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from Madness to Reason
from React to ReasonReact
Why should I care? 🤔
Effective & Functional
But Still Practical
Statically Type Checked
Compiler Errors
We've found a bug for you!
/workspace/reason/src/ 20:30
19 │ let age = 2;
20 │ let greeting = greet(Student(1));
21 │
22 │ Js.log(greeting);
This has type:
But somewhere wanted:
You can convert a int to a string with string_of_int.
Good Support For
Immutable Programming
Automatic Type Inference
(less type definitions)
the “Madness”
let name = "Reason";
let age = 2;
let greet = () => "Hello World!";
Language Basics
Algebraic data types
type name = option(string); /* None | Some(“Reason”) */
type state = { items: array(string), length: number };
type schoolPerson =
| Teacher
| Director
| Student(string);
type schoolPerson = Teacher | Director | Student(string);
let greet = stranger =>
switch (stranger) {
| Teacher => "Hey professor!"
| Director => "Hello director."
| Student("Richard") => "Still here Ricky?"
| Student(anyOtherName) => "Hey, " ++ anyOtherName ++ "."
greet(Teacher); /* Hey professor! */
greet(Student("OCaml")); /* Hey, OCaml. */
Variants & Pattern Matching
Pattern Matching Exhaustiveness
Warning number 8
/workspace/reason/src/ 7:3-12:3
5 │
6 │ let greet = stranger =>
7 │ switch (stranger) {
8 │ | Teacher => "Hey professor!"
. │ ...
11 │ /* | Student(anyOtherName) => "Hey " ++ anyOtherName ++ "." */
12 │ };
13 │
14 │ print_endline(greet(Teacher));
You forgot to handle a possible value here, for example:
Student ""
type userT = option(string);
let userOne = Some("X");
let userTwo = None;
let printPlayerName = player =>
switch (player) {
| Some(name) => "Logged in as " ++ name
| None => "Not logged in"
Option type
Why Reason then? 🤔
“We want people to be
able to use powerful, well-
typed languages at work,
not just in their free time.”
- Jordan Walke
How Do I Start 🧐
CRA & Redux
|- public/
|- node_modules/
|- public/
|- src/
| |- components/
| | |- flight-list.js
| |- state/
| | |- action/
| | | |- index.js
| | |- reducer/
| | | |- index.js
| | |- store.js
| |- App.js
| |- index.js
| package.json
| bsconfig.json
| yarn.lock
|- public/
|- node_modules/
|- public/
|- src/
| |- components/
| | |- flight-list.js
| |- state/
| | |- action/
| | | |- index.js
| | |- reducer/
| | | |- index.js
| | |- store.js
| |- App.js
| |- index.js
| package.json
| bsconfig.json
| yarn.lock
yarn add bs-platform reason-react
"name": "my-project",
"namespace": true,
"sources": [
"dir": "src",
"subdirs": true
"package-specs": {
"module": "es6-global",
"in-source": true
"suffix": ".bs.js",
"bs-dependencies": ["reason-react"],
"reason": {
"react-jsx": 2
|- public/
|- node_modules/
|- public/
|- src/
| |- components/
| | |- flight-list.js
| |- state/
| | |- action/
| | | |- index.js
| | |- reducer/
| | | |- index.js
| | |- store.js
| |- App.js
| |- index.js
| package.json
| bsconfig.json
| yarn.lock
"name": "from-react-to-reason",
"version": "0.1.0",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"bs-platform": "^3.0.0",
"flow-bin": "^0.72.0",
