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• Introduction To Docker & Containers
• Dockerizing Dockerising Applications
• Docker As Development Environment
• Testing Containers
• Production
A Load Balanced
ASP.NET/NancyFX/Node.js Website
running inside Docker
Virtual Machine
Own Process Space
Own Network Interface
Own Root Directories
Like a lightweight VM. But it’s not a VM.
Native CPU
Native Memory
Native IO
No Pre-Allocation
Instant On
Zero Performance Overheard
Build, Ship and Run Any App, Anywhere
Docker - An open platform for distributed applications
for developers and sysadmins.
ElasticSearch Before Docker
> curl -L -O
> unzip elasticsearch-$
> cd elasticsearch-$VERSION
The only requirement for installing Elasticsearch is a recent version of Java. Preferably,
you should install the latest version of the official Java from
1. Download the jre-8u40-macosx-x64.dmg file.
2. Review and agree to the terms of the license agreement before downloading the
3. Double-click the .dmg file to launch it
4. Double-click on the package icon to launch install Wizard
5. The Install Wizard displays the Welcome to Java installation screen. Click Next
6. Oracle has partnered with companies that offer various products. After ensuring
the desired programs are selected, click the Next button to continue the
7. After the installation has completed, a confirmation screen appears. Click Close to
finish the installation process.
> ./bin/elasticsearch
> docker run -d #Run In Background
dockerfile/elasticsearch #Image Name
> docker run -d
-p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 #Bind Ports
curl b2d:9200 ?
> boot2docker ip
> echo “ b2d” >> /private/etc/hosts
> cat /private/etc/hosts b2d
for i in {49000..49900}; do
VBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 "tcp-port$i,tcp,,$i,,$i";
VBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 "udp-port$i,udp,,$i,,$i";
Installing In Development
Dockerfile &
App Source
FROM ubuntu:14.01 # Base Image
FROM ubuntu:latest # Caution
COPY . /src # Copy current directory into image
WORKDIR /src # Set working directory
RUN apt-get update # Run a shell command
EXPOSE 3000 # Allow binding to port 3000
EXPOSE 7000-8000 # Expose range of ports
CMD ./bin/www # Default command when container
Complete .NET/Mono Dockerfile
FROM benhall/docker-mono
COPY . /src
RUN xbuild Nancy.Demo.Hosting.Docker.sln
CMD ["mono",
benhall/docker-mono Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:14.01
RUN apt-get update -qq && 
apt-get -yqq install mono-complete && 
apt-get -yqq clean
> docker build #Build Image
-t scrapbook/app:20150520 #Image Name:Tag
. #Directory
> cat .dockerignore #Ignore file in root
> docker run -it #Run In Foreground
scrapbook/app:20150520 #Image Name:Tag
> docker run -it
-p 3000 #Bind Random Port to Port 3000
> docker run -it
-p 3000:3000 #Bind Known Port
> docker ps #List Running Processes
-a #Include Stopped
1e5b37b0a2bc scrapbook/app:20150520133000
"npm start" 4 minutes ago
Up 4 minutes>3000/tcp
> docker logs # Stream logs
1e5b37b0a2bc # ContainerID
> docker run -d -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300
--name es # Friendly Name
> docker run –it –p 3000
--link es:elasticsearch # Link
> cat /etc/hosts elasticsearch
> env
> docker run –it –p 3000 --link es:elasticsearch
-e SQLSERVER= #Environment Variable
> env
> make build
NAME = benhall/docker-make-demo
default: build
docker build -t $(NAME) .
docker run --rm -it $(NAME) /bin/bash
docker run --rm $(NAME)
docker push $(NAME)
release: build push
> cat docker-compose.yml
web: # Container Name
build: . # Build
links: # Links
- elasticsearch
ports: # Ports
- 3000
environment: # Environment
NODE_ENV: 'production'
elasticsearch: # 2nd Container Name
# Use Image
image: dockerfile/elasticsearch:latest
ports: # Ports
- 9200:9200
> docker-compose up # Start containers
–d # In background
Recreating scrapbookv2_nginx_1...
Recreating scrapbookv2_redis_1...
Recreating scrapbookv2_db_1...
Recreating scrapbookv2_elasticsearch_1...
Recreating scrapbookv2_web_1…
> docker-compose stop # Stop containers
Stopping scrapbookv2_web_1...
Stopping scrapbookv2_elasticsearch_1...
Stopping scrapbookv2_db_1...
