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Marketing and
Personal Growth
Lauren and Bryce Huschka
We want to tell you
a story from our
It is a true story
T hey lived jus t a few s ta tes a pa rt
There were two boys born in America
A gre a t dro ught s we pt t hro ugh
When they were young
And t he y jus t wa nt e d t o he lp
t he ir fa mily have a go o d life
Their families struggled to have enough food
B o th o f them s ta rted fa rms
So they decided to be entrepreneurs
So he co uld gro w co rn t o e a t a nd
whea t t o ma ke brea d a nd pa s t a
One of them borrowed money for land
So he co uld s e ll e ggs
The other borrowed money to buy chickens
Other peo ple tha t s ta rted
bus ines ses gave up
It was hard at first
B eca us e they wa nted to help their
fa mily a nd co mmunity
They kept going
And s ave d a litt le e a ch we e k t o
ma ke t heir bus ines s bett er
They eventually made money
B eca us e they wo rked ha rd a nd s aved mo ney,
their families had a good life
Over 40 years, they grew large businesses
B ut t he y e nde d up he lping t he
e nt ire co unt ry
They just set out to help their families
T hey were the Grea t Genera tio n
o f entrepreneurs in America
This is the story of our grandfathers
So we s t a rt e d a jo urne y a ro und t he
wo rld t o s ee ho w we co uld help
They taught us the importance of helping
T hen we will be in V ietna m, T ha ila nd,
Ca mbo dia , La o s , China a nd Rus s ia
Our first stop was Indonesia
We learned about the traffic in Jakarta
And helped students start their businesses
We saw the history of Yogyakarta
And learned to cook the local cuisine
We helped more entrepreneurs in Bali
And hiked to the center of Mount Rinjani
We made many new friends along the way
And fell in love with Indonesia
I t is now part of our soul
It reminded us of the opportunity in America
W hen our grandfathers
were young
Good luck brought us
to Trenggalek today
To share their
Your businesses are
And we want to help
you succeed
So you can help your
family have a good
Like our
grandfathers helped
America, maybe your
success will help
Marketing and Personal Growth Workshop
Two Topics Today:
2)Personal Growth
Topics are boring
So we are going to give
you a gift instead
By building
It worked for our
friend Hero we met
in Bali
He left his job as a
chef to start a
burrito stand
Now he…
❖Owns a Warung
❖Teaches hospitality
❖And gives many jobs to his village
worked for Hero
If you follow, it
will work for you
Build Your
Difference Factor
Marketing Section
Customers have many
For restaurants, for
groceries, for
transportation, for
The four marketing
activities today will
Build Your Difference
So customers will
choose your business…
And keep coming back
Your Book of
❖Leave Page 1 blank (we will do later)
❖Write Marketing Section on Page 2
❖Under it write Building My
Difference Factor
Add Marketing to
your Book
#1 Marketing Tip
Treat each customer like a
guest in your home
Think of customers
as guests in your
Your product is both
1)What you physically
2)And the service to
your guests
By s itting do wn with us a t dinner, s ending a free
a ppetizer, a nd giving us a to ur o f his kitchen
Hero made us feel like guests at Warung
What would your
family do if we were
guests in your home?
