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▸ Erlang / Erlang Compatible
▸ Functional
▸ Ruby like Syntax
▸ Scalable
▸ Interactive Shell (REPL) and Compiled
▸ Able to run hundreds of thousands of processes on a
single machine.
▸ Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft real-
time systems with requirements on high availability.
▸ First appeared in 1986
▸ Distributed, Fault-Tolerant, High availability, Hot swappable.
▸ Erlang was designed with the aim of improving the development of
telephony applications by Ericsson
▸ As Tim Bray, director of Web Technologies at Sun Microsystems, expressed in
his keynote at OSCON in July 2008: If somebody came to me and wanted to
pay me a lot of money to build a large scale message handling system that
really had to be up all the time, could never afford to go down for years at a
time, I would unhesitatingly choose Erlang to build it in.
▸ Mac - Homebrew: brew install elixir
▸ Mac - MacPorts: sudo port install
▸ Linux or Windows: http://elixir-
▸ Builds project skeleton - mix new project-name
▸ Compile projects - mix compile
▸ Manages dependencies - mix.esx file, install with mix deps.get
▸ def deps do
▸ [{:plug, "~> 1.0"}]
▸ end
▸ Test Runner - mix test
▸ mix help
▸ Start a new project
▸ cd to directory
▸ mix new learn
▸ cd learn
▸ mix test
▸ Lets look
▸ iex (iex.bat on windows) - Interactive REPL
▸ elixir: runs a script (elixir simple.exs)
▸ elixirc: Compile to beam file and run.
▸ iex filename.exs
▸ inside iex > c “filename.ex”
▸ iex -S mix # include the current project into iex
▸ .exs - For interpreted code.
▸ .ex - For compiled code.
▸ .beam - Compiled byte code via Erlang abstract format
▸ Integers: 1
▸ Float: 0.1
▸ Boolean: true
▸ Symbol/atom: :name
▸ String: “hello”
▸ list (Linked list): [1, 2, 3]
▸ tuple: {1, 2, 3}
▸ 1 + 2
▸ 5 * 5
▸ 10 / 2 (returns float)
▸ div(10, 2) rem(10, 2)
▸ round(4.2)
▸ trunc(4.6)
▸ x = “world”
▸ String interpolation “Hello #{x}”
▸ line break n
▸ String.length("hello")
▸ String.upcase(“hello")
▸ ‘hello’ creates a character list,
which is not what you expect.
▸ [1, 2, true, 3]
▸ [1 | [2 | [3 |[]]]] # The pipe operator is the glue
▸ length [1, 2, 3]
▸ [1, 2, 3] ++ [4, 5, 6]
▸ [a | b] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
▸ tuple = { :ok, “elixir”, 2 }
▸ tuple_size tuple
▸ elem(tuple, 1)
▸ put_elem tuple, 1, “new”
▸ tuple
▸ Linked lists shouldn’t be used to retrieve items at an index
▸ Getting the length of a linked list is linear time
▸ Updating a list is fast as long as you are prepending
▸ Tuples are stored contiguously in memory, allowing easier
access to single item or size
▸ Tuples are for small data sets
▸ Tuples are often used for returning multiple items from a
▸ Variables in elixir are just pointers.
▸ You can point a variable at a different block of memory,
but you cannot change a block of memory that has been
▸ Also you can pin a variable for pattern matching so it does
not rebind - ^a = 1
▸ Functions cannot change the variable you pass into them.
▸ Try this:
▸ tuple = var = {1, 2, 3}
▸ put_elem tuple, 1, “new”
▸ tuple
▸ var
▸ tuple = put_elem tuple, 1, “new”
▸ tuple
▸ var
▸ Elixir has chosen to leave out some of the data types
offered by Erlang. The array is one of the common data
types developers may miss.
▸ Immutable programming is one reason it has been left out.
▸ A little array song and dance about memory, sorting and
▸ This is a highly debated topic in the community.
