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This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Paris, le 14 avril 2015
Arianna Galante
Director of Agency Dept., Directeur Général France | @digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
EN 2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 2@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 3
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 4
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
Le marketing direct digital : un levier stratégique de business pour votre entreprise
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 5
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
Une solution complète de communication
pour générer de la valeur et augmenter le ROI
En cours
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 6
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
Plus de 1000 clients, tous secteurs confondus
80 millions d’emails et 800 campagnes par jour
15 ans d’expérience sur le marché Internet
Plus de 130 spécialistes en marketing direct digital
5 bureaux à Milan, Paris, Londres, Madrid et Munich
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 7
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
Une méthodologie qui s’adapte à chaque secteur, pour intégrer les besoins et les tendances
spécifiques de chaque marché
Mode & Luxe
Biens de consommation
Media & Télécom
Banque & Services
Tourisme & Loisirs
Distribution & e-commerce
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 8@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
Conçue et développée par ContactLab
Collecte et archive des milliers d’emails chaque jour
6 000 000 de newsletters
17 000 annonceurs
5 langues
25 secteurs d’activité
Permet de suivre de près et en temps réel l’activité email marketing
de vos concurrents sans devoir vous inscrire à des dizaines de
Disponible en version beta gratuite
o un site
o un blog
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 9@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 10@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 11@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
Ce n’est plus un canal tactique mais aussi stratégique
Les investissements augmentent
La direction s’y intéresse
Les grands du consulting y consacrent des ressources
 Forrester Research Email Marketing Forecast, 2014 To 2019 (US)
 Forrester Research: The Email Marketing Playbook
 McKinsey&Company: Why marketers should keep sending you e-mails (2014)
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 12@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
88% des internautes habituels français consultent leurs emails au moins chaque semaine, vs
62% pour les réseaux sociaux : il s’agit de l’activité en ligne la plus répandue
Pour 48% d’entre eux l’email est le moyen le plus efficace pour rester en contact avec une
marque (vs. 32% pour les réseaux sociaux)
50% des internautes habituels français font confiance à l’email (+13,6% vs 2013)
L’impact de l’email ne se limite pas à l’online
o 61% des abonnés à au moins une newsletter ont déjà acheté en ligne depuis un lien dans
un email
o 53% se sont déjà rendus en magasin pour acheter un produit signalé dans un email
L’email est plus efficace que les réseaux sociaux pour acquérir de nouveaux clients:
o l’impact de l’email sur les ventes est plus de 3 fois supérieur à celui des réseaux sociaux
o la transaction moyenne est plus élevée de 17%
McKinsey & Company, janvier 2014
Le RPE (revenue per email) a augmenté de 28% entre 2013 et 2014
European Digital Behaviour Study 2014, ContactLab
Email Marketing Industry Census 2014 - econsultancy
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 13
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
«Digital glue»
commun sur le web
Pont vers toutes
les initiatives
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 14@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
Connaitre notre
 Le bon message
 A la bonne personne
 Au bon moment
 Sur le bon canal
 Ce qu’il dit (Déclaratif)
 Ce qu’il fait
 interactions
 transactions
 Ce que nous pouvons
 Etudes
 One to one
 Win win
 De valeur
 Durable
Etre pertinentsConstruire une
25% des abonnés à une
newsletter sont prêts à fournir plus
de renseignements en échange de
messages plus pertinents
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 15@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
Initiatives spéciales
Sondage de qualification
Sondage post achat
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 16@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 17@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
-15€ dès 60€ d'achat
+ Lumière sur les
tendances Fêtes
30% dès 2 articles
achetés + Spécial
fêtes : 3 looks, 3
styles !
Un article acheté, le
2ème à -50% ! +
Pour elle, pour lui :
trouvez les meilleurs
cadeaux de Noël
Noël avant
l'heure : -30%
sur la collection
avec la Carte
Promod !
Il vous manque
encore un cadeau ?
On a la solution !
