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अर्क (Madar)
Botanical Name-Calotropis procera (Ait.)R.Br- रक्त अर्क (purple)
Calotropis gigantea (Linn.)R. Bro.- श्वेत अर्क (white)
Tribe- Asclepiadaceae
📝(Presentation by- Aishwarya Katara
Faculty of Ayurveda,IMS,BHU)📝
Video Link-
👉 Description of अर्क (Calotropis
procera/gigantea) covering both classical
and modern views,concepts and
👉 अर्क as उपववष।
👉 Preparation and description of अर्क लवण।
👉Preparation and description of अर्क तैल।
👉Practical demonstration of using अर्क पत्र
and अर्क पुष्प in many disorders.
अर्क (Calotropis procera
Calotropis gigantea)
Topics covered-
 Synonyms
 Plant description
 Varieties
 Properties and action (both Ayurvedic and modern)
 Useful parts and chemical constituent
 Classical categorization and description by various आचार्य and निघण्टु
 Use/Indications (external/internal/therapeutic)
 Doses and formulations
 Side effects, Overdose effects, Antidote/treatment for overdose and
 Medicinal and practical uses of अर्य (according to classical texts and research)
 अर्क as उपववष(Introduction, toxic parts, fatal dose/period, अर्य शोधि, toxic
symptoms, treatment, management, Antidote)
पर्यकर् (Synonyms)
 सं॰- अर्य (सूर्य समाि तीक्ष्ण और उष्ण), तूलफल (रुइदार फल), क्षीरपणय (पत्तों में
दूध), अर्य पणय (पत्र उष्ण, तीक्ष्ण), विकर्रण (हिा द्िारा रूई इधर उधर बिखरती है),
आस्फोट (फल फटिे िाला)।
 हह॰- अर्िि, आर् (latex of अर्य -आर् र्ी दूध), मदार
 ि॰ - आर्ं द।
 त॰ - मंदारम।
 अ॰ - उषर
 म॰-रुई, आर्मदार।
 गु॰-आर्डो।
 फा॰-खरर् प॰-अर्।
 ता॰-पेल्लेरुक्र्ु
 अ॰(English)- मदार(madar), Crown Flower, Giant Milkweed Crown, Sodam
Apple, Kapok tree,Rubber tree
Habit, Habitat, Plant Description
 Habit-Large shrub Habitat– All over India
 Plant description-1. erect, perennial shrub,approx 4ft height
2. Hardy,branched,large sized erect, profusely milky,with very short thick
stumpy stem.
3. Leaves- opposite,subsessile,oblong,acute,4-6inch length,1-3inch width,
upper (ventral)surface-smooth, lower (dorsal)surface-hairy
4. Flowers- White to purple,1/2 inch diameter
5. Fruits- long,3inch length, 2.5inch width,burst on maturity, release soft
cotton from inside
6. Seeds- 1/2inch long, black in colour
7. Stem,branches, leaves when cut,crushed,incised yield thick,acrid Milky
white latex known as अर्य क्षीर (madar juice). Juice forms into white
clot/coagulum leaving clear straw coloured serum after heated and allowed
to stand for few hrs. Coagulum yields yellowish brown resin and a snow white
crystalline substance.
जयतत (Variety)- 2
 (i)- श्वेत अर्क (white calotropis)- अलर्य ,राजार्य ,मंदार,सदापुष्प
Calotropis gigantea (Linn.)R.Br- taller, height-approx.10-20ft,
flower-white, without fragnance,grow throughout season
 (ii)- रक्तयर्क (purple calotropis)- अर्य , मदार
Calotropis procera (Ait.)R.Br.- more common,shorter, height-3-6ft,
flower-white-purple, fragnant,come in spring season
 In धन्िंतरर निघण्टु- 3 varieties- (i)राजर्य (ii) शुक्लर्य (iii) श्िेत मंदारह
 According to आचार्य िाग्भट्ट- 2 Varieties- (i) श्िेतार्य । (ii) शुक्लार्य
 In राजनिघण्टु- 4 varieties- अर्य , श्िेतार्य , राजार्य , श्िेतमन्दार्य
 Fruiting in Summer season
 Flowering in Spring season
गुण (Ayurvedic Properties), र्र्क (Action)
 गुण- लघु, रुक्ष, तीक्ष्ण
 रस- र्टु, नतक्त
 ववपयर्- र्टु
 वीर्क- उष्ण
 दोषर्र्क- र्फिात शामर् (उष्ण होिे से)
रक्तार्य - वपत्तर्फ शामर् (मधुर, नतक्त होिे से)
 संस्थयतिर् र्र्क (localized action)
1. बयह्र् र्र्क (external action)- िेदिास्थापि, शोथहर, व्रणशोधि, र्ु ष्ठघ्ि,जन्तुघ्ि।
2. आभ्र्ंतर र्र्क(internal action)-
 पाचि संस्थाि- िामिोपग, दीपि, पाचि, वपत्तासारर्, रेचि,र्ृ ममघ्ि
 रक्तिह संस्थाि- मूलत्िर्,हृदर्ोत्तेजर्,रक्तशोधर्,शोथहर। इसमें हृदर् र्ी गनत और
संर्ोषशक्क्त िढ़ती है।, रक्तभार िढ़ता है। रक्तार्य पुष्प- रक्तवपत्तप्रशमि है।
 श्िसि संस्थाि- र्फनि:सारर्, श्िासहर
 त्िचा- स्िेदजिि, र्ु ष्ठघ्ि
 तापक्रम- मूल र्ी डाल(root bark)- ज्िरघ्ि और विषमज्िर प्रनतिन्धर्
Properties of both अर्क according to
 श्वेत अर्क - िृष्र् (potent), लघु (light), दीपि (appetizer), पाचि
(digestive), अरुचच, प्रसेर् (controls excessive salivation),
श्िासर्ासहर(cures asthma and cough)
 रक्त अर्क - मधुर, नतक्त, र्ृ ममघ्ि (removes worms), र्ु ष्ठघ्ि (cures all
types of skin disorders), र्फहर, cure- अशय(piles), विष(poison),
रक्तवपत्त (haemophilia), गुल्म, शोफहर(removes inflammation)
सात्मीर्रण- र्टुपौक्ष्टर् है, प्रनतरोधी समस्त अिर्ि उत्तेक्जत होते
हैं। शरीर र्ा िल िढ़ाता है। विषघ्ि, र्ैं सर प्रनतरोधी है।
Useful parts (प्रर्ोज्र् अंग)
 All parts of this plant are useful.
 मूलत्िर्(root bark), पत्र (leaves), क्षीर (latex/milky exudate), पुष्प(flower)
Chemical Constituents
• Latex of Calotropis procera contains cardiac steroid glucosides known as
‘Cardiac aglycones’ including calactin, uscharin, calotoxin and calotropin
that inhibit Na-K pump. Cardiac effects can be applied for heart
medication like digitalis. But excess dose can cause arrhythmia and can
lead to death. So should be given under medical supervision.
• Latex contains trypsin (digestive protein), uscharin (work on CVS),
calotropin, calotoxin
• Stem and root bark contain amyrin, giganteol, calotropeol,holarrhetine
• Latex contains 86-95% water and water soluble matter and 0.6-1%
• Root bark contains Benzoyllineoline and Benzoylisolineoline that on
saponification give lineoline and isolineoline.