You see, marketing
is easier than it
1)Breakout and come
up with a few
sentences about
how you would
treat guests in
your home
Your Book of
❖Create title Treat Customers Like
Guests at the top of Page 3
❖Write 3-5 comments on how you and
your family treat guests in your home
Treat Customers
Like Guests
#2 Marketing Tip
Find a few special ways you
will be different than other
You have to find a
few special ways
that you are
different than
businesses like
This requires
creativity and
trying new things
that no one else is
It is what customers
will say they like
most about your
It is why customers
keep coming back
His difference fa cto r wa s tha t he o nly ma de the bes t B urrito ’s
us ing Indo nes ia ingredients tha t yo u co uld o rder in a hurry
Hero started a restaurant on Gili Air
Today we will come
up with ideas for
Difference Factor
Here are some other
examples to help you
T heir difference fa cto r wa s tha t they ca me fro m recycled
wo o d a nd us ed Indo nes ia s mells
Pembangunan Jaya made air fresheners
H is diffe re nce fa ct o r wa s co o king a fa mily
dinne r wit h his gue s t s t ha t wa s unfo rge tt a ble
Gede in Amed (Bali) had a hotel
T heir difference fa cto r wa s s aving the enviro nment a lo ng
their tra il a nd finis hed with a ho me - co o ked B a lines e mea l
Sepeda Bali had a trekking company
1)Breakout and come
up with your
difference factor
2)Share with your
group to get
Your Book of
❖Create title Difference Factor
Features at the top of Page 4
❖Write 2-4 ways that your business will
be different than other businesses with
similar products
Difference Factor
#3 Marketing Tip
Start small by finding 100
customers that love you
People often make
this wrong turn when
they start their
They try to sell to
You need to find just
10 to 100 customers
that love your
Difference Factor
Because they will
tell others
10 customers that
love you become 100…
100 customers that
love you become 1,000
T ha t were a ls o in a hurry a nd needed fa s t
s ervice
Hero focused his restaurant on Tourists
Today we will come
up with the Focus
Customers for your
Difference Factor
Here are some other
examples to help you
T ha t like d ve ge t a ria n fo o d a nd
hea lt hy drinks like Jamu
Pachamama focused on healthy people
And they fo cus ed ma king s ho es tha t high
s cho o l s tudents in B a li wo uld love
Bali Student Company made Gunny shoes
1)Breakout and come
up with your focus
2)Share with your
group to get
Your Book of
❖Create title Focus Customers at the
top of Page 5
❖Write a few details to describe your
ideal customer
My Ideal Customers
#4 Marketing Tip
Customer suggestions are
fuel for improving your
Difference Factor
You have three goals.
That is to have every
1) Come back
2) Tell others to come
3) Suggest improvements
In marketing, this is
often called
“Promotion” is one of
the most important
marketing concepts
after “Product”
You can use Trip
Advisor and Google to
have the 100
customers that love
you tell others
It is easier to do
than you think
Today we are going to
focus on just asking
your customers to
suggest improvements
Because your
Difference Factor
must always be
And your customers
have the answers
And added other menu items to give more
o ptio ns tha n jus t the burrito s .
Hero got feedback through Trip Advisor
Here are some other
examples to help you
And s ay it is the bigges t rea s o n fo r their
s ucces s
Pachamama started to ask customers to give
suggestions on Trip Advisor
After a few cus tomers mentioned they had
a llergy is s ues fro m her do g
Yhosie moved her homestay to her parent’s
1)Breakout and come
up with 4
questions to ask
customers about
2)Share as a group
to get suggestions
Your Book of
❖Create title Customer Improvement
Questions at the top of Page 6
❖Write 3-5 questions you could ask
customers to get feedback about your
difference factor
Customer Improvement
Get Better Every
Personal Growth Section
Marketing is about
your business
Personal Growth is
about you
Many things will
happen that you
can’t control
The one thing you
always control is
Personal Growth
Think about a strong
wind and rain
blowing against you
You can’t control
the weather
You can control each
step you take in the
wind and rain
Personal Growth is
about those steps
you choose to take
If you take many
small steps forward
You will climb the
mountain of success
The 4 personal growth
activities will show
you secrets to
Get Better Every Week
Your Book of
Add Personal Growth
to your Book
❖Write Personal Growth Section on
Page 7
❖Under it write Get Better Every Week
#1 Personal Growth
Put the important things
You have more work
to do than you have
time in a day
So you have to pick
what to do and what
not to do
The secret is to
find the 2-3 things
that will have the
most impact on
So he clo s ed his two burrito
s ta nds o n Gili T a nd Gili Meno
Hero chose to focus on his Warung, cooking
school and tourism services on Gili Air
Today we will give
you a few questions
to determine what is
most important
Here are some other
examples to help you
B efo re they increa s ed their ho urs
fo r brea kfa s t a nd dinner
Pachamama chose to focus on hiring good
new employees
So he has three rooms to s ell
befo re the to uris t s ea s on
Ilham focused on building a new room at
Answer the following
❖What actions did I take last week that
helped my business most?
❖What are the top two things I will do
next week to help my business?
Your Book of
Add Put Important
Things First
❖Create title Put Important Things
First at the top of Page 8
❖Write down your examples:
❖ W h a t w e r e t h e t w o m o s t i m p o r t a n t t h i n g s l a s t
w e e k ?
❖ W h a t a r e t h e t w o m o s t i m p o r t a n t t h i n g s f o r n e x t
w e e k ?
#2 Personal Growth
Turn challenges into
The truth of the
world is that
building a good life
is not easy
Especially if you
start with little
You can do
everything right…
And challenges still
The secret is to
turn challenges into
Because if you
learn, there are no
If you learn from
challenges, there is
only growth
He lea rned by s etting up a lo ng - term
a greement with a pla n to buy over time
Hero had a challenge because he could not
afford the land for his Warung
Today we will give
you a recipe to turn
challenges into
Here are some other
examples to help you
So he lea rned ho w to ma ke a tra ditio na l
neighbo rho o d in the center o f M a t a ra m
s pecial for his gues ts
Ilham could not afford a homestay near the
beach in Lombok
So they lea rned by hiring peo ple
s uggested by their bes t employees
Pachamama had a challenge keeping good
Turn challenges into
❖What were the two biggest challenges you
faced last week?
❖Now, answer what you learned from those
Your Book of
Add Turn Challenges
into Learning
❖Create title Turn Challenges into
Learning at the top of Page 9
❖Write down your examples:
❖ W h a t w e r e t h e t w o b i g g e s t c h a l l e n g e s y o u f a c e d
l a s t w e e k ?
❖ N o w, a n s w e r w h a t y o u l e a r n e d f r o m t h o s e
c h a l l e n g e s
#3 Personal Growth
Save money for your
family’s future
It is hard not to
spend all the money
you make
You need it, your
family needs it,
your community needs
There is something
your family and
village need more
than money
They need your
business to be
far into the future
Because it can bring
them jobs and the
good life
The secret to future
success is to save
money each week
And use it to make
big changes to your
And us ed it to build a new
ro o f fo r his wa rung .
Hero saved the money from his cooking class
each week
Today we will show
how saving money
each week can bring
success in the
Here are some other
examples to help you
To build his new ho mes tay ca lled “Refres h”
with s ix ro o ms a nd a view o f the bea ch
Ilham is saving money from his third room
Saving money for a
better family future
❖What is the biggest item that could help
your business but you can’t afford today?
❖What is your plan to save money each week
to make that investment?
Your Book of
Add Save Money Every
❖Create title Save Money Every Week
at the top of Page 10
❖Write down your examples:
❖ W h a t i s t h e b i g g e s t i t e m t h a t c o u l d h e l p y o u r
b u s i n e s s b u t y o u c a n ’ t a f f o r d t o d a y ?
❖ W h a t i s y o u r p l a n t o s a v e m o n e y e a c h w e e k t o
m a k e t h a t i n v e s t m e n t ?
#4 Personal Growth
Ask others for help
One of the great
strengths of
Indonesia is
People love to help
and they make it
look easy
It is easier to help
than it is to ask
for help
A secret to Personal
Growth is the
courage to ask for
We wanted to help…
If Rob didn’t have
the courage to ask,
we wouldn’t be here
If you work hard to
help yourself, you
will be amazed with
how other people
will help when you
His landlord noticed Hero’s hard work and
helped him build the ro o m when Hero a s ked
Hero’s was working hard on his roof but
didn’t have enough time to finish
Updated Slide
Today we will come
up with people you
could ask for help
in the future
Here are some other
examples to help you
So o ne o f his gues ts do na ted the W ifi ro uter
a nd Gede pa id the mo nthly bill
Gede asked for help improving the Wifi in his
Updated Slide
Building the Courage
to Ask for Help
❖List who the people are you could ask for
❖Other businesses like yours
❖Retailers or distributors
Your Book of
Add Ask for Help
❖Create title Ask for Help at the top of
Page 11
❖Write down the list of names you could
ask for help in the future?
Weekly Discipline
We learned a lot of
new ideas today
They all supported
two ideas
❖The Secret to Marketing: Build your
Difference Factor
❖The Secret to Personal Growth: Get Better
Every Week
You have done all of
the hard work…
You only have to do
one thing to finish
writing your
Book of Success
It is to create a
checklist to
Get Better Every
Your Book of
Your Inspiration for
Working Hard
❖When you leave today, update Page 1
of your book of success
❖Put a picture of your family or write
down your inspiration for working hard
Your Book of
Add your Weekly
Discipline Section
❖Write Weekly Discipline Section on
Page 12
Your Book of
Add your Weekly
Discipline Checklist
❖Add the title Weekly Discipline
Checklist at the top of Page 13
❖Add this list to Page 13
1 . D i d y o u l o o k b a c k o v e r y o u r M a r k e t i n g S e c t i o n o f y o u r b o o k o f
s u c c e s s ?
2 . W h a t w e r e t h e 2 m o s t i m p o r t a n t t h i n g s y o u d i d f o r y o u r b u s i n e s s
l a s t w e e k ?
3 . W h a t a r e t h e t w o m o s t i m p o r t a n t t h i n g s y o u p l a n t o d o n e x t w e e k ?
4 . W h a t d i d y o u l e a r n f r o m t h e b i g g e s t c h a l l e n g e s y o u f a c e d l a s t
w e e k ?
5 . H o w m u c h m o n e y d i d y o u s a v e f o r y o u r b u s i n e s s l a s t w e e k ?
6 . W h o d i d y o u a s k f o r h e l p l a s t w e e k ?
7 . W h o d o y o u p l a n t o a s k f o r h e l p n e x t w e e k ?
Your Book of
Add your Weekly
Discipline Section
❖Write the title Weekly Review
Schedule on the top of Page 14
❖Pick one day a week you will go
through your weekly discipline
❖Write your planned day on page 14
This is the one step
you have to take
each week to finish
your Book of Success
Like our
you can help your
family have a good
life for years to
And you might even
be able to help
other people in
Indonesia that have
dreams like you
It might help Ofin start a health cafĂŠ in
It might help Agusti start a music business
It might help Ilham finish his Refresh hotel
It might help Hamdi start a Trekking
Thank you for being
here today.
