unhealthy food. In the future we’d be
able to see and monitor what exercise, food, drinks, sex, stress, etc is doing to
ones body in real time. The image is of a device that allows male or others to
develop babies without a woman’s womb.
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17. Government Revenue & Budget In A Wage Slave Free World. A nations
revenue stream is life and death for the state and for the administration. In a
wage slave free world where people don’t have to work as much to keep up
with life’s essentials the national human productivity will decline drastically
however robotic productivity is about to sky rocket which means price of
many goods will drop. So government revenue model will likely have to
change. It might be a model of higher productivity, serving, sustainability and
collaboration or simply people exchanging their skills/volunteerism for their
wants & needs.A key observation [----declining overall levels of taxation
and the increasingly regressive character of tax systems, as a result of
‘reforms’ of top income and corporate tax rates. Moreover, by replacing tax
revenue with debt, governments contributed further to inequality, in that
they offered secure investment opportunities to those whose money they
would or could no longer confiscate and had to borrow instead. Unlike
taxpayers, buyers of government bonds continue to own what they pay to
the state, and in fact collect interest on it, typically paid out of ever less
progressive taxation; they can also pass it on to their children.] [Participatory
budgeting. Participatory budgeting (PB) is a transformation of the way urban
budgets are created. Instead of technical experts working with politicians to
create city budgets, budgets are created by ordinary citizens meeting in
popular assemblies and voting on budget alternatives.]
18. Democracy In A Wage Slave Free World. Since the rise of democracy,in
Athens, it was once considered the best system for humanity however with
time we are beginning to see the holes in the system. The fact is no matter
the system there are those who are always going to find ways to disrupt the
system to their advantages. I fear if inequality is not addressed around the
world in today, terrorism will be least of our worries. Hatred and anger is
peculating underneath the surface of many disenfranchised people and
millenials who are not fully gaining from the systems. [With this definition
of democracy, there are two main ways that a society can fail to realize
democratic values. First, it can fail the “equal access” test if some people
have much greater access to political power than do others. This can be due
to explicit rules of exclusion, as in the early United States where women and
nonwhites were denied the vote, or because various kinds of private power
are allowed to give some people privileged access to political power. This
does not mean that in a deeply democratic society everyone actually
participates equally in the exercise of power, but everyone needs to have
equal access to participation. Second, a society can fail to realize democratic
values if important domains of decisions that significantly affect the lives of
many people are excluded from collective decision-making.]
19. Corporation & Socialism Zones In A Wage Slave Free World. In this wage free
world, corporations that make the abundance and very affordable goods will
indirectly assert their power over anyone which will leave many people and
governments seeking the idea of a new socialism once again. Corporations
A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1
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are motivated to maximize profit. Which will lead more cities adopting a clear
divided system of capitalist zones and socialist zones just as we zone
industrial areas and residential area. So people opt in from birth which
system they wish to reside in.
20. Infrastructure In A Wage Slave Free World. In our modern western
civilization there are aspects of life that make living more complex. For
example, our highways and roads connect us but their upkeep are endless.
Maybe within time we will not have real physical paved, white-lined-signed
roads just Augment Reality designed roads and within the driver-less cars
operating systems will be codes of what areas to drive on and which to avoid.
In a Wage Slave Free World we really want the machines to do more for us
while we live and figure out other purpose to live. Plus there will likely be
more skytaxis, air vehicles like drones, that move people across regions
21. Public Safety In A Wage Slave Free World.When people have more than they
can use for sustaining a comfortable life then they will likely fill it with self or
community destroying activities or self development out of boredom. Take a
look at the rich, famous and powerful like comedian Robin Williams who
passed away. He had everything taking care off for the rest of his living life
but somehow there’s always the desire to fill an emptiness. And usually the
emptiness takes on many forms. In Mr. Williams case it was the battle with
depression and alcoholism. This is where the application of virtual reality
worlds will be crucial. People spend hours living a fantasy with zero harm to
themselves or others in real life. Reducing the use of human enforcement
systems. With time every single person will be cleverly be tricked into a gps
implant that allows primarily governments to track your every move and
permitting secondary institutes like an employer to monitor you at work. In
the next few years everything said, everything done, every thought,
to-be-done, where, how, etc will be tracked and stored from age 0 - death.
Civilians however will go to war against this.
22. Economic Development In A Wage Slave Free World. We as human are
about to witness next stage of human’s evolution from farming,
industrialization, globalization, to what I call “hyper-automation”. It will be a
boom in the early stages just like the dot-com era of 2000. However it will
create a world of zombie corporations,easy-to-start and very very low
maintenance. And create the few elites who master the game. This
“hyper-automation” period is a great opportunity to lift many more people
out of poverty (food, housing, health care, transportation, social)- - -[There is
mounting evidence that increasing inequality may be one of the causes of
declining growth, as inequality both impedes improvements in productivity
and weakens demand. Low growth, in turn, reinforces inequality by
intensifying distributional conflict, making concessions to the poor more
costly for the rich, and making the rich insist more than before on strict
observance of the ‘Matthew principle’ governing free markets: ‘For unto
every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from
him that hath not shall be taken even that which he hath. Furthermore, rising
debt, while failing to halt the decline of economic growth, compounds
inequality through the structural changes associated with financial
capitalization—---source(unknown)- - -[In effect this is collectively controlled
capital that can be allocated according to various principles. An interesting
example is the Quebec Solidarity Fund developed by the labor movement in
the 1980s. The purpose of these funds is to use investments deliberately to
protect and create jobs rather than simply to maximize returns for retirement.
One way the Solidarity Fund accomplishes this is by directly investing in small
and medium enterprises, either through private equity investment or loans.
These investments are generally directed at firms strongly rooted in the
region and satisfy various criteria in a social audit.]