Stopping scrapbookv2_redis_1...
Stopping scrapbookv2_nginx_1...
Sidekick Container For Testing
> docker run –d # No need to bind ports
--name es # Friendly Name
> docker run –it
--link es:es # Link
benhall/curl # Curl Image
curl http://es:9200 # Ping service
> echo $? # Exit Code
0 # Success
Schema Management Containers
> docker run –d # No need to bind ports
--name es # Friendly Name
> docker run –rm
--link es:es # Link
myapp/schema:latest # Schema Image
ubuntu 15.04 2427658c75a1 12 weeks ago 117.5 MB
ubuntu vivid 2427658c75a1 12 weeks ago 117.5 MB
ubuntu vivid-20150218 2427658c75a1 12 weeks ago 117.5 MB
ubuntu 14.10 78949b1e1cfd 12 weeks ago 194.4 MB
ubuntu utopic-20150211 78949b1e1cfd 12 weeks ago 194.4 MB
ubuntu utopic 78949b1e1cfd 12 weeks ago 194.4 MB
ubuntu latest 2d24f826cb16 12 weeks ago 188.3 MB
ubuntu trusty 2d24f826cb16 12 weeks ago 188.3 MB
ubuntu 14.04 2d24f826cb16 12 weeks ago 188.3 MB
ubuntu 14.04.2 2d24f826cb16 12 weeks ago 188.3 MB
ubuntu trusty-20150218.1 2d24f826cb16 12 weeks ago 188.3 MB
ubuntu 12.04 1f80e9ca2ac3 12 weeks ago 131.5 MB
ubuntu precise 1f80e9ca2ac3 12 weeks ago 131.5 MB
ubuntu precise-20150212 1f80e9ca2ac3 12 weeks ago 131.5 MB
ubuntu 12.04.5 1f80e9ca2ac3 12 weeks ago 131.5 MB
ubuntu 14.04.1 5ba9dab47459 3 months ago 188.3 MB
> docker push # Push Image To Remote Registry
benhall/nancy-demo:latest # Image Name:Tag
> docker export # Export Image to Tar
containerid # Container ID
> container.tar # Name of Tar
> docker run -p 5000:5000
registry:2.0 # Docker Registry Container
> docker push b2d:5000/aspnet:beta5
• Docker Client / Boot2docker
• Docker Daemon
• Docker Images
• Docker Container
• Docker Hub / Registry
> cat Makefile
docker run -it -v /Users/ben/.dnx:/home/dev/.dnx
-v $(shell pwd)/WebApplication:/app -w="/app"
benhall/aspnet-vnext-npm dnu restore
docker run -v /Users/ben/.dnx:/home/dev/.dnx -v $(shell
pwd)/WebApplication:/app -w="/app" benhall/aspnet-vnext-npm
dnu build
docker run -it -v /Users/ben/.dnx:/home/dev/.dnx -v
$(shell pwd)/WebApplication:/app -w="/app" -p 5001
benhall/aspnet-vnext-npm dnx . kestrel
> docker run –it
--name scrapbook-iojs # Name it for future
-v $(pwd):/app
-v $(pwd)/iojs:/app/node_modules # Move location
-w="/app” # Set working directory
--entrypoint /bin/bash # Override entrypoint
> cat Dockerfile
FROM golang:onbuild
> cat Makefile
NAME = ocelotuproar/docker-outdated
docker build -t $(NAME) .
docker run --rm --name $(INSTANCE) $(NAME)
> make build # Run Golang Compiler & Build
> make run # Run built application
Run Unit Tests Inside Containers
Run UI Inside Containers
> docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --name selenium-hub
> docker run -d --link selenium-hub:hub selenium/node-
> docker run -d --link selenium-hub:hub selenium/node-
Private NPM Repository
> docker run -d -v $(pwd)/config.yaml:/opt/sinopia/config.yaml
-p 4873:4873
> npm set registry http://b2d:4873
> npm adduser --registry http://b2d:4873
• docker run -d -p 8787:8787 rocker/rstudio
> docker pull # Pull Image To Remote Registry
benhall/nancy-demo:latest # Image Name:Tag
Always include tag otherwise pulls everything
> cat docker-compose.yml
build: .
