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WHITE PAPER                  FALL 2009

              AND   SOCIAL MEDIA

                 In October 2009,
                 Euro RSCG Worldwide
                 commissioned a survey to
                 map the trajectory of social
                 life and social media usage
                 in the United States, quizzing
                 1,228 Americans from all
                 online demographics. This
                 white paper looks at the
                 macro developments in social
                 media; it also brings in
                 numbers and verbatims about
                 people’s hopes for their
                 social life online and offline
                 before finally drawing
                 conclusions and implications
                 for marketers and
                 their clients.

                         Recent headlines have been dominated by the economic crisis, Barack Obama, wars in
                                   Afghanistan and Iraq, and health-care reform, but just behind those
                                         headlines has been a steadily growing buzz about social media.
                                             Corporations everywhere have been keen to install knowledgeable
                                                 executives to help get them up to speed.

                                                          A notable example came in early 2009, when The New
                                                           York Times named Jennifer Preston its first social
                                                             media editor.i A document that apparently is an
                                                              internal memo about the appointment raised ideas
                                                               that apply to many organizations. It’s a clear,
                                                                cogent and jargon-free explanation of social
                                                                 media: “…an awful lot of people are finding
                                                                   our work not by coming to our homepage or
                                                                   looking at our newspaper but through alerts and
                                                                   recommendations from their friends and colleagues.
                                                                   So we ought to learn how to reach those people
                                                                  effectively and serve them well. At the same time,
                                                                  more of us are using social networks to find sources,
                                                                 contacts and information.”

                                                           Anyone who hasn’t heard or read the words “social
                                                         media” many hundreds of times this year has either
                                                       been on a retreat or a round-the-world sailing trip. Or
                                                     maybe they haven’t realized that Facebook, Flickr,
                                                  YouTube, Twitter, Wikipedia, blogs and online forums are all
                                               forms of social media. What makes these forms of media
                                          different from traditional media such as TV and printed newspapers
                                     and magazines is their scope for interaction. As social media pioneer
                           Robert Scoble put it on his blog in 2007, “When I say ‘social media’ or ‘new media’
                         I’m talking about Internet media that has the ability to interact with it in some way.”ii

                         The graph shows the rise in the search volume index of the term “social media” on Google, meaning
                         the change in the proportion of searches using that term relative to total searches on Google.

Scoble and plenty of other digerati aren’t too keen on the term itself. But all these new,
related phenomena need some sort of collective term, and “social media” seems to have
stuck; it’s now the shorthand term increasingly used to refer to interactive media. The
Google Trends graph on the previous page shows its steady rise over the past three
years. So for the purposes of this paper, we’re using the term social media.

The key factor of social media is the network effect. With traditional media, each
additional user is just another set of eyes for the media owner and of no benefit to the
other users. With social media, each additional user is potentially another resource for
all other users. The bigger the user base, the more attractive it becomes for other
people. As users are now connecting with real-time digital technology, the speed and
scale of changes are both increasing rapidly.

At the time this was written, more than five billion tweets had been posted on Twitteriii
with around 20 million a day being added,iv compared with three million a day in March
2008.v Facebook reckons to have 300 million active users, of whom half log in on any
given day. More than 65 million users access Facebook through mobile devices, and
they’re twice as active as nonmobile Wikipedia had 67 million unique visitors in
September 2009vii and counts around 85,000 active contributors.viii

These huge numbers for social media speak volumes—but always bear in mind that they
move fast and are quickly out of date.

                        HYPE, FEARS AND REALITY

                         Interactions with friends far and near become more
                         meaningful as social media matures.
                        Like most rapid new developments, social media are hyped to the skies by some, feared
                        by others, ignored by many and used pragmatically by a smart few.

                        There are the oh-so-smart early adopters and the wide-eyed technophiles and the
                        digital foghorn evangelists and the bandwagon-jumpers and of course the social media
                        professionals; they are all proclaiming social media as the ultimate game-changer.
                        Then there are the doomsters warning that social media could cause terrible damage
                        to everything from children’s development right up to democracy itself. There are the
                        skeptics, the technophobes and the traditionalists who think it’s all a passing fad. And
                        there are the pragmatists—experimenting, watching and seeing what works.

                        Which of them is right? When in doubt, look at the evidence.

                        From 2007 through his inauguration in 2009, Barack Obama’s presidential campaign
                        made astute use of Facebook and MySpace. His campaign mastermind, David Plouffe,
                        has described it as a marriage between digital technology and grassroots campaigning.
                        Despite the proclamations of social media boosters, Plouffe made it clear that old-
                        school technology was crucial.ix

                        In the run-up to the Iranian presidential elections in June 2009, the government
                        blocked access to Facebook, which was being used by candidates running against
                        President Ahmadinejad. In the dispute following the election, one of the main
                        challengers, Mir Hossein Mousavi, used Facebook as a way of getting his message out.x

Protesters in Iran and their supporters outside used Twitter messaging to report news
and coordinate activities. The White House even asked Twitter to delay a network
upgrade in order to protect the interests of Iranians using the service.xi The protests
made a mark, but the election result was upheld.

In October 2009, a British member of Parliament asked a question about an oil
company in the House of Commons. The company’s lawyers served a media injunction
preventing any reporting of the question and a so-called super-injunction preventing
U.K. media from mentioning the original injunction.xii Within a very short time, the key
facts were all over Twitter and the injunctions were withdrawn.

