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start small.
think big.
MARCh 8, 2011

                PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.2

my namE Is JIm.
tOnight WE’RE
gOing tO gEt tO
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.3

start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.4

our goals:
DEfinE YOuR businEss.
builD a knOWlEDgE stRatEgY.
ChOOsE tOOls anD tEChniquEs.
builD a fOllOWing.
spREaD thE WORD.
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.5

Common “small”
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.6

small Is not a
PoInt of
(if YOu aCt YOuR sizE,
YOu’ll alWaYs bE YOuR sizE.)
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.7

don’t tHInk
your modEl Is so
unIquE tHat you
Can’t rEvEal tHE
sECrEt sauCE.
(if YOu’RE gOOD,
it Can’t bE REpliCatED.)
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.8

laCk of
ConfIdEnCE Is
quICk dEatH.
(if YOu DOn’t shOW ExpERtisE,
nO OnE Will buY YOuR ExpERtisE.)
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.9

(if YOu’RE simpl a “mE tOO”,
YOu’vE pROviDED nO ChOiCE.)
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.10

don’t fakE It
untIl you makE It.
Just makE It .
(i hatE that tERm.
if YOu nEED tO fakE it,
YOu WOn’t makE it.)
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.11

don’t fakE It
untIl you makE It.
Just makE It .
(i hatE that tERm.
if YOu nEED tO fakE it,
YOu WOn’t makE it.)
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.12

tHE CyClE of
growtH. perception.
Knowledge creates
Perception creates growth.
Growth creates experience.
Experience creates knowledge.
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.13

brandEd ContEnt
Is tHE nEw salEs.
(thE mORE YOu shaRE,
thE bEttER YOu’ll DO.)
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.14

you arEn’t Just
a ProduCt not
Just a sErvICE.
you arE a
(WhEthER YOu likE it OR nOt.)
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.15

ProduCt or
sErvICE wItHout
knowlEdgE or
CommodIty .
(intElligEnCE = valuE.)
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.16

ContEnt =
CurrEnCy .
sHarIng =
no ContEnt =
CommodIty  .
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.17

makE your brand
(if YOu’RE small,
YOu havE nO ChOiCE.)
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.18

no mass mEdIa =
grassroots =
lEttIng otHErs
markEt on your
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.19

In ordEr for
otHErs to sPrEad
your word, you
nEEd to CrEatE,
CuratE, and
nurturE your
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY                               p.20

tyPEs of ContEnt:
blOg                                                                 WEbinaRs
miCROblOg                                                            sEminaRs
WhitE papERs                                                         pR/authORship
maRkEt REpORts                                                       CasE stuDiEs(aCaDEmiC mORE
                                                                                 than pROmOtiOnal)

viDEO                                                                sElf publiCatiOn
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY                                                                                      p.21

brandEd ContEnt
bRanDED COntEnt                                                      72%
magazinE aDvERtising                                                 28%
bRanDED COntEnt                                                      66%
tv aDvERtising                                                       34%
bRanDED COntEnt                                                      66%
DiRECt mail                                                          34%
bRanDED COntEnt                                                      66%
publiC RElatiOns                                                     34%
                                                                       source: A Look at how Corporate America Invests in Branded Content: 2010, ContentWise
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.22

CHI solutIons.
CasE stuDY
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.23
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.24
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.25
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.26

PlanEt bluE.
CasE stuDY
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.27
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.28
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.29
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.30
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.31

don’t HavE
bE an aggREgatOR.
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.32

stratEgy Is
Paramount  .
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.33

nECEssary  .
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.34

I lovE It.
tHIs Is kInd of Hard.
wHErE’s tHE fEEdbaCk?
I’m borEd.
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.35

tHE tools
you’ll nEEd.
COnsistEnCY  .
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.36

you fEar:
i DOn’t Want tO
you sHould rEall fEar:
bEing invisiblE
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.37

you fEar:
Wasting timE With nO
immEDiatE REtuRn.
you sHould rEall fEar:
lOOking infERiOR tO
YOuR COmpEtitiOn.
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.38

