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Formal Specification and Verification of Data-
Centric Web Services
Iman Saleh, Ph. D.
Assistant Scientist
University of Miami
March 15th, 2014
In a Nutshell…
 We develop and evaluate a formal model and contracting framework for
data-centric Web services.
 We show how this model can enable the formal specification and
verification of Web service compositions.
 We demonstrate through both formal proofs and empirical evaluations that
our proposed framework significantly decreases ambiguity about a service,
enhances its reuse, and facilitates detection of errors in service-based
Part I
Problem Formulation
 Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Applications implemented as
reusable, interoperable, network-accessible software modules commonly
known as Web services
 Web Services make use of standardized interfaces to enable loosely-
coupled business-to-business and customer-to-business interactions over
the Web
 Service consumers depends heavily on the exposed service interface
specification to invoke a service
Data specification challenges within SOA
Service Consumer
Web Service Description
Language (WSDL)
Capability Specification
Documents (in natural
ApplicationsLogical Data Model and
Business Rules X
Reasoning & Interpretation of Input/Output
messages and formulation of input
Interpreted Input/Output
Developers Feedback
 Amazon
 “I have met a problem when I was trying to get the salesrank of digital cameras
under the category of Photo. It showed me pretty different salesranks from what
we saw through Amazon Website…”
 PayPal
 “Can someone explain the precise distinction between 'Completed' and
'Processed' [ as the output of a payment service]?”
 FedEx
 “You can find information about Web Services on the FedEx Site. But when you
look at the [Developer Guide], it's two pages long and incredibly vague”
Part II
Proposed Solution
Proposed Solution
The main goal of our research is to formally model, specify and
verify the data aspect of the data-centric Web services
 The formal specification enables verification of service behavior
 Our approach is applicable to any data store that exhibits some
structural organization of the data
 We use formal methods and design-by-contract techniques to
achieve this goal
Formal Methods and Design-by-Contract
“Formal Methods used in developing computer systems are mathematically
based techniques for describing system properties. Such formal methods
provide frameworks within which people can specify, develop, and verify
systems in a systematic, rather than ad hoc manner”
• Advantages
• Unambiguous
• Machine-readable
• Abstract
Formal Methods and Design-by-Contract
Formal Methods and Design-by-Contract
Formal Methods and Design-by-Contract
service S
requires P
ensures Q
• P : precondition of the service S
• Q: postcondition of the service S
Research Hypotheses
 Main Hypothesis
The formal specification and verification of data-centric Web services
can be facilitated by exposing a formal data contract
 Methodology
1. We develop a formal model for an abstract source of data and
develop a contracting framework for data-centric Web services
based on the abstract model
2. We investigate how the data contract can be used to specify and
verify service behavior
Modeling a Data-Centric Web Service
class GenericDataModel
attribute entity1: Set(GenericRecord1)
attribute entity2: Set(GenericRecord2)
attribute entityn: Set(GenericRecordn)
Data source  set of Entities
Entity  set of Records
Record  set of Attributes class GenericRecord
attribute key: Tkey
attribute attr1: T1
attribute attr2: T2
attribute attrm: Tm
end GenericRecord
The Data Model
class GenericDataModel
operation GenericRecordi findRecordByKey(key: GenericKeyi)
requires (GenericKeyi is the key for GenericRecordi )
ensures (result.key = key and result in this.entityi) or result = NIL
operation Set(GenericRecordi) findRecordByCriteria( values1: Set(Ti1)
values2: Set(Ti2),
valuesn: Set(Tin))
requires ( Tij is the type of the jth attribute of GenericRecordi )
ensures rec in result, rec.attrj in valuesj and result in this.entityi
operation GenericDataModel createRecord(gr: GenericRecordi)
requires this.findRecordByKey (gr.key) = NIL
ensures result.entityi = this.entityi U gr and j ≠ i, result.entityj = this.entityj
operation GenericDataModel deleteRecord(key: GenericKeyi)
requires this.findRecordByKey(key) ≠ NIL
ensures result.entityi = this.entityi – this.findRecordByKey(key)
and j ≠ i, result.entityj = this.entityj
operation GenericDataModel updateRecord(gr: GenericRecordi)
requires this.findRecordByKey(gr.key) ≠ NIL
ensures result.entityi = this.entityi – this.deleteRecord(gr.key).createRecord(gr)
and j ≠ i, result.entityj = this.entityj
end GenericDataModel
Data operation  Create – Read – Update - Delete
