alcatel-lucent enterprise alue mobility collaboration byod unified access unified communications ale it networking ucoms networks opentouch iot converged campus mobile education higher education application fluent network cloud wifi wlan bring your own device communications omniswitch healthcare data center network management transportation smb technology uc&c sdn omniaccess mobile enterprise enterprise its small and medium business small business cloud communications wi-fi case study security interop software defined networking business telephony 802.11ac omnivista wireless ucaas alcatel-lucent intelligent transportation systems trains rails hoteltech connected healthcare business communications intelligent fabric opentouch suite produtivity patient care lan data center switching wireless lan schools classroom network infrastructure k-12 mobile workforce higher ed afn user experience virtualization university ucomms stellar stadium set up positioning database location based service location app lbs bluetooth ble beacons arena roads rob hemmerich it networking phoenix imsa hospitality services government digital transformation industry managed services it as a service small-medium business interop 2016 information technology travel and tourism hotel #opentouch #ucoms kommunikation kommunikationslösungen cloud-kommunikation unternehmenskommunikation communications cloud communications d'entreprise mise en réseau international calls audio-conferencing user-friendly interface android conferences cloud-based solution iphone multi-site collaboration smartphone call conferences call recording multi-site communication mute background noise deletion screen sharing share securely time tracking file sharing mobile access workspaces user friendly application task management organize files backup file synchronization team synchronization access from anywhere project management access rights shared calendars teamwork project collaboration network analytics health it abilene christian university apps safety alert notification nursing home senior living awareness vxlan enterprise communications web conferencing video collaboration visual collaboration uc distant learning connected learning collaborative learning digital learning collaborative teaching classroom technology device policy management device onboarding software defined network data center automation opentouch office cloud doctors children's hospital nurses otec productivity opentouch enterprise cloud lan switches wan overview switching omniswitch 6850/e at&t school bus connected bus hospital city of ingolstadt heinrich koch online learning gameofzones game of zones convergedcampus university solutions alacatel-lucent enterprise omniswitch 6860 omnivista 2500 airheads 2014 fabrice lieuvin network administration est ensemble communication unied communications & collaboration jack jachner eric krapf myplanet interop 2014 compliance ramy nassar ux nms dpi heitor faroni joe raccuglia opentouch business edition catholic education office communications solutions ccaas right size right-size network core core network rightsize network virtualization educause personal cloud era universal university digital signage suny visual campus safe campus campus converged ua xaas integrators smartphones tablets partners video multimedia
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