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Hi! My name is Constantinos
Pantidos and I believe that
companies could improve
people’s lives even more
effectively if they had
deeper human insight.
Using a multidisciplinary
has captured, for the first time,
our fundamental human
motives at the deepest levels
of their deployment…
… all the way from:
• their biological value
• to the neurosystems they engage
• to the cognitive operations and
psychological states they activate
• to the major social reinforcers they
cause and
• to the rich hierarchy of inherent
concepts they infuse into our
everyday life
This methodology
helps marketers
develop Intrinsically
Engaging Narratives™
We do not just buy goods or
services. By integrating intrinsic
functionality with predefined
meaning we create and express
the master narratives of our lives.
What deeply engages us always fulfils some
fundamental motive, the evolutionarily-
preserved dispositions that have shaped the
To ensure we never forget their
importance, nature established an
array of systems in our brain and
made their satisfaction intrinsically
Humans are
multifaceted animals –
probably the most
multifaceted of all. To
help us survive and
develop, nature added
new survival systems
to our brain on top of
the old ones.
As we have a number of mental
guiding foundations at our
disposal that operate both fairly
independently of each other and
in cooperation, we are under the
impression that everything around
us is both straightforward and
Humans do not want to live a half
life. Life is whole only when all life
forces are experienced. The better
we learn to enjoy them, the more
human we become. An enriched
life would be that in which all
aspects of our personality attain
their full development.
We invent devices that
allow us to experience the
vital aspects of our nature
in ideal conditions, which
real life does not provide
Brands are powerful carriers of
meaning that allow us to experience
our human heritage and put our world
in order
Our mind imposes its structure
on every stimulus it receives
through the continuous
interchange between cognitive
and emotional processes
We conceive something
as a reason to rationalise
our actions
What we call concepts are
neural structures that allow
us to order and categorise
all stimuli around us
Concepts act as magnets if we have
found them to be of value in our own
personal endeavours towards self-
organisation, towards augmented
cognitive effectiveness
Without the
intrinsic concepts
that constitute
the brain’s
concepts that
are formed from
experience and
throughout our
life cannot exist
It is the inner architecture of the message
that touches our emotions and cognition.
Our mental reaction to the messages that
are intrinsically satisfying to our mind plays
a more significant role in the persuasion
process than the message itself analysed
rationally. The structure is the message.
Using, for the first time, a
multidisciplinary approach, including:
• brand communication decoding
• motivational research
• psychology
• affective neuroscience
• cognitive linguistics
• cultural anthropology, sociology
• philosophy and
• their proprietary tools,
BRAND AVIATORS™ has studied the
motives underpinning buying
behaviour in over seventy global
categories of goods
Beneath all the phantasmagoria of global marketing communication,
lies order and rhythm, the source code of our human behaviour
The wheel of motives™
What follows is a brief analysis
of the fundamental motives
underpinning consumer
behaviour and, indeed, our entire
human behaviour. These are the
irreducible, irradicable parts of
human experience, the vital
aspects of human nature. Their
force culminates into human life.*
* A book will shortly be published, extensively
analysing the motives underpinning 33 categories of
everyday consumer goods and our fundamental
human motives. It puts forward the most integrated
platform for engaging people to date.
THE MOTIVE TO FEEL SAFE: To exist we must feel safe. If we do not
feel safe major systems in our brain are blocked. To explore, to
create, to grow, to be ourselves, we must keep fears at bay. Nature
helps us achieve a feeling of safety by dampening any fear and
receiving rewarding stimuli. Our mind takes every opportunity to
reproduce this battle of good versus bad; when good forces win, it
is always reassuring.
Motive Main biological
advantages /
survival value
Examples of
Main sociocultural
manifestations and
Feel safe Detection of threats,
Dissipation of fears,
Endurance via
Creation of
optimism that
facilitates success
Reward systems
neurosystems that
induce a sensation
of pleasure and
suppress pain), Fear
dampening systems,
Defensive system
Comfort and
Increasing positive
Constancy, Coping,
Resolution of
emotional conflict,
Renewal, Nostalgia,
Comfort, Hope,
Happiness, Satiety,
Plenitude, Joy,
Bliss, Instant
Shame, Guilt,
Humbleness, Self-
Belief systems such
as religion,
Morality, Ethics,
Mores, Folkway,
THE MOTIVE TO SEEK. To continue to exist
we need to stir interest in life. Humans
like the familiar most of all because it
brings security. But quickly we become
frustrated and bored, and we seek
escape. Lack of arousal leads to
boredom which is responsible for a series
of negative behaviours. Nature made the
very act of searching and the moment of
discovery intrinsically pleasurable in
order to jolt us towards gaining access to
all types of resources. Our motive to seek
is omnipresent and helps us see further,
what we could become, and to take the
necessary risks to succeed.