operation Set(GenericRecordi) findRecordByCriteria( values1: Set(Ti1)
values2: Set(Ti2),
valuesn: Set(Tin))
requires ( Tij is the type of the jth attribute of GenericRecordi )
ensures rec in result, rec.attrj in valuesj and result in this.entityi
Proposed Methodology
1. Abstracting the service underlying data model as set of records, and
identifying their attributes’ types
2. Implementing the service data model as a class using our abstract data
model as a template
3. Annotating the data model class with invariants that define any data
constraints or business rules
4. Annotating the service interface with formal specifications that are
defined in terms of the data model and data functionalities defined in
step 2 16
Example: ItemSearch Web Service
ItemInfo[] ItemSearch ( searchIndex: CatString, keywords: String, minPrice: Double, maxPrice: Double,
author: String, artist: String, title: String, availability: AvailString, merchant: String, sort: SortString )
Array of [itemId: Integer, detailPageURL: String, title: String, author: String, artist: String, price: Double]
Enum {Books, CD, DVD, All}
Enum {Available} Enum {price, -price}
Example: ItemSearch Web Service
 Data Model
class ItemRecord
attribute key: Integer
attribute category: { Book, CD, DVD }
attribute merchantName: String
attribute author: String
attribute artist: String
attribute title: String
attribute price: Float
attribute stockLevel: Integer
invariant stockLevel ≥ 0
invariant price ≥ 0
invariant title ≠ NIL
invariant (category = CD or category = DVD)  author = NIL
invariant (category = Book)  artist = NIL
invariant (stockLevel > 0)  merchantName ≠ NIL
end ItemRecord
class ItemSearchDataModel
attribute itemEntity: Set(ItemRecord)
end ItemSearchDataModel
invariant (stockLevel > 0)  merchantName ≠ NIL
invariant (category = Book)  artist = NIL
ItemSearch Sample Pre- and Post-Conditions
//The following specification variables are assumed:
isdm: ItemSearchDataModel
searchIndices ,authors, artists, titles, merchants, prices, stockLevels: Set(String)
// Precondition on input price range
requires minPrice ≥ 0 and maxPrice ≥ 0 and minPrice  maxPrice
//Searching by keywords in the Books category
ensures (old(keywords) ≠ NIL) and (old(searchIndex) = Books) 
Book  searchIndices and old(keywords)  authors and old(keywords)  titles
// Specifying the results in terms of the service inputs and the defined model
ensures i, 1 ≤ i < result.length,
result[i]  { [rec.key, ””+rec.key, rec.title,, rec.artist]
| rec  isdm.findRecordByCriteria(searchIndices,
//The following specification variables are assumed:
isdm: ItemSearchDataModel
searchIndices ,authors, artists, titles, merchants, prices, stockLevels: Set(String)
// Precondition on input price range
requires minPrice ≥ 0 and maxPrice ≥ 0 and minPrice  maxPrice
//Searching by keywords in the Books category
ensures (old(keywords) ≠ NIL) and (old(searchIndex) = Books) 
Book  searchIndices and old(keywords)  authors and old(keywords)  titles
// Specifying the results in terms of the service inputs and the defined model
ensures i, 1 ≤ i < result.length,
result[i]  { [rec.key,””+rec.key,
rec.title,, rec.artist]
| rec  isdm.findRecordByCriteria(searchIndices,
Specification and Verification of Compositions
1. A service provider abstracts the data
source(s) of into a formal data model
2. The data model is used to annotate the
service with a data contract
3. The service consumer consults the
individual contracts to understand the
behavior of each service and construct
a global data contract
4. The service consumer can formally
verify the correctness of the
composition with the global data
Iman Saleh, Gregory Kulczycki and M.Brian Blake, "Formal Specification and Verification of Data-Centric Service
Composition", IEEE International Conference on Web Services, July 2010. Acceptance Rate 15.6%.
Formal Verification Process
Part III
Empirical Evaluations
Experiment I: Improving Service Reuse
 Hypothesis
The proposed contracting approach decreases the level of ambiguity about a Web service
behavior in terms of its underlying data interactions and expected output under different
input conditions
Web Crawler
Hidden DatabaseData-Centric Web Service
Indexed Data
Crawler Goals:
[G1] Identifying services that are candidates for crawling data (read-only).
[G2] Maximizing collected data while trying as few queries as possible.
[G3] Avoiding queries that results in crawling duplicate data.
[G4] Identifying presentation inputs, i.e. inputs that only affect the output format.
[G5] Avoiding invalid queries that would generate error pages or no results.
34,992 31,104
L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
Number of Possible Queries Per Specification Level
Iman Saleh, Gregory Kulczycki and M.Brian Blake, "A Reusable Model for
Data-Centric Web Services", 11th International Conference on Software
Reuse, September 2009.
Experiment II: Static Detection of Implementation Errors Using Code
 Hypothesis
The formal code specification and verification facilitates the discovery
of implementation errors at design time. These errors cannot be
detected using a non-verifying compiler
 Null Hypothesis
“Formal code specification does not affect the ability to detect
implementation errors.
Iman Saleh, M.Brian Blake and Gregory Kulczycki, “Static Detection of Implementation Errors Using Formal
Code Specification”, submitted to the Journal of Empirical Engineering.
Experiment III: Static Detection of Implementation Errors
in Data-Centric Web Services
 Hypothesis
Our proposed formal model and contracting framework enables
detection of programming errors at design time in data-centric Web
 Null Hypothesis
Our formal model and contracting framework does not affect the ability
to detect design-time implementation errors in data-centric Web
public int BinarySearch(int[]! a, int key)
requires a.Length > 0;
ensures 0 <= result ==> a[result] == key;
int low = 0;
int high = a.Length - 1;
while (low <= high)
invariant high+1 <= a.Length;
invariant low >= 0;
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
int midVal = a[mid];
if (midVal < key) {
low = mid + 1;
} else if (key < midVal) {
high = mid - 1;
} else {
return mid; // key found
return -(low + 1); // key not found.
invariant high+1 <= a.Length;
invariant low >= 0;
Loop Invariant
requires a.Length > 0; Method Precondition
ensures 0 <= result ==> a[result] == key; Method Postcondition
! Non-Null Type
Data Set
A set of 17 formally specified data functionalities extracted from a Book Rental
No. Functionality Description
1 create_book Creates a new book given the book ISBN, title, publisher and category
2 create_category Creates a new book category given the category name
3 create_customer Creates a new customer given the customer name
4 create_publisher Creates a new publisher given the publisher name
5 create_user Creates a new application administrator given a username and password
6 delete_customer Deletes an existing customer given the customer’s name
7 delete_publisher Deletes an existing publisher given the publisher’s name
8 delete_user Deletes an existing administrator given the administrator’s name
9 find_book_by_isbn Searches for a book given an ISBN
10 find_category_by_name Searches for a category given a name
11 find_customer_by_name Searches for a customer given a name
12 find_publisher_by_name Searches for a publisher given a name
13 find_user_by_username Searches for an administrator given a username
14 purchase_book Creates a new purchase given the book ISBN, quantity and price per book
15 rent_book Creates a new rental given the book ISBN, rental days, price per day and
customer id
16 return_book Returns a book given an ISBN
17 update_user_password Updates an administrator’s password given a username
Experiment Design
1. A class with all the 17 functionalities is implemented. The class contains variables that represent
the underlying database according to our model.
2. All methods in the class are specified using Spec#. The specification defines how these methods
interact with the data model variables.
3. The specified implementation is verified using Boogie to ensure that it is initially correct with
respect to the specifications.
4. A fault injection tool is used to automatically introduce errors in each class.
5. The verifier is executed on each mutant of each class.
6. Step (3) is repeated for different types of errors and the total number of errors detected using
different specification levels is calculated.
Specification Levels:
• L0: No specification, this level acts as a baseline
• L1: Non-null types
• L2: Non-null types and invariants
• L3: Non-null types and preconditions
• L4: Full specification
Mutation Operators
No. Operator Description Example
1 ABS Replacing a numerical value with its
absolute value
int x = y to int x =
2 AOR Arithmetic Operator Replacement a = b + c to a = b – c
3 ROR Relational Operator Replacement while(a < b) to while(a >
4 UOI Unary Operator Insertion a = b to a = -b
5 UOR Unary Operator Replacement i++ to i--
Experiment Design
 Independent Variable
The Specification Level: Nominal Variable (L0, L1, L2, L3, L4)
 Dependent Variable
The Mutation Score: Ratio Variable
Mutation Score = Number of Detected Errors
Total Number of Injected Errors
Results and Analysis
 A total of 134 mutants were generated and formally verified
No. Method Mutation Operators No. Of Mutants
1 create_book UOR 3
2 create_category UOR 3
3 create_customer UOR 3
4 create_publisher UOR 3
5 create_user UOR 3
6 delete_customer ABS – UOI 4
7 delete_publisher ABS – UOI 4
8 delete_user ABS – UOI 4
9 find_book_by_isbn ABS – ROR – UOI – UOR 14
10 find_category_by_name ABS – ROR – UOI – UOR 14
11 find_customer_by_name ABS – ROR – UOI – UOR 14
12 find_publisher_by_name ABS – ROR – UOI – UOR 14
13 find_user_by_username ABS – ROR – UOI – UOR 14
14 purchase_book ABS – AOR – UOI – UOR 11
15 rent_book ABS – AOR – UOI – UOR 11
16 return_book ABS – AOR – UOI – UOR 11
17 update_user_password ABS – UOI 4
Total 134
Results and Analysis
The Mutation Score achieved at different specification levels
- L0: No specification
- L1: Non-null types
- L2: Non-null types and invariants
- L3: Non-null types and preconditions
- L4: Full specification
Results and Analysis
• The Mutation Score calculated per error type
Results and Analysis
• The highest level of specification used in our experiment failed to detect
some mutations. These mutations however do not introduce errors:
• Examples
n = category_pointer mutated to n = +category_pointer
n-- mutated to --n
• Invariants added to some functionalities helped detect errors. Not all
functionalities had invariants, which explains the high variance in L2 results.
Validity Discussion
 Internal Validity
 Limited number of mutants for some
programs  The calculated mutation
scores can be treated only approximately,
showing certain trends, but without
sufficient statistical power
 External Validity
 The Programming and Specification
Languages: C# and Spec#
Part IV
Summary of Contributions
 The design and implementation of a reusable data model that enables the formal
representation of a data store.
 A service contracting mechanism is proposed based on our data model that is used
to construct formal specification of the underlying data behavior.
 Our proposed specification is represented in the form of a machine-readable
contract that can be used to automate the verification process.
 We propose a methodology to verify data integrity properties in an ACID
 Empirical evidence is provided on the effect of formal methods on writing bug-free
 We present a comparative study using three of the leading specification languages.
General Discussion and Future Work
 Contracts for Web Services
• Challenges
• Testing and debugging
• Wide Applicability
• The promise of automatic service invocation by software agents
• Services are invoked at the provider’s end
• Integration risk due to changes in service code and data schema
• Opportunities
• Monitoring reuse
• Empowering the online community
Summary and General Discussion
 Automatic Testing of Database Applications
Extract Preconditions
InputValues +
Test DB Values
Populate DB
Test Case
Collect Code
Run and Monitor
Reset DB and
Ongoing Research: Applying to Big Data…
Picture Source: Mahesh Gudipati, Shanthi Rao, Naju D. Mohan, Naveen Kumar Gajja, “Big Data: Testing Approach to Overcome
Quality Challenges”, 2013.
Ongoing Research: Leveraging the Crowd….
 Journals and Magazines
1. Iman Saleh, M.Brian Blake and Gregory Kulczycki, “Formal Methods for Data-Centric Web Services: From Model to Implementation”,
submitted to the International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer.
2. Iman Saleh, M.Brian Blake and Gregory Kulczycki, “Static Detection of Implementation Errors Using Formal Code Specification”,
submitted to the Journal of Empirical Engineering.
3. Iman Saleh, M.Brian Blake and Gregory Kulczycki, "Demystifying Data-Centric Web Services", IEEE Internet Computing, vol.13, no.5,
pp.86-90, Sept.-Oct. 2009.
 Conference Papers
1. Iman Saleh, Gregory Kulczycki and M.Brian Blake, "Formal Specification and Verification of Transactional Service Composition", 2011
IEEE World Congress on Services, SERVICES'11, July 2011.
2. Iman Saleh, Gregory Kulczycki and M.Brian Blake, "Formal Specification and Verification of Data-Centric Service Composition", IEEE
International Conference on Web Services, July 2010. Acceptance Rate 15.6%.
3. Iman Saleh, "Formal Specification and Verification of Data-Centric Web Services", IEEE Services' PhD Symposium, July 2010.
4. Iman Saleh, Gregory Kulczycki and M.Brian Blake, "Specification and Verification of Web Services Transactions", PhD Workshop on
Innovative Database Research, SIGMOD'10, June 2010.
5. Iman Saleh, Gregory Kulczycki and M.Brian Blake, "A Reusable Model for Data-Centric Web Services", 11th International Conference
on Software Reuse, September 2009.
