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Why do you believe
what you believe?
What we believe will be our
   philosophy of live
Everybody has a type of
 philosophy of life
Everyone believes something.
 When it comes to spirituality,
 those beliefs become focused on
 life's big questions.
What you believe is important. It
 influences your whole life.
“People almost invariably
arrive at their beliefs not on
the basis of proof but on the
   basis of what they find

            --Blaise Pascal
  (17th century French philosopher)
Why do you believe what you
 SOCIO-                 PSYCHO-                 RELIGI-                PHILO-                  BIBLICAL
LOGICAL                 LOGICAL                  OUS                  SOPHICAL
REASONS                 REASONS                REASONS                REASONS

      Parents                Comfort                Scripture              Consistency               Accurate
      Friends             Peace of mind           Pastor/Priest            Coherence
      Society                Meaning                  Guru                Completeness             Theological
      Culture                Purpose                 Rabbi

    Geography                 Hope                   Imam

    Community                Identity               Church

   Peer Pressure            Feelings or            Tradition

Adapted from: James Sire, “Why Should Anyone Believe Anything At All” in Telling the Truth, D.A. Carson, ed.
One goal of Systematic Theology
is to:

    (1) expose inadequate
justifications for belief and

    (2) provide a solid basis for
validating or invalidating truth
Why do you believe the
Because your parents told you
Because your friend said so?
Because some pastor said so?
Because the Bible is true?
What is the proper
basis for your belief in
      the Bible ?

   What is the proper
  basis for ANY belief ?
Evidence !!!
II Tim.2:15
The way the enemy works is through
ignorance, God's Word says my people
perish for the lack of knowledge.
You have to know that you have the facts
- it amazes me how many people operate
their lives based on misinformation, &
they are so dogmatic about it - all they
have is a piece of the information
however they are missing a few key
pieces of information.
 Make sure you have the facts before you
        base your life on something!
Jury duty and Christian Faith

  Deciding whether the claim that
   “the Bible is true” is very much
   like deciding if someone is
   guilty of a crime
  A jury must hear all evidence
   and decide if the evidence are
   trustworthy or not
Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance
of things hoped for, the evidence of
things not seen.

1Peter 3:15 be ready always to give an
answer to everyone who asks you a
reason of the hope in you, with
meekness and fear
God did not ask us to
 have BLIND faith

     Heb. 11:6
“no truth is truly yours until
   you ear it, find it, believe it
  and aply it for yourself in the
          Word of God.”

 I must have a personal faith and
 belief in God’s Word.
By knowing what is real and
    true, we can discern and
   distinguish truth from error

. The Berean’s in Acts 17:11 were
 commended by the Apostle Paul,
 not because they accepted what
 he taught, hook, line, and sinker,
 but because “they searched the
 scripture daily to see if what he
 taught was true.”
We need to know God’s Word
 that way. If we do, we will not be
 influenced by false teachers from
 within and without. We will be able
 to help not only ourselves stay
 true to the “faith once for all
 delivered to the saints,” but will
 be able to teach others.
We must follow the teaching Paul
 gave in 2 Tim. 2:2. It is there that he
 told Timothy to teach the Word to
 faithful men, who would likewise teach
 faithful ones.