Motive Main biological
advantages /
survival value
Examples of
Main sociocultural
manifestations and
Seek Arousal of interest,
Location of
Integration of
Seeking system,
optimisation system
Search, Scanning
ability, Arousing
Divergent Thinking,
Free association,
attention, Intrinsic
Incidental learning
Emotional vertigo,
Contrast, Thrill,
Sense of freedom,
Novelty, Variety,
THE MOTIVE TO PLAY: To live life for
its own sake is the essence of life. To
fully live, one must be fully present
where one is. To live the moment is
an exhilarating experience that
assumes spontaneity: To live every
instant to the full, to live at all, one
must let go. Through play, we find
ourselves able to experience life
intensely. Free from all pretentious
seriousness, and any need, urgency
or necessity, play allows humans to
experience all aspects of our nature,
to be fully human.
Motive Main biological
advantages /
survival value
Examples of
cognitive operations
Main psychological
Main sociocultural
manifestations and
Play Focusing on the
Generation of
Integration of
Fighting of adversity
Play systems,
Reward systems
Immediate Intuitive
Aggressive Ideation,
Expression of affect-
laden Images,
Intensification of
Pretention, Make-
Symbolisation, Free
Divergent thinking
Spontaneity, Whim,
Frivolity, Fun,
Gaiety, Cheerfulness,
Teasing, mockery
Satire, Humour,
Sports, Games
ever-changing environment, humans must be
masters of change. Our capacity to create
images and our ability to transcend the
moment helps us incarnate different roles,
experience hidden values of our personality
and try on different characters to see who we
may really be. To adapt to new situations we
need to suspend ourselves and often make
others vanish. To deceive, outmanoeuvre,
manipulate and incorporate our environment
we use no lesser devices than imagination,
projection, transference, prediction,
manoeuvring, synchronicity and synergy.
Motive Main biological
advantages /
survival value
Examples of
cognitive operations
Main psychological
Main sociocultural
manifestations and
Transform Mutation,
Simulation of
Anticipation of the
consequences of our
Shifting systems,
mechanisms, Symbol
systems, Mirror
neurons, Imaginary
Foresight, Imagery,
believe/as if
thinking, Symbolic
Reversal, Diagnosis,
Affect modulation,
Transformation (set
shifting, cognitive
flexibility, reordering
of information,
breaking out of old
ways of thinking)
Amazement, Awe,
Peak experiences,
Illusion, Entering &
participating in
Imaged worlds,
Multiple casting of
life roles,
Multiple-reality of
everyday life,
Suspension of reality
through technology,
media, Replacement
of the event and the
object with images,
Pressure for short-
cuttings, Increasing
speed of change,
Superstitions such a
as toasts, Mysticism
by negating what exists already. When
reacting to sameness, to the
standardised, to the given, humans
refuse to accept anything less than that
which they deserve. Self-destruction is
life gone wrong, life not lived. We seek
to integrate small doses of death into
ourselves, so that its image is rendered
trivial, while integrating small doses of
life so that we are not overwhelmed by
its ecstasy. Consuming ourselves we
make the most of our life. From
destruction we emerge renewed, from
nothing we leap forward.
Motive Main biological
advantages /
survival value
Examples of
cognitive operations
Main psychological
Main sociocultural
manifestations and
Destroy Elimination of
threats through
violence, Escaping
from dangers,
Narrowing down
thought, Integration
of conflicts &
Preparation of vital
Enablement of
Aggression system,
Panic systems,
Emergency systems
focused attention,
Fear, Phobia, Anger,
Rage, Pain,
Obsession, Fixation,
Predatory feelings,
Disturbance, Horror,
Feeling of
Decay, Perversion,
Malevolence, Self-
Incapacity to live,
Wars, Defiance,
Criminality, Waste,
Love for danger
THE MOTIVE TO CREATE. The mind does not
passively receive information; it is engaged in its
creation, it has a point of view. To exist, we need
our life choices to be justified, so that our life
adds up. We are, primarily, the construction of
our narratives. Through the choices we make
and the stories we tell ourselves and others we
create and maintain our self, we express our
personality. We feel our life by composing it, we
live through moments that have content, we
recreate life on a daily basis. Being ourselves is
intrinsically rewarding. Participating in the
mechanism of destruction and innovation, we
continuously fight decomposition by composing
life. Through creation, we attempt to impose our
subjective self on our environment, to exist, and
leave our imprint on the world.