Probably the most convincing endorsement of social media has come from the experts in
epidemics, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the U.S. Its webpage
“Social Media at CDC” ( offers an impressive range of social media
options for people to stay in touch with the latest on issues such as H1N1 (aka swine
flu). There are links to Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, DailyStrength, CDC’s YouTube
channel, CDC’s Flickr site, CDC on iTunes and CDC’s Second Life Island,xiii as well as
blogs, buttons, badges, content syndication, e-cards, e-games, mobile services, RSS feeds
and widgets. From a social media perspective, CDC might well be the most viral of all

   KEY TAKEAWAY: In most cases, social media can’t be expected to do the whole job on their own, whatever
   the job is. However, they are now a vital consideration in any communications strategy in any country where
   digital media are accessible to citizens and consumers.


      I hope to keep my quality relationships better face-to-face by being
      able to keep up with friends more in their daily lives online.

                                  Online is cool to get back in touch with friends

                                  or maybe find like-minded new friends, but the real fun
                                  is hanging out with them.

             Online is a convenience, like a phone. The experts were sure phones
             would kill face-to-face interactions, but they just keep us better

             connected. It’s true for e-mail as well. I was housebound for months

             some years back, and my online life kept me sane and social.

                      Being part of the acting community in Atlanta, I meet fellow actors,

                      network and get early warnings of possible acting opportunities,
                      which are later followed up by face-to-face most times.

      I enjoy having the opportunity to spend time with friends and laugh, and enjoy

      good company. Online socializing allows me to continue to share those same
      experiences with friends from the past who are separated geographically.

Although the social media handle might not be to everybody’s taste, it’s a pretty
accurate shorthand of what we’re talking about. Media are the various means of
storing and transmitting communication, typically about news or products and
typically to multiple recipients. Social refers to the interaction of people, normally in
an informal way.

In social media, the two elements blend and blur in infinite combinations. Consumers use
online and offline elements to create the social interactions they need.

Top Two Box Agreement                       Total   Female    Male     18-24     25-34      35-44   45-54   55-64   65+
Base (All Respondents)                      1,228    626       602       76       279       318     254     183     118

Interaction through electronic means
is more convenient than face-to-face.
                                            48.7% 51.4% 55.6% 48.7% 48.0% 56.0% 55.9% 59.0% 49.2%
Social groupings online can
be truly social.
                                            39.9% 43.0% 36.7% 39.4% 41.6% 38.1% 40.6% 43.7% 33.9%
Social media online enhances
my social life offline.
                                            27.6% 28.1% 27.0% 35.5% 32.6% 29.6% 25.6% 24.0% 14.4%
I don’t feel a big distinction between
online and offline; it’s all interaction.
                                            25.6% 24.8% 26.4% 23.7% 29.4% 23.6% 23.6% 24.0% 29.7%
Online socializing is for sad,
antisocial types. (Disagree)
                                            57.6% 65.7% 49.4% 51.3% 56.6% 54.1% 59.4% 59.0% 67.8%

Whatever the platform, whether Facebook, Twitter, local community or special interest
forums, there are a lot of the same elements typical of face-to-face socializing:
discussions, opinions, requests for advice, gossip, chitchat, jokes, jibes, gripes and games.
Unlike in most face-to-face interactions, however, social media make it possible to pull in
and share media content there and then, such as images, videos, sounds, news stories and
product information. Anything that’s on the Web, or that can be uploaded to the Web,
can be brought into the social interaction.

What’s more, that Web content isn’t just shared remotely; it’s often shared in person. It
has become increasingly common to see people, especially young people, crowded around
a computer or smartphone screen watching funny, amazing or outrageous videos. An
argument over dinner might be settled by consulting Google on a mobile device. The
boundaries among types of media, entertainment, news, gossip and social phenomena are
increasingly fluid.

Earlier this year, for example, middle-aged talent show contestant Susan Boyle was
catapulted to global fame thanks to hundreds of thousands of people telling friends and
family, “You’ve got to see this.” The YouTube video of her first appearance on the show
has scored more than 78 million views.xiv It started as entertainment on a single TV
channel in the U.K., then became a viral video that spread over the Internet and to TV
shows around the world, becoming a news story in its own right that millions of people
shared with links on social media.

                                Susan Boyle’s tally is a huge number, but it’s just a fraction of the one billion views a
                                day, or 11,574 views per second, 694,444 views per minute and 41,666,667 views
                                per hour that YouTube now scores.xv

                                As traditional media such as newspapers and TV channels go online and adopt some
                                of the technologies and techniques of purely social media (e.g., Facebook), they blur
                                the lines between news and social chat. Those outlets now provide space for registered
                                users to respond to news items and editorials, which often turns into lively debate.
                                And they increasingly provide one-button options (“Share” or “E-mail”) to show
                                someone else the piece on social media platforms.

KEY TAKEAWAY: Convergence rules. With social media it’s impossible to predict whether, when, how,
where and in what forms bits of communication will spread. As most traditional media converge online,

communication flows among them and consumers themselves become messengers.

                                THE RISE OF HYPERLOCALISM

                                 I would like to make more friends online that are local that
                                 I could hang out with offline face-to-face.

                                If social media is a concept most familiar to geeks, techies and marketers, then
                                hyperlocalism is even more of an “insider” notion. It’s about the sort of new ways of
                                creating the local awareness and connectedness that virtually disappeared when
                                consumers stopped walking down Main Street and started relying on TV for their

                                In the world of cocooning and commuting, consumers were in one of three places: at
                                home, in transit (typically in a car) or at work. Commutes were getting longer
                                (because of traffic congestion), working hours were getting longer and homes were
                                becoming complete entertainment and communications centers. In the world of
                                cocooning and commuting, it was perfectly possible for things to happen just a block
                                or two away without anybody in the wider neighborhood knowing.