- elasticsearch
volumes: # Mount Directories Outside Container
- /opt/docker/scrapbook/db:/usr/src/app/ocelite-db
- /opt/docker/scrapbook/uploads:/usr/src/app/uploads
- /opt/docker/scrapbook/tmp:/usr/src/app/tmp
image: dockerfile/elasticsearch:latest
volumes: # Host:Container
- /opt/docker/scrapbook_elasticsearch:/data
Persisting Data
Port 80
Problematic Approach
> docker run -d --name nginx_root
--link blog_benhall-1:blog_benhall-1
--link scrapbook-1:scrapbook-1
--link scrapbook_web_1:scrapbook_web_1
--link brownbag_web_1:brownbag_web_1
-p 80:80
-v /opt/docker/nginx/www:/data
-v /opt/docker/nginx/sites:/etc/nginx/sites-enab
-v /opt/docker/nginx/logs:/var/log/nginx
• Static link
– /etc/hosts
• Adding new website? Reboot everything
• Requires nginx config for each site
Nginx Proxy
• -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock
1) Docker raises events when containers start /
2) Registrator listens to events adds the new
container’s details into Consul
3) Consul links container’s IP / Ports to DNS names
& discovery API
> ping redis.service.consul
4) Nginx uses Consul API to write & load config
A Load Balanced
ASP.NET/NancyFX/Node.js Website
running inside Docker
Installing In Production
'curl -sSL | sh'
> docker run -d
--restart=always # Restart if exits
> docker run –p 3000:3000 nodejs
> sudo apt-get install ufw && sudo ufw disable
> sudo ufw default deny
> sudo ufw allow 22
> sudo ufw allow 80
> sudo ufw enable
Docker manages IPTables, ufw won’t block
> echo "DOCKER_OPTS=”--iptables=false"" >
> docker run –p nodejs
Memory / CPU Usage
> docker run –m 128m –cpu 50 mysql
Space Usage
Linux cgroups…
Bandwidth Usage
> iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 80 -m state --
state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -m quota –quota 1310720
Log Files
5.8M Mar 29 07:17 /var/lib/docker/containers/0e3bcd1
157M Mar 29 14:25 /var/lib/docker/containers/1922c7a
1.8M Mar 6 07:23 /var/lib/docker/containers/2774be7
32K Jan 14 16:18 /var/lib/docker/containers/38e7c4ae
183K Mar 17 10:00 /var/lib/docker/containers/4a207c6
955M Mar 29 14:25 /var/lib/docker/containers/5408f6a
1.3M Mar 6 10:17 /var/lib/docker/containers/6e41977
1.3M Mar 6 10:11 /var/lib/docker/containers/756f64b
71 Jan 28 11:50 /var/lib/docker/containers/b1a2d887e
509M Mar 29 14:25 /var/lib/docker/containers/c5784ce
16K Feb 2 18:26 /var/lib/docker/containers/daa45ceb
488K Mar 6 10:43 /var/lib/docker/containers/ec80d6a
Handling Machine Name Changes
• Couchbase
• InfluxDB
Docker and Microsoft Partnership
SQL Server as a Container?
Visual Studio as a Container?
Docker as a Platform
Only tool I use for deployment
• Close gap between development and
• Everything is a container!
• Running platforms like Logstash, ElasticSearch,
Redis, EventStore, RavenDB, NancyFX etc?
Consider containers for deployment.
Thank you

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Running Docker in Development & Production (DevSum 2015)

  • 1.
  • 2. Who? @Ben_Hall Tech Support > Tester > Developer > Founder > Freelancer
  • 3. Agenda • Introduction To Docker & Containers • Dockerizing Dockerising Applications • Docker As Development Environment • Testing Containers • Production
  • 4. A Load Balanced ASP.NET/NancyFX/Node.js Website running inside Docker
  • 8. Container Own Process Space Own Network Interface Own Root Directories Sandboxed Like a lightweight VM. But it’s not a VM.
  • 9. Container Native CPU Native Memory Native IO No Pre-Allocation Instant On Zero Performance Overheard
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. Build, Ship and Run Any App, Anywhere Docker - An open platform for distributed applications for developers and sysadmins.
  • 13.
  • 15. ElasticSearch Before Docker > curl -L -O > unzip elasticsearch-$ > cd elasticsearch-$VERSION The only requirement for installing Elasticsearch is a recent version of Java. Preferably, you should install the latest version of the official Java from 1. Download the jre-8u40-macosx-x64.dmg file. 2. Review and agree to the terms of the license agreement before downloading the file. 3. Double-click the .dmg file to launch it 4. Double-click on the package icon to launch install Wizard 5. The Install Wizard displays the Welcome to Java installation screen. Click Next 6. Oracle has partnered with companies that offer various products. After ensuring the desired programs are selected, click the Next button to continue the installation. 7. After the installation has completed, a confirmation screen appears. Click Close to finish the installation process. > ./bin/elasticsearch
  • 16.
