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Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Traffic Speed Analysis: spot speed, travel speed & speed
Submitted by
Ahmed Ferdous Abdul Moid Ankon
Department of civil engineering
This study was not possible without the help of DR. MD.
SHAMSUL HOQUE and Sanjana Hossain. Also help of
other group was beyond just sharing data.We are grateful to
Dhaka Metropolitan Police also for their helping.
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
We hereby declare that this reportis our own work and
effortand that it has not been submitted
anywhere for any award. All the contents provided here
is totally based on our own labor
dedicated for the completionof the laboratory
experimentof volume study of the road lying near to
our university.
Where other sources of informationhave been used,
they have been acknowledgedand the
sources of information’s have been providedin the
reference section.
Speedis an important transportationconsiderationbecause it relates to
safety, time, comfort, convenience and economics.Itis prerequisite of design
of road ,signal, marking and management. Also accident,level of service and
capacityanalysis is a function of it.
Both manual and automatic method are available.Butconsidering
weather,nonlane base vehicle,nmvand costwe have mainly used manual
Mainly stop watch,chain and sheetwere used .Group member used to form
group and assignedfor speedcount and registering number plate. Some point
speedgun was used for verifying.
It can be understood that maximum vehicle varies speed between15-20
mph.About 40%.Velocity less than 10mph is very rare.It showedabout 50%
vehicle was light vehicle.So a summary can be takenas light vehicle are
running at a speed near 20 mph in that sectionAs 50% light vehicle and here
40% are at 20 mph. Aboutut 20% of the private care are at 20mph
speedModalspeed16 mph for this road and traffic condition.That is most car
want to maintain 16mph while operatingPace is in between9mph and
24mph.That is most driver are seenwith 15 mph difference , to be in between
these speedsAs the curve is nearly symettric,so 5mphMedian speedis 16
mphSpeed limit is 9mph to 19 mphSpace mean speedis 2.5mph and time
mean is 4mphIt is evident space mean is less than time mean speedThe war
drop relationship is establishedWe cansee we are within Level of
serviceVisualseems to be los C.
If speedgun and wireless (travelspeed) were used more frequently more
reliable data could be gained.Some group used it unevenly.If equitable use
were done data would be more correct.
Chapter one:
1.1 Introduction:
A study on speedanalysis has been taken in between panthapath and rassel square.
Speed is an important transportation consideration because it relates to safety, time,
comfort, convenience and economics. The actual speed of vehicles over a particular route
may fluctuate widely depending on several factors such as geometric features, traffic
conditions, time, place, environment and driver.
1.2 Objectives :
Main objective of traffic study are
 Capacity studies
 Geometric studies
 Accident analysis
 Economic studies
 Performance studies
 Planning and designing of
1. Traffic signal design
2. Road sign design
3. Parking crossing design
4. Establishing speedlimit
5. Speed zoning
6. Placing control device
More elaborately:
i. Determining existing traffic operations and evaluation of traffic control devices
a Evaluating and determining proper speed limits
b Determining the 50th and 85th speed percentiles
c Evaluating and determining proper advisory speeds
d Establishing the limits of no-passing zones
e Determining the proper placements of traffic control signs and markings
f Setting appropriate traffic signal timing
ii. Establishing roadway design elements
a Evaluating and determining proper intersection sight distance
b Evaluating and determining proper passing sight distance (for more information
refer to Chapter 3 in the AASHTO Green Book)
c Evaluating and determining proper stopping sight distance
iii. Assessing roadway safety questions
a Evaluating and verifying speeding problems
b Assessing speed as a contributor to vehicle crashes
c Investigating input from the public or other officials
iv. Monitoring traffic speed trends by systematic ongoing speed studies
a Measuring effectiveness of traffic control devices or traffic programs, including
signs and markings, traffic operational changes,and speed enforcement programs
1.3 Scope of Traffic Speed Studies:
To complete the current experiment of transportation engineering lab-III we have
conducted spot
speed and travel speed analysis. We have conducted the delay analysis as well.
Below is the
scopes ofspotspeed and travel speed studies.
Spotspeed studies are conducted to estimate the distribution of speeds of vehicles
in a stream of
traffic at a particular location on a highway and are used for:
Establishing the effectiveness of new or existing speed limits and/or
Establishing trends to assess the effectiveness of national policy on speed limits
Specific design applications (like sight distance, breaking distance, passing
Specific control applications (yellow/all red timing – the size of dilemma zone
depends on speed)
Investigation of high-accident locations at which speed is suspected to be a
Chapter Two:
Literature review
Before a study some definition has to be clarified
2.2 Definition of Speed:
In simple words, speed is defined as the distance travelled in a unit time. Speed is
expressedin m/s, fps, mph etc. units.:
2.3 a. Spot speed
Spot speed is the instantaneous speed of a vehicle as it passes a specified point
along a road.Spot speeds may be determined by manually measuring (with use of
electronic orelectromechanical devices like pneumatic tube detectors or radars) the
time required for avehicle to traverse a relatively short specified distance.
2.4 Free flow speed:
The desired speed of drivers in low volume conditions and in the absence of
traffic control devices. In other words, the mean speed of passenger cars that can
be maintained in low to moderate flow rates on a uniform freeway segment
prevailing roadway and traffic conditions.
2.5 Travelspeed
Travel speed is the effective speed of the vehicle on a journey between two points
and is the distance between the two points divided by the total time taken for the
vehicle to complete the travel including any stopped time. If the journey speed is
less than running speed, it indicates that the journey follows a stop-go condition
with enforced acceleration and deceleration. The spot speed here may vary from
zero to some maximum in excess of the running speed. Uniformity between travel
and running speeds denotes comfortable travel conditions
2.6 Designspeed
Design speed is defined as the maximum safe speed that can be maintained over a
specified section of highway when conditions are so favorable that the design
features of the highway govern (ITE 1999). This definition implies that the design
speed should be selected based on drivers expectations, the type of highway and
terrain and topography.
2.7.Parts oftraffic studies:
Traffic studies include:
Inventory of road traffic physical features
Traffic stream characteristics- volume, speed, density, occupancystudies etc.
Capacity studies of streets and intersections
System usage studies- Travel time and delay, O-D survey
Travel demand- home interview survey
Road users cost-Value of travel time, vehicle operating cost
Parking supply & demand studies
2.8. Reconnaissancesurvey
2.8.1. Purpose :
The main objective of reconnaissance survey is of examining the general character
of the area for the purpose of determining the most feasible routes, or routes, for
further more detailed investigations. Data collected should be adequate to examine
the feasibility of all the different routes in question, as also to furnish the
Engineer-in-charge with approximate estimates of quantities of costs, so as to
enable him to decide on the most suitable alternative or alternatives. The survey
should also help in determining any deviations necessary in the basic geometric
standards to be adopted for the highway facility.
2.8.2 Survey Method
The reconnaissance survey may be conducted in the following sequence
(a) Study of topographical survey sheets, agricultural, soil, geological
and meteorological maps, and aerial photographs, if available.
(b) Aerial reconnaissance (where necessary and feasible)
(c) Ground reconnaissance (including another round of aerial
reconnaissance for inaccessible and difficult stretches, where called for).
2.8.3 AerialReconnaissance
An aerial reconnaissance will provide a bird’s eye view of eh alignments under
consideration along with the surrounding area. It will help to identify factors
which call for rejection or modification of any of the alignment. Final decision
about the alignments to be studied in detail on the ground could be taken on the
basis of the aerial reconnaissance.
2.8.4 Ground Reconnaissance
The various alternative routes located as a result of the map study are further
examined in the field by ground reconnaissance. As such, this part of the survey is
an important link in the chain of activities leading to selection of the final route.
General reconnaissance consists of general examination of the ground walking or
riding along the probable route and collecting all available information necessary
for evaluating the same. In the case of hill sections, it may sometime be
advantageous to start the reconnaissance from the obligatory point situated close
to the top

2.8.5. Previous Studies
Several studies were made .Among this a study by AHSANULLAH UNIVERSITY
OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY is most recent. Tejgaon-Flyover junction to Shatrasta
roundabout was the portion of interest there.But classified speed was avoided for
simplification.We have tried to relate all kinds of vehicle and also to understand the level of
service which gives a better scenario.[REF 1]
Chapter 3
Speed is an important measure of the quality of travel and safety of road network.
Speed by definition is the rate of movement of vehicle in distance per unit time. A
typical unit of speed is kilometers per hour (KMPH) or miles per hour (mph).
The main purpose of this study is to determine traffic parameter, specially speed.
Spot Speed measurements are most often taken at a point (or a short section) of
road way under conditions of free flow.
The intent is to determine the speeds that drivers select, unaffected by the existence
of congestion. This information is used to determine general speed trends, to help
determine reasonable speed limits, and to assess safety.
Spot Speed studies are conducted to estimate the distribution of speeds of vehicles
in a stream of traffic at a particular location on a highway.
This is carried out by recording the speeds of a sample of vehicles at a specified
location.When we measure the traffic parameter over a short distance, we generally
measure the spot speed. A spot speed is made by measuring the individual speeds
of a sample of the vehicle passing a given spot on a street or highway. Spot speed
studies are used to determine the speed distribution of a traffic stream at a specific
location. The data gathered in spot speed studies are used to determine vehicle
speed percentiles, which are useful in making many speed-related decisions. Spot
speed data have a number of safety applications, including the following
• Speed trends,
• Traffic controlplanning,
• Accidental analysis,
• Geometric design,
• Research studies.
Methods of Spot Speed Measurement
Methods of conducting spot speed Studies are divided into two main categories:
Manual and Automatic. Spot speeds may be estimated by manually measuring the
time it takes a vehicle to travel between two defined points on the roadway a
known distance apart (short distance), usually less than 90m. Distance between two
points is generally depending upon the average speed of traffic stream. Following
tables gives recommended study length (in meters) for various average stream
speed ranges (in KMPH)
Methods of Spot Speed Studies
Following are the some methods to measure spot speed of vehicles in a traffic
stream, in which first two are manual methods and other are automatic:
Stop Watch Method
In this method, markings of pavement are placed across the road at each end of
trap. Observer start and stops the watch as vehicle passes lines.
In this method, minimum two observers required to collect the data, of which one
is standing at the starting point to start and stop the stop watch and other one is
standing at end point to give indication to stop the watch when vehicle passes the
end line.
Advantage of this method is that after the initial installation no set-up time is
required, markings are easily renewed.
Disadvantages of this method are that substantial error can be introduced, and
magnitude of error may change for substitute studies. This method is only
applicable for low traffic conditions.
Key Steps to a StopwatchSpot SpeedStudy
A stopwatch spotspeed study includes five key steps:
1. Obtain appropriate study length.
2. Select proper location and layout.
3. Record observations on stopwatchspotspeed study data form.
4. Calculate vehicle speeds.
5. Generate frequency distribution table and determine speed percentiles.
Obtain Appropriate Study Length
The study length is important because it is used in the calculation of vehicle
speeds. Following table provides recommended study lengths, which are based
on the average speed of the traffic stream. Using these recommended study
lengths makes speed calculations straightforward and less confusing. If these
lengths are not appropriate, another length can be used assuming it is long
enough for reliable observer reaction times.