By following this excellent procedure,
 we can be faithful to the Word and
 know that we are helping future
 generations understand the
 importance of studying and passing
 on God’s Word to others!
Reasons to Not Believe
Looking for Praises of Man
                                              John 5:44
 “How can you believe if you accept praise from one
  another, yet make no effort to obtain the praise that
  comes from the only God?” (NIV)
 “No wonder you can't believe! For you gladly honor
  each other, but you don't care about the honor that
  comes from the one who alone is God.” (NLT)
 “How can you believe, when you receive glory from
  one another and you do not seek the glory that is
  from the one and only God?” (NASB)
Which receive honour one of another - Who are
studious of praise, and live for pride, ambition, and
vainglory. This desire, Jesus says, was the great
reason why they would not believe on him.
 They were unwilling to renounce their
  worldly honors, and become the followers of
  one so humble and unostentatious as he
 They expected a Messiah of pomp and
  splendor, and would not submit to one so
  despised and of so lowly a rank. Had the
  Messiah come, as they expected, with pomp
  and power, it would have been an honor, in
  their view, to follow him; as it was, they
  despised and rejected him.
The great reason why multitudes do
 not believe is their attachment to
 human honors, or their pride, and
 vanity, and ambition.
These are so strong, that while they
 continue they cannot and will not
 believe. They might, however,
 renounce these things, and then, the
 obstacles being removed, they would
The honor which comes from men
       is their praise, flattery,
    commendation; the honor that
comes from God is his approbation
  for doing his will. God alone can
 confer the honors of heaven - the
   reward of having done our duty
 here. That we should seek, and if
   we seek that, we shall come to
Christ, who is the way and the life.
                             John 12:37

In, even after Jesus had done all
 these miraculous signs in their
 presence, some of them still would
 not believe in Him.
It does not mean that everyone
 who sees the miraculous signs will
 become Christian.

Strong’s definition:
 1. Lacking confidence in the performer,
  unfaithfulness, faithless
 2. Want of faith, unbelief
 3. Weakness of faith

 Doubting God’s willingness or ability to alter
 the circumstances one is in.
Mat. 13:58 “And he did not many
 mighty works there because of their
 unbelief” (apistea).

Rom. 4:20 “He staggered not at the
 promise of God through unbelief
 (apistea); but was strong in faith
 giving glory to God.”
The Effects of Unbelief

Unbelief causes your faith to
 become unproductive
  Jesus said to the disciples – Mat.17:
   19,20 – “because of your unbelief”
Unbelief causes faith to be
Unbelief shifts attention away
 from the truth to the insignificant
 and trivial as a means of escape
 or self-justification.

The person controlled by unbelief
 scoffs at the answers to his
 questions and he brings up even
 more objections.
The evidence before those in
  Nazareth was clear and
 overwhelming. Jesus is the
   But the evidence was
unimportant to them for they
were controlled by their sinful
     hearts of unbelief.
3 things that feed unbelief:
Offense, and
Lack of honor.

 The people asked, "Is this not the
 carpenter, the Son of Mary...?"
 They knew Jesus as a man and
 therefore were unable to receive from
 Him according to the Spirit.
In Paul’s letter to the
     Thessalonians, he said:
 "For this reason we also thank God without
  ceasing, because when you received the word
  of God which you heard from us, you welcomed
  it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth,
  the word of God, which also effectively works in
  you who believe." (1 Thes. 2:13)

 He commended them for looking past the natural
  and receiving God's Word from their lips as if God
  Himself had stood in their midst and spoke it. And
  notice he said this kind of receptivity causes the
  Word to "effectively work in you who believe."
Unbelief Does Not Hinder
            God          Rom.3:3

For what if some did not believe?
 Shall their unbelief make the faith of
 God without an effect?

   Unbelief doesn't destroy God;
                                     Noé and the
   it doesn't destroy His plan; it   generation
                                     in which he
    doesn't destroy His works; it    lived
   only destroys the unbeliever.
     Unbelief only destroys the
You're controlled by two
Either you believe, or
you do not believe
For the believer that receives
It isn't ridiculous to him because by
 that is the substance of things hoped
 for, the evidence of things he can't
 see, taste, feel, smell, or hear. But he
 knows it's there.
It's not ridiculous to him because it's
 just as good as done. See? He don't
 have to worry anything about it. He
 knows God told it, and God said it;
 that's enough for him
Jesus already provided
We have to quit trying
  to get God to do
      and start
   believing what
He already has done
                              Mark 9

The man says “if you can do
 anything, take pity on us and
 help us”. Jesus replies, “‘If you
When there is uncertainty
 and anxiety, there is an
    element of doubt
Jesus was clearly disappointed
 with this man’s doubt. Yet he does
 not banish the man from his
 presence until he could muster up
 faith, or at least hide his doubts.
 Rather, Jesus tells him
 that everything is possible for one
 who believes.
Here, Jesus reveals the true nature of
 the situation.