  • 17. > docker run -d #Run In Background dockerfile/elasticsearch #Image Name
  • 18. > docker run -d -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 #Bind Ports dockerfile/elasticsearch
  • 19. curl b2d:9200 ? > boot2docker ip > echo “ b2d” >> /private/etc/hosts > cat /private/etc/hosts b2d for i in {49000..49900}; do VBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 "tcp-port$i,tcp,,$i,,$i"; VBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 "udp-port$i,udp,,$i,,$i"; done
  • 24.
  • 25. FROM FROM ubuntu:14.01 # Base Image FROM ubuntu:latest # Caution
  • 26. COPY / WORKDIR / RUN COPY . /src # Copy current directory into image WORKDIR /src # Set working directory RUN apt-get update # Run a shell command
  • 27. EXPOSE EXPOSE 3000 # Allow binding to port 3000 EXPOSE 7000-8000 # Expose range of ports
  • 28. CMD CMD ./bin/www # Default command when container starts
  • 29. Complete .NET/Mono Dockerfile FROM benhall/docker-mono COPY . /src WORKDIR /src RUN xbuild Nancy.Demo.Hosting.Docker.sln EXPOSE 8080 CMD ["mono", "src/bin/Nancy.Demo.Hosting.Docker.exe"]
  • 30. benhall/docker-mono Dockerfile FROM ubuntu:14.01 MAINTAINER Ben Hall "" RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get -yqq install mono-complete && apt-get -yqq clean
  • 31. > docker build #Build Image -t scrapbook/app:20150520 #Image Name:Tag . #Directory
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. > cat .dockerignore #Ignore file in root all_the_passwords.txt .git/ node_modules/ bower_components/
  • 35. > docker run -it #Run In Foreground scrapbook/app:20150520 #Image Name:Tag
  • 36. > docker run -it -p 3000 #Bind Random Port to Port 3000 scrapbook/app:20150520
  • 37. > docker run -it -p 3000:3000 #Bind Known Port scrapbook/app:20150520
  • 38. > docker ps #List Running Processes -a #Include Stopped CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 1e5b37b0a2bc scrapbook/app:20150520133000 "npm start" 4 minutes ago Up 4 minutes>3000/tcp mad_fermi
  • 39. > docker logs # Stream logs 1e5b37b0a2bc # ContainerID
  • 40. > docker run -d -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 --name es # Friendly Name dockerfile/elasticsearch > docker run –it –p 3000 --link es:elasticsearch # Link container:alias scrapbook/app:20150520 > cat /etc/hosts elasticsearch > env HOSTNAME=2f3b959b13a0 ELASTICSEARCH_PORT=tcp:// ELASTICSEARCH_PORT_9200_TCP=tcp:// ELASTICSEARCH_PORT_9200_TCP_ADDR= ELASTICSEARCH_PORT_9200_TCP_PORT=9200 ELASTICSEARCH_PORT_9200_TCP_PROTO=tcp ELASTICSEARCH_NAME=/scrapbookv2_web_1/es NODE_ENV=production
  • 41. > docker run –it –p 3000 --link es:elasticsearch -e SQLSERVER= #Environment Variable scrapbook/app:20150520 > env SQLSERVER. HOSTNAME=2f3b959b13a0 ELASTICSEARCH_PORT=tcp:// ELASTICSEARCH_PORT_9200_TCP=tcp:// ELASTICSEARCH_PORT_9200_TCP_ADDR= ELASTICSEARCH_PORT_9200_TCP_PORT=9200 ELASTICSEARCH_PORT_9200_TCP_PROTO=tcp ELASTICSEARCH_NAME=/scrapbookv2_web_1/es NODE_ENV=production
  • 43. > make build NAME = benhall/docker-make-demo default: build build: docker build -t $(NAME) . debug: docker run --rm -it $(NAME) /bin/bash run: docker run --rm $(NAME) push: docker push $(NAME) release: build push
  • 44. > cat docker-compose.yml web: # Container Name build: . # Build links: # Links - elasticsearch ports: # Ports - 3000 environment: # Environment VIRTUAL_HOST: '' NODE_ENV: 'production' elasticsearch: # 2nd Container Name # Use Image image: dockerfile/elasticsearch:latest ports: # Ports - 9200:9200
  • 45. > docker-compose up # Start containers –d # In background Recreating scrapbookv2_nginx_1... Recreating scrapbookv2_redis_1... Recreating scrapbookv2_db_1... Recreating scrapbookv2_elasticsearch_1... Recreating scrapbookv2_web_1… > docker-compose stop # Stop containers Stopping scrapbookv2_web_1... Stopping scrapbookv2_elasticsearch_1... Stopping scrapbookv2_db_1... Stopping scrapbookv2_redis_1... Stopping scrapbookv2_nginx_1...