23. Taxes In A Wage Slave Free World. When more and more people don’t have
access to good paying jobs or means to upgrade or avoid systematic
discrimination they are left with mediocre jobs that pay barely enough. Which
means more and more of the government revenue will come from really
capital rich individuals and corporations. But like we all know the rich don’t
like paying more than they are suppose to. And will pay thousands in
A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1
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professional services to avoid paying too much taxes. When revenue goes
down, government should barter with individuals and communities? For
example, build a military ship in exchange for free housing construction and
24. Wealth In A Wage Slave Free World. Everyone will have the essentials of a
good quality life however wealth is still owning the factory, processes,
technology, businesses, driver-less cars, infrastructure basically the platform
that others need to function. These are the gods of the game. Plus more and
more platforms will be open source where a community helps maintain and
improve it for the greater good of the whole. For example, there’s a 3d
printer that makes a copy of its self so others can have their own printer
More and more people will be happy living minimalist lives. So they can rent a
Bentley for a day or live in Leonardo DiCaprio house for a night. Really how
much consumer goods those one individual need before it becomes
25. Globalization In A wage Slave Free World.The word globalization is just a by
gone word of another time. It’s just people residing different parts of a planet
called Earth. Just like Sandhill Cranes. In a W.S.F.W. nationality and national
identity has lost it’s purpose. It becomes the unrestricted movement of
people but with more deep screening methods like biological, historical
behavioral, analysis, past history from birth, future predictions, ideologies,
adaptability skills, etc. Companies are the perfect example of an economic
organism that knows no borders as to where it needs to find the best workers,
the best suppliers, the best partners, the best policies, lowest taxes, etc.
26. Tribes In A Wage Slave Free World.Usually during times of uncertainty and
instability people usually run into the arms of safety. We often run to our
nationality, race, religion, community, home, childhood towns. We would
hope that people with abundance of resources would adopt healthy
brotherhood and sisterhood mindsets. Tribes will still be entrenched. There’s
always a few who will disrupt order.
27. Consumption In A Wage Slave Free World. Is about to get wild and crazy
when it comes to consumption because when we produce more faster and
cheaper then everyone will likely consume more and more. Think more
obesity, more waste, more greed, more anti-social behavior, etc. Currently
what’s holding back extreme consumption is that there are some frictions in
the process.
In the next few years a zero friction world will make manufacture,
packaging and purchase much easier and quicker. So companies in A W.S.F.W
will have to deal with new consumer demands. For example, there’s
pressure to have a cashless retail, cashier-less stores,automated on demand
shopping, driver-less delivery, etc. There’s demand for more environmental
friendly packages. [Amazon just unveiled a grocery store without lines or
checkout counters. Amazon Go, a 1800-square-foot retail space located in the
company’s hometown of Seattle, lets shoppers just grab the items they want
and leave; the order gets charged to their Amazon account
afterwards.Amazon Go works by using computer vision and sensors to detect
what items you’re taking out of the store. You start by scanning an app as you
enter the Amazon Go shop. You do your normal shopping, and the sensors
throughout the store identify the items in your cart and charge them to your
account when you walk out the door. It’ll feel like shoplifting, except you’re
actually being watched by more cameras than you can imagine.] The endless
need to be different and please the winners/ the haves will intensify. It is that
drive of survival and greed that motivates companies to keep.improving on
their productivity.
28. A Series Of Unexpected In A Wage Slave Free World.There’s no escaping the
power of nature. We may get better at predicting weather phenomenon
however we are just still scratching the surface on how to cope and deal with
cause and effects. Droughts cripple agricultural productions...diseases impact
livestock. Shortages of food or water forces people to migrate for work, food,
safety, forest fires,drought, freedom. The big question, is whether the forces
of nature will crush the sustainability of wage slave free world? The answer is
no if we strategically hedge everything by having resources in diverse parts of
the world or even on the moon or mars. Creating a DNA code/biology bank of
A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1
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everything on this planet. We develop a sustainable population management
system so that demand never over exceeds supply.If we are not being
proactive, we are likely to create a recipe for violence.
29. The Market In A Wage Slave Free World. [A second implication is that market
frameworks can be adjusted to fit the circumstances of particular countries.
This means that countries can have distinctive strategies tailored to their own
circumstances, and these strategies may be based in part on different
political prioritized, such as growth versus security or redistribution.
Economic policy prescriptions that start from the premise that all markets
should be liberalized to the maximum extent possible are implicitly excluding
such possibilities from consideration, as the so-called Washington consensus
approach has tended to do since it was introduced in the 1980s. The desire to
base policy recommendations on a notion that one size fits all has tended to
exclude from consideration some of the possibilities through which countries
can tailor their policies to their own circumstances. A third implication is that,
even as political economy allows for the possibility of individual country
strategies, globalization has made it much more difficult for any country,
and especially for smaller countries, to maintain market frameworks that
are tailored to their own unique circumstances. In practice this means that
all market frameworks will be tilting toward capital relative to labor as time
passes. Since governments are elected nationally and locally and not
internationally, this will place them under increasing pressures to find ways to
deal with the increasing inequalities. Since many capitalist societies are
governed by democracies, the need to find effective ways to deal with high
and/or rising inequality should not be neglected.] Just in case the content
was not clear.. Here’s another take. Companies strive for every profitable
opportunity on planet, and in that pursuit are the emergence of the very
ugliest side of capitalism. And in most cases companies and their manager are
not to be blamed, it is game that turns good men into monsters.
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A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1
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Final Words If It’s
Working or Not Working
In today's capitalist world, being a wage slave sucks. Being a person who owns a
automotive company and having to pay people wages is tiresome. Labor is still
consider the top expense in the manufacturing sectors and in many other industry,
And if you truly want to know how businesses view labour, wait around for
massive layoffs.
And based on what one sees and hears, financial freedom is gained from owning
capital producing assets not enduring the job market as if it were a life sentence.
The people who are free are the people taking huge chances, capitalizing on
opportunities, making tough sacrifices, owning wealth creating properties, and
often times few are just pissing on the rest of us and calling it rain.
Capitalism and democracy are facing stagnation. It’s living off of illusions, false
promise, growing debt, untrustworthy pubic and private institutions, synthetic
liquidity, commodification of labor-money-time-nature is a blessing if it benefits
you, some regulations are a big joke in some industries, more oligarchy, corruption,
anarchy - - - basically this capitalism and democracy shit has passed it’s best before
date and it is really starting to stink.
Many of people around the world, in urban cities grow tired of the endless
injustice and unfairness in our institutions and in the system we are suppose to
trust. Effort for a replacement or reiteration of capitalism is absolutely necessary.