30% de réduction à
découvrir dans cet email
+ Fauve en ville :
l’imprimé à apprivoiser !
Un article acheté, le
2ème à -50% ! + La
doudoune 2 en 1 :
réversible et
doublement fashion !
30% de réduction à
découvrir dans cet
email + Shopping de
Décembre : allez à
l’essentiel !
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 18@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
☼ Bons plans : l'été est là,
les promos aussi ! ☼
⌛ Départs immédiats : A
partir de 210€ la semaine
en Juillet ! ⌛
☼ Destination soleil à prix
réduits : suivez vos envies !
☼ Bons plans d'Août : Un
gîte à partir de 175 euros
la semaine!
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 19@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 20@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 21@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
-20% sur TOUT…helline vous
dit MERCI !
Guess how many people have
seen your review?
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 22@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
Click Inside to Keep Your VIP
Ada, Respond Now to Keep
Receiving Emails
You're All Signed Up! Let's
See What's Next …
3 mois Post
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 23@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 24@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 25@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @digitalzia | @contactlab_fr 26
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 27@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 28@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
Découvrez nos Trophées Argus, les
offres Easy Pack tout inclus et roulez en
sécurité cet hiver
Preheader: Inscrivez-vous à My Renault
pour accéder à l'intégralité de votre
Renault Mag.
C'est la finale de la Coupe du Monde de
la FIFA™. Qui veut le plus la victoire ?
Preheader: C'est le moment d'être all
in. Regarde la vidéo.
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 29@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
Cadeaux : faites vos
achats en ligne !
A Noël, tous les rêves
sont permis !
Check Gifts Off Your List |
Under: $100✔ $200✔
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 30@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
Les 5 rendez-vous de la
RÉDACTION — Les textures
essentielles de l’automne
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 31@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
Spoil Thy Mother: The Best Gifts for Mother's Day
17.04.2014 Hand-picked Father's Day gifts
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 32@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 33@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 34
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 35@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 36@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 37@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 38@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 39@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 40@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 41@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 42@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
En France:
28%* des ouvertures sont depuis mobile
*smartphones et tablette
Les ouvertures depuis mobile varient entre 3% et 46%
95% des ouvreurs consultent leurs emails sur un seul
“Etude sur l'ouverture des emails en France” (2013)
Plateforme ContactLab 2011 - Octobre 2014
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 43@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 44@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 45@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
Version A
+ 136% transactions
+ 191% CA
Version B
Nom expéditeur marque – division - personne ouvertures
Objet promotion teaser ou concrète ouvertures / clics
Contenu du message:
- texte
- graphisme
- ordre contenu
- offre
- visuels
- longueur
ton – vouvoiement vs
emplacement des boutons
rédactionnel vs promotionnel
coupon montant fixe vs % age
uniques ou segmentés
nombre de modules
clics / conversions
Timing d’envoi weekend ou en semaine
matin, midi, soir, nuit
ouvertures / clics /
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 46@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 47@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
Par campagne
Par produit / catégories
Par canal
Panier moyen
Déplacements entre
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 48@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
Quality Relationship Score
= Un indicateur concis pour
une compréhension immédiate
en termes absolus et relatifs
Satisfaction Recommandation
Réponse aux besoins du consommateur
Faculté du produit / service à être recommandé