  This man, half doubting, half desperately
   hoping that Jesus can help him out,
   approaches Jesus and begs him to do
   what he can. Jesus tells the man that the
   question is not if He can heal the man’s
  There is no “if” about that.
  The question is whether the man knows
   Jesus can heal his son.
   The issue was not with Jesus. It was
                  with the man
When we doubt God’s goodness,
 it is not because God is not good.
  It is because we lack understanding.

 When we doubt that God is real, it is not
  because of a lack of evidence.
   It is because there is something blocking us
    from seeing all the evidence.
At a fundamental level, I think many of
 us hide our doubts from God because
 we are worried that our doubt reveals
 some deficiency in God. Not so. It
 reveals a deficiency in us.

 That is why we need to admit it to God
 like every other deficiency so that he
 can help us with it. Understanding this
 is pivotal
Jesus reveals that the problem is
 in the man.
  The man’s response, in Mark 9,
   should be ours as well. He cries out
   “I do believe; help me overcome my
  He confesses both his faith and his
   doubt. Does God like it when we
   doubt him? Probably not. But God is
   a God of truth, and He loves
Any confession
of faith in the midst
      of doubt
    is extremely
 glorifying to God
It is easy to have faith when everything
                 makes sense.
It is difficult and painful to trust God and
  live for Him when things don’t seem to
                    add up

 When you doubt, be honest. Lay bare your
  thoughts before God. The deficiency is in
  you, not in God. Show that you believe that
  by presenting your doubts to God and
  asking him to help you understand
Let our response in the midst of doubt be:
         “God, this does not make sense! I
         do not understand, but I want to. I
           know what the Bible says about
        you, but certain things I experience
          and have learned don’t match up
         with it. Help me. You are a God of
             truth. You are not afraid of
        questions. You promise that those
         who seek you will find you. God, I
         am seeking. I do believe; help me
               overcome my unbelief!”
How to Believe
Have Faith

Key Greek word        NIV           NRSV           KJV

pistis       Now faith is      Now faith is    Now faith is

hupostasis       being sure       the             the
                    of what       assurance       substance
                   we hope        of things       of things
                      for         hoped for,      hoped for,

 elenchos        and certain     the            the
                   of what       conviction      evidence
                   we do not     of things       of things
                   see.          not seen.       not seen.
What is faith?
 An assumption that God's promises are to
  be believed because God is
  considered faithful (pistos), "worthy of belief
  or trust, trustworthy, faithful, dependable,
  inspiring trust or faith.“

 Ultimately our faith rises and falls on what
  we think of God.
    Do we believe He is trustworthy?
    Do we believe He rewards seekers, or is
     indifferent to their quest?

                      Upon these things hinge our faith
h is    An inner assurance, a conviction
            about the things that can't be seen
                   with the human eye.

      The natural man says, "Show me and
      then I'll believe!" But it works the other
      way around. The spiritual man says, "I
      believe, and now I can see!"
The natural man doesn't have the
spiritual tools to comprehend:

"Those who are unspiritual do
  not receive the gifts of God's
  Spirit, for they are foolishness
  to them, and they are unable to
  understand them because they
  are spiritually discerned."
1 Cor. 2:14
h is

        Faith, then, is a gift that God
         gives us to lay hold of the
        unseen but very real spiritual
         realities of the Kingdom of
h isWhen
            you beleive that what God
    said is true and receive what He’s
              already provided
    Faith isn’t something you do and
     then, God responds to you.
    If hold to this concept in any form
     or fashion, you think that:
        God is looking at your Bible study,
        prayer, holiness and goodness
       When you do enough, God will release
        his power
If you think that way, you
    aren’t operating in true
         biblical faith
Faith is not anything you do to
 get God to do something.
Faith Brings Understanding
           of God

"By faith we understand that
 the universe was formed at
 God's command, so that what is
 seen was not made out of what
 was visible." (11:3)
Here's a basic element of
 the belief that in the beginning only God existed. "In the beginning
  God created the heavens and the earth," and that before the universe
  existed, there was no matter.