Desiring a form of utopia is just self-destructive thinking because everyone in
nature is flawed. The world you live is no different from the ecosystem of the
Amazon rainforest or the ocean where millions of life forms depend for food,
shelter, pleasure, education.
For Further Reading, Data,
Analysis, & More
The Global Wealth Trackers
World Wealth and Income Database
Financial Institutions
The Global Big Picture

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Ebook A wage slave free world: how founders can help create a wage slave free world - beta v1

  • 1. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 1 of 25 BETA
  • 2. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 2 of 25 PART 1: CAPITALISM ONLY BREEDS KINGS & SLAVES.................................................................................................................................................................................................4 My Talk For Individual Freedoms........................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 The Kings & The Slave Relationship.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Resisting The Enslavement & The King-Slave Relationship................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 PART 2: THE PAST & CURRENT SLAVERY.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 How To Find Wage Slaves................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 PART 3: BRING ON THE RIGHT MACHINES & SYSTEMS............................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Two Key Ways To Do It:.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Below are some of Levitaism rough attributes:................................................................................................................................................................................................14 Final Words If It’s Working or Not Working..............................................................................................................................................................................................................25 For Further Reading, Data, Analysis, & More........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
  • 3. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 3 of 25 A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World I’ll finally say what many of the brilliants minds have spent hundreds of fucking years discussing in fucking conferences,the G8, G20, and their Economic Forums and failed to propose anything substantial that frees men and women from economic bondage to other men with production capital. In my opinion- - -no person / child / animal should be at the mercy of other “men” for his or her access to: safety, good food, clean water, energy, housing, technology, education, and transportation.The Greek crisis of 2008 is a perfect example to people of just how bad things can get when individuals are too dependent on none community ran institutions to provide their essentials such as health care, employment, education, etc. What’s still puzzling is that, there are still those who prefer to live like fucking chickens. Always glad a farmer brings them food at six in the morning, cleans their hen house at lunch time, provides play time in the evening and are indifferent to their own personal growth as long as certain needs are met by the State. The reality, unfortunately, wage growth has been offset completely by rising housing and health care costs. Also, the types of jobs being created are in the service sector; which isn’t as productive as, and in some cases pays less than manufacturing. With all the ever growing economic and social issues that continue to spawn anxiety in people, I would hate to see the next generation of founders and leaders go on to encourage a broken social-economic system like capitalism. I would hope they experience through their parents, friends, or themselves the ball-busting wage slavery and find ways to eradicate it for good. I would strongly strive for a less wage-slave labor world and aggressively pursue the next generation of systems to give people more freedom from slavery like environment. I suggest a new system to replace capitalism that I call “Levitaism” and seek further thoughts from other founders. “The political economist Benjamin Friedman once compared modern Western society to a stable bicycle whose wheels are kept spinning by economic growth. Should that forward-propelling motion slow or cease, the pillars that define our society – democracy, individual liberties, social tolerance and more – would
  • 4. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 4 of 25 begin to teeter. Our world would become an increasingly ugly place, one defined by a scramble over limited resources and a rejection of anyone outside of our immediate group.” PART 1: CAPITALISM ONLY BREEDS KINGS & SLAVES What is Wage Slavery? [“Wage slavery refers to a situation where a person's livelihood depends on wages, especially when the dependence is total and immediate. […] e.g. working for a wage not only under threat of starvation or poverty, but also of social stigma or status diminution.”] What is Capitalism? [Capitalism is a system of governance for economic affairs that has emerged in different settings and continues to evolve over time. As a consequence it evades simple definition. The Macmillan Dictionary of Modern Economics defines capitalism as a: Political, social, and economic system in which property, including capital assets, is owned and controlled for the most part by private persons. Capitalism contrasts with an earlier economic system, feudalism, in that it is characterized by the purchase of labor for money wages as opposed to the direct labor obtained through custom, duty or command in feudalism.... Under capitalism, the price mechanism is used as a signaling system which allocates resources between uses. The extent to which the price mechanism is used, the degree of competitiveness in markets, and the level of government intervention distinguish exact forms of capitalism.] More On Capitalism [Capitalist systems typically rely on the state to make direct provision of certain public goods, including highways, schools and law enforcement, as well as to refrain from the temptation to own, operate, or directly control the economic actors. If the state does become a direct economic actor, for example as the owner of large enterprises, it becomes a player as well as a referee. This puts state agents in roles that conflict—for example, as a regulator and as player that need not be subject to the discipline of the markets. There are times when states may play both roles, as in the case of a national emergency or natural monopoly, but it is best if these interventions are for reasons of state, e.g. national security. If direct interventions are widespread and/or last indefinitely, they invite corruption and the distortion of market frameworks for the benefit of the few at the expense of society as a whole.] My Talk For Individual Freedoms Our world of workers, bosses, leaders, celebrity, heroes, villains, victims, and exploitable are beginning to become more intolerable and revolution brews from the disenfranchised. And the growing inequality is going to escalate the social instability of nations. Many have fucking tolerated this hierarchy bull shit since our nomad days and I think it should end. We need a system that provides freely the basic essentials of life for everyone no matter of income or other if we hope for a civilized-safe-prosperous society. Not for hope of utopia but because nations will fall apart.
  • 5. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 5 of 25 My experiences in many manufacturing and service sector has shown me that you can simply work someone as a wage slave till their death as long as you impose an ounce of fear of job lose, denied promotion, competition, denied power within the organization or within society. Or make sure they have obligations like kids to feed and a financial obligation like a mortgage that keeps them trapped in wage slavery. We are in a significant moment in time when millenials, born in 1980s -1990s, are having to keep two to more jobs just so they can have a sense of stability in life. Founders and entrepreneurs emerging at ever increasing amount because the alternative that once existed are not stable. As you have noticed, companies will keep certain work force as contract workers/ temporary worker while slowly driving down everyone's wages. Some individuals will find the flexibility liberating and some people will freak out like it was their last breath of air. And the growing possibility of creating an abundance social-economic world with artificial intelligent and advance automation technology is an opportunity for founders to help create a better social-economic system. A system where no man lives to be a wage slave to another man so he / she can put food on the table and a roof over his / her children’s head. The Kings & The Slave Relationship To be a support personnel aka wage slave to the kings, it means a decent life for your family, a place to belong and collaborating for a common cause. But why does it seem they get richer, more credit for success, and a better legacy while you stayed a wage slave?
