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Dong	Yu
Distinguished	Scientist	and	Vice	General	Manager	
Tencent AI	Lab
work	was	done	while	@	Microsoft	Research
Joint	work	with	
Morten	Kolbæk,	Zheng-Hua	Tan,	and	Jesper	Jensen
Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	
Permutation	Invariant	Training
• Motivation
• Problem	Setup	and	Prior	Arts
• Multi-talker	Speech	Separation
• Experiments
• Conclusion
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 2
• Motivation
• Problem	Setup	and	Prior	Arts
• Multi-talker	Speech	Separation
• Experiments
• Conclusion
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 3
Frontier	Shift
• Driven	by	demand	from	users	to	interact	with	devices	
without	wearing	or	carrying	a	close-talk	microphone.	
• Many	difficulties	hidden	by	close-talk	microphones	now	
• The	energy	of	speech	signal	is	very	low	when	it	reaches	the	
• The	interfering	signals,	such	as	background	noise,	reverberation,	
and	speech	from	other	talkers,	become	so	distinct	that	they	can	no	
longer	be	ignored.
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 4
close-talk	microphone far-field	microphone
reverberation from
surface reflections
additive noise from
other sound sources
ASR	in	Real	World	Scenarios
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 5
Cocktail	Party	Problem
• Term	coined	by	Cherry
• “One	of	our	most	important	faculties	is	our	ability	to	listen	to,	and	follow,	
one	speaker	in	the	presence	of	others.	This	is	such	a	common	experience	
that	we	may	take	it	for	granted;	we	may	call	it	‘the	cocktail	party	problem’…”	
• Human’s	performance	is	superior	to	machine
• “For	‘cocktail	party’-like	situations…	when	all	voices	are	equally	loud,	speech	
remains	intelligible	for	normal-hearing	listeners even	when	there	are	as	
many	as	six	interfering	talkers”	(Bronkhorst &	Plomp’92)
• Speech	separation	problem
• Separate and	trace audio	streams
• Sometimes	called	speech	enhancement	when	dealing	with	non-speech	
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 6
Is	Speech	Separation	Work	Needed?
• End-to-end	ASR	system	sufficient?
• Current	ASR	techniques	require	huge	amount	of	training	data	that	covers	various	
conditions	to	train	well
• Speech	separation	can	be	used	as	advanced	front-end
• Speech	separation	criterion	can	be	used	as	regularization	to	aid	and	speed	up	
training	of	ASR	systems
• More	applications	than	ASR
• Hearing	aids
• Cochlear	implants
• Noise	reduction	for	mobile	communication
• Audio	information	retrieval
• Using	microphone	array	sufficient?
• Mic-array	alone	is	not	sufficient,	e.g.,	when	at	same	direction
• Many	recordings	are	still	collected	with	single	microphone
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 7
• Motivation
• Problem	Setup	and	Prior	Arts
• Multi-talker	Speech	Separation
• Experiments
• Conclusion
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 8
Problem	Definition
• Source	speech	streams
• Mixed	speech
• STFT	domain
• Estimate	Mask
• Reconstruct	with	Mask
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 9
•Ill-posed	problem	(#	constraints	<	#	free	params:	
• There	are	an	infinite	number	of	possible	 𝑋" 𝑡, 𝑓 combinations	that	lead	to	
the	same	 𝑌 𝑡, 𝑓
• Learn	from	training	set	to	look	for	hidden	regularities	(complicated	soft	
Prior	Arts	Before	Deep	Learning	Era
• Computational	auditory	scene	analysis	(CASA)	
• Use	perceptual	grouping	cues	to	estimate	time-frequency	masks
• Non-negative	matrix	factorization	(NMF)
• Learn	a	set	of	non-negative	bases	during	training
• Estimate	mixing	factors	during	evaluation
• Model	based	approach	such	as	factorial	GMM-HMM	
• Models	the	interaction	between	the	target	and	competing	speech	signals	and	
their	temporal	dynamics
• Spatial	filtering	with	a	microphone	array
• Beamforming:	Extract	target	sound	from	a	specific	spatial	direction
• Independent	component	analysis:	Find	a	demixing matrix	from	multiple	
mixtures	of	sound	sources
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 10
Training	Criteria	for	Deep	Learning
• Ideal	amplitude	mask	(IAM)	𝑀" 𝑡, 𝑓 =
)* +,,
- +,,
• Minimize	mask estimation	error	(two	problems)
• In	silence	segments	 𝑋" 𝑡, 𝑓 = 0 and	 𝑌 𝑡, 𝑓 = 0 → 𝑀" 𝑡, 𝑓 is	not	well	defined
• Smaller	error	on	masks	may	not	lead	to	a	smaller	error	on	magnitude	(which	is	what	
we	care	about)
• Minimize	magnitude estimation	error	(used	in	this	study)
• Magnitude	still	estimated	through	masks:	often	lead	to	better	performance	esp.	
when	training	set	is	small
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 11
Prior	Arts	with	DL:	Speech	+	Others
(many	works,	OSU,	MERL,	CUST,	etc.)
• Basic	Architecture:	mix	of	different	types	of	signals
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 12
Other	Speakers
Est.	Noise/Music/	
Other	Speakers
Prior	Arts	with	DL:	Focus	on	Speech
(many	works,	OSU,	MERL,	CUST,	etc.)