you fEar:
laCk Of timE.
you sHould rEall fEar:
COlD Calling.
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.39

you fEar:
i DOn’t knOW hOW tO
you sHould rEall fEar:
nOt having a
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.40

start .
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.41

wHo’s In your
COmpanY ______________.
thEY’RE thE ________________COmpanY.
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.42

wHat’s your
uniquE pOint Of DiffEREnCE.
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.43

for the (your target customer)
who needs (their need),
(you) is/are the (frame of reference),
with a (reason to believe).
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.44

wHat doEs your
ComPany stand
for? that DEsCRibE YOuR
pOints Of DiffEREnCE.
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.45

wHat’s your
PErsonalIty? YOuR
fOuR WORDs that pERsOnifY
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.46

wHat arE your
and PotEntIal
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.47

samPlE story
tItlEs of
blog Posts.
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.48

morE tIPs:
bE human.
bE appROaChablE anD simplE.
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.49

your brand Is a
lIvIng, brEatHIng
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.50

your wEbsItE
as a knowlEdgE
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.51

lEt analytICs bE
your guIdE.
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.52

loCk ContEnt .
trust tHE
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.53

It works.
wItH any ComPany.
any ProduCt  .
any sErvICE.
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.54

If you gIvE your
notHIng to
sHarE, you arE
tHat tHEy won’t .
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.55

wHat’s tHE
Winning. Duh.
start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY   p.56


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March 2011 - Marketing Roundtable - Jim Hume