  • 6. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 6 of 25 We just have too much of concentration of wealth in the hands of a few and with artificial intelligence and automation that concentration will likely be in fewer hands. That’s power to influence or manipulate the lives of billions with the kings of industrial unlimited resources. Almost like altering the path a ant takes to it’s food. The king and slave relationship hasn’t really changed all that much. Political institutions could be formally democratic or authoritarian, decisions still tended to be taken in the interests of a small class of wealthy people at the expense of others. It was at the expense of: average productive families, single men, single women, students, children, old, sick, migrants, etc How many times does someone need to get fucked in the ass, without consent, before they say “Try that again and I’ll fucking cut your shit off and force it down your fucking throat. ”. Resisting The Enslavement & The King-Slave Relationship The strong willed will strive to resist from the mighty grips of social pressure by finding tricks and ways to get the fuck from this enslavement system. They will get off the grid, do consulting or freelancing work, do underground work on the side or exploit the holes in the system. The Kings usually don’t want more kings in their game or easy entry by wage-slaves so they find any means to discourage others from trying directly and indirectly. And doing everything in it’s power to encourage the continuous prosperity of others. Simply, some fight it and break-free and others stay in wage-slavery for their entire life and have nothing personally to show for their time in this world. How many famous slave(s) do you know during times of the pharaohs? How many people in history do you know who fought slavery?
  • 7. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 7 of 25
  • 8. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 8 of 25 PART 2: THE PAST & CURRENT SLAVERY In the past wage slavery was missing the word wage but still had the same purpose. A few with ideas or in the elite class persuaded, paid, or forced others to do the grunt work while they fucking enrich themselves. In the past colonialism, if you managed to find a land and settle on it - you’d better be prepared to fight to the death to keep it. If the enemies or nomadic barbarians captured your citizens they were likely going to kill or enslaved them. Almost like an unfriendly corporate takeover. In 1000AD slavery is a normal practice in England’s rural. People in difficult financial situations put themselves in debt to business owners, rich institutions. And if you have no means to participate at the elite level you were systematically lowered into self-enslavement. Men would sell their wives and children for a buck. Slaves in ancient Greece were even prohibited from marrying, as marriage was deemed the social privilege of the elite citizens of Athens. In the US, [Life is harsh for people who are unemployed or underemployed because of what’s blithely labeled a “skills mismatch.” The U.S. lost 8 million manufacturing jobs from 1979 to 2009 and has regained fewer than 1 million since. Coal mining employment has fallen 42 percent since the end of 2011. While the future lies in knowledge work, many jobs that are open today are for orderlies, burger flippers, security guards, and the like. For American men, median weekly earnings of wage-and-salary workers are no higher now, adjusted for inflation, than they were in the 1980s. JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon points to the “staggering” decline in labor force participation by men of prime working age, 25 to 54. “There’s something wrong,” he said in a conference call with reporters on June 6.] In the other hand, [A sense of dislocation prevails. The size of the U.S.’s contingent workforce—temps, on-call workers, contract company workers, independent contractors, freelancers—has almost doubled in 20 years. It’s not a life most workers want, according to a 2016 report by the Shift Commission on Work, Workers, and Technology, a project of Bloomberg LP (the parent of BusinessWeek) ] Basically we are living in a time that has turned work to an evil necessity not a guaranteed path to personal absolute financial freedom. It’s turned to a fucking mass-exploitation of under capitalize or risk adverse individuals. And the
  • 9. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 9 of 25 following list describe the profile many corporation use to identify the right conditions for exploited labor. How To Find Wage Slaves Presently there are tips on the internet as to where and how to find the right conditions for exploitable labor.  There’s an unlimited amount of high - moderate poverty to exploit.  The ability to discriminate or systematically oppress others like women, old, young, minority,  Encourage subtle use of migrant workers and make sure they sweat bullets to gain ounce of rights equal to the natives.  When there’s economic and social issues there will be cheap labor to exploit and tin.  Always be measuring each individual's productivity which allowed ways to raise the bar or play each individual against each other,  Find ways to reduce people to commodity, fit the person as if they were part of the machine.  Force to work due to threats, owned them by mental or physical manipulation.  When everyone of the workers have little alternative to work they really work very hard for little money forcing others to do the same. The common theme of the past social-economic systems, is that the elites control or own access to key resources and those without it are either forced to sell their intelligence, expertise, time, creativity, physical asset or simply start their own business to provide sustenance. And every time, the people are always expecting change through elected officials which is stupid because the officials, with time, are slowly swallowed into the ways of the establishment.
  • 10. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 10 of 25 A recurring system that encourages raising funds from mostly elites to fund a campaign. A social-economic systems that subtlety forces you to act, dress, behave, speak, socialize a certain way while suppressing a huge chunk of your values and intelligence and rebellious. It is really a self-imposed prison without the bars because of social-economic pressures and obligations. Over the years I have met people tirelessly go to a job they hated and do a job that undervalues their ability for ten plus years because they bought into the idea of a “stable pay cheque” to pay for “comfort”. This wage slavery system hopefully ends with the help of industry technology and, policies and people are free to live for a higher purpose. However, one thing you realize about being a elite, is that they don’t want to destroy a system that works for them. So that’s why I hold some reservation about artificial intelligence and advance robotic technology because a few will exploit it at the expense of other people. Just like some bankers did during the sub-prime crisis. Where some banks where repackaging toxic financial products and labeling it triple A. The fact remains that companies like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Softbank, etc are sitting on billions of dollars in the bank and are still determined to cut cost, maximize profit and invest in growth because there’s no other way to play this capitalistic game. Competition in business just keeps getting intensified. Which only then increases the competition among the work force (wage slaves) to keep their jobs or up their value. Which only keeps driving purchasing power down. And gives some people like university graduates living with with huge loan burdens for years because there’s no alternative but to go work for a corporation as a wage-slave when also dealing with the likely possibility that high-paying specialist work will eventually be just be done by no-skilled workers because technology keeps reducing complexity to a simple push of a button. Which allows companies to discard people like used cigarettes. One thing Founders and future entrepreneurs need to remember is that, it is impossible to have a profitable business when ninety percent of the populations purchasing power is nonexistent. And when one can’t climb out of poverty then it’s going to be like Greece debt crisis of 2008.