                                Social media are making it quick and easy to create connections with people and
                                businesses in the immediate vicinity. This is happening informally as add-on apps to
                                services such as Twitter and Flickr enable users to find fellow users near them. It’s
                                happening as people meet up by chance and swap social media coordinates. It’s
                                happening more formally as community websites are established, enabling consumers
                                to bookmark special interests and write about local initiatives.

Technologies are popping up to help aggregate locally relevant information. Services
such as EveryBlock,xvi VillageSoup,xvii Topixxviii and track discussions on the
Web and map them to specific locations; they then organize the content by city, state, zip
code, neighborhood, street address, latitude/longitude and discrete place. As hyperlocalism
gains traction, social media commentators see signs of mainstream media getting in on
the action. In October 2009 the Omaha World-Herald Co. announced it had acquired
WikiCity, a community-based social website that serves as an online city guide, providing
information on places, events and people in 22,000 U.S. towns.xix WikiCity lets readers
update their own community pages, giving a bit of a Wikipedia feel.xx

Social media enable people to connect more with each other locally, which helps
strengthen casual relationships and introduce issues of common interest (Who knows
how to install a new printer? What’s happening about that dangerous crossing?). It
provides incentives for people to take a more active interest in their locality, stimulating
conversations, blogs, citizen journalism and local advertising.

The hyperlocal space isn’t just being left to local people and startups. With plenty of
registered users through services such as MyYahoo! and Flickr, Yahoo! has built a strong
position in local services. Google is looking to develop local listing ads as another line of
business. Explaining the concept, the search engine says more than 80 percent of people
look to it for local information; using the LLA facility, advertiser details will show up on
both Google main search and Google Maps.xxi

 KEY TAKEAWAY: The Web is worldwide, but its emerging power is hyperlocal. This is the space where
 what’s virtual (online) meets what’s tangible (offline), with each reinforcing the other.

                         ME/MINE: INTENSE EMPHASIS ON SELF
                         People who spend a lot of time talking and writing about social media sometimes
                         refer to it as SoMe. How right that is. SoMe (not to be confused with some) is very,
                         very personal. It puts each individual right at the heart of his or her social media

                         Social media me/mine is hyperlocalism to the nth degree. Individual consumers can
                         tailor absolutely everything to their own specific taste: the look, feel and themes of
                         their social media gadgets (computer, mobile device, phone); the name, look, feel,
                         themes and content of their blog and their SoMe platform profiles (on Twitter,
                         Facebook, etc.); the people they connect with; the content feeds they subscribe to; the
                         playlists they publish; and the reviews they write.

                         Me/mine is the logical extension of the trend toward personal and personalized that
                         has dominated thinking for decades now: personal computers, personal digital
                         assistants, personal trainers, personal coaches, personal finance and, most recently,
                         personal branding and personalized medicine.

                         The rising generation born since the 1970s, millennials, is absolutely at home with
                         digital technology and social media—and apparently takes it for granted that the self
                         hasn’t always come first. Jean M. Twenge’s book Generation Me comes right out and

says it in the title, going on to explain: “Generation Me has never known a world that put
duty before self and believes that the needs of the individual should come first. This is not
the same thing as being selfish; it is captured, instead, in the phrases we so often hear:
‘Be yourself,’ ‘Believe in yourself,’ ‘You must love yourself before you can love someone
else.’ ”xxii

Whether Twenge and the critics of modern narcissism are right, there’s no doubt social
media put each individual at the heart of his or her media universe and offer a huge
scope for self-promotion.

   KEY TAKEAWAY: Social media enable consumers to be more socially collaborative and to share easily
   across media types. They also, however, condition users to expect quick responses and clear payoffs; after all,
   the next big social media thing is only a click away. The underlying question is always: What’s in it for me?

One of the great benefits of social media is being able to find people with similar
interests and attitudes to one’s own. That can also be one of the big problems; it can
foster polarized opinions, which in turn create political problems.

James A. Thomson, president and CEO of RAND Corp., has said numerous bloggers,
Internet forums, social media, online commentators and talk radio have led to a situation
in the United States in which there is political warfare rather than political debate: “The
proliferation of new, low-cost media, able to aim only at a niche audience, allow people to
hear or to read only what they want to, not exposing them to any challenging thought or
uncomfortable opinion.”xxiii

This is one aspect of the echo-chamber effect of social media. Someone picks up a
comment or a snippet of news they like, passes it to connections who are likely to like it,
and they in turn pass it on. This can easily result in narrow group-think getting narrower
as it feeds on itself.

Social media can also, paradoxically, encourage some decidedly antisocial behavior. When
interactions are mainly online, some participants feel less inhibited than they would if
they were interacting face-to-face, in person. Online, there are no moment-by-moment
nonverbal cues that help keep (most) conversations civil and decent. Words can be
misused or misinterpreted, humor might not be understood as intended and people can
feel they need to express themselves more strongly to make their point or defend their

Agree with the Statement             Total    Female     Male     18-24    25-34     35-44     45-54    55-64     65+
Base (All Respondents)              1,228       626       602      76        279      318       254      183       118

I feel less inhibited interacting
electronically than I                42.6% 45.1% 40.1% 39.5% 50.2% 40.0% 47.3% 35.6% 34.7%
do face-to-face.