"react": "^16.3.2",
"react-dom": "^16.3.2",
"react-redux": "^5.0.7",
"react-scripts": "1.1.4",
"reason-react": "^0.4.1",
"redux": "^4.0.0",
"redux-thunk": "^2.2.0"
"scripts": {
"start": "react-scripts start",
"build": "react-scripts build",
"test": "react-scripts test --env=jsdom",
"eject": "react-scripts eject",
"bsb": "bsb -make-world -w"
|- public/
|- node_modules/
|- public/
|- src/
| |- components/
| | |- flight-list.js
| |- state/
| | |- action/
| | | |- index.js
| | |- reducer/
| | | |- index.js
| | |- store.js
| |- App.js
| |- index.js
| package.json
| bsconfig.json
| yarn.lock
"bsb": "bsb -make-world -w"
[@bs.deriving jsConverter]
type flightInfo = {
airline: string,
price: int,
duration: float,
|- public/
|- node_modules/
|- public/
|- src/
| |- components/
| | |- flight-list.js
| |- state/
| | |- action/
| | | |- index.js
| | |- reducer/
| | | |- index.js
| | |- store.js
| |- App.js
| |- index.js
| |-
| package.json
| bsconfig.json
| yarn.lock
Record Type
function flightInfoToJs(param) {
return {
airline: param[ /* airline */0],
price: param[ /* price */1],
duration: param[ /* duration */2]
function flightInfoFromJs(param) {
return /* record */[
/* airline */param.airline,
/* price */param.price,
/* duration */param.duration
export {
flightInfoToJs ,
flightInfoFromJs ,
/* No side effect */
|- public/
|- node_modules/
|- public/
|- src/
| |- components/
| | |- flight-list.js
| |- state/
| | |- action/
| | | |- index.js
| | |- reducer/
| | | |- index.js
| | |- store.js
| |- App.js
| |- index.js
| |-
| package.json
| bsconfig.json
| yarn.lock
import {
type actionT,
} from ' ../action';
const initialState = {
loading: false,
flights: [],
error: null,
export default (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return { ...state, loading: true };
return { ...state, loading: false, flights: };
return { ...state, error: action.payload.error };
return state;
|- public/
|- node_modules/
|- public/
|- src/
| |- components/
| | |- flight-list.js
| |- state/
| | |- action/
| | | |- index.js
| | |- reducer/
| | | |- index.js
| | |- store.js
| |- App.js
| |- index.js
| |-
| package.json
| bsconfig.json
| yarn.lock
type flightsData = array(Types.flightInfo);
[@bs.deriving jsConverter]
type state = {
loading: bool,
flights: flightsData,
error: option(Js.Exn.t)
let initialState = {
loading: false,
flights: [ ||],
error: None
let default = (state, action) =>
switch (action ##_type) {
| "REQUEST_FLIGHTS" => { ...state, loading: true}
flights:, action ##payload ##flights),
loading: false,
| "FAILURE_FLIGHTS" => { ...state, error: action ##payload ##error}
|- public/
|- node_modules/
|- public/
|- src/
| |- components/
| | |- flight-list.js
| |- state/
| | |- action/
| | | |- index.js
| | |- reducer/
| | | |- index.js
| | | |-
| | |- store.js
| |- App.js
| |- index.js
| |-
| package.json
| bsconfig.json
| yarn.lock
Warning number 8
/Users/roman/workspace/from-react-to-reason/src/state/reducer/ 21:3-30:3
19 │
20 │ let default = (state, action) =>
21 │ switch (action##_type) {
22 │ | "REQUEST_FLIGHTS" => {...state, loading: true}
. │ ...