  • 11. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 11 of 25
  • 12. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 12 of 25 PART 3: BRING ON THE RIGHT MACHINES & SYSTEMS If there was one thing that automation, artificial intelligence, creativity and entrepreneurship could accomplish for mankind is to create a world where people were not enslaved by systematic slavery or systematic oppression. We have a world today where people pimp themselves to businesses in exchange for a wage or salary and dedicated a chunk of their life time to other people’s / institutions goals,dreams and wealth. When all they want is access. The options now and into the future is either the ninety nine percent of us adapt faster, radically change the social-economic system or pray our governments & elites reinvent social-economic systems. And something tells me the last option will likely bring more of the same but with a little change in taste. So encourage all founders, entrepreneurs, venture capitalist to read up about social and economic pros and cons. And possibly use this resource as one more addition to your drive to liberate yourself, your children, and others from wage slavery. “Freedom is not in escape, but in striving to escape.”
  • 13. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 13 of 25 Two Key Ways To Do It: Adapting Faster? There's a thing about adapting. It’s like drinking a glass of water...If it’s paced it can be handled but trying to drink from a rapid waterfall is only going to drown most people. The reality of our time is that we are experiencing faster socially, technologically, economically changes that consequently are leading to disruptions in many nations. Relationships, family structures, privacy, jobs, freedom, sex, love, well being, pleasures, happiness, mental health, etc. are all vulnerable in this era of rapid change. There was a time agriculture sector in America, UK, and China was considered the top employer till manufacturing came along. So likely will there be something to replace the manufacturing jobs and I’m not sure what exactly will. I’m pretty sure it’s going to require fewer people to achieve the same output. Having a New System Replace It? The new system to replace capitalism is what I call Levitaism. Levitaism system is a system that focuses on exploiting technology advancements to boost ease of access for everyone. Food, water, sex, pleasures, experiences, housing, transportation, education, entertainment, medical,etc with emphasis on efficiency, effective and collaboration. This system would not work if people are not prepared to curve the need of endless consumption and the need for endless ownership.. The reality is that there are many households and businesses that have goods sitting in storage being underutilized. There are people who are over consumers and others who are unable to consume for basic needs. There will be no need for lack of and no need to adopt the worst of socialism and / or capitalism however it incorporates a layer system that provides opportunity for individual growth without further sever inequality.
  • 14. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 14 of 25 Below are some of Levitaism rough attributes: 1. Give Control & Equality To Workers In A Wage Slave Free World. One way that has been suggested is give people more control of the companies they work for. It’s sort of like if every worker at Amazon had a stake in the company and the more contribution they make the more shares they get. The capitalist system gives some workers that option especially with a growing company using profit sharing and stock options. But like any system people don’t like to share with new workers or others who make little-to-no contributions. So this way still produces a haves groups and not haves group. And also could create a segment of society not able to participate in the co-operation like system but will gain because the co-operation will also serve the local community. But it works only when others contributes and there are reputable managerial team. 2. Take Away The Visible Class System In A Wage Slave Free World. Every society in the world is established in a hierarchical system. If you rotate the class system and make any natural forming toxic hierarchy go through mandatory restructuring every four years or less, so individuals don’t become too entrenched and corrupt with power. Common production should belong to people if every person can produce. The fact remains that you’ll get hundred percent more from someone if they know there are part of a unification cause and are not being exploited for someone else is gain. 3. Give Full Assess In A Wage Slave Free World. The days we are finally able to produce abundance of everything by utilizing technology is the day all men can aspire to be a true peaceful world. Imagine abundance of free food by planting public fruit trees, public city farms, lab-grown food,--- community vertical gardens that feed mega cities---low maintenance durable co-transportation options, ---sustainable quality housing options will cost much less in terms of time, labor, and material because the very basis is a bed, storage, amenities, utility, structure against the elements and safety, - - -unlimited personal liberties with zero harm to others, etc. This will not strive for utopia but a system of giving people access so they can avoid the more harmful activities. The question is then, who will allocate time, equipment, resources to create the abundance of goods and services? It will likely be from people who shift their mentality into more collaboration, moderation, less unfriendly competition, and less possession accumulation driven. For example, [Wikipedia is the best known example of a more general model of non-hierarchical cooperative economic activity: peer-to-peer distributed production with open source property rights.] It’s access and participation for benefit of all without socialism but leveraging everything.
  • 15. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 15 of 25 4. Food In A Wage Slave Free World. [There’s a farm opening soon in (parts of the world), that can grow strawberries in January. It could grow rare tropical fruits from Asia and Central America on our native soil. It could produce custom-designed lettuce, more peppery or sweet. It’s a hydroponic farm in a shipping container, and its owners hope it could eventually put an end to food deserts, including our biggest one: outer space.] Imagine several hundreds of this containers in a warehouse growing food for urban residents without all the other cost like transportation from farm fields to local markets and using renewable energy like the sun. Everyone is fed advice to consume food responsible and have those who waste food on a regular basis pay more. 5. Education Like The Ivey Leagues In A Wage Slave Free World The internet has a vast amount of information on different subject matters. I’m sure someone can put together a quality of resources to prep someone to take on any profession they desire and maybe include peer-peer-teacher video conferences and simulation training if necessary. All without the enormous tuition price tag. A law degree without the huge debt. We reassess what education or amount of informal or formal education can qualify someone to do the job. We shouldn’t penalize gifted people who can’t afford expensive tuition from contributing. In this world all organizations and people care about is your performance. 6. Housing For The People In A Wage Slave Free World. When it comes to housing people are looking for basic fundamentals. Clean, Safe, Well Maintained, decent neighbors, convenient amenities, etc So why do we seem to be challenged by housing? Why does it seem unsustainable? In Singapore about 80% live in government-built flats that encourage cultural mixing so to ensure that the mix of each HDB (Housing & Development Board) block reflects the ethnic make-up of the country as a whole, a measure designed to prevent the formation of racial enclaves. Singapore HDB encouraging home ownership with their affordable housing system is great however not absolutely perfect. But have almost eliminated homelessness and indirectly reduces other social cost. However when more and more people are not wage workers then other ways for people to pay for a roof is crucial. Another solution is to provide people tiny houses/ spaces from 140sq. Ft - 500sq. Ft. which can help people regain their confidence and dignity. Regular training is provided by the community on how to take care of their other needs for quality of life. The human essential of shelter can be met by managing and allocate space. The image below is a simple relative space for a couple and little child can live in. The problem in housing that experts have express is that some have more house space for just one person. Everything about the Levitaism is about looking for more resource efficiency, quality of
  • 16. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 16 of 25 life, sustainability. 7. Income & Jobs In A Wage Slave Free World. Currently the jobs that pay the most are STEM, Some Financial Services, Some Entertainment, and Senior Executive jobs. So I would assume there will be people who will not be very motivated to pursue STEM, high paying, careers no matter how much money you throw at them also I have no example if it would work. But what if people in every level of society are awarded with monetary and non-monetary things to avoid extreme anti-social behaviors like a trip to Disneyland for not selling vulnerable population shitty financial products. People may not need to work too crazy to meet their personal and family, community essential obligations. People will need to come together to address a unifying project like how to be more efficient, how to feed the community, or get to Mars. The key in this system is that some people who already have several times more than enough to give back in the form of philanthropic efforts, research into sustaining life for less. Etc. to help maintain a stable world for themselves and their children. IF YOU’RE RICH AND MOST OF THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU ARE STARVING, THEY ARE LIKELY TO MAKE YOUR LIFE HELL.
