open source postgresql database postgres open source database ashnik edb postgres devops enterprisedb docker technology digital transformation rdbms containers docker enterprise edition kubernetes ashnik pte ltd singapore postgres plus advanced server enterprise open source docker ee big data mongodb postgresql south east asia elasticstack hashicorp cloud nosql tech insights microservises south east asia cloud database oracle cloud computing postgresql singapore elastic container sameer kumar asia edb automation multi cloud information technology elastic search open source database ecosystem ansible dbms data integration business analytics analytics proprietary databases nginx plus nginx slideshare cloud technology cloud database solutions backup enterprisedb technical presentation redis vault mongodb singapore postgres deployment with ansible container platform choice of swarm or kubernetes docker 2.0 machine learning data analytics elk data open source dbms iot databases in containers containers-as-a-service modern application initiatives big data implementation ashnik open source big data solutions open data pentaho data integration pentaho business intelligence fossasia google hangout tuning in postgresql tuning in postgres postgres plus high availability features security features migration database migration security thailand xdb multi master replication malaysia enterprises schedule backup postgresql backup recovery cloudops live demo information security multi-cloud terraform hashicorp vault kafka poster search security analytics enablement platform application development virtualization cloud-native sysdig mongodb atlas relational database couchbase database assessment migrate database objects and data database compatibility with oracle docker hub ci / cd workflow ci/cd with docker digital tr running swarm and kubernetes side by side swarm or kubernetes swarm xml json video analytics realtime data analytics realtime data elastic stack data store data search log analytics digital strategy tech insights – the digital transformation series edb postgres containers micro services dbaas infrastructure edb postgres ark database as a service digital business dbaas sql polyglot persistence database-as-a-service cointainers docker 17.06 modernize traditional apps mta singapore tech event ashnik event contaniers windows and linux clusters dockerfile docker image vms vs containers gcp aws azure mainframe windows linux docker enterprise edition overview container technology #techinsights #microservices #containers #devops #docker pgpool big data postgresql big data landscape big data singapore data mining big data blueprints parallelism edbpostgres postgresv9.6 visualization transformations pgdayasia web server web accelerator hybrid data store fdw foreign data wrapper jsonb tuning the memory optimizer parameters memory parameter changes in v9.4 time lagging streaming replication asynchronous multi-master load distribution oltp vs. reporting high availability mmr x-db replication server how to how to tune slow running sql tuning the query analyze slow running query slow running query query slow running sqls save costs magic tuning hardware solutions proprietary software licences postgres postgres technical setup step by step steps explained rebuilding failover hot stand by software gis postgis choice gis solution deploying version 9.3 user stories what’s coming up in v9.3 dba tools architecture performance features oracle compatibility introduction about ashnik use cases services indonesia vietnam philippines xdb single master replication ha with read scaling edb postgres plus failover manager hot streaming replication hot standby mode log shipping replication active – passive os ha clustering offerings asean car ferrari indoenesia ibm powerlinux pgsql mysql auto scale down healing auto scale up schedule auto healing sachin dabir online backup recovery tools it postgresql malaysia ppas postgresql vietnam
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