29 │ | “FAILURE_FLIGHTS" => {...state, error: action##payload##error}
30 │ };
31 │
32 │ /* let default = (state, action) => {
You forgot to handle a possible value here, for example:
type flightsData = array(Types.flightInfo);
type state = {
loading: bool,
flights: flightsData,
error: option(Js.Exn.t)
let initialState = {
loading: false,
flights: [ ||],
error: None
let default = (state, action) =>
switch (action ##_type) {
| "REQUEST_FLIGHTS" => { ...state, loading: true}
flights:, action ##payload ##flights),
loading: false,
| "FAILURE_FLIGHTS" => { ...state, error: action ##payload ##error}
| _ => state
|- public/
|- node_modules/
|- public/
|- src/
| |- components/
| | |- flight-list.js
| |- state/
| | |- action/
| | | |- index.js
| | |- reducer/
| | | |- index.js
| | | |-
| | |- store.js
| |- App.js
| |- index.js
| |-
| package.json
| bsconfig.json
| yarn.lock
| _ => state
export const fetchFlights = (where, when) => (
) => {
() =>
{ airline: 'British Airways', price: 390, duration: 3.5 },
{ airline: 'KLM', price: 340, duration: 2.2 }
const requestFlights = () => ({
const receiveFlights = (flights: Array<Object>) => ({
payload: { flights }
const failureFlights = (error: Error) => ({
payload: { error }
|- public/
|- node_modules/
|- public/
|- src/
| |- components/
| | |- flight-list.js
| |- state/
| | |- action/
| | | |- index.js
| | |- reducer/
| | | |- index.js
| | | |-
| | |- store.js
| |- App.js
| |- index.js
| |-
| package.json
| bsconfig.json
| yarn.lock
let fetchFlights = (from, where, when) =>
(. dispatch) => {
dispatch(requestFlights(from, where, when));
() =>
receiveFlights( [|
{airline: "British Airways", price: 390, duration: 3.5},
{airline: "KLM", price: 340, duration: 2.2},
let requestFlights = (from, where, when) => {
"payload": {
"from": from,
"where": where,
"when": when,
let receiveFlights = flights => {
"payload": {
"flights": flights,
|- public/
|- node_modules/
|- public/
|- src/
| |- components/
| | |- flight-list.js
| |- state/
| | |- action/
| | | |- index.js
| | | |-
| | |- reducer/
| | | |- index.js
| | | |-
| | |- store.js
| |- App.js
| |- index.js
| |-
| package.json
| bsconfig.json
| yarn.lock
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import rootReducer from './reducer/';
const initialState = undefined;
export default () =>
|- public/
|- node_modules/
|- public/
|- src/
| |- components/
| | |- flight-list.js
| |- state/
| | |- action/
| | | |- index.js
| | | |-
| | |- reducer/
| | | |- index.js
| | | |-
| | |- store.js
| |- App.js
| |- index.js
| |-
| package.json
| bsconfig.json
| yarn.lock
What have we gained?
1. Can’t mess up our state shape
Can we get more?
let fetchFlights = (from, where, when) =>
(. dispatch) => {
dispatch(requestFlights(from, where, when));
() =>
receiveFlights( [|
{airline: "British Airways", price: 390, duration: 3.5},
{airline: "KLM", price: 340, duration: 2.2},
let requestFlights = (from, where, when) => {
"payload": {
"from": from,
"where": where,
"when": when,
let receiveFlights = flights => {
"payload": {
"flights": flights,
let failureFlights = error => {
"payload": {
"error": error,
|- public/
|- node_modules/
|- public/
|- src/
| |- components/
| | |- flight-list.js
| |- state/
| | |- action/
| | | |- index.js
| | | |-
| | |- reducer/
| | | |- index.js
| | | |-
| | |- store.js
| |- App.js
| |- index.js
| |-
| package.json
| bsconfig.json
| yarn.lock
type from = string;
type where = string;
type when = string;
[@bs.deriving accessors]
type action =
| RequestFlights(from, where, when)
| ReceiveFlights(array(Types.flightInfo))
| FailureFlights(Js.Exn.t);
let fetchFlights = (from, where, when) =>
(. dispatch) => {
