dentistry dental endodontics athul chandra ppt postgraduate basic zoe joural conservative article journal mmdc age sex medical history dental case history dental histiry occupation name case history crown eugenol zinc phosphate znpo4 gic consendo dental cements cements dental material dm luting cements luting caries dental caries mercury amalgam zin oxide dental zoe bleaching g bleachibleaching in dentistry tooth pigmentation pigmentation tooth discoloration graduate postgraduate bleach bleaching in dentistry received: 3 february 2019 revised: 7 february 201 1–6 j esthet restor dent. 2019 edodotics articles detistry articles artificial neural networking in dentistry artificial neural networking root canal natural medicament natural medicament for root canal disinfection curcumin curcumi rootcanal flora biofilm biofilm in endodontics composite onlay composite inaly onlay inlay laminates veneers composite indirect indirect tooth colored indirect tooth colored restoration indirect aesthetic indirect restoration composite indirect composite indirect forces on restoration forces acting on restoration forces acting forces joe journalism mri scanning radiography radiograohy nmri nuclear magnification resonance imaging seminar rct rootcanal biomechanical preparation bmp cleaningand shaping rootresorption jc mechanism of cyst formation kronfield’s mountain pass theory histopathology of periradicular diseases theories of spread of infection pathways of pulpitis sequele of periapical infection rationale ofendodontics rationale actions face muscles of mastication muscles anatomy beta pleated sheet virchow amyloid long essays md bds mds mbbs basic science general pathology pathology amylodosis health
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