Table: Recommended SpotSpeed Study Lengths
Traffic Stream Average
Recommended Study
Below 25 mph 88
25–40 mph 176
Above 40 mph 264
SelectProperLocationand Layout
Figure 2.2 illustrates a typical layout for conducting a spot speed study using a
stopwatch. When selecting a location and layout, care must be exercised so that
the observer can clearly see any vertical reference posts. The observer should
be positioned higher than the study area and be looking down. The position
could be on a bridge or a roadway back slope. The observer should use
reference points to aid in collecting the elapsed time it takes a vehicle to travel
through the study area. The reference point to start timing may be a brightly
colored vertical post. The reference point to end timing may be a tree or a
signpost in the observer’s sight line. An accurate sketch of the site should be
documented, including number of lanes, position of observer, and description
of reference points (see Figure 2.2 for an example).
Fig 2.2: Stopwatchspotspeed study
Calculate Vehicle Speeds
To calculate vehicle speed, use the predetermined study length and the
elapsed time it took the vehicle to move through the course (as recorded on
the stopwatch data form) in the following formula:
V = spotspeed (mph),
D = length (feet), and
T = elapsed time (seconds).
In the equation, 1.47 is a constant that converts units of feet per second into
miles per hour. For example, if the spot speed study length is
150 feet and the motorist’s elapsed time is 4.23 seconds,
the motorist is travelling at
The pressure contact strips, either pneumatic or electric, are used to indicate the
time of entering and leaving the base length.When a vehicle passes over the tube
laid at the first reference point, an air impulse is sent, which activates an
electromagnetically controlled stop-watch in the hands of the observer. When the
vehicle passes over the second tube, the stop watch automatically stops. Then the
reading is noted by the observer or is auto saved into computer.
Advantages: The risk of human error is reduced, and parallaxerror can be avoided
completely.This is the best method over short distance. It gives quite relevant data
and if it is connected through graphical recorder then it gives continuous data
Disadvantage:Pressure contact tubes are easily sensed by the drivers which may
affect their behavior.
3.2.3 Doppler-Principle Meters (Radar)
This radar meters are frequently used for measurement of spot speed.It measures
speed directly by measuring the difference in the frequency between the emitted
and reflected radar waveemitted on an oncoming vehicle. It is radar meter which is
targeted to a vehicle, so the wave, the frequency between the emitted and reflected
wave that the difference is used to calculate the speed. This is normally referred as
Doppler Effect. Dynamometer actually works based on the principle of Doppler
Effect, which justifies the difference in frequency is proportional to the speed of
oncoming vehicle. Using this principle the instrument is programmed to calculate
the speed of the vehicle.
This is recent advancement in speed studies; it automatically records speed, and
employs a radar transmitter-receiver unit. The apparatus transmits high frequency
electromagnetic waves as a narrow beam towards the moving vehicle, the beam
changes its frequency depending up on the vehicle’s speed and is returned to the
receiver unit. Upon calibration spotspeed of the vehicle is obtained.
Though these meters are widely used by engineers, traffic polices and others these
have certain practical limitations. They are
•In some situations there is a possibility of recording wrong input like when
a test sample is obstructed by other vehicles, the triggered radar beam
bounds back by hitting the obstacle but not the test sample.
•Accurate measurements from radar meter are obtained only when the radar
wave is reflected directly along the axis of the movement. But in some cases
it is practically difficult.
3.2.4 Electronic-Principle Detectors(Photography)
In this method a camera records the distance moved by a vehicle in a selected short
time. In this exposure of photograph should be in a constant time interval and the
distance travelled by the vehicle is measured by projecting the films during the
exposure interval. The main advantage of method is that, it gives a permanent
record with 100% sample obtained. This method is quite expensive and generally
adopted in a situation where evidence is required. Even video recorder can be used
which give more accurate result.
Among these available methods, we adopted stop watch method considering the
advantages and adaptability of the method. The detailed experimental procedure
followed will be discussed in the following section.
Chapter four
4.Data collection:
Data collection:
About 800 meter road section were chosen .First groups were spitted in even
interval. Before starting counting observation for five minutes were done. After
observation members were assigned with fixed vehicle type for spotspeed.
After that a short trial count were conducted. Several challenges came like obstacle
observation sight, pedestrian activity, new non listed vehicle e type. Reassuring
counter measures a suitable place was chosen. Predominate vehicle type was
assigned to a individual member. Whereas several less available vehicle was
grouped to one individual. After that reading were taken by different group. Tally
sheet was filled .also for frequent vehicle counter was used.
At last we chosen a raised platform near a counter for observation. Light vehicle
was assigned to two person, while bus and truck was assigned to one. others were
evenly distributed.
Location of the spotfor traffic volume survey was between Russelsquare and
Panthapath of about 899meter
Data for volume study was collected on July 19, 2007. It was Wednesdayand it
was a weekday.
4.1. Time:
Time of data collection for volume study: 10.15am
4.2. WeatherCondition:
It was a hot humid day. Sky was partly cloudy. At the time of data collection it was
drizzling for a while.
4.3. Observation:
Numerators were assigned as per demand
44. Duration:
30 minutes
4.5. Equipment:
Hand counter, Tally sheet, stop watch,Speed gun
4.6. Number of Enumerators:
Chapter five:Data analysis
First the concern section is first 1000m starting from Panthapath intersection.A
midblock between these is choosenof 88’.
From the data recorded speed is measured below
Raw data is available with more no of vehicle in Appendix A
Vehicle sample no. time (sec) speed (mph) average speed(mph)
microbus 1 2.9 20.69 15.78
2 3.4 17.65
3 8.6 6.98
4 3.2 18.75
5 2.8 21.43
Motor Cycle 1 3.9 15.38 27.25
2 1.5 40.00
3 2.8 21.43
4 2.3 26.09
5 1.8 33.33
Auto Rickshaw 1 8.2 7.32 8.59
2 4.7 12.77
3 9.2 6.52
4 7.9 7.59
5 8.9 6.74
Bus 1 8.7 6.90 6.9
Car 1 3.31 18.13 15.90
2 3.2 18.75
3 3 20.00
4 3.4 17.65
5 3.46 17.34
 It is evident that motorcycle has the highest velocity
 Again bus has the lowest one.
 This is mainly the side friction associated with their size and nature of
service(i.e bus has a tendency to stop and go for reqruiting)
For group 2 for the next 100m another suitable 88’ section was choosen
Speedanalysis is given below
 Clearly dominating speed of motor cycle has reduced and speed of bus has
Vehicle type Travel time (sec) Speedin mph
Bus 4.41 13.60544
4.24 14.15094
4.33 13.85681
CNG 4.48 13.39286
3.75 16
4.28 14.01869
Motor cycle 5.52 10.86957
5.46 10.98901
6.18 9.708738
Private car 3.28 18.29268
3.29 18.23708
3.96 15.15152
3.81 15.74803
3.62 16.57459
 This is the result of that near intersection bus has a tendency to reduce speed
but in a free section it has increased velocity.Again for this a safety for other
vehicle like motorbike has reduced
 The medium size vehicle has optimumed max velocity due to this
Similarly for next 100 m We have got speed like below
Vehicle Time (sec) Length (m) Speed(m/s) in mph
Car 3.2 26.83 8.38 18.75
Motorcycle 2.9 26.83 9.25 20.68966
Micro-bus 3.35 26.83 8.01 17.91045
Pickup van 3.8 26.83 7.06 15.78947
CNG 3.1 26.83 8.65 19.35484
Private car 2.8 26.83 9.58 21.42857
 Clearly as section is getting far from intersection velocity of all type vehicle
is increasing
 Private car speed is maximum at this section
Bus,mph 12.2499 10.96892 14.28571 17.54386
light Vehicle,mph 15.83113 20 16.94915 30.92784
Cng,mph 30 23.4375 17.75148 11.23596
pick up,maxi,mph 31.74603 16.85393 15.78947 15.7
Motor Cycle,mph 13.10044 10.41667 16.57459 23.62205
 Very routine nature.As intersection approaching heavy vehicle has decreased
speed while bike has increased
 Light vehicle is speed dominating
Now data from russel square to panrhapath is given
Vehicle Type Stopwatch Speed mph
Bus (B) 3 20
Truck (T) 3.1 19.35484
Light Vehicle (LV) 2.7 22.22222
2.2 27.27273
3.3 18.18182
3.8 15.78947
4.4 13.63636
Auto Rickshaw (AR) 3.4 17.64706
5.5 10.90909
3.6 16.66667
Motor Cycle (MC) 7.9 7.594937
2.9 20.68966
3.6 16.66667
 Immediate section after intersection has max speed in cars
 Speed in this side is greater, even it is near intersection. This is may be
due to channelization
In this diection speed in 88’ of next 100m is given below
CAR CNG Bus Motor
Time Speed(mph) Time Speed-
4.27 14.05 13 15.04 4.12 14.56 2.9 20.69
4.12 14.56 12 20.91 4.43 13.54 4.29 13.99
2.9 20.69 3.86 3.12 19.23 2.5 24.00
3.38 17.75 13 14.74 3.09 19.42 4.47 13.42
2.96 20.27 12 9.36 2.65 22.64 3.41 17.60
8.62 6.96 11 12.45 4.12 3.78 15.87
5.58 10.75 16 28.44 4.43 3.07 19.54
 Speed of all vehicle in this relative middle section is reaching in astable
position.All around 20mph
Data of two groups subsequently is given below
Type Duratio
( f/sec)
Average speed
private car 9 88 9.78 2.98 3.26 20.1324
7 88 12.57 3.83 15.6585
9 88 9.78 2.98 20.1324
CNG 6.5 88 13.54 4.13 3.80 14.5400
6.5 88 13.54 4.13 14.5400
8.5 88 10.35 3.16 19.0139
Bus 9 88 9.78 2.98 3.28 20.1324
7.5 88 11.73 3.58 16.7770
Motor Cycle 7 88 12.57 3.83 3.66 15.6585
7.5 88 11.73 3.58 16.7770
7.5 88 11.73 3.58 16.7770
 Private cars are maintain speed aroun 20mph through all the section
 With approaching to inter section max speed is decresing
For the last 100m we get the speed study like below
Vehicle sample no. time (sec) speed (mph) average speed(mph)
microbus 1 3.22 18.63 13.65
2 4.12 14.56
3 4.29 13.99
4 5.09 11.79
5 6.85 8.76
Motor Cycle 1 5.08 11.81 21.22
2 2.74 21.90
3 3.8 15.79
4 2.4 25.00
5 1.9 31.58
Auto Rickshaw 1 6.9 8.70 8.29
2 7.77 7.72
3 7.6 7.89
4 5.94 10.10
7 6.2 9.68
Bus 1 8.97 6.69 6.9
Car 1 6.69 8.97 13.24
2 4.65 12.90
3 3.45 17.39
 As intersection has approached Heavy vehicle has reduced speed
 Motor bike has max speed greater than 20mph
2.1 Flow Histrogram:
It will show %frequency vs speed range data.From here we can understand at
which speed maximum percent of vehicle are prone to travel.