   "Universe" (NIV) or "worlds" (KJV, NRSV) is aiōn.
   It can refer to "the past" or and "age." Here it refers to "the world as a
   spatial concept" (BDAG 32-33).

 That everything came about by God's creation, something from
  nothing (ex nihilo). By faith we understand (noeō), that is we "grasp
  or comprehend something on the basis of careful thought, 'perceive,
  apprehend, understand, gain an insight into.'"

   "Formed" (NIV), "prepared" (NRSV), "framed" (KJV) is katartizō, "to
   prepare for a purpose, prepare, make, create, outfit" (BDAG 526).
Faith Pleases God

"And without faith it is impossible
 to please God, because anyone
 who comes to him must believe
 that he exists and that he rewards
 those who earnestly seek him."
Pleases God How ?
   Believe that He exists.
    This in itself is not faith, but a precursor to
    faith. James says, "You believe that there
    is one God. Good! Even the demons
    believe that -- and shudder" (James 2:19).
    Nevertheless, it is a first step.
   Believe that he rewards those who
    seek after him.
    That is, He will reward or
    recompense people who seek him out.
Faith Consideres God
          Faithful      Heb.11:11

“By faith Abraham ... was enabled
 to become a father because he
 considered Him faithful Who had
 made the promise.”
You can make up your own
god, a god that fits all your

Or you can study what God
reveals about Himself, and
   from that data seek to
  understand more about
Faith Responds Positive
Faith respondes positive to
 what God has already
 accomplished by and in Jesus
Faith is how you appropriate
 and receive what God has
 already provided
Faith responds positive to what
 was already done by and in

  He saved us
  He healed us
  He blessed us
Faith only appropriates
    what God has already
     provided by Jesus
If God hasn’t already provided it,
 your faith can’t make God do
  The reason you can’t go out and
   sucessfully rob a bank using Mark
   11:24 is because God didn’t provid for
   thievery in His atonement.
   jesus didn’t provide the means to
   steal, commit murder or adultery...
We have to quit trying
  to get God to do
      and start
   believing what
He already has done
Jesus already provided
“By whose stripes we were
   (past tense) healed”
         I Ped.2:24
How can you doubt that He will
 do what He’s already done?

    This understanding takes
    all the struggle out of our

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Why believe what we believe

  • 1. Why do you believe what you believe?
  • 2. What we believe will be our philosophy of live Everybody has a type of philosophy of life
  • 3. Everyone believes something. When it comes to spirituality, those beliefs become focused on life's big questions. What you believe is important. It influences your whole life.
  • 4. “People almost invariably arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of proof but on the basis of what they find attractive.” --Blaise Pascal (17th century French philosopher)
  • 5. Why do you believe what you believe? SOCIO- PSYCHO- RELIGI- PHILO- BIBLICAL LOGICAL LOGICAL OUS SOPHICAL TRUTH REASONS REASONS REASONS REASONS Parents Comfort Scripture Consistency Accurate Exegesis Friends Peace of mind Pastor/Priest Coherence Biblical, Society Meaning Guru Completeness Theological Systematic Culture Purpose Rabbi Coherence Geography Hope Imam Community Identity Church Peer Pressure Feelings or Tradition Intuition Mysticism Adapted from: James Sire, “Why Should Anyone Believe Anything At All” in Telling the Truth, D.A. Carson, ed.
  • 6. One goal of Systematic Theology is to: (1) expose inadequate justifications for belief and (2) provide a solid basis for validating or invalidating truth claims.
  • 7. Why do you believe the Bible? Because your parents told you to? Because your friend said so? Because some pastor said so? Because the Bible is true?
  • 8. What is the proper basis for your belief in the Bible ? What is the proper basis for ANY belief ?
  • 11. The way the enemy works is through ignorance, God's Word says my people perish for the lack of knowledge. You have to know that you have the facts - it amazes me how many people operate their lives based on misinformation, & they are so dogmatic about it - all they have is a piece of the information however they are missing a few key pieces of information. Make sure you have the facts before you base your life on something!
  • 12. Jury duty and Christian Faith Deciding whether the claim that “the Bible is true” is very much like deciding if someone is guilty of a crime A jury must hear all evidence and decide if the evidence are trustworthy or not
  • 13. Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 1Peter 3:15 be ready always to give an answer to everyone who asks you a reason of the hope in you, with meekness and fear
  • 14. God did not ask us to have BLIND faith Heb. 11:6
  • 15. “no truth is truly yours until you ear it, find it, believe it and aply it for yourself in the Word of God.”  I must have a personal faith and belief in God’s Word.
  • 16. By knowing what is real and true, we can discern and distinguish truth from error . The Berean’s in Acts 17:11 were commended by the Apostle Paul, not because they accepted what he taught, hook, line, and sinker, but because “they searched the scripture daily to see if what he taught was true.”
  • 17. We need to know God’s Word that way. If we do, we will not be influenced by false teachers from within and without. We will be able to help not only ourselves stay true to the “faith once for all delivered to the saints,” but will be able to teach others.
  • 18. We must follow the teaching Paul gave in 2 Tim. 2:2. It is there that he told Timothy to teach the Word to faithful men, who would likewise teach faithful ones. By following this excellent procedure, we can be faithful to the Word and know that we are helping future generations understand the importance of studying and passing on God’s Word to others!
  • 19. Reasons to Not Believe
  • 20. Looking for Praises of Man John 5:44  “How can you believe if you accept praise from one another, yet make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God?” (NIV)  “No wonder you can't believe! For you gladly honor each other, but you don't care about the honor that comes from the one who alone is God.” (NLT)  “How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and you do not seek the glory that is from the one and only God?” (NASB)
  • 21. Which receive honour one of another - Who are studious of praise, and live for pride, ambition, and vainglory. This desire, Jesus says, was the great reason why they would not believe on him.  They were unwilling to renounce their worldly honors, and become the followers of one so humble and unostentatious as he was.  They expected a Messiah of pomp and splendor, and would not submit to one so despised and of so lowly a rank. Had the Messiah come, as they expected, with pomp and power, it would have been an honor, in their view, to follow him; as it was, they despised and rejected him.
  • 22. The great reason why multitudes do not believe is their attachment to human honors, or their pride, and vanity, and ambition. These are so strong, that while they continue they cannot and will not believe. They might, however, renounce these things, and then, the obstacles being removed, they would believe.