Modern properties
 Antidiabetic
 Analgesic, thermogenic
 Anti-inflammatory
 Anti arthritic
 Antioxidant
 Antihelminthic
 Anticandidial, Antimalarial
 Wound healing
 Anticonvulsant
 Antitumor
 Anti asthmatic
 Hepatoprotective
 Cytotoxic
 Anticoagulant
गण (Classical categorization)
 षट्शोधि िृक्ष(क्षीराश्रर्)
 According to आचयर्क चरर्- भेदिीर्,िमिोपग,स्िेदोपग,क्षीरत्रर्
 According to आचयर्क सुश्रुत- अधोभागहर,अर्ायहद
 According to भयवप्रर्यश- गुडुच्र्ाहद औषचध िगय
 According to वयग्भट्ट- अर्ायहद- 2 types- श्िेत अर्य
शुक्ल अर्य
 According to रयजतिघण्टु- 4 varieties- अर्य , श्िेत अर्य , राजार्य , श्िेत मंदर्ाय
 स्थािर विष िगय, उपविष
 Modern- Irritant organic vegetative poison
शयस्त्रों र्ें अर्क र्य वणकि(Description in Classical texts)
 In चरर् संहितय:
👉‘क्षीरर्र्क स्र् ववज्ञेर्ं वर्िे सववरेचिे।’ (च.सू १/११५)
👉‘र्ि:शशलयले र्ररचयति तैलर्यर्क पर्: र्ु ष्ठिर: प्रदेि:।’ (च.सू ३/१२)
👉प्रस्तर स्वेद- ‘शूर्शर्ीधयन्र् पुलयर्यियं वेशवयर पयर्स र्ृ शरोत्र्यररर्यदीियं वय प्रस्तरे र्ौशेर्यववर्ो्र प्रच्छदे
पञ्चयङ्गुलोरुबूर्यर्क पत्र प्रच्छदे वय स्वभ्र्क्त सवकगयत्रस्र् शर्यिस्र्ोपस्वेदिं प्रस्तर स्वेद इतत ववद्र्यत्।।’ (च.सू १४/४२)
👉‘अर्क र्ूलं शर्ीपत्रर्शोभ्र्ो धूपिं हितर््।’। (च.चच१४/४९)
👉‘शशरीषबीजं र्ु ष्ठं च वपप्पल्र्: सैन्धवं गुड:।
अर्क क्षीरं सुधयक्षीरं त्रत्रफलय च प्रलेपिर््।।’ (च.चच १४/५३)
👉‘आर्ं पर्: सुधयर्यण्डं र्टुर्यलयबुपल्लवय:। र्रञ्जो बस्तर्ूत्रं च लेपिं श्रेष्ठर्शकसयर््।।’ (च.चच १४/५७)
 In सुश्रुत संहितय- सूत्रस्थयि ११- क्षयरपयर्ववचध
👉‘अथयिेिैव ववधयिेि र्ु टजपलयश….अर्क स्िुह्र्पयर्यगक…सर्ूलफलपत्रशयखय दिेत्।।’(सु.सू११/१२)
 In सुश्रुत संहितय- उ्रतंत्र २१- र्णकगतरोग प्रततषेधर्
👉‘त्रबल्वैरण्डयर्क ….आरियलश्रृतैरेशभियकडीस्वेद: प्रर्ोजजत:। र्फवयतसर्ुत्थयियं र्णकशूलं तिरस्र्तत।।’ (सु.सू २१/७)
👉अर्यंर्ु रस्वरस- ‘अर्यंर्ु रयिम्लवपष्टयंस्तैलयक्तयि् लवणयजन्वतयि्।सजन्िदध्र्यत् स्िुिीर्यण्डे र्ोररते
पुटपयर्क्रर्जस्वन्ियि् पीडर्ेदयरसयगर्यत्। सुखोष्णं तद्रसं र्णे दयपदयपर्ेच्छू लशयन्तर्े।।(सु.उ.२१/२४)
 In अष्टयंग संग्रि(by आचयर्क वयग्भट्ट)- संस्तर स्वेद
👉 ‘र्थयिक स्वेद द्रव्र्यणण वपहित र्ुखयर्य र्ुखयर्यं सम्र्र् उपस्वेद तिवयत शरण
शर्िस्थेकर्शलजे प्रस्तीर्यकववर् र्ौशेर् वयतिर पत्रयन्र्तर्ो्रं प्रच्छेदे रौरवयजजि
प्रयवयरयहदशभ: स्ववच्छन्िं स्वेदर्ेत इतत संस्तर स्वेद:।।’ (अ.स.सू २६)
 In धन्वन्तरर तिघण्टु -
👉‘अर्क जस्तक्तो भवेदुष्ण: शोधि परर्: स्र्ृत:। र्ण्डूव्रणिरो िजन्त
जन्तुसन्तततर्ुग्दतयर् ्।।’। (ध.ति.)
 In रयजतिघण्टु
👉‘अर्क स्तु र्टुरुष्णश्च वयतजजछीपिीर्र्:।शोथव्रणिर:र्ण्डूर्ु ष्ठर्ृ शर्ववियशि:।।’
 By चक्रद्
👉‘सप्तच्छदयर्क दुग्धयभ्र्यं पूरणं कक्रशर्दन्तिुत ्।’ (च.द.)
 In भयवप्रर्यश तिघण्टु:
👉‘श्वेतयर्ो गणरूप: स्र्यन्र्न्दयरो बसुर्ोऽवप च।श्वेतपुष्प: सदयपुष्प: स चयलर्क : प्रतयपस:।।
रक्तोऽपरोऽर्क ियर्य स्र्यदर्क पणो ववर्ीरण:।रक्तपुष्प: शुक्लफलस्तथयऽऽस्फोट: प्रर्ीततकत:।।’।
👉‘अर्क द्वर्ं सरं वयतर्ु ष्ठर्ण्डूववषव्रणयि्। तििजन्तप ्
लीिगुल्र्यशक:श्लेष्र्ोदरशर्ृ जत्क्रर्ीि्।।’। (६९)
👉‘अलर्क र्ु सुर्ं वृष्र्ं लघु दीपिपयचिर् ्।अरोचर्प्रसेर्यशक:र्यसश्वयसतिवयरणर् ्।।(७०)
👉‘रक्तयर्क पुष्पं र्धुरं सततक्तं र्ु ष्ठकक्रशर्घ्िंर्फियशिं च।
अशोववषं िजन्त च रक्तवप्ं संग्रयहि गुल्र्े श्वर्थौ हितं तत ्।।(७१)
👉‘क्षीरर्र्क स्र् ततक्तोष्णं जस्िग्धं सलवणं लघु।र्ु ष्ठगुल्र्ोदरिरं श्रेष्ठर्ेतद् ववरेचिर् ्।।’
 Use of अर्क पत्र in treatment of र्णकरोग(Diseases of Ear)
👉‘अर्क स्र् पत्रं पररणयर्पीतं तैलेि शलप्तं सशशखयजग्ि तप्तर् ्।
आपीड्र् तोर्े श्रवणेतिवषक्तं ववतििकरेद्वै बिुवेदियं च।।’ (२००)
प्रर्ोग/तिदेश (Use/Indications)
 दोष प्रर्ोग- मूलत्िर् और क्षीर= र्फवयत जन्र् रोग,
रक्तार्य पुष्प= र्फपैवत्तर् रोग में
 संस्थयतिर् प्रर्ोग(Localised application)
1. बयह्र् प्रर्ोग (External Use and indications)।
👉 शोथ- र्ा िेदिार्ुक्त विर्ारों (श्लीपद,आमिात etc) में अर्य पत्र गमय र्र िांधते हैं और उसर्े
स्िरस से मसद्ध तेल र्ा अभ्र्ंग र्रते हैं।
👉 अर्य तैल र्ो र्णयरोगों (र्णयशूल,िाचधर्य etc) में डालते हैं।
👉 पत्र चूणय व्रणों पर निड़र्िे से र्ा मूलत्िर् र्े लेप से शीघ्र शोधि और रोपण होता है।
👉 ग्रंचथ शोथ, गंडमाला आहद में अर्य क्षीर र्ा लेप र्रते हैं।
👉 र्ु ष्ठ और चमयरोगों में अर्य क्षीर सरसों र्े तैल में ममला र्र लगाते हैं।
👉 क्श्ित्र में दूध र्ा लेप।
👉 खामलत्र् और अशायर्ु रों में क्षीर र्ा लेप।
👉 दंतशूल में इसर्ी दातूि।
 आभ्र्ंतर प्रर्ोग (Internal use/Indications)-
👉 पाचिसंस्थाि(digestive disorders)- अक्ग्िमांद्र्, अजीणय, र्र्ृ त विर्ार, वििंध, गुल्म,
उदर, र्ृ मम में मूलत्िर् र्ा प्रर्ोग।
अर्य क्षीर िमि और रेचि र्े मलए।
मूलत्िर् विसूचचर्ा र्े मलए।
अर्य क्षीर उदरोगों में।
👉 रक्तिह संस्थाि(Blood related disorders)- हृद्दौियल्र्, श्लीपद, उपदंश, रक्तविर्ार में
मूलत्िर्, रक्तवपत्त में रक्तार्य पुष्प प्रर्ुक्त होता है।
👉 श्िसि संस्थाि(Respiratory disorders)- र्ास और श्िास में मूलत्िर्् और पुष्प र्ा
प्रर्ोग, श्िास रोग में अर्य मूल र्ी भस्म र्ा प्रर्ोग।
👉 त्िचा(Skin disorders)- र्ु ष्ठ और चमयरोगों में।
👉 तापक्रम- जीणयज्िर और विषमज्िर में मूलत्िर््।
👉 सात्मीर्रण- सामान्र् दैियल्र् में।
👉 सपयविष में इसर्ा मूलस्िरस र्ो र्ाली ममचय र्े साथ वपलाते हैं।
👉 र्ैं सर में इसर्े मूल और पत्र लाभर्र हैं।
👉Main therapeutic use in- श्िास, गुल्म, र्ृ ममरोग, र्ण्डू, र्ु ष्ठ, व्रण, शोथ, श्लेष्मोदर
रोग, प्लीहा रोग, अशय,, विषरोग, विसपय, मेदोरोग, प्रमेह
र्यत्रय (Dose), र्ोग (Formulations)
 र्यत्रय- मूलत्िक्चूणय- 250-750mg,
पुष्प- 1-3 gm
 र्ोग- अर्य लिण अर्य घृत
अर्य तैल अर्ायहदर्षार्
अर्े श्िर असिाहदर्षार्
महाविषगभयतैलम धन्िंतरम्घृत
अर्य क्षार। िज्रक्षार
अहित प्रभयव(Side effects),अततसेवि प्रभयव एवं
उसर्य उपचयर(Overdose effects and Antidote
for overdose), Contraindication
 मूलत्िर् if taken in excess(3-6gm)👉 causes दाह,क्षोभ,िमि in
Treatment- दूध,घी आहद क्स्िग्ध शामर् द्रव्र्ों र्ा प्रर्ोग।
 Overdose may cause diarrhoea and vomiting
 Antidote for overdose-
👉Leaves of Neelini (Indigofera tinctoria) are crushed and juice is
extracted and administered in dose of 10ml,2 times a day.
👉Leaves of Tamarind are crushed and juice is extracted, 15ml is
mixed with 15ml water and administered twice a day.
 Contraindication- Not safe in pregnancy and lactation period.
अर्क र्य औषधीर् प्रर्ोग(Medicinal Uses of
1. As described by आचयर्क चरर्
 Latex/milky juice of अर्य is both emetic (िामर्) and purgative
 Fumigation in haemorrhoid as mentioned earlier in च.चच.१४/४९- अर्य
root/Leaves are dried and burnt. Pile masses are exposed to fumes
that reduses pain, itching and size of pile mass.
 मशरीष िीज,र्ू ठ,पीपल,सेंधा िमर्,गुड़,मदार र्ा दूध,सेतुड़ र्ा दूध,बत्रफला चूणय
इन्हें ममलार्र अशय र्े मस्सों पर लेप र्रें।
 In प्रस्तर स्िेद(Sweating treatment)- where boiled materials are spread
over stone salb and over this Leaves of Calotropis are spread and the
person who has been subjected to अभ्र्ंग is made to lie on this stone
2. As described by आचयर्क सुश्रुत
 Root,leaves,bark along with some other plants is burnt and converted into
bhasma and then used in क्षारसूत्र for making medicated thread.
 In treatment of ear pain and disorders, अर्य after grinding is mixed with
र्ांजी and then िाडीस्िेद is done. This relieves ear pain due to िात and र्फ।
 In preparation of अर्ाांर्ु रस्िरस(for treating र्णयशूल)- अर्य र्े र्ोमल पत्र अंर्ु रों
र्ो र्ांजी में पीसर्र उसमें नतल तैल और लिण ममला र्े थूहर र्े डंडे में िेद र्र उसमें
भर र्े थूहर र्े पत्तों से ही उस निद्र र्ो िंद र्र अक्ग्ि में गाड़ र्े पुटपार् विचध से पर्ा र्र
पुिः िाहर निर्ाल र्े दिा र्र रस निचोड़ र्े सुखोष्ण र्ाि में डालें।
3. According to भयवप्रर्यश
 Both श्िेत and रक्त अर्य are used to cure vomiting, purgation,vata roga,
leprosy,itching,snake bites,wound,spleenomegaly, abdominal
tumors,piles,cough,ascites and intestinal worm infestation.
 श्िेतर्य is िृष्र् (aphrodisiac), लघु (light) in nature and stimulates digestive
system (दीपि पाचि). It is used to cure anorexia, excessive
 रक्तार्य is मधुर(sweet), नतक्त (bitter) in taste. It is useful in diarrhoea,
abdominal tumors and inflammation,skin disorders,worm
infestation,cough, haemorrhoid and bleeding disorders.
 अर्य क्षीर is र्टु and नतक्त in taste,have उष्ण (hot potency) and is लघु (light)
and क्स्िग्ध(oily) in nature. It is used to cure skin disorders, abdominal
tumors and other abdominal disorders. It is best purgative and is used in
purgation therapy.
 Leaves of अर्य that become yellow is taken,smeared with sesame oil (नतल
तैल) heated on fire. Juice should be extracted from these leaves and it
must be filled into ears. This therapy cures pain in ear (िहुिेदिा).
 According to आचयर्क वयगभट्ट👉अर्य पत्र is used in sweating treatment known as संस्तर
स्िेदि(same as प्रस्तर therapy) to cure pain and inflammation. Hot boiled herbs are
spread over stone bed, covered with leaves of Calotropis and patient is made to
lie on it for few minutes.
 According to भैषज्र् रत्ियवली👉 In purification of अभ्रर्(mica)
अभ्रर् in its incineration procedure is converted into धान्र्ाभ्रर्। Black अभ्रर् taken in
earthen pot and heated well. Later अभ्रर् layer is dipped in अर्य juice,gruel,cow
urine, बत्रफला decoction for 3 times each.
 Leaves and flowers are burned and ash is used as medicine that is highly alkaline
bhasma and effective in cancer.
 Latex is applied externally in wart/piles.
 अर्य क्षीर with हररद्रा चूणय and मशरीष िीज चूणय is applied over pile mass.
 मूलत्िर् used for cutaneous/skin disease, intestinal worm, coughing,ascites.
 Root powder used in bronchitis, dyspepsia, gastroenteritis, dysentery,piles,boils,
scrotal enlargement, filariasis and cancer.
 Drug is hot,bitter,pungent and laxative and is beneficial in skin diseases,ulcers,
spleenomegaly,liver disorders,promotes digestive power and also useful in colics.
 Milky juice is drastic purgative and used in combination with juice of Euphorbia
 Flowers are considered to be sweet, bitter,digestive, stomachic ,tonic and
useful in cough asthma catarrh. Flowers are also employed in skin
diseases, worm infestation hemorrhage caused by mutual and
simultaneous vitiation of रक्त and वपत्त।
 Roots and leaves are used in asthma and shortness of breathing, bark is
used in liver and spleen disorders.
 Effective in treating skin, digestive, respiratory,circulatory and
neurological disorders.
 Treat fevers, filariasis,nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
 Milky juice/latex is used against arthritis, cancer, Antidote for snake bites.
 DCM extracts of C.gigantia is highly cytotoxic against non small cell lung
carcinoma,colon carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma.
 Due to vata pacifying properties,helps in relieving bloating, flatulence,
abdominal distention as result of improper digestion of food. Highly
effective in ascites.
 Leaves and latex of अर्य are Antidote for snake bite.
 3-4mature leaves of अर्क are collected and warmed in its ventral side. Sesame oil
(ततल तैल) is applied over it and placed over swelling or inflammed area. Regular
fomentation reduces swelling.
 Mature leaves are made into fine paste without adding water and is applied over
inflammed joints. This will reduce pain and swelling effectively.
 Leaves are made into paste (50gm). To this 200ml sesame oil,200ml water is
added and is cooked till water evaporates completely. This is useful in muscular
and joint pain. In eczema also it is useful.
 Flowers are collected,dried in sunshade,made into fine powder. 1-2 pinches of
this is mixed with little rock salt powder and chewed. It is useful in chronic
cough,cold,asthma,rhinitis etc.
 Latex mixed with olive and applied on bald patches and ringworm is beneficial.
 Latex is useful for poisoned area where Snake, Scorpio,honeybee,poisonous
insects bite.
 Infusion of bark powder is used in treatment and cure of leprosy and
 Local effect of latex on conjunctiva is congestion,epiphora and local anaesthesia.
 Latex contains a proteolytic enzyme called caloptropaine.
 In र्ृ शर्दंतशूल: Cotton piece is dipped in mixture of equal Parts of अर्क क्षीर & Honey and
placed over affected area.
 र्ुखर्यस्र्तय: Mixture of अर्क क्षीर(1 part) and Honey (3 parts) to relieve local pain and
inflammation in stomatitis.
 (सपकदंश)Snake bites: Arka leaves are given to chew in snake bite cases
 लूतयववष(spider poisoning): Sireesha beeja is done Bhavana with Arka Ksheera 3
times,mixed with Pippali Choorna (Piper longumLinn.) and given for Lepa,Pana,Nasya
& Anjana.
 वृजश्चर्य ववष(scorpion bite): Lepa with Palasha beeja (Butea monospermaLinn.) mixed
with Arka ksheera relieves pain due to scorpion bite.
 अलर्क ववष(Rabid dog poison/Rabies): Palala(paste of ततल) mixed with ततल तैल(sesamum
oil), milky sap of अर्क and jaggery (गुड़) destroy poison of poison of rabid dog
 Mosquito controlling property- Culex species that serve as vector for Japanese
encephalitis, aqueous extract of C.gigantia is significant larvicidal, repellent and
ovicidal activity.
 In inhalation therapy,smoke from bark inhaled for cough,asthma and to cause
अर्क as उपववष(Semi-poisonous)
 Both varieties of Calotropis are toxic. In leaves Mudarine is active constituent
with bitter yellow acid,resin and 3 toxic glycosides. Latex contains powerful
bacteriolytic enzyme and toxic glycoside calactin.
 Active toxic principle- Uscharin, calotoxin,calactin,calotropin
 Milk being an irritant,neurotoxic and also due to anticholinergic response is toxic
and fatal. Serum contain Gigantin is highly virulent toxicant.
 Used as arrow poison, cattle poison
 An accidental poison, homicide
 Milky latex sap of C. gigantia causes toxic keratoconjunctivitis and reversible
vision loss. As a result of accidental ocular exposure to sap.
 Poisoning of cornea endothelium result’s in corneal stromal edema and decreased
visual activity.
 Toxic part used- root,stem, leaves, latex.
 Fatal dose- uncertain
 Fatal period ½- 8hrs.
 अर्क क्षीर शोधि-To purify अर्य क्षीर, नतल(Sesamum indicum Linn.) is fried and put into it.
Either 2 or 3 among the following combination of Ela, Maricha, Nagahwa & Pippali is
fried and put into Arka Ksheera.Arka ksheera is coming under Dugdha varga and is
abundantly used in mercurial operations. Some suggest the same Sodhana vidhi
(Purification method) as that of Snuhi kseera(Euphorbia neriifolia Linn.).
 Toxic Symptom
1. Orally: Madar juice is bitter in taste. Produces burning pain in throat & stomach.
Followed by salivation, stomatitis, diarrhoea, vomiting. Pupils are dilated along with
tetanic convulsions, collapse and death. Sometimes delirium may occur.
2. Locally: Skin Contact- Madar juice produces redness, inflammation & vesication. Can
give rise to skin lesions resembling” Fabricated Injuries”.
3. Eye Contact-Severe Conjunctivitis or dimness of vision or Blindness.
4. Internally: GIT Irritation and acts as Cerebro-spinal poison.Death occurs if madar
root powder is used as snuff.
• Treatment in Classics
1. Moola vishapeeda treatment ie. Intake of combination of Rajani (Curcuma longa Linn.)
Saindhava (rock salt), honey and ghee can be done [34].
2. Sthavara visha treatment ie. Sheetha Jala dhara, Intake of honey with ghee and Virechana
can be induced as fast as possible. Or intake of cow’s milk with sugar in plenty. Or frequent
intake of Karuparuthi puspa (Gossypium herbacium Linn) Swarasa mixed with sugar [35].
3. Following measures can be taken for poisoning due to
Arka ksheera [36].
a. Intake of Tila (Sesamum indicum Linn.) kashaya with guda.
b. Intake of Trvrt (Operculina turpethum Linn) with saindhava.
c. Intake of Curry leaves (Murraya koenigii Linn.) with buttermilk/gingelly oil.
d. Intake of Karuparuthi (Gossypium herbaceum linn) leaf made paste with rice wash along
with Tila & guda.
• Management-
1. Gastric lavage followed with demulcent drink should be administered.
2. Morphine is used to control pain.
3. Atropine chloroform amyle nitrate are Antidote. Supportive and symptomatic measures to
be followed
4. Maintain vital status if necessary oxygen inhalation and IV fluids to be given
5. Epsilon inj is given every 8hrs to combat convulsions
 Antidotes –
1. For Arka ksheera, some of the antidotes are sugar solution, fresh leaf juice of Neeli, diluted leaf juice of
tamarind and Castor oil.
2. Oral intake of medicated water prepaired with gairika subsides all poisonous effects of स्िूही and अर्य ।
3. Cow milk and cow ghee is given as Antidote for internal use. (घृत- व्रणरोपण, विषघ्ि, दाहशामर्)
 Post-mortem signs –Froth at nostrils, dilated pupils, stomatitis and inflammatory changes of GIT with
ulceration. Stomach may show Perforation. All viscera including brain shows congestion.
 Medico-legal Aspect-
1. Calotropis procera root is a powerful poison for cobras & Other poisonous snakes which cannot stand its’ smell.
2. Madar uicee is occasionally used for purposes of Suicide, Infanticide & homicide. Madar juice used by tanners
for removing hair From skin, which also imparts a yellow colour to skin & destroys offensive odour of fresh
3. Madar juice often Used for procuring Criminal abortion by administering orally or introducing into uterus
through Abortion stick.
4. Madar juice Sometimes used as a Cattle poison, either given with fodder or introduced into rectum of animal.
5. Both the varieties of Arka Plant are used for poisoning darts & arrows in Africa.
6. Accidental poisoning may sometimes occur from an overdose of medicinal preparation of Madar administered
by quacks.
👉 Description and PREPARATION OF अर्क लवण
👉 Description and PREPARATION OF अर्क तैल
👉Some practical demonstration of using
अर्क पत्र(leaves), अर्क पुष्प(flowers), in various
अर्क लवण
 अर्क पत्रं सलवणं अन्तधूकर्ं दिेन्िर: । र्स्तुिय तत् वपबेत् क्षयरं प्लीिगुल्र्ोदरयपिर््।।
(भै.र.-प्लीियर्र्ृ तरोगचधर्यर-१४)
 Ingredients- अर्क पत्र(Calotropis leaves), सैंधव लवण(rock salt).
 Procedure- शरयव सम्पुट+संचधबंधि, गजपुट/red hot(1000ंंc,1hr.),
स्वयंगशीत(self cooling).
 INDICATIONS-- गुल्र्(abdominal lump),जलोदर (ascites), र्र्ृ तप्लीिय
रोग(Hepatospleenomegaly), उदररोग(diseases of the abdomen)
 अिुपयि- as per the disease-प्लीियरोग-with Kumari rasa (Aloe barbadensis,
गुल्र्-with Eranda Taila (oil of Ricinus communis) and luke warm milk,
उदररोग- with Gomutra (Urine of Cow) and ErandaTaila.
 Dose- 250mg-1gm, 2times a day, before/after food with milk/water.
 CONTRAINDICATION- in Hypertension, Low sperm count,pregnancy,
lactation period.
 Expiry date- 5 yrs.,store in air tight container.
अर्क तैल
 अर्क पत्ररसे पक्वं िररद्रयर्ल्र् संर्ुक्तर््। ियशर्ेत्सयषकपं तैलं पयर्यं र्च्छूं ववचचचकर्यर््।।
(शय.स., र्ध्र्र् खण्ड)
 INDICATIONS- in treatment of ववचचचकर्य(eczema), psoriasis,tinea
infection, ringworm infection, र्णकशूल(ear pain/infection),
 Effects on दोष- वयत र्फ शयर्र्
 Ingredients- अर्क पत्र स्वरस(1lt.), िररद्रय र्ल्र्(paste of turmeric/Curcuma
longa)(2.5gm), सषकप तैल (mustard/Brassica campestris oil)(250ml).
 Dose- 10- 15 ml for र्णकणूरण
👉Using अर्क पत्र स्वरस (Calotropis leaves juice) in
treatment of pain and swelling.
👉Using अर्क पत्र to reduce blood sugar levels in
treatment of Diabetes.
👉Using अर्क पुष्प(flowers) in treatment of र्यस, श्वयस,
प्रततश्र्यर् (cough, asthma, catarrh and other
respiratory problems).
Using अर्क पत्र स्वरस (Calotropis
leaves juice) in
स्वेदि(sudation therapy) in
Treatment of pain and swelling
in many disorders.
Using अर्क पत्र (Calotropis leaves)in reduction
of blood sugar level useful in treatment of
Diabetes and obesity.
Using अर्क पुष्प(Calotropis flowers) in treatment of various
Respiratory disorders like र्यस (cough), श्वयस (bronchial
asthma), प्रततश्र्यर्(catarrh), rhinitis etc.
Note 👉 Since Calotropis flowers
(अर्क पुष्प) contains natural steroids that
act as broncholdilators,
I have recommended and send my this
preparation for clinical trials on
COVID-19 patients as symptomatic
Results are yet awaited….
Video/Slide presented by :
👉Aishwarya Katara(Faculty of Ayurveda,IMS,BHU)
Special Thanks to:
👉 My parents, My teachers,seniors, batchmates, juniors,
entire Faculty of Ayurveda,IMS,BHU and my friends.
जर् हिन्द । जर् भयरत ।।

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Ark(calotropis) - by aishwarya katara

  • 1. अर्क (Madar) Botanical Name-Calotropis procera (Ait.)R.Br- रक्त अर्क (purple) Calotropis gigantea (Linn.)R. Bro.- श्वेत अर्क (white) Family-Apocynaceae. Tribe- Asclepiadaceae 📝(Presentation by- Aishwarya Katara Faculty of Ayurveda,IMS,BHU)📝 Video Link-
  • 2. PART-A 👉 Description of अर्क (Calotropis procera/gigantea) covering both classical and modern views,concepts and researches. 👉 अर्क as उपववष। PART- B 👉 Preparation and description of अर्क लवण। 👉Preparation and description of अर्क तैल। 👉Practical demonstration of using अर्क पत्र and अर्क पुष्प in many disorders.
  • 3. अर्क (Calotropis procera Calotropis gigantea) PART-A Topics covered-  Synonyms  Plant description  Varieties  Properties and action (both Ayurvedic and modern)  Useful parts and chemical constituent  Classical categorization and description by various आचार्य and निघण्टु  Use/Indications (external/internal/therapeutic)  Doses and formulations  Side effects, Overdose effects, Antidote/treatment for overdose and Contraindication  Medicinal and practical uses of अर्य (according to classical texts and research)  अर्क as उपववष(Introduction, toxic parts, fatal dose/period, अर्य शोधि, toxic symptoms, treatment, management, Antidote)
  • 4. पर्यकर् (Synonyms)  सं॰- अर्य (सूर्य समाि तीक्ष्ण और उष्ण), तूलफल (रुइदार फल), क्षीरपणय (पत्तों में दूध), अर्य पणय (पत्र उष्ण, तीक्ष्ण), विकर्रण (हिा द्िारा रूई इधर उधर बिखरती है), आस्फोट (फल फटिे िाला)।  हह॰- अर्िि, आर् (latex of अर्य -आर् र्ी दूध), मदार  ि॰ - आर्ं द।  त॰ - मंदारम।  अ॰ - उषर  म॰-रुई, आर्मदार।  गु॰-आर्डो।  फा॰-खरर् प॰-अर्।  ता॰-पेल्लेरुक्र्ु  अ॰(English)- मदार(madar), Crown Flower, Giant Milkweed Crown, Sodam Apple, Kapok tree,Rubber tree
  • 5. Habit, Habitat, Plant Description  Habit-Large shrub Habitat– All over India  Plant description-1. erect, perennial shrub,approx 4ft height 2. Hardy,branched,large sized erect, profusely milky,with very short thick stumpy stem. 3. Leaves- opposite,subsessile,oblong,acute,4-6inch length,1-3inch width, upper (ventral)surface-smooth, lower (dorsal)surface-hairy 4. Flowers- White to purple,1/2 inch diameter 5. Fruits- long,3inch length, 2.5inch width,burst on maturity, release soft cotton from inside 6. Seeds- 1/2inch long, black in colour 7. Stem,branches, leaves when cut,crushed,incised yield thick,acrid Milky white latex known as अर्य क्षीर (madar juice). Juice forms into white clot/coagulum leaving clear straw coloured serum after heated and allowed to stand for few hrs. Coagulum yields yellowish brown resin and a snow white crystalline substance.
  • 6. जयतत (Variety)- 2  (i)- श्वेत अर्क (white calotropis)- अलर्य ,राजार्य ,मंदार,सदापुष्प Calotropis gigantea (Linn.)R.Br- taller, height-approx.10-20ft, flower-white, without fragnance,grow throughout season  (ii)- रक्तयर्क (purple calotropis)- अर्य , मदार Calotropis procera (Ait.)R.Br.- more common,shorter, height-3-6ft, flower-white-purple, fragnant,come in spring season  In धन्िंतरर निघण्टु- 3 varieties- (i)राजर्य (ii) शुक्लर्य (iii) श्िेत मंदारह  According to आचार्य िाग्भट्ट- 2 Varieties- (i) श्िेतार्य । (ii) शुक्लार्य  In राजनिघण्टु- 4 varieties- अर्य , श्िेतार्य , राजार्य , श्िेतमन्दार्य  Fruiting in Summer season  Flowering in Spring season
  • 7. गुण (Ayurvedic Properties), र्र्क (Action)  गुण- लघु, रुक्ष, तीक्ष्ण  रस- र्टु, नतक्त  ववपयर्- र्टु  वीर्क- उष्ण  दोषर्र्क- र्फिात शामर् (उष्ण होिे से) रक्तार्य - वपत्तर्फ शामर् (मधुर, नतक्त होिे से)  संस्थयतिर् र्र्क (localized action) 1. बयह्र् र्र्क (external action)- िेदिास्थापि, शोथहर, व्रणशोधि, र्ु ष्ठघ्ि,जन्तुघ्ि। 2. आभ्र्ंतर र्र्क(internal action)-  पाचि संस्थाि- िामिोपग, दीपि, पाचि, वपत्तासारर्, रेचि,र्ृ ममघ्ि  रक्तिह संस्थाि- मूलत्िर्,हृदर्ोत्तेजर्,रक्तशोधर्,शोथहर। इसमें हृदर् र्ी गनत और संर्ोषशक्क्त िढ़ती है।, रक्तभार िढ़ता है। रक्तार्य पुष्प- रक्तवपत्तप्रशमि है।  श्िसि संस्थाि- र्फनि:सारर्, श्िासहर  त्िचा- स्िेदजिि, र्ु ष्ठघ्ि  तापक्रम- मूल र्ी डाल(root bark)- ज्िरघ्ि और विषमज्िर प्रनतिन्धर्
  • 8. Properties of both अर्क according to भयवप्रर्यश  श्वेत अर्क - िृष्र् (potent), लघु (light), दीपि (appetizer), पाचि (digestive), अरुचच, प्रसेर् (controls excessive salivation), श्िासर्ासहर(cures asthma and cough)  रक्त अर्क - मधुर, नतक्त, र्ृ ममघ्ि (removes worms), र्ु ष्ठघ्ि (cures all types of skin disorders), र्फहर, cure- अशय(piles), विष(poison), रक्तवपत्त (haemophilia), गुल्म, शोफहर(removes inflammation) सात्मीर्रण- र्टुपौक्ष्टर् है, प्रनतरोधी समस्त अिर्ि उत्तेक्जत होते हैं। शरीर र्ा िल िढ़ाता है। विषघ्ि, र्ैं सर प्रनतरोधी है।
  • 9. Useful parts (प्रर्ोज्र् अंग)  All parts of this plant are useful.  मूलत्िर्(root bark), पत्र (leaves), क्षीर (latex/milky exudate), पुष्प(flower) Chemical Constituents • Latex of Calotropis procera contains cardiac steroid glucosides known as ‘Cardiac aglycones’ including calactin, uscharin, calotoxin and calotropin that inhibit Na-K pump. Cardiac effects can be applied for heart medication like digitalis. But excess dose can cause arrhythmia and can lead to death. So should be given under medical supervision. • Latex contains trypsin (digestive protein), uscharin (work on CVS), calotropin, calotoxin • Stem and root bark contain amyrin, giganteol, calotropeol,holarrhetine • Latex contains 86-95% water and water soluble matter and 0.6-1% caoutchoic • Root bark contains Benzoyllineoline and Benzoylisolineoline that on saponification give lineoline and isolineoline.
  • 10. Modern properties  Antidiabetic  Analgesic, thermogenic  Anti-inflammatory  Anti arthritic  Antioxidant  Antihelminthic  Anticandidial, Antimalarial  Wound healing  Anticonvulsant  Antitumor  Anti asthmatic  Hepatoprotective  Cytotoxic  Anticoagulant
  • 11. गण (Classical categorization)  षट्शोधि िृक्ष(क्षीराश्रर्)  According to आचयर्क चरर्- भेदिीर्,िमिोपग,स्िेदोपग,क्षीरत्रर्  According to आचयर्क सुश्रुत- अधोभागहर,अर्ायहद  According to भयवप्रर्यश- गुडुच्र्ाहद औषचध िगय  According to वयग्भट्ट- अर्ायहद- 2 types- श्िेत अर्य शुक्ल अर्य  According to रयजतिघण्टु- 4 varieties- अर्य , श्िेत अर्य , राजार्य , श्िेत मंदर्ाय  स्थािर विष िगय, उपविष  Modern- Irritant organic vegetative poison
  • 12. शयस्त्रों र्ें अर्क र्य वणकि(Description in Classical texts)  In चरर् संहितय: 👉‘क्षीरर्र्क स्र् ववज्ञेर्ं वर्िे सववरेचिे।’ (च.सू १/११५) 👉‘र्ि:शशलयले र्ररचयति तैलर्यर्क पर्: र्ु ष्ठिर: प्रदेि:।’ (च.सू ३/१२) 👉प्रस्तर स्वेद- ‘शूर्शर्ीधयन्र् पुलयर्यियं वेशवयर पयर्स र्ृ शरोत्र्यररर्यदीियं वय प्रस्तरे र्ौशेर्यववर्ो्र प्रच्छदे पञ्चयङ्गुलोरुबूर्यर्क पत्र प्रच्छदे वय स्वभ्र्क्त सवकगयत्रस्र् शर्यिस्र्ोपस्वेदिं प्रस्तर स्वेद इतत ववद्र्यत्।।’ (च.सू १४/४२) 👉‘अर्क र्ूलं शर्ीपत्रर्शोभ्र्ो धूपिं हितर््।’। (च.चच१४/४९) 👉‘शशरीषबीजं र्ु ष्ठं च वपप्पल्र्: सैन्धवं गुड:। अर्क क्षीरं सुधयक्षीरं त्रत्रफलय च प्रलेपिर््।।’ (च.चच १४/५३) 👉‘आर्ं पर्: सुधयर्यण्डं र्टुर्यलयबुपल्लवय:। र्रञ्जो बस्तर्ूत्रं च लेपिं श्रेष्ठर्शकसयर््।।’ (च.चच १४/५७)  In सुश्रुत संहितय- सूत्रस्थयि ११- क्षयरपयर्ववचध 👉‘अथयिेिैव ववधयिेि र्ु टजपलयश….अर्क स्िुह्र्पयर्यगक…सर्ूलफलपत्रशयखय दिेत्।।’(सु.सू११/१२)  In सुश्रुत संहितय- उ्रतंत्र २१- र्णकगतरोग प्रततषेधर् 👉‘त्रबल्वैरण्डयर्क ….आरियलश्रृतैरेशभियकडीस्वेद: प्रर्ोजजत:। र्फवयतसर्ुत्थयियं र्णकशूलं तिरस्र्तत।।’ (सु.सू २१/७) 👉अर्यंर्ु रस्वरस- ‘अर्यंर्ु रयिम्लवपष्टयंस्तैलयक्तयि् लवणयजन्वतयि्।सजन्िदध्र्यत् स्िुिीर्यण्डे र्ोररते तच्छदयवृते।।(सु.उ.२१/२३) पुटपयर्क्रर्जस्वन्ियि् पीडर्ेदयरसयगर्यत्। सुखोष्णं तद्रसं र्णे दयपदयपर्ेच्छू लशयन्तर्े।।(सु.उ.२१/२४)
  • 13.  In अष्टयंग संग्रि(by आचयर्क वयग्भट्ट)- संस्तर स्वेद 👉 ‘र्थयिक स्वेद द्रव्र्यणण वपहित र्ुखयर्य र्ुखयर्यं सम्र्र् उपस्वेद तिवयत शरण शर्िस्थेकर्शलजे प्रस्तीर्यकववर् र्ौशेर् वयतिर पत्रयन्र्तर्ो्रं प्रच्छेदे रौरवयजजि प्रयवयरयहदशभ: स्ववच्छन्िं स्वेदर्ेत इतत संस्तर स्वेद:।।’ (अ.स.सू २६)  In धन्वन्तरर तिघण्टु - 👉‘अर्क जस्तक्तो भवेदुष्ण: शोधि परर्: स्र्ृत:। र्ण्डूव्रणिरो िजन्त जन्तुसन्तततर्ुग्दतयर् ्।।’। (ध.ति.)  In रयजतिघण्टु 👉‘अर्क स्तु र्टुरुष्णश्च वयतजजछीपिीर्र्:।शोथव्रणिर:र्ण्डूर्ु ष्ठर्ृ शर्ववियशि:।।’ (रय.ति.)  By चक्रद् 👉‘सप्तच्छदयर्क दुग्धयभ्र्यं पूरणं कक्रशर्दन्तिुत ्।’ (च.द.)
  • 14.  In भयवप्रर्यश तिघण्टु: 👉‘श्वेतयर्ो गणरूप: स्र्यन्र्न्दयरो बसुर्ोऽवप च।श्वेतपुष्प: सदयपुष्प: स चयलर्क : प्रतयपस:।। रक्तोऽपरोऽर्क ियर्य स्र्यदर्क पणो ववर्ीरण:।रक्तपुष्प: शुक्लफलस्तथयऽऽस्फोट: प्रर्ीततकत:।।’। (६८) 👉‘अर्क द्वर्ं सरं वयतर्ु ष्ठर्ण्डूववषव्रणयि्। तििजन्तप ् लीिगुल्र्यशक:श्लेष्र्ोदरशर्ृ जत्क्रर्ीि्।।’। (६९) 👉‘अलर्क र्ु सुर्ं वृष्र्ं लघु दीपिपयचिर् ्।अरोचर्प्रसेर्यशक:र्यसश्वयसतिवयरणर् ्।।(७०) 👉‘रक्तयर्क पुष्पं र्धुरं सततक्तं र्ु ष्ठकक्रशर्घ्िंर्फियशिं च। अशोववषं िजन्त च रक्तवप्ं संग्रयहि गुल्र्े श्वर्थौ हितं तत ्।।(७१) 👉‘क्षीरर्र्क स्र् ततक्तोष्णं जस्िग्धं सलवणं लघु।र्ु ष्ठगुल्र्ोदरिरं श्रेष्ठर्ेतद् ववरेचिर् ्।।’ (७२)  Use of अर्क पत्र in treatment of र्णकरोग(Diseases of Ear) 👉‘अर्क स्र् पत्रं पररणयर्पीतं तैलेि शलप्तं सशशखयजग्ि तप्तर् ्। आपीड्र् तोर्े श्रवणेतिवषक्तं ववतििकरेद्वै बिुवेदियं च।।’ (२००)
  • 15. प्रर्ोग/तिदेश (Use/Indications)  दोष प्रर्ोग- मूलत्िर् और क्षीर= र्फवयत जन्र् रोग, रक्तार्य पुष्प= र्फपैवत्तर् रोग में  संस्थयतिर् प्रर्ोग(Localised application) 1. बयह्र् प्रर्ोग (External Use and indications)। 👉 शोथ- र्ा िेदिार्ुक्त विर्ारों (श्लीपद,आमिात etc) में अर्य पत्र गमय र्र िांधते हैं और उसर्े स्िरस से मसद्ध तेल र्ा अभ्र्ंग र्रते हैं। 👉 अर्य तैल र्ो र्णयरोगों (र्णयशूल,िाचधर्य etc) में डालते हैं। 👉 पत्र चूणय व्रणों पर निड़र्िे से र्ा मूलत्िर् र्े लेप से शीघ्र शोधि और रोपण होता है। 👉 ग्रंचथ शोथ, गंडमाला आहद में अर्य क्षीर र्ा लेप र्रते हैं। 👉 र्ु ष्ठ और चमयरोगों में अर्य क्षीर सरसों र्े तैल में ममला र्र लगाते हैं। 👉 क्श्ित्र में दूध र्ा लेप। 👉 खामलत्र् और अशायर्ु रों में क्षीर र्ा लेप। 👉 दंतशूल में इसर्ी दातूि।
  • 16.  आभ्र्ंतर प्रर्ोग (Internal use/Indications)- 👉 पाचिसंस्थाि(digestive disorders)- अक्ग्िमांद्र्, अजीणय, र्र्ृ त विर्ार, वििंध, गुल्म, उदर, र्ृ मम में मूलत्िर् र्ा प्रर्ोग। अर्य क्षीर िमि और रेचि र्े मलए। मूलत्िर् विसूचचर्ा र्े मलए। अर्य क्षीर उदरोगों में। 👉 रक्तिह संस्थाि(Blood related disorders)- हृद्दौियल्र्, श्लीपद, उपदंश, रक्तविर्ार में मूलत्िर्, रक्तवपत्त में रक्तार्य पुष्प प्रर्ुक्त होता है। 👉 श्िसि संस्थाि(Respiratory disorders)- र्ास और श्िास में मूलत्िर्् और पुष्प र्ा प्रर्ोग, श्िास रोग में अर्य मूल र्ी भस्म र्ा प्रर्ोग। 👉 त्िचा(Skin disorders)- र्ु ष्ठ और चमयरोगों में। 👉 तापक्रम- जीणयज्िर और विषमज्िर में मूलत्िर््। 👉 सात्मीर्रण- सामान्र् दैियल्र् में। 👉 सपयविष में इसर्ा मूलस्िरस र्ो र्ाली ममचय र्े साथ वपलाते हैं। 👉 र्ैं सर में इसर्े मूल और पत्र लाभर्र हैं। 👉Main therapeutic use in- श्िास, गुल्म, र्ृ ममरोग, र्ण्डू, र्ु ष्ठ, व्रण, शोथ, श्लेष्मोदर रोग, प्लीहा रोग, अशय,, विषरोग, विसपय, मेदोरोग, प्रमेह
  • 17. र्यत्रय (Dose), र्ोग (Formulations)  र्यत्रय- मूलत्िक्चूणय- 250-750mg, क्षीर-250-750mg पुष्प- 1-3 gm  र्ोग- अर्य लिण अर्य घृत अर्य तैल अर्ायहदर्षार् अर्े श्िर असिाहदर्षार् महाविषगभयतैलम धन्िंतरम्घृत अर्य क्षार। िज्रक्षार
  • 18. अहित प्रभयव(Side effects),अततसेवि प्रभयव एवं उसर्य उपचयर(Overdose effects and Antidote for overdose), Contraindication  मूलत्िर् if taken in excess(3-6gm)👉 causes दाह,क्षोभ,िमि in आमाशर्। Treatment- दूध,घी आहद क्स्िग्ध शामर् द्रव्र्ों र्ा प्रर्ोग।  Overdose may cause diarrhoea and vomiting  Antidote for overdose- 👉Leaves of Neelini (Indigofera tinctoria) are crushed and juice is extracted and administered in dose of 10ml,2 times a day. 👉Leaves of Tamarind are crushed and juice is extracted, 15ml is mixed with 15ml water and administered twice a day.  Contraindication- Not safe in pregnancy and lactation period.
  • 19. अर्क र्य औषधीर् प्रर्ोग(Medicinal Uses of Calotropis) 1. As described by आचयर्क चरर्  Latex/milky juice of अर्य is both emetic (िामर्) and purgative (विरेचर्)।  Fumigation in haemorrhoid as mentioned earlier in च.चच.१४/४९- अर्य root/Leaves are dried and burnt. Pile masses are exposed to fumes that reduses pain, itching and size of pile mass.  मशरीष िीज,र्ू ठ,पीपल,सेंधा िमर्,गुड़,मदार र्ा दूध,सेतुड़ र्ा दूध,बत्रफला चूणय इन्हें ममलार्र अशय र्े मस्सों पर लेप र्रें।  In प्रस्तर स्िेद(Sweating treatment)- where boiled materials are spread over stone salb and over this Leaves of Calotropis are spread and the person who has been subjected to अभ्र्ंग is made to lie on this stone bed.
  • 20. 2. As described by आचयर्क सुश्रुत  Root,leaves,bark along with some other plants is burnt and converted into bhasma and then used in क्षारसूत्र for making medicated thread.  In treatment of ear pain and disorders, अर्य after grinding is mixed with र्ांजी and then िाडीस्िेद is done. This relieves ear pain due to िात and र्फ।  In preparation of अर्ाांर्ु रस्िरस(for treating र्णयशूल)- अर्य र्े र्ोमल पत्र अंर्ु रों र्ो र्ांजी में पीसर्र उसमें नतल तैल और लिण ममला र्े थूहर र्े डंडे में िेद र्र उसमें भर र्े थूहर र्े पत्तों से ही उस निद्र र्ो िंद र्र अक्ग्ि में गाड़ र्े पुटपार् विचध से पर्ा र्र पुिः िाहर निर्ाल र्े दिा र्र रस निचोड़ र्े सुखोष्ण र्ाि में डालें।
  • 21. 3. According to भयवप्रर्यश  Both श्िेत and रक्त अर्य are used to cure vomiting, purgation,vata roga, leprosy,itching,snake bites,wound,spleenomegaly, abdominal tumors,piles,cough,ascites and intestinal worm infestation.  श्िेतर्य is िृष्र् (aphrodisiac), लघु (light) in nature and stimulates digestive system (दीपि पाचि). It is used to cure anorexia, excessive salvation,piles,cough,asthma.  रक्तार्य is मधुर(sweet), नतक्त (bitter) in taste. It is useful in diarrhoea, abdominal tumors and inflammation,skin disorders,worm infestation,cough, haemorrhoid and bleeding disorders.  अर्य क्षीर is र्टु and नतक्त in taste,have उष्ण (hot potency) and is लघु (light) and क्स्िग्ध(oily) in nature. It is used to cure skin disorders, abdominal tumors and other abdominal disorders. It is best purgative and is used in purgation therapy.  Leaves of अर्य that become yellow is taken,smeared with sesame oil (नतल तैल) heated on fire. Juice should be extracted from these leaves and it must be filled into ears. This therapy cures pain in ear (िहुिेदिा).
  • 22.  According to आचयर्क वयगभट्ट👉अर्य पत्र is used in sweating treatment known as संस्तर स्िेदि(same as प्रस्तर therapy) to cure pain and inflammation. Hot boiled herbs are spread over stone bed, covered with leaves of Calotropis and patient is made to lie on it for few minutes.  According to भैषज्र् रत्ियवली👉 In purification of अभ्रर्(mica) अभ्रर् in its incineration procedure is converted into धान्र्ाभ्रर्। Black अभ्रर् taken in earthen pot and heated well. Later अभ्रर् layer is dipped in अर्य juice,gruel,cow urine, बत्रफला decoction for 3 times each.  Leaves and flowers are burned and ash is used as medicine that is highly alkaline bhasma and effective in cancer.  Latex is applied externally in wart/piles.  अर्य क्षीर with हररद्रा चूणय and मशरीष िीज चूणय is applied over pile mass.  मूलत्िर् used for cutaneous/skin disease, intestinal worm, coughing,ascites.  Root powder used in bronchitis, dyspepsia, gastroenteritis, dysentery,piles,boils, scrotal enlargement, filariasis and cancer.  Drug is hot,bitter,pungent and laxative and is beneficial in skin diseases,ulcers, spleenomegaly,liver disorders,promotes digestive power and also useful in colics.  Milky juice is drastic purgative and used in combination with juice of Euphorbia nerifolia.
  • 23.  Flowers are considered to be sweet, bitter,digestive, stomachic ,tonic and useful in cough asthma catarrh. Flowers are also employed in skin diseases, worm infestation hemorrhage caused by mutual and simultaneous vitiation of रक्त and वपत्त।  Roots and leaves are used in asthma and shortness of breathing, bark is used in liver and spleen disorders.  Effective in treating skin, digestive, respiratory,circulatory and neurological disorders.  Treat fevers, filariasis,nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.  Milky juice/latex is used against arthritis, cancer, Antidote for snake bites.  DCM extracts of C.gigantia is highly cytotoxic against non small cell lung carcinoma,colon carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma.  Due to vata pacifying properties,helps in relieving bloating, flatulence, abdominal distention as result of improper digestion of food. Highly effective in ascites.  Leaves and latex of अर्य are Antidote for snake bite.
  • 24.  3-4mature leaves of अर्क are collected and warmed in its ventral side. Sesame oil (ततल तैल) is applied over it and placed over swelling or inflammed area. Regular fomentation reduces swelling.  Mature leaves are made into fine paste without adding water and is applied over inflammed joints. This will reduce pain and swelling effectively.  Leaves are made into paste (50gm). To this 200ml sesame oil,200ml water is added and is cooked till water evaporates completely. This is useful in muscular and joint pain. In eczema also it is useful.  Flowers are collected,dried in sunshade,made into fine powder. 1-2 pinches of this is mixed with little rock salt powder and chewed. It is useful in chronic cough,cold,asthma,rhinitis etc.  Latex mixed with olive and applied on bald patches and ringworm is beneficial.  Latex is useful for poisoned area where Snake, Scorpio,honeybee,poisonous insects bite.  Infusion of bark powder is used in treatment and cure of leprosy and elephantiasis.  Local effect of latex on conjunctiva is congestion,epiphora and local anaesthesia.  Latex contains a proteolytic enzyme called caloptropaine.
  • 25.  In र्ृ शर्दंतशूल: Cotton piece is dipped in mixture of equal Parts of अर्क क्षीर & Honey and placed over affected area.  र्ुखर्यस्र्तय: Mixture of अर्क क्षीर(1 part) and Honey (3 parts) to relieve local pain and inflammation in stomatitis.  (सपकदंश)Snake bites: Arka leaves are given to chew in snake bite cases  लूतयववष(spider poisoning): Sireesha beeja is done Bhavana with Arka Ksheera 3 times,mixed with Pippali Choorna (Piper longumLinn.) and given for Lepa,Pana,Nasya & Anjana.  वृजश्चर्य ववष(scorpion bite): Lepa with Palasha beeja (Butea monospermaLinn.) mixed with Arka ksheera relieves pain due to scorpion bite.  अलर्क ववष(Rabid dog poison/Rabies): Palala(paste of ततल) mixed with ततल तैल(sesamum oil), milky sap of अर्क and jaggery (गुड़) destroy poison of poison of rabid dog  Mosquito controlling property- Culex species that serve as vector for Japanese encephalitis, aqueous extract of C.gigantia is significant larvicidal, repellent and ovicidal activity.  In inhalation therapy,smoke from bark inhaled for cough,asthma and to cause sweating.