dispatch(RequestFlights(from, where, when));
() =>
ReceiveFlights( [|
{airline: "British Airways", price: 390, duration: 3.5},
{airline: "KLM", price: 340, duration: 2.2},
|- public/
|- node_modules/
|- public/
|- src/
| |- components/
| | |- flight-list.js
| |- state/
| | |- action/
| | | |- index.js
| | | |-
| | |- reducer/
| | | |- index.js
| | | |-
| | |- store.js
| |- App.js
| |- index.js
| |-
| package.json
| bsconfig.json
| yarn.lock
type flightsData = array(Types.flightInfo);
[@bs.deriving jsConverter]
type state = {
loading: bool,
flights: flightsData,
error: option(Js.Exn.t),
let initialState = {
loading: false,
flights: [ ||],
error: None,
let default = (state, action) => {
switch (action) {
| RequestFlights(_, _, _) => { ...state, loading: true}
| ReceiveFlights(flights) => { ...state, flights}
| FailureFlights(error) => { ...state, error: Some(error)}
|- public/
|- node_modules/
|- public/
|- src/
| |- components/
| | |- flight-list.js
| |- state/
| | |- action/
| | | |- index.js
| | | |-
| | |- reducer/
| | | |- index.js
| | | |-
| | |- store.js
| |- App.js
| |- index.js
| |-
| package.json
| bsconfig.json
| yarn.lock
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import rootReducer from './reducer/';
const fromReasonToJs = store => next => action => {
if (action.tag !== undefined) {
// reason action
const { tag } = action;
action = {
type: `REASON_ACTION_${tag}`,
reasonAction: action
const reasonReducer = reducer => (state, action) => {
if (action.reasonAction) return reducer(state, action.reasonAction);
return reducer(state, { ...action, tag: -1 });
const initialState = undefined;
export default () =>
applyMiddleware(thunk, fromReasonToJs),
|- public/
|- node_modules/
|- public/
|- src/
| |- components/
| | |- flight-list.js
| |- state/
| | |- action/
| | | |- index.js
| | | |-
| | |- reducer/
| | | |- index.js
| | | |-
| | |- store.js
| |- App.js
| |- index.js
| |-
| package.json
| bsconfig.json
| yarn.lock
open ReasonReact;
let component = statelessComponent("FlightsList");
let make = (~data, _children) => {
render: _self =>
flightInfo =>
<h2> (string(flightInfo.airline)) </h2>
(string("Price: $" ++ string_of_int(flightInfo.price)))
" | Duration: "
++ string_of_float(flightInfo.duration)
++ "hours",
|> array
let default =
wrapReasonForJs(~component, jsProps =>
make(~data=jsProps ##data, jsProps ##children)
|- public/
|- node_modules/
|- public/
|- src/
| |- components/
| | |- flight-list.js
| | | |- FlightList.js
| |- state/
| | |- action/
| | | |- index.js
| | | |-
| | |- reducer/
| | | |- index.js
| | | |-
| | |- store.js
| |- App.js
| |- index.js
| |-
| package.json
| bsconfig.json
| yarn.lock
What have we gained?
1. Can’t mess up our state shape
2. Can’t forget to handle actions
3. Can’t forget to handle edge cases
Not covered…
• Rendering a JS component from a Reason component
• Using Variants for async stuff i.e.
external myJSComponent : ReasonReact.reactClass = “./my-js-component“;
let make = (~name: string, ~age: option(int)=?, children) =>
~props={"name": name, "age": Js.Nullable.fromOption(age)},
type async('a) =
| Idle
| Loading
| Success('a)
| Error(Js.Exn.t);
type action =
| Tick(unit)
| Flights(Types.(async(array(flightInfo))));

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Roman Schejbal: From Madness To Reason

  • 1. from Madness to Reason @romanschejbal from React to ReasonReact
  • 6. OCaml? Why should I care? 🤔
  • 10. Compiler Errors We've found a bug for you! /workspace/reason/src/ 20:30 19 │ let age = 2; 20 │ let greeting = greet(Student(1)); 21 │ 22 │ Js.log(greeting); This has type: int But somewhere wanted: string You can convert a int to a string with string_of_int.