  • 23. The honor which comes from men is their praise, flattery, commendation; the honor that comes from God is his approbation for doing his will. God alone can confer the honors of heaven - the reward of having done our duty here. That we should seek, and if we seek that, we shall come to Christ, who is the way and the life.
  • 24.
  • 25. Unbelief John 12:37 In, even after Jesus had done all these miraculous signs in their presence, some of them still would not believe in Him. It does not mean that everyone who sees the miraculous signs will become Christian.
  • 26. Unbelief ‘Apistea’ Strong’s definition:  1. Lacking confidence in the performer, unfaithfulness, faithless  2. Want of faith, unbelief  3. Weakness of faith Description: Doubting God’s willingness or ability to alter the circumstances one is in.
  • 27. Mat. 13:58 “And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief” (apistea). Rom. 4:20 “He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief (apistea); but was strong in faith giving glory to God.”
  • 28. The Effects of Unbelief Unbelief causes your faith to become unproductive Jesus said to the disciples – Mat.17: 19,20 – “because of your unbelief” Unbelief causes faith to be ineffectual
  • 29. Unbelief shifts attention away from the truth to the insignificant and trivial as a means of escape or self-justification. The person controlled by unbelief scoffs at the answers to his questions and he brings up even more objections.
  • 30. The evidence before those in Nazareth was clear and overwhelming. Jesus is the Messiah. But the evidence was unimportant to them for they were controlled by their sinful hearts of unbelief.
  • 31. 3 things that feed unbelief: Familiarity, Offense, and Lack of honor. The people asked, "Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary...?" They knew Jesus as a man and therefore were unable to receive from Him according to the Spirit.
  • 32. In Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians, he said:  "For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe." (1 Thes. 2:13)  He commended them for looking past the natural and receiving God's Word from their lips as if God Himself had stood in their midst and spoke it. And notice he said this kind of receptivity causes the Word to "effectively work in you who believe."
  • 33. Unbelief Does Not Hinder God Rom.3:3 For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without an effect? Unbelief doesn't destroy God; Noé and the it doesn't destroy His plan; it generation in which he doesn't destroy His works; it lived only destroys the unbeliever. Unbelief only destroys the unbeliever
  • 34. You're controlled by two elements: Either you believe, or you do not believe
  • 35. For the believer that receives it... It isn't ridiculous to him because by that is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things he can't see, taste, feel, smell, or hear. But he knows it's there. It's not ridiculous to him because it's just as good as done. See? He don't have to worry anything about it. He knows God told it, and God said it; that's enough for him
  • 37. We have to quit trying to get God to do something and start believing what He already has done
  • 38. "I AM THAT I AM"
  • 39. Doubt Mark 9 The man says “if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us”. Jesus replies, “‘If you can?’”
  • 40. When there is uncertainty and anxiety, there is an element of doubt
  • 41. Jesus was clearly disappointed with this man’s doubt. Yet he does not banish the man from his presence until he could muster up faith, or at least hide his doubts. Rather, Jesus tells him that everything is possible for one who believes.
  • 42. Here, Jesus reveals the true nature of the situation. This man, half doubting, half desperately hoping that Jesus can help him out, approaches Jesus and begs him to do what he can. Jesus tells the man that the question is not if He can heal the man’s son. There is no “if” about that. The question is whether the man knows Jesus can heal his son. The issue was not with Jesus. It was with the man
  • 43. When we doubt God’s goodness, it is not because God is not good. It is because we lack understanding. When we doubt that God is real, it is not because of a lack of evidence. It is because there is something blocking us from seeing all the evidence.
  • 44. At a fundamental level, I think many of us hide our doubts from God because we are worried that our doubt reveals some deficiency in God. Not so. It reveals a deficiency in us. That is why we need to admit it to God like every other deficiency so that he can help us with it. Understanding this is pivotal
  • 45. Jesus reveals that the problem is in the man. The man’s response, in Mark 9, should be ours as well. He cries out “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” He confesses both his faith and his doubt. Does God like it when we doubt him? Probably not. But God is a God of truth, and He loves honesty!
  • 46. Any confession of faith in the midst of doubt is extremely glorifying to God