Below the histrogram is given
 It can be understood that maximum vehicle varies speed between 15-20
mph.About 40%.
 Velocity less than 10mph is very rare.
 From speed data we can say there is not free flow nor”stop and go”situation
 Very few vehicle are within speed greater than 35mph
 Again volume study [reference 1] showed about 50% vehicle was light
vehicle.So a summary can be taken as light vehicle are running at a speed
near 20 mph in that section
 As 50% light vehicle and here 40% are at 20*.40*100that is
about 20% of the private care are at 20mph speed
5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00
spot speed,mph
%frequencyvs speed histogram
Frequency Curve
This curve plots %frequency vs spotspeed.
From herewe get
 Modal speed
 Pace of traffic stream
 Average speed
 Upper and lower speed limit regulation
 Design speed
Details data calculation,sorting are given in Appendix
speed mid speed frequency %frequency
0 to 5 2.5 0 0
5 to 10 7.5 1 0.653595
10 to 15 12.5 58 37.9085
15 to 20 17.5 61 39.86928
20 to 25 22.5 22 14.37908
25 to 30 27.5 6 3.921569
30 to 35 32.5 5 3.267974
35 to 40 37.5 1 0.653595
total 100
With this data frequency curve can be produced
SO we can conclude-
 Modal speed 16 mph for this road and traffic condition.That is most car want
to maintain 16mph while operating
 Pace is in between 9mph and 24mph.That is most driver are seen with 15
mph difference , to be in between these speeds
 As the curve is nearly symettric,so Median speed is also 16mph
Average speed:
Though a number of vehicle type were present we can estimate average velocity to
get a rough idea about discharge
Below here average speed is calculated
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
spot speed,mph
speed mid speed frequency %frequency v total
0 to 5 2.5 0 0 0
5 to 10 7.5 1 0.653595 7.5
10 to 15 12.5 58 37.9085 725
15 to 20 17.5 61 39.86928 1067.5
20 to 25 22.5 22 14.37908 495
25 to 30 27.5 6 3.921569 165
30 to 35 32.5 5 3.267974 162.5
35 to 40 37.5 1 0.653595 37.5
154 100 total 2660
Average speed =2660/154=17.27mph
 Vehicle are running at a speed of 17.27mph
Cumulative frequency distribution:
It provides us several data
 Design speed
 Safe speed
 Speed limits
 Median speed
Here it is calculated below
0 to
2.5 0 0 0
5 to
7.5 1 0.649351 0.6493506
10 to
12.5 58 37.66234 38.311688
15 to 17.5 61 39.61039 77.922077
20 9
20 to
22.5 22 14.28571 92.207792
25 to
27.5 6 3.896104 96.103896
30 to
32.5 5 3.246753 99.350649
35 to
37.5 1 0.649351 100
Now we can provide the graph-
So we have get
 Our design speed to be 32.5mph
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Axis Title
 Median speed is 16 mph.Look it has satisfied the previous
%ferquency vs speed curve
 Safe speed is 19mph
 Speed limit is 9mph to 19 mph
Travel Speed:
Travel speed in between these section is given below
More data is given with all group in Appendix:
duration speed time mean speed,m/s space
179 4.469274 4.829396 2.556784
110 7.272727
105 7.619048
106 7.54717
150 5.333333
285 2.807018
98 8.163265
94 8.510638
109 7.33945
50 16
130 6.153846
135 5.925926
1019 0.785083
137 5.839416
144 5.555556
144 5.555556
158 5.063291
153 5.228758
If we want to compare
We can conclude
 Spacemean speed is 2.5mph and time mean is 4mph
 It is evident space mean is less than time mean speed
War drop Relationship:
The wardrop relationship is establishedbelow
Full Data is available in Appendix
time mean speed and space mean
time mean space mean
duration speed time mean
space mean (ʋi- ʋt)^2 sd space
179 4.469274 4.829396 2.556784 0.129688 5.787736 3.9987
110 7.272727 52.89256
105 7.619048 58.04989
106 7.54717 56.95977
150 5.333333 28.44444
285 2.807018 7.879347
98 8.163265 66.6389
94 8.510638 72.43096
109 7.33945 53.86752
50 16 256
130 6.153846 37.86982
135 5.925926 35.1166
1019 0.785083 0.616356
137 5.839416 34.09878
144 5.555556 30.8642
144 5.555556 30.8642
158 5.063291 25.63692
153 5.228758 27.33991
247 3.238866 10.49026
215 3.72093 13.84532
So we can say it has satisfied the relationship
Flow curve:
For determining level of service we assumedcapacityto be 2000vpd
Below calculationis shown
v (veh/hr) c (veh/hr) v/c rario
Space mean speed, Vs
0 0
0.5 10
1100 2000 0.55 11
0.85 20
1 30
0.92 40
0.78 50
0.515 60
0 70
From graph we get-
We can see we are within Level of service F.But
 Visual seems to be los C
 This is due to that we assumed to be lane wise and
motorized vehicle which is not the real situation
 It can be understood that maximum vehicle varies speed between 15-20
mph.About 40%.
 Velocity less than 10mph is very rare.
 From speed data we can say there is not free flow nor”stop and go”situation
 Very few vehicle are within speed greater than 35mph
 Again volume study [reference 1] showed about 50% vehicle was light
vehicle.So a summary can be taken as light vehicle are running at a speed
near 20 mph in that section
 As 50% light vehicle and here 40% are at 20*.40*100 that is
about 20% of the private care are at 20mph speed
 Modal speed 16 mph for this road and traffic condition.That is most car want
to maintain 16mph while operating
 Pace is in between 9mph and 24mph.That is most driver are seen with 15
mph difference , to be in between these speeds
 As the curve is nearly symettric,so Median speed is also 16mph
 Our design speed to be 32.5mph
 Median speed is 16 mph.Look it has satisfied the previous %ferquency vs
speed curve
 Safe speed is 19mph
 Speed limit is 9mph to 19 mph
 Spacemean speed is 2.5mph and time mean is 4mph
 It is evident spacemean is less than time mean speed
 The wardrop relationship is established
 We can see we are within Level of service F
 Visual seems to be los C
 This is due to that we assumed to be lane wise and motorized vehicle which
is not the real situation
 As speed decreasesnearthe two intersection,channelization on
panthapath side and it’s implication should be introduced.
 We have found speedto be decreaseddue to loss of width which is
the result of unauthorized parking.So improvement canbe done
 If speedgun and wireless (travelspeed) were used more
frequently more reliable data could be gained.Some groupused it
unevenly.If equitable use were done data would be more correct
1. “ Traffic Speed Study”, Sanchari Halder, Md. Aminul Islam, AHSANULLAH
2. Robertson, H. D. 1994. Spot Speed Studies. In Manual of Transportation Engineering
Studies, ed. H. D. Robertson, J. E. Hummer, D. C. Nelson. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
Prentice Hall, Inc., pp. 33–51.
3. .Currin, T. R. 2001. Spot Speed Study. In Introduction to Traffic Engineering: A Manual
Data Collection and Analysis, ed. B. Stenquist. Stamford, Conn.: Wadsworth Group,
pp. 4–12.
4 . Homburger, W. S., J. W. Hall, R. C. Loutzenheiser, and W. R. Reilly. 1996. Spot Speed
Studies. In Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering. Berkeley: Institute of
Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley, pp. 6.1–6.9.
5 . Parma, K. 2001. Survey of Speed Zoning Practices: An Informational Report.
D.C.: Institute of Transportation Engineers.
speed 0-5 5-10- 10/15/ 15-20 20-25 25-30 30/35 35/40
20.69 na na na na 20.69 na na na
17.65 na na na 17.65 na na na na
18.75 na na na 18.75 na na na na
21.43 na na na na 21.43 na na na
14.29 na na 14.29 na na na na na
19.35 na na na 19.35 na na na na
15.38 na na na 15.38 na na na na
40 na na na na na na na 40
21.43 na na na na 21.43 na na na
26.09 na na na na na 26.09 na na
33.33 na na na na na na 33.33 na
12.77 na na 12.77 na na na na na
13.04 na na 13.04 na na na na na
18.13 na na na 18.13 na na na na
18.75 na na na 18.75 na na na na
20 na na na na na na na na
17.65 na na na 17.65 na na na na
17.34 na na na 17.34 na na na na
15.38 na na na 15.38 na na na na
15.67 na na na 15.67 na na na na
14.12 na na 14.12 na na na na na
14.25 na na 14.25 na na na na na
16.9 na na na 16.9 na na na na
11.54 na na 11.54 na na na na na
13.64 na na 13.64 na na na na na
20.07 na na na na 20.07 na na na
13.51 na na 13.51 na na na na na
11.61 na na 11.61 na na na na na
14.05 na na 14.05 na na na na na
14.56 na na 14.56 na na na na na
20.69 na na na na 20.69 na na na
17.75 na na na 17.75 na na na na
20.27 na na na na 20.27 na na na
10.75 na na 10.75 na na na na na
11.81 na na 11.81 na na na na na
17.75 na na na 17.75 na na na na
15.04 na na na 15.04 na na na na
20.91 na na na na 20.91 na na na
3.86 3.86 0 FALSE na na na na na
14.74 na na 14.74 na na na na na
12.45 na na 12.45 na na na na na
28.44 na na na na na 28.44 na na
18.29 na na na 18.29 na na na na
14.56 na na 14.56 na na na na na
13.54 na na 13.54 na na na na na
19.23 na na na 19.23 na na na na
19.42 na na na 19.42 na na na na
22.64 na na na na 22.64 na na na
20.69 na na na na 20.69 na na na
13.99 na na 13.99 na na na na na
24 na na na na 24 na na na
13.42 na na 13.42 na na na na na
17.6 na na na 17.6 na na na na
15.87 na na na 15.87 na na na na
19.54 na na na 19.54 na na na na
14.81 na na 14.81 na na na na na
13.60544 na na 13.60544 na na na na na
14.15094 na na 14.15094 na na na na na
13.85681 na na 13.85681 na na na na na
13.39286 na na 13.39286 na na na na na
16 na na na 16 na na na na
14.01869 na na 14.01869 na na na na na
10.86957 na na 10.86957 na na na na na
10.98901 na na 10.98901 na na na na na
18.29268 na na na 18.29268 na na na na
18.23708 na na na 18.23708 na na na na
15.15152 na na na 15.15152 na na na na
15.74803 na na na 15.74803 na na na na
16.57459 na na na 16.57459 na na na na
18.75 na na na 18.75 na na na na
20.68966 na na na na 20.68966 na na na