  • 26. अर्क as उपववष(Semi-poisonous)  Both varieties of Calotropis are toxic. In leaves Mudarine is active constituent with bitter yellow acid,resin and 3 toxic glycosides. Latex contains powerful bacteriolytic enzyme and toxic glycoside calactin.  Active toxic principle- Uscharin, calotoxin,calactin,calotropin  Milk being an irritant,neurotoxic and also due to anticholinergic response is toxic and fatal. Serum contain Gigantin is highly virulent toxicant.  Used as arrow poison, cattle poison  An accidental poison, homicide  Milky latex sap of C. gigantia causes toxic keratoconjunctivitis and reversible vision loss. As a result of accidental ocular exposure to sap.  Poisoning of cornea endothelium result’s in corneal stromal edema and decreased visual activity.  Toxic part used- root,stem, leaves, latex.  Fatal dose- uncertain  Fatal period ½- 8hrs.
  • 27.  अर्क क्षीर शोधि-To purify अर्य क्षीर, नतल(Sesamum indicum Linn.) is fried and put into it. Either 2 or 3 among the following combination of Ela, Maricha, Nagahwa & Pippali is fried and put into Arka Ksheera.Arka ksheera is coming under Dugdha varga and is abundantly used in mercurial operations. Some suggest the same Sodhana vidhi (Purification method) as that of Snuhi kseera(Euphorbia neriifolia Linn.).  Toxic Symptom 1. Orally: Madar juice is bitter in taste. Produces burning pain in throat & stomach. Followed by salivation, stomatitis, diarrhoea, vomiting. Pupils are dilated along with tetanic convulsions, collapse and death. Sometimes delirium may occur. 2. Locally: Skin Contact- Madar juice produces redness, inflammation & vesication. Can give rise to skin lesions resembling” Fabricated Injuries”. 3. Eye Contact-Severe Conjunctivitis or dimness of vision or Blindness. 4. Internally: GIT Irritation and acts as Cerebro-spinal poison.Death occurs if madar root powder is used as snuff.
  • 28. • Treatment in Classics 1. Moola vishapeeda treatment ie. Intake of combination of Rajani (Curcuma longa Linn.) Saindhava (rock salt), honey and ghee can be done [34]. 2. Sthavara visha treatment ie. Sheetha Jala dhara, Intake of honey with ghee and Virechana can be induced as fast as possible. Or intake of cow’s milk with sugar in plenty. Or frequent intake of Karuparuthi puspa (Gossypium herbacium Linn) Swarasa mixed with sugar [35]. 3. Following measures can be taken for poisoning due to Arka ksheera [36]. a. Intake of Tila (Sesamum indicum Linn.) kashaya with guda. b. Intake of Trvrt (Operculina turpethum Linn) with saindhava. c. Intake of Curry leaves (Murraya koenigii Linn.) with buttermilk/gingelly oil. d. Intake of Karuparuthi (Gossypium herbaceum linn) leaf made paste with rice wash along with Tila & guda. • Management- 1. Gastric lavage followed with demulcent drink should be administered. 2. Morphine is used to control pain. 3. Atropine chloroform amyle nitrate are Antidote. Supportive and symptomatic measures to be followed 4. Maintain vital status if necessary oxygen inhalation and IV fluids to be given 5. Epsilon inj is given every 8hrs to combat convulsions
  • 29.  Antidotes – 1. For Arka ksheera, some of the antidotes are sugar solution, fresh leaf juice of Neeli, diluted leaf juice of tamarind and Castor oil. 2. Oral intake of medicated water prepaired with gairika subsides all poisonous effects of स्िूही and अर्य । 3. Cow milk and cow ghee is given as Antidote for internal use. (घृत- व्रणरोपण, विषघ्ि, दाहशामर्)  Post-mortem signs –Froth at nostrils, dilated pupils, stomatitis and inflammatory changes of GIT with ulceration. Stomach may show Perforation. All viscera including brain shows congestion.  Medico-legal Aspect- 1. Calotropis procera root is a powerful poison for cobras & Other poisonous snakes which cannot stand its’ smell. 2. Madar uicee is occasionally used for purposes of Suicide, Infanticide & homicide. Madar juice used by tanners for removing hair From skin, which also imparts a yellow colour to skin & destroys offensive odour of fresh leather. 3. Madar juice often Used for procuring Criminal abortion by administering orally or introducing into uterus through Abortion stick. 4. Madar juice Sometimes used as a Cattle poison, either given with fodder or introduced into rectum of animal. 5. Both the varieties of Arka Plant are used for poisoning darts & arrows in Africa. 6. Accidental poisoning may sometimes occur from an overdose of medicinal preparation of Madar administered by quacks.
  • 30. PART-B 👉 Description and PREPARATION OF अर्क लवण 👉 Description and PREPARATION OF अर्क तैल 👉Some practical demonstration of using अर्क पत्र(leaves), अर्क पुष्प(flowers), in various disorders.
  • 31. अर्क लवण  अर्क पत्रं सलवणं अन्तधूकर्ं दिेन्िर: । र्स्तुिय तत् वपबेत् क्षयरं प्लीिगुल्र्ोदरयपिर््।। (भै.र.-प्लीियर्र्ृ तरोगचधर्यर-१४)  Ingredients- अर्क पत्र(Calotropis leaves), सैंधव लवण(rock salt).  Procedure- शरयव सम्पुट+संचधबंधि, गजपुट/red hot(1000ंंc,1hr.), स्वयंगशीत(self cooling).  INDICATIONS-- गुल्र्(abdominal lump),जलोदर (ascites), र्र्ृ तप्लीिय रोग(Hepatospleenomegaly), उदररोग(diseases of the abdomen)  अिुपयि- as per the disease-प्लीियरोग-with Kumari rasa (Aloe barbadensis, गुल्र्-with Eranda Taila (oil of Ricinus communis) and luke warm milk, उदररोग- with Gomutra (Urine of Cow) and ErandaTaila.  Dose- 250mg-1gm, 2times a day, before/after food with milk/water.  CONTRAINDICATION- in Hypertension, Low sperm count,pregnancy, lactation period.  Expiry date- 5 yrs.,store in air tight container.
  • 32. अर्क तैल  अर्क पत्ररसे पक्वं िररद्रयर्ल्र् संर्ुक्तर््। ियशर्ेत्सयषकपं तैलं पयर्यं र्च्छूं ववचचचकर्यर््।। (शय.स., र्ध्र्र् खण्ड)  INDICATIONS- in treatment of ववचचचकर्य(eczema), psoriasis,tinea infection, ringworm infection, र्णकशूल(ear pain/infection), र्णकस्रयव(otomycosis).  Effects on दोष- वयत र्फ शयर्र्  Ingredients- अर्क पत्र स्वरस(1lt.), िररद्रय र्ल्र्(paste of turmeric/Curcuma longa)(2.5gm), सषकप तैल (mustard/Brassica campestris oil)(250ml).  Dose- 10- 15 ml for र्णकणूरण
  • 33. DEMONSTRATIONS 👉Using अर्क पत्र स्वरस (Calotropis leaves juice) in treatment of pain and swelling. 👉Using अर्क पत्र to reduce blood sugar levels in treatment of Diabetes. 👉Using अर्क पुष्प(flowers) in treatment of र्यस, श्वयस, प्रततश्र्यर् (cough, asthma, catarrh and other respiratory problems).
  • 34. DEMONSTRATION-1 Using अर्क पत्र स्वरस (Calotropis leaves juice) in स्वेदि(sudation therapy) in Treatment of pain and swelling in many disorders.
  • 35. DEMONSTRATION- 2 Using अर्क पत्र (Calotropis leaves)in reduction of blood sugar level useful in treatment of Diabetes and obesity.
  • 36. DEMONSTRATION-3 Using अर्क पुष्प(Calotropis flowers) in treatment of various Respiratory disorders like र्यस (cough), श्वयस (bronchial asthma), प्रततश्र्यर्(catarrh), rhinitis etc. Note 👉 Since Calotropis flowers (अर्क पुष्प) contains natural steroids that act as broncholdilators, I have recommended and send my this preparation for clinical trials on COVID-19 patients as symptomatic treatment Results are yet awaited….
  • 37. 🙏 THANKS FOR WATCHING 🙏 Video/Slide presented by : 👉Aishwarya Katara(Faculty of Ayurveda,IMS,BHU) Special Thanks to: 👉 My parents, My teachers,seniors, batchmates, juniors, entire Faculty of Ayurveda,IMS,BHU and my friends. जर् हिन्द । जर् भयरत ।।