6. Khaled El-Goarany, Iman Saleh and Gregory Kulczycki, "The Social Service Network - Web 2.0 Can Make Semantic Web Services
Happen," cecandeee, pp.419-423, 2008 10th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology and the Fifth IEEE Conference on
Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services, July 2008

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Alexandria ACM Student Chapter | Specification & Verification of Data-Centric Web Services | By Dr. Iman Saleh

  • 1. Formal Specification and Verification of Data- Centric Web Services Iman Saleh, Ph. D. Assistant Scientist University of Miami Florida March 15th, 2014
  • 2. In a Nutshell…  We develop and evaluate a formal model and contracting framework for data-centric Web services.  We show how this model can enable the formal specification and verification of Web service compositions.  We demonstrate through both formal proofs and empirical evaluations that our proposed framework significantly decreases ambiguity about a service, enhances its reuse, and facilitates detection of errors in service-based implementations. 2
  • 4. Introduction  Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Applications implemented as reusable, interoperable, network-accessible software modules commonly known as Web services  Web Services make use of standardized interfaces to enable loosely- coupled business-to-business and customer-to-business interactions over the Web  Service consumers depends heavily on the exposed service interface specification to invoke a service 4
  • 5. Data specification challenges within SOA Service Consumer Enterprise Gateway Web Service Description Language (WSDL) Specification Capability Specification Documents (in natural language) Enterprise Intranet Underlying ApplicationsLogical Data Model and Business Rules X X ? Reasoning & Interpretation of Input/Output messages and formulation of input Interpreted Input/Output D C A B 5
  • 6. Developers Feedback  Amazon  “I have met a problem when I was trying to get the salesrank of digital cameras under the category of Photo. It showed me pretty different salesranks from what we saw through Amazon Website…”  PayPal  “Can someone explain the precise distinction between 'Completed' and 'Processed' [ as the output of a payment service]?”  FedEx  “You can find information about Web Services on the FedEx Site. But when you look at the [Developer Guide], it's two pages long and incredibly vague” 6
  • 8. Proposed Solution The main goal of our research is to formally model, specify and verify the data aspect of the data-centric Web services  The formal specification enables verification of service behavior  Our approach is applicable to any data store that exhibits some structural organization of the data  We use formal methods and design-by-contract techniques to achieve this goal 8
  • 9. Formal Methods and Design-by-Contract “Formal Methods used in developing computer systems are mathematically based techniques for describing system properties. Such formal methods provide frameworks within which people can specify, develop, and verify systems in a systematic, rather than ad hoc manner” • Advantages • Unambiguous • Machine-readable • Abstract 9
  • 10. Formal Methods and Design-by-Contract 10
  • 11. Formal Methods and Design-by-Contract 11
  • 12. Formal Methods and Design-by-Contract service S requires P ensures Q • P : precondition of the service S • Q: postcondition of the service S 12
  • 13. Research Hypotheses  Main Hypothesis The formal specification and verification of data-centric Web services can be facilitated by exposing a formal data contract  Methodology 1. We develop a formal model for an abstract source of data and develop a contracting framework for data-centric Web services based on the abstract model 2. We investigate how the data contract can be used to specify and verify service behavior 13
  • 14. Modeling a Data-Centric Web Service class GenericDataModel attribute entity1: Set(GenericRecord1) attribute entity2: Set(GenericRecord2) ... attribute entityn: Set(GenericRecordn) ... Data source  set of Entities Entity  set of Records Record  set of Attributes class GenericRecord attribute key: Tkey attribute attr1: T1 attribute attr2: T2 ... attribute attrm: Tm end GenericRecord 14
  • 15. The Data Model class GenericDataModel ... operation GenericRecordi findRecordByKey(key: GenericKeyi) requires (GenericKeyi is the key for GenericRecordi ) ensures (result.key = key and result in this.entityi) or result = NIL operation Set(GenericRecordi) findRecordByCriteria( values1: Set(Ti1) values2: Set(Ti2), ... valuesn: Set(Tin)) requires ( Tij is the type of the jth attribute of GenericRecordi ) ensures rec in result, rec.attrj in valuesj and result in this.entityi operation GenericDataModel createRecord(gr: GenericRecordi) requires this.findRecordByKey (gr.key) = NIL ensures result.entityi = this.entityi U gr and j ≠ i, result.entityj = this.entityj operation GenericDataModel deleteRecord(key: GenericKeyi) requires this.findRecordByKey(key) ≠ NIL ensures result.entityi = this.entityi – this.findRecordByKey(key) and j ≠ i, result.entityj = this.entityj operation GenericDataModel updateRecord(gr: GenericRecordi) requires this.findRecordByKey(gr.key) ≠ NIL ensures result.entityi = this.entityi – this.deleteRecord(gr.key).createRecord(gr) and j ≠ i, result.entityj = this.entityj end GenericDataModel Data operation  Create – Read – Update - Delete operation Set(GenericRecordi) findRecordByCriteria( values1: Set(Ti1) values2: Set(Ti2), ... valuesn: Set(Tin)) requires ( Tij is the type of the jth attribute of GenericRecordi ) ensures rec in result, rec.attrj in valuesj and result in this.entityi 15
  • 16. Proposed Methodology 1. Abstracting the service underlying data model as set of records, and identifying their attributes’ types 2. Implementing the service data model as a class using our abstract data model as a template 3. Annotating the data model class with invariants that define any data constraints or business rules 4. Annotating the service interface with formal specifications that are defined in terms of the data model and data functionalities defined in step 2 16
  • 17. Example: ItemSearch Web Service ItemInfo[] ItemSearch ( searchIndex: CatString, keywords: String, minPrice: Double, maxPrice: Double, author: String, artist: String, title: String, availability: AvailString, merchant: String, sort: SortString ) Array of [itemId: Integer, detailPageURL: String, title: String, author: String, artist: String, price: Double] Enum {Books, CD, DVD, All} Enum {Available} Enum {price, -price} 17
  • 18. Example: ItemSearch Web Service  Data Model class ItemRecord attribute key: Integer attribute category: { Book, CD, DVD } attribute merchantName: String attribute author: String attribute artist: String attribute title: String attribute price: Float attribute stockLevel: Integer invariant stockLevel ≥ 0 invariant price ≥ 0 invariant title ≠ NIL invariant (category = CD or category = DVD)  author = NIL invariant (category = Book)  artist = NIL invariant (stockLevel > 0)  merchantName ≠ NIL end ItemRecord class ItemSearchDataModel attribute itemEntity: Set(ItemRecord) end ItemSearchDataModel invariant (stockLevel > 0)  merchantName ≠ NIL invariant (category = Book)  artist = NIL 18
  • 19. ItemSearch Sample Pre- and Post-Conditions //The following specification variables are assumed: isdm: ItemSearchDataModel searchIndices ,authors, artists, titles, merchants, prices, stockLevels: Set(String) // Precondition on input price range requires minPrice ≥ 0 and maxPrice ≥ 0 and minPrice  maxPrice //Searching by keywords in the Books category ensures (old(keywords) ≠ NIL) and (old(searchIndex) = Books)  Book  searchIndices and old(keywords)  authors and old(keywords)  titles // Specifying the results in terms of the service inputs and the defined model ensures i, 1 ≤ i < result.length, result[i]  { [rec.key, ””+rec.key, rec.title,, rec.artist] | rec  isdm.findRecordByCriteria(searchIndices, merchants, authors, artists, titles, prices, stockLevels)} //The following specification variables are assumed: isdm: ItemSearchDataModel searchIndices ,authors, artists, titles, merchants, prices, stockLevels: Set(String) // Precondition on input price range requires minPrice ≥ 0 and maxPrice ≥ 0 and minPrice  maxPrice //Searching by keywords in the Books category ensures (old(keywords) ≠ NIL) and (old(searchIndex) = Books)  Book  searchIndices and old(keywords)  authors and old(keywords)  titles // Specifying the results in terms of the service inputs and the defined model ensures i, 1 ≤ i < result.length, result[i]  { [rec.key,””+rec.key, rec.title,, rec.artist] | rec  isdm.findRecordByCriteria(searchIndices, merchants, authors, artists, titles, prices, stockLevels)} 19
  • 20. Specification and Verification of Compositions 1. A service provider abstracts the data source(s) of into a formal data model 2. The data model is used to annotate the service with a data contract 3. The service consumer consults the individual contracts to understand the behavior of each service and construct a global data contract 4. The service consumer can formally verify the correctness of the composition with the global data contract Iman Saleh, Gregory Kulczycki and M.Brian Blake, "Formal Specification and Verification of Data-Centric Service Composition", IEEE International Conference on Web Services, July 2010. Acceptance Rate 15.6%.
  • 23. Experiment I: Improving Service Reuse  Hypothesis The proposed contracting approach decreases the level of ambiguity about a Web service behavior in terms of its underlying data interactions and expected output under different input conditions 23 Web Crawler Hidden DatabaseData-Centric Web Service Indexed Data Query Data Crawler Goals: [G1] Identifying services that are candidates for crawling data (read-only). [G2] Maximizing collected data while trying as few queries as possible. [G3] Avoiding queries that results in crawling duplicate data. [G4] Identifying presentation inputs, i.e. inputs that only affect the output format. [G5] Avoiding invalid queries that would generate error pages or no results. 34,992 31,104 192 96 32 16 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 Number of Possible Queries Per Specification Level Iman Saleh, Gregory Kulczycki and M.Brian Blake, "A Reusable Model for Data-Centric Web Services", 11th International Conference on Software Reuse, September 2009.