Motive Main biological
advantages /
survival value
Examples of
cognitive operations
Main psychological
Main sociocultural
manifestations and
Create Construction of self,
Finding solutions,
Leveraging brain and
body systems
All the systems in
neocortex working in
various combinatory
ways to harness the
entirety of the mind,
Insula, Anterior
cingulate, Von
Economo neurons
Intuition, Inspiration,
Depiction, Ideation,
Integration of
knowledge in new
ways, Apperception,
Tendency to practice
with alternative
solutions, Problem
solving, Expression
of emotional states
and themes,
Articulation of self-
identity, Need to be
Subjectivity imposed
on the environment,
Creation of reality,
Conception and
(Cross) fertilisation,
Gut-sense, Search for
Culture, art,
Continuous self-
invention, Aesthetic
rules, Identification,
Languages and codes
THE MOTIVE TO GROW: Life is growth. Humans
grow through goals. As we reach one objective,
we surge towards the next greater one. Difficult
tasks are inherently pleasurable because they
make us perform at peak capacity and
contribute to the evolution of the species. By
being active we give intensity to the moment, we
live more. Every victory, no matter how small,
reassures us that we can still overcome
obstacles, push ourselves to any extremes in
pursuit of our goals. Nothing is given to any of
us. Each one of us must “earn” his/her place in
the world, his/her life. The lower our self-esteem,
the greater the need for external proofs of our
Motive Main biological
advantages /
survival value
Examples of
cognitive operations
Main psychological
Main sociocultural
manifestations and
Grow Will to act & be,
Evolution via
difficult tasks,
Spread of successful
genes, Access to
Aggression system,
Rage System, Goal-
seeking system
Task persistence,
Resolution, Goal
Constancy, Attention,
Pursuance, Hunt
Intension to win &
augment the self,
Need for personal
development, Self-
esteem, Recognition,
Admiration, Pride,
Ownership (to prove
oneself), Progress,
Capitalism, Duties
THE MOTIVE TO CONTROL: We become human
only by controlling our impulses and instincts,
abolishing animality. Reducing everything to
human proportions, using the measures of our
own invention, we create order around us to
comfortably locate ourselves in the world. The
self itself emerged in order to direct
consciousness. Our self needs integration. To
survive, we need a frame of orientation, a
well-structured, hierarchical world. We are
born with a structure that culture reinforces.
We come into this world with a drive to
manage. Through order and control, we
manage accidentalness, entropy, physical
deterioration and decay.
Motive Main biological
advantages /
survival value
Examples of
cognitive operations
Main psychological
Main sociocultural
manifestations and
Control Integration of the
organism, Direction
of the self and
guidance of reason,
Enablement of the
intellect, Hold of
systems, Executive
systems of
neocortex, Self-
monitoring System,
Conflict resolution
and planning process
Causality, Judgment,
regulation, Cognitive
Rationalisation, Be a
role model, Be in
Discipline, Respect,
Civilisation, Justice
(control of society),
Measurement, Time,
Order, Justice
(control of society)
Norms, Rules,
born animals and humans, rejection
means death. We are social even before
we recognise our own self. Facing
dangers together we abolish our
individual weaknesses. Loneliness,
rejection and betrayal literally hurt. In
contrast, when we are with fellow
humans we feel comforted and normal.
Heterogeneity is destabilising. Merging
into the crowd we empty ourselves of
certain aspects of our character. That we
are all the same is comforting. In
forgetting the uncertainty of individual
life we open to infinity, feeling
connected to the world and the species
which are immortal.
Motive Main biological
advantages /
survival value
Examples of
Main sociocultural
manifestations and
Connect Effacing one’s
Facing dangers
together, Facing
Normalisation of
Sacrificing part of
personality to
mingle with
Social engagement
systems, Mirror
cells, Attunement
Capacity to trust
Linguistic process,
Belonging, Sharing,
Effacing oneself in
a vague majority,
Society, Equality,
Human Rights,
Justice (equality)
THE MOTIVE TO DESIRE. Desire is pulse, vital
energy that calls us to continue to exist, to
enjoy the possible. Nature rewards all
biologically essential activities with
pleasure. Pleasure tells us what to do, it
helps us optimise our decisions, rank
urgencies, redress physiological imbalance.
Passions are attempts to step out of
ourselves. Love, itself, is the desire for
wholeness. When loved, we feel unique,
special, we fully experience our subjective
existence. In love we search to perpetuate
ourselves. In our lover we love the world.
Motive Main biological
advantages /
survival value
Examples of
Main sociocultural
manifestations and
Desire Procreation,
Ranking urgencies,
focusing behaviour
on useful ends,
decisions, Overall
Motivation and
learning what is
Propulsion through
Hedonic circuits,
(probably the
substrates of
nucleus accumbens,
and ventral
pallidum in
interaction with
cortical structures),
Opioid and reward
systems, Social
systems, Love
system (probably
cingulate gyrus)
Selection of action,
Working memory,
Attention, Problem
solving, Goal
Infatuation, Positive
regard &
commitment, Care,
Positively biased
Sexuality, Lust,
Take pleasure,
Feel wanted &
special, Fall in love,
Seek self-
acceptance, Seek
Hedonistic culture,
Marriage, Coupling,
Passions, Sexual
THE MOTIVE TO CARE. Life is based on symbiosis.