17.91045 na na na 17.91045 na na na na
15.78947 na na na 15.78947 na na na na
19.35484 na na na 19.35484 na na na na
21.42857 na na na na 21.42857 na na na
12.2499 na na 12.2499 na na na na na
15.83113 40 na na na 15.83113 na na na na
30 na na na na na na na na
31.74603 na na na na na na 31.74603 na
13.10044 na na 13.10044 na na na na na
10.96892 na na 10.96892 na na na na na
20 na na na na na na na na
23.4375 na na na na 23.4375 na na na
16.85393 na na na 16.85393 na na na na
10.41667 na na 10.41667 na na na na na
14.28571 na na 14.28571 na na na na na
16.94915 na na na 16.94915 na na na na
17.75148 na na na 17.75148 na na na na
15.78947 na na na 15.78947 na na na na
16.57459 na na na 16.57459 na na na na
17.54386 na na na 17.54386 na na na na
30.92784 na na na na na na 30.92784 na
11.23596 na na 11.23596 na na na na na
23.62205 na na na na 23.62205 na na na
33.70787 na na na na na na 33.70787 na
12.26994 na na 12.26994 na na na na na
15.38462 na na na 15.38462 na na na na
13.48315 na na 13.48315 na na na na na
17.34104 na na na 17.34104 na na na na
24.79339 na na na na 24.79339 na na na
19.35484 na na na 19.35484 na na na na
22.22222 na na na na 22.22222 na na na
27.27273 na na na na na 27.27273 na na
18.18182 na na na 18.18182 na na na na
15.78947 na na na 15.78947 na na na na
13.63636 na na 13.63636 na na na na na
17.64706 na na na 17.64706 na na na na
10.90909 na na 10.90909 na na na na na
16.66667 na na na 16.66667 na na na na
20.68966 na na na na 20.68966 na na na
16.66667 na na na 16.66667 na na na na
20.13243 na na na na 20.13243 na na na
15.65855 na na na 15.65855 na na na na
20.13243 na na na na 20.13243 na na na
14.54009 na na 14.54009 na na na na na
14.54009 na na 14.54009 na na na na na
19.01396 na na na 19.01396 na na na na
29.08017 na na na na na 29.08017 na na
14.54009 na na 14.54009 na na na na na
20.13243 na na na na 20.13243 na na na
16.77702 na na na 16.77702 na na na na
16.77702 na na na 16.77702 na na na na
22.36936 na na na na 22.36936 na na na
29.08017 na na na na na 29.08017 na na
16.77702 na na na 16.77702 na na na na
0 0 FALSE na na na na na
15.65855 na na na 15.65855 na na na na
16.77702 na na na 16.77702 na na na na
16.77702 na na na 16.77702 na na na na
18.63 na na na 18.63354 na na na na
14.56 na na 14.56311 na na na na na
13.99 na na 13.98601 na na na na na
11.79 na na 11.78782 na na na na na
13.64 na na 13.63636 na na na na na
17.05 na na na 17.04545 na na na na
10.79 na na 10.79137 na na na na na
11.81 na na 11.81102 na na na na na
21.90 na na na na 21.89781 na na na
15.79 na na na 15.78947 na na na na
25.00 na na na na na na na na
31.58 na na na na na na 31.57895 na
10.10 na na 10.10101 na na na na na
12.90 na na 12.90323 na na na na na
17.39 na na na 17.3913 na na na na
13.16 na na 13.15789 na na na na na
15.67 na na na 15.6658 na na na na
13.82 na na 13.82488 na na na na na
11.54 na na 11.53846 na na na na na
15.23 na na na 15.22843 na na na na
11.03 na na 11.02941 na na na na na
19.17 na na na 19.16933 na na na na
10.51 na na 10.50788 na na na na na
12.74 na na 12.73885 na na na na na
14.22 na na 14.21801 na na na na na
13.92 na na 13.92111 na na na na na
Number Entry time Exit time travel time
min sec min sec sec
1 8042 2 30 5 29 179 4.469274
2 6432 4 51 6 41 110 7.272727
3 3622 6 24 8 9 105 7.619048
4 2746 6 36 8 22 106 7.54717
5 8207 6 57 9 27 150 5.333333
6 8677 8 22 13 7 285 2.807018
7 9116 8 37 10 15 98 8.163265
8 2917 8 43 10 17 94 8.510638
9 7423 9 18 11 7 109 7.33945
10 696 10 21 11 11 50 16
11 4801 10 6 12 16 130 6.153846
12 655 10 17 12 32 135 5.925926
13 6420 10 36 27 35 1019 0.785083
14 6669 10 41 12 58 137 5.839416
15 6803 10 45 13 9 144 5.555556
16 9844 10 49 13 13 144 5.555556
17 7614 10 53 13 31 158 5.063291
18 7932 11 1 13 34 153 5.228758
19 4003 12 1 16 8 247 3.238866
20 2209 12 6 15 41 215 3.72093
21 3100 12 32 16 11 219 3.652968
22 9434 12 59 16 30 211 3.791469
23 3814 16 12 18 18 126 6.349206
24 2608 17 15 19 48 153 5.228758
25 4351 18 10 22 10 240 3.333333
26 8350 18 16 22 17 241 3.319502
27 1129 18 36 22 35 239 3.34728
28 5866 18 41 24 34 353 2.266289
29 1081 19 6 23 19 253 3.162055
30 4634 19 10 23 54 284 2.816901
31 751 19 21 23 34 253 3.162055
32 8443 19 38 24 7 269 2.973978
33 3706 19 46 24 24 278 2.877698
34 8201 21 27 24 37 190 4.210526
35 484 22 50 27 21 271 2.95203
36 71 23 33 35 17 704 1.136364
37 7434 28 34 30 24 110 7.272727
38 424 28 44 30 29 105 7.619048
39 7902 29 23 31 41 138 5.797101
40 2549 29 48 31 53 125 6.4
41 3791 29 50 31 55 125 6.4
42 1617 29 56 31 56 120 6.666667
43 1022 30 7 32 2 115 6.956522
avg 206.7442 total 223.8216
mean 5.205154
Private Car
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8 Column9
Number Plate Entry Time
3204 0.489028 0.492037 240
8780 0.48985 0.493727 300
5941 0.500498 0.503623 300
7718 0.500394 0.5039 300
5286 0.505972 0.508704 240
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8 Column9
Number Plate Entry Time
8787 0.491262 0.494942 300
7996 0.492801 0.495382 360
5021 0.493252 0.49706 300
9459 0.499028 0.502002 240
5943 0.502778 0.506007 240
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8
Number Plate Entry Time
2608 0.488299 0.493981
2143 0.488542 0.494653
2314 0.49213 0.498634
2432 0.498727 0.504931
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8 time
Number Plate Entry Time
3997 0.488461 0.490972 240
1858 0.489259 0.492789 300
8029 0.498414 0.501586 300
3007 0.499005 0.50228 300
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8
Number Plate Entry Time
8157 0.491736 0.495278 300
971 0.498634 0.502454 300
929 0.500347 0.503993 300
6726 0.506366 0.509931 300
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8
Number Plate Entry Time
2890 0.491678 0.494329 180
5167 0.494097 0.4964 180
1022 0.497801 0.500625 240
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8
Number Plate Entry Time Exit
1523 0.498542 0.500243 180
3702 0.498287 0.500903 240
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8
Number Plate Entry Time
1395 0.499803 0.501273 120
929 0.500266 0.501447 120
duration speed time mean speed space mean (ʋi- ʋt)^2
179 4.469274 4.829396 2.556784 0.129688
110 7.272727 52.89256
105 7.619048 58.04989
106 7.54717 56.95977
150 5.333333 28.44444
285 2.807018 7.879347
98 8.163265 66.6389
94 8.510638 72.43096
109 7.33945 53.86752
50 16 256
130 6.153846 37.86982
135 5.925926 35.1166
1019 0.785083 0.616356
137 5.839416 34.09878
144 5.555556 30.8642
144 5.555556 30.8642
158 5.063291 25.63692
153 5.228758 27.33991
247 3.238866 10.49026
215 3.72093 13.84532
219 3.652968 13.34418
211 3.791469 14.37524
126 6.349206 40.31242
153 5.228758 27.33991
240 3.333333 11.11111
241 3.319502 11.01909
239 3.34728 11.20429
353 2.266289 5.136066
253 3.162055 9.998594
284 2.816901 7.934934
253 3.162055 9.998594
269 2.973978 8.844543
278 2.877698 8.281145
190 4.210526 17.72853
271 2.95203 8.714478
704 1.136364 1.291322
110 7.272727 52.89256
105 7.619048 58.04989
138 5.797101 33.60639
125 6.4 40.96
125 6.4 40.96
120 6.666667 44.44444
115 6.956522 48.39319
240 3.333333 11.11111
300 2.666667 7.111111
300 2.666667 7.111111
300 2.666667 7.111111
240 3.333333 11.11111
300 2.666667 7.111111
360 2.222222 4.938272
300 2.666667 7.111111
240 3.333333 11.11111
240 3.333333 11.11111
240 3.333333 11.11111
300 2.666667 7.111111
300 2.666667 7.111111
300 2.666667 7.111111
300 2.666667 7.111111
300 2.666667 7.111111
300 2.666667 7.111111
300 2.666667 7.111111
180 4.444444 19.75309
180 4.444444 19.75309
240 3.333333 11.11111
89 8.988764 80.79788
83.5 9.580838 91.79246
96.35 8.303062 68.94083
98.1 8.154944 66.50311
88.25 9.065156 82.17705
89 8.988764 80.79788
89.3 8.958567 80.25592
102.5 7.804878 60.91612
110 7.272727 52.89256
105.5 7.582938 57.50095
85 9.411765 88.58131
83.25 9.60961 92.3446
87.25 9.169054 84.07156
90 8.888889 79.01235
92 8.695652 75.61437
95.5 8.376963 70.17351
98 8.163265 66.6389
95 8.421053 70.91413
96.35 8.303062 68.94083
97.6 8.196721 67.18624
98 8.163265 66.6389
114 7.017544 49.24592
105 7.619048 58.04989
112 7.142857 51.02041
80.25 9.968847 99.37792
80 10 100
81 9.876543 97.54611
83.56 9.573959 91.66069
85.7 9.334889 87.14016
540 1.481481 2.194787
300 2.666667 7.111111
420 1.904762 3.628118
480 1.666667 2.777778
420 1.904762 3.628118
1021 0.783546 0.613944
900 0.888889 0.790123
360 2.222222 4.938272
350 2.285714 5.22449
420 1.904762 3.628118
540 1.481481 2.194787
480 1.666667 2.777778
480 1.666667 2.777778
3474 0.230282 0.05303
425.4 1.880583 3.536592
428.4 1.867414 3.487234
525.6 1.52207 2.316697
543.6 1.47167 2.165814
552 1.449275 2.100399
583.2 1.371742 1.881676
645.6 1.239157 1.535511
780.6 1.024853 1.050323
880.2 0.908884 0.826071
947.4 0.844416 0.713039
952.8 0.839631 0.704979
722.4 1.10742 1.226378
732.6 1.092001 1.192466
768 1.041667 1.085069
64.2 12.46106 155.278
66 12.12121 146.9238
75 10.66667 113.7778
120 6.666667 44.44444
120 6.666667 44.44444
757.02 1.056775 1.116774
891 0.897868 0.806166
676.02 1.183397 1.400428
766.02 1.044359 1.090686
420.06 1.90449 3.627082
40989.08 total 632.6509 total 4388.223

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Traffic Speed Analysis

  • 1. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Traffic Speed Analysis: spot speed, travel speed & speed flow Submitted by Ahmed Ferdous Abdul Moid Ankon 1004137 Department of civil engineering
  • 2. Acknowledgement This study was not possible without the help of DR. MD. SHAMSUL HOQUE and Sanjana Hossain. Also help of other group was beyond just sharing data.We are grateful to Dhaka Metropolitan Police also for their helping.