  • 24. Experiment II: Static Detection of Implementation Errors Using Code Contracts  Hypothesis The formal code specification and verification facilitates the discovery of implementation errors at design time. These errors cannot be detected using a non-verifying compiler  Null Hypothesis “Formal code specification does not affect the ability to detect implementation errors. 24 Iman Saleh, M.Brian Blake and Gregory Kulczycki, “Static Detection of Implementation Errors Using Formal Code Specification”, submitted to the Journal of Empirical Engineering.
  • 25. Experiment III: Static Detection of Implementation Errors in Data-Centric Web Services  Hypothesis Our proposed formal model and contracting framework enables detection of programming errors at design time in data-centric Web services.  Null Hypothesis Our formal model and contracting framework does not affect the ability to detect design-time implementation errors in data-centric Web services 25
  • 26. Example public int BinarySearch(int[]! a, int key) requires a.Length > 0; ensures 0 <= result ==> a[result] == key; { int low = 0; int high = a.Length - 1; while (low <= high) invariant high+1 <= a.Length; invariant low >= 0; { int mid = (low + high) / 2; int midVal = a[mid]; if (midVal < key) { low = mid + 1; } else if (key < midVal) { high = mid - 1; } else { return mid; // key found } } return -(low + 1); // key not found. } 26 invariant high+1 <= a.Length; invariant low >= 0; Loop Invariant requires a.Length > 0; Method Precondition ensures 0 <= result ==> a[result] == key; Method Postcondition ! Non-Null Type
  • 27. Data Set A set of 17 formally specified data functionalities extracted from a Book Rental application. 27 No. Functionality Description 1 create_book Creates a new book given the book ISBN, title, publisher and category 2 create_category Creates a new book category given the category name 3 create_customer Creates a new customer given the customer name 4 create_publisher Creates a new publisher given the publisher name 5 create_user Creates a new application administrator given a username and password 6 delete_customer Deletes an existing customer given the customer’s name 7 delete_publisher Deletes an existing publisher given the publisher’s name 8 delete_user Deletes an existing administrator given the administrator’s name 9 find_book_by_isbn Searches for a book given an ISBN 10 find_category_by_name Searches for a category given a name 11 find_customer_by_name Searches for a customer given a name 12 find_publisher_by_name Searches for a publisher given a name 13 find_user_by_username Searches for an administrator given a username 14 purchase_book Creates a new purchase given the book ISBN, quantity and price per book 15 rent_book Creates a new rental given the book ISBN, rental days, price per day and customer id 16 return_book Returns a book given an ISBN 17 update_user_password Updates an administrator’s password given a username
  • 28. Experiment Design 1. A class with all the 17 functionalities is implemented. The class contains variables that represent the underlying database according to our model. 2. All methods in the class are specified using Spec#. The specification defines how these methods interact with the data model variables. 3. The specified implementation is verified using Boogie to ensure that it is initially correct with respect to the specifications. 4. A fault injection tool is used to automatically introduce errors in each class. 5. The verifier is executed on each mutant of each class. 6. Step (3) is repeated for different types of errors and the total number of errors detected using different specification levels is calculated. Specification Levels: • L0: No specification, this level acts as a baseline • L1: Non-null types • L2: Non-null types and invariants • L3: Non-null types and preconditions • L4: Full specification 28
  • 29. Mutation Operators 29 No. Operator Description Example 1 ABS Replacing a numerical value with its absolute value int x = y to int x = Math.Abs(y) 2 AOR Arithmetic Operator Replacement a = b + c to a = b – c 3 ROR Relational Operator Replacement while(a < b) to while(a > b) 4 UOI Unary Operator Insertion a = b to a = -b 5 UOR Unary Operator Replacement i++ to i--
  • 30. Experiment Design  Independent Variable The Specification Level: Nominal Variable (L0, L1, L2, L3, L4)  Dependent Variable The Mutation Score: Ratio Variable Mutation Score = Number of Detected Errors Total Number of Injected Errors 30
  • 31. Results and Analysis 31  A total of 134 mutants were generated and formally verified No. Method Mutation Operators No. Of Mutants 1 create_book UOR 3 2 create_category UOR 3 3 create_customer UOR 3 4 create_publisher UOR 3 5 create_user UOR 3 6 delete_customer ABS – UOI 4 7 delete_publisher ABS – UOI 4 8 delete_user ABS – UOI 4 9 find_book_by_isbn ABS – ROR – UOI – UOR 14 10 find_category_by_name ABS – ROR – UOI – UOR 14 11 find_customer_by_name ABS – ROR – UOI – UOR 14 12 find_publisher_by_name ABS – ROR – UOI – UOR 14 13 find_user_by_username ABS – ROR – UOI – UOR 14 14 purchase_book ABS – AOR – UOI – UOR 11 15 rent_book ABS – AOR – UOI – UOR 11 16 return_book ABS – AOR – UOI – UOR 11 17 update_user_password ABS – UOI 4 Total 134
  • 32. Results and Analysis 32 The Mutation Score achieved at different specification levels - L0: No specification - L1: Non-null types - L2: Non-null types and invariants - L3: Non-null types and preconditions - L4: Full specification
  • 33. Results and Analysis 33 • The Mutation Score calculated per error type
  • 34. Results and Analysis 34 • The highest level of specification used in our experiment failed to detect some mutations. These mutations however do not introduce errors: • Examples n = category_pointer mutated to n = +category_pointer n-- mutated to --n • Invariants added to some functionalities helped detect errors. Not all functionalities had invariants, which explains the high variance in L2 results.