As we constantly are, or feel, under attack from
unseen aggressions, there is a constant need to
physically and emotionally protect ourselves,
and others, from outside threats. We grow
through giving: The more we give, the more we
receive. By our nature, not to give when we
know we are not taken advantage of is painful.
In giving the best of ourselves to others, we go
beyond our subjective life and feel our
existence. In focusing on taking care of others,
we mask our own needs and bypass our own
inadequacies. By taking care of others we take
care of ourselves.
Motive Main biological
advantages /
survival value
Examples of
Main sociocultural
manifestations and
Care Saving what is
useful, Growing
offspring, Serving
Providing lifelong
Care systems Empathy
(expression of
concern for and
caring about
others), Care,
Feeling useful &
Intense pleasure
helping others
including children
Having children,
Maintaining, Saving
THE MOTIVE TO BALANCE. To survive means to
continuously monitor, understand and harmonise
the internal and external environment. Knowledge
is a prerequisite for balance. However, although
knowledge brings power and security, it is also
fallible. To manage knowledge and reason and to
balance the different dimensions of our human
nature we need wisdom. In understanding the
various qualities of human nature we enable
ourselves to surpass it.
Motive Main biological
advantages /
survival value
Examples of
Main sociocultural
manifestations and
Balance Construction of an
adequate self,
Balancing the
different parts of
our nature,
Harmonisation of
the self with the
Orientation of the
self, Guiding
processing system,
Learning and
memory systems
Master and
integrate knowledge
base, Synthesising,
Insight, Gnosis,
Increased sense of
inner unity &
Harmonisation of
the various aspects
of personality and
life, Understanding,
Building agreement
with our
Prevention, Wisdom
Education, Science
Our whole civilisation,
social institutions, belief
systems, various cultures,
great human values and
the way we behave at
every moment are all
products of our
fundamental human
motives. They are all
attempts to fight
degeneration and to
elevate life, becoming
themselves, in their turn,
adaptive mechanisms.
Brands with a solid
inner architecture
deeply rooted in
the fundamentals
of humanity, are
most competitively
positioned to
achieve market
specialises in capturing
the unique codes of your
brand that engage
people at a profoundly
human level based on a
Phase 1: Psychographic
• Mapping the meaning people
derive from the category
• Deconstructing the meaning
systems of the brands in the
• Tracing meaning-saturated
areas and fundamental
motives which are catered for
less effectively
Phase 2: Brand
• Locating the core of the
brand (based on the
fundamental motive(s) it
• Mobilising the core to give
a unique answer to what
consumers have always
wanted from the category
Phase 3: The unique
language of the brand
• Imprinting brand strategy
into our fundamental human
motives, the roots of human
• Translating brand strategy
into Intrinsically Engaging
Narratives™ - tangible and
ownable experiences based
on the profound code
BRAND AVIATORS™ are trusted by some of the world’s
leading companies:
(Re)define your brand through the
human fundamentals if you seek to:
• Deeply engage people locally
and across cultures
• Develop genuine concepts that
work year after year after year
• Align all brand communications
under one master idea
• Increase the ROI of all your
brand activities
My mission is to help clients
around the world build
brands that liberate the very
forces of life. Contact me now
for a free discovery audit by
clicking on the icon:

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Developing Brands Through Intrinsically Engaging Narratives

  • 2. Hi! My name is Constantinos Pantidos and I believe that companies could improve people’s lives even more effectively if they had deeper human insight.
  • 3. Using a multidisciplinary approach, BRAND AVIATORS™ has captured, for the first time, our fundamental human motives at the deepest levels of their deployment…
  • 4. … all the way from: • their biological value • to the neurosystems they engage • to the cognitive operations and psychological states they activate • to the major social reinforcers they cause and • to the rich hierarchy of inherent concepts they infuse into our everyday life
  • 5. This methodology helps marketers develop Intrinsically Engaging Narratives™
  • 6. We do not just buy goods or services. By integrating intrinsic functionality with predefined meaning we create and express the master narratives of our lives.
  • 7. What deeply engages us always fulfils some fundamental motive, the evolutionarily- preserved dispositions that have shaped the species
  • 8. To ensure we never forget their importance, nature established an array of systems in our brain and made their satisfaction intrinsically rewarding
  • 9. Humans are multifaceted animals – probably the most multifaceted of all. To help us survive and develop, nature added new survival systems to our brain on top of the old ones.
  • 10. As we have a number of mental guiding foundations at our disposal that operate both fairly independently of each other and in cooperation, we are under the impression that everything around us is both straightforward and multifaceted
  • 11. Humans do not want to live a half life. Life is whole only when all life forces are experienced. The better we learn to enjoy them, the more human we become. An enriched life would be that in which all aspects of our personality attain their full development.