▸ x = 1
▸ 1 = x
▸ 2 = x
▸ {a, b, c} = {1, 2, 3}
▸ a
▸ {a, b, c} = {:hello, “world” } # check the number of args match
▸ {:ok, count} = {:error, 11} # ok is an atom, so it doesn't match
▸ {:ok, count} = {:ok, 9}
▸ count
▸ [a: 10, b: 5] = [{:a, 10}, {:b, 5}]
▸ kwl = [{:name, “Cory”}, {:from, “Wisconsin”}, {:from,
“California”}, {:from, “Pennsylvania”}]
▸ List.keyfind(kwl, “Cory”, 1) # find cory position 1
▸ List.keydelete(kwl, “Cory”, 1)
▸ kwl = List.keyreplace(kwl, :name, 0, {:first_name, “Cory”})
▸ map = %{ name: “Cory”, from: “Wisconsin”, city: “Madison”}
▸ Map.keys map
▸ Map.values map
▸ map[:name]
▸ Map.put map, :current, “Pennsylvania”
▸ %{ name: name_pointer} = map
▸ Pattern match against the contents, for example matching
a dictionary that has a key in it? - Map
▸ More than 1 entry with the same key? - Keyword module
▸ Guaranteed order? Keyword module
▸ Anything else - use a map
▸ (taken from Programming Elixir 1.2 book)
▸ ==, !=, ===, !==, >, >=, <, <=
▸ and, or, not
▸ is_atom/1, is_float/1
▸ if true do: something
▸ unless true do: something
▸ if true do
▸ something
▸ else
▸ something else
▸ end
▸ There is no “if else”
▸ Prefer guard functions, case or cond
▸ You can use pattern matching in your cases, cases are
usually returns from functions
▸ result = case {1, 2, 3} do
▸ {4, 5, 6} -> “This will not match”
▸ {1, 2, 3} -> “This will match and evaluate”
▸ end
▸ The condition is useful when you need to check multiple
possible conditions. Returns the first one that evaluates as true
▸ result = cond do
▸ 2 + 2 == 5 -> “This will fail”
▸ 2 + 2 == 4 -> “Suscess”
▸ true -> “A default case”
▸ end
▸ multiply = fn a, b -> a * b end
▸ multiply.(2, 3)
▸ double = fn a -> multiply.(a, 2) end
▸ functions define their own scope
▸ x = 1
▸ (fn -> x = 3 end).()
▸ x
▸ 1
▸ Group of functions
▸ String.length(“Chimera”)
▸ defmodule Chimera do
▸ def register(name) do
▸ do something cool
▸ end
▸ end
▸ Test file - math_test.exs
▸ defmodule LearnTest do
▸ use ExUnit.Case
▸ test “Sum two numbers” do
▸ assert Learn.sum(1, 1) == 2
▸ end
▸ end
▸ Get this test to pass
▸ It is possible to have multiple functions with the same
name that are executed based on some sort of pattern
match or expression.
▸ pattern(%{ name: “” }), do: “Error name needed”
▸ pattern(%{name: name}) when name == “Cory”, do: “Hello
▸ pattern(%{ name: name}), do: “Hello #{name}”
▸ Guard Functions, great for recursion
▸ def MyMath do
▸ def sum([], total), do: total
▸ def sum([ head | tail ], total), do: sum(tail, head+total)
▸ end
▸ The |> operator passes data
▸ [from: "Wi", from: "CA"] |> List.keyfind(:from, 0)
▸ is the same as List.keyfind([from: "Wi", from:
“CA”], :from, 0)
▸ Object Oriented “self” tangent here
▸ Structs are a way to model complex common data structures.
▸ Structs are maps.
▸ Module can combine data and associated functions.
▸ defmodule User do
▸ defstruct name: nil, age: nil, address: nil
▸ def name(user), do: Map.fetch(user, :name)
▸ end
▸ user = %User{name: “Cory”, age: 37, address: “Pittsburgh” }
▸ IO.inspect will print complex data types to STDOUT
▸ IO.inspect user
▸ Can be pipped into and returns what ever was piped into
▸ “Hellos World” |> String.replace(“s”, “”) |> IO.inspect |>
String.split() |> IO.inspect
▸ Jump into a running session with an iex.pry
▸ require IEx;
▸ defmodule Example do
▸ def double_sum(x, y) do
▸ IEx.pry
▸ hard_work(x, y)
▸ end
▸ defp hard_work(x, y) do
▸ 2 * (x + y)
▸ end
▸ end
▸ iex -S mix
▸ Erlang offers a built in breakpoint debugger.
▸ iex -S mix
▸ :debugger.start() # Start the process
▸ # Register the module
▸ :int.break(Learn, 3) # Set the breakpoint, line 3 of learn
▸ Learn.sum(1, 2) # Run the code you want to debug
▸ Refactor this code, so you do not need to pass the total as
an argument
▸ Print the number 1-100 replacing multiples of 3 with the
word “Fizz” and multiples of 5 with the word “Buzz”. If the
word is a multiple of 5 and 3 then print FizzBuzz.
▸ ex:
▸ 1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz… 13 14 FizzBuzz
▸ Build a function that can accept a list and another function
and excute the function on each item in the list returning a
new list.
▸[1, 2, 3], fn(item) -> item + 1 end)
▸ [2, 3, 4]
▸ Iterating, mapping and recursion. Everything is a list.
▸ OTP - Abstraction layer for handling concurrency, supervising,
fault tolerance, etc…
▸ Phoenix - Web Framework, Rails like
▸ Ecto - domain specific language for writing queries and
interacting with databases
▸ Nerves - Embedded software for micro controllers.
▸ Meta-programming

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Elixir talk

  • 2. INTRO WHAT IS ELIXIR ▸ Erlang / Erlang Compatible ▸ Functional ▸ Ruby like Syntax ▸ Scalable ▸ Interactive Shell (REPL) and Compiled ▸ Able to run hundreds of thousands of processes on a single machine.
  • 3. INTRO WHAT IS ERLANG? ▸ Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft real- time systems with requirements on high availability. ▸ First appeared in 1986 ▸ Distributed, Fault-Tolerant, High availability, Hot swappable. ▸ Erlang was designed with the aim of improving the development of telephony applications by Ericsson ▸ As Tim Bray, director of Web Technologies at Sun Microsystems, expressed in his keynote at OSCON in July 2008: If somebody came to me and wanted to pay me a lot of money to build a large scale message handling system that really had to be up all the time, could never afford to go down for years at a time, I would unhesitatingly choose Erlang to build it in.
  • 4. INSTALL LETS INSTALL ▸ Mac - Homebrew: brew install elixir ▸ Mac - MacPorts: sudo port install elixir ▸ Linux or Windows: http://elixir-
  • 5. PACKAGE AND ENV MANAGEMENT MIX ▸ Builds project skeleton - mix new project-name ▸ Compile projects - mix compile ▸ Manages dependencies - mix.esx file, install with mix deps.get ▸ def deps do ▸ [{:plug, "~> 1.0"}] ▸ end ▸ Test Runner - mix test ▸ mix help
  • 6. SETUP START A NEW PROJECT ▸ Start a new project ▸ cd to directory ▸ mix new learn ▸ cd learn ▸ mix test ▸ Lets look
  • 7. GETTING STARTED RUNNING ▸ iex (iex.bat on windows) - Interactive REPL ▸ elixir: runs a script (elixir simple.exs) ▸ elixirc: Compile to beam file and run. ▸ iex filename.exs ▸ inside iex > c “filename.ex” ▸ iex -S mix # include the current project into iex
  • 8. GETTING STARTED FILE TYPES ▸ .exs - For interpreted code. ▸ .ex - For compiled code. ▸ .beam - Compiled byte code via Erlang abstract format
  • 9. DATA TYPES BASIC TYPES ▸ Integers: 1 ▸ Float: 0.1 ▸ Boolean: true ▸ Symbol/atom: :name ▸ String: “hello” ▸ list (Linked list): [1, 2, 3] ▸ tuple: {1, 2, 3}
  • 10. MATH BASIC ARITHMETIC ▸ 1 + 2 ▸ 5 * 5 ▸ 10 / 2 (returns float) ▸ div(10, 2) rem(10, 2) ▸ round(4.2) ▸ trunc(4.6)
  • 11. DATA TYPES STRINGS ▸ x = “world” ▸ String interpolation “Hello #{x}” ▸ line break n ▸ String.length("hello") ▸ String.upcase(“hello") ▸ ‘hello’ creates a character list, which is not what you expect.