  • 3. Dedication DR. MD. SHAMSUL HOQUE Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
  • 4. DECLARATION We hereby declare that this reportis our own work and effortand that it has not been submitted anywhere for any award. All the contents provided here is totally based on our own labor dedicated for the completionof the laboratory experimentof volume study of the road lying near to our university. Where other sources of informationhave been used, they have been acknowledgedand the sources of information’s have been providedin the reference section.
  • 5. Abstract Speedis an important transportationconsiderationbecause it relates to safety, time, comfort, convenience and economics.Itis prerequisite of design of road ,signal, marking and management. Also accident,level of service and capacityanalysis is a function of it. Both manual and automatic method are available.Butconsidering weather,nonlane base vehicle,nmvand costwe have mainly used manual method Mainly stop watch,chain and sheetwere used .Group member used to form group and assignedfor speedcount and registering number plate. Some point speedgun was used for verifying. It can be understood that maximum vehicle varies speed between15-20 mph.About 40%.Velocity less than 10mph is very rare.It showedabout 50% vehicle was light vehicle.So a summary can be takenas light vehicle are running at a speed near 20 mph in that sectionAs 50% light vehicle and here 40% are at 20 mph. Aboutut 20% of the private care are at 20mph speedModalspeed16 mph for this road and traffic condition.That is most car want to maintain 16mph while operatingPace is in between9mph and 24mph.That is most driver are seenwith 15 mph difference , to be in between these speedsAs the curve is nearly symettric,so 5mphMedian speedis 16 mphSpeed limit is 9mph to 19 mphSpace mean speedis 2.5mph and time mean is 4mphIt is evident space mean is less than time mean speedThe war drop relationship is establishedWe cansee we are within Level of serviceVisualseems to be los C. If speedgun and wireless (travelspeed) were used more frequently more reliable data could be gained.Some group used it unevenly.If equitable use were done data would be more correct.
  • 6.
  • 7. Chapter one: 1.1 Introduction: A study on speedanalysis has been taken in between panthapath and rassel square. Speed is an important transportation consideration because it relates to safety, time, comfort, convenience and economics. The actual speed of vehicles over a particular route may fluctuate widely depending on several factors such as geometric features, traffic conditions, time, place, environment and driver. 1.2 Objectives : Main objective of traffic study are  Capacity studies  Geometric studies  Accident analysis  Economic studies  Performance studies  Planning and designing of 1. Traffic signal design 2. Road sign design 3. Parking crossing design 4. Establishing speedlimit 5. Speed zoning 6. Placing control device More elaborately: i. Determining existing traffic operations and evaluation of traffic control devices a Evaluating and determining proper speed limits b Determining the 50th and 85th speed percentiles
  • 8. c Evaluating and determining proper advisory speeds d Establishing the limits of no-passing zones e Determining the proper placements of traffic control signs and markings f Setting appropriate traffic signal timing ii. Establishing roadway design elements a Evaluating and determining proper intersection sight distance b Evaluating and determining proper passing sight distance (for more information refer to Chapter 3 in the AASHTO Green Book) c Evaluating and determining proper stopping sight distance iii. Assessing roadway safety questions a Evaluating and verifying speeding problems b Assessing speed as a contributor to vehicle crashes c Investigating input from the public or other officials iv. Monitoring traffic speed trends by systematic ongoing speed studies a Measuring effectiveness of traffic control devices or traffic programs, including signs and markings, traffic operational changes,and speed enforcement programs 1.3 Scope of Traffic Speed Studies: To complete the current experiment of transportation engineering lab-III we have conducted spot speed and travel speed analysis. We have conducted the delay analysis as well. Below is the scopes ofspotspeed and travel speed studies. Spotspeed studies are conducted to estimate the distribution of speeds of vehicles in a stream of traffic at a particular location on a highway and are used for: Establishing the effectiveness of new or existing speed limits and/or enforcement practices Establishing trends to assess the effectiveness of national policy on speed limits and enforcement Specific design applications (like sight distance, breaking distance, passing distance etc.) Specific control applications (yellow/all red timing – the size of dilemma zone
  • 9. depends on speed) Investigation of high-accident locations at which speed is suspected to be a causative Chapter Two: Literature review Before a study some definition has to be clarified 2.2 Definition of Speed: In simple words, speed is defined as the distance travelled in a unit time. Speed is expressedin m/s, fps, mph etc. units.: 2.3 a. Spot speed Spot speed is the instantaneous speed of a vehicle as it passes a specified point along a road.Spot speeds may be determined by manually measuring (with use of electronic orelectromechanical devices like pneumatic tube detectors or radars) the time required for avehicle to traverse a relatively short specified distance. 2.4 Free flow speed: The desired speed of drivers in low volume conditions and in the absence of traffic control devices. In other words, the mean speed of passenger cars that can be maintained in low to moderate flow rates on a uniform freeway segment prevailing roadway and traffic conditions. 2.5 Travelspeed Travel speed is the effective speed of the vehicle on a journey between two points and is the distance between the two points divided by the total time taken for the vehicle to complete the travel including any stopped time. If the journey speed is less than running speed, it indicates that the journey follows a stop-go condition with enforced acceleration and deceleration. The spot speed here may vary from zero to some maximum in excess of the running speed. Uniformity between travel and running speeds denotes comfortable travel conditions
  • 10. 2.6 Designspeed Design speed is defined as the maximum safe speed that can be maintained over a specified section of highway when conditions are so favorable that the design features of the highway govern (ITE 1999). This definition implies that the design speed should be selected based on drivers expectations, the type of highway and terrain and topography. 2.7.Parts oftraffic studies: Traffic studies include: Inventory of road traffic physical features Traffic stream characteristics- volume, speed, density, occupancystudies etc. Capacity studies of streets and intersections System usage studies- Travel time and delay, O-D survey Travel demand- home interview survey Road users cost-Value of travel time, vehicle operating cost Parking supply & demand studies 2.8. Reconnaissancesurvey 2.8.1. Purpose : The main objective of reconnaissance survey is of examining the general character of the area for the purpose of determining the most feasible routes, or routes, for further more detailed investigations. Data collected should be adequate to examine the feasibility of all the different routes in question, as also to furnish the Engineer-in-charge with approximate estimates of quantities of costs, so as to enable him to decide on the most suitable alternative or alternatives. The survey should also help in determining any deviations necessary in the basic geometric standards to be adopted for the highway facility. 2.8.2 Survey Method The reconnaissance survey may be conducted in the following sequence (a) Study of topographical survey sheets, agricultural, soil, geological and meteorological maps, and aerial photographs, if available. (b) Aerial reconnaissance (where necessary and feasible)
  • 11. (c) Ground reconnaissance (including another round of aerial reconnaissance for inaccessible and difficult stretches, where called for). 2.8.3 AerialReconnaissance An aerial reconnaissance will provide a bird’s eye view of eh alignments under consideration along with the surrounding area. It will help to identify factors which call for rejection or modification of any of the alignment. Final decision about the alignments to be studied in detail on the ground could be taken on the basis of the aerial reconnaissance. 2.8.4 Ground Reconnaissance The various alternative routes located as a result of the map study are further examined in the field by ground reconnaissance. As such, this part of the survey is an important link in the chain of activities leading to selection of the final route. General reconnaissance consists of general examination of the ground walking or riding along the probable route and collecting all available information necessary for evaluating the same. In the case of hill sections, it may sometime be advantageous to start the reconnaissance from the obligatory point situated close to the top 2.8.5. Previous Studies Several studies were made .Among this a study by AHSANULLAH UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY is most recent. Tejgaon-Flyover junction to Shatrasta roundabout was the portion of interest there.But classified speed was avoided for simplification.We have tried to relate all kinds of vehicle and also to understand the level of service which gives a better scenario.[REF 1] Chapter 3
  • 12. Methodology Speed is an important measure of the quality of travel and safety of road network. Speed by definition is the rate of movement of vehicle in distance per unit time. A typical unit of speed is kilometers per hour (KMPH) or miles per hour (mph). The main purpose of this study is to determine traffic parameter, specially speed. Spot Speed measurements are most often taken at a point (or a short section) of road way under conditions of free flow. The intent is to determine the speeds that drivers select, unaffected by the existence of congestion. This information is used to determine general speed trends, to help determine reasonable speed limits, and to assess safety. Spot Speed studies are conducted to estimate the distribution of speeds of vehicles in a stream of traffic at a particular location on a highway. This is carried out by recording the speeds of a sample of vehicles at a specified location.When we measure the traffic parameter over a short distance, we generally measure the spot speed. A spot speed is made by measuring the individual speeds of a sample of the vehicle passing a given spot on a street or highway. Spot speed studies are used to determine the speed distribution of a traffic stream at a specific location. The data gathered in spot speed studies are used to determine vehicle speed percentiles, which are useful in making many speed-related decisions. Spot speed data have a number of safety applications, including the following • Speed trends, • Traffic controlplanning, • Accidental analysis, • Geometric design, • Research studies. Methods of Spot Speed Measurement
  • 13. Methods of conducting spot speed Studies are divided into two main categories: Manual and Automatic. Spot speeds may be estimated by manually measuring the time it takes a vehicle to travel between two defined points on the roadway a known distance apart (short distance), usually less than 90m. Distance between two points is generally depending upon the average speed of traffic stream. Following tables gives recommended study length (in meters) for various average stream speed ranges (in KMPH) Methods of Spot Speed Studies Following are the some methods to measure spot speed of vehicles in a traffic stream, in which first two are manual methods and other are automatic: Stop Watch Method In this method, markings of pavement are placed across the road at each end of trap. Observer start and stops the watch as vehicle passes lines. In this method, minimum two observers required to collect the data, of which one is standing at the starting point to start and stop the stop watch and other one is standing at end point to give indication to stop the watch when vehicle passes the end line. Advantage of this method is that after the initial installation no set-up time is required, markings are easily renewed. Disadvantages of this method are that substantial error can be introduced, and magnitude of error may change for substitute studies. This method is only applicable for low traffic conditions. Key Steps to a StopwatchSpot SpeedStudy A stopwatch spotspeed study includes five key steps: 1. Obtain appropriate study length. 2. Select proper location and layout. 3. Record observations on stopwatchspotspeed study data form. 4. Calculate vehicle speeds. 5. Generate frequency distribution table and determine speed percentiles.
  • 14. Obtain Appropriate Study Length The study length is important because it is used in the calculation of vehicle speeds. Following table provides recommended study lengths, which are based on the average speed of the traffic stream. Using these recommended study lengths makes speed calculations straightforward and less confusing. If these lengths are not appropriate, another length can be used assuming it is long enough for reliable observer reaction times. Table: Recommended SpotSpeed Study Lengths Traffic Stream Average Speed Recommended Study Length(feet) Below 25 mph 88 25–40 mph 176 Above 40 mph 264 SelectProperLocationand Layout Figure 2.2 illustrates a typical layout for conducting a spot speed study using a stopwatch. When selecting a location and layout, care must be exercised so that the observer can clearly see any vertical reference posts. The observer should be positioned higher than the study area and be looking down. The position could be on a bridge or a roadway back slope. The observer should use reference points to aid in collecting the elapsed time it takes a vehicle to travel through the study area. The reference point to start timing may be a brightly colored vertical post. The reference point to end timing may be a tree or a signpost in the observer’s sight line. An accurate sketch of the site should be documented, including number of lanes, position of observer, and description of reference points (see Figure 2.2 for an example).
  • 15. Fig 2.2: Stopwatchspotspeed study Calculate Vehicle Speeds To calculate vehicle speed, use the predetermined study length and the elapsed time it took the vehicle to move through the course (as recorded on the stopwatch data form) in the following formula: where V = spotspeed (mph), D = length (feet), and T = elapsed time (seconds). In the equation, 1.47 is a constant that converts units of feet per second into miles per hour. For example, if the spot speed study length is 150 feet and the motorist’s elapsed time is 4.23 seconds, the motorist is travelling at The pressure contact strips, either pneumatic or electric, are used to indicate the time of entering and leaving the base length.When a vehicle passes over the tube
  • 16. laid at the first reference point, an air impulse is sent, which activates an electromagnetically controlled stop-watch in the hands of the observer. When the vehicle passes over the second tube, the stop watch automatically stops. Then the reading is noted by the observer or is auto saved into computer. Advantages: The risk of human error is reduced, and parallaxerror can be avoided completely.This is the best method over short distance. It gives quite relevant data and if it is connected through graphical recorder then it gives continuous data automatically. Disadvantage:Pressure contact tubes are easily sensed by the drivers which may affect their behavior. 3.2.3 Doppler-Principle Meters (Radar) This radar meters are frequently used for measurement of spot speed.It measures speed directly by measuring the difference in the frequency between the emitted and reflected radar waveemitted on an oncoming vehicle. It is radar meter which is targeted to a vehicle, so the wave, the frequency between the emitted and reflected wave that the difference is used to calculate the speed. This is normally referred as Doppler Effect. Dynamometer actually works based on the principle of Doppler Effect, which justifies the difference in frequency is proportional to the speed of oncoming vehicle. Using this principle the instrument is programmed to calculate the speed of the vehicle. This is recent advancement in speed studies; it automatically records speed, and employs a radar transmitter-receiver unit. The apparatus transmits high frequency electromagnetic waves as a narrow beam towards the moving vehicle, the beam changes its frequency depending up on the vehicle’s speed and is returned to the receiver unit. Upon calibration spotspeed of the vehicle is obtained. Though these meters are widely used by engineers, traffic polices and others these have certain practical limitations. They are
  • 17. •In some situations there is a possibility of recording wrong input like when a test sample is obstructed by other vehicles, the triggered radar beam bounds back by hitting the obstacle but not the test sample. •Accurate measurements from radar meter are obtained only when the radar wave is reflected directly along the axis of the movement. But in some cases it is practically difficult. 3.2.4 Electronic-Principle Detectors(Photography) In this method a camera records the distance moved by a vehicle in a selected short time. In this exposure of photograph should be in a constant time interval and the distance travelled by the vehicle is measured by projecting the films during the exposure interval. The main advantage of method is that, it gives a permanent record with 100% sample obtained. This method is quite expensive and generally adopted in a situation where evidence is required. Even video recorder can be used which give more accurate result. Among these available methods, we adopted stop watch method considering the advantages and adaptability of the method. The detailed experimental procedure followed will be discussed in the following section.
  • 18. Chapter four 4.Data collection: Data collection: About 800 meter road section were chosen .First groups were spitted in even interval. Before starting counting observation for five minutes were done. After observation members were assigned with fixed vehicle type for spotspeed. After that a short trial count were conducted. Several challenges came like obstacle observation sight, pedestrian activity, new non listed vehicle e type. Reassuring counter measures a suitable place was chosen. Predominate vehicle type was assigned to a individual member. Whereas several less available vehicle was grouped to one individual. After that reading were taken by different group. Tally sheet was filled .also for frequent vehicle counter was used. At last we chosen a raised platform near a counter for observation. Light vehicle was assigned to two person, while bus and truck was assigned to one. others were evenly distributed. Location: Location of the spotfor traffic volume survey was between Russelsquare and Panthapath of about 899meter Date: Data for volume study was collected on July 19, 2007. It was Wednesdayand it was a weekday. 4.1. Time: Time of data collection for volume study: 10.15am 4.2. WeatherCondition: It was a hot humid day. Sky was partly cloudy. At the time of data collection it was drizzling for a while. 4.3. Observation:
  • 19. Numerators were assigned as per demand 44. Duration: 30 minutes 4.5. Equipment: Hand counter, Tally sheet, stop watch,Speed gun 4.6. Number of Enumerators: Six.
  • 20. Chapter five:Data analysis First the concern section is first 1000m starting from Panthapath intersection.A midblock between these is choosenof 88’. From the data recorded speed is measured below Raw data is available with more no of vehicle in Appendix A Vehicle sample no. time (sec) speed (mph) average speed(mph) microbus 1 2.9 20.69 15.78 2 3.4 17.65 3 8.6 6.98 4 3.2 18.75 5 2.8 21.43 Motor Cycle 1 3.9 15.38 27.25 2 1.5 40.00 3 2.8 21.43 4 2.3 26.09 5 1.8 33.33 Auto Rickshaw 1 8.2 7.32 8.59 2 4.7 12.77 3 9.2 6.52 4 7.9 7.59 5 8.9 6.74 Bus 1 8.7 6.90 6.9 Car 1 3.31 18.13 15.90 2 3.2 18.75 3 3 20.00 4 3.4 17.65 5 3.46 17.34
  • 21.  It is evident that motorcycle has the highest velocity  Again bus has the lowest one.  This is mainly the side friction associated with their size and nature of service(i.e bus has a tendency to stop and go for reqruiting) For group 2 for the next 100m another suitable 88’ section was choosen Speedanalysis is given below  Clearly dominating speed of motor cycle has reduced and speed of bus has increased Vehicle type Travel time (sec) Speedin mph Bus 4.41 13.60544 4.24 14.15094 4.33 13.85681 CNG 4.48 13.39286 3.75 16 4.28 14.01869 Motor cycle 5.52 10.86957 5.46 10.98901 6.18 9.708738 Private car 3.28 18.29268 3.29 18.23708 3.96 15.15152 3.81 15.74803 3.62 16.57459
  • 22.  This is the result of that near intersection bus has a tendency to reduce speed but in a free section it has increased velocity.Again for this a safety for other vehicle like motorbike has reduced  The medium size vehicle has optimumed max velocity due to this Similarly for next 100 m We have got speed like below Vehicle Time (sec) Length (m) Speed(m/s) in mph Car 3.2 26.83 8.38 18.75 Motorcycle 2.9 26.83 9.25 20.68966 Micro-bus 3.35 26.83 8.01 17.91045 Pickup van 3.8 26.83 7.06 15.78947 CNG 3.1 26.83 8.65 19.35484 Private car 2.8 26.83 9.58 21.42857  Clearly as section is getting far from intersection velocity of all type vehicle is increasing  Private car speed is maximum at this section
  • 23. Bus,mph 12.2499 10.96892 14.28571 17.54386 light Vehicle,mph 15.83113 20 16.94915 30.92784 Cng,mph 30 23.4375 17.75148 11.23596 pick up,maxi,mph 31.74603 16.85393 15.78947 15.7 Motor Cycle,mph 13.10044 10.41667 16.57459 23.62205  Very routine nature.As intersection approaching heavy vehicle has decreased speed while bike has increased  Light vehicle is speed dominating Now data from russel square to panrhapath is given Vehicle Type Stopwatch Speed mph Bus (B) 3 20 Truck (T) 3.1 19.35484 Light Vehicle (LV) 2.7 22.22222 2.2 27.27273 3.3 18.18182 3.8 15.78947 4.4 13.63636 Auto Rickshaw (AR) 3.4 17.64706 5.5 10.90909 3.6 16.66667 Motor Cycle (MC) 7.9 7.594937 2.9 20.68966 3.6 16.66667
  • 24.  Immediate section after intersection has max speed in cars  Speed in this side is greater, even it is near intersection. This is may be due to channelization In this diection speed in 88’ of next 100m is given below CAR CNG Bus Motor Cycle Speed mph Time Speed(mph) Time Speed- mph Time 4.27 14.05 13 15.04 4.12 14.56 2.9 20.69 4.12 14.56 12 20.91 4.43 13.54 4.29 13.99 2.9 20.69 3.86 3.12 19.23 2.5 24.00 3.38 17.75 13 14.74 3.09 19.42 4.47 13.42 2.96 20.27 12 9.36 2.65 22.64 3.41 17.60 8.62 6.96 11 12.45 4.12 3.78 15.87 5.58 10.75 16 28.44 4.43 3.07 19.54  Speed of all vehicle in this relative middle section is reaching in astable position.All around 20mph Data of two groups subsequently is given below Type Duratio n Distanc e Speed ( f/sec) Speed (m/sec) Average speed (m/sec) private car 9 88 9.78 2.98 3.26 20.1324 3 7 88 12.57 3.83 15.6585 5 9 88 9.78 2.98 20.1324 3 CNG 6.5 88 13.54 4.13 3.80 14.5400
  • 25. 9 6.5 88 13.54 4.13 14.5400 9 8.5 88 10.35 3.16 19.0139 6 Bus 9 88 9.78 2.98 3.28 20.1324 3 7.5 88 11.73 3.58 16.7770 2 Motor Cycle 7 88 12.57 3.83 3.66 15.6585 5 7.5 88 11.73 3.58 16.7770 2 7.5 88 11.73 3.58 16.7770 2  Private cars are maintain speed aroun 20mph through all the section  With approaching to inter section max speed is decresing For the last 100m we get the speed study like below Vehicle sample no. time (sec) speed (mph) average speed(mph) microbus 1 3.22 18.63 13.65 2 4.12 14.56 3 4.29 13.99 4 5.09 11.79 5 6.85 8.76 Motor Cycle 1 5.08 11.81 21.22 2 2.74 21.90 3 3.8 15.79 4 2.4 25.00 5 1.9 31.58 Auto Rickshaw 1 6.9 8.70 8.29 2 7.77 7.72 3 7.6 7.89
