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A glycoside is an organic compound, usually of plant
origin, that is composed of a sugar portion linked to a
non-sugar moiety.
Sugar portion ……….. Glycone
Non-sugar portion…... Aglycone / Genin
Linkage between sugar and non-sugar is
usually an “oxygen linkage”
Based on atoms involved in glycosidic
O- glycosides
C- glycosides
S- glycosides
N- glycosides
According to Sugar moiety
)a) Cardioactive glycosides: Digitalis, Strophanthus and
white squill
)b) Anthraquinone glycosides: Cascara, Aloe, Rhubarb,
Cochineal and Senna
)c) Saponin glycosides: Glycyrrhiza, Sarsaparilla
)d) Cyanophore glycosides: Wild cherry
)e) Isothiocyanate glycosides: Black Mustard
)f) Lactone glycosides: Cantharide
)g) Aldehyde glycosides: Vanilla
)h) Miscellaneous glycosides: Gentian, Quassia, Dioscorea
Therapeutic activity depends upon;
1.Chemical nature of aglycone
2.Number of sugars
Aglycone is steroidal.
Aglycone may be;
Cardenolide (5-membered lactone at place of R(
Bufanolide (6-membered lactone at place of R(
Pharmacological Action of Cardiac
•Effectiveness depends on both the
aglycones and the sugar attachments.
•Medicinal action depends on the
•But the sugars make the compound
more soluble in increases the fixation
of the glycoside to the heart muscle
Pharmacological Action of Cardiac
•The overall action of Digitalis glycosides is complicated
by the number of different effects produced.
•The exact mode of action on the myocardial muscle still
needs investigation.
•It is thought to act in competition with K ions for specific
receptor enzymes )ATPase) sites in the cell membranes
of the heart muscle when there is an influx of Na ions.
•Effect is to increase the force of heart contraction
•Diuretic action relates to the improved circulatory effects.
a) Digitalis
Botanical Origin:
Digitalis purpurea
Digitalis lanata
Part used:
Dried leaves
Leaves collected from 2nd
year growth of plant
in June before opening of flower.
Drying is done by applying artificial heat
(temperature not more than 65°C(.
Four aglycons in Digitalis
Digoxigenin (only in Digitalis lanata(
Derivatives D. purpurea D. lanata
Digitoxigenin Digitoxin
(Digitoxin + 1 glucose(
Acetyl digitoxin
Lanatoside A
(Acetyl digitoxin + 1 glucose(
Gitoxigenin Gitoxin
(Gitoxin + 1 glucose(
Lanatoside B
(Acetyl gitoxin + 1 glucose(
Gitatoxigenin Gitatoxin Lanatoside E
(Acetyl Gitatoxin + 1 glucose(
Digoxigenin Digoxin
Acetyl digoxin
Lanatoside C
(Acetyl digoxin + 1 glucose(
(Digoxin + 1 glucose(
b) Strophanthus
Botanical Origin:
Strophanthus kombe
Strophanthus hispidus
Part used:
Dried ripe seeds
Fruits are collected when fully ripen i.e. in
June and July
Active constituent is Strophanthin.
Upon hydrolysis it yields;
Sugars (alpha D-glucose + beta D-glucose + beta D-cymarose(
Apart from Strophanthin, there are;
30%fixed oils
Resin / Mucilage
Nitrogenous bases ( Trigonellin, Choline(
Cardiac stimulant
c) White squill
Botanical Origin:
Urginea maritima
Part used:
Dried fleshy scales of bulb
Bulbs are collected in August. Outer scale
is removed and inner scale is divided
into pieces and dried in sunlight.
Cardiac tonic
Active constituent is Scillaren.
Upon hydrolysis it yields;
Sugars (1 molecule of glucose + 1 molecule of rhamnose(
Anthraquinone Glycosides
Anthraquinone derivatives
Introduction to Anthraquinones
•Historically: Rhubarb, Senna, Aloes and
Cascara were all used as purgative drugs.
•Monocotyledons: Only Liliaceae.
Most commonly C-glycoside: barbaloin.
•Dicotyledons: Rubiaceae, Leguminosae,
Polygonaceae, Rhamnaceae, Ericaceae,
Euphorbiaceae, Lythraceae, Saxifragaceae,
Scrophulariaceae and Verbenacacea. Also in
certain fungi and lichen.
•Reduced derivatives of anthraquinones
–Oxanthrones, anthranols and anthrones
•Compounds formed by the union of 2
anthrone molecules
–Chrysophanol/Chrysophanic acid 
Rhubarb and Senna.
–Rhein  Rhubarb and Senna
–Aloe-emodin  Rhubarb and Senna
–Emodin  Rhubarb and Cascara
Anthraquinones – Chemical Properties
•Anthraquinone derivatives: orange-red compounds
•Soluble in hot water/dilute alcohol.
•Identified via Borntrager’s test
–Powdered drug – macerated with ether
–Add ammonia/caustic
–Shake  pink, red or violet colour – positive for
anthraquinone derivatives
–If the Anthraquinones are reduced (within the herb) or
stable (glycosides) test will be negative
Anthranonls and Anthrones
•Reduced anthraquinone derivatives.
•Occur either freely )aglycones) or as glycosides.
•Anthrone: Parent structure )pale yellow, non-
soluble in alkali, non-fluorescent)
•Anthronol: brown-yellow, soluble in alkali,
strongly fluorescent
–Anthronol derivatives )e.g. in Aloe – have similar
properties – fluorescence used for identification)
Mechanism of Action:
•The glycosides are absorbed from the
small intestine and re-excreted in the large
intestine where they increase the motility
so produce laxation.
•Aglycones produce griping effect so it is
recommended to prescripe antispasmodic
with them.
Mechanism of action
•Molecules have to possess certain features for
]2[carbonyl keto function on centre ring
]3[1,-8-positions have to have –OH
–anthrone > anthraquinone> dianthrone
•Aglycones not therapeutically active in animals ,
lipid soluble absorbed in stomach and never
reach colon to produce a local effect.
•Highly active phenolic group irritant to mucosa
•Glycosides very water soluble – reach large
intestine where they are hydrolysed by E.coli
enzymes and become lipid soluble and
absorbed into circulation.
•5-8hours to act
–take night before
–in low doses – drug metabolised by liver and
recirculated via bile to give more effect
–people especially elderly can become reliant on them
needing higher dose to produce an effect
–carcinogenic to melanosis coli
Senna - Leguminosae
•Definition: Consists
of the dried leaflets of
Cassia senna
(Alexandrian senna),
or Cassia angustifolia
(Tinnevelly senna).
Cassia - Senna
•Indigenous to Africa (tropical regions)
•Used since 9th
and 10th
•Itroduced into medicine by Arab physicians
(used both the leaves and pods)
•Exported by Alexandria – name of the
Sudanese drug.
Senna - Collection
•Collected in September
•Whole branches
bearing leaves are
dried in the sun.
•Pods and large stalks
are separated with
•Leaves are graded
(whole leaves and half-
leave mix, siftings).
•Whole leaves – sold to
Senna - Constituents
•Senna consist four types of glycosides:
Sennoside A
Sennoside B
Sennoside C
Sennoside D
In their active costituents are sennoside A,
sennosides B
Upon hydrolysis of sennosides it gives two molecules
glucose+aglycones: Sennidin A and Sennidin B.
•Sennoside C & Sennoside D
•Palmidin A (Rhubarb)
Senna - Constituents
•Kaempferol (yellow
•Calcium oxalates
Comparison of
Alexandrian and Tinnevelly Senna
–Seldom larger than 4
cm in length
–Asymmetric at base
–Broken and curled at
–Few press markings
–Seldom exceeds 5cm
in length
–Less asymmetric at
–Seldom broken and
normally flat
–Often shows
impressions (mid vein)
Senna – Allied Drugs & Substitutes
Allied drugs
Bombay, Mecca and
Arabian Sennas (found in
Cassia angustifolia from
•Dog senna – Cassia
•Cassia auriculata – Indian
•Cassia podocarpa
•Substitutes or
–Argel leaves –
Solenostemma argel
–Coriario myrtifolia
Senna Fruit
•Definition: Senna pods are the
dried, ripe fruits of Cassia senna
and Cassia angustifolia, which are
commercially known as Alexandrian
and Tinnevelly senna pods
respectively. Both have separate
Senna Fruit - Collection
•Pods are collected with the leaves
and dried in a similar fashion.
•After separation of the leaves, the
pods are hand-picked into various
qualities, the finer being sold
(commercially), while the finer
pieces are used to make
Senna Fruit - Constituents
•Active constituents are found in
the pericarp.
•Similar to those actives of the
–Sennoside A
Senna – Additional uses
•Medicinal Actions
•Vermifuge, diuretic,
•Other uses: laxative candy
(bitter taste).
–Also used to treat
flatulence, gout, fever.
•Topically: poultice prepared
with vinegar to treat
•NOTE: Senna may cause
urine to become reddish –
no clinical significance.
–Gout, colitis, GI
•Should not be used with cardiac
•Seeds/pods give gentler action
than leaves: more appropriate for
the young, elderly and those
prone to stomach cramps.
•NB: Over-use causes
•Overdose: nausea, bloody
diarrhoea, vomiting and nephritis.
•Long-term use: dehydration &
electrolyte depletion, worsening
constipation and weakening
intestinal muscles.
Cascara Bark- Rhamnaceae
•Definition: Official cascara
sagrada is the dried bark of
Rhamnus purshianus. Bark is
collected from wild trees
(depletion is leading to the
increase of cultivation)
Rhamnus purhsianus - Cascara
–Rhamnos – Greek, branch, shiny shrub.
Purshiana after Pursh, botanist 1st
described herb in 1814
•Other Common Names
–Bearwood, bitterbark, buckthorn,
coffeeberry, mountain cranberry,
persiana, sacred bark.
Cascara – Collection & Preparation
•Collected form mid-April to end of August,
when it separates readily from the rest of
the trunk.
•Longitudinal incisions are made 10cm
apart and the bark removed.
•Tree is then usually felled and the branch
bark separated.
•Bark is then dried in the shade with the
cork facing upwards. This is referred to as
‘natural’ cascara. Commercial supplies are
comminuted to give small, even fragments
called ‘evenized’, ‘processed’, or ‘compact’
Cascara Bark - Storage
•During preparation and storage the bark
should be protected from rain and damp
(partial extraction of constituents may
occur or bark may become mouldy).
•Should be stored for at least 1 year before
•Bark appears to increase in medicinal
value up unto its 4 years old (stored bark)
Cascara Bark – Constituents
•Four main glycosides – Called
–Cascaroside A
–Cascaroside B
–Cascaroside C
–Cascaroside D
Cascara Bark – Constituents
•Derived from
–Emodin oxanthrone
–Aloe emodin
Cascara Bark - Uses
•Similar to Senna
•Normally as a tablet
•Also used on animals
Cascara Bark – Additional uses
•Physiological Action
–Astringent (bark – tannins),
bitter tonic, chologogue,
emetic, hepatic, stomachic.
–Medicinal Uses
Move stagnation, clear heat.
The most widely used laxative
Topically: Used as a wash for
herpes lesions
•Excessive use: nausea,
vomiting, heamatorrhoea.
Long term use:
Weakens intestinal
children younger than 14,
during pregnancy,
lactation, IBS, Crohn’s,
intestinal obstruction, and
idiopathic abdominal
Rhubarb - Polygonaceae
•Definition: Rhubarb/Chinese
Rhubarb is the rhizome ofof
Rheum palmatumRheum palmatum.. OtherOther
speciesspecies and hybrids ofand hybrids of
RheumRheum,, exceptexcept R.R.
rhaponticumrhaponticum, may also be, may also be
Chinese Rhubarb - History
•Chinese Rhubarb has a long history.
•Mentioned in a herbal of
•Formed an important article of
commerce on the Chinese
trade routes to Europe.
•Still used medicinally today.
Chinese Rhubarb – Collection &
•Rhizomes are grown at high
altitudes (+3000m).
•Collected in Autumn or spring (6-
10yrs old)
•Cork is removed, cut.
•Artificially dried.
•Packed in tin-lined wooden cases.
•Inferior quality herbs are packed in
hessian bags48
Chinese Rhubarb - Constituents
1.Anthraquinones without a carboxyl
group – chrysophanol, emodin, aloe-
emodin & physcion.
Also the glycosides of these
22..Anthraquinones with a carboxyl groupAnthraquinones with a carboxyl group
(rhein and its glycoside: glucorhein(.
Chinese Rhubarb - Constituents
3.Anthrones and
dianthrones of
emodin, aloe-
emodin or
glucosides of
(Sennosides A
and B(.
derived from 2derived from 2
different anthronedifferent anthrone
Palmidin A andPalmidin A and
Palmidin BPalmidin B..
Chinese Rhubarb - Constituents
•Free anthraquinones:
chrysophanol, emodin, aloe-
emodin and rhein.
•Some of the above constituents
may also occur as glycosides.
Chinese Rhubarb - Uses
•Bitter stomachic
•Diarrhoea (low doses( – contains
•Purgative (high doses( – followed
by an astringent effect.
•Suitable only for occasional for
occasional use, not for chronic
Rhubarb – Additional Uses
–Rheo – Greek, ‘to flow’, in
reference to the purgative
•Medicinal Actions
–Anti-helminthic, anti-
bacterial, anti-
inflammatory, antiseptic,
astringent (low doses(,
sialagoge, vulnerary
•Topical Uses:
–Poultice to treat boils,
burns, wounds. Used to
stop bleeding (tannins –
stypic and astringent(.
Used as a mouthwash for
oral ulcers.
•Other uses: Acid content:
fresh root can be used to
polish brass.
–Leaves should be avoided
– high calcium oxalate -
Aloe - Liliaceae
•Definition: Aloes are the solid
residue obtained by evaporating the
liquid which drains from the
transversely cut leaves of various
Aloe species.
The juice is usually concentrated
by boiling and solidifies on cooling.
•Official varieties are the Cape Aloes
from SA and Kenya (Aloe ferox(,
and the Curacao Aloes from West
Indies (Aloe barbadensis(.54
Preparation of Cape Aloes
Cape Aloes are prepared from the wild plants of Aloe
Leaves are cut transversely near the base.
Two hundred leaves arranged around a shallow hole in
the ground (lined with canvas or goatskin(.
Cut ends overlap & drain into the canvas.
After 6hrs all the juice is collected.
Transferred to a drum.
Boiled for 4hrs on an open fire.
Poured into tins while hot  solidifies.
Cape Aloes - Characteristics
•Dark brown or Green-brown
•Glassy masses
•Thin fragments have a deep olive colour
Cape Aloes - Characteristics
•Powder: green-yellow
•When rubbed two pieces of drug together – powder
is found on the surfaces.
•Characteristic sour odour (rhubarb/apple-tart odour(.
•Taste: nauseous and bitter.
•Microscopy: powder in lactophenol – amorphous.
Characteristics of Curacao Aloes
•Colour: yellow-brown – chocolate brown.
•Poor qualities (overheated( black colour.
•Breaks with a waxy facture
•More opaque on keeping.
•Nauseous and bitter taste.
•Characteristic iodoform odour.
•Microscopy: lactophenol – acicular crystals
Aloes - Constituents
Cape Aloes: Also Contain
Aloinoside A & Aloinoside B (O-glycosides
of barbaloin(
Aloe - Constituents
Aloe Constituents & Chemical Test
Unlike C-glycosides, O-glycosides of Aloe
are not hydrolysed by heating with dilute
acids or alkali.
•Can be decomposed with ferric chloride &chloride &
dilute HCl -dilute HCl - NBNB:: Modified Borntrager’s TestModified Borntrager’s Test
– oxidative hydrolysis. Anthraquinones give– oxidative hydrolysis. Anthraquinones give
aa redred colour when shaken with dilutecolour when shaken with dilute
•NB:NB: All Aloes give a strongAll Aloes give a strong greengreen
fluorescencefluorescence with borax (characteristic ofwith borax (characteristic of
anthranols( - General test for aloesanthranols( - General test for aloes.
Aloe - Uses
•Seldom prescribed alone – activity is
increased when administered with small
quantities of soap or alkaline salts;
Carminatives moderate griping
•Ingredient in Friar’s Balsam.
Aloe – Additional uses
•Medicinal Uses:
–Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal,
chologoge, emmenogogue,
anti-inflammatory (juice(,
anti-inflammatory ,
demulcent, vulnerary,
immune-stimulating (gel(.
Radiation burns (internal and
external use(
Pregnancy & lactation
(internal uses(
–Name derives from Arabic
alu, meaning shiny or bitter
in reference to the gel.
•Other uses
–Khoi-San hunters rub gel
on their bodies to reduce
sweating and mask their
–Used to break nail-biting
Aloe vera Products
•These are derived from the mucilage gel –
parenchyma cells
•Should not be confused with aloes (juice
of pericycle – juice used for laxative
•Cosmetic industry (usefulness often
exaggerated( - Used as suntan lotions,
tonics and food additives.
•Mucilage = polysaccharide of
glucomannans and pectin
•Definition: Cochineal is the
dried female insect,
Dactylopius coccus,
containing eggs and larvae.
•Insects are indigenous to
Central America, commercial
supplies are derived from
•Eggs are protected during the rainy season are ‘sown’
on cacti – on which it is intended to breed.
•Both male and females arise. After a time, fecundation
occurs. Females attach themselves to the cacti and the
males die out.
•Females swell to x2 their original size due to developing
larvae & develop red colouring matter.
–Larvae mature after 14days and escape from the now
dead body of the parent.
–Only a small portion develop into males.
–For next 2 weeks, males fly and young females crawl
on the plant.
–Life cycle = 6 weeks.
–3-5generations may be produced in 1 season
Cochineal - Collection
•Insects are brushed from plants with small
brooms and killed (some left to provide for
subsequent crops(.
•First crop killed contains the most colouring
•Insects are killed by plunging them in boiling
water, stove heat or exposure to fumes by
burning sulphur or charcoal.
•If heat is used – insects change to purple –
black – called ‘black grain’.
•Fume killed – turn purple-grey called ‘silver
•Small immature insects and larvae which can be
separated by sieves are sold as ‘granilla’ or
Cochineal - Characteristics
Oval in shape
Half cm in length
Examined microscopically after removing the
colouring matter (ammonia solution(.
Each insect contains 60 to 450 eggs and
Cochineal - Constituents
•C-glycoside example anthraquinone
derivative is bright purple, water-soluble
colouring matter
•Carminic acid
•Adulteration: occurs by increasing the
weight of the insects by ‘dressing’ it with
inorganic matter in a colour which blends
in with that of the insect.
•Detected when insects are placed in water
Chemical test
Borntrager’s and Modified Borntrager’s test:
•For Aglycones:
•Extract plant material with organic solvent.
•Shake with NH4OH OR KOH.
•For O-Glycosides:
•Boil plant material with dil. HCl for 10 min, filter and shake with
organic solvent (Ether or Benzene(.
•Separate the organic solvent.
•Shake with NH4OH OR KOH.
•For C-Glycosides:
•Boil plant material with dil. HCl/FeCl3, filter and shake with
organic solvent (Ether or Benzene(.
•Separate the organic solvent.
•Shake with NH4OH OR KOH.
•Positive result indicated by Rose Red colour in the aqueous alkaline
Saponin Glycosides
Parts of plants containing saponins are used as detergents.
For example;
Root of Saponaria officinalis
Aglycone may be of two types;
Tri terpenoidal
a) Glycyrrhiza
Botanical origin:
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Part used:
Dried rhizome and root
Root and rhizome is excised from 3-4 years old plant i.e. which have not
yet grown fruit. It is done to ensure maximum sweetness. These are
dried in shade for 3-4 months.
Glycyrrhiza contains Glycyrrhizic acid.
Upon hydrolysis, it produces;
Glycyrrhizic acid
2molecules of glucuronic acid
In addition to this, it contains;
Flavonoid glycosides
Flavoring agent in Pharmaceutical preparation.
Demulcent and expectorant.
Treatment of peptic ulcer.
Treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis and Inflammatory conditions
Treatment of liver diseases and liver protection
b) Sarsaparilla
Botanical Origin:
Smilax febrifuga
Smilax regelii
Part used:
Dried root
Root collected from 2-3 year old plant and
sun dried.
Active ingredient is Sarsaponin
Upon hydrolysis, it produces;
Flavoring agent
Used in skin diseases
Used in rheumatism
Cyanophore Glycosides
Upon hydrolysis these glycosides produce
“Hydrocyanic acid” i.e. HCN
Wild cherry
Botanical origin:
Prunus serotina
Part used:
Dried bark
Bark is collected in autumn and sun dried. Drug is almost
odorless when dried but attains strong odor of
benzaldehyde after moisturizing.
Active principle is Prunasin.
It is formed from partial hydrolysis of amygdalin.
In addition to this,
it contains;
Volatile oil
Benzoic acid
Flavoring agent
Isothiocyanate glycosides
These glycosides upon hydrolysis, yield
Mustard oil.
Plants containing these glycosides
posses non-specific resistance against
These agents posses following
Black Mustard
Botanical origin:
Brassica nigra
Brassica juncea
Part used:
Dried seeds
Seeds contain active principle Sinigrin
(potassium myrinate(
Upon hydrolysis, it produces;
Mustard oil (allyl Isothiocyanate(
In addition to this, it contains;
Fixed oils
Lacton glycosides
Zoological origin:
Cantharis vesicatoria
Part used:
Dried insects
Insects are collected during month of June an July in early
morning when these are sluggish and inactive. Insects are
killed by exposing them to fumes of ammonia, hydrogen
sulfide, carbon disulfide or acetic acid. Insects are dried in
an oven at temperature not exceeding 40°C and packed in
air tight container with few drops of chloroform or carbon
tetra chloride.
Active principle is
In addition to this, it
Formic acid
Acetic acid
Fixed oil
Uric acid
Aldehyde glycosides
Botanical origin:
Vanilla planifolia
Part used:
Vanilla beans
Fruit is collected when it is ripen to a yellow color. It is cured by
dipping in warm water. Fruit is sun dried by placing it between
woolen blankets in the sun during day and packing them in woolen
blankets during night. After 2 months, 70-80% of original weight
of fruit is lost and it takes a characteristic odor and color of
vanilla i.e.
Color ….. Violet black
Odor …... Aromatic
Before curing, vanilla contains 2
Glucovanillic acid
After curing, active principle is
obtained i.e. Vanillin
Flavoring agent
Miscellaneous glycosides
Botanical origin:
Gentiana lutea
Part used:
Dried rhizome and root
Rhizome and roots are collected from 4-5yeas old plant in autumn and for
drying, two methods are used;
Quick drying process
Slow drying process
Quick drying process
Drying is done immediately after collection, in sunlight.
This drug contains bitter principle Gentiopicrin.
Slow drying process
Drying is done in open air. It takes 4-6
months for drug to dry completely. In
this process, drug is allowed to ferment
and loss most of its bitter principle and
acquire aromatic quality that is desirable.
Active principle is Gentiopicrin.
After hydrolysis, it produces;
Botanical origin:
Picrasma excelsa
Part used:
Dried stem wood
Drug occurs as cubes or chips. It is dried in
an oven at temperature not more than
40°C. The drug is dried to protect from
Active principle is
Quassin is complex of;
Bitter tonic
Botanical origin:
Dioscorea bulbifera
Dioscorea composita
Part used:
Dried rhizome and root
Rhizome and roots are collected from 3-5years old plant
in autumn.
Active principle is Dioscin.
Upon hydrolysis, it produces;
Sugars ( 1 molecule of D-glucose + 2 molecules
of L-rhamnose(
Synthesis of cortisone and steroidal

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Introduction to Glycosides and Their Classification

  • 1.
  • 2. Introduction A glycoside is an organic compound, usually of plant origin, that is composed of a sugar portion linked to a non-sugar moiety. Sugar portion ……….. Glycone Non-sugar portion…... Aglycone / Genin Linkage between sugar and non-sugar is usually an “oxygen linkage”
  • 3. Types Based on atoms involved in glycosidic linkage O- glycosides C- glycosides S- glycosides N- glycosides
  • 4. Types According to Sugar moiety Glucosides Ribosides Rhamnosides
  • 5. Classification )a) Cardioactive glycosides: Digitalis, Strophanthus and white squill )b) Anthraquinone glycosides: Cascara, Aloe, Rhubarb, Cochineal and Senna )c) Saponin glycosides: Glycyrrhiza, Sarsaparilla )d) Cyanophore glycosides: Wild cherry )e) Isothiocyanate glycosides: Black Mustard )f) Lactone glycosides: Cantharide )g) Aldehyde glycosides: Vanilla )h) Miscellaneous glycosides: Gentian, Quassia, Dioscorea
  • 6. Therapeutic activity depends upon; 1.Chemical nature of aglycone 2.Number of sugars
  • 7. Aglycone is steroidal. Aglycone may be; Cardenolide (5-membered lactone at place of R( Bufanolide (6-membered lactone at place of R(
  • 8. Pharmacological Action of Cardiac Glycosides •Effectiveness depends on both the aglycones and the sugar attachments. •Medicinal action depends on the aglycone •But the sugars make the compound more soluble in increases the fixation of the glycoside to the heart muscle
  • 9. Pharmacological Action of Cardiac Glycosides •The overall action of Digitalis glycosides is complicated by the number of different effects produced. •The exact mode of action on the myocardial muscle still needs investigation. •It is thought to act in competition with K ions for specific receptor enzymes )ATPase) sites in the cell membranes of the heart muscle when there is an influx of Na ions. •Effect is to increase the force of heart contraction •Diuretic action relates to the improved circulatory effects.
  • 10. a) Digitalis Botanical Origin: Digitalis purpurea Digitalis lanata Family: Plantigenaceae Part used: Dried leaves Collection: Leaves collected from 2nd year growth of plant in June before opening of flower. Drying is done by applying artificial heat (temperature not more than 65°C(.
  • 11. Chemistry: Four aglycons in Digitalis Digitoxigenin Gitoxigenin Gitatoxigenin Digoxigenin (only in Digitalis lanata(
  • 12. Derivatives D. purpurea D. lanata Digitoxigenin Digitoxin Glucodigitoxin (Digitoxin + 1 glucose( Acetyl digitoxin Lanatoside A (Acetyl digitoxin + 1 glucose( Gitoxigenin Gitoxin Glucogitoxin (Gitoxin + 1 glucose( Lanatoside B (Acetyl gitoxin + 1 glucose( Gitatoxigenin Gitatoxin Lanatoside E (Acetyl Gitatoxin + 1 glucose( Digoxigenin Digoxin Acetyl digoxin Lanatoside C (Acetyl digoxin + 1 glucose( Deslanoside (Digoxin + 1 glucose(
  • 13. b) Strophanthus Botanical Origin: Strophanthus kombe Strophanthus hispidus Family: Apocynaceae Part used: Dried ripe seeds Collection: Fruits are collected when fully ripen i.e. in June and July
  • 14. Chemistry: Active constituent is Strophanthin. Upon hydrolysis it yields; Strophanthidin Sugars (alpha D-glucose + beta D-glucose + beta D-cymarose( Apart from Strophanthin, there are; 30%fixed oils Resin / Mucilage Nitrogenous bases ( Trigonellin, Choline(
  • 16. c) White squill Botanical Origin: Urginea maritima Family: Liliaceae Part used: Dried fleshy scales of bulb Collection: Bulbs are collected in August. Outer scale is removed and inner scale is divided into pieces and dried in sunlight. Uses: Emetic Expectorant Cardiac tonic Diuretic
  • 17. Chemistry: Active constituent is Scillaren. Upon hydrolysis it yields; Scillarenin Sugars (1 molecule of glucose + 1 molecule of rhamnose(
  • 19. 19 Introduction to Anthraquinones •Historically: Rhubarb, Senna, Aloes and Cascara were all used as purgative drugs. •Monocotyledons: Only Liliaceae. Most commonly C-glycoside: barbaloin. •Dicotyledons: Rubiaceae, Leguminosae, Polygonaceae, Rhamnaceae, Ericaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Lythraceae, Saxifragaceae, Scrophulariaceae and Verbenacacea. Also in certain fungi and lichen.
  • 20. 20 •Reduced derivatives of anthraquinones –Oxanthrones, anthranols and anthrones •Compounds formed by the union of 2 anthrone molecules –Dianthrones •Aglycones: –Chrysophanol/Chrysophanic acid  Rhubarb and Senna. –Rhein  Rhubarb and Senna –Aloe-emodin  Rhubarb and Senna –Emodin  Rhubarb and Cascara
  • 21. 21 Anthraquinones – Chemical Properties •Anthraquinone derivatives: orange-red compounds •Soluble in hot water/dilute alcohol. •Identified via Borntrager’s test –Powdered drug – macerated with ether –Filter –Add ammonia/caustic –Shake  pink, red or violet colour – positive for anthraquinone derivatives –If the Anthraquinones are reduced (within the herb) or stable (glycosides) test will be negative
  • 22. 22 Anthranonls and Anthrones •Reduced anthraquinone derivatives. •Occur either freely )aglycones) or as glycosides. •Isomers. •Anthrone: Parent structure )pale yellow, non- soluble in alkali, non-fluorescent) •Anthronol: brown-yellow, soluble in alkali, strongly fluorescent –Anthronol derivatives )e.g. in Aloe – have similar properties – fluorescence used for identification)
  • 23. 23 Mechanism of Action: •The glycosides are absorbed from the small intestine and re-excreted in the large intestine where they increase the motility so produce laxation. •Aglycones produce griping effect so it is recommended to prescripe antispasmodic with them.
  • 24. 24 Mechanism of action •Molecules have to possess certain features for activity: ]1[glycosides ]2[carbonyl keto function on centre ring ]3[1,-8-positions have to have –OH •Potency: –anthrone > anthraquinone> dianthrone •Aglycones not therapeutically active in animals , lipid soluble absorbed in stomach and never reach colon to produce a local effect.
  • 25. 25 •Highly active phenolic group irritant to mucosa •Glycosides very water soluble – reach large intestine where they are hydrolysed by E.coli enzymes and become lipid soluble and absorbed into circulation. •5-8hours to act –take night before –in low doses – drug metabolised by liver and recirculated via bile to give more effect –people especially elderly can become reliant on them needing higher dose to produce an effect –carcinogenic to melanosis coli
  • 26. Senna - Leguminosae •Definition: Consists of the dried leaflets of Cassia senna (Alexandrian senna), or Cassia angustifolia (Tinnevelly senna). 26
  • 27. Cassia - Senna •Indigenous to Africa (tropical regions) •Used since 9th and 10th century •Itroduced into medicine by Arab physicians (used both the leaves and pods) •Exported by Alexandria – name of the Sudanese drug. 27
  • 28. Senna - Collection •Collected in September •Whole branches bearing leaves are dried in the sun. •Pods and large stalks are separated with sieves. •Leaves are graded (whole leaves and half- leave mix, siftings). •Whole leaves – sold to public 28
  • 29. 29 Senna - Constituents •Senna consist four types of glycosides: Sennoside A Sennoside B Sennoside C Sennoside D In their active costituents are sennoside A, sennosides B Upon hydrolysis of sennosides it gives two molecules glucose+aglycones: Sennidin A and Sennidin B. •Sennoside C & Sennoside D •Rhein •Aloe-emodin •Palmidin A (Rhubarb)
  • 30. 30
  • 31. Senna - Constituents •Kaempferol (yellow flavanol) +glucoside (kaempferin) •Mucilage •Calcium oxalates •Resin 31
  • 32. Comparison of Alexandrian and Tinnevelly Senna •Macroscopical –Seldom larger than 4 cm in length –Grey-green –Asymmetric at base –Broken and curled at edges –Few press markings •Macroscopical –Seldom exceeds 5cm in length –Yellow-green –Less asymmetric at base –Seldom broken and normally flat –Often shows impressions (mid vein) 32
  • 33. Senna – Allied Drugs & Substitutes Allied drugs Bombay, Mecca and Arabian Sennas (found in Cassia angustifolia from Arabia). •Dog senna – Cassia obovata •Cassia auriculata – Indian Senna •Cassia podocarpa •Substitutes or Adulterants –Argel leaves – Solenostemma argel –Coriario myrtifolia 33
  • 34. Senna Fruit •Definition: Senna pods are the dried, ripe fruits of Cassia senna and Cassia angustifolia, which are commercially known as Alexandrian and Tinnevelly senna pods respectively. Both have separate monographs 34
  • 35. Senna Fruit - Collection •Pods are collected with the leaves and dried in a similar fashion. •After separation of the leaves, the pods are hand-picked into various qualities, the finer being sold (commercially), while the finer pieces are used to make galenicals. 35
  • 36. Senna Fruit - Constituents •Active constituents are found in the pericarp. •Similar to those actives of the leaves –Sennoside A –Sennidin 36
  • 37. Senna – Additional uses •Medicinal Actions •Vermifuge, diuretic, febrifuge •Other uses: laxative candy (bitter taste). –Also used to treat flatulence, gout, fever. •Topically: poultice prepared with vinegar to treat pimples. •NOTE: Senna may cause urine to become reddish – no clinical significance. Contra-indications –Gout, colitis, GI inflammation. •Should not be used with cardiac glycosides. •Seeds/pods give gentler action than leaves: more appropriate for the young, elderly and those prone to stomach cramps. •NB: Over-use causes dependency. •Overdose: nausea, bloody diarrhoea, vomiting and nephritis. •Long-term use: dehydration & electrolyte depletion, worsening constipation and weakening intestinal muscles. 37
  • 38. Cascara Bark- Rhamnaceae •Definition: Official cascara sagrada is the dried bark of Rhamnus purshianus. Bark is collected from wild trees (depletion is leading to the increase of cultivation) 38
  • 39. Rhamnus purhsianus - Cascara •Etymology –Rhamnos – Greek, branch, shiny shrub. Purshiana after Pursh, botanist 1st described herb in 1814 •Other Common Names –Bearwood, bitterbark, buckthorn, coffeeberry, mountain cranberry, persiana, sacred bark. 39
  • 40. Cascara – Collection & Preparation •Collected form mid-April to end of August, when it separates readily from the rest of the trunk. •Longitudinal incisions are made 10cm apart and the bark removed. •Tree is then usually felled and the branch bark separated. •Bark is then dried in the shade with the cork facing upwards. This is referred to as ‘natural’ cascara. Commercial supplies are comminuted to give small, even fragments called ‘evenized’, ‘processed’, or ‘compact’ cascara.40
  • 41. 41 Cascara Bark - Storage •During preparation and storage the bark should be protected from rain and damp (partial extraction of constituents may occur or bark may become mouldy). •Should be stored for at least 1 year before use. •Bark appears to increase in medicinal value up unto its 4 years old (stored bark)
  • 42. 42 Cascara Bark – Constituents •Four main glycosides – Called Cascarosides –Cascaroside A –Cascaroside B –Cascaroside C –Cascaroside D
  • 43. 43 Cascara Bark – Constituents •O-glycosides •Derived from –Emodin –Emodin oxanthrone –Aloe emodin –chrysophanol
  • 44. 44 Cascara Bark - Uses •Purgative •Similar to Senna •Normally as a tablet •Also used on animals
  • 45. Cascara Bark – Additional uses •Physiological Action –Astringent (bark – tannins), bitter tonic, chologogue, emetic, hepatic, stomachic. –Medicinal Uses Move stagnation, clear heat. The most widely used laxative world-wide. Topically: Used as a wash for herpes lesions •Excessive use: nausea, vomiting, heamatorrhoea. Long term use: Weakens intestinal muscles. •Contra-indications: children younger than 14, during pregnancy, lactation, IBS, Crohn’s, intestinal obstruction, and idiopathic abdominal pain. 45
  • 46. Rhubarb - Polygonaceae •Definition: Rhubarb/Chinese Rhubarb is the rhizome ofof Rheum palmatumRheum palmatum.. OtherOther speciesspecies and hybrids ofand hybrids of RheumRheum,, exceptexcept R.R. rhaponticumrhaponticum, may also be, may also be includedincluded. 46
  • 47. Chinese Rhubarb - History •Chinese Rhubarb has a long history. •Mentioned in a herbal of 2700BC. •Formed an important article of commerce on the Chinese trade routes to Europe. •Still used medicinally today. 47
  • 48. Chinese Rhubarb – Collection & Preparation •Rhizomes are grown at high altitudes (+3000m). •Collected in Autumn or spring (6- 10yrs old) •Cork is removed, cut. •Artificially dried. •Packed in tin-lined wooden cases. •Inferior quality herbs are packed in hessian bags48