  • 47. It is easy to have faith when everything makes sense. It is difficult and painful to trust God and live for Him when things don’t seem to add up  When you doubt, be honest. Lay bare your thoughts before God. The deficiency is in you, not in God. Show that you believe that by presenting your doubts to God and asking him to help you understand
  • 48. Let our response in the midst of doubt be: “God, this does not make sense! I do not understand, but I want to. I know what the Bible says about you, but certain things I experience and have learned don’t match up with it. Help me. You are a God of truth. You are not afraid of questions. You promise that those who seek you will find you. God, I am seeking. I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”
  • 50. Have Faith Heb.11:1,2 Key Greek word NIV NRSV KJV pistis Now faith is Now faith is Now faith is hupostasis being sure the the of what assurance substance we hope of things of things for hoped for, hoped for, elenchos and certain the the of what conviction evidence we do not of things of things see. not seen. not seen.
  • 51. What is faith?  An assumption that God's promises are to be believed because God is considered faithful (pistos), "worthy of belief or trust, trustworthy, faithful, dependable, inspiring trust or faith.“  Ultimately our faith rises and falls on what we think of God.  Do we believe He is trustworthy?  Do we believe He rewards seekers, or is indifferent to their quest? Upon these things hinge our faith
  • 52. h is An inner assurance, a conviction Fait about the things that can't be seen with the human eye.  The natural man says, "Show me and then I'll believe!" But it works the other way around. The spiritual man says, "I believe, and now I can see!"
  • 53. The natural man doesn't have the spiritual tools to comprehend: "Those who are unspiritual do not receive the gifts of God's Spirit, for they are foolishness to them, and they are unable to understand them because they are spiritually discerned." 1 Cor. 2:14
  • 54. h is Fait Faith, then, is a gift that God gives us to lay hold of the unseen but very real spiritual realities of the Kingdom of God.
  • 55. h isWhen you beleive that what God Fait said is true and receive what He’s already provided Faith isn’t something you do and then, God responds to you. If hold to this concept in any form or fashion, you think that:  God is looking at your Bible study, prayer, holiness and goodness When you do enough, God will release his power
  • 56. If you think that way, you aren’t operating in true biblical faith Faith is not anything you do to get God to do something.
  • 57. Faith Brings Understanding of God Heb.11:3 "By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible." (11:3)
  • 58. Here's a basic element of faith:  the belief that in the beginning only God existed. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth," and that before the universe existed, there was no matter. "Universe" (NIV) or "worlds" (KJV, NRSV) is aiōn. It can refer to "the past" or and "age." Here it refers to "the world as a spatial concept" (BDAG 32-33).  That everything came about by God's creation, something from nothing (ex nihilo). By faith we understand (noeō), that is we "grasp or comprehend something on the basis of careful thought, 'perceive, apprehend, understand, gain an insight into.'" "Formed" (NIV), "prepared" (NRSV), "framed" (KJV) is katartizō, "to prepare for a purpose, prepare, make, create, outfit" (BDAG 526).
  • 59. Faith Pleases God Heb.11:6 "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."
  • 60. Pleases God How ?  Believe that He exists. This in itself is not faith, but a precursor to faith. James says, "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that -- and shudder" (James 2:19). Nevertheless, it is a first step.  Believe that he rewards those who seek after him. That is, He will reward or recompense people who seek him out.
  • 61. Faith Consideres God Faithful Heb.11:11 “By faith Abraham ... was enabled to become a father because he considered Him faithful Who had made the promise.”
  • 62. You can make up your own god, a god that fits all your preconceptions. Or you can study what God reveals about Himself, and from that data seek to understand more about Him.
  • 63. Faith Responds Positive Faith respondes positive to what God has already accomplished by and in Jesus Faith is how you appropriate and receive what God has already provided
  • 64. Faith responds positive to what was already done by and in JESUS. He saved us He healed us He blessed us
  • 65. Faith only appropriates what God has already provided by Jesus If God hasn’t already provided it, your faith can’t make God do anything! The reason you can’t go out and sucessfully rob a bank using Mark 11:24 is because God didn’t provid for thievery in His atonement. jesus didn’t provide the means to steal, commit murder or adultery...
  • 66. We have to quit trying to get God to do something and start believing what He already has done
  • 68. “By whose stripes we were (past tense) healed” I Ped.2:24 How can you doubt that He will do what He’s already done? This understanding takes all the struggle out of our lives