  • 35. Validity Discussion  Internal Validity  Limited number of mutants for some programs  The calculated mutation scores can be treated only approximately, showing certain trends, but without sufficient statistical power  External Validity  The Programming and Specification Languages: C# and Spec# 35
  • 37. Summary of Contributions  The design and implementation of a reusable data model that enables the formal representation of a data store.  A service contracting mechanism is proposed based on our data model that is used to construct formal specification of the underlying data behavior.  Our proposed specification is represented in the form of a machine-readable contract that can be used to automate the verification process.  We propose a methodology to verify data integrity properties in an ACID transaction.  Empirical evidence is provided on the effect of formal methods on writing bug-free code.  We present a comparative study using three of the leading specification languages. 37
  • 38. General Discussion and Future Work  Contracts for Web Services • Challenges • Testing and debugging • Wide Applicability • The promise of automatic service invocation by software agents • Services are invoked at the provider’s end • Integration risk due to changes in service code and data schema • Opportunities • Monitoring reuse • Empowering the online community 38
  • 39. Summary and General Discussion  Automatic Testing of Database Applications 39 Constraint Solver Extract Preconditions InputValues + Test DB Values Solve Populate DB Test Case Collect Code Coverage Run and Monitor Reset DB and Repeat
  • 40. Ongoing Research: Applying to Big Data… 40 Picture Source: Mahesh Gudipati, Shanthi Rao, Naju D. Mohan, Naveen Kumar Gajja, “Big Data: Testing Approach to Overcome Quality Challenges”, 2013.
  • 41. Ongoing Research: Leveraging the Crowd…. 41
  • 43. Publications  Journals and Magazines 1. Iman Saleh, M.Brian Blake and Gregory Kulczycki, “Formal Methods for Data-Centric Web Services: From Model to Implementation”, submitted to the International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer. 2. Iman Saleh, M.Brian Blake and Gregory Kulczycki, “Static Detection of Implementation Errors Using Formal Code Specification”, submitted to the Journal of Empirical Engineering. 3. Iman Saleh, M.Brian Blake and Gregory Kulczycki, "Demystifying Data-Centric Web Services", IEEE Internet Computing, vol.13, no.5, pp.86-90, Sept.-Oct. 2009.  Conference Papers 1. Iman Saleh, Gregory Kulczycki and M.Brian Blake, "Formal Specification and Verification of Transactional Service Composition", 2011 IEEE World Congress on Services, SERVICES'11, July 2011. 2. Iman Saleh, Gregory Kulczycki and M.Brian Blake, "Formal Specification and Verification of Data-Centric Service Composition", IEEE International Conference on Web Services, July 2010. Acceptance Rate 15.6%. 3. Iman Saleh, "Formal Specification and Verification of Data-Centric Web Services", IEEE Services' PhD Symposium, July 2010. 4. Iman Saleh, Gregory Kulczycki and M.Brian Blake, "Specification and Verification of Web Services Transactions", PhD Workshop on Innovative Database Research, SIGMOD'10, June 2010. 5. Iman Saleh, Gregory Kulczycki and M.Brian Blake, "A Reusable Model for Data-Centric Web Services", 11th International Conference on Software Reuse, September 2009. 6. Khaled El-Goarany, Iman Saleh and Gregory Kulczycki, "The Social Service Network - Web 2.0 Can Make Semantic Web Services Happen," cecandeee, pp.419-423, 2008 10th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology and the Fifth IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services, July 2008 43