• Basic	Architecture:	mix	of	different	types	of	signals
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 13
Other	Speakers
Est.	Noise/Music/	
Other	Speakers
Speech +	noise
Speech +	music
Specific	speaker	+	other	speakers
• Motivation
• Problem	Setup	and	Prior	Arts
• Multi-talker	Speech	Separation
• Experiments
• Conclusion
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 14
Multi-Talker	Speech	Separation
• Label	Ambiguity	/	Label	Permutation	Problem
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 15
Speaker	1	à output	1 ?
Speaker	1	à output	2 ?
Solution	1:	Deep	Clustering
(Hershey,	Chen,	Roux,	Watanabe,	2016)
• Learn	a	unit-size	embedding	for	each	time-frequency	bin	
• If	two	bins	belong	to	the	same	speaker	they	are	close	in	the	embedding	
space,	and	father	away	otherwise.	
• Trained	on	a	large	window	of	frames
• Separation	is	done	by	clustering	embedding	space	representations	
(i.e.,	segment	the	bins)
• Shortcomings
• Pipeline	is	complicated
• Each	bin	is	assumed	to	belong	to	one	and	only	one	speaker	à limited	its	
ability	to	combine	with	other	techniques
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 16
Solution	2:	Use	Manually	Defined	Rules
(Weng,	Yu,	Seltzer,	Droppo,	14,15)
• Use	instantaneous	energy	instead	of	speaker	ID	to	assign	labels:	manually
designed	limited	cues
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 17
Our	Solution:	Permutation	Invariant	Training
(Yu, Kolbæk,	Tan,	Jensen,	16,	17)
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 18
Simple	to	implement
Can	be	easily	extended	to	3-speakers
𝑋0 − 𝑋20
+ 𝑋3 − 𝑋23
𝑋3 − 𝑋20
+ 𝑋0 − 𝑋23
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 19
• Default	assignment:	concatenate	output	s’s	frames	to	form	stream	s
• Optimal	assignment:	output	of	each	frame	is	correctly	assigned	to	speakers.	
Concatenate	frames	belong	to	speaker	s	to	form	stream	s
• Gap	between	them	indicates	the	gain	from	additional	speaker	tracing
• Motivation
• Problem	Setup	and	Prior	Arts
• Multi-talker	Speech	Separation
• Experiments
• Conclusion
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 20
Experiment	Setup:	Datasets
• WSJ0-2mix	and	3-mix
• Derived	from	WSJ0	corpus	
• 2- and	3-speaker	mixtures	(artificially	generated)
• 30h	training	set,	10h	validation	set,	5h	test	set	
• Mixed	at	SIRs	between	0	dB	and	5	dB.
• Danish-2mix	and	3-mix	
• Derived	from	a	Danish	corpus	
• 2- or	3-speaker	mixtures	(artificially	generated)
• 10k,	1k,	1k+1k	utterances	in	training,	validation,	and	test	sets	
• Mixed	at	0dB
• WSJ0-2mix-other
• Same	as	WSJ0-2mix	but	mixed	at	0dB
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 21
• Implemented	using	the	Microsoft	cognitive	toolkit	(CNTK)
• Input:	257	dim	STFT;	Output:	257	x	S	streams
• Segment-based	(PIT-S):	Each	segment	is	independent,	no	tracing
• DNN:	3	hidden	layers	each	with	1024	ReLU units
• PIT	with	tracing	(PIT-T):	force	all	frames	from	the	same	output	layer	
to	belong	to	the	same	speaker
• LSTM:	3	LSTM	layers	each	with	1792	units
• BLSTM:	3	BLSTM	layers	each	with	896	units
• Test	Conditions
• Closed	condition	(CC): seen	speakers
• Open	condition	(OC):	unseen	speakers
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 22
PIT-S	Training	Behavior:	WSJ0-2mix
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 23
PIT-S:	SDR	Gain	(dB)	on	WSJ0-2MIX	
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 24
PIT-T	Training	Behavior:	WSJ0-2mix
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 25
PIT-T:	SDR	Gain	(dB)	on	WSJ0-2MIX	
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 26
SDR	(dB)	and	PESQ	Gain	Comparison
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 27
Cross	Language	Behavior	on	2-talker	Mix
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 28
PIT-T	on	WSJ0-3mix
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 29
PIT-T	Trained	with	Both	2- and	3-mix
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 30
Examples:	2-talker	Mix
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 31
Examples:	3-talker	Mix
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 32
Example:	Trained	on	3-Mix	Test	on	2-Mix
•Diff	Gender:
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 33
•Same	Gender:
Example:	Trained	on	2	and	3-Mix,	test	on	2-Mix
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 34
•Diff	Gender:
•Same	Gender:
• Motivation
• Problem	Setup	and	Prior	Arts
• Multi-talker	Speech	Separation
• Experiments
• Conclusion
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 35
• PIT	can	solve	the	label	permutation	problem
• PIT	is	effective	in	speech	separation	without	knowing	number	of	
• PIT	trained	models	generalize	well	to	unseen	speakers	and	languages
• PIT	is	simple	to	implement
• PIT	has	great	potential	since	it	can	be	easily	integrated	and	combined	
with	other	techniques
3/27/17 Dong	Yu	:	Multi-talker	Speech	Separation	and	Tracing	with	Permutation	Invariant	Training 36
Classification	View	
(supervised	approach)
Segmentation	view
(deep	clustering)
Separation	View
PIT	is	an	important	ingredient	in	the	
final	solution	to	the	cocktail	party	problem

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