  • 11. Good Support For Immutable Programming ✔
  • 12. Automatic Type Inference (less type definitions)
  • 15. let name = "Reason"; let age = 2; let greet = () => "Hello World!"; Language Basics
  • 16. Algebraic data types type name = option(string); /* None | Some(“Reason”) */ type state = { items: array(string), length: number }; type schoolPerson = | Teacher | Director | Student(string);
  • 17. type schoolPerson = Teacher | Director | Student(string); let greet = stranger => switch (stranger) { | Teacher => "Hey professor!" | Director => "Hello director." | Student("Richard") => "Still here Ricky?" | Student(anyOtherName) => "Hey, " ++ anyOtherName ++ "." }; greet(Teacher); /* Hey professor! */ greet(Student("OCaml")); /* Hey, OCaml. */ Variants & Pattern Matching
  • 18. Pattern Matching Exhaustiveness Warning number 8 /workspace/reason/src/ 7:3-12:3 5 │ 6 │ let greet = stranger => 7 │ switch (stranger) { 8 │ | Teacher => "Hey professor!" . │ ... 11 │ /* | Student(anyOtherName) => "Hey " ++ anyOtherName ++ "." */ 12 │ }; 13 │ 14 │ print_endline(greet(Teacher)); You forgot to handle a possible value here, for example: Student ""
  • 19.
  • 20. type userT = option(string); let userOne = Some("X"); let userTwo = None; let printPlayerName = player => switch (player) { | Some(name) => "Logged in as " ++ name | None => "Not logged in" }; Option type
  • 21. Why Reason then? 🤔 “We want people to be able to use powerful, well- typed languages at work, not just in their free time.” - Jordan Walke
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25. How Do I Start 🧐
  • 27. flight-search/ |- public/ |- node_modules/ |- public/ |- src/ | |- components/ | | |- flight-list.js | |- state/ | | |- action/ | | | |- index.js | | |- reducer/ | | | |- index.js | | |- store.js | |- App.js | |- index.js | package.json | bsconfig.json | yarn.lock
  • 28. flight-search/ |- public/ |- node_modules/ |- public/ |- src/ | |- components/ | | |- flight-list.js | |- state/ | | |- action/ | | | |- index.js | | |- reducer/ | | | |- index.js | | |- store.js | |- App.js | |- index.js | package.json | bsconfig.json | yarn.lock yarn add bs-platform reason-react
  • 29. bsconfig.json { "name": "my-project", "namespace": true, "sources": [ { "dir": "src", "subdirs": true } ], "package-specs": { "module": "es6-global", "in-source": true }, "suffix": ".bs.js", "bs-dependencies": ["reason-react"], "reason": { "react-jsx": 2 } } flight-search/ |- public/ |- node_modules/ |- public/ |- src/ | |- components/ | | |- flight-list.js | |- state/ | | |- action/ | | | |- index.js | | |- reducer/ | | | |- index.js | | |- store.js | |- App.js | |- index.js | package.json | bsconfig.json | yarn.lock
  • 30. package.json { "name": "from-react-to-reason", "version": "0.1.0", "private": true, "dependencies": { "bs-platform": "^3.0.0", "flow-bin": "^0.72.0", "react": "^16.3.2", "react-dom": "^16.3.2", "react-redux": "^5.0.7", "react-scripts": "1.1.4", "reason-react": "^0.4.1", "redux": "^4.0.0", "redux-thunk": "^2.2.0" }, "scripts": { "start": "react-scripts start", "build": "react-scripts build", "test": "react-scripts test --env=jsdom", "eject": "react-scripts eject", "bsb": "bsb -make-world -w" } } flight-search/ |- public/ |- node_modules/ |- public/ |- src/ | |- components/ | | |- flight-list.js | |- state/ | | |- action/ | | | |- index.js | | |- reducer/ | | | |- index.js | | |- store.js | |- App.js | |- index.js | package.json | bsconfig.json | yarn.lock "bsb": "bsb -make-world -w"
  • 31. src/ [@bs.deriving jsConverter] type flightInfo = { airline: string, price: int, duration: float, }; flight-search/ |- public/ |- node_modules/ |- public/ |- src/ | |- components/ | | |- flight-list.js | |- state/ | | |- action/ | | | |- index.js | | |- reducer/ | | | |- index.js | | |- store.js | |- App.js | |- index.js | |- | package.json | bsconfig.json | yarn.lock Record Type