Please consider us
friends and ask for
Lauren – lvhensarling
Bryce - brycehuschka

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Sales and Marketing Workshop - Junior Achievement USAID Japri - Indonesia

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 4. We want to tell you a story from our home… It is a true story
  • 5. T hey lived jus t a few s ta tes a pa rt There were two boys born in America
  • 6. A gre a t dro ught s we pt t hro ugh When they were young
  • 7. And t he y jus t wa nt e d t o he lp t he ir fa mily have a go o d life Their families struggled to have enough food
  • 8. B o th o f them s ta rted fa rms So they decided to be entrepreneurs
  • 9. So he co uld gro w co rn t o e a t a nd whea t t o ma ke brea d a nd pa s t a One of them borrowed money for land
  • 10. So he co uld s e ll e ggs The other borrowed money to buy chickens
  • 11. Other peo ple tha t s ta rted bus ines ses gave up It was hard at first
  • 12. B eca us e they wa nted to help their fa mily a nd co mmunity They kept going
  • 13. And s ave d a litt le e a ch we e k t o ma ke t heir bus ines s bett er They eventually made money
  • 14. B eca us e they wo rked ha rd a nd s aved mo ney, their families had a good life Over 40 years, they grew large businesses
  • 15. B ut t he y e nde d up he lping t he e nt ire co unt ry They just set out to help their families
  • 16. T hey were the Grea t Genera tio n o f entrepreneurs in America This is the story of our grandfathers
  • 17. So we s t a rt e d a jo urne y a ro und t he wo rld t o s ee ho w we co uld help They taught us the importance of helping others
  • 18. T hen we will be in V ietna m, T ha ila nd, Ca mbo dia , La o s , China a nd Rus s ia Our first stop was Indonesia
  • 19. We learned about the traffic in Jakarta
  • 20. And helped students start their businesses
  • 21. We saw the history of Yogyakarta
  • 22. And learned to cook the local cuisine
  • 23. We helped more entrepreneurs in Bali
  • 24. And hiked to the center of Mount Rinjani
  • 25. We made many new friends along the way
  • 26. And fell in love with Indonesia I t is now part of our soul
  • 27. It reminded us of the opportunity in America W hen our grandfathers were young
  • 28. Good luck brought us to Trenggalek today To share their lessons
  • 29. Your businesses are special… And we want to help you succeed
  • 30. So you can help your family have a good life
  • 31. Like our grandfathers helped America, maybe your success will help Indonesia
  • 34. Topics are boring though! So we are going to give you a gift instead
  • 35. By building YOUR BOOK OF SUCCESS
  • 36. It worked for our friend Hero we met in Bali
  • 37. He left his job as a chef to start a burrito stand
  • 38. Now he… ❖Owns a Warung ❖Teaches hospitality ❖And gives many jobs to his village
  • 39. The BOOK OF SUCCESS worked for Hero If you follow, it will work for you too
  • 41. Customers have many options… For restaurants, for groceries, for transportation, for everything!
  • 42. The four marketing activities today will Build Your Difference Factor
  • 43. So customers will choose your business… And keep coming back
  • 44. Your Book of Success ❖Leave Page 1 blank (we will do later) ❖Write Marketing Section on Page 2 ❖Under it write Building My Difference Factor Add Marketing to your Book
  • 45. #1 Marketing Tip Treat each customer like a guest in your home
  • 46. Think of customers as guests in your home
  • 47. Your product is both 1)What you physically exchange 2)And the service to your guests
  • 48. By s itting do wn with us a t dinner, s ending a free a ppetizer, a nd giving us a to ur o f his kitchen Hero made us feel like guests at Warung Sunny
  • 49. What would your family do if we were guests in your home?