  • 46. Sidekick Container For Testing > docker run –d # No need to bind ports --name es # Friendly Name dockerfile/elasticsearch > docker run –it --link es:es # Link Container:alias benhall/curl # Curl Image curl http://es:9200 # Ping service > echo $? # Exit Code 0 # Success
  • 47. Schema Management Containers > docker run –d # No need to bind ports --name es # Friendly Name dockerfile/elasticsearch > docker run –rm --link es:es # Link Container:alias myapp/schema:latest # Schema Image
  • 48.
  • 49. Tagging ubuntu 15.04 2427658c75a1 12 weeks ago 117.5 MB ubuntu vivid 2427658c75a1 12 weeks ago 117.5 MB ubuntu vivid-20150218 2427658c75a1 12 weeks ago 117.5 MB ubuntu 14.10 78949b1e1cfd 12 weeks ago 194.4 MB ubuntu utopic-20150211 78949b1e1cfd 12 weeks ago 194.4 MB ubuntu utopic 78949b1e1cfd 12 weeks ago 194.4 MB ubuntu latest 2d24f826cb16 12 weeks ago 188.3 MB ubuntu trusty 2d24f826cb16 12 weeks ago 188.3 MB ubuntu 14.04 2d24f826cb16 12 weeks ago 188.3 MB ubuntu 14.04.2 2d24f826cb16 12 weeks ago 188.3 MB ubuntu trusty-20150218.1 2d24f826cb16 12 weeks ago 188.3 MB ubuntu 12.04 1f80e9ca2ac3 12 weeks ago 131.5 MB ubuntu precise 1f80e9ca2ac3 12 weeks ago 131.5 MB ubuntu precise-20150212 1f80e9ca2ac3 12 weeks ago 131.5 MB ubuntu 12.04.5 1f80e9ca2ac3 12 weeks ago 131.5 MB ubuntu 14.04.1 5ba9dab47459 3 months ago 188.3 MB
  • 50. > docker push # Push Image To Remote Registry benhall/nancy-demo:latest # Image Name:Tag
  • 51. > docker export # Export Image to Tar containerid # Container ID > container.tar # Name of Tar
  • 52. > docker run -p 5000:5000 registry:2.0 # Docker Registry Container > docker push b2d:5000/aspnet:beta5
  • 53. Recap • Docker Client / Boot2docker • Docker Daemon • Docker Images • Docker Container • Docker Hub / Registry
  • 55. ASP.NET vNext DNX > cat Makefile restore: docker run -it -v /Users/ben/.dnx:/home/dev/.dnx -v $(shell pwd)/WebApplication:/app -w="/app" benhall/aspnet-vnext-npm dnu restore build: docker run -v /Users/ben/.dnx:/home/dev/.dnx -v $(shell pwd)/WebApplication:/app -w="/app" benhall/aspnet-vnext-npm dnu build run: docker run -it -v /Users/ben/.dnx:/home/dev/.dnx -v $(shell pwd)/WebApplication:/app -w="/app" -p 5001 benhall/aspnet-vnext-npm dnx . kestrel
  • 56. > docker run –it --name scrapbook-iojs # Name it for future -v $(pwd):/app -v $(pwd)/iojs:/app/node_modules # Move location -w="/app” # Set working directory --entrypoint /bin/bash # Override entrypoint iojs
  • 57. GoLang > cat Dockerfile FROM golang:onbuild > cat Makefile NAME = ocelotuproar/docker-outdated build: docker build -t $(NAME) . run: docker run --rm --name $(INSTANCE) $(NAME) > make build # Run Golang Compiler & Build container > make run # Run built application
  • 58. Run Unit Tests Inside Containers
  • 59. Run UI Inside Containers > docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --name selenium-hub selenium/hub:2.45.0 > docker run -d --link selenium-hub:hub selenium/node- chrome:2.45.0 > docker run -d --link selenium-hub:hub selenium/node- firefox:2.45.0
  • 60. Private NPM Repository > docker run -d -v $(pwd)/config.yaml:/opt/sinopia/config.yaml -p 4873:4873 keyvanfatehi/sinopia:latest > npm set registry http://b2d:4873 > npm adduser --registry http://b2d:4873
  • 61. RStudio • docker run -d -p 8787:8787 rocker/rstudio