  • 12. DATA TYPES LINKED LISTS ▸ [1, 2, true, 3] ▸ [1 | [2 | [3 |[]]]] # The pipe operator is the glue ▸ length [1, 2, 3] ▸ [1, 2, 3] ++ [4, 5, 6] ▸ [a | b] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
  • 13. DATA TYPES TUPLE ▸ tuple = { :ok, “elixir”, 2 } ▸ tuple_size tuple ▸ elem(tuple, 1) ▸ put_elem tuple, 1, “new” ▸ tuple
  • 14. DATA TYPES TUPLE OR LINKED LIST? ▸ Linked lists shouldn’t be used to retrieve items at an index ▸ Getting the length of a linked list is linear time ▸ Updating a list is fast as long as you are prepending ▸ Tuples are stored contiguously in memory, allowing easier access to single item or size ▸ Tuples are for small data sets ▸ Tuples are often used for returning multiple items from a function.
  • 15. DATA TYPE IMMUTABILITY ▸ Variables in elixir are just pointers. ▸ You can point a variable at a different block of memory, but you cannot change a block of memory that has been instantiated. ▸ Also you can pin a variable for pattern matching so it does not rebind - ^a = 1 ▸ Functions cannot change the variable you pass into them.
  • 16. DATA TYPE IMMUTABLE EXERCISE ▸ Try this: ▸ tuple = var = {1, 2, 3} ▸ put_elem tuple, 1, “new” ▸ tuple ▸ var ▸ tuple = put_elem tuple, 1, “new” ▸ tuple ▸ var
  • 17. ARRAYS? WHERE IS THE ARRAY? ▸ Elixir has chosen to leave out some of the data types offered by Erlang. The array is one of the common data types developers may miss. ▸ Immutable programming is one reason it has been left out. ▸ A little array song and dance about memory, sorting and mutability. ▸ This is a highly debated topic in the community.
  • 18. PATTERN MATCHING =, I DON’T THINK IT MEANS WHAT YOU THINK ▸ x = 1 ▸ 1 = x ▸ 2 = x ▸ {a, b, c} = {1, 2, 3} ▸ a ▸ {a, b, c} = {:hello, “world” } # check the number of args match ▸ {:ok, count} = {:error, 11} # ok is an atom, so it doesn't match ▸ {:ok, count} = {:ok, 9} ▸ count
  • 19. DATA TYPES KEYWORD LISTS ▸ [a: 10, b: 5] = [{:a, 10}, {:b, 5}] ▸ kwl = [{:name, “Cory”}, {:from, “Wisconsin”}, {:from, “California”}, {:from, “Pennsylvania”}] ▸ List.keyfind(kwl, “Cory”, 1) # find cory position 1 ▸ List.keydelete(kwl, “Cory”, 1) ▸ kwl = List.keyreplace(kwl, :name, 0, {:first_name, “Cory”})
  • 20. DATA TYPE MAPS ▸ map = %{ name: “Cory”, from: “Wisconsin”, city: “Madison”} ▸ Map.keys map ▸ Map.values map ▸ map[:name] ▸ ▸ Map.put map, :current, “Pennsylvania” ▸ %{ name: name_pointer} = map
  • 21. DATA TYPES MAPS OR KEYWORD LISTS ▸ Pattern match against the contents, for example matching a dictionary that has a key in it? - Map ▸ More than 1 entry with the same key? - Keyword module ▸ Guaranteed order? Keyword module ▸ Anything else - use a map ▸ (taken from Programming Elixir 1.2 book)
  • 22. CONDITIONALS CONDITIONAL LOGIC ▸ ==, !=, ===, !==, >, >=, <, <= ▸ and, or, not ▸ is_atom/1, is_float/1 ▸ if true do: something ▸ unless true do: something ▸ if true do ▸ something ▸ else ▸ something else ▸ end
  • 23. CONDITIONALS THE WAR ON IF ▸ There is no “if else” ▸ Prefer guard functions, case or cond
  • 24. CONDITIONALS CASE ▸ You can use pattern matching in your cases, cases are usually returns from functions ▸ result = case {1, 2, 3} do ▸ {4, 5, 6} -> “This will not match” ▸ {1, 2, 3} -> “This will match and evaluate” ▸ end
  • 25. CONDITIONALS CONDITION ▸ The condition is useful when you need to check multiple possible conditions. Returns the first one that evaluates as true ▸ result = cond do ▸ 2 + 2 == 5 -> “This will fail” ▸ 2 + 2 == 4 -> “Suscess” ▸ true -> “A default case” ▸ end
  • 26. FUNCTIONS ANONYMOUS FUNCTION ▸ multiply = fn a, b -> a * b end ▸ multiply.(2, 3) ▸ double = fn a -> multiply.(a, 2) end ▸ functions define their own scope ▸ x = 1 ▸ (fn -> x = 3 end).() ▸ x ▸ 1
  • 27. MODULES MODULES ▸ Group of functions ▸ String.length(“Chimera”) ▸ defmodule Chimera do ▸ def register(name) do ▸ do something cool ▸ end ▸ end
  • 28. EXERCISE BUILD A SIMPLE FUNCTION ▸ Test file - math_test.exs ▸ defmodule LearnTest do ▸ use ExUnit.Case ▸ test “Sum two numbers” do ▸ assert Learn.sum(1, 1) == 2 ▸ end ▸ end ▸ Get this test to pass
  • 29. FUNCTIONS GUARD FUNCTIONS ▸ It is possible to have multiple functions with the same name that are executed based on some sort of pattern match or expression. ▸ pattern(%{ name: “” }), do: “Error name needed” ▸ pattern(%{name: name}) when name == “Cory”, do: “Hello Creator” ▸ pattern(%{ name: name}), do: “Hello #{name}”
  • 30. FUNCTIONS FUNCTIONS ▸ Guard Functions, great for recursion ▸ def MyMath do ▸ def sum([], total), do: total ▸ def sum([ head | tail ], total), do: sum(tail, head+total) ▸ end
  • 31. FUNCTION THE PIPE OPERATOR ▸ The |> operator passes data ▸ [from: "Wi", from: "CA"] |> List.keyfind(:from, 0) ▸ is the same as List.keyfind([from: "Wi", from: “CA”], :from, 0) ▸ Object Oriented “self” tangent here
  • 32. SCHEMAS HOW TO MODEL YOUR DATE ▸ Structs are a way to model complex common data structures. ▸ Structs are maps. ▸ Module can combine data and associated functions. ▸ defmodule User do ▸ defstruct name: nil, age: nil, address: nil ▸ def name(user), do: Map.fetch(user, :name) ▸ end ▸ user = %User{name: “Cory”, age: 37, address: “Pittsburgh” } ▸
  • 33. DEBUGGING TIPS IO.INSPECT ▸ IO.inspect will print complex data types to STDOUT ▸ IO.inspect user ▸ Can be pipped into and returns what ever was piped into it. ▸ “Hellos World” |> String.replace(“s”, “”) |> IO.inspect |> String.split() |> IO.inspect
  • 34. DEBUGGING PRY ▸ Jump into a running session with an iex.pry ▸ require IEx; ▸ defmodule Example do ▸ def double_sum(x, y) do ▸ IEx.pry ▸ hard_work(x, y) ▸ end ▸ defp hard_work(x, y) do ▸ 2 * (x + y) ▸ end ▸ end ▸ iex -S mix
  • 35. DEBUGGING ERLANG DEBUGGER ▸ Erlang offers a built in breakpoint debugger. ▸ iex -S mix ▸ :debugger.start() # Start the process ▸ # Register the module ▸ :int.break(Learn, 3) # Set the breakpoint, line 3 of learn module ▸ Learn.sum(1, 2) # Run the code you want to debug
  • 36. EXERCISES REFACTOR ▸ Refactor this code, so you do not need to pass the total as an argument ▸
  • 37. EXERCISES FIZZ BUZZ ▸ Print the number 1-100 replacing multiples of 3 with the word “Fizz” and multiples of 5 with the word “Buzz”. If the word is a multiple of 5 and 3 then print FizzBuzz. ▸ ex: ▸ 1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz… 13 14 FizzBuzz
  • 38. EXERCISES BUILD A MAP TOOL ▸ Build a function that can accept a list and another function and excute the function on each item in the list returning a new list. ▸[1, 2, 3], fn(item) -> item + 1 end) ▸ [2, 3, 4]
  • 39. WHAT TO LEARN NEXT NEXT TOPICS ▸ Iterating, mapping and recursion. Everything is a list. ▸ OTP - Abstraction layer for handling concurrency, supervising, fault tolerance, etc… ▸ Phoenix - Web Framework, Rails like ▸ Ecto - domain specific language for writing queries and interacting with databases ▸ Nerves - Embedded software for micro controllers. ▸ Meta-programming