  • 32. src/ // Generated by BUCKLESCRIPT VERSION 3.0.0, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE function flightInfoToJs(param) { return { airline: param[ /* airline */0], price: param[ /* price */1], duration: param[ /* duration */2] }; } function flightInfoFromJs(param) { return /* record */[ /* airline */param.airline, /* price */param.price, /* duration */param.duration ]; } export { flightInfoToJs , flightInfoFromJs , } /* No side effect */ flight-search/ |- public/ |- node_modules/ |- public/ |- src/ | |- components/ | | |- flight-list.js | |- state/ | | |- action/ | | | |- index.js | | |- reducer/ | | | |- index.js | | |- store.js | |- App.js | |- index.js | |- | package.json | bsconfig.json | yarn.lock
  • 33. src/state/reducer/index.js import { type actionT, REQUEST_FLIGHTS, RECEIVE_FLIGHTS, FAILURE_FLIGHTS, } from ' ../action'; const initialState = { loading: false, flights: [], error: null, }; export default (state = initialState, action) => { switch (action.type) { case REQUEST_FLIGHTS: return { ...state, loading: true }; case RECEIVE_FLIGHTS: return { ...state, loading: false, flights: }; case FAILURE_FLIGHTS: return { ...state, error: action.payload.error }; default: return state; } }; flight-search/ |- public/ |- node_modules/ |- public/ |- src/ | |- components/ | | |- flight-list.js | |- state/ | | |- action/ | | | |- index.js | | |- reducer/ | | | |- index.js | | |- store.js | |- App.js | |- index.js | |- | package.json | bsconfig.json | yarn.lock
  • 34. src/state/reducer/ type flightsData = array(Types.flightInfo); [@bs.deriving jsConverter] type state = { loading: bool, flights: flightsData, error: option(Js.Exn.t) }; let initialState = { loading: false, flights: [ ||], error: None }; let default = (state, action) => switch (action ##_type) { | "REQUEST_FLIGHTS" => { ...state, loading: true} | "RECEIVE_FLIGHTS" => { ...state, flights:, action ##payload ##flights), loading: false, } | "FAILURE_FLIGHTS" => { ...state, error: action ##payload ##error} }; flight-search/ |- public/ |- node_modules/ |- public/ |- src/ | |- components/ | | |- flight-list.js | |- state/ | | |- action/ | | | |- index.js | | |- reducer/ | | | |- index.js | | | |- | | |- store.js | |- App.js | |- index.js | |- | package.json | bsconfig.json | yarn.lock
  • 35. src/state/reducer/ Warning number 8 /Users/roman/workspace/from-react-to-reason/src/state/reducer/ 21:3-30:3 19 │ 20 │ let default = (state, action) => 21 │ switch (action##_type) { 22 │ | "REQUEST_FLIGHTS" => {...state, loading: true} . │ ... 29 │ | “FAILURE_FLIGHTS" => {...state, error: action##payload##error} 30 │ }; 31 │ 32 │ /* let default = (state, action) => { You forgot to handle a possible value here, for example: ""
  • 36. src/state/reducer/ type flightsData = array(Types.flightInfo); type state = { loading: bool, flights: flightsData, error: option(Js.Exn.t) }; let initialState = { loading: false, flights: [ ||], error: None }; let default = (state, action) => switch (action ##_type) { | "REQUEST_FLIGHTS" => { ...state, loading: true} | "RECEIVE_FLIGHTS" => { ...state, flights:, action ##payload ##flights), loading: false, } | "FAILURE_FLIGHTS" => { ...state, error: action ##payload ##error} | _ => state }; flight-search/ |- public/ |- node_modules/ |- public/ |- src/ | |- components/ | | |- flight-list.js | |- state/ | | |- action/ | | | |- index.js | | |- reducer/ | | | |- index.js | | | |- | | |- store.js | |- App.js | |- index.js | |- | package.json | bsconfig.json | yarn.lock | _ => state