  • 26. 4 5.94 10.10 7 6.2 9.68 Bus 1 8.97 6.69 6.9 Car 1 6.69 8.97 13.24 2 4.65 12.90 3 3.45 17.39  As intersection has approached Heavy vehicle has reduced speed  Motor bike has max speed greater than 20mph
  • 27. 2.1 Flow Histrogram: It will show %frequency vs speed range data.From here we can understand at which speed maximum percent of vehicle are prone to travel. Below the histrogram is given
  • 28.  It can be understood that maximum vehicle varies speed between 15-20 mph.About 40%.  Velocity less than 10mph is very rare.  From speed data we can say there is not free flow nor”stop and go”situation  Very few vehicle are within speed greater than 35mph  Again volume study [reference 1] showed about 50% vehicle was light vehicle.So a summary can be taken as light vehicle are running at a speed near 20 mph in that section  As 50% light vehicle and here 40% are at 20*.40*100that is about 20% of the private care are at 20mph speed 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 %frequency spot speed,mph %frequencyvs speed histogram Series1
  • 29. Frequency Curve This curve plots %frequency vs spotspeed. From herewe get  Modal speed  Pace of traffic stream  Average speed  Upper and lower speed limit regulation  Design speed Details data calculation,sorting are given in Appendix speed mid speed frequency %frequency 0 to 5 2.5 0 0 5 to 10 7.5 1 0.653595 10 to 15 12.5 58 37.9085 15 to 20 17.5 61 39.86928 20 to 25 22.5 22 14.37908 25 to 30 27.5 6 3.921569 30 to 35 32.5 5 3.267974 35 to 40 37.5 1 0.653595 total 100 With this data frequency curve can be produced
  • 30. SO we can conclude-  Modal speed 16 mph for this road and traffic condition.That is most car want to maintain 16mph while operating  Pace is in between 9mph and 24mph.That is most driver are seen with 15 mph difference , to be in between these speeds  As the curve is nearly symettric,so Median speed is also 16mph Average speed: Though a number of vehicle type were present we can estimate average velocity to get a rough idea about discharge Below here average speed is calculated -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 %frequency spot speed,mph Series1
  • 31. speed mid speed frequency %frequency v total 0 to 5 2.5 0 0 0 5 to 10 7.5 1 0.653595 7.5 10 to 15 12.5 58 37.9085 725 15 to 20 17.5 61 39.86928 1067.5 20 to 25 22.5 22 14.37908 495 25 to 30 27.5 6 3.921569 165 30 to 35 32.5 5 3.267974 162.5 35 to 40 37.5 1 0.653595 37.5 154 100 total 2660 Average speed =2660/154=17.27mph  Vehicle are running at a speed of 17.27mph Cumulative frequency distribution: It provides us several data  Design speed  Safe speed  Speed limits  Median speed Here it is calculated below spee d mid spee d frequenc y %frequenc y cumulative frequency 0 to 5 2.5 0 0 0 5 to 10 7.5 1 0.649351 0.6493506 5 10 to 15 12.5 58 37.66234 38.311688 3 15 to 17.5 61 39.61039 77.922077
  • 32. 20 9 20 to 25 22.5 22 14.28571 92.207792 2 25 to 30 27.5 6 3.896104 96.103896 1 30 to 35 32.5 5 3.246753 99.350649 4 35 to 40 37.5 1 0.649351 100 Now we can provide the graph- So we have get  Our design speed to be 32.5mph 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 AxisTitle Axis Title Series1 95% 85% 50% 15%
  • 33.  Median speed is 16 mph.Look it has satisfied the previous %ferquency vs speed curve  Safe speed is 19mph  Speed limit is 9mph to 19 mph Travel Speed: Travel speed in between these section is given below More data is given with all group in Appendix: duration speed time mean speed,m/s space mean,m/s 179 4.469274 4.829396 2.556784 110 7.272727 105 7.619048 106 7.54717 150 5.333333 285 2.807018 98 8.163265 94 8.510638 109 7.33945 50 16 130 6.153846 135 5.925926 1019 0.785083
  • 34. 137 5.839416 144 5.555556 144 5.555556 158 5.063291 153 5.228758 If we want to compare We can conclude  Spacemean speed is 2.5mph and time mean is 4mph  It is evident space mean is less than time mean speed War drop Relationship: The wardrop relationship is establishedbelow Full Data is available in Appendix 0 2 4 6 1 time mean speed and space mean speed time mean space mean
  • 35. duration speed time mean speed space mean (ʋi- ʋt)^2 sd space mean+sd62/space mean 179 4.469274 4.829396 2.556784 0.129688 5.787736 3.9987 110 7.272727 52.89256 105 7.619048 58.04989 106 7.54717 56.95977 150 5.333333 28.44444 285 2.807018 7.879347 98 8.163265 66.6389 94 8.510638 72.43096 109 7.33945 53.86752 50 16 256 130 6.153846 37.86982 135 5.925926 35.1166 1019 0.785083 0.616356 137 5.839416 34.09878 144 5.555556 30.8642 144 5.555556 30.8642 158 5.063291 25.63692 153 5.228758 27.33991 247 3.238866 10.49026 215 3.72093 13.84532 So we can say it has satisfied the relationship Flow curve: For determining level of service we assumedcapacityto be 2000vpd Below calculationis shown
  • 36. v (veh/hr) c (veh/hr) v/c rario Space mean speed, Vs (mph) 0 0 0.5 10 1100 2000 0.55 11 0.85 20 1 30 0.92 40 0.78 50 0.515 60 0 70 From graph we get-
  • 37. We can see we are within Level of service F.But  Visual seems to be los C  This is due to that we assumed to be lane wise and motorized vehicle which is not the real situation
  • 38. Conclusion:  It can be understood that maximum vehicle varies speed between 15-20 mph.About 40%.  Velocity less than 10mph is very rare.  From speed data we can say there is not free flow nor”stop and go”situation  Very few vehicle are within speed greater than 35mph  Again volume study [reference 1] showed about 50% vehicle was light vehicle.So a summary can be taken as light vehicle are running at a speed near 20 mph in that section  As 50% light vehicle and here 40% are at 20*.40*100 that is about 20% of the private care are at 20mph speed  Modal speed 16 mph for this road and traffic condition.That is most car want to maintain 16mph while operating  Pace is in between 9mph and 24mph.That is most driver are seen with 15 mph difference , to be in between these speeds  As the curve is nearly symettric,so Median speed is also 16mph  Our design speed to be 32.5mph  Median speed is 16 mph.Look it has satisfied the previous %ferquency vs speed curve  Safe speed is 19mph  Speed limit is 9mph to 19 mph  Spacemean speed is 2.5mph and time mean is 4mph  It is evident spacemean is less than time mean speed  The wardrop relationship is established  We can see we are within Level of service F  Visual seems to be los C  This is due to that we assumed to be lane wise and motorized vehicle which is not the real situation
  • 39. RECOMMANDATION:  As speed decreasesnearthe two intersection,channelization on panthapath side and it’s implication should be introduced.  We have found speedto be decreaseddue to loss of width which is the result of unauthorized parking.So improvement canbe done here.  If speedgun and wireless (travelspeed) were used more frequently more reliable data could be gained.Some groupused it unevenly.If equitable use were done data would be more correct
  • 40. References 1. “ Traffic Speed Study”, Sanchari Halder, Md. Aminul Islam, AHSANULLAH UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,retrived from 2. Robertson, H. D. 1994. Spot Speed Studies. In Manual of Transportation Engineering Studies, ed. H. D. Robertson, J. E. Hummer, D. C. Nelson. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc., pp. 33–51. 3. .Currin, T. R. 2001. Spot Speed Study. In Introduction to Traffic Engineering: A Manual for Data Collection and Analysis, ed. B. Stenquist. Stamford, Conn.: Wadsworth Group, pp. 4–12. 4 . Homburger, W. S., J. W. Hall, R. C. Loutzenheiser, and W. R. Reilly. 1996. Spot Speed Studies. In Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering. Berkeley: Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley, pp. 6.1–6.9. 5 . Parma, K. 2001. Survey of Speed Zoning Practices: An Informational Report. Washington, D.C.: Institute of Transportation Engineers.
  • 42. APPENDIX :A2 speed 0-5 5-10- 10/15/ 15-20 20-25 25-30 30/35 35/40 20.69 na na na na 20.69 na na na 17.65 na na na 17.65 na na na na 18.75 na na na 18.75 na na na na 21.43 na na na na 21.43 na na na 14.29 na na 14.29 na na na na na 19.35 na na na 19.35 na na na na 15.38 na na na 15.38 na na na na 40 na na na na na na na 40 21.43 na na na na 21.43 na na na 26.09 na na na na na 26.09 na na 33.33 na na na na na na 33.33 na 12.77 na na 12.77 na na na na na 13.04 na na 13.04 na na na na na 18.13 na na na 18.13 na na na na 18.75 na na na 18.75 na na na na 20 na na na na na na na na 17.65 na na na 17.65 na na na na 17.34 na na na 17.34 na na na na 15.38 na na na 15.38 na na na na 15.67 na na na 15.67 na na na na 14.12 na na 14.12 na na na na na 14.25 na na 14.25 na na na na na 16.9 na na na 16.9 na na na na 11.54 na na 11.54 na na na na na 13.64 na na 13.64 na na na na na 20.07 na na na na 20.07 na na na 13.51 na na 13.51 na na na na na 11.61 na na 11.61 na na na na na 14.05 na na 14.05 na na na na na 14.56 na na 14.56 na na na na na 20.69 na na na na 20.69 na na na 17.75 na na na 17.75 na na na na 20.27 na na na na 20.27 na na na 10.75 na na 10.75 na na na na na 11.81 na na 11.81 na na na na na