Caractère distinctif
Perception du caractère unique du produit / service
Intention d’achat
Probabilité de ré-achat
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 49@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 50@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015
Arianna Galante
Director of Agency Dept., Directeur Général France | @digitalzia | @Contactlab_fr
Anatomie d’un email
Stratégies clients, 15h, salle 2

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Les 5 tendances clés en email marketing en 2015

  • 1. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. Paris, le 14 avril 2015 Arianna Galante Director of Agency Dept., Directeur Général France | @digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 LES 5 TENDANCES CLÉS EN EMAIL MARKETING EN 2015
  • 2. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 2@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 CONTACTLAB EN BREF
  • 3. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 3 This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 100% MARKETING DIRECT DIGITAL 100% ENGAGEMENT CLIENTS 100% RÉSULTATS MESURABLES
  • 4. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 4 This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 UNE OFFRE UNIQUE Le marketing direct digital : un levier stratégique de business pour votre entreprise
  • 5. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 5 This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 AU CŒUR DE L’ENGAGEMENT CLIENT Une solution complète de communication pour générer de la valeur et augmenter le ROI STRATÉGIE CRÉATIVITÉ ANALYSEENVOI EMAILS SONDAGESSMS NOTIFICATIONS PUSH CONSEIL MESSAGERIE En cours EXÉCUTION
  • 6. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 6 This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 LES CHIFFRES ET LES FAITS Plus de 1000 clients, tous secteurs confondus 80 millions d’emails et 800 campagnes par jour 15 ans d’expérience sur le marché Internet Plus de 130 spécialistes en marketing direct digital 5 bureaux à Milan, Paris, Londres, Madrid et Munich
  • 7. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 7 This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 UNE EXPERTISE VERTICALE QUI A FAIT SES PREUVES Une méthodologie qui s’adapte à chaque secteur, pour intégrer les besoins et les tendances spécifiques de chaque marché Mode & Luxe Biens de consommation ONG Media & Télécom Banque & Services Tourisme & Loisirs Distribution & e-commerce
  • 8. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 8@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 NOTRE VEILLE CONCURRENTIELLE (Newslettermonitor) Conçue et développée par ContactLab Collecte et archive des milliers d’emails chaque jour 6 000 000 de newsletters 17 000 annonceurs 5 langues 25 secteurs d’activité Permet de suivre de près et en temps réel l’activité email marketing de vos concurrents sans devoir vous inscrire à des dizaines de newsletters Disponible en version beta gratuite o un site o un blog
  • 9. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 9@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 5 TENDANCES À SURVEILLER EN 2015
  • 10. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 10@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 1/ FAIRE DE LA STRATÉGIE
  • 11. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 11@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 Ce n’est plus un canal tactique mais aussi stratégique Les investissements augmentent La direction s’y intéresse Les grands du consulting y consacrent des ressources  Forrester Research Email Marketing Forecast, 2014 To 2019 (US)  Forrester Research: The Email Marketing Playbook  McKinsey&Company: Why marketers should keep sending you e-mails (2014) ON EN PARLE DE PLUS EN PLUS
  • 12. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 12@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 LES CHIFFRES ET LES FAITS 88% des internautes habituels français consultent leurs emails au moins chaque semaine, vs 62% pour les réseaux sociaux : il s’agit de l’activité en ligne la plus répandue Pour 48% d’entre eux l’email est le moyen le plus efficace pour rester en contact avec une marque (vs. 32% pour les réseaux sociaux) 50% des internautes habituels français font confiance à l’email (+13,6% vs 2013) L’impact de l’email ne se limite pas à l’online o 61% des abonnés à au moins une newsletter ont déjà acheté en ligne depuis un lien dans un email o 53% se sont déjà rendus en magasin pour acheter un produit signalé dans un email L’email est plus efficace que les réseaux sociaux pour acquérir de nouveaux clients: o l’impact de l’email sur les ventes est plus de 3 fois supérieur à celui des réseaux sociaux o la transaction moyenne est plus élevée de 17% McKinsey & Company, janvier 2014 Le RPE (revenue per email) a augmenté de 28% entre 2013 et 2014 European Digital Behaviour Study 2014, ContactLab Email Marketing Industry Census 2014 - econsultancy
  • 13. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 13 This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 «Digital glue» Dénominateur commun sur le web Pont vers toutes les initiatives ANALYTICS SHOPPING CRM SITE MOBILESOCIAL SONDAGES L’EMAIL AU CŒUR DU MARKETING
  • 14. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 14@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 Connaitre notre consommateur  Le bon message  A la bonne personne  Au bon moment  Sur le bon canal  Ce qu’il dit (Déclaratif)  Ce qu’il fait  interactions  transactions  Ce que nous pouvons découvrir  Etudes  One to one  Win win  De valeur  Durable Etre pertinentsConstruire une relation À CONDITION DE CONNAITRE LE CONSOMMATEUR 25% des abonnés à une newsletter sont prêts à fournir plus de renseignements en échange de messages plus pertinents
  • 15. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 15@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 ET DE CONSTRUIRE UN PLAN DE CONTACT VARIÉ Promotions Lancements Initiatives spéciales Bienvenue Anniversaire Gratification Réengagement Sondage de qualification Sondage post achat CYCLE DE VIE SPOT Newsletters Calendrier RENDEZ-VOUS
  • 16. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 16@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 2/ CRÉER UNE EXPÉRIENCE EMAIL
  • 17. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 17@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 OFFRIR DE LA VARIÉTÉ -15€ dès 60€ d'achat + Lumière sur les tendances Fêtes 12.12.2014 30% dès 2 articles achetés + Spécial fêtes : 3 looks, 3 styles ! 15.12.2014 Un article acheté, le 2ème à -50% ! + Pour elle, pour lui : trouvez les meilleurs cadeaux de Noël 17.12.2014 Noël avant l'heure : -30% sur la collection avec la Carte Promod ! 24.12.2014 Il vous manque encore un cadeau ? On a la solution ! 22.12.2014 30% de réduction à découvrir dans cet email + Fauve en ville : l’imprimé à apprivoiser ! 03.12.2014 Un article acheté, le 2ème à -50% ! + La doudoune 2 en 1 : réversible et doublement fashion ! 08.12.2014 30% de réduction à découvrir dans cet email + Shopping de Décembre : allez à l’essentiel ! 10.12.2014
  • 18. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 18@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 CRÉER DES HABITUDES ☼ Bons plans : l'été est là, les promos aussi ! ☼ 03.07.2014 ⌛ Départs immédiats : A partir de 210€ la semaine en Juillet ! ⌛ 11.07.2014 ☼ Destination soleil à prix réduits : suivez vos envies ! 21.07.2014 ☼ Bons plans d'Août : Un gîte à partir de 175 euros la semaine! 08.08.2014
  • 19. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 19@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 RASSURER
  • 20. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 20@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 ÉCOUTER
  • 21. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 21@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 GRATIFIER LES CONSOMMATEURS ACTIFS -20% sur TOUT…helline vous dit MERCI ! Guess how many people have seen your review?
  • 22. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 22@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 CONVAINCRE LES CONSOMMATEURS MOINS ACTIFS Click Inside to Keep Your VIP Status Ada, Respond Now to Keep Receiving Emails You're All Signed Up! Let's See What's Next … 3 mois Post réactivation
  • 23. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 23@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 ACCOMPAGNER LE CONSOMMATEUR DANS LES MOMENTS IMPORTANTS
  • 24. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 24@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 ACCOMPAGNER LE CONSOMMATEUR APRÈS L’ACHAT
  • 25. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 25@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 OFFRIR DES PETITS PLUS
  • 26. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @digitalzia | @contactlab_fr 26 SURPRENDRE
  • 27. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 27@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 3/ FACILITER LA VIE
  • 28. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 28@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 MÊME PAS BESOIN D’OUVRIR ! Découvrez nos Trophées Argus, les offres Easy Pack tout inclus et roulez en sécurité cet hiver Preheader: Inscrivez-vous à My Renault pour accéder à l'intégralité de votre Renault Mag. C'est la finale de la Coupe du Monde de la FIFA™. Qui veut le plus la victoire ? Preheader: C'est le moment d'être all in. Regarde la vidéo.
  • 29. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 29@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 RÉSUMER LE SITE Cadeaux : faites vos achats en ligne ! 13.12.2014 A Noël, tous les rêves sont permis ! 27.11.2014 Check Gifts Off Your List | Under: $100✔ $200✔ $300✔ 11.12.2014
  • 30. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 30@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 FAIRE DES LISTES Les 5 rendez-vous de la semaine 22.03.2014 — LES COUPS DE COEUR DE LA RÉDACTION — Les textures essentielles de l’automne 23.09.2014
  • 31. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 31@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 ORIENTER LE CHOIX Spoil Thy Mother: The Best Gifts for Mother's Day 17.04.2014 Hand-picked Father's Day gifts 05.06.2013
  • 32. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 32@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 CONVAINCRE LES INDÉCIS
  • 33. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 33@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 CONSTRUIRE DES ALERTES SUR MESURE
  • 34. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 34 This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 4/ PENSER OMNI-CANAL
  • 35. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 35@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 EMAIL > SITES MARCHANDS
  • 36. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 36@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 EMAIL > POINTS DE VENTE
  • 37. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 37@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 EMAIL > ON ET OFF-LINE
  • 38. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 38@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 EMAIL > RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX
  • 39. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 39@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX > EMAIL
  • 40. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 40@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 EMAIL > SMS
  • 41. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 41@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 EMAIL > SMS
  • 42. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 42@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 En France: 28%* des ouvertures sont depuis mobile *smartphones et tablette Les ouvertures depuis mobile varient entre 3% et 46% 95% des ouvreurs consultent leurs emails sur un seul appareil “Etude sur l'ouverture des emails en France” (2013) EMAIL = MOBILE Plateforme ContactLab 2011 - Octobre 2014
  • 43. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 43@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 ADOPTER LE RESPONSIVE
  • 44. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 44@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 5/ TESTER, MESURER, OPTIMISER
  • 45. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 45@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 Version A + 136% transactions + 191% CA Version B TOUJOURS TESTER ÉLÉMENT TESTÉ EXEMPLES INDICATEURS Nom expéditeur marque – division - personne ouvertures Objet promotion teaser ou concrète ouvertures / clics Contenu du message: - texte - graphisme - ordre contenu - offre - visuels - longueur ton – vouvoiement vs tutoiement emplacement des boutons rédactionnel vs promotionnel coupon montant fixe vs % age uniques ou segmentés nombre de modules clics / conversions Timing d’envoi weekend ou en semaine matin, midi, soir, nuit ouvertures / clics / conversions
  • 46. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 46@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 SURVEILLER LES RÉSULTATS EN TEMPS RÉEL
  • 47. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 47@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 ALLER BIEN AU-DELÀ DES CLICS Conversion Navigation Clic Ouverture Réception Global Par campagne Par produit / catégories Par canal RPE ROI IMPACT SUR LES VENTES Navigation Fréquence Panier moyen Réactivation Abandons Déplacements entre segments COMPORTEMENTS
  • 48. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 48@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 POSER DES QUESTIONS Quality Relationship Score = Un indicateur concis pour une compréhension immédiate en termes absolus et relatifs Satisfaction Recommandation Intention d’achat Caractère distinctif Satisfaction Réponse aux besoins du consommateur Recommandation Faculté du produit / service à être recommandé Caractère distinctif Perception du caractère unique du produit / service Intention d’achat Probabilité de ré-achat
  • 49. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 49@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 BON EMAIL MARKETING EN 2015 ! 1/ FAITES DE LA STRATÉGIE 5/ TESTEZ, MESUREZ, OPTIMISEZ 2/ CONSTRUISEZ UNE EXPÉRIENCE EMAIL 4/ PENSEZ OMNI-CANAL 3/ FACILITEZ LA VIE
  • 50. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 50@digitalzia | @contactlab_fr | #EMP2015 MERCI ! Arianna Galante Director of Agency Dept., Directeur Général France | @digitalzia | @Contactlab_fr RENDEZ-VOUS DEMAIN Anatomie d’un email Stratégies clients, 15h, salle 2 SUIVEZ-NOUS