  • 1. start small. think big. MARCh 8, 2011 PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY
  • 2. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.2 my namE Is JIm. tOnight WE’RE gOing tO gEt tO WORk.
  • 3. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.3 tonIgHt’s PanElIsts: YOu.
  • 4. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.4 our goals: DEfinE YOuR businEss. builD a knOWlEDgE stRatEgY. ChOOsE tOOls anD tEChniquEs. builD a fOllOWing. spREaD thE WORD.
  • 5. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.5 Common “small” mIstakEs.
  • 6. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.6 small Is not a sustaInablE PoInt of dIffErEnCE. (if YOu aCt YOuR sizE, YOu’ll alWaYs bE YOuR sizE.)
  • 7. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.7 don’t tHInk your modEl Is so unIquE tHat you Can’t rEvEal tHE sECrEt sauCE. (if YOu’RE gOOD, it Can’t bE REpliCatED.)
  • 8. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.8 laCk of ConfIdEnCE Is quICk dEatH. (if YOu DOn’t shOW ExpERtisE, nO OnE Will buY YOuR ExpERtisE.)
  • 9. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.9 EmulatIon EnsurEs subordInatIon. (if YOu’RE simpl a “mE tOO”, Y YOu’vE pROviDED nO ChOiCE.)
  • 10. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.10 don’t fakE It untIl you makE It. Just makE It . (i hatE that tERm. if YOu nEED tO fakE it, YOu WOn’t makE it.)
  • 11. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.11 don’t fakE It untIl you makE It. Just makE It . (i hatE that tERm. if YOu nEED tO fakE it, YOu WOn’t makE it.)
  • 12. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.12 tHE CyClE of growtH. perception. Knowledge creates Perception creates growth. Growth creates experience. Experience creates knowledge.
  • 13. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.13 brandEd ContEnt Is tHE nEw salEs. (thE mORE YOu shaRE, thE bEttER YOu’ll DO.)
  • 14. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.14 you arEn’t Just a ProduCt not . Just a sErvICE. you arE a markEtEr. (WhEthER YOu likE it OR nOt.)
  • 15. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.15 ProduCt or sErvICE wItHout knowlEdgE or PErsPECtIvE = CommodIty . (intElligEnCE = valuE.)
  • 16. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.16 ContEnt = CurrEnCy . sHarIng = markEtIng. no ContEnt = CommodIty .
  • 17. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.17 makE your brand sPrEadablE. (if YOu’RE small, YOu havE nO ChOiCE.)
  • 18. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.18 no mass mEdIa = grassroots. grassroots = lEttIng otHErs markEt on your bEHalf.
  • 19. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.19 In ordEr for otHErs to sPrEad your word, you nEEd to CrEatE, CuratE, and nurturE your word.
  • 20. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.20 tyPEs of ContEnt: blOg WEbinaRs miCROblOg sEminaRs WhitE papERs pR/authORship maRkEt REpORts CasE stuDiEs(aCaDEmiC mORE than pROmOtiOnal) viDEO sElf publiCatiOn pODCasts fORums
  • 21. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.21 brandEd ContEnt EffECtIvEnEss: bRanDED COntEnt 72% magazinE aDvERtising 28% bRanDED COntEnt 66% tv aDvERtising 34% bRanDED COntEnt 66% DiRECt mail 34% bRanDED COntEnt 66% publiC RElatiOns 34% source: A Look at how Corporate America Invests in Branded Content: 2010, ContentWise
  • 22. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.22 CHI solutIons. CasE stuDY
  • 23. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.23
  • 24. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.24
  • 25. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.25
  • 26. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.26 PlanEt bluE. CasE stuDY
  • 27. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.27
  • 28. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.28
  • 29. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.29
  • 30. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.30
  • 31. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.31 don’t HavE ContEnt? bE an aggREgatOR.
  • 32. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.32 stratEgy Is Paramount .
  • 33. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.33 PatIEnCE Is nECEssary .
  • 34. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.34 I lovE It. tHIs Is kInd of Hard. wHErE’s tHE fEEdbaCk? I’m borEd. mEH.
  • 35. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.35 tHE tools you’ll nEEd. COnsistEnCY . patiEnCE. tRust. inspiRatiOn.
  • 36. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.36 you fEar: i DOn’t Want tO shaRE. you sHould rEall fEar: y bEing invisiblE
  • 37. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.37 you fEar: Wasting timE With nO immEDiatE REtuRn. you sHould rEall fEar: y lOOking infERiOR tO YOuR COmpEtitiOn.
  • 38. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.38 you fEar: laCk Of timE. you sHould rEall fEar: y COlD Calling.
  • 39. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.39 you fEar: i DOn’t knOW hOW tO staRt. you sHould rEall fEar: y nOt having a stRatEgY.
  • 40. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.40 lEt’s start .
  • 41. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.41 wHo’s In your sPaCE? COmpanY ______________. thEY’RE thE ________________COmpanY.
  • 42. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.42 wHat’s your PosItIon? uniquE pOint Of DiffEREnCE.
  • 43. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.43 for the (your target customer) who needs (their need), (you) is/are the (frame of reference), with a (reason to believe).
  • 44. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.44 wHat doEs your ComPany stand for? that DEsCRibE YOuR fOuR WORDs pOints Of DiffEREnCE.
  • 45. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.45 wHat’s your PErsonalIty? YOuR fOuR WORDs that pERsOnifY COmpanY.
  • 46. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.46 wHat arE your CustomErs and PotEntIal CustomErs CravIng?
  • 47. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.47 samPlE story tItlEs of artIClEs/ PrEsEntatIons/ blog Posts.
  • 48. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.48 morE tIPs: bE human. bE appROaChablE anD simplE.
  • 49. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.49 your brand Is a lIvIng, brEatHIng tHIng.
  • 50. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.50 your wEbsItE as a knowlEdgE aggrEgator.
  • 51. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.51 monItor. lEt analytICs bE your guIdE.
  • 52. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.52 don’t (nECEssarIly) loCk ContEnt . trust tHE unIvErsE.
  • 53. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.53 It works. wItH any ComPany. any ProduCt . any sErvICE.
  • 54. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.54 If you gIvE your CustomErs notHIng to sHarE, you arE guarantEEIng tHat tHEy won’t .
  • 55. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.55 wHat’s tHE EndgamE? Winning. Duh.
  • 56. start small. tHInk bIg. // MARCh 8, 2011 // PHIrE BRANDING COMPANY p.56 q anD a.