elton sherwin climate change covid-19 energy star coronavirus addicted to energy global warming social media mobile data disinformation mobile apps contact tracing masks effective measures effective taiwan south korea california san francisco bots putin russia hong kong austria scripture bible green buildings carbon footprint speaker queer gay children homosexuality silicon valley venture capital green jobs jobs leed palo alto sea level rise france free and open press influence schemes false flag attacks social media misinformation foreign influence moneyed interests congress fair elections criminal justice reform police reform immigration recovery economic stimulus emergency economic funds evections reducing foreclosures pandemic policy temperature checks cellular location data schools lgbt lgbtq children affirming sexual minorities affirming scriptures young adults health saint paul apostle paul church over population author elton sherwin population greenhouse gases earth day starting a business rfi doe commercial buildings elevator pitch entrepreneurship silicon valley way benchmarking job creation energy star buildings new york city operational ratings building benchmarking energystar unemployment environment green google utility bills light bulbs cfls leds conservation energy efficiency green homes menlo park stanford beef cfl pacific gas and electric pg&e san rafael larkspur genesis google headquarters cisco headquarters foster city god homosexual lgbtq+ clobber verses clobber passages acceptance inclusivity misconceptions lgbtq lgbtqia lgbtqia+ bias discrimination the right team product idea next steps len schlesinger incubators co-founder getting started research the competition competition advisors successful founding teams cofounders board of advisors career tips venture capitalist second dose david salisbury nih “herd” immunity new strains adverse reactions reducing adverse reactions million doses first shots first covid interval three months tony blair thought experiment denmark delaying first doses south african variant pfizer newsom macron japan location data cellular biden cybercrime cellular location data temperature checks cellular location data leviticus 18:22 leviticus 20:13 holiness code abomination sperm wasted seed suicide lgbtq youth pope francis eunuch ethiopian eunuch acts 8:26-40 chamberlain isaiah 56:4-5 young adults rock hudson president carter jimmy carter slave traders pornos arsenokoites malakoi well-being human trafficking 1 timothy 1:8-11 romans 1:26-27 i corinthians 6:9-10 roman orgies teen pregnancy trader joe child brides muchery.com hybrid vehicles electric vehicles cows genocide presbyterian christians environmental disasters earth day 2014 earthday famine populaton growth state of the planet wars and famine christian protestant ipcc haiti gifts gifts with a purpose solar stoves madagascar trees ethiopia charcole richard helgemo propane stoves three angels children’s relief propane cookstoves cook stoves deforestation carbon zero institute monitoring methane gwp climate change; global warming natural gas energy security carbon fees carbon tax utility meters energy conservation home ge smart meters energy monitoring energy meters electric bills led hollywood presentation business plan leadership entrepreneurs finance usf start-ups united states department of energy sustainable design standards united states department of energy eere–2011–bt–noa–004 asset rating sustainable design standards doe docket: eere–2011–bt–noa–004 asset rating energy star benchmarking planyc disclosure building benchmarks energy star commercial governing sustainability summit energy start compact fluorescent bulb ecosmart mrd entrepreneur marketing requirements document vcs powerpoint presentation start-up start ups product planning back-of-the-napkin presenting to vcs prd sand hill rd business plans 45-second business plan product requirement document cal poly san diego hp economic development davis qualcomm us department of commerce berkeley uc plug and play tech center commercial service ridgewood capital uc davis ucsd ucd building grading operation ratings variable speed motors sacramento california green construction jobs state policy green california energy policy smart lights asset ratings energy performance certificates building energy modeling energy utility environment conference building energy disclosure euec ab 738 hers index cal green ab 1103 epc building energy rating locusts flooding agriculture floods australia climate action greenland notre dame central valley solution to climate change solutions to global warming ndnu san francisco bay california snow-pack snow-pack california unemployment cleantech jobs cleantech heat waves building grades behavior greenwashing energy and climate change conference becc lesson plan boy scout air quality children and the environment environmental stewardship girl scout miami ocean rise sacramento climate change venture capitalist elton sherwin california central valley towns and climate change solutions climate change doe rfi buildings new orleans flooding new orleans ocean rise menlo park rotary global warming explained bangladesh ocean climate change california climate change palo alto rotary buildings cities and global warming building maintenance reducing utility bills recommissioning hvac efficiency building management energy hogs commercial lighting building commissioning federal policy lighting smart lighting energy efficient buildings building codes federal buildings doe buildings building standards green construction building energy ratings doe rfi home energy labels smart buildings netzero zeh passiv haus passive house thermostats nze net zero passivhaus net zero buildings zero energy home bay area arctic ice high school co2 students central valley affluent americans motors air travel utility bill kill a watt quiz pumps pentair pool pumps smart power strip kill-a-watt meter compact fluorescent home depot cfls black and decker power monitor climate change action plan global warming action
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