  • 12. We invent devices that allow us to experience the vital aspects of our nature in ideal conditions, which real life does not provide
  • 13. Brands are powerful carriers of meaning that allow us to experience our human heritage and put our world in order
  • 14. Our mind imposes its structure on every stimulus it receives through the continuous interchange between cognitive and emotional processes
  • 15. We conceive something as a reason to rationalise our actions
  • 16. What we call concepts are neural structures that allow us to order and categorise all stimuli around us
  • 17. Concepts act as magnets if we have found them to be of value in our own personal endeavours towards self- organisation, towards augmented cognitive effectiveness
  • 18. Without the intrinsic concepts that constitute the brain’s guiding foundations, concepts that are formed from experience and evolve throughout our life cannot exist
  • 19. It is the inner architecture of the message that touches our emotions and cognition. Our mental reaction to the messages that are intrinsically satisfying to our mind plays a more significant role in the persuasion process than the message itself analysed rationally. The structure is the message.
  • 20. Using, for the first time, a multidisciplinary approach, including: • brand communication decoding • motivational research • psychology • affective neuroscience • cognitive linguistics • cultural anthropology, sociology • philosophy and • their proprietary tools, BRAND AVIATORS™ has studied the motives underpinning buying behaviour in over seventy global categories of goods
  • 21. Beneath all the phantasmagoria of global marketing communication, lies order and rhythm, the source code of our human behaviour
  • 22. CONNECT CONTROL The wheel of motives™ GROW CARE BALANCE DESIRE FEEL SAFE SEEK PLAY CREATE DEFY TRANSFORM TM What follows is a brief analysis of the fundamental motives underpinning consumer behaviour and, indeed, our entire human behaviour. These are the irreducible, irradicable parts of human experience, the vital aspects of human nature. Their force culminates into human life.* * A book will shortly be published, extensively analysing the motives underpinning 33 categories of everyday consumer goods and our fundamental human motives. It puts forward the most integrated platform for engaging people to date.
  • 23. THE MOTIVE TO FEEL SAFE: To exist we must feel safe. If we do not feel safe major systems in our brain are blocked. To explore, to create, to grow, to be ourselves, we must keep fears at bay. Nature helps us achieve a feeling of safety by dampening any fear and receiving rewarding stimuli. Our mind takes every opportunity to reproduce this battle of good versus bad; when good forces win, it is always reassuring.
  • 24. Motive Main biological advantages / survival value Possible neurosystems involved Examples of cognitive operations Main psychological states Main sociocultural manifestations and reinforcers Feel safe Detection of threats, Dissipation of fears, Endurance via rewards, Creation of optimism that facilitates success Reward systems (opioid neurosystems that induce a sensation of pleasure and suppress pain), Fear dampening systems, Defensive system Retrospection, Reminiscence, Comfort and enjoyment, Believing, Increasing positive emotions, Constancy, Coping, Resolution of emotional conflict, Incognisance, Anthropomorphism Stability, Regression, Renewal, Nostalgia, Daydreaming, Comfort, Hope, Happiness, Satiety, Plenitude, Joy, Bliss, Instant gratification, Reward, Perfectionism Postponement, Shame, Guilt, Humbleness, Self- sacrifice, Narcissism Belief systems such as religion, Morality, Ethics, Mores, Folkway, Tradition, Authenticity
  • 25. THE MOTIVE TO SEEK. To continue to exist we need to stir interest in life. Humans like the familiar most of all because it brings security. But quickly we become frustrated and bored, and we seek escape. Lack of arousal leads to boredom which is responsible for a series of negative behaviours. Nature made the very act of searching and the moment of discovery intrinsically pleasurable in order to jolt us towards gaining access to all types of resources. Our motive to seek is omnipresent and helps us see further, what we could become, and to take the necessary risks to succeed.
  • 26. Motive Main biological advantages / survival value Possible neurosystems involved Examples of cognitive operations Main psychological states Main sociocultural manifestations and reinforcers Seek Arousal of interest, Location of resources, Integration of diversity, Flexibility Seeking system, Arousal optimisation system Search, Scanning ability, Arousing emotional experience, Improvisation, Experimentation, Detection, Divergent Thinking, Choice, Differentiation, Sensing, Free association, Breadth-of- attention, Intrinsic motivation, Cognitive flexibility, Incidental learning Excitement, Anticipation, Expectancy, Arousal, Restlessness, Emotional vertigo, Contrast, Thrill, Sense of freedom, Curiosity, Experimentation Independence, Mobility, Flexibility, Diversity, Alternativeness, Novelty, Variety, Risk-taking, Opportunism, Adventure, Exploration, Discovery
  • 27. THE MOTIVE TO PLAY: To live life for its own sake is the essence of life. To fully live, one must be fully present where one is. To live the moment is an exhilarating experience that assumes spontaneity: To live every instant to the full, to live at all, one must let go. Through play, we find ourselves able to experience life intensely. Free from all pretentious seriousness, and any need, urgency or necessity, play allows humans to experience all aspects of our nature, to be fully human.