  • 50. You see, marketing is easier than it looks
  • 51. 1)Breakout and come up with a few sentences about how you would treat guests in your home
  • 52. Your Book of Success ❖Create title Treat Customers Like Guests at the top of Page 3 ❖Write 3-5 comments on how you and your family treat guests in your home Treat Customers Like Guests
  • 53. #2 Marketing Tip Find a few special ways you will be different than other businesses
  • 54. You have to find a few special ways that you are different than businesses like yours
  • 55. This requires creativity and trying new things that no one else is doing
  • 56. It is what customers will say they like most about your business
  • 57. It is why customers keep coming back
  • 58. His difference fa cto r wa s tha t he o nly ma de the bes t B urrito ’s us ing Indo nes ia ingredients tha t yo u co uld o rder in a hurry Hero started a restaurant on Gili Air
  • 59. Today we will come up with ideas for your Difference Factor
  • 60. Here are some other examples to help you understand
  • 61. T heir difference fa cto r wa s tha t they ca me fro m recycled wo o d a nd us ed Indo nes ia s mells Pembangunan Jaya made air fresheners
  • 62. H is diffe re nce fa ct o r wa s co o king a fa mily dinne r wit h his gue s t s t ha t wa s unfo rge tt a ble Gede in Amed (Bali) had a hotel
  • 63. T heir difference fa cto r wa s s aving the enviro nment a lo ng their tra il a nd finis hed with a ho me - co o ked B a lines e mea l Sepeda Bali had a trekking company
  • 64. 1)Breakout and come up with your difference factor 2)Share with your group to get suggestions
  • 65. Your Book of Success ❖Create title Difference Factor Features at the top of Page 4 ❖Write 2-4 ways that your business will be different than other businesses with similar products Difference Factor Features
  • 66. #3 Marketing Tip Start small by finding 100 customers that love you
  • 67. People often make this wrong turn when they start their businesses…
  • 68. They try to sell to everyone
  • 69. You need to find just 10 to 100 customers that love your Difference Factor
  • 71. 10 customers that love you become 100… 100 customers that love you become 1,000
  • 72. T ha t were a ls o in a hurry a nd needed fa s t s ervice Hero focused his restaurant on Tourists
  • 73. Today we will come up with the Focus Customers for your Difference Factor
  • 74. Here are some other examples to help you understand
  • 75. T ha t like d ve ge t a ria n fo o d a nd hea lt hy drinks like Jamu Pachamama focused on healthy people
  • 76. And they fo cus ed ma king s ho es tha t high s cho o l s tudents in B a li wo uld love Bali Student Company made Gunny shoes
  • 77. 1)Breakout and come up with your focus customers 2)Share with your group to get suggestions
  • 78. Your Book of Success ❖Create title Focus Customers at the top of Page 5 ❖Write a few details to describe your ideal customer My Ideal Customers
  • 79. #4 Marketing Tip Customer suggestions are fuel for improving your Difference Factor
  • 80. You have three goals. That is to have every customer: 1) Come back 2) Tell others to come 3) Suggest improvements
  • 81. In marketing, this is often called “Promotion”
  • 82. “Promotion” is one of the most important marketing concepts after “Product”
  • 83. You can use Trip Advisor and Google to have the 100 customers that love you tell others
  • 84. It is easier to do than you think
  • 85. Today we are going to focus on just asking your customers to suggest improvements
  • 86. Because your Difference Factor must always be improving
  • 87. And your customers have the answers
  • 88. And added other menu items to give more o ptio ns tha n jus t the burrito s . Hero got feedback through Trip Advisor
  • 89. Here are some other examples to help you understand
  • 90. And s ay it is the bigges t rea s o n fo r their s ucces s Pachamama started to ask customers to give suggestions on Trip Advisor
  • 91. After a few cus tomers mentioned they had a llergy is s ues fro m her do g Yhosie moved her homestay to her parent’s home
  • 92. 1)Breakout and come up with 4 questions to ask customers about improvements 2)Share as a group to get suggestions
  • 93. Your Book of Success ❖Create title Customer Improvement Questions at the top of Page 6 ❖Write 3-5 questions you could ask customers to get feedback about your difference factor Customer Improvement Questions
  • 94. Get Better Every Week Personal Growth Section 2
  • 95. Marketing is about your business Personal Growth is about you
  • 96. Many things will happen that you can’t control
  • 97. The one thing you always control is Personal Growth
  • 98. Think about a strong wind and rain blowing against you
  • 99. You can’t control the weather You can control each step you take in the wind and rain
  • 100. Personal Growth is about those steps you choose to take
  • 101. If you take many small steps forward You will climb the mountain of success
  • 102. The 4 personal growth activities will show you secrets to Get Better Every Week
  • 103. Your Book of Success Add Personal Growth to your Book ❖Write Personal Growth Section on Page 7 ❖Under it write Get Better Every Week
  • 104. #1 Personal Growth Tip Put the important things first
  • 105. You have more work to do than you have time in a day
  • 106. So you have to pick what to do and what not to do
  • 107. The secret is to find the 2-3 things that will have the most impact on success
  • 108. So he clo s ed his two burrito s ta nds o n Gili T a nd Gili Meno Hero chose to focus on his Warung, cooking school and tourism services on Gili Air
  • 109. Today we will give you a few questions to determine what is most important
  • 110. Here are some other examples to help you understand
  • 111. B efo re they increa s ed their ho urs fo r brea kfa s t a nd dinner Pachamama chose to focus on hiring good new employees
  • 112. So he has three rooms to s ell befo re the to uris t s ea s on Ilham focused on building a new room at Feelhome
  • 113. Answer the following questions ❖What actions did I take last week that helped my business most? ❖What are the top two things I will do next week to help my business?
  • 114. Your Book of Success Add Put Important Things First ❖Create title Put Important Things First at the top of Page 8 ❖Write down your examples: ❖ W h a t w e r e t h e t w o m o s t i m p o r t a n t t h i n g s l a s t w e e k ? ❖ W h a t a r e t h e t w o m o s t i m p o r t a n t t h i n g s f o r n e x t w e e k ?
  • 115. #2 Personal Growth Tip Turn challenges into learning
  • 116. The truth of the world is that building a good life is not easy
  • 117. Especially if you start with little
  • 118. You can do everything right… And challenges still come
  • 119. The secret is to turn challenges into learning
  • 120. Because if you learn, there are no challenges If you learn from challenges, there is only growth
  • 121. He lea rned by s etting up a lo ng - term a greement with a pla n to buy over time Hero had a challenge because he could not afford the land for his Warung
  • 122. Today we will give you a recipe to turn challenges into learning
  • 123. Here are some other examples to help you understand
  • 124. So he lea rned ho w to ma ke a tra ditio na l neighbo rho o d in the center o f M a t a ra m s pecial for his gues ts Ilham could not afford a homestay near the beach in Lombok
  • 125. So they lea rned by hiring peo ple s uggested by their bes t employees Pachamama had a challenge keeping good employees
  • 126. Turn challenges into learning ❖What were the two biggest challenges you faced last week? ❖Now, answer what you learned from those challenges
  • 127. Your Book of Success Add Turn Challenges into Learning ❖Create title Turn Challenges into Learning at the top of Page 9 ❖Write down your examples: ❖ W h a t w e r e t h e t w o b i g g e s t c h a l l e n g e s y o u f a c e d l a s t w e e k ? ❖ N o w, a n s w e r w h a t y o u l e a r n e d f r o m t h o s e c h a l l e n g e s
  • 128. #3 Personal Growth Tip Save money for your family’s future
  • 129. It is hard not to spend all the money you make
  • 130. You need it, your family needs it, your community needs it
  • 131. There is something your family and village need more than money
  • 132. They need your business to be successful… far into the future
  • 133. Because it can bring them jobs and the good life
  • 134. The secret to future success is to save money each week
  • 135. And use it to make big changes to your business
  • 136. And us ed it to build a new ro o f fo r his wa rung . Hero saved the money from his cooking class each week
  • 137. Today we will show how saving money each week can bring success in the future
  • 138. Here are some other examples to help you understand
  • 139. To build his new ho mes tay ca lled “Refres h” with s ix ro o ms a nd a view o f the bea ch Ilham is saving money from his third room
  • 140. Saving money for a better family future ❖What is the biggest item that could help your business but you can’t afford today? ❖What is your plan to save money each week to make that investment?
  • 141. Your Book of Success Add Save Money Every Week ❖Create title Save Money Every Week at the top of Page 10 ❖Write down your examples: ❖ W h a t i s t h e b i g g e s t i t e m t h a t c o u l d h e l p y o u r b u s i n e s s b u t y o u c a n ’ t a f f o r d t o d a y ? ❖ W h a t i s y o u r p l a n t o s a v e m o n e y e a c h w e e k t o m a k e t h a t i n v e s t m e n t ?
  • 142. #4 Personal Growth Tip Ask others for help
  • 143. One of the great strengths of Indonesia is community
  • 144. People love to help and they make it look easy
  • 145. It is easier to help than it is to ask for help
  • 146. A secret to Personal Growth is the courage to ask for help
  • 147. We wanted to help… If Rob didn’t have the courage to ask, we wouldn’t be here today
  • 148. If you work hard to help yourself, you will be amazed with how other people will help when you ask
  • 149. His landlord noticed Hero’s hard work and helped him build the ro o m when Hero a s ked Hero’s was working hard on his roof but didn’t have enough time to finish Updated Slide
  • 150. Today we will come up with people you could ask for help in the future
  • 151. Here are some other examples to help you understand
  • 152. So o ne o f his gues ts do na ted the W ifi ro uter a nd Gede pa id the mo nthly bill Gede asked for help improving the Wifi in his homestay Updated Slide
  • 153. Building the Courage to Ask for Help ❖List who the people are you could ask for help ❖Other businesses like yours ❖Mentors ❖Retailers or distributors ❖Experts ❖Customers
  • 154. Your Book of Success Add Ask for Help ❖Create title Ask for Help at the top of Page 11 ❖Write down the list of names you could ask for help in the future?
  • 156. We learned a lot of new ideas today
  • 157. They all supported two ideas ❖The Secret to Marketing: Build your Difference Factor ❖The Secret to Personal Growth: Get Better Every Week
  • 158. You have done all of the hard work…
  • 159. You only have to do one thing to finish writing your Book of Success
  • 160. It is to create a checklist to Get Better Every Week
  • 161. Your Book of Success Your Inspiration for Working Hard ❖When you leave today, update Page 1 of your book of success ❖Put a picture of your family or write down your inspiration for working hard
  • 162. Your Book of Success Add your Weekly Discipline Section ❖Write Weekly Discipline Section on Page 12
  • 163. Your Book of Success Add your Weekly Discipline Checklist ❖Add the title Weekly Discipline Checklist at the top of Page 13 ❖Add this list to Page 13 1 . D i d y o u l o o k b a c k o v e r y o u r M a r k e t i n g S e c t i o n o f y o u r b o o k o f s u c c e s s ? 2 . W h a t w e r e t h e 2 m o s t i m p o r t a n t t h i n g s y o u d i d f o r y o u r b u s i n e s s l a s t w e e k ? 3 . W h a t a r e t h e t w o m o s t i m p o r t a n t t h i n g s y o u p l a n t o d o n e x t w e e k ? 4 . W h a t d i d y o u l e a r n f r o m t h e b i g g e s t c h a l l e n g e s y o u f a c e d l a s t w e e k ? 5 . H o w m u c h m o n e y d i d y o u s a v e f o r y o u r b u s i n e s s l a s t w e e k ? 6 . W h o d i d y o u a s k f o r h e l p l a s t w e e k ? 7 . W h o d o y o u p l a n t o a s k f o r h e l p n e x t w e e k ?
  • 164. Your Book of Success Add your Weekly Discipline Section ❖Write the title Weekly Review Schedule on the top of Page 14 ❖Pick one day a week you will go through your weekly discipline checklist. ❖Write your planned day on page 14
  • 165. This is the one step you have to take each week to finish your Book of Success
  • 166. Like our grandfathers, you can help your family have a good life for years to come
  • 167. And you might even be able to help other people in Indonesia that have dreams like you
  • 168. It might help Ofin start a health cafĂŠ in Flores
  • 169. It might help Agusti start a music business
  • 170. It might help Ilham finish his Refresh hotel
  • 171. It might help Hamdi start a Trekking company
  • 172. Thank you for being here today. Please consider us friends and ask for help