  • 17. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 17 of 25 8. Race & Gender Issue In A Wage Slave Free World. The race, gender, etc issues will exist but will be wiped off mainstream and sub-mainstream significantly due to the passing of Boomer generations. But unfortunately there’s always going to be old and new forms of discrimination and biases in many more forms. For example, your neighbor could.have had surgery to implant a computer into her brain so that she can process more info faster than everyone so that she stays competitive. She could have an exoskeleton that makes 10X more efficient. 9. Inequality In A Wage Slave Free World. [Finally, the principle of equality as stated above refers to all persons. This means that in a fully just world, all persons regardless of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, physical disability, ethnicity, religion, nationality, citizenship status, or geographic
  • 18. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 18 of 25 location would have broadly equal access to the material and social conditions necessary to live a flourishing life. This is a very strong criterion. We live in an unjust world where some people are born in poor countries, others in rich countries, and as a result people have unequal access to the material conditions to live flourishing lives. It may well be that for all sorts of reasons it is difficult—or even impossible—to fully remedy this global injustice. But a damaging inequality does not become socially just simply] 10. Energy Shouldn’t Be Paid For In A Wage Slave Free World. The sun, wind, oceanic waves, geothermal, etc readily available to everyone in society for free by God so why are we at the mercy of the hydro-companies? Every household would have cheap mechanism to convert natures abundant natural energy to cheap plenty energy for their use without paying a dime to electric companies. Plus more energy efficient devices are flooding the market everyday which means every household and commercial entity is paying half of the cost or zero cost compared to today. 11. Children Well Being In A Wage Slave Free World. In the United States today, 21 percent of all children are living in poverty. A poverty rate that will decline with population management and emphasis on providing quality assess to health care, formal and informal education, safe housing, water, activities, etc all for free because we clearly want every child to get a great start. If every need is provided to a let’s say a crime ridden neighborhood will there be more crime or less crime? In the next few years,for everyone to better off in industrial 4.0 era, we have to make sure everyone is getting supported to be the best they can be.
  • 19. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 19 of 25 12. Sustainability In A Wage Slave Free World. [This way of understanding environmental sustainability is closely connected to the equality principle of social justice. Equality is a social justice principle among people in the world today. Sustainability is a justice principle for people in the future. The problem of sustainability as inter-temporal justice raises a number of very difficult questions. In particular, because it is so difficult to project technological change very far into the future, it is always possible that what looks today like a bleak environmental future that undermines human flourishing because of resource depletion, global warming, and toxic waste, could end up being more than compensated by dramatic technological advances that enhance human flourishing. Many people believe there will always be a technological fix for future problems and thus there is no good reason to deprive the present generation to protect the environment for future generations. In the rich countries of the world today this seems like a rationalization for pure self-interest, but it has more plausibility in the Global South. The implication is that moral concerns raised by the issue of sustainability cannot really be disentangled from moral concerns raised by the principle of equality and social justice understood in global terms.] 13. Leadership In A Wage Slave Free World. When everyone has fulfilled their living essentials through institutional co-operative systems that have made everything for quality of life available so we’ll need a leader or Artificial Intelligent governance to be incorruptible, selfless and operating 24/7 for our stability and growth. Welcome, the A.I. National Administration version 10 .it will be a system that compliments the human government. But I wonder if we would still have a need for human leaders in a wage slave free world? Possibly having someone look after life support systems. 14. Leveraging Data For Good In A Wage Slave Free World. There's infinite data from many things on this planet that could be leverage for the good of all mankind. We could understand why certain group do worst economically and others make the most of our wealth. Data could be used to better provide effective and efficient access to everyone. Data could be used find corruption, waste social-economic programs. 15. Community Icebergs In A Wage Slave Free World. There’s always an emphasis on community in every part of the world. However one thing I have come to realize is that not everyone is fully participating in the idea of “community” and some have just ignored the idea because they find it difficult to conform to the majority groups norms, So what you have is numerous tribes within a community but weaken ties dues to variant diversity. A collective community can help figure out how to provide sustainable solution while eliminating the grunge work for many 16. Health & Personal Development In A Wage Slave Free World. In the developed world every person has assess to a wealth of free information on how to take care of ones mind and body yet we still have a significant percentage of people who fail to take responsibility. Not sure how an abundance society and a wage free world would help these people? The human nature is a mystery. Maybe government create an incentive program that encourages a mind set of self reliance in terms of health, fiscal disciple, etc. Maybe a fruit tree on every corner, make junk food sellers require a health analysis before selling certain unhealthy food. In the future we’d be able to see and monitor what exercise, food, drinks, sex, stress, etc is doing to ones body in real time. The image is of a device that allows male or others to develop babies without a woman’s womb.
  • 20. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 20 of 25 17. Government Revenue & Budget In A Wage Slave Free World. A nations revenue stream is life and death for the state and for the administration. In a wage slave free world where people don’t have to work as much to keep up with life’s essentials the national human productivity will decline drastically however robotic productivity is about to sky rocket which means price of many goods will drop. So government revenue model will likely have to change. It might be a model of higher productivity, serving, sustainability and collaboration or simply people exchanging their skills/volunteerism for their wants & needs.A key observation [----declining overall levels of taxation and the increasingly regressive character of tax systems, as a result of ‘reforms’ of top income and corporate tax rates. Moreover, by replacing tax revenue with debt, governments contributed further to inequality, in that they offered secure investment opportunities to those whose money they would or could no longer confiscate and had to borrow instead. Unlike taxpayers, buyers of government bonds continue to own what they pay to the state, and in fact collect interest on it, typically paid out of ever less progressive taxation; they can also pass it on to their children.] [Participatory budgeting. Participatory budgeting (PB) is a transformation of the way urban budgets are created. Instead of technical experts working with politicians to create city budgets, budgets are created by ordinary citizens meeting in popular assemblies and voting on budget alternatives.] 18. Democracy In A Wage Slave Free World. Since the rise of democracy,in Athens, it was once considered the best system for humanity however with time we are beginning to see the holes in the system. The fact is no matter the system there are those who are always going to find ways to disrupt the system to their advantages. I fear if inequality is not addressed around the world in today, terrorism will be least of our worries. Hatred and anger is peculating underneath the surface of many disenfranchised people and millenials who are not fully gaining from the systems. [With this definition of democracy, there are two main ways that a society can fail to realize democratic values. First, it can fail the “equal access” test if some people have much greater access to political power than do others. This can be due to explicit rules of exclusion, as in the early United States where women and nonwhites were denied the vote, or because various kinds of private power are allowed to give some people privileged access to political power. This does not mean that in a deeply democratic society everyone actually participates equally in the exercise of power, but everyone needs to have equal access to participation. Second, a society can fail to realize democratic values if important domains of decisions that significantly affect the lives of many people are excluded from collective decision-making.] 19. Corporation & Socialism Zones In A Wage Slave Free World. In this wage free world, corporations that make the abundance and very affordable goods will indirectly assert their power over anyone which will leave many people and governments seeking the idea of a new socialism once again. Corporations
  • 21. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 21 of 25 are motivated to maximize profit. Which will lead more cities adopting a clear divided system of capitalist zones and socialist zones just as we zone industrial areas and residential area. So people opt in from birth which system they wish to reside in. 20. Infrastructure In A Wage Slave Free World. In our modern western civilization there are aspects of life that make living more complex. For example, our highways and roads connect us but their upkeep are endless. Maybe within time we will not have real physical paved, white-lined-signed roads just Augment Reality designed roads and within the driver-less cars operating systems will be codes of what areas to drive on and which to avoid. In a Wage Slave Free World we really want the machines to do more for us while we live and figure out other purpose to live. Plus there will likely be more skytaxis, air vehicles like drones, that move people across regions faster. 21. Public Safety In A Wage Slave Free World.When people have more than they can use for sustaining a comfortable life then they will likely fill it with self or community destroying activities or self development out of boredom. Take a look at the rich, famous and powerful like comedian Robin Williams who passed away. He had everything taking care off for the rest of his living life but somehow there’s always the desire to fill an emptiness. And usually the emptiness takes on many forms. In Mr. Williams case it was the battle with depression and alcoholism. This is where the application of virtual reality worlds will be crucial. People spend hours living a fantasy with zero harm to themselves or others in real life. Reducing the use of human enforcement systems. With time every single person will be cleverly be tricked into a gps implant that allows primarily governments to track your every move and permitting secondary institutes like an employer to monitor you at work. In the next few years everything said, everything done, every thought, to-be-done, where, how, etc will be tracked and stored from age 0 - death. Civilians however will go to war against this. 22. Economic Development In A Wage Slave Free World. We as human are about to witness next stage of human’s evolution from farming, industrialization, globalization, to what I call “hyper-automation”. It will be a boom in the early stages just like the dot-com era of 2000. However it will create a world of zombie corporations,easy-to-start and very very low maintenance. And create the few elites who master the game. This “hyper-automation” period is a great opportunity to lift many more people out of poverty (food, housing, health care, transportation, social)- - -[There is mounting evidence that increasing inequality may be one of the causes of declining growth, as inequality both impedes improvements in productivity and weakens demand. Low growth, in turn, reinforces inequality by intensifying distributional conflict, making concessions to the poor more costly for the rich, and making the rich insist more than before on strict observance of the ‘Matthew principle’ governing free markets: ‘For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken even that which he hath. Furthermore, rising debt, while failing to halt the decline of economic growth, compounds inequality through the structural changes associated with financial capitalization—---source(unknown)- - -[In effect this is collectively controlled capital that can be allocated according to various principles. An interesting example is the Quebec Solidarity Fund developed by the labor movement in the 1980s. The purpose of these funds is to use investments deliberately to protect and create jobs rather than simply to maximize returns for retirement. One way the Solidarity Fund accomplishes this is by directly investing in small and medium enterprises, either through private equity investment or loans. These investments are generally directed at firms strongly rooted in the region and satisfy various criteria in a social audit.] 23. Taxes In A Wage Slave Free World. When more and more people don’t have access to good paying jobs or means to upgrade or avoid systematic discrimination they are left with mediocre jobs that pay barely enough. Which means more and more of the government revenue will come from really capital rich individuals and corporations. But like we all know the rich don’t like paying more than they are suppose to. And will pay thousands in
  • 22. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 22 of 25 professional services to avoid paying too much taxes. When revenue goes down, government should barter with individuals and communities? For example, build a military ship in exchange for free housing construction and maintenance. 24. Wealth In A Wage Slave Free World. Everyone will have the essentials of a good quality life however wealth is still owning the factory, processes, technology, businesses, driver-less cars, infrastructure basically the platform that others need to function. These are the gods of the game. Plus more and more platforms will be open source where a community helps maintain and improve it for the greater good of the whole. For example, there’s a 3d printer that makes a copy of its self so others can have their own printer More and more people will be happy living minimalist lives. So they can rent a Bentley for a day or live in Leonardo DiCaprio house for a night. Really how much consumer goods those one individual need before it becomes depressing? 25. Globalization In A wage Slave Free World.The word globalization is just a by gone word of another time. It’s just people residing different parts of a planet called Earth. Just like Sandhill Cranes. In a W.S.F.W. nationality and national identity has lost it’s purpose. It becomes the unrestricted movement of people but with more deep screening methods like biological, historical behavioral, analysis, past history from birth, future predictions, ideologies, adaptability skills, etc. Companies are the perfect example of an economic organism that knows no borders as to where it needs to find the best workers, the best suppliers, the best partners, the best policies, lowest taxes, etc. 26. Tribes In A Wage Slave Free World.Usually during times of uncertainty and instability people usually run into the arms of safety. We often run to our nationality, race, religion, community, home, childhood towns. We would hope that people with abundance of resources would adopt healthy brotherhood and sisterhood mindsets. Tribes will still be entrenched. There’s always a few who will disrupt order. 27. Consumption In A Wage Slave Free World. Is about to get wild and crazy when it comes to consumption because when we produce more faster and cheaper then everyone will likely consume more and more. Think more obesity, more waste, more greed, more anti-social behavior, etc. Currently what’s holding back extreme consumption is that there are some frictions in the process. In the next few years a zero friction world will make manufacture, packaging and purchase much easier and quicker. So companies in A W.S.F.W will have to deal with new consumer demands. For example, there’s pressure to have a cashless retail, cashier-less stores,automated on demand shopping, driver-less delivery, etc. There’s demand for more environmental friendly packages. [Amazon just unveiled a grocery store without lines or checkout counters. Amazon Go, a 1800-square-foot retail space located in the company’s hometown of Seattle, lets shoppers just grab the items they want and leave; the order gets charged to their Amazon account afterwards.Amazon Go works by using computer vision and sensors to detect what items you’re taking out of the store. You start by scanning an app as you enter the Amazon Go shop. You do your normal shopping, and the sensors throughout the store identify the items in your cart and charge them to your account when you walk out the door. It’ll feel like shoplifting, except you’re actually being watched by more cameras than you can imagine.] The endless need to be different and please the winners/ the haves will intensify. It is that drive of survival and greed that motivates companies to keep.improving on their productivity. 28. A Series Of Unexpected In A Wage Slave Free World.There’s no escaping the power of nature. We may get better at predicting weather phenomenon however we are just still scratching the surface on how to cope and deal with cause and effects. Droughts cripple agricultural productions...diseases impact livestock. Shortages of food or water forces people to migrate for work, food, safety, forest fires,drought, freedom. The big question, is whether the forces of nature will crush the sustainability of wage slave free world? The answer is no if we strategically hedge everything by having resources in diverse parts of the world or even on the moon or mars. Creating a DNA code/biology bank of
  • 23. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 23 of 25 everything on this planet. We develop a sustainable population management system so that demand never over exceeds supply.If we are not being proactive, we are likely to create a recipe for violence. 29. The Market In A Wage Slave Free World. [A second implication is that market frameworks can be adjusted to fit the circumstances of particular countries. This means that countries can have distinctive strategies tailored to their own circumstances, and these strategies may be based in part on different political prioritized, such as growth versus security or redistribution. Economic policy prescriptions that start from the premise that all markets should be liberalized to the maximum extent possible are implicitly excluding such possibilities from consideration, as the so-called Washington consensus approach has tended to do since it was introduced in the 1980s. The desire to base policy recommendations on a notion that one size fits all has tended to exclude from consideration some of the possibilities through which countries can tailor their policies to their own circumstances. A third implication is that, even as political economy allows for the possibility of individual country strategies, globalization has made it much more difficult for any country, and especially for smaller countries, to maintain market frameworks that are tailored to their own unique circumstances. In practice this means that all market frameworks will be tilting toward capital relative to labor as time passes. Since governments are elected nationally and locally and not internationally, this will place them under increasing pressures to find ways to deal with the increasing inequalities. Since many capitalist societies are governed by democracies, the need to find effective ways to deal with high and/or rising inequality should not be neglected.] Just in case the content was not clear.. Here’s another take. Companies strive for every profitable opportunity on planet, and in that pursuit are the emergence of the very ugliest side of capitalism. And in most cases companies and their manager are not to be blamed, it is game that turns good men into monsters.
  • 24. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 24 of 25
  • 25. A Wage Slave Free World - How Founders Can Help Create A Wage Slave Free World - Beta v1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MANNY” OMIKUNLE of FOUNDERS UNDER 40™ GROUP l WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM Page 25 of 25 Final Words If It’s Working or Not Working In today's capitalist world, being a wage slave sucks. Being a person who owns a automotive company and having to pay people wages is tiresome. Labor is still consider the top expense in the manufacturing sectors and in many other industry, And if you truly want to know how businesses view labour, wait around for massive layoffs. And based on what one sees and hears, financial freedom is gained from owning capital producing assets not enduring the job market as if it were a life sentence. The people who are free are the people taking huge chances, capitalizing on opportunities, making tough sacrifices, owning wealth creating properties, and often times few are just pissing on the rest of us and calling it rain. Capitalism and democracy are facing stagnation. It’s living off of illusions, false promise, growing debt, untrustworthy pubic and private institutions, synthetic liquidity, commodification of labor-money-time-nature is a blessing if it benefits you, some regulations are a big joke in some industries, more oligarchy, corruption, anarchy - - - basically this capitalism and democracy shit has passed it’s best before date and it is really starting to stink. Many of people around the world, in urban cities grow tired of the endless injustice and unfairness in our institutions and in the system we are suppose to trust. Effort for a replacement or reiteration of capitalism is absolutely necessary. Desiring a form of utopia is just self-destructive thinking because everyone in nature is flawed. The world you live is no different from the ecosystem of the Amazon rainforest or the ocean where millions of life forms depend for food, shelter, pleasure, education. For Further Reading, Data, Analysis, & More The Global Wealth Trackers OECD World Wealth and Income Database Financial Institutions Bloomberg Forbes The Global Big Picture