                                    This so-called cyberdisinhibition can lead consumers to do ill-advised, inappropriate
                                    things such as engaging in flame wars, cyberstalking and posting compromising or
                                    defamatory content that can be damaging to reputations all around. The notorious
                                    YouTube video of a Domino’s Pizza employee is a case in point.

                                    By the same token, a mild-mannered customer such as country singer Dave Carroll
                                    can feel emboldened to take on a major corporation. Setting off on tour in 2008, his
                                    $3,500 guitar was mishandled by United Airlines baggage handlers in Chicago and
    HAS THE ANONYMITY OF            badly damaged. After nine months of communications, the airline finally declined to
SOME FORMS OF ELECTRONIC            compensate the loss. So Carroll created a music video about the experience, “United
MEDIA LED YOU TO DO ANY OF          Breaks Guitars,” and within 10 days had more than 30 unique placements accruing
          THE FOLLOWING?            3.2 million views and 14,000 comments.xxiv

                                     Total    Female     Male     18-24    25-34     35-44     45-54    55-64     65+
Base (All Respondents)              1,228       626       602      76        279      318       254      183       118

Meet new people                      48.7% 51.4% 55.6% 48.7% 48.0% 56.0% 55.9% 59.0% 49.2%
Feel empowered to do something
you’d been wanting to
                                     31.5% 29.2% 33.9% 34.2% 33.0% 30.8% 30.3% 32.2% 29.7%
Lash out about or at companies
or their brands
                                     20.0% 15.8% 24.4% 17.1% 20.4% 23.0% 19.3% 18.6% 16.9%

Exactly one-fifth of respondents in the Euro RSCG Worldwide survey had lashed out
about or at companies or their brands thanks to the anonymity of some electronic media.
Almost half (48.7 percent) had met new people, and almost one-third (31.5 percent) had
felt empowered to do something they had been wanting to do.

   KEY TAKEAWAY: The more interactions happen online, with no direct offline contact, the more likely they
   are to tilt toward extreme behavior. It’s important to blend both online and offline elements.

Embrace the trend, ride the fads. Although it’s important for brands and
marketers to get on top of today’s social media platforms, it’s also important not to get
hung up on them. Consumers can be fickle, and with digital technology it’s easy for them
to switch allegiance. Any of today’s hot social media brands could fall from favor
frighteningly fast if the crowd decides to move on.

The crucial factor is not the specific technologies, which might be fads, but the functional
benefits of social media for consumers. One of the most-prized benefits of the moment is
connectivity with mobility. ISPs are gearing up to implement ubiquitous wireless
broadband such as WiMax and Mi-Fi; location-based services are adding another
dimension of value to mobile devices.

The future of social media is likely to combine sociability, mobility, bandwidth, location
relevance and low cost. These should be on the checklist of all brands looking to join in.

Aim to participate, not dominate. In traditional media, brands have often called
the shots; they’ve certainly claimed the right to grab consumers’ attention with
advertising. In social media, most brands are absolutely peripheral much of the time. If a
brand comes up in an interaction, it might be because they’ve messed up somehow (e.g.,
made a PR blunder), because they’ve made an entertaining video that consumers want to
share or because they have a hot new product.

In social media, consumers are mainly interested in one another, and brands need to be
acutely interested in their leaders—the “prosumers,” or proactive, social media early
adopters who influence other users.

No matter what, a brand has to come into the interaction organically; if the brand tries
to orchestrate an appearance, it risks being seen as a pushy salesman making a pitch at a
party. Rather, brands must figure out creative ways to foster and support the social
interactions that consumers seek online and offline. They must aim to be involved in

                         interactions rather than be the subject or star of them. And their interactions need to
                         be “trialogues,” or multi-way exchanges of ideas and opinions among consumers and
                         brands, which matter now more than ever.

                         Stop thinking online/offline; start thinking interaction. It’s tempting for
                         old-school marketers of all ages to think in terms of online and offline, old media and
                         new media, traditional media and social media, just as some still talk about above the
                         line, below the line and through the line. In a world where hundreds of millions of
                         people switch between online and offline interactions many times a day, making a
                         division between online and offline makes no sense. For brands and marketers, the
                         watchwords must be “social interaction” by whatever blends of means do the job at
                         the time.

                         The “set piece” thinking of the old media world has limited relevance, at best, in an
                         interactive world of social media where things move and change very fast. Unlike in
                         the old media world, senior executives now cannot—must not—leave communication
                         to people lower down in the organization. People throughout corporations have to be
                         using social media often enough to understand them and their possibilities as
                         consumers, as real users.

                         Pay attention to location-specific initiatives. The bigger the corporation or
                         brand, the greater the tendency for big, remote thinking. This doesn’t play so well with
                         social media, because the most powerful interactions are those with “local,” face-to-
                         face qualities.

                         Typically the challenge for a growing business is how to scale up—to move from
                         small, hands-on and local to big and hands-off. With social media the challenge is
                         being able to stay big but scale down and deliver hands-on and local.


