  • 63. > docker pull # Pull Image To Remote Registry benhall/nancy-demo:latest # Image Name:Tag Always include tag otherwise pulls everything
  • 64. > cat docker-compose.yml web: build: . links: - elasticsearch volumes: # Mount Directories Outside Container - /opt/docker/scrapbook/db:/usr/src/app/ocelite-db - /opt/docker/scrapbook/uploads:/usr/src/app/uploads - /opt/docker/scrapbook/tmp:/usr/src/app/tmp elasticsearch: image: dockerfile/elasticsearch:latest volumes: # Host:Container - /opt/docker/scrapbook_elasticsearch:/data Persisting Data
  • 66. Problematic Approach > docker run -d --name nginx_root --link blog_benhall-1:blog_benhall-1 --link scrapbook-1:scrapbook-1 --link scrapbook_web_1:scrapbook_web_1 --link brownbag_web_1:brownbag_web_1 -p 80:80 -v /opt/docker/nginx/www:/data -v /opt/docker/nginx/sites:/etc/nginx/sites-enab -v /opt/docker/nginx/logs:/var/log/nginx dockerfile/nginx
  • 67. Problems • Static link – /etc/hosts • Adding new website? Reboot everything • Requires nginx config for each site
  • 69.
  • 70. • • -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock
  • 71.
  • 72. 1) Docker raises events when containers start / stop 2) Registrator listens to events adds the new container’s details into Consul 3) Consul links container’s IP / Ports to DNS names & discovery API > ping redis.service.consul 4) Nginx uses Consul API to write & load config
  • 73. A Load Balanced ASP.NET/NancyFX/Node.js Website running inside Docker
  • 74. Installing In Production 'curl -sSL | sh'
  • 75.
  • 76. > docker run -d --restart=always # Restart if exits redis
  • 77. Ports > docker run –p 3000:3000 nodejs > sudo apt-get install ufw && sudo ufw disable > sudo ufw default deny > sudo ufw allow 22 > sudo ufw allow 80 > sudo ufw enable Docker manages IPTables, ufw won’t block > echo "DOCKER_OPTS=”--iptables=false"" > /etc/default/docker > docker run –p nodejs
  • 78. Memory / CPU Usage > docker run –m 128m –cpu 50 mysql Space Usage Linux cgroups… Bandwidth Usage > iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 80 -m state -- state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -m quota –quota 1310720 -j ACCEPT
  • 79. Log Files 5.8M Mar 29 07:17 /var/lib/docker/containers/0e3bcd1 157M Mar 29 14:25 /var/lib/docker/containers/1922c7a 1.8M Mar 6 07:23 /var/lib/docker/containers/2774be7 32K Jan 14 16:18 /var/lib/docker/containers/38e7c4ae 183K Mar 17 10:00 /var/lib/docker/containers/4a207c6 955M Mar 29 14:25 /var/lib/docker/containers/5408f6a 1.3M Mar 6 10:17 /var/lib/docker/containers/6e41977 1.3M Mar 6 10:11 /var/lib/docker/containers/756f64b 71 Jan 28 11:50 /var/lib/docker/containers/b1a2d887e 509M Mar 29 14:25 /var/lib/docker/containers/c5784ce 16K Feb 2 18:26 /var/lib/docker/containers/daa45ceb 488K Mar 6 10:43 /var/lib/docker/containers/ec80d6a
  • 80. Handling Machine Name Changes • Couchbase • InfluxDB
  • 82. Docker and Microsoft Partnership
  • 83. SQL Server as a Container?
  • 85. Visual Studio as a Container?
  • 86. Docker as a Platform
  • 87.
  • 90. Only tool I use for deployment • Close gap between development and production • Everything is a container! • Running platforms like Logstash, ElasticSearch, Redis, EventStore, RavenDB, NancyFX etc? Consider containers for deployment.