  • 28. Motive Main biological advantages / survival value Possible neurosystems involved Examples of cognitive operations Main psychological states Main sociocultural manifestations and reinforcers Play Focusing on the present, Generation of vitality, Integration of incongruence, Fighting of adversity Play systems, Reward systems Immediate Intuitive awareness, Aggressive Ideation, Expression of affect- laden Images, Intensification of emotions, Absorption, Aesthesis, Pretention, Make- believing, Symbolisation, Free Association, Representation, Anthropomorphism, Experimentation, Improvisation, Divergent thinking Spontaneity, Whim, Frivolity, Fun, Gaiety, Cheerfulness, Jubilance, Exuberance, Flamboyance, Colourfulness, Zestfulness, Mischievousness, Teasing, mockery Celebrations, Entertainment, Satire, Humour, Sports, Games
  • 29. THE MOTIVE TO TRANSFORM: To survive in an ever-changing environment, humans must be masters of change. Our capacity to create images and our ability to transcend the moment helps us incarnate different roles, experience hidden values of our personality and try on different characters to see who we may really be. To adapt to new situations we need to suspend ourselves and often make others vanish. To deceive, outmanoeuvre, manipulate and incorporate our environment we use no lesser devices than imagination, projection, transference, prediction, manoeuvring, synchronicity and synergy.
  • 30. Motive Main biological advantages / survival value Possible neurosystems involved Examples of cognitive operations Main psychological states Main sociocultural manifestations and reinforcers Transform Mutation, Synchronisation, Simulation of scenarios Anticipation of the consequences of our actions Shifting systems, Decoupling mechanisms, Symbol systems, Mirror neurons, Imaginary function Foresight, Imagery, Fantasy/make- believe/as if thinking, Symbolic representation, Association, Suggestion, Reversal, Diagnosis, Affect modulation, Pretending, Transformation (set shifting, cognitive flexibility, reordering of information, breaking out of old ways of thinking) Fascination, Amazement, Awe, Peak experiences, Projection, Transference, Disorientation, Illusion, Entering & participating in Imaged worlds, Deception, Manipulation, Seduction Multiple casting of life roles, Multitasking, Multiple-reality of everyday life, Suspension of reality through technology, media, Replacement of the event and the object with images, Pressure for short- cuttings, Increasing speed of change, Superstitions such a as toasts, Mysticism
  • 31. THE MOTIVE TO DESTROY: We only grow by negating what exists already. When reacting to sameness, to the standardised, to the given, humans refuse to accept anything less than that which they deserve. Self-destruction is life gone wrong, life not lived. We seek to integrate small doses of death into ourselves, so that its image is rendered trivial, while integrating small doses of life so that we are not overwhelmed by its ecstasy. Consuming ourselves we make the most of our life. From destruction we emerge renewed, from nothing we leap forward.
  • 32. Motive Main biological advantages / survival value Possible neurosystems involved Examples of cognitive operations Main psychological states Main sociocultural manifestations and reinforcers Destroy Elimination of threats through violence, Escaping from dangers, Narrowing down thought, Integration of conflicts & resources, Preparation of vital deceleration, Enablement of creation Aggression system, Panic systems, Emergency systems Aggression, Compulsively focused attention, Incorporation, Distraction, Disregard, Negligence, Rejection Fear, Phobia, Anger, Rage, Pain, Obsession, Fixation, Predatory feelings, Frustration, Agitation, Disturbance, Horror, Feeling of disequilibration, Decay, Perversion, Malevolence, Self- punishment, Incapacity to live, Submission Counterculture, Wars, Defiance, Movements, Subcultures, Terrorism, Vandalism, Criminality, Waste, Love for danger
  • 33. THE MOTIVE TO CREATE. The mind does not passively receive information; it is engaged in its creation, it has a point of view. To exist, we need our life choices to be justified, so that our life adds up. We are, primarily, the construction of our narratives. Through the choices we make and the stories we tell ourselves and others we create and maintain our self, we express our personality. We feel our life by composing it, we live through moments that have content, we recreate life on a daily basis. Being ourselves is intrinsically rewarding. Participating in the mechanism of destruction and innovation, we continuously fight decomposition by composing life. Through creation, we attempt to impose our subjective self on our environment, to exist, and leave our imprint on the world.
