wind energy renewable energy ewea european union energy climate change europe offshore wind energy 2030 targets electricity grids green growth employment european eu wind statistics ets 2050 targets emissions reductions wind energy industry electricity power 2013 policy renewable electricity grid contribution of renewables targets res electricity production electricity production from renewables renewable electricity directive offshore wind farms offshore wind power installed in europe wind power installed in europe electricity generation wind farms wind energy installations power capacity eu's electricty comsumption greenhouse gas reduction jobs union offshore co2 climate 2050 2030 legislation framework top ten biggest wind farms floating turbines deep water mw installations trends connected megawatts july 2013 carbon fossil fuels supply chain offshore development trends electrical infrastructures offshore ports substructures offshore structures vessels offshore offshore wind power wind energy targets 2020 and 2030 number of jobs employment of the wind energy taxes paid by wind energy avoiding fuel costs jobs in wind energy contribution to eu gdp wind energy in slovakia wind energy in croatia wind energy eastern europe countries wind energy in slovenia wind energy in the czech republic wind energy in hungary wind energy in bulgaria wind energy in poland wind energy supply chain wind energy in romania financing wind energy wind energy in russia wind energy in serbia wind energy in ukraine wind energy in turkey wind energy regulatory framework support mechanisms for wind market integration toss electricity price integration of wind energy grids in europe eu-wide target model eu regulations in electricity offshore wind turbine size offshore wind power targets offshore wind energy capacity offshore wind energy by country offshore wind energy industry offshore wind energy statistics 2012 water depth offshore wind industry installations wind energy offshore 2012 foundation types wind energy capacity wind power targets wind industry installations wind energy by country wind energy statistics 2012 wind energy facts wind energy basics environmental technology greenhouse gas wind power onshore wind turbine
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