                         PHOTO CREDITS
                         Inside front:
                         Page 3:
                         (from left)
                         Page 4:
                         (clockwise from top)
               ; Google Trends;
                         Page 5:
                         (from top)
                legay; Consulting
                         Page 6:
                         (from top)
               ; Roventine: Out & About
                         Page 7:
                         (from top)
               ; Voyager
                         Page 8:
                         Page 9:
                         Page 10:
                         Page 11:
                         (from left)
                         Page 12:
                         (from top)
                         Page 14:
                in LDN
                         Page 15:
                         Page 16:
                         Inside back:

                         MicroDialogue LLC conducted the proprietary quantitative research and analyzed thousands
                         of verbatims and other conversations across blogs,Twitter and forums for this study.
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Social Life and Social Media

  • 2.
  • 3. WHITE PAPER: SOCIAL LIFE AND SOCIAL MEDIA 3 In October 2009, Euro RSCG Worldwide commissioned a survey to map the trajectory of social life and social media usage in the United States, quizzing 1,228 Americans from all online demographics. This white paper looks at the macro developments in social media; it also brings in numbers and verbatims about people’s hopes for their social life online and offline before finally drawing conclusions and implications for marketers and their clients.
  • 4. 4 WHITE PAPER: SOCIAL LIFE AND SOCIAL MEDIA INTRODUCTION Recent headlines have been dominated by the economic crisis, Barack Obama, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and health-care reform, but just behind those headlines has been a steadily growing buzz about social media. Corporations everywhere have been keen to install knowledgeable executives to help get them up to speed. A notable example came in early 2009, when The New York Times named Jennifer Preston its first social media editor.i A document that apparently is an internal memo about the appointment raised ideas that apply to many organizations. It’s a clear, cogent and jargon-free explanation of social media: “…an awful lot of people are finding our work not by coming to our homepage or looking at our newspaper but through alerts and recommendations from their friends and colleagues. So we ought to learn how to reach those people effectively and serve them well. At the same time, more of us are using social networks to find sources, contacts and information.” Anyone who hasn’t heard or read the words “social media” many hundreds of times this year has either been on a retreat or a round-the-world sailing trip. Or maybe they haven’t realized that Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, Twitter, Wikipedia, blogs and online forums are all forms of social media. What makes these forms of media different from traditional media such as TV and printed newspapers and magazines is their scope for interaction. As social media pioneer Robert Scoble put it on his blog in 2007, “When I say ‘social media’ or ‘new media’ I’m talking about Internet media that has the ability to interact with it in some way.”ii The graph shows the rise in the search volume index of the term “social media” on Google, meaning the change in the proportion of searches using that term relative to total searches on Google.
  • 5. WHITE PAPER: SOCIAL LIFE AND SOCIAL MEDIA 5 Scoble and plenty of other digerati aren’t too keen on the term itself. But all these new, related phenomena need some sort of collective term, and “social media” seems to have stuck; it’s now the shorthand term increasingly used to refer to interactive media. The Google Trends graph on the previous page shows its steady rise over the past three years. So for the purposes of this paper, we’re using the term social media. The key factor of social media is the network effect. With traditional media, each additional user is just another set of eyes for the media owner and of no benefit to the other users. With social media, each additional user is potentially another resource for all other users. The bigger the user base, the more attractive it becomes for other people. As users are now connecting with real-time digital technology, the speed and scale of changes are both increasing rapidly. At the time this was written, more than five billion tweets had been posted on Twitteriii with around 20 million a day being added,iv compared with three million a day in March 2008.v Facebook reckons to have 300 million active users, of whom half log in on any given day. More than 65 million users access Facebook through mobile devices, and they’re twice as active as nonmobile Wikipedia had 67 million unique visitors in September 2009vii and counts around 85,000 active contributors.viii These huge numbers for social media speak volumes—but always bear in mind that they move fast and are quickly out of date.
  • 6. 6 WHITE PAPER: SOCIAL LIFE AND SOCIAL MEDIA “ HYPE, FEARS AND REALITY ” Interactions with friends far and near become more meaningful as social media matures. Like most rapid new developments, social media are hyped to the skies by some, feared by others, ignored by many and used pragmatically by a smart few. There are the oh-so-smart early adopters and the wide-eyed technophiles and the digital foghorn evangelists and the bandwagon-jumpers and of course the social media professionals; they are all proclaiming social media as the ultimate game-changer. Then there are the doomsters warning that social media could cause terrible damage to everything from children’s development right up to democracy itself. There are the skeptics, the technophobes and the traditionalists who think it’s all a passing fad. And there are the pragmatists—experimenting, watching and seeing what works. Which of them is right? When in doubt, look at the evidence. From 2007 through his inauguration in 2009, Barack Obama’s presidential campaign made astute use of Facebook and MySpace. His campaign mastermind, David Plouffe, has described it as a marriage between digital technology and grassroots campaigning. Despite the proclamations of social media boosters, Plouffe made it clear that old- school technology was crucial.ix In the run-up to the Iranian presidential elections in June 2009, the government blocked access to Facebook, which was being used by candidates running against President Ahmadinejad. In the dispute following the election, one of the main challengers, Mir Hossein Mousavi, used Facebook as a way of getting his message out.x
  • 7. WHITE PAPER: SOCIAL LIFE AND SOCIAL MEDIA 7 Protesters in Iran and their supporters outside used Twitter messaging to report news and coordinate activities. The White House even asked Twitter to delay a network upgrade in order to protect the interests of Iranians using the service.xi The protests made a mark, but the election result was upheld. In October 2009, a British member of Parliament asked a question about an oil company in the House of Commons. The company’s lawyers served a media injunction preventing any reporting of the question and a so-called super-injunction preventing U.K. media from mentioning the original injunction.xii Within a very short time, the key facts were all over Twitter and the injunctions were withdrawn. Probably the most convincing endorsement of social media has come from the experts in epidemics, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the U.S. Its webpage “Social Media at CDC” ( offers an impressive range of social media options for people to stay in touch with the latest on issues such as H1N1 (aka swine flu). There are links to Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, DailyStrength, CDC’s YouTube channel, CDC’s Flickr site, CDC on iTunes and CDC’s Second Life Island,xiii as well as blogs, buttons, badges, content syndication, e-cards, e-games, mobile services, RSS feeds and widgets. From a social media perspective, CDC might well be the most viral of all organizations. KEY TAKEAWAY: In most cases, social media can’t be expected to do the whole job on their own, whatever the job is. However, they are now a vital consideration in any communications strategy in any country where digital media are accessible to citizens and consumers.
  • 8. “ 8 WHITE PAPER: SOCIAL LIFE AND SOCIAL MEDIA “ SOCIAL MEDIA MEANS A BLURRING OF SOCIAL AND MEDIA ” I hope to keep my quality relationships better face-to-face by being able to keep up with friends more in their daily lives online. “ Online is cool to get back in touch with friends ” or maybe find like-minded new friends, but the real fun is hanging out with them. “ Online is a convenience, like a phone. The experts were sure phones would kill face-to-face interactions, but they just keep us better ” connected. It’s true for e-mail as well. I was housebound for months “ some years back, and my online life kept me sane and social. Being part of the acting community in Atlanta, I meet fellow actors, ” network and get early warnings of possible acting opportunities, which are later followed up by face-to-face most times. I enjoy having the opportunity to spend time with friends and laugh, and enjoy ” good company. Online socializing allows me to continue to share those same experiences with friends from the past who are separated geographically.
  • 9. WHITE PAPER: SOCIAL LIFE AND SOCIAL MEDIA 9 Although the social media handle might not be to everybody’s taste, it’s a pretty accurate shorthand of what we’re talking about. Media are the various means of storing and transmitting communication, typically about news or products and typically to multiple recipients. Social refers to the interaction of people, normally in an informal way. In social media, the two elements blend and blur in infinite combinations. Consumers use online and offline elements to create the social interactions they need. Top Two Box Agreement Total Female Male 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Base (All Respondents) 1,228 626 602 76 279 318 254 183 118 Interaction through electronic means is more convenient than face-to-face. 48.7% 51.4% 55.6% 48.7% 48.0% 56.0% 55.9% 59.0% 49.2% Social groupings online can be truly social. 39.9% 43.0% 36.7% 39.4% 41.6% 38.1% 40.6% 43.7% 33.9% Social media online enhances my social life offline. 27.6% 28.1% 27.0% 35.5% 32.6% 29.6% 25.6% 24.0% 14.4% I don’t feel a big distinction between online and offline; it’s all interaction. 25.6% 24.8% 26.4% 23.7% 29.4% 23.6% 23.6% 24.0% 29.7% Online socializing is for sad, antisocial types. (Disagree) 57.6% 65.7% 49.4% 51.3% 56.6% 54.1% 59.4% 59.0% 67.8% Whatever the platform, whether Facebook, Twitter, local community or special interest forums, there are a lot of the same elements typical of face-to-face socializing: discussions, opinions, requests for advice, gossip, chitchat, jokes, jibes, gripes and games. Unlike in most face-to-face interactions, however, social media make it possible to pull in and share media content there and then, such as images, videos, sounds, news stories and product information. Anything that’s on the Web, or that can be uploaded to the Web, can be brought into the social interaction. What’s more, that Web content isn’t just shared remotely; it’s often shared in person. It has become increasingly common to see people, especially young people, crowded around a computer or smartphone screen watching funny, amazing or outrageous videos. An argument over dinner might be settled by consulting Google on a mobile device. The boundaries among types of media, entertainment, news, gossip and social phenomena are increasingly fluid. Earlier this year, for example, middle-aged talent show contestant Susan Boyle was catapulted to global fame thanks to hundreds of thousands of people telling friends and family, “You’ve got to see this.” The YouTube video of her first appearance on the show has scored more than 78 million views.xiv It started as entertainment on a single TV channel in the U.K., then became a viral video that spread over the Internet and to TV shows around the world, becoming a news story in its own right that millions of people shared with links on social media.
  • 10. 10 WHITE PAPER: SOCIAL LIFE AND SOCIAL MEDIA Susan Boyle’s tally is a huge number, but it’s just a fraction of the one billion views a day, or 11,574 views per second, 694,444 views per minute and 41,666,667 views per hour that YouTube now scores.xv As traditional media such as newspapers and TV channels go online and adopt some of the technologies and techniques of purely social media (e.g., Facebook), they blur the lines between news and social chat. Those outlets now provide space for registered users to respond to news items and editorials, which often turns into lively debate. And they increasingly provide one-button options (“Share” or “E-mail”) to show someone else the piece on social media platforms. KEY TAKEAWAY: Convergence rules. With social media it’s impossible to predict whether, when, how, where and in what forms bits of communication will spread. As most traditional media converge online, “ communication flows among them and consumers themselves become messengers. THE RISE OF HYPERLOCALISM ” I would like to make more friends online that are local that I could hang out with offline face-to-face. If social media is a concept most familiar to geeks, techies and marketers, then hyperlocalism is even more of an “insider” notion. It’s about the sort of new ways of creating the local awareness and connectedness that virtually disappeared when consumers stopped walking down Main Street and started relying on TV for their news. In the world of cocooning and commuting, consumers were in one of three places: at home, in transit (typically in a car) or at work. Commutes were getting longer (because of traffic congestion), working hours were getting longer and homes were becoming complete entertainment and communications centers. In the world of cocooning and commuting, it was perfectly possible for things to happen just a block or two away without anybody in the wider neighborhood knowing. Social media are making it quick and easy to create connections with people and businesses in the immediate vicinity. This is happening informally as add-on apps to services such as Twitter and Flickr enable users to find fellow users near them. It’s happening as people meet up by chance and swap social media coordinates. It’s happening more formally as community websites are established, enabling consumers to bookmark special interests and write about local initiatives.
  • 11. WHITE PAPER: SOCIAL LIFE AND SOCIAL MEDIA 11 Technologies are popping up to help aggregate locally relevant information. Services such as EveryBlock,xvi VillageSoup,xvii Topixxviii and track discussions on the Web and map them to specific locations; they then organize the content by city, state, zip code, neighborhood, street address, latitude/longitude and discrete place. As hyperlocalism gains traction, social media commentators see signs of mainstream media getting in on the action. In October 2009 the Omaha World-Herald Co. announced it had acquired WikiCity, a community-based social website that serves as an online city guide, providing information on places, events and people in 22,000 U.S. towns.xix WikiCity lets readers update their own community pages, giving a bit of a Wikipedia feel.xx Social media enable people to connect more with each other locally, which helps strengthen casual relationships and introduce issues of common interest (Who knows how to install a new printer? What’s happening about that dangerous crossing?). It provides incentives for people to take a more active interest in their locality, stimulating conversations, blogs, citizen journalism and local advertising. The hyperlocal space isn’t just being left to local people and startups. With plenty of registered users through services such as MyYahoo! and Flickr, Yahoo! has built a strong position in local services. Google is looking to develop local listing ads as another line of business. Explaining the concept, the search engine says more than 80 percent of people look to it for local information; using the LLA facility, advertiser details will show up on both Google main search and Google Maps.xxi KEY TAKEAWAY: The Web is worldwide, but its emerging power is hyperlocal. This is the space where what’s virtual (online) meets what’s tangible (offline), with each reinforcing the other.
  • 12. 12 WHITE PAPER: SOCIAL LIFE AND SOCIAL MEDIA ME/MINE: INTENSE EMPHASIS ON SELF People who spend a lot of time talking and writing about social media sometimes refer to it as SoMe. How right that is. SoMe (not to be confused with some) is very, very personal. It puts each individual right at the heart of his or her social media world. Social media me/mine is hyperlocalism to the nth degree. Individual consumers can tailor absolutely everything to their own specific taste: the look, feel and themes of their social media gadgets (computer, mobile device, phone); the name, look, feel, themes and content of their blog and their SoMe platform profiles (on Twitter, Facebook, etc.); the people they connect with; the content feeds they subscribe to; the playlists they publish; and the reviews they write. Me/mine is the logical extension of the trend toward personal and personalized that has dominated thinking for decades now: personal computers, personal digital assistants, personal trainers, personal coaches, personal finance and, most recently, personal branding and personalized medicine. The rising generation born since the 1970s, millennials, is absolutely at home with digital technology and social media—and apparently takes it for granted that the self hasn’t always come first. Jean M. Twenge’s book Generation Me comes right out and
  • 13. WHITE PAPER: SOCIAL LIFE AND SOCIAL MEDIA 13 says it in the title, going on to explain: “Generation Me has never known a world that put duty before self and believes that the needs of the individual should come first. This is not the same thing as being selfish; it is captured, instead, in the phrases we so often hear: ‘Be yourself,’ ‘Believe in yourself,’ ‘You must love yourself before you can love someone else.’ ”xxii Whether Twenge and the critics of modern narcissism are right, there’s no doubt social media put each individual at the heart of his or her media universe and offer a huge scope for self-promotion. KEY TAKEAWAY: Social media enable consumers to be more socially collaborative and to share easily across media types. They also, however, condition users to expect quick responses and clear payoffs; after all, the next big social media thing is only a click away. The underlying question is always: What’s in it for me? MORE DARING—BUT EXTREMES GET MORE EXTREME One of the great benefits of social media is being able to find people with similar interests and attitudes to one’s own. That can also be one of the big problems; it can foster polarized opinions, which in turn create political problems. James A. Thomson, president and CEO of RAND Corp., has said numerous bloggers, Internet forums, social media, online commentators and talk radio have led to a situation in the United States in which there is political warfare rather than political debate: “The proliferation of new, low-cost media, able to aim only at a niche audience, allow people to hear or to read only what they want to, not exposing them to any challenging thought or uncomfortable opinion.”xxiii This is one aspect of the echo-chamber effect of social media. Someone picks up a comment or a snippet of news they like, passes it to connections who are likely to like it, and they in turn pass it on. This can easily result in narrow group-think getting narrower as it feeds on itself. Social media can also, paradoxically, encourage some decidedly antisocial behavior. When interactions are mainly online, some participants feel less inhibited than they would if they were interacting face-to-face, in person. Online, there are no moment-by-moment nonverbal cues that help keep (most) conversations civil and decent. Words can be misused or misinterpreted, humor might not be understood as intended and people can feel they need to express themselves more strongly to make their point or defend their position.
  • 14. 14 WHITE PAPER: SOCIAL LIFE AND SOCIAL MEDIA Agree with the Statement Total Female Male 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Base (All Respondents) 1,228 626 602 76 279 318 254 183 118 I feel less inhibited interacting electronically than I 42.6% 45.1% 40.1% 39.5% 50.2% 40.0% 47.3% 35.6% 34.7% do face-to-face. This so-called cyberdisinhibition can lead consumers to do ill-advised, inappropriate things such as engaging in flame wars, cyberstalking and posting compromising or defamatory content that can be damaging to reputations all around. The notorious YouTube video of a Domino’s Pizza employee is a case in point. By the same token, a mild-mannered customer such as country singer Dave Carroll can feel emboldened to take on a major corporation. Setting off on tour in 2008, his $3,500 guitar was mishandled by United Airlines baggage handlers in Chicago and HAS THE ANONYMITY OF badly damaged. After nine months of communications, the airline finally declined to SOME FORMS OF ELECTRONIC compensate the loss. So Carroll created a music video about the experience, “United MEDIA LED YOU TO DO ANY OF Breaks Guitars,” and within 10 days had more than 30 unique placements accruing THE FOLLOWING? 3.2 million views and 14,000 comments.xxiv Total Female Male 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Base (All Respondents) 1,228 626 602 76 279 318 254 183 118 Meet new people 48.7% 51.4% 55.6% 48.7% 48.0% 56.0% 55.9% 59.0% 49.2% Feel empowered to do something you’d been wanting to 31.5% 29.2% 33.9% 34.2% 33.0% 30.8% 30.3% 32.2% 29.7% Lash out about or at companies or their brands 20.0% 15.8% 24.4% 17.1% 20.4% 23.0% 19.3% 18.6% 16.9%
  • 15. WHITE PAPER: SOCIAL LIFE AND SOCIAL MEDIA 15 Exactly one-fifth of respondents in the Euro RSCG Worldwide survey had lashed out about or at companies or their brands thanks to the anonymity of some electronic media. Almost half (48.7 percent) had met new people, and almost one-third (31.5 percent) had felt empowered to do something they had been wanting to do. KEY TAKEAWAY: The more interactions happen online, with no direct offline contact, the more likely they are to tilt toward extreme behavior. It’s important to blend both online and offline elements. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR BRANDS AND MARKETERS Embrace the trend, ride the fads. Although it’s important for brands and marketers to get on top of today’s social media platforms, it’s also important not to get hung up on them. Consumers can be fickle, and with digital technology it’s easy for them to switch allegiance. Any of today’s hot social media brands could fall from favor frighteningly fast if the crowd decides to move on. The crucial factor is not the specific technologies, which might be fads, but the functional benefits of social media for consumers. One of the most-prized benefits of the moment is connectivity with mobility. ISPs are gearing up to implement ubiquitous wireless broadband such as WiMax and Mi-Fi; location-based services are adding another dimension of value to mobile devices. The future of social media is likely to combine sociability, mobility, bandwidth, location relevance and low cost. These should be on the checklist of all brands looking to join in. Aim to participate, not dominate. In traditional media, brands have often called the shots; they’ve certainly claimed the right to grab consumers’ attention with advertising. In social media, most brands are absolutely peripheral much of the time. If a brand comes up in an interaction, it might be because they’ve messed up somehow (e.g., made a PR blunder), because they’ve made an entertaining video that consumers want to share or because they have a hot new product. In social media, consumers are mainly interested in one another, and brands need to be acutely interested in their leaders—the “prosumers,” or proactive, social media early adopters who influence other users. No matter what, a brand has to come into the interaction organically; if the brand tries to orchestrate an appearance, it risks being seen as a pushy salesman making a pitch at a party. Rather, brands must figure out creative ways to foster and support the social interactions that consumers seek online and offline. They must aim to be involved in
  • 16. 16 WHITE PAPER: SOCIAL LIFE AND SOCIAL MEDIA interactions rather than be the subject or star of them. And their interactions need to be “trialogues,” or multi-way exchanges of ideas and opinions among consumers and brands, which matter now more than ever. Stop thinking online/offline; start thinking interaction. It’s tempting for old-school marketers of all ages to think in terms of online and offline, old media and new media, traditional media and social media, just as some still talk about above the line, below the line and through the line. In a world where hundreds of millions of people switch between online and offline interactions many times a day, making a division between online and offline makes no sense. For brands and marketers, the watchwords must be “social interaction” by whatever blends of means do the job at the time. The “set piece” thinking of the old media world has limited relevance, at best, in an interactive world of social media where things move and change very fast. Unlike in the old media world, senior executives now cannot—must not—leave communication to people lower down in the organization. People throughout corporations have to be using social media often enough to understand them and their possibilities as consumers, as real users. Pay attention to location-specific initiatives. The bigger the corporation or brand, the greater the tendency for big, remote thinking. This doesn’t play so well with social media, because the most powerful interactions are those with “local,” face-to- face qualities. Typically the challenge for a growing business is how to scale up—to move from small, hands-on and local to big and hands-off. With social media the challenge is being able to stay big but scale down and deliver hands-on and local.
  • 17. WHITE PAPER: SOCIAL LIFE AND SOCIAL MEDIA 17 FOOTNOTES i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x,_2009 xi,8599,1905125,00.html xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx xxi xxii xxiii, xxiv
  • 18. 18 WHITE PAPER: SOCIAL LIFE AND SOCIAL MEDIA PHOTO CREDITS Cover: Inside front: legay Page 3: (from left); Page 4: (clockwise from top); Google Trends; Page 5: (from top) legay; Consulting Page 6: (from top); Roventine: Out & About Page 7: (from top); Voyager Page 8: Page 9: Page 10: Page 11: (from left)™; Page 12: (from top); Page 14: in LDN Page 15: Page 16: Inside back: legay MicroDialogue LLC conducted the proprietary quantitative research and analyzed thousands of verbatims and other conversations across blogs,Twitter and forums for this study.