  • 34. Motive Main biological advantages / survival value Possible neurosystems involved Examples of cognitive operations Main psychological states Main sociocultural manifestations and reinforcers Create Construction of self, Claiming individuality, Finding solutions, Leveraging brain and body systems All the systems in neocortex working in various combinatory ways to harness the entirety of the mind, Insula, Anterior cingulate, Von Economo neurons system Intuition, Inspiration, Individuation, Discrimination, Depiction, Ideation, Integration of knowledge in new ways, Apperception, Tendency to practice with alternative solutions, Problem solving, Expression of emotional states and themes, Interpretation Self-consciousness, Articulation of self- identity, Need to be oneself, Individualisation, Singularisation, Subjectivity imposed on the environment, Creation of reality, Conception and (Cross) fertilisation, Gut-sense, Search for meaningfulness Culture, art, Creativity, Continuous self- invention, Aesthetic rules, Identification, Domestication, Story-telling, Languages and codes
  • 35. THE MOTIVE TO GROW: Life is growth. Humans grow through goals. As we reach one objective, we surge towards the next greater one. Difficult tasks are inherently pleasurable because they make us perform at peak capacity and contribute to the evolution of the species. By being active we give intensity to the moment, we live more. Every victory, no matter how small, reassures us that we can still overcome obstacles, push ourselves to any extremes in pursuit of our goals. Nothing is given to any of us. Each one of us must “earn” his/her place in the world, his/her life. The lower our self-esteem, the greater the need for external proofs of our existence.
  • 36. Motive Main biological advantages / survival value Possible neurosystems involved Examples of cognitive operations Main psychological states Main sociocultural manifestations and reinforcers Grow Will to act & be, Perseverance, Evolution via difficult tasks, Spread of successful genes, Access to resources Aggression system, Rage System, Goal- seeking system Task persistence, Determination, Resolution, Goal orientation, Constancy, Attention, Observance, Deciding, Acquisition, Pursuance, Hunt Intension to win & augment the self, Need for personal development, Self- esteem, Recognition, Admiration, Pride, Confidence Achievement, Success, Competition, Ownership (to prove oneself), Progress, Greatness, Capitalism, Duties
  • 37. THE MOTIVE TO CONTROL: We become human only by controlling our impulses and instincts, abolishing animality. Reducing everything to human proportions, using the measures of our own invention, we create order around us to comfortably locate ourselves in the world. The self itself emerged in order to direct consciousness. Our self needs integration. To survive, we need a frame of orientation, a well-structured, hierarchical world. We are born with a structure that culture reinforces. We come into this world with a drive to manage. Through order and control, we manage accidentalness, entropy, physical deterioration and decay.
  • 38. Motive Main biological advantages / survival value Possible neurosystems involved Examples of cognitive operations Main psychological states Main sociocultural manifestations and reinforcers Control Integration of the organism, Direction of the self and guidance of reason, Enablement of the intellect, Hold of resources Computational systems, Executive systems of neocortex, Self- monitoring System, Conflict resolution and planning process Reasoning, Causality, Judgment, Categorisation, Typification, Ascription, Coordination, Officiating, Emotional regulation, Cognitive integration, Appraisal, Evaluation, Modelling, Influence, Prioritisation Organisation, Rationalisation, Be a role model, Be in command, Discipline, Respect, Conformity Civilisation, Justice (control of society), Measurement, Time, Order, Justice (control of society) Institutions, Organisation, Management, Norms, Rules, Measurement, Bureaucracy, Corporations, Imperialism, Distinction, Privileges
  • 39. THE MOTIVE TO CONNECT: In both new- born animals and humans, rejection means death. We are social even before we recognise our own self. Facing dangers together we abolish our individual weaknesses. Loneliness, rejection and betrayal literally hurt. In contrast, when we are with fellow humans we feel comforted and normal. Heterogeneity is destabilising. Merging into the crowd we empty ourselves of certain aspects of our character. That we are all the same is comforting. In forgetting the uncertainty of individual life we open to infinity, feeling connected to the world and the species which are immortal.
  • 40. Motive Main biological advantages / survival value Possible neurosystems involved Examples of cognitive operations Main psychological states Main sociocultural manifestations and reinforcers Connect Effacing one’s personal weaknesses, Facing dangers together, Facing aloneness, Normalisation of selection, Sacrificing part of personality to mingle with environment Social engagement systems, Mirror cells, Attunement Process Groupthink, Interpersonal schema/Self-other representation, Capacity to trust others, Communication, Linguistic process, Identification, Immediacy Belonging, Sharing, Effacing oneself in a vague majority, Reciprocity, Sameness, Friendship, Brotherhood, Ordinariness Society, Equality, Human Rights, Gossiping, Normality, Neutrality, Justice (equality)
  • 41. THE MOTIVE TO DESIRE. Desire is pulse, vital energy that calls us to continue to exist, to enjoy the possible. Nature rewards all biologically essential activities with pleasure. Pleasure tells us what to do, it helps us optimise our decisions, rank urgencies, redress physiological imbalance. Passions are attempts to step out of ourselves. Love, itself, is the desire for wholeness. When loved, we feel unique, special, we fully experience our subjective existence. In love we search to perpetuate ourselves. In our lover we love the world.