  • 43. 17.75 na na na 17.75 na na na na 15.04 na na na 15.04 na na na na 20.91 na na na na 20.91 na na na 3.86 3.86 0 FALSE na na na na na 14.74 na na 14.74 na na na na na 12.45 na na 12.45 na na na na na 28.44 na na na na na 28.44 na na 18.29 na na na 18.29 na na na na 14.56 na na 14.56 na na na na na 13.54 na na 13.54 na na na na na 19.23 na na na 19.23 na na na na 19.42 na na na 19.42 na na na na 22.64 na na na na 22.64 na na na 20.69 na na na na 20.69 na na na 13.99 na na 13.99 na na na na na 24 na na na na 24 na na na 13.42 na na 13.42 na na na na na 17.6 na na na 17.6 na na na na 15.87 na na na 15.87 na na na na 19.54 na na na 19.54 na na na na 14.81 na na 14.81 na na na na na 13.60544 na na 13.60544 na na na na na 14.15094 na na 14.15094 na na na na na 13.85681 na na 13.85681 na na na na na 13.39286 na na 13.39286 na na na na na 16 na na na 16 na na na na 14.01869 na na 14.01869 na na na na na 10.86957 na na 10.86957 na na na na na 10.98901 na na 10.98901 na na na na na 18.29268 na na na 18.29268 na na na na 18.23708 na na na 18.23708 na na na na 15.15152 na na na 15.15152 na na na na 15.74803 na na na 15.74803 na na na na 16.57459 na na na 16.57459 na na na na 18.75 na na na 18.75 na na na na 20.68966 na na na na 20.68966 na na na 17.91045 na na na 17.91045 na na na na 15.78947 na na na 15.78947 na na na na 19.35484 na na na 19.35484 na na na na 21.42857 na na na na 21.42857 na na na 12.2499 na na 12.2499 na na na na na 15.83113 40 na na na 15.83113 na na na na 30 na na na na na na na na
  • 44. 31.74603 na na na na na na 31.74603 na 13.10044 na na 13.10044 na na na na na 10.96892 na na 10.96892 na na na na na 20 na na na na na na na na 23.4375 na na na na 23.4375 na na na 16.85393 na na na 16.85393 na na na na 10.41667 na na 10.41667 na na na na na 14.28571 na na 14.28571 na na na na na 16.94915 na na na 16.94915 na na na na 17.75148 na na na 17.75148 na na na na 15.78947 na na na 15.78947 na na na na 16.57459 na na na 16.57459 na na na na 17.54386 na na na 17.54386 na na na na 30.92784 na na na na na na 30.92784 na 11.23596 na na 11.23596 na na na na na 23.62205 na na na na 23.62205 na na na 33.70787 na na na na na na 33.70787 na 12.26994 na na 12.26994 na na na na na 15.38462 na na na 15.38462 na na na na 13.48315 na na 13.48315 na na na na na 17.34104 na na na 17.34104 na na na na 24.79339 na na na na 24.79339 na na na 19.35484 na na na 19.35484 na na na na 22.22222 na na na na 22.22222 na na na 27.27273 na na na na na 27.27273 na na 18.18182 na na na 18.18182 na na na na 15.78947 na na na 15.78947 na na na na 13.63636 na na 13.63636 na na na na na 17.64706 na na na 17.64706 na na na na 10.90909 na na 10.90909 na na na na na 16.66667 na na na 16.66667 na na na na 20.68966 na na na na 20.68966 na na na 16.66667 na na na 16.66667 na na na na 20.13243 na na na na 20.13243 na na na 15.65855 na na na 15.65855 na na na na 20.13243 na na na na 20.13243 na na na 14.54009 na na 14.54009 na na na na na 14.54009 na na 14.54009 na na na na na 19.01396 na na na 19.01396 na na na na 29.08017 na na na na na 29.08017 na na 14.54009 na na 14.54009 na na na na na 20.13243 na na na na 20.13243 na na na 16.77702 na na na 16.77702 na na na na
  • 45. 16.77702 na na na 16.77702 na na na na 22.36936 na na na na 22.36936 na na na 29.08017 na na na na na 29.08017 na na 16.77702 na na na 16.77702 na na na na 0 0 FALSE na na na na na 15.65855 na na na 15.65855 na na na na 16.77702 na na na 16.77702 na na na na 16.77702 na na na 16.77702 na na na na 18.63 na na na 18.63354 na na na na 14.56 na na 14.56311 na na na na na 13.99 na na 13.98601 na na na na na 11.79 na na 11.78782 na na na na na 13.64 na na 13.63636 na na na na na 17.05 na na na 17.04545 na na na na 10.79 na na 10.79137 na na na na na 11.81 na na 11.81102 na na na na na 21.90 na na na na 21.89781 na na na 15.79 na na na 15.78947 na na na na 25.00 na na na na na na na na 31.58 na na na na na na 31.57895 na 10.10 na na 10.10101 na na na na na 12.90 na na 12.90323 na na na na na 17.39 na na na 17.3913 na na na na 13.16 na na 13.15789 na na na na na 15.67 na na na 15.6658 na na na na 13.82 na na 13.82488 na na na na na 11.54 na na 11.53846 na na na na na 15.23 na na na 15.22843 na na na na 11.03 na na 11.02941 na na na na na 19.17 na na na 19.16933 na na na na 10.51 na na 10.50788 na na na na na 12.74 na na 12.73885 na na na na na 14.22 na na 14.21801 na na na na na 13.92 na na 13.92111 na na na na na
  • 46. APPENDIX:B Serial No. Registration Number Entry time Exit time travel time travel speed min sec min sec sec 1 8042 2 30 5 29 179 4.469274 2 6432 4 51 6 41 110 7.272727 3 3622 6 24 8 9 105 7.619048 4 2746 6 36 8 22 106 7.54717 5 8207 6 57 9 27 150 5.333333 6 8677 8 22 13 7 285 2.807018 7 9116 8 37 10 15 98 8.163265 8 2917 8 43 10 17 94 8.510638 9 7423 9 18 11 7 109 7.33945 10 696 10 21 11 11 50 16 11 4801 10 6 12 16 130 6.153846 12 655 10 17 12 32 135 5.925926 13 6420 10 36 27 35 1019 0.785083 14 6669 10 41 12 58 137 5.839416 15 6803 10 45 13 9 144 5.555556 16 9844 10 49 13 13 144 5.555556 17 7614 10 53 13 31 158 5.063291 18 7932 11 1 13 34 153 5.228758 19 4003 12 1 16 8 247 3.238866 20 2209 12 6 15 41 215 3.72093 21 3100 12 32 16 11 219 3.652968 22 9434 12 59 16 30 211 3.791469 23 3814 16 12 18 18 126 6.349206 24 2608 17 15 19 48 153 5.228758 25 4351 18 10 22 10 240 3.333333 26 8350 18 16 22 17 241 3.319502 27 1129 18 36 22 35 239 3.34728 28 5866 18 41 24 34 353 2.266289 29 1081 19 6 23 19 253 3.162055 30 4634 19 10 23 54 284 2.816901 31 751 19 21 23 34 253 3.162055 32 8443 19 38 24 7 269 2.973978 33 3706 19 46 24 24 278 2.877698 34 8201 21 27 24 37 190 4.210526 35 484 22 50 27 21 271 2.95203 36 71 23 33 35 17 704 1.136364 37 7434 28 34 30 24 110 7.272727 38 424 28 44 30 29 105 7.619048
  • 47. 39 7902 29 23 31 41 138 5.797101 40 2549 29 48 31 53 125 6.4 41 3791 29 50 31 55 125 6.4 42 1617 29 56 31 56 120 6.666667 43 1022 30 7 32 2 115 6.956522 avg 206.7442 total 223.8216 mean 5.205154 Private Car Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8 Column9 Number Plate Entry Time Exit Time 3204 0.489028 0.492037 240 8780 0.48985 0.493727 300 5941 0.500498 0.503623 300 7718 0.500394 0.5039 300 5286 0.505972 0.508704 240 Bike Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8 Column9 Number Plate Entry Time Exit Time 8787 0.491262 0.494942 300 7996 0.492801 0.495382 360 5021 0.493252 0.49706 300 9459 0.499028 0.502002 240 5943 0.502778 0.506007 240 Bus Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8
  • 48. Number Plate Entry Time Exit Time 2608 0.488299 0.493981 2143 0.488542 0.494653 2314 0.49213 0.498634 2432 0.498727 0.504931 CNG Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8 time Number Plate Entry Time Exit Time 3997 0.488461 0.490972 240 1858 0.489259 0.492789 300 8029 0.498414 0.501586 300 3007 0.499005 0.50228 300 Micro Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8 Number Plate Entry Time Exit Time 8157 0.491736 0.495278 300 971 0.498634 0.502454 300 929 0.500347 0.503993 300 6726 0.506366 0.509931 300 Utility Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8 Number Plate Entry Time Exit Time 2890 0.491678 0.494329 180 5167 0.494097 0.4964 180 1022 0.497801 0.500625 240 Leguna Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8 Number Plate Entry Time Exit
  • 49. Time 1523 0.498542 0.500243 180 3702 0.498287 0.500903 240 Ambulance Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8 Number Plate Entry Time Exit Time 1395 0.499803 0.501273 120 929 0.500266 0.501447 120 APPENDIX 3 duration speed time mean speed space mean (ʋi- ʋt)^2 179 4.469274 4.829396 2.556784 0.129688 110 7.272727 52.89256 105 7.619048 58.04989 106 7.54717 56.95977 150 5.333333 28.44444 285 2.807018 7.879347 98 8.163265 66.6389 94 8.510638 72.43096 109 7.33945 53.86752 50 16 256 130 6.153846 37.86982 135 5.925926 35.1166 1019 0.785083 0.616356 137 5.839416 34.09878 144 5.555556 30.8642 144 5.555556 30.8642 158 5.063291 25.63692 153 5.228758 27.33991 247 3.238866 10.49026 215 3.72093 13.84532 219 3.652968 13.34418 211 3.791469 14.37524
  • 50. 126 6.349206 40.31242 153 5.228758 27.33991 240 3.333333 11.11111 241 3.319502 11.01909 239 3.34728 11.20429 353 2.266289 5.136066 253 3.162055 9.998594 284 2.816901 7.934934 253 3.162055 9.998594 269 2.973978 8.844543 278 2.877698 8.281145 190 4.210526 17.72853 271 2.95203 8.714478 704 1.136364 1.291322 110 7.272727 52.89256 105 7.619048 58.04989 138 5.797101 33.60639 125 6.4 40.96 125 6.4 40.96 120 6.666667 44.44444 115 6.956522 48.39319 240 3.333333 11.11111 300 2.666667 7.111111 300 2.666667 7.111111 300 2.666667 7.111111 240 3.333333 11.11111 300 2.666667 7.111111 360 2.222222 4.938272 300 2.666667 7.111111 240 3.333333 11.11111 240 3.333333 11.11111 240 3.333333 11.11111 300 2.666667 7.111111 300 2.666667 7.111111 300 2.666667 7.111111 300 2.666667 7.111111 300 2.666667 7.111111 300 2.666667 7.111111 300 2.666667 7.111111 180 4.444444 19.75309 180 4.444444 19.75309 240 3.333333 11.11111 89 8.988764 80.79788
  • 51. 83.5 9.580838 91.79246 96.35 8.303062 68.94083 98.1 8.154944 66.50311 88.25 9.065156 82.17705 89 8.988764 80.79788 89.3 8.958567 80.25592 102.5 7.804878 60.91612 110 7.272727 52.89256 105.5 7.582938 57.50095 85 9.411765 88.58131 83.25 9.60961 92.3446 87.25 9.169054 84.07156 90 8.888889 79.01235 92 8.695652 75.61437 95.5 8.376963 70.17351 98 8.163265 66.6389 95 8.421053 70.91413 96.35 8.303062 68.94083 97.6 8.196721 67.18624 98 8.163265 66.6389 114 7.017544 49.24592 105 7.619048 58.04989 112 7.142857 51.02041 80.25 9.968847 99.37792 80 10 100 81 9.876543 97.54611 83.56 9.573959 91.66069 85.7 9.334889 87.14016 540 1.481481 2.194787 300 2.666667 7.111111 420 1.904762 3.628118 480 1.666667 2.777778 420 1.904762 3.628118 1021 0.783546 0.613944 900 0.888889 0.790123 360 2.222222 4.938272 350 2.285714 5.22449 420 1.904762 3.628118 540 1.481481 2.194787 480 1.666667 2.777778 480 1.666667 2.777778 3474 0.230282 0.05303 425.4 1.880583 3.536592
  • 52. 428.4 1.867414 3.487234 525.6 1.52207 2.316697 543.6 1.47167 2.165814 552 1.449275 2.100399 583.2 1.371742 1.881676 645.6 1.239157 1.535511 780.6 1.024853 1.050323 880.2 0.908884 0.826071 947.4 0.844416 0.713039 952.8 0.839631 0.704979 722.4 1.10742 1.226378 732.6 1.092001 1.192466 768 1.041667 1.085069 64.2 12.46106 155.278 66 12.12121 146.9238 75 10.66667 113.7778 120 6.666667 44.44444 120 6.666667 44.44444 757.02 1.056775 1.116774 891 0.897868 0.806166 676.02 1.183397 1.400428 766.02 1.044359 1.090686 420.06 1.90449 3.627082 40989.08 total 632.6509 total 4388.223