  • 49. Chinese Rhubarb - Constituents 1.Anthraquinones without a carboxyl group – chrysophanol, emodin, aloe- emodin & physcion. Also the glycosides of these substances. 22..Anthraquinones with a carboxyl groupAnthraquinones with a carboxyl group (rhein and its glycoside: glucorhein(. 49
  • 50. Chinese Rhubarb - Constituents 3.Anthrones and dianthrones of chrysophanol, emodin, aloe- emodin or physcoin 4.Dianthrone glucosides of rhein (Sennosides A and B(. 5..HetrodianthronesHetrodianthrones derived from 2derived from 2 different anthronedifferent anthrone molecules:molecules: Palmidin A andPalmidin A and Palmidin BPalmidin B.. 50
  • 51. Chinese Rhubarb - Constituents •Free anthraquinones: chrysophanol, emodin, aloe- emodin and rhein. •Some of the above constituents may also occur as glycosides. 51
  • 52. Chinese Rhubarb - Uses •Bitter stomachic •Diarrhoea (low doses( – contains tannins •Purgative (high doses( – followed by an astringent effect. •Suitable only for occasional for occasional use, not for chronic constipation. 52
  • 53. Rhubarb – Additional Uses •Etymology –Rheo – Greek, ‘to flow’, in reference to the purgative properties. •Medicinal Actions –Anti-helminthic, anti- bacterial, anti- inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent (low doses(, sialagoge, vulnerary •Topical Uses: –Poultice to treat boils, burns, wounds. Used to stop bleeding (tannins – stypic and astringent(. Used as a mouthwash for oral ulcers. •Other uses: Acid content: fresh root can be used to polish brass. •Caution –Leaves should be avoided – high calcium oxalate - toxic53
  • 54. Aloe - Liliaceae •Definition: Aloes are the solid residue obtained by evaporating the liquid which drains from the transversely cut leaves of various Aloe species. The juice is usually concentrated by boiling and solidifies on cooling. •Official varieties are the Cape Aloes from SA and Kenya (Aloe ferox(, and the Curacao Aloes from West Indies (Aloe barbadensis(.54
  • 55. 55 Preparation of Cape Aloes Cape Aloes are prepared from the wild plants of Aloe ferox. Leaves are cut transversely near the base. Two hundred leaves arranged around a shallow hole in the ground (lined with canvas or goatskin(. Cut ends overlap & drain into the canvas. After 6hrs all the juice is collected. Transferred to a drum. Boiled for 4hrs on an open fire. Poured into tins while hot  solidifies.
  • 56. Cape Aloes - Characteristics •Dark brown or Green-brown •Glassy masses •Thin fragments have a deep olive colour Semi-transparent. 56
  • 57. Cape Aloes - Characteristics •Powder: green-yellow •When rubbed two pieces of drug together – powder is found on the surfaces. •Characteristic sour odour (rhubarb/apple-tart odour(. •Taste: nauseous and bitter. •Microscopy: powder in lactophenol – amorphous. 57
  • 58. Characteristics of Curacao Aloes •Colour: yellow-brown – chocolate brown. •Poor qualities (overheated( black colour. •Opaque •Breaks with a waxy facture •Semi-transparent •More opaque on keeping. •Nauseous and bitter taste. •Characteristic iodoform odour. •Microscopy: lactophenol – acicular crystals 58
  • 61. Aloe Constituents & Chemical Test Unlike C-glycosides, O-glycosides of Aloe are not hydrolysed by heating with dilute acids or alkali. •Can be decomposed with ferric chloride &chloride & dilute HCl -dilute HCl - NBNB:: Modified Borntrager’s TestModified Borntrager’s Test – oxidative hydrolysis. Anthraquinones give– oxidative hydrolysis. Anthraquinones give aa redred colour when shaken with dilutecolour when shaken with dilute ammoniaammonia.. •NB:NB: All Aloes give a strongAll Aloes give a strong greengreen fluorescencefluorescence with borax (characteristic ofwith borax (characteristic of anthranols( - General test for aloesanthranols( - General test for aloes. 61
  • 62. Aloe - Uses •Purgative •Seldom prescribed alone – activity is increased when administered with small quantities of soap or alkaline salts; Carminatives moderate griping tendency. •Ingredient in Friar’s Balsam. 62
  • 63. Aloe – Additional uses •Medicinal Uses: –Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, chologoge, emmenogogue, anti-inflammatory (juice(, anti-inflammatory , demulcent, vulnerary, immune-stimulating (gel(. Radiation burns (internal and external use( •Contra-indications Pregnancy & lactation (internal uses( •Etymology –Name derives from Arabic alu, meaning shiny or bitter in reference to the gel. •Other uses –Khoi-San hunters rub gel on their bodies to reduce sweating and mask their scent. –Used to break nail-biting habit. 63
  • 64. Aloe vera Products •These are derived from the mucilage gel – parenchyma cells •Should not be confused with aloes (juice of pericycle – juice used for laxative effect(. •Cosmetic industry (usefulness often exaggerated( - Used as suntan lotions, tonics and food additives. •Mucilage = polysaccharide of glucomannans and pectin 64
  • 65. Cochineal •Definition: Cochineal is the dried female insect, Dactylopius coccus, containing eggs and larvae. •Insects are indigenous to Central America, commercial supplies are derived from Peru. 65
  • 66. Cochineal •Eggs are protected during the rainy season are ‘sown’ on cacti – on which it is intended to breed. •Both male and females arise. After a time, fecundation occurs. Females attach themselves to the cacti and the males die out. •Females swell to x2 their original size due to developing larvae & develop red colouring matter. 66
  • 67. 67 Cochineal –Larvae mature after 14days and escape from the now dead body of the parent. –Only a small portion develop into males. –For next 2 weeks, males fly and young females crawl on the plant. –Life cycle = 6 weeks. –3-5generations may be produced in 1 season
  • 68. 68 Cochineal - Collection •Insects are brushed from plants with small brooms and killed (some left to provide for subsequent crops(. •First crop killed contains the most colouring matter. •Insects are killed by plunging them in boiling water, stove heat or exposure to fumes by burning sulphur or charcoal. •If heat is used – insects change to purple – black – called ‘black grain’. •Fume killed – turn purple-grey called ‘silver grain’. •Small immature insects and larvae which can be separated by sieves are sold as ‘granilla’ or siftings.