  • 42. Motive Main biological advantages / survival value Possible neurosystems involved Examples of cognitive operations Main psychological states Main sociocultural manifestations and reinforcers Desire Procreation, Ranking urgencies, focusing behaviour on useful ends, Optimising behaviour decisions, Overall function monitoring, Motivation and learning what is good, Propulsion through desire, Redressing physiological imbalance Hedonic circuits, (probably the subcortical substrates of nucleus accumbens, and ventral pallidum in interaction with cortical structures), Opioid and reward systems, Social engagement systems, Love system (probably cingulate gyrus) Selection of action, Conditioned reinforcement, Emotional responsiveness, Working memory, Attraction, Attention, Problem solving, Goal selection, Infatuation, Positive regard & commitment, Care, Immediacy, Positively biased thinking Sensuousness, Sexuality, Lust, Take pleasure, Feel wanted & special, Fall in love, Experiencing intimacy, Seek self- acceptance, Seek wholeness Hedonistic culture, Marriage, Coupling, Passions, Sexual norms
  • 43. THE MOTIVE TO CARE. Life is based on symbiosis. As we constantly are, or feel, under attack from unseen aggressions, there is a constant need to physically and emotionally protect ourselves, and others, from outside threats. We grow through giving: The more we give, the more we receive. By our nature, not to give when we know we are not taken advantage of is painful. In giving the best of ourselves to others, we go beyond our subjective life and feel our existence. In focusing on taking care of others, we mask our own needs and bypass our own inadequacies. By taking care of others we take care of ourselves.
  • 44. Motive Main biological advantages / survival value Possible neurosystems involved Examples of cognitive operations Main psychological states Main sociocultural manifestations and reinforcers Care Saving what is useful, Growing offspring, Serving community, Providing lifelong resilience Care systems Empathy (expression of concern for and caring about others), Care, Excogitation Feeling useful & benevolent, Nurturing behaviour, Defensive behaviour, Selflessness, Intense pleasure helping others including children Having children, Altruism, Compassion, Maintaining, Saving
  • 45. THE MOTIVE TO BALANCE. To survive means to continuously monitor, understand and harmonise the internal and external environment. Knowledge is a prerequisite for balance. However, although knowledge brings power and security, it is also fallible. To manage knowledge and reason and to balance the different dimensions of our human nature we need wisdom. In understanding the various qualities of human nature we enable ourselves to surpass it.
  • 46. Motive Main biological advantages / survival value Possible neurosystems involved Examples of cognitive operations Main psychological states Main sociocultural manifestations and reinforcers Balance Construction of an adequate self, Balancing the different parts of our nature, Harmonisation of the self with the world, Orientation of the self, Guiding reason Information processing system, Learning and memory systems Cerebration, Knowing, Representation, Awareness, Eclecticism, Convergent thinking, Apprehension, Master and integrate knowledge base, Synthesising, Insight, Gnosis, Doublethink Increased sense of inner unity & coherence, Harmonisation of the various aspects of personality and life, Understanding, Building agreement with our environment, Moderation, Prudence, Prevention, Wisdom Rewarding expertise, Education, Science
  • 47. THE WHEEL OF EVOLUTION: Our whole civilisation, social institutions, belief systems, various cultures, great human values and the way we behave at every moment are all products of our fundamental human motives. They are all attempts to fight degeneration and to elevate life, becoming themselves, in their turn, adaptive mechanisms.
  • 48. Brands with a solid inner architecture deeply rooted in the fundamentals of humanity, are most competitively positioned to achieve market leadership
  • 49. BRAND AVIATORS™ specialises in capturing the unique codes of your brand that engage people at a profoundly human level based on a three-phase methodology
  • 50. Phase 1: Psychographic landscaping • Mapping the meaning people derive from the category • Deconstructing the meaning systems of the brands in the category • Tracing meaning-saturated areas and fundamental motives which are catered for less effectively
  • 51. Phase 2: Brand (re)definition • Locating the core of the brand (based on the fundamental motive(s) it activates) • Mobilising the core to give a unique answer to what consumers have always wanted from the category
  • 52. Phase 3: The unique language of the brand • Imprinting brand strategy into our fundamental human motives, the roots of human communication • Translating brand strategy into Intrinsically Engaging Narratives™ - tangible and ownable experiences based on the profound code
  • 53. BRAND AVIATORS™ are trusted by some of the world’s leading companies:
  • 54. (Re)define your brand through the human fundamentals if you seek to: • Deeply engage people locally and across cultures • Develop genuine concepts that work year after year after year • Align all brand communications under one master idea • Increase the ROI of all your brand activities
  • 55. My mission is to help clients around the world build brands that liberate the very forces of life. Contact me now for a free discovery audit by clicking on the icon: