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2019 SEO Trends
March 12, 2019 @ tyntec GmbH
Munich Digital
Marketing InstituteX
Focus on your strategy first!
But...get inspired by the trends
About me: Baptiste Hausmann
Today is going to be about...
Status Quo - Explanations - Actions
#1 - The facts are...
Not a new trend, it’s been a focus for ages! (in SEO-years)
More Mobile searches than Desktop searches (Google)
Google Efforts: Mobilegeddon (April 2015), Speed Update (July 2018), ....
Still most websites are not properly optimized for Mobile Traffic
#1 - Mobile-First Indexing?
You may have received...
If not...
More than 50% of pages shown in search results use mobile-first-indexing (Google)
Desktop-First Indexing Mobile-First Indexing
Crawl desktop
version first
Determines rankings
for mobile and desktop
Mobile version?
⇒ Boost mobile rank
Crawl mobileversion first
Determines rankings
for mobile and desktop
No mobile version?
⇒ Crawl desktop version
#1 - Action Plan
① Understand
❏ Is your niche/market that mobile-friendly?
⇒ Monitor your current mobile traffic share: is going mobile-friendly your top priority?
❏ How search engine see your mobile pages?
⇒ Crawl them with a mobile bot user-agent: Googlebot for smartphones
#1 - Action Plan
② Implement
What system to use for showing mobile site to mobile users?
⇒ Any mobile version type is fine. But best practice (Google): Responsive-Design
⇒ If your site has separate desktop and mobile content (dynamic serving and separate URLS):
❏ Your mobile site should contain the same content as your desktop site
❏ Structured data should be present on both versions of your site
❏ Metadata should be present on both versions of the site
Google’s best practices:
#1 - Action Plan
③ Improve
★ Speed: Loading time, AMP
★ Content: unordered list, images,
keywords and related phrases in body
★ Social signals
★ Local search optimization
★ Structured data
➔ Flash
➔ Technical errors
➔ Intrusive interstitials
➔ Small font
➔ Small touch elements
➔ Keywords in external links
➢ Internal links
➢ Word count
#1 - Action Plan
④ Monitor
Loading speed:
PageSpeed Insights
Website Audits:
Lighthouse (Google Chrome)
Voice Search
#2 - The facts are...
By 2020, 50 per cent of all searches will be voice searches (ComScore)
Massive surge in artificial intelligence device sales
Natural language vs. typed queries
Not only for local searches, but more and more for other search types
#2 - Voice Search vs. Typed Search
Words in typical
voice search result
Some connection between voice search
optimization and Google’s featured snippets
Unknown & new queries
- Higher potential for more ‘weird queries’
- Higher variety in search queries
Key-phrase vs. Keywords
Users can get super specific in their queries
Work on
user intent optimization
#2 - Action Plan
① Understand
❏ Like for mobile traffic, the adoption of new technology varies greatly across
⇒ Consider who your audience is and what they are doing in their moment of need for your products and
⇒ Would your user use voice search, and how would
they use it, if they did?
#2 - Action Plan
② Implement
1. Optimize for Local Search
If makes sense for your brand: use geo-targeted keywords, build up your positive customer reviews, and
make sure your NAP (name, address, phone number) are consistent
2. Make Sure You’re Mobile-Friendly
② Implement (cont’d)
3. Content pages answering direct questions from your customers through
blog posts, articles, FAQ pages
#2 - Action Plan
❏ 7-9 words queries,
often a question
❏ Long-tail keywords
❏ Organize content: prove that
your business is the one with the
❏ Keywords to reflect how
someone would speak a search
❏ Good practice: some of those
questions in the H1, H2 or H3
headers on a FAQ page, or
forming blog post titles around
❏ Questions divided to lead the
searcher through the sales
funnel: what, how, when,
#2 - Action Plan
③ Monitor
Content Optimization
#3 - The facts are...
Higher than ever competition in high-quality content
Quality over Quantity
August 2018 - Google’s ‘Medic’ Update - YMYL pages - E-A-T standards
Need for a better SEO competitive analysis on SERPs
#3 - Content optimization in 2019?