  • 69. Cochineal - Characteristics Oval in shape Half cm in length Examined microscopically after removing the colouring matter (ammonia solution(. Each insect contains 60 to 450 eggs and larvae. 69
  • 70. 70 Cochineal - Constituents •C-glycoside example anthraquinone derivative is bright purple, water-soluble colouring matter •Carminic acid •Fat •Wax •Adulteration: occurs by increasing the weight of the insects by ‘dressing’ it with inorganic matter in a colour which blends in with that of the insect. •Detected when insects are placed in water
  • 71. 71 Chemical test Borntrager’s and Modified Borntrager’s test: •For Aglycones: •Extract plant material with organic solvent. •Shake with NH4OH OR KOH. •For O-Glycosides: •Boil plant material with dil. HCl for 10 min, filter and shake with organic solvent (Ether or Benzene(. •Separate the organic solvent. •Shake with NH4OH OR KOH. •For C-Glycosides: •Boil plant material with dil. HCl/FeCl3, filter and shake with organic solvent (Ether or Benzene(. •Separate the organic solvent. •Shake with NH4OH OR KOH. •Positive result indicated by Rose Red colour in the aqueous alkaline layer.
  • 72. Saponin Glycosides Parts of plants containing saponins are used as detergents. For example; Root of Saponaria officinalis Types: Aglycone may be of two types; Steroidal Tri terpenoidal
  • 73. a) Glycyrrhiza Botanical origin: Glycyrrhiza glabra Family: leguinosae Part used: Dried rhizome and root Collection: Root and rhizome is excised from 3-4 years old plant i.e. which have not yet grown fruit. It is done to ensure maximum sweetness. These are dried in shade for 3-4 months.
  • 74. Chemistry: Glycyrrhiza contains Glycyrrhizic acid. Upon hydrolysis, it produces; Glycyrrhizic acid 2molecules of glucuronic acid In addition to this, it contains; Flavonoid glycosides Mannitol Glucose 20%starch Uses: Flavoring agent in Pharmaceutical preparation. Demulcent and expectorant. Treatment of peptic ulcer. Treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis and Inflammatory conditions Sweetener Treatment of liver diseases and liver protection
  • 75. b) Sarsaparilla Botanical Origin: Smilax febrifuga Smilax regelii Family: Liliaceae Part used: Dried root Collection: Root collected from 2-3 year old plant and sun dried.
  • 76. Chemistry: Active ingredient is Sarsaponin Upon hydrolysis, it produces; Sarsapogenin 3D-glucose 1L-rhamnose Uses: Flavoring agent Used in skin diseases Used in rheumatism
  • 77. Cyanophore Glycosides Upon hydrolysis these glycosides produce “Hydrocyanic acid” i.e. HCN
  • 78. Wild cherry Botanical origin: Prunus serotina Family: Rosaceae Part used: Dried bark Collection: Bark is collected in autumn and sun dried. Drug is almost odorless when dried but attains strong odor of benzaldehyde after moisturizing.
  • 79. Chemistry: Active principle is Prunasin. It is formed from partial hydrolysis of amygdalin. In addition to this, it contains; Tannins Volatile oil Benzoic acid Uses: Astringent Sedative Flavoring agent Anti-tussive
  • 80. Isothiocyanate glycosides These glycosides upon hydrolysis, yield Mustard oil. Plants containing these glycosides posses non-specific resistance against infection. These agents posses following properties; Vesicant Rubefacient
  • 81. Black Mustard Botanical origin: Brassica nigra Brassica juncea Family: Brassicaceae Part used: Dried seeds
  • 82. Chemistry: Seeds contain active principle Sinigrin (potassium myrinate( Upon hydrolysis, it produces; Mustard oil (allyl Isothiocyanate( In addition to this, it contains; Fixed oils Protein Mucilages Uses: Stimulant Emetic Diuretic Condiment Vesicant Rubefacient
  • 83. Lacton glycosides Cantharide Zoological origin: Cantharis vesicatoria Part used: Dried insects Collection: Insects are collected during month of June an July in early morning when these are sluggish and inactive. Insects are killed by exposing them to fumes of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon disulfide or acetic acid. Insects are dried in an oven at temperature not exceeding 40°C and packed in air tight container with few drops of chloroform or carbon tetra chloride.
  • 84. Chemistry: Active principle is Cantharidin. In addition to this, it contains; Formic acid Acetic acid Fat Fixed oil Uric acid Uses: Counter irritant Vesicant Rubefacient
  • 85. Aldehyde glycosides Vanilla Botanical origin: Vanilla planifolia Family: Orchidaceae Part used: Vanilla beans Collection: Fruit is collected when it is ripen to a yellow color. It is cured by dipping in warm water. Fruit is sun dried by placing it between woolen blankets in the sun during day and packing them in woolen blankets during night. After 2 months, 70-80% of original weight of fruit is lost and it takes a characteristic odor and color of vanilla i.e. Color ….. Violet black Odor …... Aromatic
  • 86. Chemistry: Before curing, vanilla contains 2 glycosides; Glucovanillin Glucovanillic acid After curing, active principle is obtained i.e. Vanillin Uses: Flavoring agent
  • 87. Miscellaneous glycosides a.Gentian Botanical origin: Gentiana lutea Family: Gentianaceae Part used: Dried rhizome and root Collection: Rhizome and roots are collected from 4-5yeas old plant in autumn and for drying, two methods are used; Quick drying process Slow drying process
  • 88. Quick drying process Drying is done immediately after collection, in sunlight. This drug contains bitter principle Gentiopicrin. Slow drying process Drying is done in open air. It takes 4-6 months for drug to dry completely. In this process, drug is allowed to ferment and loss most of its bitter principle and acquire aromatic quality that is desirable.
  • 89. Chemistry: Active principle is Gentiopicrin. After hydrolysis, it produces; Gentiogenin Glucose Uses: Flavoring agent
  • 90. Quassia Botanical origin: Picrasma excelsa Part used: Dried stem wood Collection: Drug occurs as cubes or chips. It is dried in an oven at temperature not more than 40°C. The drug is dried to protect from fermentation.
  • 91. Chemistry: Active principle is Quassin. Quassin is complex of; Picrasmin Neoquassin Uses: Bitter tonic Insecticide Anthelmint ic
  • 92. Dioscorea Botanical origin: Dioscorea bulbifera Dioscorea composita Family: Dioscoreaceae Part used: Dried rhizome and root Collection: Rhizome and roots are collected from 3-5years old plant in autumn.
  • 93. Chemistry: Active principle is Dioscin. Upon hydrolysis, it produces; Diosgenin Sugars ( 1 molecule of D-glucose + 2 molecules of L-rhamnose( Uses: Synthesis of cortisone and steroidal drugs