  • 37. src/state/action/index.js export const REQUEST_FLIGHTS = 'REQUEST_FLIGHTS'; export const RECEIVE_FLIGHTS = 'RECEIVE_FLIGHTS'; export const FAILURE_FLIGHTS = 'FAILURE_FLIGHTS'; export const fetchFlights = (where, when) => ( dispatch ) => { dispatch(requestFlights()); setTimeout( () => dispatch( receiveFlights([ { airline: 'British Airways', price: 390, duration: 3.5 }, { airline: 'KLM', price: 340, duration: 2.2 } ]) ), 3000 ); }; const requestFlights = () => ({ type: REQUEST_FLIGHTS }); const receiveFlights = (flights: Array<Object>) => ({ type: RECEIVE_FLIGHTS, payload: { flights } }); const failureFlights = (error: Error) => ({ type: FAILURE_FLIGHTS, payload: { error } }); flight-search/ |- public/ |- node_modules/ |- public/ |- src/ | |- components/ | | |- flight-list.js | |- state/ | | |- action/ | | | |- index.js | | |- reducer/ | | | |- index.js | | | |- | | |- store.js | |- App.js | |- index.js | |- | package.json | bsconfig.json | yarn.lock
  • 38. src/state/action/ let fetchFlights = (from, where, when) => (. dispatch) => { dispatch(requestFlights(from, where, when)); Js.Global.setTimeout( () => dispatch( receiveFlights( [| {airline: "British Airways", price: 390, duration: 3.5}, {airline: "KLM", price: 340, duration: 2.2}, |]), ), 3000, ); }; let requestFlights = (from, where, when) => { "type": "REQUEST_FLIGHTS", "payload": { "from": from, "where": where, "when": when, }, }; let receiveFlights = flights => { "type": "RECEIVE_FLIGHTS", "payload": { "flights": flights, }, }; ... flight-search/ |- public/ |- node_modules/ |- public/ |- src/ | |- components/ | | |- flight-list.js | |- state/ | | |- action/ | | | |- index.js | | | |- | | |- reducer/ | | | |- index.js | | | |- | | |- store.js | |- App.js | |- index.js | |- | package.json | bsconfig.json | yarn.lock
  • 39. src/state/store.js import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'; import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; import rootReducer from './reducer/'; const initialState = undefined; export default () => createStore( rootReducer, applyMiddleware(thunk), initialState ); flight-search/ |- public/ |- node_modules/ |- public/ |- src/ | |- components/ | | |- flight-list.js | |- state/ | | |- action/ | | | |- index.js | | | |- | | |- reducer/ | | | |- index.js | | | |- | | |- store.js | |- App.js | |- index.js | |- | package.json | bsconfig.json | yarn.lock
  • 40. What have we gained? 1. Can’t mess up our state shape Can we get more?
  • 41. src/state/action/ let fetchFlights = (from, where, when) => (. dispatch) => { dispatch(requestFlights(from, where, when)); Js.Global.setTimeout( () => dispatch( receiveFlights( [| {airline: "British Airways", price: 390, duration: 3.5}, {airline: "KLM", price: 340, duration: 2.2}, |]), ), 3000, ); }; let requestFlights = (from, where, when) => { "type": "REQUEST_FLIGHTS", "payload": { "from": from, "where": where, "when": when, }, }; let receiveFlights = flights => { "type": "RECEIVE_FLIGHTS", "payload": { "flights": flights, }, }; let failureFlights = error => { "type": "FAILURE_FLIGHTS", "payload": { "error": error, }, }; flight-search/ |- public/ |- node_modules/ |- public/ |- src/ | |- components/ | | |- flight-list.js | |- state/ | | |- action/ | | | |- index.js | | | |- | | |- reducer/ | | | |- index.js | | | |- | | |- store.js | |- App.js | |- index.js | |- | package.json | bsconfig.json | yarn.lock
  • 42. src/state/action/ type from = string; type where = string; type when = string; [@bs.deriving accessors] type action = | RequestFlights(from, where, when) | ReceiveFlights(array(Types.flightInfo)) | FailureFlights(Js.Exn.t); let fetchFlights = (from, where, when) => (. dispatch) => { dispatch(RequestFlights(from, where, when)); Js.Global.setTimeout( () => dispatch( ReceiveFlights( [| {airline: "British Airways", price: 390, duration: 3.5}, {airline: "KLM", price: 340, duration: 2.2}, |]), ), 3000, ); }; flight-search/ |- public/ |- node_modules/ |- public/ |- src/ | |- components/ | | |- flight-list.js | |- state/ | | |- action/ | | | |- index.js | | | |- | | |- reducer/ | | | |- index.js | | | |- | | |- store.js | |- App.js | |- index.js | |- | package.json | bsconfig.json | yarn.lock
  • 43. src/state/action/ type flightsData = array(Types.flightInfo); [@bs.deriving jsConverter] type state = { loading: bool, flights: flightsData, error: option(Js.Exn.t), }; let initialState = { loading: false, flights: [ ||], error: None, }; let default = (state, action) => { Actions.( switch (action) { | RequestFlights(_, _, _) => { ...state, loading: true} | ReceiveFlights(flights) => { ...state, flights} | FailureFlights(error) => { ...state, error: Some(error)} } ) }; flight-search/ |- public/ |- node_modules/ |- public/ |- src/ | |- components/ | | |- flight-list.js | |- state/ | | |- action/ | | | |- index.js | | | |- | | |- reducer/ | | | |- index.js | | | |- | | |- store.js | |- App.js | |- index.js | |- | package.json | bsconfig.json | yarn.lock
  • 44. src/state/store.js import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'; import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; import rootReducer from './reducer/'; const fromReasonToJs = store => next => action => { if (action.tag !== undefined) { // reason action const { tag } = action; action = { type: `REASON_ACTION_${tag}`, tag, reasonAction: action }; } next(action); }; const reasonReducer = reducer => (state, action) => { if (action.reasonAction) return reducer(state, action.reasonAction); return reducer(state, { ...action, tag: -1 }); }; const initialState = undefined; export default () => createStore( reasonReducer(rootReducer), applyMiddleware(thunk, fromReasonToJs), initialState ); flight-search/ |- public/ |- node_modules/ |- public/ |- src/ | |- components/ | | |- flight-list.js | |- state/ | | |- action/ | | | |- index.js | | | |- | | |- reducer/ | | | |- index.js | | | |- | | |- store.js | |- App.js | |- index.js | |- | package.json | bsconfig.json | yarn.lock
  • 45. src/components/ open ReasonReact; let component = statelessComponent("FlightsList"); let make = (~data, _children) => { ...component, render: _self => <div> ( flightInfo => <div> <h2> (string(flightInfo.airline)) </h2> <p> (string("Price: $" ++ string_of_int(flightInfo.price))) ( string( " | Duration: " ++ string_of_float(flightInfo.duration) ++ "hours", ) ) </p> </div>, data, ) |> array ) </div>, }; let default = wrapReasonForJs(~component, jsProps => make(~data=jsProps ##data, jsProps ##children) ); flight-search/ |- public/ |- node_modules/ |- public/ |- src/ | |- components/ | | |- flight-list.js | | | |- FlightList.js | |- state/ | | |- action/ | | | |- index.js | | | |- | | |- reducer/ | | | |- index.js | | | |- | | |- store.js | |- App.js | |- index.js | |- | package.json | bsconfig.json | yarn.lock
  • 46. What have we gained? 1. Can’t mess up our state shape 2. Can’t forget to handle actions 3. Can’t forget to handle edge cases
  • 47. Not covered… • Rendering a JS component from a Reason component • Using Variants for async stuff i.e. [@bs.module] external myJSComponent : ReasonReact.reactClass = “./my-js-component“; let make = (~name: string, ~age: option(int)=?, children) => ReasonReact.wrapJsForReason( ~reactClass=myJSComponent, ~props={"name": name, "age": Js.Nullable.fromOption(age)}, children, ); type async('a) = | Idle | Loading | Success('a) | Error(Js.Exn.t); type action = | Tick(unit) | Flights(Types.(async(array(flightInfo))));
  • 48.