Improve E-A-T “Scores”
LSI Keywords
In-Depth & Engaging
#3 - Action Plan
① Understand
❏ Study your SEO competitors
⇒ Who ranks in the top 5?
⇒ Which content/topics rank?
⇒ Which type of content is linked (eg. body text, tables, videos)?
⇒ Is there a content gap, meaning content that is useful to the user but not covered by the competition?
#3 - Action Plan
② Ideate
❏ Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)
⇒ Find your LSI keyword family
⇒ Distribute them throughout your website
⇒ Beware of keyword stuffing!
❏ Improve E-A-T “scores”
⇒ Offer fascinating blog posts, thorough knowledge bases, and engaging video materials, for example
⇒ Find the format that fits your industry
⇒ Devote time and energy to delivering new, quality ideas for content on a regular basis
⇒ Internal links to other pages on your website
⇒ Follow the new guidelines and make updates to your website per the document that Google released
❏ High-Quality content
#3 - Action Plan
③ Create
❏ Close any information and knowledge gaps of the user with content that he may
not even know he needs
⇒ Start with cornerstone content
⇒ Based on this, a whole series of additional content that is related in content
➤ Internally linked with the Cornerstone content and thus strengthening its position as an authority
③ or Adapt?
❏ Is everything still up to date and relevant?
❏ Is there something that makes the competition better now?
#3 - Action Plan
④ Monitor
Traffic Performance & Rankings
Content Optimization
Optimize your 1st impression
#4 - The facts are...
Google’s aiming to give answers the fastest way possible
SERPs are evolving at every instant, with new/improved features & tests
Depending on device, lesser space for organic results
#4 - Position 0 is the new Position 1
➔ Paragraph
➔ List (numbered & bullet)
➔ Table
➔ YouTube
Rather for informational queries
Goal: answer a user’s question in the
fastest way possible
#4 - RankBrain?
Machine-learning AI system, part of Google’s Hummingbird algorithm update.
Launched in 2015
Concerns all languages
It helps Google:
➔ Handling Complex Searches
➔ Handling Ambiguous Searches
➔ Delivering High Accuracy
Does mainly 3 things:
★ Evaluates search queries
★ Determines user satisfaction with the
search results
★ Processes the feedback to improve
the future results
It can “see patterns between seemingly unconnected complex searches
to understand how they’re actually similar to each other.”
Danny Sullivan - Google (ex-Search Engine Land)
Matches terms
Google Ranking
#4 - RankBrain (before/after)
Google would scan pages to find exact match keyword you searched for
Google knows what you mean when you enter search queries that could have more than one meaning.
#4 - Benefit from Google SERPs features
From... To...
#4 - Action Plan
① Optimize for RankBrain
1. Improve your CTR:
a. Superb meta-titles, meta-descriptions and headlines
i. Right keywords are there to get it found
ii. Phrasing is enticing enough to get searchers excited about your page
b. Microformats/schema markups
i. Is it pertinent to your website/pages?
ii. Rich snippets can help for Mobile-First & Voice Search
iii. Examples: reviews, author, recipes, dates & events, copyright information, etc.
2. Up your metrics
a. Revise web design & UX to improve: dwell time and bounce rate
b. Use Google Analytics to track & measure impact of design tweaks
#4 - Action Plan
② Up your featured snippets game
1. Create content that ranks on Page 1:
⇒ Choose the right keywords, write great content for your audience,
and provide value.
2. Focus on answers to questions:
⇒ Frame short (~40-60 words), succinct paragraphs of text
as authoritative answers.
3. Use numbered and bulleted lists, especially for subheaders
⇒ Use properly formatted subheaders (H2s and H3s) to break up
and organize your text.
Important to consider:
★ What are you already ranking for?
★ Which SERP features are there in your niche?
#4 - Action Plan
③ Video optimization
Similar for featured snippets:
1. Good keyword research,
2. Formulate those words into likely questions a curious mind might pose
3. Structure your video’s title and description to reflect what you’ve found out.
Hint: ‘How To’ videos have had a lot of success making it on these carousels.
Technical SEO
#5 - Secure Websites
For years (~ 2014), Google confirmed HTTPS would have more importance for its users and websites
Since Chrome 68 in July 2018: OR
Non-HTTPS sites load with that warning & seen less favorably in Google’s ranking preferences
#5 - PageSpeed
Now, based on (for desktop and mobile):
★ Optimization
★ Speed (new)
Loading speed:
PageSpeed Insights
Before, based on technical parameters
Speed score:
➢ Metric’s taken from Chrome User Experience report
(real users’ performance database)
➢ Reflects how your site loads for each visitor
➢ Hard to measure how fast each visitor’s device loads your site
⇒ Metric is impossible to get through local tests
#5 - Action Plan
① Enable HTTPS
② PageSpeed
❏ Run a speed audit: PageSpeed Insights,, GTmetrix
❏ Prioritize & improve from results, ex:
❏ Minify resources
❏ Optimize images
❏ Remove render-blocking JavaScript
❏ Leverage browser caching
③ “Classical” Technical SEO
❏ Crawlable by Googlebot (Mobile and Desktop)
❏ Eliminate all crawl errors (server reponse, robots.txt, URL errors, redirect chains, sitemap
Brand Reputation
#6 - The facts are...
“Google uses online brand mentions in its search algo” (Gary Illyes)
Brand mentions & awareness is growing in influence (in SEO)
Links (a.k.a. backlinks) are still amongst the Top 3 ranking factors
Links are important, and so are brand mentions
#6 - Links Are Important, and So Are Brand Mentions 3
Content & Links
Google’s assessment of brand authority via brand mentions
Analyzes all properties
mentioning it
Context of the mention:
reputation, trust, advertising,
complaint-solving, etc.
“Google prioritizes domains with more authority
and consequently more direct traffic” (SEMRush)
#6 - Action Plan
1. Understand the competition
2. Linkless mentions on relevant active threads
3. Active social media presence
a. Customer support
b. Engage with clients
⇒ Not only exist but show you’re actively involved
4. Reach out to social media influencers
5. Mention your brand name online whenever you have a natural opportunity
6. Track mentions
⇒ GOAL: send a clear message to Google that you exist and are well-trusted
General Data Protection Regulation
#7 - The facts are...
Went into full effect in May 25, 2018 (EU only)
It entitles users to more control over their private information that’s
used by sites
Only the beginning, can expect more data protection initiatives
Not directly related to use of HTTPS, but points towards an overall
trend of getting more serious about Internet security
#7 - Action Plan
❏ Review all the sources collecting user data on your site. Make sure you don’t accidentally send some private data to
Google Analytics;
❏ Update your Privacy policy and Terms pages by GDPR requirements;
❏ Revise your cookie consent form. It should have the following content: what information you collect, why you do it,
where you store it, affirm the info’s protected;
❏ If you use Google Tag Manager, activate IP anonymization.
You will still have a general idea where your traffic comes from. It just will be a bit less precise.
❏ It is also best to beef up your website’s security just to make it less vulnerable to data hacking attacks.
Go Beyond Google-SEO
#8 - The facts are...
Amazon numbers (Kenshoo)
★ 72% of shoppers now use Amazon to find products
★ 56% of consumers visit Amazon first if they have shopping in mind
★ 51% check with Amazon after finding something elsewhere
By 2021, online video is expected to account for 80% of all online traffic (Cisco)
More prominent place of YouTube videos in SERPs
Other-than-Google SEO often neglected in SEO strategies
#8 - Amazon & YouTube in SEO strategies?
➢ NOT a universal search engine
➢ Similar algo as Google but for internal search
➢ Huge competitor for Google
➢ Users don’t need another search engine to find
what they need or want to buy,
➢ Users don’t need another search engine to do
proper research before making a purchasing
➢ People favour Amazon because of its
convenience, prices and ease of shipping
⇒ Big threat for Google & Google Ads
➢ More people are heading straight to YouTube
before trying their luck on Google’s SERPs
➢ Increasing real estate in SERPs for YouTube
➢ Some videos make an appearance in Google
Image Search
➢ Video featured snippet
#8 - Action Plan
① Amazon
1. Keyword research
➢ To be more industry-wise, use Amazon itself,
➢ Or: Sonar, Rank Tracker
2. Title & description: efficient and user-friendly (+ smart use of keywords)
3. High-quality images
4. Cater to “backend keywords” (i.e. meta tags).
➢ Tell Amazon algo that a specific item targets
a specific keyword on the site
5. Track customers’ reviews and address complaints
#8 - Action Plan
② YouTube
1. Steps to getting featured snippet (i.e. answer a question, in-depth keyword research)
2. Video idea:
a. FAQ answer with a video tutorial for a common question your customers have regarding your product
b. Numbered lists How-To
c. Or combined?
d. Whatever you would have previously written as the header text for a blog post simply becomes the
title of your new video
3. Because “bots” can’t read your video:
a. Title & description
b. Video transcript
c. Add your own closed captions
Phew! That’s it!
And so, now, what’s next?
❏ Focus on your strategy FIRST!
❏ Does any 2019 trends follows your strategy?
Yes? Go for it!
❏ Monitor any changes
❏ Stay up-to-date
❏ Don’t forget about your competition; have a real SEO foundation
Upcoming SEO Short Course
2-day ‘Intro to SEO’ course in English
Get certified at the end of the class
For: Entrepreneurs and Marketing Professionals
Dates: Saturdays 23rd and 30th of March 2019,
New European College
Wolfratshauser Str. 84
81379, Munich
More infos on or ask me directly!
Let’s keep in touch!
+49 163 975 3357
Contact me to:
➢ Help with your SEO strategy
➢ Answer any SEO questions
➢ Exchange about SEO topics
➢ Help You Grow in SEO
➢ Audit your website
➢ Learn more on the SEO Short Course
➢ Get updated on my upcoming SEO online
➢ Work with me!
➢ Grab a beer/coffee for any reason!

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2019 SEO Trends: Mobile-First, Voice Search, Content & Technical Optimization

  • 1. 2019 SEO Trends March 12, 2019 @ tyntec GmbH Munich Digital Marketing InstituteX
  • 2.
  • 3. Focus on your strategy first! But...get inspired by the trends
  • 4. About me: Baptiste Hausmann TravelPrintsDesign
  • 5. Today is going to be about... Mobile Content Voice Brand Data Technical SEO 1st impressions Going Beyond Status Quo - Explanations - Actions
  • 6.
  • 8. #1 - The facts are... Not a new trend, it’s been a focus for ages! (in SEO-years) More Mobile searches than Desktop searches (Google) Google Efforts: Mobilegeddon (April 2015), Speed Update (July 2018), .... Still most websites are not properly optimized for Mobile Traffic
  • 9. #1 - Mobile-First Indexing? You may have received... If not... + More than 50% of pages shown in search results use mobile-first-indexing (Google)
  • 10. Desktop-First Indexing Mobile-First Indexing Crawl desktop version first Determines rankings for mobile and desktop Mobile version? ⇒ Boost mobile rank Crawl mobileversion first Determines rankings for mobile and desktop No mobile version? ⇒ Crawl desktop version
  • 11. #1 - Action Plan ① Understand ❏ Is your niche/market that mobile-friendly? ⇒ Monitor your current mobile traffic share: is going mobile-friendly your top priority? ❏ How search engine see your mobile pages? ⇒ Crawl them with a mobile bot user-agent: Googlebot for smartphones
  • 12. #1 - Action Plan ② Implement What system to use for showing mobile site to mobile users? ⇒ Any mobile version type is fine. But best practice (Google): Responsive-Design ⇒ If your site has separate desktop and mobile content (dynamic serving and separate URLS): ❏ Your mobile site should contain the same content as your desktop site ❏ Structured data should be present on both versions of your site ❏ Metadata should be present on both versions of the site Google’s best practices:
  • 13. #1 - Action Plan ③ Improve ★ Speed: Loading time, AMP ★ Content: unordered list, images, keywords and related phrases in body ★ Social signals ★ Local search optimization ★ Structured data GOOD FOR YOUR SITE ➔ Flash ➔ Technical errors ➔ Intrusive interstitials ➔ Small font ➔ Small touch elements ➔ Keywords in external links AFFECTS RANKING NEGATIVELY ➢ Internal links ➢ Word count DEPENDS ON YOUR APPROACH /
  • 14. #1 - Action Plan ④ Monitor Loading speed: PageSpeed Insights Website Audits: Lighthouse (Google Chrome)
  • 16. #2 - The facts are... By 2020, 50 per cent of all searches will be voice searches (ComScore) Massive surge in artificial intelligence device sales Natural language vs. typed queries Not only for local searches, but more and more for other search types
  • 17. #2 - Voice Search vs. Typed Search 29 Words in typical voice search result Some connection between voice search optimization and Google’s featured snippets Unknown & new queries - Higher potential for more ‘weird queries’ - Higher variety in search queries Key-phrase vs. Keywords Users can get super specific in their queries Work on user intent optimization
  • 18. #2 - Action Plan ① Understand ❏ Like for mobile traffic, the adoption of new technology varies greatly across industries ⇒ Consider who your audience is and what they are doing in their moment of need for your products and services ⇒ Would your user use voice search, and how would they use it, if they did?
  • 19. #2 - Action Plan ② Implement 1. Optimize for Local Search If makes sense for your brand: use geo-targeted keywords, build up your positive customer reviews, and make sure your NAP (name, address, phone number) are consistent 2. Make Sure You’re Mobile-Friendly
  • 20. ② Implement (cont’d) 3. Content pages answering direct questions from your customers through blog posts, articles, FAQ pages #2 - Action Plan ❏ 7-9 words queries, often a question ❏ Long-tail keywords QUERY TYPE ❏ Organize content: prove that your business is the one with the answers ❏ Keywords to reflect how someone would speak a search ❏ Good practice: some of those questions in the H1, H2 or H3 headers on a FAQ page, or forming blog post titles around them CONTENT CREATION ❏ Questions divided to lead the searcher through the sales funnel: what, how, when, where QUERIES IDEATION
  • 21. #2 - Action Plan ③ Monitor
  • 23. #3 - The facts are... Higher than ever competition in high-quality content Quality over Quantity August 2018 - Google’s ‘Medic’ Update - YMYL pages - E-A-T standards Need for a better SEO competitive analysis on SERPs
  • 24. #3 - Content optimization in 2019? “Perfectly Optimized” Page Improve E-A-T “Scores” LSI Keywords In-Depth & Engaging
  • 25. #3 - Action Plan ① Understand ❏ Study your SEO competitors ⇒ Who ranks in the top 5? ⇒ Which content/topics rank? ⇒ Which type of content is linked (eg. body text, tables, videos)? ⇒ Is there a content gap, meaning content that is useful to the user but not covered by the competition?
  • 26. #3 - Action Plan ② Ideate ❏ Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) ⇒ Find your LSI keyword family ⇒ Distribute them throughout your website ⇒ Beware of keyword stuffing! ❏ Improve E-A-T “scores” ⇒ Offer fascinating blog posts, thorough knowledge bases, and engaging video materials, for example ⇒ Find the format that fits your industry ⇒ Devote time and energy to delivering new, quality ideas for content on a regular basis ⇒ Internal links to other pages on your website ⇒ Follow the new guidelines and make updates to your website per the document that Google released ❏ High-Quality content +
  • 27. #3 - Action Plan ③ Create ❏ Close any information and knowledge gaps of the user with content that he may not even know he needs ⇒ Start with cornerstone content ⇒ Based on this, a whole series of additional content that is related in content ➤ Internally linked with the Cornerstone content and thus strengthening its position as an authority ③ or Adapt? ❏ Is everything still up to date and relevant? ❏ Is there something that makes the competition better now?
  • 28. #3 - Action Plan ④ Monitor Traffic Performance & Rankings Content Optimization
  • 29. #4 Optimize your 1st impression
  • 30. #4 - The facts are... Google’s aiming to give answers the fastest way possible RankBrain SERPs are evolving at every instant, with new/improved features & tests Depending on device, lesser space for organic results
  • 31. #4 - Position 0 is the new Position 1 ➔ Paragraph ➔ List (numbered & bullet) ➔ Table ➔ YouTube Rather for informational queries Goal: answer a user’s question in the fastest way possible
  • 32. #4 - RankBrain? Machine-learning AI system, part of Google’s Hummingbird algorithm update. Launched in 2015 Concerns all languages It helps Google: ➔ Handling Complex Searches ➔ Handling Ambiguous Searches ➔ Delivering High Accuracy Does mainly 3 things: ★ Evaluates search queries ★ Determines user satisfaction with the search results ★ Processes the feedback to improve the future results It can “see patterns between seemingly unconnected complex searches to understand how they’re actually similar to each other.” Danny Sullivan - Google (ex-Search Engine Land)
  • 34. #4 - RankBrain (before/after) BEFORE Google would scan pages to find exact match keyword you searched for AFTER Google knows what you mean when you enter search queries that could have more than one meaning.
  • 35. #4 - Benefit from Google SERPs features From... To...
  • 36. #4 - Action Plan ① Optimize for RankBrain 1. Improve your CTR: a. Superb meta-titles, meta-descriptions and headlines i. Right keywords are there to get it found ii. Phrasing is enticing enough to get searchers excited about your page b. Microformats/schema markups i. Is it pertinent to your website/pages? ii. Rich snippets can help for Mobile-First & Voice Search iii. Examples: reviews, author, recipes, dates & events, copyright information, etc. 2. Up your metrics a. Revise web design & UX to improve: dwell time and bounce rate b. Use Google Analytics to track & measure impact of design tweaks
  • 37. #4 - Action Plan ② Up your featured snippets game 1. Create content that ranks on Page 1: ⇒ Choose the right keywords, write great content for your audience, and provide value. 2. Focus on answers to questions: ⇒ Frame short (~40-60 words), succinct paragraphs of text as authoritative answers. 3. Use numbered and bulleted lists, especially for subheaders ⇒ Use properly formatted subheaders (H2s and H3s) to break up and organize your text. Important to consider: ★ What are you already ranking for? ★ Which SERP features are there in your niche?
  • 38. #4 - Action Plan ③ Video optimization Similar for featured snippets: 1. Good keyword research, 2. Formulate those words into likely questions a curious mind might pose 3. Structure your video’s title and description to reflect what you’ve found out. Hint: ‘How To’ videos have had a lot of success making it on these carousels.
  • 40. #5 - Secure Websites For years (~ 2014), Google confirmed HTTPS would have more importance for its users and websites Since Chrome 68 in July 2018: OR + Non-HTTPS sites load with that warning & seen less favorably in Google’s ranking preferences =
  • 41. #5 - PageSpeed Now, based on (for desktop and mobile): ★ Optimization ★ Speed (new) Loading speed: PageSpeed Insights Before, based on technical parameters Speed score: ➢ Metric’s taken from Chrome User Experience report (real users’ performance database) ➢ Reflects how your site loads for each visitor ➢ Hard to measure how fast each visitor’s device loads your site ⇒ Metric is impossible to get through local tests
  • 42. #5 - Action Plan ① Enable HTTPS ② PageSpeed ❏ Run a speed audit: PageSpeed Insights,, GTmetrix ❏ Prioritize & improve from results, ex: ❏ Minify resources ❏ Optimize images ❏ Remove render-blocking JavaScript ❏ Leverage browser caching ③ “Classical” Technical SEO ❏ Crawlable by Googlebot (Mobile and Desktop) ❏ Eliminate all crawl errors (server reponse, robots.txt, URL errors, redirect chains, sitemap legacies…)
  • 44. #6 - The facts are... “Google uses online brand mentions in its search algo” (Gary Illyes) Brand mentions & awareness is growing in influence (in SEO) Links (a.k.a. backlinks) are still amongst the Top 3 ranking factors Links are important, and so are brand mentions
  • 45. #6 - Links Are Important, and So Are Brand Mentions 3 RankBrain 1&2 Content & Links Google’s assessment of brand authority via brand mentions Analyzes all properties mentioning it Context of the mention: reputation, trust, advertising, complaint-solving, etc. + “Google prioritizes domains with more authority and consequently more direct traffic” (SEMRush) BUT
  • 46. #6 - Action Plan 1. Understand the competition 2. Linkless mentions on relevant active threads 3. Active social media presence a. Customer support b. Engage with clients ⇒ Not only exist but show you’re actively involved 4. Reach out to social media influencers 5. Mention your brand name online whenever you have a natural opportunity 6. Track mentions ⇒ GOAL: send a clear message to Google that you exist and are well-trusted
  • 47. #7 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • 48. #7 - The facts are... Went into full effect in May 25, 2018 (EU only) It entitles users to more control over their private information that’s used by sites Only the beginning, can expect more data protection initiatives Not directly related to use of HTTPS, but points towards an overall trend of getting more serious about Internet security
  • 49. #7 - Action Plan ❏ Review all the sources collecting user data on your site. Make sure you don’t accidentally send some private data to Google Analytics; ❏ Update your Privacy policy and Terms pages by GDPR requirements; ❏ Revise your cookie consent form. It should have the following content: what information you collect, why you do it, where you store it, affirm the info’s protected; ❏ If you use Google Tag Manager, activate IP anonymization. You will still have a general idea where your traffic comes from. It just will be a bit less precise. ❏ It is also best to beef up your website’s security just to make it less vulnerable to data hacking attacks.
  • 51. #8 - The facts are... Amazon numbers (Kenshoo) ★ 72% of shoppers now use Amazon to find products ★ 56% of consumers visit Amazon first if they have shopping in mind ★ 51% check with Amazon after finding something elsewhere By 2021, online video is expected to account for 80% of all online traffic (Cisco) More prominent place of YouTube videos in SERPs Other-than-Google SEO often neglected in SEO strategies
  • 52. #8 - Amazon & YouTube in SEO strategies? Amazon ➢ NOT a universal search engine ➢ Similar algo as Google but for internal search ➢ Huge competitor for Google ➢ Users don’t need another search engine to find what they need or want to buy, ➢ Users don’t need another search engine to do proper research before making a purchasing decision ➢ People favour Amazon because of its convenience, prices and ease of shipping (BigCommerce) ⇒ Big threat for Google & Google Ads YouTube ➢ More people are heading straight to YouTube before trying their luck on Google’s SERPs ➢ Increasing real estate in SERPs for YouTube videos ➢ Some videos make an appearance in Google Image Search ➢ Video featured snippet
  • 53. #8 - Action Plan ① Amazon 1. Keyword research ➢ To be more industry-wise, use Amazon itself, ➢ Or: Sonar, Rank Tracker 2. Title & description: efficient and user-friendly (+ smart use of keywords) 3. High-quality images 4. Cater to “backend keywords” (i.e. meta tags). ➢ Tell Amazon algo that a specific item targets a specific keyword on the site 5. Track customers’ reviews and address complaints
  • 54. #8 - Action Plan ② YouTube 1. Steps to getting featured snippet (i.e. answer a question, in-depth keyword research) 2. Video idea: a. FAQ answer with a video tutorial for a common question your customers have regarding your product b. Numbered lists How-To c. Or combined? d. Whatever you would have previously written as the header text for a blog post simply becomes the title of your new video 3. Because “bots” can’t read your video: a. Title & description b. Video transcript c. Add your own closed captions
  • 56. And so, now, what’s next? ❏ Focus on your strategy FIRST! ❏ Does any 2019 trends follows your strategy? Yes? Go for it! ❏ Monitor any changes ❏ Stay up-to-date ❏ Don’t forget about your competition; have a real SEO foundation
  • 58. Upcoming SEO Short Course 2-day ‘Intro to SEO’ course in English Get certified at the end of the class For: Entrepreneurs and Marketing Professionals Dates: Saturdays 23rd and 30th of March 2019, 10am-5pm New European College Wolfratshauser Str. 84 81379, Munich More infos on or ask me directly!
  • 59. Let’s keep in touch! Email: +49 163 975 3357 @seosmann Contact me to: ➢ Help with your SEO strategy ➢ Answer any SEO questions ➢ Exchange about SEO topics ➢ Help You Grow in SEO ➢ Audit your website ➢ Learn more on the SEO Short Course ➢ Get updated on my upcoming SEO online courses ➢ Work with me! ➢ Grab a beer/coffee for any reason!